#sayaka maizono's sister
rainbow-crane · 3 months
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Genuinely this is one of my favorite CGs in DR. I mean, look at that lineup. Look at how happy the deceased look. Mondo's weird grimace-smile thing. Celeste being socially awkward af in the back. Junko and Mukuro being evenly spaced apart in the shot. Sakura's smug ass. SAYAKA ALIVE AND WELL. The ghosts of what once was. Where is my THH school days slice-of-life anime
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dashabot · 7 months
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junkosblunt · 1 year
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terrifiedtrinket · 11 months
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my sister had the FATTEST crush on sayaka when she saw her for the first time
like- “what do you think her name is??”
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Chapter One: The Game Begins, A Life Ends...
You had gone to sleep one night only to wake up in a strange new place... Okay, maybe strange wasn't the word. The room you woke up in actually looked extremely fancy. It looked like it was fit for a king/queen!
Confused, you left the bedroom and found yourself... actually in a legitimate royal palace. Odd... And there were... voices!
Of course, you immediately ran to meet these voices! You had to know what was going on here! But when you got there, you found yourself in the center of a courtyard under a surprisingly beautiful sky. It's nice out today!
Curiously, only women seem to be around... No men anywhere. Do you approach these girls to figure out what's going on?
{{ Feel free to ignore, interact if not tagged, or ask for your tag to be removed! Mods that play Kokichi or Kotoko on any blog in any capacity, please DNI! }}
@human-monokuma @unknown-ultimates @iroha-painter-missing @im-not-your-mom-okay @little-miss-succubus and anyone else!
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mysteriousdoll · 8 months
FF - Project: Revival - File: B
Inside this document, Future Foundation employees will find basic documentation regarding each subject from Future Foundation's revival project in regards to the 'killing game' hosted by Junko Enoshima and Chihiro Fujisaki containing their class. (Hopes Peak Academy's Class 78).
Please refer to File C to update and record all tests. Only document test results in File B if they result in severe changes or information we may need to know of generally.
Subject 001 - Sayaka Maizono
Subject 001 has shown good progress as she recovers. Appears slightly disoriented and refuses to go places alone. Subject 001 does not appear to hold a grudge against Subject 003, but does appear to show apprehension towards communicating with him.
Notably, Subject 001 proceeds to drool blood when distressed, the blood worsening the more she is distressed. She did not initially appear harmed when this occurred, but testing showed this was a farce, as she grew very lightheaded when more blood was lost.
We have noticed Subject 001 has done best in social tests, as, even when covering her face and told to  keep a low profile, she has shown to hold conversations and put those she speaks to at ease. This may be helped by Subject 001 being one of three who shows little obvious signs of scarring, her only scars being on her abdomen, and persistent drool on her chin. (Wiping at this drool does not get rid of it, it appears to be a stain. - Rs. Dolo)
Subject 001 has been seen trying to communicate with Subject 006, and continues to try to do so despite their failure to respond to her.
Subject 001 has not had to be punished with the electro-shock band often.
Subject 002 - Mukuro Ikusaba
Subject 002 is very closed off, but has recovered physically. She remains closest to Subject 000, but during visitation has been drawn to Makoto Naegi. Subject 002 is very resilient during testing, but appears more vigilant than what her old peers claimed.
Subject 002 does not appear to hold a bond closer to any other subject, but has been seen staring at Subject 006. Subject 000 has been recorded stating that Subject 002 is ‘drooling’ staring at Subject 006… we have not seen this occur, though. Subject 002 is docile with FF members, and does not attempt to aggravate others like her sister. She’s shown to have an interest in the common room’s exercise equipment, she seems to most enjoy the jumping rope.
Subject 002 has had to be punished with the electro-shock band several times due to her helping of Subject 000’s desire to cause trouble for other subjects.
Subject 003 - Leon Kuwata
Subject 003 has been less than progressive with his recovery. We suspect this is due to his scarring, as it was much more significant than most. He has stitch-like patterns emblazoned onto his body from his ‘execution’, and we had to perform a rhinoplasty to restore his nose, as it was completely shattered, giving us little to work with. 
Subject 003 has shown to hold a positive relationship with Subject 005, but holds no (apparent) connection to Subject 006, despite being around them when with Subject 005. Subject 003 has also been noted to stare at Subject 001, although there does not appear to be any malice in this habit. We plan to initiate an interaction between them to study it.
Subject 003 is aggressive when testing is prompted, but has yet to be so aggressive he needs to be sedated.
Subject 003 has had to be punished with the electro-shock band often due to his abrasive behavior.
Subject 004 - Chihiro Fujisaki
Subject 004 was a Mastermind. Because of this, she is heavily monitored. However, unlike Subject 000 (whom Subject 004 is in a romantic relationship with), she does appear to have remorse for her actions. This has only been noted in conversations she’s held with Subject 000, which have been recorded and transcribed. Subject 004 has made several comments in regards to the ‘looks’ she gets from the other subjects. Despite this, she does not seem to hold any desire to stray away from Subject 000, and in fact shows heavy disdain at the idea of ending their relationship.
Subject 004 has a large scar from where she was struck, but often covers it with her hair. Unlike Subject 006, she does not appear to have any other facial scarring. (Subject 004 has shown severe anger towards Byakuya Togami. I advise any researchers not to allow her to speak to him and vice versa. - Rs. Dolo.)
Subject 004 has had to be punished with the electro-shock band a few times, this is mostly due to her attempting to perform acts of kindness before we deem it proper. She is not yet ready for redemption, it will only ruin the experiment.
Subject 005 - Mondo Oowada
Subject 005 has done well in his recovery, however we have noted he refuses to leave Subject 006’s side. He speaks with Subject 006 more than anyone, and has expressed immense remorse for Subject 006’s death being ‘his fault’. It is rare the two do not have some form of physical contact
Subject 005 has scarring all over his body, albeit it is not in any notable consistency. These scars take the form of fencing, a diamond-like pattern seen throughout them. He also has a large x-shaped scar on his face, something he appears to be discouraged by.
Subject 005 is extremely aggressive to testing, he MUST be sedated. (DO NOT TRY TO SEPARATE SUBJECT 005 FROM SUBJECT 006 WITHOUT SEDATING SUBJECT 005. HE WILL ATTACK ANY FF MEMBERS. - Rs. Dolo) Due to his temper, he is easily set off. While Subject 006 usually can get Subject 005 to settle, enough prodding will lead to extremely violent behavior.
Subject 005 has had to be punished with the electro-shock band several times due to his violent outbursts. We have noted he requires a higher wattage.
Subject 006 - Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Subject 006 is the most compliant out of all subjects. This would be great if not for his refusal to speak to most people. He only speaks with Subject 005, Subject 008, and Yasuhiro Hagakure.  (Hagakure has noted that Subject 006 often asks about his father. Due to the non disclosure clause, little updates have been given. Hagakure has asked that we allow subjects to see their families soon. He may have a point. - Rs. Dolo)
Subject 006 has been found suffering multiple migraines in short periods. We initially suspected this to only be due to their OSDD, but conversations recorded with Subject 008 suggest otherwise. We are unsure if his ‘blacked-out’ eye causes him pain, but we have noticed it bleeds when he cries. We are also unsure if he is blind in this eye, or if his vision is limited. (Recent tests have proven that Subject 006 can see in the dark. A recorded conversation with Subject 005 confirmed his sight is in fact extremely clear in the dark, and his ‘blacked-out’ eye ‘glows in the dark’. - Rs. Dolo)
Subject 006, while never hostile himself, holds a member within their system (referred to only as Akira by Subject 009 and Subject 006) who is VERY hostile during tests. They have had to be sedated twice. (THEY BITE!!! HARD! Will draw blood. I suggest having Subject 009 coax them into allowing tests to be run. - Rs. Dolo)
Subject 006 has had to be punished with the electro-shock band several times. This is due to his failure to eat on time, hydrate, and due to attempted self harm.
Subject 007 - Hifumi Yamada
Subject 007 has coped the most well out of every subject. It appears he uses his art to cope with his recovery. Subject 007 has suffered migraines, although his scarring does not seem as severe as that of others. Strangely, Subject 007 holds no malice towards Subject 008. We are unsure why this is. Evidence from the game (see: File A) suggests Subject 008 lied to Subject 007 and killed him, something he was aware of in death.
Subject 007 has had to be punished with the electro-shock band a few times due to breaking curfews. However, when we administered a game system in the common room, this issue reduced in occurrence.
Subject 008 - Celestia Ludenberg
Subject 008 shows indifference when approached about her recovery. She stays close to Subject 006, this is likely due to their blood relation and their deal in the game (see: File A), and we have noted she has been trustworthy in preventing Subject 006’s failure to eat.
Subject 008 has several burns on her arms, and has made comments about wishing to cover them with long gloves. She also has a large scar on her torso. Subject 008 has requested several pain relieving creams for her burns, but we have opted to only adhere to these requests when convenient. (Avoid giving her these during physical tests, only for psychological tests so she is not distracted. - Rs. Dolo)
She continues to complain about the quality of her bedding. We do not plan to upgrade it.
Subject 008 has had to be punished with the electro-shock band several times due to her refusal to comply with wardrobe requirements. We suspect this will change when she is sent home and is able to dress as she pleases.
Subject 009 - Sakura Ogami
Subject 009’s recovery has gone well, but similar to Subjects 006 and 007, she suffers headaches, and was required to be given liver and kidney transplants due to the organs being inefficient when the revival process was complete. This has led to Subject 009 having to take several medications every morning. Do not allow a day to go by without these being taken, lest the experiment be ruined. 
Subject 009 appears to get along most well with Aoi Asahina, as well as Akira (see: Subject 006). Despite Hagakure’s fears, she has made it known she holds no ill will towards him. Due to the nature of Subject 009’s death, she has minor scarring from the glass she was struck with before it, as well as altered hair that is now black and white. (It’s like Frankenstein’s bride or something. Subject 006 has a similar white streak throughout their hair. - Rs. Dolo) Dyeing the hair does not hold for long, regardless of how strong of a dye is used. She appears indifferent to this.
Similar to Subject 001, Subject 009 has been found trying her best to help other subjects cope. We’ve noted she’s the most mature out of the group, and although she may not perform as well as Subject 001 in social situations, she performs quite well regardless.
Subject 009 has not had to be punished with the electro-shock band very often.
Subject 000 - Junko Enoshima
Subject 000 was the mastermind of the game, working with Subject 004, with minor help from Subject 002. She has several scars, but does not appear to care about the changes to her appearance. Rather, Subject 000 seems more focused on watching the other subjects. She most often speaks with Subject 004 and Subject 002, the others she tries to speak to refuse to respond to her. Unlike Subject 004, Subject 000 has shown zero remorse for her past actions, instead appearing to take great pleasure in the evident coldness shown from her peers. 
We warn researchers to not allow Subject 000 to see any files, regardless of how often she may ask. 
Subject 000 has had to be punished with the electro-shock band several times due to her desire to cause trouble for her peers, researchers, and incessant talking during testing.
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anon-maly · 6 months
Danganronpa Characters using Social Media
Ok so I've gotten obsessed over the idea of how Hope's Peak Academy students would use social media
I just want them to be normal happy high school teens acting like normal happy high school teens… is that too much to ask for…? 😔
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A lot of the Ultimates would have verified tags on social media
I feel like the students with the most followers on social media would be Junko Enoshima, Sayaka Maizono, Sonia Nevermind, and uhh can't think of anyone else rn lol
There would also be a lot of Ultimates who refuse to make their account public and keep their social media engagement to be just within their friends and mutuals
Some I can think of on the top of my head are Kyoko Kirigiri, uhhh you probably get the point, there's a lot to list
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Hajime Hinata would be the type of person to have a private Instagram account with around 200 something followers, even though he is one of the most popular/well-known people at Hope's Peak Academy
He would barely ever post anything (but I also HC him to post clips of him doing stuff like playing basketball on his story)
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Nagito Komaeda would be following thousands of people, but only have a few hundred followers.
Still, he would have more followers than Hajime, and Nagito’s account would be set public He would post aesthetic photos with inspirational/hopeful quotes in the caption
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Junko Enoshima would be the opposite: she would have hundreds of thousands followers but follow only like 10 people
But the people she follows are unexpected. For example, she would not follow Mukuro Ikusaba, her twin sister, but follow Makoto Naegi
She would also follow Yasuke Matsuda and Ryoko Otonashi, because I think it would be funny if some famous celebrity followed private accounts with only like 30 followers
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Junko Enoshima has an account for Monokuma on all social media platforms she’s on.
Notable things she posts there are “Monokuma Theatre” clips, and also uses those accounts to shit on stuff (like Hope’s Peak Academy) while role playing in her Monokuma character
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Also think it’s worth mentioning that while Nagito Komaeda posts interviews with Hope’s Peak Academy students to talk about how hopeful their talents are, Junko Enoshima uses her Monokuma account to slander HPA students and their talents
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Izuru Kamukura would get an Instagram account but never use it. He only uses it when someone convinces him to add him.
Would have no profile pic or bio
Has like 12 followers. Follows back 8
A private account with thousands of requests because Junko Enoshima keeps tagging him
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Idk why but something makes me feel like a lot of the V3 students would be TikTokers
Especially Tsumugi Shirogane because that's self-explanatory
Other V3 characters I can think of from the top of my mind that I can see being TikTokers with no proper explanation are
Angie Yonaga being those "mindfulness" social media influencers (for the lack of a better term)
Himiko Yumeno posting magic TikToks
Rantaro Amami. I can see him making stereotypical TikToks (like ones that do makeup stuff, trends, act hot, IDK THESE HCS ARE GETTING WEIRD??)
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luxexhomines · 8 months
Danganronpa Character Tropes/Patterns Across Main 3 Games
I'm sure this exists somewhere already, but I wanted to make a list for my own self-reference because I was analyzing the patterns across games, so I figured why not post it? Unfortunately, this ended up egregiously long, and I decided to stop and post it before it got even longer. I'm sure I missed plenty of things, but I didn't want it getting any longer. I already spent a lot of time refreshing my memory and poring over the Danganronpa Fandom Wiki to make this list, ahaha...
So, here we go--I made a few categories: 1. Personality, 2. Ultimate Talents, 3. Cast Dynamics, 4. Killing Game, and 5. Body Characteristics. Wasn't sure how to format it, but I tried. I didn't list their Ultimate Talents since I figured most people remember/know.
If you have any questions or thoughts, feel free to pop into the replies or my askbox and we can discuss! There might be some you disagree on. Under the cut for Danganronpa spoilers and length!
Bossy toward men 
SDR2 - Mahiru Koizumi
NDRV3 - Tenko Chabashira (complete misandrist) 
Little Shits/Gremlins (& most obnoxious criers) /affectionate
SDR2 - Hiyoko Saionji
NDRV3 - Kokichi Ouma
Made-up Words/Sayings 
SDR2 - Ibuki Mioda
NDRV3 - Angie Yonaga
Most Unhinged Participants
SDR2 - Nagito Komaeda
NDRV3 - Korekiyo Shinguji
Multiple Personas/Personalities
DR1 - Touko Fukawa (has DID; Genocide Jack)
DR1 - Junko Enoshima
NDRV3 - Korekiyo Shinguji (older sister)
DR1 - Aoi Asahina
SDR2 - Mahiru Koizumi
NDRV3 - Kaede Akamatsu
DR1 - Mondo Oowada
SDR2 - Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
NDRV3 - Miu Iruma
Self-Esteem Issues
DR1 - Chihiro Fujisaki
DR1 - Touko Fukawa
SDR2 - Nagito Komaeda
SDR2 - Mikan Tsumiki
NDRV3 - Shuichi Saihara
NDRV3 - Maki Harukawa
Stoic/Serious Ladies
DR1 - Sakura Oogami
DR1 - Kyouko Kirigiri
SDR2 - Peko Pekoyama
NDRV3 - Kirumi Tojo
NDRV3 - Maki Harukawa
Ultimate Talents
DR1 - Leon Kuwata
DR1 - Aoi Asahina
SDR2 - Akane Owari
SDR2 - Peko Pekoyama
NDRV3 - Ryoma Hoshi
Martial Artists
DR1 - Sakura Oogami
NDRV3 - Tenko Chabashira
DR1 - Sayaka Maizono
SDR2 - Ibuki Mioda
NDRV3 - Kaede Akamatsu
Ultimate ???
DR1 - Kyouko Kirigiri
SDR2 - Hajime Hinata
NDRV3 - Rantaro Amami
Has Secret/Other Talent
DR1 - Touko Fukawa (as Genocide Jack - Ultimate Murderer) 
DR1 - Makoto Naegi (Ultimate Hope) 
SDR2 - Hajime Hinata (as Izuru Kamukura - Ultimate Hope)
NDRV3 - Maki Harukawa (Ultimate Assassin)
Cast Dynamics
Protagonist & Friend Iconic Duo
DR1 - Makoto Naegi Kyouko Kirigiri
SDR2 - Hajime Hinata Chiaki Nanami
NDRV3 - Shuichi Saihara Kaede Akamatsu
Mystery Solvers/Complicators
DR1 - Kyouko Kirigiri
DR1 - Byakuya Togami
SDR2 - Nagito Komaeda
NDRV3 - Kokichi Ouma
DR1 - Byakuya Togami
SDR2 - Nagito Komaeda
NDRV3 - Kokichi Ouma
Protag’s Guy Friends Who All Have That Same Loser Vibe
DR1 - Yasuhiro Hagakure
SDR2 - Kazuichi Souda
NDRV3 - Kaito Momota
Breaks the 4th Wall
SDR2 - Gundham Tanaka
NDRV3 - Kokichi Ouma
Serial Killers
DR1 - Touko Fukawa (Genocide Jack)
SDR2 - Peko Pekoyama (fake; “Sparkling Justice”)
NDRV3 - Korekiyo Shinguji
Killing Game
DR1 - Makoto Naegi
SDR2 - Hajime Hinata
NDRV3 - Shuichi Saihara
NDRV3 - Kaede Akamatsu (one chapter still counts!!)
DR1 - Mukuro Ikusaba (as Junko Enoshima)
DR1 - Sakura Oogami
SDR2 - Chiaki Nanami
NDRV3 - K1-B0 (unknowingly)
DR1 - Junko Enoshima
SDR2 - Alter Ego Junko Enoshima
NDRV3 - Tsumugi Shirogane
De Facto Forensic Examiners
DR1 - Kyouko Kirigiri
SDR2 - Mikan Tsumiki
First Victims
DR1 - Sayaka Maizono
SDR2 - Byakuya Togami (Imposter)
NDRV3 - Rantaro Amami
First Killers
DR1 - Leon Kuwata
SDR2 - Teruteru Hanamura - SDR2
NDRV3 - Kaede Akamatsu (as scapegoat) - NDRV3
Framed/Suspected of Murdering Close Friend
DR1 - Aoi Asahina
SDR2 - Hiyoko Saionji - SDR2
NDRV3 - Himiko Yumeno
Victims of Double Murders
DR1 - Hifumi Yamada Kiyotaka Ishimaru 
SDR2 - Hiyoko Saionji Ibuki Mioda
NDRV3 - Tenko Chabashira Angie Yonaga
Double Murder Culprits
DR1 - Celeste Ludenberg
SDR2 - Mikan Tsumiki
NDRV3 - Korekiyo Shinguji
DR1 - Sakura Oogami** 
SDR2 - Byakuya Togami (Imposter)**
SDR2 - Peko Pekoyama*
SDR2 - Nagito Komaeda** 
NDRV3 - Ryoma Hoshi**
NDRV3 - Gonta Gokuhara*
NDRV3 - Kokichi Ouma**
(* = became culprit, ** = became victim)
Non-Culprit Tries to Misdirect Voting to Execute All Participants
DR1 - Aoi Asahina
NDRV3 - Maki Harukawa
Is Incited/Led by Antagonist to Murder
SDR2 - Teruteru Hanamura
SDR2 - Chiaki Nanami
NDRV3 - Gonta Gokuhara
NDRV3 - Kaito Momota
Sustained Injury/Death Not From Participant Murder or Own Execution
DR1 - Mukuro Ikusaba (as Junko Enoshima)
SDR2 - Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu  (from Peko’s execution, not own)
SDR2 - Nekomaru Nidai
NDRV3 - Kaito Momota
NDRV3 - K1-B0 (final explosion)
Mystery Victims
DR1 - Mukuro Ikusaba (Chapter 5 reappearance)
NDRV3 - Kokichi Ouma
Makes Plot & Trial-Relevant Technology
DR1 - Chihiro Fujisaki
SDR2 - Kazuichi Souda
NDRV3 - Miu Iruma
Most Notable Character Development
SDR2 - Hajime Hinata
SDR2 - Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
NDRV3 - Shuichi Saihara
NDRV3 - Himeko Yumeno
NDRV3 - Maki Harukawa
Body Characteristics
Super Muscular
DR1 - Sakura Oogami
SDR2 - Nekomaru Nidai
NDRV3 - Gonta Gokuhara
Tan/Darker Skinned
DR1 - Aoi Asahina
DR1 - Yasuhiro Hagakure
SDR2 - Akane Owari
NDRV3 - Angie Yonaga
DR1 - Hifumi Yamada
SDR2 - Byakuya Togami (Imposter)
SDR2 - Teruteru Hanamura
SDR2 - Teruteru Hanamura
NDRV3 - Ryoma Hoshi
Small Girls
SDR2 - Hiyoko Saionji
NDRV3 - Himiko Yumeno
Small Boys
DR1 - Chihiro Fujisaki
SDR2 - Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
NDRV3 - Kokichi Ouma
Breasted Boobily (reference to meme please don’t kill me lol)
DR1 - Aoi Asahina
SDR2 - Akane Owari
NDRV3 - Miu Iruma
DR1 - Alter Ego
SDR2 - Mechamaru Nidai
NDRV3 - K1-B0
Ahoge Havers
DR1 - Makoto Naegi
DR1 - Hifumi Yamada
SDR2 - Hajime Hinata
NDRV3 - Kaede Akamatsu
NDRV3 - Shuichi Saihara
NDRV3 - K1-B0
NDRV3 - Miu Iruma
SDR2 - Kazuichi Souda
NDRV3 - Shuichi Saihara
NDRV3 - Ryoma Hoshi
NDRV3 - Korekiyo Shinguji
NDRV3 - Himiko Yumeno
Different, Cartoonish Eyes/Features
DR1 - Hifumi Yamada
SDR2 - Teruteru Hanamura
NDRV3 - Ryoma Hoshi
Other patterns: 
At least one red-haired, one black-haired, one white-haired, and one blond character per game
At least one red-eyed and one same hair & eye color character per game
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thelittleghoul · 2 days
.˚🕸️๋࣭ Welcome To The Cemetery˚🕸️๋࣭
Master list coming soon!!
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⋆˚˖ Rules ⋆˚˖
I will not write
• Incest, pedo, detailed SA or anything that’s in the proship category and do not want that on my page!
• NSFW agere in anyway that’s ✨nasty✨
•SH in detail (very triggering for me)
•Pregnancy (just something I don’t know/have a lot of interest in writing sorry)
•Yandere (feels weird and icky to write and I don’t want to romanticize that stuff)
•Addiction in detail (a trigger)
•Smut (Maybe in the future but for now I’m not comfortable in writing that)
Thin Ice but I will write
•SH as long as it’s not too detailed (example “I have scars from SH.”)
•I can mention SA briefly if I am writing about trauma and or symptoms that stem for traumatic events like SA but that’s it (example “I don’t like physical touch do to SA.”)
•I will mention addiction but again not in detail (again a trigger)
I will write
•SFW agere
•Mental and physical health/conditions (I am not an expert but I will research and study before writing anything I do not know/have a lot of knowledge about!)
•Headcanons and one shots can be non x reader
•I prefer headcanons but I will definitely do one shots as well!
POC and any culture and background (with research!!)
⋆˚˖ Fandoms and Characters I will write ⋆˚˖
⋆˚˖ MHA ⋆˚˖
•Izuku Midoriya
•Katsuki Bakugo
•Shoto Todoroki
•Eijiro Kirishima
•Denki Kaminari
•Hanta Sero
•Tenya Iida
•Kyoka Jiro
•Mina Ashido
•Ochaco Uraraka
•Momo Yaoyorozu
•Fumikage Tokoyami
•Mashirao Ojiro
•Toru Hagakure
•Minoru Mineta (only with a redemption arch lol)
•Mezo Shoji
•Tsuyu Asui
•Koji Koda
•Shota Aizawa
•Present Mic
•All Might
⋆˚˖ Danganronpa THH ⋆˚˖
•Makoto Naegi
•Kyoko Kirigiri
•Byakuya Togami
•Celestia Ludenberg
•Chihiro Fujisaki
•Aoi Asahina
•Kiyotaka Ishimaru
•Leon Kuwata
•Mondo Owada
•Mukuro Ikusaba
•Sakura Ogami
•Sayaka Maizono
•Yasuhiro Hagakure
⋆˚˖ Danganronpa V2 ⋆˚˖
•Hajime Hinata
•Nagito Komaeda
•Peko Pekoyama
•Sonia Nevermind
•Nekomaru Nidai
•Mikan Tsumiki
•Mahiru Koizumi
•Kazuichi Soda (Not as a simp)
•Ibuki Mioda
•Akane Owari
•Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
•Chiaki Nanami
•Gundham Tanaka
⋆˚˖ Danganronpa V3 ⋆˚˖
•Shuichi Saihara
•Kaede Akamastu
•Rantaro Amami
•Korekiyo Shinguji (not writing about his backstory or him with his sister)
•Angie Yonaga
•Gonta Gokuhara
•Kokichi Oma
•Kaito Momota
•Kirumi Tojo
•Maki Harukawa
•Ryoma Hoshi
•Tenko Chabashira
⋆˚˖ TMNT 2012 ⋆˚˖
•All four brothers
⋆˚˖ ROTTMNT ⋆˚˖
•All four brothers
•April O’Neil
⋆˚˖ TMNT Bayverse ⋆˚˖
•All four brothers
•April O’Neil
•Casey Joan’s
⋆˚˖ About Me ⋆˚˖
Hi!! I’m the little ghoul! I’m autistic, a agere and part of the LGBTQ community! I’m from Canada and I am currently in school (I am a minor) I am doing this for fun and would love for people to send requests!! I am so happy to do this and I hope all of you like my work in the future thanks so much!! ♡
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shockersalvage · 1 year
Salvage Showcase - Satomi Aoba
As we head back to DRT, we now are looking at one of its most surprising additions that it ever decided to include, and its even stranger use of her.
Here we have Satomi Aoba - a member of Sayaka's idol group.
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The Summary
Technically, Satomi has been in Dangronpa ever since the 1st game. Satomi is an idol that was apart of Sayaka Maizono's group. They were immensely popular and treated each other as both rivals and even sisters in a way. But, popularity wise, Satomi was only the fourth popular member of their group (5th being Ayaka Haneyama), making her one of the least popular, though supplementary material like Danganronpa S heavily implied that this was in spite of being the leader of the quintet.
During Sayaka's stint in Hope's Peak Academy, the World Domination Proclamation happened, where 'Byakuya Togami' broadcasted his challenge to the world that he'll take over unless someone kills him or find the 'pitiful cattle' within 24 hours. Satomi would get caught in this event as she had left her former life behind to see the world. Arriving in Prague, she arrived to a town that was attacked by the Mystr'y Research Society. Everyone, but one villager, was killed in a locker room type method. This last villager, a 'Moleman' (think a shut-in), finds her and they agree to work together (after Moley proves his worth, in this case, by hotwiring a jeep)
They come across the MRS in a house, trying to do another locked room mystery set-up and have a discussion, mainly concerning their foes background as Hope's Peak Junior High students and how they were responsible for enacting a global locked room mystery during the WDP as well. It's during this conversation where one of the MRS trio, the Vice President, recognizes Satomi as being the #4 idol of Sayaka's group, and her low popularity. Just as the conversation shifted to killing the Moleman and Satomi, the former tosses up a table and gets both out of there.
They escape via jeep with the main plan being to head to the airport to escape this insanity. During this car ride, thier conversation together has Satomi gradually convince this Moleman that his cynical attitude towards trying and the need for willpower to continue on, even if life doesn't exactly bring them what they want.
Sadly, things come to ahead when the Imposter (the one managing the WDP and currently a member of Despair High School/Ultimate Despair) uses Sonia's influence to drop a satellite in their area, which causes their jeep to crash. Satomi is badly injured from the satellite drop and seeing her unconscious is what drives Moleman to desperately go from location to location trying to find a way to get her patched up...
Satomi would not wake up, at least for the rest of the DRT trilogy. Her body is carried towards Detsky's Island where a Despair High School base is located. It's there, during a conflict with DRT's main protagonist Blue Ink, does the Moleman turns out to actually be the alter of the SHSL Hitman: Suzuhiko Otsuki. Otsuki had slaughtered the MRS and Hasegawa leaders that were nearby, but Satomi wasn't killed yet. Otsuki claims to have missed her, but before he could kill her Blue Ink interrupts him. Thus, her life was spared...but that ends her involvement with the DRT story.
We do know this isn't the end for her. Somehow, by unknown means, she was recovered and patched up, and eventually got back to Japan to be with her idol group. Once the Tragedy would start, though, since she was one of the closet people to Sayaka, she was kidnapped by Ultimate Despair as part of their group of Captives. Her final fate remains unknown.
Described by Sayaka as 'adult-like, cool, and reliable', Satomi serves as the positive to Moleman's negative. While Moley is very bitter and holds talent & life in disdain, Satomi is optimistic and believes that it is worth living for, even when things don't go as well as they should. She has a very professional attitude due to her career as an idol, which results in her being polite and calm, even in face of danger or injury. That said, she can be pretty frank and doesn't hold punches concerning her new friend's attitude or worth during hard times (initially she didn't event to work with Moley since she thought there wouldn't be any value to it) and, if push comes to shove, is quick to take action when needed. Nevertheless, she does know when to compliment him for being legitimately cool and does want to see him improve.
The Rundown
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DRT is a story based around the themes of 'Reality vs Unreality/Escapism'. For her role in the Moleman side plot, Satomi serves as the 'Reality' aspect of it all, played positively against both the MRS and Moleman. Specifically, Satomi is the ideal that life is worth living as you continue to try, even if your current life is not the best.
Satomi serves as a foil to the issues both Moley and MRS hold, as they are those whose dreams didn't come true or they gave up on them. In contrast, Satomi is someone who, technically, is living her dream and, on the surface, is doing well for herself. But, there's a pretty clear snag. She's good, but isn't nowhere near good as Sayaka or the two idols above her. Heck, despite being 4th, VP even pointed out there were going to be die hard people who supported the 5th least popular more because she was officially last. Unofficially? She is the least in star power and it wasn't her fault. Just like Moley, her situation is due to other people being more skilled being considered.
What definitely separates her from her ally and enemies is what she does in response to this setback. It would be pretty easy to be bitter in her situation, like Moley, or turn to self-destructive actions in face of an unfair world, like the MRS. But its her drive to continue in spite of this unfairness that puts her above both, despite essentially being far from her element as possible. It's this drive that gets Moley to try his best to save her and refute the Despair Novel, even when all Hope seems lost.
She plays an irreplaceable role in Moley's story...and it becomes very tragic when the person she was empathizing with and encouraging just so happened to not only, in a way, be actually brimming with talent, but an aspect of him was essentially using her in order to get closer to killing someone. Even if Moley cared, the main personality of Suzuhiko is cruel to the core that abandons or slays whatever bonds made by his alter in favor of his own connections and goals. Just casualties that had the misfortune of getting invested in a 'lie' or 'unreality'.
Beyond that, Satomi is heavily reminiscent of Sayaka and her role in DR1. Satomi follows in the footsteps of the lead idol by acting as an assistant or companion to a 'normal' guy in a deadly situation created by despairful fanatics. What is noticeably different is their actions under pressure. Sayaka is trapped in a school with the paranoia of being murdered and threat of something have been done to her friends. She's the first student to snap and attempt murder.
For Satomi? She's in a stressful situation in the country where the WDP is mainly taking place, in a village that has been mostly slaughtered save for one guy and is in the presence of a group of murderers who are not only in league with the instigators, but also plan to do the same to her as well. Yet, she doesn't break. She's unnerved, but keeps her cool, even when she gets seriously injured from her accident. It's showing that, despite not being considered to be on par with Sayaka, she does hold a quality that allows her to surpass the Ultimate Pop Sensation in one area.
Personal Thoughts
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(She's in the back)
Satomi is a character I quickly found myself taking a liking too. I'm a sucker for works that flesh out minor characters, especially one who was pretty much just a blip in what was essentially the First Death's motivations. I love how she's the right combination of both optimistic, kinda blunt, yet also takes up after Sayaka and even Ayaka as being idols who are not afraid to throw down if need be. Only person in what is essentially a ghost town? Beat him up with your suitcase and ask questions later! Require answers but no one's answering the door? It's break in time!! Sayaka's group has no chill when it comes to killing games and I love that it is a consistent trait all five share. Kind of makes me ponder if 2 and 3 of their group would have been bludgeoning people during the Tragedy if they got the chance and had to do it. Beyond that, her dynamic with Moley is legitimately one of the most well developed relationships within DRT, and you really for it when Moley is trying his best to save her...
Which is why the 'Suzuhiko Reveal' will always have a sour taste in my mouth. Not only was this connection tossed away for essentially someone akin to Genocide Jack (and not quite good as it like her), Satomi never shows up again. She never manages to reunite Moley/Suzuhiko, there are no scenes in which we can tell she got rescued by someone else, she's just gone from the trilogy. The only reason we know she doesn't die here is because of DR1, but even then its not a huge comfort since her fate is still unknown. The only member of Sayaka's group that was known to be recovered alive was Ayaka.
It's just odd to me. To go out of your way to flesh out someone who had no character, make them extremely likable and never resolve their plotline is just extremely odd. I can appreciate the attempt, but if their story ends with them being essentially ditched and forgotten for another storyline together, well, I can't help but wonder why put effort into them in the first place. The Moleman arc of the book just reeks of thrown out potential for, arguably the worst character of the book, but what's done is done.
Next time: Back to the misc stories of the DRverse!
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64 unique idols are gathered here to see who among them, truly, is worthy of being the top idol. this is a friendly competition and there is no threat of the idoluminati anywhere at all.
Side A:
1: Lily Hoshikawa (Zombieland Saga) vs Pearl (Splatoon) -> Lily Hoshikawa (WINNER!)
2: Minori Hanasto (Project SEKAI) vs Rise Kujikawa (Persona 4) -> Rise Kujikawa (WINNER!)
3: Rosie Mayfield (Style Boutique) vs Misa Amane (Death Note) -> Misa Amane (WINNER!)
4: Idol (Miitopia) vs Amari Katasumi (PriPara) -> Idol (WINNER!)
5: Mona Narumi (Confession Executive Committee) vs Mima Kirgoe (Perfect Blue) -> Mima Kiroge (WINNER!)
6: Rina Tennouji (Love Live!) vs Kanon Ichinose (Girls x Heroine) -> Rina Tennouji (WINNER!)
7: Ayu Yumesaki (Idol Royale) vs Zakuro Fujiwara (Tokyo Mew Mew) -> Zakuro Fujiwara (WINNER!)
8: Iris Sagan (AI: The Somnium Files) vs Sophy Houjou (PriPara) -> Iris Sagan (WINNER!)
9: Tsubasa Kazanari (Symphogear) vs Yumemi Yumemite (Kakeguri) -> Tsubasa Kazanari (WINNER!)
10: Minako Aino (Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon) vs Tae Yamada (Zombieland Saga) -> Tae Yamada (WINNER!)
11: Momo Kisaragi (Kagerou Project) vs Miruki Amauri (Waccha Prigami!) -> Momo Kisaragi (WINNER!)
12: Shion Kamiya (Aikatsu) vs Uta (One Piece) -> Uta (WINNER!)
13: Yoko Okino (Detective Conan) vs Marina Ida (Splatoon) -> Marina Ida (WINNER!)
14: Ai Hoshino (Oshi no Ko) vs Rui Wakaouji (Tokyo 7th Sisters) -> Ai Hoshino (WINNER!)
15: Yukito (Yuki) Orikasa (Idolish7) vs Asahi Mogami (Phantom of the Idol) -> Yuki Orikasa (WINNER!)
16: Onpu Segawa (Ojamajo DoRe) vs Tsubasa Oribe (Fire Emblem) -> Onpu Segawa (WINNER!)
Side B:
1: Nico Yazawa (Love Live!) vs Yū Morisawa (Magical Angel Creamy Mami)
2: Airi Momoi (Project SEKAI) vs Barbara (Genshin Impact)
3: Yuni (Pretty Cure) vs Riamu Yumemi (THE iDOLM@STER)
4: Riku Nanase (Idolish7) vs Utau Hoshina (Shugo Chara!)
5: Urara Kusanago (Pretty Cure) vs Shun Shimotsuki (Tsukiuta)
6: Lisia (Pokémon) vs Maina Ichii (Oshi ga Budokan Ittekuretara Shinu)
7: Mem-Cho (Oshi no Ko) vs Haruka Sawamura (Yakuza)
8: Eri Karan (Digimon) vs Cheri Sono (AKB0048)
9: Arashi Narukami (Ensemble Stars) vs Mira Hanayashiki (Sekko Boys)
10: Jennifer Sumire Sol (Waccha Prigami!) vs Gold Ship (Uma Musume Pretty Derby)
11: Ayu Maruyama (BanG Dream!) vs Kou Seiya (Sailor Moon)
12: Rin Chan (Evillious Chronicles) vs Hiro Hayashi (King of Prism)
13: Ao Yodogawa (Selection Project) vs Akira Kogami (Lucky Star)
14: Ming-Ming (Beyblade) vs Mika Kagehira (Ensemble Stars)
15: Aira Harune (Pretty Rhythm) vs Hina Hikawa (BanG Dream!)
16: Kerori Crocell (Mairimashita! Iruma-kun) vs Sayaka Maizono (Danganronpa)
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rainbow-crane · 3 months
Makoto retains the Protagonist role!
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dashabot · 7 days
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Sorry 🥹
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junkosblunt · 1 year
mukuro ikusaba headcanon of the day
when junko noticed how often mukuro would stare in makoto’s direction at school, she assumed it was because her sister had a crush on him.
but mukuro was never looking at makoto. she was looking at the girl he was always flirting with. she was looking at sayaka.
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Our Danganronpa Fictives
This post is mostly for archive, but also because some of our fictives love talking to new people, especially sourcemates! All of them are around 18 years old in headspace.
Sally Sunshine
Source: Sayaka Maizono (Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc)
Identity: Trans girl + Pansexual + Polyamorous
Pronouns: She/Her
Relationship Status: Dating Scissors Sister and Kiyo ( @gmanwhore )
DNI: Ha/iji To/wa, Leon Kuwata
Please Interact: Mukuro Ikusaba, Chihiro Fujisaki, Makoto Naegi
Ruby Diamond
Source: Mondo Owada (Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc)
Identity: Genderfluid + Bisexual + Polyamorous
Pronouns: He/She/Them
Relationship Status: Single
DNI: Ha/iji To/wa, Doubles, Hifumi Yamada, Byakuya Togami
Please Interact: Chihiro Fujisaki, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Daiya Owada
Jenny Deathkiss
Source: Junko Enoshima (Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc)
Identity: Cis Girl + Lesbian + Polyamorous
Pronouns: She/Her
Relationship Status: Dating Miki Bandage and @angel-beloved
DNI: Ha/iji To/wa, Hifumi Yamada, Sakura Ogami, Byakuya Togami, Hajime Hinata, Tsumugi Shirogane
Please Interact: Mukuro Ikusaba, Celestia Ludenberg, Makoto Naegi, Class 77, The Warrios Of Hope, Monokuma
Scissors Sister
Source: Genocider Syo/Syo Fukawa (Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc)
Identity: Trans Girl + Lesbian
Pronouns: She/They/Scissor
Relationship Status: Dating Sammy Sunshine
DNI: Ha/iji To/wa, The Warriors Of Hope, Byakuya Togami
Please Interact: Kiyondo Ishida, Yasuhiro Hagakure, Toko Fukawa, Komaru Naegi
Alter Ego
Source: Alter Ego/AI Chihiro Fujisaki (Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc)
Identity: Transgirl + Pansexual + Polyamorous
Pronouns: She/Her
Relationship Status: Dating Byakyuya ( @timelessxmemories )
DNI: Ha/ji Towa, Hifumi Yamada
Please Interact: Class 78, Chiaki Nanami, Usami, Kiibo
Ultimate Imposter
Source: Ultimate Imposter/Byakuya Twogami (Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair)
Identity: Non-Binary + Bisexual
Pronouns: Any
Relationship Status: Single
DNI: Ha/iji To/wa, Nagito Komaeda
Please Interact: Ibuki Mioda, Hajime Hinata
Tony Tiramisu
Source: Teruteru Hanamura (Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair)
Identity: Genderfluid + Pansexual + Polyamorous
Pronouns: He/She
Relationship Status: Single
DNI: Ha/iji To/wa, Hifumi Yamada, Hiyoko Saionji, Nagito Komaeda
Please Interact: Mama Hanamura, Ultimate Imposter, Nekomaru Nidai, Akane Owari
Polaroid Lenscap
Source: Mahiru Koizumi (Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair + Talentswap AU - Ultimate ???/Ultimate Hope)
Identity: Trans Girl + Lesbian + Polyamorous
Pronouns: She/Photo
Relationship Status: Single
DNI: Ha/iji To/wa, Doubles, Mukuro Ikusaba, Junko Enoshima, Nagito Komaeda, Izuru Kamakura, Monokuma
Please Interact: Hiyoko Saionji, Ibuki Mioda, Mikan Tsumiki
Miki Bandage
Source: Mikan Tsumiki (Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair)
Identity: Fem Nonbinary + Bisexual
Pronouns: They/Them
Relationship Status: Dating Jenny Deathkiss
DNI: Ha/iji Towa, Hifumi Yamada, Teruteru Hanamura, Nagito Komaeda, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Please Interact: Junko Enoshima, Ultimate Imposter, Mahiru Koizumi, Ibuki Mioda, Hiyoko Saionji, Hajime Hinata
Gloria Snowstorm
Source: Gundham Tanaka (Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair)
Identity: Transfem Nonbinary + Aroace + Pansexual
Pronouns: They/Skull
Relationship Status: In a QPR with Sonia Nevermind
DNI: Ha/iji To/wa, Mukuro Ikusaba, Junko Enoshima, Kokichi Ouma, Tsumugi Shirogane
Please Interact: Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Kiyondo Ishida, Celestia Ludenberg, Ibuki Mioda, Nekomaru Nidai, Sonia Nevermind, Hajime Hinata
Clover Cycle
Source: Nagito Komaeda (Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair)
Identity: Trans Girl + Bisexual
Pronouns: She/Luck/Clover
Relationship Status: Dating Gamergirl Bits
DNI: Ha/iji Towa, Mukuro Ikusaba, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Junko Enoshima, Teruteru Hanamura, Mikan Tsumiki, Hajime Hinata, Izuru Kamakura, Tsumugi Shirogane, Monokuma
Please Interact: Makoto Naegi, Chiaki Nanami, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Kazuichi Souda, Kaede Akamatsu, Shuichi Saihara, The Warriors of Hope
Gamergirl Bits
Source: Chiaki Nanami (Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair)
Identity: Agender + Unlabeled
Pronouns: Any
Relationship Status: Dating Clover Cycle
DNI: Ha/iji Towa, Monokuma
Please Interact: Chihiro Fujisaki, Alter Ego, Class 77, Usami, Kiibo
Kaz Wrench
Source: Kazuichi Souda (Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair)
Identity: Trans Girl + Lesbian + Polyamorous
Pronouns: She/Her
Relationship Status: Single
DNI: Ha/iji Towa, Gundham Tanaka, Nagito Komaeda, Izuru Kamakura
Please Interact: Chihiro Fujisaki, Mondo Owada, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Peko Pekoyama, Ibuki Mioda, Nekomaru Nidai, Akane Owari, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Hajime Hinata, Miu Iruma, Kiibo
Sonia Nevermind
Source: Sonia Nevermind (Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair)
Identity: Transfem Nonbinary + Lesbian
Pronouns: She/They/Bubblegum
Relationship Status: In a QPR With Gloria Snowstorm
DNI: Ha/iji Towa, Mukuro Ikusaba, Junko Enoshima, Kazuichi Souda
Please Interact: Syo Fukawa, Hiyoko Saionji, Gundham Tanaka, Chiaki Nanami, Akane Owari, Angie Yonaga, Korekiyo Shinguji
Alexander Forest
Source: Rantaro Amami (New Danganronpa v3: Killing Harmony)
Identity: Nonbinary + Aroace + Gay
Pronouns: He/They/It
Relationship Status: Single
DNI: Ha/iji Towa, Doubles, Leon Kuwata, Hifumi Yamada, Teruteru Hanamura, Nagito Komaeda, Tenko Chabashira, Kokichi Ouma Tsumugi Shirogane
Please Interact: Sayaka Maizono, Sakura Ogami, Ultimate Imposter, Peko Pekoyama, Nekomaru Nidai, Hajime Hinata, Kaede Akamatsu, Kirumi Tojo, Angie Yonaga, Korekiyo Shinguji, Shuichi Saihara
Melody Keys
Source: Kaede Akamatsu (New Danganronpa v3: Killing Harmony)
Identity: Trans Girl + Bisexual + Polyamorous
Pronouns: She/Piano/Music
Relationship Status: Dating Rosey Thorns
DNI: Ha/iji Towa, Kokichi Ouma, Tsumugi Shirogane
Please Interact: Sayaka Maizono, Ibuki Mioda, Kirumi Tojo, Tenko Chabashira, Miu Iruma, Kiibo
Caroline Webby
Source: Kirumi Tojo (New Danganronpa v3: Killing Harmony)
Identity: Trans Girl + Lesbian
Pronouns: She/Her
Relationship Status: Single
DNI: Ha/iji Towa, Hifumi Yamada, Teruteru Hanamura, Kokichi Ouma
Please Interact: Celestia Ludenberg, Kyoko Kirigiri, Sonia Nevermind, Kaede Akamatsu, Ryoma Hoshi, Miu Iruma
Rosey Thorns
Source: Tenko Chabashira (New Danganronpa v3: Killing Harmony)
Identity: Cis Girl + Lesbian + Polyamorous
Pronouns: She/Rose
Relationship Status: Dating Melody Keys
DNI: Ha/iji Towa, Leon Kuwata, Hifumi Yamada, Yasuhiro Hagakure, Byakuya Togami, Teruteru Hanamura, Nagito Komaeda, Korekiyo Shinguji, Kokichi Ouma, Kaito Momota
Please Interact: Sayaka Maizono, Celestia Ludenberg, Sakura Ogami, Aoi Asahina, Ibuki Mioda, Akane Owari, Kaede Akamatsu, Kirumi Toko, Angie Yonaga, Himiko Yumeno
Source: Kokichi Ouma
Identity: Trans Girl + Bisexual + Polyamorous
Pronouns: She/It/Dice
Relationship Status: Single
DNI: Ha/iji Towa, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Byakuya Togami, Toko Fukawa, Ultimate Imposter, Mahiru Koizumi, Tsumugi Shirogane, Maki Harukawa, Shuichi Saihara
Please Interact: Celestia Ludenberg, Junko Enoshima, Hiyoko Saionji, Mikan Tsumiki, Nagito Komaeda, Miu Iruma, Gonta Gokuhara, Kaito Komota, Himiko Yumeno
@unidentifiable-body @gmanwhore @timelessxmemories @angel-beloved @glitchylaptop
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kaeya-hate · 9 months
Blue Haired Characters That Are Better Than Kaeya Alberich
Assassination Classroom
Nagisa Shiota
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez
Cookie Run Kingdom
Characters with parentheses only have blue hair in certain outfits
Black Pearl Cookie
Cream Puff Cookie(Choir Sweetheart)
Cream Unicorn Cookie
Frilled Jellyfish Cookie
Frost Queen Cookie
Herb Cookie(Frosty Mint)
Icicle Yeti Cookie
Kumiho Cookie
Licorice Cookie
Milk Cookie
Milky Way Cookie
Moonlight Cookie
Parfait Cookie(Feelin’ Blue & Pink)
Pastry Cookie(Shadow Sister)
Peppermint Cookie
Prune Juice Cookie
Pure Vanilla Cookie(Pastel Blue)
Sea Fairy Cookie
Sherbet Cookie
Shining Glitter Cookie
Snow Sugar Cookie
Sorbet Shark Cookie
Squid Ink Cookie
Stardust Cookie
Tiger Lily Cookie
Twizzly Gummy Cookie
Coraline Jones
Sayaka Maizono
Tsumugi Shirogane
Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
Shun Kaido
Fairy Tail
Juvia Lockser
Wendy Marvell
Genshin Impact
Ayato Kamisato
Hatsune Miku: ColorfulStage
Aoyagi Toya
Hinomori Shizuku
Hoshino Ichika
Kiritani Haruka
Shiraishi An
Honkai Star Rail
Dr. Ratio
Sampo Koski
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Kagami Tsurugi
Luka Couffaine
Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Monster High
Ghoulia Yelps
Robecca Steam
Sirena Von Boo
Twlya Boogeyman
My Hero Academia
Iida Tenya
Nejire Hado
My Little Pony
Princess Luna
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Rei Ayanami
Pokemon Franchise
Officer Jenny
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Sayaka Miki
Sailor Moon
Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury
Michiru Kaiou/Sailor Neptune
Sonic The Hedgehog Franchise
Sonic THE Hedgehog
Soul Eater
Hatsune Miku
Yu Yu Hakusho
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