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boybolt · 1 year ago
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Hokages âšĄđŸ„
Future Sasaukage đŸ”©đŸ–€
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reviewmanganime · 2 years ago
Uchiha Sasuke: skil dan kekuatan Sasuke Uciha
Uchiha Sasuke
Sasuke Uchiha ( Uchiha Sasuke ) adalah salah satu anggota klan Uchiha Konohagakure yang masih hidup . Setelah kakak laki-lakinya, Itachi , membantai klan mereka , Sasuke membuat misi hidupnya untuk membalaskan dendam mereka dengan membunuh Itachi. 
Dia ditambahkan ke Tim 7 setelah menjadi ninja dan, melalui persaingan dengan saingan dan sahabatnya, Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke mulai mengembangkan kemampuannya. Tidak puas dengan kemajuannya, dia membelot dari Konoha sehingga dia bisa memperoleh kekuatan yang dibutuhkan untuk membalas dendam. Tahun-tahunnya untuk membalas dendam dan tindakannya yang mengikuti menjadi semakin menuntut, tidak rasional dan mengisolasi dia dari orang lain, membuatnya dicap sebagai penjahat internasional.
Setelah mengetahui kebenaran pengorbanan saudaranya, kemudian terbukti berperan dalam mengakhiri Perang Dunia Shinobi Keempat , dan dengan senang hati ditebus oleh Naruto, Sasuke memutuskan untuk kembali ke Konoha dan mendedikasikan hidupnya untuk membantu melindungi desa dan penduduknya, yang disebut sebagai " Kage Pendukung" (Sasaukage , secara harfiah berarti: Bayangan Pendukung).
Kemampuan Uchiha Sasuke
Sasuke diakui sebagai keajaiban alam dari klan Uchiha , lulus di atas kelasnya di Akademi . Dia membuat kesan yang kuat pada Kakashi Hatake dalam tes bel , dan bisa bertarung setara dengan shinobi yang kuat, seperti Haku dan Gaara di Bagian I. Setelah bimbingan Orochimaru selama tiga tahun, Sasuke menjadi cukup kuat untuk melawan dan bahkan menekan Itachi, seperti Raikage Keempat . Dengan Chakranya, dia dibandingkan dengan Petapa oleh Kurama, mampu membantu mengalahkan Madara sebagai jinchƫriki Ekor-Sepuluh. Madara mengakui dia akan memilih Sasuke daripada Obito sebagai magang jika dia lahir bertahun-tahun sebelumnya.
Sebagai orang dewasa, meski kehilangan lengan kirinya, penampilannya tidak menunjukkan halangan, bertarung setara dengan Kinshiki ƌtsutsuki . Pada akhirnya, ia dianggap sebagai shinobi legendaris yang seperti Naruto, disebut sebagai shinobi terkuat yang pernah ada, dengan Hokage melihatnya sebagai satu-satunya yang setara. Kekuatan gabungan pasangan ini dianggap mampu menghancurkan dunia. Demikian juga, bersama-sama mereka bisa mengalahkan Momoshiki ƌtsutsuki yang menyerap Kinshiki ƌtsutsuki , sesuatu yang digabungkan oleh empat Kage lainnya untuk melawan yang terakhir.
Chakra dan Kekuatan Fisik
Chakra Sasuke cukup kuat, sebagian karena reinkarnasi dari Indra ƌtsutsuki . Setiap kali Kutukan Kebencian Sasuke semakin dalam, yang lain berkomentar betapa jauh lebih kuat, lebih gelap, dan chakranya menjadi lebih menyeramkan. Cadangannya juga cukup besar, cukup menggunakan Chidori dua kali sehari selama Bagian I tanpa bantuan. Pada Bagian II, Sasuke dapat menggunakan Chidori dan teknik terkait beberapa kali dalam satu hari, serta memanggil makhluk sebesar Manda. Kontrol chakranya sangat tinggi, meski kurang halus dari Sakura. Di anime, dia bisa melakukan segel tangan antara tangannya dan tangan musuh. Di masa dewasa, ia belajar menggunakan segel tangan satu tangan  dan mengilhami material dengan chakranya, dengan terampil memanipulasi struktur atomnya. Demikian juga, ketika dilempar, dia dapat mengontrol lintasan mereka dan ketajamannya. Dia bahkan belajar untuk mengalirkan chakra ke dalam luka untuk membersihkan racun.
Meskipun bukan sensor yang sebenarnya, selama pertempuran terakhirnya melawan Naruto, dia merasakan pembentukan chakra dan energi alami Naruto dari Kurama . Juga, dalam berbagi setengah dari kekuatan Hagoromo dengan Naruto, ia juga mampu merasakan chakra Naruto dari dimensi yang berbeda. 
Sasuke sangat ahli dalam taijutsu , mampu bertahan dalam pertarungan tangan kosong melawan banyak lawan sekaligus. Penampilan fisiknya yang paling konsisten adalah kecepatan dan refleksnya, yang semakin ditingkatkan dengan meniru gerakan Rock Lee . Kecepatannya bahkan terbukti menyamai, jika tidak melebihi berbagai teknik cepat lainnya seperti Perisai Pasir dan Mode Chakra Rilis Petir , dan cukup untuk melumpuhkan lawan secara fisik sebelum mereka menyadari bahwa dia bahkan mendekati mereka. Antara peningkatan kecepatan dan kehebatan taijutsu, menjadi sangat sulit bagi lawan-lawannya untuk menemukan cukup waktu untuk melakukan bahkan satu segel tangan.
Sakura, setelah bertemu kembali dengan Sasuke untuk pertama kalinya di Bagian II, menemukan peningkatan kemampuannya sangat tinggi dan berhipotesis bahwa dia diberi obat oleh Orochimaru. Orochimaru diketahui telah bereksperimen pada Sasuke, cukup untuk membuatnya kebal terhadap racun, Meskipun demikian, Sasuke tetap rentan terhadap racun yang sangat kuat, karena klon bayangannya dipengaruhi oleh gas beracun Garashi Tƍno . Dia memperoleh beberapa atribut Orochimaru setelah menyerapnya, seperti cadangan chakra tambahan,  tingkat penyembuhan yang lebih cepat,  dan kemampuan untuk melepaskan tubuhnya, semuanya hilang saat Orochimaru disingkirkan darinya. Dia kemudian menerima setengah dari kekuatan Hagoromo, yang ternyata mampu dia pertahankan.
Segel Terkutuk Uchiha Sasuke
Orochimaru mencap Sasuke dengan Segel Terkutuk Surga setelah pertemuan pertama mereka di Bagian I. Ketika aktif, segel terkutuk itu menyedot chakra Sasuke sendiri dan menggantinya dengan chakra Orochimaru dalam jumlah yang lebih besar, yang pada gilirannya meningkatkan kekuatan dan kecepatannya. Meskipun berguna, penggunaan awal segel kutukan Sasuke sering tidak disengaja, menyakitkan saat aktif, dan membuatnya tidak bisa bergerak sebentar setelahnya. Kekurangan ini dihilangkan begitu dia bisa memasuki kondisi kedua segel terkutuk itu: sebuah transformasi yang mengubah kulitnya menjadi abu-abu, memanjangkan rambutnya, dan menyebabkan dia mengembangkan sayap. Dorongan transformasi untuk parameter fisiknya mirip dengan bentuk versi 1 jinchƫriki , yang pada Bagian II dia dapat mengisolasi ke bagian tubuhnya.
Itachi menghapus segel terkutuk dari tubuh Sasuke selama Bagian II, mencegahnya menggunakannya lagi. Namun, dia tetap cocok dengan sumber segel kutukan, Jugo , memungkinkan Jugo memberinya daging atau chakra jika diperlukan.
Ninjutsu Uchiha Sasuke
Sasuke belajar memanggil ular selama waktunya bersama Orochimaru. Dia biasanya memanggil mereka sebagai tameng, transportasi darat cepat, atau untuk mengikat target. Tak terlihat di luar Animal Path , Sasuke juga bisa memanggil spesies hewan kedua: elang . Penggunaan elangnya lebih terbatas daripada ular, menggunakannya hanya untuk terbang dan kemampuan manuver tambahan yang memungkinkan. Saat dewasa, Sasuke dapat menggunakan Teknik Klon Bayangan , mampu dengan mudah menghasilkan delapan klon sekaligus.
Bukijutsu Uchiha Sasuke
Sebagai seorang Uchiha, Sasuke dilatih dengan berbagai alat ninja yang berbeda. Ketika dia masih kecil, dia pernah menggunakan (secara tidak ahli) busur dan anak panah untuk berburu babi hutan dengan Itachi, latihan yang kemudian berguna untuk Susanoo -nya . Bidang keahliannya adalah shuriken jutsu , memungkinkan dia untuk melempar shuriken dan kunai dengan tepat; untuk target yang rumit atau bergerak, Sasuke dapat mengarahkan shuriken ke sasarannya menggunakan tali kawat atau membelokkannya satu sama lain. Selain kecepatan alami yang luar biasa dan koordinasi untuk penggunaan yang cepat, dia juga menggunakan Penciptaan Pedang Kilat Kilat untuk kinerja yang lebih cepat dengan menyegel shuriken dan kunai ke dalam gelang lengannya, Sasuke telah menyiapkan persediaan besar, yang memungkinkan dia untuk menyerang target dalam sekejap.
Keterampilan pedang Sasuke mulai menggunakan pedang setelah berlatih dengan Orochimaru, memegangnya dengan terampil di kedua tangan dan bersaing dengan pendekar pedang yang lebih berpengalaman. ​​Dia dapat memotong banyak lawan dalam waktu singkat. Dia juga menggunakannya untuk bertahan, memblokir proyektil yang masuk; Pada usia dewasa, Sasuke dapat langsung beralih antara menghunus pedang back handed dan biasanya bahkan selama bentrokan.
Transformasi Alam Uchiha Sasuke
Sasuke dapat menggunakan semua lima transformasi alam dasar , serta Elemen Yin dua di antaranya ia bisa memanfaatkan pada usia 13. Sebagai seorang Uchiha, ia memiliki bakat yang kuat untuk Elemen Api, menguasai Teknik Bola Api Besar klan bertahun-tahun sebelum menjadi genin , suatu prestasi yang sangat mengejutkan Kakashi. Sasuke juga dapat melapisi api di sekitar shurikennya, mengarahkan apinya bersama dengan tali kawat, atau membuat rangkaian bola api berbentuk naga . Kehebatan Elemen Apinya terbukti cukup kuat untuk dengan mudah membubarkan sebagian besar teknik Elemen Air, dan dengan menyalurkan chakra melalui material, dapat dengan cepat meningkatkan suhunya - cukup untuk melelehkan kaca secara instan.
Dengan kecakapan yang ditingkatkan dalam Elemen Tanah , dia dapat mengubah tanah dan batu menjadi permata atau logam. Saat dewasa, Sasuke menunjukkan kehebatan yang signifikan dengan Elemen Air , mampu dengan cepat menghasilkan elemen dalam jumlah besar di tangannya atau memanggilnya dari kejauhan. Dia mencatat bahwa Pelepasan Airnya tidak mengandung kotoran dan tidak menghantarkan listrik, tetapi menyekat listrik. Menggunakan Elemen Angin , Sasuke mampu mengubah dan mengurangi hambatan udara di sekitarnya sehingga dia dapat dengan cepat mencapai tujuannya. Dari pertarungannya dengan Haku , Sasuke terinspirasi untuk menyalin Elemen Es yang terakhir teknik, belajar memanipulasi keadaan air. Dia bisa menguapkannya untuk membuat uap atau menggunakan Elemen Angin untuk membekukannya. Dia dapat langsung membekukan target dan membuat struktur mulai dari kunai hingga jembatan melintasi lautan. Seperti pengguna Elemen Es pada umumnya, kondisi cuaca langsung juga terpengaruh. Meskipun demikian, ia mengakui inferioritasnya terhadap Elemen Es yang sebenarnya.
Sasuke memiliki kedekatan alami dengan Elemen Petir , memanfaatkannya pertama kali dengan Chidori yang diajarkan oleh Kakashi. Meskipun efektif untuk menembus sebagian besar target, ini adalah serangan jarak dekat. Untuk alasan ini, Sasuke menggunakan prinsip Chidori untuk membuat beberapa jutsu jarak jauh di Bagian II, seperti jarum yang dapat dilempar , pedang yang dapat diperpanjang , dan aliran scattershot . Dia sering menyalurkan chakra petirnya ke pedangnya untuk meningkatkan daya tebasnya. Saat menggunakan segel kutukannya atau Chakra Enam Jalan, chakra petirnya menjadi berwarna lebih gelap, meskipun tidak jelas apakah ini mengubah sifat sebenarnya dengan cara apa pun. Saat dewasa, Sasuke mampu menggunakan Elemen Petirnya untuk menambah kecepatannya selama pertempuran, hingga menyamai kecepatan Kinshiki .
Sharingan Sasuke.
Sasuke pertama kali membangkitkan Sharingannya pada malam Kejatuhan Klan Uchiha , meskipun ia tidak dapat melakukannya lagi sampai beberapa tahun kemudian selama pertempuran melawan Haku. Sharingan Sasuke sangat kuat, seperti yang dicatat Orochimaru bahwa meskipun tidak sepenuhnya berkembang pada saat itu, Sharingan itu bahkan lebih kuat dan lebih jelas daripada milik Itachi. Belakangan, kehebatan dan keterampilannya dengan dƍjutsu yang matang membuatnya mendapat julukan " Sasuke dari Sharingan " ( Sharingan no Sasuke ). Dengan Sharingan, Sasuke dapat melihat aliran chakra, secara akurat mereproduksi setiap gerakan yang dilihatnya (keterampilan fisiknya memungkinkan), melacak objek yang bergerak cepat, dan memprediksi gerakan lawan sampai batas tertentu. Dia juga dapat menggunakan Genjutsu: Sharingan untuk tujuan yang luas seperti pengalih perhatian, interogasi, menjatuhkan target, atau menempatkan mereka di bawah kendalinya. Dia dapat menggunakan Sharingan untuk menyampaikan informasi kepada orang lain atau memasuki alam bawah sadar mereka, yang dalam kasus jinchĆ«riki memungkinkan dia untuk menekan monster berekor mereka Sharingannya juga terbukti mampu menghapus ingatan orang dalam jarak waktu tertentu.
Mangekyo Sharingan Sasuke.
Sasuke membangunkan Mangekyƍ Sharingannya setelah kematian Itachi, begitu dia mengetahui fakta bahwa Itachi memang mencintainya dan merupakan satu-satunya hubungan paling signifikan yang dia miliki. Desainnya memberikan tampilan tiga elips yang berpotongan. Meskipun sangat menambah kekuatan dƍjutsu-nya dan akses ke teknik tambahan baru, itu harus dibayar dengan cepat melelahkannya serta menekan kesehatannya. Setelah penggunaan Mangekyƍ Sasuke yang berlebihan dan teratur hampir sepenuhnya memperburuk penglihatannya, Sasuke memiliki Obitotransplantasi mata Itachi untuk mendapatkan Mangekyƍ "abadi", tepat sebelum dimulainya Perang Dunia Shinobi Keempat. Mata yang ditransplantasikan menyerupai persilangan antara Mangekyƍ Sasuke dan Itachi sementara juga memberikan Sasuke kinerja yang sangat meningkat: pengurasan chakranya berkurang secara signifikan sementara tidak menyebabkan tekanan pada kesehatan fisik atau penglihatannya dari penggunaan yang lama. Demikian pula, Mangekyƍ Abadi miliknya adalah tipe "tomoe lurus" ( Choku Tomoe ) yang langka, memberinya keluwesan dalam gerakannya saat bertarung.
Mangekyo Sharingan Abadi milik Sasuke. Dengan salah satu Mangekyƍ,  Sasuke dapat menggunakan Amaterasu , menyalakan apapun yang dia lihat dengan api hitam yang dapat membakar apapun. Dengan Mangekyƍ kanannya, dia dapat menggunakan Kagutsuchi untuk membentuk api menjadi berbagai bentuk dan tujuan, seperti paku untuk menusuk orang. Kemampuan untuk memanipulasi Amaterasu membuatnya lebih terampil daripada Itachi dengan miliknya sendiri. Setelah membangkitkan Mangekyƍ di kedua matanya, Sasuke dapat menggunakan Susanoo, seorang prajurit spektral yang melindunginya dan bertindak atas namanya. Sementara pengembangan aslinya diambil dari saat-saat kemarahan yang hebat, Sasuke mampu menghasilkan berbagai bagian dari hantu untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya, seperti tulang rusuk untuk pertahanan atau lengan untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungannya. Pada perkembangan yang lebih tinggi, dia dapat melapisi otot dan kulit di atas tulang, dan kemudian baju besi untuk meningkatkan kekuatannya. Pada akhirnya, dia dapat menghasilkan Tubuh Lengkap yang jauh lebih besar — ​​Susanoo , ukuran dan kekuatannya sebanding dengan Mode Monster Berekor .
Seperti semua Susanoo, Sasuke memiliki dua pedang yang dapat digunakan untuk melawan target yang lebih besar atau dengan mudah menghancurkan struktur di dekatnya. Lebih umum, Susanoo-nya menggunakan busur yang dapat menembakkan panah dengan kecepatan tinggi dan, bila diperlukan, berfungsi ganda sebagai perisai. Panah dapat dibuat dari chakra yang sama dengan Susanoo itu sendiri, api Amaterasu atau, menyalurkan chakra monster berekor, atau petir. Dari petir, Sasuke bisa menggunakan serangan terkuatnya, Panah Indra . Susanoo juga dapat dibentuk di sekitar Ekor-Sembilan untuk memberinya pedang dan baju besinya sendiri, dan berfungsi sebagai media untuk berbagai tekniknya seperti Chidori .
Rinnegan Sasuke.
Setelah menerima setengah dari chakra Hagoromo ƌtsutsuki dan kemungkinan disembuhkan dengan sel Hashirama, Sasuke membangunkan Rinnegan di mata kirinya, dengan tiga tomoe di masing-masing dua lingkaran terdalamnya. Namun, harus cadangan chakra Sasuke jatuh ke tingkat tertentu, tomoe menghilang.  Tidak seperti dƍjutsu bawahnya, Rinnegan Sasuke tampaknya tidak dapat kembali ke keadaan semula. Meskipun demikian, itu tidak mempengaruhi stamina atau tingkat chakranya. Demikian pula, Rinnegan Sasuke masih dapat mengakses teknik dan kemampuan Mangekyƍ kirinya.
Dƍjutsu tersebut memberi Sasuke kemampuan pengenalan pola, mampu membantunya menganalisis pola di dalam kode, dan dengan membandingkannya dengan pola serupa, menguraikan tulisan. Ini juga memberinya akses ke berbagai kemampuan Teknik Enam Jalan , seperti menarik orang lain secara paksa ke arahnya, menjebak individu di Chibaku Tensei melalui Jalan Deva , dan menyerap chakra melalui Jalan Preta . Dia juga dapat menggunakannya untuk melihat target yang tidak terlihat , menolak efek Tsukuyomi Tak Terbatas ,  dan mengubah Susanoo-nya menjadi wadah untuk chakra monster berekor, seperti halnyaPatung Iblis dari Jalan Luar .
Ciri khasnya (jika tidak unik) kemampuan Rinnegan adalah Ninjutsu Ruang-Waktu . Dengannya, ia dapat merasakan distorsi aliran waktu, melihat peristiwa yang terjadi seperti biasa, meskipun tidak diketahui apakah ia dapat meniadakan pengaruhnya pada dirinya sendiri. Dengan Amenotejikara , dia dapat langsung menukar tempat dari dua target mana pun dalam jarak tertentu. Di masa dewasa, Ninjutsu Ruang-Waktunya menjadi cukup maju untuk melakukan perjalanan melalui dimensi, bahkan dengan orang lain melalui portal antar dimensi; Setelah Boruto Uzumaki menikamnya saat dikendalikan oleh Momoshiki ƌtsutsuki , Sasuke kehilangan Rinnegan dan kemampuannya di serial boruto. 
Intelijen/kecerdasan Uchiha Sasuke
Sasuke sangat cerdas, mendapatkan nilai tertinggi di semua mata pelajaran di kelas Akademinya . Dalam pertempuran, meskipun biasanya ofensif tanpa jeda, Sasuke sangat jeli, memperhatikan semua faktor saat dia pergi dan menganalisis teknik lawannya untuk memahami mekanisme dan tujuan mereka. Oleh karena itu, dia terbiasa dengan taktik dengan cepat, memilih pendekatan apa pun, betapapun rumitnya, yang paling berhasil pada saat yang tepat. Strateginya dapat dianggap tidak bertanggung jawab atau berisiko, karena dia telah berulang kali menempatkan dirinya atau sekutunya dalam bahaya. Meskipun demikian, tindakannya cenderung membuahkan hasil, mendapatkan pujian atas kemampuan analitisnya dari Minato Namikaze dan Madara Uchiha . Jigenjuga akan memuji Sasuke karena akhirnya mengetahui sifat tekniknya dan bahkan mengatakan bahwa kemampuan analitisnya ditambah dengan dƍjutsu membuatnya lebih berbahaya daripada Naruto, yang dianggap setara dengannya.
Terlepas dari bagaimana dia bertahan di tengah pertempuran, Sasuke cenderung bersiap sebelum memasuki pertarungan, atau sebaik mungkin: dia secara khusus berlatih untuk menjadi lebih cepat dari pasir Gaara ; dia menyerang Orochimaru pada saat tubuhnya paling lemah; dia melengkapi dirinya dengan Penciptaan Pedang Kilat Kilat sehingga dia bisa menyaingi kecepatan Itachi Uchiha . Dia bahkan mungkin memiliki strategi dalam pikiran yang dapat dia kerjakan selama pertarungan, seperti ketika dia menghabiskan sebagian dari pertarungannya dengan Itachi menciptakan kondisi untuk Kirin ., bahkan mengandalkan jutsu Itachi sendiri untuk memudahkan dalam penggunaannya. Dia telah menunjukkan rasa taktis dalam kerja sama tim, mampu langsung memahami rencana pertempuran sekutu dengan sedikit komunikasi dan bertindak sesuai untuk membuatnya berhasil.  https://www.haris.eu.org
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leorjo · 6 years ago
hmmm idk anything really but gemini or something id say
actually this is valid cuz im gemini rising KDHFKHLSDFH i understand where ur coming from
tell me what sign’s energy my blog gives off
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grapixpaper · 7 years ago
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Uchiha Brothers always looks good on the wall. Oh their innocent times! Grab a copy of this poster in our store! We have a lot of sales going on right now! Contact Information (open 24/7) đŸ’» - http://grapixpaper.com đŸ“± - 872.222.5090 📧 - [email protected] FAQS (feel free to ask more) ✅ FREE SHIPPING (USA) ✔ Discounts Available (message me) ✅ FREE Tracking ✔ Looking for something? MESSAGE US! ✅ Hassle Free Returns 💯 Authentic Nendroid and Figma Seller Official Affiliates (more to come) đŸ”± - @sieghrain - http://SieghrainEnterprise.com đŸ”± - @gorkhaymomo - Cooking Channel #UchihaSasuke #SasukeUchiha #UchihaItachi #ItachiUchiha #Itachi #Uchiha #うづはゔă‚čケ #Sasaukage #ă†ăĄăŻă‚€ă‚żăƒ #Naruto #Boruto #ăƒŠăƒ«ăƒˆ #ăƒœăƒ«ăƒˆ #anime #manga #poster #posterdesign #posters #posterart #art (at Chicago, Illinois)
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cc-sasuke · 3 years ago
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Sasuke Uchiha starter / plotting / interaction call
please like and/or reblog to show interest
reply to this post or IM me if you are a sideblog
and I’ll go check out your blog and/or start interactions/plots 
if we have already, this counts as catching up on stuff too
multi-muse blogs please specify your muse for interaction
specify verse/time or I’ll go with random or most fitting
once all calls are done and enough time passes, I’ll reblog this to refresh, thanks!
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seulrens · 5 years ago
Hey, I just wanted to say you are doing AMAZING with your edits they are all awesome and I want to request a gifset of Momo Fancy era Thank youuuu ♡
lolota eu te amo vou fazer AGORA pra vocĂȘ minha princesa 
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usuragan · 3 years ago
people i’d like to know better
tagged by: stolen.
tagging: Whoever wants to play :)
ONE ( ALIAS / NAME ): Kairi
TWO ( BIRTHDAY ): 16 January
THREE ( ZODIAC SIGN ): Capricorn, Virgo ascending
FOUR ( HEIGHT ): 5â€Č4
FIVE ( HOBBIES ): Video games, roleplaying, watching anime, playing with my puppy, work(??), tarot readings and colouring.
SEVEN ( FAVOURITE BOOKS ): Lord of the Flies, Sleeping Beauty series, The Witcher series
EIGHT ( LAST SONG LISTENED TO ): Perfect by Marianas Trench.
NINE ( LAST SHOW WATCHED ): The Witcher season 2
TEN ( INSPIRATION FOR MUSE ): I think it’s obvious where I got inspiration for Sasuke. His Spotify playlist is a big help as well!
ELEVEN ( MEANING BEHIND YOUR URL ): It’s the title of the 15th chapter of Boruto, meaning the supporting shadow.  Sasaukage.
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akari-urokiri · 4 years ago
My little daisy - Chapter 12 - Akari_Urokiri - Naruto [Archive of Our Own]
- Well, good thing that you aren’t alone with it, idiot. – Madara told him, resting his left arm on his shoulder, and staying like that. – You got me, maybe you are Hokage, but don’t forget that I’m your Sasaukage. You weren’t the only one who started this change in this world Hashirama, and I won’t allow you to bear this burden yourself. We are here together, like we wanted to be, when we were children. – he told him and Hokage rested his head on his shoulder, sighing.
- But what about my clan? And elders? They are furious about my child being a girl Madara.. I mean, I made it possible for her to become my heir and I don’t give a shit about what they say, but it’s still hurts soo much, knowing they don’t accept that my child isn’t male. We are at peace and I hoped that they could just take it easy.
- Well, you just allowed them to have too much freedom Hashi, and that was your mistake. They think that they can manipulate you and have their way, to create what they had when your father was alive.
- So, you also think that, huh? – he asked, closing his eyes. – I’m sure they will shut up if my girl will have a Mokuton.
- Yeah, but you can’t be sure about this. And maybe she will be good at something different? – Madara told him also closing his eyes. – Hashirama, we just got this village, it’s the end of the April – ‘And my fucking period is finally ending today. Just why, this mouth it had to be for full ten days?!’ – and we only started getting the feeling with this. Not to put with that, your wife is pregnant and you are just stressed. But remember, you are not alone. You got your mother who raised you and your brothers, to help you with your child. You have Tobirama and Itama, who will be amazing uncles to your daughter, I’m sure about it. The same goose to Kakashi, and Sakumo will love her, just like he loves you guys.
- Don’t forget about yourself Maddy. You will also be her uncle, and I know that my daughter will love you the same way I love you, my friend.
- Ughr.. That was soo gay Hashirama..
- Oh hush, don’t destroy the moment you idiot! – Senju told him with laugh and Madara knew that he was okay by now. – But you know that I really love you, as a brother Madara.
- Yeah, I know Hashirama, and I also love you in the same matter

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wonderwaflya · 4 years ago
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Uchiha Sasuke aesthetic by Wonderwaflya
Naruto Universe character
My Wallpapers Blog
Sasuke Uchiha (うづはゔă‚čケ, Uchiha Sasuke) is one of the last surviving members of Konohagakure's Uchiha clan. After his older brother, Itachi, slaughtered their clan, Sasuke made it his mission in life to avenge them by killing Itachi. He is added to Team 7 upon becoming a ninja and, through competition with his rival and best friend, Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke starts developing his skills. Dissatisfied with his progress, he defects from Konoha so that he can acquire the strength needed to exact his revenge. His years of seeking vengeance and his actions that followed become increasingly demanding, irrational and isolates him from others, leading him to be branded as an international criminal. After learning the truth of his brother's sacrifice, later proving instrumental in ending the Fourth Shinobi World War, and being happily redeemed by Naruto, Sasuke decides to return to Konoha and dedicate his life to help protect the village and its inhabitants, becoming referred to as the "Supporting Kage" (æ”Żă†ćœ±, Sasaukage, Literally meaning: Supporting Shadow).
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oflightningandfire · 6 years ago
Here is some headcanon since I have a bit of energy to exist at the moment. There have been several times between Sasuke’s return to his becoming ‘sasaukage’ where restoration to the Uchiha compound has been offered and Sasuke refuses it every single time. 
Eventually it becomes a historical monument wherein a great deal of both Konoha’s and the Uchiha’s bloody history is acknowledged. There have been some attempt to create plaques of these things but Sasuke shot them down as well. He refuses any alteration of anything in or near the premises.
However, whether someone joins the Academy or is schooled regularly as a non-shinobi history classes have become mandatory both, again, to acknowledge past faults and to never let it happen again.
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naruto6888v · 6 years ago
Sasaukage- Kage das sombras
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boybolt · 1 year ago
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Hokages âšĄđŸ„
Future Sasaukage đŸ”© đŸ–€
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konohahq · 3 years ago
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Nome: Uchiha Sasuke Faceclaim: Dori Sakurada GĂȘnero: Masculino Baseado em: Uchiha Sasuke Nacionalidade e etnia: JapĂŁo, japonĂȘs Data de nascimento: 23/07/1994 Ocupação: Policial infiltrado, divisĂŁo de inteligĂȘncia ANBU Moradia: Distrito Uchiha Personalidade: 
[ + ] ambicioso, diligente, educado.
[ – ] competitivo, obsessivo e orgulhoso.
TW: assassinato, sangue, menção à parricídio
Nascido no clã Uchiha, Sasuke era filho de Fugaku e Mikoto, onde seu pai, Fugaku, era chefe de operaçÔes da ANBU e sua mãe, Mikoto, apesar de ser dona de casa, vinha de uma família respeitada de espadachins que praticavam o kenjutsu e tinham fortes ligaçÔes com o seu passado e ancestrais shinobis.
Passou a maior parte de sua infĂąncia treinando kenjutsu e estudando sobre os shinobis que o antecederam hĂĄ muitos anos, visitava bastante o museu, castelo Uchiha e vĂĄrios lugares histĂłricos, com o sonho de que um dia trabalharia no mesmo lugar que seu pai. Embora ao fim do dia ele sempre ficava Ă  sombra de seu irmĂŁo mais velho, ele nĂŁo se incomodava com isso, pois amava e admirava seu irmĂŁo acima de tudo.
Seu mundo desmoronou quando, aos doze anos, viu os corpos de seu pai e sua mãe ensanguentados em seu quarto. Sasuke sentiu um forte refluxo e logo foi ao chão, seus olhos tremiam e sua vista estava embaçada enquanto ele permanecia incrédulo. Foi um casal que voltava de uma festa que encontrou o garoto coberto de sangue, andando cambaleando pelas ruas, e que chamou a polícia para lhe socorrer.
Resultado: Seu irmĂŁo mais velho, por motivos desconhecidos, havia cometido o assassinato dos prĂłprios pais naquela noite.
Este trauma marcou todos os anos posteriores de Sasuke que passou a se dedicar em dobro para seu sonho. Por sequer um segundo parou de estudar e treinar para seguir os passos de seus pais. Ainda muito novo, ficou sob a tutela do estado, conseguindo permissĂŁo para continuar morando em sua casa, sendo visitado frequentemente por um agente federal para garantir que ele estava bem.
Anos mais tarde, viria a se formar com honras na academia de polĂ­cia, sendo entĂŁo indicado para a inteligĂȘncia, onde com o passar dos anos, conseguiria se firmar como um dos principais detetives da ANBU. Uma vez firmado em seu cargo, estudou em vĂĄrios cursos de psicologia, psicologia forense, anĂĄlise do comportamento entre outros cursos pagos para aumentar sua certificação, qualificação, salĂĄrio e tambĂ©m, obviamente, sua qualidade profissional o mĂĄximo que conseguisse.
ApĂłs tanto esforço e destaque dentro da divisĂŁo de inteligĂȘncia, nĂŁo demorou muito para que Sasuke fosse solicitado em uma operação especial, como ANBU infiltrado dentro de uma poderosa yakuza que estava movimentando milhĂ”es ilegais na regiĂŁo.
Agora, jĂĄ hĂĄ quase trĂȘs anos nesta missĂŁo, e quase completando seus vinte e sete, Sasuke tenta crescer seu status como criminoso dentro desta yakuza, sob o apelido de "Sasaukage".
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chronicangel · 7 years ago
Yakin - Chapter One
Link to this fic on AO3. Words: 4,633 Date posted: January 23, 2018
Chapter 1: Sasaukage Summary: Night job is a light way of putting it.
His whole life, he has been unable to stop telling himself that he should have been there.
The night that his family was murdered was cold. It's a detail that he can't forget, and it sends shivers up his spine to think about. I should have considered it an omen, he jokes later in his life, but the wound is still too fresh and he doesn't try very hard to fake smiles if he's not at an overly publicized event anymore. He had thought, once, that it would be expected of him to wear that sort of mask. He'd dreaded it, regularly avoiding associating with people even after his travels around the world when he settled back into the city where his family was ripped away from him despite his still-lingering wanderlust.
He'd been enrolled in aikidƍ almost as long as he could remember, attending the same dojo as his older brother (and the same dojo as the rest of their now-deceased family) and always striving to achieve the same greatness as him, but had quickly grown frustrated when it became clear he had nothing more to learn from the place at as young an age as 12, only four years after the massacre. He'd left Konoha without a second thought, leaving the family company temporarily in the hands of Hatake Kakashi, who had once known his older cousin and was the only person he could trust not to let the company tank, if only because he was too outwardly lazy and inwardly intelligent to do anything too dumb.
The next years were spent refining his taidƍ and kenjutsu under martial arts master Yashagorƍ Orochimaru, one of the three renowned so-called Sannin for his knowledge and prowess in the realm of mixed martial arts. When he turned 15, he left the familiar environment of Japan, going to China to study under the renowned chitƍ-ryĆ« champion Rock Lee, who he learned was only his age, and getting additional lessons in kung fu and Bujinkan from Lee's friend Tiantian, daughter of two world-renowned martial artists, whose name he'd found was more often affectionately shortened to Tenten than actually said properly. He had stayed in China for two years before he left with a begrudging respect for the pair and a promise to tell Japanese and apparently Konoha-native Maito Gai "hello" when he finally returned home, which wouldn't happen for another eight years as he continued to travel the world and train in every aspect that he could.
His next destination was the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in Daejeon, South Korea, where he studied analysis and, more specifically, predicting an opponent's movement under Nara Shikaku, as well as obtaining his Associate's degree in Business Management. Afterward, he'd taken the advice of Shikaku's son Shikamaru and followed the Yamanaka family to France, though both the Nara and Yamanaka families were, strangely, also native to Konoha, Japan. Spending another two years in France, he had grit his teeth through Yamanaka Ino's flirting to learn about psychology from her father Inoichi and finished obtaining his Master's degree in Business Management from INSEAD.
Unable to avoid it any longer, he'd returned home to Konoha to reclaim his family's company and begin his mission.
That leaves him here. 26-years-old and back in Konoha for only a year, drumming his fingers impatiently on the surface of his desk. Akimichi Chƍji, the newest CEO of Akimichi Biosynthetics, is late for the annual Four Company Meeting, and Aburame Shibi avoids the reporters swarming the door outside like the plague while HyĆ«ga Hiashi complains lowly in Sasuke's ear, which isn't helping his growing migraine. He'd rather be anywhere else in the world right now.
Finally, twenty minutes after they were supposed to get started, the door swings open to reveal the large man, who takes a seat while dabbing at his chin with a yellowish napkin. "Sorry I'm late, everyone. I had a lunch appointment that ran late."
"You took a lunch appointment on the day of the FC Meeting when you knew it was going to start at 3:00?" Sasuke doesn't mean for his tone to come out so cool, but can't find it in himself to feel particularly sorry, either.
"It was important," the jolly man offers without any sort of elaboration, and the Uchiha doesn't ask. It's hard for him to believe that this person is in charge of a company as big and important to their city as Akimichi Biosynthetics, and harder still for him to believe that he received glowing praise from both Nara Shikaku and Yamanaka Inoichi when Sasuke was training with them.
The FC Meeting, something that Sasuke had accepted while still in business school would become a necessary annoyance in his life, is a two-hour annual meeting between the four biggest tech companies in Konoha. One hour is spent talking to each other about upcoming releases and projects to avoid copies and subsequent lawsuits with the unspoken assumption that designs won't be stolen, and one hour then spent taking questions and comments from the reporters and other citizens of the city. This is Sasuke's second one, his first taking place only a month after he'd first reclaimed the title of company head, and the more cruel part of him is tempted to throw Akimichi Chƍji to the sharks the way he was at his own first meeting.
He chooses not to because Chƍji has, in the end, cut twenty minutes of boring financial discussion off of the beginning of this meeting. That doesn't mean that he doesn't still have to sit through forty minutes of Shibi and Hiashi discussing the benefits of working together on a new model of drone to install for better security in buildings so they might be able to compete with the recently expanding Wind Shadow Security from South Korea, though. Sasuke has a meeting scheduled with their young (he says young, but what he means is relatively young when compared with most of the old and experienced men and women in their profession) CEO Gaara and his two siblings/advisors tomorrow evening after the afternoon's board meeting that he's been simultaneously dreading and looking forward to.
While the first forty minutes are something he just has to sit there and look somewhat engaging for, the last hour of the meeting is something he has to actively endure as he is bombarded with questions from reporters and newcomers to the tech world alike.
"Are the four of you planning any meetings with the founder of the new company Orange Maelstrom Electronics?" Calls a man from the back, and Sasuke buries his face in his hands at the reminder of the blond idiot.
Hiashi answers before Sasuke has the opportunity to dismiss the question. "I believe Uchiha-shachƍ met with the man over lunch last week, didn't you?"
He can feel the older man's look without lifting his face from his palms, and he has to try very hard to stifle a groan. "I did."
He expects further questioning from the reporter, but when he lifts his head he sees a woman with outlandishly bright pink hair and fierce green eyes has made her way to the front of the room where people other than reporters have been directed to ask their questions. "I have a question for the CEO of Uchiha Nanotechnology," she says, her tone indicating an anger he doesn't think he's earned. Something about her demeanor inclines him to listen to her even when he is sure she can't have anything to contribute to the meeting. "Why is it that you've expanded into every branch of nanotechnology except for nanomedicine and nanotoxicology? Is public health that unimportant to you?"
"I hardly think that's--" Shibi starts, but Sasuke cuts him off, "That's a valid question." The three other men around him look bewildered, but he maintains his calm expression as he continues, "It's not our top priority right now. While Uchiha Nanotechnology has been rapidly expanding into various materials, studies, and applications, it's important to remember that Uchiha Nanotechnology was only founded 20 years ago by my father, Uchiha Fugaku, and is still only a branch of the parent company Uchiha Industries, which largely focused on weapons and security technology before the expansion in the late 90s. While we would love to spend more time researching nanomedicine, we wouldn't want to step on any toes at Nara Laboratories, who just received loans from Uchiha Industries and Akimichi Biosynthetics to expand from pharmaceuticals to research genetic engineering and nanomedicine on their own. Isn't that right, Chƍji?" He glances over at the other man, forcing his tone to be less annoyed than he feels at the accusation. The Akimichi nods emphatically. "Are there any other questions?"
"Yes, actually," the pink-haired woman says, her eyes still bright. He narrows his own eyes at her, gesturing for her to continue speaking, and she just scoffs as though saying I wasn't asking for your permission to go on. "You never addressed my question about nanotoxicology research. And, if Nara Laboratories is expanding from pharmaceuticals to genetic engineering and nanomedicine what repercussions is that going to have on production of medications?"
Surprisingly, Hiashi saves him. "Unfortunately, Ms...?" Haruno, Sasuke thinks he hears her huff, confirmed when Hiashi continues, "Ms. Haruno, we don't have time to answer questions from only one person. If you still want answers by the end of the meeting, you can contact Uchiha-shachƍ's secretary and schedule an appointment."
That's not what happens.
The meeting finally ends half an hour later, and Sasuke lets his fellow CEOs drag him out for drinks. Normally, he isn't one for alcohol, as he is a notorious lightweight and has better things to do, but he's still struggling to get the pink-haired woman's words out of his head when the FC Meeting comes to a close and Chƍji of all people convinces him that one drink can't possibly be so bad. He agrees because that's what a normal person would do and he can't think of any reason that he'll live to regret it other than Hiashi's usual persistent attempts at matchmaking between Sasuke and his eldest.
"She's a lot like her mother when we first met," he says, soberer than Sasuke would be at a fourth drink. Unlike a TV comedy, though, Sasuke has kept to his word and only had one as opposed to letting them talk him into multiple. "I have to drive home," he had excused. Hiashi continues, "Quiet. Nice."
When he just raises his eyebrows, Shibi must take it as a negative because he says, "You have to get married at some point, Uchiha-san." The relatively informal honorific hammers in how much Aburame overestimates their relationship, or else hammers in how much he has had to drink. "You need an heir to your company." He flinches at the words and finds that his arm has been grabbed and he's being dragged off before he can respond. The only reason he doesn't attack on instinct is that he's in public.
He turns to see bubblegum hair and a semi-formal red dress with white accents. "You again," he says, incredulous, and lets himself get pushed into a booth in the corner of the izakaya if only because he is somewhat interested in what the woman has to say. Her green eyes remind him of flower buds in the spring, and her hair reminds him of their petals when they blossom. Nothing about her seems to wilt.
"Me again," she confirms and stares at him like she's searching for something. The moment lasts a heartbeat, and then she's blasting full force ahead, straight to the point. "I want to know why you avoided answering about nanotoxicology research. What's your horrible secret?"
He scoffs at the phrase "horrible secret," like she expects him to reveal that he's some sort of supervillain. Well, not a villain. "No horrible secret." She continues to stare at him with those shockingly green eyes, and something stirs in his gut. He forces his gaze to the table that rests between them. "What are you, a reporter? I'll tell you why I avoided the question if you'll tell me why you're so interested in the answer." Multiple scenarios play out in his head. The most sensible keeps repeating, the possibility that someone she loved (or loves) was exposed to toxic nanomaterials and now they're dead or dying.
Her eyes flick over his face for a moment, and then she slumps in defeat. "I'm a doctor."
"And?" He coughs out, and he doesn't think about it first. That idea seems completely ridiculous to him.
"What do you mean, And? Nanomedicine would be a huge advancement in my field, but as a doctor, it's my top priority to make sure the materials and medications that I'm using are safe! The idea of actively targeting harmful cells that cause sickness is a huge step for science, and could be the answer to things we haven't found cures for like cancer and human immunodeficiency virus, but if it's hurting patients then what's even the point? So we can get them sicker?"
He watches her in fascination, and after a moment she seems to realize that she's rambling because she flushes under his scrutiny. He rubs at his face with one hand and pauses a moment to consider her. Now that he's closer to her, and now that he's more focused, he can see the little details he didn't pick up before: there are light bags under her eyes, poorly concealed with make-up. Her nails are chewed short. There's a small purple rhombus on her forehead, and he considers asking about it for a moment.
"You want to know why I wouldn't answer your question at the FC Meeting?" He offers after a minute, and she immediately nods vigorously, all energy for a person who has as many signs of exhaustion as her. "I was guilty," he mutters and doesn't understand why he's offering that information to her. She looks as confused as he feels, but he cuts her off before she can open her mouth again. "Nanomedicine and nanotoxicology are both important fields to study. I should be funneling all or most of the budget for Uchiha Nanotechnology into research for that, but instead, we're focusing on researching piezoelectric nanofibers."
She doesn't offer him sympathy like someone else might; she doesn't try to cheer him up. Not with words, anyway. She rests a hand on his arm and gives him a look that feels meaningful for some reason he can't identify yet, and then she stands and tells him not to move and for some reason he listens. When she returns, she's holding chuhai and a small bowl of umeboshi, which causes him to raise a brow. "You can't judge me for liking umeboshi when you own one of the biggest nanotechnology companies in Japan and aren't funding nanomedicinal research."
He eyeballs the mikan chuhai as she slides the can toward him, shooting her a look. "I have to drive home."
"Don't tell me you're such a lightweight that you can't handle an eight proof can of chuhai," she teases while reaching across the table to snap open the tab.
He shoots her a look and takes a long drink. It's a lot like soda and is sweeter than he was expecting, enough that he makes a face when he rests the can against the table. "If we're going to be drinking together, I think I deserve to know your name," he says after a minute, narrowing his eyes at her like earlier as she already empties her own can, which has cherries and sakura flowers on it.
"We're hardly drinking," she snorts in retort, but follows it up with, "My name is Haruno Sakura. I work at the clinic in the bad part of town. You know, the Forest of Death." She snorts again, and he finds it oddly endearing, not that he'd ever admit it. He doesn't offer her his name in return, as he knows she already knows it, and he is ashamed that what was going to be only one drink with people that are basically his co-workers becomes one drink with people that are basically his co-workers and four cans of chuhai in different flavors with Haruno Sakura, who is a total stranger to him. She laughs through stories about her childhood as though they're longtime friends and pries stories and little facts out of him that longtime friends wouldn't be able to.
He doesn't dismiss himself until she's offering him a fifth can and his phone goes off with an alarm that normally reminds him to take a break from work and begin his shift at his night job. 8:00 means that he's been here for three hours, which is approximately too long to spend with any person, let alone a pink-haired girl with a fierce attitude, too many questions, and too-tempting green eyes.
It doesn't stop her mouth from finding his when he says he has to go, and if you asked him later, he would never admit to pressing back into the kiss for a moment before pushing her away.
Night job is a light way of putting it.
It's what he tells people like Sakura in the evenings when he needs an excuse to leave, and he's grown used to the same jokes about how he doesn't need any more money. "It isn't about that," he'll say, and it isn't.
He wasn't sure what it was about for a long time. He thought it was about revenge, once. He still thinks that it's about revenge, sometimes, but it's also about much more than that; it's about much more than him.
He calls himself Sasaukage. While a blatant pun on his real name that, fortunately, no one has put together, it also means Supporting Shadow, and he has dedicated years of his life to training so he might be able to live up to that definition. Though Konoha loses the official title of Crime Capitol of the World to Gotham City in the United States, it is easily the crime capitol of Japan, and he's dedicated the last year to putting a stop to at least some of that crime.
His suit was the hardest part to get right. His father created the Uchiha Nanotechnology branch of Uchiha Industries twenty years ago when he was only six, but only lived two years afterward and did not get to see it grow. Using the branch of the company his father created, he's made a suit out of a polyvinylidene fluoride and polyvinylidene fluoride trifluoroethylene nanofiber that's tougher than Kevlar and stretches to seven times its length. On his left leg is a pouch containing stainless steel shuriken from the much older branch Uchiha Weaponry, which was founded as the first and, at the time, only branch at the end of the ƌnin War in 1477 as Uchiha No Buki, and on his right leg is another pouch containing kunai knives.
He doesn't need weapons often. He spent nine years training his martial arts (that's only counting the time after his parents' deaths) and most of his opponents are street punks in the so-called Forest of Death looking to make spare cash by mugging some defenseless person on the sidewalk. It's a matter of security though.
Though he isn't drunk, he can justifiably say that he is tipsy as he can feel the alcohol swimming through his bloodstream and can't seem to get Sakura out of his head (though he's not completely sure that's the fault of the alcohol). He is grateful for it in a strange way as he acknowledges that, though he is already naturally warm, the fire in his gut from the chuhai's combined alcohol and carbonation is a large part of what keeps him warm in the cold October air as he shifts from rooftop to rooftop before his feet have carried him to the renowned Konoha neighborhood; to the Forest of Death. He acknowledges that the suit should be insulated, and makes a mental note to work on it when he has the time. Or, more accurately, to ask Hana to work on it when she has the time, as his lead scientist.
He spends a minute perfectly still, reflecting on his parting with Sakura. While he's grown used to people making jokes about how he doesn't need any more money than what he makes from Uchiha Industries when he mentions his night job, the only response he'd gotten from Sakura was that she should be getting back to the clinic, too. He wonders if she's there now, at what must be at least eleven o'clock at night. He admittedly doesn't know her very well, but he wouldn't be surprised if the answer was yes when he considers the bags underneath her eyes and the tired smile she'd shot him when they split up.
He only just catches it out of the corner of his eye. The slightest glint, like light reflecting off of the lenses of glasses, and then everything is completely back to normal. Someone slightly less paranoid than Sasuke, or whose job wasn't to protect the entire city of Konoha during their nights, might dismiss it as simply a literal trick of the light, or else the alcohol. He knows he didn't drink that much, though, and his eyes are too sharp for an optical illusion.
He moves closer to it, and just barely catches a long shock of grey hair before it's gone, and he feels a heavy hit from behind that nearly knocks him off the rooftop. When he sorts himself out and turns, he sees a man who can't be more than ten years older than him wearing black-rimmed glasses and a dark purple, high-collared shirt that hides the bottom half of his face. Something about the man is oddly familiar, and a shudder crawls up Sasuke's spine.
Sasuke charges across the rooftop toward him, kunai already in hand. The man, whose hair was previously down, pulls it back into a ponytail just as Sasuke reaches him, clearly overconfident in his own abilities, and moves out of the way just in time for Sasuke's attack to miss. Though Sasuke can only see his eyes, black as the void and just as cold, he can feel the arrogant smirk down to his bones. He twists as the man aims a sharp jab at his arm, which would surely cause the muscles to seize up and him to drop the kunai that is still in his hand, and forces himself to close his eyes and breathe. When he opens his eyes again, the man is nowhere to be seen, and at this point he knows where he will be, pivoting on his heel to move to the side away from the assault as the man appears behind him once more. Sasuke crouches and swipes at his Achilles' tendons with the kunai, which he, in turn, jumps to avoid, and the Uchiha has to rip his hands away before they get crushed under a pair of black sandals. He stands, only to immediately be forced into a roll when a leg connects with his chest.
They fight like they are dancing, moving fluidly with one another, and Sasuke contemplates his training for a moment. He fights just like Orochimaru, he observes, squinting as he catches a kick and uses his grip on the leg to throw his opponent across the roof, listening with minimal concern as there's a crack against the brick wall. It only takes the fighter long enough to recover that Sasuke can move closer to him, standing across from him, and though he doesn't get up right away he does swipe a kunai at him.
He feels like the wind has been knocked out of him as he jumps back too late and feels the stinging gash across his chest. Like Kevlar, his suit is designed to be resistant to gunshots and blunt force, and they, unfortunately, share the same weakness, which is only providing minimal protection against blades. Sasuke's not as overconfident as his current opponent, but he was confident enough when designing the suit to assume he can dodge most swipes with blades. Apparently, he was wrong.
Rather than taking advantage of Sasuke's state of shock, the ashen-haired man narrows his eyes as though inspecting a faulty tool to write down what is wrong with it, and quickly takes his exit when it seems the Uchiha is recovering.
The keyword is "seems." Blood pours over his fingers from the gash when he holds his hand to the wound as though he may be able to stifle the bleeding somehow. In only a matter of seconds, his head begins to spin more than when he was simply tipsy, and it's a sign that something's wrong that it takes him a second to identify some kind of poison on the blade. He isn't sure what it is, exactly, but he's sure that it's nothing good as his hand, the glove which covers it still being soaked in metallic red, begins to go completely numb in what he can't imagine is more than a minute. He manages to straighten and take a few steps without stumbling, but to say that he's completely recovered from the blow would be an extreme overstatement.
He squints at his surroundings in a manner that may seem mistrustful while he tries to stay on his feet, his body growing increasingly heavier, and analyze what he should do. Somewhere in the back of his mind he vaguely remembers that he's in the Forest of Death, which he knows puts him unfortunately far from Kakashi's apartment. Too far. His breathing is a struggle and more and more of his body is going numb. He gives it four minutes before the muscles in his arms and legs start to seize up, and at that point trying to get much of anywhere will be completely pointless. To get to Kakashi's apartment from where he is would take fifteen if he weren't bleeding out and poisoned, and he is assuming that the silver-haired man would know how to help him at all.
Sakura. Sakura will help.
It's a long shot, but he doesn't have many other options, so he forces himself to move in what he decides is probably the direction of her clinic. It occurs to him that he doesn't even know where it is, and he feels incredibly dumb because at least he would know where he was going if he were headed for Kakashi's apartment.
At some point on the trek, he has the very real thought that he might die in the street in the Forest of Death. More horrifying, his body might be found by a fierce, green-eyed, pink-haired doctor who will almost certainly blame herself for his idiocy.
Can't let that happen, he thinks, gritting his teeth.
By some miracle, he finds it. Of course, he can hardly walk or think, but he bursts through the door to what he somehow knows is a medical clinic and calls himself successful when he sees distinctive bubblegum hair in the back. He stumbles toward her and thinks that she's about to say You can't be back here when she turns around to see him and then throws a hand over her mouth in what he is pretty sure is horror. He doesn't blame her. At this point, the suit covering his chest is slick with his blood due to how soaked it is and the flesh around the gash is hot enough that he feels the warmth radiating from it onto his face. "Sa... kura..." He mumbles as he lets himself collapse into her arms.
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cc-sasuke · 3 years ago
(cc) Sasuke Uchiha [Headcanons] - Part 1
(my) Sasuke is nicer and/or more affectionate with his (established) significant other during and after the Blank Period.
depending on discussion & headcanons with the Sakura-mun, SasuSaku can be good/better spouses and parents than shown in the manga/anime. They are able to keep a good work/family balance and so Sarada grows up loved and understanding of her parents’ jobs, Sasuke also comes back home often to rest from his overuse of his dojutsu on missions, and resumes them once they are at full strength again, he sometimes even takes Sarada with him on safer diplomatic missions.
Naruto Gaiden changes from Sarada thinking she is Orochimaru’s test tube baby (like Mitsuki) instead of Sasuke not being her real father, but like in canon (my) Suigetsu’s misinformation is the blame for this. 
This can also crossover with my Boruto/Naruto @cc-naruto-s-rank-shinobi, where Naruto also has a good work/family balance, and Boruto acts out from being compared to Naruto a lot and not because of Naruto prioritizing work over him, as he has his shadow clones to do that. 
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gregnator-greg · 7 years ago
    Kawaki – The Sun and Light
Boruto Uzumaki – The Moon and Shadow
  Sun and the moon concept, same as light and darkness concept. A lot of Anime fans have been trying to unlock the mystery of Kawaki, and his history with Boruto.
  We know for a fact that mysteries surrounding him slowly started popping up since Chapter 15 of the Boruto Manga when Sasuke, Sai and Ibiki were interrogating a crime boss named Shojoji who had little info of the seal on Boruto’s palm. As it turns out that the seal that was giving to Boruto by Momoshiki Otsutsuki’s spirit  is connected to the Husk Organization. Why they are after the seals is currently not known, from what we can tell they are not chasing tailed-beasts that for sure we know. Just as the TV-show Gotham is laying the ground work for Batman and the villains of Gotham to come, The Husk are laying the ground work for Kawaki and possibly the destruction of the leaf village we saw in chapter 1 and episode 1 of Boruto.  The shinobi’s exist with hidden villages, which also means they exist in the shadows, however ever since the end of the fourth shinobi war, Villages have grown into City-like areas which has brought them into the light.
  Bringing shadow concepts into areas where they will be vulnerable could be marked as a sign of weakness.
Sun                          Vs            Moon
    Destruction                   Vs           Maintainance
    Kawaki  SasauHikiri               Vs           Boruto  – Sasaukage
SasauHikiri (Supporting Light)                           Sasaukage (Supporting Shadow)
Sun Vs Moon Concept Kawaki - The Sun and Light Vs Boruto Uzumaki - The Moon and Shadow Sun and the moon concept, same as light and darkness concept.
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