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opal765 · 1 year ago
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Wer reitet so spät ...
146 013 mit WINNETOU-Motiv (Werbung für Felsenbühne Rathen) mit S1 bei der Abfahrt in Königstein.
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pepikhipik · 2 years ago
Průvod mnichů na hradě
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V sobotu večer 27.05. od 21:00 hodin můžete zažít letošní druhý letošní historický průvod mnichů na hoře Oybin.
Sdružení “Historische Mönchszüge – Berg Oybin e.V. (Historické průvody mnichů – Hora Oybin)” pořádá od roku 1990 každoročně od května do září na hoře Oybin „historický průvod mnichů“. Tato událost je známá daleko za hranicemi Horní Lužice a je založena na téměř 200leté historii mnichů celestinů, kteří zde žili od roku 1366 do 1547.
Doposud již mnoho hostujících sborů využilo možnosti společného vystoupení na hoře Oybin v romantickém prostředí bývalého hradního a klášterního objektu.
Na začátku průvodu mniši pozdraví návštěvníky, kteří se shromáždili na idylicky položeném horském hřbitově. Potom zpívající mniši celestini sejdou dolů z Camery Obscury za fascinujícího osvětlení ve svitu pochodně a z prostoru nad hřbitovem zpívají písně mj. od Mozarta, Beethovena a také sakrální písně. Průvod pokračuje jako procesí přes horský hřbitov, prochází mezi hosty, křížovou chodbou, až na náměstí před císařským domem. Návštěvníci se mohou k průvodu připojit. V průběhu několikrát zazní píseň „Dona nobis pacem“. Dva mniši doprovodí hosty do bývalého klášterního kostela. Tam se koná druhá část programu.
Zde se mohou návštěvníci dozvědět zajímavosti o historii celestinského řádu jakož i o hradu a klášteru Oybin. Po příchodu mnichů opět zažijete zpěv sboru. Zde můžete také slyšet známé sakrální písně, jako „Ave verum“ nebo „Sanctus“. Sbor se s návštěvníky rozloučí kánonem „Dona nobis pacem“. Odchodem mnichů je akce ukončena.
Srdečně Vás zveme na tyto akce v romantickém prostředí mezi ruinami hradu a kláštera Oybin. Celý akt trvá přibližně hodinu a bude zážitkem nejen pro uši ale i oči. Nechte se hýčkat v tomto romantickém prostředí s vybranými díly klasické sborové hudby.
⛳Vstupné stojí 8,00 Euro, studenti 4 Eura (děti do 6 let zdarma)
Autor fotografie: Jiří Stejskal
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ayesleigh · 1 month ago
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... guys, am I reaching?
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Johnny and V? 🤔
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Alt and V? 😱
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Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes, but then there's also...
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... New Dawn Fades/Temperance.
I'm not a poetry expert by any means, but given how often poetry is used to expand upon the themes and symbolism of CP77, I kinda think that maybe I might not be reaching. 👀
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blue-oyster-cult-blues · 2 months ago
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rogue-driv3r · 2 years ago
"Life itself has no meaning, what matters is that YOU give a meaning to YOUR life". That's the best thing i heard today
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keyrousse · 2 years ago
Me: *creates a thread on Twitter about the Cyberpunk 2077 expansion, which I played for an hour, which really wasn't that much time at the early stages of the plot*
First question: Did you [as in, V] get to have sex with any of the already-known main characters?
Me, an asexual:
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(the thread, if anyone's interested)
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Wishing you all a most lovely holiday season with this Christmas piece I had the absolute pleasure of doing for Paweł Sasko! ❤️✨
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unhonestlymirror · 1 year ago
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„Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors"
Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.
Arvydas Buinauskas designed outstanding scenography and light art for the premiere opera „Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors", transporting the performers to the postmodern world and emphasising a philosophical reconsideration of man's place in nature.
Chief conductor – Yurii Bervetskyi
Conductor – Iryna Stasyshyn
Chief choreographer – Artem Shoshyn (Kyiv)
Chief choreographer assistant – Tetiana Kuruohlu (Kyiv)
Choreographer assistants – Andrii Musoryn, Anastasiia Dobrovolska (Kyiv)
Chief choirmaster – Vadym Yatsenko
Set and lighting designer – Arvydas Buinauskas (Lithuania)
Chief lighting designer assistant – Oleksandr Mezentsev
Costume designer – Nataliia Mishchenko (Lutsk)
Chief costume designer assistant – Zhanna Maletska
Makeup artists - Yurii Kultchytskyi (Head of department), Lesia Halan, Maria Malanchyn, Andriana Kultchytska, Inessa Kultchytska, Olha Tchervinska.
Senior répétiteurs – Ihor Khramov, Tamara Levytska, Khrystyna Mordzyk
Accompanists – Svitlana Krupei, Alina Yanovska, Maksym Sasko
Stage managers – Oksana Holovanova, Andrii Bilous
2023, Lviv National Opera, Lviv, Ukraine.
📷 Victoria Kvitka
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bookmauls · 1 year ago
Potentially drama-starting take:
Pawel Sasko doesn't like Takemura.
BEFORE YOU GET MAD AT ME, TUMBLR, THIS ISN'T A PERSONAL ATTACK. I think Pawel did an amazing job with 2077, and I have utmost respect for him.
Regardless, I have thoughts:
I've been following meta analysis by writers about their games as a hobby since I was a kid. I recently got into CP 2077 because of how open and transparent Powel and Philipp have been about the development process and their own writing process, and I really appreciate the layers of story-telling they add to V and the cast of 2077.
However, I get the feeling Powel is apathetic or antipathic towards Takemura. I have to say I understand how he feels, because when your art is consumed, enjoyed and analysed in ways you don't expect it can feel a little alienating.
You put all your effort into THESE romances and story arcs for THESE characters, and a chunk of the fandom adores this last-minute addition who you weren't super invested in to begin with. Or the guy who lives in their head. I would feel super frustrated.
I think Powel avoided Takemura romance because he felt icky about it. That's fine. As a writer, he shouldn't have to write what he doesn't enjoy. What I wish he did instead was leave a romance arc to another writer and set out hard limits for content and characterisation, then share his thoughts with the rest of the writing team.
But I have to say, the best thing CDPR could have done is rolled with the fandom on this. Hell, Bioware did with Garrus, and femshep/garrus is still the biggest ship in the ME fandom. Garrus is babygirl and peeps are still grateful to bioware for indulging the fanbase. Takemura was a missed opportunity.
This is me talking out of my arse. Shoulda-coulda-woulda is easy for me to say. But I would have appreciated it if the idea of "goro gets giggty with V BUT another writer handles it bc it's not my cuppa tea," was given to the community, rather than just not including any new romance content.
It probably never would have happened, because time, budget, story prioritization etc. But Takemura has been done dirty, out of neglect. Not maliciously so, but the removal of lines, bugs (no post-Wakako jig-jig street shopping, eye-bugs, texts not triggering,) and his appearance in Phantom liberty (LITERALLY THE HAIRLINE THO.) All point to an unintended lack of care.
Again, I don't think there's any malicious intent, just different priorities. All too often, majority femme fanbases like v/takemura remain underserved, while the masc fans are better catered to and receive new content for Panam. (At least as far as I know, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.)
In the end, all that matters to the execs of CDPR is turning a profit, so CDPR can remain in business. I get it, but fans don't forget goodwill. I hope CDPR will throw us a boner in the future.
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cyberpunkgame · 2 years ago
If you missed the Xbox Games Showcase Extended, now’s your chance to take our tour of Dogtown’s Black Market!
Cyberpunk 2077 & Phantom Liberty Quest Director Paweł Sasko will show you around Kurt Hansen’s domain and give you a sneak peek into some local rules… Enjoy your stay.
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maschinen-mensch · 1 year ago
Quest director Paweł Sasko talking briefly and spoiler-free about Jago during one of his Twitch stream. After someone in the chat asked why Jago's voice is so high, he answered that it's very intentional.
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pinkyjulien · 1 year ago
Yesterday's modding session got me pretty frustrated, I wasted so much time and was feeling overall pretty shit. Woke up feeling a bit violent, so to calm my nerves and get some serotonin I decided to check some old posts of mine over my old blog @pinkydude
This blog got flagged last year, I was always upset about this, especially cause I always suspected the fandom to be the cause by mass-reporting it
Well, today I got confirmation that this was indeed the case, so from the bottom of my heart
Fuck you
And especially Fuck You to all the passive homophobic pieces of SHIT that couldn't handle a fictional character's queerness, y'all are fucking pathetic HGFHH
NOW For more context; one thing I loved to do back in the day was to share some of Pawel's streams, pics and videos in majority.
A lot of people didn't liked his streams mainly because of "the favoritism"; the Sasko Sunday streams became an habit for a lot of us, watching him for literal years, he recognized our names and we had "inside jokes" in streams with the community there. You can see why some people felt jealous and became nasty about it.
There's a lot to be said about people feeling "left out" of something they don't even willingly participate in, the streams were always public and anyone could join at anytime they'd want to, but I disgress.
His streams were always really interactive; we would ask questions about the story, the characters, and Pawel would reply and give us insight, BTS infos, hints and other cool crumbs!
Pawel eventualy had to stop most of his interaction with the community because he was being HARASSED by SOME PEOPLE on Twitter openly tagging him about his "favoritism" and even sending letters to HQ complaining about it.
Back to my old flagged blog;
We can't search up tags on flagged blogs, it becomes really hard to look up for anything there, we can't access the archives either
Friendo gave me this tip months ago; if you have a pinned post, simply add tags to it and you'll be able to click them, like a lite "search box"
So that's what I did this morning, in bed, on my lil phone, adding "pawel sasko" to my pinned to go through my old stream posts!
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And imagine my surprise while scrolling down past the majority of my posts being flagged for...... sexual content??
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Now I recognized these posts simply by the comments and reblog on them, they are nothing sexual. Y'know what they are?
Posts about Mitch! Of course, who else, it always goes back to him doesn't it? All the drama, all the bullshit this fandom ever gave me alwaaays goes back to him.
So anyway, I couldn't see these posts on Mobile, but I can actually see them on desktop, so let's see what The Fandom TM wanted to take down sooo bad
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My post about Mitch's database being fixed
Nothing surprising here, I'm the reason Mitch's database got fixed and people didn't NOT like that at all!
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Of course this one would get reported too
We're starting to get a better picture of who went on a reporting rampage.
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Pawel comfirming that they left hints of Mitch being gay on purpose in game? Of course it'd get flagged too
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Pawel reacting to my stuff in general? Boom
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They even went as far as to report my FIRST ever post about Pawel, when I talked on his streams for the first time back in 2021.
We all know who could've been so butthurt about all this that they went on a flagging spree ghfhg fucking PATHETHIC oh my god
Anyway, y'all have a nice day ✌😩
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picathartidae · 6 months ago
OC Insight - What kind of love are you?
Take this uquiz as an OC and share the result
Thank you for the tag, @the-pale-elfs-love! I have elected to do this for all six of my main BG3 characters, so sorry if this is a bit overly long. I thought the results tracked pretty well with how they're all characterised.
Tagging: @vestigialpersonality @pantsbutfancy @rinwellisathing (I know some (all?) of you have already been tagged, I'm sorry, I don't know a lot of people)
Alassane (Astarion romance)
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Love as a Performance: Your love is a masquerade, a dance, a work of art. You love with a veil across your face, unable to allow anyone to see the real you. Can that be considered love, you wonder? As a performer, you have all your lines prepared, and you know exactly what to say and when to say it. You’re charismatic and bold, seductive and hypnotic. Your love is a snake’s melody, the siren song of the sea. Your love is enchanting. Your love is melodic. Your love is afraid and fearful and longing. You ache to tear the veil off, you ache to cast poetry aside for the sake of something real and gritty. You’re terrified of the very thought. Being loved by you is to be loved by an artist; it is to be a muse. It reflects others beautifully, but never, ever yourself. Not really. Not truly.
2. Aleksandra (Gale romance)
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Love as Religion: Devotion, that is the name of your love. Your love is an act of worship. Your love is like witnessing the birth of Venus, like seeing the sun come alive, or the stars fall. When you love, it is because you have found God in a lover. You have found the meaning of life itself in the heart of the one you adore. They are everything to you; they are your Maker, and you are their lamb, their flock, their first and holiest worshipper. When you fall in love, it is as a baptism. You are born anew, made a believer in the divinity of the one you love most. Being loved by you is an ascension; it is holy and golden. It is all-consuming, and all-faithful, loyal as the dog. You will never, ever bite back.
3. Iscah (Wyll romance)
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Love as a Threshold: Your love does not ask for much. Your love does not take. Your love is free, and unquestioned, and here for wherever needs it. When you fall in love, it is as gentle as a breath in the night. It is quiet, and it is effortless. It is tender. If your love was a house, it would readily welcome all who come through. If your love was a hearth, it would warm the hands of whoever stopped by, whether for a day, a month, a year, or forever. When you fall for someone, it is without strings, without conditions, without need. You love for the sake of loving, for the sake of caring for those who need it. You love with a giver’s heart and a giver’s hands and are made so much stronger for it. Being loved by you is to always feel at home. Your love may not always be well-received by those unprepared to linger, but it is unforgettable all the same.
4. Sasko (Shadowheart romance)
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Love as a Choice: You choose to love. Love does not come to you easily, but every day you wake up and choose it. It would be so easy, wouldn't it, to grow cold and callous and grim. But you rise to greet the world, making the conscious effort to find something, anything to love. When you fall for someone, you do not kid yourself of their flaws. Instead, you resolve to see them for who they are, mistakes and all and you love them all the same. Your love is work, and it does not come easy. Your love sweats and toils. It is calloused and sunburned; it bears scars and comes with stories. Your love is worn, but it is no less valuable for it. Being loved by you is like being loved by a gardener, a mother, a teacher. Your love may not always be the simplest, but it is worth the effort.
5. Ria'on (Karlach romance)
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Love as a Threshold: (see Iscah's result above)
6. Sevan (Lae'zel romance)
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Love as the Dawn: Pastel, saccharine and hopeful, your love rises slow to greet the day. It tiptoes on doe feet and blossoms bit by bit, petal by petal. Love is new to you, isn’t it? A fresh discovery in a world you do not quite understand. Your love loves with bated breaths. Your love swoons and sighs and lingers under awnings. Your love romanticises. Your love aches as tenderly as a bruise. You’re swollen with desire and idealisations. The perfect kiss, the perfect touch, the perfect partner in life. Your love is wide-eyed and innocent, naive and pristine and oh, so very easily breakable. Being loved by you is to be loved by a child, by a lamb, wooly-eyed and helpless. Oh. I really hope it lasts.
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blue-oyster-cult-blues · 6 months ago
- Whoops! Banana down !
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felassan · 2 years ago
Article: 'RPG roundtable podcast: Josh Sawyer, Mike Laidlaw, Strix Beltran, Paweł Sasko, and Lis Moberly go deep on writing and playing RPGs'
Listen to our 80-minute discussion with five veteran RPG designers.
These RPG designers came together for a GDC roundtable discussion which was hosted by PC Gamer. one of the interviewees was former Dragon Age lead Mike Laidlaw and for his part he talked a bit about Dragon Age development. the group discussion in general touched on:
- How games are on the cusp of a procedural narrative breakthrough - What players expect from RPGs today - How their personal experiences playing RPGs have informed their games - Writing characters that really resonate with players
the full 80 min discussion can be listened to at the link above, or highlights can be read on PC Gamer (example: 'Mike Laidlaw explains how the Dragon Age writers' room tackled companions').
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essskel · 1 year ago
Since I've been playing through it recently again I was wondering what your thoughts on the Bloody Baron questline are? Its such a messy one and I'd love to hear your thoughts, especially on how it handles abuse
(part of this is copied from a different ask where I talked about this quest, but my thoughts have condensed since then so here’s a new version)
Im not a fan of this quest because it lacks the time and gravity to fine nuance in an abusive relationship and (to me) ends up reading as domestic abuse centrism.
And yet here's an interview with Paweł Sasko who wrote the quest:
The roots of Family Matters can be traced back to Sasko’s childhood, growing up in a poor village in the Polish mountains. “I saw families destroyed by alcoholism and violence,” he says. “I saw parents fighting with each other and beating their kids, but they were also in love and loyal to their family.”
“The Baron was created as a parallel to Geralt,” says Sasko. “They’re two fathers who have lost their loved ones; two men with blood on their hands; they both have personality issues; they’d do anything for their families.” (Link to full article)
I’ll try not to rant about it, but essentially I commend him for trying to approach such a personal topic, I think all writers should try to push themselves and their audience, but I still think he was far too ignorant of the misogyny and power imbalances involved. He may be able to see the struggles that a working class man goes through that leads him to do something like abuse his wife, or grow blind to his own violence in the face of his own abuse from the societal pressures of poverty, but there’s ways to humanize that perspective without saying that the power dynamic between a beaten woman and her abuser are equitable because she reacts with anger or retaliates. Also the Baron is not a peasant, so this tie-in to poverty doesn’t come full circle for me. He lives in a castle.
I also don’t think the Geralt mirror works if you go any deeper than ‘fathers with missing daughters/family’ Geralt loses his loved ones, but the Baron drives his away through his own violence. That’s just where it ends for me, I don’t see Geralt in that, Geralt would never be there.
I try to keep that interview in mind and remember that the quest is based on real people, but that doesn’t mean I like it, or will ever think it was saying anything novel about abuse. There should have been more women involved in that decision, and that interview tbh. God lmao, what a game 😬
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