hiya, im em! I enjoy video games, anime, drawing, n writing
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
*shows up to your doorstep in a maid dress and cat ears and just beats the shit out of you*
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Mice of the Moon
The moon is made of cheesecake and I will not hear any arguments, these alien rodents prove it.
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Why? [ Todoroki x reader ]
Warnings!: a lotta angst lol idk
It was supposed to be your special day, the anniversary that would mark four years of your relationship with Shoto.
So why was he not here, at the restaurant you had texted him two hours prior to meet you at after he had finished patrolling the area? You had made sure that he had gotten the text, left him a small hear at the end so he would know it was important, and yet you got a simple:
Read 8:47
You sighed as you glanced one more time at your phone, situated in front of you as you stretched out in the luxurious chair that the restaurant had to offer. In the past two hours that had gone by, a waiter had come to ask if everything was alright.
You found it the only comfort you had at the moment, but you kept telling yourself that that Shoto was a busy pro hero, and that his father expected so much of him that sometimes his priorities outweighed you.
Countless times had you excused the behavior though, telling yourself the same thing every time. He was a pro hero, there was no way he could be neglecting you, he does everything perfectly and precisely! He knows that he loves you, he said so in the beginning of your relationship-
The beginning? How long ago was that? It had been four years so...
You gasped as your eyes opened wide in their sockets, tears slowly welled up as the familiar ringing in your ears made you come to your senses. Every anniversary that he had you waiting outside a random restaurant for, every birthday that he had forgotten, every movie night that he had excused with a late text, every text message that he had read and not responded to.
It was overwhelming, and it hit you hard as you came to realize that not only was Shoto taking advantage of you, your friends had warned you, too.
The evenings they spent with you alone without him, they told you that it was not normal for him to be excusing every one of your texts, or ignoring every request to spend time with him. You had laughed it off, calling them out for being too nosy or analytical.
They had been the ones right all along, you quickly texted Momo:
“Can you please pick me up at Joe’s”
You sniffled as you immediately saw the three dots familiarize themselves on the screen. something foreign when you’d text Shoto.
“Are you okay? He didn’t show up did he” She quickly replied with a sad face at the end.
“Yeah” You quickly texted back before shoving your phone in your pocket, you’d recognize her car once it pulled up, but you couldn’t deal with any “I told you so” messages right now.
You saw her car arrive after running out of the building, opening her door and slumping down in the passenger seat as she stared at you for a moment before gently pressing her foot on the gas.
“Do you want to-”
“Please, no.” You sighed as your tears began to slip down your cheeks.
Momo nodded and continued driving to your shared apartment with Shoto, she knew how to keep her distance, at least. You thought.
As you got out of her car, she looked up at you and into your eyes whilst handing you your bag,
“Are you going to be okay, Y/N?” She pleaded with her eyes for some form of coherence before she left you alone to deal until you were ready.
You nodded and gave her a small smile as you took your bag from her hands. At least you could give her the solace you lacked during your time with Shoto, as you walked towards your complex where you knew he'd be on the couch on his laptop, you couldn't help reminiscing.
Thinking of the times when you first dated, he would gaze at you as if you were the most gorgeous thing he had ever laid eyes upon, Shoto would shower you with sweet nothings while whispering in your ear. Whether it be in bed or at the grocery store, he would give you lingering kisses across your cheek or lips, either one made your heart flutter exceptionally.
Months would pass, and you both would indulge in nighttimes of studying together as he rose to fame as a pro hero. He would go out to morning patrol with a lipstick stain on his cheek from the night previous with you, and he would often switch turns with you to do house chores so that you didn't feel as tired during the evenings he came back.
However, as the second year continued on, you would leave love notes on his desk as a form of endearment, and while he would leave them back to you with a small reactionary drawing he stopped doing so. You figured it was because he was busy, but then it became that he would bring up excuses to go out with others when you had plans already discussed.
He wouldn't participate in assisting you with the chores anymore, and so when you were finally finished with doing the laundry and cooking dinner, you smiled at him and asked to watch a movie. Every night you tried this routine, he would always refuse, but seeing him eat the food you made gave you some semblance of the nights you used to enjoy with him. Even if throughout the whole time his eyes were glued on the news plastered on his phone.
As you stopped your daydreaming, you realized you hadn't been intimate with Shoto since the second year of your relationship had passed. It had been too long, you would try and get into the mood, but he was never into it.
So you stopped, you stopped attempting to seduce him and tried to ask him to spend time with you, but he refused it all the same, and now as you stood by your door and fiddled with your keys nervously, you wondered if he would care.
You wondered if he would even be there, as you previously told yourself, what if he just got up and left? You shuddered as you told yourself not to entertain that idea and rather accept whatever awaited you in the living room.
As you opened the door you uttered a small
No response, as always. You sighed as you looked at the small love note you left, with a special heart sticker you got from your workplaces adorning the middle, untouched.
“Shoto?” You let out a small whisper as you didn't want to wake him if he was asleep.
You heard a small grunt in response as your heart leaped, and you rushed to the couch seeing your boyfriend sitting in the same position you expected, typing away at the computer. Eyes locked onto the computer screen, as always.
“Shoto.” You tried to say again more firmly, however it came out more of an inquiry than you'd like.
He glared at you, obviously annoyed that you interrupted his work, and you gave another exasperated sigh at what you were about to utter.
Your tear stained cheeks wet once more with falling tears as you spoke your confession, but instead of it being one of love and your future with Shoto as you had wanted, you managed to utter out a small
“I’m leaving, Shoto.”
He snapped his head up and looked at you with in incredulous look, obviously surprised,
“Why?” He said as you saw his face morph into that of indifference, and that made your cheeks flush as your eyes welled up with more unshed tears. In an attempt to hide them from him, he saw you as weak when you cried, he had told you the third year of your relationship.
And you had, of course, listened and stopped crying at everything he did to you. You wanted to punch yourself at the realization and how everything just now managed to become clear, how it had taken four years for you to hold him accountable.
“Shoto. Today was our anniversary for four years,” You chuckled as you wiped tears off with the back of your hand “a-and you didn't show up.”
You took a second to inhale and quickly spit out the rest that you had wanted to say after those years of neglect accumulating,
“I can’t do this anymore, Shoto, I’m sorry. I’m so, very sorry.” You choked out a sob in front of him, it felt so good to cry once more, it felt so good to feel anything but shame when you had vulnerability in front of him without caring or knowing if he was judging or not.
It felt good to finally see the old you, the one that was loved by Shoto, the one that he didn't ignore, the one that he didn't neglect.
It felt good to be free, to be yourself again.
You quickly gripped your bag tighter and went to your room, beginning to pack. You'd call Momo tomorrow and tell her what happened, asking for some save place to stay until you got yourself a new apartment.
That night, as you went to sleep, all you could think of was until the end, Shotoi had stayed silent. He had stayed dormant, he hadn’t gotten sad or angry or anything in-between. He had been the same pro hero in real life that he was on the television, that mask of indifference and silence wasn't a facade, you whimpered out more cries.
Your eyes shut as you felt yourself slowly descend into a slumber induced by your tears.
That morning, you had woken up long before Shoto had morning patrol, and left to go to Momo.
Little did you know, while you and Momo were hugging and watching movies to subside the thoughts of him, Shoto was reading the love note you wrote for him the morning of your apparent anniversary.
His eyes widened at the small hearts surrounding the words written, and your final words in the love note being:
I’ll see you soon at Joe’s! Remember, where you took me a while ago to confess your love? Lol you probably don't, but I love your forgetful self enough to remember for the both of us! <3
He covered his mouth with his hand, has she been doing this since- since? How long has it been? He stammered out a small “Oh my god” before laying on the couch and pressing the note to his chest, closing his eyes, and allowing himself to smell and remember you, and everything you had done for him.
He stopped reading the notes, he stopped listening to your texts, he started making excuses. He thought it was fine, thought that he would get to you someday and you would have all the time in the world to hang out, but you- you thought different?
No, of course you did, of course you thought different. You weren't some toy to play with, you were his girlfriend of four years. Ex girlfriend? Whatever.
He had been terrible, and now there was no going back, as Shoto laid there with his eyes shut and his hands holding the note so tight he thought it was going to fold inwards.
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[ Wrong Turn ] Denki x reader
Warnings!: smut !! fingering, anything like that sorta thing skghdjggd
“I’ll be fine, I promise!” You shouted out while walking backwards towards the washrooms, waving to Mina who’d just previously asked you if you were sure you knew where the showers were. Obviously you were new to UA, but not that new!
A quick shower shouldn't be that hard to achieve around here, right?
Gosh were you wrong.
You were underneath the hot water as you smoothed your hands down your hair, slowly trailing them down your body as you sudsed the soap up your leg. Savory showers after training were the best, usually taking them alone and going up to your dorm for a quiet night of sleep was your normal routine.
That was, until you heard a small but audible click in the distance, it was evidently the door to the showers but you paid no mind. After all, it was the girl’s showers, nobody unwanted would come in here and barge in on you.
However, as you heard the scuffing of shoes and the very obvious sound of a belt clacking and pants shuffling down someone’s legs, you became worried at the idea that this was probably not a girl.
Stepping out of the shower in only a towel, you slowly tiptoed your way through the tiled room, your feet making small plap noises with every small tap of your toes on the cold surface. Just then, you heard their shower turn off, and thought of how long it took you to analyze that this was probably not the washroom they wanted to walk into..
“..Hello?” You hesitantly called out, hoping to hear Mina or Tsu answer with a cheery or congested voice, maybe you’d see them walk out after their shower and you’d be able to grab snacks and watch a movie.
What you most definitely did not expect was to come crashing into someone with a small towel draped around their waist, broad shoulders, and very electric yellow hair with a black striped adorning the side.
“D-Denki?” You stumbled back and almost slipped on the wet ceramic, until strong arms caught you and situated you to stand before lingering on your waist.
No, you weren't imagining, that was most definitely Denki, and he was in the girls bathroom at that!
His eyes only narrowed as his eyebrows scrunched up in a confused expression, “What are you doing here, Y/N?” He tilted his head only to flush a bit before realizing his hands were still wrapped around the towel covering your body.
“What are you talking about? This is the girl’s restroom, you're the one who’s trespassing!” You gaped at him and turned a deeper shade of crimson before attempting to look down, only to sharply lift your gaze to the walls at the right side of you. There’s nowhere to look other than here! If I look down all I can see is his- his-
“Mm,” He hummed in amusement as you tore your gaze away from the wall to stare at his eyes and damp hair. He looks so pretty.. water droplets still sticking to his body, his eyelashes wet and long from hot water showering his body just moments before..
You felt a finger lift your chin as you realized it had dipped so your eyes were on his chest, your cheeks strawberry red as he smirked and leaned to whisper in your ear,
“Which way did you turn to get to the bathroom after training, princess?” He teased and looked at your flushed face, a slight blush forming on his own cheeks as he smiled down at your stuttering lips.
“R-right, that’s where the girls bathroom is located..” You hesitantly answered, there's something he's not telling me.
“Wrong turn, sweetheart, the girls bathroom is on the left” He smiled down at you once again, and you felt your hands grasp his arms as you stammered-
“Oh my god! I-I’m so sorry, I honestly didn't know- I thought-”
He leaned into you, “Are you okay with this, Y/N?” you felt him softly ask as his lips brushed against yours, god they're so soft.. and he’s always been so handsome in class.. what have I got to lose?
“Yes.. I-” You suddenly felt the air knock out of your lungs as he took his hands from your waist and held your head to guide you through the kiss, his tongue slipping into your mouth as you gave him easy access.
He felt so good, this felt so good, but what if-
Your thoughts were quickly silenced and he slipped a hand around your towel, pulling slightly and unraveling it before trailing his fingers down your body. His tongue sliding out of your mouth and giving one last tug to your lip, making you softly whimper.
He trailed his mouth down your neck, licking and nipping at your pulse point, making you quiver in anticipation. Denki then flicked his fingers down to your waist, and began circling your stomach.
Pulling away from your collarbone, he asked softly while looking into your eyes:
“Are you sure?”
You nodded at his words, and quickly received a small graze over your sensitive chest. You whimpered as his fingers returned to your waist, but this time significantly lower.
“Words, princess-”
He smirked against your perked tits, and you grinded your hips against his body, making him ground and chuckle slightly.
“Please? Please, Denki?” You gazed down at him, bent over and staring up at you, he muffled a small “good girl” before lowering his head and suckling on one nipple, swirling his tongue in strokes that had you full blown moaning, drunk on the feeling.
“O-oh my god-” You whimpered and your face flushed even more, the water that was once dripping from your hair grazing your back as you were pressed against the tile wall.
He continued his ministrations on the other side of your chest, your neglected nipple being teased with his free hand as his other trailed down your stomach to the one place you needed to be touched most.
He pinched your nipple, causing you to wail and buck your hips, receiving an amused chuckle from Denki in the process. Giving one last swirl of his tongue, he pulled away and left you to whine at the loss of contact.
“What are you-” “Shh, sweetheart, I”ll make you feel good in a second~” He slowly traced a finger around your entrance, making you shiver and involuntarily roll your hips at the small contact.
Denki’s fingers circled your clit as you gave a moan, opening your closed eyes to see his lustful expression worshipping you. You gave a smile back and attempted to act normal in the circumstance until he slowly pushed one long calloused finger inside of you.
You gasped and moaned, your hips bucking at the small contact his thumb was making with your clit, “M-More please!”
“As you wish, babe.” You felt him smirk against your cunt as he trailed his tongue up and down your clit, swirling and making you feel something form in the pit of your stomach,
He slowly began pumping the finger inside of you in and out, going faster by the moment, your moans spurred on by his tongue stimulating your clit-
He added another finger, and gave a small grunt when he received a pretty little moan from your lips. Denki sucked on your clit suddenly before popping off, but continued pumping his fingers at the constant pace. Your hair was wet and disheveled around your face as your back arched off of the wall he had you pinned to.
You opened your eyes at the absence of his tongue and whined, causing him to pump faster. His eyes locked onto yours as you wailed at a particularly hard thrust of his fingers, and just when you were about to feel the coil snap tight inside of you he gave a small instruction-
“Don’t cum unless I tell you to, got it princess?” He smiled innocently and continued pumping at a brutal pace, not giving you time to respond before lowering his head and latching his tongue back onto your clit.
“Oh f-fuck!” You cried out, “please, Denki, please?” It was hard to hold back your orgasm, especially as he started to pump faster at your request, even going so far as to add a third finger into the mix, stretching you out.
You moaned loudly and cried out as you felt yourself tremble against his tongue, which was quickly making up for the lack of attention on your clit, his free hand groping your breast and fondling the nipple.
“P-Please.. Oh god I-” You groaned and drooled out as he didn't stop his brutal pace on you,
“Go ahead, babe~” He drawled against your clit as he continued.
Denki chuckled as you trembled and cried out, your eyes screwing shut as the coil inside of you released, as did your soft moans during the aftermath. He slipped his fingers out of your and stopped his ministrations, holding you into his lap. You tried to ignore the appendage sticking up into you, but it proved hard as when you wanted to get situated onto him he’d offer up a groan and evidently show that he was ready for round 2.
“Do you want to continue, Denki?” You asked, facing towards him and blushing slightly as if you two hadn't already gone so far.
“I thought you’d never ask,” he smirked and gave you a small peck “let’s go back to my dorm, alright princess?”
-- <3 --
gosh I haven't written smut in so long plspslpslpslpslsl ack im so sorry this sux!! <33 anyways goodnight folks I have a test tmrow ughh >:^(
#denki#denki x you#denki x reader#mha x reader#mha denki#mha#mha oneshots#denki oneshots#denki x reader au#denki x female reader#denki smut#denki lemon#denki oneshot
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[ Assistance ] pro hero!Bakugou x Reader
Warnings!: none unless you consider this workplace harassment-
The rays of sunlight broke through in shapes determined by the curtains surrounding your office window, as you sat at the very top floor in the one and only Ground Zero’s agency.
It had become a routine already, being two weeks since your first interview. Being an assistant to someone as important as Bakugou meant a lot, and even if some of your work went completely unnoticed the paycheck certainly made up for that void.
However, as the days progressed, you began to notice Bakugou acting different. It didn't come to your attention until your new coworkers started gossiping amongst themselves about him. You only happened to hear during your trip to the trash can in order to dump a small cup of coffee in that Bakugou had been interacting with the office more.
According to them, not only had he been leaving his office more, he had been doing some sort of monitoring throughout the hallways to make sure every cubicle was working without fault.
With some thinking it wasn't hard to accept the fact that this was new behavior, despite it only being so early in your acceptance in the office space, you could've never imagined the one and only Ground Zero caring about his employees.
Hell, many of his ex workers and coworkers complained that he was cold, and the type to simply shrug if someone asked to resign. You gave into those ideas, and while shameful, you began to observe those actions of his around the building you and others worked in.
At first, he would simply walk around with a scowl on his face, occasionally leaning into a cubicle slightly to check on them. Then it progressed into more common checks, and getting food during break times with you and others in the office, of course he wouldn't eat it in the same room, but it was equally unusual all the same.
You flushed as you realized you had been lost in thought, your manicured fingers resting atop your keyboard for far too long.
Thank god nobody called, or else I'm positive I wouldn't have been able to pay attention them through the phone-
Immediately, your eyes widened at seeing a tuft of spiky blonde hair peak out from a cubicle, no work was typed on your laptop, and all you had been doing was daydreaming whilst staring out the window!
Suddenly the phone rung, and just as quickly as you spaced out, you snapped out of the trance and answered the call.
“Hello. Ground Zero Hero Agency, how can I help you?” You attempted at a cheery voice, but it was obvious you felt out of it from the event a few minutes ago.
The conversation proceeded normally, everyone calling either wanted an interview with the one and only or attempted to get a job position despite there being no offers. At times there were few prank calls, but those were fun to fool around with.
You sighed and glanced towards the window again, the bright beams flexing around you as the curtains swayed with small breezes. Inhaling the smell of your small plants crowding the shelf against your laptop, you relaxed into your seat and tried to resume your thoughts from a second ag-
“Slacking off are we?”
Shit. You heard a gruff voice that could only belong to one person in the whole office. Shouldn't he be busy? Isn’t he a hero? Doesn't he have some maiden to be saving, any damsels in distress?
“N-No! I was doing my job, sir, nothing more nothing less.” You quickly snapped your head up to look at your handsome boss- no need to beat around the bush, he did have such a nice jawline.. and those red eyes-
“So why’d you sound depressed on the phone? Wasn't being cheery part of the job description, dumbass?” He smirked at you as he leaned closer to your face, which was slowly rivaling a rose petal in color.
There was no response you could form.
Was he watching me? You thought, but shook it out of your head quickly. No he doesn't care about us individually.. he must've been warned somehow by someone to be more charitable.. that's why he's been so adamant on social works in the office.
Just as you were about to stutter out a half assed excuse for your call he had witnessed the minute before, he leaned in close to your ear and gave a huff before speaking,
“Don’t let me catch you again.”
You froze and blushed even deeper, if possible, at the small tantalizing statement. As he pulled away you saw him staring at you, slowly but obviously eyeing you up and down.
“Got it?”
He smirked once again before putting on a poker face, not hearing your response, if it was considered one for you were stuttering so much you were sure not a coherent word was uttered.
Did he do this to everyone? You thought, he couldn't, right? It was illegal to act such a way in the workplace.. especially one such as big as Ground Zero’s agency!
You turned back to your laptop, confused as to how you were supposed to continue your day normally after that incident.
Maybe later I can ask if anyone has experienced the same flirtatious behavior from Katsuki.
hfjdngnskg planning on making a part two for dis bc im vv tired rn but hoped u like it i gues :’^) schools been so hard lawd,, but anywayz lemme not proofread this because i might get too insecure and scrap it--
#bakugou#bakugou x#bakugou x reader#bakugou katsuki#katsuki x reader#bakugou katsuki x reader#mha#mha x reader#katsukibakugou#mha katsuki#katuski bakugou x reader#ground zero#ground zero x reader#bakugou au
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