#sanitizing tunnels
azmaarts · 2 years
Jason the Mosquito Sniper (Part I)
Welp. I was incredibly productive with my schoolwork yesterday BUT NOT TODAY. Only managed to finish my physics homework and half of my calc. Have only barely started writing out my upcoming college applications (Part II). I'm scared. :,D
ANYWAY... Started this thing back in... the second week of November?? Daum. Look at how Dickie's hair grew. ;w;
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These two panel sheets were drawn nearly a month apart... AND I STILL CAN'T DRAW DICKIE'S ABS.
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chisatowo · 2 years
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Finally got around to designing my girl (in a he/him way (in an agender way)) and while I might change his outfit his general shape came out perfect I think! He’s a salmonid but kind of a different type than the ones in game? As in they’ve been living in a very different environment for a couple centuries now so while they’re not a different species they do look very different
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PRIMA PAGINA Giornale Di Sicilia di Oggi martedì, 03 settembre 2024
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euroblastme01 · 2 years
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Cleaning and Sanitation
We are a recognized supplier of cleaning and sanitization equipment in the Dubai, UAE. There are variety of tools and equipments available that can be used for cleaning and sanitizing surfaces and objects.
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advantechbake · 2 years
Buy bakery Machinery
Advantech has decades of experience in supplying combined baking and machinery such as shopping cart sanitizing machines, commercial bakery ovens, UV shopping cart sanitizers, cooling tunnel conveyors, and more at affordable prices. https://advantechbake.com/products/ovens/
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Deb Chachra's "How Infrastructure Works": Mutual aid, the built environment, the climate, and a future of comfort and abundance
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This Thursday (Oct 19), I'm in Charleston, WV to give the 41st annual McCreight Lecture in the Humanities. And on Friday (Oct 20), I'm at Charleston's Taylor Books from 12h-14h.
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Engineering professor and materials scientist Deb Chachra's new book How Infrastructure Works is a hopeful, lyrical – even beautiful – hymn to the systems of mutual aid we embed in our material world, from sewers to roads to the power grid. It's a book that will make you see the world in a different way – forever:
Chachra structures the book as a kind of travelogue, in which she visits power plants, sewers, water treatment plants and other "charismatic megaprojects," connecting these to science, history, and her own memoir. In so doing, she doesn't merely surface the normally invisible stuff that sustains us all, but also surfaces its normally invisible meaning.
Infrastructure isn't merely a way to deliver life's necessities – mobility, energy, sanitation, water, and so on – it's a shared way of delivering those necessities. It's not just that economies of scale and network effects don't merely make it more efficient and cheaper to provide these necessities to whole populations. It's also that the lack of these network and scale effects make it unimaginable that these necessities could be provided to all of us without being part of a collective, public project.
Think of the automobile versus public transit: if you want to live in a big, built up city, you need public transit. Once a city gets big enough, putting everyone who needs to go everywhere in a car becomes a Red Queen's Race. With that many cars on the road, you need more roads. More roads push everything farther apart. Once everything is farther apart, you need more cars.
Geometry hates cars. You can't bargain with geometry. You can't tunnel your way out of this. You can't solve it with VTOL sky-taxis. You can't fix it with self-driving cars whose car-to-car comms let them shave down their following distances. You need buses, subways and trams. You need transit. There's a reason that every plan to "disrupt" transportation ends up reinventing the bus:
Even the cities we think of as motorists' paradises – such as LA – have vast, extensive transit systems. They suck – because they are designed for poor people – but without them, the city would go from traffic-blighted to traffic-destroyed.
The dream of declaring independence from society, of going "off-grid," of rejecting any system of mutual obligation and reliance isn't merely an infantile fantasy – it also doesn't scale, which is ironic, given how scale-obsessed its foremost proponents are in their other passions. Replicating sanitation, water, rubbish disposal, etc to create individual systems is wildly inefficient. Creating per-person communications systems makes no sense – by definition, communications involves at least two people.
So infrastructure, Chachra reminds us, is a form of mutual aid. It's a gift we give to ourselves, to each other, and to the people who come after us. Any rugged individualism is but a thin raft, floating on an ocean of mutual obligation, mutual aid, care and maintenance.
Infrastructure is vital and difficult. Its amortization schedule is so long that in most cases, it won't pay for itself until long after the politicians who shepherded it into being are out of office (or dead). Its duty cycle is so long that it can be easy to forget it even exists – especially since the only time most of us notice infrastructure is when it stops working.
This makes infrastructure precarious even at the best of times – hard to commit to, easy to neglect. But throw in the climate emergency and it all gets pretty gnarly. Whatever operating parameters we've designed into our infra, whatever maintenance regimes we've committed to for it, it's totally inadequate. We're living through a period where abnormal is normal, where hundred year storms come every six months, where the heat and cold and wet and dry are all off the charts.
It's not just that the climate emergency is straining our existing infrastructure – Chachra makes the obvious and important point that any answer to the climate emergency means building a lot of new infrastructure. We're going to need new systems for power, transportation, telecoms, water delivery, sanitation, health delivery, and emergency response. Lots of emergency response.
Chachra points out here that the history of big, transformative infra projects is…complicated. Yes, Bazalgette's London sewers were a breathtaking achievement (though they could have done a better job separating sewage from storm runoff), but the money to build them, and all the other megaprojects of Victorian England, came from looting India. Chachra's family is from India, though she was raised in my hometown of Toronto, and spent a lot of her childhood traveling to see family in Bhopal, and she has a keen appreciation of the way that those old timey Victorian engineers externalized their costs on brown people half a world away.
But if we can figure out how to deliver climate-ready infra, the possibilities are wild – and beautiful. Take energy: we've all heard that Americans use far more energy than most of their foreign cousins (Canadians and Norwegians are even more energy-hungry, thanks to their heating bills).
The idea of providing every person on Earth with the energy abundance of an average Canadian is a horrifying prospect – provided that your energy generation is coupled to your carbon emissions. But there are lots of renewable sources of energy. For every single person on Earth to enjoy the same energy diet as a Canadian, we would have to capture a whopping four tenths of a percent of the solar radiation that reaches the Earth. Four tenths of a percent!
Of course, making solar – and wind, tidal, and geothermal – work will require a lot of stuff. We'll need panels and windmills and turbines to catch the energy, batteries to store it, and wires to transmit it. The material bill for all of this is astounding, and if all that material is to come out of the ground, it'll mean despoiling the environments and destroying the lives of the people who live near those extraction sites. Those are, of course and inevitably, poor and/or brown people.
But all those materials? They're also infra problems. We've spent millennia treating energy as scarce, despite the fact that fresh supplies of it arrive on Earth with every sunrise and every moonrise. Moreover, we've spent that same period treating materials as infinite despite the fact that we've got precisely one Earth's worth of stuff, and fresh supplies arrive sporadically, unpredictably, and in tiny quantities that usually burn up before they reach the ground.
Chachra proposes that we could – we must – treat material as scarce, and that one way to do this is to recognize that energy is not. We can trade energy for material, opting for more energy intensive manufacturing processes that make materials easier to recover when the good reaches its end of life. We can also opt for energy intensive material recovery processes. If we put our focus on designing objects that decompose gracefully back into the material stream, we can build the energy infrastructure to make energy truly abundant and truly clean.
This is a bold engineering vision, one that fuses Chachra's material science background, her work as an engineering educator, her activism as an anti-colonialist and feminist. The way she lays it out is just…breathtaking. Here, read an essay of hers that prefigures this book:
How Infrastructure Works is a worthy addition to the popular engineering books that have grappled with the climate emergency. The granddaddy of these is the late David MacKay's open access, brilliant, essential, Sustainable Energy Without the Hot Air, a book that will forever change the way you think about energy:
The whole "Without the Hot Air" series is totally radical, brilliant, and beautiful. Start with the Sustainable Materials companion volume to understand why everything can be explained by studying, thinking about and changing the way we use concrete and aluminum:
And then get much closer to home – your kitchen, to be precise – with the Food and Climate Change volume:
Reading Chachra's book, I kept thinking about Saul Griffith's amazing Electrify, a shovel-ready book about how we can effect the transition to a fully electrified America:
Chachra's How Infrastructure Works makes a great companion volume to Electrify, a kind of inspirational march to play accompaniment on Griffith's nuts-and-bolts journey. It's a lyrical, visionary book, charting a bold course through the climate emergency, to a world of care, maintenance, comfort and abundance.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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My next novel is The Lost Cause, a hopeful novel of the climate emergency. Amazon won't sell the audiobook, so I made my own and I'm pre-selling it on Kickstarter!
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fairuzfan · 11 months
im sure you probably get asked this a lot, but i have no idea what the whole deal with israel and palestine is
the only thing ive heard is from someone i overheard next to me in a lecture that palestine terrorists attacked israel or something but im starting to think im missing a lot of important context with that
Hi, thanks for sending this in. I've had this in my inbox for a while now because I feel like I didn't know where to start. There is this new crash course online that educates about history and information regarding Palestine's colonization and the history leading up to October 7th, 2023. I recommend taking a look at this resource first:
Generally, a quick rundown is that on October 7th, a group of resistance fighters launched a coordinates attack on the state of Israel and took some hostages back to Gaza. They had done this specifically because Gaza was experiencing a critical point on the 20 year seige the Israeli state imposed on them — even before this they were struggling to find clean water and their economy was severely damaged since their imports were calculated by the calorie by Israel. So they were starved and malnourished, many people with medical issues were not granted access to seek help outside of Gaza if they needed specialized care.
In 2018, Gazans had launched the "Great March Of Return" where they marched en masse to the militarized fence separating Gaza and "Israel." This was, by all accounts, a peaceful protest, though the Israeli government responded with brutal force, killing children as small as 2 years old and elderly people as old as about 80 years old.
This had gone on for a while in 2018, after every Friday prayer, and hundreds died. Even if they were not killed, a large number of them were critically wounded. There are many Palestinians disabled from bullet wounds, and the Israeli government purposefully does not allow them to seek treatment if they require it.
This, coupled with the estimation that Gaza would be absolutely unlivable in a couple years, caused an armed resistance to break out, which is what you hear with the "terrorists" attacking Israeli settlements. Now the reports of who killed Israeli civilians is widely argued, with many claiming that Hamas (some of the resistance fighters) did not kill the majority of Israeli casualties, like in this account from a survivor in which they described that the majority of deaths from the kibbutz were because of Israeli indiscriminate firing:
I can't say I totally understand what is going on now with the resistance fighters, but I know that Israel has tried, and failed, a number of times to invade gaza, always getting fended off by the resistance.
Now, gazans are suffering collective punishment where they are bombed indiscriminately in residential areas, hospitals, and schools, all under the excuse that there are "Hamas tunnels" they wish to destroy that lie under Gaza. They provide no evidence of this — they just claim it and drop the bombs. About 10,000 Palestinians have died from the bombing, many of them in pieces, about half of them children. They are also suffering an unprecedented siege where absolutely NO water, fuel, or food is allowed in Gaza (except for like 20 trucks one time) since October 7th. Gazans are reported to have completely run out of clean water. A vast majority of them are showing symptoms from drinking dirty water like vomiting and diarrhea. The water in Gaza does not work, so they are suffering from sanitation issues that will no doubt make the spread of disease proliferate.
I can go on about the issues the Gazans face, but you can scroll through my blog to learn more. Right now Gaza is suffering a humanitarian crisis and genocide. Palestinians in the west Bank are getting arrested en masse, tortured and humiliated by Israeli police and settlers. They are also getting shot randomly. Right now is the collective effort to completely erase Palestinians off the face of the earth, led by Israel and the United States, all for their own selfish interests.
Check out some posts here as well:
Please let me know if you have any questions about anything. Feel free to dm.
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xantchaslegacy · 5 months
Keen Sense and Curiosity
Some more Phyrexia happenings; check out the story on Ao3 too if the spirit moves you ;)
The cavern was empty.
As empty as any place could be on a plane where even metal lived, and tunnels of living flesh laced through the world from surface to core, and back again.
Walls of matte metal enveloped the cavern, carved smooth in some places by patient hands, and elsewhere patched with stretches of rougher-hewn, and more frequently, unhewn steel. Pools of varying depth and size blotched the cavern floor, brimming oily fluid; a mixture of effluvia that seeped in from the Hunter’s Maze above, and runoff from the labs that pumped in through meat-pipes from the Surgical Bays below.
The liquid churned, filled the air above it with the thick scent of life. It glowed, reflecting the false sunlight of the Hunter’s Maze that shone through tunnels of mirrored steel, flooding the space with a placid light. The fluid hummed in many low notes, a liquid choir that sang, just then, for no-one.
Even absent the creatures of Phyrexia, the cavern was active.
Active, but empty.
Two predators stalked into the cavern.
Glissa and Vorinclex prowled through the space. Side by side, elf and hulking praetor, scanning for danger by sight and smell and sound. Watching each others’ flanks with the practiced instinct of packmates.
Glissa tapped her scythe against the porous steel of the cavern.
Nothing of concern, as far I sense.
Vorinclex growled, low, and lumbered forward.
I smell nothing alarming. Stay alert.
Glissa sniffed her concurrence and fell back to the shadows, watching her companion as he went.
Phyrexia’s tongue was efficient, but the language of beasts had a guttural elegance that script and speech wanted for. That the "civilized" coveted.
Vorinclex sniffed the air once. Twice.
Speak of the devil .
Jin-Gitaxias strode into the cavern through a rounded tunnel that sloped upward from the Surgical Bays. Two chrome-capped cronies accompanied to him, chattering in their sanitized tongue.
“Hm.” Jin turned his head at the sight of Vorinclex. “You aren’t tardy.”
“As agreed.” Vorinclex’s voice, guttural even when he displayed the full and disarming range of his articulateness, rolled from his throat at a growl in Jin’s presence. “Brave of you to saunter out of your sterile little bunker.”
“As agreed.”
This cavern was a compromise of a rendezvous. One of many pockets between the Hunter’s Maze and Jin’s Surgical Bays that had formed as a semi-organic side effect of the intentional terraforming that had created the layers of their new Phyrexia.
The place had proven of interest to both factions so far, exacerbating the developments of predators in the vicious swarm, and (by the accounts of the Progress Engine) expanding the scope of Jin’s research with equal explosiveness.
It was one of the precious few, if not only, places in Phyrexia where the Vicious Swarm and the Progress Engine dwelt in equal measure, and felt equally comfortable.
Or equally un - comfortable, Glissa mused . Depending on who’s around.
“Vorinclex.” Jin-gitaxias’ voice, metallic and self-important, rang through the chamber like a bell. “It is surprisingly civilized of you to leave your attack dog behind.”
G lissa only sneered from the shadows at that. It was impossible that Jin-Gitaxias did not now she was there.
Vorinclex snorted. “We are praetors. We do not fear to fight our own battles.”
“Battle…? This is a simple trading of knowledge to benefit both our factions in the work to come. I understand if such a complicated notion frightens a simple brute. If you prefer to turn your tail...”
“I would not waste a chance for Phyrexia’s evolution,” Vorinclex spat. “Though I doubt I’ll find anything useful to the Swarm in the body of some sulking cell-scraper.”
“I am equally skeptical,” Jin replied, “that the mass of flesh that transports your meager brain will prove of any interest to our synthesis. Still, Norn will insist we work more collaboratively sooner than later. What she wishes, we must actualize. Better we begin such efforts in advance. In any case, further exploring the opportunities this space has to offer for our experimentation is worth a pointless hour of diversion.”
“Your portion of this space,” Vorinclex corrected. “The properties of these pools will be a boon to accelerate the development of the swarm’s best predators.”
“That is the agreement,” Jin said. “Wasted as it is on you and yours.”
Glissa scowled. The arrogance of the Engine’s Praetor was a sort of grating that only the self-proclaimed “civilized” could manage.
“That is part of the agreement.” Vorinclex prowled closer to Jin along a strip of metal ground that divided two of the pools, and sat up on his haunches, lording the few inches of height his current body had over the other praetor. “Sharing this space. Are you ready to share your secrets as well?”
“For the good of Phyrexia,” he added, smirking with his voice, if not his actual maw. He dislocated his jaw, and spat something at Jin’s feet. A red-white blur bounced once with a dull clatter then lay still on the cavern floor.
A phyrexian’s head and upper body, red-muscled and clad in plates of white porcelain steel.
“A souleater,” Jin observed, in his dispassionate way.
“One of Norn’s,” Vorinclex said, picking at his teeth with a finger on his smaller limbs. “A lurker. She may approve of our cooperation, but I will not suffer her eyes and ears where they have no business.”
Glissa smiled grimly. The cavern had been cleared of members of the Swarm and the Engine alike in preparation for this meeting, in some cases by force. Those efforts had revealed this member of Norn’s Machine Orthodoxy sects, lurking about the sub-layer. She had personally beheaded the agent herself and eaten its body with Vorinclex.
Jin-Gitaxias stooped slightly to inspect the half-corpse at his feet. “Norn will be displeased with her servant’s dispatching.”
Vorinclex licked his chops. “Are you displeased?”
“I serve Phyrexia’s greater ends. I have no opinion on small matters.”
“So it pleases you to come here for Norn’s benefit?”
“There is every chance our Great Synthesis could benefit from this exchange,” Jin replied. His jaws hardly moved as he spoke. Glissa wondered if his vocal chords even required motion of the mouth to communicate, with all the modifications he’d made to his body. “Allow the two most advanced specimens of our respective factions to examine each other and find how our best qualities can be shared between our...separate efforts to advance Phyrexia. It will certainly benefit your blind efforts to learn from us, and Norn will undoubtedly want you operating at a greater capacity than you do now.”
“Our glorious, ineffable leader,” Vorinclex snarled.
It’s good he speaks like that all the time, Glissa thought. Otherwise his scorn for Norn would be a more open secret.
“Our flawless mother.”
Jin-Gitaxias was harder to read. Glissa wished dearly to know what he actually thought of their self-proclaimed ‘mother.’
V orinclex spat into the pool. “ Your flattery would be wasted even if she was here to hear it .” He tilted his head, appraising Jin. “Shall we begin, or would you like to waste more time with words?”
Jin held up a closed hand, then raised a single index finger.
“I will insist on taking my observations first,” he said. “If you can contain yourself that long.”
“Please.” Vorinclex spread his arms wide, and his shadow fell on Jin’s toadies as well as the praetor himself. “Observe. I know you can’t wait to see what a real phyrexian looks like.”
“It is not eagerness, simply concern is that your own clumsy analyses will damage my instruments before I can take your measure.”
Vorinclex huffed, and lowered his arms to his sides while Jin turned to his attendants, who were busy pouring steaming liquid into a basin. Jin dipped his fingers into the stuff.
Sterilizing, Glissa realized. The acidic smell was powerful, even at a distance . Since the Swarm and the Engine had begun making joint use of it, each had introduced elements to the odor of the place, and while the acidic curdle of the Progress Engine's experiment pits did permeate the place, it usually melded queerly well with the more vital, vibrant scents of the Hunter's Maze, making a smell that was inoffensive to a hunter's nose, and even invigorating, at its best.
“So much ceremony,” Vorinclex observed. “I could inspect you twice over in the time it takes to complete your pageantry.”
“At least one of us needs to approach this exchange seriously.” Jin raised his hands from the bowl and began cleaning them on his apron, wiping each digit with a slow meticulousness that seemed maliciously deliberate. He looked to Vorinclex, still squatting on his haunches. “Will you lie supine for me?”
“Hm.” Jin snapped, and his transcriptors snapped to attention. “Prepare to take notes.”
They chattered in affirmation.
Jin’s hands, those massive, long-fingered things that made Glissa think of blightwidows, began probing at Vorinclex’s shoulders, tracing along the massive spiked plates that protected his upper body. The light scrape of chrome on bone-steel rang like a chime through the cavern.
“Grand,” Jin remarked. “Such ostentatious plumage is likely effective in scaring off other simple beasts, I presume. I doubt our synthesis has much need for...bony shoulders.”
“Still,” he added, “It has a certain animal charm. It suits you.”
"When you find yourselves in the wilderness of a new plane, with nothing but your test-tubes and little needles to defend yourselves against the incomple at , you'll feel different."
Jin made a dismissive *click*-ing sound. "I have faced the strongest among the incompleat and triumphed." his hands trailed down from Vorinclex's bone-spurs and dragged way across his collar and breast. another crisp metallic note sheared the air. "This robust musculature, on the other hand…" His fingers splayed over the chest, probing at intervals with prods that brought soft huffs to Vorinclex’s breath. Jin’s other hand began taking measurements of Vorinclex’s arms, working its way from shoulder to arm to wrist to-
-Vorinclex seized Jin’s fingers, and lifted the arm above his head with a casual tug.
“A practical demonstration,” he growled, cutting Jin off. “Strength like this emerges through the struggle of life against life and death. Something that doesn’t happen in your test tubes and operating tables.”
“Untrue at its premise,” Jin replied, mildly. “In any case, the structure of your muscles can be examined, and reproduced by construction or artificial growth.”
Vorinclex cocked his head by the slightest degree. “I’ll believe it when I see it. How will you learn the structure of my flesh?”
“Our oil and research have yielded have many ways to examine what lies within. Lenses that can see past base matter. Magical tracers injected into the body and tracked with external scanners. However-”
Jin’s finger thinned, a subtle and silent shifting of the metal in his digit that Glissa might have missed if not for her eyes, compleat with a hunter’s acuity.
“I prefer to look for myself.”
Glissa tensed. Jin meant to cut Vorinclex open. She would allow it, of course, so far as Vorinclex was prepared to allow it, but would be ready to spring to his side should the need arise.
Jin, however, simply stood, half hanging by his wrist, looking at Vorinclex with his sharpened digit raised.
“Well?” Vorinclex sounded vexed by the pause. “Will you or won’t you?”
“We civilized people call this ‘waiting for permission,’ Jin said, enunciating the last three words with an insufferable deliberation.
Vorinclex barked a laugh, and released Jin’s hand. “When does the great butcher prawn wait for any thing’s permission? What sort of Phyrexian waits and does not just take what it intends?”
Jin ‘tsk’-ed through grit teeth. “Discourse between praetors should have more weight and social depth than the intercourse of beasts.”
“What do you know about the intercourse of beasts?” Vorinclex shifted, closing the distance between them. “Fine. This is permission to take whatever measures and make whatever cuts you need to slake your idiot thirst.”
“Whatever measures? I will remember that.”
Jin’s blade sank into Vorinclex’ upper arm with a disquieting ease. The muscle there was dense, as Glissa knew from hunting and scrapping with her companion. If the lack of resistance gave Vorinclex any pause, he showed no sign.
Nor did he look bored. He was watching Jin intently as he drew the blade down and lay open the topmost layer of Vorinclex’ skin and steel-twined muscle.
“The musculature...” Jin pulled aside Vorinclex’s hide and sliced deeper into the limb. Red and green and black dribbled in oily clumps from the cut. “...Impressively dense, as expected. Supply. Pliable. The proteins comprising the circulatory system...”
He trailed off, muttering and slicing. His unsharpened fingers working aside the fibers inside Vorinclex. Every few seconds he pulled a needle of silver from his knuckles and sank it into the flesh, marking a spot in the meat. Vorinclex’s gaze followed Jin as he moved down the arm, exhaling to punctuate each piece of Jin that was slipped into him.
"You've let the growth of your organics guide the development of your mechanical components," Jin observed. "A common thread in the Swarm specimens I've explored."
"They work in harmony," Vorinclex replied, as if explaining nursing to a newborn. "These components want to work as one, so there is no need to meddle in the finer details. A creature need only to act, and the instincts of the oil will guide the organic and its modifications to the best natural conclusion."
Jin scoffed. "Without adequate guiding intelligence...without intent, you are wasting time and resources with an uncoordinated approach."
"Oil is intelligence. Where you see only a vector, there is a guiding natural brilliance already present in the oil that outstrips the capacity of any sapient mind. Even yours, prawn. You say I waste resources? I say you waste time trying to bend the direction of an already perfect path to compleation."
“That’s as good as an admission of complacency,” Jin replied.
“It’s efficient use of our energies.” Vorinclex reached down and tapped one of the needles thrust through his upper arm. “unlike this.”
Jin only scowled at that.
After the arm came an incision along the back, then a cut along Vorinclex’ backmost thigh, down to the knee. The muscle within was vivid red and a maroon cocktail of oil flowed down the limb to the ground, where it soaked into the floor and trailed off into the pool behind him.
With every prod and pin from Jin, more of these fluids leaked down Vorinclex’s body in minute rivulets.
Still, Vorinclex stood as high on his haunches as he had at the outset.
“Another beast might have fallen from being cut open in this way,” Jin remarked.
“A lesser beast,” Vorinclex replied.
M ore cutting. More needles. Jin chattered away all the while as he cut deeper and deeper, until his probing found Vorinclex’s internal organs.
“Some actual efficiencies,” Jin murmured, shifting aside steel-mesh sacks and crocus-flesh enhancements, “And more than a few vanity organs that I presume let you play at being king of the beasts.”
“Not a king, just an aspiring apex.”
Jin fell silent after a period of further muttering and poking. His fingers ran the length of Vorinclex’s splayed-open leg, flank, and arm, tracing the patterns of muscle fiber within.
After a minute of this silence, Vorinclex stirred.
“Is something displeasing you, prawn?”
“The lack of something has me...intrigued.” Jin ran his sterilized digits through the fibers of Vorinclex’ arms. “It is known you boast a prodigious healing capacity, and yet I see nothing at work-”
“Watch your fingers,” Vorinclex said, interrupting.
The meat of his arm began joining with a sudden, soft, squirming, sucking noise so low and quick it barely registered to even Glissa’s ears. Jin withdrew his hands, but the closing muscles bunched around the longest of his fingers, and the digit came away trailing a gobbet of Vorinclex’s flesh.
Jin held up the stringy chunk of shuddering meat, turning it over in his fingers.
“A healing that must be triggered consciously. Interesting.”
“A healing that can be subdued intentionally,” Vorinclex cut in, as the rest of the cuts began sealing all along his body. “Aren’t scientists not supposed to jump to conclusions?”
J in ignored the question. “I will take this as a sample.” He held his hand out, and one of the transcriptors scuttled forward, producing a jar with a black seal about its lid. Jin popped the seal off and dropped the meat into the jar. H is minion shuffled back away, nearly tripping as Vorinclex growled at it, spattering the ground with spittle.
Having deposited most of the flesh. Jin wiped the rest from his fingers into a smaller tube, and examined it by the light; a series of metal tunnels reflected the false sunlight of the hunter’s maze down into the caverns; more than generous to see by.
Satisfied by what he observed, Jin tucked the test tube away in a slot in his flank. He spread the remaining smear of oily tissue onto Vorinclex’s arm, along the line of the now-healed cut. His other hand hovered above the healed-over incision on the leg.
“My pins are still inside your-”
“They are mine now. Carry on your examinations.”
“In that case-”
With a deft movement – a pull at the leg and push to the chest so subtle Glissa barely registered either, Jin unbalanced Vorinclex and flipped him into the pool. Vorinclex was too large to submerge fully in the fluid, and he displaced enough of the humming green stuff that Jin’s transcriptors were obliged to shuffle hastily backwards from the splash. Vorinclex let out an angry yelp, but Jin strode into the pool in two smooth steps and, straddling Vorinclex’s waist, grabbed his head in one massive hand. Jin continued vocalizing his examination as if nothing at all had happened.
“These teeth,” Jin murmured, his voice dropping in volume as he leaned in close to examine Vorinclex’ mouth. “Ingenious in form for affecting lethal lacerations in prey, though they are not especially well-rooted. Prone to falling out in the process of your...consumptions, I’d hypothesize.”
“Teeth break,” Vorinclex growled back. “Better to get good use out of them a few times and have a robust body to push new ones into place.”
“Wasteful.” Jin loomed closer. Vorinclex would have a front-row view of the blue praetor’s pristine, regular rows of chrome teeth. “Better something that lasts.”
“How long would it take you to replace those trinkets in your mouth if I savaged you right now? I can push out new teeth in seconds. I don’t need to go crawling back to a lab to replace my fierce parts.”
“You’d break your teeth a dozen times on mine before you even scratched my mouth.” Jin moved his face bare centimeters from Vorinclex’s, as if he meant to test his hypothesis on the other praetor there and then. “So savage away. But not until I’m finished with you.”
Jin’s fingers ran leisurely down Vorinclex’s side, fingers curving around from chest to back, probing his musculature and carapace with minute twitches, before coming to a rest on hips, where groin met thighs.
“Powerful legs. Claws and teeth that could render steel to fragments. You have excelled in your advancements toward animal perfection.” Jin dragged two fingers back up along Vorinclex's flank, the chrome making a surprisingly soft sound as the tips trailed over the metal-shod bone and exposed muscle.
Vorinclex snorted. His voice spoke dismissal of Jin’s comment, but he seemed, to Glissa’s eye, to almost preen at the comment, like a wolf showing off its coat.
“I am testament to the Swarm’s success. We have taken life that once barely subsisted and hobbled along among tangles of rust and created an ecosystem of thriving, ever-improving predators.”
Jin grunted at this newest failure to provoke Vorinclex. It was such an annoyed, base sound that Glissa had to suppress a giggle.
“Regardless of this...low success,” he said after a pause, “I hypothesize there might still be shortcomings in your Swarm.” Jin’s left hand snaked under Vorinclex’s gut, while his right slithered down Vorinclex’s thigh.
“And I would hypothesize those weaknesses might be reflected in your own...form.”
“You’ve seen me inside and out. Look as long as you like, you’ll find nothing resembling weakness.”
“We will see.”
Jin continued to inspect Vorinclex’ chest and neck. He kept up a constant monologue of numbers and measurements, his transcriptors at rapt attention. Neither had materials for writing. Sound recording devices built into their skulls, Glissa mused.
“You will be the first to attempt traversal across planes,” Jin commented after a while. “Our research to date suggests this will be a catastrophically traumatizing experience for your body.”
“I look forward to new hunting grounds.”
“There will be immense pain and an almost complete immolation of your form.”
“Is that all?” Vorinclex affected a yawn. “Good to know. I’ll bring my rubbers.”
Jin grumbled again. “It is regrettable Vrig failed to divine the secrets of Memnarch’s soul-traps...we might have achieved Phyrexia’s interplanar ends without such needless agony.”
Glissa stifled another giggle. It could not have been plainer Jin was hoping the comment would lead for a chance to expand on his tedious science.
“Research and development? Limited?” Vorinclex’s feigned shock was somehow more and not less pointed when growled. “Imagine my surprise.”
“It takes astoundingly little imagination to imagine you surprised,” Jin’s fingers darted suddenly to Vorinclex’s thigh, forefinger and thumb pressing into the veins below the hips.
Vorinclex grunted once. A soft bark that indeed betrayed surprise.
Glissa tensed, again.
“Curious.” Jin’s fingers had paused along the inside of Vorinclex’s thigh. “I would have suspected this organ here might be rendered obsolete by a...properly evolved creature.”
Vorinclex did not squirm. He was too proud, to perfect for such a thing. But he did shift noticeably under Jin’s observation
“Such a novel shape the tissues have taken.” Jin’s hand shifted under space where Vorinclex’ hind legs met. “The Grand Evolution is abundant with its own surprises. This feels like...an advancement of the Crocus blooms, yes? Grafted onto...no...grown from your body?”
Vorinclex did not shy away from Jin’s gaze.
“Some creatures among the swarm yet benefit from physiological stimulation to encourage breeding.”
“It yields rapid generations and equally explosive improvements in biology,” he added, sounding as defensive as an apex predator of Phyrexia could.
“The father of machines disdained such methods of reproduction,” Jin mused aloud. “Much of old Phyrexia did, at least on the nine spheres.” His hand had disappeared up to his first elbow, and it did not escape Glissa’s notice that the fingers on his right hand were running through the fur on Vorinclex’s back, caressing the spine. “‘Grow’ is our watchword. Not ‘breed.’”
“The father of machines failed,” Vorinclex spat. “And perhaps he disdained procreation because he was too preoccupied with writing into the scriptures his own sad failures to acquire the mate he desired.”
“And who have you been mating with?” Jin inquired. “Beasts? Elves? Wurms? I would have guessed you and yours were too busy trying to eat each other and preening your muscles and metal at one another to find time to breed.”
“I will take a sample,” he added, gripping tight onto Vorinclex’ fur.
“Don’t waste breath talking about what you will do. Do it.”
“Mm.” Jin withdrew his hand from the spine with a jerk and a sound like a canvas torn in two, pulling out a clump of spined hairs from Vorinclex’ back.
Vorinclex tensed and growled.
Jin’s other hand came away from between thighs, and Vorinclex jerked this time. Jin held between thumb and forefinger a strip of tissue.
“I presume your healing is as robust in your crocus organs as it is in your muscle?”
Vorinclex rose up, though not to his full height, dripping pool-fluid. “Prodigiously robust. You can inspect closer, if you dare place your head where your hand was bold enough to wander.”
“Regardless,” Jin replied, clinically smug, returning his hand to Vorinclex’ leg. “That the most advanced among the Swarm...the apex of phyrexian evolution, even, would possess such an organ...” He trailed off, and made a series of soft clicking “tsk”s. “I would think that you might think it...weakness.”
Vorinclex lunged toward the edge of the pool. Jin, not expecting the move, was thrown forward and landed in as semi-sprawled position in the shallows. Glissa suppressed a laugh to see the praetor so prone, his little skirt and apron askew about his legs.
“You are losing focus, prawn.” Vorinclex's voice was dangerously low as he prowled forward to loom over Jin. “I am ready to take my turn.”
“Impatient,” Jin clicked. He pulled back the skirt, perhaps to keep it from getting wetter, though it was thoroughly soaked from what Glissa could see. The fluid of the pool also, had shifted in color, while they stood in it, from an acid green to something more like the blue-green light when Lyese and the Eye of Doom both broke the horizon together.
“Worried that I’ll break you?”
Jin hummed, a raspy vocalization of frustration . “Not at all. My concern is that your clumsy pawing will not yield the data your swarm need s to adequately better itself.”
“Never mind my paws, Jin. I have my other ways of taking your measure,” Vorinclex rumbled. His maw thrust forward, to within inches of Jin’s neck. From her place, Glissa could hear his breath. See it steam along the metal of Jin’s jaw.
“A predator can probe by scent and taste alone.”
“Bestial senses,” Jin scoffed. “Your means of analysis are as crude as those you use to advance your evolution.”
Vorinclex responded by placing his forelimb across Jin’s shoulder, pushing him down into the shallows of the pool, and sniffing further down the other praetor’s neck, approaching his shoulder.
He stopped there, inspecting the metal of Jin’s collar in a slow circuit. Jin seemed unsure what to do with his head as Vorinclex probed, and opted to remain still. Vorinclex moved almost painfully slowly, and Glissa could not help but wonder what was driving this uncharacteristic display of patience.
V orinclex’s breath continues to fog on Jin’s chrome surface as he moved, leaving a misty, matte trail on the shining body that faded quietly as he wandered across Jin’s form .
Jin kept silent for several more minutes as Vorinclex probed further down, inspecting chest and shoulders. Every few seconds he would adjust his fore-paws, never pressing down on one stretch of Jin’s body for too long, but never taking off enough weight to allow him to rise, either.
“How are you recording this?”
Jin’s voice was strained, the already metallic voice reverberating as if spoken through a funnel of steel. Almost as like he’d run a long distance.
Vorinclex paused at the question. He was just then running the edge of his snout along Jin’s elbow, and he made a slow, deliberate trail of Jin’s head as he re-positioned himself to look Jin in whatever portion of his face would best correspond to eyes.
“I will remember, of course,” Vorinclex placed a broad paw over Jin’s midsection. Maroon-muscled digits closed around Jin’s silvery, snake-like spine. “An apex’s eyes miss nothing. An apex savors every meal it takes the measure of.”
“You intend to eat me, Vorinclex?”
“If I ate you, Jin-Gitaxias….REALLY ate you, I would not get to see the despair in you when the Grand Evolution crushes your Synthesis, and all the other fool dogmas of Phyrexia under its heel. When all is one with our mighty Swarm, when all are free of sapience and weakness...perhaps on that day I will eat you. But no sooner.”
“But since you brought it up...” Another paw closed around Jin’s corded spine, though Vorinclex kept his weight on his hind legs so his weight did not crush the other. “I can’t think of a better use for you than nutrition to fuel the Great Evolution.”
“Can’t think, that is one among many defects,” Jin rasped. “No imagination. No critical thought. Nothing beyond instinct. Fitting traits for a king of beasts.”
“Your opinion,” Vorinclex growled, shifting forward so his shadow fell of Jin. “Me, I like my current position.”
“You don’t dispute it?”
“I wouldn’t want to waste your time debating with a mere beast.” Vorinclex’ jaw shifted into something only a few would recognize as a smile. “This spine of yours...” He pressed forward slowly, and Jin sank further into the pool, a glowing mix of oil and other fluids washing over him. “Strong. Stronger than it looks. I’ve torn apart wurms with less durability.”
“The result of rigorous research and development,” Jin said, the pride tangible enough that Glissa could detect it even in his metallic monotone. “Not the sort of strength one could just evolve through blind-”
“And yet,” Vorinclex continued, pressing down further. “Even with such a strong support, I suspect there’s no real backbone beneath it. That must be why your posture is so slovenly.”
“Ah-” Jin started to say something, but whatever it was caught in his throat, and instead a low, tinny buzzing noise came from his chest. his fingers found the hollows in Vorinclex’s forearms. The same forearms that held him in the pool. His fingers wove their way into the space, gripping onto the other praetor’s limbs.
“Ah, it looks like I’ve found something.” Vorinclex, if it was even possible, leaned in closer, bearing down on Jin. “This can’t be where air flows through, so I can only assume I’ve hit a nerve.”
“How-ah!” Jin cut off again into more buzzing.
"I'm gleaning more than you know." Vorinclex' hands were almost entirely submerged in the pool, but it was clear from the movement of his arms that he was probing the length of Jin's spine. "I'm intrigued by how you've arranged your nerves to run the length of this tube-body of yours. Incredible use of space, but not without its tender spots…As for your form..you could have a raptor’s grace, if only your limbs were not so inefficient in proportion to-"
Jin’s hand jolted up Vorinclex’s arm, and pressed at a spot just below his jaw, where head met body. Vorinclex’ weight shifted suddenly to one side, and Jin used the momentum to roll the both of them sideways, splashing through the pool, which hummed with tripled vigor.
Jin rolled atop Vorinclex, and for a split second Glissa’s leg’s fell into a crouch in preparation to strike his head from his body-
But Vorinclex, using the sheer advantage of his weight, carried the roll another turn, and pinned Jin beneath him, once again half-submerging his chrome form in the fluid.
They remained that way for long seconds, Jin humming hoarsely, and Vorinclex’s arms tremoring.
“Very clever, little prawn,” Vorinclex said, finally. “All that time spent studying was not entirely wasted.”
“Your evolution has granted you some low advantages,” Jin conceded in his tinny rasp. “I am beginning to re-evaluate my chances of thriving in your death-trap of a home.”
The pool fluid around Jin was slowly turning a more metallic sheen, a mixture of blue, purple, and black metallic. Where it dispersed into the blue-green, it became more muted, but seemed to churn with a thick urgency
"Of course you would not survive in the Maze. Your form has been molded to fit into your filthy operating theatres."
“So I should simply remain in my labs in perpetuity?”
"I didn't say that. You and your meat-molders are more than welcome among the Swarm. I'm intrigued to see how perfect your form could be if you let the oils of the Maze shape you into a true predator."
"You said I would not survive."
"Because you would never embrace it. It isn't in your nature. If you could come down from your chrome pedestal, and hunt and adapt like any other beast, you could be something tremendous."
“You underestimate me.”
“That was never a problem. That you overestimate yourself is.”
“I am capable of cooperation and collaboration, it is others who are too insular or insecure to take full advantage.”
“I’m taking full advantage now, or didn’t you notice?”
“You have lingered unusually long on my spine.” Jin shifted his grip on Vorinclex’s left arm, his fingers moving closer to the shoulder. “It is an unparalleled example of compleation, but I wonder how useful the time you are spending on it is now.”
“Lower then.” Vorinclex shifted his grip, and his attentions, to where Jin’s skirt began. If you insist.”
“‘What is planted below will determine what flourishes above.’”
Vorinclex paused, one of his fore-paws beginning to pull back apron and skirt. “Poetry?” He asked, scorn clear in his growl.
“One of Sheoldred’s prophecies,” Jin replied. He kept a grip on the nearest of Jin’s paw’s. “One I have been pondering at length when my schedule allows. Her counsel and her company have been more useful than seeking cooperation from you or the furnace-rat.”
“Sheoldred.” Vorinclex spat the name as if it had been a bone lodged in his throat. “A waste of your time. If there’s one thing more useless than your science it’s prophecy and soothsaying. The only reality you should care about is the reality of flesh and fangs.”
“They have proven exceptionally useful, her prophecies,” Jin replied, almost sing-song through the grate of his voice. “She has been my most fruitful partner outside the Engine.”
Vorinclex grunted, and leaned further into Jin. The chrome praetor sank another few inches into the pool.
Jin's own arm shifted as Vorinclex's did, his fingers still clinging to the hollows in the other praetor’s arms.
Vorinclex seized Jin’s shoulder in his maw and, with a quick thrust of his head, tossed him further into the pool. Before Jin could even conceive of rising up, Vorinclex was looming over him again, this time with a massive limb planted to either side of the chrome Praetor’s head.
“Enough talk. I’m not done knowing you.”
Keeping his left paw planted, Vorinclex cradled Jin’s head in his right. The muscle of his arm began to distend and lengthen. Moments later, branches of flesh were snaking under and across Jin-Gitaxias. Vorinclex’s lower arms began to distend as well, and resumed the probing at Jin’s legs.
An exasperated sigh escaped Jin as the upper-arm tendrils splayed his arms out, binding his limbs to the ground and tethering b etween his long fingers.
“Silence is a waste. I have plenty of additional data I might gather from observing your clumsy pawing.”
“Speak to your toadies if you wish. I don’t mind your noise.”
V orinclex pulled back Jin’s skirt in one swift motion, and a rip cut through the humming as his skirt tore along one side, revealing sleek legs of chrome.
“The leader of the Swarm is notably and conspicuously preoccupied with my lower anatomy,” Jin said, conspicuously loudly. Louder at least than his trascriptors would have needed him to speak to hear. “His probing, already indelicate, becomes borderline frenetic as his bestial sensory organs take account of the perfection of my form.”
The distended muscles around Jin’s upper body tightened audibly. He did not abate in his monologue, but the fluid around him grew more intense with it’s churning, and deepened in its dark-metallic tint.
“-seems completely capable of processing auditory information, even when preoccupied with pursuits of base interest-”
Vorinclex bared his maw, and something not dissimilar to his distended arm-muscle snaked out. It was not a tongue exactly, as sapient creatures of flesh might understand it, but a sensory organ modeled after crocus organisms Glissa had perfected with compleat frogmites.
Just now, this organ took the measure of Jin’s legs, probing the knit of cable and struts that joined below the waist, extending into chrome-capped knees.
“-searching perhaps for an equivalent anatomy to his own, not appreciating that, unlike the cumbersome designs of the Swarm, creatures of the Progress Engine make use of modular bodily components that may be included or exempted from certain activities based on their applicability to the situation at-”
The tendrils about Jin’s chest began to writhe, and pulled his arms from a T-formation to up above his head, dragging him further up along the bank.
Vorinclex’s secondary arms moved up again to Jin’s core, leaving the explorations below to the tongue. His palms rested along the segmented coil enveloping Jin’s spine.
“-feeling to measure the reactions of my nervous system to his probing and brutalization. A simplistic approach, but showing more attention to detail than one might expect from-”
Jin’s ankles and feet received more lingering examination. Vorinclex tested the durability of each digit with his snout, pushing them to the extent of their flexibility. The construction of Jin’s heel seemed of particular interest.
“-most likely having discovered yet another anatomical superiority his own faction lacks in-”
Two tendrils wound a spiral around Jin’s neck.
“-a curious maneuver. What sort of response he hopes to elicit is a mystery, as even he must know respiration in a specimen as advance as myself is-”
Jin cut off suddenly as both tendrils slithered into his mouth and down his throat, writhing all along their length as they went.
Vorinclex gave no outward sign he was conscious of what his arms were doing. Glissa had no doubt he was enjoying the opportunity deeply regardless.
The opportunity, and the rasping, muffled sound of Jin attempting to continue his monologue.
Vorinclex brought one of his smaller arms up to the side of his head and tapped around where his sheltered ears lay. He favored Jin with a shrug.
Jin’s muffled attempts ceased suddenly, and a rattling vibration started up in his chest.
“His tactile limbs navigate the obstacles of my internal organs with unexpected efficacy. A lifetime meandering through the unorganized hazards of the Tangle and the Hunter’s Maze have helped develop a low cunning useful for-”
A voicebox somewhere on his body, built into the chest, maybe. Glissa smirked from the shadows. Leave it to Jin-gitaxias to build in redundant systems to make sure no one could ever shut him up.
Vorinclex’s maw had returned to Jin’s midsection as his tendrils lifted Jin’s arcing spine out of the fluid. His tongue traced over each coil of the segmented spinal spikes that fanned out around Jin’s back.
“-that he can carry out so many parallel probings of my form is astounding, especially given the thoroughness. It is of course a shadow of the theoretical network efficiency our faction has already accomplished with the vedalken mindmeld, but nevertheless-”
Vorinclex released his grip on Jin’s spine, but his body remained bent over the surface of the pool, as if straining of its own volition.
“-able to contort my body from within using his tendrils-”
That he can keep rambling on with several tons of muscle and steel shoved down your gullet is incredible enough, Glissa mused.
“-tendrils prove resilient to the acids of my stomach and the abrasive metal components of my internal-”
Tiny offshoots of Vorinclex’s arms, thin fibers of metal and crocus-perfected flesh, w o rked like roots into the crevices of Jin’s upper body. The fluid all around them was properly churning now with the combined effects of their movement and the essences leaking from both of them into the pool.
“-provided his brain is capable of such memorization, the beast should have explored enough of my innards to form a rudimentary map of my major external organs.”
“A fair exchange of information.”
Glissa almost started at Vorinclex’s voice. He’d been silent for nearly a half-hour.
Jin shuddered and tsk-ed. “This is...not equitable...I did not explore you nearly as deeply with my dissections-”
“I can feel your pin-probes working their slow way through me, collecting information,” Jin cut in. “Spare me.” He moved his face closer to Jin’s. “What is your conclusion on my own research technique, hm?”
Jin turned his head. “You were studying my actions. My reactions. Taking note of how I grapple with you, and my stimulus response to your aggression.”
“Obviously. This is how a predator learns.”
“Learning...what use is learning to you?”
“Everything learns.”
“Your evolution is a mindless charade. You mean to tell me you have a use for the scientific process?”
“You misunderstand the Grand Evolution, and you do degrade it by comparing it to evolution writ large. Even at it’s basest, evolution is not a process of becoming the biggest, the strongest, or the most fang-filled-”
“As if any of those things are prized or rare in our Phyrexia,” Jin observed.
Vorinclex made a rasping sound that Glissa knew to be a chuckle. “Evolution simply rewards whatever creature can rut and breed best. What makes a new generation that survives to do the same in perpetuity wins.
“Our Grand Evolution is more than just evolution as the flesh knows it. We see a process failing, we see a useless limb or vestigial encumbrance, and we remove it there and then. A jaw formation fails to aid a predator in its hunting? The jaw must go. A venom fails to kill outright from a single bite? The glands that produce it must be replaced. A creature like you-”
Vorinclex leaned into Jin, his voiced dropped to a strained snarl. "You are s quandered potential. You've coated yourself in such potent metals. Hacked yourself and your septic underlings into such ingenious shapes. But now you languish in front of vats and corpses, those clever bodies untempered and untested against real strength."
J in barely stirred at the commentary. “Your approach is both more scientific and more reckless than I thought. No concern for long-term consequences. Short-sighted and slapdash modifications.”
Vorinclex pulled his head back. “You got me talking again, silver-prawn. You’re such a fool I forget how clever you can be.”
“More flattery than I anticipated.” Jin raised a hand and brushed the side of Vorinclex’s jaw. Vorinclex leaned into the gesture, almost imperceptibly.
“Interesting.” Jin’s hand came away, and he inspected something along the back of his thumb. “Heightened levels of adrenaline, even compared to your baseline.” He wiped the thumb on Jin’s forearm. “I will take samples for my research.”
“Don’t let me stop you.”
Jin half-rose to a seated position, long strands of Vorinclex' arms still draped around his shoulders. He looked to Glissa like one of the vedalken draped in their bulky suits.
With the same hand he’d caressed with, Jin flexed, and the middle finger elongated, thinner than the scalpel-finger had been, until it was needle-fine. One of the transcriptors waded into the shallow of the pool, and affixed a clear container to the back of Jin’s hand.
Vorinclex carried on tasting the air about Jin’s neck and face all the while, arm draped round the other praetor’s back.
As the Transcriptor waded out again, Jin slid the needle into Vorinclex’s collar with a smooth deliberation. A snake slipping into a burrow. Vorinclex showed no overt sign of feeling it, though he kept steady, even as his probing increased in intensity about Jin’s chest. If Jin's instruments were as fine-tuned as he claimed, they were sure to have picked up on the rumble within Vorinclex' chest, mixing with the sounds of the fluids in the pools.
The glass vial on Jin’s hand began to fill.
“Under the fallen father, Phyrexia developed many variations of oil, as you well know.” Jin leaned forward into Vorinclex’s shoulder. “Substances found in the artifacts of planes explored during our many years of exploration, powdered powerstone, the fluids of the many lesser creatures whose bodies we mastered...we produced glands to resist acid and fire, to fuel sleepless hulks and unailable plague vectors.”
A fluid, clear and green-tinted, and laced with golden filament, filled the glass. More still poured into the container at a thick flow.
“The oil is an art we have all benefited from and contributed to. Even you beasts of the swarm.”
“I’ve touched the inside of you, prawn. Your oils are not more impressive than mine, just different.”
“Did you enjoy their taste, Vorinclex?”
Vorinclex laughed – a thundering rumble from his gut.
“I should be asking if you are enjoying the taste of me right now.”
“Ah, yes, I forgot you were in there.”
Jin bit down, hard, severing the tendrils Jin had shoved down his throat.
Vorinclex pulled his hands up, tearing the thinner cords of sinew and steel. His fore-arms re-formed in full with a sharp, violent sucking sound, and he pounded back down into the pool, dousing them both.
Jin, for his part, vibrated with a grinding noise from inside his chest. His needle had snapped off in Vorinclex’s neck.
“Now that is what I would call fair exchange.”
Vorinclex spat into the water, and stalked back up out the side of the pool, shaking out his coat as he went, splattering the walls and floors with the fluid of their exchange. Jin clambered back up the bank of the pool, reclining with an arm balanced on his knee.
“You’ve ruined my skirt.”
“I’m sure you’ll find a nicer one somewhere.” Vorinclex stretched out his forelimbs. “Was that useful for you, prawn?”
“It was not entirely unproductive,” Jin replied. His transcriptors approached him from behind, still muttering away.
“I could learn even more if we had our entire network of caverns and pools at our disposal.” Vorinclex’s claws flexed. “If you were willing to let me hunt you through the space, I could glean multitudes about how you tick...if such a thing interested you…?”
“A moment.” Jin turned to his transcriptors and, with a single deft swipe of his hand, separated their domed heads from their bodies.
The heads never hit the ground; Jin plucked them out of the air with his other hand, and tucked them into a compartment at his waist. The bodies slumped in place, sagging but standing upright.
Vorinclex sniffed. “Failed in their recording?”
“Succeeded, which is why I will be taking their knowledge into myself. It is an unnecessary risk to have such valuable data wandering around inside beings so susceptible to bribery or abduction. Here-” Jin waved a hand over the bodies, and began collecting the jars and other vials they had assembled. “A gift – you may eat those. I have no more use for their ambulatory parts. These were grown from samples of myself; they can be your consolation prize, since you cannot have me.”
“A waste of resources.” Vorinclex looked down on the bodies with disdain. “Phyrexia is still a closed system until Norn can break through to new hunting grounds. Can’t your research make use of them?”
Jin looked up at Vorinclex, but did not answer right away. He continued to collect the samples the transcriptors had gathered.
“Most likely,” He said at last. “It was only a goodwill gesture.”
“I eat only what is worth being eaten. Those septic corpses are worth nothing.”
“The exploration of your form is goodwill enough,” Vorinclex rumbled.
“I will offer something else then.” Jin made a strange gesture; a movement of the hand from chest to side. “We are, despite valid criticisms, among the pinnacles of our factions. Your crocus creations-”
“Glissa’s Crocuses. They are the fruit of her labours.”
Jin clicked irritably. “The crocuses are, despite their crudeness, well suited to aiding the sort of newt and germ generation the progress engine has perfected. We might then make children from our respective materials-”
“Yours and mine?”
Jin paused, but Vorinclex pressed on.
“You and me, specifically?”
“It is a proposal with immense promise.”
Vorinclex tilted his head. “I would be...curious to see what comes of it.”
Jin leaned forward, and Glissa imagined for a moment she saw his jaw clench into a smile. “An understandable position. We have this space here, and Norn will approve of anything that could add such potent forces to Phyrexia. If you would only-”
“I won’t,” Vorinclex cut in, with a sudden, unmistakable edge.
“What does it matter ‘why’? I said no.”
Jin hummed in exasperation. “We have already seen great leaps and bounds in our respective factions’ grand designs. Why not join our own materials to see what can be made anew for Phyrexia? Urabrask and Sheoldred have their own project underway, and even the tangle has a fine specimen resulting from your proximity to the Furnace.”
“Norn will have no children of mine.”
"The swarm is already committed to her expansion. To our expansion. What does it matter whether they are of your direct lineage?"
"There is no singular "Swarm" to be committed. Glissa and I don't limit where our hunters range, and I won't deny them whatever killing grounds the Orthodoxy open for Phyrexia. They're free to join Norn's conquests whatever way they please.”
Jin hummed with irritation. “If they are free, then...I ask again, why not-”
“If a phyrexian I spawn chooses, they may follow Norn. If a predator can make itself mightier on the flesh of the planes she wishes to open up, I welcome the chance. If the creatures our factions collaborate on here are meant for her schemes, so be it. What I will not do is personally sire for the sole end of adding to her legions. I won't give my own brood to be her tools. She has you for that, prawn."
Silence. Jin turned away, and busied himself with extracting the vials and other samples from the bodies of his transcriptors, tucking them into a bag at his waist, and several slots along his back.
“It’s a wasted opportunity,” he said at last, not looking up. “This space has already proven useful to our efforts beyond measure. I foresee much great progress being made here.”
“That’s why we were here to-” Vorinclex’s gaze swept the cavern. “Yes. That’s why we agreed to this.”
“I am trying to discover the way forward for all Phyrexia. Not just for Norn’s benefit.”
“Then you should look up from your dissection tables, Jin, and see the world Norn is making with clear eyes, and how you contribute to it.”
“As you do.”
“I know what I am contributing to, and how I am contributing.”
Jin hummed. “I am not ignorant.”
“You don’t have to be ignorant to fool yourself.”
Jin hissed at that, so low it was almost lost in the humming of the cavern, but still he hissed. He turned away from Vorinclex.
From the transcriptor’s bodies, Jin extracted two more vials – long, empty lubes of glass. He waded out into the pool, and knelt.
The fluid was much changed by their activities. From acid-green to blue-green, to something that seemed to Glissa’s eye like colored quicksilver, shimmering form purple to blue to green to black to purple again. It sang a markedly more complex tune now than the humming of the fluid in the other pools.
Slowly, Jin tipped the vials into the fluid and filled them up, stopping each with a plug of gummy black material.
“I will test incubating my next batch of larvae in the fluid from this pool,” Jin said, tucking the vials into compartments in his breast. “It has absorbed some of my own essence, which should at least...counterbalance any defects you might introduce.”
“I’m sure the notion does not make you uncomfortable,” Jin added, somehow baring even more of his teeth than usual. “I do not fear to create life for Norn’s Phyrexia.”
Vorinclex said nothing, but regarded Jin for a few seconds longer.
Then, still without a word, he lowered his maw into the fluid of the breeding pool, and began to drink.
And drink.
Jin just stared. Glissa realized her own breath had caught in her chest.
And still, Vorinclex drank deeply of the stuff, and the humming of the fluid shifted, chords of sound rippling through the cavern as he sucked the glowing stuff up into his maw.
When he at last lifted his head, minutes later, the gaze of every other person in the chamber followed the movement.
He merely licked his chops, and stretched out his shoulders with what Glissa knew to be intentional effect.
“Meager,” Vorinclex noted at last. “But, if I cannot eat you, that’s the next best thing. Maybe you managed to leak a useful mineral or two into the pool.”
Then, with a deliberate grace, he looped out of the pool, leaving Jin to watch him go in silence. Iridescent, humming fluid dripped from his sides onto the spongy metal floor, which soaked the liquid up with a greedy haste.
Glissa smiled at Vorinclex as he rejoined her, then back at Jin, shooting the latter praetor a tight smirk and sneer.
Your scientist has been pleasantly rattled.
Vorinclex grunted.
He’s not mine. And now I’m liable to be sick.
Glissa snorted a laugh.
They began their climb back to the Maze. As the breeding pools disappeared behind them, Glissa patted at Vorinclex’s flank, where Jin had cut into him and delved inside. He rumbled his appreciation, but when she went to wipe the fluid from his jaw, he pulled away.
She let him be. There was much work being done, and yet to be done still. This diversion had certainly been trying enough on its own.
As the light of the Hunter’s Maze began to fill the tunnel, Vorinclex’ tongue slipped out the corner of his mouth.
Almost absently, he began to lick traces of fluid from his chops.
"Keen Sense and Curiosity” is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
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thr0wnawayy · 2 months
A Thought, A Theory
I'll probably make a more indepth post or may just update this one once the offical translations get dumped (which means pictures!), but I have a bit of a crack theory that chapter 430 isn't as real as we've been led to believe.
(As for when this actually takes place, that's up to you but I like to imagine the start of his third year marks the beginning of his mental decline)
This mostly comes from some inconsistencies in regards to the hero rankings and some other stuff
Its stated that Best Jeanist and Endeavor are still active. With the exception of Jeanist, this should not be possible for obvious reasons.
2. Something feels off visually and narrative-wise, I don't know how to describe this other than everything looks too ideallic. Like it feels too sanitized and sterile, this probably because Hori ripped the last bits of life this story had away. But hush. Also Aoyama is there didn't he leave UA? (and Japan)
3. Apparently people forgot the connection between Endeavor and Shoto. Normally this would be a good thing as Shoto would be able to become his own person.
This falls flat when you remember that also includes people forgetting the reason and happenings behind Shoto's existence, it just feels to good to be true. Everyone overlooks the bad and gets tunnel vision over any semblance of good.
Now you may be wondering, so what's going on.
Well, Midoriya's having a breakdown fantasy to cope with the fact that he won't be becoming a hero due to the loss of his quirk.
It sounds crazy but consider the following.
Midoriya subconsciously knows the way he's been treated was wrong. This manifests within the escapists fantasy in Bakugo's drop in the rankings + the attitude surrounding him (as well as his damaged hand never fully healing)
He meets a kid who just so happens to be in a near exact same position as he once* was (and still is to an extent). One could take this as his mind's way of trying to cope and heal itself, by having Midoriya do what he does best and help others, henceforth working though his trauma by using the kid as a stand in.
*Even the kid's "bully" seems to be a warped version of Bakugo (perhaps this is how Midoriya tries to fool himself into believing how it was)
We see Kota. I believe that here, Kota serves as what Midoriya thinks he could have been had he not failed. Kota is the idealized version of Midoriya here, the unobtainable.
I believe the abandonment/limited contact from his classmates to be based in reality, unfortunately. Whether it was by choice or forced by their PR to preserve their images (can't be seen around the "freaks" for too long, now can we?). The lie may come in the form of busy schedules.
(either it's what Midoriya tells himself or he's been told, you can't tell me they can't just make a group chat or video call. At least a High School Reunion)
The Mech Suit is a massive cope, it's the dying whimper of Midoriya's childish hope that All Might will save the day. This time there's no magic quirk, no garrish mech suit, no plot twist.
No. There's only Midoriya and the consequences of his, his classmates and hero societies actions. It doesn't matter how shiny and seamless the illusion, how sweet the lie.
You can't hide the blood.
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mj-iza-writer · 5 months
I did something extra special for my birthday, I just turned 28.... I'm getting old. Anywhoo, I went to an aquarium today and had so much fun.
Warning: mentions one main character with terminal illness, innuendo that said character is dying. Character death at end. I almost started crying writing this. I need to stop doing this to myself.... this was supposed to be happy. 😤
Whumpee watched some fish swim in a small pool.
Caretaker stood at the counter, purchasing tickets for them both.
"Is there any issues a wheelchair user should be concerned with?", Caretaker asked the cashier.
"Not really. Our facility is wheelchair friendly, except around the shipwreck area. Some of the wooden boards may be a little harder to get through", the cashier frowned, "I apologize."
"Not a problem", Caretaker smiled, "thankyou for your help and letting me know."
Caretaker walked over to Whumpee's wheelchair.
"Are you ready to go inside?", Caretaker smiled at Whumpee.
Whumpee excitedly nodded.
Caretaker saw that Whumpee's oxygen line was crooked.
"Please don't play with your oxygen line Whumpee", Caretaker adjusted it.
"Sorry, my cheek was itchy", Whumpee giggled, "I tried to fix it."
Caretaker looked over Whumpee.
Even in the warm summer heat, Whumpee was dressed in thick pants and a cozy cardigan. Their illnesses made them look like a skeleton of a person.
"Alright here we go", Caretaker unlocked the chair.
Whumpee was instantly amazed by the first room.
"Wow this is amazing", Whumpee awed.
"Look up Whumpee", Caretaker pointed.
Whumpee looked up.
A giant skeleton hung overhead.
"What is that from?", Whumpee looked back at Caretaker.
"I believe a whale or something along that line", Caretaker winked.
Whumpee nodded.
The next room was a tunnel, all sorts of fish swam along the sides and overhead.
"I can't believe I almost left this life without seeing an aquarium", Whumpee's head swiveled as they tried to see every fish they could.
Caretaker felt their heart sink.
"I know Whumpee, we will get as many adventures in before your body gives out on you", Caretaker gently rubbed Whumpee's shoulder.
Caretaker's mind drifted to their last doctor's appointment. The news wasn't great, Whumpee's illness they had been battling had turned terminal.
"Caretaker look at the shark", Whumpee pulled Caretaker from their thoughts.
"Whumpee, there's a bathroom up here, I'm gonna pop in there really quick", Caretaker turned the chair, "do you need anything?"
"Can I have my water before you go in?" Whumpee smiled, "I think I'm okay."
Caretaker handed them their water before going into the bathroom.
Whumpee had only taken a few sips when the water suddenly went down the wrong way.
Caretaker heard Whumpee start coughing and rushed to finish.
Whumpee had managed to catch their breath. They looked for their water bottle, and realized it was on the floor.
"Crap", they sighed.
Someone came by and saw Whumpee's struggle.
"Here let me get that for you", they bent and picked it up.
"Thankyou so much", Whumpee grinned.
"Are you okay. I heard you cough. It sounded pretty bad", the person questioned, "I'm a nurse, I don't mind."
Caretaker hurried out of the bathroom, "oh thank goodness", they breathed a sigh of relief, "can't leave you alone for a minute can I?"
"Water went down the wrong way", Whumpee whispered hoarsely, "they helped me pick up my bottle", Whumpee reached up to their nose, "I think I got a nose bleed from that though."
"Yep that is easy to do with your oxygen drying you out", Caretaker hurried to their bag and started pulling things out.
"Would you like some help? I'm a nurse", the person offered again.
"I appreciate it, but I think I have everything I need", Caretaker smiled, "thankyou for helping them also, I really appreciate it."
"Of course", the person turned, "I hope you feel better soon."
"Thankyou", Whumpee grinned.
Caretaker pushed Whumpee to an empty bench and set to work.
They squirted on some hand sanitizer, before sliding gloves on and sanitizing the gloves. Caretaker gently removed the oxygen chord and handed it to Whumpee.
"Hold that to your nose while I clean you up", Caretaker sighed as they pulled out some tissue.
"Not too bad Whumpee", Caretaker grinned as they finished up with the bloody nose, "you should be good to go."
"Can we sit here for a little while? These fish look cool", Whumpee looked around, then let Caretaker replace the oxygen.
Caretaker packed the care bag up then pushed Whumpee to get closer to watch the fish.
"I'll be back on that bench if you need me, just let me know when you're ready", Caretaker patted their shoulder, "don't hurry though, just enjoy this."
Caretaker quietly watched Whumpee, who was giggling at the fish. They saw the stranger from earlier in the corner of their eye.
"May I?", the nurse questioned.
"Yes absolutely", Caretaker scooted over a little.
"I know you probably can't talk much about it, but are they okay?", the nurse pointed at Whumpee, "I know it's none of my business, but they've been on my mind since I saw them earlier while you were buying the tickets."
Caretaker glanced at Whumpee before turning to the nurse, "they have been fighting an illness for a long time. Unfortunately, we just found out it is terminal", Caretaker sighed, "they don't have much longer unfortunately."
The nurse looked at Whumpee sadly, then at Caretaker.
"We are doing different adventures. As much as their body will allow at least", Caretaker sighed, "they've never been to an aquarium, so this is what we decided on today."
"Will you both be okay?", the nurse fought tears from falling. This wasn't the time for them to cry.
"We are both living each day like its their last. We are both scared for that day, but I am also scared for the next days to follow. I uh, I don't want to be alone, I don't want my dear friend to leave me. I know that sounds horrible of me. Because I don't want them to be in pain any longer. They don't deserve this. They are the kindest human you could have ever known. So full of life", Caretaker wiped away a tear, "I apologize for saying all of this to a complete stranger."
"It's okay, it's not easy to be someone's caregiver. You take on so many responsibilities, and often don't get to talk about your needs", the nurse patted Caretaker's hand, "you are doing amazing things for them though. I'm glad they have a friend like you."
Whumpee watched the fish. They didn't let on to the fact they could hear the whole conversation.
That night, Whumpee lay in bed and watched Caretaker get their monitors set up for the night.
"Caretaker?", Whumpee whispered.
"Yes Whumpee?", Caretaker looked at them with concern, "are you uncomfortable?"
"I heard your conversation earlier with the nurse", Whumpee whimpered.
"Oh you did?", Caretaker sighed, "I'm sorry."
"I-I'm sorry Caretaker, I know this has been hard on you. I'm sorry that you have to watch me die in front of you", Whumpee was almost crying.
Caretaker knelt down, "Whumpee I don't.... Whumpee I get to take care of you. It's hard yes, but I couldn't imagine letting someone else do it. It's not a chore to take care of you... I hope you know that."
Whumpee nodded, "I'm sorry still that you have to do this..... I-I don't want to die.. I don't want to leave you either", Caretaker wiped away tears from Whumpee as they spoke.
Caretaker then wiped their own tears, "it's okay Whumpee, "I know", they forced a smile, "what should we do tomorrow? Hmmm, no more talk about dying."
The night nurse came into Whumpee's bedroom and started getting ready to watch over them.
"Can we go for a walk in the park tomorrow?", Whumpee smiled at their nurse.
"Absolutely", Caretaker nodded and nudged Whumpee's cheek lovingly, "goodnight Whumpee, sleep tight."
Caretaker jumped out of bed when they heard the monitor make the sound no one in that house wanted to hear.
Caretaker raced into Whumpee's room and saw the nurse trying to get Whumpee back.
Caretaker went to Whumpee's side and grabbed Whumpee's hand.
"Whumpee come on", Caretaker cried as they buried their face into the thin hand, "we need to go to the park tomorrow."
Their thin hand was already cold.
"They're gone", Caretaker sobbed as they looked at the nurse, "they're gone."
"I'll call the ambulance", the nurse wiped away tears as they left the room.
"Whumpee", Caretaker's voice cracked, "I love you so much Whumpee."
At the hospital, the nurse had started their shift. They still had the conversation with Caretaker fresh on their mind.
Suddenly a gurney was wheeled pass.
The nurse overheard someone saying the person on the gurney needed a pronouncement of death.
The nurses heart sank as Caretaker walked in following the gurney.
Caretaker saw the nurse and nodded as they walked past.
Whumpee was pronounced dead.
Caretaker was given a private room to wait for the paperwork to be finished. They hadn't collected Whumpee yet, so Caretaker sat beside the bed and gently held Whumpee's hand.
The nurse came in in time to see Caretaker wipe their eyes on their sleeve.
Caretaker turned to see them.
"I-I'm sorry", the nurse whispered, "I am so sorry."
Caretaker nodded, "thankyou", their voice stuck in their throat, "I think they knew today was their last day. They didn't want to say it though."
The nurse nodded, "do you have anyone coming up here for you or them?"
"Yes a few friends will be up to mourn with me for a few moments. One of them is the transport for Whumpee's body."
Caretaker sighed, "we already had everything set up for when this happened, Whumpee was happy they got to pick their own casket and funeral playlist. I was always amazed they could find some humor in this."
The nurse nodded as they stepped closer, and patted Caretaker's back.
"I'm going to miss them", Caretaker smiled weakly, "they wanted to go to the park for a walk.... today I guess it's early morning. I haven't even looked at the time yet."
Some people came into the room.
"Hey Caretaker", they greeted then looked at Whumpee.
"I'll leave you to be with your friends and family", the nurse started to go.
"Thankyou for helping them earlier today, and mourning with me", Caretaker gave a small grin, "I really appreciate your caring for them."
"Yes of course", the nurse smiled weakly.
The nurse hurried to their station and started to weep.
They told some of the other nurses what had happened at the aquarium and about the deceased patient.
Friends and family surrounded Caretaker and Whumpee.
After Whumpee was taken, Caretaker decided to walk home... making sure to take a long stroll through the park.
Are you crying yet? For some light heartedness, please scroll down and enjoy some pictures from my aquarium trip.
I will not lie. The Sting Rays and Sharks were my favorite. In the video, see if you can find the sea turtle, I didn't even realize I filmed them until later. There were two sea turtles. They were both rescued and were not able to return to the wild.
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Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13 @notpeppermint @cyborg0109 @idontreallyexistyet @thebejeweledwatercat @painfulplots @whumpbump @everythingsscary @skittles-the-whumpee @expressionless-fr @theforeverdyingperson @legendarydelusiongoatee @candleshopmenace @whumpanthems @lavndvrr @ivymyers @starfields08000 @a-living-canvas
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 10 months
Dracula AU, Pt 3
Lena's anxiety lessens only slightly when Kara assures her that no one was hurt. When Kara lifts her hand to unlock the cell, Lena halts.
"Don't." Bitterness grinds like glass in her throat. "We don't know it won't happen again."
Tears of helplessness glitter in Lena's eyes. It's been weeks of this, each day eroding her sense of reality. And now she's imprisoned, trapped in a cell with none of the contact that had served to ground her even slightly.
"I don't know what to do," Lena confesses, her voice cracking helplessly. Her tears spill onto her cheeks. "Kara..."
"We'll figure it out," Kara vows. "We always do."
And this time, they have to.
Trapped in her cell, there's little for Lena to do but sleep. After weeks of torment, she's exhausted, and with nothing to keep her busy she slips into uneasy sleep. But this time, she dreams.
She treads through thick mist, heavy and cloying in her throat. It disorients her, so much so that it takes her several moments to realize what she's looking at when the mist parts to reveal a dark, unfamiliar chamber.
It's several moments later that she realizes her body is not her own. Her limbs feel heavy, her motions clunky as she turns to survey the space around her. When she sees a crumpled heap of a body, clearly dead, in a shadowy corner, she knows exactly what's happening.
The mind sharing goes both ways.
"I'm in the sewer," she says aloud, recognizing the echo of flowing water bouncing against the stone walls. Her words hiss behind unfamiliar teeth and lips. She can only hope that the words travel across the link to her own body, that Kara will not only hear her, but remember.
She narrates all that she sees. A dilapidated crate to one side, with an ancient book sitting atop it with tattered pages in plain view. She doesn't recognize the language printed on them, but the letters are reminiscent of the cyrillic alphabet.
When she exhausts what's in the chamber, she ventures into the narrow passageway beyond. She needs to know where she is, but the cramped corridor gives her nothing but the stench of sewage. She wanders aimlessly, uncertain of how far she travels. She speaks her path-- a left here, a right there... until she hears the scuff of a footstep not her own.
She freezes, then ducks out of sight as a sanitation worker turns a corner at the far end of the tunnel. Lena swallows when the scent of his sweat tingles in her nose, his pulse thumping in her ears. Hunger tears at her throat, and she digs clawed fingers into the concrete wall she hides behind her, to fight the ravenous urge to feed.
No. Not just feed.
The man moves on quickly, unaware of her presence. Only when his scent is once again replaced by sewage does Lena release the wall, and turn the corner once more. If a worker is here, there must be a point of entry nearby.
She traces the man's path to a ladder, haloed by sunlight cascading through the open manhole above. The light sears her vision, causing her to recoil. But she grits her teeth-- her fangs-- and pushes through the pain to take one step, then another towards the light.
Hope sparks in Lena's mind-- beyond learning where she might be, perhaps, just maybe, she could kill this monstrous body altogether. She might perish in the light along with it, but Lena can't bring herself to care. It's time to end this.
Almost as soon as the thought forms in her mind, another presence uncurls in her consciousness. The monster slowly wakes, a vague identity that sharpens with every step she takes. Soon, it begins to struggle for control, slowing her progress to a shuffle then a halt. Pain lances through Lena's mind as the monster's mind rails against hers.
It would be so easy to let go-- she WANTS to relinquish control, to return to the familiarity of her own body. But she fights. For every last inch, she clings to control, desperate to gain something, anything, to aid them.
Pressure builds in Lena's chest, shortening her breath. She's not going to make it to the ladder, let alone the daylight above. But just as her consciousness snaps away, she catches sight of a small placard riveted to the wall of the tunnel.
"Hayward!" she shouts, just as feels her consciousness snap away. In a blink, she's back in the Tower, safe in her cell. Chest heaving, she scrambles to her feet. "Hayward Street! Kara--!"
She whirls around, eyes wide as they meet Kara's.
Kara lifts one hand, waggling the small voice recorder held in her fingers. Kara did hear-- and reacted just the way Lena had hoped.
A grin spreads across Kara's features.
"We've got him."
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absolutebl · 1 year
I love your Blog and love to read your takes in everything. So thank you so much for all your Posts and thoughts about the industry etc.
Here is my question: i came across one of your posts where you wrote "actually gay, not bl gay" (it was a Post about Jojo and Only Friends) and while I FELT that I TOTALLY understood what you meant and instantly was like "yes 100% clear" Id love to read and learn more about what this means exactly and why some bls feel quite heteronormative while some dont. Would you mind explain the take on "actually gay Not Bl gay" a little bit? And why some Shows feel just more queer than others (besides the unbelievable stupid "gay only for you" trope lol)
Thank you so much and I hope you will have a nice day!
actually gay, not bl gay
There's actually quite a discourse on this right now mostly originating with @waitmyturtles and @wen-kexing-apologist (Post @killiru references above is here.)
I tend to mostly talk about this in broad brush strokes as a queer lens.
But there's a great ven diagram (which of course I've lost the link to) that approaches the idea of and queer lens by tunneling into its approach and intent:
about queers
by queers
for queers
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How do different BLs intersect in different ways with these three elements?
When I said "actually gay, not BL gay" I was alluding to this discourse. Specifically the "about queers" category of BL.
There are characters in BL who read as genuinely gay (as in belonging to the queer family of this terrible reality we live in) and then there are those that seem more performative (to exist in a bubble of fantasy were sexual identity is almost unimportant, only the romance matters, everything is safe sweetness & light). For some queers this can read as manipulative or even exploitive (because it is inauthentic to most queer experiences). For me, it's fine... even desirable. I like the safe bubble. I enjoy the utter delusional escapism of it. Sometimes I will call this sanitized gay. (Since it is designed to make gay palatable to non-gay identified folks e.g. seme/uke.)
A sanitized gay BL may be unintentional but it is nested in origin yaoi and mm romance whose target market has never been the queer community, and whose authors have historically not been members of it, either.
Let's be frank, we queers are generally a terrible target market, we don't have enough spending power - especially not for a piece of pop culture as niched as BL. And as creators we really want our voices to be heard (obvs), which makes us produce content that those unsympathetic or uncaring find uncomfortable. (Yes, I know, fuck them, but also, they have all the money and the entertainment industry is a numbers game.)
So in the arena of office romances, just as an example:
actually gay = The New Employee
sanitized gay = Our Dating Sim
actual gay = Step By Step
sanitized gay = A Boss And a Babe
All of the above have the same tropes, archetypes, and premises. All of them are BL. Some are just... queerer feeling than others. And the characters in those shows (Step by Step and The New Employee) read as more "actually gay."
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This has nothing to do with the actors, chemsitry, or how much we may personally like the show (Our Dating Sim is one of my absolute favorite BLs). It has to do with how closely those CHARACTERS intersect with the reality of queerness as we inhabit it today. It will be lots of little touches given to the drama by director and script:
language use,
surrounding friendships (and friendship style),
mannerisms and physicality (specially body language around straights vs other queer characters),
makeup & wardrobe,
facial expressions,
surrounding queer-coded behaviors by side characters,
layers of story nuance that indicate a complicated queer-driven back story.
Markers of specifically a queer identity are given to the leads.
These kinds of BLs are satisfying the "about queers" category. ("By queers" can be difficult to extract because IRL outting is involved. "For queers" is the rarest kind of BL, because making something specifically for us often alienates the majority of the rest of viewership/market. I could be argued that SCOY did this.)
I'm sure I've missed things, but I hope that kinda makes sense?
By/For/About discourse from @wen-kexing-apologist here:
Parts 1
Part 2
Part 3
I'm indebted to them for the links!
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More Queer Stuff from Yours Truly
BL Linguistics & Queer Identity - I Am Gay versus I Like Men 
Will BL Get More Honestly Queer? 
Queer lens (from the director) and chemistry (from the actors) in BL (A Tale of Thousand Stars)
Touch & Daisy in Secret Crush On You - Queer Coded Language and 3rd Gender Identity
BL in Taiwan & Gay Marriage
Debating Queerbaiting in BL ( + Devil Judge... is it queerbaiting?) 
BL Actors and the Assumption of Queerness - outing actors, coming out, being out, more:  Is that BL actor actually queer?
So is it really fetishization? straight women loving bl 
Some BL fans are sasaengs, and it’s a problem in this fandom 
BLs That Highlight How Society Treats Queers
10 BLs That Are Honest to a Queer Experience 
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louserfilm · 4 months
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Portra 400 // Minolta SRT 100
Long exposures of a passing thunderstorm in Joshua Tree. Photos where light was found and/or created, captured, and immortalized. A recurring theme in my life as of late.
This year I have lost:
my Grandfather
a great love of my life
a pretend friend who wanted more
One a true loss- the others just a shedding of skin. Some days I feel like I am spinning out; other days I think it's nothing but a return to center. A penny in a hyperbolic funnel. The further things spiral out in my life, the further into my passions I tunnel.
I love film photography. I love to write. I love to find the light.
I love to live my life. Mine, mine, mine.
I am also thankful for places I can share the spillage and be more or less anonymous. Nobody I know to step in what I bleed from my brain and try to sanitize or mix in their perception of me. I create, it is, and in the abyss that is the internet it lives. You may see but never assume to know me intimately. Therein lies the beauty.
Thanks for being here in the mess with me.
-Lou <3
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ask-the-sagents · 7 months
Ask the Agents Masterpost
This is gonna be the post for pretty much everything about the universe and the characters. It'll be updated on occasion and will remain pinned on my profile - more under the cut:
Edit: I've made a lot of changes so consider this an AU
Edit: (also check out the tags. Usually, I'll add in additional info (: )
Discord Server
Most recent update on this post: 8/8/24
Character Pages
What is Sanitization?
Start Reading Here!
Askblog Stuff
The idols will be available for questions sometimes, but not all the time. I'll make a post and update the askbox with whoever is available for questions currently.
Magic Anons are allowed!
Posts will be posted as they are completed and will be a mix of answering questions and random comics!
If a main character (3,4,5,8)is unavailable, you can still ask them questions, but they won't answer it til after they get back
If a character is available but spotty, it just means they won't answer filler questions for the time being
World Info
The Idols:
Marie - Age: 30 - she/her - bisexual
Callie - Age: 30 - she/they - pansexual, trans
Pearl - Age: 27 - they/she - Lesbian, nonbinary
Marina - Age: 24 - she/her - lesbian
Deep Cut - Coming soon!
General World Info:
In the beginning, it takes place 6 months after the events of Octo Expansion. Currently (as of 8/8/24) it has been about a year.
Spawn points don't exist outside of Turf Wars/Ranked battles, etc.
Octavio has been captured and currently resides in a high security prison. He is never getting out.
Octavio had used sanitization and hypnosis as a tool for control and punishment during his reign. He never had any intention on liberating his citizens.
There is only one hospital on the surface that handles Sanitization cases atm. This is due to it being rarely seen on the surface during octavios time, so not many people were researching it.
Squidjumping within city limits is illegal unless if it's an emergency
Instead of sewers, there are tunnels connecting the surface and the underground.
Their current goal is to find out where all of the sanitization infections are coming from, helping to acclimate octolings to the surface, and helping to establish a working government/system to the citizens below the surface who are too afraid to leave (works alongside other agencies) Sometimes, they help around the community as well.
To their knowledge, there are no more hypnotized octolings.
Although small, NSS is a publicly known and important government organization
Captain Cuttlefish is deceased, NSS is run by Marie and Callie currently, although marie takes on a bigger chunk of the responsibilities.
There's a temporary housing area set up for octolings new to the surface not far from the clinic. They stay there until homes are found for them, which usually takes just a couple of weeks. They work with social services to help them beyond that as well.
Marina and Pearl are agents 6 and 7, however their role is much smaller and mainly help on the side of helping misplaced citizens find homes.
There is a single clinic near octo canyon as of this point that the NSS helped to establish with Inkopolis Memorial (due to a large chunk of sanitizations being found in that area) It's fairly small and typically only has one person working at a time, usually Agent 5 or another doctor from one of the local hospitals.
Inkling/Octoling Stuff:
They take more after the human side
They bleed actual blood instead of ink
They have claws that they can use for defense - ink will fill the tip of the claws.
Everybody has a limiter, which is a chip installed in their arm. Without this, they could use up too much ink when battling and possibly die due to their bodies not being able to keep up with production. When low on ink, their tentacles will become extremely dull and lose almost all color. They'll become extremely weak and lethargic until their hearts finally stop.
They have more flexible bones, but they can still break
They have 3 hearts
Inklings and Octolings gain their squid/octo form around puberty - they are in human form up until then.
Development of a person's squid/octo form can be stunted during puberty if they have health issues
They cannot be in saltwater but can in other types. It takes about 5 minutes of being in saltwater for someone to dissolve
Ink burns are rare but can happen. It's caused by consistent exposure to enemy ink in a single area or an extremely strong shot. They can be painful, but they will heal and fade over time - they turn blue in color despite the color of the enemy ink.
When a cephalopod feels intense feelings of romantic love for another, their ink color will subconsciously change to match their partner's. They don't technically need to be together for this to happen.
They cannot fall asleep while in squid/octo form; if they do, they will change back automatically.
They have to use special shears to cut their tentacles or else it would be painful and cause possible damage.
Octolings only have some control over their tentacles, and usually, their tentacles can give hints to their mood. Typically, the older they get, the more control they have, but this isn't always the case. The amount of control changes depending on the person.
Inklings and octolings reach full maturity in their 20s-30s. This is where they develop a secondary color at the tip of their tentacles, and octolings will also have their fingers matching their ink color. Typically, octolings reach this earlier than inklings, but everyone is different.
They can get grey/white ink streaks due to age or extreme stress or anxiety
this will be updated as more information becomes available or as things change!
Updated hylian Font chart
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Hylian Font chart (old, ignore this one!)
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microcomets · 7 months
can i ask for your thoughts on the netflix atla adaption? 👉👈 value ur opinion on media
aw, thank you!!! i admit i'm only halfway through watching s1, so my opinions may change as i reach the end of the season, but i can outline some of my thoughts so far!
overall, with a few exceptions, i think the casting so far is really solid. the asian and indigenous representation within the show is something they clearly took very seriously, and it shows! especially for a netflix show, that's something really groundbreaking and important and refreshing to see; and obviously a huge improvement on past whitewashed adaptations. overall, i think most of the effects are good, despite some weird cinematography choices — there are a handful of moments where the CGI looks particularly egregious, but overall, the bending and choreo look COOL. the opening scene of the pilot had me by the throat, even as it made very clear what a different kind of adaptation this would be. overall, i tend not to be too fussy about an adaptation altering things from originals to make more sense in different formats (with caveats, as i'll mention in the cons lol), so i wasn't mad about the way they've fused some of the storylines to make it flow better in a 60-minute format. (although i do question bringing in s2 stories so early, such as the secret tunnel.) there have been some moments where they've either built out character relationships (like zuko and iroh) or brought in supplementary canon from korra and the comics, which i have also enjoyed as a huge fan of the original. there are a few additions that i've really loved and had fun with — zuko's dream journal, for one, lmao, and his and aang's street fight in omashu.
honestly, my biggest gripe so far has been the alterations to characterization and character motivation. the cast and crew were sort of smugly talking about removing misogyny from the original and "updating" it, which is ironic because i think the live action is actually more sexist in many ways.
my BIGGEST disappointment has been katara, with no shade to the actor. this is one of the characters who means the most to me from the original, and the character that has hands-down been the least recognizable in natla. her fire, her temper, her unruliness, and her bossiness — all to say, her human traits — have been completely sanitized, presumably to avoid drawing any kind of criticism that she's "annoying." her anger is quite literally what kickstarts the entire show: katara losing her temper with sokka cracks open the iceberg that releases aang. katara's anger is, in a lot of ways, an outlet not only for her sense of injustice in the world, but also an outlet for coping with 1) immense colonial trauma and 2) the burden of being parentified. this, in my view, is IMPORTANT for young girls and particularly young girls of color to see — that anger doesn't have to be something you shy away from, but that you can embrace as a weapon of resistance. this anger is missing entirely, except in small snatches, from natla katara. the moments that make katara a flawed, interesting character — such as her stealing the waterbending scroll and getting jealous of aang's natural prowess — have been scrubbed completely. it is nearly impossible, at this point, to imagine this version of katara bloodbending or taking vengeance for her mother in s3. i think the re-characterization is a big misstep, due more to poor writing than anything. even the agency of katara's bending is "unlocked" and coached by male characters like aang (ep 1) and jet (ep 3), when katara is supposed to be the one teaching aang!
the inversion of sokka and katara's relationship — that is to say, parentifying sokka and making katara more of a "little sister" figure — is also a huge misstep IMO, because it misses a lot of the characterization fundamental to katara's arcs in the original, and even her later conflicts with other characters like toph. in s3 in the original, sokka says when he pictures his mother, he can only picture katara's face — this is, again, a central aspect to their dynamic and to katara's character! my guess is that they removed katara's overmothering qualities to avoid accusations of being anti-feminist, but ironically, by not acknowledging that in-text the way the original does, it bakes misogyny unspokenly into the atla world rather than explicitly acknowledging and challenging it. to clarify again, i have NOT seen the end of the season yet — i am curious what they do with katara's confrontation with paku, which is one of the biggest grapplings with misogyny in the original text. but for me, removing katara's motherly qualities/parentification, and above all her unsavory traits, are not accomplishing anti-sexist work the way the writers think they're doing, but rather sanitizing the original's social commentary on gender altogether.
one of my biggest squicks thus far has been suki and sokka's relationship; i saw suki's characterization described by someone here as a farmer girl p*rn trope where a naive village waif looks to a man to show her the outside world, or w/e, and i hate that this is what they did to suki's character. they keep her warrior qualities, yes, but this is undercut for me by the cringe comphet romance tropes of making her a wide-eyed blushing virgin around sokka. the insta-romance in the original makes more sense to me, obviously because of the format, but because in the span of 20 minutes, suki has taught sokka what it is to respect and reevaluate his relationship with women and femininity. the writers bragged about removing this from the natla representation, so what we have now is that suki doesn't really teach sokka anything substantial about himself, other than some moves. rather, it's sokka teaching suki about what it is to be "worldly" and how to unlock carnal desires. tbh, i hate that! lol! but that's just my onion.
zuko has been one of the strongest and most well-acted characterizations by far, but i do have a gripe with how they shifted his primary motivation from regaining his honor to reclaiming the throne. zuko at his essence has never been a power-hungry character. his entire drive, as we are told exhaustively through both the show and memes of the original, is regaining his honor — which is also an important cultural trope for many japanese warrior characters (though others not me can speak far more in-depth to this). his search for lost honor is incredibly important, if not central, to his entire character arc, which is zuko discovering that his honor does not come by acknowledgement from his abusive family or even imperial power, but through his own integrity and ethical code. so to have him make several lines about rightfully regaining what's his, the throne, and to make that the primary point of contention between him and azula.....is a misunderstanding, again, of the crucial aspects of zuko's character.
my other nitpicks with the characters are smaller — i miss sokka's slapstick, which has been substituted with very dry humor (and i understand this makes more sense for live action). i am still on the fence about how i feel about making ozai and azula such central characters in s1; i understand why they felt this was necessary for live action, but having those two be shadow figures in the original s1 was a really cool narrative effect for not only establishing zuko initially as a villain within his own right, but for building narrative suspense as to the fire nation's motivations.
ultimately, there's just some secret x ingredient that's missing from the live action that the original nailed effortlessly — maybe it's the sense of fun and wonder? i haven't really had fun watching this adaptation; i'm more just spectating, like watching some pretty fireworks before i move on with my day. my opinion may change slightly, as i hear the show is stronger in the second half; i wouldn't even say it's a BAD adaptation, but overall i feel like it's just kinda....meh, and i still question why it needs to exist in the first place when there are some things that animation as a medium just does far better.
also i just want to point out that i find it extremely frustrating that this show leans very hard into showing the atrocities and Moral Evil of genocide in literally the first 20 minutes of episode 1 and that while netflix wants the virtue-signaling brownie points for that, they'll still continue to give giant paychecks and platforms to brazen zionists. because after this dies down, the stranger things promo cycle is going to start up.
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