#sawamura oneshot
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13a07s · 9 months ago
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Her Closet
(Daichi Sawamura)
[Artwork is not mine! Credit to Etcetera.art]
Requested by: Myself
Word Count: 3,359
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
I fully believe Daichi's wife would call Sugawara by his first name
I also believe Daichi would never get out of the habit of calling him Suga
Daichi is a bit of a horn-dog in the second part :)
     The door to the station swings open, the old metal squeaking from the movement and catching my attention. I can't see the entrance from my desk, but I sure can hear my sunshine of a wife's laugh, along with my coworker at the front yelling that "Sawamura's old lady is here".
I try my best to keep my smile reasonable but I can't help the huge grin that starts to spread across my face as I approach the front. The whole walk-up is filled with teasing from the other officers but I don't mind, especially when my Sunshine is still giggling at the soft teasing she's receiving. By the time I'm shouldering the door open, my cheeks sting from how big my smile is.
     The door easily gives in, being pushed open just enough for me to peak out. My grin somehow grows at the sight of Sunshine, seeing her swimming in my hoodie and making my heart flutter. It's my work hoodie, MPPF in bold letters over her chest, an outline of a badge in the middle of her stomach, and Miyagi Prefecture Police Force in small letters below it. I know our pledge is stamped into the back of it without having to look.
     "You know those hoodies are for officers only, I could give you a ticket for impersonating," the guy at the desk teases, making my Sunshine laugh again as she shakes her head.
     "I assure you I have impersonated an officer in a lot worse ways than this," she jokes, quickly rushing my thoughts back to the last costume party Asahi hosted. My Sunshine sure did impersonate an office, in a lot worse ways, but I enjoyed every second of it.
     "Sunshine," I quickly call, trying to blink away the memories of the 'after party' we had together.
     "Officer Sawamura," she teases, her eyes and smile pointed at me now. "I was out and about so I grabbed you lunch," she tells me, holding up a take-out bag.
     "Thank you," I mutter, pushing the door open the rest of the way before motioning her forward. "I appreciate it," I add when she gets closer, taking a moment to kiss her cheek as she walks past.
Wolf whistles, pickup lines, and compliments are shot at her by the station as we make our way back to my desk. The light-hearted play only makes me shake my head, giddiness filling my chest the whole of the short walk.
When we get to my desk, I take a moment to pull out one of the chairs from their opposite spot across from mine. Instinctively my hand goes out, waiting for my Sunshine to take it so I can help ease her into the chair. As expected, her hand finds mine, gently holding it as she sinks into the cushions. I keep a hold of her as I push her in, pecking her hand before letting it go.
"Oh, oh, oh, we have a gentleman amongst us men," my senior partner teases, a smug grin on his face as he pokes at me.
"Seems like Officer Sawamura's old lady has him by the balls," one of the younger officers adds.
I ignore the eruption of teasing that follows, sliding across the desk to settle in my chair. "I got you a sandwich," my Sunshine starts the unneeded explanation, slowly unpacking my lunch for me. "And a bag of chips, of course, and a water bottle which I probably didn't need to get but I did anyway."
"Thank you," I repeat, leaning forward to start unwrapping my sandwich. "You didn't get yourself anything?" I ask, looking at her for an answer as I start raising my sandwich to eat. Thoughts of telling her I'm too full to eat my chips are already brewing in the back of my mind.
"I ate while I was out with the girls. There was a sale on those energy drinks you like so I made sure to stock up on them. Oh! And I got new curtains for the kitchen window if you could hang those when you get the chance," she rattles on, moving in her seat to curl up in a lazy, comfy ball.
I swear, everything about this moment makes me fall in love with her all over again. Her mind always thinking about what she can do for others, more specifically me. I could listen to her voice all day long. Plus her excitement over such mundane things is adorable. Add on her inability to sit in a chair like a normal person and I'm back to being the lovestruck high schooler I was when I met her.
"I'll add it to my to-do list," I tell her before taking another bite of my sandwich. If she hadn't caught lunch with her little housewife group I would have given her my chips in a heartbeat, but I'm excited I get to enjoy them myself.
"Whipped," another officer teases, covering up the word with a fake cough. Again, the comment rolls off of me. I don't mind the teasing or the 'hot wife' jokes because I know it's true. I am whipped, at her mercy, willing to do anything she asks.
I also know my Sunshine is a beautiful woman, one who's swimming in my hoodie. It's my hoodie string she's twirling. My hoodie that her hand is shoved under to rest on her stomach. My hoodie she's going to nap in once she gets home. My hoodie everyone has seen her in today, and finally, my hoodie she's going to be wearing when I get my pay back for her costume party reminder.
Seeing her wearing my clothes always brings me back to high school, specifically the first game I invited her to. My Sunshine went all out, tacky but cute pom-poms waving around from the bleachers, tinsel tied into her hair, and my alternate jersey wrapping her fully in orange. We lost, no surprise there seeing how the team didn't start winning any games until my third year, but I was still prideful seeing her so excited to watch me play.
Getting to see my Sunshine support my career brings me the same kind of pride. Seeing her in my work hoodie, at work events, and hearing her say 'My husband, Officer Sawamura,' are the signs in my life that I made it.
     "Koshi called this morning," she utters, eyeing my chip bag. So much for enjoying them myself.
     "Ya? What did you two talk about?" I ask, popping the bag open before giving it to her.
     My Sunshine's eyes lighten up at the gesture, happily taking the chips from me. "He said he's going to go watch the Sendai Frogs play tonight and asked if we were coming too. I told him I'd talk to you and call back with an answer," she explains, slightly shifting in her chair as she eats. It's cute that she squirms when she's enjoying a snack; it's even cuter that she doesn't notice it most of the time.
     "Where's their game at?"
     "Koshi just said it was a home game so I don't know. I can text him and ask," she mumbles, tilting the bag toward me.
     "Their team is stationed here in Miyagi. You can tell Suga we're going," I answer for her, saving my old setter a question. I take a chip from the bag as well, enjoying the excitement melting into her eyes. My Sunshine doesn't know much about volleyball - or any sport, really - but she 'enjoys the environment of a game' which is good enough for the both of us.
     "I'll have to call him back and tell him then. I'll have to go through my - "
     "Our," I interrupt, shaking my head at her excitement.
     "My closet. My clothes are my clothes. Your clothes are my clothes too," she 'corrects' me without missing a beat. Again, I shake my head, this time because I guess my Sunshine is right; she wears my clothes more than I do, so it's her closet. "Anyway, I have to figure out something to wear. It's a volleyball game, right? Koshi invited us to a volleyball game?"
     "Ya," I hum, throwing my trash away before settling back in my chair. My elbow is propped up, my head on my fist as I admire my beautiful wife. The way her hair bounces and catches the sun as she talks, the sparkle of joy in her eyes, and her curled up form on the chair, my hoodie big enough for her to tuck her knees under it in her new position.
     "Oh, good! Do I get to see another one of your old teammates play this time?" My Sunshine asks, sparkly eyes caught on me, her beautiful hair water fully over her knees because of her head resting on her knees now.
     "Tsukishima plays for Sendai," I answer, letting my eyes fall closed for a second. I have four more hours of work, I can't get caught up in my Sunshine's... well, sunshine.
     "Which one is he? I don't remember."
     Slowly, I let my eyes peel open again, her smile being the first thing to catch my attention. "Tall, thin, blonde, glasses," I mutter, glancing around the station. My work mind set is ruined for the day.
     She explodes in a ball of excitement, feet back on the ground as she gushes over my old teammate. "Now I remember! He was one of your baby crows. It was always so fun bantering with him. Always so quick to have a smart mouth."
     I nod my head in agreement, eyes back closed as I run through the information on my newest case, trying to push out everything having to do with my Sunshine.
Lips against mine pull me out of my thoughts, eyes instantly snapping up to be met with her leaning over the desk. She pulls away, a loose smile back on her lips. "I should get going. You have work to do and your partner is itching to talk to you. I'll send you a picture of the outfit I choose. Bye, baby!" My Sunshine chirps, pecking my lips again before she almost skips out of the station.
"'Bye baby'," some of the guys repeat, voices pitched and teasing. Others make kissy noises for a few minutes before it all melts into soft laughter. Despite the joking, all I can think about is what cute outfit my Sunshine is going to pick.
     My footsteps thunder as I race down the block, my watch weighing on my wrist a constant reminder of the time crunch I'm under. Why does the Sendai's match have to start so soon after my shift? Why did my Sunshine have to find my old jersey? Why does she have to wear it to the match? Why did she have to send me a picture of herself in it?
It's been killing me the past few hours, knowing what she's wearing. Knowing she's alone at home. Knowing I have to wait to see her in it. Enjoy her in it. It's been years since she's worn it. Dear lord did all the 'comforting' after my matches and the victory 'celebration' of my third year come rushing back. All because she had to find it hidden away in our closet. In her closet.
     I don't slow down when our house comes into view, if anything I move faster to get inside as soon as possible. When I get to the porch, I struggle with the doorknob for a moment, unable to get it open.
     I can't help the excitement that bubbles in my chest when I do finally manage to get the door open. "My Sunshine?" I yell once I'm through the door, wrestling to kick off my shoes and undo my work vest.
     "Welcome home," she greets, her head poking out from the sitting room. "How was work?"
     "Fine, good, great, work," I mutter, my eyes snagging on the parts of my jersey I can see.
     Sunshine fully rounds the corner, giving me a full view of my clothes on her. The sight makes my hands fumble worse, making it seem impossible to snap my work belt off. "Calm down, baby. It's not going to hurt anyone if we're a few minutes late," she coos, settling in front of me before she helps to snap my belt off. "Guess what? Koshi invited - "
     I cut her off, burying my hand in her hair to pull her into a kiss. A soft him escapes her because of my sudden nice, but the surprise washed away soon after. My Sunshine's hands settle on my chest as she joins the kiss, adding a bit of pressure to counter mine.
     As our kiss carries on, my free hand works on unbuttoning my shirt, fully prepared to leave it on the growing pile of work clothes on the ground. My Sunshine pulls away, sucking in a breath before opening her mouth to speak again. "Daichi, Koshi and - "
     Again, I cut her off, taking a step forward to kiss her. This time she kisses me back right away, gripping the open flaps of my shirt as I finish undoing the last few buttons. "You look beautiful," I murmur when we part, my lips falling to kiss along her jaw as I shrug my shirt off.
     "Thank you, baby, but we have plans and your friends - "
     "I know, it'll be fine. You said it yourself it's not going to hurt if we're a few minutes late," I interrupt, letting my hands start slithering under her shirt. "You look amazing," I repeat, slowly guiding us down the hallway, toward the sitting room.
     "Will you let talk?" She giggles, her arms around my neck now as her body arches in response to my feathery touches.
     "Go ahead," I hum, letting one hand rest on top of her bra, gently squeezing the material and her breast. My other hand starts sliding backward, soaking in as much of my Sunshine's soft skin as it can during its trip towards her ass. I've made quick work of kissing her, slowing down as I start trailing over the dip from her jaw to her neck.
     My mind is a bit preoccupied, set on touching every inch of her and continuing to lead her towards the couch so I can enjoy my beautiful Sunshine and relive some memories from my volleyball days. "Koshi brought Ennoshita to watch the game with us. They got here like ten minutes ago and have been waiting with me for you to get home."
     My mind is no longer preoccupied. My head snaps up, pulling my lips off my wife, so I can scan the room. As promised, Suga and Ennoshita are sitting on the couch, my best friend looking amused and my old underling looking shocked. "Guys," I mutter, after forcing out an awkward cough. I help my Sunshine stand up straight again, fixing my jersey before letting her go. "I was not expecting you."
     "I can see that," Suga teases, a huge grin on his face.
     "I texted you," Ennoshita mutters softly, barely loud enough to hear. He waves his phone around, our messages open as proof. "Apparently you didn't get it."
     "I probably did," I murmur, scratching the back of my head as I look away from my friends. My eyes settle on my Sunshine. Her teeth are messing with her bottom lip, cheeks fleshed as she looks at the wall. "I'm going to go change. I'll be right back," I grumble, pecking her cheek before I walk out of the room.
     "I'm surprised you're not taking your wife with you!" Suga yells after me, a chuckle following his teasing. Sunshine scolds him, the sound of her lecture being cut off when I close our bedroom door.
     I lean against the closed door, hands jumping up to my face as if they could rub the embarrassment off. When my hands fall away, my eyes end up landing on our - her - closet. As expected, clothes are littered around the room, my Sunshine's inability to decide on an outfit being evident. "I can't believe I did that," I whisper to the emptiness, shaking my head before I jump into action. I need to change so we can get going. My Sunshine, me, and our friends I just embarrassed us in front of.
     "Tsuki!" Yamaguchi and my Sunshine both scream, the two of them leaning over the rails as they cheer for him. Suga and I both shake our heads at them.
Yamaguchi notices the joking disapproval, his cheeks fleshing as easily as they did in high school. My Sunshine doesn't though, she's in her universe, shaking the green and yellow pom poms she bought as she cheers for the middle blocker.
I love seeing her at games. Seeing her so energized, so excited, so happy to support someone she knows. I haven't decided what I enjoy more; having her cheer for me or getting to watch her cheer for someone else. Probably the latter, since I get to enjoy it instead of having to focus on the game I'm playing.
"Baby!" She chirps, lunging at me. Her hands land on my knees, pom poms and all, as she looks up at me, the usual excited spark in her eye.
"Sunshine?" I hum, sliding my fingers through her hair, being careful not to pull on any of the tinsel she tied into her locks. It's nice but almost sorrowful seeing her dressed up like this again. I should get her a Sendai jersey before we leave.
She makes a kissy face, the sound picking up just enough for me to hear it. A soft grin spreads on my face at her request, a request I have no problem fulfilling for her. My fingertips twirl the end of her hair as I lean down, pecking her lips like she wants.
A happy giggle spills from my Sunshine as she sits upright, eyes cast to the court for a second before they're back on me. "I'm hungry."
"Okay, Sunshine," I utter, pecking her lips again before I stand up. "I'll be right back."
"Where are you going?" Suga asks, his eyes not pulling away from the players on the court.
"To get my Sunshine some food," I answer, starting the careful descent out of the bleachers, set on not trip on anyone or thing.
"I'll come with," he says, already on his feet so he can trial after me.
It takes a while, but we both manage to get out of the bleachers without an accident. "Should I be expecting a third Sawamura soon?" Suga asks, flashing me one of his grins.
     "I just got excited seeing her in my jersey after so long. That's all," I answer, trying to push down the embarrassment crawling up my neck.
     "Sure you did," he chuckles, shaking his head at me. "You know, I thought you were insane when you told me you were going to propose after graduation."
     "I know, you told me at least twenty times," I grumble, rolling my eyes at the memory of all the lectures I got from him. Suga was not on board with the idea of us getting married right out of high school.
     "And now I can't help but be impatient with you two. When are you going to give me a niece or nephew?"
     "I don't think that's any of your business," I snap, the heat winning and coating my cheeks. "You're just as bad as my mom."
     Suga shrugs, a grin still on his face. "Maybe your Sunshine is trying to get you to give her a baby. Wearing your clothes and all that."
Now it's my turn to chuckle, shaking my head back at my friend. "The closet is fully Sunshine's. It's her closet, her clothes, I just borrow them sometimes."
"You definitely did not get over that love sickness did you? I thought you'd kick it after graduation."
No, I did not get over it, and probably never will.
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rosepuding · 2 months ago
Packing | Sawamura Daichi
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TW: Suggestive, Volleyball Idiots
WC: 1k
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"Daiiiiiiiiichi," a voice calls to the captain from the other side of the club room. Tanaka had a magazine propped up in his lap and let out another groan upon reading the article yet again. "If I got an article like this I'd get so many girls," He continues in a whining tone.
"If you're so upset about it stop reading," Daichi strips the sweaty shirt off of his toned chest before throwing it into Tanaka's face. Daichi snags the magazine and skims the article.
Another groan emits from Tanaka's lips as he peels off Daichi's sticky shirt from his face. "You already have a girlfriend so you don't understand my woes."
A corner of Daichi's mouth tugs upwards. How could it not? It had barely been a month since you two started dating, yet he was certain of one thing, he was madly in love with you. Not only that, but he no longer had to deal with the so called 'woes' that Tanaka has to deal with.
Daichi feels a finger poke his cheek lightly. "Look! He's blushing," Suga coos. Daichi rolls his eyes and shoves his hand away.
"Am not."
"Are too."
"That is not the issue at hand!" Tanaka bursts in between the two, wanting all the the attention to fall back to him. "This is unfair! He has an entire article about him. Think about all the chicks he's getting! And you just know he's packing too."
A few hums of agreement sound around the club room while Daichi's eyebrows knit together. "He's what?"
"Packing," Tanaka says again, slower this time. Daichi only tilts his head, showing his confusion further. "You know," Tanaka gestures to the lower half of Daichi.
"No, I don't," He sighs and grabs another shirt from his bag, throwing it over his head. "I don't understand your strange second-year terminology."
"C'mon Daichi, even I know what that means," Asahi peeps up.
"Then what does it mean?"
"Lets just say-" Noya starts, "-we all think you're packing too."
The room erupts into laughter while Daichi looks between everyone in confusion. "Maybe we should ask {l/n}?" Suga snickers and slings his bag over his shoulder.
"I think I saw her outside waiting for Daichi on my way in."
Suga and Daichi exchange glances, just before Suga bursts out the door, the rest of Karasuno shortly in tow with catcalls and hollars.
"{l/n}!" Suga calls while racing down the steps towards you.
Furrowing your eyebrows, you wonder how the team functions off of seemingly a singular brain cell. The rest of the boys gather around you, with your boyfriend nowhere in sight.
"We have a question," Noya starts.
You sighs. This wasn't the first time something like this had happened. Ever since you got together with their captain, occurrences, where they would ask you questions about your relationship or about Daichi in general, were normal. You weren't sure if it was because of their strange obsession with each other or the nearly cult-like dynamic the team held.
"What is it?"
The second years and Sugawara giggle between themselves, "{Y/N}, is Daichi packing?"
Your jaw pops open at his question. The audacity of these boys to ask you about something so vulgar. You take a quick moment to say thank you to any higher being who brought you to Daichi instead of these imbeciles.
Daichi comes up beside you and slings an arm around your waist to pull you into his side. You throw a mildly annoyed look at his team, before meeting the eyes of your handsome man. "Hi baby," you send him a cheeky smile.
Daichi glances between you and the team, specifically their looks of mischievous anticipation. "Did they ask you about the packing thing?" That his team them over the edge, as each of them, save for Tsukishima who did not find any humor in all of this.
"Why're they asking me?"
"I'm not sure, I don't even know what it means."
Of course he doesn't. "Why are you asking me?" You turn to the team.
"Well, we all think Daichi's packing, we thought you may be the only one to know."
You scoff. The lack of boundaries these boys had was unbelievable. Seriously, Daichi had only introduced you to them last week. However, a smirk curves onto your lips. "I'm not sure actually," You cock your head to the side, "I suppose though, for the sake of scientific research, we should go on and find out."
You grab the sleeve of Daichi's jacket and practically drag him away from his team, leaving all of them gob smacked behind you, save for Suga, who continued to cat call you until you were out of earshot.
"What was that all about?"
You don't answer, but instead, continue to walk towards your house which thankfully, was only a short ways away from the school.
Daichi and you finally reach your door where you open it and beckon him inside. Closing it, Daichi turns to you, "Is someone going to tell me what packing means?"
You had lost a bit of your confidence now it was just the two of you in your home. Alone. "Can't you just google it or something?"
"I could-" He grabs your hand and twirls you around, making you place your hands onto his chest for stability, "-but that's not nearly as fun." He peers down at you with the same dark brown eyes that make you swoon every time you look into them. He leans down and captures your lips in his for a quick kiss, he tastes like rosemary and comfort. "Plus, this is making you sassy, but flustered, and you're cute when you're flustered."
You bury your face into his toned chest and emit a groan as he wraps his free hand around your waist, pulling you closer to him. "Fine," You say after a few moments."Packing means you have a huge dick," You say very quickly before breaking away from him and running through your house squealing.
Daichi throws his head back with laugher while racing after you until he grabs your waist and pulls you against his chest, his cheek against yours with an adoring smile on his face.
"You're too cute {y/n}," He says while pressing kisses from your cheek down to your collarbone.
"Daichi," You whine and shove his head away.
"I am you know," He murmurs against your neck.
"You're what?"
"I think you already know."
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suplicyy · 8 months ago
What kind of aesthetic do you think the characters go for? Like what aesthetic would they be attracted to in a partner, purely based on vibes. You can answer this sinply as an ask, or create hcs out of it, completely up to you :-)
Type of "aesthetics" that Haikyuu boys would like in a partner
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— Summary: Vibes/aesthetics that the characters would like in a partner, whether due to clothes, personality, tastes, etc.
— Multiple characters!!
— Fluff | Gn!Reader
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ᡴꪫ₊˚⊹. 》 He would certainly fall in love instantly with someone very lively, extroverted and playful, someone who shared his same chaotic personality, joining in on his crazy ideas. His ideal type of date would definitely be busier places, such as amusement parks, arcades, festivals, etc.
Someone who wasn't afraid to express themselves in with vibrant colors, even if it makes you the center of attention. The most important thing is that you can wear clothes and accessories that express your personality and lifestyle!
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— hinata, nishinoya, inuoka, lev, goshiki, koganegawa, bokuto.
ᡴꪫ₊˚⊹. 》 Someone shyer, cute, almost as if they just came out of a shoujo anime, certainly catches his attention. A person who has a loving personality, and who cares about him, makes his heart skip a beat.
Many of your dates would be something simpler, like a picnic or a day watching movies at home, but these are the moments when you create the sweetest memories. <3
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— sugawara, kageyama, kenma, tendou, osamu, aone, oikawa.
ᡴꪫ₊˚⊹. 》 Someone who has a unique style and way of thinking, in a perfect balance between chaos and tranquility. One moment you would perhaps be at a show, and the next you would be walking through the deserted streets at dawn, uncovering the secrets that the dawn hides in the shadows.
A person who was bold, both in personality and in the way of dressing and expressing themselves, but who gave off a strange feeling of comfort.
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— iwaizumi, kyoutani, semi, atsumu, suna, kuroo, taketora.
ᡴꪫ₊˚⊹. 》 He are looking for someone who is mature and responsible, and who has a calm personality, but don't forget to remind him every day and in every possible way that you love him. Be it song lyrics, quotes in books, and even drawings, you would always find a new way to make him rosy-cheeked.
Whether in a coffee shop, library or museum, he would always feel calm and comfortable with your presence, because just you being by his side was enough for him.
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— asahi, daichi, tsukishima, ushijima, shirabu, kita, akaashi.
꒷꒦︶꒷꒦︶ ๋ ࣭ ⭑꒷꒦꒷꒦︶꒷꒦︶ ๋ ࣭ ⭑꒷꒦꒷꒦︶꒷꒦︶ ๋ ࣭ ⭑꒷꒦
— A/N: I'm sorry if that wasn't exactly what you wanted, this "aesthetics" thing I don't really understand because it's a very vague concept, so I tried my best to write something that could include everyone who is reading!!
Besides, this is my first time writing in this type of style, so I'm sorry again if it's not good💔 And if a character you like isn't here, you're free to imagine which one of these he would fit into!
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clawsdevour · 7 months ago
the moon's reunion
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wc: 3.9k content warning: fluff, manager!reader x captain!daichi, oneshot, not proofread
note: hihi this is for the previous request i responded to. i actually LOVED THIS IDEA. while i was writing and brainstorming i literally was like smiling the whole time bc i thought this was so cute (literally js boyfriend daichi being adorable)
࣪ ౨ৎ˚₊ ♡︎︎
Transferring from another school to Karasuno. Your heart was set on Karasuno’s boys volleyball team, especially since you wanted to find your own people at this brand new school. At your last school you worked alongside with their volleyball team as their manager, thinking you’d fit right in with the volleyball team. You’ve already talked it out with the school’s coach, going over what you’ll be doing and introducing you to Yachi, a first year and Kiyoko, your upperclassman whom you’ll be cooperating with throughout the school year.
Right outside of the gym doors, you could hear their shoes squeaking, balls being hit and received along with a lot of yelling exchanged throughout the courts. This was it, the opportunity to make friends at this school. The lump in your throat was forming out of anxious thoughts. Counting down when to open the doors.. 3, 2.. 1.
“E-Excuse me..! I’m going to be your new manager from here on out!” You slid the door wide open with a bang as it recoils, the balls drop down catching everyone’s attention. It was silent the moment you introduce yourself, heads turned in your direction as you shouted. Your head is bowed all the way down, too nervous to look up at who’s staring back from within. The quietness in the gym was broken when Coach Ukai sauntered down to you, you slowly rose up to see his tall figure and bleached blonde hair.
“Attention everyone. Starting from today, meet the new addition to our team. She’s going to be working as one of our managers. You all better treat her with respectful or it’s conditioning for you all!” Cowering down, as Ukai points and shouts at the team on court before fully welcoming you with a tender slap on the back.
There your job as manager came naturally to you, eventually starting to feel like your second home. Refilling the boys’ waterbottles with Kiyoko and Yachi while gossiping on the way, making sure the volleyballs were in mint condition before all of their practices, setting up the volleyball nets amongst giggles. Sometimes you found yourself cutting up fruit for them to regain their energy. You felt like you actually managed to fit in at school, especially in Karasuno’s gym. 
The boys loved your energy even though you sometimes felt like you lack the same level of charisma that they have. You often realized that you talk the most with Nishinoya, their libero who’s also the same grade as you. Noya is just the easiest to strike the conversation with alongside Hinata, they’re both balls of energy. They didn’t judge you one bit for being on the more socially timid side, but would rather hype you up and you were grateful for it because they made you feel so much more confident in yourself.
Despite getting along with those two the most, you actually conversed the most with Daichi Sawamura, the boys’ volleyball captain and a third year. You notice that he’s always thankful for you, even if you’re just handing him his water bottle he’d praise you for working so hard. Sometimes when he doesn’t see his teammates give you the same gratitude as he does, he playfully forces it on them. You couldn’t tell if it’s because he wants you to feel welcomed since you’re still new, or maybe because he has deep respect for his underclassmen even though you’re just a second year. There’s also this lingering thought floating in your mind, Maybe he likes me?
When it came to all of the third years’ graduation, you can’t help but cry out happy tears for them. You were so happy to see such a flourished friendship that was created in such a short amount of time go just like that. Seeing them all nice and fancy, you can tell they were all also trying their hardest not to start sobbing as they’re holding tightly onto their flowers while taking photos. The whole boys’ volleyball team gathered in the gym after the ceremony to personally commemorate the four with small awards, gifts and words of gratitude. 
“Thank you guys for believing in me as your captain and as a person. Working with you all.. Brings me to tears knowing I won’t be back next year to see you all grow as people and my teammates. Remember to work hard!” Daichi’s face was stern and serious with a big smile to hide behind his watery eyes that peered around the familiar faces. His eyes landed on yours and didn’t move one bit.
Lining up for hugs before leaving the gym, you were the last to hug him. Stepping closer to him, he’s already staring at you with a joyful smile plastered on his lips with his strong arms opened nice and big for a tight hug. Reciprocating his energy, you lean into his warm embrace as his arms wrap around you.
“Daichi.. Thank you for welcoming me into the team and rooting for me. I promise I’m gonna take care of this team..” mumbling into his shoulder as you feel his head nod into yours, feeling his deep breaths rise and fall on top of your body The hug felt longer than the one he gave the others, everyone had already left the gym when it was your turn.
When you pull away from his embrace, you see that he’s got tears forming at the bottoms of his eyes. Upon seeing your shocked face, he’s wiping his tear droplets on to his sleeve with a tiny ‘sorry, haha’. You’re walking him out, while having a light conversation with him.
“This may be the last time we’ll be like this.. It’s a small wish. But, please let me walk you home.” At the entrance of Karasuno, you usually part paths going the opposite way after practice, he wants to savour every last moment with you.
You agree to let him walk you home, it was dark out and such a hot and humid walk back. The awkwardness between you and him since you first met was barely even there anymore, it was completely transparent. You both were so happy that school was over and for this little moment of peace after the storm together. You both laughed and shared some hidden secrets you’ve kept throughout the school year until you were at your doorstep, bowing down to him with your respect ‘til he waved his last goodbye.
A year passes by with your usual school life at Karasuno, except how you’ve become a third year alongside with Nishinoya, Tanaka, Ennoshita, Kinoshita, and Narita. The gym was always still pumping with excitement and joy whenever it was time to practice, especially now that more first years were interested in joining the volleyball team. You were placed in Kiyoko’s position as the head manager with Yachi still working alongside you. Time and time continued to pass, you made sure to enjoy every second with your people before it was time for you to graduate. Still, you were unsure of what you wanted to do when you leave your second home at Karasuno.
In the larger, decorated gym. The heat was radiating as people rushed in to greet their children before the ceremony began. A few friendly faces caught your attention. Was that Sugawara just now? With Asahi and– His eyes stared back into yours. Without a doubt it was Daichi, he came back to watch his teammates graduate. You felt this strange overwhelming feeling of happiness and excitement when you specifically saw him. 
“Daichi!!!” you break out of your shyness to flail your hand at him, his grin grew wider when you acknowledged him. He was headed towards you pushing around with a few excuse me’s, he brought Asahi and Sugawara with him to come and congratulate you. 
“Hey there new face, congratulations!!! It’s like we just met you the other day and now you’re gonna be on that stage with your name being called out like us!” You’re all catching up before the ceremony begins. At some point you noticed that Sugawara and Asahi drifted off to meet with the others. Asahi was about to spot Noya and started chattin with him like there wasn’t a year put against their friendship. Sugawara’s mingling with the crowd flashing his soft smile all around.
The announcement that directed families and friends to their seats meant that it was time to step away from Daichi and rejoin with the third years. A wave and smile was exchanged between you two before parting ways to new paths. 
When your ceremony was over, you can’t help but have this grimace expression on your face knowing that that hole in your heart which was filled, was now aching knowing that you have to behind your friends. You’re looking down, walking out of the gym until you saw a pair of familiar shoes appear in your field of vision. I know those shoes.. Why do I know those shoes… looking up, it was no one else but Daichi, whose been waiting for you outside of the gym. Staring at him, he was more timid than he was earlier and it was written all over his face.
“Haha, hey you! What’re you still doing out here? You look as scared as I was when I first transferred here” You’re giggling at him with your hands behind your back. His face gradually turned into a shade of pink, his hands were a bit shaky as he reached out to you with flowers.
“Look.. I think that you’re an amazing person. And I really know this may be a fifty-fifty chance for me but, I really like you and what to know you more. Ever since I met you, I thought you were hardworking and very loving… it motivated me to become better.” He’s gazing at you with his firm and beady eyes, nudging the flowers closer to you. You’re in awestruck, always on the line of thinking about how others thought of you but you never realized the impact that you could make on them. Filled with joy, you’re absolutely moved to tears.
“We can take this slow.. So, how about going on a date with me?” Daichi delivers his words steadilyin the heat of the moment upon seeing your positive reaction. The crickets echoed while the warm wind brushes against you both. Taking the flowers from his shaky hands, you cried out a clear and loud YES!! While launching yourself onto him for a big bear hug. You feel his face morph into his big toothy grin as he’s swaying you in the air.
Before your fresh start in college to start earning your degree, you’ve been non-stop texting and calling with Daichi to plan out your date now that it’s summer. You often find yourself smiling at your phone or kicking your feet when you see his text notification pop up. You were just so head over heels for him as he was when he met you. However, you’ve both haven’t said anything about your current developing relationship to the rest of the others. 
Arriving at the place he was going to meet you at, you saw his tall and broad figure standing near the entrance. Daichi’s more pampered than usual, wearing a simple but clean outfit that showed off his muscular build with a bag over his shoulder. He’s on his phone before he tilts up at you strutting down towards him, his face lights up just looking at you.
“Daichi!!” You’re calling out to him, speeding up your walking pace as you closed the distance between you two. He’s chuckling with his big smile, arms open for a hug which you gladly accept. Stepping back, you lock your hand around his forearm and lead him into the entrance with an excited Let’s go!
Handing in the tickets to the worker, the cool air hits your skin the moment you walk in. The blue lights of the aquarium hit your face while Daichi’s glancing down at you to admire how he got so lucky with you. Despite his calm and happy facial expressions, deep down he was a scared and nervous wreck, he wants everything to go well when he’s with you.
You’re both walking around the aquarium hand in arm, looking at the cool and erotic fish being displayed through the glass walls as you chatter together. Making a full loop around, you returned by the entrance again. You cleared your throat to tell him that you need to use the restroom before you both leave the building for dinner, he’s standing outside waiting for you while he’s taking out his phone to message someone.
So far, he’s only told Sugawara about his advances toward his relationship with you, making sure to update him and ask him for advice about what to do and not to do. You’re in the restroom staring at yourself in the mirror after you’ve washed your hands. You took this time as an opportunity to give yourself a pep talk out of anxiety, reminding yourself to be confident and talk to him like how you usually do as a way to keep your cool. 
“Sorry, I didn’t take too long did I?” blurting out, as you head towards him as you nervously make an attempt to hold his hand as you walked. Your heart is pounding like crazy. Success! He’s shaking out a no, with a pleasant smile while he subtly swings around your hand with each step.
“Shall we head to dinner and walk around the area after?” You agreed to a nice warm supper, heading out of the aquarium. This time, with his hand tightly holding onto yours. Oh boy the way you made his heart almost skip with that action, he couldn’t keep the smile off his face. Your hand fit into his like a glove, as if you were made for each other.
Dinner goes well as you both chowed down on the most delicious food you’ve ever eaten while being able to break the tense tension that lingered. You ordered something different than his, though his dish did look more appetizing. At some point he caught you eyeing his food and offered you a taste. Opening your mouth, expecting him to spoonfeed you some, he’s snickering at your cute antics while he scoops it up for you. 
“Is it good?” Daichi’s content watching you try his food with that happy expression. Nodding out a yes, you urge him to try your dish by pushing to towards him before you completely destroyed it with your appetite.
Daichi pays off the bill even though you argued within to split, of course he won. Both of you walk out to take a little stroll in hopes of helping you digest the big meal you just had as the sky continued to darken. Stumbling upon a little park, you sit on the swing breathing in the crisp cool air as he does the same. 
“I had so much fun today.. I didn’t think this would happen at all when I first moved here Daichi.” You’re eyeing him, then back at the full moon that casting its light onto you. You giggle to yourself, thinking about how grateful you are and how far you’ve come while making your bestfriends along the way.
“I, did too. Um.. You know, the moon?” His face is tilted towards yours, admiring your beauty that was glowing in the moonlight. You’re facing him with a puzzled look on your face, awaiting to see what he’s about to say next.
“What about the moon?” Daichi’s breathing in a big deep breath.
“Well, the moon. It’s beautiful isn’t it?” All of your attention lands on him, realizing he wasn’t talking about the god damn moon at all. He was talking about you. You can’t help yourself but have all these feelings swell up inside you, unable to resist grinning out of glee before whispering a small I love you, too.
You’re both sitting there on the swings with a flushed and surprised look on your faces. I can’t believe that just happened.. We just confessed to each other like that. You’re both basking in the moment of silence and the clanking of the swings with the mix of the quiet and awkward atmosphere. Daichi’s breaking the silent when he clears the lump in his throat.
“Um.. so– If I may, can I do the honor and be your boyfriend” standing his ground, his eyes are jittering but filled with his sheer will that peered into your soul. His words echoed in your ears as you tried to absorb the question he just asked you. This was what you’ve been waiting for. You’re so happy you’re eyes are watering as your try to dab the tears off with your sleeve as you sniffle.
“Yes.. Daichi, you can!” clasping your hands over your mouth as you pleaded at him. Hearing your words, he’s never been happier than playing on the court with his team. Daichi’s helping you up from the swing as you wrap your arms around his neck, looking up at him with a massive beam as his eyes soften to look at you with a gentle smile. From there, he’s walking you back home, like that time where he graduated during that hot summer night. 
Another year passes by, you and Daichi are both doing well in college despite going to different campuses. Every few weeks its either you or him at each others’ doorstep to go on your little dates. Any little thing that came between your relationship with Daichi was always overcomed by the strong communication you both shared with each other. That was until you’ve both received an invitation in the mail from Coach Ukai. It’s been two years, what would Coach want from us if we’ve both already graduated?
Upon opening the letter, you recognize the cute hand writing. It was Yachi’s! You’re filled with excitement as you tore the little letter out of the envelope. The first characters read: YOU’VE BEEN INVITED TO KARASUNO’S BOYS VOLLEYBALL BANQUET!! You were beyond wowed when you realized you’re gonna be able to see your underclassmen as third years. Obviously, you rushed to RSVP with the number attached at the bottom of the letter. You immediately texted Daichi about the reunion that was planned by Coach, and the remaining third years. 
You’re up texting him and the others who’ve also graduated about how nice it’s gonna be to see them again. That was when you registered in your mind that you’re gonna have to tell them all that you’re now dating Daichi, their former team captain! In shock, you messaged him that you’re both gonna have to reveal this long, awaited secret of yours.
Days seemed to fly by, and the day of the reunion crept closer and closer. The day of, you invited Daichi over to get ready with you. This wasn’t the first time having him in your house, your parents love him, especially making him do chores around your house. You reach the bottom of the stairs to put on your shoes when you heard the vacuum being turned on in the living room, that’s definitely him being put to work, laughing to yourself as you call out his name with your hand on the front door. 
Walking towards the front entrance of your high school, memories flooded towards you. It was like the first day of school again, your heart racing out of your chest. Daichi notices that you’re started to tense up and puts his hand over your waist to calm you down as he slows down your walking pace.
“Don’t be so nervous. We know these people. Let’s walk in and make them remember who we are.” Daichi’s gingerly smiling at you with a slight flick of light in his eyes, waiting for your reaction as you mumbled at him with a little Mhm.
The gym doors were open wide, welcoming the people who walked in before you. Letting out a deep sigh, you boldly followed after them with Daichi’s big hand around your waist. Everyone’s eyes lit up when they saw you two walk in. Especially Nishinoya who shushed Tanaka with his finger to stare at you both. One by one people started to swarm up to you two, darting down questions for you and Daichi to answer as if they were paparazzi. Luckily, Yachi’s able to pull you out of the crowd and onto the side leaving, Daichi scratching his head trying to respond to them all.
“Oh my gosh!!! Are you and Daichi a THING??? Why haven’t you told me anything!!!” Yachi’s shaking you by your arms as you laughed out loud. It’s been so long since you’ve seen your favorite underclassman, she’s grown up to take up yours and Kiyoko’s position as head manager of the boys volleyball team. You’re practically beaming with delight as you try to dodge as many questions as possible. The flood of people dispersed when you tried to take a glance back at Daichi.
Your boyfriend was in the corner talking to Nishinoya and Tanaka. They both had the most shocked appearance on their faces as they completely ran over to interrogate your boyfriend. You could hear them shout across the gym with a couple loud HUH’s and WHAT?? You couldn’t really believe it either, transferring in from another school, to dating the boys’ volleyball captain after you graduated. Not to mention how socially awkward you were when you first introduced yourself. 
Yachi walks you over to the selection of food you could choose from to plop onto your plate as she grabs herself a drink. You’re sitting at the table across from her, catching up and asking about how the team’s been after your year left, waiting for Daichi to soon accompany you. Right as you thought about him you feel a hand on your shoulder, turning back he’s holding a plate of food as he sits next to you, greeting Yachi. Though, he wasn’t the only one who sat down at your table.
Nishinoya and Tanaka had both raced over when they realized Daichi wasn’t standing in front of them when they looked back for a second. They both sat next to Yachi, now the three are all looking at you both with squinty eyes. Nishinoya and Tanaka look at each other before leaning in towards you and Daichi. 
“Aren’t you both gonna tell us what’s been going on and how you two ended up this way huh?? Putting the moves on our manager like that, former captain?” Tanaka’s jokingly questioning Daichi with his face inching closer while Daichi’s nervously laughing. Sugawara, who’s sitting behind you guys hears Tanaka’s voice over the gym’s murmurs and looks back to place a hand on Daichi’s shoulder. Daichi’s eyes make eye contact with Sugawara’s and your gaze. He was seeking for your approval before telling the team how you’ve come to be, to which you happily agreed to reveal to them.
“Well.. look. Actually, I’ll start from the beginning.” Daichi’s voice echoed in the heated room, catching the attention of others sitting at the tables near yours as they kept silent to hear your little love story unravel.
masterlist here
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dreadnoughtus101 · 2 months ago
do you have some headcanons where the reader is one of Daichi's younger sisters who's also a first year and is dating Tsukishima?
Head Canons
Dating Tsukishima as Daichi's younger sister
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He would not like it when he finds out you two were dating
Would probably try to convince you to leave him
For the first few weeks after finding out, he treats Tsukishima more stricter than the others
Tsukishima would probably just roll his eyes and say whatever.
The whole team would make fun of Daichi for "allowing" it to happen
Tsukishima would probably be very hesitant to start dating you because you're his captains younger sister
Would definitely wait for you to make the first move
Daichi would have the "What are your intentions with my sister?" talk with him
The whole team would be ready to fight Tsukishima if he hurt you
Daichi constantly making sure he treats you well
Daichi would EVENTUALLY get over it, and start giving Tsukishima tips on ways to make you happy
"Y/n, why is he at our house AGAIN?!"
Still hates whenever he comes over
Preaches safe sex to you constantly and asks you once a month if you're pregnant
If he ever see's you crying, he automatically assumes it's because of him
"What did he do?!" "Nothing..? I just saw a sad cat video.."
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lcvemiyuki · 9 months ago
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"nostalgia and night patrols" | daichi, hq
𓂃𓂃𓂃𓊝 ࿐𓂃𓂃𓂃
content: after years apart, a chance encounter with your childhood crush, daichi, leads to a night that opens up a box of unspoken feelings for you; welcome home, y/n.
warnings: fluff, high school classmates to ??, timeskip!daichi, f!reader, y/n is clingy+touchy while drunk, drinking, light cursing
character(s): daichi
word count: 2878
a/n: rewrote this 3-4 times...but timeskip!daichi mmmmm. (not proofread!)
art cred: @/W4W7o (on twt)
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
the moon gleams down onto miyagi as you and your friends celebrate your success in opening up your own business. it was only a matter of time before you built something from the ground up, fulfilling a promise you made to yourself to visit your hometown once your shop opened. its been five years since you’ve last been home. you were determined to come back and make your friends and family proud.
keep pushing forward, even when it gets tough.
it pulls at your heartstrings every time; what was he up to these days?
𓇢𓆸 later that night
the bell chimes once more as customers pour into the chaotic restaurant; dishes piling up on each table as work ends for every adult.
“i think that's enough for tonight, y/n!” your friend exclaims in concern while rubbing circles on your back.
what started with light drinking and bubbly laughter ends with your face down on the cold, metal table. your friends worryingly nudge you, fearing the last round might make you hurl.
your raven-haired friend nervously laughs, and you only make groaning noises as a sign of life. “okay! are you ready to take this lightweight home?” she claps her hands together, directing the conversation to the girl with curls framing her face, whose eyebrows furrow in worry for you.
the three of you soon exit the busy restaurant, and you wave your hand in the air, hoping your words reach the owner. “thank you for your service!” your friends stifle a chuckle as they cage you in and hold you up.
“i hope she wakes up and gives us a hundred bucks each for this tomorrow,” the raven-haired girl jokes as she struggles to hold up her end. a sigh heaves on the other side as the curly-haired girl tries to blow her curls out of her face.
as you stumble down the quiet, moonlit street, your intoxicated state makes you a challenging companion. you occasionally mumble incoherent words, your legs wobbling and causing your friends to adjust their grip frequently. you are a comical sight, half-laughing, half-struggling, as you make your way through the sleepy town.
“maybe we should have just gotten a cab,” the curly-haired friend mutters, her breath visible in the chilly night air.
“no way, we’re almost there,” the raven-haired girl replies, though the strain in her voice suggests otherwise.
just as you turn the corner, you almost bump into a tall figure. the streetlight illuminates his familiar features—daichi sawamura. his eyes widen in surprise, then soften in recognition.
“daichi!” the curly-haired friend exclaims, relief washing over her. “perfect timing. can you help us get y/n home? she’s, well, had a bit too much.”
“oh yeah, suprise! y/n’s home.” the other one chimed in, her free hand doing jazz hands.
at the sound of the oh-so-familiar name, you lift your head just enough to peek through your eyelashes.
he looks so grown up now. the light blue uniform clings to his form, the short sleeves seemingly inadequate for the freezing night. yet, he stands unbothered by the cold, a picture of unwavering composure. his broad shoulders fill out the fabric with ease, and the muscles of his arms bulge slightly, pressing against the tight sleeves. in the dim light, his presence is commanding, a blend of strength and tranquility, as if the cold air dares not touch him.
you audibly gasp, a hiccup or two crawling out of your throat.
“desk-mate!” you slur, your words slightly muddled as you throw yourself at him, intoxication evident in the lack of coordination in your movements.
daichi's muscles tense momentarily at the unexpected weight crashing into him, but he quickly steadies himself. his fingerless, black-gloved hand finding its place on your head with a gentle pat. an awkward laugh bubbles from his lips as he glances at your amused friends, one of whom is already lifting her phone to capture the hilarious scene, while the other attempts to push the phone back down.
“hey, easy there,” he chuckles softly. his tone, slightly raspy and warm, makes you straighten up slightly as he tries to guide you to compose balance.
“it’s nice to see you too, y/n,” he adds with a warm smile, his hand continuing to smooth your hair out in a playful yet reassuring manner. his gaze flickered briefly to your friends who are now fully engaged in their mock make-out session; hands crossed and on their backs rubbing all over the place as if it were someone else's.
you don’t say a word as if you could even make out any of the conversation—your heart drumming is to blame.
despite his attempts to help you stand up straight, you droop your head back down. your giggles mixing with the chilly night air as you lean heavily against him.
with practiced ease, daichi catches your stumbling frame once more, positioning himself for you to climb onto his back.
“all right, y/n, can you hop on? i can hold your heels if you want,” he offers gently, mindful not to speak too loudly given your state.
you respond with a playful salute, your movements exaggeratedly dramatic. “aye aye, captain!” you chirp, swiftly kicking off your black wedges before wrapping your arms snugly around his neck.
as daichi hoists the giggling, slightly wobbly you onto his back, he gestures for your two friends to walk in front of him, ensuring they remain within his line of sight. you four navigate through the dimly lit streets.
a few minutes into your impromptu piggyback ride, you, in a moment of drunken clarity, peek over daichi's shoulder and lazily poke his cheek.
“are you the real daichi? like, really?” your words slur slightly, carrying a curious lilt. “i thought i was hallucinating when i first saw you, mr. officer,” you ramble on, your train of thought not allowing daichi a chance to reassure you.
“oh my god, did i just randomly hug you? what if you aren't the real daichi?” your expression shifts to one of concern, teetering on the edge of tears. “it’s okay, you can arrest me, mr. officer. i've been inappropriate with law enforcement,” you add with a serious expression, offering your wrists for imaginary cuffs in shame.
this has daichi turning his head in the opposite direction to stop the laughter bubbling up his throat; a small grin curls upward. you squint at him a bit harder to see and can’t find the answer as to why it’s so funny.
your curious mind once again spoke out loud, “huh? what's so funny, mister? does this mean i’m not going to the slammer?” you reach out, placing your hand over the officer's heart, and sigh in relief as if it were your own.
his footsteps falter for a moment as he clears his throat, “y/n, you don’t have to worry. it’s me, daichi,” finally finding an opening to reassure you.
a few deafening seconds pass by as the cogs in your brain turn. “…oh,” a few more seconds pass, “oh! daichi!” your palm departs from his chest, and snakes upward to squish his cheeks.
the touch of your cold hands once again startles the officer, but they soon warm with the use of body heat.
you ramble on, your palms gently turning his head to face yours. “well, why didn’t you say that in the first place?! ah, it feels good to know i won’t get arrested after all.”
his smile widens, amusement dancing in his eyes. "you know i wouldn't arrest you, even if you tried to talk me into it." he replies, his voice teasing.
he had always been the sensible one in the class, the steady presence that balanced your more pessimistic tendencies. despite your different aspirations—his to excel in nationals and yours to make something of your own—you both found a middle ground through your shared ambition. you admired his dedication and often found yourself inspired by his drive, feelings that blossomed into a secret crush. even though your paths diverged, you continued to support him quietly. however, emails changed and no phone numbers were exchanged making it inevitable to lose touch; yet, the memory of him remained, a constant whisper in the back of your mind.
𓇢𓆸 five years ago
it was a sunny spring day, and the cherry blossoms were in full bloom; their petals gracefully drifting past the glass-paned windows.
our last day together.
you wanted to say it, to let those three words spill out and maybe change everything—but something inside you held your tongue. perhaps, it was the fear of being rejected.
‘you’re leaving for tokyo after graduation. why confess now? and have him wait for you for who knows how long? what if he doesn’t even like you back?’
the more you thought about all the possibilities, the more you convinced yourself against it.
a calloused hand rested on your shoulder, snapping you out of your thoughts. “y/n,” he said, drawing your attention to his familiar short, coal-black hair. “are you worried about something?”
his eyes innocently searched yours.
‘about you, actually.’
“…yeah. i think i might get homesick, you know?” you played along—it was too late anyway. you didn’t want to ruin this happy moment right now; not when it’s the last day before everyone moves on to the next chapter of their lives.
“keep pushing forward, even when it gets tough.” his eyes were filled with concern.
you knew he wanted to say more, but was cut short by the class photographer passing by, wanting a picture of the two of you.
“daichi! y/n! let me get some pictures!” the enthusiastic classmate aligned the camera with you both as you smiled for the picture—daichi’s arm snaked toward your waist, his touch light and almost hesitant.
“say cheese!” the camera clicked twice with flashing lights.
it was a memory you wanted to hold onto forever, even if your heart ached with the words you couldn’t bring yourself to say.
𓇢𓆸 present day
some things never change.
ten minutes pass as daichi ensures the other two ladies make it back to their house safe and sound. both give him a good luck pat and wiggle eyebrows—he only rolls his eyes in response, a tiny chuckle escaping his lips as he watches them disappear into their house.
turning back to you, he notices your eyes drooping. his black boots clack softly on the cement as he continues the trip. “come on, let’s get you home,” he says softly.
the night is quiet, save for the distant sounds of crickets and the occasional car passing by. daichi can feel your breath against his neck, a steady reminder of your presence.
“daichi, you’ve always been there for me,” you mumble, your words barely audible breaking the silence.
just like in old times; he would always stick up for you and be the voice of reason whenever you got too much in your head.
his eyes flicker to the side to check up on you. “i’ll always be here for you, y/n,” he replies, his voice filled with sincerity.
“officer daichi to the rescue,” you tease, your voice filled with playful cheerfulness.
as you approach your front door, daichi pauses, his brows furrowing with apprehension. before he can speak, the door swings open, revealing your parents standing there, worry etched on their faces.
“oh, thank goodness,” your mother sighs in relief—a hand held to her heart as if she had gotten a big scare, “come in, both of you.”
your father steps aside, allowing daichi to guide you inside. “thank you for bringing her home safely, daichi,” he says, patting him on the shoulder.
inside, the familiar warmth of your home wraps around you. daichi gently guides you through the hallway to your bedroom, his touch steady and reassuring. your parents follow, watching with concern as he helps you sit on the edge of your bed, his hands lingering on your shoulders for a moment longer than necessary.
“thank you, daichi,” you mumble, your words slurred with exhaustion. “once again, saving my ass.”
he smiles, patting your head. “get some rest, y/n.”
as he turns to leave, you reach out, your hand catching him. “daichi, wait…”
he stops, looking back at you, his eyes filled with concern. “what is it?”
“daichi, i...” you begin, your voice barely more than a whisper. the words are on the tip of your tongue, but the exhaustion and alcohol make it hard to form them. “i...”
before you can finish, sleep overtakes you, your head falling back onto the pillow. daichi watches you for a moment, a mix of emotions playing across his face. he carefully tucks you in, making sure you’re comfortable.
your mother steps closer, her voice soft. “she’s lucky to have a friend like you, daichi.”
he nervously scratched the back of his neck, the weight of the moment dawning on him as he realized this was the first time meeting your parents. "of course," he managed, a hint of awkwardness tinging his chuckle as it slipped out.
“ah, i’m going to run to the store mrs. l/n. just to get her some remedies for tomorrow morning.” she simply nods with a heartwarming smile.
𓇢𓆸 the following morning
soft morning sunlight filters through the cream-colored curtain, casting a warm glow in the room.
you groan slightly and squint to see daylight once again. your hand lifts, reaching your forehead to pinch the pounding in your head. blinking slowly, you try to piece together the events of the previous night.
as you push yourself up, a wave of dizziness hits, and you groan again, cursing your choice to drink so much.
your eyes catch sight of a bottle of water and a few painkillers on the bedside table, alongside a neatly folded note. curiosity piqued, you reach for the note, recognizing daichi's familiar handwriting.
good morning, y/n. i hope your hangover isn’t too bad. i left some medicine for you. take it easy and rest up. if you need anything, don’t hesitate to call me. - daichi (xxx-xxx-xxxx)
you read the note twice, a mix of gratitude and embarrassment flooding your senses. memories of the previous night begin to surface—your friends struggling to take you home, running into daichi, him carrying you to your bed.
you cringe inwardly, recalling drunken ramblings and how you almost confessed your feelings.
“dear god…” you whisper to yourself, the reality of your behavior sinking in. “what did i do?”
you flop back onto the pillow, groaning loudly.
“why did it have to be daichi? after all these years, and i act like that?” you cover your face with your hands, feeling the heat of embarrassment rise to your cheeks.
images of daichi’s concerned face, his gentle reassurances, and his steady hands guiding you through your house flood your mind. you remember leaning into him, nuzzling his neck, and calling him "officer daichi" with a teasing cheerfulness.
“why did i do that?!” you mutter, your hand repeatedly hitting your pillow as if that could erase the memories.
your heart races as you recall the moment you almost confessed, your drunken state allowing you to voice the feelings you’ve kept buried for so long; thanking the universe sleep had taken over you beforehand.
“what does he think of me now?” you wonder aloud, anxiety creeping in. “i acted like such an idiot.”
you take a deep breath, trying to calm your racing thoughts. unscrewing the bottle of water, you down the painkillers, hoping they’ll at least take care of the headache. as you do, you glance at the note again, daichi’s words providing a small comfort.
“always helping everyone still,” you whisper to yourself.
you couldn't help but glance over again at the digits scribbled at the end of the note; your heart fluttered once more like a teenager giggling over a crush.
𓇢𓆸 last night
with the small box of headache medicine in hand, he approached the counter, fumbling for his wallet. as he pulled it out, something fell from one of the inner pockets—a small, slightly worn photo. daichi paused, staring at the picture that had slipped out.
the photo was from high school, a candid shot taken by one of their classmates. in it, you were smiling brightly, your eyes crinkling at the corners with genuine happiness. daichi was right beside you, but his gaze wasn’t on the camera; it was on you. his expression was soft, a quiet admiration in his eyes that he had never voiced out loud.
a soft smile tugged at daichi’s lips as he remembered the moment. he could almost hear the laughter of that day, and feel the warmth of your presence beside him. tucking the photo back into his wallet, he felt a pang of nostalgia mixed with something more—a longing that had never quite gone away.
‘you’re finally home’
a surge of emotion washing over him. it was as if he had been waiting all these years, silently holding onto the hope that one day, you'd return.
the weight of unspoken words and hidden glances pressed heavily on his heart.
he was set on making sure you saw him more than just a lingering memory of the past.
𓇼𓆉𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆉𓇼
want more?
⤷ masterlist.
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lssugaluv · 8 months ago
Brushing your teeth together.
• MDNI 18+ only
You and your man were laying down when he brings up the idea to go brush your teeth together. It was all cute seeing you brush your teeth until you were brushing your tongue and gagged. That set the man off. He was dying of laughter but at the same time with a boner.
As soon as you finish rinsing off the mouthwash, he goes from behind you and lifts up your cute night gown. He starts power thrusting you. At first it’s funny until he grabs a fist full of your hair and has you stare at the mirror. He pulls up your night gown letting your titties out free. “Look at your gorgeous titties baby.” He says as he squeezes them.
He turns you around and gently puts your back facing the wall. He starts to make out with you, tasting nothing but the fresh toothpaste as his tongue attacks yours. He lifts one of your legs, having it wrap around him halfways. He inserts one finger and starts pounding it in and out having you already become a mess.
He takes his finger out and proceeds on taking off your underwear. “These stay here. Walk with nothing under your night dress to the room.”
The rest was history. 😉
Characters who I think will do this:
• ATSUMU (HQ), Kuroo(HQ), Nanami (JJK) , Gojo (JJK) , Suna (HQ), SAKUSA (HQ), Mikey (TR), Ran (TR), Iwazumi (HQ), Ushijima (HQ), TSUKKISHIMA (HQ) , Daichi (HQ)
• Well that overheated real quick 🥵
• Not proofread.
• Like, Comment, and reblogg. <3
• 5 a.m. thoughts. 💭
207 notes · View notes
luza-wayne · 11 months ago
why people bother with love.
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sawamura daichi x reader
wc: 9.2k
this is the longest fic that i've ever written, omg. i love daichi sm<33
also the story is inspired by taylor swift's song 'mine'! i was listening to it while on shuffle playlist and thought it was so good.
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a happy and lovely family.
it's the farthest from what your family was.
all your parents did was fight at every little thing that can be talked through.
it was also the reason why you and your siblings are not close with each other. they hide or run away whenever they're fighting, which means, always.
but, they did tell you once.
“they were so deeply in love with each other in the past.”
so, just in the past?
i don't understand.
“then, you shouldn't have spent it on useless things!” 
your father's voice made your ears ring. it's in the middle of the night.
they're fighting again. 
this is supposed to be a day for me. i just graduated from elementary school today.
“useless?! you call that useless?!” your mother shouted back.
you decided to get off of the bed and silently walk to where the voices are coming from, the kitchen.
“of course, it is!” your father replied.
“our daughter just graduated and you're saying that buying her a small gift is useless?!” your mother asked.
i knew it. it's about that.
you peeked from the opening in the living room which was connected to the kitchen.
“just tell her ‘congratulations!’ or anything! why bother spending money?! we're not rich!” your father rebutted.
“are you hearing yourself right now, huh?” your mother snickered. “what are you even mad about? it's not even over ¥500?”
“you could've used that ¥500 for something more important! like food stocks or bills!” 
“her, graduating is important! don’t you dare not acknowledge your daughter’s milestone!”
maybe i should just give them back a ¥500 that i saved from my daily allowance? would that stop them from fighting?
“arhg! you and your obtuse actions!” your father slammed the counter with his balled fist.
“what?! you're one to talk! that stupid "friend" of yours who always borrows money from you! where is he now, huh? out there partying and spending the money you lent him! what did he say? "i'll give it back tomorrow!" i never once saw him return the money he borrows, yet you keep on giving and giving him! what are you, a bank?!” your mother snapped.
“shut up!” your father shouted and clicked his tongue. “you always bring that up! you're always like that! i'm tired of you already!”
“guess who's tired of you too?” your mother crossed her arms and stared at your father blankly.
“is that so? then i'm leaving and never going back here!” your father had enough and walked out.
he met your eyes and was surprised for a bit, but he continued walking to the front door.
you looked at your mother.
she still had her arms crossed above her chest, but she clenched her hands tightly and was biting on her lower lip.
“mom, are you not going to run after dad?” you stepped out from hiding.
your mother flinched, but she quickly realized that you must've heard the whole conversation already.
“why would i? it was his decision to leave! i don't care about him anymore! i'm glad i finally got tired of his ass!” she said and went to get water.
you say that, but why do you look so hurt?
“your hands are quivering, mom.”
as your eyebrows furrowed, you heard the engine starting. you look at the door's direction and run towards it. when you stepped out, you saw your father just hopped on his mini truck.
he saw you running to him. he rolled his window down.
“dad, when are you coming back?” you asked him.
he just smiled achingly at you.
“sorry.” he muttered. you, confused, tilted your 
“don't worry, i'd still be there for you, siblings.” he shortly answered.
“what about mom?” you questioned.
“i don't care anymore. i can't bring myself to love her anymore. sorry.” he said and grabbed the steering wheel tightly. he then said goodbye and drove off.
i don't understand.
“they were so deeply in love with each other in the past.”
did their love for each other fade away?
i really don't understand…
“why does everyone bother with it if it never lasts?”
why do we need to fall in love, just to experience the anguish of losing the feeling of it?
“hurry! hurry! their match is already starting!” your friend pulls your hand, as you follow her lead.
“okay, okay.” you answered with no enthusiasm.
what am i going to do there anyways? i don't even know the rules in volleyball.
“why are we watching a boys volleyball game in the first place?” you asked her.
“it's our school's team! they can represent miyagi in the spring high tournament, if they win against the team they're playing today.” she said,
okay, still didn't anyways why we should be here.
when you two reached the bleachers, your other classmates waved at you and pointed at the seat they reserved for you both.
the first set just finished when you arrived. you just used the cheering megaphone they handed you and just created some noise as the players walked on the court.
“kageyama-sama, do your best!” you heard your friend scream her heart out.
that answers my question. also, what do you mean, "-sama"? you're older than him, right?
you sighed and just continued cheering.
the umpire blew the whistle and signaled that the second set was starting. you watched as a guy with bowl-cut from the opposing team serves.
your eyes widened a bit seeing how hard he serves, you were so sure no one could receive it.
but, the guy was there to break your thoughts.
he easily receives it, making your eyes widened even more.
as soon as he received it, they ran towards the net and he hit the ball over the other team, earning them the first point of the set.
your mouth hangs open.
“h-hey,” you called for your friend's attention. “who was that?”
“who? the one who sets?! that's kageyama! he's a firs—”
“no, the one who hits the ball.” you immediately stopped her.
“oh, that's the captain, sawamura daichi, from class 4. i think he's friends with sugawara too.” she answered shortly, now that the topic is not kageyama anymore.
number 1… that means he's the captain, right?
the match continued and they won the set. they lost the third, but won the fourth.
you were hanging on your seat as the set, supposed to be just 15, goes over to 20 and you cling to your friend tightly as the final whistle was heard and karasuno was declared the winner.
“wah! kageyama-sama, congratulations!” your friend bawled out.
“he's amazing too, right?” you said as you clapped, seeing sawamura receive the trophy.
“of course! he's kageyama-sama's teammate, after all!” she said, still dragging kageyama to the conversation.
when it was time to move out, your friend said she needed to go to the toilet, so you went there with her.
as you two passed the entrance to the gym floor, you saw the black uniforms standing there.
oh, they're here.
“sugawara!” your friend suddenly shouted, calling for your classmates' attention. almost all of them looked in your direction. “congratulations!” she said,
“oh! thanks!” sugawara replied, waving his hand in the air with a big smile.
you thought you might as well congratulate your classmate.
“congratulations, sugawara.” you said, not as loud as your friend's voice, but enough for him to hear.
“ah! (y/n), thanks!” he thanked you.
you two then bowed to them and continued to go to the bathroom, all while your friend celebrated that he got kageyama's attention earlier too.
“okay, i got it already. just go and hurry up.” you shut her up when you reached the comfort room.
you just walked to a close bench to the bathroom and took a seat, waiting patiently for your friend to finish.
“hey,” you heard a voice say.
you're not sure whether they're talking to you or not, but you looked up at where it came from.
“you're…” you started and stood on your feet. “sawamura, right?”
“uh, yeah. i'm sawamura.” he said as he reached for his nape and rubbed it with his palms awkwardly.
“you were so awesome in the game earlier. congrats.” you told him and smiled.
“thanks. i actually think i look unsightly during the game, especially when i'm just running and moving on fumes.” he replied sheepishly.
“well, the fact that you think that and yet you still do it just shows how passionate you are about winning.” you uttered. “still, don't worry. you look cool.” you reassured him.
“really? that's a relief.” he said and sighs relievedly.
there was a few seconds of silence after that and you just stared at each other.
“um… why did you… uhm, approach me?” you asked.
he suddenly gets a bit of tint pink shade on his cheeks, that can be easily missed if you were not looking carefully. maybe the reason, you noticed it also was the fact that his bruised on his left cheeks got your attention.
“well, you see… we won against shiratorizawa.” he started and you hummed. “so, we're already qualified for the spring high, i was just wondering if you'll be watching there too.” he asked.
“why? is my presence needed there?” you confusedly asked, making him chortle.
“for me, it definitely does, haha.” he answered, straightforwardly.
it skipped a beat. my heart just did.
i know these feelings very well. it's the feeling i swore not to follow.
i know where these feelings would bring me to.
“i see. i'll look forward to it then.”
i should've declined back then.
“ever since you moved here, it never got quiet here anymore!”
your old woman neighbor is once again shouting in front of your house. 
she's always there and she always just does it whenever sawamura is at work or out for something. it was easy to know since she knows he's a police officer and the police car is not in the parking lot.
you continued to bite your lower lip. 
trying to stop yourself from shouting back at the old woman was harder than you thought.
the neighbors said she has a mental disorder, but still her voice. her voice can easily break a plate or two.
normally, you would just ignore her until she leaves, but today you're not like those days. your menstruation started this morning, and the blood got onto the sheets, so you had changed it. 
moving around irritates you, but you had no choice but to do the chores, before your husband arrives, since it's just you two in the house and you're off to work today.
speaking of your husband, you looked at the clock and saw the time.
‘where are you?’ ‘your shift should've finished a while ago.’ ‘can you go home already?’
you stared at your phone and waited for him to reply, but he didn't. you just stood up and went to the kitchen.
ah, she left. you thought as you managed to peek outside the window while you walked to the kitchen.
thank goodness, finally.
“guess, i should reheat this.” you muttered to yourself and sighed.
you placed the dinner you cooked, inside the microwave. as you wait for it, you remembered that you haven't looked at the mail today yet.
you hurriedly went outside and opened the mailbox.
“huh?” you were surprised to see the mails filled with bills that needed to be paid.
you groaned as you held the envelopes in hand.
it's the same envelope you receive every month, but somehow these envelopes are more irritating to you right now. 
you just closed the mailbox and went inside. you one by one looked through the mail, while you walked back to the kitchen.
and every time you open one, your mood gets worse and worse.
“huh?! why is it so expensive?!” you shouted at the bill you're holding.
we need to spend our money more wisely, even if we're both working.
you heard the microwave's sound go off. you immediately took it out forgetting to put on a mitt or even a pot holder.
“ouch!” you screamed. you hurriedly went to the sink and ran the water on it. “damn, what am i doing?”
“i'm home.” sawamura announced as soon as he stepped in.
he's home?!
“argh! wait–” you speed walked to the main door and saw your husband. “welc–” 
you stopped mid-sentence when you saw what he's holding.
“uh, i saw a friend of mine while on my way home, that's why i was late, so i thought i should get you something.” he said and extended his arms, a bouquet of flowers in his hands.
you accepted it, staring at it with a forced smile.
“don't like it?” he asked as he kissed your temple and walked to the living room.
you followed him, still looking at the flowers.
“no… it's just—” you sighed. “you didn't have to buy something this expensive…” you muttered.
“so, you don't like it?” he asked as he took off his uniform.
“no, it's not like that. i'm saying you shouldn't have spent the money on something useless—” you said, but decided to just cut yourself off.
you sighed. “thank you, dai.” walking up to him to hug him.
he returned the embrace, but he knew something was wrong.
we could’ve used the money to pay off our bills instead. you thought as you let go from the hug.
sawamura, puzzled, still decided to just give you a bit of space and not to pry yet. he went to take a short shower, while you prepared the table.
while waiting for him to join you, you looked at the envelopes you were just looking at earlier. your eyes then went back to the bouquet that’s now sitting on the center table in the living room.
you breathed deeply.
am i getting ungrateful for not appreciating his effort on buying that?
you got on your feet and went to get it. 
staring at it, you finally realized how pretty it was. also, it’s your favorite flower.
you can’t remember when was the last time you mentioned to him what your favorite flower was. 
was it when we were on our first date?
you chuckled.
“that guy really knows how to put butterflies in my stomach.”
suddenly, you felt two cold arms wrapped around your waist. you felt him snuggle his nose on your nook of neck.
“dai, stop it. i'm reeking of sweat.” you chortled as you felt a bit tickled by his now growing stubble.
he buried his nose deeper and even inhaled your scent like a man who just regained his sense of smell.
“smells like a pheromone for me.” he replied and lifted you up. 
hooking his arms behind your knees and walking to the table. he sat you down on the chair and took a seat adjacent to yours.
as he was about to scoop rice for both of you, you reached out to his cheeks and gave him a peck. he was taken aback, but then smiled at you. he held your hand on his cheeks and brought it to his lips, kissing the back of it.
“thank you for the flowers, dai.” you told him.
“anything for you, babe.” he answered.
maybe i was just thinking a bit too much about our bills. i should just appreciate that he got me these flowers.
“mrs. sawamura, please redo this.” your team leader sternly said.
you looked up from your desk and met with an eyes burning and a face that’s barely containing their anger.
“yes?” you asked while your hand was holding the lunch you were about to eat at the canteen.
“there are a lot of inaccurate reports and miscalculated estimates. what are you even doing? do you want our team to lose this project because of you?” she added and slammed the folder on your desk.
“but—” none of those are my jobs though.
i might probably have to add this to my piles of to-do work.
she was about to walk away, when she suddenly looked back.
“and i want them done today.” she said lastly, before walking back to her posts and leaving you with wide eyes.
all of this by today?!
“there’s no way i can finish this today.” you whispered and slumped your back to the chair.
i might need to stay for over time.
as you set your lunch box down on your desk, your phone vibrated. you pulled it out of your vest’s pocket and saw a message notification from your younger sister, who’s in college.
- we’re running out of mom’s medication. - she’s always staring and thinking about a lot of things, i’m afraid it might turn into depression. - and brother’s med maintenance too. - it’ll only last until tomorrow. - we need extra money, but i already used my income from my part-time job to pay off the debts when i borrowed money from my friend to pay for my tuition. she said she badly needed the money. -if you have extra money, can you send us some for your mother and brother? - i’ll try asking someone too.
you let out a frustrated sigh. you grit your teeth and lower your head.
just how bad will this day get?
you repositioned your body. taking deep breaths. you picked up your phone again and replied to your sister.
- no, it’s fine. i have some extra here. i received a bonus yesterday. i’ll send it to you and pay for the remaining balance on your tuition too. don’t forget their meds. let me know how much all in total. thanks for always looking out for them. take care there.
you put down your phone and covered your face with your hands.
well, there goes my bonus. i still haven’t paid for the other bills that i’m supposed to pay for.
“(y/n), you okay?” your workmate asked.
you just nodded and told him you’re okay.
i need to save money.
hours have passed since your supposed time to go home, but here you are redoing the whole project that wasn’t even your doing, yet forced to redo so.
“this… is wrong. who the hell put it here?” you said to yourself and immediately fixed it.
thankfully, you are already almost done with it. just a bit more and you can already give it to your team leader. she seemed to stay late too and was working on another project.
that doesn’t mean she should have me revise these mistakes when i wasn't even the one who did it.
“and… there! all done!” you raised your arms in the air and stretched your back.
“finally!” you expressed slumping your body to the chair with relief.
you immediately went to pass it to your leader. she didn’t even bother looking up at you and just said a monotone of “good work, you can go home now.” but, you could care less at this moment, you just want to get it over with and go home and take a bath and sleep.
as you were arranging your belongings, you remembered that you turned your phone off, in order to concentrate more.
you slid your bag on your shoulder and walked to the elevator. you waited for the phone to turn on. you’re the only one inside, so your mind wandered off while waiting to reach the ground floor and for your phone.
should i get a part time job too? ever since my brother got caught up in a motorcycle accident, it feels like money has been slipping out the moment i got them on my hands. 
you heard a ping and the door finally opened, the same time as your phone turned on too. while walking to the door, your notifications got bombed with messages from your husband.
- can’t wait to have dinner with you <3 - i think i might arrive a bit earlier than our call time - the chief will let us out early today - i’ll be waiting for you, but you don’t have to rush, okay? - are you on ‘do not disturb’ mode? - okay, you might be busy right now - good luck on your work, i love you
- i just got out, i’ll be passing by the house for a moment to change the car and maybe take a quick shower too - still no reply? :( - don’t overwork yourself too much please - i’ll be driving so i might not see your reply - i love you
- i’m on my way to the resto - i’m so excited haha - i’ll be waiting there for you - i’ll be sure to drive safely, because that’s what you always say when i say i’m about to drive - see you there, i love you
- i’m here already, but no need to rush - i’m just early by half an hour - just let me know if you’re seeing these messages - be safe on your way here, i love you
- hey, it’s been two hours already - are you still tied up with your work? - let me know if i should wait for you or pick you up at your work - i can still wait for you though - please reply, babe - i’m getting a bit worried now - reply to me please, i love you
- i just contacted your colleague - he told me you’re staying overtime to finish some things, but couldn’t you tell me sooner? - i’m still waiting here for about four hours now - i’m going home now - at least reply to me once you’ve seen this
oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! i completely forgot about our dinner!
you hurriedly ran to call a taxi, knowing that the train was about to close by the time.
i knew something important slipped my mind earlier! i can’t believe it was the date with my husband!
you told the driver the destination of your travel, while also asking him if he can make it so you will arrive faster there. of course, he said he can’t drive recklessly, but he’ll try to drive faster.
while the taxi driver did his job, you tried to reply to your daichi. you explained that you had your phone off, that's why you didn’t receive his messages. the thing is, your messages are going through but he’s not responding to your message.
gosh, i think he’s really mad. what should i do when i get home? we can just have another dinner. ugh, it’s too pricey. you sighed.
after a few minutes, the taxi finally arrived at the street of your house. you told him it’s okay to drop you off here and paid him. while walking to your house, your stomach churns with anxiety as you might find daichi mad.
as you reached your gated house, you searched for your keys only for you to realize that you didn’t bring it with you when you left the house. you contemplated whether to call daichi and have him open the gate for you or just jump over the gate.
while thinking, you suddenly heard the clicking sounds of the gate being opened. you turn around to see your husband in his shorts and t-shirt. he’s not in his night wear yet, so he must’ve been doing some work in his office, just like what he usually does when he gets some free time after eating dinner, though it usually doesn't take this long for him to do those works.
“o-oh, you’re still awake? i didn’t wake you up, right?” you asked, trying not to make it awkward.
“no.” he flatly said. 
he finally opened the gate and then waited for you to step inside, without uttering another word. you walked to the front door and opened it, going inside. you left the door open for him.
you set your coat on the rack and followed daichi with your eyes as he closed the front door and walked past you after throwing the keys in the bowl. you also saw your keys there.
i knew it he’s mad.
you walked to the living room to see him opening the television and munching on some chips. seeing this, you felt your stomach grumble. you went to the kitchen and found a bowl of some hot miso soup. your stomach felt even hungrier.
but, i need to talk to dai. you closed your eyes and accepted your hunger later.
you were about to walk to where daichi was when he suddenly stood up and went to the bathroom. he also took a towel, so it seems like he’ll take a shower.
guess, i should eat first then.
after eating and washing the dishes, since it’s only the ones you eat with anyways, you went to change your clothes hurriedly, in case daichi finishes his shower already.
when you went back to the living room, there you saw him sitting on the couch, eyes glued to the television. 
you walked to him and called his name.
“dai.” he didn’t look at you.
“dai. i forgot about our dinner.” you said and took a seat next to him, he looked at you.
i should just explain it to him and get this over with.
“our team leader was being a little bitchy earlier and gave me work i’m not even supposed to do, so i turned off my phone—” you were telling him about what happened earlier, when he suddenly cut you off.
“is it that hard to remember to tell me that you’re taking an overtime?” he stated. staring at you with a straight face.
“huh?” you asked, deflecting his straightforwardness.
“i’m pissed off that you made me wait for about four hours, but i’m more pissed about the fact that you can’t even tell me that you’re having overtime.” he uttered.
it’s like something just snapped in your mind. you know you’re the one who should apologize for forgetting about your date and even making him wait. but, it must’ve been the awful day that you had that’s getting the best of you right now.
“why is it such a big thing to tell you about that?” you asked him with a stress on the word ‘big thing’.
he furrowed your brows and was taken aback by your question. did you really just ask him why is that a big thing?
he stood up and was still not breaking eye contact with you.
“maybe it’s because i’m your husband, (y/n).” he answered back, now emphasizing his words. “of course, i need to know because i get worried why you aren’t back yet when your working hours are already done.” 
you raised your eyebrow.
“if you were that worried, then you should’ve come to my workplace and checked up on me.” you said and then stood up too, facing him.
“i was about to, when your co-worker replied to me and said you already have taken an overtime and possibly forgotten about our reservation!” he rebutted, his voice getting louder.
“then it's good timing! that was a waste of money anyways, we can always just eat somewhere cheap!” you shouted back.
“it’s you who wanted to eat there!” he pointed at you.
“i never said that! it’s you who wanted to take me there!” you told him and took a step forward.
“why are you always pushing the blame onto someone else whenever you're up against a corner?!” he gritted through his teeth.
“huh?! when did i ever do that—” you were about to talk when he talked over you.
and it was when you realized this is going like what happened with your parents.
“you never owe up to your mistakes, i always try to understand you because i love you, but (y/n), i’m a human too! i have a limit!” he started.
“wha—” before you could even finish, he added something that breaks your heart.
“i’m tired of you always being like that!” he said and stormed off to the bedroom.
you stood there in the middle of the living room speechless. 
your world seems to be spinning yet you’re not paying attention to it, you're more focused on the heavy feeling on your chest. it’s so heavy, it feels like your heart has fallen to your stomach and now you can feel the churning of it too.
your legs felt wobbly, you had no choice but to sit back down on the couch. your hand found its way to your chest.
it hurts here.
your eyesight started becoming watery.
“you’re always like that! i’m tired of you already!” “guess who’s tired of you too?” “is that so? then i’m leaving and never going back here!”
no! stop, stop, stop, stop!
don’t think about what happened to mom and dad!
“then i’m leaving and never going back here!”
stop! please!
you know daichi won’t leave you, right?!
he won’t leave you!
he won’t leave you!
he won’t.
i just have to apologize—
“they were so deeply in love with each other in the past.”
i still love daichi!
stop thinking like that!
with all these thoughts, you didn’t even realize how much you’re crying, but somehow not making any sounds. your body is still adapted to your childhood habit of immediately covering your mouth and nose when crying in order not to let anyone hear it.
it’s a habit that started the night you realized that you’re the reason why your parents have broken off. if you didn’t ask your mother for a gift that day, then there might be a chance that your family is still together.
your body slid and now you’re lying on the couch sideways, still covering your mouth and nose.
i still love daichi.
but, daichi’s tired of me already.
i knew love never lasts, but i thought it might be different with daichi. i was too naive to think love would treat me differently than my parents.
everything comes and goes.
in the end, it was a cycle.
not the love, but what happened with my parents’ love story and mine.
it will never last. love is.
waiting for a bit until you stopped crying, you picked up your coat again and put it on. you were about to take your keys, but realized you don’t need it anymore. before leaving, you remembered one thing. you walked back to the living room and took off your ring, setting it down on the table, all while holding back your tears again.
daichi’s the type to sleep his anger until he calmed down, so you didn’t have to think that he might pop out suddenly and ask you where are you going.
you have already booked a taxi to take you somewhere that might not be a safe haven for you, but still has a deep hold to you.
“can you take me here?” you said to the driver and he said he can and then quietly drove you there.
you turned your phone off to avoid someone calling you. you slept on your way there and when you felt the car stop for a bit too long, you immediately opened your eyes. a bittersweet smile appeared on your face as you stared at the house from the window.
you thanked the driver and hopped out of the taxi. you stood in front of the house unlighted because it’s already midnight, though to you it looked more gloomy rather than creepy.
one of the rooms is still with lights on, you grabbed your phone and messaged your sister. a few moments later, she was out of the house, wearing her pajamas, surprised to find her sister out of the house in the middle of the night.
as much as how surprised she was, she knew it was out of ordinary for you to show up in front of the house on a random day. she knew you had your reasons, but never forced you to tell her about it. it’s not like you’ll travel for about three hours just to visit them, just because you thought about it, what’s more it’s in the middle of the night.
she helped you get your room ready, she can see from your eyes that you needed to rest your body and mind. when it was already done, you thanked her and encouraged her about the plates she’s finishing, that's why she’s staying up late.
you laid on your bed, the same bed that has been with you with everything. it is nostalgic to think about the memories, but you can’t help but think about those times where the family is still complete and somehow you are acting like a real family.
“i’m back. you’re seeing another pathetic side of me.” you muttered to yourself, referring to the bed and realized that maybe it’s the whole room too.
you turned your eyes to the pictures stuck on your walls. your lips quivered again as you stare at the picture you put up in the past of you and daichi when you had an aquarium date. 
it’s a picture of you two kissing that was perfectly photobombed by a large stingray, that made both of you look like you had wings.
“why do humans fall in love? it hurts my heart, yet i can’t stop loving the man i married.” you uttered as a tear fell out of your eyes.
you were about to close your eyes, when suddenly you heard a knock on your door. you looked up and stared at it, thinking it could be your imagination. again, three knocks came. you immediately went to get whoever it was. did your little sister forget something? or did you?
opening the door, you were greeted by your mother in a wheelchair. smiling up at you.
“i knew it. you came home, i see.” she said, still smiling affectionately at you.
“mom, why are you still awake?” you asked, kneeling in front of her. you held her hand and returned the smile.
“i was asleep, but i woke up when i heard your bedroom’s door being opened.” she explained and tapped you, asking you to stand up.
“huh? ah…” you were puzzled by what she said, but then remembered it.
“your door lets out a peculiar sound every time it opens and closes, right?” she chuckled and pointed at your balcony. 
you went behind her and pushed the wheelchair to your balcony, the breeze was chilly, so you went to your dresser and looked for something thick to cover your frail mother’s body. you came back with a jacket, and wrapped it over her shoulders while she was staring at the star-filled sky.
“it’s beautiful.” she spoke. 
you looked up and truthfully, it was beautiful but you were not in the mood to admire them. you just answered her with a simple, “yeah.”
for a moment, it was quiet. the only sounds you’re hearing are the sound of the wind brushing against the trees and leaves and the sound of the crickets.
it was quite, you thought it would be okay to just stay like this, but you know somewhere someone would speak up. it was your mother who did.
“did something happen at your house?” she finally asked the same question your little sister wanted to ask but decided not to.
you tried to stay quiet, but you were aware you have to, sooner or later, need to tell them the reason rather than keeping them in the dark.
and yet, you can’t find the courage to speak.
your mother smiled.
again, it was quiet. 
for a few minutes, it stayed quiet. actually, you think it might actually go until half an hour. half an hour of letting the noises of nature fill both of your ears, half an hour of feeling the cold blow of the midnight wind on your skin.
you looked down at your mother and noticed that she’s just staring at something far. it was like her mind was occupied by something.
“mom,” you called, she answered you by humming, “what are you thinking about?”
“i’m thinking about your father.” she said lightly.
you were surprised. the topic about your father was like a forbidden one, you and your siblings never talked about your father when in presence of your mother, yet she just told you that he’s running in her mind right now. 
i thought she hated him.
“why?” you asked.
she smiled weakly.
“i’m thinking that if i followed him back then, maybe i would be happy right now.” your eyes widened.
she still remember that? and… she regrets not running after him? but, he’s…
“i thought you said you didn’t love him anymore?”
she chuckled.
“i thought so too.”
it’s saturday and almost four o'clock in the morning, daichi was woken up by his alarm clock, he forgot to turn off before sleeping. it was already weird, because usually he never hears it. it was you who got woken up by it first and then turned it off. after that, you’ll be nudging him and even getting on top of him with your whole body to wake him up.
his body feels so tired. he stretched his arms out, only to feel the cold sheet next to him. he sprung up on his ass. 
“where is—” 
he shut his eyes tight when he remembered what happened last night.
“damn it. i decided to sleep again while i’m mad. i should stop doing that. she doesn't like it either.” he muttered as he got off the bed and stretched out his body.
he went outside the room to get water and find you. he searched the living room with his eyes, but he didn’t see you, he walked to the kitchen and you weren’t there either.
maybe in the bathroom? he thought and his feet dragged him there.
no. you weren’t there.
at this point, he was ignoring the thumping sounds of his heart. there’s no way you did what he’s thinking… right?
he went outside, even though he knows himself it’s ridiculous, to see you watering the plants. but, still there’s no sign of you.
he went back inside and searched every room, but still no one jumped out and said that you were just playing hide-and-seek with a just-woken-up him.
where were you?
he went to sit on the couch. short and fast breaths taking over his lungs.
please just tell me you went out to jog. or that you went to shop this early in the morning. anything that could be outrageous to do at this time you can do it and he wouldn’t even laugh. just show up before his eyes and calm down his heart getting scared minute by minute that he might’ve ruined everything last night.
“where are you, baby? please, just this once let it be a joke.” his said with a shaking voice. 
he looked down and finally saw it. the ring you left, before you went and left the house.
daichi laughed. 
“now, if this is a nightmare, i fucking hate it, haha.” he laughed as he picked it up with trembling fingers. 
it wasn’t happening. if he closes his eyes and opens it again, he’ll find you sleeping soundly beside him.
but it didn’t.
he clutched the ring in his palms as he wobbly stood up and went to the bedroom to get his phone. maybe if he calls you and apologizes, he can fix this relationship.
but, it wasn’t going through.
“did she block me already? please don’t. i’ll apologize for everything i did and said. just don’t leave me.” he muttered, shaking voice and tears finally escaping his eyes.
he kissed the ring, before deciding to get on his feet.
he’s not letting this relationship end, if he had to eat dirt for you to forgive him, he’ll go out of his way to search for the dirtiest mud and eat it for you. 
he checked the closet. his line of work will become handy to him, but he didn’t think that it’ll be useful in this way. you didn’t take any clothes with you. so, there’s a high chance that you’ll go somewhere you have a stock of clothes with them. but, the friend you’re always staying over whenever you have a girl’s night, is out of town right now and the other is attending a party just like what you’ve told him.
as much as he doesn't want to say it, he knows that you’re trying to save money, so you probably won’t stay at a hotel.
he picked up his jacket, phone and wallet.
he knows the only place where you could be.
“you thought so too?” you repeated.
“i thought i was tired of him, that i didn’t love him anymore.” she said, “but, i was wrong.” she added.
how can you love someone who hurt you just by thinking about them?
she looked up at you and smiled.
“i realized, i was not tired of loving him.” she looked forward again. “rather, i was tired of our fights. i was tired of always exchanging shouts with him, but i never stopped loving him. ever since that night, never a day passed that i haven’t thought about how i should’ve run after him and told him not to leave me, us.”
your lips quiver while listening. you always made sure not to talk about your father thinking that your mother would hate it, not knowing that everyday she reminisces about their relationship.
again, she looked up at you, but now with a warmer and larger smile.
“so, i thought once i get better, i’ll try and win your father back, even if it took too many years, haha.” she happily said, before looking back in front.
you weren’t able to contain it anymore, you shed a tear for your mother. you bend down and hug her from behind. she was startled when you suddenly wrapped your arms around her, but still caressed her daughter’s head, just like how she used to whenever she cries in her arms. you were happy to see your mother’s genuine smile, a smile that isn’t forced, a smile that isn’t there to show that she’s okay, so you don’t have to worry. you were happy, but you can’t help but cry.
knowing damn well that your father has already married someone else and is having his third child.
you know that and yet, you can’t tell her that. you don’t want to. not when she just finds inspiration to be well again.
but, you didn’t expect to hear what she said next.
“your father… he already found someone else, didn’t he?” she suddenly said that it made you freeze.
you felt wet drops on your arms.
“i-i— he—” you wanted to lie, but can’t bring another heartbreak to your mother by lying.
“i know, because you’re my child.” she sobbed and tears fell out of her eyes like waterfalls. “and i know, because that’s just the man i knew and loved.”
you went in front of her and hugged her by her waist, bawling like a little child.
“sorry, sorry, sorry, mom… it was my fault… i’ve always known it was because of me… if i didn’t ask you for a gift, maybe he would still be with us… mom, i’m sorry… because of me… i’m sorry… i’m sorry… i’m sorry… please, forgive me…” you cried and cried, begging your mother for forgiveness.
your mother who is also crying, but still manages to wipe your tears, nods her head with everything you say to let you know she’s listening. 
you kept on apologizing to her and she listened to everything. when you ran out of breath, she took this chance to calm you down. 
“(y/n), look at me.” she said as she cupped your cheeks, you looked at her with a messy face and probably snot coming out of your nose. “never have i ever thought that it was your fault. your small gift was not the reason we ended the relationship. i didn’t know that you’ve always carried the guilt on your back thinking that it was your fault. i’m sorry for never noticing.” she affirmed.
“it was not your fault, (y/n).”
this made you teary again.
“mom… thank you…” you cried to her as you held her hands that were on your cheeks. closing your eyes to feel the warmth of her palms in the coldness of the breeze.
“with that said, (y/n)...” she called. you opened your eyes and saw another of her real smiles.
“don’t make the same mistake as me.” 
it was a short sentence, yet it rang your ears so loud, you can’t hear anything else except that.
your lips showed a smile, a quivering and forced smile. your tears never stopped dropping, actually your eyes produced more.
“i’m sorry, mom. but i think i already did.” you cried, resting your head on her thighs. “it wasn’t your mistake that i’ve committed, but dad’s.” you added.
“i ran away.” you hiccuped, “i thought everything would be the same, so i ran away. i was scared to face it.” 
your mother made you raise your head. your eyes are red from crying so much and yet you felt like you haven’t let everything out. your chest still feels heavy. you want to cry everything out, but thoughts fill in double with every tear that escapes your eye. you just want to cry it out, but the longer you cry, the more it hurts.
“mom, what should i do?” you asked her, looking up at her. sniffing and catching your breath.
“i…” you stopped to inhale. “i love daichi, but i’m scared. what if it's all temporary. what if our love fades?”
“it was my fault. it’s always been my fault.” you wiped your eyes with your hands, only to be replaced by another one. “i… i don’t want to leave him, mom…”
“dear, calm down.” your mother squished your cheeks. “i’m sure you realize that whatever you did to your husband was wrong, but you don’t have to worry.” she said, making you confused.
“i was the one who ran away… what if he didn’t run after me?” you asked.
“then you’ll be the one who needs to go back to him. you need to talk it out.” she ran her hands on your hair. “you wouldn’t want to turn out like me, right?” she muttered, giving you a relieved smile. 
she knows that you already know what to do and that no matter what happens, deep inside you, you didn’t want to be something you saw happen to her and your father. she must’ve been subconsciously aware that you were afraid to fall in love. she saw when you looked at others with partners, not with an envious eyes, but rather a confused one.
she realized just now, that she might have been the reason why you think like that. with what turned out to be your mother and father’s relationship, maybe it’s understandable why you thought love fades along with the relationship. but, you’re wrong. after all, look at her. she will always love the man that was with her for most of her happiest moments. she’ll never stop loving him.
but, she knows it’s different for the both of you.
because, she saw something in daichi that your father has never done and never will. she knew from the day you introduced him to her. 
your father never looked at her the same way daichi looked at you whenever you’re not looking.
so, she knows. she knows it won’t turn as tragic as her story.
when she realized, you have already calmed down. you’re still sniffing and wiping your tear stains, but you’ve controlled it.
“let’s go. it’s getting late and you haven’t slept yet.” she tapped your back. you could only reply with a nod. 
you stood up and helped your mother turn her wheelchair around. you helped her get to her bedroom, but before walking back to your room, you thanked her.
“thank you, mom.” you said. she looked at you and smiled. “thank you for being the best.” you kissed her on her forehead and said good nights to each other.
you went back to your room and laid on the bed. you reached for your phone. your fingers fiddled whether to turn it on or not.
in the end, you chose not to. 
you know what to do right now, but needed more courage to commence it.
“i should get some sleep first.” you muttered, your body finally processing the amount of tiredness your body felt yesterday and today.
i’m going back to daichi. i don’t want to lose him.
the sun was up and it was hitting your eyelid. you were too tired and sleepy, you forgot to lay out the blinds.
you were about to turn your body to the side, when something was holding you by your waist. you were still feeling groggy, but you paid no attention to it. but, then you remembered you’re in your room, not at your house, but your mother’s house.
you swung your head sideways and saw daichi sleeping next to you. your mouth was wide open and was surprised.
how did he get here this early in the morning?
you stared at his handsome face that was wrinkled by his furrowed brows. you wanted to laugh, because that was his face every time he dreams about a weird but cute creature that he told you about before.. you tried to get out of his chain-like hold. after many unsuccessful attempts, you finally managed to free yourself. 
you sat on the edge of the bed as you felt your throat was so dry after that crying you did. you were about to get up when you caught daichi and started moving his hands.
he’s searching for me. you thought. 
you were on your way to reach for his hands, when he suddenly sprang up with wide eyes.
“(y/n)!” he called out.
you jolted because of his sudden movements. he was frantically rubbing his eyes in order to get that clear view of the room. his gestures made you worry, so you held and stopped his hands from doing so.
“dai, i’m here.” you told him, putting his hands down along with yours. “good morning.”
his eyesight has finally adjusted and you were his first view. 
your beautiful face that puts a blush on his cheeks. your sweet smile that calms his mind. your soft touches that makes him weak.
staring at your face, he realized that he’s not in a nightmare anymore. just like what happened earlier when we woke up for the first time today. you’re here in front of him, greeting him good morning just like always.
he pulled your hands to his face, feeling up the warmth it gives.
“g-good morning.” he replied, his voice cracking up from holding back his cry.
you smiled watching your husband snuggle himself to your hands, but it soon faded when you realized how scared and hurt he must’ve been when you suddenly disappeared.
“dai—” before you could even finish calling him, you suddenly found yourself caught by daichi’s arms again.
he buried his face on your chest and hugged you tight, tighter than he even did before.
“why…?” he muttered, words were muffled, but you can still hear him clearly.
“dai?” you called.
“why did you leave? you could’ve just slapped me. you could’ve just kicked me. you could’ve punched me. you could’ve told me to sleep outside. you can pull my hair, poke my eyes, hit my shin, step on my toes, throw all my clothes, burn them, spend all my money, cut my cards and everything to let out your frustrations and calm your anger, but why? why did you think of leaving me?” he reasoned.
you could feel your clothes getting wet, right where his eyes met your chest. his fingers on your back grasping onto your fabric. you wrapped your arms around his back.
“i was so scared. i thought i might never see you again. i thought we’ll never kiss each other good nights and good mornings again. i thought i’ll never be able to hold you like this anymore.” he continued.
“i’m sorry, i’m sorry. please don’t be mad at me anymore. i didn’t think through what was coming out of my mouth. i won’t ever do that again, please don’t leave me. i love you. you know, i love you so much, right?” he begged, finally looking up at you.
his eyes were filled with tears, just like how you were earlier. his face was desperate for your answer.
“dai.” you started. you pushed him away for a bit to look at him directly. he didn’t want to at first, but still complied with what you wanted, only if he held your hand. he’s scared that you might disappear from him again.
“why are you the one apologizing? it was my fault it all happened.” you told him, he was about to reply to you, but you halted him.
“i completely forgot our dinner. i forgot to message you about staying late to finish my work and i didn’t apologize for both. i got mad when you were only worried about me. i lied about not wanting to eat there and begged you for it.” you continued, looking at him straight in the eyes.
“and you’re right about it. i’m sorry for always dodging to own up for my own mistakes. i was scared that everything might be happening because of me again. i ran away from them, so i will not be blamed for it. it’s a bad habit that i need to work on.” you said, smiling at him.
you raised both of your hands to your chest level.
“and thank you for always understanding me. thank you for being so patient with me. i’m very lucky to have someone like you beside me.” you then went and hugged him.
“i’m supposed to be the one saying it.” you added.
“saying what?” he confusedly asked, but still hugged you back tightly.
“i’m going to be selfish and ask for it. i might be tiring to deal with at times, but please don’t leave me, daichi.” you said.
he suddenly chuckled.
“then that would make us both selfish then, since we're asking for the same thing.” he said before pulling you to his lap.
he sat you down there and wiped some tears that were escaping your eyes. he held your cheek with one hand and yours immediately followed it, holding his below your hands. he angled both of your heads and made your foreheads touch each other.
“i won’t promise that there will never be a fight anymore, but there’s one thing i will promise.”
you smiled when you realized that you know what he’s going to say next.
“i promise i’ll love you for eternity.” you said in chorus, making you two laugh.
you two laid in bed for a few minutes, before going down and eating breakfast with everyone. you ate in peace knowing you learned that maybe even just a little bit, you finally understand why.
the reason why people bother with love.
sometimes you will just find someone who will make you risk getting hurt as long as you get to be with them. sometimes it might not turn out the way you expected it, but sometimes when you overcome it and still be with them, it could be the greatest thing that would happen to you.
sawamura daichi, thank you for making me take the risk.
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hope you enjoyed it! stay hydrated you all, it's so hot!
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matsuokarin03 · 11 months ago
Making him mine - Sawamura Daichi
I never felt sorry for her. Though, it's also true that if it wasn't for her, I would've never noticed him.
It wasn't difficult to find out that our captain had a crush on him. Michimiya senpai would deliberately go to the vending machine far away from our girl's gym just so she could catch a glimpse of him practising. I wondered what was so great about this guy that he had all her attention. What was so great about the captain of the boys volleyball team - Sawamura Daichi. So I went to one of their matches. I tagged along with our own girls when the Karasuno boys team had their finals against that powerhouse, Shiratorizawa. I remember being impressed that they made it. But of course, that wasn't the only reason I got interested.
What caught my attention about him was his very aura and confidence, equipped with the skill to back it up. Throughout the match, I was entranced by the clear faith he had on his team and his own abilities. He stood behind the team, supporting them, not just literally with his saves, but also mentally. I could tell it was because he was there on the court, that order was established and everyone could do their best.
It was after I saw this side of him that I wondered to myself, what would it be like if I had someone like that in my life? That was when I knew, that Sawamura Daichi was someone I wanted. I wanted him to be mine. I didn't care that our captain liked him. She never did anything about her feelings. It wasn't like I was stealing him from her when he never belonged to her.
After that day of the match, I made my decision to win his heart.
Everyday I'd go to the boys' gym and "volunteer" to help out with small chores. Our own volleyball practise never lasted as long as the boys' anyway. Their managers didn't mind, in fact, we got along well and they quickly found out why I was there, since I wasn't exactly trying to hide it, I was very obvious with my advances. When they had time to cool down, I'd go Daichi and offer him a towel and water bottle, even though I didn't need to. I always made sure our fingers touched whenever I gave them. I'd ask him for tips about how to remain calm at court. I'd talk about anything that would gain an interest from him. Everyone knew he was the only one getting my attention like this, everyone but him.
For some reason, he didn't seem to notice my feelings until much later. My actions may have started small at first, but they gradually increased with time. I started surprising him by coming towards him and wiping down his face myself. I'd ask him to help me with my returns and deliberately suck at it until he accepts my suggestion to teach me by holding me from behind. I'd touch his arms and go "wow~ they're so hard!". Ofcourse, my efforts persisted outside the gym. I was in the year below him, so it was hard to see him at school but I tried increasing our interactions. During break, PE, or changing classrooms, whenever I saw him, I'd go to greet him and chat a little bit. If we didn't have enough time to talk, then I'd leave with a wave. Whenever they had practise matches outside school, I'd come along with them and always sit next to him. His best friends already knew how I felt about him so they were more than happy to save me the seat next to him. I'd rest my head on his shoulder, even if my eyes were open and he knew I wasn't sleeping. Eventually, I started purposely staying back late until their practise ended, and this naturally led him to offer walking me home, like I knew he would. The first few times, I didn't try anything. I closed the gap between our bodies with every passing day.
One evening, I held his hand in mine. He didn't resist. We stopped walking before we reached the gates to my house, and I stood in front of him, holding his hand, and asked "Senpai...how do you feel about me?". His face was red, even in the dark, and I knew it was time to make my final move. I stepped closer to him and softly asked "can I kiss you?"
After a few very long seconds, he answered my question by leaning down and closing the gap between us. That night, he finally became mine.
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heaven-s-black-box · 2 months ago
Opposites Attract- Masashi x Jun's sister!Reader
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Recovery date: January 13th, 2025
Description: I can't stop thinking about masashi being in a relationship with jun's lil sis. Tetsujun duo 2.0? Yes please🙏
Notes: Recovered in conjunction with an anonymous researcher, we thank them for their contributions. Since you said tetsujun, they are a couple in this. Jun loves his little sister, and no one will ever be good enough for her.
Word count: 1 178
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“You know I love you, right?” Jun asked, eyes never straying from the game on TV.
He and Tetsu were snuggled together on the couch of their little apartment, watching a live baseball game. Tetsu’s laptop was open on the coffee table, a half written paper abandoned despite him claiming he could write it and watch the game. Jun had no such misgivings, and his manga had been abandoned as soon as the game started.
Tetsu looked down at him, frowning.
“Of course.”
“And I love your family. Especially Masashi, you know, he’s your little brother and I have a little sister so I totally get what it’s like.”
Jun craned his head to look up at Tetsu. “But he is so not good enough for my sister.”
“Ah, that’s what this is about.”
Jun sat up and flipped over to the other side of the couch so he was facing his boyfriend. Tetsu didn’t move but turned to face him.
“I mean-”
Masashi sneezed.
“Bless you,” Y/n laughed, holding out a tissue. “You aren’t getting sick, are you?”
He shook his head, taking the tissue and blowing his nose. Masashi set it aside and resummed eating his lunch. The two were sitting in their classroom, waiting for the other second years to join them.
Y/n’s phone dinged with a text from Seto saying the two catchers had been kidnapped by Sawamura and that the couple could start eating without them. She snorted and took a picture of Masashi, already halfway through his first lunch box. He stopped chewing and raised a brow in question just as the shutter went off and Y/n began laughing.
She shook her head, body shaking with laughter as she sent the picture to Seto.
“I’ll be back,” she said, finally catching her breath.
She kissed his cheek and headed for the door, missing the way Masashi’s cheeks flushed. He lowered his head and quickly finished his bite.
“Wait for me,” he called, and Y/n stopped by the door.
Masashi put the lid on his lunch and jogged over to her, letting her lead them up to the third year’s floor.
They stepped into the hall, and Y/n began her tirade.
“Sawamura-senpai!” She yelled, sprinting down the hall and slamming his classroom door open. 
Masashi took his time following her, apologizing to the people in the other classes who stuck their heads out.
Inside the classroom, Sawamura and the others jumped at the loud noise. Furuya’s sleepy spit bubble popped and Sawamura groaned in pain as he slammed his knee into the desk. Yui let out a long tired sigh, used to Y/n’s outbursts, and Okumura glared at her.
“Tiny spitz!”
“You are interrupting my lunch! Return Yui and Okumura or I will be forced to take back my manga!” “What? No! I’m going to read it tonight!”
“Then give me back my catchers!”
“They’re my catchers!”
Kanemaru landed a hard chop to the top of Y/n’s head, then grabbed her by the back of her uniform and pulled her out of the doorway. Masashi wrapped an arm around one of hers to prevent her from entering a physical altercation.
“Both of you shut up! You’re interrupting everyone’s lunches!”
“Why am I getting yelled at?!”
“Because you're yelling!”
“Well so are you!” Sawamura yelled back.
This was a fairly regular occurrence. Sawamura had no volume control, and Y/n frequented the floor to swap manga with the pitcher.
Masashi began to pull Y/n along back to the stairs.
“Hey! Masashi! I’m not done!”
“Yes, you are, we’re going to eat lunch.”
“But what about the others.”
“They’re clearly having lunch with Sawamura and Furuya-senpai.”
“Agh, fine,” Y/n grumbled. “You win this one Sawamura-senpai!”
“Stop yelling!”
Sawamura’s head poked out of his classroom and around Kanemaru. “I’ll return your manga tomorrow! OW!”
Kanemaru chopped the top of the pitcher’s head before marching back to his own classroom.
Y/n dropped back into her seat with a loud sigh, then propped her chin in her hand as she leaned forward on the desk. Masashi opened his second lunch, a faint smile pulling at his lips. He picked up a small piece of meat and some rice from the first container before holding it out to Y/n.
The girl blinked in surprise, cheeks darkening in embarrassment as she looked to the side.
“You should try your cooking,” he urged.
“I tried it when I was cooking, plus you’ve eaten with those chopsticks.”
“So it’s an indirect kiss!” The girl exclaimed, ignoring the way everyone turned to the two in the corner.
“You kiss my cheek all the time.”
“That’s different.” Y/n huffed, crossing her arms and leaning back as she looked out the window.
Masashi shrugged, eating the food.
“What do you think?” Y/n asked softly.
Swallowing, Masashi looked thoughtful for a moment. “It’s good.”
This time, their lunch was interrupted by Masashi’s phone ringing. He looked around, finding the room mostly empty, and swiped to accept the call.
“You better not be hanging out with my-Aak!”
“Sorry, Jun stole my phone. I’ll let you get back to lunch,” Tetsu’s voice came through, but Masashi could still hear Jun complaining in the background.
“Is that your brother?” Y/n asked. “Tell him I say hi, oh, and tell him to tell Jun I say hi.”
Though it was muffled, Masashi heard Jun yell out in the background, “Is that my sister? Tell her she can do better than your brother!”
Tetsu must have turned away from the phone because his reply was muffled.
“I will not be doing that.”
Masashi covered the receiver and leaned away from the phone.
“Your brother doesn’t like me.”
“Oh not this again,” Y/n sighed. “Can I see your phone?”
Masashi nodded, and handed it over. Y/n had Tetsu put her brother on next.
“Jun quit being a baby! What’s wrong with Masashi, huh?”
“You could do better!”
“Uh-huh, like?” Jun said nothing to her, but he started grumbling to himself. “Ya, that’s what I thought. Now I need to eat, I’ll call you tonight. Love you.”
Masashi hears Jun respond as Y/n hands the phone back. When he puts it to his ear, Tetsu is back on the line and asks if he needs anything.
“No, have a good day.”
“You too.”
Masashi hangs up and puts his phone away.
Y/n takes out her lunch, it’s the same as the one she packed for Masashi, and begins to eat.
“Don’t take anything he says to heart. He does like you.”
Masashi nods. “Tetsu says that too. I would like to win his approval as your boyfriend though.”
Y/n looked thoughtful for a moment, then said, “Consult a romance manga, he loves those things.”
Perhaps Y/n should have been more clear that he should pursue her with the guidance of a romance manga, because the next time they visit Jun and Tetsu, Masashi gives Jun a bouquet of flowers.
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sirhamburrger · 3 months ago
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can't wait to put this out man
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suplicyy · 8 months ago
Hello I saw your requests are open and thought I would drop one
I saw you do multiple characters so headcanons for Daichi,Nishinoya,and Hinata (separate) x rich male reader (if u want to do only one I would like it to be Daichi) the reader is the carefree rich kid spends money however and only went to Karasuno cause he thought it would be fun and he has no problems spending all his money on the people he cares about up to date gym equipment,paying for cheerleaders for the team and reader’s S/O is spoiled the most whatever food they want there closet is filled to the brim with clothes reader buys them treats the boys like gods (I’m quite new to requesting so sorry if this came off as rude in any way)
I want it, I got it!
Haikyuu boys x Rich!Reader
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— Summary: He with a rich boyfriend who loves to spoil him!
— Characters: Hinata, Nishinoya, Daichi.
— Tags/Genre: Fluff | Male!Reader
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Hinata Shoyo
He really has no idea what you saw in him: someone who is clumsy and who never achieved a high grade in any subject at school, and of course, who doesn't have a lot of money
His lively personality always made your day the best ever, it seemed that being by his side made you 100% better if you were sad. If you could, you could give the whole world just to him... but wait, you can!
Hinata is already getting worried about the amount of gifts you give him, his bedroom is tiny and he's almost running out of space for all the things you buy for him.
And you know how much he loves volleyball, so most of his gifts are based on that: official merchs, new equipments, and one time you even took him to see an official match!
He sometimes feels insecure about not being able to give you an expensive gift like the ones you give him, but already you love all the things he gives you.
It doesn't matter if it's just a souvenir like a cute keychain he saw and immediately remembered you for, or some snack he thought you'd like, the big smile on your face is enough to him realize how much you adore him.
One day, Hinata was doing his daily bike ride to school, and he ended up getting distracted watching the landscape, which resulted in a bad fall on the asphalt. He only had a few scratches, but the same couldn't be said about his beloved bike.
On the same day, you showed up at his door with a new bike that is identical to his old one.
At that moment he was SO happy, he was so attached to that bike, and no matter how many times you offered to give him a ride to the school with your car, he always preferred to cycle, an act that was part of his routine.
Nishinoya Yuu
He LOVES to be spoiled, and you love to spoil those you care about, so it's no exaggeration to say that you were made for each other.
I think he wouldn't be the kind of guy who would ask you to buy luxury things like designer clothes, but rather things that only an eleven-year-old boy would ask for.
"[Name]!! Did you see that commercial for those sneakers that glow in the dark!?" "Let’s go to the amusement park this weekend pleaseeee!!"
And if you give him a gift, expect to get one in return!!
He would love to give you gifts, especially sweets or snacks. Even if you insist that you pay, he always buys you and him a popsicle when leaving school.
But it's not just gifts that he likes to be pampered with, he's someone who REALLY likes physical affection, so don't be surprised if one day he stays attached to you like a tick for the rest of the day.
Many people in your life already said they liked your company/said they were your friend just out of interest in the fact that you have a lot of money, but Nishinoya was never that kind of person.
You can be sure that with money or not, he would be with you no matter what, because what really attracted him was your personality that matched his.
Sawamura Daichi
Daichi is definitely that type of person who is always embarrassed when he receives a gift, in addition to being a great saver too, which often leads him to worry about his significant other's expenses (even if that's the last thing you're worried about lol).
"Y-You really didn't need to...!" "Please don't worry about me, I really don't need another sports sneakers, the one I already have is still in good condition!" Says Daichi holding up a pair of worn-out sneakers.
The truth is that he is not someone who has little money, the real problem is that he is a cheapskate, someone of the type who is stubborn about their own savings. He will only buy something new if it is already in a state of disintegration...💀
But you are here to change that! Always reassure him that everything is fine and that you really don't mind spending your own money just to see his happiness, as every penny is worth it.
By becoming more confident about this matter, Daichi will no longer worry about it as much and will try to be more relaxed about it.
For the team, it's as if you two were Karasuno's parents: Daichi being the responsible and sometimes strict father, and you being the cool and caring father who always gives the best gifts on holidays (see what I mean?)
You care about the team as much as Sawamura, as you were able to see up close the trajectory and evolution of everyone by his side.
So you always love to help everyone on the team if they are going through any difficulties.
Couldn't find a bus to take part in a match? In the same second you find one ten times better than the one they were planning to travel on. Is any gym equipment damaged? The next day you show up with a brand new one. Are they hungry after a long day of training? When you all leave school, you immediately go straight to a steakhouse, all expenses at your own expense, of course.
It's canon that Daichi is one of the characters with the biggest appetite in the series, so it's not an exaggeration to say that most of the things you give him as gifts are edible.
And as much as you can buy whatever food you want, he always preferred your homemade food.
The way you prepare each dish, always making them with the greatest care in the world, was certainly something that was worth much more to him than fancy and expensive things.
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— A/N: Hello I'm back!!!! I'm sorry if it didn't turn out the way you wanted, I tried my best to write something good!!😓
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winphoria · 8 months ago
the moonlight & other natural phenomena (tsukkiyama)
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the blossom of the spring sakura, the summer gust of evening wind, the stars of the midnight constellations, and the orbit of the moon — ever-constants in a fleeting world. as two boys follow the next chapter of their lives together, they find that they too, are one of few constants in each others' fleeting lives.
tsukishima kei x tadashi yamaguchi (haikyuu)
tags: fluff, childhood friends, friends to lovers, love confession, mutual pining, sleepovers, one-shot
now playing: ordinary things by ariana grande, nonna
1.3k words; ao3 link
Friday evening, 7:54 pm.
After what felt like forever, Karasuno High School’s volleyball team finally finished a day full of practices and drills, preparing for the next few big matches. First-year Tadashi Yamaguchi, already feeling the physical drain, stares at himself in the changing room through his locker’s tiny mirror with heavy eyes.
“Plans tonight, Yamaguchi?” A voice asks from Yamaguchi’s right, taking him out of his short daze. He recognizes the familiar voice as Koushi Sugawara, his teammate two lockers down. He also looks ready to get out of here but still manages to spark conversation as he quickly dresses.
“I’m heading over to Tsukishima’s tonight. Probably gonna do some studying for our English quiz next week.”
“Oh, that’s nice!” Sugawara shoots Yamaguchi a smile. “Hopefully it’s not all just work. Both of you deserve a break after this week.”
“Usually we end up watching a random movie or falling asleep too quickly to do anything else, honestly.” Yamaguchi laughs.
“I see…” Sugawara says, trying not to read into it. “Well, don’t work too hard, you two.” He locks up his locker and heads out to catch up with Daichi. “See you both next week!”
Back on the court, Kei Tsukishima gathers his things before heading to the club room.
“Hey, Tsukishima!” Hinata calls over from the net. It’s clear he and Kageyama have no speck of intent to leave anytime soon.
“Where you going? Don’t you wanna practice a bit more with us?” Hinata asks, even though everyone knows the answer to that question already. As persistent as he is, Shoyo doesn’t see the harm in asking every time.
Tsukishima breathes out a sigh. “I’m done for today. Knock yourselves out,” he says before meeting with Yamaguchi at the door.
“See you, Kageyama, Hinata.” Yamaguchi waves before the two head out of the gym.
“Wait, are you guys gonna practice at Tsukishima’s?! Fun!!! We should totally go along with them sometime, Kageyama!” Hinata is so busy grinning at the idea of even more volleyball practice outside the gym that he doesn't notice Tsukishima and Kageyama flinch at his absurd suggestion. “See ya!”
It wasn’t exactly an uncommon occurrence for the pair to head home together, especially during peak volleyball season. In truth, Tsukishima appreciated the company.
Well, Tadashi’s company, specifically.
“I wonder what’s that about.” The team’s captain Daichi points down to the pair walking as he locks up the club room. Asahi, Sugawara, and Kiyoko look down to where he gestures.
“You noticed, too?” Sugawara replies.
“Well yeah, almost everyone has. They’ve been going home together more than usual, hanging out on weekends, coming to practice together.
“Really? I didn’t catch anything. I thought they were just really close childhood friends,” Asahi says, prompting a chuckle from Daichi and Sugawara for his cluelessness.
Sugawara takes a final look at the pair before they turn a corner. Yamaguchi is visibly giggling about something while Tsukishima looks down at him. “Their friendship… it’s sweet. I’m glad they have each other on the team.”
Saturday morning, 1:32 am.
After dinner and some time studying, the Tsukishima residence is quiet. The two boys are the only ones awake, sitting in the dark of Kei’s room watching a space documentary — the only remotely interesting thing on TV at this hour. Their respective right and left ears each hold half of some tangled wired earphones.
“God, this documentary is so dated. Pluto isn’t even a planet anymore,” Tsukishima says with a slight eyebrow raised at the film’s credibility (or lack thereof).
Unsurprisingly, Tsukishima is tuned in while Yamaguchi’s attempts to stay awake are in vain. When he does fall in and out of consciousness, he finds himself looking at Tsukishima.
By the time the documentary’s credits roll across the TV screen, Tsukishima finally notices his friend next to him — head buried in his knees, out cold.
“Hey. Movie’s over, sleepy. Time for bed,” he says to Yamaguchi as he gives him a shove. It’s a bit stronger than he intends.
“Huh?” Yamaguchi whips his head up, “Oh, yeah, that was a really good movie.”
Normally Tsukki would give a slight scoff at anyone’s attempt to save face, but with Tadashi, it just comes off as endearing.
“Come on, I’ll help you make your bed.”
Soon enough, the pair find themselves in their respective sleeping spots. Yamaguchi on the floor mattress and Tsukishima on the bed, his back to his friend and the rest of the room.
With the television off, nothing but a sliver of moonlight illuminates the room, specifically on to the back of Tsukishima’s head. Despite being knocked out 15 minutes ago, something stirred within Tadashi. He couldn’t get himself to fall back to sleep.
“Tsukki?” Yamaguchi whispers, unsure if his friend is still awake.
“Mm,” Tsukishima responds to signal some form of listening.
“Do you ever feel like the world stops sometimes?” Yamaguchi blurts out, wanting to keep Tsukishima awake for just a bit longer but unsure how.
A small pause. Tsukishima isn’t sure how to respond.
“No, not really.”
A few seconds go by.
“Sometimes, in the spring, I watch the blossoms fall from the trees outside of our classroom, floating, one by one gracefully to the ground.”
“Tadashi. You don’t even have the window seat… no wonder you’ve been getting distracted in class lately.” Tsukishima manages to reply. It comes out less sarcastic than expected with his half-conscious voice.
“Right, that’s my bad.” Yamaguchi chuckles awkwardly.
A few more seconds pass. Tadashi can’t tell if he’s overthinking things.
“Other times,” he continues, “when we walk from practice, I can feel the familiar gust of the evening winds blowing through my hair strands.”
Tadashi’s restless pupils scan around the room, searching for something mundane to focus on and calm his thoughts. It’s useless, he thought, not noticing his heart beating a little faster as he hugged his pillow a bit tighter.
“Even today, coming home with you I noticed way more stars. It’s like… the sky was a painting.”
“Hm,” Tsukki mumbles. It’s unclear to Yamaguchi if he’s actually retaining any of this.
“I ask because I, um…” Tadashi starts. His eyes rest to focus on his friend’s blonde hair. His mind draws a blank. “Well, I’m not sure why I ask.”
Silence from Tsukishima. His breathing is steady, his body still. He ruminates on his childhood friend’s words.
2 am crickets begin to fill further silence through the cracked window.
I’m just rambling now, Tadashi thought, but his mind continues anyway.
“You know, it’s funny because…” He breaks the short silence again. “I notice every time I feel like the world stops… it seems that you're there, Tsukki,” Yamaguchi says, the last part much softer, almost inaudible.
But Tsukishima hears every word.
Yamaguchi isn't sensing any more half-asleep responses from Tsukishima anymore. With the words slipping out of his mouth, for some reason, he feels a little less restless. A little… lighter.
Turning to his other side, his back to Tsukki, Tadashi closes his eyes and whispers one last thought to the moon before succumbing to exhaustion.
“In those moments when it feels like the world has stopped…
I will always be thinking of you.”
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dreadnoughtus101 · 2 months ago
what places would Daichi, Suga, Tsukki, and Kiyoomi (separately) go on their first date with their s/o?
Good question!
First Dates
Daichi, Suga, Tsukishima, and Kiyoomi
· · ────────────────── ·𖥸· ────────────────── · · Daichi Sawamura
I think Daichi would be a little more proper, trying to impress you. He'd probably take you to your favorite restaurant and treat you to a nice dinner. You'd most likely feel guilty and try to pay for yourself when you both walked in and you realized how nice it was, but he'd insist on letting him play
"C'mon y/n, do you know how long it took me to get this reservation? The least you could do is let me be the gentleman here."
· · ────────────────── ·𖥸· ────────────────── · ·
Sugawara Koushi
Suga would prefer something more laid back and relaxed for a first date, like a movie night and ordering takeout, unless you recommended otherwise. He most likely prefers to be able to get to know you in a more comfortable setting, than somewhere busy.
"Is Chinese okay with you? I'm gonna order some food while you pick a movie."
· · ────────────────── ·𖥸· ────────────────── · ·
Tsukishima Kei
Tsukishima probably wouldn't want to pick where the first date is because he knows his ideas are lame. He would recommend something like a museum or a library where you guys could study together and go over material.
"Oh wait a second, I wanna check out their dinosaur exhibit real quick."
· · ────────────────── ·𖥸· ────────────────── · ·
Kiyoomi Sakusa
I imagine Kiyoomi would take you some place where you guys could be outside, like to the park or a cafe with outdoor seating. He'd like to be able to get some fresh air while you guys talk, and there would be some good conversation starters at the park. If it was too cold or hot for those, I could see him choosing a movie theater date, allowing you to choose the movie, and subsequently making fun of you afterwards if it sucked.
"Dude, that movie sucked, you couldn't have chosen a better one?"
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thefiery-phoenix · 1 year ago
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Like Suga, he's a really protective yandere and he will do WHATEVER the HELL it takes to keep you safe 
He is a yandere who is aware of his abnormal yandere tendencies about himself for you and he knows that being really obsessed with you is really creepy ASF but he really can't help himself. It's not HIS fault you looked so cute in that jacket you were wearing today BUT that skirt of yours.... he gets really overprotective of you when you wear kinda revealing clothes EVEN if it's a cold shoulder top
Daichi is an intelligent guy and there's no WAY you'll be able to escape from his fervent stalking like, at ALL
He is a really terrifying yandere to be precise. He will not hesitate to murder someone if they do something wrong to you. Remember that crazy Karen who slapped you on the face a few days back while you were going grocery shopping? Well, looks like she went missing and her family had several 'accidents'
Daichi is a man who will make sure you feel safe and protected at all times when you're around him and before you ask me WHY, it's because of the protective aura that he gives off 
Daichi knows how to interact with you in public and he's the type of guy who always insists on holding your hand no matter where you go 
He gets paranoid as HELL every single freaking god damn minute of the day since he's really worried about your health and safety. Are you sleeping properly? Are you eating regularly? Are you taking good care of your health? And he's also the type of person who will freak the freak out if you're hanging out with someone else OTHER than him and though he knows what he's doing is wrong by following you wherever you go and stalking you here and there, he just doesn't care. It's all to keep you safe of course 
His mind will be revolving ONLY around you 24 FREAKING 7!!!
Daichi finds the things you do subconsciously really cute like when you bite your lip if you're thinking about something (Don't do that too often since if it starts bleeding, he's gonna but you the entire line of lip balms in a cosmetics store), when you pout when something happens and when you shift or pick your nails etc etc. He admires and respects your daring and outstanding personality and he'll go over the memory of how you handled yourself in a bad situation over and over again in his head 
Now, when it comes to rivals, he's not going to think twice to use his position and pin the blame for something HE did on someone else and it works 99 percent of the times and he does this since he doesn't want anyone else taking advantage of your wonderful personality. He just wants you t be dependent on him and not anyone else. And so, when people start avoiding you like the Corona, you'll of course be really sad and miserable but don't worry, your Prince Charming Daichi has arrived with tissues, a tub of your favorite snacks and made you some of his delicious home made cookies :)
He will kidnap you within less than a month if I say so myself and when he does, he'll know how confused and lost you're feeling and so, he'll be ready to hold and hug you when you scream and cry and sob. He's prepared for all your little tantrums and will make sure that you love him one day 
If you're trying to escape, he'll behave like he's punishing a little kid. Taking away their favorite items, gently scolding them and putting them in time out and unfortunately for you, that's the same way he's going to inflict punishments on you 
He will hug you after that and tell you how sorry he is and it was your fault since you weren't willing to cooperate with him 
He is awfully affectionate and really doting on you and so, the best thing you can do is just accept him for everyone's sake and if you don't, he's willing to pull you into a bone crushing hug. When it comes to keeping you safe from the outside world, believe it or not, he'll actually let you go out but you have to hold his hand no matter what or else, you'll be confined to the house for the rest of your life
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adorerinn · 7 months ago
Hi Rin! Can I request a matchup please! 🤍 I'll go by the emoji: 🍈 (honeydew!)
Pronouns, paired with guy or girl- she/her, paired with a man!
Traits in a partner- mature , responsible, independent, hard-working, loving, caring, and kind with a soft and funny side! >_< Someone with good communication!
Description of self- I'm sociable, outgoing, and can be loud 🤪 I like to laugh a lot! But most times I'm very down-to-earth, honest, self-sufficient, empathetic, nurturing, and resilient! I'm always looking for ways to improve myself, understand myself and others, and help anyone I can <3 I'm also a great communicator ^~^
Interests- Sports! I play tennis, pickleball, and basketball, alongside going to the gym regularly! I've also been watching every US and Japan Olympic volleyball game! I love arts and crafts- decorating photos, customizing picture frames, making keychains, and DIYing party favors!
Love languages- Words of affirmation for both giving and receiving! Quality time is a strong second!
Dream date- I'd like to do something active first like, play pickleball or go to the arcade! Then we could get some food to replenish! ᕙ⁠(⁠@⁠°⁠▽⁠°⁠@⁠)⁠ᕗ Afterwards, we'd take a walk around a park to digest while we continue talking and getting to know each other on a deeper level <3
Some fun extras 🤭-
I'm the life of the party! Definitely got some Bokuto energy radiating off of me~
I'm psychic! Obscure things I think of often happen soon afterwards! 🔮
I'm really good at claw machines!!! A good amount of my winnings only take a couple of tries :3
I really like watching movies!! White Chicks is my favorite hehehe ^-^
I'm a fan of Bachelor Nation hehehe 🤭
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! >.< I recently came across your blog and I've been really enjoying your writings! Keep up the great work, Rin! 🥹🤍
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I match you with Daichi Sawamura!
✧ Daichi is the man for you he is superr responsible! (I mean he basically took care of a whole team)
✧ he is also independent and works very hard and tries hard to earn the things he wants
✧ he is super duper kind and caring with you and acts like you're the most fragile thing and treats you with so much love and care in the world
✧ probably has that stupid dad humor but is probably actually funny (you know what I mean?)
✧ he will always communicate if there's something he doesn't like or if he notices something off with you he will always be there and try to figure how to work things out
✧ loves your sociable and outgoing personality. he just likes it when people can be the life of the party
✧ admires how you're always trying to improve and thinks it's the best thing you could do
✧ also admires how you're willing to help people out if they're ever struggling he just thinks it's super kind of you since not many people will go out of their way to do that
✧ would enjoy playing pickleball with you (I feel like if he didn't play volleyball he would play pickleball I JUST KNOW IT) would probably let you win a couple times too
✧ probably also goes to the gym with you. he just likes being able to spend time with you it doesn't matter what you guys are doing
✧ would watch volleyball games with you whenever you wanna watch them (he probably yells at the TV he just seems like that type of guy)
✧ plays pickleball with you for as long as you want and won't stop until you get tired
✧ would take you to one of the nicest parks he found and you both would stroll there for a good few hours while just talking about who knows what
✧ HATES how good you are at claw machines (he always loses at them)
✧ enjoys watching white chicks with you. he just thinks it's the funniest thing ever
✧ overall I think you and Daichi would be the perfect match for each other and would get along very greatly!
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hi anon!! I hope you enjoyed your request I had so much fun writing this one. feel free to request again!
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