#sarah plain and tall au
peavhyshy · 7 months
𝗛𝗢𝗡𝗘𝗬𝗠𝗢𝗢𝗡. (oneshot)
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Pairing: Prince!Rafe Cameron x Princess!Reader
Summary: Royal/Arranged Marriage AU - in which you find yourself thrust into an arranged marriage with a handsome yet unpredictable prince.
Warnings: mild language, explicit language, period typical language, dubious consent, smut, angst, fluff, suggestive/sexual language, power dynamics/manipulation, classism, misogynistic behavior, possessive behavior, traditional gender roles/expectations around marriage, character development, rough sex, oral sex, fingering, dominance and submission, hair-pulling, marking/biting, and unprotected vaginal sex
Words: 10,863
a/n: this has been in the works for a while, it's kind of long but I hope you enjoy and I also want to make blurbs for this on the side because I didn't want to make this into a series with parts because that too much work and I'm lazy.
Outer Banks Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Honeymoon (song it's based off by lana del rey)
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The sunlight filtered through the windows of the lavish bridal room, its gauzy white curtains blowing softly in the afternoon sea breeze. You stood before the three-way mirror, your dress and hair only half done as your friends flitted around you, pinning and primping. Your eyes looked anxious despite your gentle smile. 
"I don't know if I can do this, girls," You fretted, brow furrowed. "Rafe seems so...intense. And our families barely know each other! What if he doesn't like me?" 
From behind you, Sarah chuckled as she twisted your long curls into an elegant updo. "Trust me, my brother likes what he sees well enough. He may be a cocky jerk sometimes but he could do way worse." 
Kiara added dryly from the window seat, "Yeah, like get stuck with somebody boring instead of a kind heart like you. Try to relax. Just be your sweet self and I'm sure you'll win him over."
You sighed. "I'll try. It's just all so much pressure, you know? An entire life and future riding on a few short hours." You turned to peer at your reflection, barely recognizing the woman in the gown. "Do you think I look okay? Not too plain?"
Your friends assured you with smiles. It was almost time. For better or worse, Rafe Cameron would soon be your destiny. You steeled your nerves and prayed this royal match may prove to be no prison, but a partnership made in heaven.
You held your breath as your mother swept into the room, eyes scanning your gowned figure in the mirror with a practiced critical eye. 
"Hmm. The dress is adequate I suppose, even if a touch too modest," Lady Smith observed. Her gaze shifted to your face, tightening slightly. "And do try to look a bit happier, darling. A man does not want a sullen bride, no matter her dowry. Remember - you are representing our entire family today. Do strive to be pleasant."
You swallowed back a sigh. "Yes, Mother. I will do my best to charm Prince Rafe and make us all proud."
Your friends' faces radiated empathy. Even they knew how rigorous Lady Smith's standards could be. But then the older woman surprised you all with the barest hint of a smile. 
"Have faith, my dear. A marriage is what you and your husband choose to make of it. Now, come - it is nearly time. Chin up and smile as if you've won the lottery. Which, in a way, you have."  
With that, she whisked from the room, leaving you to draw a steadying breath. Your friends gave encouraging smiles and squeezed your hands. This was it - for better or worse, your future began now.
The ceremonial hall was awash with sparkling lights and fragrant flowers as dusk fell. Rafe stood tall by the altar, tugging irritably at his stiff collar. His gaze roamed restlessly over the assembled guests while Rose droned on beside him about proper etiquette. 
"And remember to look her in the eyes when you say your vows," Rose nattered. "The audience will be hanging on your every word."
Rafe scoffed under his breath. As if he gave a damn about any of these stuffy traditions. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Ward approaching, lips pursed in that familiar disapproving frown. 
"Try to pay attention, son," Ward rumbled, handing him a small scroll. "These are the terms your betrothed's father expects you to agree to. Mind you, hold up your end of the bargain." 
Rafe scanned the endless stipulations with a curl of his lip. As if he was some prize mare to be sold to the highest bidder. But he knew better than to argue. 
"Yeah, yeah," he muttered, tucking away the scroll. His gaze fell on Wheezie's small form near the front, watching him with wide eyes. At least one Cameron was on his side, the innocent little dove that she was. 
The trumpets sounded then, signaling the bride's arrival. Showtime. Straightening his uniform jacket, Rafe pasted on his most rakish grin and steeled himself to meet his political match. 
His gaze drifted to the double doors at the end of the hall, anticipation and annoyance battling within him. No doubt some meek little flower they'd chosen to shackle him to for the sake of power and status. Still, a small part of him was curious to lay eyes on this Y/N Smith his advisors claimed would make such a perfect royal match.
When the doors swept open, Rafe straightened and schooled his features into a haughty mask of indifference. But the sight that met his gaze gave him pause. There, being escorted down the aisle on your father's arm, was a vision in ivory silk and lace. His brows lifted in surprise at the beauty gliding toward him with eyes demurely downcast. This was his intended bride?
The closer you came, the faster Rafe's pulse raced. Your cheeks were flushed, lips painted pink. Your curls spilled over your shoulders, begging to be toyed with. His gaze roamed lower, taking in the enticing curves and dips of your figure through your gown. A slow smirk spread over his face. Perhaps this evening would prove more enjoyable than anticipated. By the time you lifted your gaze to meet his at the altar, Rafe's ice blue eyes gleamed with heat and the thrill of the hunt. No meek flower here - only a rare, exotic bloom ready to be plucked. And if your quick intake of breath was any indication, the feeling just might be mutual. Excellent. 
Rafe's smirk widened at your reaction, noting the pretty blush that rose to your cheeks. His gaze swept over you appreciatively as you took your place beside him, leaning close to murmur in a low, husky tone for your ears alone. "Well now, aren't you a tempting morsel? I do believe I'll enjoy unwrapping my gift later this evening, Mrs. Cameron." His eyes flashed suggestively at the way your breath caught, enjoying how flustered you seemed by his proximity and blunt words. Perhaps the little dove wasn't quite so meek after all. All the better.
Rafe barely paid attention as the pompous old minister droned on, too focused on watching emotions flit across your expressive features. Annoyance, uncertainty, even a spark of temper in those fathomless eyes. His new bride was no giggling debutante, that much was clear. When the time came to recite your vows, his were short and to the point. But the words he chose made your gaze snap to his in surprise.
"To have and to hold, for better and worse, as long as we both shall live. I vow to worship you with my body, protect you with my sword, and share with you all the spoils of my conquests. You are mine, now and always." His thumb brushed your wrist in a possessive caress as he slid the ring onto your finger. "With this ring, I pledge to you my heart, and swear you shall never want for passion."
Rafe couldn't resist adding in a husky undertone as the minister pronounced them man and wife, "Pucker up, princess. Time for the fun part." His arm slid around your waist and he dipped you dramatically, sealing your vows with a searing kiss as your audience erupted into raucous cheers.
Your eyes went wide as Rafe's arm wrapped around your waist, and before you could protest his lips descended onto yours in a scorching kiss. Your first instinct was to squirm away, unused to such public displays of affection - but his strong arms held you in place, and after a moment you found yourself melting into the kiss. By the time Rafe lifted his head, Your cheeks were flaming and you were breathless.
Rafe's smug chuckle brought you back to yourself. "Cat got your tongue, wife?" He teased, eyes gleaming. You huffed, straightened and attempted to smooth your disheveled hair and gown.
"Must you always be so…so…" You struggled for the right word, and Rafe quirked a brow.
"Charming? Irresistible? I can't help my natural talents, love."
You rolled your eyes. "I was going to say incorrigible."
Rafe laughed, the sound rich and warm. "Ah, there's that spark I've been waiting to see. Don't worry, I'll have you swooning in my arms soon enough."
"You're certainly confident in yourself, aren't you?" You remarked dryly. Rafe's grin only widened.
"With good reason. But come now wife, no need to be shy." He leaned close, breath fanning your ear. "The bedding ceremony awaits us, unless you'd care to give our guests a show right here?"
You gasped, shoving at his chest though your heart raced at his words. "You're despicable!"
Rafe caught your hand, bringing it to his lips. "All part of my charm, princess. Now, shall we?" He offered his arm, eyes dancing with mirth at your discomfort.
You huffed, pulling your hand away. "Must you be so arrogant and crass? There are proper ways to speak to a lady, as I'm sure you know."
Rafe's grin only widened at your annoyance. "Proper is boring. I prefer to speak my mind, and right now it's full of how ravishing you look in that gown. Can you blame a man for being eager to peel it off?"
Your cheeks flamed at his bold words. "You forget yourself, Your Highness. We've only just met."
Rafe leaned close, breath hot on your ear. "We're man and wife now, pet. No need to stand in the ceremony." His gaze swept over your figure appreciatively. "I always get what I want, and right now that's you in my bed. But we'll take things slow…at first."
You bristled at his arrogance, grasping for a retort, but found yourself speechless. Your heart raced with a mix of irritation, anticipation and uncertainty. You knew your duty here today, had steeled yourself for a political match and indifferent spouse. But Rafe Cameron seemed determined to sweep you off your feet, whether you willed it or not.
Rafe chuckled at your loss for words, offering his arm. "Come, the revelry awaits us. And after…" His eyes gleamed suggestively, "The real fun begins."
You swallowed hard, slipping your arm through his. Your mother was right, this marriage was what you chose to make of it. But something told you life with this wickedly charming scoundrel of a prince would be anything but boring. For better or worse, your destiny was sealed - and as Rafe led you into the cheering crowd, you couldn't deny a thrill of excitement amid your doubts. Your story was only just beginning.
Rafe guided you into the lavish ballroom, nodding at the trumpeters to announce your arrival. As the first strains of a lively waltz filled the air, he turned to you with a roguish grin and swept you into his arms.
"Time for our first dance as husband and wife, princess. Try not to swoon, I know I'm irresistible." Rafe's eyes gleamed with mirth at your huff of annoyance, though you had little choice but to follow as he led you in the steps of the dance. His hand rested scandalously low on your back, holding you close as you spun and dipped across the floor.
By the time the music ended, You was flushed and breathless in his arms. Rafe smirked, enjoying your flustered state, but before he could tease you further a throat cleared behind them.
"If you don't mind, I'll take over from here."
They turned to find your father, Lord Smith, eyeing Rafe sternly. Rafe gave a curt nod, handing you off to the grim-faced man.
"Of course, father-in-law. I was merely warming her up for you." Rafe's sly undertone earned him a reproachful glare from you before you allowed your father to lead you in the next dance.
Rafe stood back, crossing his arms over his chest, when Rose appeared at his side. "Must you provoke her so? She is your wife now, try to be kind."
Rafe scoffed. "She knows my nature well enough. Life would be dreadfully boring without challenges." His gaze drifted back to you, a smile tugging at his lips when you dared a glance in his direction. Rose sighed, patting his arm.
"Be gentle to her.” Rafe's gaze landed on Ward approaching, lips pursed in disapproval as usual. Before his father could lecture him, Rafe turned to your mother with an exaggerated bow.
"Lady Smith, your daughter is a vision. I trust she'll make a fine princess." His charming smile didn't reach his eyes.
Lady Smith's gaze was coolly assessing. "Indeed. Do try to behave yourself, Your Highness. My girl is gentle bred and undeserving of your…roguish tendencies."
Rafe's smile turned wolfish. "Not to worry, I'll be on my best behavior. In public, at least." His suggestive undertone made Lady Smith's eyes narrow.
"Mother, must you provoke him so?" You sighed as you rejoined them. Your gaze shifted between Rafe and your mother anxiously.
Rafe chuckled, sliding an arm around your waist. "No need to fret, princess. I was merely exchanging pleasantries with your charming mother."
Ward's voice rumbled behind Rafe. "If you're quite finished, the receiving line awaits you both."
Rafe suppressed an eye roll, turning to greet his younger sisters. Sarah's gaze was assessing, while little Wheezie beamed up at the newlyweds.
"You look so pretty, Y/N!" Wheezie gushed. "I hope you'll still come visit me, now that you're a princess."
You smiled, bending to embrace the girl. "Of course, whenever I can. And you must come see me too."
Rafe watched the exchange with a mix of fondness and annoyance. His littlest sister had always been too softhearted. But seeing your sweet nature with Wheezie gave him hope this match may not prove entirely intolerable.
Ward cleared his throat, Rafe bristled at his father's impatience, but couldn't fault Wheezie's enthusiasm. His littlest sister had always been too softhearted for her own good. Still, seeing your sweet smile as you embraced Wheezie gave Rafe a flicker of hope this match may not prove entirely intolerable. If you could win over even his most skeptical family members, you just might stand a chance.
Rafe turned to his father with a mocking bow. "As you wish, Your Majesty. Mustn't keep the adoring masses waiting." His sarcastic tone earned an eye roll from Sarah, ever the voice of reason. Rose simply sighed, patting Rafe's arm as he passed.
"Behave," she murmured. Rafe just chuckled, offering his arm to you.
"Shall we, wife? Our public awaits." You glanced between your families anxiously before accepting his arm. Rafe patted your hand, pitching his voice low. "No need to fret, pet. I don't bite…hard." His roguish wink brought a blush to your cheeks.
As you made your way to the receiving line, Rafe found his gaze drawn again and again to your expressive features. Your reactions were simply too amusing. While your guests and courtiers showered you with congratulations and well wishes, he watched emotions flit across your face - uncertainty, annoyance, even curiosity. His new bride was an open book, though your courteous smiles revealed none of the thoughts behind your fathomless eyes. Rafe was determined to unlock all your mysteries, one by tantalizing one.
Rafe allowed you to guide him to your seats at the head table, though his gaze strayed often to his friends at a nearby table. Topper and Kelce were regaling each other with tales of previous sailing adventures, no doubt in anticipation of the race Rafe had every intention of winning. His competitive nature chafed at being stuck here making polite conversation when he could be out on the open water.
You seemed to sense his restlessness, offering a gentle smile as you tucked a napkin into Wheezie's lap. "There now, all tidy. I do hope you'll save room for dessert, little dove."
Wheezie beamed up at you, her new sister-in-law. "I will! Cook always makes the best cakes. Are you excited for your wedding trip?"
Your smile turned rueful. "I suppose so. Traveling somewhere new is always an adventure." your gaze flitted uncertainly to Rafe.
Rafe snorted. "Adventure is what I live for, pet." His gaze swept over you boldly. "Though I daresay our wedding night will prove enough of an adventure."
Your cheeks flamed at his innuendo, gaze darting to Sarah in appeal. Sarah rolled her eyes at her brother's antics. "Honestly Rafe, must you be so crude?"
Rafe just chuckled, leaning back in his seat as servants began delivering the lavish courses of their meal. His attention drifted often to his friends, ignoring the disapproving glares of their parents discussing terms of the marriage arrangement. There will be time enough for politics and responsibility tomorrow. Tonight was meant for revelry and chasing whatever pleasures caught his fancy. And at the moment, his new bride was proving an intriguing diversion.
His gaze slid back to you, watching as you laughed with Sarah and Wheezie. Rafe picked at the lavish dishes set before him, paying little mind to the chatter around him. His gaze kept straying to you, noting how animated you seemed speaking with Sarah and Wheezie. At least his sisters appeared taken with his new bride, if the way they hung on your every word and laughed at your silliest comments were any indication. Their obvious delight gave Rafe hope this match may prove more tolerable than anticipated.
Still, his restless nature chafed at the forced pleasantries and pomp of this grand occasion. He longed to be out sailing with his crew, chasing the thrill of adventure on the open sea. As if sensing his wayward thoughts, Kelce leaned around Topper with a sly grin.
"When's the race, man? This fancy shindig is dreadfully dull."
Rafe smirked. "Patience, Kelce. We set sail at first light, and not a moment sooner. Wouldn't do to abandon my own wedding feast, as tempting as it may be."
Topper chuckled. "Think of the gossip that would stir. The new princess, jilted on her wedding night by a scoundrel of a husband!"
Rafe snorted. "As if I'd miss unwrapping that particular gift." His gaze slid suggestively over your figure, lingering on the curve of your neck and the stray curls that had escaped your elegant updo. Anticipation thrummed in his veins at the thought of finally claiming his passionate new bride.
Kelce followed Rafe's gaze with a grin. "Can't say I blame you, mate. Seems you've landed quite the prize, for a political match."
Rafe's smile turned wolfish. "Aye, and she'll make a fine figurehead aboard my ship."
Topper laughed and Rafe's attention kept straying to you, watching as you chatted and laughed with his sisters. Your sweet smile and gentle manner seemed to put even the most hesitant guests at ease. Though he'd never admit it aloud, Rafe found himself grudgingly impressed by your poise and social graces. You were clearly in your element, greeting courtiers and chatting with servants alike as if you hadn't a care in the world.
A nudge at his elbow drew Rafe's gaze to Kelce, who had abandoned all pretense of propriety and was lounging in his seat with a goblet of wine in hand. "So when's the real party start, eh mate?" Kelce grinned with a suggestive waggle of his brows. "Looks like you landed a lively one. Bet she's a wildcat behind closed doors."
Rafe snorted, taking a swig of his own wine. "Wouldn't you like to know. A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell."
"Since when are you a gentleman?" Topper scoffed from Kelce's other side. Rafe shot him an obscene gesture, earning chuckles from his uncouth friends.
"Perhaps we'll have to arrange a private showing for you two scoundrels. I'm sure my bride would be delighted to entertain." Rafe's sarcastic remark was rewarded by Kelce's bark of laughter.
"Now that's an offer I might take you up on!" Kelce's eyes gleamed with mischief as they drifted to you. Rafe's gaze narrowed, a spark of annoyance flaring to life.
"In your dreams, mate. This one's all mine." Rafe's arm shot out to grasp Kelce's shoulder in a bruising grip, smile turning dangerous.
'So, Rafe what's your plans with my lovely Y/N?'' Your father asks.
Rafe's gaze snapped to Lord Smith, who was eyeing him expectantly across the table. He suppressed a scowl at the interruption, forcing his grip on Kelce's shoulder to relax as he leaned back in his seat.
"I plan to show the princess the time of her life, of course," Rafe replied with a roguish smirk. "Starting with a grand tour of my kingdom. She shall want for nothing as my wife."
Lord Smith's eyes narrowed slightly. "See that she doesn't. My daughter is gentle bred, and I'll not have her spirit broken by some scoundrel of a husband."
Rafe bristled at the insult but kept his tone light. "Not to worry, father-in-law. Your daughter is in capable hands." His gaze slid suggestively to you, watching in amusement as you seemed to sense the scrutiny and glanced between them uncertainty.
Lord Smith snorted. "Capable of chasing anything in skirts, so I hear. I warn you now, if any harm comes to my daughter through your…philandering ways…"
"You have my word as a gentleman," Rafe cut in through gritted teeth. "Y/N shall remain untouched by scandal. My duty is to her and her alone now."
Lord Smith seemed unconvinced, but gave a curt nod. "See that you remember that. She is still young, and deserves a chance at happiness." His stern gaze swept over Rafe in assessment. "Do not make me regret this match."
Rafe shrugged off the threat, patience already wearing thin. "If there's nothing else, I believe I shall steal my bride away for a dance." He stood abruptly, pushing back from the table to stride around its length and offered you his arm with an exaggerated bow.
"May I have this dance, princess?'' *Rafe turned back to Lord Smith with a mocking bow and dangerous smile. “Not to worry, father-in-law. I always take excellent care of my possessions.” His suggestive undertone brought a scowl to the older man’s face.
Before Lord Smith could retort, Rafe grasped your hand and tugged you from your seat. “Come, wife. I’ve been patient long enough.”
You glanced uncertainly between Rafe and your father. “But, the toasts…”
“Can wait.” Rafe’s grip on your wrist tightened, brooking no argument. Your gaze narrowed at his peremptory tone but you allowed him to lead you onto the dance floor.
Rafe smirked at your obvious annoyance, spinning you into a lively waltz. “You’ll have to get used to obeying my commands, pet. I’m not a man who takes no for an answer.”
You huffed, attempting to pull away, but Rafe’s arm around your waist held you in place. “Unhand me, you arrogant beast!”
Rafe chuckled at your fruitless struggles, leaning close to purr in your ear. “Now is that any way to speak to your husband, wife?” His breath fanned hot on your neck, and Rafe felt a thrill of satisfaction when your breath caught. “Best get used to my beastly ways, pet. The night is young, and I’ve only just begun to claim what’s mine…”
You gasped at his audacious words, cheeks flaming. “You forget yourself, Prince Rafe!” Your protests only made Rafe’s wicked grin widen.
“Not at all, princess.” His eyes gleamed with heat and the thrill of the chase. “I know exactly who I am, and what I want.”
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As the final courses of the lavish meal were cleared away, Rafe turned to you with a roguish grin. "Well wife, time for your tour of our kingdom. I have a surprise for you." He signaled to a nearby servant, who approached with a bow. "Take the princess for a turn about the grounds and gardens. Show her all our kingdom has to offer."
The servant nodded. "As you wish, Your Highness." His gaze slid to you with a familiar smile. "Your Highness."
Your eyes went wide with recognition. "JJ? Is that really you?" You grasped the servant's hands eagerly. "Oh, it's wonderful to see you! I had no idea you were working here."
Rafe lifted a brow, not having anticipated this happy reunion. Evidently his bride and this JJ Maybank were already acquainted. "You two know each other?"
You smiled. "We grew up together, before JJ's family moved into the city." Your gaze shifted between Rafe and the servant anxiously. "I do hope it's alright for us to catch up…"
Rafe waved a hand dismissively. "By all means. You're free to go where you like, I have other matters to attend to at the moment." His gaze slid pointedly to where Kelce and Topper were already deep in their cups, toasting loudly to his good fortune. You followed his gaze, cheeks coloring slightly.
"Thank you, husband." Your courtesy seemed strained. Rafe simply inclined his head.
"Enjoy your stroll, princess. I'll come find you later this evening, there are more…private celebrations in store." His suggestive tone brought a blush to your cheeks as he strode off to join his friends.
As JJ led you through elaborate gardens and courtyards, your anxiousness gave way to delight. "Oh, it's so lovely here! All these flowers, and fountains…I can see why you enjoy working in the palace gardens."
JJ smiled, patting your hand. "Aye, it's peaceful work. I'm glad to see a friendly face, even under these circumstances." His gaze turned sympathetic. "How are you faring, Y/N? I was worried when I heard of this arrangement."
You sighed. "As well as can be expected, I suppose. Prince Rafe is…not at all what I imagined." your brows furrowed, uncertain how much you dared confide in your old friend.
JJ snorted. "No doubt. He’s got a reputation for being wild. But don't you worry, I'll keep an eye out and make sure he treats you well."
You smiled at his protectiveness. "Thank you, JJ, but I'm capable of handling my own husband. It may take some getting used to, but this match could secure a bright future for my family. I have to at least give it a chance." your gaze drifted back toward the distant palace, where even now Rafe was likely carousing with his friends.
JJ followed your gaze, brows pinching with concern. "Just…promise me you'll be careful. There’s a dangerous streak in him. I don't want to see you get hurt."
"I appreciate your concern." You squeezed his arm. "But Rafe is my husband now, for better or worse. I have to make my own judgments, and hope this marriage becomes more than just political."
JJ sighed, realizing your mind was made up. "You always did see the good in people.”
You nodded and bid JJ farewell with a wave and a promise to visit him again soon in the gardens. As you made your way back toward the palace, a young maidservant approached and curtsied.
"Begging your pardon, Your Highness, but it's time to prepare you for the evening. If you'll follow me, please."
You nodded, allowing the girl to lead you to an elaborate set of chambers. Your eyes went wide taking in the lavish space, draped in silks and velvets of deep red and gold. At the center was an enormous canopied bed, and adjoining the main room were a dressing chamber and bathing room aglow with the light of a crackling fire.
The maidservant curtsied again. "The prince bid me draw you a bath and help you...prepare for the evening, Your Highness. Please, disrobe and I'll assist you."
You blinked at the girl, cheeks heating at the implication. You were no stranger to the wedding night obligations awaiting you, but to have it stated so boldly...
With shaking fingers you began removing the heavy layers of your wedding gown, aided by two more maidservants who appeared. In a matter of minutes you stood in just your thin shift, anxiously clutching the fabric as the servants poured steaming water into an ornate tub and added fragrant oils.
The lead maid turned to you with a gentle smile. "The water is ready, Your Highness. Do not be afraid, we are here to help you bathe and make yourself presentable for the prince's pleasure."
"You look beautiful, my lady," one maid assured her. "The prince will be most pleased."
You swallowed hard, allowing the servants to help you step out of your shift and sink into the hot, scented water. As they began bathing your hair and softly chattering about how beautiful you looked, how pleased the prince would be, your anxiety gave way to anticipation.
"There now, you look exquisite." The head maid gave an approving nod.
Your apprehension slowly melted into calm as the maidservants gently bathed your hair and skin. The warm, floral-scented water soothed your nerves, as did their soft reassurances. When they finished, you stepped from the ornate tub and allowed them to pat you dry with soft towels.
Smiling encouragingly, the maids led you into the adjoining dressing chamber. Lacy smallclothes and a gossamer nightdress were laid out atop the silken sheets. With deft fingers, the maids slid the delicate garments over your frame, then bid you to sit before the vanity while they brushed out your damp curls.
"Just a touch of color for your lips and cheeks, my lady," the head maid murmured, dabbing rouge onto your mouth. "There now, perfect. The prince will be beside himself when he sees how lovely you look."
You studied your reflection, almost unrecognizing yourself. But the muted excitement in your eyes was unmistakable. However brash he was, Rafe's obvious desire flattered your feminine pride. And despite your differences, you had to admit a spark of anticipation for what was to come.
With a last few primping touches, the maids curtsied and took their leave. Alone now, you sat perched on the edge of the bed to wait. Your heart pounded and you twisted the wedding rings on your finger. Whatever happened tonight, your life would be forever changed.
As Rafe strode into the lavish chambers prepared for your wedding night, his gaze immediately found You perched on the edge of the massive bed. The sight of you in the sheer nightdress, hair spilling over your shoulders, sent a bolt of desire through him. His hungry gaze roamed over you, taking in the rapid rise and fall of your chest, your knuckled grip on the bed sheets. Smirking, he shrugged out of his formal jacket and began stalking toward you.
"Well now, what a tempting little morsel we have here," he purred, bracing his hands on either side of you and caging you in. "You look good enough to devour, princess."
He noted how your breath caught as he traced a finger along your collarbone. "What's the matter, love?" Rafe chuckled darkly at your wide-eyed look. "Not to worry, I'll have you singing for me soon enough…"
With that promise, his mouth descended on yours in a ruthless kiss. His large hands grasped your waist, pulling you firmly against him. Breaking the kiss, he murmured hotly in your ear, "I've been waiting all night for this. To finally make you mine…"
Rafe's hands slid slowly up your sides, his gaze never leaving your wide eyes. With a sinful smirk he inched the nightdress higher, exposing more of your thighs. The tips of his calloused fingers grazed your  bare hip, relishing how you shuddered at the intimate caress.
"So soft…Have you any idea how long I've waited to get my hands on this sweet body?" Rafe's husky voice dripped with lust. 
With tantalizing slowness, he urged you back onto the plush mattress. The silk sheets enveloped your  bare skin as Rafe's solid frame covered yours. His mouth found the frantic pulse at your throat, nipping and sucking a mark into the tender flesh. 
Rafe's strong hands glided up to cup your breasts through the thin nightdress, thumbs teasing your nipples into stiff peaks. The sensation tore a gasp from your lips, only encouraging him further. Grinning wolfishly, Rafe ground his pelvis down, letting you feel the rigid length of his cock straining against his trousers.
"Feel what you do to me, sweetheart…You're mine now, to take whenever and however I please." His hungry gaze devoured you, eyes burning with lust and primal need. "Say it," he demanded. "Tell me you're mine…" 
A shudder tore through your frame at the feel of Rafe's hardness grinding against your thigh. Your wide eyes flickered between desire and apprehension as his hands slid higher, rucking up the diaphanous nightdress to bare more of your skin.
"So perfect…and all mine," Rafe rasped, ducking his head to capture one nipple between his teeth. You gasped at the exquisite sting, every nerve in your body hyper aware of his Rough palms gliding over your skin. As his mouth blazed a trail of open-mouthed kisses down your quivering stomach, your nails bit into his shoulders.
"Rafe, I—" Your breathy protest was cut off with a squeak as his fingers hooked into your lacy smallclothes, tearing them off in one smooth motion.
"Shh…just feel, princess." Rafe's smirk was pure sin, eyes blazing cobalt as he nudged your thighs apart. The first stroke of his tongue against your pussy tore a strangled cry from your lips. Without mercy, be he devoured you, growling his satisfaction as your hips rocked unbidden against the delicious onslaught.
"Let me hear how much you want this." Rafe's rasping words vibrated against your aching core. Your head thrashed wildly on the pillows, coherent thought lost in a haze of overwhelming sensation. Soon you were re keening and trembling on the brink, utterly at his mercy.
The look of utter surrender in your eyes stoked the fire in Rafe's blood. His tongue lashed your stiff clit as you trembled, thighs clenching around his shoulders. So close now, teetering on the edge.
Rafe slid two thick fingers into your slick folds, curling them just right to hit that sweet spot. You wailed, arching violently as your orgasm crashed over you. Rafe groaned as your pussy walls clenched and spasmed around his pumping fingers, milking them greedily.
Grinning wolfishly, Rafe rose up over you. His heated gaze raked over your flushed, perspiring body as you came down from the high of ecstasy. "That's just a preview, darling," he rasped, fingers swiftly unlacing his trousers to free his straining cock. "Now for the main event…"
With a groan, Rafe buried himself balls-deep in one swift stroke. So tight, so wet and hot for him. He gave you no time to adjust, setting a brutal pace right from the start. Your legs locked around his pistoning hips instinctively. Your broken cries sent a vicious thrill through him.
Rafe fisted his hand in your damp curls, yanking to expose the delicate curve of your throat. His teeth sank into the tender flesh, marking what was his. "Tell me you belong to me now. Say it."
When you only whimpered and clawed at his sweat-slick back, Rafe snarled. His arms caged you in, hips snapping harder. "Say it!"
You yelp and wince when he pulls your hair whimpering and burying your face in the crook of his neck still shaking from the force and intensity of your soft lips part to whimper out.
"I’m yours, only yours Rafe…" just barely above a whisper
Your hands grip his shoulders for support, your body limps under his as you pant  softly raising your hips to meet his powerful thrusts.
Rafe gentled his hold in your hair, fingers massaging your scalp in reward. You were learning. His other hand slid under your hips, angling them up to take him deeper on each brutal thrust. Your breathy pants and cries were music to his ears.
"That's it, good girl," he panted gruffly. Your compliance pleased him, stroked his dominance. He could feel your body gradually yielding, soft thighs parting wider, hands clutching him instead of pushing away. Rafe kept a relentless pace, pounding into your  tight pussy as the headboard slammed against the stone wall. His mouth found yours, swallowing your whimpers in a ravaging kiss. 
When he finally spilled with a shout, Rafe made certain to grind against your aching clit, determined to drag you over the peak with him. As you shattered again with a broken wail, he groaned his satisfaction. Your mingled release soaked the sheets beneath you. Rafe remained buried inside your trembling body, chest heaving  he stared down at you with possessive intensity burning in his  eyes.
"You're mine forever now, Never forget who owns you…"
Your head falls back breathing raggedly, wincing at the burning pain between your thighs. Your body feels used and exhausted. You blink slowly staring up at him with glazed eyes. You knew that your life would never be the same. That this man..this husband of yours would use your body as he pleased from now on. That intense stare of possession makes you shy away, turning your head and closing your eyes.
He grinned wolfishly as you shyly turned your face away, unable to meet his intense gaze a moment longer. Rafe didn't mind; your demure submission pleased him, as did the colorful marks and love bites his rough passion had left on your throat and breasts. His little wife was well and truly his now. Rafe gentled his hold, fingers almost tender as they brushed the damp curls back from your temple. He pressed a chaste kiss there before murmuring gruffly, "Sleep now, You've earned your rest tonight."
He grinned against your heated skin as you gave a whimper of relief. Gathering you close against his chest, Rafe settled you amidst the rumpled sheets. One leg draped possessively over yours, holding you pinned beneath him as his hand splayed wide over your belly. You were caught, well and truly.
As your breaths evened out in exhausted slumber, Rafe nuzzled into your tousled hair with a satisfied noise.
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Early morning sunlight filtered into the lavishly appointed bedchamber, sitting up, you drew the silk bedding around your bare form as you gazed around the empty room. Aside from yourself, there was no evidence Prince Rafe had even been there save the lingering ache between your thighs. You couldn't deny a pang of disappointment he hadn't lingered to greet you this morning. Then again, perhaps it was for the best; after last night you felt uncertain how to act around your new husband.
With a sigh, you rose and donned a silk robe left draped across a nearby chaise. You made your way to the window overlooking the palace grounds, hoping the fresh sea air might clear your mind. Your thoughts drifted back to the prior evening. This marriage would require much patience and understanding on both your parts.You  nurtured a glimmer of hope. With time and care, perhaps you and Rafe could build something beautiful.
After taking a moment to appreciate the ocean view, you turned and began getting ready for the day ahead. You dressed yourself in a pale blue gown left for you, simple yet elegant. After tidying your hair you ventured out into the opulent hallway in search of familiar faces.
It wasn't long before you happened upon Sarah, Wheezie, and Kiara chatting together in one of the palace's lush sitting rooms. You hesitated in the doorway, suddenly feeling shy. But Wheezie looked up and broke into a delighted smile.
"Y/N! You're finally awake, come join us!" The young girl bounded over to catch your hands, leading you inside. Sarah and Kiara both greeted you warmly as you settled onto a sofa beside them.
"We were hoping you'd surface today," Sarah said with a knowing smile. "After the…activities of last night."
You felt your cheeks heat at the implication and Kiara swatted Sarah's arm. "Oh leave her be, I'm sure she doesn't want to dwell on all that." Kiara's kind eyes settled on you. "How are you feeling today?"
You offered a shy smile. "Still a bit overwhelmed, I suppose. This is all so new." your gaze drifted around the elegant room and you exhaled. "I don't think it's fully sunk in yet that I live here now."
Wheezie took your hand, giving it an excited squeeze. "Isn't the palace marvelous? I can give you a full tour later if you'd like."
You laughed softly at the girl's enthusiasm. "I would enjoy that very much, thank you Wheezie." you felt yourself relaxing, warmth swelling in your chest to be surrounded by supportive faces both old and new. Whatever uncertainties awaited in this unfamiliar life, at least you needn't face them alone.
You smile and say "So..um..did you three hear much noise last night?" you asked embarrassed.
Wheezie tilts her head confused but Kiara and Sarah exchange a look, Kiara says "These walls are quite thick don't worry" she reassures.
Sarah smirks and says "I'm sure my dear brother was a perfect gentleman" sarcasm in her voice,
You felt your cheeks flush hotly at Sarah's teasing remark. You cleared your throat, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear self-consciously.
"Well…I mean, of course everything was proper," You stammered, avoiding direct eye contact. In truth, Rafe had been anything but a gentleman once you were alone together. The memories made you shift in your seat.
Kiara shot Sarah a scolding look before turning a sympathetic gaze on you. "I'm sure your first night together was an adjustment. But you know you can talk to us about anything, right? We're here for you."
You nodded, giving your hand a supportive squeeze. "Don't let my scoundrel brother intimidate you. He may act the rogue, but you have a strength in you as well. I saw it at your wedding." Sarah's eyes were earnest. "You're family now. We'll help you figure each other out."
You nodded, offering a small but grateful smile. Perhaps in time you would feel comfortable opening up about the complicated feelings Rafe stirred in you, the exhilaration and uncertainty. But for now, his vulnerabilities were yours to guard.
Wheezie, bless her smiled brightly. "I'm so happy you're my new sister! We're going to have such fun together."
You laughed softly, warmth swelling in your chest. With Sarah and Kiara's wisdom and Wheezie's sweet spirit, you knew you could face this daunting new future. You were no longer alone.
Just then, the head housemaid approaches the women, curtsying politely. "Pardon me, Your Highnesses, but His Majesty King Ward has requested Princess Lila's presence for a private brunch on the veranda. Shall I inform the kitchens to begin preparations?"
You blink in surprise but nod to the maid. "Yes, please let the king know I would be honored to join him." You turn back to the other ladies after the maid departs. "Well, it seems my father-in-law wishes to speak with me alone. I suppose I should change into something more proper." You stand a bit nervously. This would be your first real interaction with the imposing monarch.
"Father can seem intimidating but he appreciates sincerity. And don't let him bully you into anything you're uncomfortable with."
You bid farewell to your friends and made your way back to the bedchambers to ready yourself for the impending brunch with King Ward. Your stomach fluttered anxiously as you  mulled over what he could want to discuss in private.
After freshening up, you carefully selected an elegant mint green day dress with billowing elbow-length sleeves from the wardrobe. You style your hair in a simple yet tidy braided updo and affix a minimal amount of jewelry - a delicate silver pendant necklace and teardrop pearl earrings. A hint of rose gloss on your lips completed the refined look.
Smoothing the skirts of your dress, You exhaled a steadying breath as you regarded your reflection. You hoped your attire properly conveyed the right mix of grace and poise while still retaining your own simple style. As you made your way through the opulent halls towards the veranda, you tried to quell the butterflies in your stomach. You had no reason to be so nervous; after all, you would one day be queen beside Rafe. Proving yourself an able partner who could hold your own was crucial.
Upon arriving at the sunny veranda, you were greeted by the sight of King Ward already seated at a table lavishly arrayed with brunch fare. At your approach, he stood and offered a formal bow.
"Princess Y/N, thank you for accepting my invitation. Please, sit."
You dipped into a curtsy before taking the seat opposite Ward. you met his gaze evenly, resolving to show no weakness. This may be just a brunch, but you sensed the king was assessing your mettle. You would rise to the challenge.
"The honor is mine, Your Majesty. To what do I owe the pleasure of this private audience?" Your tone was polite yet confident. The gleam in Ward's eye told you this was exactly his intent - to take your measure beyond the pomp and flair of the wedding. You straightened your spine, ready to prove your worth.
Ward looks at you curiously before taking a sip of his tea "I wished to speak with you privately, away from the commotion of the palace to get to know my new daughter in law better. This marriage was quick and sudden, but binding our families will be good for the kingdom." He explains.
"Now.." he folds his hands on the table and looks at you intently "Tell me about yourself Y/N, what are your interests?" He asks kindly, wanting to understand your personality and character better.
You relaxed slightly at Ward's polite small talk, offering a gracious smile as you prepared your tea. "Of course, Your Majesty. I appreciate you taking the time to get to know me better outside of all the wedding bustle."
You take a thoughtful sip of your tea before continuing. "Well, I've always enjoyed reading and learning whenever I can. Our library at home was my favorite place to spend long afternoons." A wistful look crosses your face at the memories.
"I also love music - singing, playing the harpsichord. Art and photography are passions of mine as well. Capturing a moment of beauty to appreciate again and again." Your eyes brighten describing your hobbies.
"But I also recognize the importance of being an active participant in the community. I assisted our local orphanage regularly and enjoyed volunteering at functions." You meet Ward's gaze. "I believe those in positions of privilege have an obligation to use their place to aid others. I hope to continue that here."
You pause, glancing at Ward hesitantly. "I know I have much to learn when it comes to politics and courtly matters. But I'm eager to play my role serving the people, and to support Rafe's reign as a strong partner."
You fold your hands in your lap. "I may seem simple on the surface, but I have layers yet to be uncovered. Given time, I know I could thrive here as a princess." You kept your chin lifted, showing sincerity and determination in the face of Ward's intense scrutiny.
Ward considers your words carefully, looking thoughtful as he sips his tea. Finally he sets down his cup and leans back in his seat, steepling his fingers.
"A commendable answer. You show wisdom beyond your years, Y/N, as well as a refreshing earnestness." One corner of his mouth quirks upward. "Far better than the vapid socialites I feared Rafe might foist upon us."
You had to suppress a smile at Ward's dry humor. The king regards you keenly.
"My son has always followed his passions, often recklessly. He will need a partner of substance who can balance his…impulsiveness, and check his wilder whims. From our limited interactions, I believe you may have the mettle needed to temper his nature, in time."
He tilts his head, eyes assessing. "The question is, do you have the will? Rafe can be stubborn, even cruel when provoked. This role will require patience and resilience.
You meet Ward's gaze levelly. "I understand the challenges, Your Majesty. But I intend to face them. Rafe may be impulsive, but he needs compassion to steady him, not control." You keep your voice firm but respectful. "I believe we can forge something stronger together."
Ward stares at you pensively before cracking the barest smile. "Well said. Perhaps you are the making of each other." He lifts his teacup in salute. "I look forward to seeing what unfolds between you two. The road will not be smooth, but you strike me as a girl who finishes what she starts."
You dip your head graciously at the veiled praise, hope blooming in your chest. If you can earn even this guarded man's approval, perhaps you truly have a chance to thrive in this strange new home.
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After the brunch you go for a walk around the palace grounds, you hum softly looking at all the flowers. You find a bench under a willow tree near the royal cemetery. Sitting down you close your eyes enjoying the warm breeze. After a little while you hear leaves crunching behind you and turn to see Rafe approaching. His hair is windswept, eyes tired, and his shirt is half unbuttoned. He looks stressed about something. Noticing you sitting there he stops and sighs running a hand through his messy hair. "oh..hey.." he greets plainly, unsure what to say.
You look up in surprise as Rafe approaches, taking in his disheveled appearance and the tension in his frame. You offer a tentative smile. "Hello. Enjoying the gardens as well?"
Rafe drags a hand through his already tousled hair, gaze darting away almost guiltily. "Yeah…I just needed some air. Place was feeling a bit stifling."
You nod in understanding, gesturing to the empty space on the bench. After a pause, Rafe settles beside you, though his posture remains rigid. Silence stretches between them, the atmosphere oddly awkward after the passion you had shared.
Wanting to break the tension, You glance sidelong at Rafe. "I had an interesting brunch with your father this morning. He…seems satisfied with me as your choice of wife." You keep your tone light, hoping Rafe will open up about what's troubling him.
He snorts softly. "Of course he scrutinized you. The great King Ward misses nothing." There's an edge of bitterness to his words. Rafe's shoulders slump slightly as he gazes out at the sun-dappled lawn, tension leaking from his frame.
"I know you two barely know each other. This whole situation is less than ideal." He rakes another hand through his hair, messing the dirty blonde strands. When he looks back at you, his eyes are troubled. "I just hope…well, that you can find some happiness here. Despite my family's meddling."
Your expression softens the sincerity in his words. Gently, you rest your hand atop his where it rests on his knee. "This may have begun unusually, but the future remains unwritten. We have a say in what happens now."
Rafe's eyes widen slightly at your touch, but he doesn't pull away. Tentatively he turns his palm up to lace your fingers, the gesture intimate.
Your heart flutters hopefully. Perhaps your new husband isn't as aloof as he pretends. You sit in more comfortable silence for a moment, hands entwined, gazing out at the peaceful view.
Finally Rafe clears his throat gruffly. "We should head back soon. But…thank you, for understanding." He squeezes your hand gently before releasing it and standing. The air between you feels lighter somehow as you head back to the palace together.
You nod and stand up, smoothing out your dress. You smile softly up at him "Of course..I know this is all still new." As you walk you tentatively slip your hand in his, giving it a little squeeze.
When you reach the palace doors Rafe pulls his hand away abruptly, his face becoming cold and distant again. "I have business to attend to..I will see you later at dinner." He mutters before walking off not waiting for a response.
You watch him hurry off confused and a little hurt by his sudden aloofness again after the tender moment you just shared. Biting your lip anxiously you head inside to find Kiara and Sarah, hoping they can provide some insight on Rafe’s mercurial moods.
Making your way through the lavish corridors, you eventually locate Sarah and Kiara chatting in one of the palace sitting rooms. They both greet you cheerfully, but their smiles fade at your obvious distress.
"What's wrong? You look upset about something," Kiara asks in concern, guiding you to sit beside her on an embroidered settee.
You smooth your skirt, unsure how much to confide about your mercurial new spouse. "I'm just…having some difficulty figuring Rafe out. One moment he seems open and tender, the next he's cool and distant."
Sarah nods knowingly. "Yes, my dear brother has always been moody. Passionate one instant, petulant the next." She pats your hand. "Try not to take it personally. Rafe has trouble reconciling his heart and his duties."
"He's under immense pressure as future king," Kiara adds sympathetically. "It likely makes him feel vulnerable, so he compensates by being remote."
You consider this, comforted by your friends' wisdom. Perhaps Rafe's moodiness stemmed from feeling inadequate, not indifference toward you.
Sarah smiles encouragement. "Keep being patient and meeting him where he's at, Y/N. In time, he'll realize you're a safe place to share his burdens."
Kiara agrees. "Just show compassion and understanding. Your open heart is your greatest gift."
You smile, buoyed by their sisterly advice. If Rafe is skittish of closeness, you would have to coax him out gently, not take his distance personally. Your future depended on bridging this chasm, no matter how long it took.
You smile gratefully "You both give such wise counsel, I don't know what I'd do without you." you say sincerely.
Sarah waves a hand "Oh please, what are friends for? Besides putting conceited brothers in their place that is." She jokes, making you laugh.
"Would you both accompany me to dinner tonight? Having you close by keeps me calm when I have to interact with Rafe and his family. It's all still so intimidating." you admit.
Kiara loops your arms together. "Of course! We'll be right by your side the whole night." She reassures you.
Sarah nods in agreement. "Rafe may be stubborn but he'll come around. In the meantime, we'll make sure you feel welcome here."
Your eyes mist over with gratitude at their unconditional support. With such true friends at your side, you feel able to endure Rafe's unpredictability and find your place in this unfamiliar world.
You spend the afternoon with Sarah and Kiara, their lighthearted company bolstering your spirits after your confusing encounter with Rafe. By the time evening falls and you make your way to the grand dining hall, You feel much more centered and calm with your two dear friends accompanying you.
As you enter the spacious hall, You instinctively seek out Rafe's tall form. Your husband stands stiffly beside King Ward near the head of the table, face an impassive mask. But you notice faint circles under his eyes, hinting at his inner turmoil.
Sarah gives your arm a subtle, reassuring squeeze as you take your seats. Kiara offers an encouraging smile from your other side. Bolstered by their quiet support, You straighten your spine and meet Rafe's shuttered gaze evenly when it drifts your way. You will not cower from his moods.
Dinner passes uneventfully, full of empty courtly pleasantries you have little patience for. Throughout the meal, you make subtle attempts to catch Rafe's eye, hoping to convey mute understanding across the table. But he remains withdrawn, jaw tense as he interacts minimally with the guests.
Your heart sinks at his continued distance, but you refuse to let it show. When the meal concludes, you excuse yourself politely before exiting the hall, chin held high. Your friends move to follow, but you still them with a slight shake of your head.
"Stay, enjoy the festivities. I just need some time alone to clear my head." At their understanding nods, You gather your skirts and make your way out into the moonlit gardens.
The fresh night air soothes you as you find that stone bench under a willow tree again. You tilt your face up to the stars, seeking guidance. Patience and empathy were your only weapons against Rafe's barricades. You could not force him to meet you halfway. Sighing softly, You close your eyes and make a silent wish upon the moon. Bring down your walls, my guarded prince. Let me inside.
As you sit peacefully under the stars, you gradually become aware of footsteps approaching on the garden path. You open your eyes to see Rafe striding towards you, still dressed in his formal dinner attire. He looks surprised to see you there.
"Oh..I didn't realize you'd be out here," he remarks, seeming conflicted about whether to stay or turn back. After a brief hesitation, he moves to sit beside you on the bench, staring straight ahead into the darkness.
"I suppose I don't blame you for wanting to escape that dreadful affair either," he mutters, mouth twisting wryly. "The noble court can be rather insufferable."
You study  his tense profile curiously. There is obviously something he wants to express, but is struggling to find the words for. You decide to take a gentle approach.
"The night sky is quite beautiful here. I enjoy having this serene place to collect my thoughts when things feel…overwhelming." You keep your tone soft, hoping he might open up.
Rafe's jaw works, eyes fixed ahead. Several moments of tense silence pass before he speaks again, voice low. "I… apologize for my poor company today. You deserve better from your husband." He finally meets your gaze, remorse flickering in his eyes.
Your expression softens. Gently, you reach over to cover his hand with yours in a gesture of understanding. "I know this transition has been challenging for us both. But we will figure it out, together."
Rafe's eyes widen slightly at your easy forgiveness. After a beat, he turns his palm over to tentatively lace your fingers. You feel your heart lift as Rafe opens up, however hesitantly. You give his hand a gentle, encouraging squeeze, hoping he will continue.
After another strained silence, Rafe drags his free hand through his hair, leaving it endearingly mussed. "I just…I want to be the man they need me to be. My father, the kingdom." He lifts his eyes to the moon.
You feel your heart swell as Rafe opens up, the ice in his gaze melting to reveal vulnerability beneath. You give his hand another encouraging squeeze.
"It's alright, you don't have to be perfect. Just be yourself." Rafe sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. 
"I wish it were that simple. But certain things are expected of me, duties I can't shirk." His shoulders slump under the invisible weight.
You nod in understanding. "I know. But you don't have to carry it all alone. I'm here now, to listen and support you. We're partners in this." You trail your thumb over his knuckles, hoping he understands you won't abandon him to his burdens.
Rafe turns to look at you fully, eyes searching yours. He seems startled to find only sincerity and care reflected back at him. "You deserve a medal for putting up with me," he says wryly, but gratitude shines through the humor.
You just smile. "I don't need medals, just your word you won't shut me out again."
Rafe considers your request, then nods solemnly. "You have it. Thank you for…being you." He gives your hand a gentle, meaningful squeeze.
You share a tender smile under the moonlight, the air between you lighter somehow. There is hope for you yet if you continue reaching out in understanding. You know the road won't be easy, but you're willing to walk it with this complicated man who is now your partner. With patience and care, your arranged union could blossom into something real. For now, this moment of connection beneath the stars feels like a promising start.
You smile softly and say "Of course, that's what partners are for. Now…" You stand up smoothing your dress. "Why don't we go for a walk? The gardens are beautiful at night." You suggest wanting to spend more relaxing quality time with him.
Rafe runs a hand through his hair and smiles a little. "I'd like that." He agrees and stands up, offering his arm to you politely.
You loop your arm through his and you begin walking at a leisurely pace admiring the flowers and fountains illuminated by moonlight.
For a time you simply walk in comfortable silence, appreciating the nocturnal blooms and gently babbling fountains surrounding them. You breathe deeply, filling your lungs with the sweet floral scents on the night breeze. After being cooped up in the palace much of the day, it feels freeing to be outside enjoying nature's beauty.
You sneak a glance at Rafe and find the tension gone from his features, replaced by a look of contentment. His eyes seem brighter beneath the stars, and the hints of a smile play at his lips. Seeing him relaxed and unguarded makes your heart flutter with hope.
Eventually Rafe's voice breaks the silence. "Thank you for this. I can't remember the last time I just…existed, without pressures and duties weighing me down."
You smile. "Of course. We all need room to breathe." Timidly you reach over to give his hand a gentle squeeze. Rafe glances down in surprise but doesn't pull away.
The moment feels suspended in time, just the two of you and the hushed music of the garden. You wished you could stay here forever, away from the complications of family and royalty. But for now, this stolen moment of tranquility together feels like a step toward healing.
Keeping your hand covering his, you scoot a little closer, your sides now pressed together.You rest your head on his shoulder tentatively.
"Can we just stay out here a little longer? I don't want this moment to end.." You whisper not wanting the peaceful feeling to disappear once you have to go back inside.
Rafe looks down at you surprised by the contact but doesn't move away. The scent of your floral perfume surrounds him, making his heart skip. No one has shown him such tenderness before. Slowly he rests his head against yours.
"Just a little longer.." He agrees quietly, closing his eyes. For now all the stresses and responsibilities melt away as you sit together under the stars. He wishes he could freeze this feeling and live in it forever.
Rafe's thumb strokes over your knuckles, touch feather-light. The caress sends a thrill through you even as it soothes. You angle yourself closer, memorizing his warmth, his scent, the rhythm of his breathing. This gentle side of him feels like a gift, one you will safeguard.
The hour grows late, the moon sinking low. Reluctantly you lift your head, meeting Rafe's drowsy gaze. "We should head back," you murmur. He nods, reluctance shadowing his eyes. But the new bond between you remains as you slowly rise and retrace your steps out of the garden. Whatever comes next, you will face it together.
As you reluctantly make your way back inside the silent palace hand in hand. Pausing outside your bed chamber door you turn to him. "Thank you for tonight..I haven't felt this content in a long time." You admit with a soft smile.
Rafe rubs the back of his neck "Yeah..me too.." Glancing around awkwardly to make sure no one is around he takes both your hands in his. "Y/N I…I know this whole situation is less than ideal..but I'm grateful to have you as my wife. You've shown me more care and patience than anyone." He says sincerely, gazing into your eyes. "I'll try to be the man you deserve from now on.." He promises softly.
You blink back tears, deeply moved. "All I want is for you to be yourself. The rest we'll figure out together." You offer a tremulous smile.
Rafe searches your face before nodding slowly. Still clasping one of your hands, he reaches up to tenderly tuck a loose curl behind your ear. The affectionate gesture makes your breath hitch.
"Together," Rafe repeats. He starts to lean in, then hesitates. Your eyes flutter closed in tacit permission. A moment later, the barest brush of his lips grazes your cheek in a feather-light kiss.
As Rafe pulls back, your eyes open to find him watching you, desire and uncertainty mingling in his gaze. You give his hand one more squeeze in reassurance before slipping inside your room.
Alone in the darkness, You press a hand to your tingling cheek. Tonight was a turning point for you guys, you feel it. With open hearts, this arranged union just might transform into a true marriage.
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531 notes · View notes
jomiddlemarch · 3 years
First sentence of a fic: Matthias frowned.
Matthias frowned.
“I told you to take the egg money and get yourself a new bonnet, Nina,” he said. “I saw how you looked at the one in Miss Gaffney’s millinery shop window after church.”
“I’m fine as I am with my chip straw,” she answered, glancing up from mending the rent in Berit’s torn pinafore.
“It’s too dear, Matthias, I can do without it.”
“You’re too dear to do without it,” he said, taking the sewing from her hands and setting it down before he raised her left hand, the one with his ring, to his lips.
15 notes · View notes
somuchfuckingsalt · 3 years
So mail order brides was a thing that happened quite a bit in Ye Olde Wild West days and I absolutely love it as an AU because you get all the tropes and troubles of an arranged marriage AU but it’s consensual.
Like. These dumb motherfuckers are marrying a complete stranger by choice. 
Absolute God Tier AU possibilities. 
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long fics to download for when your power is going to be shut off ):
if i was going do a fic rec for @spanishcas​, i was going to do a fic rec :
Heroes for Ghosts by pantheon_of_discord
40k of canon verse Cas angsting while Dean and Sam (but mostly Dean) were captured by the government, 11/10
Handyman’s Special by @carrieosity​
50k fake dating AU: if you’re not already hooked, this is a comedy of errors in which professor!dean overestimates his home remodeling abilities, but no, he’s got this, sam! and he most certainly did not hire a contractor, that is his boyfriend, thank you very much
Mail Order Familiar by BlueMasquerade
60k witch/familiar AU in which Dean is Sarah Plain and Tall (but with added action and magic for your reading pleasure)
Bad Things by @duckyboos-blog
60k murder husband extravaganza! I mean, really, I don’t know why I even made this list when I could have just directed you to download this whole series. Cas is a mob boss, and Dean discovers that he’s more well suited to the work than anyone would have thought (:
Run Boy Run by @darcydelaney
40k AU where Dean is a cantankerous runner who qualified for the Boston Marathon before losing his vision. Enter Anna, who knows just the person to help Dean. One guess who!
The Unwavering Heart of a Winchester by @violue
With a series name like Dan Westchester, Hello Kitty Enthusiast, you know it’s going to be good. Sam’s dead, but he was an organ donor. Through some totally noncreepy means and our favorite mulleted man, maybe Dean can see the good his brother made possible and just happen to stumble on some good of his own (80k)
[A]Typical Rom Com by @hamburgergod
Dean is a secret romance writer who may or may not have been writing about his best friend in all of his books. Will he ever work up the courage to confess this to Cas, or is he going to make Sam do it for him? (70k)
Continuity by @supernaturalpalace798300
A 70k angst filled canon divergent fic of what Cas having his own nephilim would be like (written pre-Jack)
Novaks, Rebooted by @violue
50k of Cas helping his trans daughter get a fresh start and falling face first into a fresh start of his own
Everyone’s a Critic by EnglandWouldFall
My personal favorite fic, Dean is an uninspired chef who accidentally sleeps with a food critic who just called his garlic bread closeted. Dean obviously has something to prove. (110k)
We are Such Stuff by InevitableThief
What would this list even be without a djinn fic? Sam’s djinn world has given him everything he’s ever wanted, and Dean’s... well Dean’s has given him Cas, and that’s just inexplicable. (60k canon verse)
It’s a Small World (AKA the Worst Ride at Disneyland) by @ireadhpinenochian
45k creature AU. When Sam stumbles upon his estranged brother who is married, he quickly realizes that maybe Dean’s husband isn’t as human as he is pretending to be. Obviously, this is a job for their dad. I love this fic SO MUCH and it just might give you what you are craving in terms of hunting John Winchester for sport.
Cult-de-Sac by OldToadWoman
This 45k canon verse oldie by goldie was written in 2012 and features the best of early seasons Cas, all while being married to Dean. For the sake of a case, of course!
The Bakery by @dates-with-cas
Dean works at Gabriel’s bakery, and he’s perfectly happy with his job until Gabriel’s perpetually grumpy brother shows up. All of a sudden, there seems to be a lot of tension in the air. (40k)
I Will Cut You by @paperannxo
45k canon divergent fic where Dean goes into hunter witness protection as a barber (no, he’s not a hair stylist!) Cas finds him and hijinks ensue.
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misslilli · 3 years
Whelp, with yesterday we're back at school. Teaching first grade is hard, man 😂 Thank you guys, again, for going on this adventure with me :)
Felix Felicis
MSR. AU. PG-13. | tagging @today-in-fic | read on AO3
Chapter 17 - The Mulder Boys's Birthday Bash
[ DS ]
The Saturday of the Mulder Boys’s Birthday Bash, I find myself standing in front of my closet with the girls, frowning at my selection of dresses. “What about this one?” Holly fingers a yellow sundress.
“Nah, it’s pretty but she looks like she’s going to church in that one.” Sarah tugs on a dress with a daisy print on it.
“Are you joking? That one’s even more Virgin Mary than the yellow one!”
Alex reaches into my closet and pulls out a navy two-piece dress I bought on a whim a few years back, but have never worn since then. “How about this one?”
“A, that’s perfect! It’s classy, yet sexy, just what we’re going for!” Sarah shoves me towards my bathroom. “Go try it on, D! And wear those nude heels with it.” I take the dress out of Alex’s arms and the shoes from Sarah and change into the outfit quickly. The straps drape across my arms just below my shoulders and it’s low cut just enough for my comfort. My cross necklace gleams against my skin and I decide to keep it on for tonight. Since it’s a two-piece, there’s just a sliver of skin visible between the top and the skirt, which flares out and swishes around my knees.
Slipping on my heels I step outside and the girls gasp in unison. “Yes, that’s the one! How does it feel D?” Holly pulls me over and I twirl in front of the full-length mirror, smiling as the skirt billows out around my legs.
“It’s beautiful, I love it. Thanks, girls!”
“The Mulder boys won’t know what hit ‘em when you show up wearing that!” Sarah winks at me suggestively and I roll my eyes at her.
“You know exactly that that’s not why I’m wearing it!”
Now it’s Sarah’s turn to roll her eyes. “Yeah sure, just keep telling yourself that…”
“Come on guys, we’re already unfashionably late. I’ll just call us a cab, are you ready?”
I grab a shawl against the cold and my purse before we make our way downstairs to wait for the cab. When we arrive at the house, we can already hear faint party noises from the backyard and my heart’s beating hard against my chest when we walk up the front walkway to ring the doorbell. My gaze wanders around the front of the house, the glass veranda on the right catching my eye. It’s completely different from our beach house, but it’s beautiful all the same.
The door opens to reveal Principal Skinner with a glass of whiskey in his hand and he holds the door open for us. “Hello ladies, come on in! You look extraordinarily beautiful tonight! Follow me, the party’s out back in the yard.”
He leads us through the house and I notice that it’s got polished hardwood floors and is furnished with antiques, giving it a cozy feel. We walk past the glass veranda which houses the dining room on the right and the living room with a massive couch to the left, which opens into the kitchen. The wooden staircase to the first floor is tucked away in the back. Skinner points us to the bathroom as we walk past it before we step outside onto the back porch and my breath catches in my chest.
They really went all out on this party, there’s string lights twinkling all around the hedge and in the trees, catered food and a bar in one corner, round tables in the middle and a massive dancefloor with a DJ in the other corner. Holly whistles through her teeth. “Man, they sure know how to live it up. Why are our parties never this nice? Jesus, I think they invited half the town for this.”
“Well, that’s on me I guess, they don’t know many people around here yet so I figured it would be the perfect opportunity to make new acquaintances,” Principal Skinner admits but I’m only half listening because my eyes are too busy scanning the crowd. Sarah nudges my hip and tilts her head over to the bar and I’m embarrassed that she knows exactly who I was looking for. There he is, deep in conversation with Skinner’s wife, laughing at something she said.
He’s wearing a dark blue suit with a white dress shirt and a crimson tie and while the sight of him in a plain t-shirt with jeans are enough to make my heart skip a beat, him in that suit is going to give me a heart attack.
“Would you look at that D, you color coordinated, matchsiiiesss.” Holly whispers in my ear and I give her a pointed look.
“Shut up, Holly!” I hiss at her.
Just then, he looks over at us standing on the elevated porch and I can practically feel the slight burn his eyes leave as they travel up and down my body, giving me the once over. I hope he has a defibrillator. He flashes us a smile and raises his hand in a small wave, then continues his conversation with Arlene Skinner.
“Come on, girls, let’s put the presents on the gift table and get something to eat and drink.” ‘Eat, drink and be merry for today you may die.’
At the bar we sidestep the wine for now, since we haven’t eaten yet and I don’t want to embarrass myself by getting tipsy and stumbling over my heels. With my luck, I’ll just faceplant at a certain someone’s feet. ‘Huh, maybe he’ll catch me in those strong arms of his, though, if you’re really lucky…‘
When he spots our little circle, Felix comes over to us wearing a boy version of his dad’s suit, only with short dress pants and sneakers better suited for running around with the other kids. He’s tugging a tall woman along, with wavy brown hair and a kind face that seems somewhat familiar, but I’m not sure where to place her. His face is flushed and he beams at us happily.
“You came!”
“Of course we came, happy birthday Felix!” Sarah raises her glass to him and we all chime in with our Happy birthdays. The woman he came over with also raises her glass and ruffles his hair affectionately.
“This is my teacher Miss Anderson, and Miss Carter and Miss Spencer and Miss Scully,” he introduces us while the woman takes her turn shaking our hands. She regards me curiously and her lips curve into a smile.
“I’m Sam, Fox’s sister and Felix’s favorite aunt!” His sister, that’s why her face seemed so familiar. “So you’re the enigmatic Miss Scully I’ve heard so much about. It’s so nice to finally meet you!” She notices the surprised look on my face. “Only good things, I promise. Felix won’t shut up about you when we talk on the phone.” I laugh, mostly because of the exasperated look Felix gives his aunt at revealing his secret.
“Glad to hear it, we’re having a lot of fun with him during recess! Nice to meet you, Sam. I really like your dress, did you get it around here?”
“Thanks, but no, I got it back in LA, I’m only visiting for a couple of days, I just couldn’t miss my two handsome boys’s birthday bash!”
“Handsome, huh? You spoil me sis!” Her brother has snuck up behind her, throwing his arm around her shoulder, pulling her into his side and planting a kiss on her cheek. “Hi ladies, thanks for coming, you look very lovely today!” We raise our glasses to him as well, wishing him a happy birthday and my drink spills over a little in my shaky hand. I pray that no one notices.
“Sam I’m so sorry to drag you away, but can you help me out and check if everything’s alright with the caterers?” They excuse themselves and we decide it’s time for us to check out what said caterers have prepared, our stomachs already rumbling. Hopefully, the butterflies in my stomach will make room.
[ Sam ]
After checking with the caterers inside, I return to the party, standing on the back porch to watch everyone have a good time and I’m secretly a little proud of myself. Planning the party from all the way across the country had been stressful to say the least, but it turned out great. My gaze wanders around the tables and it catches on the tiny red-head and her three friends, who seem to be having a great time, laughing and chatting at their table.
I’ve heard many stories from Felix over the last few weeks but what surprised me the most was the way my brother looks at her. When I saw the way his whole face lit up when she walked in, I realized that Felix was not the only one taken with Miss Scully. She’s not his usual type - not that she’s not pretty, she is, very much so - but she’s actually nice. A vast improvement from the piece of work that’s his ex-wife, let me tell you. I wonder if he’s thought about asking her out yet.
[ DS ]
After dinner, we’re treated to another visit from the little Mulder, who’s breathless from the game of tag with his friends. “Hey Felix! Are you having a good time?” He nods enthusiastically, trying hard to catch his breath.
“Yeah, auntie Sam did a really good job! I can’t wait for my cake, she said it’s really huuuge! And the DJ is playing aaaall my favorite songs, too!”
Suddenly shy, he shuffles his feet a bit and then, gathering all his courage, he looks up at me and holds out a tiny hand. “Miss Scully, will you dance with me?”
“Of course, birthday boy, come on.”
[ Sam ]
Once I’m finished making another round of checking that everything’s running smoothly, I spot my brother standing at the bottom of the stairs, watching the party. Stopping on the last step, I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my chin on his shoulder. “Great party, huh?”
“Yeah, you did a pretty good job sis. And Skinner’s managed to gather up quite a crowd. Almost everyone’s here tonight!”
“You know what I think? You’d be just as happy if it were only you and one other special guest here tonight.” He turns his head a little, frowning.
“What?” I motion my head to the woman who’s currently talking to Felix at her table. “Aah. Is it that obvious?” I snort derisively
“Are you kidding me, bro? I’ve known you all my life, I can see the hearts in your eyes from a mile down the road. Have you asked her out yet?”
“No… I’m so nervous around her I can barely string more than a few coherent words together. She probably thinks I’m a huge idiot. I asked her if she believes in aliens, Sam!” We watch as Felix holds his hand out to her, asking her to dance with him. He’s so cute I can barely stand it.
“I’m sure that’s not true. You should take a page out of your son’s book though, boy’s got game!” My brother laughs as the somewhat mismatched pair sways on the dancefloor.
I release him from my embrace, an idea popping into my head. “You should go and cut in.” Now he fully turns to me and looks at me like I’m crazy.
“What? No…” He’s making his panic face.
“What yes! Carpe diem, right now!” I give him a gentle shove in the direction of the dancefloor. “Go! I’ll handle the music.”
[ DS ]
Of course, I can’t say no to the little charmer and we make our way to the dancefloor and I sway with Felix in time to the music, twirling him around until he giggles.
“You look really handsome tonight, Felix!”
He smiles shyly and narrowly avoids stepping on my shoes. “Thank you! You look really beautiful too.”
“You’re absolutely right, son. Mind if I cut in?” A tingle shoots up my spine at the sound of his voice and Felix nods, stepping back. His dad holds out his hand to me. “A dance for the other birthday boy?”
“Well technically, it’s not your birthday for a few days.” I tease him, but I slip my hand into his and he spins me against him, wrapping his right arm around my waist, clasping my left hand in his tightly. The DJ fades into a new song and I groan inwardly as Sonny and Cher’s “I got you babe!” starts droning from the speakers. We sway for a few beats before he whips me across the dancefloor in a quick waltz. Over his shoulder I can see countless pairs of eyes following us but for once, tonight, I don’t care because all I can feel is the burn of his fingers resting on the sliver of exposed skin of my waist and the tickle of the hair at the back of his neck against my hand. God, this guy can waltz.
On the last few notes, he twirls me out with a grin on his face, tugging on my hand to bring me back in and then he dips me back for the grand finale. Dips me. The move takes me by surprise and I laugh, breathless when he brings me upright again.
“I don’t think you’re supposed to dip your lady in a waltz!” I realize my Freudian slip a fraction of a second too late. ‘Your lady? What the heck, Dana.’
He just shrugs nonchalantly, still grinning. “If I fancy to dip my lady, I will dip my lady! Thank you for this dance, Miss Scully!” He bows his head and I chuckle, curtsying. “The pleasure was all mine, Mr. Mulder!” ‘Who ARE you?’
We step off the dancefloor and I return to our table, sitting down still a little bit out of breath, only to be met with three incredulous stares. ‘Here we go, 3, 2, 1…’
“What was that, D?” Holly.
“Oh my God, the two of you on the dancefloor!” Sarah.
“That was incredible!” Alex.
I shrug, picking up my glass, but I can’t hide the blush on my face and smile around my straw. “Mr. Mulder can waltz.” I’ll never live this down.
Sometime after the birthday cakes came out, Felix appears at my side again and leans against me heavily. I can tell he’s coming down from his sugar-high. “Miss Scully, remember how I told you about the encyclopedia on butterflies?”
“Yeah I do, what about it?”
“Would you like to see it?” He looks up at me hopefully and I agree, glad to get away from the action for a while.
“Okay, come on!” Together we climb the steps to the back porch and he tugs me inside into the living room where we sit down on the couch. I can finally slip off my heels while Felix runs to get the encyclopedia and after returning, places it on my lap curling up into my side. He opens the heavy book and shows me his favorite butterflies, explaining in great detail what’s so special about it.
His voice gets more and more quiet with each new butterfly until he stops talking altogether and looking down I realize that he fell asleep, completely wiped. Coming off my own sugar high, I scoot down lower into the cushions and lean my head back against the back, closing my eyes. Just for a second.
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152glasslippers · 3 years
2, 3, 4, 5 for the end of year asks 💕
2. what was the highlight of your year?
My 30th birthday/party. I invited five of my oldest friends over for dinner and a bonfire and bought myself a special birthday outfit that was something I’d always wanted to wear but never thought I could because of my body and I made us all flower crowns because I’ve always wanted a flower crown and it rained all day but it cleared up by the time it got dark and the weather was just right for a fire and we laughed and ate s’mores and shared secrets and held hands and it was the perfect way to celebrate a birthday that had terrorized me all year.
3. list the top 5 books you’ve read this year.
I’ve only read 9 1/2 books this year, so I feel a little silly listing my top five but here goes:
1. Undead Girl Gang by Lily Anderson
By far the best book I read all year. Fat Latina wiccan attempts to bring her best friend back from the dead to figure out how/why she died, and in the process, accidentally brings back two of the most popular girls in school who she can’t stand, who also mysteriously died. Hijinks ensue. It sounds ridiculous, I know, but it takes itself seriously enough to keep it grounded, but not so seriously it isn’t wildly fun. I read it in four days, and it’s stuck with me in ways I didn’t expect.
2. Little Weirds by Jenny Slate
I’m only halfway through, but I already know it’s a favorite. It is weird, but I like weird, and I like hearing from someone who isn’t afraid to be weird, who seems to be saying life is full of wonder and joy and frustration and grief and they are all worth feeling. The only thing not worth feeling, if we can help it, is shame. Highly recommend.
3. Sarah, Plain and Tall by Patricia MacLachlan
I know it’s a children’s book but I remembered it this winter and immediately started dreaming up a million AUs for my OTPs, so I got it out of the library and re-read it in one sitting and it’s still completely delightful.
4. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo
I finally finished reading this book at the beginning of the year (I read it section-by-section as I went through the process). I am a convert, a total disciple. I’m not exaggerating when I say that it is life changing. In fact, as a child of hoarders and as someone whose executive dysfunction is made worse by clutter and sensory overload, I would also say it’s been life saving.
5. Crush by Richard Siken
Yes, I read this book because of tumblr. Too many Richard Siken quotes in too many web weaving posts and I said ENOUGH I NEED TO READ IT. Dense, but not in a it’s-a-slog-to-get-through way. In a there’s-so-much-to-unpack-here-because-every-emotion-image-and-turn-of-phrase-is-like-a-slap-in-the-face way. Worth it.
4. list the top 5 movies you watched this year.
*immediately forgets every movie I watched this year* I’m not sure if this is supposed to be new movies? Movies that were new to me? So I’ll just tell you my favorite movie I’d never seen before: Big Eden. Another piece of media I consumed because of tumblr, no regrets. Entirely deserving of the hype. More please.
5. list the top 5 series you binged watched this year.
Again, I feel like I can’t remember anything I watched this year and I’m not sure if this is new or old, but either way the answer is Outer Banks. Listen, I am incapable of having an objective conversation about whether this show is actually any good. I don’t know and I don’t care. It saved me. I lived for every single dramatic second, and I love every one of these dumb ass pogues with my whole heart.
send me an end of the year ask!
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gypsydanger01 · 4 years
THE STORM - Part twenty-six
Fandom: The Boys (Amazon prime tv series)
Pairing: Black Noir x OC
Disclaimer: I don’t own The Boys, only my OC characters and certain pieces of au plot.
Comments, reviews, constructive criticism, and other requests are always more than welcome!
Deceiving all parties
Tumblr media
Black Noir felt as though he were walking on air. Nothing could touch him or distract his thoughts of her. The evening before he’d allowed her to see behind the mask, to see behind the walls he’d spent his whole existence building. And she’d gazed at him with such intense emotion and something he could not put his finger on. But she saw something in his eyes, she saw something in him other than a cold-blooded killer. She didn’t flinch away from the web of scars that crossed the side of his face; instead, she lightly traced them with her finger, and her eyes didn’t hold pity but understanding.
Unfortunately, his mood was ruined as he crossed paths with Homelander upon reaching The Seven’s floor.
The caped man smiled wide, baring perfectly straight white teeth.
“Noir, there you are,” he spoke, lightly slapping the other man’s shoulder.
The man simply stared at him, but Homelander didn’t let it deter him.
“We’re going to have a meeting in fifteen minutes. You’re going to want to be there.”
Homelander said it casually, but the light tone was hiding a subtle edge. Noir only nodded before moving on. He’d be there, all right, so he’d know at what point the maniac was in his desperate hunt.
Homelander continued walking and finally called out, “Wouldn’t be a team meeting without you, Noir.”
He then took the elevator, mentally patting himself on the back for being such a responsible and caring leader.
Noir couldn’t help but clench his fists as he trudged back to his living quarters. With heavy steps, he slipped inside and let thoughts of Sarah soothe his rage.
 [Fifteen minutes later]
In the conference room, four superheroes waited.
Black Noir watched them, observing their small quirks and tell-tale signs. Queen Maeve had her arms crossed tightly against her chest and her foot was lightly tapping against the floor. Beside her, Starlight sat with a straight back but made herself seem small. Her eyes were lowered to the table’s surface and they often darted off to the sides. It was guilt, and Noir filed it away for later use. Finally, he moved his attention to A-Train, who appeared to be royally pissed. He swung lightly from side to side in his swivel chair, deep in thought. Lips pursed, he stared at a point on the table before him.
Noir leaned back in his chair and clasped his fingers together.
Soon, Homelander barged through the doors as arrogant as ever. He didn’t spare a glance at any of his teammates and reached the head of the table with long, purposeful strides.
Noir gave a quick glance at the others, seeing both Queen Maeve and A-Train stiffen, bracing themselves. And, well, Starlight seemed to make herself even smaller: she was afraid. Like a dog about to be beat with a stick, she seemed to curl into herself, her eyes never lifting to look at Homelander. As if sensing Noir’s attention, her eyes darted to his and he found no regret. He wondered what she had done to warrant this fear of Homelander. Sure, he was a maniac, but he’d never seen her cower this way. Starlight clenched her teeth and lowered her eyes.
It was the smallest and most fleeting of details that were the most telling, and Noir had since learned to observe them.
“Everyone,” Homelander began, “we have a few talking points we need to cover today.”
He grasped the back of his chair, leaning against it.
“First of all, as you can see, the Deep is not with us today nor will he ever be back in this Tower, I suppose.” He fixed his gaze on the superheroes before him, gauging their reactions. “We are your teammates, Starlight,” he continued, “We are your family, and we support you,” he told her directly.
She slowly met his gaze and nodded.
Noir found it to be the most ungenuine exchange he’d ever seen. Family? Bitch, please.
Satisfied by her acknowledgement, Homelander proceeded, “The Deep has been assigned to…” he trailed off, “I don’t know, somewhere in Ohio.” Upon further thought, he added with a shrug, “Never liked him anyway.”
Noir had always found The Deep of slimy character and couldn’t care less. He wanted to know how the hunt for Marianna Stacker was proceeding.
Homelander moved onto the next point, “Secondly, it is with a heavy heart that I announce the retirement of a teammate,” he paused for dramatic effect, and Noir rolled his eyes. “A-Train will be leaving us shortly,” he shook his head. “His going-away party will be coming up in the next week.”
Noir let his gaze pass over A-Train once more, noting the tension in his shoulders. It obviously wasn’t a voluntary retirement.
Homelander went on, twisting the knife, “A-Train, you will be sorely missed.”
The speedster stilled and shot a murderous side-eye at the blonde man.
Noir thought the venomous look deserved an applause.
After a few moments of silence, Homelander cleared his throat and gave A-Train a meaningful look.
“If you’ll excuse us, I need to speak with my fellow teammates about confidential information.”
Immediately, A-Train scoffed, “I’m not retired yet—”
“You are,” Homelander cut in. “You are retired, and I will not ask you to leave twice.”
In disbelief, the runner stared at the serious man. Finally, he pushed himself out of his chair and stalked out of the room.
Homelander’s serious expression broke and gave way to a wide smile.
“There,” he sighed. “Now we can talk business.”
Still standing, he paced over to the windows.
He glanced over at Black Noir, “I trust that you’re working on Stacker’s location.”
The man nodded.
“Good,” Homelander nodded to himself scanning the city below him. “I was able to gain some information on this woman down in security…,” he trailed off as he spun away from the view. “She is tall and has straight, black hair so keep your eyes open for women who fit the description.”
Black Noir almost sputtered. That was all he had. He was so pompous and arrogant that he thought this information was a breakthrough, a step forward. Stupid bitch.
After his dramatic pause, Homelander continued, “Edgar, for some unknown reason, seems to think the company she works for Vought and security is looking through employee profiles for anything suspicious—"
Queen Maeve spoke up, “So what are we supposed to do.”
For a split second, Homelander seemed put off, not expecting the interruption.
“Like I said, keep your eyes open. They may not tell us everything but we’re the backbone of this place. We know she works here, within these very walls. Whether she runs or trips up, we will catch her.”
Black Noir couldn’t help the chant in his brain. Stupid, stupid star-spangled bitch.
Homelander gazed at them, mentally weighing his next question.
“Does anyone here know of an Adam Pieters?”
The superheroes looked at each other around the table and Maeve finally cleared her throat.
“Uhm, I don’t know much, but Vought wanted him to join the Seven a while ago. Supposedly his power lies in coding, computers, technology, and things like that. He sees patterns where others don’t.”
Homelander chuckled, “Doesn’t seem like much of a power to me.” Nevertheless, he contemplated her words. “Where is this man?”
“No one knows, really. He constantly changes identity and moves around. He didn’t want the government or the market to use his hacking ability.”
Homelander seemed surprised and maybe disgusted. Noir mentally snorted. That man couldn’t recognize a moral compass if it were spelled out for him. Now, Noir had been raised to act above a moral compass, but he could recognize what it meant to others even though he didn’t necessarily abide to one himself. And Noir had come to question it, while Homelander was not bothered by such doubts.
Queen Maeve concluded her thought, “Pieters declined Vought’s offer and disappeared.”
“Well,” Homelander chuckled, “They have a pretty good lead on him and they’re planning on bringing him in to track this Marianna Stacker and any potential accomplices.”
He scanned the room and finally decided, “We will get to him first and he will tell us who she is.”
Black Noir stared at him, realizing that, indeed, the man was like a dog with a bone. If he’d continued going at it alone, there would have been nothing to worry about. The man wasn’t particularly intelligent and only saw things through his narrow, arrogant point of view. But now, Noir was growing worried.
He could keep Sarah safe by shifting the suspicion onto other characters and making sure she stayed hidden in plain view. But Adam Pieters was a variable he could not control. All Vought or Homelander would have to do was get him seated in front of a computer or the server she had hacked. No, Adam Pieters had to go.
Homelander interrupted his thoughts.
“Meeting adjourned, I need to think.”
Everyone immediately stood and headed out the door. Starlight sighed in relief and Maeve barely contained her frustration, wishing she could knock the team-leader off his pedestal. Noir was wrapped in the thought of murdering a certain tech genius. They all silently went their separate ways.
 [Late afternoon, Vought Tower]
Black Noir found himself, once again, taking the elevator up to the top floor.
Oddly, he didn’t feel the usual anticipation, the nervous energy that would build up before being assigned a new mission. No, he was on edge, barely hiding the tension.
Mr. Edgar was sharp and wouldn’t be as easily fooled as Homelander.
Stepping into the spacious office, the businessman barely lifted his head and beckoned him forward.
“Sit, Noir,” he spoke with a monotonous voice, eyes still glued to the document before him.
Once he’d finished reading it, he signed at the bottom and neatly filed it away in a drawer.
“So,” he drew out, folding his glasses and setting them on the desk, “How is your assignment proceeding?”
He slipped a blank paper and pen across the desk.
Noir quickly scribbled, Difficult. Not impossible.
Mr. Edgar watched him, almost as though he were scanning his thoughts. Noir sat stock-still, calm and collected.
“Right,” the man continued with his usual tone of voice. It was one of the man’s most peculiar aspects and let no emotion transpire. It was a deep, unwavering, monotonous voice that carried its message in a direct, clear, and unnegotiable manner. “It will not be easy. She has prepared for this and has probably been planning it for some time. She works here and is probably hiding in plain sight.”
Noir only nodded.
“Now, let’s discuss your new assignment. You,” Mr. Edgar spoke clearly, “are to stop Homelander from finding Pieters and intervening in our apprehension of Ms. Stacker.”
Immediately, Noir straightened in his seat, tilting his head only slightly to the right.
“Don’t be naïve,” Mr. Edgar clarified, “I have my ways of knowing these things and, while his speech was cute,” his eyes held a tinge of amusement, “I do not need him running around, putting holes into our operation.” He grew serious, “I will not have that overgrown child interfering with my plans.”
Mr. Edgar looked out the window before returning his attention to the hitman sat before him.
“Do you understand?”
Noir firmly nodded. He was pretty sure his boss didn’t mean for him to kill Pieters, but they did agree on keeping Homelander out of it.
“That’s good,” Mr. Edgar proceeded as though he’d given a choice and not an order. “And the girl.”
Noir perked up, suddenly unsure of what the man knew of Sarah Burns.
“I don’t mind you finding companionship,” the man fixed his gaze on him. “But if I find that she is a distraction or interferes with your work… she will be dealt with accordingly.”
At these words, Noir visibly tensed as dread churned in his stomach. He’d brought attention to her when she was supposed to blend in with everyone else. He cleared his throat, feeling himself grow hot. In the silent office, his mind ran through different scenarios. He could fool Homelander, but he wasn’t sure he could do the same with the cunning, ruthless man before him. He had channels, informers and observation skills that would focus on Sarah until he’d dug up her true backstory. Noir fidgeted slightly before stopping himself, knowing Mr. Edgar would catch onto the most minute insecurity.  
He could deny any attachment, but that could warrant suspicion. No, the cat was out the bag and distancing himself or hiding their ties would only gather more attention. He didn’t always understand his boss’s ways, but he did know him to be persistent.
No, he would be open about it, as though there were nothing to hide.
He took the pen back into hand, She is my friend, but she will not interfere with my work
Mr. Edgar carefully watched him, “Is she important to you?”
Noir didn’t hesitate to nod.
“I see,” Mr. Edgar responded gathering another file of papers he had to read and sign. “You are dismissed,” he told Noir, slipping his glasses back on.
“Oh, and Noir,” he called out. “I’d love to meet this Sarah Burns. Bring her as your plus-one to A-Train’s retirement, would you? It’ll be in two weeks, on the twenty-first.”
It was formulated as a question, but Noir knew better.
He nodded and headed out the door.
Noir felt both awake and tired, knowing how deep of a hole he was digging for himself and Sarah. He had to play nice with Homelander but secretly stop him from using Pieters to find her. At the same time, he had to find a convincing lead and show Mr. Edgar he was working towards finding Stacker, even though he would actually be setting Vought off-course.
He sighed lightly and made his way back to his quarters.
 [Five minutes later, Mr. Edgar’s office]
Mr. Edgar, who had begun flipping through papers, stopped and pinched the bridge of his nose.
He gingerly placed the pile on the desk’s surface, taking his phone into hand.
It rang a mere two seconds before the other end picked up.
“Hello Jimmy, I want you to proceed with what we discussed. I want DNA testing to be a viable option should Pieters fall through.”
He listened in before confirming.
“Yes, Friday the twenty-first.”
The man on the other end of the line answered and fell silent.
Mr. Edgar concluded the call and fell deep into thought.
There was so much that needed to be dealt with as quickly and discreetly as possible.
Finally, he set his whirling thoughts aside and focused on the pile of papers in front of him, letting the silence of his office quiet his mind.
Tag list: @ateliefloresdaprimavera @ellejo @dust-bun @coco724 ​  @proximio-5 @damiminator @omegahighendpro @rpgluvr95 @sweetrabbitteamx @rayray1463 @mialexisrodrigues @angelocipriano @reborn-rekall
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theminiummark · 7 years
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I See Fire
The third fic in the the To The West Verse. Title from the Ed Sheeran song of the same name. Part 1/?
Phil laments. He lets the dry, barren earth crumble from his fingers as he kneels in the dirt of the farm that had been his father’s father’s. Now, not even his prayers will bring the golden rows of wheat back.
They had weathered the drought. Fought through the locusts that had come like a spring storm. It was fire that had taken it all.
A strong hand falls on his shoulder, squeezing in solidarity, before he too, kneels next to Phil. His hand travels down Phil’s arm, until their hands are clasped tightly, dirty fingernails highlighted by the white grip - so tight it gave him something else to feel. Phil watches the dry wind blow Carl’s hair about his head. His eyes were the same endless blue of the sky over the prairie and Phil wondered again how this man came to be beside him.
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Below we have listed a group of fics that can fit into the category of “Outlander, and...”
Crossovers show up in many shapes and forms, whether that be characters from different worlds existing in the same one, or simply the concept of one story applied to the characters and world of another. The list below is in alphabetical order, with the crossover listed underneath the title. We hope you find something that catches your interest!
*We have put this category list under a “Read More” for length reasons*
Ah Dhia, I married a witch by LowlandSassanach
Outlander / Harry Potter
10 years after the battle of Hogwarts, and the 26th anniversary of their parent's deaths, Harry Potter's twin sister Daisy is sent to look after the henge at Craig Na Dun, the ancient magic. What happens when Jamie's ghost causes her to fall into the tallest stone and into the past.
The Anniversary by @mistresspandorawritesthings
Outlander / Supernatural
It has been ten years since Jamie's beloved wife Claire was killed by literal monsters. Ten years since he started down this path, ridding the world of vile darkness, once abomination at time. Ten years since, and Jamie's raid of a vampire nest gets interrupted by two brothers, hunters themselves.
The Archaeologist's Daughter by Cait1in
Outlander / The Believer’s Daughter
Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp did some things her senior year of high school she never dreamed of doing 1. Run away to New York City 2. Tattoo a unicorn on a pop star 3. Fall in love with a Scottish graffiti artist
Beauchamp, Plain and Tall by @thatsoccercoach
Outlander / Sarah, Plain and Tall
When Da writes a letter asking for help at home, Claire comes. Will she become a part of their family? Will she stay?
Blanche et Rouge by catrinwrites
Outlander / Moulin Rouge
When a young Scottish writer arrives in Paris in 1899, he finds himself thoroughly entrenched in the Bohemian lifestyle; a chance encounter with performer and courtesan La Dame Blanche at the Moulin Rouge changes his life forever.
Librarian’s Note: You will need to be logged into an AO3 account in order to read this fic.
The Bone Crush by @writtenthroughtime
Outlander / Harry Potter
Hogwarts!AU for the #OLPromptExchange on Tumblr.
"...above all, he could have wasted his afternoon staring at a stone wall, instead of gaping blankly at Claire Beauchamp as she strolled into the room. Yes, as far as days went, this certainly wasn’t bad."
Claire of Broch Mordha by @mo-nighean-rouge
Outlander / Anne of Green Gables
Three vignettes into the life of orphan Claire Beauchamp as she grows up.
Clans of Anarchy by JeSuisPrest
Outlander / Sons of Anarchy
Jamie Fraser was born into a crime dynasty, but is that what his father really wanted for him? Claire Beauchamp, his long lost love, escaped her fate once, but now that she's back, will she be sucked back into his dangerous world?
Crossing the veil by fardareismai
Outlander / Doctor Who
From a Tumblr prompt "Rose Tyler meets Claire Randall-Fraser and they bond over their time-travel experiences" but it's not much like that at all.
Covert Operations by @sablelab​
Outlander / La Femme Nikita
James Fraser and Claire Beauchamp are operatives that work for a covert secret organisation called Section One. Their terrorist target is Sun Yee Lok, the hard to pin down leader of the Rising Dragons’ Triad that is responsible for several deaths and other atrocities in Hong Kong. In their attempt to capture him and eliminate the triad for good, they come across other triad members and pursue these people in the hope that they will lead them to their leader.
dear darling by Sabaxoxoxo
Outlander / My Sister’s Keeper
A completely self-indulgent Jamie/Claire 1950's college AU oneshot.
I've always liked Campbell and Julia's back story in My Sister's Keeper and so I've mashed that together with all my '50s dreams for Jamie and Claire and called it a oneshot.
Dirt In The Skits by @notameeksassenach
Outlander / League of Their Own
What happens when Claire Beauchamp-Randall joins the All American Girls' Professional Baseball League.
Double Agent by erinmangerer
Outlander / Alias
Claire Beauchamp's life is full of secrets. When one decision crumbles her world around her, she must lean on old relationships and new allies to find justice and reclaim her life.
Dr. B, Medicine Woman by @crossinginstyle
Outlander / Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman
Claire Beauchamp is trying to make her way as a woman doctor in the 19th century. After the death of her uncle and only supporter, she decides to risk everything to travel to a small frontier town in Colorado in need of a doctor. There, she meets Mac, a mysterious, quiet man who lives among the Cheyenne, and becomes a sudden mother to three orphaned children.
Friendship of Stone by trashofalltrades
Outlander / Captain America / Agent Carter
While stationed at a French hospital in WWII, Claire runs into Captain America who in turn introduces her to Peggy Carter. A lasting friendship ensues that spans not only decades, but centuries.
Helpless by SapphireSassenach
Outlander / Hamilton
An AU where after Jamie gets flogged at 19, he flees to Revolutionary America and meets a daughter of a wealthy man (Claire) and falls in love.
The Highlander and the Sassanach Agent by LowlandSassanach
Outlander / Criminal Minds
Set after the third season of Outlander and the tenth season of Criminal minds. When Claire goes back to 18th century Scotland and finds Jamie he decides he wants them to go back to the 20th century to meet his daughter. But they overshoot it by about 40 years and end up in the 21st century in Virginia, why did the stones send them there? And why does Jamie feel drawn to SSA Jareau in a totally platonic way. Two people; Black Jack Randall, and Tivon Askari.
The Highlander and the Witch by  kitcat12
Outlander / Harry Potter
A blind witch from the Lakota Sioux tribe lands in 1743 Scotland on her way back from a Standing Rock Lakota pipe line protest. She meets Rupert, Angus, and the rest of the gang. Will she survive the Highlands, or will she want to go home? Adventure awaits as she navigates the Highland culture, while trying to keep her Lakota traditions alive.
I always need you by @bonniebird17
Outlander / Suits
Jamie Fraser and Claire Beachamp working together at the law firm, Cameron Randall Mackenzie. The lawyer and secretary. Twelve years and their relationship has been a blurry line of you are the most important person in my life with we don’t speak about what how we really feel.
Librarian’s Note: You will need to be logged into an AO3 account in order to read this fic.
If I never went to Scotland, how different would things be? by  LowlandSassanach
Outlander / Criminal Minds
Maisie Hotchner, on a summer vacation from Virgina Tech, comes upon the standing stones at Craig Na Dun and is excited (her major being ancient civilisations). But she's caught up in the time travelling side of the stones. She then tells everyone she meets she needs to get to America, the only place that feels familiar, she arrives in Wilmington on the Gloriana (same ship as Roger) and eventually is caught up in the Fraser's drama.
I’ll Be There For You by @abreathofsnowandwaffles
Outlander / New Girl
I knew I was in trouble when he moved in. I had known somewhere deep inside, that sharing an apartment with Jamie Fraser was going to be a problem. But, I had needed the help to pay the rent and he was the only suitable person who met my obscene standards.
He was clean, respectful, and didn’t mind my coming and going at odd hours.  He was a hard worker, Adso loved him, and all the references on his application had stellar reviews about him.  He was also extremely charming and good-looking. I had started to fall for him the moment he came over for a tour of the apartment, though, I hadn’t wanted to admit it to anyone- let alone myself.
The problem was, I was with Frank, and he had a girlfriend—But Jamie Fraser was my best friend, and that was all.
I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) by @ladyviolethummingbird
Outlander / Groundhog Day
Jamie Fraser is a successful news anchor in London and is none-too-pleased at being sent on assignment to his home town in Scotland. Having not been back in over a decade Jamie can’t wait to leave, a plan delayed when he is forced to relive the same day over and over and over...
In a Pub, Briefly by gelasticjew
Outlander / Captain America
Claire Beauchamp and Peggy Carter crossed paths while training to serve in World War II, and now they're catching up on leave.
Invisible string tying you to me by Cait1in
Outlander / Treadwell Academy
Claire and Jamie keep having chance meetings but they are love struck idiots, and will they ever act on their feelings? Claire is new to the city and has secrets... Jamie is a tattoo artist that’s too romantic for his own good... what happens when they meet, and meet again, and again?
Let's Remake the World by gjwandkids
Outlander / Harry Potter
The Harry Potter/Outlander crossover that wouldn't leave me alone until I wrote it down. Weaving the two stories together while keeping the main plot of both.
May We Meet Again by @sassenachpetals
Outlander / Star Trek
Claire Beauchamp was thrust into the position of Chief Medical Officer years ago after an away mission gone wrong. Six years later, her life is set to take a turn that will make her question everything she thought she knew about that fateful day.
Outlander / Sound of Music AU by @anoutlandishfanfic
Outlander / The Sound of Music
The plot of Sound of Music with Claire as Maria and Jamie as the Captain von Trapp... and a few more outlandish changes woven in.
Outlander Forever by Kazroo
Outlander / New Amsterdam / Forever
While not a cross-over in the strict sense of the meaning, I have appropriated several plot devices from both the current show about immortals, Forever, and another earlier show about an immortal, New Amsterdam (which starred Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) that I actually preferred the back-story for, and pulled them into a purely Outlander character-scape. The Outlander references are a mix of the books and the TV series, so don't jump down my throat on date differences! Simply put, Jamie Fraser is immortal, and his path is about to cross once again with Claire, and Brianna, the daughter he has never had the chance to meet. Picking up where Dragonfly in Amber left off, what happens if Claire can't go back, but Jamie never dies?
Outlander Who? by geckogirl7
Outlander / Doctor Who
The TARDIS unexpectedly lands in the 18th century Scottish highlands. The Twelfth Doctor runs into a cave to hide from the redcoats and meets an odd couple hiding out there. The three have a lot more in common than they realize. AKA I just really want the Doctor to travel to Scotland and hang out with Jamie and Claire.
The Painted Woman by  BL4CKB377Y
Outlander / Star Trek
Zahra is a badass soldier/warrior/femme fatale from the 23rd century who has a dark past and scars of her own. What happens when she suddenly finds herself in the midst of an era and a people who oppress her from all sides, and only one man who seems able to accept her for what and who she is?
Rewrite the Stars by @thefraserwitch
Outlander / One Tree Hill
Jamie & Claire spend some time at Jamie's grandfather's cabin discussing the stars and what they mean to one another.
Simply Irresistible by @ladyviolethummingbird
Outlander / Dirty Dancing
In the summer of 1987 Jamie was 19 and spending two weeks with his family at Dunsany’s - a holiday resort in the Lake District. He didn’t expect the trip to be very eventful; that was until he met a beautiful curly-haired dancer named Claire.
Outlander / The Mummy
1920s- Claire and Uncle Lamb are on an archeological dig in Egypt alongside a competing camp- led by a mysterious red-headed Scot- in hopes of uncovering a long hidden secret treasure.
Soul on Fire by inpurifyingflame
Outlander / Harry Potter
Claire Beauchamp is entering her seventh year as a Ravenclaw at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry when she is sucked into a beginning rivalry between sixth year Gryffindor Jamie Fraser and Head Boy and ex-boyfriend Frank Randall. Balancing school work, a future career, friendships and potential romance, Claire has to decide what it is - or who - she wants.
Spellbound by @clairefraserloves
Outlander / Harry Potter
Jamie Fraser is looking for peace at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He finds so much more.
The Time Traveler's Family by @abbydebeaupreposts
Outlander / The Time Traveler’s Wife
Strange the things you remember, the people, the places, the moments in time burned into the heart forever. Jamie Fraser has lived a life different from other men, for most men don’t have wives and children with temporal displacement disorder.
Women of Balnain by @suhailauniverse
Outlander / X-Files
Special Agent Claire Beauchamp finds herself working a case of a missing young woman and unexpectedly partnered with a highly unorthodox Detective who challenges her in ways she never thought possible. Little did she know, this was the beginning of a journey that would change her life forever.
You Are The Music In Me by @thetranquilteal​
Outlander / High School Musical
Whilst on vacation, 17-year-old Claire Beauchamp finds herself onstage singing karaoke with none other than North High School’s all-star athlete Jamie Fraser. After a night filled with fun and laughter, the two make plans to meet at their shared school when the holidays are over. But fate intervenes and Jamie is left standing alone on the steps wondering what happened. 15 years later, Claire finally returns to North High School and discovers that some things never change - including her connection to Jamie Fraser.
The Arrow by @nealnathanielyote
A comic book/modern/dystopian AU 
Doctor Claire Beauchamp knew life wouldn't be easy in a crime-ridden Inverness. She is a doctor, though, and wants to help however she can. She just didn't think it'd involve some dude in green leather shooting arrows at corrupt people. Who the heck still uses a bow and arrow as primary weapons anyway?
*Please let us know if there are any fics that fit this category that we’ve missed!*
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edourado · 4 years
Warning - Part II
So I had an anxiety attack last night. What fun. 
And, since I was maybe twelve years old, writing is what actually calms me down, I finished this little piece that has been sitting on my drafts for AGES. 
Please note that I wrote 99% of it before the latest Avengers movies. So if you pick up any discrepancies, ignore them. It’s already an AU, so it shouldn’t be too difficult. 
Thanks for all the messages I got, supporting that I posted this. Honestly, I haven’t written anything since mid 2019, and September was the start of the worst time of my life, so I was very, very insecure going back to it. Still am. 
Let me know what you think. Tomorrow I think I’m gonna post a snippet of something else I was working on before all the mess, that I still feel excited about. 
Love you all. 
Son of a bitch.
Son of a motherfucking bitch, he can’t believe this guy’s luck. 
Or, maybe, it has nothing to do with luck at all. 
When he first met Frank Castle, Grotto knew he should be careful. Nothing about the guy said “friendly” or “willing to sway the rules”. They were both beat cops back then, but, honestly, Grotto was fooling no one. This decision of his to “go straight” was not gonna stick for long, no matter how many times his father threatened him or how many tears his mother shed. It was just in his blood.
And, right away, he knew Castle was not going to be one of his buddies. So best to keep a safe distance. 
Unsurprisingly, Frank, the condecorated Marine, started, you know, going places. Soon enough, Grotto - Officer Grote, now - was still in uniform while Castle was Detective. A blink of an eye and, what do you know. Sergeant Castle.
No grudges there, it’s not like Grotto had big dreams for himself with the police while he was still in bed with the… Wrong kind of crowd, to put it mildly. 
But he had always wondered about that one pesky thing. 
He is better looking than Frank. Yes he is, 100%. He doesn’t have any visible scars and a nose that has been broken about a thousand times, and he doesn’t frown so much. His eyes are a nice shade of greenish grayish blue, he has a nice smile. He can do pretty well for himself with the ladies, there should be no contest between him and Frank Sour-Face Castle.
And yet. 
He doesn’t get it. The guy is grumpy, the guy is broody, the guy is downright rude, but whenever he walks into a room, suddenly it’s all about him. 
Sure, he does have a nice physique, but you can’t even tell it when he’s wearing a suit, which he does everyday. Still. There should not be as many women following his every move wherever he goes. 
When he walks into the station, you can almost hear the collective sigh. From the hookers to the badges, everybody wants a piece of Castle, it seems. 
Not that it really matters. Grotto has his own thing going on with Sally Burnett from Chelsea, and also maybe a little something else with Tatiana Henry, from Williamsburg. He met this amazing nurse in Harlem the other day, Claire something, and he definitely would like to have something with her, but she knows Castle, and Turk tells him she’s involved with Luke Cage, so he’s not holding his breath. 
But then, just when he thinks he finally has the upper hand on the scowling bastard, he gets slapped on the face again. 
Frank lost the bet. Fair and square, he lost it. The one thing they were able to really talk about was basketball, and Grotto got to gloat for a whole weekend plus a Monday when his team won and Castle’s lost, spectacularly, and Frank had to cover traffic for him for a whole night while Grotto went out with Tatiana. 
He had been genuinely happy then. Not really because of the game, he didn’t really care that much about sports. Not even because he finally would get lucky with Tati. No. It was the thought of Castle sitting alone in the car, stopping stupid text-and-driving teenagers and chasing speeding assholes - or, better yet, too slow assholes - for an entire night. That made him almost tingle with petty excitement. 
But then, the bastard had walked in the coffee shop the next morning with a funny look on his face. And before Grotto could even say anything to him, before he could ask about his miserable night while gloating about the mediocre sex he had had with Tati - hey, sometimes you get a little too excited, you know? - the prick was, shit you not, smiling at someone. 
And yeah. Even Grotto could admit the guy was charming, with the kind of side smile that would look ridiculous on himself, but worked on Castle. 
And then, like a fucking slap on the face, Grotto saw that the pretty - gorgeous, so out of his league it was ridiculous - blonde that also got her coffee there everyday was smiling, too. Directly at Castle. 
God damn it. 
How the fuck does he do it? 
Grotto watched, flabbergasted- as his nana would say - as Frank walked confidently and almost leisurely towards the woman, the woman, the one woman nobody at the station ever had the balls to even try to chat up, because are you kidding?, and she was adjusting her hair and fuck this. Fuck this guy. What the fuck. 
“Gotta give it to the man”, Mahoney said from his side, finishing up his coffee. “He’s got it.”
“What the fuck he got that I don’t got?” Grotto asked, and he can admit that he sounded like a boy with his pride hurt. 
“Oh, my friend”, Mahoney laughed, and patted him on the shoulder while Grotto watched as the prick and the pretty lady struck up in hush hush conversation, all secret smiles and flirty eyes. “A whole lot.”
Well, that’s some predictable heteronormative crap, if you ask her. 
Not that they don’t look good together. They do, she admits it. Her angelic, ethereal good looks contrasts with his burly, hyper masculine vibe. It clashes but it also fits.
Ok. So maybe “predictable” wasn’t exactly the word, but still. 
Ava has been working on this coffee shop for almost a year, now. Her mom’s friend and neighbor, Sarah Lieberman, was nice enough to recommend her to Arlene, and what was supposed to have been a temporary job, just to get her shit together after high school and through the first semester of college, was becoming more and more like a nice career prospect. She was manager now, thank you very much, and Arlene was even talking about another shop, maybe uptown, closer to her dorm. 
But anyway. While the second location didn’t happen, Ava was managing this one, and learning about their patrons while doing it. 
Karen Page came in everyday, twice a day. Once in the morning, for a tall light roast Java and a croissant, and again in the evening, for a caramel latte, sometimes with syrup and whip cream. 
Frank Castle also came in everyday, but three times a day. In the morning - double espresso and a plain bagel -, during lunch - espresso and one single tiny donut hole - and in the evening, just before they closed, for an americano. Sometimes he brought his kids, who got hot chocolates and everything bagels (for the girl, his oldest) and grilled cheeses (for the boy, his youngest). 
She saw him looking at Karen sometimes, while she texted on her phone. She saw Karen looking at him while he talked on the phone or read the paper. 
And Ava sighed, her bisexual ass torn between fantasies of both of them, taking turns in her mind. 
Not that either one of them would ever consider going out with her 19 year old self. They were both officially grown ups, and she still took her laundry home, drove her dad’s old car, was panicking about having to deal with taxes and was intimidated by going to the bank alone. 
That didn’t stop her from flirting, though. 
“Morning, Frank”, she would say from behind the cashier, just to hear him say “Good morning, sweetheart” back at her, that usually scowling face of his making her toes curl inside her boots when he looked at her.
“Hi, Karen”, she would smile, opening the display window to fish the best looking croissant she had saved for the blonde that could have just as well been spat out of a Victoria’s Secret catalogue. 
“Hey, gorgeous” was the reply she got every time, which was certain to give her butterflies. 
That morning, though, Ava sighed, because, figures.
Karen had walked in and not walked straight to the line like she usually usually did, but lingered around the stools by the window. Five minutes later, she was about to ask Karen if she wanted her to prepare her order when Frank walked in and smiled at her. 
Not ‘Ava’ her. ‘Karen’ her. He opened the door, ran a hand over his hair and looked around for about a second before meeting Karen’s eyes, and then he smiled. Charming and still so big and burly, and Ava looked, and Karen was smiling right back, sweet and timid but with a hint of boldness and oh my God. Come on, now. 
They said something to each other, low and privately, and she saw the way Frank’s eyes roamed Karen’s face and hair, how his eyes glinted a little. 
Honestly, buddy. Same.
They walked to the counter then, and Ava squared her shoulders. 
“Hi, sweetie”, Karen greeted, and she smiled, because Jesus, how can you be this gorgeous and this nice? Looking like that, she ought to be a bitch, everyone would understand. 
“Hi, Karen”, she said, pretending not to notice anything unusual while Frank stood there by her side. “The usual?”
“Yes, please. And Mr. Castle’s order is on me, today.”
Shit. They’re totally doing it. 
Trying not to roll her eyes, she lifted her brows and punched in the order, stealing a quick glance at Frank, who winked at her, the beautiful bastard. With a grin, she moved to get the croissant, the bagel and prepare the drinks. 
Honestly. She could totally see it, they already looked so good together. 
Handing Karen’s croissant and Frank’s bagel to her and greeting the next customer, she hoped her own Frank or her own Karen hurried up and got there. She couldn’t wait to have this sort of sizzling chemistry with someone. 
Lisa Castle zipped up her backpack, sighing. 
She had payed zero attention to class today. Well, it was presentation day, and it had been Bobby Meyer and his group’s turn, so not much to miss there. It’s not like she hadn’t seen a potato lamp before. 
“Hey”, Leo called while they exited the classroom. “Your project is next week, right?”
“Yeah”, she said, sounding gloomy even to herself.
“Is everything ok?”
“Yeah, yeah, it’s just…” they got to Leo’s locker and Lisa dropped her voice. “I think my dad is dating someone.”
Her friend and neighbor stopped right when the lock clicked open, and looked at her. 
“He is?”
“I think so. Don’t know for sure.”
“Did you, like… See him with someone?”
“No, but… We spent last week at his place, right, Frankie and I. And this morning I saw a text on his phone. I didn’t mean to do it, it was just sitting on the counter after breakfast, and it pinged, I thought it was mine, and I saw the text.”
“What did it say?” 
Leo closed her locker and they walked to Lisa’s.
“Something about a croissant and coffee. I didn’t get it. And then when he read it, his face got all… I don’t know, like silly? And he texted back right away, and he never does that. He drives my mom crazy, we usually have to call to reach him.”
“You don’t like that idea? Of him dating someone?”
Lisa sighed.
“The whole thing surprised me, but, to be honest, I think he should. It’s been over a year since the divorce, and he’s been working too hard, even mom says so. Maybe a girlfriend would help him relax. I’m not against that, I just… Wasn’t expecting it.”
“I can understand that.”
They walked towards the exit and Lisa mentioned that he was picking them up today. Maybe Leo and Zach would like a ride?
“Yeah, sure.”
“You’ll see for yourself, he’s all different.”
They sat on one of the benches by the front doors to wait, and she went on about her discovery.
“I saw the name when she texted. Karen Page.”
“Karen Page? Why does that sound familiar?”
“Right? I thought so, too. At first I thought maybe one of our neighbors, or someone’s mom from school, but I can’t figure it out.”
“Let’s Google her.”
In no time, they recognized the name. She was a reporter from The Bulletin, and they both liked her immediately. 
The lady was, to put it mildly, a boss. 
“Oh my God”, Leo said, scrolling through Karen’s Wikipedia page. “She interviewed the Black Widow once and now they’re friends.”
“Who’s that?”
“Only like, the best Avenger. Natasha something.”
“Oh, I know who she is! She kicks ass!”
By the time Frankie and Zach joined them, they were excited about her dad’s new maybe girlfriend. But they decided not to comment with the boys yet, because… you know. Boys. Ruin everything.
“Mr. Castle is coming to pick them up”, Leo said to her brother, putting her phone back in her pocket. “You wanna drive with him?”
The boy shrugged. 
“Beats the bus.”
When he arrived, Lisa and Leo exchanged a look. 
“Pay attention to him. He’s weird, you’ll see.”
“Hi dad”, Frankie greeted, opening the back door and getting in the car. 
“Hey buddy.”
“Is it ok if Leo and Zach ride with us?” Lisa asked, opening the front passenger door. 
“Sure it is”, he said, smiling at them. “Hop in.”
“Thanks, Mr. Castle” Leo said, getting in after Zach.
“You’re welcome, sweetheart. Seatbelts, seatbelts, everyone.”
The boys, being boys, were loud and spoke over each other during the drive, talking about that stupid game of theirs, and Lisa texted Leo on the back seat about how they could find out if he really was dating their new hero. 
“Hold on, I’m gonna try something”, she wrote, and then turned to her left. 
“Hey dad?”
“Yeah, baby?”
“Could we maybe get some Starbucks?”
“Yeah. They got the new seasonal drinks, I haven’t tried them, yet.”
It was a long shot. Everybody knows dad doesn't like their stuff, he usually gets his coffee from a place near his work, and is always saying how Starbucks has too much sugar in everything and it’s not authentic and these chain restaurants are not as good as the local stuff, the places ran by families, with tradition, real heart, blah blah blah. 
So, everyone was surprised when he said,
“What, really?” Frankie asked.
“Yeah. Why not?”
“OMG” she texted Leo. “If he orders a croissant”, she went on, after they exchanged surprised looks through the rearview mirror. “That confirms it. He doesn’t eat croissants.”
She thought they were going to the drive through, but he parked the car and they all walked into the Starbucks closest to their block. 
Frankie and Zach ordered venti Java Chips, and Frank made them change it to talls. Leo ordered a strawberry and cream, and Lisa went for the pumpkin spice.
“Just do me a favor and don’t get used to this, ok?” He told them after they were done ordering. “Go see if there are any seats.”
She and Leo lingered by the counter while the boys walked to the couch in the corner.
“No coffee in any of those, please” he instructed the barista.
“Sure thing. And for you, sir, anything?”
“I’ll have an espresso.”
“Ok. Anything else?”
There was a beat, a moment that stretched while he considered it. The girls watched him with bated breath. 
“Do you have croissants?”
Lisa and Leo looked at each other, and tried to hide their grins.
“Yes, we have…” the barista leaned to check. “Butter, almond, chocolate and pistachio honey.”
They couldn’t contain the giggles while he thought about it for just a second before ordering.
“Yeah, one of each, please.”
“That’s a lot of croissants, dad”, Lisa said while he paid, trying to keep her tone casual. 
“Maybe I’m hungry”, he replied, a hand smoothing her hair. 
“You skipped lunch or something?”
He clicked his tongue at her and reached to pinch her cheek, which she evaded.
“Get some napkins.”
She let it slide, preferring not to comment that he never had pastries like these, especially not from Starbucks, that his story didn’t really make sense. 
Maybe he wanted some privacy. Her dad had never lied to them, so if he wasn’t telling her the truth about the croissants, maybe it was because he wasn’t ready yet. Lisa can understand that. 
And he seems happy. More than he had been this past year, so she can wait a little bit. 
He stopped the car in front of the Lieberman’s place and waited until Leo and Zach were inside before driving a few yards forward, to their place.
She missed having him home, everyday. His new house was just a block away, but still. Not the same. 
“Bye dad!” Frankie said, hopping off and walking towards the house - mom’s house.
“Bye, buddy. Math test tomorrow. Don’t play video games all night, ok? You have to study.”
“Yeah, ok!”
Lisa lingered a little longer. 
“Thanks for the drinks, dad.”
“Sure, baby. Just don’t get used to it, ok? Too much-“
“-sugar is bad for me. I know.”
She smiled up at him, suddenly very happy to see him looking not so heavy. There was something lighter about him, now that she was paying attention. 
“See you tomorrow?”
“Yes, you will.”
“Ok. Bye, dad.”
“Bye, honey”, he said, leaning to place a kiss on her forehead. “Do your homework.”
“And get started on your presentation.”
“Call me if you need anything.”
“And maybe don’t tell mom about the Starbucks thing.”
“Ok”, she said again, this time smiling conspiratorially. 
He winked and honked when she waved at him from the living room window, driving away after she signaled she had locked the door. 
Finishing the last of her pumpkin spice, she made her way to her room, to get on her computer and find out more about Karen Page. 
Her presentation could wait.
His wife would say, when she was happy with him, that he was such a good reporter, he didn’t know how to not investigate stuff. 
“This clinical eye of yours, Ben, you see through everyone.”
When she was mad at him, she would say that he was nosy, meddled too much.
“Maybe you should learn how to separate work from the rest of your life, Ben”, that tone that gave him the chills. 
Either way, she was right. Not much got past him.
Not that these two were trying too hard to hide anything. 
Frank Castle was a good kid. Ben and Doris visited his mother at the hospital when she had Frank, they had watched him grow up right next door to him, went to his birthday parties, saw him off when he joined the Marines and flew off to protect the country, helped with the welcome party when he came back for the first time. 
Ben was there when Frank got married, he knew both his kids, was very good friends with his parents. 
He and Doris were there for Louisa when Frank’s father passed away, helped her along the grief, the bureaucracy of his will, his life insurance. 
Frank was like a son to him. 
Still, it was a surprise when he showed up at work, on a Monday. 
“Hey Mr. Urich”, he said from the door, knocking twice. Ben blinked at the sight of him. 
“Frankie! Hi!”
The man - taller than him, now - walked in and Ben got up from his desk to shake his hand. 
“I hope I’m not interrupting you, or…”
“No, no, come in. Can’t say I’m not surprised, though. Been here over twenty years, I think this is the first time you visit?”
Frank smiled, sitting on a chair in front of the desk. 
“I came to ask a favor, actually.”
Ben sat back down on his own chair, and looked at him. 
“I’ve been talking to my mom, and she mentioned a book she wanted to read, but can’t find anywhere. I got it for her.”
Frank showed him a bag from Barnes and Noble. 
“Knowing Louisa”, Ben said, reaching for the bag. “I’d say she only looked for it at Target and Walmart.”
“That’s what I said to her. I hope you don’t mind, I’ve been busy with work, and the house, can’t really find the time to make it to Queens these days. And she doesn’t want to drive any further than five miles anymore, so it makes it kinda difficult.”
“I’ll deliver it to her, don’t worry.”
They talked a little longer, Ben asked about the kids, Frank asked about Doris, it was all very pleasant. 
But he couldn’t fool Ben. He was a bit restless, a bit awkward, there was something going on. 
“I met one of your reporters the other day”, he said, finally. 
“Yeah. Karen Page?”
Ah. There it is. 
Ben tried not to smile too knowingly. Half his staff had a crush on her. He just raised his brows in recognition and nodded. 
“Karen’s my best asset.”
“That right?”
“Kid’s a natural. Almost too good. She’s sitting on my old chair, I predict she’ll sit on this one soon enough.”
Frank smiled, and Ben was surprised. The last time he saw him smile like that, he was still married to Maria.
“How did you meet?”
“I, uh… Almost gave her a ticket.”
Ben laughed. 
“And we get coffee at the same place, just around the corner.”
“Son, that is almost too cute. A coffee shop romance?”
Frank looked at him, as if he had been caught, and Ben saw that fire cracker of a kid again. 
“Romance, what are you-”
“Come on, kid. I’ve known you your whole life. Can’t lie to me.”
Sighing in defeat, but with a lopsided smile, Frank leaned back on his chair. 
“I haven’t had anything serious since the divorce”, he mused. 
“You think Karen could be something serious?”
Slowly, he nodded. 
“What d’you think?” he asked Ben, and he thought about his anwer. 
“I met her during a complicated time of her life. Came to know her well, I got her into writing.”
“She mentioned.”
“She’s a good one. She really is.”
Frank looked at him.
“Meaning you’d be a fool to pass this up.”
He looked towards Ben’s window, apparently thinking. 
But his mind was already made, it was more than obvious. 
“She around?”
Pointing out the door, Ben took a sip from his coffee. 
“Last office to the right.” 
He shook Frank’s hand before he left.
“You don’t disappear. Come visit your mother. And Doris misses you.”
“Yes, sir. You send them both my love.”
Ben watched as Frank walked out of his office and made his way to Karen’s.
Shaking his head, he adjusted in his chair, going back to the article he was revising.
These kids. 
Good for them. 
He really did like her hair. 
The first time they kissed, it was by the water, two days after she bought his coffee. 
It was a cold night, she was all wrapped up in a scarf, he had a hoodie on, a beanie that made her want to pinch his cheeks - which was absurd. He was not a man whose cheeks one simply pinches. Her hands were cold, she had them buried inside her coat’s pockets while he told her about his kids - his son, the time he drew a Marine on the wall and told him it was to keep the scary guys away while Frank was deployed, and how that had been what made him decide to stay for good - and she was smiling, more than a little bit hypnotized by him, by this man that was a whole different kind of handsome. 
Karen, as a fair skinned blue eyed blonde, usually dated… Well, pretty men. Men that were classically attractive, all right angles and no bad sides. 
Frank, though. Frank was inexplicably beautiful. That rugged kind of handsome that she could not for the life of her explain why it worked so well, but it did. Everything about him was so attractive, his face, his broken nose, his jaw, his resting face that looked like he was ready to bite someone’s head off. 
But God, he looked so good. 
And he looked back at her, that face of his actually doing a pretty job in warming her up. 
She doesn’t actually remember what they talked about after that, but she knows he made her smile, and she said something else that made him smile, and then he was closer, her nose was freezing, but she felt warm in her belly, and then he was kissing her, small at first, just a touch of his lips on hers, one that lingered, but then it was a bit bigger, he leaned a bit closer and she parted her lips slightly, which made him raise his hand and put it on the back of her neck, bringing her closer. 
They stayed there for a few minutes, pressed together against the chilly wind, kissing without any sort of hurry or agenda, in spite of how cold it was. 
“Wanna get a coffee or something?” he finally asked when the wind picked up, and she nodded, closing her eyes when he kissed her again, and that was the day she found out he really did like her hair. 
Everytime they kissed after that, and the first time he spent the night at her place, and all the other times following that first one, he would spend a good while caressing her hair. Twirling a lock around his fingers, smoothing it on her head, pushing it out of her face, pressing his nose against it while they sat on the couch, you name it. Frank would always pay attention to her hair and Karen loved it, felt beautiful and cherished when he did it.
Missed it when he was not there. 
It was a bit after seven when she decided to call him. She knew she shouldn’t, he was working, he would be there later, but she was all by herself, and it was ridiculous, but she missed him. 
Her bag was packed and waiting on the couch, full of things she would need for the weekend, the very first weekend she would spent at his place, the very first time she would actually stay over. His kids were in Chicago with their mother for the long weekend, so she would not be meeting them just yet. 
Which was good, she was nervous about meeting them. 
What if they didn’t like her? What if she said all the wrong things? What if she embarrassed herself in front of this guy’s kids and messed it up so bad she couldn’t see him anymore? 
Pushing those thoughts away from her mind, she pressed the call button, running a brush on her wet hair while it rang, fighting the silly smile when he answered. 
He does love her hair. More than a little bit, if he’s being completely honest. 
It’s not even a thing for him, normally. Maybe because he never met someone who’s hair he found so alluring, that caught the light like that, or twisted at the ends like this, or that particular color he had never quite seen before. 
Well, he had seen it, Karen was not the first blonde woman he ever met in his life. 
But the way those particular strands looked on his pillowcases, and the gentle and subtle curl of it around his fingers, the baby hairs that kept out of the towel she wrapped around her head after the shower. 
Honestly, Frank lived for the smell of it, any given time. 
His favorite, though, might just be that contrast of it against his pillowcases. 
She was asleep, but almost waking up. The sun was out already, and the birds outside were chirping like their lives depended on it. He felt her feet flexing under the covers, and, granted, they haven’t been sleeping together long, but Frank was starting to know a few of her patterns. 
First were the feet, then the slight frown, and then she would stir, stretch and then open her eyes.
Karen frowned and Frank raised his hand. Slid his fingers over her ear and into that hair, the heel of his wrist by the corner of her mouth, her cheek warm on his palm. 
As expected, she stretched, and Frank felt a hand touching his chest under the covers. 
For three days, now, he had been watching her wake up, and he liked going through the whole process (a fascinating thing to watch, Karen Page). Today, though. 
Today he put his fingers through her hair, and brought he face to his. She let out a small whimper of residual sleep, and turned her face into his palm, and that hair, that hair slipped and moved, fine fine fine strands of gold, and Frank moved to lie on top of her, nose on the crook of her neck, her arms around his own neck, hands grabbing her legs and adjusting them around his hips. 
“Morning, officer”, she mumbled in his ear, so warm under him. 
“Morning, miss Page”.
“So rude, waking me up like this.”
One breath, deep, the scent of her shampoo filling his lungs. 
“You wanna go back to sleep?” 
“Hmm”. And that hair, working like liquid rope around his fingers. “Maybe.” 
“Ok”, he agreed, pressing one simple, lingering kiss on her lips before turning them, fitting her back to his chest. “Close your eyes, then.” 
He did the same, feeling as she adjusted his hand against her chest, his nose buried once again in the long strands of blonde hair. 
“The lengths we go to avoid a ticket”, she said suddenly, making him laugh, laughing herself, turning inside his arms to cuddle against him, the top of her head under his chin.
He should buy Grotto a coffee sometime. Preferably before he arrested his crooked ass, but the only reason he could bury his nose in Karen’s hair right now was because of the bet he lost, so the very least he could do was treat the stupidest corrupt police officer he had ever  to a cup of coffee.
But he would think about that later. For now he would enjoy the warmth of the woman against him, and not even ponder about the rapidly growing feelings inside him. 
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jomiddlemarch · 3 years
There are always things to miss
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It wasn’t easy being the second Mrs. Matthias Helvar.
It wasn’t that Nina had expected an easy life when she decided to be a mail-order bride. She didn’t have an easy life in Oskervo, but she had a view of the sea from the window of her small room and the cry of the gulls to remind her the world was wider than Oskervo’s narrow streets paved with oyster shells. She could have stayed there, running the boarding house, retrimming her bonnet with a new red ribbon every year, but she’d seen the advertisement in the paper and had written back an inquiry, telling herself she didn’t have to agree if the letter she received wasn’t to her liking.
The letter that came was very brief, explaining the circumstances Matthias Helvar found himself in, the size of his farm and his need for a helpmeet, a woman unafraid of hard work, big skies, and raising another woman’s child. It was the name of the farm, Fjerda, and the child, Berit, that made her say yes, something about the way he’d written them, the delicate loop of the j, the careful slash on the t and the total absence of the name of his first wife. Nina packed up her things in a carpetbag, bought a sturdy new pair of boots, and sent a reply on the same day. The next was the day she bought her ticket West and the third day was the day she left Oskervo behind.
When she arrived at the station, he was waiting for her with a wagon. She’d worried during the long trip about whether it would be difficult to tell who he was, whether she shouldn’t have said something more than I’ll be the one wearing a yellow bonnet trimmed with a scarlet ribbon, whether he would be one of a dozen men in a dusty coat and a dirt-caked boots. She’d wasted her time. There was no mistaking Matthias Helvar in a crowd, but he was at the station alone, tall, broad-shouldered, his blond hair bright in the sun, his closely trimmed beard a darker gold, wearing his Sunday best and holding his hat in his hand.
They were married within the hour and the ring on her finger was warm from his breast pocket when he slid it on her hand. The minister’s wife Ina, a slight, dark woman with an unusual grace, slipped Nina a small package in a scrap of calico tied with string, and murmured “He’s a good man but you’ll need to be patient” and then in a louder tone invited them to dinner the next time they came into town for the Sunday service. Nina caught her breath when she unwrapped the package sitting on the bench of the wagon, finding an exquisite fichu in white silk Chantilly lace, an heirloom. Matthias glanced at her but said nothing, the reins held loosely in his hands.
He was a man of few words and those he had, he mostly saved for Berit or the dairy cows. Berit was small for her age, with wispy sandy brown curls and hazel eyes; she must have favored her mother, the mother who’d died of the same sudden fever than had made Berit lose the hearing in one ear. She’s not simple, Matthias said and it was all that he said about her, but Nina saw the way he picked his daughter up in his arms at the end of the day and how the little girl rested her head against his chest, how easily she fell asleep when he hummed a melody Nina couldn’t name in his low baritone. It wasn’t easy, sitting with Matthias and Berit in the kitchen after she’d cleared away the dishes and had her hands full of the endless mending, though she was glad of the work, the fatigue from the chores and the baking heat and the strain of seeing the desolate look in both their faces when she turned around and wasn’t Mamma, but only Nina.
If the days weren’t easy, the nights were nearly impossible. Berit slept in the small loft in a small bed Matthias had made and under a nine-patch quilt pieced by her dead mother. After the first night, when Matthias stayed in the barn late and slept in the chair in front of the cookstove, he and Nina shared a bed under a Jacob’s ladder quilt pieced by his dead wife. The bed took up most of the room, but Matthias was a big man and Nina was not a small woman and there was no way they could sleep in the bed without being close enough to touch. She’d expected to do her wifely duty, not very troubled after she saw the gentle way he carried his daughter or the deftness in his hands unhitching the horse from the wagon, but he never touched her. At least, not while he was awake; there were nights when Nina woke in the moonlight to find his arm around her, his face buried in the crook of her neck, his chest warm against her back. She woke to feel his body longing for hers but he never spoke of it and when she tried to, he flushed a deep red and pressed his lips together tightly.
It was not easy being the second Mrs. Matthias Helvar but Nina hadn’t expected it to be. Fjerda was two hundred acres and there wasn’t the money to hire a spare girl. Berit watched her like a hawk and wouldn’t eat anything Nina cooked for a week and then got into all the trouble of a girl twice her age. Matthias frowned when Nina sang the lively songs of Oskervo, when she read aloud from the books she’d crammed into her satchel, when she lifted her hem to show Berit how to dance and when she smiled setting down a dried-apple pie, dolloped with fresh cream, sighing at her first bite. He frowned when she turned in his arms in the night and looked his blue eyes, grey at midnight, and he frowned before he kissed her parted lips, as he pulled the ribbon from her braided hair and ran his fingers through her chestnut curls. He frowned as he said I do like you and it wasn’t easy for Nina to simply nod and draw him back down; it wasn’t easy until he rested in her arms, spent, and murmured Don’t go, little red bird and Nina was not the second Mrs. Matthias Helvar but the one he’d let himself love.
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kylorengarbagedump · 5 years
Little Bird: Chapter 16
Read on AO3.  Part 15 here. Part 17 here.
Summary: The horrors of Gilead are too much to bear. You've been selfish.
Words: 3100
Warnings: Handmaid AU
Characters: Kylo Ren x Handmaid!Reader
A/N: Guys... Ren knows she's missing... what the fuck is gonna happen...
(I know but I'm not telling.)
Thank you everyone for your interest and attention to this story. I have no words to express how grateful I am. I love y'all so much. <3
The rest of the house was surprisingly plain, considering its underbelly. Rey and Finn slept on the second floor, and Poe, as their driver, had an adjoining room on the first floor. The facade was one of a normal, functioning Gilead household, with Angel, Wife, and their help all existing in perfect harmony. Part of you wanted to know more about Finn and Rey’s marriage--did they love each other, was it arranged, how had they managed to create the Resistance--but you couldn’t think of a polite way to ask.
Perhaps that was more conditioning. You couldn’t remember if questions like that had appeared unimportant before Gilead.
“Anyway, that’s all for the house,” Rey said. “You’ll likely only be here a few days, but we think it’s important you know where everything is, should anything happen.”
You blinked. “Happen?”
She waved her hands dismissively. “Not that anything has! Or that we expect it to. But it’s better to be prepared.”
Somehow, this did little to ease your nerves. The reality of being involved with a treasonous group of rebels was starting to settle. Of course you could never be a spy for them. You were trying to save your life. You’d done enough risking it at the end of Kylo Ren’s cock.
Rey led you back through the den, a large room lit with tall, dim lamps and a crackling fire. Bookcases packed tight with spines adorned each wall, reaching the ceiling, and a couple of massive leather sofas framed a heavy, carved coffee table at the center. The hardwood gleamed at your feet, reflecting the flames from the fireplace. Rey trudged forward, heading toward the hearth.
“This is a little cliche, I know,” she said. “But we couldn’t think of a better deterrent than fire.”
She pulled a brick out from the side of the fireplace and tugged out a pair of thick, black gloves that went up to her elbows. After pulling them on, to your horror, she reached into the fire, digging into the logs, and yanked at a lever. Nothing happened. But she didn’t seem deterred. Next, she tore away the thick, Persian rug at the foot of the hearth, pushing back one of the slats of hardwood and using it like a handle, wrenching open a rectangular slab of wood, wisps of smoke escaping as she revealed another hidden entrance.
You shrugged, heart skipping again. “You guys have a lot of these, huh.”
Rey smiled, replacing the gloves in the brick. “Just these two. This is the more important one, though. Come on!”
With quick feet, she disappeared down the tiny staircase, the walls closing even tighter than the ones before, compressing your frame like a compactor. You weren’t as fast, surveying your path, noticing the open grate in the ceiling that hung under where the fireplace was positioned. The air was stifling, almost woolen.
“When the grate is open, it becomes pretty much impossible to breathe.” Rey was at an iron door at the end of the staircase, now, spinning the combination lock above the handle. “We hope that in the event of an emergency, it would give enough time to allow for evacuation.”
Swallowing, you nodded, as if you wanted to be worrying about an emergency. Then again, your entire life had been an emergency for the past few years. What did the change of scenery really matter? The lock clicked, and the door opened. Rey waved you on. Holding your breath, you snuck down with your skirts bunched above your ankles, crossing the threshold and into a cooler, open room. She followed, and the door clamped shut behind you.
In front of you was another area illuminated with the same battery tap lights as you’d seen in their war room, accompanied with those similar eggshell crates. Beds lined the walls, some of them occupied, others barren. At the end of the room was a closed door, light peeking out from the frame. As you glanced around the space, each time a pair of eyes landed on you, shame leapt from inside your chest and swallowed you whole. You counted three strangers corralled here, total, all dressed in sweatshirts and jeans that looked about a decade old. And inside the gazes of these strangers, you saw yourself: terrified. Desperate. Alone.
“We have a new addition today, everyone,” said Rey. “Would you like to introduce yourself?”
Throwing a half-hearted wave, you mumbled your name. “Hello.”
“Right!” Her hand at your back again, she ushered you forward. “Clockwise, that’s Louise, Audrey, Gabrielle, and…” She snapped her fingers. “Where’s Sarah?”
“In the washroom,” said the one named Louise, pointing to the closed door.
“Got it.” Hand still guiding you, Rey turned you toward the door and walked you through the locking mechanism and how to get up to the main house, if necessary. “And if anything should happen--these girls know this--pull this lever right here. It opens both grates underneath the fire place. The fire is always burning. After you pull it, you all must escape through the piping in the washroom.” She looked over the room again. “You all remember that?”
The other woman called out their assent. Rey nodded, gripped your shoulder.
“I’ll leave you to get comfortable. There’s a set of clothes underneath one of the open beds. We’ll probably be serving dinner in a few hours. We bring it down here. I hope that’s okay.”
You shifted on your feet, crossing your arms. “So… I’m stuck down here, now?” Shadows stretched across the concrete floors, the tap lights too pitiful to banish them.. “Great.”
Her face fell. “I know. It’s not ideal. But…” She sighed. “Our primary goal is to keep you all safe until transport. We’ve smuggled out dozens of Handmaids with our protocols the way they are.”
“Yeah.” You nodded.
The knowledge that Ren would soon know you were gone was crushing you tighter than the walls themselves. You couldn’t imagine him honestly razing everything within 100 miles just for you--after all, you were just a Handmaid--but then you recalled the last time you’d spoken with him. The ache in his eyes. The despair.
Not one like you.
You haunt me.
A chill cast over your intestines, goosebumps sweeping over your flesh. Your tongue was dry. “When did you say the transport was, again?” You tried to wipe your sweating palms on your skirts.
Rey’s nose twisted in consideration. “We have a contact willing to collect a shipment at the end of the week. So it probably won’t be for a few more days.”
You coughed, trying to clear the dust from your throat. You hoped you’d last that long. “Okay.”
“Everyone all right?” Rey asked, casting a glance across the room. When no one responded, she grinned, and left through the iron door, sealing it tight behind her.
A long, heavy sigh left you, and you turned back to the room, again meeting the anxious gazes of the other women. You shuffled over to an empty bed, reaching underneath it, finding, to no surprise, a pair of baggy jeans and a large sweatshirt. You sat down with a loud squeak, mattress deflating like marshmallow underneath you. Every bed in here was covered with mismatched sheets, the frames combinations of screwed together steel bars and wooden slats.
You regarded the set of clothing with some degree of confusion. The thought of putting them on your body seemed foreign. Wrong. The red dress of your captivity didn’t seem right, either, but at least it was familiar.
“I promise that once you put that stuff on, it feels so much better.” One of the women approached you--the one named Audrey. Her dark hair was short. Very short. She must have cut it the second she was free.  “It’s totally weird at first, though.”
“Yeah.” The sweatshirt was grey, stained, with colorful stripes across the chest area that had faded with time. “I don’t really want to change in front of everyone, though…”
“Don’t!” she said. “Sarah will be out in a second. You can change there.”
You nodded, glimpsing the other women watching you. “How long have you… all of you been here?”
“It’s been about a week for me,” Audrey said with a laugh. “My Commander hasn’t given a shit that I’ve been gone.”
“We both came in the middle of the night a few nights ago,” Louise said, gesturing between herself and Gabrielle. Louise had a crooked nose, and her long, blonde hair was tied in braids and piled on top of her head. “I didn’t know if she’d make it!”
Gabrielle shrugged. “You basically bullied me into it.”
“Oh, please,” Louise said. “Don’t act like you weren’t desperate to get out of Dopheld’s house.”
She sighed. “You’re right.” Gabrielle looked at you. Her eyes were dark pools. “I was just scared.”
Audrey nodded. “We were all totally scared.”
“Well,” you said. “That makes four of us.”
“Five.” Louise tilted her head toward the washroom door.
“Has anyone checked on Sarah?” Gabrielle’s nose wrinkled in concern. “She’s been in there a while.”
You blinked. “Checked on her?” It seemed rude to just… check on someone because they were taking a while in the bathroom. Everyone had their bodily struggles.
Audrey stood. “I’ll do it.” She crossed to the door, rapping it with a single knuckle. “Sarah? Are you okay?”
Frowning, your gaze switched between Louise and Gabrielle, hoping they’d provide you with some sort of context. The hesitation in their expression tightened your chest. Dread loomed over you again, a creature ready to consume.
“What is it?” you whispered. “What’s going on with Sarah?”
“Sarah got here last night.” Louise’s voice floated in the air. “She… She’s having a hard time.”
Audrey rapped again. “Sarah? Open the door, hon.”
A tiny whimper rippled from beyond the door. “Leave me alone.”
“Come on, Sare. You’ve been in there for an hour. You’ve gotta come out at some point.”
The hidden voice was tattered, like fabric with more holes than weave. “No, I don’t.”
“Yes, you do,” Louise called, frowning. “There’s a new person here. She needs to get comfortable too.”
“A new person?” A loud sniffle, and shuffling behind the door. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t know--”
Audrey stood back from the threshold. “It’s okay, hon--”
The door swung open, revealing a young woman--perhaps the youngest out of all of you--in a sleeved shirt and sweatpants, her long hair swarmed in a nest around her head, her cheeks a furious red. She sniffled again, which stoked the uneasiness in your heart, but what set it aflame was the rest of her appearance. Her hands were shredded, knuckles purple and puffy, and her right eye was an ugly, dead black, swollen shut, accompanying a massive knot at her forehead. A scab crept over a split in her lower lip.
Your jaw dropped. Sarah plodded out of the bathroom, gaze trained on the floor.
“I’m sorry,” she said, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know someone else was here.”
“Don’t--uh, don’t apologize,” you said. “I… I only just got here, so…”
She nodded, plopping down on her bed. You sought out direction from the other women, feeling helpless. To get up and just go change seemed a little sociopathic at the moment.
Audrey sat next to Sarah on her bed. “How are you feeling, hon?”
Sarah shrugged. “I don’t know. I keep thinking I see him out of the corner of my eye.” She was blank, numbed to her surroundings. “My… my other eye, I mean.”
“I know.” Audrey offered a sympathetic smile, rubbing her back. “You’re free, now, though. You won’t ever have to go back to his house again.”
Something slithered from the depths of your psyche and seized you, coiling around you, strangling the air from your lungs. Guilt.
“Your… uh, your Commander did this?” Your voice was stretched like film over your throat.
Sarah peeked at you, nodded. “When he learned I wasn’t pregnant.”
Guilt now snaked its way into your vessels, stuffed you with its presence. “I… I’m really sorry.”
She shrugged, face blank once more. “I just want to be able to sleep through the night again.”
“Me too,” said Gabrielle. “I get so tired of looking over my shoulder every day.” She shivered, shaking off a memory.
“Ooh, I know.” Louise reached up and pulled her braids from their spiral. “And to never have to smell his breath again.”
“Or just see his face in general!” Audrey chuckled. “I’m tired of being called a pig.”
“A pig?” You blushed when you realized it was you that had spoken. “Sorry. That’s terrible.”
Audrey shrugged, offering a wry, pained grin. “Wasn’t as bad as when he slapped me.”
With every admission of abuse, more oxygen escaped your body. Of course, your situation was no more enviable--you knew this, logically--but there was something different about your desperate, impassioned rendezvous with Kylo Ren in comparison to these women who were literally being beaten. And worse. Kylo Ren was possessive, manipulative, controlling, perhaps even heartless--but at least you’d wanted every single finger he laid on you.
In the end, you were running because there was a dark, awful part of you that wanted more than just sex, and the battle with your desire put your life at risk. These women were running because they wanted less--less of all of it. The realization lit a match to the kindling of your guilt.
“Do other Commanders know about this?” For some reason, you wanted permission to be enraged. “That this happens?”
Gabrielle snorted. “Of course they do. Some of them even team up, if you’re unlucky enough.”
“Team up?” Your jaw tensed.
“Whatever you take that to mean,” Louise said, “that’s what it means.”
Gabrielle leaned forward, scanning you. “You can’t really be that ignorant,” she said. “You lived it, too.”
“Come on, now. Her Commander must’ve been one of the low-ranks,” said Audrey. “Who was he?”
You looked between them, face hot. The words wouldn’t come out of your mouth. You were ignorant. There was no one to blame but yourself. You’d wrapped yourself in the protective sheet of your Commander’s attention, so twisted and obsessed with your own misery you’d never taken time to truly consider his role in maintaining the system. Kylo Ren hadn’t just subjugated you--he’d subjugated all of Gilead, propped it up on false limbs and shielded it from criticism. By default, he protected each one of the men that these women were running from. By default, he was complicit in, an agent of their power. By default, he was corrupt.
By default, he deserved to be brought down.
“Hello?” Louise waved. “Anyone there?”
You snapped to attention. “Sorry!” you said. “What, uh, what was the question?”
“I just asked who your Commander was,” Audrey replied. “You don’t have to--”
“Kylo Ren,” you replied, and found yourself standing. “Please excuse me.”
“Kylo--” Gabrielle stuttered. “Isn’t he right under--”
“Yeah, he’s Commander Snoke’s right-hand man!”
“She’s his Handmaid? She got away?”
“Doesn’t that make it more dangerous for us?”
“It totally doesn’t, we’re already running.”
Your brain was too busy spinning with newfound purpose. You’d walked over to the door, hands quaking as they worked to unlock the exit as Rey had instructed. Behind you, the other Handmaids were chattering, their stares like weights on your back. Blood rushed by your ears, pulse thumping at your temple, beating with a burgeoning power. The door opened, and you slipped beyond it, holding your breath through the hot tunnel to the main house. Your limbs were moving faster, shoving open the hatch, punching away the heavy rug, and you scrambled out, tripping over your feet as you stumbled through the house.
“Rey?” you called. “Finn? Poe?”
It was strange, how threatening silence could be in this world. You crossed through the den, peeking around the corners, searching like a hound. There was something boiling inside you, like a geyser, ready to explode through your skin, wrench you apart with its insistence. You could feel the words on your tongue, taste them, and they were begging to be given life, to find release.
“Rey!” you shouted up the stairs. “Finn! Poe!”
Still no response. Dread again, descending onto your shoulders, hijacking your heart, your breath coming faster, cycling through your lungs. If something had happened, making a ton of noise likely wouldn’t help. You sucked in a deep breath. You hadn’t checked outside. Gathering your skirts, you slunk to the back door, popping the locks and prying it open, inch by inch. Voices hit your ears. You froze. You couldn’t see them--they were around the corner, in the garden.
“We did rush the transport.” It was Finn. Relief tugged at your mind--but he sounded concerned. “The contact still says they won’t be able to make it for another 48 hours.”
“Dammit.” That was Poe. “And no response from bunker?”
“They’re full,” a voice you recognized as Rey’s replied. “They just took in another on emergency.”
“Shit!” A frustrated sigh escaped him. “I thought we’d at least have half a day to figure out where  we’d move her.”
Your stomach flipped. Her. You?
“Well, this is Ren we’re talking about,” Finn replied. “We knew how he might get.”
Now your stomach lurched. Yes, you.
“We still have a few hours,” said Rey. “According to our intel, he’s only just now received report his Handmaid was taken off the streets for re-education. Even assuming he abandons his post, he’ll still need to figure out she never made it to a Red Center and find out who took her.”
More nagging guilt. How hard they were working, just to keep you safe. To keep you from him.
“Should we file the missing report to the Eyes?”
You didn’t want to be rude. But new guilt was morphing, too, liquefying to rage in your belly.
“I’m already on it.” Finn sighed. “Let’s just go with the plan as-is, for now. We don’t know what his intentions are. He might not even come here.”
Your fists clenched. You wanted him to.
“This would’ve been so much easier if she had agreed to work with us,” Poe mumbled.
You trembled, roiled through with fury for the women in the basement, for your saviors, for Johana and Emma and Rose, for--hell, yourself. All of you pinned underneath the monstrosity built by Ren and the Commanders like him, some of you struggling with trembling knees, others collapsing, devoured by the machine as they strained to support its weight. Taking a deep breath, you stepped into the backyard.
Rey sighed. “Well, she didn’t--”
“Wait.” Your voice was cold and foreign. Finn, Poe, and Rey turned the corner from the patio, mouths parted in shock. “I’ll do it.”
A smile cracked Poe’s face. “You will?”
“Really?” Rey grinned.
“Yes. I’ll do it. I’ll be your spy.”
A flock of birds scattered from the yard, taking off into the dusky sky.
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ao3feed-garcy · 5 years
by madsthenerdygirl
Looking for a new start, Lucy Preston goes to the prairie.
Words: 755, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Timeless (TV 2016)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Iris Flynn
Relationships: Garcia Flynn/Lucy Preston
Additional Tags: Tumblr Prompt, Originally Posted on Tumblr, Sarah Plain and Tall AU, Holy Crap I Wrote Something G Rated, Personal Favorite, Unbearably Soft
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Prompt: Xe first saw xem sitting on the steps, patiently weaving the intricate patterns into the hair of the child on xyr lap. - any pairing you wish, change the pronouns and/or tense as you see fit.
Well this just screams softness. It also, for some reason, screams Sarah, Plain and Tall at me, so this is heavily inspired by that. Garcy Homesteader AU.
Lucy first saw Flynn sitting on the steps, patiently weaving the intricate patterns into the hair of the child on his lap–Iris, she would later learn.
She’d been in desperate need of a job and when she’d seen the advertisement for a housekeeper and a babysitter at one of the ranches, she’d signed up. It was supposed to be temporary, just until she could save up enough money to go back home to New England, to the ocean, to Amy.
But then she’d seen Flynn, patiently doing up his daughter’s hair, and something in her had launched itself towards him like an arrow seeking a mark.
Flynn was stubborn, cranky, brusk, and tended to say the opposite of what he’d intended, and the first month they’d clashed so many times Lucy had nearly packed up and left. But Iris needed a mother, and Lucy couldn’t leave her, with her big brown eyes and soft sweet smile and the way she would crawl into Lucy’s arms at night when she’d had a nightmare and how she would weave flower crowns and insist on Lucy wearing them.
Over time, though, Flynn softened. He told her, haltingly, how he’d come from across the sea and how nobody treated him kindly except for Lorena, who saw past his broken English to the intelligence that lay beneath. He could recite Shakespeare from memory, and would act it out for Iris with little handmade puppets, making her gasp and laugh and shriek. He would help Lucy make dinner, and mended Lucy’s shoes, and she’d watch his hands and fingers and try to ignore the heat circling in her gut.
Most everyone else assumed Lucy was a mail-order bride and treated her accordingly. She’d long given up on trying to correct them. Never mind that she and Flynn slept in separate beds and had from the beginning and that there was no ring on her finger. It didn’t matter to her. Flynn was nothing like most of the other ranchers, deferring to her and practically bowing as he held the door open for her, soft spoken and showing affection more through silent gestures than anything else. He noticed when she was cold and would wrap a blanket around her shoulders, and bought her a journal and new colored pencils when hers ran out, and the more things he did and the longer Lucy stayed the more she realized that she couldn’t leave.
She simply couldn’t.
So she wrote to Amy, and told her what was what, and received to her surprise a letter in return, detailing that if Lucy wasn’t going to come back home where it was all prissy bluebloods anyway that Amy might as well join her and to expect her on the September 16th train.
Well, Amy had always been one for acting before thinking.
Not even knowing what to tell Flynn, Lucy set out to pick her wayward sister up from the station to bring her home and explain to Flynn that apparently Amy had decided to move in with them, and what were they going to do about that?
Amy was ecstatic to see her, asking all about this Flynn, and what he was like, and when should they put the banns up, no matter how often Lucy reminded her that Flynn didn’t think of her that way.
When they got back to the house, she saw Flynn on the steps, braiding Iris’s hair, same as when she’d first seen him.
“Lucy!” Iris crowed, leaping to her feet and running to them.
Lucy hugged her. She was still quite small, obviously not inheriting her father’s height.
“You’re back,” Iris whispered. “Papa was worried.”
“He said maybe you’d gone back to the sea. Because you miss it.”
Lucy looked up, astonished, to see Flynn staring at her with this–this terror-filled ache, this longing, that she didn’t think she’d ever seen before. On anyone.
“Well I couldn’t go back to the sea,” Lucy said, answering Iris but staring at Flynn, knowing he could hear her, drowning in his gaze. “My home’s here, isn’t it?”
The look on Flynn’s face stole her breath, and she felt the rest of her flying over to join the piece that had attached itself to him from the start.
(Later, that night, there were murmured talks of how Amy would move into Lucy’s old bed, and soft words uttered, and kisses and more exchanged, and Lucy slept with Flynn’s heartbeat under her ear, steady as the crashing of waves on the shore.)
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eternityunicorn · 6 years
Elijah’s Eternity Part Eleven
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Author: eternityunicorn 
Genre: Romance/Fantasy/AU
Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x OC
Warnings: Language, Violence, Smut (*Smut chapters marked +18)
Summary: Elijah Mikaelson didn’t know what to expect when he encountered the strange archer in the night, but he certainly didn’t think his whole world would be turned upside down by it. Yet, he quickly learns that she is more than what she seems, having come looking for an Original after a large spike in supernatural being populations started cropping up on Earth a thousand years ago. Now, he must help her decide if the supernatural community should stay on their home planet or leave it for good? A task that is made more complicated along the way, as his life is changed forever.
NOTE: OC is from my up and coming novel series. Elements from said series also included.
The vampire clan with whom Elijah was acquainted was lead by a vampire named Adrian Alessandro. He was smart, clever, loyal, and had a natural talent for hiding in plain sight. Elijah had met him through Niklaus, whom had turned the young man of twenty, to serve in any capacity his brother chose. Adrian had agreed to a life of vampirism and servitude in exchange for Niklaus to rescue his human sister from the clutches of the local witches. Of course, his brother agreed and did as promised, gaining a servant that he never truly unitized. This was because soon after, he had grown bored and had moved on from Chicago to other pursuits elsewhere.
Adrian had to carve out his own life then and Elijah had stayed behind to help him do so, building a small community of vampires for Adrian to lead. In the process, they had built an acquaintanceship based on mutual respect. Their partnership lasted a few years. Eventually, however, he too left Chicago to follow his baby brother to some other misadventure. Still, they had kept in touch over the years since, keeping their acquaintanceship intact. 
Over the years, Adrian built a business in order to hide in plain sight. Said business came in the form of a night club. There, humans could come in and have a good time, while vampires could host them and feed upon them - without killing, of course. And after compelling away the memories of the evening, the humans could leave and go about their dull little lives. Then the process could start all over again the next night.
The night club as a perfect establishment for Adrian and his lot since none of them had daylight rings to let them wander about in the day. Unfortunately, there wasn’t a witch willing to do so. Therefore, the vampire community had to remain inside the night club during the day.
The club was called Blood Rose. It was located in an nondescript building, hidden and out of the way in the corner of the downtown area of Chicago. It was here that Elijah lead Eternity to.
After returning to the penthouse and letting Eternity come down from her fed upon-induced high, he had requested her to chose a different type of dress, one to adapt to the environment of the club. Therefore, when they rolled up in his Bentley, Eternity was dressed in a short black mini dress and a pair of black pumps that raised her already short height a few inches. She was still much shorted than him, just not quite so much. Going further with his request, she had magical styled her hair into an intricate bun with a few short strands left loose to frame her round face. She wore a diamond necklace and earring set too. 
When Elijah had first seen her choice in outfits, he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She was always beautiful and alluring, but her new look amplified those things ten fold. He momentarily felt jealousy rear up inside him at the knowledge that other men would be looking at her and for the briefest second he had rethought his request. But no, he couldn’t renege. She was playing her part, and adapting as he had wanted her to. 
He came dressed as he always did, wearing a black three-piece suit with a purple tie. With Eternity on his arm, he entered the club. 
The place was lowly lit with red lights in the long hallway that lead to the main floor. Loud music could be heard all the way at the front of building, but it was a thousand times worse once they reached the double doors that would grant them entrance to the main floor. These types of places weren’t his scene and he had to mentally prepare himself to ensure the noise and nonsense, before going in.
Slipping inside, there were booths lining both walls and tables scattered through the rest. At the very back, there was a large bar area, where drinks were prepped and served to the club goers. Above there were catwalks were scantily dressed women danced to the rhythm of the obnoxious music. 
In the booths were human patrons and their vampire hosts. Some vampires were chatting with human guests. Others were feeding. Others still went even further and were having sex with their humans while feeding upon them, right there for all to see. 
Elijah ignored them all, while Eternity glanced at a few curiously, as they passed by. He lead them over to a booth that was occupied by only one vampire: Adrian. 
Adrian was a tall, youthful man with unkept blond hair and pale green eyes. He wore a blue dress shirt haphazardly buttoned and a pair of tight jeans. In all honesty, he didn’t look like the owner of a vampire feeding station, but some sloppy college kid, who looked very much out of place. 
When he saw Elijah coming, Adrian immediately got to his feet with a big, lopsided grin plastered to his face. “Ah, Elijah,” he greeted cheerfully, holding out his hand to him.
Elijah smirked in return, taking his offered hand and clashing it tightly, before letting it go. “Adrian, it has been a while.”
“Yes, it has,” he agreed. Then he noticed Eternity. “And who is this beauty, old friend?”
“Adrian, allow me to introduce to you, Eternity,” presented Elijah, placing his hand upon the small of her back and nudging her forward a little. 
Eternity held out her hand to the young looking vampire gracefully and said, “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Adrian didn’t waste any time in grabbing her offered hand and kissing her knuckles, “The pleasure is mine, my dear.”
Elijah wanted to growl at the unnecessary contact, but refrained, keeping his cool and collected composure.
Releasing her hand quickly, Elijah’s acquaintance offered them a seat at his booth. He lead them over and each of them slid in. Adrian sat on one side, while Elijah and Eternity sat on the other. Eternity sat on the outside, while Elijah sat on the inside of the booth. Once everyone was comfortable, their host called over for drinks; bourbon for Elijah and a martini for Eternity. Adrian also had bourbon.
“This is a lovely place you have here, sir,” Eternity spoke politely, speaking at a higher volume due to the loud music vibrating around the room. “I’m highly impressed.”
“Why, thank you. Glad you like it,” replied Adrian proudly, before turning to Elijah to ask, “So, what is it that you wish of me after all this time, Elijah?”
“Well, originally I was just looking to introduce my lady to you and your organization,” Elijah replied, glancing at Eternity briefly. “However, earlier today we bore witness to a most disturbing sight; a human being controlled by a witch to do a heinous act upon innocent people. Of course, I am aware that there are a number of reason why a witch would do this, but then we discovered that the human was a vampire’s lover. The only vampires that I know of in this city are you and your people. So, I’m hoping you can tell me, just what that was?”
A grave look crossed Adrian’s face then, his eyes darted to the back of the club to look at the female bartender there. “Mike was Sarah’s lover,” he explained, his eyes returning to his guests. “They met here about three years ago. He was a lovely guy, the kind that was fiercely loyal and not afraid of our kind or anything of the supernatural really. All around good guy.
“Then there was an incident with the local witch coven a few weeks ago, a bit of harassment on the witches part when they saw Sarah walking down the street with Mike. Out of spite, they cursed the poor bastard to drive him to madness until he did what he did today. The only saving grace is that the cops didn’t kill Mike as the witches no doubt intended.” He sighed sadly.
“Why would the witches do this? What was the purpose?” Elijah asked.
Adrian looked puzzled, “Don’t you know?”
Elijah shrugged, “No.”
“Ever since your brother left all those years ago, the witches and the vampires of this city have been at war,” he told him. “Apparently, your brother pissed them off by turning me into one of you, and so, ever since the vampire community built up here, they’ve been trying to run vampires out of town. You’ll recall, there weren’t any vampires in Chicago before me. Apparently, they had wanted to keep it that way.
“Anyway, tensions are always running high. I’ve tried to seek peace with them, but they’re rather self righteous and stubborn as all hell. They don’t want peace, just blood. Our blood to be exact. While we just want to live peacefully, here in this sanctuary. It’s not like we kill the humans, in fact, there’s a strict rule against it.”
Elijah didn’t like what Adrian was saying about the witches. Though he couldn’t say he was surprised. Niklaus was always angering others, which usually spelled trouble for the bystanders after he’d skipped town. He had to wonder just what offense had his little brother committed to start a war between the local witches and vampires.
“Perhaps, we could discover what offense my brother committed and attempt to make amends,” he suggested. “It would be best resolve this issue to avoid more incidents like the one we witnessed today.”
Adrian shrugged, “In truth, I doubt you would be able to, Elijah. The witches hate vampires, but of course, they loathe the Originals the most. You probably won’t get much out of them unfortunately, if anything at all. Even with all your charms.” He grinned toothily, drinking the bourbon that had been placed in front of him.
“Well then, it’s good that I’ve brought a secret weapon,” replied Elijah, gesturing to Eternity next to him. “I’m certain the lovely Eternity here can do what we cannot and convince the witches to stand down, if she’d be so inclined?”
Eternity nodded, “Of course. I’ll do whatever I must to ensure peace.”
“If you don’t mind me asking, just what are you?” Adrian asked Eternity out of curiosity. “You’re not a vampire, that much is obvious. Are you a witch? A werewolf perhaps? Certainly not human. What then, I wonder?”
“I am none of those things,” she replied with a mysterious smile. “Though truly, does it matter what I am? I am capable of helping your people. That is all you need to worry about.” She didn’t say this unkindly, but as a simple statement of fact.
Adrian seemed to accept her lack of an answer without further questioning. “Well, whatever you are, my dear. I hope you’ll find success in your endeavor.”
Eternity smirked at that, “Oh, I haven’t any doubt of my success.”
The young vampire winked at her, “I like your confidence.”
Again, she smirked, before turning to Elijah, “My love, I’m going to go speak with the bartender. I’d like to understand the situation to the fullest of my ability, so I know how to approach this whole ordeal accurately.”
“Of course,” agreed Elijah, watching her get up gracefully. 
Before she headed to the back of the club, Eternity reached over to caress Elijah jaw and then kissing him soundly on his lips. Once he was throughly kissed, she walked away with him watching her every move as she went.
“Your girl is quite the bombshell,” Adrian commented, as he too watched Eternity go.
Elijah turned back to his acquaintance with a smirk, “Yes, she is quite lovely. I’m a lucky man.”
“That you are,” agreed the blond vampire readily. “Where did you meet her?”
“A couple of nights ago, while I was in Maine.”
“Well, I congratulate you on a magnificent find, old friend.”
Elijah didn’t like the way Adrian’s eyes kept wandering over to Eternity, who was already in full swing of introducing herself to the bartender Sarah. The boy was leering, a lusty look in his bright green eyes that stirred up Elijah’s possessive side. He knew he had to put the lad in his place and fast. He wouldn’t tolerate another looking at his woman.
“Yes, but please remember that she is mine,” Elijah said coolly. “So, I suggest you remove your gaze from her or else I’ll be forced to tear those gorgeous eyes of yours from your head.”
Immediately, Adrian’s eyes were on Elijah instead of Eternity. The lust evaporated instantly. They were wide with fear, as if he just remembered who Elijah was - not that he could forget. The boy quickly held up his hands in surrender and laughed nervously. “Hey, I meant no harm, Elijah,” he said in appeasement. “Honest!”
“I should think not. You’re a smart man. Surely, you know better.”
Adrian swallowed thickly, shrinking back a little. Elijah stared hard at him for a few moments longer, enjoying the way he squirmed under his intense gaze. Then finally, he took pity on the boy and relaxed against the booth, drinking the bourbon in front of him casually.
They fell into an awkward silence, which was fine with Elijah. He didn’t care for small talk anyway. Then another vampire came over, whispering in Adrian’s ear. Elijah didn’t care what was being said and so didn’t listen in with his enhanced hearing. Once the messenger had delivered his message, Adrian quickly excused himself, but not before he told Elijah he and his lady could stay and enjoy the club as they pleased.
Then just as Adrian left him, Eternity returned, occupying Adrian’s seat when she did. Elijah smiled softly at her, “So, what did you discover?”
“I discovered that Sarah is the innocent party and the witch coven are the instigators,” she replied with a smile of her own. “It seems that she was targeted by them and they pushed her into retaliation. She ended up killing a few of their people in the confrontation. So, they sought revenge, targeting her human lover in order to make her suffer. As your Adrian said, it’s good that the police didn’t kill him as the witches wanted.”
“In all honesty, I’m not at all surprised,” replied Elijah, sipping down the rest of the bourbon. “Witches despise vampires. They think we’re abominations that shouldn’t exist. Maybe they’re right in that, but a lot of vampires are good people who want to live peaceful lives, despite the violence they must inflict upon others. They don’t deserve to suffer, especially not by the hands of witches.”
“Well then, it’s a good thing I’m here. Perhaps, I can right this wrong.”
“Oh, Sweetheart, I have no doubt in that. In fact, I look forward to the show.”
“Not fond of witches yourself, are you?” Eternity smirked.
“Nonsense,” Elijah replied in all seriousness. “I’m quite fond of them. I was even in love with one once, long ago. It’s the ones that are prejudiced against my kind that I cannot stand. Though truly, that’s not confined to witches only. I don’t care for anyone that is unjustly hateful towards the vampire community.”
Eternity grinned, “What was she like?”
“Your witchy love.”
“Ah, yes,” sighed Elijah, his voice bitter in tone. “Celeste was a beautiful woman, who brought me much happiness in our time together. Unfortunately, Niklaus had indirectly killed her, by spreading a vicious and untrue rumor that resulted her being drowned in a bathtub.”
All humor left Eternity’s face then. She reached across the table and clasped his hand with hers. “I am sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up painful memories. Forgive me.”
Elijah shook his head and put his other hand over hers. “No, it’s alright. My past is unfortunately filled with nothing but pain and misery, with a few moments of happiness sprinkled in-between. It is what it is.” He shrugged.
“Perhaps, but I still should have known better.”
He smiled softly at her, reaching across the table to touch her cheek affectionately. “All is well, darling. Don’t worry.”
Eternity smiled in return, leaning into his touch. “Well, in any case, I would like to meet with these witches next. I want to bring the ones responsible to justice.”
“And so you shall. We’ll do that together.”
“I should hope so.”
They both smiled brightly then, laughing lightly.
“You know, Adrian invited us to enjoy ourselves while we’re here,” Elijah mentioned suddenly.
“Is that right?”
“Yes, and I was thinking, we should take full advantage of such an invite.”
“Oh? And what did you have in mind?”
Elijah smirked mischievously, “Well, first, you have to come here to me.”
Eternity laughed as she was practically dragged by him around the table to sit upon his lap. He wasted no time in cupping the back of her neck and pulling her into a searing kiss. Pulling back with another laugh, she asked, “So, what’s the next step?”
In response, the smirk on his face widened.
To Be Continued...
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aionimica · 6 years
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