#sansan fandom
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flare99-blog · 9 months ago
"Hate is good as any to keep a person going, better then most."
-Sandor Clegane
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The first Game of Thrones character post is about one of my favorite characters in the entire series. Sandor Clegane, the Hound.
At first i didn't think it would be that important to the story but in the end it was. His tormented and pain-filled past made me fall in love with this character. The hatred for his brother Gregor who gave him that scar on his face disfiguring him, kept him alive so he could take revenge.
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I LOVED the relationship he had with the Stark sisters. He always tried to help them. This shows that he is not a bad person in the end!🥺
I think he's a very underrated character!!
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I really like his way of expressing himself because sometimes he's very funny😂 and in my opinion Rory McCann was very good at playing him💕
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But am I the only one who thinks he's extremely CUTE?!? He's an adorable tsundere ahah I love it 🐶❤️
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catofoldstones · 6 months ago
Sansa doesn’t accept Sweetrobin as her suitor but she accepts Tyrion? Did you read the books? This is another nail in the ashford theory’s coffin besides the obvious fact that lady Ashford didn’t marry her suitors and valarr married another lady and soon died
you’re right, you’re right. instead sansa is going to marry sandor because dunk disturbed the tourney or whatever copium is it that you lot snort
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bighound-littlebird · 2 months ago
Hi! I saw on your profile that it says "Safe for all Sansan fans"? That’s my place then!!
I just wanted to send you this message to say thank you. Ten years ago, I was a huge Sansan fan—I used to read fics and daydream about them all the time. But as time passed, I kind of forgot about them… until the other day when, out of nowhere, I remembered them again, and just like that, my hyperfixation came rushing back.
So much time has passed since the TV show ended that I felt kind of hopeless about finding any new content for them. But imagine my surprise and joy when I saw that people are still uploading fics about them on AO3—even in the middle of January 2025! I'm not so alone after all! It even gave me the courage to think about writing content for them too! Then I searched Tumblr and found your blog, and I just wanted to thank you for all your posts and reblogs that keep this ship alive.
Right now, I have a blog dedicated to a completely different fandom, but who knows—maybe I’ll start a sideblog for other things I love, like them <3.
Anyway, I also wanted to offer myself as a friend if you ever want to share thoughts, ideas, writing or just vent about this beautifully delicate ship that is Sansan. <3
Hope you have a great day!
Thank you so much for this!
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gotranting · 1 year ago
I love how there are so many warnings for minors to not interact with smutty stories. I guess it is for the writers to shield themselves in a way.
But come on now. As if most of us didn't read the most filthiest of smut stories when we were 15. Some younger than that probably.
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banadraw · 1 year ago
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sansan pony🐎
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liaa--qb · 1 year ago
No but the dark hound n Sansa vibes Rhaemond could have served....
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Sorry not Ramsay/Sansa as someone previously asked me but Aemond/ Rhaena would actually give more Dark Sandor/Sansa vibes to me. Imagine the scenario if Rhaena stayed there with her Grandmother Rhaenys instead of going with her Dad/step mother.....😭[ I had so many scenarios for them before reading FNB ]
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agentrouka-blog · 22 days ago
You know how the greek mythology side of Tumblr turned the myth of Persephone's abduction into a cutesy love story where actually she walked into the underworld knowingly and Hades is the best boyfriend under the brooding exterior (usually juxtaposed to Zeus) and people really believe this version as the og story despite what classicists say about it ? The exact same happened with Sansa and the hound where a bunch of young women projected their bad boy fantasies into their interactions. It's bad enough that they were swooning over a loser assaulting and trauma dumping on a 12yo but why they gotta act like their "relationship" will be canon and the rest of us are just too dense to see it ?
I am not sure it was tumblr that invented this take, but also what you're describing is basically the fandom take on Lyanna and Rhaegar (juxtaposed with stormy Robert) so the leap from that to the Hound is not actually that far.
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g0lightly · 4 months ago
it's astonishing to me that after decades of the fandom romanticizing s*nsan, i seem to be the first person to make hound!brienne x sansa ship content based on the fact that there's another tall, scarred, idealistic yet unconventional protector figure connected to sansa who is much closer to her age and would never threaten her with SA at knifepoint. her name is brienne :) but she's not a broody man so this fandom can't draco-in-leather-pants-ify her lmao
call it a crackship if you want but if brienne gets the hound's helm after lem and we find out that the s*nsan art in grrm's house is actually about brienne and sansa you all owe me $20
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princessneleam · 4 months ago
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It's here! 12 Days of SanSan Posting Schedule:
12/25 - Sleighride - @littlewolfbird 12/26 - Travel - @princessneleam 12/27 - Under the Mistletoe - @ladyclegane 12/28 - Family Gatherings - @3rdstarksistr 12/29 - Hot Drinks & Mulling Spices - Strangebirds 12/30 - Bundled Up - Pen_writes 12/31 - Lights & Stars - Cranberry_Wine 1/01 - Resolutions - @mtorolite 1/02 - Winter Baking - @nobodysuspectsthebutterfly 1/03 - Blizzards & Snow - @prettybadmagic 1/04 - Singing & Hymns - Ragequeen94 1/05 - Unwrapping Presents - @banadraw
Thank you so much for signing up. If I missed tagging you, please DM me and I can update the post.
Here is the AO3 collection too 💜 All of the guidelines for the event are there and on the original post. If any issues crop up, please reach out to @mtorolite or me.
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fandomlife-confessions · 5 months ago
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bighound-littlebird · 3 months ago
It’s not an ask, just a sincere thank you in appreciation of your support for ASOFAF. it means a lot to me. Every time you reblog a post, spreading the good word, I smile no matter how shit the day is. Keep up the good work of supporting other fandom creators. You’re a staple in my book!
Thank you so much!
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smramida · 10 months ago
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something interesting
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snake-berry · 1 year ago
ok guys im doing a series where im going to draw some asoiaf ladies as disney princesses. starting w sansa bc she is a disney princess who was dropped into the wrong world
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atopvisenyashill · 5 months ago
i’m not engaging in discourse about discourse i refuse to engage in discourse about discourse engaging in discourse about discourse is the mind killer
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nevermorered · 2 years ago
Do you ever read a fic so OOC or just straight up hate porn that you just can’t shake it? Like it makes you feel uncomfy and almost makes you hate a ship you absolutely love?
Please learn to tag your fics appropriately. Tag triggers! Tag hurt/no comfort! Tag angst with no resolve! Tag Dead Dove! Tag smut! Tag explicit sex! Tag non con! Tag no HEA! Tag enough for informed consent! Give readers warnings they can heed and steer clear of fics that they don’t want to read.
Can they just stop reading? Sure, but most of the time when something is tagged with a ship, a reader expects that ship to be together by the end unless it’s specified in the tags otherwise!
I honestly don’t care what you write. I’ll never yuck someone’s yum, but also…just use the frickin tags!
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queen-helaenas-pet-spider · 9 months ago
Listen, I know it's SUPER out of character for him, but I CANNOT stop thinking about what would happen if Sandor crowned Sansa the Hand's Tourney's Queen Of Love And Beauty instead of Loras?!?!
Like all I can see is him getting a wreath of flowers {bonus points if they're blue winter roses, the same flowers that Rhaegar gave to her aunt Lyanna before shit hit the fan}, making eye contact with Cersei {who's narcissistic ass is GRINNING}, only for him to just turn back around and walk directly towards Sansa, the supposed younger and more beautiful queen that will take everything from Cersei?!?! It would be so funny to watch, but it's also a HUGE risk for him to take for two reasons:
1. USUALLY the women that get crowned QOLAB are either the wives, fiancées, or crushes of the men that crown them. It's no secret that Sandor is attracted to Sansa in MANY ways, but he's ashamed of himself for thinking such things about her, which is one of the reasons why he tries to scare Sansa off. Also, a man crowning a woman while he or she is either already engaged or married is a BIG scandal {cough cough Rhaegar crowning Lyanna instead of his wife, Elia cough cough}.
But surely, if Loras could get away with it, then so could Sandor, right?! WRONG!
The biggest difference between Loras doing it and Sandor doing it is that Loras wasn't the crown prince's bodyguard. Sandor was. Plus, at that time I don't think that Sansa and Joffrey's engagement was known by the rest of the public, they just knew that Ned Stark became the new Hand of the King, and brought his daughters with him. Can't blame Loras for not knowing, but Sandor knew.
2. Him crowning Sansa would instantly put a target on both of them {though they were already targets the moment the Lannisters laid eyes on them, but still}. Sansa's life and reputation would be at risk, the Lannisters would accuse Sandor of being a Turncloak, Sansa's lover, or both, he'd be killed, and Sansa would be alone.
So as funny as it would be to see Cersei's face while she's watching her slave crown his queen instead of feeing her ego, I'm glad they didn't have him do that. Cause despite their VERY rocky relationship, Sandor is the ONLY person outside of the Stark's that truly loves and respects Sansa.
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