Medical Student Girl🖤
90 posts
Stressed but blessed😌Is a bilingual blog. #Spaninglish instagram: princesavaga~tumblr: sadcastica~wattpad: fawlesssMy aspiration is to be a better person.❤️My aspiration is to be a better person.❤️
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pediatriciangirl · 6 years ago
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8 de marzo. El 8 marcho. Pero si yo lo hago es porque marchamos todas.
No lucho por mi. Lucho por nosotras. Por las que no volvieron y por las que no fueron por miedo. Lucho por vosotras y por todas las que no tienen voz.
Quiero que hoy #8M no sea sólo un día al año o, simplemente, que sea un día más. Quiero que, a partir de hoy, nadie nos vuelva a callar nunca más. Que las calles de los pueblos…
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pediatriciangirl · 6 years ago
¿Como aprender a aceptarme?
¿Como aprender a aceptarme?
¿Cómo aprender a aceptarme? ¿Cómo aprendo YO a aceptarme? A mí. A mí mismx. Con mis fallos. Con mis inseguridades. Con mi errores. Con mis sueños. Con mi falta de amor. Amor propio. ¿Cómo? Dime, ¿cómo? ¿Cómo lo hago? Pero dime, cómo lo hago pero no como antes, no como las otras veces. Dímelo ahora. Pero dímelo realmente. Como en realidad tengo que hacerlo. Dímelo, por favor, lo necesito.
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pediatriciangirl · 7 years ago
Siempre eres especial para alguien.
Recuerda estás palabras: Siempre. Eres. Especial. Para. Alguien. Para sea quien sea. Siendo tú, quien seas. Quizás seas especial para tu perro que sin ti no tiene comida en su comedero. O para el camarero, al que vas a pedirle cada día el mismo café bien cargado para sobrevivir a las mañanas tristes y nubladas de Madrid. Incluso puedes ser especial para el chico que viste con los auriculares…
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pediatriciangirl · 7 years ago
Estoy orgullosa de lo que soy hoy y lo que me he convertido.
🙆🏼Estoy orgullosa de mí, de quien soy hoy. Me ha costado, lo sé. Pero ha valido la pena. 5 años. ✋🏼Sí 5 años me han costado para cambiar. ✋🏼Sí 5 años en los que he pensado, dudado, asimilado, aceptado, rechazado millones y millones de cosas. ✋🏼Sí 5 años me han llevado entender quién soy y porque estoy aquí. ✋🏼Sí 5 años es el tiempo que me ha llevado conocerme a mí misma. ✋🏼Sí 5 años donde he pasado luchas y pruebas difíciles, he reconocido errores, he conocido personas, he conocido mundo, he conocido el mal pero también he aprendido que en todo lo malo hay algo bueno. 🚶🏼‍♀️A veces parece que no. Que estás en un pozo sin fondo del que no podrás salir. A veces parece que tu montaña es del tamaño de 4 Everests🌋 juntos. Pero cuando empiezas a caminar te das cuenta de que tampoco era para tanto. Más abajo del fondo no podrás bajar así que impúlsate hacia arriba que te restaurarás. 🚶🏼‍♀️
🏃🏼‍♀️Pero sí, aquí sigo. Orgullosa de mí.💁🏼 ☑️De lo que he logrado y de lo que no. ☑️De lo que me he merecido y de lo que me han dado. ☑️De lo que me han regalado y de lo que me han robado. ☑️De quién me ha amado y aceptado y de quién me ha echado sin recibirme. Ante todo orgullosa.💁🏼
¿Como he sido capaz de cambiar en 5 años? Ni yo misma lo sé.🤷🏼‍♀️ Pero lo que si sé y de hecho estoy muy segura de ello. Es que la gente nunca es la misma. Vivimos a base de procesos en los que hoy estoy bien y mañana. Mañana no sé.🤷🏼‍♀️ De lo que si estoy segura segurísima. 🔄Es que la gente nunca es igual. No. No somos iguales. Cambiamos. Sí. Cambiamos. El mundo vive de cambios. 🔁 El claro ejemplo es que yo no soy la misma de hace 5 años. Ni la misma de hace 5 minutos, ni siquiera la misma de hace 5 segundos.✋🏼 Todos cambiamos.�� Y yo. Yo, estoy orgullosa de mi cambio.🤘🏻
Me estoy convirtiendo en lo que siempre he deseado ser.👸🏼 Buena estudiante 👩🏼‍🎓👩🏼‍⚕️, buena amiga, buena hija👨‍👩‍👧, buena persona, amar a quién me ama y pasar de quién me odia, ser yo. ⏱Hoy puedo decir que soy yo. ⏱Hoy puedo decir que me AMO.🖤 ⏱Hoy puedo ser persona. 👩🏼 ⏱Hoy puedo estar orgullosa de mí.💁🏼 Ante todo, orgullosa.🙆🏼
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pediatriciangirl · 7 years ago
Lo que piensas, lo serás. Lo que sientas, lo atraerás. Lo que imagines, lo crearás.
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pediatriciangirl · 7 years ago
1. write down how much you study over time, then write down how you did on the quiz/test. this will help you see the amount of studying is nessecary for you to get a good grade and fully learn the material!!!
2. make your study space smell fresh, preferably of mint. mint helps you focus and stay sharp. other good smells would be lemon, etc.
3. after studying for a long amount of time, go exercise for ~30 min. shower, get dressed, etc then review the info you had just been studying! you should come back fresher, and your brain is able to remember the info even better!
4. don’t always study in comfy/pj clothes. if you study a lot after school or classes, then it’s ok. but if all you plan on doing is studying for that day, for part of the day get dressed up! put on some business casual wear, that’s cute yet functional and do your hair, etc. this will put you in a “get shit done” mode.
5. after studying a unit/chapter, record yourself explaining it, as if to a person whose never heard of it. this helps SO MUCH. one, explaining/teaching helps you learn so much better, and two, you have a little video to review just before the test!!
6. study on the floor. if you have a carpeted area in your home, spread out all study materials, a white board, etc and study! it helps so much because you are comfertable and everything is within reach. do this if you need a break from desk studying.
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pediatriciangirl · 7 years ago
Hoe Tips: School and Studying
I��m currently in PA school with close to a 4.0 GPA, and with college and back to school starting up, I’m dropping some tips for y'all. A hoe gotta get bomb ass grades if ya want a bomb ass career and to be successful af. So let’s get it✨
1. Write out your notes. Have two notebooks: one for when you’re in class (this one can be messy) and one for at home (this one is the neater one, for color coding, formatting, and all that organizational jazz). Writing things out is proven to enhance memorization 7X more than just reading is.
2. Have a go-to format for your notes. Numbering, bullet points, whatever floats your boat.
3. Type out your notes. I use Google Drive, because it automatically saves all your shit, and you can access your notes via your Google account literally anywhere. Typing out your notes does the same thing writing them out does, as far as helping you review the material.
4. Use Quizlet. Quizlet is a free flashcard website/app that allows you to type in all of your flashcards and definitions, and gives you review options like matching, testing, flashcard mode, and more. This shit made me my high schools valedictorian, no lie.
5. Keep your old quizzes and tests. Often times, teachers will ask similar questions on finals.
6. For math-based subjects, always always always show your work in your notes. I try to explain each step for a math problem in the margins of my notes, and generalize how to do each problem at the end.
7. Do practice problems consistently.
8. For my college hoes: never take an 8 am class. You think you can do it because you did it for high school, but I promise you will regret it. If there’s no avoiding the 8 am lecture, bring coffee and skip any makeup/hair that day. Sleep is too important.
9. Make flashcards. The night before my exams, I like to try and fit everything I need to know for a specific chapter/topic onto one flashcard, in order to weed out main ideas.
10. For essays, is amazing with free citations to avoid any plaigiarism or incorrect bibliographies.
11. Rent👏your👏textbooks👏. Unless your teacher specifically requires you BUY it, you likely won’t need the actual textbook. Buying access codes for the book online is hundreds of dollars cheaper.
12. If you do get your textbooks, a lot of them have chapter summaries at the end of each chapter. Be sure to write out/type out/review those summaries.
13. For science labs, if you are allowed, take pictures of any models or slides you need to know for your exams. Pretty much all labs won’t let you take pictures of cadavers or animal dissections, but plastic models and microscope slides should be fine.
14. If you have a question, ASK YOUR TEACHER. It is better to look stupid in class and get your clarification, than to look stupid when you get your exam back and actually have it count against your grade.
15. Do study groups. I have two nursing friends in some of the same classes as me, and we’d always meet up before exams to go over the material. We would bring dry erase markers and map out shit in empty classrooms, taking turns explaining shit to each other until we nailed it.
16. Try to teach the material. Like I said in #15, study groups are great for this. By teaching the material out loud, you are subconsciously reviewing it yourself. This is a HUGE help.
17. Take breaks. You cannot exhaust yourself and expect to still recall anything you learned.
18. I know everyone does this and there’s no avoiding it sometimes, but DO NOT CRAM. Gradual learning is most effective.
19. Have one day every week where you don’t do any schoolwork. You need time to reboot.
20. Use your phone’s calendar/task checklist app for all major assignments, due dates, exam dates, study plans, appointments, etc. Set reminders as needed.
21. Charge your phone in another room while studying. No distractions.
22. is a free website that plays a 30 minute loop of rain sounds. It helps me focus like nothing else, especially in my loud ass household, and every time the loop stops and replays, I know to take a break between 30 minute study sessions.
23. Feel distracted at home when studying? Try studying in a library, cafe, or even at school. I find that going somewhere else to study actually forces me to pay attention to what I’m doing, for some reason.
24. Reward yourself for good grades. Buy yourself a slice of pizza or a new highlight, have a netflix marathon, go to a party, or take a nap. Whatever conveys a job well done, do it. It’ll make all that studying feel that much greater when it’s over, and you’ll have a goal to work towards.
25. Sit in the front of the classroom as often as possible. You’ll be forced to pay attention, be able to actually see the board, hear the instructor better, and you’re more likely to have your questions answered quickly because your teacher will actually see your hand go up.
26. Caffeinate. I prefer tea because it’s healthier, but coffee works too. Ya girl is NOT a morning person, but my morning tea at least helps me pay attention during earlier classes.
27. Keep all of your school shit organized, together, and labelled.
28. Do NOT skip a class just because you’re lazy or don’t feel like going. The temptation is real sometimes, but a hoes gonna be pissed when ya see your participation average decline.
29. This may just be a psychological thing, but I love to use the same colored/brand of pen for all of my notes/assignments/tests. It just makes everything seem more uniform, and I’m able to recall information better.
30. Trouble taking tests? For any multiple choice question, read the question and try to answer it first without reading any of the options. If your answer doesn’t match the options, then use process of elimination to find the best answer. For true/false questions, write out justifications for each answer (you can also do this for multiple choice). You’ll be acing your exams in no time.
31. Chewing gum during class/studying, and chewing that same flavor gum during the exam, has been scientifically proven to boost your memory recall.
32. Literally any time you have the opportunity to do extra credit, DO IT. Cherish that shit.
33. If you aren’t doing so hot in a particular class (literally any math class for me lol), schedule a private meeting with your professor and go over test questions you missed, or topics you didn’t get. If you know your professor is a flop, or can’t get an appointment, meet with a tutor or another professor of that same subject. Sometimes another voice can shed new light on a difficult topic.
34. For essays, critiques your writing for free based on readability, grade level, formality, tone, grammatical errors, etc. Seriously a life saver.
35. Also is ya bff for fancier words/phrases to make your writing more eloquent
36. Always make an outline for every essay or project to organize what you want to say. This will keep you on track, and help you work around any quotes or sources in you writing to make sure your writing is hella organized.
That’s all I can think of for now, please please please feel free to add and share. Enjoy those 4.0’s, hoes💞
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pediatriciangirl · 7 years ago
Back 2 school 2017📚📝
Back 2 school 2017📚📝
Hola, chic_s!! ¿Como estáis? Espero que estéis todos bien. Aquí os traigo un nuevo post algo diferente… ¡De la vuelta al cole! Espero que os guste.😘  Empezaremos con las mejores apps para estudiantes: La primera será Photomath para los deberes de matemáticas. Sinceramente, a mí me ayudó mucho este curso. Te resuelve desde ecuaciones hasta sumas, restas, etc. También te los explica paso a paso.…
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pediatriciangirl · 7 years ago
No quiero crecer.
Es irónico que una niña de unos 8 años le pida a Dios por no crecer. Yo no quería crecer. Sabía lo que había en el mundo: drogas, alcohol, personas malas, falsedad, hipocresía, mala vida, malas amistades, malas influencias, etc. Y yo me pasé hasta los 10 años diciéndole: —Dios yo no quiero crecer. Tú más que yo sabes lo que hay en el mundo. Yo no lo he vivido nunca pero tú ves lo que hay ahí…
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pediatriciangirl · 7 years ago
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pediatriciangirl · 7 years ago
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[august 5, 2017]
hey guys! I recently got into making printables, so I decided to create a few of my own and share it with you guys! My main inspiration to make these came from emma @emmastudies! She is honestly the sweetest person ever! 
[custom printables]
- if any of you guys are interested in requesting custom printables, then please carefully read the following! I would love to help out as many students as possible, so shoot me a message on instagram (@revisign) or here on tumblr (@revisiign)! Please state the general topic of your desired printable (ex: holiday packing list, weekly planner inserts, monthly calendars, etc.) Then, let me know a few colours you would like + a few little designs (stars, galaxies, leaves, flora. It’s kind of like the theme of the decorations). After all, please allow me 24 hours to reply to your message, and up to 1 week in completing it!
- I will send you the completed copy immediately after it’s final completion, and you will have 24 hours to ask for any minor and subtle changes. After 24 hours, it will be converted to a pdf, and changes will be no longer available.
- If I am extremely satisfied with certain custom orders, it will be turned into a public printable, and you will receive a portion of the credit.
- Keep it in mind that it is 100% FREE! So get excited and show your creativity! If you post a picture of you using any of my printables on your instagram story and tag me, I will repost and show my appreciation
[public printables]
- any public printables I make are there to help the lives of students and adults! However, as a student myself, it will be mainly focused around study and organizational based printables! Again, any other printables can be submitted through custom orders mentioned above!
access these weekend study / to do list printable through the link below:
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pediatriciangirl · 8 years ago
Hello! I want to know if you use some organization apps for cellphones that I can download for free?
Remember The Milk
Google Calendar
Pocket Schedule - Class Schedule, Homework Planner
The Homework App - Your Class Assignment & Timetable Schedule Planner
My Study Life
Calendars by Readdle - Event and Task Manager
Class Timetable
Do! - The Best of Simple To Do Lists
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pediatriciangirl · 8 years ago
Ambient sounds for writers
Find the right place to write your novel… 
Arctic ocean
Blizzard in village
Blizzard in pine forest
Blizzard from cave
Blizzard in road
Ocean storm
Ocean rocks with rain
River campfire
Forest in the morning
Forest at night
Forest creek
Rainforest creek
Rain on roof window
Rain on tarp tent
Rain on metal roof
Rain on window
Rain on pool
Rain on car at night
Seaside storm
Swamp at night
Winter creek
Winter wind
Winter wind in forest
Howling wind
Barn with rain
Coffee shop
Restaurant with costumers
Restaurant with few costumers
Garden with pond and waterfall
Fireplace in log living room
Call center
Street market
Study room from victorian house with rain
Trailer with rain
Tent with rain
Jacuzzi with rain
Temple in afternoon
Server room
Fishing dock
Fictional places
Chloe’s room (Life is Strange)
Blackwell dorm (Life is Strange)
Two Whales Diner (Life is Strange)
Star Wars apartment (Star Wars)
Star Wars penthouse (Star Wars)
Tatooine (Star Wars)
Coruscant with rain (Star Wars)
Yoda’s hut with rain ( Star Wars)
Luke’s home (Star Wars)
Death Star hangar (Star wars)
Blade Runner city (Blade Runner)
Askaban prison (Harry Potter)
Hogwarts library with rain (Harry Potter)
Ravenclaw tower (Harry Potter)
Hufflepuff common room (Harry Potter)
Slytherin common room (Harry Potter)
Gryffindor common room (Harry Potter)
Hagrid’s hut (Harry Potter)
Hobbit-hole house (The Hobbit)
Diamond City (Fallout 4)
Cloud City beach (Bioshock)
Founding Fathers Garden (Bioshock)
Washing machine
Boat engine room
Cruising boat
Train ride
Train ride in the rain
Train station
Plane trip
Private jet cabin
Airplane cabin
Airport lobby
First class jet
Fireplace in medieval tavern
Medieval town
Medieval docks
Medieval city
Pirate ship in tropical port
Ship on rough sea
Ship cabin
Ship sleeping quarter
Titanic first class dining room
Old west saloon
Spaceship bedroom
Space station
Cyberpunk tearoom
Cyberpunk street with rain
Futuristic server room
Futuristic apartment with typing
Futuristic rooftop garden 
Steampunk balcony rain
Harbor with rain
City with rain
City ruins turned swamp
Rusty sewers
Train station
Haunted mansion
Haunted road to tavern
Stormy night
Creepy forest
New York
Paris bistro
Tokyo street
Chinese hotel lobby
Asian street at nightfall
Asian night market
Cantonese restaurant
Coffee shop in Japan
Coffee shop in Paris
Coffee shop in Korea
British library
Trips, rides and walkings
Trondheim - Bodø
Amsterdam - Brussels
Glasgow - Edinburgh
Oxford - Marylebone
Seoul - Busan
Gangneung - Yeongju
Tokyo metro
Osaka - Kyoto
Osaka - Kobe
São Paulo
Ho Chi Minh (Saigon)
New York
Hong Kong
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pediatriciangirl · 8 years ago
Amazing- incredible, unbelievable, improbable, fabulous, wonderful, fantastic, astonishing, astounding, extraordinary
Anger- enrage, infuriate, arouse, nettle, exasperate, inflame, madden
Angry- mad, furious, enraged, excited, wrathful, indignant, exasperated, aroused, inflamed
Answer- reply, respond, retort, acknowledge
Ask- question, inquire of, seek information from, put a question to, demand, request, expect, inquire, query, interrogate, examine, quiz
Awful- dreadful, terrible, abominable, bad, poor, unpleasant
Bad- evil, immoral, wicked, corrupt, sinful, depraved, rotten, contaminated, spoiled, tainted, harmful, injurious, unfavorable, defective, inferior, imperfect, substandard, faulty, improper, inappropriate, unsuitable, disagreeable, unpleasant, cross, nasty, unfriendly, irascible, horrible, atrocious, outrageous, scandalous, infamous, wrong, noxious, sinister, putrid, snide, deplorable, dismal, gross, heinous, nefarious, base, obnoxious, detestable, despicable, contemptible, foul, rank, ghastly, execrable
Beautiful - pretty, lovely, handsome, attractive, gorgeous, dazzling, splendid, magnificent, comely, fair, ravishing, graceful, elegant, fine, exquisite, aesthetic, pleasing, shapely, delicate, stunning, glorious, heavenly, resplendent, radiant, glowing, blooming, sparkling
Begin - start, open, launch, initiate, commence, inaugurate, originate
Big - enormous, huge, immense, gigantic, vast, colossal, gargantuan, large, sizable, grand, great, tall, substantial, mammoth, astronomical, ample, broad, expansive, spacious, stout, tremendous, titanic, mountainous
Brave - courageous, fearless, dauntless, intrepid, plucky, daring, heroic, valorous, audacious, bold, gallant, valiant, doughty, mettlesome
Break - fracture, rupture, shatter, smash, wreck, crash, demolish, atomize
Bright - shining, shiny, gleaming, brilliant, sparkling, shimmering, radiant, vivid, colorful, lustrous, luminous, incandescent, intelligent, knowing, quick-witted, smart, intellectual
Calm - quiet, peaceful, still, tranquil, mild, serene, smooth, composed, collected, unruffled, level-headed, unexcited, detached, aloof
Come - approach, advance, near, arrive, reach
Cool - chilly, cold, frosty, wintry, icy, frigid
Crooked - bent, twisted, curved, hooked, zigzag
Cry - shout, yell, yowl, scream, roar, bellow, weep, wail, sob, bawl
Cut - gash, slash, prick, nick, sever, slice, carve, cleave, slit, chop, crop, lop, reduce
Dangerous - perilous, hazardous, risky, uncertain, unsafe
Dark - shadowy, unlit, murky, gloomy, dim, dusky, shaded, sunless, black, dismal, sad
Decide - determine, settle, choose, resolve
Definite - certain, sure, positive, determined, clear, distinct, obvious
Delicious - savory, delectable, appetizing, luscious, scrumptious, palatable, delightful, enjoyable, toothsome, exquisite
Describe - portray, characterize, picture, narrate, relate, recount, represent, report, record
Destroy - ruin, demolish, raze, waste, kill, slay, end, extinguish
Difference - disagreement, inequity, contrast, dissimilarity, incompatibility
Do - execute, enact, carry out, finish, conclude, effect, accomplish, achieve, attain
Dull - boring, tiring„ tiresome, uninteresting, slow, dumb, stupid, unimaginative, lifeless, dead, insensible, tedious, wearisome, listless, expressionless, plain, monotonous, humdrum, dreary
Eager - keen, fervent, enthusiastic, involved, interested, alive to
End - stop, finish, terminate, conclude, close, halt, cessation, discontinuance
Enjoy - appreciate, delight in, be pleased, indulge in, luxuriate in, bask in, relish, devour, savor, like
Explain - elaborate, clarify, define, interpret, justify, account for
Fair - just, impartial, unbiased, objective, unprejudiced, honest
Fall - drop, descend, plunge, topple, tumble
False - fake, fraudulent, counterfeit, spurious, untrue, unfounded, erroneous, deceptive, groundless, fallacious
Famous - well-known, renowned, celebrated, famed, eminent, illustrious, distinguished, noted, notorious
Fast - quick, rapid, speedy, fleet, hasty, snappy, mercurial, swiftly, rapidly, quickly, snappily, speedily, lickety-split, posthaste, hastily, expeditiously, like a flash
Fat - stout, corpulent, fleshy, beefy, paunchy, plump, full, rotund, tubby, pudgy, chubby, chunky, burly, bulky, elephantine
Fear - fright, dread, terror, alarm, dismay, anxiety, scare, awe, horror, panic, apprehension
Fly - soar, hover, flit, wing, flee, waft, glide, coast, skim, sail, cruise
Funny - humorous, amusing, droll, comic, comical, laughable, silly
Get - acquire, obtain, secure, procure, gain, fetch, find, score, accumulate, win, earn, rep, catch, net, bag, derive, collect, gather, glean, pick up, accept, come by, regain, salvage
Go - recede, depart, fade, disappear, move, travel, proceed
Good - excellent, fine, superior, wonderful, marvelous, qualified, suited, suitable, apt, proper, capable, generous, kindly, friendly, gracious, obliging, pleasant, agreeable, pleasurable, satisfactory, well-behaved, obedient, honorable, reliable, trustworthy, safe, favorable, profitable, advantageous, righteous, expedient, helpful, valid, genuine, ample, salubrious, estimable, beneficial, splendid, great, noble, worthy, first-rate, top-notch, grand, sterling, superb, respectable, edifying
Great - noteworthy, worthy, distinguished, remarkable, grand, considerable, powerful, much, mighty
Gross - improper, rude, coarse, indecent, crude, vulgar, outrageous, extreme, grievous, shameful, uncouth, obscene, low
Happy - pleased, contented, satisfied, delighted, elated, joyful, cheerful, ecstatic, jubilant, gay, tickled, gratified, glad, blissful, overjoyed
Hate - despise, loathe, detest, abhor, disfavor, dislike, disapprove, abominate
Have - hold, possess, own, contain, acquire, gain, maintain, believe, bear, beget, occupy, absorb, fill, enjoy
Help - aid, assist, support, encourage, back, wait on, attend, serve, relieve, succor, benefit, befriend, abet
Hide - conceal, cover, mask, cloak, camouflage, screen, shroud, veil
Hurry - rush, run, speed, race, hasten, urge, accelerate, bustle
Hurt - damage, harm, injure, wound, distress, afflict, pain
Idea - thought, concept, conception, notion, understanding, opinion, plan, view, belief
Important - necessary, vital, critical, indispensable, valuable, essential, significant, primary, principal, considerable, famous, distinguished, notable, well-known
Interesting - fascinating, engaging, sharp, keen, bright, intelligent, animated, spirited, attractive, inviting, intriguing, provocative, though-provoking, challenging, inspiring, involving, moving, titillating, tantalizing, exciting, entertaining, piquant, lively, racy, spicy, engrossing, absorbing, consuming, gripping, arresting, enthralling, spellbinding, curious, captivating, enchanting, bewitching, appealing
Keep - hold, retain, withhold, preserve, maintain, sustain, support
Kill - slay, execute, assassinate, murder, destroy, cancel, abolish
Lazy - indolent, slothful, idle, inactive, sluggish
Little - tiny, small, diminutive, shrimp, runt, miniature, puny, exiguous, dinky, cramped, limited, itsy-bitsy, microscopic, slight, petite, minute
Look - gaze, see, glance, watch, survey, study, seek, search for, peek, peep, glimpse, stare, contemplate, examine, gape, ogle, scrutinize, inspect, leer, behold, observe, view, witness, perceive, spy, sight, discover, notice, recognize, peer, eye, gawk, peruse, explore
Love - like, admire, esteem, fancy, care for, cherish, adore, treasure, worship, appreciate, savor
Make - create, originate, invent, beget, form, construct, design, fabricate, manufacture, produce, build, develop, do, effect, execute, compose, perform, accomplish, earn, gain, obtain, acquire, get
Mark - label, tag, price, ticket, impress, effect, trace, imprint, stamp, brand, sign, note, heed, notice, designate
Mischievous - prankish, playful, naughty, roguish, waggish, impish, sportive
Move - plod, go, creep, crawl, inch, poke, drag, toddle, shuffle, trot, dawdle, walk, traipse, mosey, jog, plug, trudge, slump, lumber, trail, lag, run, sprint, trip, bound, hotfoot, high-tail, streak, stride, tear, breeze, whisk, rush, dash, dart, bolt, fling, scamper, scurry, skedaddle, scoot, scuttle, scramble, race, chase, hasten, hurry, hump, gallop, lope, accelerate, stir, budge, travel, wander, roam, journey, trek, ride, spin, slip, glide, slide, slither, coast, flow, sail, saunter, hobble, amble, stagger, paddle, slouch, prance, straggle, meander, perambulate, waddle, wobble, pace, swagger, promenade, lunge
Moody - temperamental, changeable, short-tempered, glum, morose, sullen, mopish, irritable, testy, peevish, fretful, spiteful, sulky, touchy
Neat - clean, orderly, tidy, trim, dapper, natty, smart, elegant, well-organized, super, desirable, spruce, shipshape, well-kept, shapely
New - fresh, unique, original, unusual, novel, modern, current, recent
Old - feeble, frail, ancient, weak, aged, used, worn, dilapidated, ragged, faded, broken-down, former, old-fashioned, outmoded, passe, veteran, mature, venerable, primitive, traditional, archaic, conventional, customary, stale, musty, obsolete, extinct
Part - portion, share, piece, allotment, section, fraction, fragment
Place - space, area, spot, plot, region, location, situation, position, residence, dwelling, set, site, station, status, state
Plan - plot, scheme, design, draw, map, diagram, procedure, arrangement, intention, device, contrivance, method, way, blueprint
Popular - well-liked, approved, accepted, favorite, celebrated, common, current
Predicament - quandary, dilemma, pickle, problem, plight, spot, scrape, jam
Put - place, set, attach, establish, assign, keep, save, set aside, effect, achieve, do, build
Quiet - silent, still, soundless, mute, tranquil, peaceful, calm, restful
Right - correct, accurate, factual, true, good, just, honest, upright, lawful, moral, proper, suitable, apt, legal, fair
Run - race, speed, hurry, hasten, sprint, dash, rush, escape, elope, flee
Say/Tell - inform, notify, advise, relate, recount, narrate, explain, reveal, disclose, divulge, declare, command, order, bid, enlighten, instruct, insist, teach, train, direct, issue, remark, converse, speak, affirm, suppose, utter, negate, express, verbalize, voice, articulate, pronounce, deliver, convey, impart, assert, state, allege, mutter, mumble, whisper, sigh, exclaim, yell, sing, yelp, snarl, hiss, grunt, snort, roar, bellow, thunder, boom, scream, shriek, screech, squawk, whine, philosophize, stammer, stutter, lisp, drawl, jabber, protest, announce, swear, vow, content, assure, deny, dispute
Scared - afraid, frightened, alarmed, terrified, panicked, fearful, unnerved, insecure, timid, shy, skittish, jumpy, disquieted, worried, vexed, troubled, disturbed, horrified, terrorized, shocked, petrified, haunted, timorous, shrinking, tremulous, stupefied, paralyzed, stunned, apprehensive
Show - display, exhibit, present, note, point to, indicate, explain, reveal, prove, demonstrate, expose
Slow - unhurried, gradual, leisurely, late, behind, tedious, slack
Stop - cease, halt, stay, pause, discontinue, conclude, end, finish, quit
Story - tale, myth, legend, fable, yarn, account, narrative, chronicle, epic, sage, anecdote, record, memoir
Strange - odd, peculiar, unusual, unfamiliar, uncommon, queer, weird, outlandish, curious, unique, exclusive, irregular
Take - hold, catch, seize, grasp, win, capture, acquire, pick, choose, select, prefer, remove, steal, lift, rob, engage, bewitch, purchase, buy, retract, recall, assume, occupy, consume
Tell - disclose, reveal, show, expose, uncover, relate, narrate, inform, advise, explain, divulge, declare, command, order, bid, recount, repeat
Think - judge, deem, assume, believe, consider, contemplate, reflect, mediate
Trouble - distress, anguish, anxiety, worry, wretchedness, pain, danger, peril, disaster, grief, misfortune, difficulty, concern, pains, inconvenience, exertion, effort
True - accurate, right, proper, precise, exact, valid, genuine, real, actual, trusty, steady, loyal, dependable, sincere, staunch
Ugly - hideous, frightful, frightening, shocking, horrible, unpleasant, monstrous, terrifying, gross, grisly, ghastly, horrid, unsightly, plain, homely, evil, repulsive, repugnant, gruesome
Unhappy - miserable, uncomfortable, wretched, heart-broken, unfortunate, poor, downhearted, sorrowful, depressed, dejected, melancholy, glum, gloomy, dismal, discouraged, sad
Use - employ, utilize, exhaust, spend, expend, consume, exercise
Wrong - incorrect, inaccurate, mistaken, erroneous, improper, unsuitable
443K notes · View notes
pediatriciangirl · 8 years ago
When you take a 10 minute study break and it accidentally lasts the whole semester
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pediatriciangirl · 8 years ago
I like this notes!❤️
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February 9th, 2016 // bio notes that I’m actually proud of. Finally finished with my Sec 3 biology notes. Super thankful for the Chinese New Year holiday.  猴年吉祥!
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pediatriciangirl · 8 years ago
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Bio Notes 📝
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