#sander side logan
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0llieolly · 4 months ago
All the sander sides in my style
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greyskylight · 11 months ago
Idk if anyone theorized this but here we go:
You know how sometimes when someone hits a certain anger/rage point they tend to “see red” and black out, and then afterwards not remember anything during that time? I feel like during those times all logic goes right out the window. After “seeing red” you’re not at all thinking clearly, not caring about anything except your own anger/rage, going off of impulse, and I would think that you would seem like a completely different person during that time until you’ve completely calmed down.
I’m saying all of this because I don’t believe Logan has a physical opposite side like the others. He becomes that other side once he hits a certain rage point. We’ve seen Remus try, at least twice, to try and have Logan reach the point (he managed it for only a second the first time).
When Logan reaches that point he becomes Orange, no Logic to be seen. Once he comes back to being Logic again Logan remembers nothing of what happened during his time as Orange. This would mean Logan either doesn’t know this about himself or he’s trying hard to hide it. It’s very clear that the lighter sides don’t really know about it. Virgil probably doesn’t know about it either (either that or he doesn’t know they’re the same person). Those who definitely know are Remus, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Janus probably knows too.
Logan tries very hard to control his feelings, even though every once in a while he lets it out in small, intense bursts (ie all of the FALSEHOODs and crofters jam moments). If that’s what his small emotional bursts look like, imagine him going through a big one.
Those bigger, anger-filled bursts are what would have Logan change from Logic to Orange/Rage.
These are my 2 cents. Please add anything that I’m missing 🙏🏻
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a-r-a-h-a-s · 2 years ago
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raccoongodapollo · 4 months ago
op i think they're just surprised you're joining in? its both okay and usually joyful for others to see eachother showing emotions like that, i've found. they just mightve not expected it or maybe they don't like change (which is normal albeit annoying and difficult to deal with in other people sometimes.) trying again or asking them directly might help, you seem like a very to-the-point kind of figment :)
also suppressing things like this hurts a lot, takes too much energy to keep up, and is really, really hard to undo once done. generally not worth the effort in my experience and it seems to make them sad eventually :(
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AITA: For laughing with my family? The title seems convoluted, of course I am not an 'asshole' for laughing around them- But they way they reacted makes me believe differently. I (35) (figment of imagination representing Logical thought) live with 5 other figments, three of which have been a large part of my life- to the point I've named them my family even if we are not technically related. We've recently began to acknowledge and become familiar with two other figments, whom my family seem uncomfortable with to various degrees. The issues began when I became close with one of these lesser acknowledged figments, Whom I'll refer to as Duke. I have a formal and mutual relationship with Duke, My time around him is most pleasurable and I've uncovered a expression that I haven't had in almost years. Laughing. Joy, Laughter and singing is natural with my family- a daily activity, I know such expressions raise dopamine and oxytocin, both very important to daily function as well as quality of life. It seems infectious in the household- Its a function I haven't been able to impore in my day-to-day for about a decade. I believed this recent development in my expressions would be accepted. Duke does it so often- It seems normal that I'd pick up on it, the others seem put off or disturbed by his laughter, I believe this is purely because of Dukes... nature...I'm beginning to believe this wasn't a productive expression after the most recent events, One of my close family said a particulary funny statement, the other 3 laughed so naturally I joined. The look I recieved from the other members of my close family has made me reconsider how fitting it is for me to show large displays of emotion- one of my closest family looked terrified when I laughed, as if my display was so unbecoming that it warrented genuine fear. I do not want to cause harm or distress to my fellow figments, It's against my purpose. It's been a four hours since the incident- Duke has been telling me to just 'Disembowl' my family which I have been against. Is this a usual reaction? should I attempt to supress this outburst? I believe an apology to them is due. Thank you.
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nightcatssketchbook · 1 year ago
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Profile pictures from my last post! If you’d like to use one, just credit me in your bio.
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belovedroach · 14 days ago
hear me out.....
Sander Bugs...... it's them but it's bugs..............
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does anyone share my vision-
im not the best at drawing insects, so in case it's hard to tell: Virgil is a spider, Roman is a butterfly, Remus is a moth, Logan is an ant, Janus is a wasp and Patton is a bee.
(click the thingy if you'd like to indulge me in more details lmao)
Virgil, the spider: he already has spiders motifs. Also, spider webs can work as a metaphor for falling down an anxiety spiral (one step down a slippery slope and you're unable to get out).
Roman, the butterfly: the (mostly agreed upon) prettiest bug, for the prettiest boy in the party™. They're not overly romanticized in media for nothing lol. And of course, he's a "monarch butterfly".
Remus, the moth: "like moths to a flame" that represents self-destructive behaviour (unable to go against a desire that ultimately harms you, and could be your doom). Also, he shares the buttlerfly similarity with Roman. Plus he's a nuisance to your wardrobe
Janus, the wasp: they can sting without dying, having more of a defense purpose. Acting as Thomas' self-preservation, he acts like a last line of defense. And the yellow and black color scheme suits him nicely.
Logan, the ant: they're hard-working, resourceful and persevering. Those are pretty much words that easily describe Logan as well. And if anyone would be able to carry two times his own weight, it would be him (?)
Design fun fact: his extra set of arms are retractable! He uses them when he needs and extra pair of hands (lmao). Patton can do this too
Patton, the bee: hard-working too, but more centered in providing for others: he provides the others with affection and dinner (lol). He's sweet as honey. Their existence is helpful to the environment, and Patton's existence is helpful to my mental health /hj
i'd love to hear your own interpretations or even assign them different bugs !!! dont be shy
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hes-as-stubborn-as-ever · 1 month ago
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I am entirely convinced that Virgil's puzzle gifts are the only thing keeping Logan sane
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aphroditesweets · 3 months ago
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(The Sides get into trouble and have to be taken into the Mind Palace Police Department)
Officer: Alright, one at a time. Step on the x and hold up your plaques
Virgil: (quaking in his boot; the verge of a panic attack)
Patton: (looks at plaque) What’s this for?…(looks at camera) Oh, is this one of them selfie-things? Fun!
Logan: (about to lose his marbles) I hate being associated with you people
Roman: Make sure to get my good side!
Janus: (looks at plaque and raises his brow) Well this certainly is a first…
Officer: (looks to next person; sighs)…evening Remus, long time no see…
Remus: Hey bubba~, I’m glad to see your face again. (Sigh) It feels likes it’s only been yesterday since I was here (chuckled menacingly)
Janus: Because you were here yesterday
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princeofmisfortune · 11 months ago
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Happy birthday to the birthday mans
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theaceofshovels · 2 months ago
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You’ll never guess what I’ve been re-watching
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0llieolly · 4 months ago
Thank you for the request @virgil-except-with-no-chill I had so much fun with the expressions!!! Request are still open if anyone wants to make one!
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ellistruggle · 4 months ago
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– ❤️ 💙 🩵 💜 💛 💚 –
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constellama · 5 months ago
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Although I’ve not been here as long as most of you, I’m still super grateful for the time i have been so far <3 Happy Birthday Sanders Sides :3
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lycheeleeches · 1 year ago
I was going down memory lane and the urge to draw these freaks again, came. Not fully satisfied with how they look but I personally think it’s a massive improvement from how I used to draw them
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It’s nice to see how much I’ve improved :D
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mvrphysart · 11 months ago
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logan comforting virgil after a particularly bad anxiety attack
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orbch · 3 months ago
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and a truckload of HUH????
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