#sara gideon
caribbean-ace · 1 year
i miss Legends Of Tomorrow and the bunch of weirdos who screwed up and fixed the timeline with their bisexual captain
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waveridden · 8 days
Rules: Make a poll of your favorite female characters (no limits - as many or as little as you want) and see which your followers like the most!
stealing this from @sarsaparillia bc it looked fun... not tagging anyone but if you do it you gotta tag me bc i want to see
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forbeswho · 6 months
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koopadumpling · 1 year
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Legends of Tomorrow truly was too good for this world.
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berrrbitch · 1 year
Missing legends post…🫠
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I feel like there are two types of The Locked Tomb fans
Type 1: Knows every detail about the books, the characters, every character who’s ever even mentioned, the world, knows exactly what is going on (or thinks/hopes so) and at any time has three or more theories about how it’s going to end and a separate theory and several headcanons for every single character
Type 2: doesn’t know what’s going on at all but is having a blast
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acernusaurus · 1 month
Legends' Gifts For The Avalance Baby's First Birthday
I was thinking about this for fic reasons but it quickly evolved into its own thing. Let me know if you've got any other ideas.
Ray and Nora
They would give a useful invention and/or magical charm. I'm thinking something that would make parents' lives easier without being an untested, potentially dangerous device around an infant/toddler.
Kendra and/or Carter
Separate or together (I'm not really a fan of the comics direction) I think they would get the most normal gifts as the people who have been parents many times.
Crème brûlée torch. 'It's for food' is his only explanation when anyone questions it.
Custom made plastic throwing stars
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(Curse AI for being evil and forcing me to Photoshop my own dang nonsense)
Nate and Zari
A set of funny/cute shirts. Stuff like: 'Future ninja', 'My favorite uncle is a Historian', gamer stuff, etc. And maybe something from the ancestors that they say every baby should have.
I feel like he would write the baby a song as his gift. And when it ends up on his first album in his own time the kid can't tell anyone about it being hers.
I think he'd stick with simple: stuffed octopus. Or go way too wild and try to buy everything.
A trinket from his travels.
Mithra Merch. Zari doesn't even need to bring it from the future. She happens to know a certain influencer's passwords and promo codes and puts the baby on the list for a very large Dragon Girl fan package.
Bass guitar. 100% stolen from someone famous.
A ton of kids books
Astra would waffle over what babies want for their birthday and then finally just settle on giving her money.
Mushroom plush. It was supposed to be a joke but it becomes the kids main lovey because kids are delightfully unpredictable.
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(I didn't expect to have a picture for this one but I stumbled across this while shopping and it was perfect)
Haunted doll (not intentionally). Zari lends Gwyn $50, which already freaks him out (inflation calculator says it's ~$900). And when he tries to go to the mall he walks into the Macy's (a name he recognizes) but enters through the underwear-section door and he instantly turns back around to walk out. Eventually he finds an antique store with this perfectly acceptable children's gift and she is 100% haunted but the ghost is chill.
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(I cruised through the doll aisle at a thrift store to find one I liked for this)
Gideon has only known one baby personally so I think she'd go with some hot 22nd century or historic toy that was Jonas' favorite as a baby. Or she'd pick the toy with the best reviews at the exact time of the birthday.
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talas-first-lady · 6 months
Big questions only
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thecustomcosplayed · 3 months
oooh boy i am in the midst of rewatching season 2 of Legends of Tomorrow and Sara's entire arc from assassin to captain means so much to me
(rambling under cut and kind of spoilery ig)
like. Stein's "you're no longer an assassin, you're a captain." and then a few episodes later her choosing to save him over the amulet bc she views the team as her family and she can't save her sister but she can save them oooughhh
also continuing into one of the later seasons (either 3 or 4 idk), when Zari says to Sara "you aren't just the captain of the ship, you're it's soul" WHEN SARA HAS STRUGGLED WITH WHO SHE IS AND WHAT HER SOUL MEANS TK HER??
Godd I love it sm. And in S2 when she's still trying to deal with being a captain and the fact that Rip is MIA and she probably felt so inadequate for it but her team shows literally nothing but support to her and are always like "okay so what's next captain" and they (almost) always ask her what to do hshsj
Her struggling with a place in the team in S1 being nothing more than an assassin to Rip but then S2 rolls around and she's a captain and the team (her family!!!) looks to her for guidance and I don't think they really understand how much they mean to her but its just she grows SO well into the role of captain
Everybody who joins the team doesn't even question it, Gideon never stops calling her the captain (and rewatching S1 felt so weird when Gid called Sara Ms. Lance and not Captain Lance), and then when Ava comes around literally the entire team is like "oh okay another time mom. co-captain 🥰"
Sara loves her lil band of misfits so much and I feel like she doesn't realize how much they love her (Jax saying she needs to be captain and he can't be captain in S2 E11, Rory talking to her abt being the only 2 ogs left in S6, Nate treating her like an older sister, Zari and her lowk bonding over dead siblings, etc etc) but theyre a little family and yeah theyre a lil messed yp and broken but they have each other!!
I could talk abt Sara for years guys she's my favorite character from LoT
anyways tldr i really enjoy Sara's assassin/teammate - the (figurative) soul of the ship arc
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schrodingerspsycho · 8 months
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Help Palestine by clicking this link!🇵🇸
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It’s been exactly one year since the season 7 finale of Legends which means by now Sara and Ava have a baby, Nate and Zari have been living together in the totem for a year, Spooner came out over a year ago, Behrad and Astra have been in a relationship for over a year, Gideon and Gary have been together for over a year, and (I hope) that they have escaped prison and rescued Alun so that he and Gwyn can be happy together and everyone can get back to causing shenanigans while traveling through time. Sara was right, time really is weird, huh?
I can’t believe it’s been a whole year, I miss all these dumbass time travelers so much and would do anything to have them on my screen again!
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puppetsoftomorrow · 8 months
headcanon that after sara and ava leave the ship to have the baby, sara changes her ringtone for the waverider to the kim possible theme and answers the call with "whats the sitch?". no one else on the ship is the right age to get the reference.
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It's wild how Legends of Tomorrow never had a full musical episode, with how incredibly talented the cast is and how much they clearly LOVE having the cast show off their musical talents.
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avatarskywalker78 · 4 days
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: DC's Legends of Tomorrow
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Rex Tyler & Mick Rory, Rex Tyler & Gideon, Rex Tyler & Rip Hunter, Rex Tyler & Leonard Snart, Rex Tyler & Ronnie Raymond, Rex Tyler & Martin Stein, Rex Tyler & Sara Lance, Rex Tyler & Ray Palmer, Rex Tyler & Eobard Thawne
Characters: Rex Tyler, Mick Rory, Gideon (DC's Legends of Tomorrow), Rip Hunter, Leonard Snart, Ronnie Raymond, Martin Stein, Sara Lance, Ray Palmer, Eobard Thawne, Justice Society of America, Rogues (The Flash), Team Flash (The Flash TV 2014)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Parallel Universes, Earth-4, Canonical Character Death, Temporary Character Death, Time-Travel Fix-It, Grief/Mourning, Guilt, Survivor Guilt, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Rex Tyler Lives, Canon-Typical Violence, Post-Season/Series 01, Male Friendship, Male-Female Friendship, Rex Tyler gets the chance to warn the Legends about the Legion, And goes through a hell of an emotional rollercoaster in the process, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hopeful Ending
Series: Part 2 of legends of earth-4
Rex Tyler wasn't sure what to make of the Legends when he first met them, but it didn't take long for them to become friends - which makes their murder at the hands of the Legion (mostly the Reverse-Flash) all the more devastating. Mick Rory sends him to 2016 to stop the chain of events leading up to this and Rex is determined to see this through no matter what.
But it's not easy to work with the people he's only just lost - especially when he knows that if (when) this plan succeeds, the best way to ensure this doesn't have any chance of happening again in the future...
Is if he never sees them again.
Tagging (because this is part of a series with an OC and very important background): @shrinkthisviolet @starstruckpurpledragon @negative-speedforce
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inthetemporalzone · 2 years
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Sometimes home is with your found family in a timeship <3
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noahsbookhoard · 1 month
📚January 2024 Book Review📚
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I'm trying to come back to all the books I've read this year but going individually through the 80+ book is daunting so let's start with month by month!
January hasn't been very productive : I had just moved to a new city and didn't know where the public library was. I also was just setting up my e-reader so I was reading Farenheit 451 on pdf on my phone, it wasn't comfortable. Nonetheless my new year resolution of reading more consistently was holding so I was thrilled!
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Gideon the Ninth (The Locked Tomb #1) by Tamsyn Muir
Gideon Nav is bored of the Ninth House, an almost dead planet in which she lives with some skeletons, some people so old as to almost be skeleton themselves and Harrowark Nonagesimus, Reverent Daughter and future leader of the Ninth. She was ready to escape when came the order: Gideon has to accompany Harrow as her Cavalier to the First House and help her to take up the challenges to become a Lictor, God's right hand. There's one problem, Harrow hates Gideon's guts and the feeling is mutual.
The Locked Tomb saga was everywhere on Tumblr so I caved and started it. Boy am I glad I did! Gideon the Ninth was an instant favorite that kept on confirming its status.
The plot swept me away, I was so engrossed in the tasks and tests I saw nothing coming! The end had everything I love in novels (epic battles, badass speeches, maybe a bit of romance and more than a bit of angst) and it took all my strength not to open Harrow the Ninth straight after finishing Gideon.
The wolrdbuilding is confusing at first but the confusion is a feature not a bug and quickly I was shrugging with Gideon every time a necromancer said something that made sense for them only. But what we get to see is original and full of details. I loved that in this universe bone magic is the norm instead of being Bad Guy MagicTM as is often is in fantasy.
Gideon is such a good character, funny, quick witted, horny as hell. Harrow too is endearing in her very very different way, mainly to me because we see her through Gideon's eye as the cavalier warms up to her necromancer (enemies to lover done right!) Her duo with Harrow is my second favorite only because nothing will ever top CamPal in my heart.
No need to say I fell hard for that saga and had since read the two following books, I'll come back to them in due time.
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Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
In this dystopic future of America, the firefighters don't extinguish fires anymore: they start them, especially when it comes to burning books. Guy Montag is one of them and never doubted the institution until ome day, during an intervention he meets a woman hiding books and "accidentally" steals one. From there starts a chain of events in which Montag will question what he really does, but it's dangerous game.
Having been to school in France mean I haven't read a lot of american classics and I wanted to remedy this in 2024. I'll be honest my choice fell on this one specifically because of one MDZS fanfiction which is peperred with quotes from Fahrenheit 451 among others, so Bradbury it is!
This is fascinating to see both how far and how close science fiction and dystopic novels can fall to reality:
Books are not banned at a global level but book banning in the US is a frightening reality, expecially book by authors of color or lgbtq+ authors or anything that is a bit too critical of the government. I think Fahrenheit 451 is actually on the US banned book list which could be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.
And turning an institution that should be dedicated to public service in a tool for the government to maintain status quo, completely reversing its original purpose if necessary sounds rather familiar...
Rooms with full screen walls are not here but it hits really close to Virtual Reality and ever bigger flatscreen that we have today, virtual meetings too, especially since Covid. Could it escalate to everyone staying home and communicating with frieds and family exclusively through screens? Maybe! I don't know!
And police robot dog are very much here, although they can't euthanize people (yet).
It is also unsettling to compare it with the decline of literacy and critical thinking skills in both adults and school level children. Also maybe of our memory capacity: the omnipresence of video as a news and information format and devices that can remind us of everything everywhere all the time means we rarely have to remember anything by heart today, no phone numbers, adresses, schedules, let alone entire books! If tomorrow it was all we could do to preserve knowledge would we be able to learn it by heart? I had to learn one every weeks in primary school, do kids still do this today?
Doesn't sounds like it from this review but I really enjoyed this book! Montag is deeply interesting and I was really hoping he escapes both the system and the manhunt. It's one of those book that never ages.
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La cicatrice by Bruce Lowery
Jeff, 13, and his family just moved in a new place. Jeff would like nothing more but to make friends and blend in but he has a scar "a small cleft lip" which makes him a laughing-stock. By trying to blend in and swallowing up the pain Jeff slowly becomes sadder and more withdrawn, suffering and making those he loves suffer in turn.
Fun fact : Bruce Lowery is American but he writes in French! Yes I needed to put a fun fact here because that summary is bleak and so is the book.
I remember reading La cicatrice (the Scar in french) when I was around 7 or 8 and really liking it (there is one scene in a church which stayed with me even as a teen and I pretty much copied it in a story I wrote at 15). In the years since I had forgotten how sad it was. It wasn't a really fun rereading but it still shook me so that's how good the book is.
Jeff is so 13 year old it physically hurt : the awkwardness, the need to blend in, the pain of not getting the jokes or not being picked up for games, the secrecy with his parents, the closeness with his little brother Bobby. You want to appear bigger than you are and not play with your 7 year old brother, even though you love him so much, because that's for babies. But at the same time you want your mother to hug you and tell you that everything will be alright so hard!
And he does. Everything. Wrong. Or so it seems to 25-year-old-me gritting my teeth through the second hand embarrassment and saying "no Jeff please don't do that" every 5 pages. Everything he does is stupid-kid-who-wants-to-have-friends-so-bad stuff but it's also some stuff I remember doing when I too was the lonely kid trying to make friends. It just turned out very very bad for him.
I still recommend it (I'm not sure if an English translation is available somewhere) with TW for school bullying and child death. It left its mark on me when I was young and still today it hits close to home. Just be warned that's it's a sad story.
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Us by Sara Soler
Us is a comic book memoir which tells the love story of Diana and Sara as well as the story of Diana's transition and their exploration of both their sexual orientation.
A teeny tiny bit of levity and a change in color palette! I love the use of blue and pink almost exclusively in this book.
Well, not all of this memoir is levity but this is a really heartwarming story and I really loved it.
It is both funny, tender, hard also sometimes because there are transphobic and biphobic jerks everywhere. Nonetheless as a trans person it is so nice to have someone sharing her story and telling people that it exists, it's possible and if you want it, it can be yours too.
It's also interesting to see how the dynamic shift in the couple with all the changes a trans coming out brings. There's enough story of couple breaking up after a coming out as it is, it's important to see that some people will change for you too.
I admit I haven't read many trans memoir so I have very few reference to compare it with but go and read it, all trans voices matter and it's always nice to have a hopeful queer story at the ready!
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