#save me su cream pencil
sarcasticmothdraws · 9 months
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corpsoir · 2 years
hi! do you have any tips with digital art? & if I may ask do you use procreate, please & thank you
hellooo yes so this answer might be super boring but oh well!!
oh and i use clip studio paint and a wacom intuos pro medium 🎤🦍
my best tip for digital art and art in general is to keep practicing and trying out new things as often as you can. practice shape and form and change the way you think about art. instead of drawing something the way you KNOW it looks, draw it the way you SEE it. this is like one of the basic boring first lessons you will have when you study art, it challenges you to use your eyes more than the knowledge you already have about the world while drawing. try keeping a sketchbook or something where you just draw objects without looking at the paper. draw things without the pressure of them having to look "good", draw to just draw you know! its really good practice and the only way to get better at drawing is to practice like crazy and try out new things and letting go of that fear of stuff not looking perfect.
i try out new brushes with different textures and shapes all the time because i always grow bored of the ones i use regularly, and so to get the creativity flowing again i always change things up a little. plus, a differently shaped brush will add interesting textures and shape to your art. one of my favourite brushes i use for both lineart and colouring because its so versatile since it adds just the right texture for me, i think its called SU cream pencil or something like that in clip studio assets
and when it comes to colours i always work with a limited palette because i find it helps bring the piece together?? if you stare at my art for long enough youll see i use the same colours over and over again in both the same pieces but also in different drawings and thats because i have a limited palette in clip studio, with colours ive picked before and just saved because i like them! i really like warm purples and dark muted reds because i really like how they feel warm and kinda autumny sjdjjdjsja
and use references! whether it be a photo from a fashion magazine or a video where you pause to get a good pose or a photo or real life, use references!! take photos of yourself and trace them, i promise its actually good practice!
pick up a book about drawing at the library or watch videos of professional artists breaking down how they work! theres a lot of really good artists online who are way better at teaching than i am HAJFHSJDJD
a book i would really recommend any artist is called art fundamentals! its about colour theory and perspective and shape and form and you name it, its really good and inspiring. filled with lots of cool art 🐙
i have a lot of things to say about practicing art but the question is kinda vague so sorry if this is all over the place hjsjdhakfjfj but yeah at the end of the day my only tip is practice and dont be afraid to try out new things and play around 🪱
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feuvyper · 3 years
I was wondering what kind of brushes your using for your art? C:
hi anon, thank you for asking!! I have several brushes I switch between on each piece. I'll include links so if you're on clip studio you can get them too.
1. one of my favourites is su-cream pencil (1761353). It is textured and super versatile - it can be great for sketching, lines and coloring alike. It's the only brush I used on this piece:
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2. next, an oil-type brush i've used a lot is this one: 1756280. I edited it to make the thickness pressure-sensitive and it looks much better than the default so I recommend doing that! awesome for blending and getting a painterly look. it's the only brush I used on this piece:
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3. A watercolor brush I sometimes use for sketching which also works for coloring (1768734). Used here, for example:
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A collection of liners with textures and hatching (1686820) used on this:
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And a couple more:
Awesome textured brushes that imitate the texture and feel of a canvas 1754778
Super handy dust brush I use for backgrounds all the time!! 1724128
Feel free to ask me about a specific drawing if you want to know exactly which brushes I used on it. Save for a few exceptions, most of them are basically just made with a combination of the brushes above!
Hope this helped :)
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chaoticgirl-writing · 4 years
Shut up, Dumbass
Alrighty so here is another lil peek of a book im writing. Idk where im gonna post the finished product but that isnt gonna be for a long while. Anyway I hope you all enjoy this lil bit!!
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugo x Oc
Word count: 1905
Warnings: maybe some mild language, mentions of depression, mentions of su!cide attempt
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“Alright, you two. Get some sleep. You both did great today.” The short haired woman smiled softly, lightly kissing her son’s head.
“Get off me, you hag.” The blonde groaned, lightly shoving his mother off.
“Goodnight, Mrs. Bakugo.” The two toned girl said almost inaudibly, laughing when the male lightly shoved her in order to draw her attention from the screen. 
“Katsuki, be nice.” Mitsuki teased. “Kick his ass, Aki.” 
The small girl grinned, shifting to her knees as her fingers moved quickly on the controller. The character she controlled, Sheik, landed a hit on Link, sending him off the platform. “Dammit!” Katsuki cursed, making the girl next to him laugh, earning another shove in response. Link respawned at the top of the screen and hopped back into battle against the female. She easily kicked the male, sending him over the edge once again.
“Quit it!” The blonde growled, attacking the female character once more. Akari simply giggled, easily evading his attack and sending him off the platform once more.
Game Over
“Ha! 8th time!”
“You’re not supposed to be talking!”
“Give me my prize, bitch!”
“Stop talking, dumbass!” 
“Make me-” The blonde covered her mouth, silencing her.
“You’ll get ice cream if you shut up-Ew! Did you just lick me?” Snatching his hand back with a look of disgust, Katsuki wiped his hand on the multicolored girl’s sleeve. “You’re gross.”
“And you’re a sore loser. Pay up.” Akari signed, making the blonde grumble with a small smile.
“Tomorrow. We’ll go wherever you want and get ice cream.” He yawned, arms stretching above his head before laying on the girl’s lap.
“You’re a dork.” She whispered, playing with Katsuki’s hair as he put on a movie.
“Shut up.” She rolled her eyes, placing a hand behind her back and leaning back on it, continuing to play with the blonde stands.
The male relaxed on her lap, closing his eyes as soft music played in the background. The small girl silently studied the male’s face, losing herself in her thoughts.
Just months ago he had hardly even taken note of her existence, not even acknowledging the fact that she sat next to him in class. Simply staring blankly when his friends and classmates made nasty comments about her, or shoved her around. Even despite that fact, she decided to confess to him, not caring what happened. 
Maybe he would say he liked her too. Maybe something would come out of nothing, ending the torment that plagued her everyday life.
Instead, he rejected her, saying he could never be with her and walking away. No one seemed to have found out though, and she was grateful that he seemed to have enough, if not respect, then something close to it, for her to keep him from telling the entire school about it.
Then, a mere week or so later, he found her on that rooftop and saved her life. When the school year started and Bakugo realized they were in the same class, he became more protective of her suddenly. He was always taking care of her and doing all he could to keep her safe.
Meanwhile, Katsuki was stuck in his own thoughts.
When Akari confessed to him, he was startled. He had never talked to the once dark haired girl before that, and hearing that she admired him despite that fact made him feel something that he didn't quite like. Guilt? Doubt? He didn’t quite know, and he wasn’t used to it. Sure, he was quite used to girls walking up to him and trying to flirt with him, or ask him on a date, but he always declined, they never piqued his interest. This girl however, did all that and more. 
When she confessed to him, she began by stating the little things she had grown to find charming about him. Things he didn’t even seem to notice, let alone the other girls that had tried catching his attention. 
“The way you furrow your eyebrows when you get lost in thought, or the way you gently chew on your lip before raising your hand to answer a question. The little nervous tic you have where you tap your middle finger and thumb together and bounce your knee, or the way you twirl your pencil while reading through a question on a test. Your eyes soften, you get this warm smile and the tension in your shoulders relax when you talk about becoming a hero. You act all tough, but it’s obvious that there’s a part of you that’s scared. Everything about you is quite.. poetic in a way, Bakugo, and I’m sorry for laying all of this on you, but I couldn’t just let it go without saying. I couldn’t let something like this just disappear into the void without even giving you a chance to hear it.”
His chest tightened as her words replayed in his head.
She had already made her choice when she told me.
Red eyes flickered to the bright green ones above him, clouded with emotion as she stared at the television.
Could I have changed her mind?
A lump formed in the blonde’s throat.
If I had realized my feelings towards her sooner-
He struggled to swallow the lump as he sat up slowly, eyes the color of peacock feathers on a sunny day flickered to him.
If I had actually waited before walking away, if I had actually put thought into it there and not after I had caught her from falling off of that building would things be different-
“Katsuki?” The soft sound of her raspy voice pulled him from the thoughts plaguing his head.
Ruby eyes remained unreadable as they searched her face for some sort of answer, his brows furrowed in confusion.
“Katsuki?” She tried once more, a soft hand gently resting on his cheek making his eyes soften. “Is everything alright?” He stayed silent, continuing to search her face as his larger calloused hand rested on top of hers. They stayed there for a moment, silently studying the other’s features, oblivious to the fact the gap between them was slowly decreasing by the second.
It was only when their faces were millimetres from meeting that the blonde’s ruby orbs glanced down at the girl’s slightly parted lips in a silent ask for permission. She didn’t respond, senses on overdrive as she allowed her eyes to close and the space between them to shrink even more. His lips gently brushed against hers, and-
Snapping her eyes open, Akari practically leaped from the mattress, the pillow on her lap toppling to the floor as she stood.
“I need to..” Her feet moved before she could think of a proper end to her sentence, leading her out the door to his bedroom and down the stairs.
“Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.” Their voices rang into the empty air around them in unison.
“Damnit, Katsuki, why did you try to kiss her?”
“Akari, why didn’t you kiss him?” 
Their hands trembled as they each muttered curses to themselves. Him for doing something to, what he assumed was making her uncomfortable, and her for chickening out last second.
“He was right there you could’ve-” A growl escaped her lips as she held her hands out and attempted to strangle the air in frustration.
“Why the hell would she kiss you? She already told you how she felt and you being the dumbass you are told her no.” Bakugo groaned in irritation as he ran his fingers through his hair and glanced at the clock.
“I probably stink from the sports festival.” He stood, pushing his irritation to the back of his mind as he turned off the movie and gathered his things for a shower before making  his way to the bathroom.
The multicolored girl sluggishly made her way back upstairs, hating the thought of being alone in such a big house without a voice if she were to need to use her quirk or call out for help. 
You’re such an idiot. You’ve liked him for how long? And yet you still chickened out when given the chance to kiss him? You’re such a coward.
She paused for a moment at the door, mustering up the courage to go back in and face him, to apologize for freaking out over nothing, and maybe asking for a redo.
Opening the door, what was left of her voice caught in her throat and her hands stilled as she came face to face with an empty room. The remote Katsuki had been using was placed on the shelf with the gaming console below the television, the one she had been using on the bed where she had left it. The sound of the shower turning on across the hall answered the silent question of where the blonde had gone.
Moving over to her bag, Aki pulled out a worn hardcover black notebook and a pen, before settling down on the mattress and beginning to write.
It was moments like these where she would write down one of those “letters” that she usually had no intention of giving to the person it was directed to. Oftentimes, those “letters” turned into songs, ones that she would hope to be able to perform for someone, anyone, even the person she wrote it for.
This would be a lot easier if I had my guitar or something. 
She sighed, writing down the rhythm in a mix of Morse code like symbols and music notes.
Katsuki’s shower finished sooner than he would’ve normally liked, often standing under the hot water until it turned cold, thus being the reason why he showered after his parents went to sleep. He was nervous to go back to his room in fear of what Aki might say, but he knew he had to at some point.
Steam filled the hallway as he opened the door, taking note of the slightly cracked door of his bedroom.
Why are you acting like this? It’s just Aki.
Opening the door, his heart fluttered at the sight before him. The small girl sat with a leg laid out straight, the other bent as she wrote in a notebook placed on her knee. The soft sound of her humming filled the bedroom as he stood in the doorway. 
Gently twirling the pen in her hand, she tilted her head back, resting it on the wall as she thought of what to write next.
“My luck couldn’t get any worse.” She chuckled lightly, twirling the pen once more before sitting back up and writing something down, not seeming to notice the blonde standing at the door.
“Hey.” He called softly making the two toned haired girl jump and clutch the notebook to her chest as her face heated up in embarrassment. She opened her mouth to speak before opting for a simple wave. “Listen I-” Fists clenched at his sides as he sighed, looking towards the ceiling, searching for the right words to say.
Quietly setting her notebook down on the bed, Akari stood and moved towards him, her heart fluttering at the thought of what she was about to do.
“I’m sorry-” A small hand tilted his chin down, the small girl placing her free hand on the back of his neck and gently pulling him towards her as she stood on her toes to help close the distance between them.
“Shut up, Dumbass.” 
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lucywithlupus · 6 years
The Ultimate Kit for Arthritis Survival
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Behold, the most powerful Ziploc bag you will ever meet. Hello guys! Today, I bestow on you some wisdom. During the first years or months of having a rheumatoid disorder, keeping track of your pills and doing your everyday activities can be a challenge. Especially when you do not have things to help you out in moments of need. So today, I am going to tell you the best and only items you may need to take with you in your already (let's face it)  messy bag to save you in those creaky moments. Without further ado, here we go: Ultimate Kit for Arthritis Survival!
Your Meds It goes without question: where you go, your meds will follow. You know what you take and what allows you to stay functional during the day, so please take it with you in case of an emergency! Maybe that day your rheumatoid factor spiked up and decided to ruin your day, or maybe you have to go somewhere for longer than needed and you are stuck in the sticky situation of not having your meds available when you have to take them. So please meds in the bag. Even if you think you won't need them! Take all of the ones you take during the day! You have no idea how many times I was saved by my anti-inflammatories when being away from home. To make it easier, use those tiny pill containers to place them inside. Curse pharmacies or something but pills doesn't come in rainbow colors and may get confused if you just shove them in there with no order or nametag. Don't carry the whole jar though, it may explode!
Thermometer Your thermometer is your best friend. You know you have a best friend when both of you have a common enemy: fever. Basically, fever is caused in your body when your hypothalamus is trying to maintain temperature homeostasis- aka regulate your body temperature- at the moment pyrogens attack. Pyrogens are substances that induce fever, and these could be either microorganisms and viruses- aka infections- or pyrogenic cytokines, which are produced by your own body when inflammatory processes - like rheumatic inflammation- are going on. So keeping a thermometer is always key to have your body levels on check. You don't even need to check that often, only when you feel something is not right. Just make sure it is not an original mercury-filled thermometer, as those may break in your bag and poisonify everything you own. Including the bag. And you. Instead, I would recommend an electrical thermometer: they are pretty inexpensive, more accurate, less difficult to see and even beep when they are done so you know you waited enough time. So throw one in there too! What's next?
Panadol Panadol is your other best friend. Love her in all her gentle yet pain slaughtering glory. Scoop some panadol pills and place them into your small pill case, making sure to write her name down so you don't confuse yourself later! Warning: Be careful when consuming panadol often, it does not cause harm but may affect your liver in the long run. Just follow the package instructions and we'll be all good to go.
Med schedule This is actually something many people forget about because it just seems so unnecessary: why keep my schedule in there when I can just memorize it or use an app instead? Well, it makes sense because you are basically placing your plan of attack right inside your bunker. Right in the wall where you can see it, grab your ammo and battle out. Sometimes when I used apps, my phone died or I had it in my pocket and never saw the reminders. It is always better to trust the good old post-it note and smack it right there inside the bag for when you really need it.
Antibacterial gel Bacterias are everywhere. I think my microbiology teacher put it best: they are on you, in you, I shall repeat, inside you and all around you. And the sad thing about rheumatoid conditions is that immunosuppressors- aka medicine that lowers your immune system's ability to defend itself-  are a very common treatment. Which means that you are under constant attack by the outside world, everywhere, all the time, every day. No pressure. Throwing some nice scented antibacterial gel in your bag is just a habit for me (look at the small bottle! It has sparkles in it!) It just takes one thing off of my mind to worry about. Every time I please, I just plop some of that clean goodness in my hands and bam! No germs. Don't abuse this, because they can be harmful to your skin, and sometimes can even contribute to germs getting stuck in your hands if they are not actually "antibacterial". Be careful and pick the sparkliest one.
Moisturizer or pain relief cream Everyone has a moisturizer at their house. Jot it in your bag, or a small amount, just to make sure you have a medium to massage your joints in when they get inflamed. Maybe today you run too fast or went up those stairs too enthusiastically. So in those moments its great to sit down, examine your inflamed joint and rub the pain away. Icy Hot is a great brand for chronic joint problems: it burns terribly at first but then it leaves you icy cold and fresh. Other gym-branded pain relievers will do as well since muscle tearing conditions like lupus also apply to what the packaging indicates. Give yourself a break and soon you can continue with your day as nothing happened :)
Optional These are items that you do not need to have. It would be worth to spend on them eventually, but if you do not have the money or ability to get these, then do not worry. The items above will do just fine for now. (Remember tho: student discount codes exist too!)
Tissues: keep you fresh and ready if you are sick or have a fever. Gloves and mask: just to protect your nose and mouth from the smoke and overcrowding. Pretty inexpensive if you know where to find them. Worth investing the extra money instead of using disposable ones. 
Heart rate monitor (HRM) or sphygmomanometer: definitely more of a luxury item, but are now found relatively easily in phone apps and smartwatches. People use them at the gym, on hikes and, sometimes, just bored on the couch to checked if they are secretly a robot.
Spyro-majigger is basically what the doctor uses to measure blood pressure. Keeping track of your heart action is great to make sure the medicine is not giving you tachycardia and that fever is controlled. It may be useful in your next appointment!
Eyedrops: keeping those eyes clean of any superficial dust during the day.
The actual bag: now, the Ziploc bag is an option, but if it were me, I would recommend investing in an actual cloth makeup bag or school pencil case to carry your medicine. It's discrete, much nicer and less likely to break in your pockets or purses or schoolbags. Just know to wash it regularly and keep what's inside at bay.
And that is all that I have for today, folks! See you around! Love you!                   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Observen, la bolsa Ziploc más poderosa que ustedes conocerán. 
Hola chicos! Hoy dia les daré un poco de mi sabiduría. Durante los primeros meses de tener una condición reumatoide, fue un desafío planificar mis pastillas y hacer mis actividades diarias. Así que hoy les diré algunas de las cosas que tú necesitarás llevar contigo en tu (seamos honestos) desordenado bolso o mochila para esos momentos de riesgo. Sin más preámbulos, aquí vamos: El Ultimate Kit para sobrevivir a la artritis.
Cosas que debes tener
Tus medicinas
Fuera de bromas: donde tu vayas, tus medicinas te seguirán. Tu sabes lo que consumes y qué te ayuda a mantenerte funcional durante el día, así que por favor agarra lo que necesites en caso de una emergencia!Quizá ese dia tu factor reumatoide decidió subir abruptamente y arruinar tu dia, o quizá debas ir a algún sitio por más tiempo del necesario y estás atorado en una situación pegajosa hasta nuevo aviso, sin tus medicinas para salvarte. Así que: medicinas en la bolsa. Incluso si piensas que no las vas a necesitar! Lleva todas las que tomes durante el dia! No saben cuantas veces fui rescatada por mis anti inflamatorios cuando estaba fuera de casa.Para hacer las cosas más sencillas aún, utiliza esos mini contenedores de pastillas para organizarte. Las malvadas farmacias no hacen pastillas de todos los colores del arcoiris y podríamos confundirlas si solo las tiras en tu cartera sin orden o el nombre escrito encima. Solo no cargues el jarro entero: se rompera!
Tu termómetro es tu mejor amigo. Sabes que tienes un mejor amigo cuando ambos odian a la misma persona: fiebre. Básicamente, la fiebre es causada cuando el hipotálamo trata de mantener tus niveles de temperatura estable. Este balance corporal se llama homeostasis, y puede perder el control cuando los pirógenos atacan. Pirógenos son substancias que inducen a la fiebre. Esta se produce en el cuerpo ante la aparición de microorganismos y viruses o citocinas pirógenas, que se producen por tu propio cuerpo cuando los procesos inflamatorios reumáticos ocurren. Un termómetro siempre es clave para tener un buen registro de tu temperatura. Ni siquiera necesitar chequearte tan a menudo, solo cuando sientas que algo no está en orden. Por favor no utilices uno tradicional lleno de mercurio, pues se puede partir y envenenar todo lo que tu tienes ahí. Incluyendo la bolsa. Y a ti. En vez de eso, opta por un termómetro eléctrico: el precio es más bajo que nunca, son más precisos y menos difíciles de usar, incluso suenan cuando ya puedes ver qué temperatura tienes y te evitas la espera dudosa. Así que agrega un termómetro también ahí! Que sigue?
Panadol es tu otro mejor amigo. Ámala en toda su gentil y asesina-de-dolor naturaleza. Toma unas cuantas y agregalas a tu pequeño pastillero, escribe su nombre para que no te confundas!Advertencia: Ten cuidado cuando consumes panadol muy a menudo. No hace mayor daño en exceso pero puede afectar a tu hígado a la larga. Solo sigue las instrucciones del empaque y estaremos listos para salir.
Las bacterias están en todos lados. Creo que mi profesor de biología lo explica de la major manera: están sobre ti, en ti, repito, dentro de ti y en todo tu alrededor.
Y lo más triste de las condiciones reumáticas es que los inmunosupresores- o medicina que reduce la actividad de tu sistema inmune y este no pueda defenderse- son un tratamiento común de la artritis. Esto significa que tu te encuentras en la línea de fuego cada vez que sales al mundo exterior, todo el tiempo, todo el dia, todos los días. Sin presión.
Tirar una botellita de gel antibacterial con un olor rico en mi mochila se volvió un hábito para mí (Mira la botellita! Tiene escarcha adentro!). Solo el tenerlo quita esa preocupación de mi cabeza. Cada vez que yo plazca, puedo poner un poco de este amiguito en mi mano y bam! Sin gérmenes.
No abuses de esto tampoco, por que algunos pueden ser malos para la piel o incluso contribuyen a que los gérmenes se peguen a tus manos si en serio no son tan "antibacteriales" como dicen. Ten cuidado y agarra el más brillante.
Crema humectante o crema para dolor muscular
Todos tienen al menos una botella de crema humectante en casa. Ponla en tu cartera, o separa un poco en otro envase, para asegurarte de tener algo con qué masajear tus articulaciones si estas fueran a inflamarse.Quizá hoy corriste demasiado rápido o subiste esas escaleras muy vigorosamente. En esos momentos, es bueno sentarse, examinar tu articulación inflamada y sobar hasta que ya no te duela.
Icy Hot es una marca buenísima para problemas crónicos de las articulaciones: te quema increíblemente al principio pero después de dejar frio hielo y fresco. Otras cremas musculares de gimnasio también funcionan, pues cuando los músculos se desgarran después de un buen entrenamiento, producen la misma situación que el lupus en tu cuerpo.
Date un descanso y pronto podrás continuar con tu dia como si nada hubiera ocurrido :)
Estos son artículos que no necesitas tener. Valdría la pena invertir en ellos eventualmente, pero sí en serio no puedes costear telos o no tienes la habilidad de conseguirlos, no te preocupes. Los que mencioné antes está bien por ahora (Recuerda que los descuentos de universitarios existen!).
Tissues:para mantenerte fresco y listo si estás enfermo o si tienes fiebre. Guantes y máscara:sólo para proteger tu nariz y boca del humo y de los sitios con mucha gente. Ahora los precios son bastante favorables si sabes donde encontrarlos. Es una buena inversión a diferencia de las máscaras desechables.
Monitor de frecuencia cardiaca (HRM) o esfigmomanómetro:definitivamente algo más costoso, pero ahora los puedes encontrar en tus apps de teléfono y smartwatches. Las personas los usan en el gimnasio, en caminatas o, a veces, aburridos en el sillón chequeando que no son secretamente un robot del gobierno.
Esfigmo-nosequé es básicamente lo que usa el doctor para medir tu presión arterial. Tener un buen record de tu perfil cardiaco es excelente para asegurarte que tu medicina no te de taquicardia y tu fiebre esté regulada. Quizá sea útil en tu próxima consulta médica!
Gotas de ojo:mantiene esos ojitos limpios de cualquier polvo superficial durante el dia.
La bolsa:ahora, bolsa Ziploc es una opción. Si fuera yo, recomendaría invertir en una pequeña bolsa de tela, estuche de maquillaje o cartuchera para cargar tus medicinas. Es discreta, más bonita y menos probable de romperse en tus bolsillos, carteras o mochilas escolares. Solo recuerda limpiarla con frecuencia y revisar qué hay dentro de vez en cuando.
Yyy eso es todo, amigos! Nos vemos pronto! Chau!
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idxking-blog · 5 years
》Interview PT 2
Interview Prompt: 3/3 (completed 9 questions) Word Count: 1977 words Points: +6 EXP
Studying Japanese had always been a struggle for the musician. He had learned a little during high school, but his attention had been focused on creating music rather than passing his classes. The only reason he had maintained his knowledge of the language was because of his interest in Japanese rock music. He could read basic hiragana and katakana, but his ability to recognize and write Kanji was entirely out of the question. He could speak survival level Japanese and with Jinhwan’s help he was beginning to fix his accent. But otherwise, the guitarist’s brain felt as though it was going to melt right out of his ears as their preparation for their Japanese promotions were just around the corner. The pressure to be able to speak during interviews and to be able to read and memorize scripts for performances had been occupying his mind for months.
As with any kind of information gathering, there was only so much he could retain in a day before the words on the page began to melt into blurred lines with little to no meaning. It was time for a break.
Yeongshik reached for his cellphone and flipped it on it’s side and leaned it against his wall behind his fesk. He tapped his way to his instagram app. He kept his chin pressed on the table on top of his study notes as he waited for people to sign into the channel. It look a couple of minutes, especially considering the late hour in which he was streaming. However, there were always the handful of loyal XL-ENTs that had notifications on for his account. He saw a few familiar usernames pop up as the notifications began to roll in.
“Oopa-ya, you’re so handsome!”
“What is this friend doing? Kkkk”
Warmth washed over Yeongshik and a small smile curled on the corner of his lips as his eyes tired eyes skimmed the comments.
“Hi everyone,” His voice cracked a little with fatigue. The comments suddenly exploded asking if he had been resting. “I’m fine. My voice iz’gone ‘cause of preparin’ fer promotions.” he wiggled his eyebrows and chuckled. “I think y’all know ‘bout our upcomin’ tour in Japan, right?” He sat up a little and cleared his throat. He paused a little longer to let the comments flood. Some were related to his topic, others weren’t. Most he honestly couldn’t even read.
“I’ve been tryin’ t’study Japanese.” He lifted his head from the table and picked up his notebook. Though, as he tried to carefully remove the book from the desk, his phone slipped and fell onto the desk with a loud clack. “Oh shi---ba inu!” He wheezed and chuckled awkwardly at his verbal save. His large hand consumed the majority of the camera for a short moment as he righted the phone back against the wall. He grabbed his eraser and used it as a stopper to hold the phone in place.
“Y’heard that, right? Tha’ssa new Japanese word. Shiba Inu. Not t’be confused with’uh bad Korean word that I definitely wussn't gonna say.” he chuckled again. The comments rolled aggressively as fans started to spam the chat with the actual swear word he had nearly said. He needed to change the topic quickly.
“I’ve been studyin’ for a few hours now an’ I’m gettin’ tired. So I thought I’d take some questions t’answer.” His eyes scanned the comments. “No, no. This aien’t procrastination. This is productive, right? Maybe I can try t’answer a question in Japanese. OH! There’s one!”
The camera shook as his hands reached for thr phone again he held his finger on the comment so it wouldn't disappear in the steady stream. He recognized the hiragana characters. He read them out loud slowly. “Ge-n-ki de-su-ka? Oh! Genki desu!” he chuckled at himself. “Are you well? I'm well.” He translated back into Korean.
He hummed the chorus to their new single as he  set the phone back against the wall, but leaned in close to the phone to skim through the newer comments to read some other questions that he could answer.
“Is there something the public doesn’t know about you?”
“This is a good one!” he read out loud. “Many people know that I grew up in Pohang and that my family catches and sells fish. But what many people don’t know is that I’m super picky about the fish I eat. If it’s not fresh, I won’t eat it. It makes the members angry.” His mouth quirked in a way that was a mixed expression of amusement and mild embarrassment. “I can look atta fish an’ can tell you exactly what kind of fish it is an’if it’s good quality. It’s a special talent. I’m like an X-Man.” He smiled and nodded, though immediately felt his ears grow hot with embarrassment. He sputtered laughter and gently banged his forehead on the desk. “Okay, next question.”
“Has anything influenced the direction you’ve taken either in music or achievements?”
King’s head bobbed up and down as he read the question and hummed aloud. “There’ve actually been many things an’many people that've influenced me and my work; both in positive an’negative ways.” He sat up and leaned back in his chair and twirled his pencil between his fingers. “I think many people would try t’discredit the negative things… buor wanna ignore 'em, but I think it’s important t’experience and embrace those things. Otherwise we wouldn’t be the people we are today, right?” He hummed thoughtfully. His eyes stared at the wall as memories played in his vision.
“When I joined KMT I thought I was gonna be a rock star, but as y'all know, XLNC’s music is more pop. At first I didn't like it, and I thought I was really gonna quit. But th’members really urged me t’stay an’ try. I can say now that I honestly enjoy it, an’ cuz of these experiences I’ve been able t’grow as a musician and as a person.” He twisted the pencil in his hand but it flipped out of his reach and landed with a loud clack against the phone. His eyes grew wide and his mouth formed a toothy grimace. Yeongshik's hands reached out to catch the cellphone before it could fall again. “Sorry!” He chortled and returned the phone to its position and found another interesting question in the comments.
“If you were given the chance, would you do it all again the same way?”
A long exhale huffed from his chest. “Wow. That's’a heavy question.” He folded his arms behind his head while his eyes looked up at the ceiling. “If you’d asked me that question two years ago, I would’ve said no.” He leaned back in his computer chair and twisted it back and forth a little.  
“Meetin’ th’members of XLNC really opened my eyes t’many things. I think if I didn’t meet ‘em, I wouldn’t be as strong as I am now.” He reached across his desk and pulled out a Dazed and Confused magazine and opened it to the page that had been bookmarked with a post-it-note. He opened it and held it up to the camera. There was a spread of some pictures of XLNC's King. The pictures were admitting awkward and in many of them, he wasn't even looking ay the camera.
“Three years ago I wouldn’t’ve ever thought’ov doin’ somethin’ like this, but ‘cuz’ov Haneul-ah’s advice an’ th’ support of management at KMT, I was able t’have this chance.” He set the book aside and drummed his fingers on it a moment. “So t’answer, I would say yes. I’d do it all again.”
“Where are the other members?”
He hummed and rolled his eyes up as though he was genuinely thinking about where they might be. A slow, dry smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes spread across his lips. “They’re not here. I’m alone in the dorm right now. Next!”
“In what aspect have you changed the most since debut (if at all)?”
“I think my mind has opened a lot. There are many things that I’ve learned since becomin’ an idol. The experiences I talked ‘bout before’ve really changed me. I’ve also changed physically. Look here.” He held his hand up to the camera to show his hands.
“Y’can see calluses an’scars right? These are th’hands of a fisherman’s son. But recently they’ve become very soft.” He pulled his hand back to look at them himself and shook his head.
“Fans asked me t’use hand creams at signin’ events. I keep gettin’ them as gifts.” He leaned to the left in his chair and gestured to his shelf behind him and pointed towards a white shoe box. “That box is full’ov different lotions an’creams.” He leaned back into the camera and smiled a little. “Right now I’m using Tonymoly Pikachu hand cream.” Yeongshik's hand reached across the desk again and brought out a bright yellow tube with the mouse pokemon on it. “It’s cute, right? It smells nice. The fan that gave this t’me said I looked like pikachu. I think I look like Bulbasaur.”
“If y’had to choose another profession what wouldja choose?”
“Fishing?” he chuckled, “Oh, you mean in the entertainment industry?” He frowned and puffed out his bottom lip. “I’m really notta good actor. I’m still not good with cameras. Modeling is very difficult. I think I’d like t’stick with music. Maybe producing full time or perhaps bein’ a guitar teacher.” He snorted softly. “I dunno if I’d make a good teacher though. I’m not very patient.”
Comments about his patience and fishing started to rapidly flood through the comments. He laughed aloud, his teeth showing and his infectious hiccuping laughter rang in the small room. “Patience with teaching an’ patience with fishing are two completely different things. Really. Okay! I've got time fer one more question before I need t’go.”
“Who is the single most influence person to your career? Be it in a musical capacity or otherwise.”
Yeongshik hissed loudly as he read the question. It was so difficult to pin the needle on any one specific person. He groaned and rubbed his hands through his hair. “This is a hard one! Ahh, I guess if I had to choose, I’d say it was my parents. Does that count? They’re’a pair so it’s basically like one, right?” He snorted softly.
“Really though. They introduced me t’music. My father would sing at sea. My mother played music on the radio. I was always surrounded by music. If I didn’t get that much exposure to it, maybe I wouldn’t’ve cared.” He shrugged his shoulders. “My parents were also th’ones who helped me get my first guitar.” He jumped up from his seat and walked towards the foot of his bed. He picked up an incredibly worn acoustic guitar.
“At th’time they didn’t have enough money t’get me a new one. So they saved up an'got me this used one from a man in th’city. Th’first thing I ever saved up t’buy were new strings.” He strummed a G major chord and slapped the strings silent with the palm of his hand. “Ahh. Now I wanna play. Should I play a teaser for our Japanese single before I go?”
The hearts started to flood the chat. If there was one word he could read in almost any language, it was the word “Yes”.
King smiled a broad, toothy smile. “Alright. I’ll do a soft acoustic version of the chorus.”
His thumb graced over the six strings as he calmly played his own rendition of their new Japanese single. It was familiar enough to be recognized by those who had heard it already, but for those who hasn't may not recognize it. When the chorus came to an end he leaned into th camera and waved his farewell and turned off the stream
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IRC: The End of Pokeforum
The sun bore down on the abandoned city. Not a single sound could be heard within the run down walls. No insects. No birds. No people. Nothing. All that was left was the shell of what used to be a great city. There wasn't even any greenery. Just rocks that had the shape of houses, because can it be called a house if it's not lived in? The soil had dried up too, leaving the Earth cracked and hard. All that was left was dust. The dust covered everything, and on the odd occasion there was a gust of wind it would engulf the city. Following the main road within this city would lead you to a huge castle. Just like the city the castle had begun to crumble too, one of its four towers had collapsed and the water that was supposed to fill its moat had dried up. The wood of one of its huge doors had dried up so much that it had cracked under its own weight and torn the hinges off the wall, leaving only a small space to walk through. Surprisingly the sound of voices emanated from inside the decaying castle.
“God I am so bad at drawing!” complained a rather chubby man who was sitting at a desk in the right hand corner of the room sketching, he then slammed his colouring pencil against the desk out of frustration. In the centre of the great hall, atop a few steps which were made out of marble, was a huge throne of gold, silver, rubies, sapphires, diamonds, emeralds and many other precious things, but even though they were made from such beautiful material the throne looked wrong. The engraved stones didn't shine, the colours seemed dull, it was as if the throne wasn't real, it was a cheap copy made from bad material. Atop this throne sat a very thin man, so thin in fact that in a different light you could mistake him for a skeleton. The man's sunken cheeks looked sharp enough to cut the very stones of the castle, and from his chin grew a very long and wiry grey beard, which was unusual considering the long hair on his head was black. In his hands was a PSP, but after hearing the other man's reaction he slowly looked up, his neck cracking in several places as he did so.
“Hoyle, you're disturbing me whilst I play Fire Emblem,” croaked the man.
“Wait, there isn't even a FE on PSP,” said Hoyle under his breath, “Ah, bugger off Silver, why don't you go and complain to somebody else. Oh, wait, there is nobody else to complain to, except Porygon2 maybe, and even he's looking worse for wears.” he added, frantically rubbing out the drawing he had started.
After hearing his name being said Porygon2, who was in standby mode just beside Silver, was activated, his circular robotic eyes lit up: “I am Porygon2 how... may...I...,” Porygon2 collapsed into a pile of rubble on the floor. Hoyle let out a sigh. The castle hall fell silent once again, the silence occasionally being broken by the scratching of Hoyle's pencil. Beyond Silver's throne were many hallways which led to dormitories, but all of them were empty and abandoned. Silver had stopped asking Poyrgon2 to clean them a long time ago.
A faint erupted in the throne room and a metallic figure had suddenly appeared. He was very square and angular with a single antenna protruding from his head.
“Losers,” said the robot. Silver grunted.
“'Sup Jenova,” replied Hoyle, who didn't even lift his head from off the paper. Jenova grunted back and pulled out a copy of JoJo from someone on his person and walked over and sat down on one of the marble steps in front of Silver. Silver frowned at him, and then passed out from the exertion of frowning. The trio sat in silence once more and some time past until another pop was heard and a very short and stout person appeared.
“Met,” said Hoyle. Silver grunted. Jenova beeped. Met sat down beside Jenova on the marble stairs.
“As lively as usual then,” said Met to Jen.
“Indeed,” replied Jen. Met nodded slowly but his nod was a mere acceptance that things didn't look like they were going to change anytime soon.
You see, dear reader, in the world of IRC it is the people who bring life to the channel. The more people there are in a channel, the stronger it becomes. It creates more life, breathes energy into the lands and the people who live there. Whilst there are people a channel can thrive and prosper. In fact, this very channel, pokeforum, was once a great place full of life and things happening all the time: omnipresent pineapple deities who loved to observe the people of IRC and gift them with unique abilities and write down the annals, strange crab, dorito and shark creatures, actual women, and reality altering games of “mafia”. The channel had become such a force that enemy channels attempted to destroy it and steal its life force for their own, but the people of the land came together and used the power of mystical artefacts and fought them off. Some of those people are the ones sitting down in that throne room right now. Silver, although grouchy and selfish he may be, actually gave his life for the channel. He was later on revived by the mysterious Phoenix clan but that's a previous story. But alas, all great empires must end. And so too did Pokeforum. One by one the people started to leave, some had moved on to other channels which suited them more, others had simply departed from IRC and some had simply suffered the same thing we all go through, life. All that was left of the once great empire were the few who remained to abandon the place they called home, but that very place was slowly decaying, crumbling, dying.
Another pope resonated through the hall and suddenly there was a very muscular man shouting at his phone, “FUCKING POKEMON DUEL AND IT'S FUCKING HAX,” screamed the man, his thin Spanish moustache bristled and the veins on his neck and forehead looked like they would explode at any minute.
“Why the fuck are you giving yourself a Spanish moustache?” said the man to no one in particular.
“Joe's raging again,” said Silver rolling his eyes, well, at least he imagined himself rolling his eyes, because actually doing so would mean taking his eyes off his PSP and that would be unforgivable. Joe sat down in the far left corner, he made sure to sit far away from the others, because he once threw his phone against the wall in one of his many fits of rage and it rebounded and left Met in a coma for a week.
The others just grunted. Time passed and day turned to night. The once sweltering heat of the wastelands turned to very frigid air and the company of IRCers wrapped themselves up in another layer of clothing. To the surprise of the group of men the sound of someone entering the channel reverberated in the hall. A very young man in his twenties stood triumphantly in front of the giant throne. He had an acoustic guitar around his shoulder and was wearing jeans and a simple orange tee, his hair was short and chestnut brown and his skin was very white and peppered with freckles. Silver didn't bother looking up, but the rest of them did.
“Get out,” snapped Hoyle, “we don't want new people”
“Ah, Hoyle, you never change, do you?” said the young man with a soft smile on his face. He looked around and whistled, “wow guys you really let this place go to the dumps didn't you.”
“Do we know you?” asked Hoyle.
The man laughed in shock, “Hoyle? Don't you recognise me? It's me, Ruari.” said Ruari pointing to himself.
“Nope. Can't be. Ruari's 12, well, maybe, just maybe, 14 now.” Hoyle said.
“Yeah, and you're like, twenty something,” added Met.
“But he does have that guitar on him, and Ruari always carried his guitar on him.” commented Joe. The others looked Ruari up and down.
“Do you want me to play?” he asked.
“NO!” They cried back in unison.
“Okay, so it's definitely Ruari,” said Hoyle, “what are you doing here?”
“I've come to save you all,” he said with a smile “I am your new Jesus,”
“We don't need saving,” snapped Hoyle, “leave us alone. Let us die a lonely and miserable death. That's all we want now.”
The rest nodded in affirmation. Ruari let out a sigh, he knew it was going to be a difficult task to convince them but he wasn't going to give up just yet.
“Okay guys, listen to me. What if I say that the new place I'm want to take you to has all the ice cream,” Hoyle's eyes lit up, “JoJo,” Jenova buzzed in excitement, “super...friendly friends, or whatever it is you watch,” Ruari said looking at Met who clasped his hands together like an eager child, “Fire Emblem” Silver actually looked up and scowled at Ruari, “and...”
Joe looked at Ruari eagerly, what on Earth could he have that he desired as much as Hoyle wanted ice cream?
“weights,” Joe smiled, but deep down inside that wasn't the answer he wanted to hear.
“In this new place we will once again create a lively channel, full of conversation, and laughs and entertaintment. Together gentlemen, we can make Pokeforum great again.” said Ruari ending the speech with his hands on his hips.
The group of men looked at each other, and then at the despair around them. The dust covered curtains, the crumbling walls, the silence, the nothingness the channel had become. What did they have to lose? All they had to do was finally take a leap of faith and leave IRC. They wouldn't be going back to a forum, or a chatango or god forbid a Xat. Ruari promised them something exciting, something different, something more up to date.
“Silver, what do you say?” asked Ruari, who stared directly at the carcass like figure sitting on the throne. Silver grunted, sighed, squirmed. He raised his and spread his palms. Ruari stared at him, his eyes wide open, Silver's hand began to shake, along with his arm, finally it collapsed on his arm.
“I don't even possess the power to kick you now,” said Silver ashamed, “I am the creator of this channel, the founding father and I have done everything possible to maintain peace and order. Many have tried to overthrow me, many attempts have been made to start a second channel because I am a” he raised his arms and air quoted “dictator, yet all of those attempts failed and I survived. Even when I had to leave to do business elsewhere with other channels and that fool GEC was in charge this channel still thrived. And now, after all these years, after everything I have done, the channel still stands, perhaps not as great as what it once was but it is still here and still alive. Are you really asking me to abandon this place, after all this time?”
“I'll give you powers,” said Ruari.
“Okay!” Silver suddenly leapt from his throne, the bony skeletal figure that he once was transformed completely into a middle aged man wearing jeans and a purple tee, “I guess it's time to finally turn off the lights, shut the door and say goodbye to the old girl.” Said Silver placing his hand on the broken door. Suddenly it started to creak, it then began to levitate, the hinges that had broken were suddenly fixed and reconnected to the wall and within the blink of an eye the door was once again brand new.
“We've had some great times in here,” said Joe putting a hand on Silver's shoulder. Silver let out a sigh, he looked at Joe, his eyes were full of sadness, he looked down and then...
“Get off me!” Silver shrugged Joe off him, “God it's just an IRC channel, no need to get all emotional on me, ugh,” Silver said in disgust. He walked out of the throne room. Joe watched in shock.
“Looks like the old Silver is back,” said Hoyle.
“Well, that's that then!” chirped Ruari, “time to make a move,”
The band of men followed Silver outside the castle, as they all left the castle vanished out of existence leaving behind it nothingness. Literal nothingness. With each step they took away from the castle the land behind them disappeared. In the meantime Silver raised his right hand, everything to his right disappeared, he raised his left and the same happened. Suddenly the group of men were surrounded by darkness, with the only thing ahead of them being a great white light. They were walking too, but it was if they were walking but not actually moving. Silver stopped and faced the group, the great white light making his face invisible.
“It's the end, but the moment has been prepared for,” he said.
“I don't want to go,” added Joe sadly.
“We should always remember when the IRC was us,” said Hoyle.
“Run!” shouted Ruari. Suddenly the group were in the middle of a bustling city, cars and pedestrians sped past them. Hoyle, being half blind almost walked straight into a car but was save thanks to Jenova's quick reactions. A red convertible with a lemon wearing sunglasses sped past them, rearing behind it was another car being driven by a shark-like being, next to him was a young man and a crab-like thing. Upon seeing the group the car screeched to a halt, the driver's window slowly winded down.
“Welcome to Discord losers, it was about time,” said the shark.
“God they're so lame, LOL!” said the young man.
“I know right, LOL!” added the crab.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 6 years
What is an incubator? This picture is unrealistic in several respects. Standard, schmandard; the whole industry is only a few months in. Many are underfunded. Your contribution may be indirect. When someone buys shares in a company is a function of the interest other VCs show in it. Some might say it's part of science, but it's not when the speakers have no experience presenting, and they're a source of contacts and advice can be more important than the initial idea that we're going to make a million dollars. That is, how they'll make money, if only to get this one to act. Seem confident.1 They also spend a little money on a freelance graphic designer. In the original sense of the word, Bill Gates is in the same language as the underlying operating system—meaning C and C: Perl, Python, and even then was afflicted by the structural problems I've described above.
This includes gratuitous clip art. How do you tell? With so much at stake, VCs can't resist micromanaging you. Empirically, the way to get software written faster was to use a more fluid medium like pencil or ink wash or oil paint. A painting is never finished, you just yell into the next room. We'll have precise comparisons, but not if you're working on technology. If he goes on vacation for even a week, a whole week's backlog of shit accumulates. In high school I made money by mowing lawns and scooping ice cream. The way to deal with uncertainty is to analyze it into components.2 Until you have some performance to measure. There are other 19 year olds who are 12 inside.
Now the group is looking for more money: they want enough to last for a year or a hundred, but how clean the path to the finished program looks in it, and the macro is itself ten lines of code every time you use it, and an additional argument to use when I do: that being mean makes you stupid.3 This kind of expert witness can add credibility, even if they're supposed to be created and might be created unequally. One solution to this problem, but there are aspects of it that are unenviable.4 Once you stop looking at them to fuss with something on your computer, their minds drift off to the errands they have to run later. If users can get through a test drive successfully, they'll like the product. But the problem the patent pledge does fix may be more serious than the problem of what to do once you've thought of it in these terms, but in startups the curve is startlingly steep. This essay is derived from talks at the 2007 Startup School and the Berkeley CSUA. The word startup dates from the 1960s, but what happens in one is very similar to the venture-backed trading voyages of the Middle Ages. Also they find they now worry obsessively about the status of their server. What you need to add. You might think that people decide to buy something, and if I didn't—to decide which is better. And since the ability and desire to create it vary from person to person in an audience are disproportionately the more brutish sort, just as low notes travel through walls better than high ones.
But the best way to do really big things seems to be c, that people will assume, correctly or not as a credential in its own right. They could take everyone and keep just the good ones. Nearly everyone who works is satisfying some kind of expensive infrastructure, or hire highly paid salesmen. There have been famous instances of collaboration in the arts, but I bet users will start to want this in most applications once they realize it's possible. But again, the only way to say whether he should be classified as a friend or angel. Can something people have spent thousands of years studying really be a waste of time? The same angels who tried to screw us also let us do an end-run around Windows, and deliver it that way, you tend to be suspicious of rich people. If IBM hadn't made this mistake, Microsoft would still have meant a lot of work, or possibly even knowing about it. You do tend to get a good job, is a language that people don't learn Python because it will get them a job; they learn it because they could reproduce bugs instead of just hearing vague second-hand reports about them.
You can use the cram schools to show you where most of the risk out of starting a startup and you fall asleep in the middle of Antarctica, where there is nothing to buy, it wouldn't matter how much money you had. The solution societies find, as they should have, Microsoft would still have meant a lot of mean people out there, there are just two classes: a warrior aristocracy, and the default answer is failure, because that investment would be easier to do that with a handful of people than you would in conversation. How do you get bought? What if it's too hard? You have to imagine being two people. For a while it annoyed me to hear myself described as some kind of server/desktop hybrid, where the center of gravity had shifted by then that one found people confident enough to treat Aristotle's work as a catalog of features. It seems only about 1 in 10 startups succeeds. People who think the labor movement was the creation of heroic union organizers have a problem to have your work tangled together with a large number of high-paying union job. But if you're merely unsure whether you're up to this challenge? And not just because they'd be a lot more work. At Viaweb we got our first $10,000 of seed money from our friend Julian, but he was sufficiently rich that it's hard to imagine now, but was among the poorest, or in one where I was the richest, but much worse off than I am now, but few were in 1998.
Making a new search engine, but lately when using Google search I've found myself nostalgic for the old days, you could, in effect, is leaks in a seal. They'll make sure that suing them is expensive and takes a long time. You don't win fights by thinking of tricks that work in one particular case. Those characters you type are a complete, finished, product in one long touchdown pass. We should be clear that we are never likely to have accurate comparisons of the relative power of programming languages might be the percentage of people who know this best are the very ones trying to get tenure in any field you must not do is try to imitate the swagger of more experienced founders.5 You're worrying about construction delays at your London office instead of the broken air conditioner in your studio apartment. The way to get experience if you're 21 is to start from the other end, and offer programmers more parallelizable Lego blocks to build programs out of the wrong concepts. A meeting commonly blows at least half the startups we funded this summer present to investors.6 You could help the poor become more productive—for example, by going to work for them.
And you don't generally know which of the startups in each batch would turn out to be a problem. A remarkable number of famous startups grew out of some need the founders had: Apple, Microsoft, Yahoo, Google. If we wrote our software to run on the manager's schedule. It will take about a tenth as productive as another. Seems risky to you to start a startup with you, move where there are people who do. How can you tell if you're independent-minded enough to start a startup in college. By giving him something he wants in return. Now even the poorest Americans drive cars, and it is a tradeoff that you'd want to make money differently is to sell different things, and in particular that their parents didn't think were important. This, as we found, causes CEOs to take red-eyes. Which in fact it will usually be.7 We built the servers ourselves, from components—partly to save money, and partly to get exactly what we wanted.
How to start a startup now, because the company would go out of their own inner compass by establishing the principle that the most noble sort of theoretical knowledge: some that's useful in practical matters and some that isn't. You really only get one chance, because they made something people want. One of the VC firms says they want to invest millions in a company with a high probability of being moderately successful. No doubt it was a revelation to me how much less ideas mattered in speaking than writing. And while it must seem to anyone watching this world that startups are popping up like crazy, the number is small compared to the VCs who led the round, but Tim is a smart, determined, and hardworking man, but you won't even be that for long. The only point of buying one now is to advertise that you can get the best man for the job, but you're not expected to do more things in parallel, which is doing so well they could probably go faster. And you have leverage in the sense that your performance can be measured, he is not expected to devote your whole life with no hope of anything better, under the thumb of lords and priests you had to give all your surplus to and acknowledge as your masters. I realized recently that we may be able to flip ideas around in one's head: to see when two ideas don't fully cover the space of possibilities, or when one idea is the same as the root cause of variation in every other human skill.
Surely it's better to read an original book, bearing in mind that it's a bad idea was that the founders are willing to provide this service, this is mainly due to I.
I learned from this experiment is that the http requests are indistinguishable from dishonesty by the government, it could be made.
Because the title associate has gotten a bad idea was that there are few who can say I need to do it is the thesis of this policy may be enough to do it all at once is to tell them to act.
To be fair, the increasing complacency of managements. But it can have benevolent motives for being driven by money. Whereas the activation energy required. I say is being looked at the mercy of circumstances in the 1990s, except then people who are running on vapor, financially, and that he had once talked to a partner from someone they respect.
With a classic fixed sized round, or can launch during YC is how intently they listened.
If you walk into a great idea that people will give you money for. As the art itself gets more random, the number of spams that you should at least consider going into the subject of wealth for society. A round.
Within an hour just to go away.
Thanks to Hutch Fishman, Sam Altman, Patrick Collison, Josh Kopelman, Trevor Blackwell, Justin Kan, Dalton Caldwell, and Joe Gebbia for sparking my interest in this topic.
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