#sans bitty
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azurem · 8 months ago
Understood, take all the time you need! I love your inkmare very much and I just wanted to see if you were interested at all in drawing them as bitties 🥰 perhaps sharing an orange again... 🍊
Sorry for the delay! Was kinda busy...!!!!
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Had to look up how to draw bitties (they kinda look like hamsters to me ngl)
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snowyhyena · 10 months ago
Razz is a timid lil boi
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It all started two years ago when I rediscovered bittybones and went bonkers
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Baby boy using a rubber as a pillow
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echoflowerwhispers · 1 month ago
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Part 2 of this
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breezzelle · 1 year ago
F r i e s 🍟
Brutus/BB belongs to @helijpspsps
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dannyphantomcomicsauthor · 1 year ago
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thecrimsonrescue · 1 year ago
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Post tale bitties are much more aggressive and less trusting then others, most of them are better suited to experienced bitty owners, Do not adopt a Post Tale bitty if you're not prepared for a potentially difficult ride. The ride is worth it though.
Nickname: Scarberry
Au: Posttale
Bitty type: Sans
Rank: Undetermined
Best owned/adopted by intermediate owners.
Scarberry bitties are one of the harder Post-tale bitties to care for, They don't trust easily and can be rather aggressive, while not outright violent they give very few warnings on when they're going to snap. Scarberries have a fear of rejection and betrayal so it will take them a good long while to get used to you and begin to trust you. Giving him plenty of Marshmallow syrup, Warm clothing, time and reassurance is a sure-fire way to gain their favor, from there they'll be open to hear you out and get to know you, and then you're set after they begin to show signs of affection and protectiveness. Though Rather quiet, Scarberries will be happy to listen to you talk and be an open ear.
Do not yell at him, He'll grow distrustful of you if you do it too often. He pairs well with Papyrus, Toriel, (most) Gaster, and Alpys bitties. Do not get him near Geno-Frisks and especially Geno-Charas bitties, He will either be out right violent or make it hard for them to get through life. Post tale bitties tend to be more difficult but even more so Scarberries, Please adopt with caution.
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sourbitties · 1 year ago
Undertale Sans Octopus Bitty
Name: Curly
Species: Curled Octopus
Height: 1-2 Feet (Fullsize), 7-8 inches (Mini), 3-4 Feet (Bara)
Personality: Relaxed, Laidback, Prankster
Description: Curlys are a very laid-back and easy to take care of species of bitty!
These bitties are known for their tendency to hide in their tank, and pop up when you pass by to spook you! They enjoy practical jokes like that and will pull them often! Because of this, they’d prefer to be in a place where they have a lot of hiding spaces. A big tank would be ideal!
Besides their tendency to pull pranks, Curlys are otherwise very relaxed and friendly, and can get along with any bitty if given the chance! They’re very social, and require at least one other bitty in their tank.
These are very good beginner octopus bitties given how laidback and outgoing they are! They’re not very fussy and can often take care of themselves, so if you’re looking for an introduction to aquatic bitties, these are for you! Just as long as you don’t mind cleaning their cage for them every so often!
Diet: Octopus bitties primarily eat seafood, such as clams and mussels, snails and sea slugs, crabs and lobsters, and other fish!
Octopus bitties often don’t like being fed by hand— rather, they’d prefer it if you put their food in their tanks and let them grab it themselves!
Additional Info: All aquatic bitties need to have their tails/tentacles hydrated at all times! Though you can remove them from water for very short amounts of time, they should be kept in water for the majority of their lives!
Octopus bitties are saltwater! Putting them in a freshwater tank for too long may result in them getting sick or bloated. However, short amounts of time in freshwater can help kill parasites!
Reputation: These bitties are often an aquatic bitty owner’s introductory bitty! Most people have at least one in their tanks!
Difficulty: Very Easy
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the-comfort-den · 1 year ago
Omg you do bitty stuff?? Can you give us a bitty card for like- 1-3 of any character you want?? please?
Yep and yes you can!
I decided to go with some UnderTale blorbos! ^^
Sans: It's Sans lol, they're lazy, and they likes ketchup, though they're not picky when it comes to food! They're super beginner friendly and are a pretty common bitty type too, they get along with pretty much any bitty that isnt threatening the people they care about(like their owner or other bitties they're close with), but when their owner is threatened they arent afraid to fight! They may be small but they still have their bone attacks and gaster blaster to defend themselves and those they care about!
Papyrus: Papyrus bitties are energetic but not naïve or stupid, they are a great judge of character! Though they still see good in everyone and if a fight they'll almost always hold back unless someone they care about got hurt, and when they have a reason to not hold back they are not to be scoffed at- they're just as strong as Sans if not stronger! They love to help in the kitchen and of course have a love for pasta, mostly spaghetti but they like pretty much any pasta!
Gaster: They are interested in science and love collecting pretty much anything they can! They are workaholics though and if theres a Sans or Papyrus bitty around they will normally take on a fatherly role to them! They do like having some sort of project to work on, even if its not science related, and kinda need something to do to stay out of trouble! They are sponges for info and can help you remember or schedule things if you have trouble with that!
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pixiebyygadoptioncenter · 2 years ago
AU: Mythtale (personal ver)
Type: Sans
Age: Baby to Toddler
Race: Skeletal Plant Viper
Size: 1 to 2 inches
Diet: Bitty baby milk / fresh egg (1) / fresh red & white meats
Personality: Bold / Mischievous / Curious / Protective
Likes: Naptime / Cinny's company / Warmth, warm things/areas
Dislikes: Strangers / Cold things/areas / Having their flowers touched by strangers
Compatibility: Does best with a Cinny bitty but can get along with most others as long as they have the time to get used to them.
Features: Light grey bones with spots, dots, stripes or/and splashes of charcoal black or beiges. Their spine is attached to a emerald green, thickish, snake esque plant 'stem'. Both this snake stem and their upper bones grow flowers; the position of flower growth on their bones varies but all individuals have a universal flower growth on their skull via their eye socket, typically the right. These flowers vary in species and colors. Their eye lights are burgundy or mahogany red with slit pupils. They have snake fangs.
Difficulty: Easy
Polleys needs to eat three times a day. Allowed additional snacks if has had good behavior (toddler age).
Polleys will grow up into a Pistil bitty but how long they stay a Polley bitty varies from months to years.
It's not mandatory but it's advised to adopt a Cinny bitty alongside your Polley bitty.
Polley bittys will 'migrate' to any and every area in the household that's warm so be aware of areas that aren't suitable for baby/toddler bitty and try to keep such areas cold to discourage your Polley to squeeze in.
Caution: Polleys are venomous and will bite if they feel scared in a situation or if someone they're not familiar with tries to handle them or touch their flowers. The venom isn't deadly to bigger creatures or other bittys but it will cause mild to severe pain, swelling, redness and breakouts in welts or minor boils so if you require to handle your newly adopted Polley it's highly advised to wear protective gloves.
DO NOT defang your Polley, it's extremely traumatizing and emotionally distressing to them and takes away their primary defense mechanism.
Also, DO NOT adopt a Polley bitty if you have or are planning on adopting a aggressive bitty that has no tolerance in general or no tolerance for baby/toddler bittys.
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dannyphantomcomicsauthor · 1 year ago
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Bitty Testing... I have another idea coming up soon!
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ghosttoastx · 26 days ago
Been thinking abouttt itty Bitty Ink and older sibling/guardian Error :3
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Plus a short little comic:
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What do you have there Error??
Well it’s certainly not a fucking Smoothie.
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raccishere · 1 year ago
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Thems a little silly
Fanart of the bitty designs by @theskeletongames along with some goodies from their store !!
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Also SUPER happy with these!!
STICKER HORROR IS SO DIVA???? This enamel pin is everything too, I love them all sm!! Thank you poetax !! ❤️❤️
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signanothername · 22 days ago
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there's a bitty in your inbox, it'd be a shame if something happened to him
hfghhgrghhghghg I'm so sorry if this is weird or if you don't like bitties I was overcome by the want to draw your guy bite sized feel free to ignore this
Not weird at all!! I absolutely adore him ooohhhh my heart, I love himmmmm
Now hmmm what to do with a bitty in my inbox.. >:)
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Choose his fate >:)
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pigeonstab · 21 days ago
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fresh doodless
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pixiebyygadoptioncenter · 2 years ago
AU: Mythtale (personal ver)
Type: Sans
Age: Child to Adult
Race: Skeletal Plant Viper
Size: 3 to 7 inches
Diet: Red & white meats / Eggs
Personality: Bold / Docile / Lazy
Likes: Naps / Cinny's or Cassia's company / Warmth, warm areas
Dislikes: Cold things, areas / Having their flowers touched without permission / Aggressive/Hostile bittys
Compatibility: Does best with a Cassia bitty and the caretakers and peers they had as a Polley but can get along with most others as long as they have the time to get used to them and the other bitty respects their space.
Teens and adults do NOT do well with aggressive or/and hostile bittys but are capable of tolerating them with proper interference by someone they trust.
Features: Light grey bones with spots, dots, stripes or/and splashes of charcoal black or beiges. Their spine is attached to a emerald green, thickish, snake esque plant 'stem'. Both this snake stem and their upper bones grow flowers; the position of flower growth on their bones varies but all individuals have a universal flower growth on their skull via their eye socket, typically the right. These flowers vary in species and colors. Their eye lights are burgundy or mahogany red with slit pupils. They have snake fangs.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Pistils need to eat three times a day. Allowed additional snacks if requested (but that's up to you/the adopter).
Pistils will continue growing up into adulthood but how long that takes varies from months to years.
Pistils gravitate towards warm places and will instinctively seek out warmth of some kind so they tend to snuggle up to their trusted peoples to absorb their body warmth. Also, your Pistil bitty cand and will sleep for days at a time, especially if they're cold, so don't panic if you're Pistil bitty won't wake up from their nap until next Friday.
Caution: Pistil bittys are still venomous and will develop stronger venom in their pre-adolesence to adolesence. This venom has the potential to be fatal if not treated in time; it has the same effects as a Polley's venom but with worse blisters and boils with added paralysis. However, a Pistil will not bite unless they feel it's necessary.
DO NOT defang your Pistil bitty. It's extremely traumatizing and emotionally distressing to them and will take away their trust in their adopter.
Also, there's a small but possible chance of your Pistil obtaining an interest in small vertebrae game, typically mammals.
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phantomialie · 1 year ago
final one, featuring Bitty horror!!!
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