#sansa stark fic
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aemondsa · 5 months ago
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a hairy heart of dark desire by slaymond (aemondtargaryen)
“So the lion fell in love with a lamb.” “What a stupid lamb.” “What a sick, masochistic lion.” Aemond gagged, internally cringing at his brother and his human. Their saccharine sappiness was nauseating. Worse still, he had to listen to all of it as he skulked through the shadows, making sure that his brother did not slip up and turn the scrumptious Sansa Stark into his dinner. [ Aemondsa Twilight AU ]
↳ chapter one: 10.5k+
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justmymindandstuff · 4 months ago
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Jon Snow:
Promise (Jon Snow x Y/N) summary: You are a Lady from House Tully and Catelyn Starks ward. But you love her husband bastard son Jon and he loves you. Your relationship is a secret, but you don't care. But then Jon makes the decision to go to the Wall.
Jonsa (Sansa Stark x Jon Snow):
sweet like flowers smell (Valentins Event 2025) summary: Ser Loras, the Knight of the Flower, gives Sansa a red rose at the Hand's tournament. The flower in her hand makes her thoughts wander back to Winterfell, to the person who gave her her first flower. Her cousin Jon.
Sansa Stark and Robb Stark:
Knights and Heros (Sansa Stark and Robb Stark) summary: Sansa prays that Robb comes and safes her. Every night before she goes to bed, she sends a prayer to the gods asking that Robb save her. He should kill the lions, each one of them and finally free Sansa. Her big brother is supposed to save her. He has to save her.
Robb Stark:
Lord Stark (Robb Stark x LannisterReader) summary: It was a stupid argument and Robb knows he has fucked up after you threw his title in his face. Fine. He doesn't need you or so he thought. He quickly realizes that he made a mistake and that he does need you more than he thought.
welcome home solider (Robb Stark x WifeReader) smut/18+ summary: Your husband Robb Stark defeats the Lannister army in the Battle of the Whispering Wood. His first real battle. But the only thing he could think about was you and that he might never see you again. You gladly welcome him back into your arms.
Desire (Robb Stark x WifeReader) smut/ 18+ summary: Your life is perfect. You are happily married to your husband Robb Stark and gave birth to your first son a few moons ago. But since then things have changed between you. You miss your husbands touches but after you told him about your worries he shows you how wrong you are.
Good wifes always know - or not? (Robb Stark x WifeReader) summary: Your husband Robb Stark gives all his attention to Lady Karstark, a daughter of Lord Karstark. Hot jealousy leads to a carousel of thoughts in your head and in the end you lash out at Robb. You quickly realize that you have to apologize. But before you can do that, you receive an unexpected, good message.
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jonsawilldanceanon · 7 months ago
Sometimes I wonder about au jonsa where Jon where Leanna and rhaegar married and he was a prince of the realm visiting his uncle in winterfell….
I love those AUs so much.
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fistfuloflightning · 6 months ago
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AU where Catelyn refuses to have Jon be raised with her children or even be acknowledged as a Stark bastard, and instead he’s raised by one of their retainers and the other Stark children remain oblivious (until it’s too late…)
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polysucks · 2 months ago
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I was feeling a type of way about jeyne and sansa and letting them be teenage girls again. So I wrote a blurb to go along w my drawing. I’m not a writer so don’t come for me if it sucks.
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The morning was crisp and unusually bright, the pale sun glinting off the freshly snow-dusted stones of Winterfell’s walls. A sharp wind cut through the yard, carrying with it the sound of wood clashing and boys shouting. Robb and Jon circled each other on the mud-packed snow of the training yard, their wooden swords striking with loud thwacks. Theon stood to the side, lounging against a fence post, smirking to himself with an air of smug self-satisfaction as he waited his turn.
High above, Sansa and Jeyne peered down from the gallery, bundled in woolen covers lined with rabbit fur and bright in color, their cheeks tinged pink from the cold.
“Jon’s quicker,” Jeyne declared wistfully, leaning over the railing to a better look at the boys, her breath fogging the air. “But Robb’s stronger. I’ll wager he wins this bout.”
“Jeyne, you shouldn’t wager on such things,” Sansa chided, though her voice was tinged with laughter. “Nor wager at all. It’s unbecoming.”
Jeyne turned to her, her dark eyes sparkling with mischief. “Oh, don’t be so pious, Sansa. You know you’re hoping Jon wins too. He’s so brooding—girls like that, don’t they?”
Sansa gasped, her freckled nose scrunching in mock outrage. “I most certainly do not! And neither should you. We’re meant to cheer for Robb; he’s the heir to Winterfell!”
Jeyne burst into giggles, clutching at Sansa’s arm. “You sound just like boring ol’ Septa Mordane. Shall I fetch my sewing and sit by the hearth instead?”
“Perhaps you should,” Sansa teased in a feigned scolding, though the corners of her mouth twitched with amusement at her friend’s candor.
The girls turned their attention back to the yard just as Robb lunged forward, his sword coming down in a heavy arc. Jon stepped aside at the last moment, snow crunching beneath his boots, and drove the flat of his blade into Robb’s ribs. Robb stumbled, laughing as he raised his hand in surrender.
“Jon wins again!” Jeyne crowed, clapping her gloved hands together. “Well done, Jon! I always knew you were the clever one!” Sansa tugged at Jeyne’s arm, loudly shushing the cheering girl with a grin that split her face ear to ear.
Their voices rang out across the yard, drawing Jon’s attention. He looked up, his dark hair falling into his eyes, and gave her a crooked smile.
“Careful, Jeyne,” Theon called from below, striding forward to take Jon’s place. “You’ll make me jealous with all this talk of Jon’s so-called cleverness.” He twirled his sword in a flashy display and pointed the tip up at the gallery. “You should do well to save some of your applause for me.”
Jeyne cupped her gloved hands around her mouth and shouted, “I will when you deserve them, Theon!”
Sansa clutched her sides, laughing so hard she could hardly breathe. “Jeyne! You can’t say things like that!”
“Oh, why not?” Jeyne replied, her voice a mix of mischief and innocence, reclaiming her seat beside Sansa and playfully slapped at the maiden’s hands as they tugged on Jeyne’s sleeves. “They love it. Just look at them.”
Below, Theon puffed out his chest, preening under the girls’ attention. Robb rolled his eyes, muttering something to Jon that made him chuckle.
Sansa shook her head, still giggling. “If Septa Mordane heard you, she’d have you scrubbing the floors of the great hall from dawn till dusk.”
“Then I’d have plenty of time to think about Theon Greyjoy and his pretty smile,” Jeyne said, fluttering her lashes dramatically.
Sansa dissolved into laughter again, leaning into her friend for support. “You’re horrible,” she said between gasps. “Completely incorrigible.”
“So you say,” Jeyne said with a grin, her breath catching in the cold air. “But do you disagree?”
Sansa only responded with more laughter. The sound of wood against wood rang out again as Theon and Jon squared off, their movements swift and precise. The girls leaned in to one another, their blankets rustling, as they watched the spar with rapt attention. Jeyne’s cheerful banter filled the air, and Sansa’s laughter rang out like a bell, bright and unguarded, as if this moment could last forever.
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rainwingmarvel7 · 1 month ago
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“You have a place in my heart no one could ever have.”
Lord Victyr Dormaire and Lady Sansa Stark
Lovely commission by @nasnyys!
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paulyenvol6 · 6 months ago
Byka Atroksia (Chapter 4)
Contains: just a little angst and Rhaenyra being bipolar
Wordcount: ~2.40k
Masterlist of this story
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Just when you were about to fall asleep you could feel Daemon roll off you.
It made you open your eyes again and you were back in the present moment. He exhaled loudly and stared at the ceiling while you felt weird at the loss of his weight on you. You felt exposed and cold suddenly.
Now that you were fully awake again more thoughts were floating through your head and a lot of emotions were washing over you. Slowly, you left the beautiful haze you had remained in after the intercourse and were pulled back into reality. You had just lost your virtue, your honor. Gods be good, what had you done? You weren’t married and yet you had just lost your maidenhood to your uncle. It wasn’t uncommen in your family to marry relatives but the point was that your father had no intentions marrying you to Daemon.
You felt your hands starting to shake. That was a catastrophe. A big, fatal mistake you had made. Maybe it was a dream, you thought. Maybe you would wake up in a couple of seconds and find yourself alone in your bed, right where you were supposed to be at this hour.
But then you turned your head and saw your uncle next to you, still breathing heavily and you felt yourself panick. If anyone would find out about this it would have terrible consequences. Your father would be furious, probably disinherit you and not call him his daughter anymore. Rhaenyra would look at you with disgust and suddenly you felt so dirty and filthy.
"Daemon.", you said with tears in your eyes. He slowly opened his eyes. "Mhmm…?", his voice sounded tired and annoyed by your disturbance.
"W-We shouldn’t have done this.", you whispered desperately and sat up on your uncle’s bed. "It was wrong, I-I was supposed to – How could we have – " Tears ran down your face and you pressed your hands over your mouth shocked by your action.
Daemon sighed deeply and slowly sat down on the bed as well. He reached out to you, grabbed both your upper arms, pulled you towards him and held you against his chest. He would have prefered to get some sleep now and wasn’t delighted by your outburst but did what he had to do. So he caressed your hair as he felt his skin getting wettened by your tears
"It’s alright…" "No it’s not, I – They’re gonna put my head on a spike for this." Daemon shook his head even though you couldn’t see it.
"They’re not, Vhaela."
"But w-when I'll be married some day my husband is gonna notice that I have lost my maidenhood already." Daemon exhaled. "Every woman is different. Some are tighter, some not. Some bleed, some don't. Perhaps he will be too much of an idiot to notice."
"But he COULD notice. And that would be… a disaster!" Suddenly you pulled away from him and looked at him with a serious look on your face.
"Please don’t tell anyone, uncle. They can’t know." He reassuringly nodded. "Yes. I will not."
You took a deep breath and tried to collect yourself. "We – That was so stupid, Daemon." He rolled his eyes and took your hand. "I think it was rather nice.", he whispered slowly as he pressed little kisses on the back of it.
"I didn’t know you were such a filthy, wicked beast." You blushed and there was the hint of a smile on your face.
"But now you need to rest, gevie riña (beautiful girl). You’re exhausted." You nodded in response and Daemon reached to the end of the bed to grab the blanket. He pulled at it to cover you both with it but you uncertainly watched him and played with your fingers.
"But, won’t they see us together in the morrow if I stay here in your chambers?" Daemon didn’t answer you immediately but put his hands on your waist and moved you so you laid next to him.
"No, they won’t. The servants don’t come in here in the morrow. I’ve told them not to countless times." He moved the hair out of your face.
"You don’t need to worry so much, little owl. I’ll protect you." You looked up to him with big eyes and it felt good to hear him say these words. They gave you comfort and made you think that actually everything would be fine.
"Such a sweet, little, innocent thing.", he whispered and kissed you on your forehead. "Sleep now."
You were woken by the daylight in the morrow and needed a moment to remember what had happened the night before. You felt a little tension in your belly and you weren’t certain if it was caused by the memory of Daemon’s hot touch on your body or the fear what might happen if someone was to find out about your sins.
Daemon was still asleep next to you but only a few minutes after you had woken up he opened his eyes as well.
"Mhmmm.", he grunted and yawned. "Good morrow, uncle." He stretched his arms and turned to his other side. "Good morrow."
Did he really want to go back to sleep now?
"Daemon, I have to go now. The risk is too high that someone is gonna see me here." You looked at him with big eyes and Daemon slowly sat up. "Then go. There is the door." You frowned and he chuckled sleepy. "Sorry."
"I didn’t know you were so grumpy in the morrow."
He didn’t answer to that but got off the bed to grab his clothes which you did in the meantime as well. Then he turned to you.
"You should go through the secret tunnel from my room into the city and then back to the keep." You were confused and looked at him questioning. "What?"
"My sweet Vhaela, you’re the one who’s so concerned so this is me trying to come up with a plan that will make sure no one will suspect anything." You still didn’t know what he was talking about.
"We left the feast yesterday and there were probably enough people to tell my father that we left together. If you want to avoid rumours we have to give them an explanation for what we were doing. If you leave the keep through the tunnel that leads from my chambers right into the city and you enter the Keep now in the early morrow they will think that you have spent the night out. Which is exactly what you’re gonna tell them. And as nobody has seen either you or the two of us together they will believe it. You and I left the feast together and I shortly after went up to my chambers. You, on the other hand went out to… I don’t know, come up with something. It wouldn’t make sense to assume that we were together in the city if you return alone and I myself remain in my bed until noon."
You slowly nodded. Everything he had said made sense and you admired him for how quickly he had thought of a clever plan. So you let him lead you to the wall behind his bed but when your gaze fell on the bed you stopped.
"Daemon.", you said. He turned to look at you and then his eyes followed yours. There was a red stain on the sheets and of course you knew where it came from. You had bleeded when you had lost your maidenhood and now there was proof on the bedsheets. Daemon understood and shrugged his shoulders as if he thought it was nothing.
"I can get rid of it. I can burn it if necessary."
"Really?" He kept walking to the wall and left you looking at the blood stain.
"Yeah, of course." You gulped but then followed your uncle. Then everything happened very quickly. He opened the door to the secret passage and you stepped out of the chambers and into the tunnel.
"Be careful, little owl. Promise me that." You nervously looked at him. "Is it gonna be…. I haven’t been to the city a lot. Is it dangerous?" Daemon caressed your cheek. "If you keep your head down and your Targaryen hair hidden…", he adjusted the scarf he had just wrapped around your head. "Then you’ll be fine."
You nodded. "Alright. I… I’ll see you soon." Your uncle nodded and couldn’t hide a smirk looking at his not so innocent niece.
You felt a stitch in your side as you walked up the many stairs. You were out of breath and the sun was already burning down at you which you had appreciated once you had arrived in the city but now it was too hot. Everything had worked so far and you hoped that your father would believe the story you had come up with during your walk.
You had fought with your sister (which wasn’t a lie), then talked to your uncle who had noticed your bad mood. He had suggested you needed some fresh air and escorted you out of the hall and into the gardens. There, you had said that you needed some time alone and Daemon had gone to his chambers while you, who had felt out of character and risky last night, had decided to go down into the city to just be in a different environment for once. You had strolled through the streets, watched all the attractions one could find and then fell asleep on a hay ball in a shed after drinking a little too much. You knew that you father would be angry nevertheless. His daughter, the Princess drunkily spending her time in bars and sheds? You gulped. But it was better than telling him the truth.
The guards at the red keep let you pass once they recognised you without asking what you had done in the city at that early hour. You felt miserable when you entered the hall. Not only did you fear the upcoming conversation with your father but thinking about you activities last night put you through hell as well. You had sinned, had committed an unspeakable crime. And you hated how much you had enjoyed the time with your uncle. You should feel disgusted now, thinking about his touch, but you didn’t. Because you hated that you did that, that you had lost your honor and virtue and that you had such a lack of will strength but at the same time it made your breath go faster thinking about Daemon’s hands on your body.
"Vhaela!" You quickly turned around with widened eyes and saw your sister walking towards you.
"Vhaela, where have you been?" Rhaenyra wrapped her arms around you and held you tightly. "We were so worried, has something happened to you?" You gulped loudly and felt tears in your eyes.
She and your father had been scared for you while you had done such a terrible action. And why did Rhaenyra had to be so caring and kind to you right now? It only made you feel worse than you already did.
"No, I’m fine, sister." Rhaenyra ended the hug and observed you intensely. "But where were you? I saw you leaving the feast with uncle, what did you do?"
You tried to look as honest as possible and started speaking. "After our fight… I didn’t feel very well and uncle saw that. We went out to get some fresh air and then he left me alone and I… I went to the city." Rhaenyra looked at you with an open mouth.
"What? Vhaela, you… Why? How could you do that?" You looked to the ground. "I’m sorry, I-I felt so odd yesterday. After everything I just felt like I needed a change in my environment. See something else than the keep."
Rhaenyra let out something that sounded like a cry and took your hand. "Vhaela. I’m sorry."
"What? What are YOU apologising for?" Your sister shook her head and looked sad. "Our fight… I was nasty yesterday. I don’t know what it was, but I’m sorry. Gods, and you brought yourself into such danger because of me…"
"No. No. I acted with full responsibility. I promise you this, Rhaenyra, it’s not your fault. And nothing happened to me anyway." Rhaenyra sighed deeply.
"What exactly did you do, Vhae?" You gulped and just wished you could tell your sister the truth. You didn’t always get along but right now she was kind and genuinely cared about you.
"I aimlessly walked through the streets and watched all the street artists. And then I… I drank some wine in a tavern and fell asleep on a hay ball."
Rhaenyra looked to your interlocked hands and desperately shook her head. "The things that could have happened… Gods be good, Vhaela, you could have get hurt. Someone could have used your drunk state and rape you." You intensely looked at her, trying everything to make her calm down and not making her feel responsible for what she believed to had happened.
"But nothing did happen, Rhae. I swear this to you, I’m perfectly fine. And I will not do this again. Ever."
Rhaenyra once again pulled you into a hug. "You will not. Oh Vhae, I can’t believe you’re 16 already.", she then whispered. "You’re my little sister after all. My little sister that needs to be protected."
You rolled your eyes and chuckled. "I don’t need to be protected." Rhaenyra looked stern and bit her lip.
"Just promise me. Promise me you won't act so stupidly again." You nodded a few times and tightly held your sister’s hand. "I promise you, Rhaenyra. On our mother’s memory." Rhaenyra exhaled loudly.
"Now you will have to listen to father’s outburst but I guess you deserve it a second time. And I also have a few things to say to uncle." Your head rapidly turned to your sister. "I simply can’t believe him, I can’t believe he’d leave you alone in the gardens at such a late hour."
As you didn’t know what to answer to that you just silently followed your sister who brought you straight to your father’s chambers. You both knew that you couldn’t avoid this conversation and like your sister you thought it was best to get over with it as quickly as possible.
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weirwoodsea · 11 months ago
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Take off your armor
Inspired by All Moments Pass by @attaining-fic THEONSA SOUPVERSARY 2024
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sweetaprilbutterfly · 1 month ago
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After the death of Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow chooses to live beyond the Wall, while Sansa Stark, the newly-crowned Queen in the North, marries a Dornish prince.
Three years later, when Jon finally gathers the courage to return to Winterfell, he finds that while many things have changed, one hasn't: he's still in love with Sansa.
come out of hiding (i'm right here beside you) by @noqueenbutthequeeninthenorth
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aemondsa · 9 months ago
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witchcraft in your lips → CHAPTER TEN: ALAYNE IV
A thought came, unbidden: He has nobody else in this world. Just me.
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blissfulphilospher · 2 months ago
Every year in winter my heart ache for Jonsa. Idk what is it about winter and Jonsa.
So here I am listing all my favourite Jonsa fics nobody asked for ♡
The Farmer's Wife by @vivilove-jonsa
Set in 1890s America with Farmer Jon and Rich Girl Sansa on run. She finds him via advertisement for a wife and they marry without asking much about each other.
I love it. I love this so much but this story is on hiatus 😭
where our candles burn the brightest by @vivilove-jonsa
Let's say everything by vivilove for Jonsa is my absolute fav.
Christmas fic where Jon is a kindergarten teacher and Rickon's favourite and that's how he meets Sansa!!
a fairytale ending by ganymede_elegy
Jon needs a fake/pretend girlfriend because he is attending Aegon's wedding who is marrying his ex. Sansa stumbles in his life perfectly via dating app.
In Skin or Fur by TaleWeaver
Lady x Ghost too! So their bonded humans just feel so much for each other too!
It's hot.
Goodbye Means Going Away (And Going Away Means Forgetting) by vixleonard
This story makes me cry everytime.
As Jon and Sansa and true copy of Eddard and Catelyn Rickon mistakes them for his parents.
wait for me, my baby by usuallysunny
The transition from siblings to cousins to spouses
I love this!
Freeze my Heart and Cease my Soul ❄️ by Blissful_philospher
Jonsa in their past as Jonnel and Sansa!
Also this is mine 💙
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kitnjon · 4 months ago
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Jonsa Halloween 2024 - Day 04 - Free Choice
gifset for mongrel heart by @cellsshapedlikestars
She hasn't heard a single word about Jon Snow since they moved. She didn't think much of it then – hasn't thought once about it in the eighteen years since - but now it strikes her as strange. He and Robb had been best friends since they were in diapers, but once they moved, she never heard Robb talk about him again.
She could call Robb and ask why, but she doesn't. Whatever the reason, it was nearly two decades ago and it doesn't matter. It has nothing to do with the case, or the murdered girls.
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quxxrpearl · 1 month ago
Jonsa fanfic idea
So, has anyone ever written a Jonsa fanfic where Catelyn barely survives the Red Wedding (but doesn't actually die), but is recovering for time enough for the events actually unfold (Sansa with Littlefinger, Jon being killed, Ramsay Bolton, Rickon's death, TBOTB) and then she just comes back and boom. Jon is King in the North. Sansa is Lady of Winterfell. Arya is still missing. Bran is the three-eyed raven.
She tries to adjust to her new reality (trying to avoid LF crusty ass), but Sansa is a cold and stern Lady, just like Catelyn raised her to be (unfortunately, ever the loyal and supportive woman to her bastard brother - because she would be so trauma bonded to him, that he was the only one that could make her feel safe. I mean she would always think "that they had Jaime Lannister and I wasn't safe"), Arya, when she shows up, is so unladylike and tomboyish and doesn't really connect with her, always cold and distant, and Bran, oh poor Bran, he also doesn't act like her son anymore, just like a vaguely old friend wiser than thou.
The only one that's somewhat reminiscent of the past is Jon. Brooding and sulking. Awkward. With shy eyes that avoid her, shameful glances. The only one that stands when she arrives or leaves the room, ever tiptoeing around her, like a baby chicken with its mother. Always the side-lined bastard, trying to fit the ever-too-big kinghood clothes. And she finds comfort in that. In him.
Literally, just a fic about Lady Catelyn finding a son in Jon after losing all of her boys, shaping him into a king, while observing the careful interactions of Sansa and Jon (and thinking that it would be delightful to see them again, together, under the godswood tree, with the throne secure within the family and them all safe and sound - until the Night King be a problem, and Dany after him)
I just want someone mothering Jon and Cat reunited with her daughters and approving Jonsa wholeheartedly.
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fistfuloflightning · 8 months ago
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Before the heart tree, she reached out and took his hands. “Sansa of the house Stark comes before the old gods,” she said. “She is a woman grown, and she comes to be wedded.” “Jon of the house Targaryen comes before the old gods,” Jon echoed, eyes warm enough to make Sansa’s cheeks flare with heat. “He is a man grown, and he comes to be wedded.” His voice softened, lowered, became more private. “Will you take me, Queen Sansa?”
From the fic if you try to break me, you will bleed by @dialux which I devoured in two days
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leupagus · 27 days ago
Please enjoy this section of "A Song of Darkness and Dawn" that's at least three fics into the future (somewhere around season 8?) that I've had in my drafts for literally a year
Happy anniversary?
"Father never talked about the Rebellion," said Lady Stark after a long moment. "At least not with me. Our septa taught us about it, a bit. How King Robert made his claim to the Iron Throne in part through his grandmother, Rhaelle Targaryen. She was the younger sister to King Jaehaerys and Queen Shaera."
"You believe Daenerys's claim to be stronger than mine?" He took a breath, wondering at himself even as he said, "It may well be."
Lady Stark gaped at him. "'It may well be'?" she echoed, incredulous. "Whatever happened to 'the Iron Throne is mine by right' and 'all those who deny my claim are my enemy' and 'I alone can unite the realm'?"
"I don't sound like that," he snapped, ignoring her badly-suppressed snort. "Robert won by right of conquest more than birth, and three dragons gives Daenerys Stormborn a better claim than any bloodline. But the more I think on it..." He sighed. "I suspect that there is no such thing as king — or queen — by right. It's simply a pretty phrase for those in power to pursue what they want, at the expense of their duty to their people." He glanced at her. "What?"
"Nothing," she said quickly, though her expression was odd. "I just never expected to hear such things from you."
"It's your fault, if it's anyone's."
"Really." This expression was more familiar: a glower. "I'm sure this will be interesting."
"You took Winterfell back, despite having no real claim other than the..." He cast about for the right word, "sentiment, I suppose, of the Northern lords."
It wasn't the right word, he soon discovered. "I'm a Stark," she replied hotly. "My family's held the North for thousands of years!"
"But you're not the heir to Winterfell," he pointed out. ". Daughters can inherit — but they usualy don't, not if there's a son living. And your father had three."
"None of whom want to be Warden of the North!" She looked ready to kick him. "And you yourself granted Winterfell to me—"
"And I meant it," he said, stepping back a judicious pace. "You've rebuilt the Keep and brought order back to the North, made it safe for your people. Now you're preparing them for the Great War, and I'd ask for no one better. You're doing your duty. But it was a duty you sought, and a duty that rightly belongs to someone else."
"It's a duty I'm suited to," she countered. "Just as you were suited better to be Lord of Dragonstone and Master of Ships than to be Lord Paramount of the Stormlands."
Stannis jabbed a finger at her. "That was completely different!"
"Only because King Robert gave Storm's End to Renly outright," she said, raising a finger in turn. "You're the one who considered it a slight, even though Dragonstone was the holdfast given to the heir to the Iron Throne, which you were, until Joffrey was born. Not only that, you were the only man Robert could have trusted to rebuild his fleet. And," she added, pushing his hand down when he tried to interject, "You would have hated being Lord of the Stormlands."
She said it with such triumphant confidence that he was left gaping at her for a moment, before hurredly pulling his hand away from hers. "I admire your confidence, my lady," he said, crossing his arms over his chest. "But bear in mind that I am Lord Paramount of the Stormlands."
"Yes, and if you were there, you'd hate it," she said blithely. "You'd have to deal with people, throughout the day and every day — and not just people who do as you tell them. You'd have to listen to the complaints of smallfolk about their taxed grains, hear out disputes between two holdings that have been fighting over the same half-acre for three generations; you'd have to listen all the wheedling lords and the irascable septons and blustering tradesmen. You'd have to offer comfort to the sickly who come to you for the healing touch of their lord, attend feast days and wave and smile at the crowds, accept the flower crowns the children weave for you at the tourneys. You can't just shout. You have to care, and be shown to care. You—" Suddenly she stopped and laughed. "I wish I had a mirror right now, to show you your face."
"Flower crowns?" he asked, wincing. Shireen would look well in them, at least.
"Good thing I didn't bend the knee, Your Grace," she said, "if the mere thought of daisies wrapped around your head makes you rethink the entire enterprise. What did you think being king meant?"
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darthmuffin94-blog · 2 months ago
Deleted scene from Season 8! ;) hehehe
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