#saying your small business failing will kill you when you can get a job and won't lose your house and can live with family members who love
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Why "fearing" ai, especially ai art, is extremely non intersectional and potentially ableist or even eugenecist of you.
Posting this here cus thank god no one reads this blog but i'm frustrated over how disgusting y'all are acting.
Firstly, none of y'all fucks gave a single damn when klaus used ai to colour 2d drawings and people wanted to redefine 2d as being ok if all we see is computer generated.
None of y'all fucks even gave a damn when pixar tried to redefine 2d as 3d art with a 2d filter. So don't try to claim you give a damn about art when you were fine throwing everyone who's ever done 2d animation under the bus repeatedly. (this doesn't apply if you, like me, were there arguing against these fucks. You're fine. But you know the fucks i'm talking about "future of 2d, new frontier bluhbluhbluh")
In fact most of y'all fucks encouraged it and wanted your hands on the tech to use for yourself. so feck off with your fake ass concern
The shit you claim ai is doing now. It's not. And i've seen some truly unhinged shit that's either 1. been disproven or 2. is just fully illogical.
Example A: The ai is stealing actual furry art scam that was REPEATEDLY proven to be false. But this sure went around on twitter and tumblr and then the people who literally faked it tried to pull some bs "it was a social experiment" "It was to show how it could end up" nonsense. Fuck you.
Example B, the only case i've seen a job "stolen", word used FUCKING loosely: In a comments section i saw a dude explained that for his souvenir photography shop, their boss is using an ai to colour correct the photos and the photographers aren't allowed to change the settings on the camera (implied: because the ai won't work unless it has specific camera settings).
So this dude thinks the photographers job got stolen because the photographer can't adjust the camera settings and because his job description changed from colour correcting to checking that the ai hasn't messed up. Homeboy wasn't fired/ctx
To explain to you, in case you genuinely have no knowledge of history or how things work in job markets /gen:
These things have been happening since the industrial era and yet i'm not seeing a single one of you arguing for us to go back to pre machinery sweat shops for young girls. Cus y'all do realise that pre machinery, in history, the norm was FUCKING SWEAT SHOPS in the global north, right?
Job loss is bad, yeah, and it was super fucking bad for the people who had typewriting jobs when the computer came. A lot of people either pivoted to the computer and if they couldn't, they lost their job. However, how many of you, genuinely, who currently own a business, even a small one, wants to go back to only using a typewriter? /genq No google docs, no google calendar, no printing receipts or packing labels. All written by hand (rip fellow dysgraphics) or by typewriter just so that you can hire some of the ex type writers who are now retired and lost their job in the past? I'm gonna venture not many of you are willing to make that decision in terms of being conservative of jobs. Especially if you own a modern small business.
Let's say you are one of the people who lost their job to computers becoming the norm. Did you once think the computer was sentient and actively trying to replace you? I'm not asking if you got angry at the computer replacing you, i'm asking if you thought the computer was alive and walked into the office and said "Hey, i want a job and can do it better than Doris" and your boss said "hired" and fired you. Or, did you think your boss bought a MACHINE a TOOL (non sentient) that ended up replacing your job?
And Lastly if you were replaced by a computer. Did that makes authors extinct?/genq Even authors who handwrite or use a typewriter? Cus i have a bunch of nanowrimo stats to prove you wrong if you think that went away just because your job went away.
You might be wondering, why am i talking about this, especially the last one. The answer is really simple you see because THATS HOW THE ABOVE DUDE SOUNDED IN HIS FEAR MONGERING COMMENT He heavily implied that the "AI" replaced "HIM" and that it will continue and ripple out and replace ALL photography always and forever.
Which btw last i checked for freelance photographers, i thought y'all did your own colour correction or is that just for small businesses?/genq And for tourist photographers where it's sometimes an entry level part time job, i thought the ones who were doing it not as a passion already didn't mess with camera settings that much cus y'all didn't give a shit about the job if they treat you like shit and pay you less than minimum wage. And didn't the photography business get this already where things shifted when we went from physical film to print? Was that a catastrophe? cus y'all seem fine and like y'all survived but idk maybe there was a mass genocide i didn't hear about due to us stopping the use of substances with carcinogens. (heavy sarcasm incoming) Maybe not using carcinogens is what's actually killing us/s
Lastly why tf do the arguments in response to ai have a net total of 5 minutes of knowledge of human history????? If you know shit about the history of technology and humans oppressing other humans, something in you should be getting weird vibes from the arguments people are making currently. And yet i keep seeing people arguing that if you don't support being anti ai (of all forms, even as accessibility tools) then you're actively taking money from a freelance artist that you have never met and would never purchase from, even if you would never pay for ai art. Which is not how the economy, facts, money, human rights or customers work??????
So many people will say art is a luxury product when people wanna price gouge artists but not say it when artists are harassing people for not buying their shit (istfg if you dare say that hasn't happened once in history then fuck you, it's not just people on tumblr who are artists and drawing isn't the only form of art. Problematic and bigoted people exist everywhere, even in the small business freelance world.)
Not to mention the issue with losing your job isn't the tool that replaced you ITS THE FUCKING SYSTEM THAT REQUIRES YOU TO HAVE A JOB TO BE ABLE TO EAT! YOU'RE SPENDING YOUR ENERGY PROTESTING THE TIP OF THE SWORD WHEN YOU SHOULD BE PROTESTING THE ARMED GUARD WHO ARE USING THE SWORDS OR THE RULING GOVERNMENT THAT SANCTIONED THOSE ARMED GUARDS TO EXIST! And if you don't wanna protest for a system change to ensure that no one ends up jobless and only care if you get a crappier title, then i dislike you.
Tldr of this section: I'm sorry but if you're gonna induce a world ending (aka genocide level) threat, then i'm gonna need more than just "i wasn't even fired, i just do something different at a normal non specialised job", otherwise i'm gonna assume at best you're ego is bruised and at worst actually that fucking priveleged that you think having a job description change, when people are losing their jobs for unrelated reasons to ai, is actively oppressing you. Or that you're trying to water down the concept of what a threat is in which case i actively dislike you as an individual. Extrapolating that a literal computer program will end the photography business because your job description changes due to a shitty decision from your human boss and due to the shitty decisions the government makes to make income security a privilege and not a right, makes no sense.
3. Here is shit ai actually has done:
It's found a fucking antibiotic, i repeat AN ANTIBIOTIC! A NEW ONE! AND ITS WORKING! OUR LAST ONE WAS DECADES AGO! DO YOU NOT REALISE HOW FUCKING IMPORTANT THIS IS FOR DISABLED PEOPLE YOU PRIVELEGED LITTLE SHIT?!??!?!?! (this doesn't apply to the people who are excited for this, if you're not excited (excluding mental illness reasons like depression) for this despite knowing how many people die due to antibiotic resistance then block me now, your energy is fucking rancid)
made colouring 2d animated work easier aka more accessible
helped make other art things accessible to disabled people
Outed people as problematic if not as literal alt-right people or even neo-nazis based on the shit they're spouting as "valid" arguments towards a potential sentient being capable of emotion.
4. Here is shit ai hasn't done based on my research which is inherently limited. Please provide actual proof and not the human faked posts that were going around on twitter:
copy actual drawing
do convincing art from just a text prompt (there's a v funny youtube series where someone tries to get chat gpt to draw a simple circle, it sadly can't, cus it's not sentiently aware of what it's doing)
be able to write anywhere near like a human would communicate for anything longer than
Be sentient about any of the above or show understanding that it knows what art even is.
Be able to make autonomous choices unrelated to what it's learned
Made you have bigoted ideals, that's you, not a fucking random computer, take responsibility for your actions as an actual sentient human
Lastly, let's assume, ai, becomes sentient. Why THE FUCK is the main argument in "managing" it, GENOCIDE?!?!?!?!?
Anyone who is on team "just shut it down/turn it off" instead of "hey let's raise it with love and kindness. And if we don't and it becomes hostile, then it'll be very hard for an ai who is only trained in communicating with humans, to become a world class hacker, despite having no training on that front. And even making a rudimentary shitty ai costs much more energy and time than we should use. And even replicating it takes so much time and physical electrical volt/watt energy so the concept that the ai can replicate itself in a split second and evilly take over the world is illogical at best."
No, no. Instead let's decide "yes i wanna keep my right to kill living life forms because i'm scawed UwU"
Fuck all you fucking fucks who aren't even veiling your genocidal agenda. Fuck you.
Guess what you fucking motherfucker. WE ALREADY HAVE TOP HACKERS WHO ARE SENTIENT AND GUESS WHAT HAS HAPPENED YOU FUCKING FUCK. WE DONT NEED TO FUCKING KILL THEM TO KEEP THEM IN CHECK HOLY SHIT. What is it. With y'all fucks in the global north. And just wanting to murdermurderstabstab anything that is different or as "revenge"?!?!?!!??!?!? Y'all need 20ccs of barbie movies during your childhood and it shows. Fucking hell.
You fucks will use "i'm scared" and other forms of "fear" as a defense but use it to bear your fangs and rip into the first best example you see without making sure it's even a threat or that you are even being threatened because to you privileged fucks, being slightly uncomfortable is what you interpret as oppression. You're not fucking scared. You're hateful and bigoted. Check yourself. Cus you're not helping anyone and you're putting people in danger by having that mentality. Cus thinking you can be objective enough to not turn on other actual sentient beings, when one of your main arguments against a sentient being, is killing them. That's just not how anything has *ever* worked.
The keep reading thing didn't work so to protect people from potentially flashing images, instead imagine, if you can, that there is a gif here of someone screaming in anger and frustration and pain.
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randomcreator-09 · 3 months ago
Small Heath's Songbird (Thomas Shelby x OCY/N!Reader)
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(Gif not mine > @bonniebird)
Part One - Part Two
✨Pure fluff, No Grace, no smut... for now 😏✨
🐧Aha~ hello people of this world... took me long to finish writing this aha busy playing adult, phew. Ok context, don't get me wrong, I love the original Grace but in this fic, she's nonexistent. OCY/N is an asian heh hope that ayt with yall. ALSO this will focus on season 3, where Tommy has his arrow house already. Although his single asf and relies on whores... Until hehehe yeah boi~ XD Also this is just a character intro sorta... but there would be some important factors here that you need to know to be able to fully understand part two, so READ IT >:D muhahahahaha🐧
Own character description but it's Y/N POV
3.4k words
REBLOG TO SPREAD ADDICTION and kudos are appreciated too thank you ^^
Enjoy reading ^^
Part One - Part Two
Birmingham was unkind to those who were different from them. Although England wasn't perfect themselves they still held grudges to those they deemed 'peculiar'.
You were spot on in that criteria. Small in height, jet black wavy hair, slightly slanted almond eyes, and full lips. However your skin tone was the same as theirs, coming from your European side of the family, that didn't save you from the racial slurs you'd get when you moved to Birmingham. A lot of people weren't as happy as you were when you arrived, a few looks here and there, but your used to it even in your home country. You see, you had bright blue eyes (with a little tint of green). Very unique if you'd say, but people disagree on that, especially your people. They think your the devils daughter and for it they kicked you out too.
It's been a few months since you settled in Small Heath. A kind woman accepted you with open arms and let you stay for a while in her humble home till you found yourself a job. She was a whore yes, but that didn't bother you since you've seen a lot worse than being a whore. You respected her even, for it was hard to live by selling your body to people you don't love. She offered you a job once (to be a whore) but you quickly declined saying 'as much as I respect your field of work Missus, I'd like to keep my innocence to a man I love'.
Not that you were virgin, oh no, you've definitely had made love with a few men through your travels, but none of them really stuck with you or vice versa. They just didn't feel right.
Days went by and the landlady ran to you with the daily newspaper in hand. "Look!" she said pointing at an advertisement, "Personal assistant maid needed," as you took the newpaper from her hands and smiled with delight, 'this is it' you thought. The landlady stubbed her cigar dead on the newspaper "Fuck, it's the arrow house." she said as she took the newspaper from you shaking her head. "Wha- Missus but the pay is good?!" you retorted to which she glared at you at for, "The Arrow House is owned by a notorious gangster who'd either kill you or fuck your life up with his fukin fingers!" she explained crossing her arms facing you "you can't even become a prostitute here why bother going to a devils house and be his whore?" she continued.
Your brows furrowed in question. You didn't mind being with a devil sure but to be his whore... Now that may cross a line. "Personal Assistant maid, it doesn't say anythin about being a prostitute," you tried explaining, even though you knew what she meant by that. Most men thought any woman with no man in public is a whore. However the pay was good, it included your own room, free food, and a lot of free time too! With that thought in mind you could still go for that bar singer position every Saturday in the Garrison (to which you heard from the ladies who lived upstairs who tried the position and failed miserably).
The landlady shook her head and sighed, she can't stop you now for she knew, you have decided and when that happens nothing can ever change your mind. "Suit yourself," as she walked away.
The day came and you got a call back from Frances (the head maid), looks like faith was on your side on this one. Hopefully, not as his whore...
You paused to admire the beautiful house as you walked down the gravel road (unsuccessful with pulling a cab because they'd just pass by you). Red bricks stacked upon each other and gorgeous grey pillars and intricate designs adorned it. Still can't believe he lives alone in this big mansion. You huffed air in your lungs as you stride to the main door, lifting your arms to knock.
Knock knock knock
As you puffed the door creaks open to a woman in black, "Ah, you must be Y/N, come in." as she gestured you in. You stared at awe at how spacious the place was. The stairs up was beautiful with portraits of horses and perhaps you thought the Shelby brothers. "We won't be doing much today. Mr. Shelby is out of town and so tomorrow is when you'll officially start. For now get comfortable and I'll roam you around," she spoke clear and concise as you answered by nodding and 'yes Miss Florence' following her to your room.
Your room was spacious as well. A queen size bed on the middle of the room with a window on the left side and a makeup desk on the right. The room was well lit with electric lamps on each side of the bed side and the ceiling was well sculptured with wooden structures, floor was wooden as well. Although the wall were concrete white walls. The room was on the second floor beside Miss Florence's room, away from Mr. Shelby's room, which was a relief on your side.
Miss Florence gave you an hour to get yourself acquainted with your room and said that you had to be out in the entrance where she would be waiting to tour you around. You nodded and she left.
As you have arranged your things in your new room and got ready for the tour Miss Florence had in store for you, you looked at your reflection in the mirror to make sure you look alright for the day. With a nod and a smile you went out and to the entrance where Miss Florence would be.
Miss Florence, a composed and efficient figure, waited for you near the grand entrance of Arrow House, her expression warm yet formal. She nodded approvingly as you approached, and after a quick greeting, she began the tour.
“Arrow House has its own unique history,” Miss Florence explained as she led you through the main hall, with its high ceilings, elaborate chandeliers, and walls adorned with artwork of the family’s ancestors. “Mr. Shelby brought new life to it when he acquired it, though he values his privacy.”
She walked you through the elegant sitting rooms first, which, despite the muted tones and dark wood, held a sense of opulence. “These rooms are for Mr. Shelby’s meetings and guests. They don’t see much daily use,” she added, pausing by one of the grand fireplaces. The flickering light from the embers cast a warm glow, highlighting the fine detail in the antique furniture.
Next, she led you to the kitchen, which, unlike the other rooms, bustled with activity. The staff members here worked with impressive coordination, preparing meals and ensuring everything was ready at a moment’s notice. “The kitchen is where you’ll be helping from time to time,” Miss Florence informed you. “Mr. Shelby’s tastes are simple, but he expects high standards.”
She guided you through the dining hall, where a large mahogany table stood at the center, framed by polished silverware and neatly folded napkins. “It may look grand, but meals are usually straightforward affairs unless there are visitors,” she commented, giving a rare, light chuckle.
You followed her up the grand staircase, its carpeted steps soft beneath your feet. Miss Florence pointed out the various guest rooms, each one elegantly prepared, with tasteful decor, though they rarely saw visitors. “The family only uses these rooms on occasion,” she remarked, indicating the polished brass fixtures and thick curtains. “Mr. Shelby has specific guests, and they sometimes stay overnight. Best to keep everything ready.”
Finally, she took you down a corridor that led to Mr. Shelby’s private quarters. She paused outside the door of his room. “This is Mr. Shelby’s room. You’re not to enter unless asked.” She looked at you with a hint of seriousness before adding, “Privacy is highly regarded here.”
Finally, after guiding you through the upper floors, Miss Florence led you back downstairs. She stopped near a richly decorated doorway just off the main hall.
“And this,” she said, “is Mr. Shelby’s office. You’ll find him here often.” She looked at you pointedly, adding, “Best to knock and wait for a response before entering.”
Through the doorway, you could see the polished desk, papers stacked with military precision, and the faint scent of cigars lingering in the air. This room, located on the ground floor, clearly held an air of authority and was situated close to the entry—perfect for swift meetings or private business.
With the tour complete, Miss Florence gave a small nod. “Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the house,” she said, before leaving you alone in the dimly lit hallway, surrounded by Arrow House’s quiet opulence.
The sun was still out so you planned to walk around outside. The house had a small garden at the side and a horse stables on the back which was clearly Mr. Shelby's.
The house also had a porch, with a posh white table and two chairs seeing the lush green forest from afar. You sighed as you felt the breeze on your neck to your half-tied hair and crossed your arms around you feeling the cold wind trickling your skin through your clothes. The clothes you wore were expensive to say the least, your former landlady was so sad you were moving out that she gifted you a luxurious royal blue dress to wear going to the mansion.
Suddenly a warm feeling enveloped you as you flinched looking at your shoulders. A dark coat was over your body and a quick smoke flickered your eyes to see a man with a defined jaw and cheekbones. "You must be Y/N," he said as he kept his eyes on the greenery. "Shelby, but you can call me Thomas" as he offered his hands towards you.
As you raised your hands slowly to shake his you hesitated and dropped your hands back to your sides. You removed his dark coat around you and offered it back, "Thank you for the kind gesture Mr. Shelby, but I am your personal made not a visitor. I am here to work for you" you said as you continued to look down at his shoes, unable to look up his face.
"Hmm," a low grumble from the throat made you lift your head up, and there you saw his head tilted closer to yours with his piercing blue eyes straight to yours. "Well, you have beautiful eyes that I can assure ye'" as he puffed out the smoke in his lungs, standing up and taking the coat on your hands and swiftly placing them again on top of your shoulders.
You could smell the strong cologne he had on. Mixed with the scent of the cigar he was taking and blood? It was dangerously addicting.
"You'll start tomorrow anyways," as he started to walk away slowly. "Let me at least treat you as a visitor before you get all busy." as he started to walk towards the stables. You suddenly feel blood rushing to your cheeks reminiscing about his scent and how his face was close to yours.
"You following or not?" a shout from afar caught your attention and removed you from your thoughts. "Yes Mr. Shelby, following!" you shouted back as you ran towards him.
-----(Tommy's POV)
The ride back to Arrow House was a haze of smoke, blood, and lingering fury. Changretta’s betrayal was handled, his lifeless eyes now a grim reminder of the consequences of crossing Thomas Shelby. Yet as the gravel crunched beneath his vehicle and the grand silhouette of Arrow House emerged, a part of him yearned for something—anything—other than the chaos he’d left behind.
As he placed his feet unto the gravel road, the cool evening breeze carried hints of earth and lavender, a stark contrast to the suffocating smoke-filled rooms of Birmingham. He loosened his tie as he rounded the corner of the porch, lighting himself a cigar, his gaze falling on a figure in a striking royal blue dress.
She stood there, arms crossed against the chill, her posture straight but her gaze distant as if lost in thought. Her hair was tied back neatly, a few tendrils escaping to frame a delicate face. He stopped mid-stride, his breath catching for a moment. She turned slightly, and the setting sun caught her profile—soft, porcelain skin glowing against the backdrop of the lush green garden.
For a brief moment, Thomas thought she was a guest, someone important perhaps, yet there was no carriage, no announcement of arrival. It wasn’t until he noticed the plain black shoes and the way her fingers fidgeted with the hem of her dress that he realized—this was the new maid.
He removed his dark coat and approached her, draping it over her shoulders in a practiced motion. She flinched slightly at the contact but didn’t pull away.
“You must be Y/N,” he said, keeping his tone low as he puffed his cigarette. He glanced past her at the garden, keeping his expression unreadable.
She hesitated, her fingers gripping the edges of the coat as if debating whether to keep it. “Shelby,” he introduced, his voice firm yet laced with intrigue, “but you can call me Thomas.” He extended a hand.
Her reaction amused him. She raised her hand but let it fall back to her side, averting her gaze. Then, she carefully removed the coat and held it out to him. “Thank you for the kind gesture, Mr. Shelby, but I am your personal maid, not a visitor. I am here to work for you.”
Thomas’s lips twitched into the faintest hint of a smirk. Her voice was polite yet firm, and her shyness intrigued him. “Hmm.” The soft growl from his throat made her finally look up.
Her eyes caught him off guard. Blue, with a hint of green—bright and unique, a startling contrast against her dark lashes and raven hair. He tilted his head slightly, letting the silence linger as he leaned closer, holding her gaze.
“Well,” he said, his voice softer but no less commanding, “you have beautiful eyes, that I can assure ye’.” He took the coat from her hands and deliberately placed it back over her shoulders, his fingers brushing lightly against the fabric of her dress. “You’ll start tomorrow anyways. Let me at least treat you as a visitor before you get all busy.”
Without waiting for a response, he turned and started walking toward the stables, the weight of her presence lingering in his mind.
“You following or not?” he called out without looking back.
“Yes, Mr. Shelby! Following!” Her voice was a touch breathless, and it brought an unexpected smile to his lips.
-----Your POV
As the gravel crunched beneath your feet, you quickened your pace to catch up with Mr. Shelby, who was already nearing the stables. The breeze carried the faint scent of hay and leather, mingling with the earthy aroma of the horses. You hesitated briefly before stepping into the barn, the dim light casting soft shadows across the wooden beams.
Thomas Shelby stood near one of the horses, his fingers brushing through its mane with an ease that spoke of familiarity. The soft nickering of the animal filled the air as he looked over his shoulder to see you standing awkwardly in the doorway.
“You don’t have to just stand there,” he remarked, his tone light but firm. “They don’t bite… much.”
A nervous chuckle escaped your lips as you stepped closer, the warmth of the stable wrapping around you like a comforting blanket. The horse he was grooming turned its head slightly, as if inspecting you. Its dark eyes held a quiet curiosity, much like its owner’s piercing gaze.
“Do you know much about horses?” he asked, handing you a brush without waiting for an answer.
You shook your head, gently taking the brush from his outstretched hand. “Not really, Mr. Shelby. I’ve always admired them, though.”
“Thomas,” he corrected, his voice steady. “If you’re working here, we may as well skip the formalities.”
You nodded, feeling a small wave of relief at his approachable tone. Moving to stand beside him, you watched as he demonstrated the technique, his hands methodical as he ran the brush down the horse’s side. You followed his lead, your movements careful and deliberate.
“This one’s name is Arrow,” he said, his voice softer now. “She’s got a temper, but if you’re patient, she’ll warm up to you.”
You couldn’t help but smile as Arrow leaned slightly into your touch, her warm breath puffing against your arm. “She’s beautiful,” you murmured, glancing at Thomas out of the corner of your eye.
“She knows it,” he replied, a smirk tugging at his lips.
For a moment, there was a comfortable silence, filled only by the rustling of hay and the rhythmic strokes of the brushes. You felt a strange sense of ease around him, despite the intimidating aura he carried.
“Why Birmingham?” he asked suddenly, his tone casual but curious.
The question caught you off guard, and you paused mid-stroke. “It wasn’t really a choice,” you admitted. “I needed somewhere to start over, and Birmingham… well, it’s not as unkind as some places.”
His gaze lingered on you for a moment, thoughtful. “People here can be… particular,” he said. “But they’ll get used to you.”
You didn’t miss the unspoken meaning behind his words—he understood what it was like to be judged, to carry something on your shoulders that others didn’t bother to understand.
“And you?” you asked tentatively, surprising yourself with the question. “Do you get used to people?”
Thomas paused, his hands stilling on the brush. A flicker of something unreadable passed over his face before he turned back to Arrow. “Only the ones worth knowing.”
His words hung in the air, heavy with an unspoken depth that made your heart flutter. Before you could respond, he straightened, dusting off his hands. “Come on,” he said, motioning toward the barn door. “It’s getting dark.”
The kitchen was warm and inviting, far cozier than the grandeur of the dining hall you’d seen earlier. Thomas moved with an ease that surprised you, setting out simple plates and pouring glasses of water. The smell of fresh bread and stew filled the air, and you found yourself relaxing as you took a seat at the modest wooden table.
“Not what you were expecting, was it?” he asked, setting a bowl of stew in front of you.
You shook your head, smiling. “Not at all. It’s… nice. Feels more real.”
His lips quirked into a faint smile as he took a seat across from you. “Real’s not a word people usually associate with me.”
You tilted your head, studying him. “Maybe they’re not looking close enough.”
He looked at you then, really looked, and you felt the intensity of his gaze settle over you like a weight. The air between you shifted, charged with something you couldn’t quite name.
As the meal went on, the conversation flowed easily, each shared story peeling back another layer of the man who, only hours ago, had been a mysterious and intimidating figure. By the time the plates were empty and the kitchen quieted, the darkness outside had deepened, wrapping the house in a blanket of stillness.
Thomas leaned back in his chair, his eyes fixed on you. “You’ll do fine here,” he said softly accentuating the end remark, almost to himself.
You felt a warmth rise in your chest at his words, but before you could thank him, he stood and walked as he leaned to your side. The sudden closeness made your breath catch, and when he reached down to tuck a stray strand of hair behind your ear, his fingers lingered for just a moment too long.
“Goodnight, Y/N,” he murmured, his voice low and filled with something that sent a shiver down your spine.
Without thinking, your hand brushed against his. He stopped, his eyes searching yours, and slowly in that moment, the space between you disappeared. His lips met yours in a kiss that was both gentle and unyielding, a moment that felt suspended in time.
When he pulled back, his expression was unreadable, but there was a softness in his eyes you hadn’t seen before. “See you tomorrow,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper, before he turned and left the kitchen.
You sat there, your heart racing, trying to piece together what had just happened. One thing was certain—life at Arrow House was going to be anything but ordinary.
----- End of part one (Part Two on December 24th [to be updated here])
Part One - Part Two
🐧See what I did with the GIF and the ending huhhhhhhh ^w^ anyways hope ya'll can wait till 24th ehe🐧
Like this post to be tagged in Part Two ^^ (and to be added to my Taglist)
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Like this post to be tagged in Part Two ^^
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undreaming-fanfiction · 6 months ago
I've had a fantasy/medieval AU in mind for ages and I will write it one day, but the idea just wants out now. So have a brief summary.
Steve works in a small town in the middle of nowhere, he's doing odd jobs and helping to tame the local children. He's very protective because he knows the world outside is dangerous, and yeah, maybe their town is borning, but at least it's safe. Ever since his former fiancées friend got dragged into a river and drowned by a water demon, he's been even more protective of the children (and has saved them from a bunch of close calls too, even though they hate to admit it).
Eddie is a travelling bard, and Steve wants to tear his hair out and weave it into a basket or something. Because where he's trying to make sure the six kids get to grow up, Eddie is filling their heads with adventures, dragons, treasure and all that beautiful stuff that gets people killed one day. But the kids love him and Steve can only stay nearby and pray they don't run off one day with makeshift swords.
He just wants the kids safe. That's why he always accompanies them when Eddie is in town. So what if he sits nearby when Eddie spins his stories, it's just to protect them all from wolves if they decide to come. So what if he inches closer when the tale gets more tense and the protagonist is in danger. So what if he holds his breath until he knows whether the adventurers lived to see another day! It's all for the children, he says to himself.
And Eddie? Eddie sees the wonder in Steve's eyes. He sees a young man who has been walking in circles for too long, who has given up all of his future to give one to these six children. He sees in him what he sees in all of the adventurers and heroes he sings about, whose tales he carries with him. He sees all he wants to give.
So Eddie comes to the town more often than to the other ones. But whenever the children start raving about going on adventures, he just throws his head back and laughs. "You, going on an adventure? Please. Can you hold a weapon? Can you dodge an attack? Hm? Show me." The kids fail, of course. And Eddie says: "Do you know what the adventurers I sing about have in common? They came back from their adventures. And why? Because they were prepared! No one is going to sing about you if you drop dead during your first fight."
It doesn't take long for the kids to come to Steve for advice and training. And Steve knows somewhere deep in his heart that he can't protect them forever. He talks to the captain of the guard, Hopper, and he actually gets someone to train with the kids - and himself. He watches with pride as the children pick weapons best suited to their strengths, all too heavy for them, but that doesn't curb their enthusiasm.
He also asks his ex-fiancée, Nancy, to provide some basic training regarding edible herbs, remedies and poisons. He goes to Robin for a geography lesson, so that the little shits at least know where they're going and where their kingdom ends. He asks Jonathan to speed up their reading and writing lessons, and Argyle prepares a bunch of easy recipes from things that grow around them, and teaches them how to start a fire in almost any conditions.
When the kids turn fifteen, they are ready to go on an adventure with Eddie. Steve has done all he could, but he still feels they aren't ready, that he isn't ready. He'll die of worrying, he knows it. What is he even going to do now that the kids are gone?
But Eddie just smiles at him. "What, you put in all this work for them and now you don't even get to see them in action? Don't be stupid. Go and pack, we'll wait for you."
If Steve keeps thinking of Eddie's smile the whole time he's packing, it's only his business.
And that's how, with much of the kids' grumbling, Steve also leaves on adventure.
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sweetdreamz2 · 3 months ago
Yandere Soldier S. Ryomen
Who knew that you would catch the attention of someone as ruthless as Sukuna— who so happens to be the enemy.
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Yandere! Soldier Sukuna who is as menacing and commanding as he looks — broad shoulders and scarred arms signaling he’s seen more than enough battles in his life. Dark tattoos peeking from the confines of his uniform, sleeves rolled up and collar unbuttoned to showcase his dog tags around his neck. Those crimson eyes digging into people’s soul— as if those eyes could kill.
Yandere! Soldier Sukuna who does his job very, very well. Each mission he’s been assigned, he never fails. Always coming back with that dark, sinister smirk on his face, his hands soaked with the blood of his enemies. He didn’t become captain of his squad for nothing. His skills are top notched compared to any of the others in his base. He’s very proud of the type of power he holds amongst the others -so much so that no one dares to defy him.
Yandere! Soldier Sukuna who just wants to wind down after a rough mission one night and decides to stop by a bar along with his squad— the once rowdy bar instantly falling silent as they entered. The patrons turning around to stare at them silently, some with fear and others glaring daggers at the group. Of course, who wouldn’t stare — Sukuna and his squad were part of the occupying forces of this country, so the stares were anything but familiar to the group.
Yandere! Soldier Sukuna who merely sweeps his gaze around the smelly, old building with a nonchalant expression on his face until his orbs land on a figure behind the bar. You. You were pouring drinks while occasionally offering small talk to the occupants sitting across from you. Some were friendly while others were throwing flirtatious remarks at you — it’s not like you weren’t used to it by now, but it definitely didn’t help with the uniform you had to wear.
Yandere! Soldier Sukuna who sits with his squad quietly, his orbs trained on you the whole time until your figure leaves the bar and make way towards him. You offer the group a small smile. “What can I get for you gentleman tonight?” Sukuna doesn’t even hesitate, lips quickly forming into a smirk that made your stomach twist. "Whiskey for me, little one."
Yandere! Soldier Sukuna who keeps stopping by after that day, sometimes alone and the other times with his squad— the other men settling into the same table, loud and boisterous while the tall male makes his way towards the bar where you’re at, wiping away at the counter until you feel his intimidating presence in front of you. “Whiskey.” He says with that damn smile that just made your stomach churn in the worst possible way as he leaned his muscular arms against the counter.
All you can do is manage a smile towards him before making his drink, feeling his crimson orbs staring at your back.
Yandere! Soldier Sukuna who can’t keep his mind off you— you were so interesting to him.. so fragile and small.. and breathtakingly beautiful. You were ethereal in his eyes, a precious gem that deserved to be protected. Every time he stops by, orders the same drink and sits by the bar, watching you work though he never tries to talk to you. Until today that is. “Busy night?”
“When is it never busy,” you replied back as you placed the glass in front of him— already knowing his usual order before he even asks.
Yandere! Soldier Sukuna who grabs your hand before you could leave, his fingers digging into your skin— gentle at first. He tells you if you’re always this friendly to your customers, but his eyes held a sort of dangerous glint to them. Your heart pounded harshly against your chest, fear eating at you though you refused to give him the satisfaction.
He can feel your pulse pick up underneath his touch. He lets out a dark chuckle before letting you go— giving your hand a firm squeeze and sending you a wink.
Yandere! Soldier Sukuna who waits outside of the bar one night as you were closing up, his expression unreadable as you finally meet his gaze. You frowned, gripping your keys tightly in hand as he stepped closer towards you. "You're an interesting one," he said before you could even ask what he was doing outside of the bar.
Your back pressed up against the building, heart racing rapidly as his hand rested beside you, caging you against the wall. A frown tugged at your lips, eyes narrowing at the tall male. "What do you want?"
Sukuna tilts his head, his expression unreadable. "I've decided something." He grabs a hold of your chin and leans down to whisper against your ear. "You're coming with me, doll." His words hit you like a punch. You protest, scoffing at him and replying back, "I'm not going anywhere with you." Who were you to tell him no?
Sukuna’s lips twitched into a grin, though there was no humor behind it. He finds it comical that you truly think you have a choice in the matter. How foolish of you. But, it's okay though. He'll make sure to correct that. "You'll come to understand, little one." His warm breath nipped against your ear. "I don't take no for an answer."
Before you could even muster a reply, Yandere! Soldier Sukuna already has an arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you flush against him. "I've been patient, but I'm done waiting," he growled, tone dangerously calm. You struggle against his grip, fists pounding against his toned chest to no avail while he merely stares at you with those deep, crimson orbs while he lets out a dark chuckle.
You yell profanities at him, but your words are cut off once he hoists you over his shoulder with ease. "Time to go, little one. You'll be much safer with me now."
Yandere! Soldier Sukuna carries you away from the bar, away from the city you called home and a sinking realization settles over you. You won't ever be able to escape from him.
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flowerwiththemachinegun · 6 months ago
Sorry I like my men toxic and nobody can convince me that Tseng would give you a fully healthy relationship. He’s just not the worst guy you could date. So here are some of Tseng’s toxic habits. I wish we could post powerpoint slides. Like I guess NSFW for my choice of words. Edit: Okay I’ve typed more. It’s NSFW, it wasn’t that when it was just scattered notes i swear. granted, this is still scattered notes
Tseng. The man you forgive a million times because someone like him is so hard to come by. Even if you’re a person who doesn’t tolerate bullshit. You know that it would be impossible to find anyone nearly as good as him despite his mistakes. Tseng knows this too, taking advantage of your level of comfort in him. The connection between the two of you so deep there wasn’t a possibility you could view life without him. Tseng creates soul bonds with his significant other, he has to have all of you fully invested in him. You would also want for absolutely nothing, he can provide everything you could ever want so you can focus on the future you want to build for yourself. Whether it’s school, art, creating your own business, etc. Tseng is there to guarantee everything goes according to plan if it’s financially or if he has to pull a few strings. Seeks out people who would be reluctant to replace him but aren’t very co-dependent. If you manage to leave Tseng, say good riddance to developing any new relationships. He’s either going to make any of your new significant others vanish. If it’s someone he can’t kill, he’ll find a way to scare them away from you or find a way to put them in prison. 
My alternative reasoning as to why all of your other relationships would fail? The dick of course. Yes. The unbelievable wee wee. There’s not a soul in the world that would be able to learn your body the way he does. Have you ever heard of people being nearly ready to pass away because they lost their dick? Well if you haven’t, you have now. Even thinking of him fucking someone else the way he does with you is enough to make you want to vomit. That shit will have you sliding down the wall crying. You can try all you like to fuck someone else, it won’t compare. The way he touches you immediately sends electricity down your spine. It’s all in the way he knows how to touch you. Where to touch you. A subtle brush of his fingers along the small of your back while you’re riding him. An almost tickling sensation that causes you to press yourself against him as he leans up to kiss the most sensitive parts of your neck. How about when all he needs to do is look into your eyes and knows exactly how you want to be fucked? You can’t think of a time you had to ask him to do anything, your minds were seemingly in perfect sync. Always so so willing to please you. “So you wanna fuck other people huh?” He whispers in your ear mockingly while driving his cock deeper into you. Your knees pressed against your chest, legs hooked in Tseng’s arms as he ensures you won’t slip out of your position. No, you really don’t, not when he’s reminding you of what you’ll be missing. You’ll be calling him the next day for more, innocently asking for him to come over to “talk”. There won’t be much talking, just Tseng bending you over the kitchen table. His hands gripping your hips tightly as he fucks himself into you so deeply, ignoring the way your hands push against his abdomen in a half-hearted attempt to slow his tempo down. 
There aren’t many people in this world that would be nearly as attentive as he is. The way he can easily tell all of your needs within moments of talking to you. Reads you like a book and it can’t help but make your heart flip, cause like, ‘who sent this man?’ and why does he know all of your emotional needs and exactly how to take care of them? Tseng carries aspects of his job along with his relationships. The same way he gets to know his enemies closely, he’ll do the same to you. Memorizes all of your sayings, even can predict what your response would be to most questions or statements. It’s almost more eerie than heart warming. With this comes the ability to manipulate you endlessly. Gaslighting has never been easier honestly. Lying to you about anything or forcing you to agree with his point of view would be child’s play. The way he carries himself during an argument, so well composed, rarely letting his emotions control him paired with the way he effectively strings his words together to soothe you. His calmness will make you question why you’re even so worked up. Tseng isn’t, so why are you? Tseng makes you see everything through rose colored lenses, and despite your aching heart when he hurts you, Tseng could never be wrong in your eyes. He only does what’s best for you. 
Gaslighting? Probably.
Truly remembers every word you’ve said to him and will use it against you. This goes back into my last little paragraph but deeper? Uses traumatic things from your past so you can believe that maybe your emotions, in regards to something Tseng has done wrong, are nothing more than misguided reactions. Will have you think that maybe you’re projecting your fears from past experiences onto him when you challenge him or try to hold him accountable for any wrongdoings. Certainly will guilt trip you knowing exactly what makes you feel like you’re the biggest piece of shit in the world. He doesn’t have to do anything outrageous. It’s the way Tseng subtly changes his body language. Slumping his shoulders just a bit, the way his brow furrows at your words or actions, breaking eye contact and staring at the floor like a scolded child. To put the cherry on top, it’s the ever so slight change in his tone of voice. The wavering in his tone as he speaks softly, not too soft for it to sound out of the ordinary, but enough for you to believe you’ve hurt his feelings. Usually resulting in you coddling him, now you’re the one apologizing because you “never meant to make him feel bad” even if it’s because you were grilling him for something as major as fucking his boss behind your back. Believing that it must be your fault if he’s off sleeping with others. Master manipulator for sure. He’s good at lying, like we see what he does for a living.
Like to make you cry because he's the only one that can also make you better. At times he’ll do this just to make sure he’s got complete control over you still. Wrapping his arms around you in such a calming way, his warmth and sweet words coaxing you to relax against him so he could “make it all better again.” More makeup sex. Somehow gets a kick out of cheering you back up. One minute you were sobbing because his words were a little too cruel and now you’re sobbing because he won’t stop fucking you so good. Tseng has a way he likes to position you in times like this. Having you lay on your stomach, your back arched just enough for his hips to flush against your ass as he completely sheaths himself in you, whispering in your ear asking “you still love me, right?” Christ, he has a way of making himself emotionally needy at just the right times. You can’t help but whimper, whine, and eventually choke out, through your moans, your appreciation, love, and devotion to him. Always ends with him cuming in you, some aftercare, then holding you in his arms for a majority of the night unless work calls him away.
Sometimes-y af?
He can pick and choose when he wants to pick up your relationship or not but you cannot do the same to him. Loves someone who he can come and go as he pleases with. You're so stupid and willing. Loyal to a fault, though the only person it’s negatively affecting is you. There isn’t a time you’ve turned him away thus far. Constantly taking him into your arms, babying him as though he’s some angel despite you knowing he isn’t. Tseng’s just managed to get you to the point you couldn't care less about his deceptive ways. You just want him by your side, no matter what the circumstances may be. The entire world can see the invisible leash and collar Tseng has put on you, yet you manage to stay blind to it all. You’ll wait like the good little puppy he’s molded you into. 
It’s a wonder he can be such a gentleman and a conniving son of a bitch. The kind to end an argument by demanding to be left alone but will ask “what you're doing tonight” a few hours later---he's going to fuck you—giving you a reason to keep accepting him back into your loving arms. He knows you’re a gift from the Goddess but he can’t help that he likes being toxic at times. It’s why he treats you so well and the sex is so unbelievably good. He needs to cement himself into your soul so he can continuously get away with everything, so things can continue to go exactly as he wants it to. Tseng prefers a life with you that has no consequences. For him. You, however, have to deal with punishment if you dare treat him in a similar manner to his treatment of you. Will show his displeasure with hurtful words and by neglecting you. If that doesn’t have the desired effects he’s willing to scare you into submission. Once again, nothing too outrageous that he would do. Tseng might just choke you a bit, push you against a wall, or if you try to run he’ll hold you against him tightly. Whispering into your ear about making you disappear if he can’t have you the way he wants you. Telling you how he does so much for you and he at the very least deserves you on your best behavior at all times or else he might just have to break that pretty neck of yours. Isn’t too big on yelling, he can get his point across just fine without having to do so.
Stalker? Obviously.
Tseng has trackers in your cars, phone, and bags. It doesn’t matter where you go, he’s going to find you. He’s definitely followed you from location to location, making sure you were doing what you said you would be. Sure he’s always been able to track you, but that isn’t the same as seeing you. You could be doing anything in the areas you claimed to be in. Tseng is even familiar with the faces of employees of each store you frequent. Has tracked down every family member and friend of yours, performing thorough background checks on all of them. Even closely looking after some of the people closest to you. Tseng has to approve of the people you hang around of course, he won’t tolerate anything that he feels is a negative influence and will force them out of your life. Tseng will sit outside of your house for hours after leaving, wondering if someone will come over. If he knows someone is coming over he’s got your home mic’d. Listening to all of your conversations, evading your most private conversations. Hates to hear when you vent about him, makes it hard to come back to you and act nice when in reality he wants to correct you for telling his business to your friends and family. Doesn’t mind when you’re speaking highly of him though, you help boost his ego most of the time. Getting space from Tseng is impossible. Your attempts to drive around and find a nice parking spot are all for nothing. He’s following right behind you. Is definitely going to block you in with his own car, angrily getting out of his own. Once he made you leave your car where it was entirely. Pissed that you would try to get away from him at all, it doesn’t matter if it’s just for a few hours. Pushing you into the passenger seat of his car, driving you back home all while yelling about how stupid you were and that you would always come back begging for him. 
He was always right about that. Nothing would stop you from wanting Tseng back if he finally decided he was done. A relationship with Tseng is either on his terms or very much a “till death do us part” 
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biscuitbox23 · 1 year ago
The other woman.
Summary: The other woman will spend her life alone…
Authors Note: am back with another fic. I always thought about Lori and Shane and whatever happens, it’s always the song ‘The other woman’ from Lana del Rey. Poor rick :( in this case I wanted it to be like Rick still dealing with the grief and loss of his wife while Y/n fills in the gap because we all know Rick would NEVER EVER cheat on Lori.
Warnings: Suggestive themes but no actual smut comes in (still be cautious with this), angst, unrequited love. If I missed anything don’t be shy to comment on it, please do.
word count: 1.8k
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The other woman has time to manicure her nails The other woman is perfect where her rival fails And she's never seen with pin curls in her hair anywhere.
You can almost feel his gaze in your cell room. You lay on your belly on the bed as you flipped through old gossip magazines like the ones you'd see in the front of a convenience store. It had radiant colors and models, actresses, you name it. It didn't help take away the longing ogling at you as you stared back at him, putting your magazine down. 
It didn't help that you had your pajamas still on. It was a small tank top with a lace neckline with matching shorts. It was silky, and it hugged onto your skin snuggly. It was coral-colored. It was Rick's favorite. It was no surprise. You liked to get his attention from time to time. 
You tried to put on this unrecognizable facade of cluelessness. It made you look more compliant. You like to paint your nails as leisure while everyone does their business and the jobs they have to contribute to the prison. You loved to feel pretty. Even at times like this, where you kill or get killed.
You'd see Rick pace around the prison like a madman. Carl had to deal with losing his mother. You didn't blame him. Rick was married to her for a long time. Sometimes, the widower would scream at nothing. It would wake you up in the night. Now you warm his bed. 
The other woman enchants her clothes with French perfume The other woman keeps fresh cut flowers in each room And there are never toys that's scattered everywhere.
You always kept yourself clean. It was important. You can never go a week without showering. Ever since the apocalypse, it has been difficult for you. So you tried your best to smell good and be presentable for yourself. You kept your cell tidy and pristine, too. You cared for Judith when Beth had to spend some time with her father, Hershel. Play her, dress her, change her, almost as if you were her mother. You only did it so you could contribute to the group. You did not want to get kicked out like last time.
You were being weak and useless. That was what your last group would say. It was not your fault. You realize they made you live bait. Then you found Rick just a few days later. Unfortunately, Rick was not feeling so well when you came.
You had always had an odd attraction to him. At first, you would hate him for being rude to you, then feel your heart pull towards him. You understood his grief, though. The death of his wife brought the worst in him. You wanted to fix it, somehow.
So you tried your best to make up for it. Tidying cells, checking up on people, eating less so the rest of the group can have more rations. You wanted to fit in, to feel a part of it. The people were genuine, especially Carol. You felt his presence in every corner of the prison. You did not mind it. You would feel your core start to feel something else.
But it was never you who he was imagining. Was it? Whenever both of you share the night.
In sleepless nights with him, you can feel his breath on your ear, whispering honeyed words and insincere thoughts while his hands anticipate the need to hold your flesh as his body towers over you. Sometimes, you wonder what was going on in his mind, whether it was you or his deceased lover whom he sees underneath him. The simple acknowledgment of your company or the unending bereavement that engulfed his very own consciousness. The ghost of the prison halls haunted by his late wife.
As he was by your side, it was almost as if he was not the same madman as he was in the first few days of your arrival. He was gentle and careful with you, like a craftsman handling a porcelain doll, unlike the man who yelled at you for arriving at their prison.
He would lie next to you. He still had his wedding band. You thought about removing it without him noticing. You knew it was wrong to think that way, but you could not help it. You wanted him for yourself, but you also did not want to hurt him. You did not want to be the cause of any more pain in his life. You pushed those thoughts aside and tried to focus on being a good member.
The wedding band on his finger was a cue of his wife, a memory forever etched in his mind. You couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy whenever you caught a glimpse of it, knowing that you could never replace what he had lost. Despite your desires, you made a conscious effort to act as support and to be there for his and Lori's baby, even Carl. You knew that his healing process would take time, but you were willing to be patient, even if it meant that you could never have him for yourself.
And when her old man comes to call He finds her waiting like a lonesome queen 'Cause to be by her side It's such a change from old routine
There are nights when you think he will finally confess his feelings towards you. The strong emotions that both of you shared mutually would finally be real all this time. The longing melancholy that you endured to feel him again. Things that only the other woman can feel.
You're lying down on the empty cot that held your tired body. The blanket lazily covered your body as you stared at the prison ceiling. You breathe rapidly, and your chest heaves as your eyes wander on Rick's body, glistening in the faint glow of the candle.
You'd be his if he asked you to.
He wouldn't be willing to do that for you. It's been only a few months since Lori's demise, his beloved partner. It's a woman you always envied despite her absence. The grief is still fresh, and he hasn't had enough time to heal yet.
As you lay there, watching Rick dress himself up and ready to leave, you couldn't help but wonder if there was a chance for something more between you two. However, deep down, you knew it was only a fantasy that would never come true. Despite the pain of unrequited love, you couldn't help but admire the man in front of you with his charming grace and loving body, grateful for the moments you shared even if they were limited.
Amidst a world ravaged by the undead, it felt like chasing after your heart's desires was a lost cause. You could only yearn for what you could have had. If only the world wasn't a grim and hopeless place you might have been Rick's beloved wife by now. You could have felt his longing gaze upon you as your bodies entwined in a loving moment, free from the fear and chaos that had consumed the world around you.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh The other woman will always cry herself to sleep The other woman will never have his love to keep And as the years go by, the other woman will spend her life alone.
Alone and heartbroken, you don't find comfort in your cell room after he left. Your body aches with humiliation as you feel your eyes well up. They sting in pain as tears form and trickle down your rosy cheeks and your neck, which bruised under his lustrous kisses.
The way he groans Lori's name from time to time, the way he shuts his eyes almost throughout the night as he claims your body for himself. You hated it all and despised Rick for it. Oh, but how could you hate him? It was impossible for you, wrapped around his finger like a pathetic toy used for his desire.
But he doesn't realize it. You were afraid to point it out, terrified that he would stop seeing you every night.
It is as if you longed for this twisted idea of true love. Sleeping with a widower, knowing you can't have his love for yourself. Yet, it entices you. Every night you spend with him, every chance you get. You did not like that feeling at all. Whatever happened, his heart belonged to his deceased wife. Someone he will never touch, kiss, hold.
How could Rick leave you yearning for him again and again? Disappearing as the sun rises, pretend like nothing is going on between you and him. That left you sobbing pathetically on your cot like a crybaby. You will never get the luxury of holding hands, cuddling with him on the bed, and sharing kisses. You longed for everything truly romantic, wishing what you had with Rick was similar to what Glenn and Maggie had.
Days passed, and you and Rick slowly stopped seeing each other every night. He started to heal from his grief a bit. He acknowledges you as a member, but never more than that, despite the intimacy both of you shared during his times of mental anguish.
During your childhood, you seldom had any friends. Even if you did manage to find someone to hang out with, your friendship was usually brief and fleeting. Your parents had their hands full with your younger siblings, and you often found yourself waiting alone for bedtime stories. Solitude became your constant companion until the apocalypse turned your world upside down.
It's an unfortunate reality that every person we love will eventually leave us in this world. You've had to face your fair share of losses, starting with the passing of your mother, father, and even your siblings. The apocalypse further compounded your feelings of isolation and grief as you were forced to journey alone, with nobody to rely on but yourself.
Along the way, you encountered a group of people who initially seemed like they could be allies, but it quickly became apparent that their intentions were far from honorable. With no other options, you continued your journey until you eventually stumbled upon a prison that had been into a small group home.
Despite your initial reservations, you soon found yourself safe and protected among the survivors who had made the prison their home. You were grateful to finally have a sense of belonging after so much loss and chaos.
You have been alone your whole life, but you've never felt so lonely as it is now.
A/n: I pictured this so much better than what I thought… I mean it’s not that good, I tried my best since I needed to clear out my WIPs, I’m sorry if this doesn’t meet up to ya’lls standards. I tried making it less sexual but let me know if I should dumb it down a little.
tags : @richardsamboramylove55 @musicownsme
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productiveandfree · 16 days ago
101 Quotes to Boost Your Productivity Right Now
Sometimes all it takes is an inspiring quote to start getting things done again.
As Zig Ziglar said:
People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily.
Here are 101 quotes to boost your productivity right now. Showering optional. ;-)
1. Action is the foundational key to all success. -Picasso
2. Actions prove who someone is. Words just prove who they want to be. -Unknown
3. Always carry a notebook. Write everything down… That is a million dollar lesson they don’t teach you in business school! -Aristotle Onassis
4. Always deliver more than expected. -Larry Page
5. Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work. -Stephen King
6. And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. -Abraham Lincoln
7. And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. -Anais Win
8. Being busy is a form of laziness—lazy thinking and indiscriminate action. -Tim Ferriss
9. By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail. -Benjamin Franklin
10. Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus. -Alexander Graham Bell
11. Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection. -Mark Twain
12. Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement. -W. Clement Stone
13. Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most. -Abraham Lincoln
14. Do something instead of killing time. Because time is killing you. -Paulo Coelho
15. Do the hard jobs first. The easy jobs will take care of themselves. -Dale Carnegie
Don’t forget to “pin” or save these quotes for later!
16. Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment. -Oprah Winfrey
17. Don’t expect to find you’re doing everything right — the truth often hurts. The goal is to find your inefficiencies in order to eliminate them and to find your strengths so you can multiply them. -Tim Ferriss
18. Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will. -Suzy Kassem
19. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. -Benjamin Franklin
20. Effective performance is preceded by painstaking preparation. -Brian Tracy
21. Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. -Benjamin Franklin
22. Everything you want is just outside your comfort zone. -Robert Allen
23. Fall in love with the process, and the results will come. -Eric Thomas
24. Focus on being productive instead of busy. -Tim Ferriss
25. Great acts are made up of small deeds. -Lao Tzu
26. Happen to things, don't let things happen to you. -Stephen Covey
27. Have patience. All things in life are difficult before they become easy. -Saadi
28. He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life. - Muhammad Ali
29. I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks, but I do fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times. -Bruce Lee
30. If you don’t pay appropriate attention to what has your attention, it will take more of your attention than it deserves. -David Allen
31. If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse. -Jim Rohn
32. If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done. -Bruce Lee
33. If you’re going through hell, keep going. -Winston Churchill
34. It is not enough to be industrious; so are the ants. What are you industrious about? -Henry David Thoreau
35. It is vain to do with more what can be done with less. -William of Occam
36. It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently. -Tony Robbins
37. Let today be the day you give up who you’ve been for who you can become. -Hal Elrod
38. Live, love, laugh, leave a legacy. -Stephen Covey
39. Love of bustle is not industry. -Seneca
40. Luck is not chance, it’s toil; Fortune’s expensive smile is earned. -Emily Dickinson
41. Most great people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure. -Napoleon Hill
42. Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. -Jim Rohn
43. My favorite things in life don’t cost any money. It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time. -Steve Jobs
44. My future starts when I wake up every morning. Every day I find something creative to do with my life. -Miles Davis
45. My goal is to build a life I don’t need a vacation from. -Rob Hill, Sr. 
46. Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway. -Earl Nightingale
47. Nothing is less productive than to make more efficient what should not be done at all. -Peter Drucker
48. Nothing will work unless you do. -Maya Angelou
49. Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. -Henry Ford
50. Ordinary people think merely of spending time, great people think of using it. -Arthur Schopenhauer
51. Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you. -Oprah Winfrey
52. Perfection is not when there is no more to add, but no more to take away. -Antoine De Saint-Exupery
53. Plans are nothing; planning is everything. -Dwight D. Eisenhower 
54. Practice isn’t the things you do once you’re good. It’s the thing you do that makes you good. -Malcolm Gladwell
55. Productivity is being able to do things that you were never able to do before. -Franz Kafka
56. Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort. -Paul J. Meyer
57. Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking. -Albert Einstein
58. Real artists ship. -Steve Jobs
59. Should you find yourself in a chronically leaking boat, energy devoted to changing vessels is likely to be more productive than energy devoted to patching leaks. -Warren Buffett
60. Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. -Warren Buffet
61. Sometimes, things may not go your way, but the effort should be there every single night. -Michael Jordan
62. Stop wearing your wishbone where your backbone ought to be. -Elizabeth Gilbert
63. Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. -Winston Churchill
64. Successful people are simply those with successful habits. -Brian Tracy
65. The best way to predict the future is to create it. -Alan Kay
66. The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it. -Michelangelo
67. The key is to not prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities. -Stephen Covey
68. The least productive people are usually the ones who are most in favor of holding meetings. -Thomas Sowell
69. The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. -Stephen Covey
70. The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried. -Stephen McCranie
71. The best way out is always through. -Robert Frost
72. The society based on production is only productive, not creative. -Albert Camus
73. The true price of anything you do is the amount of time you exchange for it. -Henry David Thoreau
74. The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. -Walt Disney
75. There are no traffic jams along the extra mile. -Roger Staubach
76. There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction. -John F. Kennedy
77. Think of many things; do one. -Portuguese proverb
78. Try not to become a person of success, but rather a person of value. -Albert Einstein
79. Until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else. -Peter Drucker
80. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. -Aristotle
81. What gets measured gets managed. -Peter Drucker
82. What you do today can improve all your tomorrows. -Ralph Marston
83. When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor. -Elon Musk
84. When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. -Viktor Frankl
85. When you do more than you’re paid for, eventually you’ll be paid for more than you do. -Zig Ziglar
86. Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right! -Henry Ford
87. While one person hesitates because he feels inferior, the other is busy making mistakes and becoming superior. -Henry C. Link
88. Why do anything unless it is going to be great? -Peter Block
89. Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it. -Stephen hawking
90. Work like there is someone working twenty-four hours a day to take it all away from you. -Mark Cuban
91. Yesterday I was clever and tried to change the world. Today I am wise and try to change myself. -Rumi
92. You can have results or excuses. Not both. -Arnold Schwarzenegger
93. You can’t have a million dollar dream with a minimum wage worth ethic. -Stephen Hogan
94. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. -Martin Luther King, Jr. 
95. You don’t need more time in your day. You need to decide. -Seth Godin
96. You may delay, but time will not. -Benjamin Franklin
97. You must either modify your dreams or magnify your skills. -Jim Rohn
98. You need to be doing fewer things for effect instead of doing more things with side effects. -Gary Keller
99. You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win. -Zig Ziglar
100. Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them. -David Allen
101. Your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones. -Benjamin Franklin
You can check out some more motivational quotes here to start your week on a positive note.
 Share in the comments below: Which is your favorite? What other quotes do you associate with productivity?
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josenoelrobles · 10 months ago
The Wrong Team Can Kill Your Dreams (And Bank Account)
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Introduction: Imagine this: You're standing on the precipice of success. Your vision is clear, your passion is burning... but your team is a dumpster fire. Misunderstandings, missed deadlines, and a toxic atmosphere slowly poison your progress. Your dream isn't just dying – it's being murdered by incompetence. This isn't a horror story; it's the chilling reality faced by countless entrepreneurs and small business owners. The wrong team can literally bankrupt your dreams. My Own Personal Nightmare Would you pay someone to go and rob you? Absolutely not! But that is what we do every time that we hire the wrong person. Not only do we need to hire the right person, but we also have to know when to hire. Me personally I have made the mistake of hiring the wrong individual, at the wrong time, and for the wrong reason too. An employee should either save you money or make you money. If he or she is not doing one of those 2 you need to fire that person. Either they are not doing a good job or you did not need them in the first place. And if you are working for somebody else; don't you ever think that you are being paid what you are worth. That will never happen unless you own your own business. The company or person that you are working for needs your work to produce enough money so it can cover your salary, and business expenses and of course, make additional money for the company. That is called capitalism. Back when I had the trucking company I made a mistake that cost me a contract with the USPS that we had. Because I made a bad hiring decision, I lost the contract and, therefore the majority of the revenue for the company. And that was the beginning of the end. That started a chain reaction that led me to my first bankruptcy. And everything is because of a bad hiring decision. In my case, it was the right person but at the wrong time. I experienced some success with that company and I went and got a nice office in a fancy building. I just wanted to fit my ego and show people where my business office was. One more time letting pride get the best of me. And so you know, what the bible says in Matthew 23:12 NIV: For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. So God humbles me one more time but not before teaching several lessons about hiring the right people and the right time for the right reasons. I hire the right guy to run my office. But I hire a lot of wrong people to run the company's operations. I got lazy and didn't take the time to hire the right team. I thought that some positions in the company didn't require to have to best candidates. I just wanted to take some of the workload off my shoulders and I thought I could go by with less qualified individuals in some of the company's positions. I could not be more wrong. When I lost that federal contract, guess what happened? The first team members that I lost were the good ones. Because they didn't want to be part of a failing company and they knew they were good so they could get another job really easily. And I don't blame them. I would have done the same thing in their position. But I was stuck with those few bad apples. That lacked the skills, and work ethic required to try to get the company out of the hole that I put it in. I am not talking badly about them. They only knew what they knew. It was my fault in the first place for hiring the wrong individuals, and the wrong time, and for the wrong reasons. The moral of the story; take your time and do your research well before you hire someone. That decision can make or break your business. The High Cost of Bad Hires (And It's Not Just Financial) My story isn't unique. Research by the U.S. Department of Labor estimates that the cost of a bad hire can equal 30% of the employee's first-year earnings. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. A 2023 Gallup study found that actively disengaged employees cost the global economy $7.8 TRILLION in lost productivity. It's not just about the money; it's about: - Morale: A bad apple spoils the bunch. One toxic team member can create a culture of negativity that infects everyone. - Turnover: Constant hiring and firing is expensive and time-consuming. A revolving door of employees can destabilize your entire business. - Missed Opportunities: While you're dealing with internal chaos, your competitors are innovating and gaining market share. - Burnout: As a leader, the stress of managing a dysfunctional team can lead to exhaustion and disillusionment. The Antidote: Building Your Dream Team The good news? It's entirely possible to build a team that elevates your vision, not destroys it. Here are the essentials: - Values Alignment: Hire people who share your passion and work ethic. This is far more important than technical skills alone. - Clear Communication: Set crystal-clear expectations from day one. Regularly check in and provide feedback. - Diverse Skills: Seek out individuals with complementary strengths and weaknesses. A well-rounded team is a resilient team. - Accountability: Establish a culture where everyone is responsible for their actions and results. - Investment in Growth: Provide ongoing training and development opportunities to keep your team engaged and motivated. Conclusion: The Future of Your Dream Is in Their Hands The people you hire are not just employees; they are co-creators of your destiny. Take the time to find the right team – the ones who will inspire you, challenge you, and help you bring your vision to life. The success (and sanity) you'll gain are worth far more than any short-term financial savings you might achieve by settling for less. Remember: Your dream deserves a team that will fight for it, not against it. Read the full article
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nonegenderleftpain · 2 years ago
I appreciate the response. I've lived in barn cat areas as well, and my focus is definitely more on the ethical perspective of leaving invasive predators to roam than it is keeping a bunch of feral cats alive. We have culling programs for all kinds of wild animals when they cause problems, such as deer, but cats are given the exception because they are domesticated (your statement about it being better PR is exactly right). I find this abhorrent, and I say that as someone whose favorite animal is cats. I grew up with my own cats, and interacting with non-socializable barn cats regularly, and my desire to see them alive does not override the damage they do to the ecosystem.
Not having someone on staff able to handle a terrier as a mouser is absolutely an agricultural priorities issue, and it's one that, in my opinion, needs to be changed. From my experience interacting with small farmers, the issue is very rarely the financing of buying a terrier bred for the job (most of them in my area have hunting dogs as well to put food on the table), it's an unwillingness to change how they do business. I know that isn't universal, and my small backwoods six person town with a bunch of Appalachian farmers is not indicative of how vineyards run their work - but they need to be putting the money into efforts to reduce the damage they do to the ecosystem by investing in terriers and phasing out barn cats. Just like "if you can't afford to pay your workers properly, your business deserves to fail," if you cannot afford to mitigate the mass extinction occurring by using other trusted measures, your business deserves to fail. It really isn't an acceptable excuse in any capacity.
I also want to address the statement of ferals not being able to be socialized. I don't think that you're saying that no feral can be, but many people do say that and I want to correct it for anyone reading. While there are some very few ferals that absolutely cannot be socialized to be around people, the vast majority of feral cats are able to be socialized with proper effort (I say this as someone who has worked in socializing feral cats for local shelters - in the three years I fostered for socialization, I had a single cat who could not be homed and was put down as a more humane option than setting him loose to die in the woods to coyotes). Most cats that are deemed incapable of being homed have been owned by people who do not know how cat socialization works and do not want to or can't put in the effort required.
I will double down on what I said - if you have a business and are looking for rodent control, get a dog bred for the purpose. Do not bring invasive predators into your area, especially if there were none there before. The local wildlife may be considered pests and be slated to be killed as well, but the burrowing snakes or shrews or birds you didn't know were on your property will also die, and the miles beyond your property that cats are known to roam do not deserve to be under attack because of your business. I understand that it's the norm in the field, but that doesn't make it right or sustainable, and the damage it does cannot be undone. I understand that as a business owner, it is a difficult cost - I grew up surrounded by farmers. But costs are part of owning a business, and just because pollution levels are regulated by the EPA and the effect of barn cats are not does not mean that taking the easy solution is an acceptable or appropriate answer to the problem.
(None of this is meant to be aggressive - tone regulation is impossible on the internet, I swear. I really do appreciate you taking the time to answer and talk about the reality of the situation instead of just throwing "but what about barn cats!" as a gotcha. Honestly, I think in this particular conversation, it's an unnecessary diversion from the topic that draws attention away from the point, and to say that working cats and outdoor cats aren't the same, while I understand that the difference is notable to you, isn't the case *in the context of the discussion.* I recognize you said as much in your first sentence, I don't want you to think I wasn't listening. I just wanted to clarify why I pushed back against you in the first place. The discussion of sustainable ways of mousing for small farms and the egregious cost of purebred dogs is a separate discussion than the discussion of outdoor pet cats, and people use it as an excuse to shut down any criticism of their decision to let their pet roam unsupervised. I do not want to muddy the discussion about outdoor pet cats with information people can use to misquote and dodge responsibility for their pets.)
happy earth day. don’t forget that someone else’s outdoor cat is your indoor cat
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divicashinsights · 3 months ago
How I Built My Side Hustle While Working a Full-Time Job in 2024 – And Gained the Freedom to Work From Anywhere
Starting a side hustle while juggling a full-time job can feel impossible, especially in 2025. The stress, the exhaustion, the constant to-do lists—it seems like there’s just no time for both. But what if I told you it’s not only possible, but worth it?
Here’s how I made it work:
A few years ago, I was stuck in a 9-5 grind. I felt drained, uninspired, and burned out. But I had a burning desire to earn money online, work from anywhere, and escape the daily commute. Yet, I had no idea where to start.
Fast forward to now, and I’ve built a side hustle that gives me the freedom I’ve always wanted. 🌍 No more being tied to a desk, no more 2-hour commutes, and no more feeling like my time wasn’t my own. But it didn’t happen overnight—it took strategy, focus, and a ton of trial and error.
Here’s the reality: According to a 2024 survey, 44% of people have a side hustle, and 73% say it’s helping them achieve financial freedom. But here’s the catch—balancing a side hustle with a full-time job is HARD. Burnout is real, and it can feel like there’s never enough time in the day.
So, how do you build your side hustle without burning out? Here are the steps that worked for me:
1. Time-block like a pro 🗓️
Treat your side hustle like a second job. Dedicate specific hours during the week, even if it’s just 1-2 hours a day. Consistency is key, and those small, focused hours add up over time.
2. Start small, scale smart 📈
Don’t try to do everything at once. I started with freelance writing, and once that gained traction, I expanded into creating digital products. Start with 1-2 services/products that align with your skills.
3. Automate everything 🤖
Use tools like scheduling apps (Buffer, Hootsuite) or automatic invoicing software to streamline your side hustle. This saves hours each week and frees up your time for more creative work.
4. Prioritize your health & well-being 🧘
You can’t build a business if you’re burnt out. Sleep, exercise, and mental breaks are just as important as work. Burnout will kill your productivity faster than anything else.
5. Find your tribe 👥
Surround yourself with like-minded people. Join online communities, mastermind groups, or find a mentor who’s been through it. The support will keep you motivated when things get tough.
The Result?
Today, I’m earning from multiple income streams—all while working remotely, traveling, and living on my own terms. But it took patience, perseverance, and a willingness to learn.
Why do so many people fail at side hustles?
It’s simple—fear of failure, frustration over slow progress, and overwhelm. But here’s the truth: If I can do it, so can you. You don’t need to wait for the perfect time to start.
Final Thoughts
Building a side hustle while working a full-time job isn’t easy, but it’s absolutely worth it. Starting now is the best decision you can make for your future.
What’s stopping you from building your side hustle? Is it fear of failure or just the overwhelming idea of getting started?
Let me know in the comments!
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years ago
Not Through The Grapevine (Yandere Idol!Diluc Ragnvindr/Reader)
Alice's, mother of Klee, note: Wouldn't it be funny if you ended up producing 5wirl or Kreideprinz? Haha! I don't think your little friend would like that. He might just take my wine cellar away– stick with Diluc, dove. 
P.S: Producer Lumine, can I just write "a/n" next time? This poor mother's getting tired of typing :'(
1k event masterlist
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"At this time I decide to,
Get over you and 
Want to tell you not through
The grapevine but directly"
- Sakyo-taifu Michimasa
This was the most recent poem you found tucked within your favorite book, printed on a red square paper. The paper looked pretty– and it was faintly scented with grapes too. At first, you assumed it must have been picked up off the floor and put somewhere, and that "somewhere" just so happened to be one of your favorite books.
"Damn it. Help me…" You chuckled nervously. "Can't believe those stalkers thought my book was one of ADDICKTZ again…"
Which "tea" will they spill this time, you wonder? Will they leak that Dainsleif likes "The Scarlet King's Court Jester"? Or maybe they'll say that Zhongli is trying to reconnect with the modern age by reading contemporary fantasy novels? You rolled your eyes, shaking the love letter like you would with a polaroid. 
Oh wow, the contents of this letter are so enthralling. 10/10. You're so impressed. Great job, stalkers.
It's lovely poetry, but once you encounter numerous stalker fans, it sours and loses its charm. After being friends with Diluc, Kaeya, and Ajax for most of your life, you've grown incredibly desensitized by unhinged fans. You have so many bizarre expectations of them that you can't remember the last time you were actually astonished by something they did. Perhaps you'd be surprised if this love letter was for Itto– he doesn't like novels or receiving these types of riddle-y love letters. He'd probably prefer getting a used towel instead.
But there's always theory number #2:
It's possible that Kaedehara Kazuha from the other unit wrote this.
The thought of him made a goofy smile creep up your face unsuspectingly. Damn it. You're starting to feel like one of those fangirls– but can you blame yourself? Kaedehara Kazuha is just so utterly captivating. Maybe he's the one who intentionally put this in your book– can't a person dream? There's nothing wrong with imagining yourself as the protagonist of some romantic escapade with an idol, right? 
Someone cleared their throat.
"Oh, freaki–" You jolted and nearly dropped the card. When you caught a clear view of his face, you immediately felt relieved.
"Ah, good evening Master Diluc." You bowed slightly, sneakily slipping the red paper back inside your book. "You have nothing in your schedule for this week."
"Is that so?" He hummed with a small smile on his face. "Well, do you have anything on yours?"
"It's positively empty, sir." You grinned.
"P-Please, (Y/n)." He covered his face with one hand, avoiding your feigned business-as-usual eyes. "I know that you're my producer now but can we drop the act?"
"We can, but this is so much fun though!" You beamed. "It's like our friendship got ten extra steps– don't take that fun away from me!"
Diluc grunted laconically. You do have a point. The only real change from being a childhood friend to a producer was a fancier title and a damn good paycheck. Fans would kill to be Diluc Ragnvindr's childhood friend AND producer. There's no one else he trusts as much as you. He was a reckless child and you were always there to stop him from getting into trouble. You never failed to clean up after him whenever he decided he'd build a massive medieval lego set. 
That's why it's such a miracle that he grew up to be such a quiet and reserved person. To think this was your friend who got banned from Disneyland of all places– Nowadays, he's more focused on inheriting his father's company and this "unexpected side hustle" of his.
"Dove, since we're both free– do you want to try a bottle of this year's wine?"
"Diluc, we're good friends, so you know that we both loathe wine, right?"
"Ngh, you're right. I can't say I know what possessed me to ask that question." He flinched. "Wait, no, I do– listen (Y/n), Adeline wanted me to come to a Snezhnayan Dawn Winery event this Friday and I don't have a plus one."
Not that it happens often but Diluc's hilariously affectionate when he's completely inebriated. He does not do well with foreign alcohol. When you were both rebellious teens, he went out and drank a bottle of fire-water with Ajax behind Uncle Crepus' back. This was around the time these two "frenemies" started getting along. A few hours later, Diluc sent you a couple of slurred-voiced messages of how much he loves and cares about you– which was abruptly wrapped up by two quick texts:
"as a comrade of course"
"***friend i mean friend."
Given how awkward it was, you promised Diluc that you won't tell a single soul about this when morning came and he seemed both mortified and relieved about your proposal… You'd rather not have a "part two" of that.
In addition, Ajax acted weird around you ever since. He always gives you a look of pity. Last week, you asked him how he knew the password to your phone when he lost his phone and needed to call his producer. He answered that he "got it from Diluc when he was drunk" with a traumatized look on his face. That was four years ago; you're all in your twenties now. You've changed all your passwords since then. 
You want to help him, but you're still a bit hesitant. He's bound to drink fire-water this Friday. Given how you and Ajax would be unwilling to accompany him, you decided to throw Kaeya under the bus.
"Why not invite your brother?"
Diluc's eyes squinted.
"Oh, right."
Kaeya's been absent for a week now, you're not sure why and his producer wasn't answering your calls. You wonder how they're doing…
"How about the others?"
"Everyone in ADDICKTZ is busy except for Producer Snail."
… Okay let's try to avoid that as much as possible. You don't want Itto's producer crying over some rich people's escargot.
"How about 5wirl-"
"Not happening."
You smiled sheepishly. He probably didn't want Venti to come. "Alright, you got me. It's hard to say no to you. I was only planning to laze around the house anyways."
"Thank you. I'll make it worth your mora."
"It better be because I'm not cheap, sir."
"(Y/n), please–"
It was a Friday night and the two of you decided to meet up at the venue's parking lot first. You were leaning against a tree while waiting for him. When he did arrive, you saw him in a black tuxedo accentuated with red accents. There's no doubt about it. He's idol-worthy and more.
Compared to you, this is just... Gah, how can you even compare to him?
"Hey, um, you look great! Like usual, and I kinda feel bad that I showed up wearing this." You frowned. "So, um, is this... acceptable?"
He closed his eyes and chuckled. "Do you really have to ask that?"
"I'm not going to lie, I'm a bit self-con–"
"Don't be. You're breathtaking." Diluc crossed his arms and spoke earnestly. "Even if you wore the most atrocious outfit known to man, you'll forever be gorgeous to me."
You were still flustered. "That's sweet and all but it REALLY doesn't help me–"
"You're aesthetically pleasing. You have exquisite tastes– you picked just the right colors that match your eyes and I adore the way you styled your hair for tonight." He muttered with a scowl. "Seeing you put in this much effort… makes me want to delude myself that I am someone special to you, just this once."
You paused.
"But you are special to me."
Diluc smiled bitterly. "Not in the same way as him, no."
"What do you mean?"
"So, how much should I pay you for this?" He digressed jokingly, but his grin looked painful. "Surely, I have to pay a high price for commissioning a lovely fae."
You laughed. "Yeah. You owe me a pay raise, sir!"
Diluc shook his head. "... Another pay raise– Maybe I should stop calling you Dove and start calling you Mora from now on."
"Bold of you to assume I'd hate that."
"... Why are you my best friend, again? Anyways, do you have your purse?"
"Yes, I d–..." You ferreted your handbag. "–on't. No, no I don't– shit."
 "Of course, you forgot. Never mind, just stay close to me. Don't be obliged to drink anything even if they're pressuring you to. If you ever need to go home, I'll pay for the taxi." 
Diluc grabbed your hand and walked towards the venue. You looked down. His hands were warm– or maybe it was your own temperature you were sensing. One of Kaeya life's missions was to make you painfully aware that both your hands could melt an ice cube in under twenty seconds, so you're not too sure who's warm.
"...Is something wrong?"
"Huh? Oh, it's nothing." You laughed. "I was just thinking that you're such a green flag, that's all."
His grip tensed up and he looked the other way. Is it just you or is he getting warmer? Diluc ran his free hand through his hair. He looked frustrated.
"How can I get over you when you're like this?"
"Forget the event," Diluc said, stopping you both from entering. "Let's just head to my place."
"Hah?!" Canceling plans is usually the best feeling on earth but in this instance, it left you absolutely baffled.
"Wait here, I'll just make a call."
"Hey, Diluc, wait–"
[Ten missed calls from "Ajax."]
[Received 1 voicemail.]
"Diluc, I had a chat with Venti's producer earlier. Is it true that you're the one who sent death threats to stop the 5wirl and ADDICKTZ collab? Kinda hard to believe you'd go through such lengths– and REAALLL low for you to drop a week's work on everyone, comrade!"
"I don't get what your motives are either... Is it because of (Y/n)? C'mon, we both know they wouldn't like you as much as the Dove likes Kazuha. I'm sorry but you HAVE to accept that. Even if you wiretap their house and obsess so much about them that opportunity is just not gonna hap–"
[Calling Ajax…]
"Well, well. That's not a good opener. Are you gonna get your ass over and help us out? The fuck is up with this paperwork– why are we even helping the CEO's assistant write reports?!"
"No, actually, I need your help with something…"
*sigh* "Motherfucker. Alright, spill. What do you want?"
"I don't want to hurt them– God, I can't imagine myself doing something like that when they look this pretty tonight. Ajax, I beg you, you're the only one that can help me with this. How can I knock someone unconscious without using blunt force?"
"... Diluc, holy shit, what on earth are you planning?" 
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Ansytea: huhu i hope your husband won't kill me– THANK YOU FOR JOINING THE 1K EVENT DOVE ANON!!! (This is still so surreal i cant believe i got permission to write abt you. most of us probably already know who this is anyways so dhjskwksoa happy 12k followers to you too!!!!)
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jellifysh · 3 years ago
Ride with you (part 9)
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Or, Jungkook’s Ex-Fiancés Can Really Hold A Grudge
OT7 x reader (mafia au, Jungkook x reader focus, exes to lovers, eventual polyamory, this one has a LOT OF EXPLAINING and backstory, mission stuff, gun shots, blood, death but it’s none of the main characters, can you tell that Jimin and and Namjoon are my bias/bias wrecker bc I’m starting to notice a pattern in my writing, Yoongi waxes lyrical abt jk and I think it’s cute but you can totally skip over it I get a little self indulgent, no fr like Yoongi is just inner monologuing for his whole bit but I think it’s worth paying attention to the difference between what Yoongi thinks and what he actually says out loud)
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The organizations.
Two infamous institutions unknown by most, the lucky people whose lives didn’t revolve around sowing trouble in the shadows.
You, however, had always been part of the unlucky few. The people who lived in violence and chaos. Murderers, thieves, mafias, they were all violent means to an end. Normal people think of them as evil, unnecessary, and something that needed to be ended forever. But life wasn’t so simple. People needed power, and when politicians wanted governments toppled, the organizations were there. When local gangs wanted drugs to fund their business, when thieves needed jobs, when normal people whose lives spiraled out of control needed help to get back on their feet, the organizations were there.
There were always two, as long as you could remember, at war with each other for supremacy. Jungkook’s was more well versed in trafficking— weapons, humans, drugs, the general type of illegal contraband that no one ever seemed to know the source of. Their agents infiltrated small gangs, built them up bigger and stronger and made them into their puppets. Anywhere there were figurehead regimes, or money being traded behind the scenes, it was the work of Chessman’s pawns. They trained their agents to be manipulative and sly, and never caught at the scene of the crime. They were a dog-eat-dog organization. If you wanted a higher position, you fought for it, your status was always in flux, and people were always being overthrown by the next most ambitious person.
Jungkook had been eighth in line for the Head out of 1,268 agents, a constant routine of clawing at every advantage and using every underhanded tactic he could get to get closer to the top, and he was almost there. But then he met you.
Your organization was versed in espionage and political affairs. Each and every person in the company was trained to be a human weapon. You all knew dozens of different fighting styles, hundreds of different languages, thousands of different types of poisons and when to use them. Your organization was rigid in structure and discipline, unlike Jungkook’s. The top stayed at the top and the agents were taught to kneel at their feet, punished if they ever bent out of line. You were nothing but tools, and were reminded of that constantly, made to think of yourselves as worthless disposable weapons, even though a single one of you could render a nation’s government to pieces. Your organization worked closely with officials who wanted more power, and framed and killed people who were in their way without leaving a trace, making the most brutal murders seem like accidents. You were one of Jackal’s top shadow puppets, and you liked it that way.
Until you met Jungkook. After the organizations realized how much of a threat they were to each other, they talked their agents with getting rid of other at every opportunity. You and Jungkook were specially assigned to each other, you skills making you an equal match, and the best equipped to handle each other. You often ran into each other on missions where your organizations fought over the same target. But something about him kept you from killing him. You don’t know why, but when you looked into his eyes the first time, you couldn’t complete your extra objective. You had never failed an order, you usually completed them in record time. You would call ordinarily call failing to complete an order a defect, but now, years later, you were sure it was a blessing. You and Jungkook danced around each other on missions, fighting but not hurting, teasing but never threatening. You quickly grew fond of each other, and even bonded over your shared struggles.
Jimin hummed to himself as he thumbed through your file, eyes scanning the papers. He idly swiveled in place while sitting in Namjoon’s fancy desk chair, one foot propped up on the desk.
Normally he wouldn’t go through the effort of reading a file. It wasn’t usually any of his business. Files were raw information, data gathered by Yoongi that Namjoon used to craft a mission. Whatever they needed to know, Namjoon would tell them.
But Jimin was curious. It was a weird feeling honestly, almost new with how long it had been. For so long he had been bored. Content, but bored. Bangtan was successful and feared and money had been flowing in almost nonstop. They owned half of downtown, and basically controlled the rest due to their surrounding allies following their every order. They had a monopoly on trade, and had squads full of adoring henchman to take care of any opponents. Everything was perfect, and it was boring.
In the years after Jungkook left, they’d had nothing but luck, and Jimin hated every second of it. Jungkook was a breath of fresh air, he brought light and laughter to the house and fun to their lives that they didn’t have before him. And when he left, he took all of that with him as well, and it was worse knowing how much happier they could be— how much happier they had been— with him there.
For a long while, they tried to pretend they were fine with him being gone. They were fine with an empty seat at the table instead of him pouting for them to feed him from their plates, they were fine without him running around and laughing and bumping things over, they were fine with some peace and quiet while they worked instead of him talking their ear off. Really, he was annoying, he was needy, he was clingy— he was far more work than than he was worth. He was definitely the most demanding pet they had ever had to entertain. And yet, their lives had never been so miserable without him.
Finding him again after he left was easy. But you were an unforeseen variable. Jimin could still feel the way his blood boiled when he saw you. A part of him thought Jungkook would be a wreck without them, he was always clinging to them in the manor, how could he ever live away from them after needing their attention for so long? But instead, he was off in the woods, happily playing house with you. How could he be happy when they were suffering?
But Jimin remembered, under all the rose tinted memories of the happiest days with Jungkook, there were bad days. Days where he would mope around, days where no one would spare him attention, days where they would snap at him out of irritation, days where he would get jealous. Before, Jimin never understood his jealousy. Of course they loved him, he was the one they kept around most, even if they paid attention to others. They proposed to him even, of course they wanted him around forever.
But, seeing the closeness between you and him, Jimin now understands just what that kind of jealousy feels like.
He tapped his fingers on the desk thoughtfully, staring down at the polished mahogany surface. Knowing you though, seeing you interact with Jungkook and the rest of the boys in the time you’ve been here, Jimin can’t help but think. You had skill, plenty of it. In the time you’ve been here, you’ve done nothing but prove it. While you irritated him, something else in him flared back to life seeing you in action. The way you moved and fought was so precise, so calculated, so deadly and yet beautiful he couldn’t help but be enraptured by it. He had never encountered so much power in anybody besides him and his loves. Even some of Bangtan couldn’t compare to your ability.
Maybe they had been thinking about all wrong.
Jimin blinked, coming out of his thoughts from an approaching sound. He could hear the footsteps and smiled to himself, sitting up straight in the chair as he waited for the person to enter. Namjoon pushed the door open, stepping into the room and stopping in the doorway in slight shock at the sight of Jimin. “What are you doing in here?” He asked, suspiciously eying the file ahead in front of him.
“Aw, c’mon Joonie. I can’t pay you a visit?” He faux pouted, but Namjoon only narrowed his eyes, more suspicious. “Okay, okay, fine. I was looking over our new pet’s file.” Jimin sighed dramatically, standing from the chair and picking up the file, moving to slip it back into the file cabinet.
Namjoon raised an eyebrow at Jimin’s sudden interest. “Why? What were you looking for?” He asked, moving to sit down in his chair.
Jimin walked back to him, perching on the arm of his chair, slumping against Namjoon. “Well, for one, I was looking for details on her abilities. And, for leverage.” He sent Namjoon a sly smile.
“Leverage?” Namjoon tilted his head, not really following.
“I’ve been noticing some things about her. Like, the fact that she’s much more cooperative than someone’s whose been kidnapped ought to be.” Jimin trailed his fingers along Namjoon’s collar, feeling the fine thread of his suit as he spoke.
“Of course she’s being cooperative. We aren’t giving them a choice.” Namjoon replied, pulling out a notebook and pen, arranging his desk back to the way he liked it since Jimin had pushed his stuff out of the way.
“That’s different. It’s not like she’s doing the bare minimum. She’s interested, maybe even invested, in helping us.” Jimin responded, sitting up, gesturing with his hands to emphasize his point.
“She wants to see the organizations crumble as much as we do.” Namjoon reasoned.
“So does Jungkook, but he’s not giving us input on mission or helping us torture hostages.” Jimin retorted.
Namjoon sighed, resigned, looking straight at Jimin as he asked for an explanation. “What are you saying?”
Jimin rolled his eyes like it was obvious. “I’m saying that our new pet might have a bit of a perfectionist streak. She wants to help us because a part of her, albeit small, wants to impress us. She puts up a cute fight, but she always listens to us in the end.”
Namjoon looked at him intently, thinking on what he said for a moment, then turned back to fixing his desk, shaking his head. “I think you’re reading too much into it.”
“Think about it, Joon. No one told her to get Taehyung’s flashdrive. No one told her to save me, but she rushed to my side when I got shot. When we were splitting up roles for the mission, she insisted on joining and said that she was skilled enough to handle it.” Jimin rattled off, counting the instances on his fingers. “She could’ve sat back this whole time if she didn’t want to help us, but she does.”
Namjoon listened as Jimin spoke, tapping a pen in his hand against the table. “Alright. So, you think she’s eager to please. So what?”
Jimin smiled, a wicked curve to his lips. “So, I’m saying we use this to our advantage. We give her some rewards for helping us, a couple gentle pushes in the right direction, and not only will we have her as a little puppet, but Jungkook won’t have any reason to resist us either. He’s holding back because of her, I can sense it.”
Namjoon was still giving him a dubious look, so he continued, huffing. “Listen, I’m never wrong about these things. We just need to start small, and soon she’ll be putty in our hands.” Jimin eyes cut into teasing slits, smiling again. “And stop acting like you don’t like the idea. It’s so obvious that you’re fond of her already. Don’t you like the thought of a cute little baby doll around the house?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m being completely professional about this.” Namjoon denied, turning back to the desk and starting to write nonsense in the notebook.
“Right. And that’s why you let her sass Jin and give input on missions.”
“She has a lot of good ideas, it’d be inefficient to ignore them.”
“Sure,” Jimin teased, pinching his cheek. Namjoon chuckled, raising a hand to bat it away, when the door creaked again, you peeking in. Jimin didn’t hear any footsteps this time, a fact that surprised him. He knew the walking patterns of everyone in this house, but as he thought about it, he couldn’t recall if he’d ever even heard yours. You just get more and more interesting, he thought to himself.
“Joon?” You called into the room, peeking through the crack of the door. You moved to step in, then stopped after noticing Jimin inside as well. “Oh, if you’re busy I’ll go.”
“You’re fine, pet. Come in.” Jimin cooed encouragingly, before you could run out, and you timidly stepped inside, eyeing him like he’d jump at you.
“What is it?” Namjoon asked patiently, with none of the usual bite he’d have when he was talking to one of their underlings who barged into his office. Jimin struggled to hold back a smile, he was always right about these things.
You stood tall, demanding, “I need a new suit for the up coming mission. I tore mine in the last one, and it was too tight anyways.”
“We’ll find you another one.” Namjoon agreed, and you nodded, but stood there a second longer as if there was something else you wanted to say, fidgeting in place.
Jimin smirked. He could guess what this was about. You had been eyeing his and Hoseok‘s customized suits last time, and a professional like yourself was probably used to more high quality material. “You know, pet, if you do extra good for us on this next mission, you might even get a special custom suit like the ones we have.” He purred.
Your eyes sparkled at that, even if the rest of your face didn’t betray your excitement. Bingo. You nodded with the type of forced calm people had when trying not to outwardly celebrate. “Okay.” You said simply, turning and leaving, Jimin glimpsing a hint of a smile as you face away from them.
“Huh.” Namjoon said, staring at the door after she left. “Maybe you’re right.”
“I’m always right.” Jimin replied smugly. “She has a big ego. But we can use that to our advantage.”
Maybe the only issue with Jungkook being their pet before was that they needed another one to keep him company.
Yoongi wasn’t the fighting type.
Well, not exactly. While he wasn’t the type to throw a punch, he was absolutely the type to be sniping from the rooftop, steady and almost clinical in his aim. He was the type to be cynical even in the most positive of situations, the type to throw your words back in your face when arguing, the type to hang back and watch you make a fool of yourself and then laugh. He was the annoying, high and mighty, holier-than-thou type, and he had always been that way. It was funny to watch people fail, and even funnier that he had never failed at anything himself. His whole life he had been a genius, and always did everything better than the next guy. He was perfect and calculating.
He had never been tripped up by anything, until he met Jeon Jungkook.
When they found him, Jungkook was a skinny little shrimp, scared of his own shadow. He was scared of them for a long while, until he realized they weren’t trying to hurt him and then he clung to their backs every second of the day, using them like a personal shield for his anxieties. They knew he had potential, everyone does, it just takes a certain mindset to drag it out of them. They taught Jungkook how to defend himself by throwing him into the deep end and he came out better and stronger for it, rising above his fears and becoming more confident each day they spent with him.
Jungkook was full of surprises. While they had had pets and guests before, Jungkook was the most permanent, and Yoongi can still remember the way it threw him for a loop when he realized— when they all realized— they actually had developed a— somewhat twisted— form of love for the boy they had taken in. He was more than entertainment, he was cute bunny smiles and uncontrollable laughter. He thrived under the attention they gave him and begged for more with no shame. He quickly became comfortable and sassy and when he came out of his shell, he spent every moment making them happy.
Yoongi can still remember the first time Jungkook made him laugh because it was the first he had laughed at all in a long while. That was what tripped Yoongi up. The feelings Jungkook could pull out of him. All his life he had perfected the art of emotion. He knew how to control it, how to keep his cool in situations, and suddenly this kid came along and made him laugh with every stupid question, letting out snorts and chuckles that Jungkook insisted were cute, with that same wide bunny smile on his face. Cute. He’d never been called that before.
And it made it even worse when Jungkook had left. No one smiled for a long time after that. Everything felt off kilter, askew, like gun with a sticky trigger. The sudden loss of joy in their life was sticking to their every thought, and they had to push past the emotions to function even semi-normally.
Yoongi knew that Jungkook hated the parties. Honestly, if the others guys weren’t so dense when it came to other people’s emotions, maybe they’d have noticed too. He hated the parties himself. They were always too loud, with too many people with too much skin showing trying to get close to him. The only reason he ever came out of his room for them instead of locking himself inside was the way Jungkook would glue himself to his side. The younger man probably thought he was being subtle, they way he would casually lay himself across their laps, talk louder, flirt harder, and generally try to compete for their attention even more than he usually did, trying to be more interesting than the other people in the room. It almost hurt seeing the way the look on his face would desperate and pained when the other boys would push him away, hardly sparing him a glance. But then he cuddle up into Yoongi’s side, small and shy again and Yoongi would play with his hair, and they’d be in their own world again, ignoring everyone outside of their little bubble.
Yoongi could see the signs before he left. The other boys just saw it as cute rebellion, but Yoongi could see the way he would withdraw with every argument, emotionally, physically, mentally, not coming out of his room at all sometimes. And he couldn’t blame him. When he escaped, Yoongi knew. He saw him through the security cameras, jumping down from his bedroom window and running. He was supposed to report that sort of thing to Namjoon or Jin, but he made the excuse that he was hungry and went to the kitchen for some tangerines, “accidentally” turning off the cameras and alarms outside Jungkook’s bedroom.
The boys were furious naturally, in the way that people are when they don’t see how their own mistakes lead to their own misfortune. They tracked him down quickly but didn’t go after him, wanting to wait until he crawled back. They continued on with life as normal, but it wasn’t.
Jimin quickly grew tired of parties, grew tired of everything. He snapped at everyone who spoke to him, and eventually people stopped coming over for parties, and he stopped inviting them, moping around the house and whispering about how Jungkook would’ve loved the color of the sky or whatever random thing reminded him of the younger man that day. Namjoon grew quieter, he was always a quiet man, but he became distrustful of others around him, taking on more and more of the duties he usually relegated to others until they were essentially doing everything themselves. Jin was always on the phone calling people and asking about him, always tracking Jungkook’s every movement. When Jungkook was on a mission and off the grid, it was obvious in the way Jin’s shoulders would bunch tight and tense, and he would pace around the house anxiously. Hoseok was constantly training, but it only frustrated him more since Jungkook was his favorite training partner. Yoongi could always hear the thud of him beating the punching bags, hitting hard enough to almost knock them off the chains. Taehyung had always been introspective but now he was far more withdrawn, he and Jungkook were incredibly close and part of Yoongi thinks he probably blames himself for Jungkook’s leaving in a way. He wasn’t always into technology, but after Jungkook left, Taehyung asked Yoongi more about hacking and tracking, likely to try and pinpoint Jungkook’s location for himself.
And now, having him back was weird, because it was almost like old times. If Yoongi let himself zone out, he could almost believe nothing has changed. But there were plenty of changes. Yoongi could hear Jungkook’s voice again, but it was deeper, more experienced. He wasn’t the same cute kid they had all spoiled. He was toughened by life alone, and he was angry.
“Even after all this time, you’re still so similar to before,” Yoongi mused as he turned away from his computer, spinning his chair to face his bedroom door. “So why are you acting like I don’t already know you’re there?” He called out into the hallway and waited.
Jungkook slowly stepped into view, eyes everywhere but Yoongi. He looked around his room, lingering on the things that had changed. “You finally got rid of that ugly vase.” He said by way of greeting, gesturing to the flowers in the corner. They were in a sleek silver vase, rather than the colorful clay one he used to have. He’d gotten rid of most colorful decor after Jungkook had left, his room becoming a monochrome wasteland.
“I vaguely remember you telling me to get it in the first place.” Yoongi raised a brow, and Jungkook scoffed.
“As a joke. Anyone with eyes could tell that thing needed to be destroyed in a fire.” He deadpanned, but Yoongi could hear the slight amusement in his voice.
Yoongi bit his lip to hold back a smile. “What do you want?”
Jungkook shrugged noncommittally, digging throuh drawers and snooping through his shelves. “Y/n’s getting ready for her mission debrief. Jin said I shouldn’t bother her.”
Yoongi’s eyebrows raised in surprise. “And you listened? I’m surprised you didn’t break the door down.”
“Y/n can handle herself. They won’t hurt if she’s valuable to the mission.” Jungkook said, but Yoongi knew that wasn’t the whole truth.
“So why are you here?” He clarified his question, watching as the muscles in Jungkook’s back just slightly tensed, him freezing in place almost imperceptibly.
Jungkook looked at him over his shoulder, then at the open door. He walked over, closing the door silently then turned back to Yoongi, eyes glinting with determination.
“Uh oh, am I in trouble?” Yoongi joked dryly.
Jungkook narrowed his eyes at him, talking like Yoongi didn’t speak at all. “Why are you guys being so weird?”
“What are you hiding? Why haven’t you thrown one of your stupid parties? Why are you doing work yourself instead of being lazy and making your expendables do it? Why don’t you have other pets keeping you company?” Jungkook rattled off question after question.
“Jungkook,” Yoongi said. Jungkook almost flinched at the sound of his name, plain and simple. No Jungkookie, no kookie-baby, just Jungkook. “Do you remember when we proposed?”
Yoongi asked the question with so much tenderness that it took them both by surprise, silence settling in the room like dust for a long moment. “I wish I didn’t.” Jungkook grumbled, looking away and kicking an empty water bottle that had been lying on the floor.
“We told you that you were like nothing we had ever seen before,” Yoongi stood from his chair, taking slow steps towards Jungkook as we spoke. “That you had given us new purpose for living, and that nothing had ever been so incredible as it had when you were with us. Did you think we were lying?” Yoongi was almost whispering the last few words, close enough to Jungkook that he had to look up to meet his eyes. The younger man had never been so tall before. Yoongi thought it suited him, him being tall was new, like his bravery, like his fury, like his independence.
Jungkook stared down at him, eyes still steely with the look he had when he was working hard to figure something out. “I don’t know. You guys lied about a lot of things.” He shrugged again, trying to maintain a casual air despite the heavy atmosphere.
“We never lied. We made mistakes, sure, but we never lied. You were more important to us than anything. We just lost sight of that for a while.” Yoongi explained, Jungkook immediately scoffing.
“And you expect me to believe that? How do I know this isn’t you just manipulating me? That you aren’t just saying whatever you can to make up for your past fuck ups?” His eyes narrowed into a fierce glare, with no real heat behind it. Yoongi could tell he wanted to be angry, but he couldn’t muster up the emotion, not right now. He wanted answers more than he wanted to be angry.
You breathed in and out, calm and content just being this close to him again. “Because you know us. You know me. Only you can tell if we’ve truly changed. And if we are lying to cover our ass, you wouldn’t believe us anyways. Not until you see it for yourself. I don’t think you’re the type to be won over with praise anymore.”
Jungkook huffed, “It doesn’t matter. You kidnapped me and my love, and you’re forcing us to help you. And don’t think for a second that I actually believe you’ll just let us go after all this.”
Yoongi shrugged. “I’m sure you’d find a way out anyways. And we’re not making you do anything you didn’t already want to do. Chessman and Jackal have been a thorn in our sides, like Namjoon said, and they’ve been tracking you. If we get rid of them, you could go back to your cute little cottage and not worry about moving every two months.”
Jungkook narrowed his eyes, studying Yoongi’s calm countenance for a lie. Yoongi took the opportunity to look over him as well. His hair had grown longer and shaggier in the time they’d been apart, it was always a cropped bowl cut, with a cute fringe that hung over the forehead when he was with them. But now he could see the remnants of blue dye at the ends and wondered about that story, what made him want to dye it, if you encouraged him or if it had been a spur of the moment thing Jungkook surprised you with. He had a small scar on his cheek that Yoongi wanted to run his thumb over but didn’t, and one that cut through his eyebrow that Jungkook probably thought made him look cooler. He was always reckless that way, getting excited over battle scars like they were tattoos, which, Yoongi noticed, he also had trailing over his arms. He had a couple tattoos when he was with them but not so many, not so colorful and detailed. And his shoulders were broad in a way that would make even Jin jealous, and he stood tall in a way that made Yoongi swear that if he squinted he’d look just like Namjoon.
“You’ve barely done anything since we’ve gotten here.” Jungkook eventually said, expression still guarded. “The others have been angry but you’ve been acting like you don’t care at all. Even less than you normally do.”
“Maybe I just don’t.” Yoongi tilted his head.
“No. You’re pretending.” Jungkook called him out easily, batting the excuse away almost as soon as it came out of his mouth. “So, what? Do you hate Y/n too?”
Yoongi quirked an eyebrow. Jungkook posed the question like it was meant be intimidating, like he wanted to make sure Yoongi wouldn’t try anything with you, but it almost seemed curious. Like he was asking for his opinion, or his approval.
“I think Y/n’s just as strong and crazy as you are, maybe more, but she holds back. But as far as the people you could’ve chosen to replace us with goes, I’m glad you found her. She suits you.” Yoongi replied honestly, seemingly more than Jungkook was expecting from the slight widening of his eyes.
Yoongi wouldn’t tell him about how he was the one doing all the research on you when they first started going after you, and that he had dragged up an (almost) complete timeline of your life, all your highs and lows, the ways you dragged yourself out of the mud again and again and the way you watched over Jungkook fiercely ever since you’ve first met him.
He wouldn’t tell him about him about how Yoongi was immensely impressed by the way you fought and his eyes keep drifting your form in the security cameras in the mission when you saved Jimin.
Yoongi wouldn’t tell him about how he thought it was cute when you argued with Jin and Hoseok, and how he could tell Namjoon had a soft spot for you already, or how he could feel one forming for you in himself.
Yoongi wouldn’t tell him that under different circumstances they’d likely all be obsessing over you the same way they were with Jungkook, considering you seemed to be the exact kind of crazy Bangtan usually sought out in their pets.
And Yoongi especially wouldn’t tell him that he had never been angry at Jungkook, and never could be, even with you in the picture.
Jungkook eventually sighed, breaking the silence again, stepping back towards the door. “Well, that’s good enough I guess. One less enemy in this house.” He grumbled, seemingly done with his psuedo interrogation.
Yoongi spoke up again as Jungkook had just put his hand on the door, making him pause. “None of us are your enemies, Jungkook-ah.”
Jungkook walked out of the room, almost like he hadn’t heard Yoongi at all.
Hoseok brushed against you as he walked into the room, shoulder bumping into yours in a definitely purposeful movement. You eyed him as he passed, not letting him intimidate you.
He eyed you in turn, eyes sweeping down your figure. “Your suit fits better this time.” He commented, carelessly settling in a chair in the corner.
“Yup. And I’ll have a custom made that fits even better after this mission.” You smiled proudly. “But I’ll be able to outdo you in this one just fine.”
“You keep telling yourself that, pup.” Hoseok smiled with no warmth. “If you can make it through this mission without making any mistakes, I’ll take back every bad thing I’ve ever said about you.” He responded, seemingly no faith in your abilities at all, though you were quite sure you had proved yourself already. No matter, you reassured yourself inwardly, just do well on this mission and they won’t be able to deny your skill ever again. You weren’t one to be under appreciated, and while you definitely didn’t care about what they thought about you as a person, you would make sure they knew your worth as a fighter.
“Get ready to eat your words then. I never make mistakes.” You replied, eyes cut into slits as you stared him down.
“Everyone slips up sometimes. And you’ve been a little too perfect lately.” He tilted his head, narrowing his eyes right back, the two of you glaring in the tense silence until the door opened.
Hoseok looked to the door, breaking eye contact first— which you counted as a small victory— as Namjoon walked in. “Just you today, Joonie?” Hoseok smiled easily, mood immediately sweeter at the sight of his love. He was always more smiley around the guys, you noticed, making it difficult for you to believe he was the same person sometimes. The same man who would glare at you was also the same man who would give his boyfriends the most tender stares and touches, soft and gentle like they’d break, and not like they were kings of the underground.
Namjoon hummed in response, opening the file. “This mission isn’t as serious. Simple recon, you get Warner in, he does the dirty work, and then you bring him back.”
Warner, still currently in the “dungeon” as Jungkook called it, was going to pose as your puppet. Bangtan would give him a couple crates of valuable supplies that he “stole” and let him barter with the informant he was meeting for information and a possible position in the organization. Since he was able to bargain with them, you assumed it was an agent of Chessman— Jungkook’s old organization— who he was meeting, but you weren’t yet sure, and it was better to prepare for every eventuality anyways. The thought that you might be seeing a familiar face form your organization tonight was both nerve wracking and blood boiling.
“So all we have to do is watch and don’t be detected.” Hoseok nodded after listening to Namjoon explain the objectives, then sent a sidelong glance at you. “Think you can handle that, puppy?”
“I’m a master at stealth. This will be a piece of cake.” You boasted.
“You certainly have a great sense of pride.” Namjoon commented almost thoughtfully.
“Of course it is. I’ve worked hard, and that deserves to be recognized.” You said, glaring at Hoseok as you put an emphasis on the last half of your words.
“Of course,” Namjoon said again, almost to himself. The closed the file in front of him and moved for the door, leading you all out. “Let’s go retrieve our prisoner then.”
As Hoseok sat in the backseat of the car next to you and a squirming Warner, he thought about how he’d rather be doing anything else. He hated this. He hated you for suggesting this mission. Honestly, Hoseok hated you for a lot of reasons.
One, you took Jungkook away from them. If it wasn’t for you, Hoseok wouldn’t be down a sparring partner, and their lives wouldn’t have been so miserable. Jungkook would’ve been happy when they found him again and they could’ve made it up to him for all the tough times before and be living happily ever after.
Two, Jungkook was in love with you. Not only had he moved on after leaving them, but he had given his heart to another person. He had laughed and cried and touched you, and you had comforted him and made him feel better and made him fall in love with you. Jungkook chose you, unlike how they were the ones to find him. And now because he was in love with you, he would likely never choose them over you ever again.
Three, he had to watch Jungkook be in love with you. He had to watch the stupid happy looks on your faces when you held hands, or kissed, or just looked at each other because you were so in love that you just couldn’t see the others face without breaking into a smile. Jungkook used to look at them like that. But now, he was like that with you. It was disgustingly sweet and made him want to punch a wall every time he saw it.
There were plenty of other petty reasons Hoseok couldn’t stand you, but most of all, he hated how much you reminded him of Jungkook. It was impossible to say that you and Jungkook weren’t perfect for each other. You had the same sense of same sense of humor as each other, the same focused look when you would go into a mission, the same mannerisms whether it was loading a gun or dusting off your suit, everything you did had Jungkook sewn into it and he hated it. He hated seeing echoes of someone he loved in someone else. He hated the way you would bicker with Jin, because that’s what Jungkook used to do. He hated the way you would volunteer to help with missions, because that’s what Jungkook used to do. He hated the way you walked, the way you talked, the way you breathed, because all of it was a reminder that you spent time with Jungkook while they were all losing their minds wishing for him to come back.
Warner bumped into his shoulder for the fortieth time in the last ten minutes and Hoseok snapped, grabbing the rope around his neck and pulling as he growled. “How does a man who’s tied up move so goddamn much?”
Warner didn’t answer him, because he had a piece of tape over his mouth, but instead stared up at him frightfully. He was tied up still, because Hoseok didn’t believe he wouldn’t just try to run as soon as they got outside, rope around his wrists, elbows, knees and ankles for good measure. The rope around his neck was just for intimidation factor, for moment like this where Hoseok needed something to grab and pull.
“We’re almost there, just avoid hurting our hostage before we get to the rendezvous point.” You rolled your eyes and Hoseok huffed, shoving Warner into you. You shoved him back more towards the center, ignoring the muffled groan Warner let out as you both irritated his bruises from your previous “discussion” with him in the basement.
Jin was driving the car, quiet for most of the ride as he sensed the tension between you two. He glanced into the rear view, seeing the both of you with arms crossed and looking out the windows like siblings on a road trip they didn’t ask for and sighed in relief as you slowly got closer to the destination. “Just remember to be careful. We don’t have sights on you for this one, so make sure to watch your corners and lead Warner back here as soon as the meeting’s over.”
“We got it, babe.” Hoseok said as the car rolled to a stop outside an abandoned warehouse, dark with overgrown plants creeping up the sides. “I’ll keep the puppy in line.” He said as he climbed out.
“I’m not a puppy! And I don’t need to watched.” You hissed, getting out your side and taking a wooden crate out of the trunk.
“Whatever.” Hoseok snapped back, grabbing Warner from the backseat and slinging him over his shoulders like he was a bag of marshmallows.
Jin did not feel any confidence in your ability to watch each other’s backs, but waved you both off anyways, saying good luck and moving his car to a more hidden spot until the two of you were finished.
You crept up to the side of the building as quietly as possible, the people Warner was here to meet were likely already inside, waiting. They told him to come alone, so you needed to get him and inside and make yourselves scarce. Hoseok propped him up against the wall, undoing the ropes and then ripping the tape off of his mouth, ignoring his squeal at the pain.
You shoved the wooden crate into his arms, not giving him a moment to recover. It was full of random ammunition and weapons, things Wanrer could use to barter with the informant. “Remember: these are the supplies you ‘stole’ from Bangtan during your raid. Try to trade them for information we could use or, most preferably, a position on the inside of the organization. Don’t mess this up.” You threatened, stressing the last sentence with a dire seriousness, watching Warner’s eyes widen at your intensity.
“I— I remember, I swear.” He squeaked and you nodded, stepping back.
“Good. Now go.” Hoseok pushed him towards the direction of the entrance, making him stumble over over his own feet, and the two of you watched him walk inside, making sure he wouldn’t run.
“Now, we just have to get inside.”
“What’re you talking about? There no way we can get in without being noticed, it’s an empty warehouse.” Hoseok eyed you dubiously. “It’s just wide open space, they’ll see us instantly.”
“Places like this usually have a lot of vents and ducts on the ceiling. If we can get up top, we can climb in through one and sit up in the rafters unseen.” You replied, pulling a grappling gun fork your tool belt.
“That’s stupid. What if we make too much noise, or fall?” He critiqued.
“Just don’t.” You said, rolling your eyes. You shot the gun up to the roof, watching it catch on the edge. You gave it a couple test pulls to test the stability. “Look, you can stay out here if you want, but I’m going in.”
“Fine.” Hoseok huffed. “Give me that, I don’t trust you not to drop us.” He held out his hand for the grappling hook and you pulled back.
“And I’m supposed to believe you won’t drop me?”
“Do you want to get in, or just stay out here and argue?”
“Fine.” You acquiesced, handing him the gun, and he wrapped his arm around your back, holding you tight as he let it pull both up to the top of the building.
To Hoseok’s surprise, you both made it in easily, popping open a grate on a vent that came out the top of the building, crawling in and navigating through the vents until you were close enough to hear conversation, coming upon another grate you could see the meeting through. Quietly, you pulled up the grate, and stared down into the room.
As you looked in on the scene, you saw they had already started talking. The informant was dressed in a white suit, crisp and clean. He spoke in a monotone voice, sounding almost bored as he spoke with Warner, who in contrast, was sweating bullets.
Warner’s voice cut into your ear as he spoke, voice lowering so much that you had to strain to hear them. “Listen, I know what we came here for, but I figured, before you get your stuff, you could help me out.” He whispered conspiratorially to the agent.
“What is he saying?” You murmured to yourself, anxiety chilling your body. This didn’t sound like any of the things you outlined for Warner to say. He was going way off script.
“Help you how?” The agent asked, confusion marring their clinical and smooth tone. Clearly whatever Warner was saying was throwing them for a loop as well.
“I was captured by Bangtan, I’ve got two of their agents trailing me right now, they’re osmewhere here, if you help me get rid of them—“
“That dumbass! He’s ratting us out. I told you he wasn’t shit but you just couldn’t help but want to be right all the time!” Hoseok hissed at you, but you were just staring blankly down at the scene below you, as if in disbelief.
“You were compromised?” The rendezvous agent cut Warner off, professional air completely abandoned, replaced with worry and anger that Warner didn’t seem able to sense.
Warner nodded, a smile on his face as he realized the agent understood. He continued speaking more enthusiastically, as he pleaded the other agent for help. “Yeah, exactly! Listen man, you’ve gotta get rid them for me, they’re threatening my life—“
Bang! Warner’s body slumped lifelessly to the floor, and Hoseok felt his heart drop.
The agent had whipped out a small handgun, nailing Warner right between the eyes. He turned to the guards in the room, barking orders frantically. “Search the perimeter, make sure the agents he was talking about aren’t within range. Open fire if you see anyone unfamiliar, and shoot to kill.”
Hoseok sighed, “That idiot. Let’s get out of here before we get shot.”
You crawled forward in the vents silently, maneuvering yoursef over another grate directly above the men grouped in the middle of the room around the informant relaying commands. You pulled up the grate, deathly silent as you pulled out two handguns strapped to your belt, one in each hand. Hoseok did not like the look on your face.
“What are you doing? We should be heading towards the exit.” He repeated.
Your head raised, locking eyes with his. Your face was completely blank, but your eyes screamed with silent fury, so much so that Hoseok almost flinched. “I’m finishing this mission.” You replied, calm like the eye of a hurricane, then dropped down from the rafters like a hawk diving for its prey.
Hoseok watched in awe for a moment. It was clear the guards weren’t expecting you to come to them, and it was doubly clear that they hadn’t thought to look up, two of them going down just from the force of you landing on their necks, another three going down as you swiftly planted bullets in their backs, shooting before they even had the chance to turn around.
From his vantage point, Hoseok could see a squad of guards coming in through an exit on the far side of the room, sneaking up on you. He waited until they were under him to drop on top of them as well, hearing some bones snap as they broke his fall. For good measure, he shot them, then focused on making his way over to you and covering your back.
There weren’t many guards at all in the abandoned safe house, clearly they were only planning on having to subdue Warner and not getting followed by secret agents set on killing them all. You two cleared out the building quickly, you swirling a path of destruction through the guards and Hoseok cleaning up behind you. The room eventually feel silent, no more guards left to stop you, as your eyes searched your surroundings for any remaining threats. You heard shuffling and looked to see the informant, clean white suit now dirty, slowly crawling towards the door on his hands and knees.
Hoseok leveled a gun at him. “Oh no, you don’t—“
“Stop!” Your arm knocked into his, knocking his shot off course and making him hit his shoulder instead of his head. The informant cried out in pain, ignored by Hoseok who instead turned to glare at you.
“Don’t tell me you’re about to say some high and mighty shit about murder being wrong when we just cleared the house.” He rolled his eyes.
“Not at all.” You said, turning towards the agent who was now sniveling on the floor, struggling to prop himself up on his elbows. You walked over to him, stepping on him and pushing him down in place with your foot. “We’re down an informant because he shot Warner. So he’ll be taking his place.”
The informant cried. “You— you won’t get away with this! You— you can’t—!”
You moved your foot over his bullet wound, pressing into it and twisting your foot. He cried out loudly then stopped abruptly, passing out from the pain. Once he stopped squeaking, you turned to Hoseok, cracking a smile that was weirdly innocent with the sprays of blood in your face.
“Carry him for me?”
Hoseok nodded, at a loss for words, stopping to sling the agent over his shoulder. He followed behind you as the two of you calmly walked out of the warehouse, no souls left to stop you. His blood thrummed strangely in his body, energy and adrenaline still pumping through his veins thinking of the ways you fought, alluring and dangerous. He was both impressed and terrified by your calmness, like you didn’t just enact your vengeance on a room of unsuspecting agents. Just thinking about it could still give him chills, seeing the content look on your face while you took them down with ease, like you weren’t affected by it at all. Your breathing had hardly changed after exerting yourself, like you had just taken a nice walk in the park. Hoseok wanted to know just how much of yourself you were hiding from them.
Hoseok thought you would hold them back, that you’d be a stick in the mud, but clearly, you did not like to play around. “No qualms about killing this time?” He asked, keeping his voice casual. “Jimin said you made a big fuss about killing on your last mission.”
“I don’t take kindly to having my operations jeopardized.” You said, in that all too calm voice, and Hoseok realized, oh, you weren’t calm at all actually. Looking closer he could see your hands shook and clenched into fists periodically, like you needed to punch something or scream, and your voice was hard with the effort of keeping venom out of your tone. You were angry. “Warner could’ve cost us everything. But he already got what he deserved.” You turned to look at Hoseok and the body slung over his shoulder, flashing a scary sweet smile over your shoulder. “But I think our new catch is even better.”
Hoseok shook his head in disbelief as you faced forward again. Looking at you now, he took back his earlier statement. What he hated most of all was how much he didn’t know about you.
Taglist: @justmewondering-recs @zae007live @jcrml @royalchickens @devilsbooksworld @creatorspalace @scuzmunkie @uno7 @dreamamubarak @bbgniecyy @tinyoonsblog @cosmic-waves7 @arin-swear-rose @sld88 @skyys-universe @mageprincess7 @drunkzseok @n4mina @singukieee @elraeeee @ratherbefangirling @uniquelyabnormallyoriginal @bex-tk1 @btspurplesky @shownusshoulders @iheartsvt @drissteele @kookstempo @juju-227592 @bjoriis @blancflms @mooncuddler @purplelady85 @iiitsmaria @anonynim @veronawrites @silscintilla @singukieee @magicsweetener @tito-the-mermaid @queen-in-the-shadows @iloverubberduckiez-blog @scentisterror @sugarxbxby123 @mulletjoonsupremacy
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wearepurplejackets · 3 years ago
❌ Incorrect Tokyo Manji~❌
*Meanwhile, in another parallel world between dimensions*
Bonten Mikey: Okay guys, silence, the 242nd meeting of the Mikeys is inaugurated.
Small Mikey, in high-pitched voice: Hi.
Manila Mikey, *seductively*: Hey~
Teenager Mikey *mouth full*: Fhi!!
First future Mikey *taking off his gloves*: C'mon, let's do this. I have like three traitors to kill tonight.
Bonten Mikey: You greaser talk a lot for a guy who still works with *pretends to vomit* Kisaki.
First future Mikey: Oh, we are gonna go that way, eh? Who make you the leader exactly?
Bonten Mikey: Well, myself. I'm the oldest one so, get your head out of your ass, if you know how to.
Manila and Teenager Mikey: Boom!!
First future Mikey: So you put bleach in your head and now you are Gandalf or whatever??
Small Mikey: hahaha!
First Future Mikey: And you should not laugh so much, Small. You are the reason we are all here again wasting our precious time to keep destroying our lives, gOD!
Small Mikey *in even higher-pitched voice*: What? Me?? wHAT???
Teenager Mikey: Yeah, the airplane toy incident was actually... pretty out of context if you ask me *Opens like his twelfth melon bread* Didn't expect that coming from you, little bean.
First future Mikey: Seriously, Teen, can you please stop eating for like AN ENTIRE SECOND?!?!
Teenager Mikey: I CAN'T! Geezer, let me be! I'm growing!
Bonten Mikey: No, you are not.
Manila Mikey: Assume we are not really tall. That's why I killed everyone who was taller than me...
Everyone: Yes, yes, we know...
Manila Mikey: I'm sad.
Everyone: We know, Manila.
Bonten Mikey: Anyway, I don't like First future like you all do too, but for once... *Sighs* he is right.
First future Mikey: Well at least you have a brain in there. Not for choosing a nice haircut or a tattoo tho, but-
Bonten Mikey *rolling eyes*: Yeah, yeah, whatever. You have something to say about the airplane, Small??
Small Mikey *puffing out cheeks*: Oe! Don't blame me! I just knew that last week, just like you all! I didn't know sh*t!
Manila Mikey: It's true, he only sleeps all the time.
Small Mikey: Oe. At least I don't look like a "Toy boy".
Teenager Mikey: Wooooooo!!
Bonten Mikey: Who taught you that?? It was Small Baji?? It was him, right??
Manila Mikey: Kid, I'm gonna ground you. Literally. Three meters under it...
First future Mikey: God, you are all so messed up!
Teenager Mikey: Yes, because you are totally a role model to follow...
First Future Mikey: Oh, sorry. Aren't you like isolating yourself from your friends and having depression now?
Manila Mikey: Oh, depression... That's why I killed everyone. But mostly because they were taller than me.
Everyone: We KNOW, Manila...
Manila Mikey: That's why I left Takemitchy tho. *Wink, wink*
Bonten Mikey: Okay... Btw, where is Kanto Mikey? He has missed the last few meetings. I hope he's doing something important.
Manila Mikey: I think Kanto is busy, you know, f*cking everything up til the end and all that sh*t.
Teenager Mikey: Oh, well I hope he fails miserably, *takes a dorayaki into his mouth* brutally.
Manila Mikey: Wow, dude. And I'm the savage one.
Teenager Mikey: I'm sorry but I'm gone for like, what? Two season?? And everyone think they can do my job! Even a f*cking zombie!
First future Mikey: Well if you just-
Bonten Mikey: Well if you just made a f*cking decision right(?!)
First future Mikey: I... wtf. Bon-bon, chill. My heart skipped a beat.
Small Mikey: Gross.
Manila Mikey: It shows he is the honest one. *Smiles* Not like the people I killed...
Teenager Mikey: That's rude, Bonten... But I forgive you, it must be hard not to sleep in like a trillion years.
Bonten Mikey: And who's fault it is?? I got dark circles under my DARK CIRCLES!
Small Mikey: Actually, I think is called "Dark Impulses".
First future Mikey: I'm having the Dark Impulse to kill you all right now.
Teenager Mikey *jumping on the table*: Come and try, old man. If you have guts!
Manila Mikey: Ah, c'mon stop it already... I really hate when we argue so much... That's why I killed everyone who could talk...
Everyone: We know, Manila... WE KNOW!!
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pastelavender88 · 3 years ago
Anger That Swallows Us
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Summary: Eddie may lose another woman he loves. How can he survive without her? How will he tell Christopher?
Requested-Yes by @fairyhope028 . I had to change the request just a bit to make it more accurate but overall it’s followed.
Remember ask and submissions are open.
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It was another long shift at the hospital, but I'm the underdog here at the hospital. Being an intern, long shifts came with the job, but I try my best to get on everyone’s good side because at the end of the day we’re all here for the same thing. To save lives. My boyfriend, Eddie, was in the saving life business as well, considering he’s a firefighter and all. Eddie and I met through my father, who was the chief of police. He introduced us at a gala for first responders and the rest is history. We’ve been together for 2.5 years now and I was headed to pick Christopher up from his aunt’s home. Suddenly, I felt a hand grab the back of my neck and slam my head into my car door. With spots in my eyes, I saw a man. No, not a man, a monster, my dad threw in jail years ago. Nate Collins had killed and raped 5 woman in a span of 1 month. He was sentenced to 5 life sentences, for each life he took. “How…you’re supposed…to be…” I barely choked out.
“In prison? Yeah it didn’t stick.” He said with a sinister grin. “Now it’s time to get revenge on your daddy, who threw me in that shit-hole. What better way than to kill the star in his eye?” Nate stabbed me in the stomach with a knife. “Now… That’s like it.” He whispered as he pulled me closer to him. “If i had more time i would make this worth my while. if you know what i mean.” His eyes seemed to burn through my clothes and I had never felt so naked while fully clothed. “But, lucky for you. I’m short on time.” He took my fallen keys from the floor and used them to open my trunk. “Let’s get you in here.” He roughly threw me in the trunk and soon I felt my car begin to move. All I could think of before I lost consciousness was Christopher and Eddie. “I wish I was stronger, but I’m so tired.” I spoke to no one.
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Eddie’s POV
Near the end of my shift, my phone started to ring. It was my tia Josephina.
“Edmundo, where is Y/n?” 
“What do you mean? She should have picked up Christopher by now.”
“I know. That’s why I called because he’s still here.” This wasn’t like Y/n at all. She was almost always on time and if she wasn’t it was by mere minutes. She was supposed to get Christopher an hour ago. 
“I’ll call her. Thanks Tia.” I quickly hung up and called Y/n. There was no answer. After another failed attempt, I called the hospital.
“Hello, this is Kindred Hospital. How can I help you today?” 
“Hello, I’m calling in regards to one of your interns. Y/n Y/l/n. She was supposed to pick up our son an hour ago and she hasn’t arrived yet.” I usually just said our son so I wouldn't have to go into detail about why she’s picking him up or our relationship to each other, but if I'm being honest since she’s come into our lives, she’s always been more of a mother to Christopher then Shannon has. 
“One moment.” After what felt like hours, the receptionist came back on the line. “It says here that she clocked out about an hour and thirty minutes ago. It also seems her car is no longer in the parking lot.” What?
“Okay. Thank you so much for your help.” Panic started to set in. What was going on? This wasn’t like her. Did I do something wrong? Was she mad at me? Lost deep in my thoughts an alarm sounded throughout the firehouse. Great, perfect timing. 
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“Alright, we're responding to a burning building downtown. The fire seems to have been started by an accelerant so everyone be on high alert. We could be dealing with an arsonist.” Bobby said. When we got there it was a small store that seemed to be ablaze and after a few minutes we managed to put out the fire. I then saw something that threw all the alarms in my head back on. In the parking lot, Y/n’s car was waiting. I hurried over to it where I saw her keys and wallet sitting on top of her trunk. I quickly looked inside her car and saw that it was empty. So, I took the keys and opened the trunk. There I saw a huge bloodstain seeping into the fabric of the trunk. 
“Cap!” I screamed. Bobby came rushing over. “Bobby, Y/n is missing. Earlier before we left, my tia called me and told me Y/n hasn’t picked up Christopher yet. When I called the hospital they said she had left over an hour ago. Now here we are in this parking lot, in front of Y/n’s car with blood in the trunk. We need to search this place. What if she’s here or at least around here?” 
“Okay. I’m gonna call Athena for backup just in case this guy is still around here.” He took a moment to talk into the radios and explain the situation to dispatch. “Everyone with me. You might have heard over the radio the situation. One of our own is in trouble. Y/n is missing and we have just found her car with a large amount of blood in it. We need to canvas and look for her but be on alert because whoever this is, is making it personal. Eddie, you’re with me. Everyone else find a partner and let’s get to searching.” Everyone quickly went to work. 
After maybe about 20 minutes, I heard Buck over the radio.
“Eddie, Cap, I found her. She’s in a back alley across the street.” I started to run towards her. When I came to where Buck was he was surrounding Chimney and Hen while they worked on her. She was badly injured and barely breathing. All that was running through my head was who would do this to Y/n? Out of nowhere I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and there stood Athena. 
“Eddie. They’re leaving, go with them.” I didn’t know what to do. Last time i went with the woman i loved in an ambulance she didn’t make it. I couldn’t go through that again. Not this time. “Eddie, look at me.” My eyes snapped back to Thena. “I know what happened last time was scary but Y/n needs you right now. So, you better get your ass on that ambulance or else.” I swiftly went to the ambulance with them. 
The ride to the hospital had no complications but as soon as she made it into the hospital she started to seize. “Oh my God. Is that Y/n?” One of the nurses responded. I recognized her as one of the women Y/n usually socialized with and told me stories about. “Page Dr.Morrison, tell him it’s important.” She turned to Chim, Hen, and me. “We got it from here. Don’t worry she’s in good hands.” I sure hoped so.
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Hours had passed. Christopher had now joined me at the hospital and was sitting next to me. Worry was written all over his face. Soon a nurse came to where everyone was siting. “Are you Mr.Diaz?”
“Yes. How is she?”
“It was touch-and-go for a minute but Dr.Morrison was able to stop the internal bleeding and close the wounds. We also were able to relieve the pressure on her brain due to a concussion. It’ll take some time before she feels one hundred percent again but she should be okay.” I let out a breath I never knew I was holding. She was okay. They saved her. “You can see her if you want.” 
I made my way to her room and there she was. She was watching whatever was on the TV. I knocked on the door and she looked my way. That golden smile of hers was thrown my way and it felt like a breath of fresh air.
 “Shouldn’t you be sleeping? I mean it’s pretty late.” Here she was in a hospital bed still worried about me.
“Shouldn’t I be asking you, after all you're in the hospital bed?” She giggled when I said that. I crossed over to where she was. I stood there for a few minutes before she scooted over and patted the space near her. I climbed into bed with her and wrapped her in my arms. “I thought I was gonna lose you.” Tears started to leave my eyes before I could stop them. 
She looked up at me. “It’s gonna take way more than that before I ever leave you, or Christopher. You’re my family.” After she said that she gave me a loving kiss. “I love you.” 
“I love you too.” After I said that, Christopher and the gang came and joined us in the hospital room. Today was one of the scariest days of both of our lives but it also told me one thing. A life without her is a life I can't even imagine. Once she gets discharged I think it’s time I proposed to her with the engagement ring I bought ages ago.
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softshuji · 3 years ago
Morning coffee - Haitani Rindou
Haitani Rindou is a complicated man. A man who keeps his cards close to his chest, who hardly lets on what he thinks, who is both unreadable and unknowable. Unless you're his brother, the man is a mystery. He shares nothing with ordinary people, even his own employees, the people he sees day-in, day-out.
That's where you came in. It wasn't a flashy job that you had at the office, a high rise building that kissed the sky, soaring into the clouds. The view, as expected, was breath-taking, and you never got used to it, no matter how often you delivered coffee to the Haitani office at the top. The sun peeking over the horizon, the mist that was still fresh in the air, the way the pink and orange hues of a morning sunrise bled into the sky. Beautiful didn't even begin to describe it.
Then there was the other thing. The other thing being Rindou himself, and his cold steely gaze that looked out the floor to ceiling windows, at the whole city spread out before him, whenever you delivered the coffee to him every morning.
And of course, Rindou hasn't failed to notice you. He turns his head to look at you every morning, then snaps his gaze back to the sunrise whenever he sees your wide brimming smile, trying to hide the way that a matching smile tugs at his lips as he watches you fuss over the napkins and the croissants he asks specifically for, from the corner of his eye. Every day is the same. On some days, you tentatively ask him if he needs anything else, to which he always replies that he's fine, and then thanks you as you leave, always with a smile. That is it.
And, as per usual, this behaviour is not lost on his brother.
'Damn, you've got it bad,' he says and smirks over his cup.
'Shut up,' Rindou fires back and watches your retreating figure as you balance a tray and chat animatedly with your co-workers.
'If you like her, just go for it. What's the worst that can happen?'
'Oh I don't know Ran, maybe she could, you know, get killed for being too close to us.' Rindou says and rolls his eyes as if he's been asked the stupidest question in existence. But Ran just clicks his tongue.
Rindou, much to his own chagrin, feels hungry when he thinks of you. Not in any perverse way, or at least, not all the time. This is a different sort of hunger, one which feels more like longing. He wants to see you smile at him, wants to make you smile, wants to brush his hands against yours and see you pull away and blush, and he almost grosses himself out with how soft he feels for you.
The next day, was just a little different. He'd been forced to have a meeting early in the morning, before the sun had risen properly. Just him and some small-time business owner meeting in the young hours of the morning before the rest of the world woke. That was his job after all, to secure the shady things no one else wanted to think about. Well, his and Ran's of course.
When you arrived, tray laden with the obligatory coffee cups (three this time of course) and napkins, the meeting itself was still in progress. Rindou grit his teeth, turning curse after curse over in his head when the man leered at you as you bent to place the tray on the table.
'And anyway,' the man turns back to Rindou, using a napkin to wipe the perspiration on his forehead. 'I think the extra land is the least of what I deserve after having to deal with you fucking Haitani's.'
And Rindou barely has time to register the insult, before he sees your hands clench into fists.
'If Mr Haitani has done you the honour of inviting you here the least you could do is show him some fucking respect!' You fire, your eyes boring holes into his shaven scalp.
Even Rindou is shocked. The silence is so loud, so deafening, you could hear a pin drop. For those few seconds, there is nothing but the rushing of water in the pipes, the hum of the air-con and the cracking of leather as the man turns in his seat.
He looks at you, and you're too angry to notice, the horrible way his eyes roam over you in your work uniform before turning back to Rindou, who already has his gun firm in his hand under the table, feigning indifference, quietly seething with rage under his cold exterior.
'You let all your whores speak to your guests like tha-?
The man's words are choked off as Rindou vaults over the table, knocking the man straight out of his chair and pinning him to the ground, one arm firmly on his throat, pushing till he hears the gurgle of him choking on starved breath. With the other hand, he presses the gun against his temple. All of it so quick, so precise, without a flutter of emotion across his face.
'Say it again,' Rindou says, his eyes steely. He tightens his grip on the mans throat when he doesn't respond. The man flaps, pulls at Rindou's sleeves, his chest straining for air.
'Now I'm going to tell you what's going to happen. You're going to get up, you're going to beg forgiveness on your fucking knees from my employee, and then you're gonna leave. If you so much as look at her wrong, I'll throw you from this building and watch your body go splat on the floor. Do you hear me?'
The man nods, spit flying from his lips. Rindou loosens his grip and the man, on shaky legs, kneels before you, not even daring to look at you as you look on in shock.
'Mr Haitani it's fine-'
He ignores you and pushes the man with his foot forward so his head is nearly touching the floor. 'You will learn to respect my fucking employees.'
'I'm sorry,' the man blubbers, tears mixing with his snot and saliva. 'I'm sorry, please forgive me.'
When Rindou sees you nod tentatively he grabs the man from the scruff of the neck, creasing his collar and shirt in the process. He all but throws him towards the door, kicking him again when the man stumbles on his shaky legs.
'Get out, before I change my mind, and you lose your life as well as the deal.' Rindou twirls the gun in his hand and smirks, just a slight when the man throws the door open and runs, clutching his chest, down the corridor and towards the stairs.
Rindou turns to you, and exhales, mentally preparing himself for a flinch, for you backing away from him. But you don't, you just stare at him and smooth out your work clothes, biting your lip before taking a deep breath.
'Will... there be anything else sir?' You ask, albeit hesitantly.
'N-no. No, thank you y/n.' He allows a smile, a small one, and tucks the gun into his waistband.
You nod and move towards the door, eager to leave and catch your breath, focus and calm down.
'Oh and y/n?' His voice pulls your attention back, your head turning towards him. His jacket has a crease in the forearm and you fight the urge to smooth it out.
'Yes Mr Haitani?'
'Rindou. Just call me Rindou,' he says sheepishly, hoping the pink tint on his cheeks will be mistaken for something other than embarrassment. 'Thank you...for... that.'
You smile, giving him that signature grin that he loves but will never say he loves. 'No problem Rindou. And thank you, for what you did too.'
He smiles properly this time, and the sight nearly takes your breath away.
He nods, and watches you leave, lifting his hand to return the wave you give over your shoulder.
Yeah he might have to do some explaining for losing the deal, but for you? Yeah, it was worth it.
(Yes again the first time I'm writing for Rindou too. Yes I was nervous I had no idea whether this was good or not all I know is Rindou sexc. let me know how it was! Likes and reblogs appreciated as usual!!)
Taglist: @reiners-milkbiddies @sano-obsessed @stroberrylite @virtue-and-beneviolence @devinsdaydreams @prettyiolanthe (let me know if you'd like to be added)
362 notes · View notes
thelargefrye · 2 years ago
back with another live reaction of "things that topaz wrote that makes me suffer" with smalls.
Your eyes took in Seonghwa’s rooms and it was like you couldn’t get enough of everything.
yeah everything including deez nuts.......................... i'm not sorry
yn, now why are you surprised that seonghwa isn't ACTUALLY gonna cook. he has magic for a reason, duh.
oof that lover nickname still gets me 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
i would happily lay my head in your lap sir. tell me all the stories in the world... oof this is reminding me of dragon!woo and witch!yn and how yn would lay her head in woo's lap while he told stories about dragons.
Seonghwa wasn’t the only legend you knew. Hongjoong was the only wizard that had survived an encounter with Seonghwa. They were both renowned.
oooo yes! both legends in their own rights. love it!!
“Please,” He begged quietly, “I don’t want to see the pity in your eyes.”
oh seonghwa trying to save his own captain but failed. kind of makes me wonder if seonghwa followed him because hongjoong killed his captain or if it was because hongjoong was still a thorn in seonghwa's and and the other dark magic users' side.
also yn trying to remember what she was doing that night and how it makes her nervous and sick... oof love those emotions. the "it didn't seem right" just sends a chill down my spine.
“I’m sorry Hwa,” You said, tears streaming down your face. You had never heard of the war from a black magic user’s side before. They had simply been the enemy. 
oooo i love this paragraph. no others than to say that yn is finally changing her thoughts and such... at least that's how i'm seeing her. NO BABY YOU DON'T HATE SEONGHWA!! YOU LO– [SECOND GUNSHOT]
bruh that was smooth director park... very smooth. of course you can fuck me in your bed 😇
"Let me make love to you in my room, please?" UMMM YES SIR!!
Seonghwa’s eyes lowered to your lips. “Then let me apologize for making your underwear wet when I pushed you against the gate.”
that's hilarious, i love it lol. there's literally too many great lines and too many great things happening right now. the mood is literally so perfect between the two as they talk. they just need to kiss.
him asking to taste her anger is giving flashbacks to their first night together. oh look at that, they kissed.
THE PHANTOM HANDS!!! THE PHANTOM HANDS ARE UNBOTTONING THE BLOUSE FHKSDJFHDSKDJFHSK YES THANK YOU!!! phantom hands pining and holding yn down 🤌 who needs ropes and ties and whatever when you got phantom hands to do the job instead.
o m g the smut scene and the emotions between them. the phantom hands and yn's oral fixation. seonghwa clearly loves her and wants her to admit it, he just knows that she feels the same, but then she tells him she promised never to fall in love again... oh man. oh man i'm gonna need D E T A I L S RIGHT NOW.
also i'm soft because she called him hwa.
shit, she didn't deny hongjoong breaking her heart. bruh i thought it was other way around... wait a second.... i'm getting very right person, wrong time vibes from yn and hongjoong.
omg yes seonghwa show hongjoong that this is YOUR school and dream witch 😤 also jongho, honey, love you but MIND YOUR BUSINESS
omg this part was soooooo good and jongho gave off like... wonder woman's lasso of truth vibe lol but literally everything about this part is perfect and i loved every second of this. honestly adore this au turned series so much and can't wait for the next part.
Dinner and a Tale
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ღPairing: Director! Park Seonghwa x Professor of Dreams! Reader (f) ღGenre: enemies to lovers au, Modern Wizardry School au ღWord Count: 4,274 ღWarnings:  mentions of fighting, war, blood, death, penetrative sex, more sex with magic, nipple play, restraints, finger sucking ღRated: 18+ MDNI, smut with hella plot now ღSummary: Seonghwa finally reveals to you exactly how he got his scar...but that's not the only motive he has. And of course, your old captain, Hongjoong, hadn't gone anywhere either... ღDedication: @mejuii & @downtoamagicalland, my lovely beta's ღPrevious Part| ღAll of the Parts | ღNext Part
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Your eyes took in Seonghwa’s rooms and it was like you couldn't get enough of everything. The way the ceiling was that of the night sky. The way his elegant aura exuded from his furniture and decorative features. You had zero doubt that these were Seonghwa’s rooms.
Seonghwa shrugged off his jacket, and with a flick of his hand and a murmur of what you believe is Japanese, phantom hands took it and handed it up onto the clawfoot hanger. "What do you want? There's a few dishes I can do for you."
You turned around and your eyes widened at the phantom hands. "Your demons are going to make dinner?"
Seonghwa puffed out quiet laughter. "Of course. Did you expect me to get my hands dirty?"
You rolled your eyes and sigh. "I suppose you're right."
"Besides, I've got another job, right? I've got to tell you about my past." Seonghwa settled on the settee in his room and patted the cushion. "Come here, lover."
You sat primly on the cushion beside him but Seonghwa was not satisfied with that. He tugged you closer, tucking you under his arm. "There. Much better."
You struggled a bit to put some room in between you but Seonghwa’s grip was iron. "I do NOT have to be this close for you to tell me the story!"
"You're my emotional support witch. Now stop wriggling or I'll get other ideas." You froze and Seonghwa laughed again. "You really are my favorite."
"I'll have chicken," You grumbled.
"Hmmm? What's that, darling?" Seonghwa said in a sing-song voice. His lips puffed hot air onto the crown of your head.
"You asked what I wanted. Wooyoung screwed up my chicken order. So I'll have chicken."
"Wonderful. We'll have roast pheasant then. The grounds keeper flushed some out in the forest the other day. With some wild mushroom bread pudding, we'll be set. Now, lay your head on my lap. I can focus on my words easier with you like that."
How he went from host of a dinner party speaking of food and pairings and then suddenly to convincing you to let him pet you while he spoke, was beyond you, but it happened nonetheless. It was clear Seonghwa had a story to tell, or there wouldn't be a legend made up about him.
"This food better be good because the story portion of this promise slash apology is sorely lacking."
"Oh don't worry! You'll recognize some characters."
Seonghwa wasn't the only legend you knew. Hongjoong was the only wizard that had survived an encounter with Seonghwa. They were both renowned.
"The first battle I stumbled into was horrifying. I heard screaming and yelling and pain and it took everything in me not to shout and run away myself. But I was firm in my belief that we deserved equal rights. So, I pushed on. Eventually I was numb from all the death around me. I was killing people with my demons and it made me feel empty inside. It came to a point where I didn’t even feel like I was living.”
You attempted to push upwards to look at Seonghwa but he firmly held you down, fingers carding through your hair. “Please,” He begged quietly, “I don’t want to see the pity in your eyes.”
“Seonghwa…” You sighed but let him keep you on his lap.
“There was one prick of hot anger within me, however, and that was the annoying White Magic User Captain that kept eluding me. He was sneaky; always in and out of his missions. I could never catch him and therefore never kill him. My higher ups knew they could count on sending me to battle and killing whoever needed to be killed, be it one person or many. But this was the one thorn in our side that could not be pulled.”
You couldn't help but feel stiff in your spot now. You knew how successful Hongjoong had been during that campaign. You had helped him strategize and plan and was the one he fell into bed with after those successful missions. You couldn't help but somehow feel like you were a part of Seonghwa’s story, inadvertently. 
“Out of sheer desperation, I left an innocent bunny demon in the tent of my Captain, knowing she was going to be a target. She had pulled off a victorious maneuver on our part and had wiped out a battalion of white magic users. We celebrated that night but I knew the other side would get their revenge. My demon was able to catch Hongjoong as he snuck into my drunk Captain’s but I was not able to save her. I barely followed him into the surrounding forest, until he suddenly stopped.”
Your heart was racing along with this story. What night had this been? Had you been dreaming, performing missions, while Hongjoong and Seonghwa fought? It almost made you sick to your stomach. It didn’t seem right.
“He said to me ‘Finally, I get to kill the Reaper’ and just like that he slashed out at me. It was a fight, and I didn't really wanna admit it, but he was my equal in battle. He had the same fervor and boldness. He dodged all my demons, and still had the energy to slash me down when my own energy was depleted. I should have died that night. Luckily, they found my demon rabbit in my dead Captain’s tent and followed it back to me. A blood magic user saved my life. I owed him an incredible debt."
"I'm sorry Hwa," You said, tears streaming down your face. You had never heard of the war from a black magic user's side before. They had simply been the enemy. 
Seonghwa patted your shoulder and allowed you to sit up. "Are those tears for me, my little white magic user?" Seonghwa smiled, putting a fingertip to your cheekbone and catching a tear as it ran down your face. He lifted his finger to his lips and sucked. "Your sadness tastes lovely, if you're wondering."
You shook your head. Seonghwa never missed an opportunity to flirt. "Can we eat now?"
"Of course. It's just finishing up." Seonghwa stood up and offered his arm to you. You didn't remember the last time, if any, someone escorted you to your table. You took it, but the realization dawned on you: you really didn't hate Seonghwa anymore. And that could only mean…
You sat at the table with a rather stunned expression. There was no way. You promised yourself you wouldn’t do this again. Your internal spiral began as the phantom hands began to serve the dishes.
The pheasant roast and wild mushroom pudding was to die for, you had to admit. Seonghwa ate with delicate bites, while you who were starving, ate like a starved dog. Seonghwa laughed at your enthusiasm and you couldn't help but feel a tidbit embarrassed.
When you both finished eating, you dabbed your lips with a handkerchief. "Thank you Director Park. That was extremely enjoyable."
Seognhwa sighed. "Now what have I done to earn Director Park?"
"Nothing," You sighed. What the hell were you doing? Seonghwa didn't deserve this, as confused and scared as you were. 
Seonghwa moved on, however, as you internally fought with yourself. He put out his hand, as if asking for yours to bow over. You gave it to him, muscle memory from pleasantries overriding instinct and reason. "It was my pleasure, Mistress Dreams."
You should have realized when Seonghwa was playing along with your distancing, that something was wrong. But it was too late. After Seonghwa bent over your hand, gripping it softly, kissed your palm and then yanked you over the dinner table until your hips hit the edge of the table. 
"Can I fuck you in a bed tonight?" He whispered into the shell of your ear.
"Seonghwa!" You admonished him, pulling back but alas, he wouldn't let go of your hand.
"Let me make love to you in my room, please?" His eyebrows furrowed in a plea. It seemed like the revealing of his past had made him more vulnerable than he usually allowed himself to be. "I've wanted it since you started here. I've been tortured with dreams of it. Pushing you on to my bed, sinking into you, making you cry out my name, and then waking up with you."
You tried to wrestle your hand from him again but he wouldn't let you go. "Director Park, let go of me."
Seonghwa laughed under his breath. "You can't pull that on me a third time tonight, lover. I've heard you whine my name too many times. Besides, I don't deserve it. This time."
"Do you think that fucking me in your luxurious bed is going to make up for the fact that you almost tore my throat out today?" You demanded incredulously.
"I could never truly hurt you," Seonghwa admitted, looking up at you from under his brow and then focusing on your hand, curling his finger around your wrist. He yanked you, pulling you over the table and closer to him again. "Let me make love to that sweet body of yours tonight as both an apology and a thank you."
You sent him a look of confusion. "A thank you?"
"For setting aside your differences for black magic users and picking me over him, tonight," Seonghwa pursed his lips to the side, almost cutely.
"You don't have to thank me for that. I told you. That was over a long time ago. And Hongjoong was in the wrong tonight. There's no reason to be suspicious of you. I should know, I have been sleeping with you," You said in a low tone.
Seonghwa's eyes lowered to your lips. "Then let me apologize for making your underwear wet when I pushed you against the gate."
"Seonghwa!" You said his name with a growl.
Seonghwa smirked. "There's my darling little White Magic User."
"Is this your plan? To get me angry?" You demanded.
"Let me taste your anger tonight, lover?" Seonghwa asked and then pushed his lips against yours. His tongue came out slyly, asking for entrance and you let him. He moaned as he ran his tongue on the roof of your mouth and then backed up. "Not on the table. On the bed!"
A brief image of you laying against the table's edge, ass at perfect height, cheek against the dark cherry wood. "Why not?"
Seonghwa chuckled. "Already dumb thinking about me fucking you?"
"Fine!" You shouted at him, stomping over to the only other door in the room. "In the bed. I'm not dumb."
Seonghwa sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. "No, just stupid."
"You know," Your spine is straightened at the insult, "Dinner was great. Thank you for your demon food. I'm going to bed now."
You got about a few strides towards the door to exit when Seonghwa said, "You didn't ask me what you're stupid about."
"I'm stupid for letting you fuck me once I started this job," You responded tonelessly.
"No, darling, no," Seonghwa shook his head, a thoughtful smile curling his lips. "You're stupid for thinking that this was casual."
Your nails dug into your palms as your fingers curled into fists. "The fuck it isn't casual."
Seonghwa took slow strides across the room, hands tucked into his pants side pockets. "You're the one that insisted we forget all about it. You're the one that wanted to sneak around and not let anyone know. You're the one that kept insisting that this was just convenient and didn't mean anything. I never said anything like that."
"And that's how it's going to remain!" You yelled. Then you rubbed an eyebrow aggressively in frustration. "There, is that enough angry foreplay for you? I'll be seething all--"
Seonghwa scooped you in his arms and brought you into his bedroom. It was gorgeous and immaculate but you don't get a chance to do any sight seeing. Seonghwa dumped you onto the mattress, and you landed with an oof. He waved his hands but he's not touching you, no, his phantom hands are unbuttoning your blouse and pulling up your skirt. You slapped at the hands but Seonghwa simply created more, with the purpose of pushing you down onto your back and pining your hands above your head.
"Let me take care of you, lover. I can give you untold pleasure. I can be everything you need. You'll never need anyone else." Seonghwa cooed. He moved to the side of the bed, knocking your knees apart once his phantom hands had pushed your skirt to your hips. 
"Seonghwa--!!!" Your back arched suddenly as two hands pinched your nipples through your silk camisole under your blouse. "Call them off, you asshole!"
"Oh, I've been downgraded to asshole, how wonderful," Seonghwa mused. He removed the glove he had on his right hand. "Shall I take you from behind, like you prefer?" Seonghwa curved his hands behind your knees and pushed your legs upwards until you were bent in half and your knees were above your waist. "Or shall I sink into your wetness like this? Eye to eye."
"Seonghwa, it's not supposed to be like this," You insisted.
“Says you,” Seonghwa drawled, “I prefer this.” 
His eyes took in how disheveled you looked, your nipples cute and perky from his phantom hands playing with you. Another set pulls and tugs at your underwear until your cunt is on view and it’s gleaming with wetness. “Look at how good you are for me. So wet and inviting. It’s almost as if you wanted this just as much as I do.”
There is simply no denying that this situation was beyond turning you on, and in this moment, you feared for your heart. Seonghwa was purring in your ear, so to speak, seducing you like he’s always known how to do, but it’s that tint of heart that keeps leaking out that terrifies you so. “I don’t want this to be more,” You blurted out suddenly.
Seonghwa smiled patiently. “More what?”
“You know exactly what I’m talking about!” You accused him.
Seonghwa quickly licked your ankle, moaning quietly when he tasted your anger. “I want to hear you say it.”
The pair of phantom hands that had pulled your underwear to the side pulled your lower lips open as well. All Seonghwa had to do was pull out his cock and sink into you. Your body was completely open to him…but your heart was not.
“You can play with my body all you want,” You raised your chin stubbornly, “But you’re not getting my heart.”
Seonghwa smiled, close-lipped but satisfied, “So it’s a challenge then, is it?”
That sentence sent a shiver down your spine. “No! No, Seonghwa, that’s not a challenge!”
At last, Seonghwa finally undid the ties to his pants and pulled himself from the confines, heavy cock gently slapping his stomach. You couldn’t help but smack your lips together, well aware of how heavy Seonghwa’s cock could be against your tongue. Seonghwa laughed at your reaction. “You can’t very well have me both ways, lover.”
Your pout didn’t last for long because a phantom hand found your mouth and settled your oral fixation. Two fingers pressed down on your tongue and you sucked them eagerly. Seonghwa then pushed into you, slow and easy, hands holding your legs just under your knees as he filled you. 
“You’re practically bent in half for me,” Seonghwa murmured, eyes hooded while looking down at you. “Taking my cock like it’s made a new home inside of you.” 
You were effectively gagged so there was really nothing to do but take everything Seonghwa was giving you. The phantom hands still pinned your arms above your head and were still playing with your breasts, petting your underboob because your nipples were almost too sensitive now after all that play. The one in your mouth continued to make your moans muffled as Seonghwa bottomed out inside of you. 
“Fuck, every damn time,” Seonghwa cursed, his eyes fluttering to roll into the back of his head. “I swear to god, I cannot get enough of you.”
You murmured around the phantom fingers, unable to focus on one thing. You were being stimulated in so many ways, it really was making you dumb. Still, Seonghwa rambled, sounding a bit pussy drunk if you were being honest.
“I’ll figure you out, my sweet little dream witch,” He groaned, thrusting slowly inside of you, pulling out almost all the way before pushing back in. “I’ll find the crack in your facade and I’ll widen it until you let me in.”
Your moans grew louder and finally the phantom hand in your mouth disappeared. “Don’t Seonghwa!” You begged.
"I'm gonna make you mine, lover," Seonghwa promised. He bit down on his lower lip, taking his sweet time making love to your body.
The phantom hands released your wrists and you immediately used your freedom to drag Seonghwa down to you, hands behind his neck. Seonghwa had to let go of your legs and braced himself with his arms so he wouldn't crush you. "Stop," You begged again.
"You sure you want me to stop fucking you when clearly you're feeling so good?" Seonghwa smiled cheekily. "You look good too. So flushed and messy, just for me."
"Seonghwa," You said his name in warning, "I swore I'd never fall in love again."
For a moment, Seonghwa’s eyes narrowed in anger. You saw his jaw tighten and his upper lip pulled  into a sneer before he smoothed it all out. "Is it because of him?"
You sighed. Like you needed to give Seonghwa a reason to dislike Hongjoong anymore. "Hwa."
His eyes softened at the shortening of his name. "Yes, lover?"
“Let’s come, okay?” You beseeched him, “Can’t we just focus on the now?”
Seonghwa’s arms bent so that his forearms were braced against his bed now. He was so fucking close to your face that there was no avoiding him now. All the phantom hands are gone now. His eyes traveled over your face but you didn't dare break his gaze. “Okay, darling, we can come.”
Seonghwa began to move his hips again, his pelvis grinding into your clit, that you couldn’t help but let out another pitiful cry with the stimulation. Your pussy and clit were so swollen from everything that even the smallest movement gives you pleasure. Seonghwa slanted his mouth over yours, almost as if he wanted to consume all the noises of pleasure you were letting out. His tongue lazily played with yours but it was simply his goal to enhance your pleasure at this point. 
"Come undone for me, lover," Seonghwa rubbed his lips against yours, "Show me how much power I still have over you. Your body is mine; it only listens to me. No one else can make you feel this way. Just me."
"Hhnnnnnn, Seonghwa!" You feel your pleasure build and you want nothing more than to climax and find that blessed release that is sleep after.
"Come on, little dream witch, come before I do, I don't know how much longer I can hold back before--!" Seonghwa let out a garbled yell as your climax hit you and took him with you.
Your body shook and your nerves lit up and you saw fireworks behind your eyelids. You were panting because the orgasm took that much out of you although all you did was lie there and beg and let Seonghwa fuck you. Seonghwa's climax had his back arched and his head thrown back. He was making low groans and you want to bite his neck, it looks so glorious. But you can already hear his teasing "Wanna mark me up, lover? What will the other teachers think, hmmm?" so you halt yourself from doing so.
Once the pleasure was out of the way, you felt awkward with Seonghwa still inside of you. It was a first and you know it was because of Seonghwa's less than subtle hints about his intentions with you. You just thought the headmaster had a damn breeding kink, you didn't think he actually wanted a family… with you?
"I…should go," You said hesitantly.
Seonghwa opened his eyes and stared at you, calculating something in his head.
 “If you stay, I won’t figure out how to kill your captain tomorrow.”
“Seonghwa, please, how many times do I have to beg tonight? You’re not listening to me!”
“Stay the night. Let me have this. And I won’t kill Hongjoong for breaking your heart.”
“Fine. But I’m not happy about it.”
“That’s okay,” Seonghwa kissed the crown of your head, “I love the taste of your anger.”
"So, is this the announcement where Seonghwa says he's disappointed his students haven't attempted to turn each other into squirrels yet this semester or?" You drawled to Mingi the next morning.
The entire school, students and staff, were to report to the Theatron for an important announcement from the Director.
Mingi laughed beside you. "I think, if he really wants to piss off the General, he might bring up the attempted demon summoning on the first day of school."
You laughed and then sighed. You wished you could smack your old self and tell you that one night stand should remain a one night stand. "I guess we'll--"
Your words were suddenly cut off as you saw someone else from your past at the school you worked at. “CHOI JONGHO?!”
You screamed the name of the dark haired man who you had been in the army with and ran to hug him, stopping only short of doing so, because Jongho was an empath; he could feel your emotions and thoughts through touch. “What are you doing here, Sprout?”
Jongho laughed in embarrassment. “No one has called me that in ages, Lieutenant.”
You couldn't contain the grin on your face. Jongho had been Hongjoong’s aid during the war. Jongho was indispensable with being able to sense a truth or a lie while Hongjoong interrogated prisoners, or, to simply be able to pick up on Hongjoong’s moods or needs, and help him in whatever capacity he could. 
“Guess I’ll stop calling you Sprout when you stop calling me Lieutenant, Jongho. I’m not in the army anymore,” You said bitter-sweetly.
Jongho shook his head, “You’ll always be my Lieutenant to me.”
“Oh Jongho,” You ruffled his hair affectionately, “What are you doing here anyways? Do you always come with Hongjoong when he does his school trips?”
Jongho got somber. “That’s not for me to say,” He said, shaking his head.
You cocked your head in curiosity, “Well, that only makes me wanna know more.”
Jongho smiled tightly. “You’ll find out soon enough.”
Unfortunately for you, Hongjoong and Seonghwa spotted you at the same time as when you and Jongho approached the side of the stage where the faculty would sit while Seonghwa addressed the students, Mingi having been left behind and decided to chat up another professor. Both strode towards you with purpose and then exchanged unamused glances when they realized once again they were in competition for your attention.
“Lieutenant,” Hongjoong nodded formally to you, “I see you caught up with Sprout.”
Jongho made a pained face again. “Not you too, General.”
“I would have thought that Jongho would have moved up in rank by now,” You said, slightly perplexed.
“I have!” Jongho protested. He adjusted the pin over his heart. “I just decided to remain at Hongjoong’s side. There’s still work to be done.”
“What are you up to today, Kim Hongjoong?” You demanded, wanting to know the secret that Jongho was keeping for your Captain.
Seonghwa sent Hongjoong a calculating look. “You’re up to something today?”
“I have an important announcement to make,” Hongjoong revealed.
Seonghwa frowned heavily. “And you didn’t think that it was imperative to tell the Director of the School that you’re about to make this announcement beforehand?”
Hongjoong shook his head, “This should only be said once.”
Seonghwa drew himself up to his full height and authority. “You will tell me right now. This is my school.”
Hongjoong sighed dramatically, rolling his eyes. “I suppose I owe you that.”
Jongho frowned himself, squaring up, and looking like he was about to fight Seonghwa himself. “General, you don’t have to--”
Hongjoong put up a hand, halting Jongho’s protests. “It’s fine, Jongho.” He made direct eye contact with Seonghwa. “The Council has decided that I will be making a permanent residence here. They want me to begin teaching the students combat and strategy.”
Within seconds, Seonghwa had Hongjoong pushed up against a wall, forearm braced against Hongjoong’s windpipe. “You will not be teaching my students how to fight each other!”
Hongjoong let out a choked laugh. “They won’t be fighting each other.”
Before you realized what was happening, your body was in between the two of them. “Gentlemen, please! The students could be seeing this.”
Seonghwa let Hongjoong go, albeit a bit reluctantly. Anger radiated off of him, even you could feel that. “Why was I not informed?”
Hongjoong cleared his throat. “Well, I was going to tell you last night, but a demon at your door advised me you were predisposed.” Hongjoong’s eyes swung to you, “And you didn’t answer your door when I knocked.”
“That’s not important right now,” You deflected, “Why does the council want you to do that?”
Hongjoong breathed in deeply and then let it out. You had seen that look before… It was when he was about to tell you something important. “The Technomancers are coming.” ღPrevious Part| ღAll of the Parts | ღNext Part
Tagging: @hijirikaww @toxicccred @starillusion13 @flurrys-creativity @stardragongalaxy @a-soft-hornytiny @babiestarrcandy
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