#santi owen
soylunathoughts · 1 year
pedro hugging delfi after getting the news about santi owen, makes my heart happy!
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sahaias · 3 months
Soy Luna Season 2 Episodes 69-80 Thoughts
Okay these might be a bit scattered because I binged these episodes and then went on a date yesterday, so it's not as fresh in my mind as I'd like
Can't say I didn't see the Simbar falling out but it's still rough. It is sad how Ambar did really change thanks to Simon but Simon not believing in her caused her to act exactly how everyone expected her to.
Matteo's actions are so inconsistent and annoying that I cannot support him with Luna in any sense. She's given him so many chances to just be nice to her and things would work out, but he just doesn't and acts all pouty
Rey being the one to reveal the truth after he has no reason to be loyal to Sharon is fitting
The flashback of Lili and Sharon's argument which started the fire was a nice addition. It is Sharon's fault, why is she writing a love letter to Bernie years after he's been with Lili and has a kid with her???
Also I know part of it is having an actress in her early 30s playing Lili vs current Sharon (who's clearly in her early 50s) playing flashback Sharon, but no wonder Bernie picked Lili lmao. She's beautiful and based on how everyone talks about her, her personality is way more sensible and endearing
The Sliders are super cringey and kinda accurate (in personality) to how random edgelord teenagers acted in 2016 minus the goth makeup and clothing lmao
Sharon is such a piece of shit, and I love seeing her in her full-blown villain monologues about how she deserves everything because Lili "stole" Bernie from her and how Luna is "stealing" her fortune. She doesn't deserve shit. It is kinda funny how she packed up and ran the moment she saw Bernie and Luna 100% reunite as family members despite them not even having a full conversation yet.
This Red Sharks plotline is so annoying and seeing Mathias back as another skeevy man is not the Violetta actor return I wanted. Santi Owen felt weird, and this feels even weirder
I am a sucker for childhood friends to lovers so I think they might be my favorite ship on the show
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fandxmslxt69 · 1 year
Top two OC’s
1. Is Laci from leather and Lace. Petite, short (5”) heavily traumatized so she’s has boughts of not being able to talk and high anxiety esp in public. She’s getting better day by day snd has a job now 🥰 (leather and lace ended but the universe goes on with 3 other series with the other boys). She’s got a v sweet heart and likes pretty things (including dresses that makes santi go ferral)
2. Is a fav of Clem’s! Lorenzo from my dark series, the wrong way at my other account, romana-after-dark. The series is a dark TLOU, where the reader is kidnapped by Joel. Lorenzo is her best friend, another raider charged with watching her(and also happens to be dating her brother. Lorenzo is “played” by Oscar Isaac with his look from Drive. Lorenzo is brutally honest and tells reader exactly what’s happening including reminding her how fucked up her situation is. But he’s also always there for her, making her laugh. Lorenzo drinks snd smokes weed a lot but is always alert and ready to protect her. He’s smily and acts like he doesn’t care, but he cares for her a lot and is the one to help her escape
Omg you're so in depth with their personalities I wish I could do that🙈
Laci sounds so sweet I love her!! (If I have the time imma go read leather and lace bc pedro 😏) (I should watch the movie first though)
Lorenzo!!! I did a lot of the rants Clem posted about TLOU and he seems so amazing I want him as a best friend!!! I'm really tempted to read the wrong way but I have a line with dark series and I don't want to not like your fic :( (also like i'm in love with Joel and don't wanna be mad at him the entire time yknow???)
This might inspire me to actually make proper personalities for my oc's and maybe write about them???? (inspo is never there.) pls send help i can only ever make pinterest boards for them...
I can barely choose two top oc's but I'll go with these lovely ladies!! (mind you these aren't oc's like Lorenzo they're me putting myself in a bunch of different books/tv shows/movies)
Luna Jackson!
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she's from Percy Jackson! (hence the name bc she's percy's cousin) She's a child of Artemis and yes she doesn't have children but it's some long complicated thing I don't even know anymore. She's number 1 bc she was my first oc and also bc she's most like me! I really don't know what else to say bc my only way to explain these guys is my pinterest boards... oh um, her love interest is Connor Stoll bc that man is a fine looking man (12 year old me was OBSESSED with him)
2. Keeley Owens!
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I chose a marvel oc for number 2 bc I feel like we're a very marvel centered blog (i love it tho) so this is keeley, her love interest is bucky (bc my god have you seen that man???) and ummm she's a super soldier kinda?? (i don't write half of their stories down it just floats around in my head and I pray I remember it) she's an avenger and some other cool stuff and I think I actually have like one scene from a fic for her! Her hair is also what I wish mine was
also thank you sm for sharing I love learning about people's oc's!!! feel free to ask/send more and we can feed into each others delusions
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Santi Owen really said no pizza for The Roller Band 😆
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luci-hemwin-evanson · 7 years
Santi Owen its so annoying I hated Samuel character on Violetta and tried to give him a chance now but Im so tired of him. I dont know if its him the one that make the character or he just get the annoying characters I dont have anything against Samuel thought
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aquietgirlsmess · 8 years
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santi owen aka roller band’s producer in s2 trailer
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charnelhouse · 3 years
so charnie, how do you envision the boys in the wys universe? like from what movies/tv shows they look like 🤔
Santiago - Michael Cera
Frankie - Pete Davidson
Will - Owen Wilson
Benny - Luke Wilson
Baron - Seth Rogen
lol jk
they were originally based off the triple frontier dudes. if you go the Pinterest boards on the masterlist there are a ton of pics for them. honestly - everyone can picture them how they want at this point. for a minute i was picturing frankie as jason momoa, but he's still pedro.
Santi/Pope - Oscar Isaac
Benny - Garrett Hedlund
Will - Charlie Hunnam
Frankie - Pedro Pascal
Baron - Tom Hardy
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Benny , will,santi. Javi, frankie, marcus
do the sexy love™ with JAVI. I love him.
sacrifice myself for Will. I love him so damn much.
kick Santi, lol, I love him but he'd drive me crazy.
take to prom with Marcus, sweet baby Marcus.
abandon in Jurassic park...I wouldn't abandon Benny I would stay with him and he would be my Owen Grady, just so much better.
push off a bridge....The fandom is going to kill me... Frankie. But I'd make it be a small bridge and he'd barely get his ankles wet!
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soylunathoughts · 1 year
how i love to see some familiar faces, hi samuel 😍 (hi broduey)
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xoxocloudstiff · 4 years
Soy Luna s2 is starting off hella slow so far. Santi Owen is so damn annoying and I can’t believe they are dragging Luna/Matteo. Let them date already. I’m not feeling the way Matteo is treating Luna at all. 
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ren1327 · 4 years
Pretty Boy ch.1
“Come on, Girl.”
If you asked Ben Pincus-Masrani to describe himself, he would respond that he was thin, pale, not very extraordinary. Not even normal. Forgettable wallflower was he.
And he liked it that way.
He smiled down at his little corgi with her extra stubby tail.
Bad tail docking and a “defected ear” had made her less valuable to her owner, but more loveable to him. He remembered when his stepfather had told him about one of his business associates giving her away. Ben had cooed at her picture and the very next day, Simon had acquired her.
She was a year old now, her tail a little bump and left ear still folded halfway down. He knew it could pop up one day or stay folded over.
He’d love her as is.
She had been his constant companion since he had started University last year.
Bumpy wore little green and white booties and a matching vest for her leash, excitedly sniffing at whatever she found on the pavement of the city street they walked down. Ben smiled at her as she waved her whole back half, barking at a dandelion that broke through the sidewalk.
He thought yellow would be cute on her. It was quickly approaching autumn and he was due to buy her some more little jackets and boots.
Ben groaned as they passed an overfilled dumpster in a large open alley, the smell of spoiled milk making him gag. Bumpy led him away, as if sensing his discomfort.
He made his way to a one story building, Bumpy jumping up the steps one at a time to join him by the wood and glass door. He opened the door for her and she excitedly waddled in, sitting by the counter as an old Latino man with his grey and black hair in a ponytail came over.
“Hey, Santi.” Ben said.
“Morning, Benito.” He said with a smile. “Morning, Bumpy.”
Bumpy barked and stood, her hips waving back in forth excitedly.
Santi’s husband poked his head out, curly blond hair held back by a headband and his glasses a little smudged.
“Oh, Ben! You just missed Sammy.” He said.
“Billy Brennan-Gutierrez.” Santi scolded playfully. “Sammy said he changed his shift. Twice, remember?”
“Right!” He said. “Sorry, Honey. Must’ve been distracted by that new exhibit Alan promised to invite us to.”
Santi rolled his eyes good naturedly and smiled at Ben. “This man.”
“It’s fine. Dad was getting ready to fly over to New York for some party, so I was video chatting with him and totally forgot to text her on the bus.”
“Bus?” Billy asked, walking to the counter. “How did you like it?”
“I took the green line.” Ben said. “More…clean.”
“Ah. The public access line your father is funding?” Santi said. “It’s been an amazing help around the community. City planning is really a gift.”
“Yeah. Dad cares more about customer satisfaction. He even asked if the animals at the zoo were happy.” Ben said as Billy laughed. “And right now I know he’s gonna charm new investors.”
“I get it. It’s always go, go, go.” Santi said. “Billy and I will take care of your pretty girl. Go on to work.”
Ben kneeled and kissed his dog on her forehead. She wigged and liked his cheek.
“Bye, Bumpy. I’ll come get you later, okay?” He said and gave her leash to Santi.
He waved as he walked out and set out to a nearby bus stop with a green leaf, taking a breath as he looked at a message from his parents saying they arrived safely, his mother resting in the hotel room and his father already in a meeting.
“You got this, Dad.” He text back.
 Brew-tiful Roast was the only refurbished building not owned by the college but funded independently by several of the first alumni and John Hammond himself. It was a brick and glass building with a brick and iron barred wall around it, where a garden area and several outdoor tables with wooden benches under a thick iron and heavy waterproof tarp Professor Carr of the physics department had donated almost a decade ago. Several other alumni donated money to modernize the area for student comfort and relaxation when the library and cafeteria were too much stimulation.
The inside was open with many well spaced tables, cushioned booths and a back wall lined with tinted muffled noise square privacy pods in the back. Many plants and flowers decorated tables, soft slow blinking white and blue LED lights showing where charging stations were and orb shaped hanging lamps that lit the café up.
Finally was a large refrigerated black glass top counter and display where many sandwiches, pastries, packs of baked chips and crackers, packaged fruit and several salads were displayed along with bottled lemonade, teas, sodas and waters that were always sold at a quarter. They could be taken to the counter and warmed after they were bought or warmed in one of the three communal microwaves.
“One banana avocado smoothie with fiber and whey!” Sammy called, smiling as she handed back change.
Ben’s finger and hands flew over the ingredients as he chopped, scooped and mixed the fruit before throwing it into a clean blender with ice and cold cream, and letting it run. Mixing it a final time, he poured the cold thick mixture in large cup with a star drawn on by Sammy. He put it on the counter where a young Latina woman with large glasses waited.
“No whip, just how you like.” He said with a smile.
“Thanks Benji.” She said with a wink.
Her best friend, Franklyn smiled nervously from next to her.
“What brings you to the front?” He asked as Zia sipped her smoothie with a pleased hum. “I thought you didn’t like being up here where there are so many—too many in fact, people.”
“Professor Malcom said it’d be best for me to get a few months exposed to more people.” He said and mixed caramel into Franklyn’s sugar free French vanilla ice coffee. “So I got low traffic shifts after morning classes.”
“How’s going clean treating you?” Zia asked, eyes softening on her younger classmate.
“Ah…” He looked to the side. “Got a bit of a no sleeping issue some nights, but hey. More time to think up new smoothies and teas.”
“You are aware this is Brew-Tiful Roast.” Zia asked with a smile. “As in, coffee?”
“Good thing Mr. Van Owen and Gray love it. Plus,” He smiled and put a hand to his hip in pride. “Yours truly has helped increase sells with my smoothies and tea mixes.”
“Way to go, Plant Nerd.” Zia said and slipped a five in his pocket. “For Bumpy. Get her some of those yummy carob biscuits.”
Ben handed Franklyn his cup. “Thanks. But you know I’m fine for money. With Dad and everything, honestly, this is just so I...”
Franklyn nodded. “We get it, Ben. Normalcy is…admirable.”
“Besides. I get to use my earnings to get my own place. With my own money.” He said excitedly.
Franklyn’s watch beeped. “Oh, shoot! I got to get to my Mathematical Theory class. Professor Murphy invited Ian Malcom today!”
“Get me an autograph?”
“He’s got five of the same damn book in his bag. We’ll get ya one, Benji.” Zia said with a sigh. “If you need anything—”
“I’m okay, Zia.” Ben said. “But thanks.”
She smiled as Franklyn sped out with a wave.
“Man, seems like forever since she took you under her wing.” Sammy said as the line slowed, leaving only a few people at tables typing away at laptops or talking among themselves.
“Yeah. Both Malcoms at Hammond University. Bet you he’ll crash Professor Malcom’s class.”
“He’s a Dad.” Sammy giggled as she wiped down the counter. “He kinda has an obligation to check in.”
As if on cue, her phone vibrated and she smiled at a picture of Bumpy sleeping on her back, showing it to Ben.
“Aw~” He cooed. “Send it?”
“Already done.” She giggled.
The door chimed and Sammy smiled at the newcomers before her face fell.
“Hi Darius. Kenji.” She said.
“Hey, Sammy. Got anything good today?” Darius, a paleo-researcher and Sammy’s classmate in zoological studies said.
“I got donuts.” She said. “And chicken pesto sandwiches.”
“I’ll take two of each.” Darius said as his taller Asian friend sauntered over to Ben.
“Huh, never seen you around here, Pretty Boy.” He said.
Ben looked up and froze.
Tall, tan, muscular and very, oh so very handsome.
Ben could feel his cheeks heating. “Um, what?”
Sammy’s hands came on his shoulders and pulled him a bit away from Kenji.
“Ben here usually works in the back.”
“That’s a shame. I guess you’re why this place is called Brew-tiful.” He said with a wink.
“Ben.” Sammy said. “Can you do me a favor and get more cups before the lunch rush?”
“Oh.” Ben said, snapping out of his trance. “Sure.”
 As soon as Ben went through the kitchen door, Sammy slammed a hand down on the counter.
“No.” She said sternly.
“What?” Kenji asked.
“Brooklynn told me what happened with your last three girlfriends and boyfriend. All in a week!” She hissed.
“What?” Kenji asked. “There wasn’t a connection.”
“Here’s a connection. Don’t just date people cause their cute!” Sammy said.
Darius looked between the two.
“Kenji. Come on, Man. Ben looks…fragile.” He said.
“He works in a coffee shop, Darius. You gotta be pretty tough to work in food service.”
“Kenji.” Sammy said. “Not Ben.”
Before Kenji could respond, his phone rang. He looked at his phone and sighed.
“I’ll be back another time.” He said. “Looks like Dad needs to see me in person.”
“I’ll get back okay.” Darius said. “You go ahead.”
Kenji took the bag Sammy held out, slipping a $20 on the counter.
“Tell Ben I said bye.”
“No.” Sammy said with a deadpanned expression.
Kenji saw Ben look through the door of the kitchen window. He smirked and winked at him, enjoying how Ben ducked his head and reddened.
Kenji left and got into his car, sitting for a moment to watch Ben come out and shake hands with Darius.
“Damn. He really is pretty.” He said as he started the engine, big pine green eyes haunting his thoughts as he drove home.
feat. from JP - Ian Malcolm, Tim Murphy and John Hammond
 JP2 - Kelly Malcom, Eddie Carr and Nick Van Owen
JP3 - Billy Brennan
JW- Zia, Franklyn and Gray
Love me some side characters. Thanks for reading!
Stay Sweet~
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minamotoz · 4 years
the disney LATAM universe is so confusing and here is a(n incomplete) list of characters who have dopplegangers in the universe which are never explained:
- sofia carson as herself and melanie
- santi owen and broduey
- jandino as himself and eric
- jorge blanco as himself and leon
- augustín bernasconi as himself and gastón
- tini as herself and tini the character? (this one is really confusing and unclear tho)
- tino and marotti
- cato and rafa palmer
- matteo and federico
- there are a ton more but this list is already pretty long
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assim-eu-sou · 4 years
Temporada 2, Capítulo 5 Notes
What did Sharon have against that flower?
Nico *says an idea for a song lyric* “it’s great right?” Simón and Pedro “No”.
“Me, mean? I have no idea what they’re talking about.” Ok, Ámbar.
She’s having a lot of these mirror talks these days. Clearly under a lot of pressure…
When she says “Nadie sabe quien soy.” It reminds me of when she says it to Simón later but sadly :(
Jazmín is like “Do you have a fever” when she’s randomly nice to them…
Side note: I forgot how much I disliked Ámbar in season 1. Amazing what backstory can do.
Ugh… not Matteo causing trouble between Nina and Gastón.
Is Santi Owen from Brazil? If he showed up in S1 I didn’t know it because I didn’t see all of it. But his accent sounds Portuguese influenced.
Ámbar looking at Delfi knowingly… she’s very much not over Pedro
Jim low-key looks so uncomfortable but I would too if everyone knew I was the focus of a love song
Aw, I feel for Jazmín with the performance anxiety. But anyway she’s so extra. Love that for her.
The way Simón is just standing off to the side playing the guitar super chill takes me out.
Everyone doing the “Fush ¡Te vas!” hand movements in the audience…
Nina is the #1 friend.
Ah yes… Sharon is about to get the shock of her life.
La Vida es un Sueño is SUCH a good song.
Luna and Ámbar CONNECTED. Don’t cry, my babies.
Ok, I’m emo now. Disney did that.
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mylutteoheart · 4 years
What new things are exposed?
Okay, so I didn’t see this until now so I can’t actually show you what I was talking about because I honestly forgot where I saw this but basically, Samuel Nascimento, he played Broduey (is that how you spell it?) in Violetta and Santi Owen in Soy Luna apparently wrote some behind the scenes things in a chat. It was about the cast of Violetta and Soy Luna. I don’t remember all that he said but I believe he said that the friendship between Jorge and Tini was all for show, that a thing between Jorge and Alba (Naty) almost happened. Also Pablo was apparently a problematic person so that’s why he only played in one season. 
On to the Soy Luna cast: Michael apparently was with a lot of girls of the SL cast including Valentina. The girls of the cast were also jealous of Karol and she was bullied. Ruggero also apparently played with Karol’s feelings and that’s why she distanced herself from the cast and that’s also why she didn’t get along with the cast. 
I think those were the most important things he said. I’m not 100% sure if this is true though, he might as well have exaggerated, there might be some truth to it but I can’t say for sure.
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luci-hemwin-evanson · 7 years
Im So Tired Of Santi Owen
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architecture-ljmu · 4 years
City Lab
Seminar 1: Rethinking the City. 
Wednesday 9th December
3pm – 5pm
3pm – Introduction to The City Lab Seminars: John Byrne
3.10 – Alessandra Saviotti – The DPI Toolkit Explained
3.40 – Owen Griffiths – Landscapes of Resistance/Owen’s City Lab
4.10 – Jo Marsh - Ty Pawb, Wrexham’s Arts, Markets and Community Hub
Further Information:
In this first/opening City Lab Seminar we will be joined by three key thinkers and practitioners who are actively using the city as both a context and a tool for social change.
Each contributor will speak for 20 minutes, followed by a 10 minute opportunity for questions. There will also be time for further questions and discussions at the end of the presentations.
Ideas and themes that emerge from this first City Lab Seminar will be picked up again early next year (date to be announced) when all three panellists will join us for individual discussions/seminars as a first ‘open access’ point of the TPG shared module ‘Transdisciplinary Pracitce’.
Information on Speakers/Contributors:
Alessandra Saviotti (LJMU School of Art and Design / Asociación de Arte Útil)
Weblink: www.arte-util.org
Alessandra Saviotti Presentation: DPE Toolkit Explained - Alessandra will talk about the DPE's Toolkit section in particular on the idea of usership within the education context. Alessandra will address this question: is it possible for art to infiltrate the formal education environment in the form of a radical teaching approach that seeks to give a new shape to the existing configuration of the system, within the system itself?
Alessandra Saviotti Biography: Alessandra is a curator and educator who lives in Amsterdam. Alessandra is also a PhD candidate at the Liverpool John Moores University - School of Art and Design. Alessandra’s focus is on socially engaged art, collaborative practices and Arte Útil. Her work aims to realize projects where the public becomes a co-producer in the spirit of usership. Her reflection is taking into consideration collaborative processes according to the motto ‘cooperation is better than competition’. She is a co-founder of the art collective Aspra.mente (2006-2016), a group which focuses on the common definition of ‘work in progress’, seeking the contribution of operators in other fields than art for interdisciplinary projects that are free from time constraints. Alsessandra was part of the curatorial team of the 'Museum of Arte Útil' at the Van Abbemuseum (Eindhoven, NL) and since 2014 she has been collaborating with the Asociación de Arte Útil especially aiming at emancipating the usership around the Arte Útil Archive. She led online and offline seminars at the San Francisco Art Institute (2017), California College of the Arts (2017), SALT (2018), The Whitworth (2019), Chicago Architecture Biennial (2019), Accademia di Brera (2020), and she was the coordinator of the Escuela de Arte Útil at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco (US). She currently teaches at ArtEZ - International Master Artist Educator, Arnhem (NL) and she is a tutor at Accademia Unidee, Biella (IT). Since 2007 Alessandra has also been working in collaboration with several institutions such as SFMOMA (US), MAXXI, Rome (IT), Delfina Foundation, London (UK), Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art (UK), Visible Project (IT), Manifesta 7 (IT), UNIDEE – Cittadellarte (IT), SALT (TR), Estudio Bruguera (USA) e Studio Grilli (BE). She is a 2013-14 van Eyck Akademie fellow, a 2015 Mondriaan Foundation grantee and a 2014 Demo Movin'Up grantee and she has been awarded an international mobility grant from i-Portunus – Creative Europe in 2019.
Owen Griffiths (Artist & Curator: Founder / Director Ways of Working- a locally engaged social enterprise). Owen is based in Wales.
Weblink: www.aboutreconnection.com
Owen Griffiths Presentation: Owen’s City Lab:
Owen will talk about his work as a series of landscapes of resistance - an emerging archipelago of collaborative project in civic spaces across the city of Swansea. Owen is interested in long term work, overlapping edges, social economic model santi gentrification and empowerment. His research is based around, collaboration, food and systems of land use and alternative ownership seeded through collaboration and social justice. 
Owen Griffiths Biography:
Owen Griffiths is an artist, workshop leader and facilitator. Using participatory and collaborative processes, his socially engaged practice explores the possibilities of art to
create new frameworks, resources and systems. This takes many forms, but includes reclaiming and rethinking events, rituals and spaces of dialogue. Griffiths explores climate, landscape, urbanism, social justice, food systems and pedagogy, creating projects and events that prepare us for the gentle work of the future.
He is interested in working locally and in long term dialogue with communities and projects. These long-term dialogues make a case for slowing down time, rethinking the expectations around participation to model new collaborative methods which raise questions around equity, empowerment and sustainability. 
In 2020 Griffiths developed Ways of Working a new community participation platform and company in order to work in ways he feels are urgent; speaking to climate crisis, localism and radical collaborative projects. 
Jo Marsh (Creative Director at Ty Pawb), Wrexham’s Arts, Markets and Community Hub.
Weblink: https://hes32-ctp.trendmicro.com:443/wis/clicktime/v1/query?url=https%3a%2f%2fwww.typawb.wales&umid=26848098-e77f-414c-a12b-2449a4ca4efe&auth=768f192bba830b801fed4f40fb360f4d1374fa7c-d5eaefcbd2ec131e42ae96d121134efa26351191 and/or https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2018/sep/01/ty-pawb-review-art-gallery-everybodys-house-wrexham-market
Jo Marsh Biography:
After graduating in 2009 Jo worked as a freelance artist for a few years, this included lots of gallery education work in Wales, some in France and at the Design Museum in London. In 2011 Jo won the Leeds based Woolgather Art Prize, with my project ‘With Love From The Artist’ that had developed from my side hustle as an itinerant market trader https://hes32-ctp.trendmicro.com:443/wis/clicktime/v1/query?url=www.withlovefromtheartist.com&umid=26848098-e77f-414c-a12b-2449a4ca4efe&auth=768f192bba830b801fed4f40fb360f4d1374fa7c-514d3850b6845bcd75526d65f4321d8d79885aa5.
In 2013-14 Jo was funded by Arts Council Wales to build and tour a travelling gallery called WanderBox, offering residencies to artists in a wide variety of settings and locations https://hes32-ctp.trendmicro.com:443/wis/clicktime/v1/query?url=https%3a%2f%2fwww.axisweb.org%2fp%2fjomarsh%2fworkset%2f213293%2dwanderbox%2f&umid=26848098-e77f-414c-a12b-2449a4ca4efe&auth=768f192bba830b801fed4f40fb360f4d1374fa7c-5710c37b68c29a33d55e90625a283baa14a13fb9
In late 2014 Jo became the Learning and Engagement Officer for Oriel Wrecsam, leading the off-site engagement programme for three years as plans for a new arts and markets development unfolded. This off-site programme included working with young people to build a full sized Shepherd’s Hut, and working with local people to establish a makers group that met regularly and adventured round the county.
In 2017 Jo was appointed Creative Director at Ty Pawb (formerly Oriel Wrecsam and the People’s Market, Wrexham). Since then Jo have been leading a programme of exhibitions and projects that grow out of local connections, and respond to local urgencies. So far this has included building a temporary adventure playground in one of the galleries (complete with 16 tonnes of sand!), working with members from our resident mental health charity to design and manufacture lamps for sale, and establishing a nascent rooftop garden on our multistory carpark.
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