alpha-clod · 8 years
We must finally be smart!
Donald J. Trump admitting he was never an intellectual to begin with.
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seethegoodo · 8 years
A Poem for Bernie
Sanders is the only man with the plan To get our kids home from Afghanistan. The corporate whores start wars That the people abhor, but money is more important, They think sacrifice to the golden calf is what the young are for. Sanders’ wants to hasten a nation Built by and for a new generation We didn’t fight through a recession To face the depression, of voter suppression So it’s time to stop the fiscal ration, To show some compassion, When did that fall out of fashion? It’s about us, not me When will the people see That we have the power, We have to use it now, it’s our final hour.
-Sean C. from Slack 
(made when he was making his 3 year old’s lunch) 
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full-onrainstorm · 8 years
My piano teacher wrote a song for/about Bernie Sanders catered to Latinx voters. If you guys could share it, that'd be great :)
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dentos-wife · 9 years
Bernie just swept Hilary in Alaska and Washington 70 something to her 20 something
Feel the Bern!
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runicbeast · 9 years
I like how Bernie Sanders says rhetoric
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alaskan-dreamsicle · 9 years
#berniesanders #damndaniel #meme #feelthebern #sanders2k16 #berniesanders
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seethegoodo · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vo7TsyagplA)
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tell-him-a-story · 9 years
Let me tell you guys, I just witnessed Bernie Sanders speak to a crowd of about 2,500 in Iowa today (the largest crowd of any candidate in Iowa so far) and it was truly life changing. I had become a cynic when it came to politicians and had come to terms with the idea that no one in American politics would ever agree with me on even a majority of issues I care about. Yet, here is this old white guy just as passionate and angry about everything wrong in this country as I am. Everything from believing in free/affordable higher education to a single-payer healthcare system to paid family leave and pay equity, it was like he was reading my mind.
The best part? The room was going crazy the entire time. He could hardly say two words without deafening applause and people jumping to their feet. It was literally “awesome”. I didn’t want to get my hopes up about Bernie’s chances, but after tonight, seeing how strongly his message resonated with so many people, even those that claimed to be “skeptics” and “undecided”, how could anyone underestimate this man?
Please do yourselves a favor and at least go watch Bernie talk. 
And please don’t forget to vote in the primaries. They do matter. Like a lot.
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seethegoodo · 8 years
“People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.”
-A Sign for Bernie 
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