#sarah wilson deserves all the love and ladies
abarbaricyalp · 6 months
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Written a week late for the @sambuckylibrary Anniversary Event!
Sorry about any typos in advance
Sam Wilson, God bless his nearly perfect soul, didn't have the self-serving skills that the good God gave a gnat. From across the diner, Annalise watched her best friend's son ignore every single sign that his handsome, quiet friend was putting down across their quickly emptying breakfast plates. Her own breakfast was cooling below her, but she had already forgotten about her blueberry oatmeal (cinnamon on top).
To begin with, Sam had invited her to eat with them, despite the fact that were clearly new flowers sitting on the table as well. She knew Bucky Barnes had already made friends with the local florist and she knew he had a weekly order of Sam's favorites set up. (Sam had dropped his affinity for carnations since high school, but still liked yellow flowers and baby's breath). Bucky had also been sitting with his hand on the table, palm up towards Sam, but Sam hadn't taken it yet, hadn't seemed to notice, except to occasionally move some silverware closer to him. Then there was the matter of Bucky's feet, which Annalise could see clearly under the booth as he keep putting his ankle to Sam's, only for Sam to apologize and move his feet back.
Sam Wilson had all the easy charm of his father, but didn't seem to have inherited Paul's keen sense of when the attention was on him. Paul had been a flirt and a half back in the day. He clocked Darlene's interest before Darlene even admitted it to herself (or Annalise, for that matter). Oh, how he had worked day and night to woo her. And then he spent the rest of his life doing the same thing.
Sam was staring down an oncoming train of attention and devotion and he didn't even hear the whistle.
"Dom," she said softly when the waitress walked back by her table. She was across from Sam's booth anyway, but she was pretty certain that even if she was right next to them, neither young man would hear her, too focused on each other. "Could you send a slice of chocolate cheesecake over to them?" she asked. "Keep it between us."
Dom looked back at Sam and Bucky as well, humming in agreement. "Ma'am, consider that fine idea on the house," she laughed. "Might forget a spoon too."
"Oh, now you're speaking my language, young lady," Annalise laughed. "Isn't it great when a plan comes together?"
Dom squeezed her shoulder with an exuberant grin before she disappeared into the kitchen again.
She wasn't the only exuberant one. The boys were bright and cheery as well. It was nice to see after a couple of weeks of quiet from them. Times when one or the other of them was pulled away for their superhero business were always rough. Times when they were both gone were downright untenable. The recuperation needed for the superheroes also never sped things along.
But they seemed to be more at ease, finally back home, as they swiped bacon and toast from each other's plates and cried foul at the same time.
Sam Wilson deserved the world and every happiness. Even as a young boy, clambering over the pulpit to set up his daddy's readings before church, but getting distracted by the crickets that needed a helping hand outside, he had a heart of gold and a moral compass that would go toe-to-toe with most adults in the community. Annalise could remember all of his accolades from high school so well. The sports trophies, the academic achievements, the service awards. She didn't know how he found the time in the day for everything he did, and then helping his parents with the boat and the food boxes as well. All the Wilson kids were like that, but Gideon had gone off without a forwarding address and Sarah had learned to go for what she wanted, created a fairytale love story in front of everyone. Sam had joined the Air Force and spent the rest of the story sacrificing. It wasn't until he came home for Cassius Sr's funeral that they even heard about the accident in Bakmala. It took years after that and a slip up from Sarah for them to learn just how deep the relationship between Sam and his Air Force partner actually was. He just never spoke about it, even to his longest supports in the community. Just focused his attention on Sarah while he could before going off to save the world again.
Too much pain had visited the Wilson household in waves that just never stopped coming. First Gideon leaving, then Paul and then Darlene, then Cassius Sr. and then Sam's partner. Or near enough that order. Plenty of sunshine too, though. Sarah's boys were stunning fruit off of the healthiest of trees. It was hard not to see Sam when Cass was running around town, feeding strays, or when AJ read at church.
But Annalise had been waiting for Sam to bring someone home, make something just for himself. Being Captain America was hardly helping matters. If the young man had ever run out of excuses for his lacking love life before, he had a fresh host of them now.
If you can have lunch with me once a week, you can find yourself a nice man too, she'd said to him a while ago.
It seemed like he had found himself a nice man, she had to admit. No matter how goofy a name like Bucky was, there was no denying he was a good man. (Sure, she'd heard the youngsters talking about The Winter Soldier, but she'd never met the Winter Soldier, thank you very much. Just Bucky Barnes) He was exactly the kind of man for Sam. Not afraid to get his hands dirty, strong and supportive but soft too, on the inside. He was clearly so far gone on Sam that his eyes practically radiated hearts at all times. And, oh boy, could he keep Sam on his toes. They were delightful together in a way that made her ache for her own long-gone love.
And Sam was oblivious to it all. It wasn't for lack of interest. During their lunch dates, the conversation could center entirely around Bucky some days. No matter what else Annalise brought up, Sam would find some way to circle it back around to whatever heroic, or idiotic, thing the other young man had done recently. (Not so young, she supposed. Bucky corrected her every time she said it) If Sam wasn't as far gone on Bucky as the reverse, it was a near, and growing, thing.
So she watched them flirt and banter and pretend like their fingers weren't touching on the table as Bucky mooned over Sam and Sam couldn't look away from Bucky.
Dom came back just as Sam was eating the last of Bucky's pancake. It took a moment for them to look away from each other and to clock the cake she was setting between them.
"Oh, we didn't order this," Bucky corrected sweetly.
"Or that," Sam added as Dom produced two glasses of mimosas as well. His eyes instantly darted over to Annalise.
"Don't worry," Dom assured. "It's on the house. Just a little early-bird-regular special." She smiled brightly at them--there'd been a time Annalise would have loved to see Dom settle down with Sam and they'd have made a lovely couple too--and then turned to leave.
It was Bucky who reached for the spoon first. Then Sam, who came up a spoon short.
"Oh, wait--" he started to call, but Dom didn't look back. Sam shot another glance towards Annalise, who was doing nothing but minding her own business, thank you.
"Well, this is some of the best cake in the state," Bucky pointed out smoothly. He offered the first bite to Sam. "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth and all that."
Sam put his fingers over Bucky's hand on the spoon. He maintained eye contact for just a second before he had to look away as he took the proffered cheesecake.
Bucky grinned cheerily at him before taking at least twice as big a scoop for himself, which led to a familiar scene of them squabbling and trying to strong arm each other into relenting.
"I'll give you the rest!" Bucky insisted, trying to hold the spoon away from Sam's reaching hands.
"The middle is the best part of the slice!" Sam argued, halfway climbing across their booth table. He put a hand on Bucky's shoulder to hold himself upright and had almost reached the spoon when he hip-checked the glass of sweet tea between them. Annalise had lost track of whether it was his or Bucky's. They both had a sweet tooth to end all sweet teeth.
Bucky took the opportunity of Sam reaching back to catch the glass to shove the spoon in his mouth. Sam squawked out a sound that Annalise was sure Captain America shouldn't make and then actually reached over like he was about to pry into Bucky's mouth.
Bucky quickly smacked a hand over his lips as he bent over laughing. "Stop it. I'm gonna spit it on you if you don't stop," he warned, trying to fend Sam off with his other hand. "Don't make me laugh."
"You didn't even taste that!" Sam accused. "That was a waste of the perfect bite!"
"I did taste it," Bucky promised. "It was so good. You missed out."
Annalise was starting to agree with AJ. Sam and Bucky were gross together, in the most endearing way. She hadn't seen Sam goof around like this since junior high. It felt like a little bit of sunshine had been restored to the world.
Bucky chopped off a bite of the crust and offered it to Sam as reconciliation. Judging by the way Sam was still pouting, it was only partially working. Sam took the spoon and they settled down as they finished the cheesecake and their mimosas.
Sam had mentioned that Bucky couldn't get drunk, on account of his serum whatnot, but Annalise wasn't sure she bought it. Every time she saw him drinking, he still seemed to get loose limbed and smiley. Then again, she only ever saw him drink around Sam, so perhaps she was giving credit where it wasn't due. She watched him practically melt into the booth seat, hooking his ankle on Sam's and finally being allowed to stay there as they chatted about their plans for the day as orange juice and champagne slowly fizzled away. They were back to working on the house they'd bought. Technically there had been a housewarming party a couple of weeks ago, but she'd seen the both of them in and out of the hardware store often enough since to know the work was not done. She'd bring over some pie for them. Bucky liked cherry and Sam liked peach, both of which she had in her kitchen.
Eventually, she turned her attention to her thoroughly cold oatmeal. She had almost finished it when the boys started shifting around, bickering about the bill. Bucky darted away to pay for it, even though he'd just been complaining about having to use the restroom. Sam came over to her table, catching her eye as he stood. By the time he sat across from her at the two-seater, she still hadn't looked back up.
"Surely you can't still want to have breakfast with me," she teased him finally when he didn't offer a new greeting.
"You're really just gonna set me up like that, huh?" he asked. The gap in his teeth always gave away his grins, just like Paul's had. He really did make her chest ache sometimes. "Just 'cause Bucky won't blame you doesn't keep you out of my sights."
Annalise scoffed softly and shook her head. "I don't know what you're talking about, Samuel Thomas. Mind your manners."
Sam held up his hands placatingly. "Was there any reason cake appeared between us then?"
Annalise shrugged and pretended to read something on her phone. Usually she read the news while she had her breakfast, but she hadn't even opened her subscription because Sam and Bucky were more interesting. "I suppose there was extra. It can only sit out so long, you know."
Sam put his chin on his criss-crossed fingers, elbows on the table, which she swatted at but was ignored for. She continued to pretend to read a text message until she sighed.
"I just think you deserve something nice. You never take anything for yourself," she admonished lightly. "And I'm not talking about cake, young man."
Sam's eyebrows rose in surprise, but not at her words, she didn't think. Just at the admission. "Bucky is not nice," he said. "He's a pain and a lot of work."
Annalise hummed with a smile, thought of her loves. "All the best things are, aren't they?"
And Sam smiled. Really smiled. The sun came out. Birds sang. He really was her favorite Wilson child. "Yeah, sometimes they are," he agreed.
"Ready to go?" Bucky asked, appearing like he'd been summoned by that smile. He had his hand on the back of Sam's shoulder, inching towards his neck. "Hi again, Mrs. Corbett," he said to Annalise warmly.
"Yeah, mind pulling the truck around?" Sam asked.
Bucky glanced at Annalise, then back to Sam. "Sure," he agreed. "I'll give you two a little while longer to gossip."
Sam had a scar below his left eye that hadn't been there when he'd left for the Air Force. Shrapnel, she'd heard from someone, but she wasn't sure how true that was. Sam never talked about it and it'd be rude to ask. The first time she'd seen it, it had made her heart stop to think about something so violent coming so close to Sam's face, his eyes. By then, it had been a pale thin, still a little tender and thin, but healed. By now, it was barely noticeable, unless the sun was shining in the window just right to make it shine a little. Unless she was watching it as Bucky's lips came down on it, even though Sam's left side was across from where Bucky was standing.
Sam's eyes were still closed, long eyelashes fluttering, as Bucky stood up again. "Don't leave me idling for too long," he warned as he squeezed Sam's shoulder and turned for the door.
She watched Bucky leave, a Levi's ad come to life, and then looked to Sam who had come back to the world of mere mortals.
"Now, Samuel Thomas Wilson," she started, pointing a spoon at him.
Sam laughed merrily, slapping a hand across his chest. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
"I didn't set you up anything! You set me up!" she accused. "Why haven't you told me?"
Sam was still laughing, shaking his head as he clutched onto his ribs. "I don't know, Miss Lise. I guess...I just liked having it for myself for a while. I was gonna tell you first," he said with a hand over his chest. He settled back in his seat and watched her with a slight apprehension.
Annalise watched him back. "I like Bucky," she said. "I don't like his name, but I like him. You did good there."
"I know you like him," Sam assured. "You just tried to set me up with him."
"Well, the last time I tried to set you up, you just never showed up," she said with a sniff.
"It was a dinner with you!" Sam defended. "I didn't know you were going to ditch me with a stranger."
"She wasn't a stranger. She was only three years younger than you."
"I lived in DC at the time," he added.
Annalise shrugged. "You skipped. Did you know Bucky then?"
Sam laughed softly and shook his head. "No, not then," he said. "Not yet. Besides, it took us a while to get there, even once I did know him."
Annalise knew there was a whole novel worth of story behind Sam and Bucky. She read the news about Sam, and Bucky had been mentioned in a few of them, but she hadn't been paying attention to him at the time, nor did she care to go back and reread anything.
She reached out for Sam's hand and squeezed his fingers. "I'm glad you're happy, Sam," she said softly. "It's what you've deserved for a long time."
Sam put his other hand over hers to squeeze back. "Do you think they'd like him?" he asked softly.
Annalise looked out the front windows, where Bucky was drumming his fingers on the steering wheel of the truck Sam had had since high school, singing along to some song she couldn't hear. She squeezed Sam's hand tighter.
"I do, Sammy," she said with a smile. "I really do. They'd be so proud of you. All of you. Always."
Sam kissed her hand before standing up. "Thank you, Miss Lise."
"We love you, Sam," she said, standing to hug him. She kissed his temple fiercely. "Good job on this one."
He smiled again and then left to get into the truck. He paused outside the driver's side to kiss Bucky through the open window.
Annalise smiled too. "Dom," she called, sitting again, "could I get some cheesecake over here. I earned it."
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thatmexisaurusrex · 3 years
All The Ladies Love Sarah Wilson!
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| Pairing: Sarah Wilson/So Many Ladies | Rating: M | WC: 9.6K |
I believe I told @honestlyfrance that if I finished the other Sarah Wilson Femslash fic I had been planning for February, I'd tag them, so here it is!
All The Ladies Love Sarah Wilson!
A collection of 10 dates that go nowhere + 1 that Sarah wanted all along ❤️ I hope you all enjoy!
It had started at the docks, really. Sarah working on the boat with help from her childhood friend, Monica, just thinking it’d be a regular day until she came. “Oh, hello,” she said, leaning in, hand grazing Sarah’s face, holding it from Sarah’s chin, “You’re cute. She’s cute, Sam. How’d you hide her from me for so long?” Gorgeous curls. Perfect style – practical yet classy. Hypnotic Mookaite Jasper eyes. A pulling smile. She leaned on the boat, giving Sarah eyes. “Um,” said Monica, reminding Sarah that there were other people on the boat, “Should I leave, or… ?”
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wilsonbxrnes · 3 years
when i accidentally deleted my old blog a few years ago i made a new one but i was too distraught to try and keep up with it so i kinda left the online marvel fandom and moved to twitter and only came on here every now and again, but when tfatws started i got sucked back into this hell site and one of the things i’ve noticed is that a lot of people in this fandom are being SO much nicer to our new female characters??? i always see tumblrs dedicated to sharon carter, so many of the posts on my dash are all about sarah wilson love and i haven’t even seen a single negative post about leah!!! i see so many people reblog posts about her with adorable tags and “queen” (even though a lot of people weren’t happy with the dating storyline they tried to push onto bucky) and it makes me so happy idk. i know the hate is definitely still out there and maybe it’s just the people i’m following but i am entirely here for not automatically hating a female character just because there’s a chance she might be a love interest for your fave and you don’t agree with it <3
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merakiaes · 3 years
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Do you know what I love the most about Bucky and Sarah’s interactions in the latest episode?
The fact that we got to see Bucky as Bucky, for the first time in a long time. 
After having gone through literal hell, he’s become reserved, suspicious, and uncertain. He’s hesitant and just generally unwilling and uninterested in creating new bonds, partly because of his trust issues and the inevitable fear of being stabbed in the back, abandoned and betrayed, but also because of his deep self-hatred. 
He has developed somewhat of a habit of not purposely putting himself in other people’s lives more than absolutely necessary, because he doesn’t want them to have him in their lives. He feels like people are better off without all the baggage that he comes with; without the trauma, without his dark past and horrible deeds. 
And then Sarah walks in. He takes one look at her, and it’s like time just stops and rewinds 80 years.
He suddenly takes the first step to start a conversation, to introduce himself, and obviously goes out of his way to appear charming in a similar way to when he first tried introducing himself to Peggy Carter. 
He pulled out the old lopsided, boyish grin, the smooth voice, the sparkling eyes that just say: “I’m into you”, and rather than trying to cover it up and be subtle about it, he made it painfully obvious what he was doing, letting his eyes take their sweet time in openly checking her out with full intent of letting her know what he thought of her. No shame, but on the contrary, with pride. 
Suddenly he’s flirty. Confident. Open. Initiative. Curious. Interested; something he hasn’t been since before his Winter Soldier days; not even with Leah with whom he was still very withdrawn and, in my opinion, appeared very unwilling to even consider bonding and opening up to.
And now we suddenly get to see him as the go-getter he used to be before Hydra. Before all that super soldier and brainwashing shit. We get to see him as the first person to start a conversation, rather than just speaking when spoken to; again, like we saw on his date with Leah - he didn’t go out of his way, whatsoever, to show her that he was actually interested.
But with Sarah: he shows no doubt, no fear, no uncertainty. Just genuine interest and intrigue. He sees something he likes, something he wants, and actually makes the move to go after it. No self-doubt, no self-hatred, no internal “I’m a monster and shouldn’t initiate any new relations with people who deserve better”-thoughts. 
Just....: “I’m Bucky” , with that overly-cocky, shit-eating, playboy-ish grin that we all know and love from back in his golden days.
She answers him with her own name, and he repeats it, looks down, and has to bite his fucking lip to contain his smile, and totally fails in doing so when his entire face breaks into a grin as he walks away with Sam. 
It’s genuine. Happy. It comes naturally and doesn’t have to be forced like most of his persona and relations are nowadays.
Even if only for the moment, his guilt-ridden conscience and shame disappears, and for the first time in a long time, it just comes naturally for him to put himself out there. Because that’s him. In this moment, he’s able to be himself without reading into it, without over-thinking it. It just happens. 
And even after all this time, this man still has fucking game, leaving her blushing, fiddling with her hands and looking down at her feet while smiling like a fucking school girl. 
To wrap it up, all of my points are just proven even further by the fact that Sam noticed, and specifically forbade Bucky from moving in on his sister. That only shows even further how genuine, real and natural his reaction to seeing and meeting Sarah for the first time was and it’s fucking incredible.
Like, this? You see this, right here? The way he looks her up and down, smiles, clearly likes what he sees and makes absolutely NO attempt in denying his attraction to himself, nor hiding it from his surroundings? The way he looks down, almost shyly, and then can’t stop smiling as he walks away?
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This is Bucky. This is Bucky fucking Barnes. The real Bucky Barnes, who was buried so long ago. The flirty, charming, go-getting ladies man. 
And who was it that unburied him? Who was it that made him appear after all that time of just being a cold, hard shell? Sarah fucking Wilson, that’s who. She brought the old - the real - Bucky Barnes back with one look. 
Like, if you read his expressions, his mannerisms, the way his entire attitude shifts when she appears - you just know that man’s heart is doing fucking sommersaults in his chest.
If any of you think that I’m reading way too much into this, you’re wrong. Anyone who disagrees with me about any of this is wrong. I will not be taking any constructive criticism at this time, nor will I ever, because Bucky and Sarah are soulmates and you can’t change my mind. Thank you and goodnight. 
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thisisarcanereverie · 3 years
When in Love (Sam Wilson x Reader)
A/N: I love Sam Wilson period. 
Summary: Bucky did indeed flirt with Sam’s sister again........and now they’re getting married. Sam brought you as his date to their big day. 
“It’s not too late to get Carlos,” Sam said as you straightened his tie, Sam could do it by himself but then he wouldn’t have an excuse to have you near him. 
“I’m pretty sure people would notice if the groom weren’t to make an appearance.” You said as you finished straightening his tie, letting your hands linger there for a while as you looked up into his dark eyes. 
“Don’t know unless we try.” Sam half heartedly said. He was only half joking, for the past few years he saw Sarah happier than she had been in years. He knew Bucky treated her well and that he loved the kids as well. Sam knew Bucky would never hurt them. 
Didn’t mean that Sam didn’t have Carlos on speed dial and an alibi set up just in case. 
(Y/n) lightly smacked her hand against Sam’s chest as he laughed. His warm dark eyes lit up as he looked at her. 
(Y/n) smiled and rolled her eyes. She had gotten ready before driving over and Sam couldn’t help but think of how beautiful she was in sky blue. 
Sam had been nervous when he asked (Y/n) to be his date to Sarah and Bucky’s wedding. He knew she wasn’t one for parties where she didn’t know anyone but she had surprised him by accepting. 
“We have a wedding to get to.” You drew him from his thoughts while grabbing your clutch on the bed and walking out the door to wait for him. You had no idea the effect on Sam, even the way your hips sway when you walked away drove him insane. 
Sam took a deep breath in to calm his nerves as he readied himself mentally. Sam was not only going to be one of Bucky’s groomsmen but also the one giving Sarah away. 
Their father was the one to give her away the first time she got married, and now since their father had passed Sam was the only one left for the job. 
Sam gathered his thoughts and headed out of the bedroom and down the stairs to see your figure waiting for him patiently at the bottom. 
You hear the stairs creak under his feet and look up. You had always thought he looked attractive, but put that man in a suit and your knees began growing weak. 
You barely managed to tear your eyes away from him for a second as he reached the bottom of the stairs.
“Ready?” you asked, trying to keep your voice even. 
The wedding had been beautiful, it was held at the church. The aisle and booths were decorated with white flowers and ribbons. 
On Bucky’s side there was Dora Milaje and T’Challa. Along with Thor, Brunheilda, and the Guardians. Rocket was mostly looking at Bucky’s metal arm though. 
The Ceremony had been just as beautiful, Sarah walked down the aisle in a beautiful white gown which made Bucky tear up with Sam. AJ and Cass were already by Bucky’s side, after all Bucky had named them his Best Men. 
While Sarah and Bucky said their vows Sam’s gaze couldn’t help but wonder to you. You were seated by Sarah’s side of the church along with almost everyone in town. You smiled and wiped a few tears as the vows got increasingly emotional. You had been seated near a glass stained window and all of its colors bathed you in it’s light. You just got more beautiful the longer he looked at you. 
Suddenly your eyes had met with his, and he felt his heart stop and breathing suddenly became difficult. It wasn’t unwelcomed though, in fact it was quite the opposite. Sam didn’t look away and neither did you. You both had stared at each other until Sam decided to be bold and wink and flash his intoxicating smile. You smiled bashfully before winking back and tearing your eyes from his to focus back to the stars of the day as Sam did the same thing. 
The reception was back at the house, Sam and a few other people from town helped set up the yard yesterday. Making an area for dancing, dining, food, socializing. Decorating it with magnolias and fairy lights and it looked stunning. 
The sun had almost begun to set by the time everyone got back to the house to enjoy the party. 
Bucky and Sarah did their first dance as husband and wife to an old 1940′s song and was later joined by AJ and Cass. Bucky had gone above and beyond to make sure the boys had been included in everything. 
After their dance ended, something faster paced began to play and almost everyone began to make their way to the dance floor. You and Sam being among them. Sam had twirled you around and danced with you until it was time for the toasts to begin. 
“I just want to thank everyone who came here today,” Bucky began to speak on the microphone, a beer in his hand. “I especially want to thank AJ and Cass for letting me into their lives, and my beautiful wife Sarah.” Bucky paused and gave her a wink, Sarah winked back and smiled. “I promise to uphold my vows and protect and love you and the boys with everything I have.” He raised his beer bottle in cheers before taking a quick swig out of it. 
AJ and Cass had performed their toast next, welcoming him into their family and just an overall sweet speech which ended with Bucky in tears for the second time that day. It made your heart swell to see Bucky so happy after all these years he had to endure alone and tortured. He deserved this, they all did. Sarah, Bucky, Cass, and Aj deserved to be happy together. 
A few other people gave speeches before Sam gave his. Even Rocket gave an impromptu speech. 
“Can I have that arm now?”
“I’m getting that arm.” 
You saw a quick look of fear cross Bucky’s face as Rocket was approached by Dora Milaje and struggled to hold in a small laugh. 
Sam made his way up the stage to give his speech. He straightened his jacket before grabbing the microphone. 
“Sarah as your brother I am so proud of you and I know if Dad and Mom were here they would say the exact same thing. They would be proud of the woman and of the mother you have become.” Sam said with tears at the corners of his eyes at the mention of their parents, Sarah wiped her tears away as well. “Bucky as your friend I know Steve would be as proud and as happy for you as I am. Happy that you have finally found your peace and I welcome you to the family with open arms.” He raised his glass to Bucky who returned the favor. “Although I do recall telling you not to flirt with my sister,” laughter then ensued as Bucky chuckled and shook his head. “As Sarah’s brother,” Sam then motioned to Carlos sitting at one of the tables, “I want you to know that it’s not too late for me to get Carlos to feed you to the fish if necessary.” Carlos then waved and laughed at the groom who returned the favor. “treat her and the boys well and I guess we’re no longer co workers.” Laughter erupted as Sam took a drink in congratulations as did everyone else. 
As the party began to die down you had snuck out the pier to get some fresh air away from everyone. 
It wasn’t like you didn’t enjoy their company and didn’t get to meet some pretty interesting people. It was just you needed a moment to yourself to relax. You were an introvert at heart and so many people at once tended to overwhelm you sometimes. 
You watched as the water moved gracefully, breathing in time with it. The lights from the party reflected in the water and the music could still be heard although softer now. 
You didn’t even seem to notice a certain man making his way to you before you heard a silent ‘oh shit’. 
If Sam thought you had looked beautiful before, now you were angelic. The sun had long before set and now your figure was illuminated by the faint lights of the party and the moon. It gave you an almost ethereal glow as he noticed your hands fidgeting. A habit he noticed a long time ago, you always have to do something with your hands. He honestly found it cute. 
Sam had been so caught up in you that he hadn’t noticed a little loose board and nearly tripped over himself. 
Your hands stopped moving as you saw Sam holding onto the wooden railing of the pier for dear life. You laughed a little at Sam’s embarrassed expression as he tried to walk it off as though it didn’t happen. 
You looked back out to the water as Sam finally made his way to your side. Out of the side of your eye you caught a glimpse at the man beside you. The light of the party and the moon made him look romantic, and you noticed that at some point in the night Sam discarded his tie and jacket, rolled the sleeves up his forearms and unbuttoned a button or two on his shirt. He started fidgeting with the watch on his wrist as you both look at the water dancing. 
You could hear the upbeat music from the party change to another slow dance. 
“You wanna dance?” 
You turned and saw Sam with his hand out, ready to take your hand if you accepted. Which you did. 
Slowly you and Sam moved with the beat, the music was quiet and the lights had made the moment all the more romantic. 
Sam held your hand in one and his other hand went to your waist, pulling you flush against him making your heart beat out your chest. 
Neither of you said a word, Sam hummed in tune with the song as you smiled at him. 
Sam’s heart was beating out of his chest, usually he was smooth. Usually Sam had no trouble speaking to ladies, but it seemed as though you were the exception. 
A couple of seconds passed before Sam finally broke the silence. 
“Usually I can speak just fine in front of someone,” He started his deep voice quiet, “but now I can’t seem to speak without getting all tongue tied.”
You laughed a little at that, Sam loved your laugh. He couldn’t understand why but your laugh always seemed to put him in a better mood. 
“What’s so funny?” Sam asked with a smile on his face, you wondered if his smile would ever stop making your heart beat faster. 
“It’s just something my Mum used to tell me,” you explained, “what you just said reminded me of it.”
“Tell me.” He said his eyes focused on you, eyes reflecting the light from the reception. You looked down bashfully before meeting his eyes again. 
“When in love speech becomes meaningless.” 
Sam’s dark eyes stared into yours intensely as if you had become the only thing left in the world. 
For a moment you wonder if you had misread the signs, maybe you had scared him. Panic starts to fill you as you begin to apologize before his hands move from their places at your waist and hand to either side of your face and kiss you. 
The first thing you noticed was that Sam tasted of beer and spice. The next thing you noticed was how soft his lips were on yours and how gently he moved against you. 
You had been so lost in the kiss that you hadn’t noticed the music dying down and the lights going out, all there was, was you and him. 
You both pulled away reluctantly and watched as the moonlight reflected off the water. Content with not speaking another word and just holding each other in peace.
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honestlyfrance · 3 years
jiāoqiǎnyánshēn // 交浅言深
I read a headcanon where Sam met Rebecca Barnes, who is an old lady and knows about Bucky for the news haven't had a chance meet him again and goes, like, chilling with Sam, whom feels unexpectedly attract to her for some reason, and would be nice
jiāoqiǎnyánshēn // 交浅言深
ship: sam/bucky | no warnings
a/n: this is a good headcanon!! yes yes!! hopefully this makes it worth it!! also slr i was writing a commission, yknow priorities :3
materlist / ko-fi / commissions
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Stranger or not, Sam Wilson feels screwed.
He’s been sent by his sister, Sarah, and he’s here at the retirement center with Joaquin Torres for some reason that should've been direr than it was shrugged off to be. He's good with old people, knows how to weave the right words to make them smile. Knows not to belittle them for their age but also knows not to assume their level of wisdom based on that criteria.
Sam met Rebecca Barnes, and the brother feels like a stranger by each second.
Each tale left a metallic taste on your tongue, like bad medicine from the night before haunting you in the morning. It’s strange and off-putting, like a slant on the whole world but you’re still standing upright. It’s not right. These stories are too intimate and gruesome to hear. Sam feels out of place all of a sudden, his eyebrows knitted together and his lips pressed against each other.
“A lot of men admire him for some reason. He brings them to his room and they’re up all night doing God knows what!” She says in her frail voice in such excitement.
Sam snorted, Fucking guys maybe. God that bisexual. It’s weird to hear that Bucky isn’t careful, just like he is now, flirting with a bunch of people he’ll never meet, like a Russian Roulette of compliments and one punch to some bastard. Maybe this was his origin story.
Rebecca smiles, raises a finger close to Sam, and says. “A lot of people admire him. I notice the tremble in his voice when he brings bad news. I still remember when he said, O-Oh, they love me, as if it wasn’t possible for them to do,” and Sam frowns at that, knows how much Bucky doesn’t believe people care about him. “What a foolish boy! I hate him! I love him though. Don’t tell him though, heh.”
Sam smiled. “I admire him too. I think he knows though,” he says.
She smiled, cheeky as if she just heard a funny little secret. And it was kinda like a secret. Sam and Bucky’s relationship is built on admiration and male friendships where boys-will-be-boys mean having a swimming race with a rock, who will reach the seafloor first. It’s intimate like that, like a secret, like a moment in between two people only. No other shall be witness.
Rebecca frowned then, “Who are you to my brother? A fellow soldier? Someone who is found alongside him?”
“He’s just a partner in battle.” Sam smiled.
He thinks she understands. There’s a flicker of recognition in her eyes. “Sam… Wilson?” The news. She recognized him in the news, every seven in the evening, there’s a weekly segment just for Captain America and Sergeant Barnes, and it’s always on at the retirement home. Maybe she realizes. “You love him.” She does.
Sam is scared. For the confrontation. They hadn’t talked about it, it was one accidental kiss on TV. He’s scared of the comments, the ugly stares, but he says, “What do you think?”
“A partner in life,” She says, then looks away. She nods. “I think he’s lucky to have you.”
Sam gave a relieved sigh all too loud, and she laughed at that. “You deserve each other,” she says. And she has a smile she can’t remove.
When Sam comes back home from the ‘mission,’ Bucky makes it official and asks him out on a date. Sam couldn’t stop talking about the mission, and they shared a laugh over dinner. They do deserve each other.
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When the Universe Collides (Sam Wilson x Reader)
Summary: Every person has a soulmate. When your soulmate experiences pain, so do you, and any bruises, scars, or other markings that they get appear on your skin. Or, the story of how smacking yourself in the face with a cabinet was the best thing to ever happen to you.
Notes: Hi! Since the first episode of Falcon and the Winter Soldier comes out today, I wanted to write something for Sam! He’s super underrated and deserves more love! Also, this soulmate AU is extremely self-indulgent and has absolutely nothing to do with the TV show, but tbh I don’t care. Hope you all enjoy it too! (no y/n, no pronouns) (PS: any italicized text is Sam texting and the italicized and bold text is the reader texting!)
Warnings: mentions of a stab wound (nothing explicit), cursing I guess 
WC: 2.2 k
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Your soulmate must have one hell of a job.
Almost every day, you woke up with dark bruises covering your body. It seemed that whenever one faded, another took its place. At completely random times, you would double over in aches that you certainly didn’t inflict upon yourself. One time, in the middle of the night, you woke up with pain in your stomach so intense, it felt like someone had stabbed you! It turned out that it was a stab wound, but given that no one had stabbed you lately (or ever), you figured it was from your soulmate. You definitely didn’t appreciate that hospital bill.
But you still desperately wanted to meet them. Meet that person that completed you: your other half. As a teenager, you made your parents tell you the story of the day they finally met so many times, you knew it by memory. They were both in the library at college, and your mom dropped a psychology textbook on her foot! Her howl of pain was only matched by the “SON OF A BITCH” that came from your dad on the opposite side of the library. When the two of them made eye contact, they instantly knew they were the ones for each other (they were also immediately kicked out for making such a ruckus). You wanted to have that moment so badly; meeting your soulmate was a huge milestone in every person’s life, and you needed it.
Your best friend and roommate, Brianna, had met hers just two months ago. They had met at the beach, when out of nowhere, Bri had shrieked in shock and pain.
“A crab just pinched me!”
When you had looked at her foot and told her nothing was there, she was totally confused, until you saw a handsome guy with a crab hanging from his foot! He had introduced himself as Julian, and the two had been inseparable since. He was living with you now, and you had honestly never felt more lonely in your life. Sure, you had your dream career; you ran a music shop in New York City, selling instruments, making repairs, and meeting all sorts of interesting people. You had a decent apartment, a chill best friend, and the cutest Yorkie, named Muffin, on the planet. By all accounts, you had it pretty good. You were just missing your other half.
It was a rainy day in NYC. The chill of winter was still clinging onto the March air, and you shivered as you trudged from your apartment to your shop. Even though you had an umbrella to protect you from the rain, the wind blew right through the too-thin jacket you yanked off of the coatrack in a rush. Still holding your half-eaten toaster strudel in your hand, you pushed open the doors to Major Instruments and Minor Repairs, your pride and joy.
It was two floors: the first was where you sold instruments, and the repair shop was above. Acoustic panels were attached to the burnt red walls to help quiet down the place, since the hardwood floors didn’t do much to help with that. The checkout desk was directly in the center in the room. Surrounding it were reeds, bottles of valve oil, and guitar strings. Picks were placed in two clear, plastic bowls on the desk itself. In the front left corner of the room was a grand piano, situated right in the window so passersby could see whenever someone plucked its keys. The entire back wall was covered in guitars and basses. To the right of the desk was a large drumset, accompanied by a pair of drumsticks and brushes. On the right wall were string instruments; string basses and cellos were leaned against the wall, while the violins, violas, and bows were displayed on it. Woodwind and brass instruments were scattered across the room in various display cases. Instrument stands, bow rosin, and miscellaneous instrument parts were on shelves throughout the room as well. The spiral staircase leading up to the repair shop was in the back left corner of the room. Behind the staircase was the door to the back store room, where you kept your extra supplies and also where you took your breaks.
“Good morning!” called Andrew, one of your closest friends from college, from behind the desk.
You waved in reply, wandering to the back store room. You were lucky you had Andrew; you could rely on him to run the front desk while you and Brianna assisted customers on the floor. Unfortunately, Bri had the flu today, so it would just be you on the floor, which would make things a little more hectic. You hurriedly finished your strudel, took off your jacket, which left you in a black and white flannel, a matching black tank top reading “Music is Life,” black leggings, and black combat boots (you had an aesthetic to uphold), and strode back out to the main area.
“You seem in a bit of a rush. Everything okay?” asked Andrew, who was currently restocking bell covers.
You sighed, “Just a whirlwind of a morning. Bri has the flu, Muffin nearly choked on a chicken bone, I almost burned my toaster strudel, and I smacked myself in the face with my cabinet door by accident.”
“Oh, that’s where the new bruise on your eye is from,” he mused.
You snorted, “Yeah, for once it’s not from my soulmate.”
“Maybe he’s a spy. Or a superhero!”
“Yeah, or a criminal,” you joined in on the restocking, grabbing some trumpet mutes since the place opened in just half an hour, “thanks for opening up, by the way.”
“It’s no problem,” he replied, “you know I don’t mind.”
The doorbell jingled and two of your instrument repair people, Sarah (for strings), and Natalie (for brass), entered. Natalie was lugging what was unmistakably a tuba case, while Sarah carried both of their instrument repair kits.
“Morning, ladies!” called Andrew.
“Good morning,” Sarah replied pleasantly.
Natalie huffed out a “morning” and dragged the tuba up the stairs.
“Her tuba’s broken. The tubing that holds up her mouthpiece completely snapped off. She’s going to try and repair it before her appointments today,” explained Sarah.
You winced, “That’s rough.”
Sarah dropped off both of their jackets and followed Natalie up the stairs leaving you alone with Andrew again. Soon after, Erik, your percussion guy, and John, the woodwind repairman, arrived, and it was time for the shop to open. For a while, it was just another mundane Thursday. Customers came and went. People tested the piano and drumsets, someone bought $100 worth of jazz scores, and a teenaged boy came in who somehow got a ping pong ball stuck in their trombone (you learned to never ask). But at exactly 1:47 pm, a time you would never forget, two very unexpected customers walked through the threshold of your store. You were up on a ladder, carrying a large, rather heavy, box of violin bows to situate on the wall, when you heard their voices.
“I’m telling you, Buck, I’m a wizard at the saxophone.”
“Sure, Sam. I’ll believe it when I hear it.”
“I’m serious, dude! I played all the time before I joined the military, and I picked it back up a little bit again after the whole Avengers thing. I just need to get a new one.”
“Hmm, okay. We’ll see.”
You whipped your head around and saw the Falcon and the Winter Soldier themselves in your shop. Having superheros in your place was a first. And who knew Sam Wilson played the saxophone?
Andrew offered them a cheerful greeting and directed them toward the saxophones, which happened to be near the ladder you were teetering on. Every time you leaned up to put a bow on display, it wobbled so badly you thought you were going to fall. You really needed to allocate some funds toward a new one.
As you continued to place bows on display, you heard the conversation of the two gentlemen browsing the saxophones. Apparently, Sam much preferred the tenor sax (which you happened to play, quite well you might add). Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him pick up a Selmer Paris model and inspect it. Those didn’t come cheap, but you were sure that saving the world gave a man a pretty decent paycheck.
“You think I can test it out?”
“I don’t know, dude. You should probably ask.”
You saw him nod, “Yeah, I guess so. And there’s not a reed in here, anyway. Excuse me!”
You realized he was calling you, so you craned your head to look at him. Both men were looking up at you, both with kind smiles on their faces.
“Is there any way I can get a cheap reed to test this out with,” Sam asked, “and are we even allowed to test them in store?”
You smiled back, “Yes, you can. We have test reeds at the front desk, just ask Andrew and he’ll give you one. That’s the only one you’ll get though.”
“Cool, thanks,” he replied while looking around, “nice place you’ve got here.”
Your smile grew a little wider, “Thank you! It took a little while to get it off of the ground, but I’m really proud of how it turned out.”
It was almost as if the universe wanted you to suffer. You stretched up to display yet another bow, and the ladder toppled to the ground, taking you with it! You shrieked in surprise and braced yourself for the impact with the floor.
But it never came.
Instead, you were caught in a pair of (ridiculously) muscular arms. When you looked into the arms of your hero, of course it was Sam himself. He was too handsome for his own good. The thing that stood out most to you were his deep brown eyes. And how, on the left one, was a bruise that exactly matched the one that you gave yourself this morning.
“Are you alright? That ladder must have it out for you,” joked Sam, though you could tell that he was concerned for you.
“I’m okay,” you squeaked, “thank you.”
“It’s no problem. All a part of the job.”
You nodded distractedly, still fixated on the bruise adorning his eye. He couldn’t be your soulmate, could he?
“Are you sure you’re okay?” he questioned.
“I-yes. I just got a bit, well, distracted.”
“By what?”
Well, it was now or never. You might as well just go for it.
“When did you get that bruise?”
He looked a bit surprised by the question, “The one on my eye?”
You nodded.
“This morning. It just popped up. Hurt a little bit, like something hit me in the face. Can’t be worse than what I’ve given my soulmate, though. I got stabbed in the stomach once and all I could think about was how confused and hurt they must’ve been,” came his reply.
It was him. It had to be! All of your random, serious injuries made so much more sense now.
“It did hurt,” you murmured back, “but not as much as the hospital bill.”
His face went from apologetic to elated faster than you had ever seen, “Wait, that means it’s you?”
“I think so,” you said, “I hit myself in the eye with a cabinet door this morning, and that-” you gestured to his face, “matches mine.”
“Oh, it does!” he exclaimed.
“Are you two done over there?” complained Bucky.
Thankfully, the Winter Solider had successfully rescued your box of bows.
Sam stood you up, and you could feel the embarrassment slowly creeping over you, “Yeah. Sorry about that, guys. Promise I’m not usually that clumsy.”
“Seems like you need a new ladder,” Bucky told you.
“You don’t say,” you sassed back, prompting a laugh from Sam.
Bucky then strode off to return the fallen box to Andrew. He gave Sam a knowing look as he passed by. He wasn’t very slick, though, you totally saw him.
“Listen, since apparently we’re soulmates and all, I’d love it if I got your number. I’ll take you somewhere nice to make up for all of the times I’ve gotten you hurt,” explained Sam.
You smiled bashfully, “That sounds nice.”
He handed you his phone and you input your digits. As Sam and Bucky were in the checkout line, your phone buzzed.
Hey, gorgeous. It’s your new man.
You giggled softly and looked up at him. He gave you an exaggerated wink and launched finger guns at you, making you laugh a bit harder. You entered his number into your phone and decided to send a text back.
Looking forward to you making up for all of those broken bones.
Me too.
You knew you’d be happy with him. Whenever the universe collided in this way, it always turned out for the best. If your parents and your roommate weren’t enough proof, soon you would discover it for yourself. You couldn’t wait for all of the memories you’d make together.
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janetsnakehole02 · 3 years
Criminally underrated characters in the MCU according to my esteemed opinion that no one asked for
Y’all don’t have to agree w these btw just sayin
-Doctor Strange (both the character and the movie)
-Christine Palmer
-Heimdall (most selfless being in the universe mhm fight me bitch)
-Miek (everyone loves Korg but forgets Miek who’s literally Korg’s ride or die cmon)
-Jane Foster (I don’t get the hate she’s an intelligent scientist and she’s about to become Lady Thor I could not be prouder)
-Jimmy Woo
-Hope Van Dyne
-Mantis (she’s so AMAZING and intuitive and gentle I love her and she deserves the world)
-Nebula (overhated and was dealt a terrible hand, she turned things around for herself and she’s a badass)
-Tommy Maximoff (people like Billy more for some reason like why you pickin between twins Wanda would kick your ass and you’d deserve it)
-Sam Wilson
-James Rhodes
-Happy Hogan (poor dude has to put up w SO MUCH BULLSHIT omg give the guy a break)
-Isaiah Bradley
-Joaquin Torres
-Peggy Carter
-Maria Hill
-W’Kabi (yes I like his character alright I like the way Daniel Kaluuya played him can you blame me)
-Carol Danvers (I still don’t get the hate she could’ve defeated Thanos she’s so powerful and amazing and a lesbian icon)
-Monica Rambeau
-Sarah Wilson
-Shang Chi (his movie isn’t out yet but I can already tell how underappreciated he is and this isn’t new for us Asians to constantly be pushed to the backburner 😒 the new trailer dropped and all people wanted was the new Spider-Man trailer instead like seriously?? Shang Chi is amazing just pls revel in this amazing superhero that doesn’t even need superpowers to kick ass)
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kahm00nn · 3 years
So this has been bothering me for weeks but i haven’t gotten the time to rant about it. I was always on the Sarah Wilson defense squad but now I’m throwing my own hat into the mix.
Basically I saw this tiktok that said Marvel was queerbaiting us with Sam and Bucky (Think what you will about it but that's not the point rn) that Sam conveniently had a sibling of the opposite gender to be Buck’s love interest,,,, firstly they didn’t even become cannon at the end of the series so i don’t understand where this came from?. Secondly she’s so much fucking more than that what?! Sarah’s role in fatws is to be a look into how the blip affected normal everyday people. And through her we see what SAM values most. Family. I can’t find the words to express what she represents to give it justice but one thing I’m going to make fucking clear is that she’s so important to the themes and heart of fatws. 
also god damnit don’t use her to prove marvel is straightwashing shit. Sarah’s more than just a female Sam. She lost most of her family. Her husband. Raised two amazing sons in what basically was a post apocalyptic world and did a damn good job. AND ran a business all by herself on top of that. Put some respect next time you say Sarah Wilsons name.
I’m not done yet no. Just cause sarahbucky is a “Straight ship” or whatever doesn’t devalue it’s importance. Poc especially black women were all saying how amazing it was seeing a dark skinned black woman being portrayed as attractive. Bucky flirting with her wasn’t marvel shoving a romance down our throats it was us getting a glimpse of the absolute lady’s man he was in tfa. He saw a beautiful woman and acted appropriately.
 Fuck i was a sambucky shipper since civil war and i still am BUT I love sarahbucky. You can ship both and want both to have the potential to become cannon. You don’t need to erase everything Sarah is to justify it. Sarah wasn’t made to be a “Female sam” so Sambuxky can become cannon with 0 gayness. Sarah isn’t some way for Bucky to flirt with Sam through her (He was genuinely flirting with her did you not see the heart eyes) She’s more than a love interest and you shall treat her with the respect she deserves.
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wenellyb · 3 years
Can I run you through a hypothetical?
That military boy showing proper respect by calling Bucky "sergeant Barnes", and the fact that Sam deserves a bloody apology from the government for that sheild stealing stunt has me a-thinking.
Can we please have a standard MCU military medal giving ceremony featuring Sam and Bucky in dress uniform or even just nice civilian suits (I don't know how the US military works... I'm just here for the headcanons). An opportunity for such moments as:
- Nervously helping each other finish getting suited up featuring much lip biting
- Throwback to uniform/swag-in-a-suit/1940s bucky (bonus points given for recreation of his adorbable little salute from tfa)
- Sam Wilson once again killing all the ladies in formal wear
- Proud Sarah and the boys
- Potential excellent Cap speech
- Acknowledgement of Buckys service during WW2 which he never got to receive in person
(Choose your own adventure - maybe they don't even make it to the ceremony and just slow dance on the dock in their nice outfits instead)
Ooooh I love it so so much. Sam and Bucky in uniforms, I want this so much now. The part where they help each other dressing up. Wow. I can already imagine it, Bucky rearranging Sam’s collar with so much pride in his eyes... 
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Place for my heart part 2
Pairing : Bucky x Sarah Wilson
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Bucky was playing with Cass and AJ while Sarah was preparing food for them with their neighbors, she was making fish on the grill while she was watching the man with her kids, she was sure the boys loved Bucky, he always made them laugh.
He really enjoyed the family time, he missed this. Now he could be himself again, the old Bucky that loved sport and games. He glanced over at Sarah which caused that the boys both jumped on him and he fell down in the grass, laughing. “Alright! I give up! You got me!” He said and got up evils holding up both of the boys.
“The food is ready!” Sarah called and he walked up to them, Sam was already there, sitting at the table. “Let’s take a bet on who’s going to fall asleep earlier today. Bucky or the boys?” He joked and looked over at Sarah. “Definitely Bucky. Cass and AJ are almost impossible to get tired” she said and gave everyone a plate with the food she made. Few neighbors sat with them as well.
“I agree on that” Bucky laughed softly and he began to eat, he loved it, Sarah was really an amazing cook. “Thank you, Sarah. It tastes so good” he said and then he turned to look at Sam.
Sarah was having a lot of fun at the party. She was really glad that her brother was the Captain America. She was proud of him, he finally had what he deserved and he made a big step against racism with this.
Once the party ended, and everyone left, she began to clean the home. Once everything was cleaned, she opened the refrigerator, to get a slice of cake. She sat down at the table, on the balcony, as she ate, whole she was watching the view. The sea looked really pretty. She had a bright in her dark eyes. She would forget all her problems.
Bucky never felt more accepted and loved than at Wilson’s. They never judged him for his past and they seemed to like him.
The whole day he spent with them was fun, he was glad that Sarah and Sam invited him to the party. He would stay for few more days cause AJ and Cass convinced him to play baseball with them tomorrow. And he agreed even though he was pretty done from today, he really liked those two kids.
When Sarah was getting the cake, he was laying on the couch under a blanket and the light of the refrigerator coming from kitchen caught his eyes. He really wanted to be alone with her for a minute, without Sam’s strict big brother face so he got up and followed her to the balcony, he spoke calmly not to scare her. “It’s wonderful here..thank you for letting me stay” his blue eyes had its nice glow back, he felt joy again, after all those years he felt like a human again, thanks to their family.
To be honest, Sarah always liked bucky's presence. He was a great man, and he was really kind. AJ and Cass liked him too, they would call him Uncle bucky most of the time. She never saw her kids happy like that in years. And bucky was doing it extremely great.
Once she was there, she was jus thinking a lot of things. Their life changed a lot. And Sam wouldn't be a simple man. Now, he had a great title, and he deserved it.
She was keeping a silly smile in her face when he heard his voice. He gently looked up at the man, with a loving look. She admired the man, even tho she wouldn't admit that.
"Oh, hey. Yes, it's wonderful. And look, you don't have to thank me, Bucky. It's a pleasure having you here." She said calmly, and looked into his beautiful baby blue eyes.
"The party was really great. AJ ad Cass had a lot of fun with you, huh?" She chuckled and licked her bottom lip, as she took a sip of her juice.
“That’s really nice of you, really..I haven’t feel this accepted for decades honestly” the old man said and chuckled softly, he sat on a bench next to her and ran his betel hand through his hair.
He had that charming smile on his face, a happy smile. “The party was really great, I’m glad that I could be here with you, Sam and the boys. They’re great kids” he admitted
“But if I’m honest they gave me a pretty hard time today. They’re really full of energy. But it was fun, I’ll play baseball with them tomorrow. Would you maybe like to join us?” He asked and looked at her, his eyes meeting with hers.
He liked being called uncle Bucky, it was sweet and he felt like a part of a family he didn’t have for such a long time. And Sarah made it all even better, she was beautiful, kind, caring and she had something really great in her. She didn’t care about his past, she never judged him, she just took him the way he was.
“I hope you like that cake, I made it by myself. I finally got some stuff from my family, only one box but there was my moms book with recipes. So I dived into it” he said and smiled softly.
Sarah never imagined that she would meet a nice guy as bucky. And then, she did. She felt comfortable around him. Her eyes was brightening.
She rested her cheek on her hand, as she looked at him. She had a soft cans calm look. She was really peaceful— sure, she had her moments, stress and all. But when bucky was there, all the problems seemed to fade away.
"Oh, they are really energetic." She chuckled and put the plate with cake in her lap. Having someone new in home was comforting. And she trusted bucky. She knew she did.
"Wait, do you know how to cook? Wow." She said as she chuckled a bit. "Honestly, the savor is amazing! You did a great job. You are a great cook." She then took a bite of the cake. She hummed in satisfaction. She was telling the truth! The cake was really great.
"Oh! And- I would love to go with you. It would be good. And let me tell you something... AJ and Cass really like you. Their lives changed a lot since you appeared. And to be honest, my life too. You brighten this home, Bucky. And you are part of this family.
“I’m glad that you like it, it means so much to me” he said, his voice calm and deep, he really loved being around her. She made him feel safe, this whole house made him feel safe and calm.
“I like them too, I like all of you..you accepted me and I can never thank you enough..I haven’t feel this calm and accepted in such a long time..all thanks to you and your family” he said and looked at her again, she really was wonderful, her smile was radiating kindness.
Honestly, Bucky used to be great in all this, ladies loved him back in the 40’s but after everything he lost this game. But now, he felt like his old self again, like he could feel like that around a woman again.
Bucky always wished to have a family and a home, and now he had it all. Even though he didn’t live in Louisiana, he felt like it was a home.
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thedeviltohisangel · 3 years
The Only Good I’ve Ever Done
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During the five years he was blipped away, he thought about the snippets of his life that he would miss the most. The moments that he never appreciated enough. The moments that were so fleeting that he never got to expound upon. Plenty of them involved his family. Times on the fishing boat that he didn’t realize would keep him alive in his adult years. Holding his nephews for the first time and learning there was so much more to life and legacy. But so many also involved her.
masterlist is my url/writing
accepting requests for this pairing
There were a few things about Louisiana that Sam knew would never change. They would always have the best seafood. His sister and nephews would always be there. And he would always hold his breath waiting to run into Leila. 
During the five years he was blipped away, he thought about the snippets of his life that he would miss the most. The moments that he never appreciated enough. The moments that were so fleeting that he never got to expound upon. Plenty of them involved his family. Times on the fishing boat that he didn’t realize would keep him alive in his adult years. Holding his nephews for the first time and learning there was so much more to life and legacy. But so many also involved her. Kissing on the cheek during recess. Her cheering on the sidelines during his big game. Senior prom. When she said I love you right before he left to join the Air Force. 
They kept in contact while he was deployed. Spotty phone calls and fuzzy video calls sustained them but Sam cherished the letters she sent him more than anything. It was as if each stroke of her pen captured a bit of her heart that she sent away to be with him. Everyone teased him about how he was whipped for this girl. Asked him why he came out to this hellscape if he had such a beautiful woman at home waiting for him. He never answered because he didn’t think they would get it. He was here because he had a lot to prove. Prove to his parents that he could be responsible and mature. Prove to Leila and her family that he could keep her safe and provide for her. Prove to himself he deserved her.
When he was selected for the Falcon program, their communication slowed and slowed until it stopped altogether. He was pulling long hours and participating in highly classified missions and he didn’t know how to balance it. Leila still sent him letters even though he stopped writing back. He read them and felt numb. After so long, she stopped writing too. Every stroke of her pen broke her heart. She didn’t have anything left to give. She stopped visiting his sister and parents. Stopped looking at the houses for sale in the paper. Stopped looking at the bridal magazines in the waiting area of the doctor’s office. Her mom told her that sometimes people grow apart. Tried to help her rationalize Sam’s sudden disinterest. Her father told her that he had been right all along. That Sam was just some boy, not ready to be a man. That she deserved better. Leila held onto the hope that when he came back, she could look him in the eyes and talk to him and everything would be better. That they just needed to see each other again and it would all be okay. He would be hers again.
But his end date came and went. She heard nothing from him. Didn’t see him around town. When she found the courage to ask Sarah, she broke the news Sam wasn’t moving back to Louisiana. And she felt the nail in the coffin go right through her chest.
Sam thought about her when he watched Riley fall from the sky. Thought about her when he jumped out of the building in DC. Thought about her when he was locked in a cell on the Raft. He thought of her when he was snapped away and when he was snapped back and he had never known just how temporary life was than he did in those five years. 
And now he stood on a dock in Louisiana and there were seagulls and old friends and she was there. She was smiling and laughing and he didn’t even know how to say hello to her. 
She had heard Sam was back in town. She had been actively avoiding anywhere she thought he might be but there he was. A part of her could have guessed this was where they would ultimately cross paths. His family had so much history here. If there was anywhere for him to feel grounded, it would be at this dock.
It was also very clear that he was not going to come up and talk to her. At least not anytime soon. And if she wanted to have a conversation with him, after the years without one, she would have to be the one to initiate it.
“Hi, Sam Wilson.” There was no use in being nervous about it. No use in beating around the bush or pretending that they didn’t have the history that they did. She no longer held any resentment towards him. There had been too many years since then and too many astronomical events for him to hold her hostage. Since the last time she heard from him, she had loved others and lost others and learned how to grieve and how to cope and why her mother always told her the most important thing to be is resilient.
“Hey. I saw you over there and I was gonna-”
“You weren’t. That’s why I did,” she said with a smile. He was different. She could tell in just the handful of words they had exchanged. But he was still Sam. Maybe just a little rougher around the edges.
“If I didn’t know how to be with you Leila, I certainly don’t know how to be around you now.” He figured she deserved honesty after all these years. Besides, he had lost his chance with her long ago. There was no use in trying to save face or act suaver than he was.
“Well, if you’re here long enough we can try to figure it out. Try to find our inner second graders and go back to the simpler times,” she teased. Sam smiled and felt warm at the thought. Sometimes, people were meant to be in your life. You don’t always know how or why but you know you can’t live fully without them. She was one of those people to him. He was one of those people to her. It’d be worth the awkwardness to find some sense of rhythm and belonging again.
“Okay then let’s start simple. I’m here to work on the boat and brought some stuff for dinner if you have the time.” It sounded easy enough. Harmless enough. Two people catching up. There was a lot of that going around since they all had been snapped back. “Unless there’s someone in your life and doing that would be weird cause all the ladies here would certainly spread that around town.” She looked down at her shoes with a sad smile.
“There is but there isn’t. It’s a long story,” she replied.
“I have a lot of long stories too,” he shared. Without thinking, he reached for her hand and she met him halfway. Just the simple act made her feel safe and secure. Made her feel more protected than she had in years. Like she didn’t need to look over her shoulder in fear because he would be behind her. “Come on.” 
She followed him to the old Wilson family boat and stood still for a moment once her feet landed on deck. It had been so long since she had stepped foot on the vessel, years of memories rushing back at her. She found her way down into the galley and smiled as she thought about the times with Sam where they had taken full advantage of the privacy being below deck brought them. As kids they had pretended it was pirate ship. As teenagers it was place to steal kisses and exploring touches. As young adults it had been sharing beers and learning about physical intimacy. “During those five years, Sarah let displaced persons live here. The marina felt like a real community again. Like it did back when we were little.” Leila paused at the corkboard with pictures and let her fingers brush the polaroid of her that was pinned there.
“She hasn’t mentioned that to me,” Sam replied as he emptied the paper bag of food onto the tiny table tucked into the corner. 
“I’m sure you’ve both had more than enough to catch up on.” She slid into the chair he pulled out for her and took a nervous sip of a water bottle. “Thanks for the food,” she said with a smile as she popped a piece of shrimp into her mouth. 
“It’s your favorite place. It’d be sacrilege to eat it without you.” 
“It’s weird. The things you still remember about someone after time apart. The things you didn’t know you remembered until you saw them again.” She avoided his gaze when she looked up and saw how soft his eyes were as they landed on her. He had caused her nothing but pain and heartbreak since she had seen him last. He didn’t deserve her forgiveness. Didn’t deserve a second chance with her heart. Didn’t deserve to look at her like he loved her.
“You said there was someone,” Sam asked, clearing his throat. He couldn’t spend another second with her, falling in love all over again, if there was someone waiting for her at home. 
“I was engaged. Pre-blip. He...dusted while we were on vacation. Everyone else came back…” she paused and wiped a tear from her cheek. “I assume he’s happier wherever he is and doesn’t want to come back to me.” In her eyes, it was exactly what Sam had done. Gotten a taste of life without her and decided it was the one he preferred to live. Sam reached for her hand across the table but she pulled it out of his reach.
“I’m sorry.” For what he did or her fiance did, he wasn’t sure.
“Don’t be. I’m tired of everyone feeling sorry for me. I should be used to being alone by now.” She dropped her head into her hands with a sad chuckle. “I didn’t take you up on your offer to be snarky or rehash the past. I’m sorry.”
Now it was his turn. “Don’t be. What I did all those years ago. Not writing you back. Not calling when I got to DC-”
“I can’t relive it, Sam.” It was still too raw. Too real. Too ever present in the back of her mind that she barely survived it the first time, let alone talking it out with him a second time.
“I was scared. Scared of the fact that we had a real future together and real plans and a real chance of making it in this world. I was scared back then and I can’t be scared now. Not anymore.” If he didn’t say what he needed to, wanted to, he would never be able to live with himself. Not with all the loss he had suffered. “And when I watched my partner fall from the sky I was even more scared of not having those things. Of depriving you of your chance to have them. I knew I was committed to a life of service and that there’d be times when I had to put you second and I didn’t want to make that choice.”
“It wasn’t your choice to make. You took that choice away from me,” she responded with a new fire residing inside of her. She had never got the chance to have this fight with Sam. Her spirit had been waiting long enough.
“You’re right. I made the choice to give us a clean break-”
“Clean? Were you high on gunpowder over there?” She slid off the chair angrily and grabbed her purse from where she had tossed it. Her appetite was gone. Her elation at sharing a meal with Sam Wilson was gone.
“Don’t walk away from this. We owe it to ourselves to have this out. End things for good!” he called after her as he followed her onto the deck of the boat.
“I hate you, Sam! I hated you everyday for years and even when others came along I hated you for making it impossible to move on! I hate you for being you and I hate myself even more for still loving you!” she jabbed her finger in his direction then promptly deflated. 
“I never hated you, Leila. I never stopped being in love with you.” He wanted to kiss her. Crush her against him and never let her go. Promise her that he was ready to settle down and give her the life they had dreamt about together all those years ago. He took a step and she held up a hand to stop him.
“If you take another step, you have to understand what it means.” Sam grabbed her hand and pressed his lips to her palm. Kissed the tip of every finger and held it to his chest.
“It means I will never break another promise to you. Means you’re my forever and you have my heart for the rest of time. It means I will never put you second ever again and will spend the rest of my days earning your trust and forgiveness.” She stepped forward but kept her hand right where it was.
“Kiss me,” she whispered. And he did. It was softer than the reunion kisses of his dreams. His fingers were threaded in her hair, her eyelashes brushing against the top of his cheekbones as she leaned against him to try and get closer, closer, closer. Her hands were softer against his cheeks than he thinks he deserves. They held him with care. A delicate nature that had been removed from his life since the last time he held her like this. Leila’s toes stretched her upwards until Sam read her cue and gripped her thighs so she could jump and be his height. “Keep your hands above my waist.”
“What?” he asked dizzily as he pulled away but nipped at her jaw.
“You still have a lot of trust and forgiveness to earn,” she teased as she unhooked her legs from his waist and landed on her own two feet.
“Damn do you know how to wrap a man around your finger.” He pulled her in for a searing kiss. But he couldn’t help his mind wandering to her fiance. The man who abandoned her in some far corner of the world. Sam wanted to find him and...and maybe his anger at himself now had a different target after all these years. “Do you have a ride home?” he asked tenderly as he swayed with her in his arms.
“Are you offering to fly me back?” she asked jokingly but also seriously. She’d say yes if he offered. 
“No. I wish I could but the men in camo don’t trust me outside the base.” She pouted and it punched him in the gut. “Soon. I’ll make it work, figure something out.” The following moment of peaceful silence and companionship was interrupted by his phone ringing in his pocket.
“Real work or superhero work?” she asked as he looked at it with a furrowed brow. 
“Both. Just need a minute and then...then…” It kept ringing and ringing, he couldn’t get a thought out.
“I’ll go clean downstairs. Don’t take too long.” She kissed his cheek, dragging her hand down his arm before twining their fingers briefly, Sam not letting her escape his grasp until she got too far away to hold onto. He knew he kept putting this on his plate. His normal missions as Falcon. The Flag Smashers. The house and the boat. All of them felt like a weight on his soul but Leila...Leila felt like she lifted it. When she was around, he felt like he could breathe again. He was doing his best to juggle everything and he hoped, and prayed, none of them fell from his grasp. Not again. Not this time.
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thatmexisaurusrex · 3 years
The Extravagant Courting of a Modern Midgardian
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I might tweak this cover a bit, but here's a sneak peek/the cover for the first Sarah Wilson femslash fic I'm going to write this month! It'll probably come out around Sunday or Monday, so be prepared @honestlyfrance! This is going to be a Sarah Wilson/Brunnhilde fic and it's going to be so much fun 😆
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stevie2101 · 3 years
TFATWS Episode 5: My (Unwanted) Thoughts
Read the episode description and cheered very loudly. Been waiting WEEKS for this.
Now onto my (chronological) thoughts:
(Wyatt Russell is a great actor)
Why are you acting like you did nothing wrong? You literally just ran from the scene of the crime YOU committed. Why run if you think you did nothing wrong?
WHOOP HIS ASS! I love them both so much 😭
Oh Sam....The total despair in his eyes seeing how the legacy is tainted from John. The way the blood smears, I'm crying.
My boy Torres!!!!! "You got the sleve back" LMAO
Bucky, you better not be mad at Sam. It's not Sam's fault what John did or that John was even given the Captain America mantle (without any psychological screenings might I add)
Yoooooo, Sam just passed the Falcon mantle! Torres deserves it. 👏
His wife lookin' real dumb, sticking by his side. Honey, you deserve better! Just like Lamar deserved a better best friend (I said what I said).
Who tf is this lady? Like her hair.
Am I surprised they didn't do more severe punishments? No, absolutely not. But, I'm glad he's officially stripped of the Captain America mantle and publicly condemned.
He killed an unarmed man though! A man that didn't do anything! There should be justice for him.
And oop, Karli is gonna deliver. I get it.
Oh, the Sokovia monument...
Bucky, what's Rule Number Two?
Oh this reminds me of Civil War. Zemo listened to the voice-mail from his wife when he was ready to die. He's at the monument that's basically his family and he's, again, ready to die. I feel bad for Zemo, I said it. I shouldn't, but I do.
HA that smirk from Bucky.
AYO!!!!! So happy to see her and that her and Bucky are on kind of good terms again.
Wait, what's the favor?
The captions called him Eli, it's official!
..... I'm horrified. The complete dehumanization....Oh my god, Isaiah's been through enough pain for a lifetime. He deserves to garden in peace. I wish he could get justice, get public recognition for what he went through, but I respect and understand his decision for laying low.
I don't want to compare Isaiah to Steve because that completely undermines Isaiah's character, but Steve did the literal same thing that Isaiah did. He went to go save Bucky against direct orders. He came back a hero. Isaiah came back a prisoner.
Shit, maybe the shield should be destroyed.
Sam, you should talk about it with Sarah. You deserve a chance to express how you're feeling.
I love the sense of community and Sam asking for help.
Something’s too heavy? You know who could lift that?
....Bucky? And Sarah? 😏
No 'cause that was a very REAL smile he gave her.
Lamar's sister is not believing John at all. Good.
Sharon, honey, what are you doing? You're adding more credibility to the theory you're the Power Broker, what are you doing? Sharon, honey.
I have been waiting for more Sam content and for him and Bucky to bond and they are DELIVERING!!!!
I am so glad Bucky recognized his and Steve's privilege and apologized.
Bucky is so open with Sam and was obviously looking for Sam to tell him it was okay. But Sam doesn't do that because he gets Bucky and knows what he really needs to actually make progress. WE LOVE SAM WILSON IN THIS HOUSEHOLD.
I'm sorry, I love this training sequence. It's funny while also being uplifting.
Also Anthony Mackie could get it.
At first I was like, okay, not all of the GRC are monsters when the lady was saying that there's no resources yet at the camps and they shouldn't do anything yet.....Before I realized that none of the members were actually campaigning to NOT forcibly remove the internationally displaced persons. Totally not mad at Karli.
Stupid John Walker ass in the end credits. Dumbass trying to make a shield that's just going to break in two seconds. 🙄 Hate him. Glad to see him suffer though! 😁
Only criticism I have is that Sam is being too much of a therapist. He should get a chance to properly express his own emotions and what he's going through.
Absolutely loved this episode, might be one of my favourite so far.
Lots of questions before the finale next week. So many plotlines to wrap up in one episode. I'm gonna have faith though 🤞
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mysticalhearth · 4 years
A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder - Broadway - November 24, 2013 (Lanelle's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jefferson Mays (The D'Ysquith Family), Bryce Pinkham (Monty Navarro), Lisa O'Hare (Sibella Hallward), Lauren Worsham (Phoebe D'Ysquith), Jane Carr (Miss Marietta Shingle), Joanna Glushak (Lady Eugenia D'Ysquith and others), Eddie Korbich (Magistrate/Actor/Mr. Gorby), Jeff Kready (Tom Copley/Newsboy/Actor/Guard), Jennifer Smith (Tour Guide/Newsboy), Catherine Walker (Miss Evangeline Barley and others), Price Waldman (Barber / Detective) A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder - Broadway - January 18, 2015 (Matinee) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jefferson Mays (The D'Ysquith Family), Bryce Pinkham (Monty Navarro), Lisa O'Hare (Sibella Hallward), Catherine Walker (Phoebe D'Ysquith), Barbara Marineau (Miss Marietta Shingle), Joanna Glushak (Lady Eugenia D'Ysquith and others), Eddie Korbich (Magistrate/Actor/Mr. Gorby), Jeff Kready (Tom Copley/Newsboy/Actor/Guard), Jennifer Smith (Tour Guide/Newsboy), Price Waldman (Chief Inspector Pinckney/Newsboy/Actor) NOTES: Bryce's last show before his return in July. A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder - First National Tour - September 29, 2015 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: John Rapson (The D'Ysquith Family), Kevin Massey (Monty Navarro), Kristen Beth Williams (Sibella Hallward), Adrienne Eller (Phoebe D'Ysquith), Mary VanArsdel (Miss Marietta Shingle), Kristen Mengelkoch (Lady Eugenia D'Ysquith and others), Christopher Behmke (Magistrate/Actor/Mr. Gorby), Matt Leisy (Tom Copley/Newsboy/Actor/Guard), Megan Loomis (Tour Guide/Newsboy), Ben Roseberry (Chief Inspector Pinckney/Newsboy/Actor), Lesley McKinnell (Miss Evangeline Barley and others) NOTES: Beautiful capture of the tour which launched in Chicago. There's tiny bits of washout when the camera is in wideshot due to the spotlights of the stage. Terrific cast and a wonderful tour of this production! A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder - First National Tour - April 24, 2016 (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: John Rapson (The D'Ysquith Family), Kevin Massey (Monty Navarro), Kristen Beth Williams (Sibella Hallward), Adrienne Eller (Phoebe D'Ysquith), Mary VanArsdel (Miss Marietta Shingle), Megan Loomis (u/s Lady Eugenia D'Ysquith and others), Christopher Behmke (Magistrate/Actor/Mr. Gorby), Matt Leisy (Tom Copley/Newsboy/Actor/Guard), Ben Roseberry (Chief Inspector Pinckney/Newsboy/Actor), Lesley McKinnell (Miss Evangeline Barley and others) NOTES: A great capture of the tour. The cast is solid, and the audience is energetic. There are no blackouts, no obstruction, and no washout. It’s filmed in 16:9, with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. The sound is excellent. Includes curtain call, John and Kevin’s BC/EFA speech, and playbill scans. A+ Gentlemen Prefer Blondes - Encores! - May 12, 2012 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Megan Hilty (Lorelei Lee), Rachel York (Dorothy Shaw), Aaron Lazar (Henry Spofford), Steven Boyer (Pierre/Louis Lemanteur), Brennan Brown (Steward/Mr. Robert Lemanteur/Gus Esmond Sr.), Stephen Buntrock (Josephus Gage), Simon Jones (Sir Francis Beekman), Deborah Rush (Mrs. Ella Spofford), Sandra Shipley (Lady Phyllis Beekman), Megan Sikora (Gloria Stark), Clarke Thorell (Gus Esmond Jr.) NOTES: Filmed from the back of the balcony. Many heads appear in the frame to start, then when the filmer gets his bearings, the video improves greatly. There are a few times (mostly at the beginning) when the filmer replaces some poor video moments with still shots. These still shots are less than 2 or 3 minutes of the entire show. Overall, a great video, and Megan Hilty is amazing Ghost: The Musical - Berlin - June, 2018 (Rumpel's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Nikolas Heiber (u/s Sam Wheat), Willemijn Verkaik (Molly Jensen), Marion Campbell (Oda Mae Brown), Andreas Bongard (Carl Bruner), Mischa Kiek (Willie Lopez), Nicolas Christahl (Subway Ghost), Klaus Seiffert (Hospital Ghost), Chasity Crisp (Clara), Denise Lucie Aquino (Louise) NOTES: Very Limited trades 3:1 Ghost: The Musical - Broadway - July 28, 2012 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Richard Fleeshman (Sam Wheat), Caissie Levy (Molly Jensen), Da'Vine Joy Randolph (Oda Mae Brown), Bryce Pinkham (Carl Bruner), Michael Bladerrama (Willie Lopez), Tyler McGee (Subway Ghost) NOTES: Great HD capture of the show toward the end of the run. This is a great capture compared the previous one from March, with the changes that were made from the previews and with the original Oda Mae Brown. Despite what the reviews said, this is one show I thoroughly enjoyed and wish it had a better life on Broadway as it deserved! A- Recording with mostly zooms and a few wide shots. Great views of the effects. A Google Drive link is floating around that contains the wrong VOBs for Act 1-3 and Act 2-2; make sure you get everything! Ghost: The Musical - Hamburg - January 13, 2019 (Closing Night) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Riccardo Greco (Sam Wheat), Roberta Valentini (Molly Jensen), Marion Campbell (Oda Mae Brown), John Vooijs (Carl Bruner), Mischa Kiek (Willie Lopez), Marius Bingel (Subway Ghost), Alex Bellinkx (Hospital Ghost), Enny de Alba (Clara), Tamara Wörner (Louise) NOTES: Poor picture Quality, no zoom but captures all action and great sound Ghost: The Musical - Hamburg - January, 2019 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Riccardo Greco (Sam Wheat), Roberta Valentini (Molly Jensen), Marion Campbell (Oda Mae Brown), John Vooijs (Carl Bruner), Mischa Kiek (Willie Lopez), Marius Bingel (Subway Ghost), Alex Bellinkx (Hospital Ghost), Enny de Alba (Clara), Tamara Wörner (Louise) NOTES: Filmed from first row. Great capture of the full show. Ghost: The Musical - London Workshop - February 13, 2010 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Oliver Tompsett (Sam Wheat), Natalie Mendoza (Molly Jensen), Sharon D Clarke (Oda Mae Brown) NOTES: Proshot, stand and sing performance. Ghost: The Musical - US First National Tour - January 12, 2014 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Steven Grant Douglas (Sam Wheat), Katie Postotnik (Molly Jensen), Carla R Stewart (Oda Mae Brown), Robby Haltiwanger (Carl Bruner) Ghost: The Musical - West End - October 4, 2012 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Mark Evans (Sam Wheat), Siobhan Dillon (Molly Jensen), Sharon D Clarke (Oda Mae Brown), Andrew Langtree (Carl Bruner), Ivan de Freitas (Willie Lopez), Scott Maurice (Subway Ghost) Der Glöckner von Notre Dame - Berlin - 1999 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Drew Sarich (Quasimodo), Ruby Rosales (Esmeralda), Norbert Lamla (Frollo), André Bauer (Phoebus), Chris Murray (Clopin), Andreas Gergen (The Archdeacon) Der Glöckner von Notre Dame - Berlin - August 14, 1999 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Drew Sarich (Quasimodo), Ruby Rosales (u/s Esmeralda), Norbert Lamla (Frollo), André Bauer (u/s Phoebus), Chris Murray (Clopin) Godspell - Brazilian CEFTEM Production - September 4, 2015 (Papa Rose 2015's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Bruno Fraga (Jesus), Oscar Fabião (John/Judas), Bernardo Dugin, Carol Botelho, Gabi Porto, Giovana Rangel, João Telles, Laura Zennet, Lyv Ziese, Vinícius Teixeira NOTES: Excellent video of this marvelous production. Some heads at the bottom of the screen when it isn't zoomed in, but they only block the actors' feet. Gone With The Wind (Martin) - Palais Des Sports De Paris - 2003 FORMAT:  MKV (HD) CAST: Laura Presgurvic, Vincent Niclo, Sandra Léane, Dominique Magloire, Cyril Niccolaï NOTES: ProShot Grease - 8th UK Tour - October, 2019 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MTS CAST: Will Haswell (u/s Danny Zuko), Martha Kirby (Sandy Dumbrowski), Louis Grant (Kenickie), Rhianne-Louise Mccaulsky (Betty Rizzo), Darren Bennett (Vince Fontaine), Peter Andre (Teen Angel), Jordan Abey (Doody), Ryan Anderson (Roger), Damian Buhagiar (Sonny Latierri), Eloise Davies (Frenchy), Natalie Woods (Jan), Tara Sweeting (Marty), Kevin O'Dwyer (u/s Johnny Casino) NOTES: Shot from the right mezzanine. Has some great closeups, mediums and wide shots. Some heads can obstruct at times, bu don't take away from the action. Audience is really loud and kinda badly behaved. Grease - Grease: Live (FOX Special) - January 31, 2016 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Aaron Tveit (Danny Zuko), Julianne Hough (Sandy Dumbrowski), Carlos PenaVega (Kenickie), Vanessa Hudgens (Betty Rizzo), Jordan Fisher (Doody), Carly Rae Jepsen (Frenchy), Kether Donohue (Jan), Noah Robbins (Eugene Florczyk), Elle McLemore (Patty Simcox) NOTES: TV Special aired on FOX on Jan 31 2016 Grease - Manila, Philippines - August 15, 1995 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Lea Salonga (Sandy Dumbrowski) NOTES: Quality loss Grease - Second Broadway Revival - July 28, 2007 (Preview) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Max Crumm (Danny Zuko), Laura Osnes (Sandy Dumbrowski), Matthew Saldivar (Kenickie), Jenny Powers (Betty Rizzo), Stephen Buntrock (Teen Angel), Ryan Patrick Binder (Doody), Daniel Everidge (Roger), Jose Restrepo (Sonny Latierri), Kirsten Wyatt (Frenchy), Lindsay Mendez (Jan), Robyn Hurder (Marty), Allison Fischer (Patty Simcox) NOTES: Good picture and great sound with nice closeups throughout with a head in the way only once or twice for a few moments. Grey Gardens - Off-Broadway - April 30, 2006 (Closing Night) FORMAT:  MKV (SD) CAST: Christine Ebersole ("Little" Edie Beale / Young Edith Bouvier Beale), Mary Louise Wilson (Edith Bouvier Beale), Sara Gettelfinger (Young "Little" Edie Beale), Matt Cavenaugh (Joseph Patrick Kennedy Jr. / Jerry), John McMartin (J.V. Major Bouvier/Norman Vincent Beale), Bob Stillman (George Gould Strong), Michael Potts (Brooks Sr. / Brooks Jr.), Sarah Hyland (Jacqueline Bouvier), Audrey Twitchell (Young Lee Bouvier) The Grinning Man - West End - March 12, 2018 (Highlights) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Louis Maskell (Grinpayne), Julian Bleach (Barkilphedro), Sean Kingsley (Ursus), Sanne Den Besten (Dea), Amanda Wilkin (Josiana), Ewan Black (Trelaw/Osric), Mark Anderson (Dirry-Moir), James Alexander-Taylor (Mojo), Julie Atherton (Queen Angelica), Sophia Mackay (Mother/Quake), Jim Kitson (King Clarence) NOTES: 1920x1080 YouTube rip. Highlights, filmed at an angle from the second row with some obstructions throughout. Highlights consist of: Act 1, Labyrinth, A World Of Feeling, Only A Clown, Curtain Call. Groundhog Day - Broadway - March 16, 2017 (Preview) (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Andy Karl (Phil Connors), Barrett Doss (Rita Hanson), Rebecca Faulkenberry (Nancy), John Sanders (Ned Ryerson), Raymond J Lee (Ralph), Andrew Call (Gus), Josh Lamon (Buster), Gerard Canonico (Fred), Heather Ayers (Mrs. Lancaster), William Parry (Jenson), Michael Fatica (Chubby Man), Travis Waldschmidt (Jeff), Joseph Medeiros (Deputy), Taylor Iman Jones (Lady Storm Chaser), Rheaume Crenshaw (Doris), Sean Montgomery (Sheriff), Jenna Rubaii (Joelle), Tari Kelly (Piano Teacher), Vishal Vaidya (Larry), Katy Geraghty (Debbie) NOTES: This is the first preview where the set broke down after about 15 minutes and the rest of the show was performed "concert style". All announcements (both over the speakers and onstage with the director/cast) are included in the video. In Act 2 Overture, The music stops for a second and then restarts. During the mid finale scene which is before when Phil runs around town doing “errands”, Matthew Warchus comes out and informs everyone that they will skip scenes due to the tech issue and just go to the scene of the song where Phil and Rita have their dance and from there.  
Groundhog Day - Broadway - March 20, 2017 (Preview) (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Andy Karl (Phil Connors), Barrett Doss (Rita Hanson), Rebecca Faulkenberry (Nancy), John Sanders (Ned Ryerson), Raymond J Lee (Ralph), Andrew Call (Gus), Josh Lamon (Buster), Gerard Canonico (Fred), Heather Ayers (Mrs. Lancaster), William Parry (Jenson), Michael Fatica (Chubby Man), Travis Waldschmidt (Jeff), Joseph Medeiros (Deputy), Taylor Iman Jones (Lady Storm Chaser), Rheaume Crenshaw (Doris), Sean Montgomery (Sheriff), Jenna Rubaii (Joelle), Tari Kelly (Piano Teacher), Vishal Vaidya (Larry), Katy Geraghty (Debbie) NOTES: Better capture of the fully working performance than from the first preview vid. Nicely filmed in HD with clear picture and sound; complete show; great video
 Groundhog Day - Broadway - April 1, 2017 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Andy Karl (Phil Connors), Barrett Doss (Rita Hanson), Rebecca Faulkenberry (Nancy), John Sanders (Ned Ryerson), Raymond J Lee (Ralph), Andrew Call (Gus), Josh Lamon (Buster), Gerard Canonico (Fred), Heather Ayers (Mrs. Lancaster), William Parry (Jenson), Michael Fatica (Chubby Man), Travis Waldschmidt (Jeff), Joseph Medeiros (Deputy), Taylor Iman Jones (Lady Storm Chaser), Rheaume Crenshaw (Doris), Sean Montgomery (Sheriff), Jenna Rubaii (Joelle), Tari Kelly (Piano Teacher), Vishal Vaidya (Larry), Katy Geraghty (Debbie) NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the new musical based on the movie. Such an amazing set and Andy gives a terrific performance. The set malfunctioned once and they had to pause and restart the song. Guys and Dolls - Fourth Broadway Revival - March 18, 1992 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Nathan Lane (Nathan Detroit), Faith Prince (Miss Adelaide), Peter Gallagher (Sky Masterson), Josie de Guzman (Sarah Brown) Guys and Dolls - North Shore Music Theatre - October-November, 2012 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Jonathan Hammond (Nathan Detroit), Mylinda Hull (Miss Adelaide), Kevin Vortmann (Sky Masterson), Kelly McCormick (Sarah Brown), Wayne W Pretlow (Nicely-Nicely Johnson), Jamie Ross (Arvide Abernathy), Ben Roseberry (Benny Southstreet), Jessica Sheridan (General Matilda B. Cartwright) Gypsy - West End Revival - 2015 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Imelda Staunton (Rose), Peter Davison (Herbie), Lara Pulver (Louise), Gemma Sutton (June), Dan Burton (Tulsa), Julie Legrand (Electra), Anita Louise Combe (Tessie Tura), Louise Gold (Mazeppa), Billy Hartman (Uncle Jocko), Scarlet Roche (Baby June), Lara Wollington (Baby Louise), Patrick Romer (Pop) NOTES: Note from Blvd-on-Sunset: Two versions exist. One is broadcast by the BBC, has the logo watermark at the top left corner and is being traded at 540p. The other is released by Universal Studios in 1080p on BluRay and can be found on Amazon Prime Video (UK only) Check with traders which version they own.
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Can Our Love Survive Ch. 15
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Bucky Barnes x Reader, Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Words: 1053
Warning: None
A/N: Sorry, I’m posting this late. This chapter is a filler but it does have a purpose. Relationships and friendships have changed and lines have been drawn. I promise next weeks installment will be longer. Enjoy!
Bucky wasn't in school the next day, but neither was Sam. It took Sam a couple of days to recover from the stomping he received before he could show his face. However, when Sam did return later that week everything changed and none of it good.
Natasha heard the entire incident first from you then from Steve. By the time she got to Sam, her mind was made up. Nat decided to hear his version of events, but in the end, she felt Bucky was justified and Sam's choice of words against you hit too deep for her to forgive. She ended their relationship and didn’t even feel bad about walking away.
Steve also turned his back on Sam. It's wasn't that he felt he deserved to have his face rearranged, but after talking things over with Sarah, he realized Sam had overstepped some major boundaries and the words he said about his twin and her mental state were enough to erase their friendship. Blood is always thicker than water.  
Sam appeared to be a man without a county and decided to hang out with Tony and Pepper. The couple had made it known they were remaining neutral since neither of them were involved with the altercation. They hoped that someday forgiveness could be achieved, and they’d all be friends again but understood the wounds of were too fresh and everyone needed time to heal. Tony and Pepper let it be known they’d be waiting with open arms when the time was right.
Clint had chosen to side with Steve and Nat. He was loyal to his closeted boyfriend, but once he heard the details, he was upset that Sam would say things he knew would be hurtful you. He'd plan to have a very angry conversation Sam but would give himself time to cool off.
Everything was a mess. You sat in class, distracted and unable to focus, all you could think about was Bucky. It’d been a few days and you hadn’t heard from your boyfriend, the boy ignoring your texts and calls making you increasingly worried as the days went on without contact. The silence from Bucky was deafening and didn’t do anything to dispel the fear creeping inside you that something was seriously wrong.
“Sweetheart,” Nat says, trying to get your attention. Your teacher was out, and a substitute was taking her place.  
Your eyes meet the redheads, but you don’t speak. Talking hasn’t been big on your priority list since battle Barnes and Wilson took place in your kitchen.
“Honey, are you okay?”
You shake your head and lower your eyes to your desk. Part of you wanted to give a snarky response for her ridiculous question. Being your best friend, you’d think she’d know you were definitely not okay and table that sort of question for another time.
“Wanna go for a drive?”
Raising your head and eyebrows, you’re intrigued by her question. You nod and without hesitation she leaves her seat and walks out the door, the fill in teacher not even batting an eye. It was obvious they weren’t paying attention so, why not?  Following Nat’s lead, you stood and left the classroom without so much as a look from the teacher sitting behind the desk.  
You meet up with her in the hallway and make your way to the exit nearest her car. There's no talk between the two of you, clearly focused on getting out without being seen. Everyone's in class and the hallways are clear, but sometimes teachers roam the halls and the object was to not get caught.  
The coast was clear as you exited the building and made your way through the crowded parking lot. Since Nat’s car was a classic, not only did it stand out, but she parked it in the way back to avoid any potential damage to her beauty. She'd kill anyone if they hurt that car.  
As you get closer, she gets out her car keys and throws them in your direction. You would have missed them if you hadn't seen the quick movement out of the corner of your eye. “The fuck Nat?” Your face a mixture of shock and awe. She just threw you the keys to her most precious possession. Nat has clearly lost her mind.
“Hark! Fair Juliet speaks.” You give her an eye roll. “What? You don't want to drive?”
“But I lost the bet.” Reminding her of the challenge you accepted long ago.
“It was never a bet, you won either way. There was never a way you could lose.” She smiles and continues walking.
“But Nat… this car… your baby… you love this car more than life itself!” You’re still in disbelief of the situation.
“No, I love you more than life itself. The car is just an item, it only holds a monetary value. You're more precious to me than any car and right now, you need a boost.”  
Her declaration made you feel warm inside. Nat was your best friend, but in that moment her words made you feel like she was trying to tell you something. Maybe she's just trying to get over her breakup and she didn't mean those words to sound as deep as you thought. Best not to dwell on that idea. She just trying to be an amazing friend.
“Thank you, Nat. You really are my best friend.” You head to the driver’s side door, giddy and nervous as hell.
“Don't you ever forget it.” She opens the passenger door and climbs in.
“Nat...do you ever lock your doors?” Noticing the doors just open without a key.
“No one is stupid enough to even think about fucking with me or this car!”
“Guess that's cause you're a bad bitch huh?”  
“You know it! Now get in and put the key in the ignition and drive.”
You nod and get in the car, shutting the door and placing the key in the ignition. Inhaling a deep breath, you slowly let it out before you turn the key and start the engine, the bad ass car roaring to life making you feel like a fucking boss.
“So where to my lady?” You ask the redhead sitting next to you.
 Nat turns to face you a smirk plastered on her face. “Bucky’s.” 
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