#saturn in horoscope results
subir-astrologer · 2 years
In Vedic astrology, Saturn ( Shani Dev) is considered a strict but fair teacher who brings lessons and hardships to individuals based on their past actions. This is seen as a form of discipline to help individuals learn important lessons and grow as individuals. Saturn ( Shani Dev) is known for promoting hard work, responsibility, integrity, and patience. By facing challenges and difficulties during Saturn transits, individuals can learn valuable lessons and make positive changes in their lives.
However, whether or not Saturn ( Shani Dev) is considered a "good" teacher is subjective and depends on one's personal beliefs and experiences. Some may view Saturn's lessons as difficult and unpleasant, while others may see them as opportunities for growth and self-improvement. It is important to remember that Saturn's lessons are not meant to be punishing, but rather to help individuals become their best selves.
Lord Shani rules the planet Saturn and has strong influence on everyone’s life as per astrology. Hindus from all communities worship Lord Shani to avoid malefic influence of the God, in their horoscope. Especially devotees who have sade sathi or Saturn cycle in their life fast and pray on this day to Lord Shani.
The purpose of fasting and doing Shani dev puja is to please Lord Shani with prayers and visiting Shani temples, so that luck and fortune are received by individuals. It is believed that position of Shani in the horoscope along with other navgraha should be nice so that one’s hard work is paid off in this life.
People also perform special puja on Shani Jayanti, which comes once in a year devotees perform ‘Shani Shanti puja’. Shani homam or yagya are also conducted by the people in the presence of acharya or purohit to protect themselves from all wrongs and black magic. To avoid witchcraft, people wear horse shoe rings in their fingers and also hang the horse shoes in their houses.
Performing Shani puja has lot of significances in the Indian culture. People strongly believe that by worshipping Lord Saturn, all the hurdles and problems in one’s path are eliminated. It is considered very essential to get free of Shani Dosha before starting a new venture.
In conclusion, Saturn ( Shani Dev) is often seen as a teacher who brings lessons and hardships in order to help individuals learn important lessons and grow as individuals. Whether or not Saturn is considered a "good" teacher is subjective and depends on one's personal beliefs and experiences.
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kiddotarot · 3 months
Astrology and your body parts
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So if you dont have your horoscope or birht chart and if you dont know which planet is strong and weak look at this here I am recently reading books and here i got the pic in two books explaining the body part connected with planets the main indicators are palm just look at the picture
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( ignore the camera quality)
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You can look at someone's palm and you can tell the planet's strength. In the palms diffrent areas are divided by the planets just like jupiter under index and sun under the ring finger and Saturn under the middle finger if the portion or mount on palm in not upper lift its means it is weak and if its upper lift and soft its means it in good position but this is not just we have to look there are other things depends like texture , colour, softness and signs and marks .example =
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Angelina joile
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( its from google not mine )
Look at her venus its lord of luxury sitting in 2H as the lord of 5H and 9H its means she got really lucky in the case of wealth , fortune , beauty and creativity talents and its gave her immense wealth . Now look at har palm and venus mount which is under the thumb .
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And here close up .
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( pic are not mine )
The are is bright and upper lift and and bright with not zig - zag line with soft texture and pink colour so its shows the planetary effects in palm also .example 2=
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jeon junkook
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( pics not mine )
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Its his chart and his venus is in 9H in Libra as lord of 5H and 10H which is a good position thats gives him luxuries and wealth through his career and gives him popularity now look at his hand .
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( pics not mine )
According to this pics he has a very good venus mount which gives him luxuries, luck , wealth and a mole on it which gives him strong attrition toward the opposite gender . Example 3=
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Sign thats indicates body parts
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Here the lecture i am listening and you can see the sign which represents our body parts and in hindu mythology and traditionan we often see people touches the elders person feet for blessing and the feets in astrology indicates pisces means Jupiter which give luck and fortune . So if we touch someone or eldrs feet they are giving us fortune and luck with blessings . Example 4=
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My palm
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( ignore the camera quality)
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My sun mount under the ring finger is not up lifted and not fully develop and often in my childhood i faced issues with self esteem , shy , introvert ,and bullied too much as a child and my sun in my horoscope is badly placed because of saturan aspects. This is all my reserch and observation .
( again if not all the final results we need to check more things)
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Hope you like it
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Rahu, Ketu and Saturn are all separating factors in a horoscope, but it is Rahu that makes it most difficult for a person to identify themselves with the traits of a given planet in their lives. The full awareness of it comes to them only around Rahu maturation (age 42). At the same time there is an overidentification with the Ketu planet.
So the person can easily admit to but be internally dissatisfied through their Ketu but be unaware how much they have already developed in their Rahu and be secretly more skilled there than they, or anyone else, can realize.
This can be easily summed up as many planets are ruled by 2 zodiac signs. Naturally, the state of the planet will depend on its condition in one’s chart. The condition will also become extra intense if a planet is in the same house as Rahu (even the loosest conjunction as it is the sign dispositor that matters). That can easily become contradictory, as I can prove to you with the example of my chart.
I have Rahu in Sagittarius, but I have Mercury conjunct my Rahu and Venus loosely too if you adapt the Bhava Chalita interpretation. That creates an interesting contradiction where I use my Ketu skills to channel Rahu. Since Jupiter is the Divine element in every one of us, I tend to always underestimate my gifts, spiritual, creative, intellectual. It takes other people praising me a lot to realize that I can actually handle more things in life than I think, and I have achieved and manifested so much versatility. But my default comfort zone is to just say “I study a lot”.
Below I will give you a brief list on how this will manifest for each Rahu in general.
Aries and Scorpio will make Rahu oblivious to one’s qualities of Mars and overly rely on qualities of Venus. The person will underestimate their own drive and courage and contribution and ability to set a life direction and give credit, attention or even command to others, before realizing their own leadership and active action abilities.
Taurus and Libra will make one’s Rahu unaware of their Venusian skills, thinking they achieved it all through grit of character as there is an over-reliance on Mars, but in reality they have developed more softness and wisdom of natural laws than they know. That connection to people and nature has transformed them as they learn unity instead of division.
Gemini and Virgo are said to be the best points of Rahu as influence of Jupiter on Ketu is so lucky. However, these people tend to take their skills for granted. They often receive so much they think they’re just lucky and they don’t notice till way later that they have actually practiced a lot of things and developed a lot of experience in what they have aptitude for, and thus they have reached a certain substantial worldly level of achievement purely by their own means.
Cancer and Leo Rahu share the trouble of developing their royal divine masculine or Feminine side, as their comfort zone is Saturn, the practical, neuter planet that judges everything by results only. What these natives don’t understand is that there is an inherent magic and kingly and queenly qualities inside every man and woman, that are inborn and deserve to be claimed without needing work or pain.
Sagittarius and Pisces Rahu overly rely on their intellect to problem solve life, as they were most probably praised for these abilities naturally and encouraged to develop it since childhood. What they don’t see is how much more courage it takes for them to develop faith, when no one ever told them that it’s a good idea to have it, and God and Destiny are very real forces operating within our lives. Sometimes you just have to leave something to fate and it doesn’t mean failure, and all of us are more lucky than we even know. Rahu there underestimates the luck factor in life. They also underestimate their divine creativity, that comes from the heart, not the mind.
Capricorn and Aquarius will make Rahu project a lot of their issues on parental figures, as the Sun and the Moon represent the Father and the Mother. Depending on other factors in chart, that can be blame for delay in progress or gratitude for their parents’ help, even a guilt or inferiority complex, that makes them erase their long patient hard work. What’s lacking is the acknowledgement and appreciation of one’s own skill in long term building and overcoming obstacles.
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earth-psyche · 7 months
Astro Simplified Pt.5
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➡️The Planets and Power
In astrology, the planets rule specific zodiac signs, some rule one and some even rule two, they are called the Lord of that particular zodiac sign. But they can also be poweful (exalted)🧬 or powerless (debilitated)🩼 in some of the other zodiac signs which can change the course of the horoscope reading. 🔮
So in this post we are going to talk about the power struggles of each planet in different zodiac sign.📿
👑The Rulers
Sun rules Leo
Moon rules Cancer
Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Pisces (Sidereal)
Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo
Venus rules Taurus and Libra
Saturn rules Capricorn and Aquarius (Sidereal)
Mars rules Aries and Scorpio (Sidereal)
Note:- In tropical Pluto rules Scorpio♦️, Uranus rules Aquarius🪬 and Neptune rules Pisces🎏. The zodiac which the planet rules has the basic characteristic of the planet.
💪The Exalted
Exalted means to be in a higher position, so when a planet is exalted, its energies are expressed in a positive way and that planet automatically gives favourable result to the course of horoscope.🎖 If you have any of the planets in their exalted place, you will experience the best of that planet and the area of life it rules.⭐️
Sun in Aries
Moon in Taurus
Jupiter in Cancer
Mercury in Virgo
Venus in Pisces
Saturn in Libra
Mars in Capricorn
Rahu (North Node) in Gemini
Ketu (South Node) in Sagittarius
Note:- There is no planet which is exalted in Leo♌️, Scorpio♏️ and Aquarius♒️.
🥀The Debilitated
The debilitated planets are those that are considered to be in their weakest state within a particular zodiac sign and their energies are the one which needs to be work upon by the native in order to make them express positively. 🥉This occures due to the fact that the debilitated zodiac is ruled by the planet which is of the opposite nature of the planet which is debilitated so the clash of energy leads to the weakening of the planet. 🪐
Sun in Libra
Moon in Scorpio
Jupiter in Capricorn
Mercury in Pisces
Venus in Virgo
Saturn in Aries
Mars in Cancer
Rahu (North Node) in Sagittarius
Ketu (South Node) in Gemini
Note:- No planet is debilitated in Taurus♉️, Leo♌️ and Aquarius♒️.
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So that's all for today loves, I hope you'll are doing good, having fun, living life and not just existing...and for more interactions stay in touch...I love you all to the moon and back...🎀
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talonabraxas · 5 months
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Mars Saturn Conjunction
Mars is a fiery planet that represents courage, initiative, impulsive tendency and anger whereas Saturn is a dark and reserved planet that recommends restrictions in our goals despite our best efforts. The conjunction of Mars-Saturn works on the properties of energy, the ability of quick action and initiative to fulfill our goals.
Mars in astrology indicates your will power, vitality and the ability to act towards any given event or person. The strength of the action depends upon the quality of anger or aggression that will make you deal with the situation in a negative/positive manner.
Saturn in astrology indicates the restrictions in life where we are made aware of the boundaries of what we can or cannot achieve in life based upon the practical and astrological facts. Saturn makes sure that we are more practical in attitude and disciplined in action which is necessary for the progressive events in current and future prospects.
Mars and Saturn conjunction denotes the blend of hot and cold attributes where Mars works as the energy, or the ability of action and Saturn indicates the strength of control that is essential to make this conjunction progressive for development or victory.
During the conjunction of Mars and Saturn, the necessary energies fight to gain control over each other which always results in the phase of indecision and the results of any situation/conversation reaches its dead-end without any conclusion.
On the positive, the conjunction of Mars-Saturn can work with constructive bend where the tendency of any uncontrolled impulse is restrained due to the effect of Saturn. The control can give you the capacity of hard work with strong inertia, positive creativity and action that results in progress but with a caution that this conjunction produces a trend of anger in you that has to be kept in check.
The best way to derive positive results from this conjunction when it occurs in your horoscope or transit is to maximize your focus with the tab of restrain on your actions and energy towards any situation.
You can work with the constructive element of this energy under controlled impulse to make your relations strong and better with family, and in love, to help them develop with stability and love as Mars is the significator of love in relations.
Effect of Powerful Mars
When Mars has a dominating role in the Mars-Saturn conjunction it indicates that you are someone who stands for your beliefs and this power gives direction to your actions, will power. The challenging placement of Mars can initiate you to cause physical harm to others, born rebels and independent by nature they do not hesitate to break law and get into legal trouble.
On the other hand, if this force of energy is constructive in nature the person has the ability to lead himself along with his team to the heights of success due to the rebellion in the innovative thoughts to succeed despite every struggle or challenge.
Effect of Powerful Saturn
When Saturn has a dominating role in Mars-Saturn conjunction it is an illustration of controlled impulsive actions. The good placement of Saturn in the Mars-Saturn conjunction indicates that you are aware of the strength of controlling your impulsive actions for their progress.
The knowledge of the limits in the action towards any given situation like fighting in a war and can bless you with progress or victory based on sensible actions. A challenging Saturn will affect the progress in a negative way as you will wander aimlessly resulting in the setback and wastage of energy.
Positive Mars-Saturn Conjunction
The positive Mars-Saturn Conjunction represents that you have the ability and intellect to make the use of both energies with vigor and control in any given situation/or any person. The positive Mars-Saturn conjunction indicates the time when these energies can be utilized in a constructive manner, and you may possess the ability to act in a controlled manner by tempering the impulsive energy of Mars with restrained flow to construct the competence of hard work with consistent and durable strength with originality of creativity and action.
Negative Mars-Saturn Conjunction
The negative Mars-Saturn Conjunction represents that you will have a strong impulsive, independent streak with rebellious nature, hasty and uncontrolled actions where anger and dominating attitude will persist in a manner that will not be progressive in handling any situation or any intellectual conversation. The negative Mars-Saturn conjunction will lead you to react in an uncompromised manner with rebellious attitude that will have the impact of leading the situation/talk to more conflicts and frictions with legal hassles in the extreme end. The strength of all the conflicts in this conjunction depends on the placement of this conjunction in any horoscope.
Mars Conjunct Saturn by Talon Abraxas
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astrotalk1726 · 5 months
What is the result of Rahu and Saturn in the 2nd house?
In Vedic astrology, the 2nd house is primarily associated with wealth, speech, family, values, and accumulated resources. When Rahu and Saturn are in the 2nd house, they can produce unique and complex effects. Here's what it might mean:
Rahu in the 2nd House : Rahu tends to bring unconventionality, unpredictability, and sometimes obsessions. When Rahu is in the 2nd house, it can indicate a strong desire for material wealth and financial success, potentially through unconventional or innovative means. It can also suggest unique ways of speaking or an unconventional approach to family and values. Rahu in the 2nd house can sometimes lead to sudden changes in financial status, for better or worse, or a desire to accumulate wealth quickly. It may also lead to a strong focus on personal values, sometimes challenging traditional family norms.
Saturn in the 2nd House: Saturn is the planet of discipline, structure, and limitations. Its presence in the 2nd house can signify a cautious approach to finances and a sense of responsibility toward family. Saturn's influence might lead to financial stability over time, but often with a slow and steady approach.This placement can also indicate restrictions or delays in accumulating wealth, suggesting that the person must work diligently and persistently to achieve financial security. Saturn in the 2nd house can sometimes lead to a conservative approach to speech, with a focus on clear and disciplined communication.
Combined Effect of Rahu and Saturn in the 2nd House
The combination of Rahu and Saturn in the 2nd house creates an interesting dynamic. On one hand, Rahu brings a sense of urgency and desire for unconventional wealth accumulation, while Saturn introduces discipline and restraint. This combination can lead to mixed results.
Financially, this placement can suggest periods of sudden gains or losses, driven by Rahu's unpredictable nature, tempered by Saturn's discipline. It might require careful management to avoid risk and maintain stability.
In terms of speech and communication, Rahu can bring a bold, innovative style, while Saturn can add structure and caution. This combination could lead to a unique communication style that balances creativity with restraint.
Regarding family and values, the blend of Rahu's unconventional approach with Saturn's traditionalism might create some tension or the need to find a balance between the two. There could be a sense of responsibility toward family but with a desire to break from traditional patterns.
Overall, this combination requires careful balancing. This can bring unique opportunities but also challenges in maintaining stability and structure. A disciplined approach to finances and a clear focus on values ​​can help deal with the unpredictability created by Rahu. For more information you can take help of Kundli Chakra 2022 Professional Software. Which can give you better information. And based on your horoscope one can explain
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blessed1neha · 2 years
Importance of Amatyakaraka Planet in Career & profession
About the significance of the Amatyakaraka planet in Vedic astrology, I frequently get questions. Several people inquire about the Venus outcome as if it were Mars, Saturn, or Amatyakaraka. Thus I made the decision to share some facts with you about Amatyakaraka in various homes and its function in careers and professions.
Let's first learn the fundamentals about the amatyakaraka planet before discussing the function it plays in careers. Every planet, as far as we know, has some significance. Moon, for instance, represents the mind, Mars, the brother, etc. Yet, there are two different kinds of significance in astrology: Fixed Significance and Dynamic Significance. When it comes to fixed significance, each planet's meanings are set for each horoscope.
It stays the same. While in the case of dynamic significance, each horoscope changes what each planet represents. Sun, for instance, represents the Atma or Soul. It's been fixed. The planet with the highest degree in a birth chart, however, will represent the Atma or Soul in cases where dynamic importance is present. They are referred to as Chara Karaka. Chara signifies moving or dynamic.
Atmakaraka Planet is the planet with the highest degree in a birth chart. The King of the Horoscope comparison. It can be compared to our birth chart's Lagna. The planet known as amatyakaraka receives the highest degree after Atmakaraka.
Importance of the Amatyakaraka Planet
Let's now talk about the significance of the Amatyakaraka Planet (AmK). When compared to Atmakaraka Planet (AK), Amatyakaraka Planet might be referred to as the Minister of the Horoscope. A minister will always make recommendations to the king, who uses the minister to carry out his directives. So, it is the planet that Atmakaraka is using to try to grant his request. Because of this, it is crucial to choose a career and profession.
Karma or action is the main focus of Amatyakaraka Planet.
Amatyakaraka is someone the King trusts and who he seeks out for guidance. As a result, it has been said that the relationship between AK and AmK is the Raj yoga of First Order. If it is powerful and dignified, it can carry out the soul's or Atma's command. It is comparable to our birth chart's second or tenth lord. Strong 10th and 2nd lords are crucial for the native people's survival. Also, it is necessary for all forms of honours and recognition.
For a more accurate evaluation of a career, the D10 divisional chart's Dasamsa Chart is checked. Amatyakaraka is a very significant planet in the D10 chart. The time period of this or the signs dominated by the amatyakaraka planet during the Chara Dasha is crucial for determining the most advantageous time for career advancement.
To draw any conclusions, in addition to looking at the Amatyakaraka Planet, we must also look at the 10th Lord of the D1 chart, the Atmakaraka Planet's placement in the D9 chart, and other factors. The mixtures must be perfectly blended. To learn about the significance of the Navamsa chart in our professional lives, watch this video. This Hindi video is available. As a result, knowing Hindi will be helpful to you.
Career Profession by different Amatyakaraka Planet
Amatyakaraka Sun: Sun as the Amatyakaraka in a chart occupies the second-highest degree, behind the Atmakaraka. Sun is a symbol for authority, self-respect, and other things. So, Amatyakaraka Sun will attempt to highlight a career in a horoscope by highlighting planets that are connected to it. Despite the circumstance, Amatyakaraka Sun will decide the profession or vocation of the individual. Sun in Amk can lead to a career as a government employee, administrative assistant, magistrate, doctor, politician, or teacher, among other professions.Sun was Amk in Franklin Roosevelt's astrological horoscope. Amatyakaraka Sun and 10th Lord Venus were in the 10th house. Even though Venus was in the 10th house, Amatyakaraka Sun nevertheless chose the career of politics. Sun was also a great political figurehead for Lal Bahadur Shastri.
We always advise using a composite technique, in which the Parashari Technique and the Jaimini Technique are both applied, to get any career-related conclusions.
Amatyakaraka Moon: When Moon becomes Amatyakaraka, Moon will largely determine her job or occupation. Moon is a symbol for Mind. Hence, Amatyakaraka Moon will reveal careers in the fields of philosophy, spirituality, and business dealing with liquids, among others. Amatyakaraka Moon may provide business relating to Ladies product as Moon also signifies women or Ladies. Together with Amatyakaraka Moon, big bureaucrats can be found.
Swami Vivekananda's Amatyakaraka Moon and Saturn were in harmony in the tenth house. Amatyakaraka Moon was present in the charts of Sri Prabhupad, Arobindo Ghosh, Sai Baba, and other notable figures. So, we can infer that the amatyakaraka Moon in the chart is excellent for spiritual growth
Amatyakaraka Mars: When Amatyakaraka Mars appears in a birth chart, it indicates that the person is most suited for any type of military employment. Mars is the planet's Army commander. It is bursting with vigour. Amatyakaraka Mars so seeks to channel that energy into his or her work. A native with amatyakaraka Mars can work in the fields of engineering, law enforcement, the military, medicine, and investigation, among others.
Amatyakaraka Mercury: Amatyakaraka Mercury predicts careers in business, education, and other fields such as teachers, clerks, and auditors. Mercury is the planet of logic, analysis, and mathematics. Hence, if a person has a strong Amatyakaraka Mercury, he or she can succeed as a scientist, lawyer, and other professions. It is also known as the Planet of Communication. Good marketing executives have a similar impact.
Amatyakaraka Jupiter: Jupiter is known as Amatyakaraka, the planet of knowledge, religion, and other lofty ideals. As a result, amatyakaraka Jupiter may imply a career as a teacher, professor, scholar, priest, or other type of religious leader. Jupiter can also represent money. Thus, Amatyakaraka Jupiter can also grant the profession of banking.
Amatyakaraka Venus: Venus is the most significant planet in the modern world. Because Venus controls the most of the materialistic items we want to possess. A strong and unharmed Venus is therefore a huge blessing. Amatyakaraka Venus can offer careers in the arts, including acting, singing, and other creative fields. It may also lead to a career in graphic design, fashion design, web design, etc. Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi are two prominent politicians that have powerful Amatyakaraka Venus in their natal charts.
Amatyakaraka Saturn: Saturn is said to represent work that requires a lot of effort, repetition, and service to the community, among other things. As a result, when Amatyakaraka Saturn is strong, a person may become a clerk, government employee, social worker, etc. It serves as the planet of justice. Hence, a person with Amatyakaraka Saturn can make an excellent judge or legal officer. Masses are also indicated. Hence, Amatyakaraka Saturn may signify a mass leader.
Excellent intelligence is given by its placement in Kendra(1,4,7,10) from Lagna. The Raj Yoga that results when this planet is in Kendra from the Atmakaraka Planet causes the native to begin employing his or her intelligence at a young age. It produces a Raja Yoga if it is positioned in the tenth house or with the tenth lord.
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astrorakesh1726 · 8 days
What is the significance of Saturn and Jupiter conjunct in Sagittarius with a Capricorn ascendant?
Balanced Idealism and Discipline: The conjunction blends Jupiter's optimism and expansion with Saturn's discipline, creating a grounded, yet expansive approach to life goals and beliefs.
Structured Growth: The Sagittarius energy drives a thirst for knowledge and adventure, but Saturn ensures it’s pursued with responsibility and long-term planning.
Ambitious Worldview: With a Capricorn ascendant, there’s a focus on achieving practical success, integrating broad philosophical ideals into tangible, real-world efforts.
Slow but Steady Progress: Capricorn’s influence tempers the fast-moving energy of Sagittarius, resulting in patient, steady growth and development.
Harmonizing Freedom and Structure: While Sagittarius seeks freedom and exploration, Saturn's presence ensures that any expansion is done methodically and within structured boundaries.
If you want to know the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Sagittarius in Capricorn ascendant on the basis of your horoscope, then you can use Kundli for Android - Astrology application. Which can give you good information based on your horoscope for free. If you want to know more information, then you can also contact us (91 85956 75042).
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horoscope1726 · 8 days
What is the significance of Saturn and Jupiter conjunct in Sagittarius with a Capricorn ascendant?
Balanced Idealism and Discipline: The conjunction blends Jupiter's optimism and expansion with Saturn's discipline, creating a grounded, yet expansive approach to life goals and beliefs.
Structured Growth: The Sagittarius energy drives a thirst for knowledge and adventure, but Saturn ensures it’s pursued with responsibility and long-term planning.
Ambitious Worldview: With a Capricorn ascendant, there’s a focus on achieving practical success, integrating broad philosophical ideals into tangible, real-world efforts.
Slow but Steady Progress: Capricorn’s influence tempers the fast-moving energy of Sagittarius, resulting in patient, steady growth and development.
Harmonizing Freedom and Structure: While Sagittarius seeks freedom and exploration, Saturn's presence ensures that any expansion is done methodically and within structured boundaries.
If you want to know the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Sagittarius in Capricorn ascendant on the basis of your horoscope, then you can use Kundli for Android - Astrology application. Which can give you good information based on your horoscope for free. If you want to know more information, then you can also contact us (91 85956 75042).
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tara-girl · 10 months
🦋Now Reading are Open again.🦋
🧚🏽‍♀️ Unlock Universe has to Offer you ?🧚🏽‍♀️
Venus is a feminine energy. When you see something with the intention of embracing it. This feeling of embracing something is the feminine energy.
Venus represents beauty, comfort, luxury, pleasantness, wife and girlfriend.
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Primarily How it differs from Mars?
But when you see something with the intention of its usefulness. Then that feeling is masculine energy which is Mars.
There are two ways of getting blessings of Venus.
Live the Venus- one should live the beauty instead of conquering the beauty.
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Try to keep yourself clean and beautiful.
Wear branded clothes and branded jewelleries.
Decorate your house.
Spray fragrance and perfumes.
Maintain a soft and calm voice while speaking.
When you feel pleasant, your pleasantness goes into your sub-conscious mind. That sub-conscious mind is connected to universe. The nature of universe is neutral. Therefore, Universe will return that pleasantness to you.
2.Spread Venus- one should spread the happiness.
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Apart from your decor items and things that you use usually. You should donate rest of the things which you are not using for years.
Because happiness increases when you spread it. Thus Venus will increase.
Now I will tell that the result of any planet when badly placed in your horoscope and making an impact over venus also.
If Sun has a bad impact on Venus- You will be showing ego to your wife or gf on taking credits of providing all the luxuries and comforts to her, then you will lose your money and happiness.
If Rahu has a bad impact over Venus- You will be expecting show off from your wife/gf which she finds difficult to do in the society . Overall, you will not have money but you will show artificial happiness everywhere.
If Ketu has a bad impact on Venus- You will feel detached from wife/gf. Thus, your beauty in life and money will be detached from you.
If Jupiter has a bad impact on Venus- You will not have wisdom and thus you will not be able to make your Venus auspicious for you.
If Saturn has a bad impact on Venus- You will give controlling vibes to your wife/gf. Then, your money or happiness will be restricted upto a limited amount.
If Mars has a bad impact on Venus- You will do violence/arguments/disputes with your wife/gf. Therefore, your beauty in life or money will go away.
If Moon has a bad impact on Venus- If your thoughts are continuously negative about your wife or gf then you will lose all or either Wife or Gf or your money because Moon easily manifests your thoughts.
If Mercury has a bad impact on Venus- You have knowledge and talent but you don't know how to implement it to get the gains from the Venus. Thus you will not be able to expand your wealth , relationship and money.
Overall, Venus decides Happiness and Money in Your Life. Protect it.
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geeta1726 · 11 days
How bad is combust Venus in the 4th house with the 10th aspect of Saturn for a Scorpio ascendant?
For Scorpio ascendant, Venus is the lord of the seventh (relationships and partnerships) and the twelfth (losses, expenses and foreign relations). When Venus is set in the fourth house and Saturn's tenth aspect falls on it, many challenging effects can appear. Here are some key points: And to know according to your horoscope, you can visit Kundli Chakra 2024 - Astrology App.
Strained Domestic Life: The 4th house represents home, comfort, and emotional well-being. A combust Venus here can lead to dissatisfaction in domestic life, reducing the native's ability to enjoy peace and harmony at home. The aspect of Saturn can further restrict the native’s sense of comfort and emotional happiness.
Challenges in Relationships: As Venus rules the 7th house, its combustion can weaken its ability to deliver positive results related to relationships and marriage. The aspect of Saturn might bring delays, misunderstandings, or coldness in romantic and marital life, leading to potential strain or dissatisfaction in relationships.
Reduced Luxuries and Comforts: The 4th house also represents material comforts, vehicles, and property. With a combust Venus under Saturn's aspect, the native might face obstacles in acquiring or enjoying these comforts. There could be a lack of luxury, or the native may have to work hard to achieve comfort and stability.
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subir-astrologer · 1 year
Saturn and moon conjunction, also known as Shani-Chandra Vish Yoga, is a powerful and complex aspect in Vedic astrology. This combination of two of the most important celestial bodies in our solar system is considered one of the most potent yoga's in Vedic astrology. In this article, we will explore the nature of this conjunction, its effects on the individual, and remedies to mitigate its negative effects.
Overview of Saturn and Moon Conjunction
Saturn and Moon conjunction occur when both planets occupy the same sign or house in a Vedic horoscope. The moon is the fastest-moving planet in the zodiac and represents our mind, emotions, and mental state. On the other hand, Saturn is the slowest moving planet and represents hard work, discipline, limitations, and obstacles.
When these two planets come together in a conjunction, the effects of their energies are magnified and intensified. The moon represents the mind, and Saturn represents the discipline required to control and harness the mind's power. Hence, this conjunction can lead to a tremendous amount of power and discipline in the individual's life.
Effects of Saturn and Moon Conjunction
The effects of Saturn and Moon conjunction can be both positive and negative, depending on the horoscope's overall strength and the positioning of other planets. Let's explore the potential effects of this conjunction in detail.
Positive Effects of Saturn and Moon Conjunction
Mental Strength: This conjunction can bestow mental strength and discipline in the individual, allowing them to focus their energy on their goals and objectives. They become disciplined and have the perseverance required to achieve their ambitions.
Financial Stability: Saturn is known to bring financial stability and security, and when it combines with the moon, it can give a person a pragmatic and practical approach to finances. This conjunction can lead to a financially stable and secure life.
Professional Success: The conjunction can also give a person a good career and professional success. The individual can become a good leader, a disciplined worker, and can achieve significant success in their professional life.
Inner Peace: This conjunction can help an individual achieve inner peace and harmony, leading to a balanced and stable life.
Negative Effects of Saturn and Moon Conjunction
Emotional Turmoil: The moon represents emotions, and when it combines with Saturn, it can create emotional turmoil, leading to depression and anxiety.
Difficulty in Relationships: This conjunction can create difficulties in relationships, leading to issues with family, friends, and loved ones.
Health Issues: This conjunction can create health problems related to mental health and the digestive system.
Obstacles and Challenges: Saturn represents obstacles and challenges, and when it combines with the moon, it can lead to further obstacles in life.
The Saturn and Moon conjunction is a powerful and complex aspect in Vedic astrology that can have both positive and negative effects on an individual's life. This conjunction magnifies the energies of the moon and Saturn, which represent the mind and discipline, respectively. The potential effects of this conjunction include mental strength, financial stability, professional success, inner peace, emotional turmoil, difficulty in relationships, health issues, and obstacles and challenges.
It is important to note that the effects of this conjunction depend on the overall strength of the horoscope and the positioning of other planets. Hence, it is always recommended to consult with a Vedic astrologer to understand the impact of this conjunction on an individual's life and to receive personalized guidance to mitigate / minimize any negative effects.
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kiddotarot · 4 months
Sun : Effects and Remedies part - 1
The Sun provides good results if placed in houses 1 to 5,8,9,11 and 12. The 6th, 7th, and 10th are bad houses for the Sun. The Moon, the Jupiter and the Mars are the planets friendly to the Sun, where the Saturn, Venus, Rahu and Ketu are enemies. The first is the Puccka Ghar, the permanent house and the house of exaltation of the Sun, whereas the 7th house is in the house of debilitation.
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The Mars in the 6th and Ketu in the Ist house make the Sun produce results of an exalted planet. If the Sun is exalted or placed in an auspicious house of a person’s horoscope he is bound to rise higher and higher in power and position. If obstacles are created against him by a person that person is bound to meet his doom. Much better results are proposed if the Sun is in conjunction with Mercury. The Sun gives adverse effects on the things associated with the house in which he is placed. Conse- quently in the Ist house he will create health problems for the native. In the 2nd house he will affect the family and its comforts absolutely adversely.
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The sun in the 6th house will not prove good for the sisters and daughters of the native. In the 7th he will face obstacles in the comforts of the wife. The Sun of the 8th house will saue the native from death in critical situations. The sun of the 9th house will destroy the comforts of the forefathers and perhaps deprive the native of their properties. In the 10th, the sun will affect the father adversely. The sun in the 11th increases and multiplies the income of the native manifold, if he does not augment the power of Saturn by cosumption of liquor, meat and eggs.
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The Sun in the 12th house destroys the comforts of the night hour sleep of the native. The Sun will not be able to harm Venus when sun is being aspected by Saturn because Saturn and Venus are great friends. On the contrary, if Saturn is being aspected by Sun, then the Sun will not be afraid of Saturn and he will destroy the Venus as both are natural enemies in the house where he is placed.
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Hi! What year numbers are represented by malefic planets and which by benefics?
Numerology Expression of Malefic and Benefic Planets
1 is represented by the Sun, so it's a malefic.
2 is Moon so it's benefic in some charts and malefic in some.
3 is Jupiter so it's benefic.
4 is Rahu so it's malefic.
5 is Mercury so it's benefic.
6 is Venus so it's benefic.
7 is Ketu so it's malefic.
8 is Saturn so it's malefic.
9 is Mars so it's malefic.
Remember, that the results of these planets will be very individual depending on your own chart also, because planets get activated based on the position in your horoscope. A Saturn year won't be the same for everyone. A weak benefic won't yield many results. A well functioning malefic can make for a very productive year.
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miuarchiv · 26 days
Wilhelm Wulff's memoir unabridged
The Englsh translation of Wulff's memoir was abridged for unknwon reason. Here are some unseen excerpts about Wulff and WS's first conversation from the German edition(translated with deepl):
It was in a villa on the "Schöne Aussicht" in Hamburg that I first met Walter Schellenberg, the head of counterintelligence and head of Office VI of the Reich Security Main Office. It was an icy January day in 1944. The east wind was sweeping across the frozen Alster.
Almost inconspicuous, somewhat shy, appears the head of Office VI - one of the youngest generals of the Third Reich, official rival and later successor to Admiral Canaris, who was shrouded in mystery and died tragically. He celebrated his 34th birthday only a few days before our meeting. His calm and reserved demeanour distinguishes him sympathetically from the dashing, arrogant manner of other higher-ranking National Socialist functionaries. His not very tall figure appears harmonious. The head is in good proportion to the overall figure. His gait and gestures are nimble and lively. His small eyes look around attentively and inquiringly.
He sits down in the farthest corner of the room, far from the window, and immediately joins in the conversation. After only a few minutes, you can guess his extraordinary powers of deduction. From a few clues, a clear picture of events and people is immediately formed in him.
After a short conversation, I already had the definite impression that this critical spirit was not at all comfortable in his beautiful new and extremely elegantly fitting SS general's uniform.
Schellenberg soon steered the conversation towards astrology. We talked about the constellations of his own horoscope, which I had already dealt with. I explained to him that he belonged to those fateful years around 1909, which were astrologically considered extremely unfavourable for child births. "Hostile constellations of Neptune, Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and the Sun predominate," I explained to him. "The ancient symbolic language of astrology, so foreign to the layman, thus expresses that a fatal quality of time brings bad experiences and adventures to those born at that time. A conspicuous number of people of this vintage have been abducted, murdered and perished in other miserable ways, or have mysteriously disappeared. Others have become active tools of mass murder. An uncanny fact which, statistically investigated, would certainly show surprising results."
I went on to explain to Schellenberg that his state of health was precarious: a consequence of continued inner states of agitation which must stem from a great inner conflict and threatened to exhaust his very sensitive disposition. The penetrating power of his personality, his self-confidence, was often inhibited by too much caution. This caution, however, stemmed from a split will that would destroy him, wavering in his nature as he was, if he did not succeed in using his innate skill to work his way out of both his inner conflict and his external ambivalent situation.
The crimes and mistakes of his superiors and many of his comrades were unknown to Schellenberg. Ambition had tempted him to turn down his uncle's prosperous law firm and allow himself to be drawn into Himmler's intimate circle to take on special counter-espionage tasks within the Reich Security Main Office. Thus he partly took over Heydrich's legacy, and the first time the public heard of Schellenberg was when they read that in 1940 two English agents - Best and Stevens - had been duped on the German-Dutch border and taken across the Reich border.
In addition to his gruelling duties, Schellenberg was constantly involved in extremely intricate and life-threatening intrigues with Kaltenbrunner and Müller, the SS group leader and head of the Secret State Police. It was a matter of extending the influence of the individual departments, of personal power, of gaining the ear and trust of the "Reichsführer", of saving personal friends and destroying personal enemies, and of a thousand other things. Schellenberg, who headed the foreign intelligence service, knew better than many the political and military situation, the foreign opinion of Hitler and Himmler. In wild underground battles, Schellenberg repeatedly tried to prevent crimes or reduce their scale. To what extent humanity or the intention to provide himself with an alibi in time was the motive is difficult to oversee.
At our first meeting, these questions were only touched on very cautiously. At that time, Schellenberg mainly asked me questions about astrology.
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talonabraxas · 1 year
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𝟏𝟕𝐭𝐡 𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐄 : SATURN RETROGRADE IN SATABHISHA Saturn is retrograde every year for almost 5 months, so there is nothing new to get afraid or trilled about. This time Saturn is getting retrograde in Aquarius for approx 140days.  Last year also Saturn was retrograde in Aquarius but not in Satabhisha. . Saturn is getting retrograde in Aquarius on 17th June 2023. Saturn will be retrograde for approximately 141 days. Saturn will go back to Dhanishtha Nakhatra on 16th October 2023. Saturn will be stationary from 4th to 7th November 2023. Saturn was last time Retrograde in Aquarius in June 2022. Saturn was retrograde in Satabhisha last time in June 1994. . Saturn retrograde means it is getting extra strength which is called ‘Cheshta Baal’. Which means Saturn’s significance will be maximum during these days. Saturn will be working on us, observing our Karma with a magnifying glass. Satabhisha is all about futuristic mind, here Saturn will give a smooth sailing to those who are directly involved into technical innovation. . Saturn  is already a slow planet,  when such planet is taking pause, going back then again taking pause that means life is asking us to take a pause and introspect our actions. This is the period not to rush but trying hard on single direction. Skipping duties, taking short cut in Saturn Retrograde period is quite dangerous. Whatever sort of activity you have done while Saturn was retrograde last time will be delivered now. In Aquarius, Saturn is quite interactive one, while being slow and retrograde in this sign will require lots of individual as well group work to come out of trouble. Engage your network or group of people to find the right solution. But Saturn will have a check on collective as well individual duties. As Aquarius is a fixed sign, Rx Saturn will make people more rigid with high mind set to work for mass level. Amazing time to witness some space/satellite developing mission around the world. Where is Aquarius in horoscope, what is the lordship of Saturn in individual horoscope all that will matter while counting Saturn Retrograde result in Aquarius. If Dasha bhukti is f favourable then it may give quite a bit relief. Harder time ahead for Capricorn, Sagittarius, Pisces, Aries Lagna people.                             A  N  D Purvabhadrapad, Mrigashira, Uttarbhadrapad, Ashlesha, Dhanishtha & Kritika people also may have some tough time ahead. Saturn retrogression is nothing but dhire pisna par barik pisna. Ajna Chakra Saturn, the 6th Planet Talon Abraxas
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