#sander sides zombie au
tss-end-of-an-era · 4 months
Am I redesigning redesigns even tho I haven’t finished all redesigns or designs?
Yes I am, why do you ask?
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End of an Era Remus!!!
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soysaucevictim · 2 years
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sometimes you shine sometimes you fall
Oh hell, I just feel like doing one of those onion-peel build-up things for the first part of that ”La Pieta” diptych I made for the iZ!AU.
This is the least spoilery of the two parts to do this with (it’s like a Chapter 1 spoiler, the second part is a Resolution spoiler... sooo, yeah.)
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thatonelesbianfander · 6 months
Been thinking about the first Sanders Sides AU I ever saw that got me into the fandom after hearing the song Evelyn Evelyn for the first time in a while
It was a Gacha Life AU by this one old Sasi Gacha creator that was a light side zombie AU. I’m pretty sure it was titled Zombie Sides if anyone remembers it. It’s no longer available because it got deleted with the channel of the person who made it. I don’t think there were any ships between the light sides but I do remember there being some Demus and maybe some Prinxiety.
Plot recap under cutoff (TW for death mention, murder mention, unsympathetic C!Thomas, zombies, violence, and argument mention)
The basic plot as far as I remember was that Roman and Remus got into an argument to the song Evelyn Evelyn (Roman as male voice, Remus as female voice), so the light sides go on a day out together to cheer Roman up. On that day out together, the lights are killed. They’re eventually brought back as zombies, which leads to the start of a zombie apocalypse. Remus and Janus (who was referred to as Deceit since it was made before his name reveal) end up getting attacked by the zombie lights and end up escaping and ganging up with a group of random people (that I’m pretty sure were the creator’s ocs) to try to find a cure.
I’m forget most of what happened after Remus and Janus teamed up with that group but pretty sure that Remus and Janus ended up figuring out that C!Thomas had started the apocalypse and Remus ends up killing C!Thomas when they confronted him and the sides are revived and turned back from zombies to humans, and Roman and Remus make up. This was literally my favorite AU, and I wish it wasn’t deleted.
The AU was actually pretty good and coherent and I miss it. I also think having C!Thomas as the twist villain was interesting because not a lot of Gacha AUs were using C!Thomas for anything and was more side focused so having the twist villain be C!Thomas instead of some random person was actually pretty cool.
Honestly, I should just remake the AU as a fanfic-
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meowthefluffy · 2 years
Hello hello my darling followers, I’ve noticed there’s a lot of new folks here so I thought id explain all my au’s in one post and where to read them so all of you can understand what the hell I’m talking about 90% of the time! 
I’m Madeline, the world’s number one producer of hyper specific prinxiety au’s and I hope you’ll enjoy what’s I’ve got in store for you!
I’ve ordered these in descending order of most content to least amount of content. Each story has a brief plot description and where to find them! All of my au’s are ongoing so even if it’s a bit old if you pop me an ask or want more content of an au I am happy to provide :)
(Explanations are under the cut)
Lust!Roman au:
First and foremost the au that started it all, the lust Roman saga! Don’t let the title fool you this is a 100% pg13 story I just named it before I thought through the consequences. 
Format: This au unlike all my others is a full scale comic (that ranges in quality art wise as I’ve spent over three years on this comic and I’ve improved a lot as an artist)
It also is the au with the most amount of supplementary material ( animatics, a side ask blog illustrations ect.) As well as the only one I have that takes place in the normal universe
Something is horribly wrong with Roman. Some thing or someone has replaced the Roman the sides know and Virgil is determined to get to the bottom of it, but he’s far closer to the center of the issue than he could have ever predicted.
TLDR: Roman goes evil mode to get Virgil to love him
Rating: Solidly pg13 , a few jokes here and there but mostly a serious emotional drama 
Link to master post :
Evil king au
One of my more recent au’s but definitely a favorite of mine! 
Format: Sketched Comics, illustrations and a series of asks explaining the au in bite sized chunks 
Virgil is a morally bankrupt evil king and Roman is his diligent personal guard. When Virgil eventually falls for his guard he’s convinced Roman is too good for him,  Virgil is evil after all, but his guard is happy to prove him wrong. Underneath his sweet exterior Roman is just as twisted and is more than happy to serve his king.
Omg they are so messed up and evil but they’re gonna kiss about it
Rating: Definitely dark but has clear spots of happiness. Overall a tragedy 
This au is all under the tag #evil king au so you can find everything there!
Sleeping beauty au:
A very recent au, A modern fairytale retelling, now with bonus tragedy!
Colored and sketched Comics, illustrations and asks 
Once upon a time like in many other stories a prince fell into a deep slumber, but unlike those other stories true loves kiss doesn’t come to save him. Instead the prince is awoken again in the present, hundreds of years after he was put to sleep and is has lost everything. Now he’s nothing but a footnote in history and everyone he has ever known is long gone.
And to make matters worse a man identical to the one he loved in his time is here as well, with no recollection of him at all.
But as he grows accustomed to modern life he begins to question, was any of it even real?
Man out of time, fairytale tragedy edition 
Overall quite sad but with a hopeful ending.
All of this au can be found under the tag #sleeping beauty au
Zombie au:
An older series but a fun one nonetheless! Also my au with the highest number of sketches comics !
Format : 
Mostly sketched comics, with sketch sheets, illustrations and an animatic to supplement 
Summary : 
Virgil and Roman are best friends (and maybe something more) but when the zombie apocalypse breaks out the two are separated and Roman parishes.
Virgil feels extreme guilt over this, so when he suddenly finds Roman again, now fully zombified and questionably sentient he’s determined not to let him go again.
Now they must try and face off against the wasteland they’re in and survive together, hopefully…
TLDR : It takes the literal Zombie apocalypse for Virgil and Roman to get together 
Rating: It has quite a bit of violence and a little bit of gore (Roman is rotting after all) with an overall melancholy tone at best 
This au sadly has a very inconsistent tagging system, (I kept forgetting what the tag was when I made new posts) but check my archive tags for any variation of the tag #zombie au! 
Cupid au
Format: Comics, illustrations, and asks
Summary : 
Virgil is a grim reaper that works in the misfortune department of the heavenly council. Roman is the first cupid to ever be transferred to the misfortune department, and Virgil is assigned to him to keep him in check. The two get along wonderfully despite their differences, or at least right up until Virgil accidentally proposes to Roman. And Roman says yes.
By the time Virgil realizes what he’s done it’s too late, Roman is already half way through planning the wedding and Virgil would rather die than break his heart like that. Roman’s just so happy and he keeps looking at Virgil likes he’s hung the moon every time they’re in the same room, and he can’t take that joy from him. There are worse people to accidentally marry, this won’t be too bad.
(This one is one of my favorites)
Rating E for everyone, all rom-com gags and sweet moments 
Found under the #cupid!au or #cupidau! Tags 
Eldridge abomination au
Format Gag comics , illustrations,bullet fics and asks
Virgil moves into a new neighborhood and is obsessed with his very reclusive neighbors. He’s convinced there’s something horribly wrong with him(and he’s right but no one knows that just yet) 
Now he’s determined to figure out what, so of course he has to observe his neighbor! 
And if those “observation sessions” happen to be in the format of dates that is nobody’s business.
Rating Very family friendly (it’s all gags) not including Romans whole horrible abomination monster thing which might be a bit spooky for some
Found under the tag #Eldridge abomination au
Superhero au
Format: very unfinished at the moment, it’s an older au I am currently reworking, mostly illustrations and explanation posts
Virgil is a superhero and Roman is his supervillain, but when they aren’t fighting each-other the two are best friends at school . (and also crushing on each-other HARD) shenanigans ensue!
TLDR what if the miraculous love square was good
Rating  Very chill au , angsty in regards to Roman’s backstory but it’s mostly cartoon fun :)
Found under the tag #superhero au (Altho the tagging is a bit inconsistent)
Bonus au’s with not a ton of content but can still be fun to check out :
Mermaid au: I only made a few posts about this au but it can be found under the tag #mermaid au
Ghost au: This au never really took shape but it’s still a cool concept so check it out under the tag #ghost au! 
Let me know what you think of my au’s if you do end up looking at any of them ! :)
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monkeythefander · 9 months
A new Sanders Sides Au is here. I don’t know what I’m going to name this au yet, so if you have any name ideas please feel free to share them in the comments. And in terms of ships for this au, I plan on making the main ship Rosleepceit/Rodesleep (Roman x Remy x Janus)
Click below the cut to see the drawing and explanation for the au.
Content warnings for explanation: Zombie Janus, mention of dying in a car accident, mention of being buried in a coffin, mention of wounds
Drawing content warnings are in the image below
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Explanation: So basically, Janus died in a car accident. His family buried him and had a nice funeral. But a few weeks after the burial, Janus woke up to darkness. He began to freak out and managed to escape the box and hole he was contained in. He realized he was in a coffin, and was sitting in a grave. Not just any grave, his grave. Memories of the accident came back to him and he looked at his hands to see his left hand was covered in open wounds. He had died, and came back to life, at least somewhat.
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Given how Canon!Patton is squeamish about spiders...
I think it's funny how Begottten!Patton basically became an adopted younger brother to Virgil... who is a nightmare being that is VERY MUCH arachnid-themed.
And that Pat likes Spider-Man a bunch too.
But I think it's a "spiders are scary unless they're Virgil or Spidey" sort of situation. Kid knows the difference.
(NEVERMIND that Janus's brood consists of at least three other nightmare beings - themself and the twins...)
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thepastelpeach · 2 years
Zombie au you say? 👀
specifically how each other sides would react to having been bitten and needing to be 'dealt with'
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haunted-van-au · 2 years
Patton, sweetie, how are you doing? *she boops his nose* Roman and Logan, too, for that matter? *considers booping their noses as well, and decides, yes, she will* - Titania Wyvern
Patton hadn’t been feeling good for the last few days. At this point, Patton was okay in the car most of the time, but anyone would hate being trapped in the back of a van for weeks, let alone him who still sometimes forgot that he was safe.
He’d started to get crabby a few days ago and had snapped at Roman for moving Barnaby even though he’d only been trying to make the bed and couldn’t have known Patton would react that way to it.
He’d immediately felt guilty about it, and that guilt had slowly slipped into anxiety. Roman was one of the only people who cared about him. He was the only person other than Logan who had wanted to keep him around. What if Patton was bad enough that he didn’t want to be around him anymore? That’s what happened with his aunt after all. There’d been something wrong with him so she’d sent him away to live at Ms. Morris’s.
Even Logan who he hadn’t snapped at was probably mad because Patton had been being irrational and Logan didn’t like irrational things. He’d created conflict when things were already so hard.
Patton had found himself getting quiet over the course of the last few days, that familiar feeling of strangulation in his throat every time he thought about speaking. He hadn’t uttered a word in 2 days.
Thomas is open for questions.
Logan is open for questions.
Patton is open for questions.
Roman is open for questions.
Read the story in order.
Read the important bits of the story in order.
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Not Just Another Bloody Mary,
Analogical, zombie apocalypse au, mute!Virgil
TW: religious imagery, blood, vague description of injury
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Virgil himself had never been one to believe in God. After all he had seen, it's hard to not become a cynic. At least that was the general consensus. He preferred the term 'realist'.
But, he was ready to get on his hands and knees to thank the god who had given him this vision-
There Logan stood, lab coat and all, covered in blood.
It wasn't the type you might see Janus or Remus in. If they were covered in blood they ranged from happy to psychotic. But, Logan just seemed his normal self. Well, apart from the gut wound.
For the first time, Virgil had found himself unable to move. The man before him was slumped against the wall now, chest heaving with labored breaths, and Virgil knew he should move quicker, but he couldn't bring himself to.
Logan had his eyes shut, muttering about needing attention, and only then did he break out of his stupor.
Virgil rushed to his side, unsure of what to do, Logan had leaned on him instead, noting that Logan was close to limp in his arms. Logan, bloodied and heaving, leaving blood on his own hands and he felt just about ready to pray to this man.
"Hey, Virgil, do you still have those bandages from the east building-?" Patton gasped upon turning the corner. "Oh my god-" Virgil nodded along with the statement. For entirely different reasons.
"I uh- set him on the table, alright?" Patton rushed, turning to yell for Remy.
Virgil did as told, albeit in a daze, but still. Logan had basically lost consciousness, although Virgil was admittedly right there with him on that aspect.
Patton calmly told Virgil that he needs to leave and got to work.
Virgil had taken a seat outside the small corner Logan had found him in, and he noted the trail of blood that had went unnoticed on the floor. It reminded him of the virgin Mary statues that would litter monasteries. One in particular came to mind, a bronze virgin Mary in Guadalupe, but instead of picturing the virgin weeping olive oil, he pictured Logan weeping blood.
He had long forgone the many aspects of religion, but he would glady wear it all out and start traditions all over again.
He never went far from Logans side, worrying about him most of the day. He thought that when Patton came out and said he should be fine that he would feel better, however that was not the case.
He sat beside Logan until he came around. If he was cold, Virgil would give him a blanket, if he was hungry, Virgil would fetch him food; anything of which he had the slightest notion of want, Virgil gave to him.
He knew that he was gonna be Logans personal follower till the end of his days when Logan started asking him to eat, warm up, and take his medicine.
He was an absolute goner. Not that he minded anyway.
Hope you enjoyed! 💜
Tag list {you can ask to be added or removed}:
@reiney-weather @helloidkwhatimdoing-0 @hedgiehoggles @autumnpleaves @from-the-gall0ws @skylar-pansexualnerd19
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asherashedwings · 4 months
(Idc if I've had this blog for like a year, I'm making this now)
(It may just take me a bit to get to them-
Or I just might not do them-
Im not very reliable with those)
Hi! My name's Ash, but I more commonly go by Wingz. I'm a self-taught artist with a passion for creating and admiring character designs. This is my main blog where I post art relating to my interests. Nothing but pure brain rot and self-indulgence here!
Name: (As stated before) Ash/Wingz
Age: 16
Sexuality: Fictoromantic asexual
Pronouns: They/he/it etc. Basically anything BUT she/her. I really don't care much
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CURRENT FIXATION(S): Hatchetverse (mainly NPMD)
Main fandoms: Newgrounds, FNaF, Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, TMNT, Cult of the Lamb, Warrior Cats, Sanders Sides, Regretevator, Dandy's World, Hatchetverse
Other interests: Plants vs. Zombies, Monster Hunter, Little Nightmares, Generation Loss, Wings of Fire, Pokemon, Undertale/Deltarune, spiders, character design, robots, clowns
General tags:
#Ashedwings post: Any post made by me #Ashedwings art: Any art posted by me #Ashedwings design: Designs I've made, fandom or otherwise #Ashedwings ramble: My long posts that contain a lot of me talking or rambling #Ashedwings fic: Fics I've made and posted here #Ashedwings reply: Any responses I've made to asks #Ashedwings request: All the requests I've made
Fandom tags:
#Ruins Rebuilt AU: Posts relating to my FNaF SB AU. Subsequent character tags are:
#Wingz!Music Men
#Wingz!HH Rewrite: Posts relating to my Hazbin Hotel rewrite/AU
#Wingz!NG AU: Posts relating to my Newgrounds AU (Mainly Pico's School and FNF related, but other Newgrounds series may also be relevant at some point)
This video is very important in understanding my NG AU:
#Darkness Gates: Posts relating to my OC story known as Darkness Gates
Basic DNI; No homophobes, transphobes, zoophiles, pedophiles, ablists, fatphobes, racists, etc. Other than that, as long as ur not a dick, we should be fine.
Tone tags are appreciated, but not mandatory.
DMs are fine, just don't expect me to respond immediately. Or at all. I’m really bad at talking to people I don’t know. I’m working on it
Simping for my designs is fine. Just don't get too wild. I am a minor.
I'm completely fine with being tagged in stuff!
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tss-end-of-an-era · 4 months
Finished another redesign :>
Slight gore warning view with caution :)
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End of an Era Janus!!
Janus liked to keep a Journal of his thoughts, not that it’s much of use now…
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soysaucevictim · 2 years
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... I just wanted to shitpost abt that spicy/mature iZ!Intruloceit drabble I wrote a while back. (It's mature for a reason, guys.)
Look, despite ALL the reservations - all three are consenting adults to the scene, man.
If Patton (a therapist; Virgil and Roman's specifically) ever considers putting Remus on his caseload, he'd be like this probably...
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swhhdr-wthhr · 4 months
i need to stop coming up with sanders sides aus on a whim cause i have too many already. no one cares about what it would be like if the sides lived in the 1920s. no one needs to know what it would be like if they were aliens. it doesn't matter who would live the longest in a zombie apocalypse (logan and virgil). it's too much
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meowthefluffy · 1 year
An update on my unfinished au’s!
I have over the last few months fallen deeply out of love with the Sanders Sides series and as a result I have not updated any of my projects in some time. At the current point I am at I am only planning to do the final two installments in the cupid au (because I pretty much lost my affection for the ts series right before the big finale of the project!!) and the lust Roman au (as it is my longest running work to date and I want to comple the project as a show of dedication to my younger self) although it will most likely be on a much quicker time scale than I was intending originally! (Instead of the 11 more parts I was hoping to produce it will probably be closer to 5 and I will most likely skip a few parts of the story that weren’t as important)
I feel a lot of affection for the work I have created but not a lot for the actual series so I’m trying to find a way to rework the stories I’ve created for the au’s to become independent creations that I will enjoy continuing to make! (Aside from the Lust au which I feel is mostly a story I don’t feel the need to come back to/rework since it relies so heavily on the source material) Most of my au’s function as stories mostly separate from canon material except for the characters archetypes present in each, so I’ll be working on retooling/reskinning said work to be more original and workable as long term projects! (Since u guys were really invest in my plots which had almost nothing to do with the canon characterization)
I’m currently working on retooling the Zombie au (Which I used as heavy inspiration for my oc Sophia I sometimes post about and her girlfriend) the Cupid au (I’m putting together more creative designs for the characters so that I can hopefully redo the comic- since I’m super in love with the concept) The sleeping beauty au (since it functions entirely the same as a stand alone story- and I could use the designs of my princess characters from that comic I made a long time ago for Valentine’s Day ) and the Super hero au! (Which I never properly defined and thus have a lot of incomplete ideas for, and my only struggle is coming up with better super hero names for them)
The only one of my main au’s I probably won’t rework is the Evil king au- just because I’m not sure how I could retool it to not just be a story about abuse(I feel more comfortable creating a story where everything is horrible and bad and the people involved are just bad for eachother when it’s an au- because there is other work of those characters where they aren’t that way to balance it out- but if it were my own new characters I feel as though it wouldn’t be nearly as fun to read or write)
This is a series of decisions I’ve been trying to wait on for a long time because I have been hoping something sanders Sides related would come out soon that would re spark my interest but nothing so far has happened- and with the way the story is going I don’t think it’s something that is going to happen. I still love all the work I have created for this fandom and I am so proud of all the collaborative projects I have been able to create with you all! I will happily re-read your asks and comments on my comics and I am still really proud of the community I’ve been able to create!
I’m sad to let this part of my life go (it’s taken up a solid 4th of my lifetime) and I understand that a lot of you all won’t follow me to my new projects- because I understand you guys didn’t come here for random oc projects- or original comics. And Altho it breaks my heart to see some of you move on and leave my notifications I am happy I the time with you all that I did!
Thank you all for everything- and I’ll see you soon 💖
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barry-j-blupjeans · 10 months
20 Questions for fic writers
Tagged by @holdmecloser-gandydancer (thank u reese!!)
tagging @pendragon-writing-hoard @ceilingfan5 @raineydaywrites and anyone else who wants to play :O
1. How many works do you have on A03?
2. What's your total A03 word count?
514,081! most of which is Journal Pages, I think sdsdfd.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now just TAZ!! But I used to also do Sanders Sides :O
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
We're just gonna do the TAZ fics bc this is a TAZ blog sldksdf. but 1) Keep Your Friends Close (And the Lich Who Gives You Cryptic Advice Closer) 2) 100% Okay! 3) Journal Pages 4) Buzzcuts and Braids 5) Sunny-Side Up
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! Because I appreciate them! I do feel bad getting repetitive in my replies but I try!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Aaaah, see the thing is that I dislike anything except happy endings sldkfsd. Probably Red Fireworks?? But that's just more foreboding than angsty sdflksdf.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending
Either the Seven Times thing with Magnus or Memories, Just a Bit To the Left
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really, I don't think?? And hopefully it will stay that way sldkfsdf.
9. Do you write smut?
Yes! I just don't post it on my main ao3 sldfsdf.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Nah 😔 The vibe just aren't good for me.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Again, not that I know of and hopefully it will stay that way. I am Very Afraid of this happening sdfsdf
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! And I don't know if I will sdlfsdf. I like the Idea but also I think I'd be too anxious about it sdfksdf
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Blups :3
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
God, time travel AU. My beloved. Maybe someday you'll get finished. Also zombie apocalypse AU, which I have left out to dry for over a year now sdfsdf.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm good at describing things!! Both emotions and scenery.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Having an actual Plot outside of just character studies sdflksd. Plot is so hard sometimes. Also, dialogue is so hard sometimes. I struggle with Taako and Kravitz especially. I just. Cannot get their voices down the way I want!!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've done it! I will probably do it again the future. I've changed the way I prefer to write it since I started writing TAZ fics. Mainly that I used to italicize any non-english words, but I've found that I don't like doing that anymore. I think it disrupts the flow, esp if the character is bilingual and not like, Just Learning the words in the fic.
19. fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter 😔 And no one will ever see those fics bc I was too scared to post them when I was like, ten sldfksdf
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Very hard decision!! The first two that came to mind were Buzzcuts and Braids and Tedious Familiarity, so I think those ones!!
Thank u for reading :3c
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who are some of your favorite fic writers?
@centrumlumina, who is no longer doing sanders sides fic but IS doing phenomenal things in the batfam tag that make me go fully feral.
@snowdice, especially her labeled universe, immaculate. i love logicality, and i love logicality dads dadding virgil more than at least ten other things. AND ZOMBIE PATTON VERSE GOD.
@teacupfulofstarshine lots of really cool AUs
@thebestworstidea, especially monstrous roommate but really anything willow writes is great. has laoft recursive fic that singlehandedly changed the course of canon AND netted me a husband it was so good
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