# liste
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PRIMA PAGINA Giornale Di Sicilia di Oggi martedì, 03 settembre 2024
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freehawaii · 3 months
Ancient Hawaiian fishponds are a unique and advanced form of aquaculture found nowhere else in the world. Paepae o Heeia, built 800 years ago on the windward side of Oahu, fed thousands of Hawaiians daily in old Hawaii and today not only survives but thrives thanks to Hiilei Kawelo and her friends. Hiilei is the Executive Director of Paepae o Heeia and what she showed us on our tour not only amazed us but took us back in time like nothing else ever has. Donʻt miss our visit with Hiilei and see why Hawaiiʻs ancient culture is still considered one of the worldʻs most advanced even today.
Now you can become a fan of Voices Of Truth on Facebook by clicking here facebook.com/VoicesOfTruthOneOnOneWithHawaiisFuture and see behind the scenes photos of our shows and a whole lot more.  
Voices Of Truth interviews those creating a better future for Hawaii to discover what made them go from armchair observers to active participants. We hope you'll be inspired to do the same.   Voices Of Truth airs throughout Hawaii on all islands and reaches over 24 million households across the US and throughout the world. Check your local cable TV listings.
For news and issues that affect you, watch Free Hawai`i TV. 
And for news from a kanaka point of view, watch Free Hawaii News.
All a part of the Free Hawai`i Broadcasting Network.
Please share our Free Hawai`i Broadcasting Network videos with friends and colleagues. Thatʻs how we grow. Mahalo.
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lifewithchronicpain · 10 months
I am a chronic pain patient in Florida with multiple modalities of pain: chronic intractable pain, pain from a sports injury, and pain from an autoimmune disease. To further complicate my situation, I also have a list of allergies and genetic mutations that leave me unable to take aspirin, NSAIDs, gabapentin, codeine, and morphine for pain relief.
I have a background in medicine, pain management and hospice, so I’ve always been mindful of the spectrum of things that can go awry with opioids. I keep myself on a stable dose with the goal of just “dialing down” the pain enough so that I can function, while not relieving it entirely.
Fifteen years ago, when public attitudes started turning against opioids, I was switched to a fentanyl transdermal patch because it was “less likely to be abused.” I had hoped to avoid using fentanyl until my final days, knowing that once you’re on fentanyl for an extended period, it’s a nightmare if you have to switch to anything else and potentially deadly if you suddenly stop.
Starting in September, I started having trouble getting fentanyl patches at the CVS pharmacy I’ve been using for 30 years. Instead of the Mylan fentanyl patch that I’ve been using for 15 years, CVS only had a fentanyl patch that used a completely different type of adhesive mixture -- one that I absorb inconsistently and too quickly. (Read more at link)
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darkmaga-retard · 16 days
Midnight Mike, Joe and Cretched / Alex Jones Clips of the Week / Dick Cheney and UFO / Bloodlines / Tom Cruise loves aliens / The CFR and Ukraine / Eric Swalwell has a total meltdown over Trump Memes /  Movies in Space / The Real History of Churchill / Weather Control is Real / Fluoride is bad / The Kids Menu at school / Who is eating your pets / Haitian immigrants / Bon Jovi saves life / Strange Hoetl List / Rare Coins / Urine Caddles / End
Eric Swalwell has a total meltdown over the Trump cat memes https://x.com/libsoftiktok/status/1833565518776963514
A government study linked high fluoride exposure to lower IQs in kids. Why was it kept hidden? https://fluoridealert.org/news/a-government-study-linked-high-fluoride-exposure-to-lower-iqs-in-kids-why-was-it-kept-hidden/
Cloud seeding is booming https://x.com/MarioNawfal/status/1833264636184994280
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spaceofentropy · 1 year
I was reminded of the pure delight that is the work of @shitpostsampler, and got the thought that in a modern AU Dustin would absolutely be into tumblr and shitposting, and he would totally ask his mom to put her crafting skill to good use for a gag gift to a friend.
Claudia is not sure what this stuff exactly makes reference to, but she's a good, supportive mom, and she likes that Dustin seems interested in her cross stitching, so she goes along and embroiders a little, weird sampler for Erica's birthday.
And from there, it's a deluge of personalized cross stitched things, each pattern carefully chosen by Dustin, while Claudia takes care of the rest.
Did I decide which pattern Dustin woul pick for each kid, teen, and Hopper and Joyce, either as a nice gesture or a gentle jab at the people in his life? Yes I did, of course!
(All the links are to the shitpostsampler store where you can buy their patterns, 95% of 'em being sold at pay-what-you-want prices).
Hopper - When I was younger I didn't understand why "may you live in interesting times" was considered a curse in ancient Greece.
Joyce - You will be ok. You have no choice.
Robin - Choose people who choose you
Steve - Patience my ass. I'm gonna kill something
Billy - Guide 4 teens: Tell the cops nothing. The the paramedics everything. Ur eyebrows are fine.
Billy (after he and Steve have been together and out long enough that Dustin had to listen to Steve wax poetics about Billy's ass-ets one too many times) - Be a bad ass with a good ass
Max - BRB, going feral
Mike - Momma didn't raise a quitter but she did raise a fool and it turns out those two things are a terrible combination
Will - If it weren't for the limitations of my corporeal form, I would have killed God and rebirthed the world in love and kindness
The rest is gonna get in a reblog because tumblr is having a hissy fit with 10 links already, it won't save the post if I try to add more... 🤦‍♀️
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grompf3 · 6 months
La variole du singe, l'Afrique et le lanceur d'alerte
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Plus de 300 morts liés à la variole du singe depuis le début de l'année en République Démocratique du Congo. Des centaines en 2023.
C'est grave.
Regardez ceci maintenant.
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Vous allez me dire que c'est encore un de ces comploplos débiles et vous allez me demander où est-ce que je suis encore allé dénicher ce phénomène et pourquoi est-ce que je vous fais ch... avec ça.
Et bien je suis allé le chercher là :
Et je me fous pas de votre gueule.
C'est du top niveau-là.
Une enquête poignante.
Un documentaire co-produit par la RTBF, co-financé par France Télévision, diffusé sur des grandes chaînes, récompensé par plusieurs prix, porté aux nues par la critique....
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Et le monsieur que vous voyez là est le héros du film. Un lanceur d'alerte. Un chercheur audacieux qui n'a pas hésité à affronter de puissants lobbies. Le premier auteur de 2 études démontrant les incroyables propriétés d'une simple tisane (aux côtés de la fondatrice de la Maison de l'Artémisia, Lucile Cornet-Vernet, mais aussi du célèbre Pr Christian Perronne).
Il a eu droit à pas mal d'articles élogieux dans toutes sortes de médias.
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Un héros donc.
Les 2 fameuses études sur les tisanes d'Artémisia étaient falsifiées à 100% (les résultats cliniques, les résultats de labo et même les listes de participants étaient bidonnées). Mais bon, c'est pas grave, à part l'Express, aucun média généraliste n'a jugé utile de signaler ce "détail". Du coup, on va dire que c'est comme si le problème n'existait pas.
Le documentaire qui l'avait rendu célèbre, je me suis penché dessus, et c'est une grosse daube complotiste. Mais là encore, les médias qui l'ont financé, diffusé et promu, font semblant de ne pas être au courant. Dons là aussi, c'est comme si le problème n'existait pas.
Et puis son rôle dans la pandémie de Covid. Dans les premiers mois, il avait été invité à Madagascar et avait conseillé le pouvoir en place pour promouvoir un "remède local" à base d'artémisia, pour combattre le Covid. De beaux discours sur le thème du "remède africain". Ouaip.
Alors pas mal de médias ont expliqué à quelle point cette stratégie, misant tout sur un remède bidon, avait provoqué un désastre sanitaire. Mais on a "oublié" que le chercheur vedette à la base de ce désastre avait été promu par des gens bien de chez nous, notamment des grands médias.
Célébré à la fois comme un lanceur d'alerte et comme un grand chercheur, ici en Europe. Présenté ensuite comme un héros en Afrique, notamment dans son pays d'origine, la RDC.
Il a eu droit aux tapis rouges, les politiciens ont cherché à l'avoir de leur côté, il a multiplié les interviews et a pu monter un business de "remèdes" naturels africains...
Tout en diffusant ce genre de thèses :
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Voilà donc notre grand lanceur d'alerte, notre scientifique audacieux.
Et je pourrais continuer comme ça un moment.
Mais revenons à notre épidémie de variole du singe. Certains pays ont lancé des campagnes de vaccination. D'autres pas.
Quelle a été l'influence d'un homme présenté comme un scientifique génial et un héros dans de nombreux pays d'Afrique, interviewé dans des journaux, courtisé par les gens de pouvoir ?
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En fait, je ne sais pas.
Et vous non plus.
Mais le ce qui est sûr, c'est que les conséquences dramatiques de la variole du singe sont désormais impossibles à occulter...
...Alors que ce monsieur en riait il n'y a pas si longtemps sur les réseaux sociaux, en ramenant le problème à un énième complot de Big Pharma, de l'OMS, de Bill Gates, des médias, etc.
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feline17ff · 7 months
Slave-free chocolate companies
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dungeonofthedragon · 10 months
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Our bundle benefitting Doctors Without Borders is currently #116 on DriveThru RPG's bestseller list. Thanks for your support! They do so much great work, and with your help we've raised almost 600 USD for the charity.
You can still grab the bundle until Sunday 3rd December:
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Quick reminder a lot of chocolate is produced using slave labor. Here's a website that lists companies that do not use slave labor. Eat yummy and ethically, my friends.
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"Seeing that Western democratic countries are being attacked, I can say with 99% certainty that it is most likely Russia that is organizing it," Latkovskis said.
P.S. For more than 20 years, the Russians have been carrying out harmful actions against Western democracies, but the politicians and the big mass media pretended that nothing was happening and continued to shamelessly take the Kremlin's money(..) The list of crimes committed by Russian imperialists is long, anyone can check it from money laundering operations to espionage, political assassinations, corruption, energy market blackmailing and undisguised war crimes in Syria, Ukraine, Libya, Sudan, etc.
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antivanruffles · 2 years
Some places to donate to help with the Turkey-Syria earthquake.
Both have lists of reputable charities (and a lot of overlap) plus some information about making sure you select charities that will actually help.
Both are very American-centric, unfortunately.
Here are two other posts with more localized charities that are trustworthy.
If anyone has any corrections or other organizations/charities please add on.
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freehawaii · 8 days
"The Unstoppable People Of Hau`ula - A Visit With Dotty Kelly-Paddock" 
When a natural disaster occurs like a hurricane or tsunami, most people flee. But not those who live in Hau`ula on O`ahuʻs northeast shore. Naturally we wondered why, so we spent the day with Dotty Kelly-Paddock who runs the Hui O Hau`ula. Unlike so many today who lack ties to a specific place, Hau`ula residents have family roots there which go back many generations, so to say they call Hau`ula their home is a bit of an understatement. So how do they prepare for natural disasters which could wipe them out? Join us in our fascinating visit with Dotty and learn of their amazing plans as well as their steadfast determination to persevere in the place they love to call home.
Now you can become a fan of Voices Of Truth on Facebook by clicking here facebook.com/VoicesOfTruthOneOnOneWithHawaiisFuture and see behind the scenes photos of our shows and a whole lot more.  
Voices Of Truth interviews those creating a better future for Hawaii to discover what made them go from armchair observers to active participants. We hope you'll be inspired to do the same.   Voices Of Truth airs throughout Hawaii on all islands and reaches over 24 million households across the US and throughout the world. Check your local cable TV listings.
For news and issues that affect you, watch Free Hawai`i TV. 
And for news from a kanaka point of view, watch Free Hawaii News.
All a part of the Free Hawai`i Broadcasting Network.
Please share our Free Hawai`i Broadcasting Network videos with friends and colleagues. Thatʻs how we grow. Mahalo.
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beatrice-otter · 1 year
signal boost: Women Voters in the UK: pro-trans action to sign
Open letter to Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer: https://twitter.com/DocPhoenix/status/1654453592135286786 https://twitter.com/speakoutsister/status/1654471897143279618  Open letter to Rishi Sunak MP, Prime Minister and Keir Starmer MP, Leader of the opposition from UK women voters Dear Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer We are writing to you as women concerned by rising transphobia and attacks on trans people in the UK under the guise of defending women’s rights. We reject completely the idea that the inclusion of trans people in single sex spaces and services they already use is a threat to women. Where it is proportionate, trans women can already be excluded under existing law. Excluding all trans people is practically unworkable and will harm all women by putting added pressures on services. The focus on trans people as a supposed women’s rights issue detracts from the many important issues facing women today. The cost of living, access to childcare, access to healthcare and violence against women are all key concerns. The Prime Minister and leader of the opposition should focus on these - tackling inflation and protecting women on low incomes, providing low cost high quality childcare, reducing NHS waiting lists, improving access UK wide to contraception and abortion, improving maternity services, tackling police corruption and increasing successful prosecutions for domestic violence and rape. Women are more likely to support trans inclusion than men. The claim that trans people and trans inclusion threaten women’s rights is false. We call on you both, as Prime Minister and leader of the opposition, to listen to the genuine concerns of women in the UK and refocus on these vital issues. Signed. comments Comment? https://ift.tt/2Xgre6o
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Berly and LA recap the season four Supernatural episode, After School Special.  Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy!  CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞
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king-minyard · 1 year
List of Slave Free Chocolate Companies!
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wonkaism · 1 year
Being a slave owner himself, Willy Wonka is not against slave labor. However, He recognizes that most people are very against it, but He has good news: there are ethical, slave-free brands of chocolate!
If you can, try to purchase from these brands.
Of course, if you are not for animal products in your foods either for moral or allergy reasons, there are brands that accommodate for your dietary restrictions.
The only company Willy Wonka would be strictly against is Nestle, for their business connected to deaths of infants, false advertisement, overharvesting water, and openly supporting dictators. They even own kibble brands and pay animal nutritionists to push their brand(s), when kibble is known for causing serious health complications!
For a while, they have used the real life Wonka brand, which could make our god look like He advocates for these things, when again, slavery is the only thing He is not against.
More information: https://utopia.org/guide/5-of-nestles-worst-controversies-explained/
What companies are owned by Nestle: https://wyomingllcattorney.com/Blog/Everything-Owned-by-Nestle
To consume any of these brands is an abomination! May He forgive you for each time you have disgraced Willy Wonka.
Finally, there are real cults! While Wonkaism is more about having fun and a laugh, there are real cults out there looking to cause real damage on people. There will be some resources to help you and a loved one if you ever end up in a real cult. Please do stay safe out there, and practice general internet and real world safety.
Reblog to share His good word, and so other people can be in the know on how to better avoid companies like Nestle, and have chocolate that goes along with their morals.
(Disclaimer: I myself am against slavery, I am just the messenger, and going off the books in the Wonka not being anti-slavery part)
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