#saturday soliloquy
granonine · 2 days
Saturday Soliloquy: Politics
The day is half over, and I’m just now getting around to my Saturday post. Let me say at the outset that this post is NOT for or against any candidate. It’s about some principles I believe we have lost, or are losing, because of constant misrepresentation in the media. First, we hear constantly that we are a democracy. Defined, a democracy is a state run by the people. Every vote counts, every…
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One thing I've thought about often with Simon is his self-worth.
Many of his actions are motivated by his personal code of honour, not least of which being putting himself on death row to protect the child of his mentor. I'm not sure if he fully expected to nab the Phantom at the time but in either case it's a heavy move to make.
Hell, he says it himself in Spirit of Justice - there are some things that are more important than your (read: Simon's) own life. In his case, his life is second to protecting the honour of Metis Cykes. Honour that he had to quite thoroughly spit upon to make his story work for seven years.
So on top of valuing honour before himself he's arguably contributed to tarnishing the name of his tutor. In defending her legacy, he's dragged her name through the mud and painted her as a cruel individual he had to strike down for the sake of another.
Does anyone else think that Simon reckons his death deserved for that? That he, as well as shielding another with his own mortality, feels like it's due penance for disgracing Metis' name?
I do. Simon is a deeply tragic man...
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godsjaws · 5 months
i think my ear piercing might be infected 😭😭😭
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jupiterscythe · 1 year
Yep. Gonna talk to the DM after game.Took a few minutes to step away and calm down, but the shut started as soon as I jumped back in. I didn't get to do anything in combat, I've been talked over multiple times, and its completely ruined my immersion and took me out of the game. Literally the 1st time I've ever felt this frustrated with a D&D group in my 10+ years of playing. I've put so much time, thought, love, and effort into my character, and I haven't gotten to do jack shit with it. Literally 4 other characters have already had events relevant to their backstories happen, and I'm still trying to contribute and getting nothing from the group
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hgejfmw-hgejhsf · 6 months
WIP Wednesday!
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Happy Wednesday, my loves! I haven't been as interactive today because I've been wildly busy packing and preparing to jet off on an adventure this weekend to try to meet that dude in the lovely banner that @indestructibleheart made for me. Asking kindly for all the prayers, good wishes, vibes, and manifestations you possibly can for me and for @thinkof-england as we try and make our literal dreams come true on Saturday. But I promise I will get to reading y'all's lovely words as soon as I'm able! I'm not done screaming at y'all! Not ever!
I want to thank the following incredible humans for the tags today: @adreamareads @duchessdepolignaca03 @suseagull04 @bigassbowlingballhead @england-would-fall @onthewaytosomewhere @captainjunglegym @magicandarchery @priincebutt @cha-melodius @songliili @getmehighonmagic @ninzied @wordsofhoneydew @itsmaybitheway @sparklepocalypse and @leaves-of-laurelin. Don't I have an amazing support system?! Look at all these people! I love each and every one of y'all.
As I said earlier, I haven't had much time this week, so I'm gonna peruse through At the end of a bar, chapter 4 for a little longer-than-normal snippet, I do believe.
It’s typical small talk for the majority of the meal, with Pez moaning wantonly after each bite and lamenting their mutual inability to cook anything more than toast, pointedly and loudly saying if I had someone around to make me fat and happy, I’d never leave bed with a wink at Henry, who’s silently wishing that the earth might open and swallow him whole. Alex is the one who politely - and with a hint of color in his cheeks that has Henry wanting to commission a painting dedicated to finding the precise shade of pink and giving it a name - redirects the conversation to how the two best mates came to meet. While Pez delivers a soliloquy to rival even the most animated of actors, complete with sweeping hand gestures and too-long pauses for dramatic effect, Henry watches Alex. Brown eyes sparkling with genuine curiosity, he leans forward with his chin in his hand, one elbow propped on the tabletop, and Henry’s stomach swoops at the sight. It certainly is not made any more tolerable by the presence of Alex’s foot, gently rubbing up and down Henry’s ankle beneath the table. Or Alex’s foot dragging up Henry’s leg, until he’s pressing against the inside of Henry’s knee. Or Alex’s foot pressing forward between Henry’s spread legs to rub against his– “Right,” Henry says, wincing at the sound of his chair scraping against the dining room floor. "I’m just going to take a quick shower.”
Still got some folks who I haven't seen go yet today, so tagging them behind the cut! And as always, an open tag for anyone else who wants it! Share your words with me and the world!
@affectionatelyrs @agame-writes @anincompletelist @barbiediaz @firenati0n @gayrootvegetable @guillermosfamiliar @happiness-of-the-pursuit @heybuddy-drabbles @inexplicablymine @junebugclaremontdiaz @kiwiana-writes @leojfitz @littlemisskittentoes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @msmarvelouswinchester @mulderscully @nocoastposts @notspecialbabe @rockyroadkylers @ships-to-sail @sophie1973 @ssmtskw @stereopticons @theprinceandagcd @typicalopposite @user-anakin @vanillahigh00 @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @whimsymanaged @zwiazdziarka
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lionofchaeronea · 11 months
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A little Saturday poetry for you--perhaps a bit gloomy, but I hope not unduly so. The prompt was "a character visits a graveyard, mausoleum, or other resting place of the dead". Enjoy.
There's moss grown on your name-- I don't know who you were. But that you grinned sometimes and sobbed Sometimes--of that I'm sure.
I don't know when you lived-- Your dates have worn away. You might have been born in Pilgrim times Or just the other day.
The angel who surmounts Your tombstone has no face. His wings have lasted, though, and grant A certain heavy grace.
Most likely you're just bones, Or even dust, by now. But kneeling in the cold, I feel That we were friends, somehow.
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im-getting-help · 2 months
What if theater kid Felix obsessed with musicals and theater hater Oliver.
Ollie can appreciate classics like Romeo and Juliet or Hamlet, he read the scripts even, but he finds the staging and theatrical language annoying, even though he never actually saw a play that is not the shitty ones of his highschool.
Somehow in Oxford, he is dragged(let's say Farleigh (?) to see a performance by theater/film students, that is where he sees Felix perform, and he is good at it, and his voice while he sings its beautiful and he can't help himself but fall inlove instantly.
Sorry I'm obsessed with theatre and I need Felix to be too
Theater kid Felix is canon, sorry atheists.
Oliver is literally Paul from TGWDLM, he doesn't hate musicals, he just thinks hating musicals is part of his identity/personality and won't let go.
He actually watched a fair amount of musical movies and he's in love with Emma Felix, a theater "kid?". He knows the lyrics of some songs from musicals and always has an excuse like "I watched it cause a friend told me it was good..." or "the song is everywhere, I can't help to know the lyrics." or my favorite "I watched it just to be sure I hated it."
"I don't like musical theater, I just like Felix" that's what he says to himself every time he buys another ticket.
Oliver sits as close as he can get to the front row and he only watches Felix. When Felix isn't on stage he watches the props, the makeup, the costuming, the wigs, oh the wigs are fun if you're close to the stage, he tries to find where they hide the box for the microphones.
But, whenever Felix is back he can't take his eyes off him.
" 'why don't you take a picture, it'll last longer'... but what if they catch me taking pictures and ask me to leave?Better wait until the play is over, maybe then I can ask him for a picture? would that be wierd? God, i can't cry now, we're not even close to that scene..."
What about Felix?
Well, Oliver isn't really that crazy. Felix is impressively talented.
When you see him entering the stage the first thing you think is 'oh, that's the cute one' and then he starts singing, and you think 'oh, he's pretty good', then he gets you to laugh and you think 'oh, he's good', then he delivers a great dramatic line and you think 'shit, he is good', and then... then he starts dancing and now you're pissed.
He's good looking, knows how to sing, act AND dance? a triple threat with beautiful hazel eyes and over 5'4? are you kidding me?
Sir James paid for the best professors, instructors and coaches. Music theory and singing lessons monday and wednesday, theater classes tuesday, wednesday and saturday and dancing classes thursday and friday. Sunday he rested, then again, monday, almost at the same time as the sun went up he waked up, honey and ginger tea and the staff could hear the vocal warm ups traveling the old hallways of the mansion.
Felix loved it, even when he was exhausted, and he had almost no social life outside of other performers, he loved the arts. He loved when he learned how to properly sustain and do a good legato, or actually using the diaphragm and not the throat to sing staccato, better yet when he stopped hurting after rehearsal. He loved when his professor cried through one of his soliloquies, and when he cried while doing the soliloquy. He was actually so relieved when he finally learned how to lift her partner without digging his thumbs into her abdomen, and he loved it when she and the coach congratulated him for it.
Felix liked to rehearse, learn his lines, practice the lyrics, harmonizing with his partner and trying the costumes. But most of all, he just loved being part of the plays. When the play was over and he snapped out of the character, when he saw the public applauding them, that's when he knew he chose right.
"Hey Fee, who's that guy with the baby blue eyes? a new fan?"
"Huh? Who?"
"The guy? ...short, dark hair, clear blue eyes and glasses, looks kinda nerdy. He's here almost every night, near the front row, I thought you knew him."
"Uhm... no?"
"No? he comes just to see you, it's so obvious, he only pays attention to you."
"I have no idea who you're talking about."
"Look for him the next function, he's always near the front".
♡ ♡
"We go to the same college, how come we never crossed paths before?"
"You're probably always around the plaza, I'm on the bodleian"
"Fucking nerds! we hated you guys!"
"We hated ourselves!"
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wolfpants · 1 year
saturday wip snip (terrible people, again)
Thank you for the tag, lovely @mallstars! Here's another little preview of Terrible People (one and two here), my next Drarry longishfic, aka the Gay Cruise Fic™️. I'm aiming to post it from August 💘
After an hour of wandering the square—of Draco complaining about the actors dressed in costumes around the Mura di Pisa, of directing Harry’s attention to the “real” points of architectural interest, of them both staring quietly at the Angelo Caduto—they’d climbed back into the van with the others and were carted off to Lucca, with its ancient narrow streets and wide, circular piazzas; terracotta for miles. 
Draco had pointed at the Church of San Michele, murmuring into Harry’s ear over the melodic commentary of their tour guide, waxing lyrical about an Italian painter called Filippino Lippi, his work, how aligned it was with Botticelli’s: Draco’s favourite Muggle artist.
Not that Harry had been able to focus much beyond the timbre of Draco’s voice against the shell of his ear, the soft depth of it, the warmth of Draco’s breath tickling the small hairs on the nape of Harry’s neck.
“Stop,” he’d said in the middle of Draco’s soliloquy. “You’re giving me a stiffy.”
Draco had pulled back quickly, staring at Harry in horror.
Then, he’d burst out laughing.
They both had, loudly, so much so that Frank—a fellow cruise member in his fifties with designer stubble and a lemon-yellow neckerchief—had turned around to shush them.
“You’re like a naughty schoolboy,” Draco had murmured quietly, approvingly, squeezing the back of Harry’s neck.
no pressure tagging @thehoneybeet @skeptiquewrites @writcraft @tackytigerfic @maesterchill and anyone who wants a go!
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granonine · 9 days
Saturday Soliloquy: Tempus Fugit
Seems like I was just writing a Saturday post a few minutes ago! Maybe that’s because it’s been a busy week, mostly with medical and dental appointments. Next week is looking a little less busy, except for Monday. I have to get a root canal. Never had that done before, and I’ve heard such horror stories! But my dentist assured me that it’s usually very fast, and that I won’t feel a thing. We’ll…
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Simon Blackquill is like a psychologist built for maximum DPS.
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imsiriuslyreading · 11 months
snippet saturday
Thanks for the tag @imdamagecontrol & @thisliminalspacedaydreams :)
Sirius’ shoulders shake with laughter. “There he is, that got your attention. Who knew all it would take was naked waiters and cowboy hats? Tut tut, Remus. Do the people at your fancy history institute know what you’re really like?” “Shut up,” Remus mutters, but he feels the side of his mouth quirk up in a smile. “You never know with James. Or Lily, for that matter.” “That’s true, can’t argue with you there. I dare say she led him astray, in fact. He was a nice, polite, quiet thing before she came along.” Remus snorts. “That’s a lie.”  “Would I lie to you?” Sirius asks seriously. “Does this look like the face of a liar?” “I don’t think you want me to answer that,” Remus laughs.  “Certainly not.” Sirius huffs. “Anyway, wanna listen to some music?” “I– sure?”  “Here,” Sirius says, and thrusts one of his wireless headphones into Remus’ palm.  Remus puts the earbud in and feels a little more of the tension melt from his shoulders.  Best believe I'm still bejeweled When I walk in the room I can still make the whole place shimmer “Do you know this artist?” Sirius looks at Remus questioningly. “Do I kn–” Remus starts. “It’s fucking Taylor Swift, Sirius. Of course I know her, do you think I live under a bridge? In a cave?” Sirius laughs loudly. “Well, you never know. You’re a nerdy, history type. For all I know, you stay lost in the land of Chopin and Mozart. Ignorant to the magic and genius that is Ms Swift.”
tagging @solmussa, @soliloquy-dawn @kbeebss & @januaryfirstreads OH AND @heyvirgo4 if you're up for it <3
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folieadeuxserver · 6 months
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Outcomes from this weeks Figure Drawing Workshop!
Runs on Saturdays at 12 PM ET (5 PM BST). All 18+ Hannibal & HEU creators welcome!
Artists featured: @aomiinwonderland , @dragomircho , @luvbef , @a-pigeons-soliloquy , @catboycunt
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RUSH (Alex Lifeson) "Hemispheres" Tour, Saturday, January 13, 1979, Palladium Theater, New York City, New York, USA ©Bill O'Leary "One thing I do know, this album/tour is the favorite of all the guitarists, bassists and drummers I have ever met, a musicians album. The first of a two night stand at the Palladium Theater in NYC. Incredible night of Rush music with this setlist:
A Passage to Bangkok
By-Tor & The Snow Dog
Something for Nothing
The Trees
Cygnus X-1
Cygnus X-1 Book II: Hemispheres Part I: Prelude
Cygnus X-1 Book II: Hemispheres Part II: Apollo
Cygnus X-1 Book II: Hemispheres Part III: Dionysus
Cygnus X-1 Book II: Hemispheres Part IV: Armageddon
Cygnus X-1 Book II: Hemispheres Part V: Cygnus
Cygnus X-1 Book II: Hemispheres Part VI: The Sphere
Closer to the Heart
A Farewell to Kings
La Villa Strangiato
2112 Part I: Overture
2112 Part II: The Temples of Syrinx
2112 Part III: Discovery
2112 Part IV: Presentation
2112 Part VI: Soliloquy
2112 Part VII: Grand Finale
Working Man
Bastille Day
In the Mood
Drum Solo
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dented-spraypaint-can · 10 months
s is the letter between r and t
somewhy it’s started standing on sandwiches.
on saying-something stares,
silent swoons, stubborn sacrificial services, and smitten smiles.
soothing spine scratchies.
saved soliloquies from scorned solitude.
share saturday- the sun sinks?
stay, sleep through sunrise sunday.
strong stable snuggles- safe and satisfying,
stolenkisses, sometimes stalled to be sought in secret.
silly suggestive squabbles solicit skimpy shirts sliding off soft skin.
sharp studious scrutinization of unspoken signals.
stretched seconds in sunbeams, scalp to steady shoulder, sleepily.
slowlydriving, stopping suddenly for sunsets,
singing sappy songs in stolen sweatshirts scented safe,
smooth yet still shy spontaneous sayings- seeping with seriousness:
sown through summer stories under starry skies,
stretched on to streetlight-supervised, shivery, snowy strolls.
surviving still in spring, the season of scavenging stuff and scheduling-storms,
so some stupid afternoon i’ll sit in subway,
enjoying your mere proximity, happy,
pretending to be occupied by sandwiching non s words between s words in the last stanza,
until you aren’t too busy to extend a free hand to take back your fucking car keys.
I’ll study someone slacking off sweeping,
just scooting the sand,
shoving and sliding the swaying stick.
when she stands still, spouting smalltalk,
i’ll see her shoes stepping on the
swirling scampering dust,
and interrupt, suggest investing in a vacuum.
Poem by T
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goatsandgangsters · 2 months
For the writing ask game:
🙌 What’s a line or paragraph of yours that you’re proud of?
in typical me-style I started overthinking this and being like “oh god I have to come up with The Single Best Snippet I Have Ever Written In My Life, Ever, In Anything” so in order to stop overthinking it, I’ll just give you the opening from my most recent fic bc I think has some nice prose. this is, for context, essentially about a light show done via magic
Light like lawn tennis played in colour itself whirled across the indigo winter sky. It bloomed and shimmered just above their heads—stellated bursts of raucous pink, fizzling rubies and dripping gold, a vibrant swirl of a particular shade of green. Flecks of light dissolved into misty nothing atop their hats. Jack leaned back on his hands. This was a smaller display than Violet’s usual repertoire, but then, three months was hardly any time at all to learn new magic from nothing but her own instinct and Edwin’s long-winded monologues. Soliloquies, more like. It was, nonetheless, still beautiful. Maud trailed her curious fingers through the constellations of bursting light. Brilliant white twirled down her coat sleeve, clinging like fallen starlight tucked into the wool. She beamed, celestially, at Violet.
🚿 Where do your best ideas seem to strike?
either while going out for walks, pacing my apartment with headphones, or on a Friday/Saturday night at like 2 am when I'm completely in the zone because the entire concept of the real world and responsibilities has vanished
😁 What makes you happiest? New fic comments, kudos, bookmarks, user subscribers, story subscribers, or Tumblr asks?
Well first of all, ALL comments make me go sdkjfhgsdjkghjsdfkhgjd In general the comments that are EXTRA exciting are ones that mention specific lines or that talk about the characters/relationship dynamics or muse on something in some way, because ultimately writing fic is just  “I wanna talk about this thing I like SO MUCH that I wrote all this prose stuffed with my Thoughts, do you wanna talk about this thing with me??” so, anything that feels more Communal, Let's Talk is the most rewarding!
fanfic writer emoji ask meme
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tortoisebore · 1 year
love your rambles love <3 what about their favorite movies/shows?
oooooo this is a good one
for movies i think remus would enjoy historical type stuff, so period pieces and war movies and all that. he'd talk about 1917 for weeks after seeing it. he's a wes anderson girlie too & he loved the french dispatch so much he bought a poster online & hung it in the living room. pride & prejudice is just always on in the background & he had to buy another DVD bc he watched the other one so much that it just...,.didn't work anymore. anna karenina with kiera knightly is one of his favorites, and it was the first movie he & sirius watched together (it's now in sirius' top ten movies of all time). he'd also force sirius to watch les mis even though it's like four hours long & by the end they're both crying.
on that note, sirius is a musical-adaptation girlie. he saw the phantom of the opera with gerard butler at a formative age and the rest was history. he dragged james to see la la land in theaters eight times in two weeks. remus makes him watch les mis & he's really put out about it until 'valjean's soliloquy' and then he just cries for the next two hours. but he's also a secret sci-fi and suspense stan, so he'd be a little bit in love with christopher nolan and inception would be one of his favorite movies. he watched interstellar once with regulus and never will again because it sent him on a two day emotional spiral & remus was worried. he's going to be first in line for oppenheimer. he & remus bookclubbed dune before it came out & they saw it three times the first week after the premiere. he's 75% in love with jordan peele & will physically harm anyone that thought nope was his worst movie.
they both love a good comedy and rom com, though, and movie night is usually something like bridget jones or she's the man. they quote mean girls back and forth constantly and remus does a really good impression of jane lynch in 'another cinderella story.' they have a framed picture of jennifer coolidge in the living room and two copies of legally blonde on DVD. sirius also bought it on amazon prime, just in case.
i think they'd do a lot of tv shows together, so their tastes kind of intermingle. remus leans toward quotable comedies like parks & rec and new girl, maybe friends if he's in the right mood. sirius likes the dark and dry comedies, like fleabag and what we do in the shadows. remus would want to watch stuff like the queen's gambit and the great (he enjoys it but cuts in every twenty seconds with 'this isn't actually what happened, you know' and sirius is like 'yes baby i know it's just a show') and sirius would want to try things like pen15
but their mutual favorite show and the place where their tastes intersect perfectly is arrested development. it's stupid and hilarious and quotable & they talk about it constantly. none of their friends except for peter have seen it so when they're out as a group it's just remus and sirius and peter going back and forth about 'beads???' and 'there's always money in the banana stand' and 'family love michael.' it's really annoying to everyone else & they can't even really explain where the quotes come from because it's all one big long running joke in the show that doesn't even make sense anymore.
like, they're out for brunch on saturday and the place has a french toast plate called "mr. frenchy" and remus goes "🎶mr. F🎶" and then sirius almost spits mimosa all over the table & it's coming out of his nose and peter chokes on a piece of cantaloupe and falls out of his chair. and everyone else at the table is like 😧🫢😟😦 'what the hell' and remus is like 'it....would take too long to explain.' and peter is on the ground and sirius is crying when the waiter comes back to take their orders & james just goes 'we're gonna need another minute'
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