#sarra: music
adam-stark · 2 years
To all things housed in her silence Nature offers a violence The bear that keeps to his own line The wolf that seeks always his own kind The world that hardens as the harsher winter holds
@owenstark, @rosaaaryn, @allysannestark, @cassvstark, @torrhen-stark, @wintervsuns, @sarra-karstark, @northernseer, @anya-snow, @rhydianwildbear, @jin-renshu & @nasirofmanderlys
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musicarenagh · 2 years
Sarra Soweto Premieres Another Hit Single Dubbed 'Piquee'
Sarra Soweto Premieres Another Hit Single Dubbed ‘Piquee’
Sarra Soweto is an artist that is passionate about music, especially Afrobeat and acoustics. She was born in Mali and raised in Serbia, and she now resides in Tarterets, which is located in the French department of Essonne. She began composing at a very young age on the guitar as well as the piano before committing herself to lyrical singing in the conservatory while passing through a few years…
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viviplaynet · 2 years
Sarra Soweto Premieres Another Hit Single Dubbed 'Piquee'
Sarra Soweto Premieres Another Hit Single Dubbed ‘Piquee’
Sarra Soweto is an artist that is passionate about music, especially Afrobeat and acoustics. She was born in Mali and raised in Serbia, and she now resides in Tarterets, which is located in the French department of Essonne. She began composing at a very young age on the guitar as well as the piano before committing herself to lyrical singing in the conservatory while passing through a few years…
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mizu-chin · 4 months
Yes My Lord "The Hidden Song"
*English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes*
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The morning was calm at the Phantomhive mansion. The sun began to rise on the horizon, casting golden rays through the tall windows, creating a spectacle of light and shadow in the elegant corridors. It was early, and the mansion was enveloped in an almost sacred silence. S/n, who had been awake for some time, was in the armory room, cleaning her daggers.
With meticulous movements, she slid the cloth over the blades, making them shine under the soft light. As she worked, she began to sing softly, almost without noticing. Her voice, clear and melodious, filled the room with the lyrics of the song.
"Cae la noche, me está buscando Hay luna llena y las loba' estamo' cazando Caí en el party, humo volando Di un par de paso' y vi que me estabas mirando..."
Sebastian, always attentive, was passing through the corridor near the armory. The sound of S/n's voice caught his attention, making him stop. He silently approached the slightly open door, curious and enchanted. He had never heard S/n sing before, and the softness of her voice combined with the intensity of the lyrics surprised him.
"Oh, te acercaste y me pediste Fuego pa' encenderte un blunt Ni lo pensé Te lo saqué de la boca, lo prendí y te dije que..."
She sang with a passion and rhythm that Sebastian did not expect. The words flowed naturally, and he could feel the emotion in each verse. There was something captivating in the way she moved, even while performing a simple task like cleaning her daggers. He stood there, immobile, almost hypnotized by the scene.
"Detrás del humo no se ve, no, no se ve Acerquémono' un poquito, que te quiero conocer Te lo muevo en HD, un perreo HP Una hora, dos botellas y directo pa'l hotel..."
Sebastian entered the room silently, his steps inaudible. He leaned against the wall, his eyes fixed on S/n. She was so immersed in the music that she did not immediately notice his presence. He observed her every movement, from the way she cleaned the daggers to how her lips moved as she sang. There was a natural sensuality and strength in her performance that left him fascinated.
"Dá calor quando chega perto de mim Que vontade de sentar em você Faz aquele jeito do macentin' Mírame, y hágale Por trás da fumaça tu sarra em mim Tomamos três goles de prazer Olha nos olhos, olha nos ojos, ah..."
S/n finally noticed Sebastian's presence when she lifted her gaze and saw him watching her. She abruptly stopped singing, a look of surprise crossing her face.
"Sebastian," she said, putting the dagger aside. "I didn't know you were there."
He smiled softly, stepping out of the shadows. "Forgive me for interrupting, Miss S/n. Your voice is... enchanting. I didn't know you could sing."
She shrugged, a slight blush coloring her cheeks. "It's just something I like to do to pass the time. It helps me relax."
"I must say, it was a pleasant surprise," he commented, approaching her. "The lyrics of the song are quite... intense."
S/n laughed, the sound light and carefree. "Yes, it's a song I like. It has an energy that makes me feel alive." Sebastian watched her for a moment, his gaze intense.
"You have many talents, S/n. Every day I discover something new about you." She looked at him, her eyes shining with a mixture of challenge and curiosity. "And you, Sebastian? Do you ever allow yourself to be surprised?"
He smiled enigmatically. "Rarely. But I must admit, you manage to do so more than most." There was a palpable tension between them, something that went beyond words. Sebastian, always controlled and calculating, felt something new and disconcerting.
S/n, for her part, perceived a vulnerability in him that she had never seen before. She stepped closer, her eyes fixed on his. "Perhaps you should allow yourself to be surprised more often. It can be... invigorating."
He tilted his head, the smile still present, but his eyes showing a depth of emotion he rarely revealed. "Perhaps you're right, S/n. Perhaps I should."
In that moment, the invisible barrier that existed between them began to dissolve. It wasn't just attraction or mutual respect, but something deeper. A recognition that, despite their differences, there was something that connected them in a way they were both still learning to understand. As the sun continued to rise in the sky, casting a golden glow over them, S/n and Sebastian stood in silence, a mutual understanding growing between them. It was the beginning of something new, something that promised to change not only the dynamics between them but also the very essence of the Phantomhive mansion.
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girosnegros · 27 days
Torre Pentel, donde los héroes y villanos se encuentran
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¡KA-BOOM! ¡POW! Universos colapsan en un torbellino de palabras, dramatismo heroico y hip hop, donde Too $hort escapa a toda velocidad de la policía, a 2Pac le tiene la vista puesta desde lo alto de un rascacielos, y Public Enemy se abalanza sobre ti como un ejército de superhéroes invencibles. Este es el mundo de Alejandro Torrencilla, alias Torre Pentel, ilustrador madrileño que fusiona dos formas de arte, el cómic y el hip hop, a través de imágenes poderosas.
En este espacio intervenido por las artes gráficas y las emociones sonoras, encontró su lugar. Desde niño, Pentel ya dibujaba recreando las portadas de los acetatos de su padre, quien, aunque no era un ilustrador profesional, fue su mayor influencia. Estudió a Robert Crumb, Gilbert Sheldon, Daniel Clowes, maestros del cómic underground americano, un género que lo fascinó por la crudeza de sus líneas, sombras y caricaturas sarras.
Continuó sumergiéndose en el tebeo descubriendo a más autores de editoriales que antes descartaba como DC y Marvel. Estas editoriales, sin embargo, fueron una fuente de inspiración y no sólo para él, sino para muchos raperos que se veían reflejados en sus personajes. Esta conexión profunda entre los universos del hip hop y las tiras comicas se convirtió en el eje central de su obra.
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«Creo que todos los raperos de los 90 y 2000 han crecido con los cómics, toda esa generación del rap ha crecido leyendo Spiderman, Batman, X-men… es algo generacional. Aparte, algunos han llevado ese anonimato del héroe (o villano) a su propio personaje como artista, por ejemplo, MF DOOM, Ghostface Killah, Czarface.»
La canción ‘Alwayz Into Somethin’ de N.W.A. era un ejemplo perfecto de cómo una historia contada a través de la música podía ser literalmente de vuelta al papel en una historieta. La idea de transformar la energía del hip hop en imágenes era algo que a Pentel le emocionaba.
Ya había mostrado su habilidad para dibujar a raperos legendarios como Chuck D o Rakim. Sin embargo, su primer proyecto profesional relacionado con la música no fue con ninguno de estos artistas, sino con el grupo de jazz fusión Alpagarta. A partir de ahí, comenzó a crear más ilustraciones relacionadas con el hip hop, mejorándolas utilizando únicamente su mano y pinceles sin recurrir a las facilidades de la pluma digital.
Fue su obra "Biggie X-Mas" para Cookin Soul la que le abrió nuevas puertas permitiéndole llegar a una audiencia más amplia. A partir de ese momento, su trabajo comenzó a ser reconocido internacionalmente. Esto marcó un punto de inflexión en su carrera, de allí en adelante todo fue en inglés.
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Las redes sociales también hicieron lo suyo. Sus ilustraciones se difundieron rápidamente por Instagram lo que llamó la atención de Metro Boomin', un productor de renombre en la industria musical que se interesó por el trabajo de Pentel. La colaboración entre ambos resultó en la carátula de «Heroes & Villains». Pentel ha mencionado que le tomó días completos, pero con la libertad para plasmar su visión.
Luego de esta experiencia, siguió refinando su estilo. Su proceso creativo es natural y espontáneo. Le da rienda suelta a la inspiración. Le gusta juntar ideas, poner discos, leer cómics, ver videos. No tener rutinas mantiene su mente fresca. Puede tardar desde unas horas hasta varias semanas en terminar un lienzo, dependiendo de cómo fluya.
La música es una fuente de ideas, sus gustos muestran diversidad y apertura a nuevas tendencias. Es fan del rap de los 90, siendo artistas como KRS-One, Nas y Heather B algunos de sus favoritos. Sin embargo, también escucha a otros actuales como Tyler, the Creator, Joey Bada$$ o Raz Fresco.
Entre sus planes está en seguir creciendo artisticamente, expandirse a galerías, portadas para revistas, pintar viniles, ropa, crear cómics. Le gustaría hacer algo con Raekwon, Madlib, y Freddie Gibbs, y seguir fusionando su pasiones por las historietas y la música para dar obras emocionantes.
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Torres Pentel es un creador de tramas fantásticas donde los raperos son superhéroes con aventuras asombrosas. Con su lápiz e imaginación, convierte a los íconos del hip hop en héroes legendarios. Cada vez se involucra en proyectos más importantes pese a lo infravalorado que está del oficio del ilustrador en España. Este apasionado artista sigue adelante desafiándose a sí mismo superando sus propias expectativas demostrando que, con ingenio y constante mejora, es posible superar barreras.
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skele-bunny · 2 months
Obligatory Cowbell Posting
I personally HC Cowbell as deaf and a "Null" ghoul with traits of Earth. Earth Ghouls are very known for feeling vibrations of the ground which makes them so good at being drummers! Cowbell isn't spared from that. He feels vibrations best out of everyone, especially with his increased senses from the loss of hearing. He can read music just fine, understand tempo and rhythm, but it's the sounds he gets overwhelmed with. There's been times he'll just sit in the practice room after hours with the Kit and just start hitting randomly before he gets into his own rhythm.
It's loud, it doesn't make sense, but it makes him happy. Bell just gets so lost in what he's doing he'll go until his wrists can't lift anymore. When he was still learning with Phil (who's proficient in the instruments as well), there'd be times where they'd just do random strums together. Bell can play "Genesis" pretty decently!
Bell doesn't like wearing his hearing aids unless he has to or doesn't feel like reading other people's hands.
I also hc Special & Bell to be Nihil's first summons, and in return older brothers of the Papa's. Bell was definitely a daddy's boy, clinging to Nihil so tightly. He and Secondo were actually super close! Bell was this giant, excited puppy and Secondo was the black cat. They'd sit together for hours in the worship hall, Secondo practicing his sermons while Bell just enjoyed the booming echos of his voice.
He's scared of needles and anything sharp, having visits to the doctor when he was little was TERRIBLE. That ghoul would be kicking and even as a kit those heavy hooves HURT. Always enjoyed the icy pops he'd get after, just clinging to Nihil and whining. Always wanted the green apple flavor and nothing else
Sometimes when he's understimmed and desperately needs something, he'll go to Era 2's hall. Now, Era 2 are hardasses. Don't like anyone. Don't like humans, ghouls, especially the nulls or anyone invading their territory. Buttt... Cowbell is the only one with a pass (occasionally.) They can see how his tail droops with his ears, slowly clinking down their hall before Enki (quint) will lead him to their den. He just flops on their beanbag in the middle of the common room and get to play with Wrath (fire) & Arlo (earth)'s stim toys. They have the biggest collection with Bell being in third.
If they're in a mood and not wanting Bell around, they'll take the loss and leave their territory to walk him back to the Doves (era 1) so he can be cared for better.
Cowbell is very much an adult, but like with Phantom, his mannerisms get him confused for as a kit. He's constantly gnawing on his tail or pawing for attention, letting out non-verbal cues with body language. The only thing that saves him from the nursery ghouls (/j) is his height. Boy is TALL.
Era 1 is the tallest in the clergy, then there's Bell. Even Special isn't his height - and he's the eldest! Glamoured, he's a whopping 6'3. Unglamoured, which is often, 6'11. Somehow, Sarra (quint) is still able to pick him up and rest on his arm.
His original name was Bluebell, like the ice cream (credit to Nihil), but Secondo started the name Cowbell. He'll still respond to either names! Doesn't have a preference.
He's very extroverted and loves meeting new people, and at first can unsettle people bc of his height and his hooves, but he's just a big cuddle bug and loves making friends. He and Phil are the only ghouls Siblings see unglamoured, as they can't control it better like others can. They both look human despite certain aspects (Spec's wings, Bell's horns and hooves, both of their fangs and claws.) They're genuinely harmless, though!
Exceptttt a few rare times. Bell has only ever killed 3 people before, humans. Phil has a higher count regarding ghouls. Bell was attacked by 2 humans and literally stomped them to death, and still has nightmares about it. The third was when Primo was still an infant and a cardinal had plans to kill him. Bell just lost his shit, putting him in a feral headspace. When the commotion got Sister & Nihil's attention, Bell was covered in gore - and a corpse that looked like it was already in a decomposing process from how ruined it was; but more importantly, Bell just held the biggest smile while holding baby Primo, comforting the infant.
Bluebell is terrified of altercation, but his mates/family comes first before that fear. He's full of love and "cinna-buns"
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dragonsbone · 2 years
Because I'm an old woman with terrible eyesight: do you have the write up of all the text in your gorgeous gifset?
hi love !! i can do that just for you <3
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⟶ “father, smith, warrior, mother, maiden, crone, stranger…” the words foreign to lord edmure and the frey girl, but all too familiar to the king and queen of the north, whom each struggled to hide their smiles as they recalled their own wedding night.
⟶ when it was time for the feast, the lords and ladies of houses stark, frey, and tully rejoiced together in celebration. it hardly seems plausible they were at odds only weeks prior.
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⟶ “you look pale, child,” catelyn spoke in a concerned hush.
“i’m afraid this much wine does not agree with me,” sarra answered, clearing her throat and averting her gaze.
her eyes landed on josana and catelyn smiled faintly, “the queen looks beautiful, does she not?”
sarra had a faraway look in her eyes, “she does.”
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⟶ “if we were wed in winterfell, would you honor the bedding ceremony in the name of tradition?” josana asked her husband.
robb turned to meet her gaze, the mischief vanquished in his ice blue eyes. “i would beat a man bloody if they dared to try it.”
⟶ one of the frey boys approached her seat. “pardon me, your grace,” he began, his cheeks blushed as red as the wine. “these are for you, my queen. a token for a long and joyful marriage.” the boy gifted her a small bouquet of the flower, lily of the valley. the white, bell- shaped flower was common in the riverlands. not as beautiful as a rose, yet josana graciously accepted it.
⟶ out of the corner of her eye, josana caught a glimpse of catelyn. she watched the young lovers from afar, but she did not bore the pointed look upon her face she’d grown accustomed to in their presence. no, tonight she wore the faintest of smiles on her lips. perhaps it was the result of the wine for the change of her demeanor, or perhaps, for a sliver of hope, lady stark began to favor them after all this time.
⟶ odd, she thought. she knew the bone-chlling tune of the rains of castamere as if she wrote the melody herself. the bards played it often at casterly rock, but never here. a lannister song for a lannister queen, how fitting.
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⟶ the tune of the rains of castamere plagued her mind. in a coat of gold or a coat of red. a lion still has claws. catelyn’s stare darted from lord walder, to josana, to robb, and back to roose, whom his own eyes remained fixed upon hers and his sleeve upon the table.
cautiously, catelyn raised a shaky hand to lift lord bolton’s silk sleeve. her old, fragile heart sank further at the sight of the iron rings.
⟶ “i feel i’ve been.. remiss in my duties. i’ve given you meat, wine, music, but i haven’t shown you the hospitality you deserve. my king has married and i owe his bride tribute. a toast to the queen in the north! a lioness in wolf pelts.”
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⟶ in a blink of an eye, the glorious wedding had become a massacre. she saw the bodies of men who were breathing just moments ago, now nothing more than rotting corpses.
⟶ a pair of strong hands seized her from behind, pulling her away from the slaughter. josana thrashed violently in their grip, her hands frantic as they searched blindly to find something to pull or scratch. though every effort to free herself was in vain. they dodged every attack from the lioness. if only she had kept ssarra's blade at her side.
sarra. gods, where was she? please don’t be amongst the dead, josana prayed.
⟶ “robb, get up. get up and walk out! please, please! save yourself, save your wife! think of her and the babe. if not for me, think of them! live for them!”
“josana…” robb staggered on his feet. his bloody hands clung to josana’s arms, steadying himself. she felt his blood seep through her velvet gown, tainting her fair skin. “mother… grey wind…”
catelyn nodded, “yes, go to him! take josana and walk out of here!”
⟶ “the queen won't be harmed. this is after all the fruit of her labor.”
josana stiffened, her flushed cheeks now paler than the dead surrounding them. he knew. the secret she hoped to be buried with her was brought to light.
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⟶ “the lannisters send their regards.” ord bolton words rang in the air before his knife pierced through her husband’s heart, and twisted.
josana held robb as his body fell limp in her arms. the tears burned as the ran down her cheeks. tiny droplets scattered across his face, though he did not flinch. he did not move at all, still as a statue in the crypts of winterfell. and now that’s where he would remain, buried and far out of her reach. josana wailed. she screamed and cried until her throat grew raw and hoarse.
⟶ she noticed the blade still lodged in robb’s heart. josana grabbed the knife and held the bitter steel to her throat. you wont take me nor my babe! before she could slice through her own flesh, the blade was wrenched from her throat, but the lioness refused to surrender. she wrestled for a last chance for control and firmly grasped onto it’s sharp edge. the pain soared through as it cut deep into her palm, the blood pouring down her arms. not before long, it slipped out of her hand.
⟶ lord bolton struck her hard across the cheek. the blow sends her falling, her head colliding with the ground. pain and darkness spread until then there is nothing else. the last thing she saw before she succumbed to the empty black was white petals turning red with her husband’s blood.
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soundandvicios · 24 days
#music gems
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Back in 2016 this compilation led me to some true gems.
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ridethebigrockstarss · 9 months
15th Jan 2024 - 7:19pm
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OK. im writing this blog with one hand and tea in the other, recipe for disaster
So i started a new book last night called 'The worst girlfriend in the world' by Sarra Manning. yet to finsh on page 29. Iv nearly been off insta for a whole 24 hours. i think i might be ready to delete the app off my phone! The goel is/was to deactive my account to detox, then delete it off my phone. then log in again but only use it on my computer! i havnt been on tiktok bascially at all today so maybe ready to delete soon. FOR GOOD. Tiktok is a hell hole of scrolling. Saying goodbye to twitter and threads.
today i went to Uni and tried to make convo and work instead of having my nose in my phone. i didnt look at my phone when i got home and talked with family. then just before dinner i did a stupied thing AND LOOKED AT INSTA ON MY MUSIC ACCONT AND VIEWED HIS STORY JESUS SOMEONE CHAIN ME UP. though not a single one of that friendgroup have text to see why i went missing or they prob havnt noticed. they have my number to text me so there is no excuse. EVEN AN ONLINE MATE I BEARLY TALK TO TEXTED ME TO SEE WHY IM OFF INSTA IN MY TIKTOK DMS... TIKTOK DMS MAD LOL.
anyway thats it for now.
bye xx
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gazeta24br · 9 months
O rapper Nenz, nascido em Alagoas, mas que cresceu no Rio de Janeiro, sendo atualmente um dos principais expoentes do rap carioca, lança o single "Ordem do Chefe", marcando sua estreia no selo Nine Four Records, fundado por Spark, que no futebol é conhecido como Anderson Talisca. Disponibilizado nesta sexta-feira, 12 de janeiro, o lançamento chegou em todas as plataformas digitais via ONErpm, além de um videoclipe no canal do label no YouTube. A faixa é uma narrativa crua da vivência de NENZ, capturando suas experiências e observações do cotidiano nas quebradas do Rio de Janeiro conforme destaca o artista, que descreve “Ordem do Chefe” como "uma carta muito forte no jogo" e acrescenta que "tem relatos da minha vivência, relatos do cotidiano de uma pá de gente". Essas nuances da vida nas ruas são exemplificadas no trecho: “tropa do mano, não vivo de aparência/nós é criado na selva, especialista em sobrevivência/sobrevivente na linha de frente/mas com o coração vazio/na rua tu tem que ser frio/Traição não vem de inimigo”. A ficha técnica de "Ordem do Chefe" conta com a composição de NENZ, mix/master e produção musical de @ogbahiaa, styling de Nine Four Records. O videoclipe, tem direção e iluminação de pelalente, que divide o roteiro com Geyson Barão, enquanto @eduardoserra ficou a cargo da captação, @g.cruz com a montagem, @rezzende071 como fotógrafo, @jotatress nos efeitos visuais. Geyson Barão e a Nine Four Records fazem a produção executiva e Rafael Chahoud na produção geral. Nascido e criado na cena carioca, Nenz foi apontado como uma promessa pelo real trap. Suas colaborações em lançamentos de sucesso, como "Fé em Deus e nas Crianças" com Juninho 22 e a "Chris Beats ZN SESSION", solidificaram sua presença no cenário musical. Hits solo, como "Síria", "Narcos" e "Santa Fé", acumulam mais de 2 milhões de reproduções no YouTube e Spotify. Ordem do Chefe: aquele tênis que eu desejava hoje posso ter, aquela mina que não dava nada hoje me chama pra fuder, pé no chão canela suja, tô igual pinto no lixo, glock em baixo da blusa, passei 3 anos garrado, abandonado, hoje a putaria é sem compromisso. tropa do mano, não vivo de aparência, Nós é criado na selva, especialista em sobrevivência, sobrevivente na linha de frente, mas com o coração vazio, na rua tu tem que ser frio, Traição não vem de inimigo, tô no plantão, botando a glock pra fazer um hit, esse m4 vai entrar pro feat, hoje tem baile e água de band no copo é whisky, queimo raxixe, o dia inteiro fudendo essa mina pq ela é bitch, chama as amigas faz o convite, apaga o flash, sem mídia na minha suíte, De kalash, 62 é 47, as Calica expludiu tu caiu na trap, pente de 75 faz um podcast, nos alemão muita bala é ordem do chefe, e ela joga na cara do cria, muito chapada ficou de balinha, sarra na peça mostrando a calcinha, balançando a barraquinha, faz sinal com a garrafinha, só por hoje vai ser minha, mas amanhã se sabe que eu vazo né, ando vivendo na risca, nunca foi sorte eu mantive a Fé De kalash, 62 é 47, as Calica expludiu tu caiu na trap, pente de 75 faz um podcast, nos alemão muita bala é ordem do chefe Siga o Nenz no Instagram
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thesituationroom · 11 months
metradio.ca playing cool music w sarra RIGHT NOW 🏃🏃🏃
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portalfunk · 1 year
Sarradinha – Mari Fernandez e MC Pedrinho
Baixar Sarradinha – Mari Fernandez e MC Pedrinho
(Davi Melo, Shylton Fernandes, Léo Carvalho, Gabriel BK)
Eu quero saber sua intenção
O que tu quer com o meu coração
Não vem pra mim com malandragem
Só tô querendo a verdade
Não fala eu te amo se não quer amar
Se quer só a verdade nós tamo por cá
O combinado aqui é ninguém se iludir
Comigo o papo é reto, então responde aí
Tu quer amor ou putaria?
Vai me levar a sério ou só quer sarra sarradinha
Tu quer amor ou putaria?
Vai me levar a sério ou só quer uma sarradinha
Só sarra, só sarra, só sarradinha
Só sarra, só sarra, só sarradinha
Só sarra, só sarra, só sarradinha
Só sarra, só sarra, só sarradinha
Mari Fernandez e o Mc Pedrinho
Produzido por GR6 Filmes
Gestão: Léo Vale
Direção: Lucas Laguna
Diretor de fotografia: Matheus Faria
Produção: Ana Luisa Cardoso, Domingos Neto “Donetto” e Gabriel Postigo
Produção de elenco e coreografia: Caio Lima “Negoshik”
Assistente de Câmera 1: Lucas Cortez “Bola”
Assistente de Câmera 2: Diogo Alves “Diogheira”
Elétrica 1: Vinicius Ribeiro “Justin”
Elétrica 2: Murilo Henrique
Maquinário: Leonardo Guedes
Fotógrafo: Leonardo Almeida “Xaropipe”
Produção Musical:
DG e Batidão Stronda, Ramon no Beat, Wagner Barbosa
Mix e Master Áudio:
DG e Batidão Stronda
Download “SARRADINHA-Mari-Fernandez-e-Mc-Pedrinho.mp3”
SARRADINHA-Mari-Fernandez-e-Mc-Pedrinho.mp3 – Baixado uma vez – 4,29 MB
Clique aqui para aprender a produzir funk e viver da música.https://portalfunk.com.br/sarradinha-mari-fernandez/
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musicarenagh · 1 year
Sarra Soweto Premieres Another Hit Single Dubbed ‘Piquee’Sarra Soweto Premieres Another Hit Single Dubbed ‘Piquee’Sarra Soweto is an artist that is passionate about music, especially Afrobeat and acoustics.She was born in Mali and raised in Serbia, and she now resides in Tarterets, which is located in the French department of Essonne.She began composing at a very young age on the guitar as well as the piano before committing herself to lyrical singing in the conservatory while passing through a few years…View On WordPress
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sarra-karstark · 3 years
She was dark at the top of the stairs and she called to me And so I followed, as friends often do I cared not for love, nor money and I think she knew Well the people, they love her and still they are the most cruel She asked me, be my sister, sister, sister of the moon
( @cassvstark, @jessamynmanderly & @northernseer )
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adam-stark · 3 years
Today, we will see the sun in flames Tidal wave, washing on the wild way Today, everything we thought will change And this life will never be the same again Oh, and just let go Oh, and just let go We will rise together We will rise together
@starkwhitewolf, @redwolfff, @edricxstark, @cassvstark, @wintervsuns & @sarra-karstark
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dove-actually · 5 years
Happy Storyteller Saturday Dove! What's something your characters wish they were good at but aren't? And what's a skill they'd love to learn/pick up sometimes (and why)?
this is also something *I* wish they were good at 😁
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