#sapphic feminist moodboard
lgbtqplusmoodboards · 7 years
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sapphic feminist moodboard
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feministhetic · 4 years
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Suffragette Lesbian feminist moodboard  for @inhersongallmagicflows​
Sources: 1 2 3  4 5 6  7 8 9
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bitchinandchillin · 4 years
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lgbtmoodstims · 6 years
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Lesbian Powerpuff Girls
💚 💚 💚 | 💙 💙 💙 | 💓 💓 💓
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solenelmar · 6 years
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sapphic moodboard: we are the granddaughters of the witches you couldn’t burn
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thegoldofday · 7 years
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feminist wlw
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baileywilson013 · 7 years
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pastelxgalaxies · 7 years
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Sapphic Feminist Girl Group
(requests are open)
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nyxipixy · 8 years
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A moodboard I made for @chocolatemika hope you enjoy it:) Others can reblog too tho
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mercurialcryptid · 8 years
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@deadperrrrr-sin ❤️
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floweryem · 8 years
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Strong badass women sapphic moodboard for @maybeweareworthit
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lesbian-ed · 7 years
okay so i own a rather popular moodboard account for "sapphic" women. but i'm also a flaming rad fem and i feel like i am super undercover in the lib fem community. like i don't ever engage in their politics or anything, but i am still making moodboards for them. idk, should i "come out" and lose all my followers? or maybe change the "sapphic" in my url to lesbian just to kinda start edging my way towards the radfems side? sos y'all!!
Coming out will probably not lose all your followers. Me and Mod W used to have a little side blog, very apolitical, and we gained a lot of traction with lesbian-only posts... And then we came out as radfems. A lot of our followers reached out saying how much we helped, how they were radfems too, how they were hiding and struggling with it, how seeing it represented on a blog they already liked helped push them in the right direction, blabla. 
Lesbian-ed itself has never been quiet about all of the mods’ radical feminist tendencies, and yet we have almost 5k followers. 
These girls and women are here because they need a platform, they need a place to be themselves, without judgement, a place where they can ask the questions no one will allow them to ask irl. 
Come out if you think it’s what’s best for you, but if you run the blog alone, be prepared for a lot of backlash, but also quite a lot of positive messages. You’ll be surprised at  how much same-sex attracted women need more spaces, and your blog is one of those. 
Also, since “sapphic” literally means “of Sappho”, aka our foremother, the lesbian poet of Lesbos... I don’t see why you should be forced out of your own url even if you do come out. Sappho was a lesbian, and lesbians deserve to refer to her and honor her in our projects and lives.
Good luck!
/Mod A
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marlowelune · 7 years
part of what’s important to me about it is that like... 
obviously the overlap between “NB” and “queer girl” is substantial, and both groups are somewhat aware of that. 
But what I have seen up until now is a heavy focus on one group swallowing the other.  NBs only seem to have value to queer girls if they are sapphic. I see the devaluing of NBs they see as threats (the non-women, the non-fem-aligned NBs) (the MASC OF CENTER nbs, blech), and instead, the emphasis on NBs they already see as One Of Them (the ones they can conceptualize as being basically girls or coerce into labeling themselves as such). 
Simultaneously I see rhetoric peeking from the shadows that defying gender expectations by loving girls makes you non-binary, makes you something like us. 
There’s a ton of blogs for people who are simultaneously NBs and queer girls. There’s tons of blogs for queer girls expanding their limits to include NBs. 
There’s this emphasis on the blending of the two identities, as though our shared struggles with the patriarchy make us the same -- as though they long for the days when things were simple enough that “needs a safe space away from patriarchy” and “female” were synonyms, and are simply trying to update their existing female-centric ideology with Politically Correct Trans Positive Language. 
What I want is a coalition where we can fight heteropatriarchy, as its targets and victims, without being coerced to claim that our genders are the same or even related. 
What I want is queer girls who support NBs who are masculine, who are trans men, who may not like girls, not because of sapphic unity or feminist girl power but because men hate and target us both and we reject their dominance over our lives. 
I want queer girls and NBs to fight together for our common interests even though we are two different groups, not because we are “basically the same” or because “some NBs are also girls/femme/sapphic/lesbians/woman-aligned/lunarian”. 
The sapphic, feminine NBs aren’t the only ones queer girls share a common oppressor with. 
Anyway make a club with me to love each other and support each other and make pastel moodboards for each other and fuck heteropatriarchy together! 
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sapphic-garden · 7 years
Are you a Gold Star lesbian? (Just in case you don't know what it means, a Gold Star lesbian is a lesbian that has never had sex with a guy and would never have any intentions of ever doing so)
I was going to ignore this, but it's the third time someone's asked (same wording so it's probably a troll) and I really feel strongly about it.No. The answer is no. First of all, I'm not a lesbian, I'm bisexual. Second of all, the entire idea of "Gold Star" is incredibly harmful. If you realized you were gay before you had sex with a man, that's cool. I'm proud of you for being comfortable in your own skin. However, if you experimented before realizing you were a lesbian, or maybe your identity has shifted and you were also into men before and you're not anymore, you are ALSO valid. You are just as much of a lesbian as any lesbian who's never been with a man.I want to make this clear as well: this blog is called /sapphic/-garden, not lesbian-garden for a reason. It seems to me that bi, pan, etc. women are marginalized within the LGBTQ+ community for not being "gay enough". For not being "Gold Star". But we all have something in common: we are feminine-nonbinary or female-identifying people who are attracted to other feminine-nonbinary or female-identifying people. We might be attracted to other identities as well, we might not be. We deserve acceptance and positivity as much as any "Gold Star" lesbian, and it can be remarkably hard to find.This blog is for any sapphic, no matter identity or history. There are very few exceptions to this "any", but they all boil down to this: if you use your own identity to demean or diminish that of others (trans-exclusionary radical feminists, I'm looking at you) (also anyone who doesn't believe in bisexuality or nonbinary identities), this space is not for you. I try to make it as inclusive and positive as possible, with as many images and moodboards for body positivity, wlwoc, disabled wlw, and other marginalized groups as I'm able to find (if you find one that I haven't posted yet btw please DM it to me because they're hard to find). This is a happy space, this is an inclusive space.
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