#saori/mafuyu .... hello .....
todayisafridaynight · 4 months
remembering law yuri today everyone how are we ......
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I’m streaming Lost Judgment on legend difficulty for the achievement, so I’ve got Judgment on the brain. So riddle me this, Mafuyu fans...
Why do so many people get behind the Yagami/Mafuyu “canon?” Like, no issue with shipping itself, but I feel like a lot of people go “yeah, Mafuyu is Yagami’s canon love interest,” but WHY?
They dated in the past when Yagami was a lawyer, okay. Mafuyu insists nothing was really going on when she’s introduced, but then later during flashbacks Yagami mentions them dating but it’s nothing really official. Then the whole Okubo ordeal messed up Yagami and he broke things off with Mafuyu.
Three years pass, Saori DOESN’T LET IT GO, Kaito ALSO DOESN’T LET IT GO, and Mafuyu still seems to have a thing for Yagami. Mafuyu still liking him I get, but why does the game really do such a poor job of making it seem like it’s much of anything, yet Saori just KEEPS. GOING. ON. ABOUT. MAFUYU? Hell, when you go to buy a dress for Saori and Yagami says it feels like a date, she decides to go off about Mafuyu’s past (them being friends is part of it too) and why it was so important she try and get Mafuyu and Yagami together, because of course she does. 
The scene where Yagami saves Mafuyu from getting kidnapped was the most actual chemistry we see between the two, but for the most part, it all just seems more like Mafuyu is more into it? And Yagami is just confused at a later point when Mafuyu says he’s her boyfriend. 
Even in Lost Judgment, three years later, they still feel a need to beat it into your head that Mafuyu has interest and Kaito STILL tries to go off about getting with her. I think it’s more grating because there truly seems to be nothing there, and OTHER CHARACTERS just go on about it. It just seems like a lazy way to get the player into the mindset of it potentially happening, and it really sticks out. 
And Mafuyu is FINE (the whole part of the game where you need to defend her AND THE “WAIFU” CLOSEUP as she cheers you on just felt off because they don’t do much with her for the whole game before it). It kind of bugs me that despite Yagami being in his element as a detective, she insists he just be a lawyer again. Like she cares about him, but still tries to make him be something he has no intention of going back to? And Saori keeps bringing up Mafuyu to Yagami. She wanted Mafuyu to move on from an unavailable man she loved for a long time, but for some reason doesn’t want her to move on from an emotionally unavailable man who doesn’t even seem interested? Seems like a bad move as a friend, tbh.
Mafuyu had a lot of wasted potential imo. She’s being followed by several yakuza in one chapter but doesn’t notice because... she’s on the phone? But then later she gets a bad feeling and calls Yagami and Kaito, and Kaito DARES say she has a nose for danger? HELLO? 
And she also seems so confused when Yagami goes so far for his investigations. She asks if he’ll give up when the AD-9 case gets bad. We’re supposed to believe she’s some tough, smart prosecutor, but... we never see it all that much. Most of the time she’s just kind of there and clumsily thrown into the story BECAUSE, and I just wish they did more with her.
It’s just bad character development the way they don’t do much for Mafuyu and yet bash us over the head that THEY HAD A THING ONCE A LONG TIME AGO AND MAFUYU STILL LIKES YAGAMI. Even if we took out the “girlfriends” part of both games, I just don’t see how Yagami/Mafuyu seems canon in any way.
Had to vent. I just don’t see canonical implications anywhere. And honestly, if there was ever a third Judgment game and the devs decided to put them together, it’d just be so off-putting. 
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tenshi-no-mafuyu · 2 years
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hello to everyone that stumbled upon this blog ! my name's mafuyu, but i accept any nicknames. i'm a 17 year old from nara and my hobbies include guitar, skating, horror stories, video games and writing. i'm an androsexual demiboy and mainly use he/him pronouns, and my birthday is on the 13th of april (i'm an aries). i'm always open to chat with anyone and am pretty open to making friends! my discord is mafumafu#8888 if anyone ever wants to chat or ask requests privately.
the games i write for are sonic, underworld office, nier automata, syrup and the ultimate sweet/contract demon/other nomnomnami games, and d4dj. however, i do not write for all the characters, so the rules and characters i do write for are listed below!
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D4DJ - Togetsu Rei. Akashi Maho. Yamate Kyoko. Shimizu Esora. Inuyose Shinobu. Sasago Yuka. Seto Rika. Matsuyama Dalia. Mizushima Marika. Hidaka Saori. Miyake Aoi. Tsukimiyama Nagisa. Yano Hiiro. Niijima Ibuki. Fukushima Noa. Hanamaki Towa. Izumo Saki. Sakurada Miyu. Kasuga Haruna. Amano Airi. Himegami Shano.
SYRUP AND THE ULTIMATE SWEET - Syrup. Pastille. Gumdrop. Butterscotch. Toffee. Treat.
NIER AUTOMATA - 9S. A2. 6O. 21O. Adam. Eve. Devola. Popola. Pascal.
UNDERWORLD OFFICE - Eugene. Luke. Boss. River. Charlie. Hayden, Joan, Sean, Finley, Tatum, Susan (platonic only!!!).
SONIC - Tails. Sonic. Knuckles. Sticks. Shadow. Silver. Espio. Blaze. Cream, Chris (platonic).
When it comes to Sonic, I would prefer if the setting was either SA1, Boom, or even X if it is a very specific scenario!
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I write:
Headcanons / scenarios
Personal headcanons of characters (not x reader)
Fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, anything you can imagine
Slightly suggestive topics (only with canonly adult characters like Merm4id or the Atelier Sweets staff.) but never full on NSFW.
Reader x character
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I don't write:
Full NSFW fics
Abusive relationships (except for if it's a trauma recovery/comfort fic)
Poly relationships
Character x character
OC x character
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please feel free to request anything you want, my inbox is always open! let me know if i missed anything i should've written :)
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yakuzacasual · 4 years
Not sure if asks are open, but I loved the wlw post thank you for doing it! Could you do another one where Saori and Mafayu’s fem s/o is jealous of Hoshino and Yagami ^^;;? Sorry for the bother again, and thanks!
Yes, hello. Surprisingly enough I am still alive and well, with my shit finally put together for a longer while. I’ve been ACHING to get back to this request since it’s so...... hngh... I’ve had it partly written and hanging ever since for the longest time and I am genuinely sorry for the wait, Non, but here it is and I loved every second of it. Thank you so much for letting me write that, stay cool!
With that I have also concluded all of the requests and will now open the box again. Please feel welcome to request anything you’d like! I am eager to still write more Judgment, but I will take this chance to inform, that I’ve finally finished all the Yakuza games available to me and am now ready to write some for their characters as well.
Notices that something is afoot almost right away. Mafuyu made sure that she told you about her past relationship and current friendship with Yagami early on, because she sincerely hoped that both of you could get along. Much to her dismay, you’ve been looking at Yagami weirdly ever since the confession and while it doesn’t entirely ruin the mood, she starts feeling a bit antsy about having you both in one room.
Like the gentle person that she is, Mafuyu leads you away from the party and tries to cautiously get you to confess your worries. She doesn’t feel like it’s okay to step in just based on her own hunches, she needs to hear it from you directly! Mafuyu has her prosecutor and girlfriend ways to coax you into being honest, so while she won’t force you, she will offer some incentives.
When you finally decide to share your thoughts, she is still surprised despite having suspected jealousy all along. Maybe because now you’ve actually said it and it hits her hard, that the love of her life is… jealous of her long closed chapter with Yagami. How absolutely unacceptable! Mafuyu immediately feels like she may be responsible for it. Maybe she phrased it in a way that left you under the impression that she still has feelings for him? Maybe she didn’t make you feel loved enough and you started questioning her affections?
Wherever it is that you both stand, whether it’s a secluded spot with just the two of you or the middle of a busy street, Mafuyu starts proclaiming her love for you, putting a strong emphasis on the many ways in which you are her absolute goddess that she would never dare replace with a sweaty Yagami. And honestly, it’s kind of cute to see her so flustered over you, but you have to explain to her that it’s just not this simple.
And you know what they say about complex problems? They require innovative solutions, Mafuyu has got it covered! Get ready for some good old competition in your area of choice, because she is about to have her girlish dream of having suitors fight over her come true. Drinking, drone racing or a good old fistfight - it doesn’t matter, she’s going to be there to cheer you on every step of the way and let’s face it, Mafuyu is the absolute best cheerleader. Show them how girls do it, queen!
Saori is quite perceptive about people she cares about and she would definitely realize that there is a problem, but not necessarily it’s source. See, she is the type of person who knows not of fear or jealousy, unless you deliberately try to stir up something. Which, by the way, is definitely not recommended. She puts a lot of faith in you and your relationship and expects the same treatment in return.
Never really introduced Hoshino as her ex-boyfriend. Past is in the past and there is no point in causing commotion over something so trivial, especially since it would most likely embarrass or make him uncomfortable. Instead, she just treats him as she always does and it’s up to her friends to, most likely accidentally, spill the tea about their former relationship.
Suffice to say, if you were ever in doubt before, hearing all of it second hand and by someone’s slip of a tongue more so than a genuine effort to inform you, now you have a definite basis to be jealous. After all, there had to be a good reason for Saori to hide that fact from you. And since she is such a straight-forward person, it must be a damn good one, too. Absolute bomb that can possibly put your whole absolutely perfect and loving relationship in jeopardy. 
As you come up with all kinds of disaster scenarios, your girlfriend can’t help but notice how you’re treating Hoshino differently all of the sudden. She would let it slide for a longer while, until it got particularly annoying or, god forbid, made you start to distance yourself from her. That would definitely be the last straw for Saori.
She demands answers and she demands them now. She’ll act like nothing is up for the entirety of the day just to hit you hard with questions and her signature furrowed brow when you least expect it.
No matter how you approach it, she does not like the answer. You may be snarky when you talk about it, you may be regretful, anxious or self depreciating, but the reaction is always the same. Saori is very angry. First at foremost at her acquaintances with loose tongues, but secondly at you for even thinking that she would ever consider anyone else in the romantic sense she has reserved strictly for you. How dare you give her love so little credit!
Saori will feel incredibly distant for the next few days and may even go as far as ghosting you at times. She is taking her time cooling down and considering her options in trying to mend the situation that at the end of the day feels at least a little bit like her fault. Finally she decides to confront the core of the problem! Saori takes you out on a meeting with her closest friends and even though all, or most of them, know you quite well, she makes it a point to reintroduce you loud and clear as the loveliest woman in the entire universe, as well as her beloved girlfriend - all while looking pointedly over at Hoshino. She may have also stated that should anyone of the males try their moves on you, she will make them pay, but Saori feverently denies that for the rest of her life.
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