#sanarsi fic
sanarsi · 2 days
Flying days and nights
ex-boyfriend!Dieter Bravo x f!Reader
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Summary: You and Dieter broke up because of his addiction. Despite that, he's going to do anything to have you in his arms again. Warnings: pure angst (but with happy ending), reading offensive comments, self-hatred, mention of drugs, addiction, drunk!Dieter, toxic relationship, mention of suicide, emotional instability!reader, mention of rehab, sub!soft!Dieter Wordcount: 5,4k An: This is pure angst because I've been feeling like shit lately and I wanted to lash out :) Enjoy reading now or later when you're in the mood for some sadness xx Music I worked with: Nothing’s Gonna Hurt You Baby - Cigarettes After Sex
Everyone already knew.
You and Dieter broke up.
It shouldn't have surprised you, because you knew who your ex-boyfriend was, and yet, you were shocked by how many things had appeared about you on the internet in such a short time. It had only been two weeks, how on earth had everyone found out about it?
Stupid question.
You knew the answer very well.
You were furious. At yourself, at him, at the whole fucking world that judged you even though it didn't understand. You had been through hell for the last few months of your relationship, and now you were going through another because you had become the villain in this whole story.
You didn't know why you were doing it.
Maybe to finish yourself off? Maybe so you could be even more furious at him.
But you were fully aware that you were sitting through another evening with wine, reading more nonsense about your relationship.
"I would never leave him."
Oh, you're sure they would not. His fans had an unhealthy obsession with him.
"Everyone knows that Dieter has been taking drugs for a long time, so she definitely knew what she was getting into."
Of course you knew, despite what the whole situation was about, that's how you two met. At one of the parties. He snorted coke off your stomach and then proposed to you to marry him. Romantic and that's what he was like from the start. Sweet, a little naive and so damn in love with you.
An unwanted smile spread across your lips at the memory.
"Stupid bitch. Instead of helping him, she chose to leave him. Have y’all seen recent pictures of him? He looks like he hasn't slept in weeks."
You saw it. How could you not?
He looked like a wreck.
Shame that people only saw it now and not a few months ago when it all started like you did. Everyone had a lot to say about how awful you were for not wanting to help him with his addiction. But how long can you beg someone to go to rehab only to get a contemptuous look and have them swallow a few more pills right in front of you?
Yeah, that's what you've been going through day in and day out for months.
But who would know that?
"Dieter, I would treat you better than her."
You snorted dryly and took another sip of wine.
"Of course you would," you said sarcastically under your breath and locked your phone before throwing it on the table. You felt so fucking empty, and your rage was the only thing that kept you from going crazy.
Life suddenly became too calm.
This whole toxic world had sucked you in too much for you to be able to snap out of it just like that. You felt downright uncomfortable, being in silence, alone with your thoughts. You were very aware of what you were going through in that relationship, and yet, you missed him.
It was stupid because you left on your own, you decided to leave him because you were sick of him, you were tired. No, tired is the wrong word, you were exhausted.
Constantly fighting with someone you love is the hardest fight and no one blamed you for having had enough of it. All your friends showed you support, understanding. Hell, even his mother said you were too good for him, that you deserved better.
So why, despite all the bad that was happening, there were only good moments in your memory? Moments that made you start to miss him.
His laughter, movie nights together, the next time you cried while playing ‘The Last of Us’.
That's why you felt like shit and deliberately beat yourself up by reading random comments. You wanted to be bad, you really did, but only because the old Dieter was still alive in your head. Your Dieter.
Your crazy Dieter, who could scream in the middle of the street how lucky he was to have you.
Your lovely Dieter, who took you to every gala and meeting, bragging that he had the most beautiful girl in the world.
Your sweet Dieter, who loved to cuddle you because ‘you are so soft’.
Your fucked up Dieter, who dressed up as Cupid for Halloween and shot you in the ass to spend the whole night in the hospital with you.
You hated him.
You hated him for what he had done to himself, for putting drugs above what you two had; and what you had was so fucking special. You hated him for loving him so fucking much. It hurt the most when you realized he didn't love you half as much as you loved him.
You cursed him and those damn drugs that had taken your sweet Dieter and replaced him with a vile son of a bitch who would call you the worst names while you flushed his stash of cocaine down the toilet.
You shivered at the bad memories and finished the rest of your wine. You didn't want to think about it anymore, your therapist told you to calm down for at least an hour before going to bed, and surprisingly, he was right.
You put down the glass the same moment your phone started ringing. You looked at the screen with a smiling photo of your ex and all your insides twisted painfully. Cold sweat poured over your body as you stared at the screen as if frozen. You didn't know what to expect.
Why would he call you?
He was probably stoned and barely conscious. It's possible that he even forgot that you broke up.
The flood of thoughts kept you from answering, which disappeared the moment when screen displayed a message about a missed call. You swallowed hard, finally noticing how fast your heart was pounding. Despite the alcohol in your blood, the feeling of panic only grew.
Even though your phone had long since gone black, you continued to stare at it. He hadn't spoken to you in two weeks, so why did he do it now?
Had he run out of drugs? Did he want to apologize? Did he want to call you names? Maybe he wanted to ask if you were back to your senses and wanted to come back to him? He would have welcomed you with open arms to his apartment, which was probably in ruins now. He was just doing drugs and you were cleaning. Since when were you gone? All that was left was him with his shit.
The screen lit up again with a new notification. You sharpened your gaze, reading the text of the message.
Dieter: Please, can we talk?
You stared at the jumble of words, unable to think about anything. He was sober, that much you could deduce from the fact that he didn't make a single mistake and used punctuation marks.
He wanted to talk and he was sober.
It sounded pretty impossible, so out of pure curiosity you decided to reply.
You: Still on drugs?
Three dots appeared in the corner so you patiently waited for his response.
Dieter: Baby…
Dieter: Just please, hear me out
An uncontrollable snort escaped your lips. Of course, what else could you expect?
You: Then we have nothing to talk about.
You angrily threw your phone on the table when it started ringing again and just went to take a shower.
When you went to bed, your phone already had a few missed calls and a dozen messages. You held back your curiosity and simply closed your eyes, wanting to fall asleep as quickly as possible. Forget about the fact that he wanted to contact you and wake up in the morning knowing that peace still reigns in your life.
Knowing your luck, you barely managed to drift off to dreamland and the persistent banging on the door, perfidiously brought you back to the real world.
With a loud growl, you looked at your watch and groaned agonizingly when you saw that it was well after midnight. Who in their right mind would decide to knock on your door at such an abnormal hour? You wanted to ignore it, telling yourself that it was probably a mistake, but the knocking did not stop and instead turned into an annoying tapping rhythm.
Barely able to see anything in the darkness, you headed towards the front door. You turned on the light in the hallway, wincing at the glaring brightness, and looked through the peephole in the door. The staircase was dark, yet the quiet knocking did not stop.
A feeling of anxiety went through your body, waking you up a bit from your sleep. You didn't want to spread unnecessary panic, but you immediately thought about calling one of your friends to come and check what was going on.
You would have done it if you hadn't been stopped by a quiet voice calling your name.
Without thinking too much, you opened the door and left the apartment. The first thing you did was look towards the floor, where you always found him. As usual, you were right, he was sitting against the wall with a misty gaze and a half-empty bottle of whiskey. You'd be lying if you said you were surprised at the state in which he came to you. Honestly, you were more surprised that he managed to come to you at all.
"Dieter, what the fuck?" you snapped, seeing the state he was in. Messy hair, dark circles under his eyes, slightly sunken cheeks and a wrinkled shirt with poorly buttoned buttons. Still, one of the better forms you'd seen him in recently.
His lost gaze fell on your angry face and for a moment he just looked at you as if he hadn't seen you in at least a few years. It was possible that two weeks on a constant high lasted that long for him.
“I called you,” he managed to choke out.
“Yeah, and I didn’t pick up.” Your sharp tone clearly upset him, so you sighed loudly, trying to control your nerves. “Dieter, what do you want?”
“I want to talk.”
“You’re drunk,” you announced, as if that would give him the answer to everything.
And it did.
“I know, but—”
“Come when you’re sober.”
You didn’t want to repeat this pointless dance again. There was no point in even trying to talk to him because he’d probably forget about everything within a few hours. You didn’t have the strength for that, especially in the middle of the night.
“Please, can I…” he began uncertainly, catching your attention. “Can I sleep here?” You immediately wanted to say no. You could have called a taxi, even waited for one of his friends to come pick him up, but then he added in a breaking voice, “I don’t want to be alone in that apartment again.”
You would be fooling yourself if you turned around then, closing the door in his face. You wouldn't be able to even sleep a wink, knowing that he was sitting by your door, drunk and with tears in eyes.
You were angry, you hated him and wanted to say many unpleasant things, but you were human, and he was important to you. And despite everything you went through, you felt sorry for him when you saw him in such a state, even though he brought it on himself.
You sighed loudly and rubbed your tired face, knowing that you were doing the wrong thing. "But first, go wash yourself," you barely said resignedly, and Dieter was already standing on his own. Gratitude lurked in his gaze as he smiled sadly at you.
Without a word, he pressed a bottle of alcohol into your hand and entered the apartment, immediately heading to the bathroom. You stood in the hallway for a moment, staring at the interior of your place, wondering what you were actually doing with your life.
Relationships like yours had no right to survive, at least not in the long run. You knew that, and yet you didn't want to face reality. You wanted everything to be like it used to be, when you were happy, in love. But what was the likelihood that your desires would come true whenever you wanted them to, he didn't.
Tightening your fingers around the bottle, you went back to your apartment and the first thing you did was pour the rest of the whiskey down the sink. You watched with satisfaction as the amber liquid disappeared down the drain while the shower water could be heard in the background.
The desire to sleep faded away with every minute you walked around the living room, preparing a blanket and a few pillows to make the sofa suitable for sleeping. You didn't even glance towards the bathroom as you walked past, heading to the bedroom.
You don't know what possessed you to leave the door ajar and only then lay down in bed, reaching for your phone. Since the situation was already what it was, you didn't see why you should hold back from reading his message.
Dieter: Baby, please
Dieter: I know you're mad at me, I don't blame you
Dieter: But it's been two weeks now
Dieter: I want to explain and apologize
Dieter: Can we, I don't know, meet up and talk?
Dieter: I don't expect anything from you, I just want to see you
Dieter: I really miss you.
With each message it was harder and harder to read. You had no idea if it was because of tiredness or what was happening now, but you were overcome with emotions that you didn't want to feel because they were the reason you were so damn exhausted lately.
The next messages were over two hours apart.
Dieter: Im so sorry
Dieter: For evrythin
Dieter: I know its all m fault
Dieter: I was horrible n I treated u even worse
Dieter: shouldnt be surprised that u left
Dieter: But goddamn I really miss u
Dieter: I am drunk n its so fuckin stupid but I even miss the fact that u would shout at me rn bout how irresponsible I am
Dieter: wish u were here.
Dieter: u probably sleepin by niw
Dieter: God
Dieter: I miss sleepin with u
Dieter: I hate bein alone in that fuckin bed
Dieter: Sheets still smells like u.
You felt your stomach tighten uncomfortably as you read each word. Unwanted tears welled up in your eyes so you quickly chased them away and only then did you notice the last message.
Dieter: I signed up for rehab. Im leavin on monday.
Your heart beat faster but you didn't know if it was because of the content of the message or because Dieter suddenly appeared in your doorway.
You looked in his direction not being able to tell if he was talking to you or not.
"You have everything in the living room," you said the most obvious thing that came to your mind.
You couldn't see him very well in the darkness but you knew that the silence between you was starting to drag on. You didn't want to hurry him or chase him away.
You actually didn't know what you wanted.
"I saw," he said quietly, uncertainly.
"So what do you want?" you asked more sharply than you intended but you weren't going to correct yourself, he should know that you were mad at him.
You are, or at least you were a moment ago, until you read that damn message. You wanted to believe it was true but it was more likely that it was drunken babble so you didn't get your hopes up.
"Can I sleep here?"
You frowned when the screen turned off by itself so you could see him better. He was wearing boxers and a t-shirt with some character from the game. Of course you didn't get rid of his stuff, you simply couldn't.
"I already said—"
"I mean here, with you."
You fell silent for a moment.
Did he really have the nerve to show up at your door in the middle of the night, ask to stay and now force himself into your bed? Of course he did, it was Dieter.
“No,” you answered seriously.
“Please.” He didn’t give up and despite your words, he entered, closing the door behind him.
You tensed as you watched him slowly approach the bed. “I said no, now get out.”
“You know I hate sleeping alone.”
“Sounds like not my problem.”
Your sharp tone didn't stop him from lifting the sheet and sliding in next to you. The bastard had known you too long not to know that beneath that mask of rage was just a little girl. A little girl that he had hurt and wanted to make amends.
“Dieter…” you said warningly.
“Please, just for today.” You clenched your jaw tighter, trying to stop yourself from telling him what a selfish asshole he was. You were too tired to start an argument that would lead to nothing good. “I won’t touch you.”
“You better not.”
With those words, you simply turned your back to him and pulled the sheet closer over you, as if it would protect you from feeling his presence. Despite the raging and conflicting emotions inside you, you forced yourself to close your eyes. Your attitude made it clear to him not to talk anymore and to just go to sleep. And you were honestly grateful that he was holding on to the other half of the bed.
But despite the minutes maybe even hours passing by, you realized how much his messages were bothering you.
What if they weren't just drunk words or an attempt to extort attention. What if he really decided to start treatment?
You couldn't believe it.
Because how on earth did you not manage to talk him into it, but breaking up with him did the trick? After the way he treated you, you were supposed to believe that he suddenly missed you? That he wanted you back? Bullshit.
„I’m sorry.” His quiet words pierced the space between you.
You listened but didn't intend to speak. Still, he knew you weren't sleeping, if you were, you'd probably be cuddling up to him by now. It was in your nature to like to cuddle up to his side, wrapping leg around his waist and hide face in the crook of his neck.
So you could deceive yourself but not him.
"I fucked up," he continued despite your silence. "I don't know how to explain myself because I don't know what was on my mind at the time. I just wanted more and more."
Sadness settled in your heart.
So much bad had happened and in return you got such damn poor words.
"And suddenly I woke up in the middle of the night all alone."
You didn't want to hear it.
You didn't want his words to have any effect on you, but you couldn't stop pinching your nose from holding back tears.
"At first I wondered where were you. Maybe if it’s me who forgot that you went to some friend, or maybe you were sitting in the living room late reading another romance." You almost let a small smile creep onto your lips. "And only after a moment did I realize that two days earlier you left the apartment saying that you wouldn't witness my suicide."
Just thinking about that day, something inside you broke again.
You had shed way too many tears that night.
"I didn't realize the meaning of your words at the time. But then it hit me. Hard."
Well, it was good that he understood at all what you were talking about considering the state he was in at the time.
"You had been fighting with me for months. You were with me despite the state I could sometimes get myself into, how I could treat you even though you only wanted to help me. And for that I want to apologize and thank you. If it weren't for you, I would wake up in my own vomit every other day."
These were the things you tried to forget about. Life with him had turned into a living hell.
Looking at it from where you were, you wondered how on earth you had managed to survive so many months living like a private nurse.
Sometimes you wonder if it was still love or a desperate attempt to save someone you once loved.
"I haven't been able to take anything since then." Those words surprised you enough to make you shiver uncomfortably.
He hadn't taken anything in almost two weeks? It was hard to believe after the state he was in when he visited you today.
And as if he was reading your mind, he continued, "I decided to clean up the mess I made before I could even try to look you in the eye. And—" his voice broke. You resisted the urge to comfort him. “And it took me longer than I thought.” You heard him swallow hard, trying to control the tremor in his voice.
You didn't even want to remember affairs that you took care of for him during his drug streak.
From an ordinary girl you became an actor's girlfriend, his lover, best friend, then manager and then executioner and nurse.
Life had a way of surprising, but you never thought it would be to such an extent that you wouldn't recognize your reflection in the mirror.
"And today I finally got to see you, but you didn't want to," he said sadly. You barely held back a snort. "I'm not surprised, but I still hoped you'd at least want to hear my apology."
Maybe you wanted that, but not when you were still a mess and wanted to see him on his knees, begging for forgiveness. You didn't want to talk to him while still under the power of negative emotions.
You were a fan of resolving issues through calm conversation. And you were doing just fine until you met him and your arguments could be heard by your neighbors a few floors down.
"I took it a little hard," he admitted, embarrassed. "Being sober and under constant stress, and without you, was fuckin’ hard."
You could hear in his tone how tired he was of it all. But for him it had only been two weeks. For you? A little longer.
You felt sorry for him, you really did. But you also felt sorry for yourself.
You put him first for so long that you forgot that you are also a human being, that you have feelings and needs, that you also have the right not to be strong.
"And after everything, you didn't even want to talk to me. It's just," he sighed heavily, "it kind of killed me. So I'm sincerely sorry for showing up at your door in the middle of the night, but I couldn't stand being alone in that apartment."
Well, the only silver lining, if you could call it that, is that the last two weeks haven't just been tough for you.
You had been together for so long that suddenly being alone felt strange, alien.
And maybe it shouldn't, but you took comfort in the fact that he missed your presence too. As stupid as that might sound after what had happened.
The silence on his part began to drag on and you didn't know if he was thinking about his next words or waiting for any reaction from you.
His heavy sigh convinced you that he was waiting for your words that never came.
"I don't know if I've ruined everything to the point where my words mean nothing to you and you'd love to throw me out the door, but I want you to know that I'm truly sorry for what I've allowed myself to become. That it was more important for me to snort coke right after waking up than to tell you that I love you while eatin’ you."
At those words, something dangerously boiled in your lower abdomen.
You didn't want his words to have that effect on you, but your body knew better, feeling the hunger for his touch.
You couldn't kill the feeling of longing that grew with every word he spoke.
You were weak.
For him.
Because of him.
You didn't know the difference.
“And even if it doesn’t change anything, I wanted you to know that I’ve checked myself into a three-month rehab.”
You stared blankly into the dark space, trying to catch the slightest sign of whether or not he was lying. Surprisingly, he sounded serious, even a little scared at the thought of what he was talking about.
Another prolonged silence almost convinced you to answer him. Almost.
"And I’ll understand if you say no, but I would like to know if maybe you want to visit me sometime," he said hopefully. The feeling of sadness only grew in your chest. "The resort is in Switzerland, that's why—"
"Where?!" You opened your eyes wide and sat up in surprise, turning towards him.
Dieter was slightly shocked that you decided to speak, so for the first few seconds he just looked at you with his mouth parted.
"In S-Switzerland," he repeated uncertainly.
“Are you fuckin’ kidding me? I have to fly to Switzerland several times a month just to talk to you for like… probably half an hour? Do you know how much it will cost?” You frowned, hoping that this was some kind of bad joke.
This wasn’t the reaction he was expecting. Honestly, he wasn’t even sure what he was expecting. Seeing your face, he realized that he had probably assessed the situation a bit too optimistically.
“But we’re rich. I don’t see—”
“You are rich, Dieter,” you corrected him sharply, “not me.”
Your words hit him harder than either of you could have anticipated.
He blinked a few times, staring at you as if he was seeing you for the first time in his life. He didn't want to admit it, but he didn't expect things between you to be in such a bad shape.
"Baby, I know things aren't great between us," he began, also sitting down. Slowly as if the slightest overly aggressive movement could scare you away. “But nothing has changed on my end. I love you and I want to fix everything,” he said confidently. “Or at least have a chance to fix it.”
“I fucking hate you, did you know that?” you said with audible sadness that made him look down.
Now that he was sober and could see what he had gotten you into, the guilt was eating him up inside. He hated it when you were mad at him, and even more so when you looked at him with such hurt eyes. It made him feel like the worst bastard in the world.
“I figured it out when you left me,” he whispered.
The sadness in your chest turned to sorrow as it became harder to hold back the tears with each passing second.
You weren't ready for this conversation, but would you ever be? Was it even possible to be prepared for something like this?
“I know it’s fuckin’ selfish of me,” he began, sighing heavily as he gathered enough courage to look you in the eye. “But I want to know if you’ll at least wait for me.”
He was serious, you could see it in his eyes. He really wanted you to stay with him.
He had the courage to ask you to stay with him, to wait.
You stared at him without a word, but this time he patiently waited for your answer. He was sure that he would succeed. He wanted to get better, for you, for himself. He was determined to get back the life he had. Because he was damn lucky to have you in his life and he only realized it when he woke up without you cuddled to his chest. He woke up way too late but he couldn't turn back time, he could only fix the present and take care of the future.
He wanted so bad for you to give him a second chance and you wanted to give him one. You weren't able to cross him out of your life. He was one of the most important people in your life. There was even a moment when you realized that you wanted to spend the rest of it with him. But things got fucked up quickly.
The worst part of it all was that even if something like this happened again, you would be willing to forgive him. And you were afraid that it could be your undoing.
“Of course I'll wait for you,” you said, losing all strength to fight.
Dieter looked at you for a moment as if he couldn't believe that such words could come out of your mouth. He looked as if he was speechless and unable to process the information correctly and if it weren't for the context of the situation, you would have laughed. Instead, to convince him of your words, you smiled crookedly and shrugged. It was as if it woke him up from hypnosis, he blinked a few times and snorted in disbelief.
“Really?” he asked hopefully.
You shrugged again and let a soft smile permanently grace your face. Thanks to him, you realized that love could be pretty messed up.
“Well, a few years ago, I was shot by cupid and I think his magic is still working,” you said seriously, and his face was priceless when he realized what you were talking about.
“Well…” he started to say but instead burst out laughing. “Yeah,” he nodded, shaking his head in amusement. Just a silly sentence was enough to make his eyes sparkle again, something you hadn’t seen in a long time. “I missed you.” He smiled shyly and you knew he was still testing the waters.
"I know."
"Don't say it back, huh?" he asked with a smirk, even though he knew the answer and wasn't going to force you to do anything.
"You didn't deserve it."
Despite this, your gaze was still full of warmth, but he knew that to get back what you had, he would have to try really hard.
"Fair enough," he nodded, not wanting to argue because he knew it was true. He didn't even know how he deserved you. “Can we cuddle now?”
You had to admit you wondered how long it would be before he asked that question. The little boy inside him was just waiting for you to give him a sign that he could touch you, so when you barely reached out your hand towards him, he pulled you to him in a second.
You moaned as your lips crashed painfully together. You couldn't fight his longing kisses because, damn, you missed it yourself. You placed your hands on his cheeks and allowed yourself to slow down a bit. He didn’t object, he never did. He just luxuriated in your soft lips and delicate tongue, and it wasn't until he could melt under your touch that he realized how much he missed you.
“Don't ever do this to me again,” you whispered against his lips.
“I won’t,” he gasped, stroking your back. “I promise.”
Tags some babes who might enjoy @bbyanarchist @axshadows @lover-of-books-and-tea @jhiddles03 @tobethlehem
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javier-pena · 2 months
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hello and welcome to my first monthly fic rec compilation. these are all the fics I read and loved in july. please check the warnings on the stories before reading them and please please let the authors know that you loved their work!!
i'm also always looking for fic recommendations, so feel free to send me your favorites!
marcus acacius (gladiator 2)
little dove by @pedgito
once your dad's greatest friend, now his greatest enemy. you cannot shake the desire and care you feel for the fallen general, even as he heads toward death.
under a false altar by @sinful-mind-joyful-thoughts
your father is fed up with your shenanigans, so he arranges a marriage to rome's famous general and gladiator, marcus acacius.
lucien flores (the uninvited)
met you once, saw you thrice by @undercoverpena
the first time, he kissed you. the second time, you found yourselves in a bathroom. the third time, well, the third time.
joel miller (the last of us)
crush by @alltheirdamn
after sharing a late-night smoke with a stranger, you let him take you home to his place...
shhh ... just a little more (part two) by @mountainsandmayhem
after giving your first spanking, you are deliciously turned on but still not ready to give into joel’s request that you quit your job.
unbound by @sp00kymulderr
you make the chaos go blank in his mind, where all the thoughts spend hours swirling and billowing up like a storm. they're calmer when he has you to play with.
you're doing great, sweetie by @sanarsi
you came to your professor to ask for help with your essay. he accidentally discovers one of your dirty secrets which is him.
joel miller + tess servopoulos (the last of us)
between two lungs by @ozarkthedog
you join joel and tess mid fuck.
tyler owens (twisters)
ain't afraid of a little thunder by @sunlightmurdock
“now, sweetheart… I know you didn’t come crawling in here in the middle of the night,” his gaze flickers between your shadowed, sullen face and the way your sleep shirt ends at the middle of your thighs. “just because of a little thunder?”
javier peña (narcos)
like snow on the beach by @janaispunk 
you're on a work trip with your boss, who you don't like and who you're convinced doesn't like you either. unfortunately, there's only one bed.
picturesque by @f0rlornmyths
you always want far too much.
tastes so sweet by @undercoverpena
you like the way he eats fruit...
my own fics from july :)
circumstance (marcus acacius)
on a stormy night, you’re haunted by a ghost from your past.
the apology (javier peña + katie)
you fuck up. javi helps you to make it up to katie.
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mermaidgirl30 · 16 days
Wip Wednesday!
Thank you for the tag 🩷 @milla-frenchy @evolnoomym
I’m working on Part 2 of my QZ! Joel fic
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Another step closer, thunder vibrating in the dark sky behind you, his breath fanning warmly across your face, conjuring feelings that shouldn’t even be blooming in the first place.
“I said I’m not scared,” you mutter courageously, holding your breath, scared of what you might smell if he takes one step closer.
“Then why are ya shakin’?” He takes two more slow steps toward you, prowling like a starving wolf, ready to sink his sharp teeth into the side of your neck.
“I’m not.” But that’s a damn lie. You might as well be shaking the entire floor with the way you’re shuddering violently in place.
Another step and then he’s toe to toe with you, the smell of mahogany and pine trees invading your body, making you want to just melt into the fragrance of his scent.
He smells like honeydew and a warm summer’s day. And you’re fucking addicted.
“You are. Fuckin’ tremblin’, sweetheart.” You audibly gasp when he brushes a lock of hair behind your ear, lingering his fingers slowly down your jawline, pulling out need and yearning like you’re dying for just a drop of his taste, his tongue.
No pressure tags 🩵 @ozarkthedog @joelsgreys @aurorawritestoescape @mountainsandmayhem @alltheirdamn @pedropeach @tonysopranosrobe
@burntheedges @yxtkiwiyxt @magpiepills @corazondebeskar-reads @sawymredfox @sanarsi @studioghibelli @604to647 @lotusbxtch
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pasc4lfuzz · 19 days
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Last day of August and i wanna share the best fics i've read in this month 🧡 So welcome to my 2024 August Fic Rec!
As some of you may know im more of a series person, because i like the desenvolvement of the romance and all the things that led the characters to fall in love + the plot, so you'll may find more series than one shots in here.
I just noticed as i was making the rec list that this month the writers i read the most was @punkshort and @mysterious-moonstruck-musings💕
+18 MDNI Some of them might be ongoing so check the authors blog. dividers by @/saradika-graphics
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Defying Algorithms - joel miller x f!reader by @yxtkiwiyxt
'swept away' and 'roommates' - Joel Miller x f!reader by @punkshort
Dark Shades of Innocence Lost - club owner/pleasure dom! Joel x fem! reader by @mermaidgirl30
Hot Neighbor Joel Miller - Joel Miller x f!reader by @notjustjavierpena
Batter Up - Baseball Player Joel Miller x Female Reader AU by @whocaresstillthelouvre
Fear of God - Joel Miller x OFC by @netherfeildren
Halcyon - Joel Miller x f!reader by @justagalwhowrites
Destiny & Deliverance - Dieter Bravo X OFC (Natalia) - and Closed Position - Dieter Bravo x OFC by @mysterious-moonstruck-musings
Scathed - Javier Peña X OFC by @dancingtotuyo
Happy Ending - Francisco Morales x F!Reader by @noxturnalpascal
Adrift With You - Frankie Morales x OFC by @morallyinept
the melting point - Frankie Morales x Baker! Reader (ex EMT! Reader) by @penvisions
Notes On Tutoring - Dave York x f!reader by @honestly-shite
Sassenach and the Spaniard - Pero Tovar x female reader by @wardenparker
Beskar Doll - Din Djarin x Female Reader by @justagalwhowrites
'in another life' - Marcus Acacius x f!reader (time travel au) by @punkshort
Rotten - cowboy!joel x f!reader by @alltheirdamn
Man’s Love - no-outbreak!Joel Miller x f!Reader by @sanarsi
Wedding Crashers - dilf!joel miller x f!reader by @yxtkiwiyxt
dancing with a ghost - joel miller x f!reader by @huntingingoodwill
Something Unexpected - Joel Miller x f!reader by @punkshort
every breath you take - (no outbreak) Joel Miller x f!Reader by @freelancearsonist
dried blood and swear words - joel miller x reader by @iamasaddie
Joel's Eyes - Joel Miller x f!reader by @auteurdelabre
rack 'em - bbf!frankie morales x f!reader by @macfrog
Date with a Rockstar - rockstar!Frankie Morales x f!Reader by @sanarsi
Hole in One - Frankie Morales x f! beverage cart girl reader by @pilotispunk
Rough Waters - Frankie Morales x OFC (Elena) by @mysterious-moonstruck-musings
Dispose Of Me - Javier Peña x Female Reader by @whocaresstillthelouvre
a litany of lethe - javier peña x f!reader by @kiwisbell
Online Love - Javier Peña x F!Reader by @absurdthirst
mark of the beast - din djarin x reader by @studioghibelli
In Another Lifetime - General Marcus Acacius x OFC! Cecilia by @inept-the-magnificent
Dulces Sueños - Pero Tovar x f!reader by @oonajaeadira
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See you all with the next fic rec in october!
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evispunk · 2 months
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jj maybank
unforgettable @heywards
a friend in need is a friend indeed @pitaparka
jj picks you up from girls night @sleepyjuice
daylight (series) @featherandferns
rafe cameron
tutoring @mackenzielovee
apologies @/mackenzielovee
game over @nottsangel
ethan landry
pretty @etfrin
joel miller
one thing i'm missing (series) @/joelscruff (holy SHIT)
on display @strang3lov3
don't you ever grow up @proxima-writes
feelings on fire (series) @joelscruff
is it that sweet? @/joelscruff
every breath you take @freelancearsonist
one of your girls @sanarsi
a gentleman @talaok
scars @skbeaumont
javier peña
dave york
lights camera action @noceurous
spencer reid
mile high club @littlexdeaths
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sanarsi · 2 months
Controversially young girlfriend
post-outbreak!Joel Miller x f!Reader
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Summary: Joel finally finds his brother. He's not too happy to hear how he got on with his life without him. But his brother is also not happy to meet his new partner - you. Or Joel fucks you to comfort you. Warnings: +18, MDNI, age gap (reader is 22, Joel is 56), soft!dom!Joel, maybe little angst, unprotected PIV, fingering, daddy kink, DAUGHTER ISSUES (pls it’s important), protective!Joel, no!Ellie AU, pet names (baby girl, kitty, daddy) Wordcount: 4,6k An: Soft Joel is definitely one of my favorites. It's a pleasure to write him that way. Music I worked with: Brooklyn Baby - Lana Del Rey
“Well…” Tommy started, looking away. His hand intertwined with the woman's hand next to him. “Maria is family, actually.”
There was silence.
The atmosphere became so thick that you felt uncomfortable even though you weren't part of their conversation. Joel's gaze was fixed on the hands of the couple next to him as if he was cursing them in every way. You noticed out of the corner of your eye how his jaw was clenching dangerously so you decided to save the situation before it became even more awkward.
“Congrats,” you said with a nice smile and they responded in kind.
But they didn't wait for your words.
They waited for Joel's words, but he still remained dangerously silent.
You looked at him, placing your hand on his in a comforting gesture. His fingers immediately tightened around yours as if they were the only thing that could save him.
“Joel, say congrats,” you murmured with an encouraging smile. You watched carefully as he clenched his jaw tighter, fighting with himself. His eyes finally fell on his brother and his partner.
There was a long silence again.
“Congrats,” a low voice cut through the silence like a knife. You wanted to roll your eyes at the way his words sounded. As if he wished them to fall out on the ice. So in Joel’s style...
You were surprised that his attitude towards the whole situation changed in just a few seconds. A moment ago he was hugging his brother with tears in his eyes and now he was looking at him with contempt. There was no positive emotion in his behaviour but you decided that you would ask him about everything when you were alone.
You squeezed his hand tighter as he leaned back, getting more comfortable. And it wouldn't be something special if that damn old man wasn't trying to show in this way his dominance.
This time you couldn't help but roll your eyes at his childish behavior. Grown up man.
Tommy and Maria exchanged knowing glances before he tried to break the awkward atmosphere.
“So…” he started with a smile, looking from you to Joel. “Are you two…” he started, pointing his finger at you. You immediately understood what he was trying to ask and you opened your mouth to answer him, but Joel was faster.
"Yes," he said coldly. You glanced at him as he continued to stare deadly at his brother. Tommy smiled awkwardly and nodded.
"He's annoying sometimes, isn't he?" he asked teasingly, wanting to relax the atmosphere. You chuckled, deciding that at least you, out of the two of you, would show some level of manners.
“Yeah, sometimes,” you nodded with a smile. Tommy quickly realized that he would rather talk to you than to his own brother. He smiled pleasantly at you, ignoring Joel's burning gaze.
"How did you meet?" he started, wanting to do a quick interview. And of course he wasn't doing it because you looked so damn young.
Too young…
You smiled wider, glancing out of the corner of your eye at Joel before you began to speak.
"Well... we happened to run into each other in the middle of nowhere," you said, feeling Joel start to gently stroke your hand with his thumb. A small gesture but it gave you a lot of comfort. “It won't come as a surprise that the first time we met, we pointed guns at each other,” you laughed softly at the memory. It seemed so irrational now. "But somehow he managed to convince me not to put a bullet in his head."
Joel finally glanced at you, and if it weren't for the whole situation, he would have started teasing you about what you said.
“He's been like my shadow ever since,” you finished saying and glanced at Joel, giving him a soft smile. His gaze immediately warmed. You were his weak spot and like a ray of sunshine, you warmed his broken soul. You were his cure.
Tommy noticed the way you were looking at each other and felt strangely uneasy. He hadn't seen Joel look at anyone like that since his daughter died. And he honestly didn't think it was a good thing.
"How old are you?" came the question from his mouth. Maria looked at him warningly, but it was too late. The words were spoken.
You looked at Tommy, smiling crookedly. You knew that your age was... a topic you preferred to avoid. Relationships with such an age difference were not perceived very well by other people.
“I-“ you started hesitantly.
"Twenty-two," Joel replied, looking intently at his brother. You swallowed, feeling a lump in your stomach as you heard Joel's confident voice. You tightened your fingers on his hand, searching for the comfort he immediately provided you.
For him, there was only you.
You and your comfort were his priority.
Tommy laughed nervously, his eyes darting between the two of you. He straightened up slowly and glanced at his partner as if she was about to tell him that it was all really a joke.
But no one else laughed. Maria looked at him knowingly, Joel looked at him deadly and you looked down. Everyone was dead serious and then Tommy couldn't stand it. He looked at everyone, getting more serious by the second.
“Are you fucking serious?” he finally asked in disbelief. He snorted dryly, focusing his full attention on Joel. You cringed slightly at his aggressive tone. His reaction didn't bode well and you honestly didn't want to witness it. “Joel, what the fuck?” he growled, pointing his hand at you. “She's twenty-two. She's a fucking child."
You blinked a few times, staring stubbornly at the discoloration on the table. Right now, anything was better than facing the situation that was happening.
But Joel was calm. At least that's what he appeared to be. He gently squeezed your hand, running his thumb over your knuckles. And he didn't seem at all concerned about his brother's reaction.
"If Sarah were alive-"
"Don’t," Joel interrupted him firmly. Tommy fell silent, knowing he had said a few too many words. But he wasn't thinking about that now. He was too upset about what his brother was doing. He snorted dryly, spreading his hands helplessly.
“What are you doing exactly?” he asked, raising his eyebrows. “You’re playing family with her? Playing her daddy?” he continued with increasing disgust. “Treating your daughter issues?” he added with venom.
Tears appeared in your eyes. Was your relationship really that disgusting in the eyes of others?
"She is younger than her, Joel" he said a little more calmly, trying to make his brother realize that what he was doing was wrong. Your eyes met Maria's. There was no compassion in her for this situation, she looked at you with compassion as if you were unaware of the harm that was affecting you. As if you were… just a stupid kid.
You shuddered because of the negative emotions that filled the table. This didn't go unnoticed by Joel. He knew he had allowed Tommy's offensive comments to go on too long.
"She's happy with me," he finally said, his voice a little hoarse. This time you shuddered because of him. “You don't have to worry about the rest. I'm not hurting her.” He straightened up slowly and squeezed your hand before letting you go. "We'll replenish our supplies and leave in the morning," he decided, moving away from the table. Tommy looked at him, not knowing what to say.
"Thank you for the meal," he said politely to Maria and stood up. His contemptuous gaze was fixed on his brother as he extended his hand towards you.
“It was nice to meet you,” you said, smiling politely at her and then without thinking, you took Joel's hand. In the blink of an eye, a jacket appeared on your shoulders as you stepped outside. Without a word, you tried to keep up with Joel as you passed the others people.
He was furious, you were sure of that. That's why you were afraid to even breathe for several minutes. The snow crunched under your shoes as you passed each street. You had access to the house at the very end of the town, so you had a short walk ahead of you.
Eventually, Joel slowed down a bit. His shoulders stopped tensing and the crease between his eyebrows disappeared slightly.
“Not so great orientation meeting,” you said jokingly. Joel raised an eyebrow, glancing down at you. And even though his emotions were swirling inside him, the sight of your sweet, innocent smile immediately brought him peace.
He sighed heavily, looking away. “Yeah, not very successful,” he replied with a small smirk on his face.
You smiled wider when you saw his reaction. You loved that Joel was like this just with you. As if he couldn't feel negative emotions around you. He really couldn’t. You were his cure for everything.
The rest of the way was spent in silence until you stood on the porch of the last house on the street and Joel opened the door for you.
“Woah,” you sighed, looking around the house. “A house suitable for living. I’m in shock” you marveled as you slowly explored each room and Joel watched your every move. He leaned against the wall, crossing his arms, and quickly looked around the interior.
“Yeah, not bad,” he nodded, making you look at him in shock.
“Dude, it's awesome here,” you said, spreading your arms with a wide smile.
“Language” admonished you.
“Yeah, sorry,” you nodded and started exploring the house again.
You spent the entire evening washing away the dirt from several months. Only after the third time, the water was clear. You sat staring at the water as Joel washed your hair once again. You didn't ask him for it, but you never had to ask him for anything. If he could, he would start breathing for you. It may have amounted to obsession.
But who could stop him? More than one has tried to take you away from him. And they all ended their lives.
Who could blame him? If he had to, he would kill everyone in the world, everyone infected, just to keep you safe.
"Can I ask you something?" you spoke up, breaking the silence.
“Anything,” he replied, automatically washing the ends of your hair thoroughly.
“You promise you won't be mad?”
“I can't be mad at you.”
And it was true. Even though you knew it, you still felt stressed. Joel was…allergic to certain topics and you completely respected that. But after today, you couldn't and didn't want to stay silent.
“How old would Sarah be now?” you asked quietly. His movements stopped for a few seconds, as did your heart. But Joel didn't let you live in uncertainty for long. He slowly started washing your hair again and sighed softly. You knew that this topic wasn't very pleasant for him, so you honestly spat in your face for needing to know the answer to a few questions.
"Thirty-two," he replied without much emotion.
You swallowed hard, realizing that Tommy was right. You were too fucking young for him.
His daughter would be ten years older than you.
His daughter.
And you were his… who? Girlfriend? Now that sounded pathetic.
You wrapped your arms around your knees tighter, resting your chin on them and remaining silent. You've never thought about it all this way.
Joel was always… good for you.
True, he had his weaknesses, but who didn't? His wounds didn't bother you. After all, you fell in love with him. With all his flaws.
"You're silent," he noted after a few minutes of silence.
This conversation was not in his favor, but he knew that there were reactions going on in your head that shouldn't be there. And he knew he had to make sure nothing stupid got into your head.
“What are you thinking about?” he asked, starting to slowly rinse the lather from your hair. The warm water ran down your back, making you shiver with pleasure.
“I just… think,” you shrugged. Joel sighed heavily and you knew very well what that meant.
"Do you think Tommy's right?" you interrupted him before he could get going.
"About?" he asked, squeezing the excess water from your hair. You straightened up, looking at him over your shoulder. You were upset by everything you heard and he couldn't bear it. He couldn't stand that his own brother had put you in such a state. A state of doubt.
Joel moved closer to you, groaning softly as he knelt by the tub. You watched his tired face with those innocent eyes of yours.
“Listen, baby girl…” he started and touched your cheek gently. “I'm not going to lie to you…Tommy's god damn right,” he nodded, and more emotions immediately appeared in your eyes.
Fear? Surprise? Uncertainty? Or maybe all at once.
Despite his words, he smiled at you, stroking your jaw tenderly. “I'm too damn old for you,” he laughed, following the movements of his fingers with his eyes. His worn hands against your silky skin.
Two contradictions.
“Fuck…” he sighed with a helpless smile and trailed his fingers down to your neck. “Baby, you are like a blooming flower. Young, beautiful, innocent," he said dreamily. "While I am a dried bush overgrown with weeds for a long time."
“You are not,” you denied, frowning in sadness. Joel smiled fondly at your words and stroked your cheek with his thumb. You unconsciously hugged to his hand. A warm, rough hand that brought you a sense of security.
“So what am I in your eyes?” he asked, looking at you with tenderness. You were so damn delicate that sometimes he was afraid he would break you.
“You are like a big oak tree at the very top of the hill,” you said with a soft smile. A smile that was intended only for him. “Your crown provides shade and shelter in the summer,” you continued, looking closely at every detail on his face. "And in winter your branches scare away all those who didn’t rest under you in summer."
His heart tightened in his chest as he listened to your words. In your eyes, Joel was a completely different person. In your eyes, he was good.
“You would be a good poet,” he replied, shaking his head with a smile. You watched as he slowly stood up, groaning at the slightest movement.
Good old oak.
“Get your ass out of it cause I want to wash up too,” he looked down at you with a smirk before walking out of the bathroom.
A few hours later you were lying in bed.
A soft bed.
A clean bed.
And yet you couldn't sleep.
You stared at the blank wall and thought about everything and nothing. Joel was long asleep. At least that's what you thought. You didn't know because you hadn't turned to face him since he laid down in bed. His calm breathing was the only thing you could focus on. No other sounds. You were... safe. This was rare.
So why did you feel so… bad?
Why his calm breathing didn’t bring you comfort like it always did?
Why you felt like you were in the wrong place?
“You've been silent for several hours,” Joel's hoarse voice brought you out of your thoughts. “It wouldn't be weird if you were sleeping, but you are not,” he continued, and the mattress behind you sagged under his weight. His arm wrapped around your waist as he leaned in, nuzzling your ear. “So are you finally going to tell me what this is about?” he whispered, sending shivers down your entire body. Your pulse immediately quickened at his proximity.
Then came a gentle kiss behind the ear.
And then on the neck.
And then his arm tightened around you, pulling you closer to his heated chest.
“I was sleeping,” you said quietly, hoping to avoid the conversation.
“Liar,” he whispered into your ear, his warm breath reverberating through your body in an inappropriate way. “Come on, baby girl,” he nuzzled you encouragingly. "Spit it out."
You lay there struggling with yourself for a while. You didn't want to talk about it now. You didn't want to talk about it at all. But something inside made you ask the question that was floating around in your head like a virus.
“If you think Tommy is right, then why-”
“Because I love you,” he interrupted you, knowing very well what your question would be. Even if he didn't know, there was one answer. “Because I can't imagine being where I am now without you.”
You fell silent, letting his words permeate the space around you. You believed him. Always and in everything. You pursed your lips into a line, wondering for the first time if you were stupid enough to trust him blindly with everything.
For the first time you doubted him.
“They looked at me like I was stupid for trusting you,” you whispered, huddling deeper under the blanket. Joel sighed softly and turned you towards him. You stared at his chest, not wanting to look at him. You were ridiculed just because you were young.
“Hey, baby, look at me,” he said gently, running his fingers down your cheek to your chin to force you to look up.
You were sad.
He hated when you were sad.
His sunshine couldn't hide behind the clouds.
“You're not stupid, you understand?” he started, looking at you seriously. You wanted to look away but he wouldn't let you. "Understand?" he repeated more firmly. You nodded weakly, but that was enough for him. “I'm the problem, not you,” he spoke softly, stroking your cheek gently. “I'm not a good person and they know it,” he smiled gently, wanting to reassure you. He tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. "I've done a lot of bad things you've never even heard of." He slowly traced your cheek until he finally removed his hand only to place it on your hip. “But you… You are good.” He pressed his fingers lightly against your skin and then moved down to your thigh. “And someone as good as you shouldn't be with someone as bad as me,” he explained and slowly pulled your leg on top of him.
“Your age is just something they can pick on,” he answered your question before it left your mouth. You fell silent, feeling the warmth on your cheeks as his hand slowly began to stroke your thigh. “They don't believe that someone like you is with me by choice and not by force,” he explained with a soft smile on his lips as his hand moved up, sneaking under your shirt to your waist. “They explain everything using my trauma. And the fact is, maybe there is a fatherly instinct in me. But thanks to this, I can take care of you the way you need it.” His words crept into your head just as he wanted them to. You were fascinated by him. You looked at him again like you always did.
As if there was only him in the whole world.
That look healed another piece of his soul each time.
He couldn't lose you.
Even at the cost of his own brother.
“And the fact that you kissed me first was just an added bonus. I'm just a man and you knew exactly what to do to make me weak for you" he added with a smirk and you snorted under your breath. Your reaction was enough to make his heart beat faster. And the happiness in your eyes only ignited it.
He leaned towards you, nuzzling his nose against yours. You closed your eyes with a blissful smile.
“They may think you're stupid for me, but the truth is, I'm stupid for you,” he whispered before gently pressing his lips to yours. The warmth of his lips and the roughness of his beard warmed your heart. He kissed you gently and slowly. He always did it slowly. Enjoying every second of the closeness you gave him. He didn't know how many moments like this he had left so he enjoyed everything you gave him.
The softness of your lips.
The gentleness of your hands.
The sweetness of your moans.
His arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you even closer until there was no space between you. Your hands came to his cheeks as he slowly deepened the kiss. Even in the kiss he could feel how delicate you were.
Joel was already too destroyed by life for his lips to taste like yours. But that's how you liked him. With heavy touch, rough beard, chapped lips and tired eyes. And all this with a pinch of love he had for you.
You moaned into his mouth as he pulled your hips closer to his. How could you not fall for him when he was perfect for you?
“Let me take care of you, baby girl,” he whispered against your lips and moved his hips gently, grinding against you. Your breath shuddered as he brushed against your pussy. Without thinking, you nodded.
“Okay,” your whisper disappeared into his mouth as he kissed you again. He ran his hand down your back to your ass until he disappeared between your thighs.
You moaned sweetly as he ran his fingers over your wet slit. He loved how wet you were for him. Always.
You made him feel like a man again.
You let him take care of you in every sense of the word. You trusted him. And this time he wasn't going to make the same mistake.
His fingers slowly dipped into your hole, triggering another moan that disappeared into his mouth. He slowly started fucking you with his fingers. Gently and with love. Takes his time with you.
You breathed heavily into his mouth, purring every now and then in contentment at his gentle touch. He experienced it with you, drinking everything from your lips.
“You're always ready for me,” he purred contentedly and rubbed the bulge in his boxers against your clit. You whimpered softly. “Such a good girl,” he nuzzled against yours and placed a kiss on the tips of your lips. You felt the muscles in your lower abdomen begin to tense with every movement of his finger.
And suddenly his fingers disappeared. You gasped, feeling the sudden emptiness. His hand disappeared between your bodies only to take out his ready cock. He ran his hand along his entire length a few times, placing another kiss on your cheek.
“Don’t worry, daddy will take care of you,” he whispered, running his tip over your slit and then dipping into you a moment later. You gasped, closing your eyes and letting him wrap his arms around your waist.
He pulled you closer, impaling you with his cock. He shuddered as he buried himself inside you. You always welcomed him with warmth and wetness. You clenched around him at the feeling of being filled.
“She's happy to see me,” he said happily, placing a trail of kisses along your jaw. He wrapped his arm tightly around your hips and slowly began to move inside you. His movements were negligible. He pulled out of you only a few inches only to come back in again. These lazy movements were beyond perfect. You felt him perfectly and constantly. Just like you should.
You moaned, tightening your leg around his hip to get even closer. To make it even deeper. His lips were on your neck, placing wet kisses inch by inch. And all you could do was melt in his embrace. Every lazy movement of his hips stimulated you non-stop. Your soft moans filled the room and his heart. He loved hearing you sing for him.
He kept thrusting into you, keeping the perfect pace. Zero breaks in stimulating your pussy. Lazy sex was definitely one of your favorites. The constant closeness you had then was something that made you forget for a moment that the world around you existed. His lips returned to yours, inviting you into a deep kiss. Perfectly coordinated from the very beginning. From the first moment your lips met.
“I love making love to you,” he whispered against your lips. All you could do in response was pull him in for a kiss again. The pleasure you felt between your legs, your heart and your soul made a single tear roll down your cheek.
Fuck, how could you ever give up on this man? The old oak tree under whose care you blossomed.
His fingers dug into your skin and his movements were more decisive. He continued to move lazily inside you, only to enter hard until the very end. You breathed heavily into his mouth, keeping your hands firmly on his cheeks. Your gasps and moans mixed together in perfect harmony.
“Fuck, dad-“ you trailed off as he thrust into you hard once again.
“Yes, baby girl, come on my cock,” he gasped, feeling your slit becoming more and more reluctant to let him come out of you. This was the only time he started fighting with you.
He held your hips tightly, trying to keep the same pace even though you weren't making it easy for him.
“Don't fight it kitty,” he said with a smile. You laughed softly against his lips and started moving your hips to help him. Your movements made him look forward to fulfillment as well. You both moved your hips in sync, moaning into each other's mouths.
“Daddy’s gonna fill you up, okay?” he gasped, feeling his movements become sloppier than he would have liked.
“Mhm,” you murmured, holding on to his neck like a lifeline. Joel began to moan louder and louder into your mouth, feeling his orgasm slowly approaching like a wave of fire. You sped up your hip movements, feeling him start to slow down. You had to catch up with him.
“Oh, fuck… Fuck,” he groaned in pleasure as he came inside you. His orgasm was like a rag to a bull for you. You rolled your hips a few more times before you came, panting heavily. You shuddered, moving your hips one more time before you collapsed, looking up at him, satisfied.
He watched you in silence, and the sight of your face after your orgasm was definitely one of his favorites. He leaned towards you, stealing a gentle kiss. His thumb stroked your cheek as if you were made of porcelain. His arms wrapped around you tightly, pulling you to his chest as he covered your bodies with the blanket. You snuggled into him, listening to his heartbeat as he stroked your hair gently.
"You know... you may be too old for me, but you're still doing pretty well," you admitted, and he laughed quietly.
"Yeah?" he asked, amused.
“Yeah,” you nodded with a smile. Joel leaned down to press a kiss to your head in response to your teasing. You were perfect. And you were his.
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sanarsi · 2 months
Man’s Love
no-outbreak!Joel Miller x f!Reader
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Summary: Joel is your neighbor who doesn't hide his feelings for you and won't give up on winning your heart despite your rejections. Warnings: +18, MDNI, age gap (reader is 34, Joel is 40), smutttt with soft!dom!Joel (exactly how you like him), friends(?) to lovers trope, fingering, unprotected PIV Wordcount: 3,5k An: So again… I’m just a slut, you’re just a slut, we’re happy about it, enjoy bestie xx Music I worked with: OMG What’s Happening - Ava Max
You were happy.
You were fulfilled.
You lacked nothing.
A small house by the ocean, a stable job, friends.
But your neighbor thought differently.
Joel Miller would randomly run into you on his way home from the store at least once a week. Too bad the store was in a completely different direction. And at least once a week he invited you out for dinner, a glass of wine, a walk, and a million other things.
His intentions were clear. He never hid how much he liked you when he moved here. Oh man, he was crazy about you.
On the first day he came with a bottle of the best wine to get to know you. He was handsome, charming, funny and talkative. He definitely didn't miss anything. He even managed to steal one kiss from you. But he wanted something more. He wanted something permanent.
And you? You didn't need problems.
You thought you were too old for puppy love. Your previous relationships always gave you headaches. So why should it be any different with him?
That's why you refused him every time. Every time you told him that nothing would come of it. That you weren't what he was looking for.
But it didn't discourage him even for a moment.
Every few days you would find fresh flowers under your window, a basket of fruit that grew in his garden or colorful seashells. Every time you accepted his gifts with amusement.
Oh, he fucking fell for you. He was in love like a teenager. Even when you pushed him away he couldn't stop smiling. You looked beautiful when you tried to be mad at him because he came to you like a loyal dog again. But you couldn't and always ended up laughing, amused by his stubbornness.
He loved coming to your house and sitting on the wall watching you do ordinary things. How you hang laundry, how you care for your flowers, even how you read a stupid newspaper while ignoring him.
Despite his advances, your relationship was friendly. You sometimes went shopping together in the city. Joel sometimes fixed something in your house. You sometimes brought him sweet baked goods. You met at parties you organized for friends.
Yeah… Joel was a friend.
Even when he visited you just to convince you to like him more than just a friend. Like today. On Valentine's Day.
He stood before you with a bouquet of red lilies, a bottle of wine, and a small gift bag. He smiled broadly when he saw your surprise when you opened the door. Frowning, you looked at him carefully, scanning every inch of his body.
"Joel..." you started, sighing from exhaustion.
"Before you start saying you don't need a relationship," he interrupted you, holding up a dark bottle. "I brought your favorite wine," he said, smiling like an idiot. You blinked a few times, looking from him to the bottle of wine. He was so proud of himself that you couldn't help but roll your eyes and smile a little. "Come on, sweet girl. You can't say no to me," he encouraged you, and you just burst out laughing, shaking your head in amusement.
"Fine," you nodded and stepped aside. His smile only widened as he approached, pressing a bouquet of fragrant flowers into your hands and pressing a firm kiss to your cheek. With a quiet laugh, you closed the door behind him and followed him deeper into the house.
Joel felt at home here. He immediately started bustling around the kitchen, preparing everything he thought was necessary. Humming to himself the song that was playing quietly on the radio, he pulled out two glasses and began preparing snacks from what he found in the fridge. You put the bouquet in a vase and silently admired their intensely sweet scent. Joel always knew which flowers to choose to bring a smile to your face.
Or simply anything he did would bring a smile to your face.
Just like that.
You managed to put the vase on the table in the living room when he had already prepared everything on the terrace. You watched with amusement as he walked back and forth almost in a dance step.
He needed so little to be happy.
The sight of you was enough.
You went out onto the terrace and after a moment the music on the radio got louder. You shook your head and sat down at a small table. You grabbed one olive and popped it into your mouth the moment Joel left the house holding two glasses and an open bottle of wine.
"That thing you call a corkscrew should have ended up in the trash a long time ago" he said lightly and put everything on the table. You leaned back comfortably in the chair raising your eyebrows with a smile.
"Just because you don't know how to use it doesn't mean it's broken" you replied watching as he poured the golden alcohol into half of each glass.
"If you can use it then you're a witch" he said glancing at you before he put the bottle down and handed you one glass.
"You only noticed now?" you laughed under your breath. Joel plopped down in the chair across the table with a sigh. You took a sip of wine, looking out at the waves crashing against the stones.
“Yeah, that would explain why I am crazy about you,” he said, sipping his wine slowly. You raised an eyebrow at him in amusement. “You know, all those love spells and stuff,” he shrugged. You reached across the table and smacked his arm. Joel laughed under his breath, moving out of your reach.
“Idiot,” you muttered under your breath. You took a sip of wine and he bent down, reaching under the chair. You looked at him as he held out a small gift bag to you. You set your glass on the table and glanced suspiciously at the gift and back at him.
“Yeah, I know. Just open it,” he interrupted you and nodded encouragingly at the bag.
You took the gift, still not convinced by the whole idea. You took out a small decorative box and your gaze immediately fell on Joel. He nodded again encouragingly and took a sip of wine, watching with a small smile. You rolled your eyes and continued until the glint of a thin bracelet made you stop. You stared at the thin chain with a pendant in the shape of your favorite flower. You felt a lump in your stomach as you tried to swallow. It was beautiful. Perfect for you.
You glanced at Joel who was watching you carefully as you took the bracelet out of the box. You looked at it closely, wondering how much money he had to spend on it. Fuckin’ idiot.
"Joel, I can't-"
"Yeah, I know. Let me put it on you," he interrupted you, already kneeling next to you. He took the jewelry from you and gently fastened it on your wrist. His warm touch sent a wave of shivers through your body. He grabbed your hand and looked at how the ornament looked on you before leaning down, placing a soft kiss on the back of your hand. “It’s bad luck to return gifts,” he said with a wink before returning to his seat. You looked at him, unable to say anything.
You looked at your wrist again with the new trinket and wanted to start cursing him for it. Why did he give you such gifts if you kept rejecting him? He didn't gain anything from it.
But you had to admit that you felt warmth in your heart.
A warmth you didn't want to feel.
You defended yourself from him as much as you could and yet somehow he broke through the walls around you. He made you feel like you were the center of his universe. You felt desired by someone. And you were just a human being with human needs and desires.
Fuckin’ Joel Miller.
"Do you like it?" he asked, breaking the silence that had been prolonged by your thoughts.
You smiled fondly and nodded. You finally looked at him. "Yes. Very much" you said which made butterflies flutter in his stomach.
He felt like a stupid teenager around you. And he wasn't going to let that feeling get lost because of your stubbornness.
Because Joel had already learned everything about you. And he knew that the only reason you refused him was fear. Fear that you would give him your time and end up with nothing.
The best way to avoid a broken heart?
Don't let anyone in.
But unfortunately you came across the most stubborn man in the world.
And it was with this stubborn man that you spent half the night, laughing, drinking another bottle of wine and talking about stupid things. It was with this stubborn man that you danced at sunset to radio songs. It was with this stubborn man that you felt like you were seventeen again.
Standing in his arms you let him lead the slow dance. His wide smile making you smile as he told you yet another stupid story.
"Yeah and then she looked at me like I was an idiot" he said and you threw your head back and started laughing. He loved watching you laugh. You looked so radiant then. His arm tightened around your waist.
"I'm not surprised" you said looking at him again. His gaze was so damn warm when he looked at you.
With love.
With love which you forbade him.
He stared at you like you were a work of art.
And only after a while you notice that you were just standing in the middle of the terrace. His arms wrapped around you and the calm music in the background. You gently tightened your fingers on his arm, feeling that he was walking on thin ice.
"Have I told you how beautiful you look when you're happy?" he interrupted you. You blinked with your lips parted. But the damn wine made you snort under your breath.
"Yeah, three times this week," you said, amused.
"I like it when you're happy with me," he admitted, looking at you with a tender smile.
"You keep making me happy, so there's no other option," you laughed sweetly, and only when you noticed his gaze did you understand what came out of your mouth. You froze with your lips parted.
"I make you happy?" he raised an eyebrow, teasing you. He loved catching you by your words. In moments like these, he often got things he wanted out of you.
"Did you get me drunk on purpose?" you asked, frowning.
"Are you?" he asked with a smirk. You rolled your eyes with a wide smile.
"No, but that's not-"
"And you're still happy?" he interrupted you. You looked at him and your smile dimmed a bit. He was serious. And he was looking at you seriously. He waited for your answer. He waited for you to understand.
“Joel, we’ve talked about this so many times. Please.”
“Please for what? To stop making you happy?”
He hit the nail on the head.
You fell silent, realizing how hopeless this all seemed.
That you were the problem.
Not him. Not that he was pushing. Not that he was a pain in the ass.
His hand found its way to your cheek, gently stroking your skin. You looked at him with those big, shiny eyes like a startled deer, and he couldn't help but want to finally cross the line.
"Baby, please," he said softly, sliding his fingers down your jaw to your chin. "I just need one chance." He stroked your chin with his thumb, leaning in a little closer. Your heart was pounding in your chest. "I won't ask for more." He ran his thumb over your bottom lip. Your hot breath bounced off his skin. "One chance," he whispered, nuzzling your nose. You could barely breathe as you watched him intently from so close. "I promise." His lips brushed against yours with every word and then you were gone.
Your eyelids fell and your body stopped resisting his closeness. And he felt it immediately. His lips were on yours in less than a second. He started slowly and gently not wanting to scare you away. His arms held tightly to him not allowing any space between you. But when your hands wrapped around his neck, he allowed his tongue to sneak into your mouth.
You didn't push him away.
So he started kissing you harder.
You gasped into his mouth as his tongue began to dominate yours. He kissed like he was hungry.
And he was.
He was hungry for you like a mad man.
You didn't even notice when he pressed you against the wall, his hands gripping your hips. You moaned into his mouth, tangling your fingers in his hair. You clenched your fingers around them, trying to return his intense kisses. But you failed.
So his lips moved to your neck. You threw your head back, panting heavily as his tongue left wet marks on your skin and his teeth, bites. His whole body pressed you against the cold wall as his hands began to slide down your thighs, squeezing every inch of your soft skin. He groaned thirstily into your neck as his hands began to roll up your dress so he could get to your underwear. You did nothing to stop it.
His lips collided with yours again, making you moan. His tongue immediately found yours, just like his fingers the elastic of your panties. And he couldn't wait when he finally had you so close.
His hand dove into your panties and his fingers immediately found your wet slit. You both moaned at the same time before his mouth attacked yours again. You dug your nails into the back of his neck as his fingers began to spread the wetness along the length of your pussy. Your knees trembled beneath you as he teased your clit with every movement.
You panted, trying to kiss him back, and you clung to him tighter as his fingers entered you. He rested his forehead against yours, letting you breathe. He watched you as you both panted against each other's mouths as he fucked you with his fingers.
"You're fucking beautiful," he breathed heavily. You looked up from his lips to his eyes, moaning louder as he curled his fingers inside you.
It had been so long since anyone had touched you that it didn't take much to feel your orgasm approaching. You tightened around his fingers and gripped his neck tighter. His lips began to place slow, wet kisses on yours. His cock was already painfully hard when he had you in front of him like this. Your moans sounded even better than in his dreams.
Oh and his name on your lips made him shiver in his pants. Your fucking voice alone brought him pleasure. He was like a horny teenager who finally got into someone’s panties. But the difference was that now he knew how to take care of a woman.
That's why when you came on his fingers he felt so damn proud. He kissed every moan that escaped your lips before he pulled his fingers out of you, letting your orgasm begin to soak through your panties.
You were already drunk from his touch when he attacked your lips, starting to drag you into the house. You submitted to everything he did, moaning every time you hit each wall, too absorbed in each other. Joel managed to get rid of his shirt before he started unbuttoning your dress. You hungrily responded to his every kiss as your fingers worked to fasten his pants. Finally your dress fell to the floor.
Joel pressed you against the wall and his hands immediately began to explore your bare skin. He embraced your waist with one hand and his other hand found its way to your breast. You moaned into his mouth when he gently squeezed his fingers and his thumb ran over your nipple which immediately hardened under his touch.
You finally managed to unbutton his pants and you were about to plunge your hand into them but then Joel pushed you back and you landed on the soft mattress. You supported yourself on your elbows, panting heavily as he took off his pants and boxers in one move. You slid down his body thirstily.
You fell back onto the bed with a smile and slid your panties off and threw them at him. Joel laughed under his breath as they bounced off his chest and fell to the ground. You bit your lip in excitement as his body finally walled up above yours.
He hummed in satisfaction at the smile you were trying to hold back. He leaned down connecting your lips in a sweet kiss. You placed your hands on his cheeks holding him close to you. And you had to admit that it felt so damn good.
You felt his tip slide through your wet slit, making you gasp. And when he slowly entered you, you both broke the kiss, moaning into each other's mouths. Joel rested his forehead against yours, panting heavily as he buried his entire cock inside you. It took him a few seconds to wrap his head around the fact that he was finally inside you before he started moving his hips.
You tangled your fingers in his hair as he began to kiss your neck. His cock slowly rubbed against your sweet spot. He groaned as he thrust into you all the way over and over again. His hands slid down to your waist and hips and he gripped them tightly to hold you in place as he began to thrust into you with more energy.
Until your legs began to tremble.
You closed your eyes, arching your back as his cock brought you closer to the edge with each thrust. He straightened up, panting heavily, and looked down at you as you arched in pleasure. He ran his eyes down your naked body, feeling like he'd won the fucking lottery. You looked like all of his fantasies came true.
Probably because you were his only fantasy.
His gaze fell on the spot where his cock disappeared inside you.
Oh fuck.
His hips slowed as he began to enjoy the sight of your wet pussy surrounding him perfectly. He growled throatily, stroking his hand over your thighs.
"You look amazing taking my cock like this," he said, making you moan. Not only was he a good fucker, but he also used dirty words. And who was perfect for who here?
His hands gripped your hips again as he sped up his thrusts into you. The air left your lungs and your ragged moans mixed with his soft growls. You clenched around him, feeling the pleasure too intense. And Joel continued to thrust into you like an animal.
“Oh baby I hope you’re close because I don’t know if I’ll be able to hold back,” he breathed, watching your face bathed in pleasure.
"Yes, yes" you almost squealed feeling like you were fighting for an orgasm with every movement he made. Joel smiled with satisfaction and leaned down to connect your lips. But the kiss quickly turned into an exchange of moans.
You dug your nails into his skin not knowing what to do with your hands as his cock hit the sensitive spot in your pussy every time. Until finally you felt a wave of orgasm take over your body. You moaned loudly clenching on him hard barely allowing him to move inside you.
"Oh fuck baby," he groaned feeling your orgasm perfectly along the entire length of his cock. And he didn't stop thrusting hard into you, prolonging your pleasure and chasing his own.
Your cunt creamed his cock so hard that the wet sounds could be heard in the room every time he entered you. Until he began thrusting slowly but so hard that the bed hit the wall as he came, moaning loudly. He thrust into you a few more times, coming deep inside you.
Your wet foreheads rested against each other as you both panted heavily. Your heart pounded in your chest as you felt your body relax from the weight of your orgasm. Joel leaned down connecting your lips in a soft and slow kiss and you wrapped your arms around him, tangling your fingers in his wet hair.
“One chance,” he whispered against your lips, glancing into your eyes. You fell silent, watching him and pursed your lips as a soft smile spread across yours.
“Okay,” you nodded quietly before his lips crushed yours again.
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sanarsi · 9 days
Favourite Lamb
post-Jackson!Joel Miller x f!Reader
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Summary: Joel finally has what he wanted – a quiet life, a farm, and you. After a hard day at work, you're eager to take care of your man. Warnings: +18, MDNI, porn with a little bit of plot, old man!Joel, soft/rough throat fucking, soft!dom!Joel, blowjob, post-Jackson!Joel, age gap (not specified) Wordcount: 2k An: We love taking care of our man so it's nothing more than giving him pleasure. Music I worked with: Sweet - Cigarette After Sex
A quiet noise woke you from your sleep. You looked around the dark room, noticing that the other side of the bed was still empty. You frowned, realizing that Joel still hadn't joined you even though it was late and he should’ve been home by now. 
Another noise caught your attention, so you slowly stood up and quietly opened the door. The dim light reached the hallway from the living room where a quiet curse had come from. You recognized the voice, so you headed towards. 
A loud sigh echoed off the walls as you peeked out from behind the wall. 
“Joel?”  Your soft voice caught the attention of the man sitting on the couch. 
He looked up in shock to see you up at this hour. “Shit,” he cursed, realizing it was probably his fault. “I didn’t mean to wake you up, baby, sorry.” 
You smiled softly as you walked deeper into the room. He didn’t take his eyes off you as he placed the glass of whiskey on the table and held out his hand so you can walked over and let him pull you onto his lap. 
“Where were you?” you asked, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and snuggling into his chest.
"Detector at the eastern border has stopped working," he explained, sighing quietly with tiredness and wrapping arm around your waist, hugging you tighter. “I know it's late but I just wanted to get this over with,” he added before you could point it out. He hated when he gave you reasons to worry and you hated it too. 
Now, that you lived far away from everything and everyone, you worried about him more than ever. For the first time in years, you allowed yourself to look away from each other as you tended to your little farm. Sometimes it scared you that you didn't see him for more than ten minutes. It was hard to get used to this kind of life after having eyes in the back of your head every day.
“And you fix it?” you asked, raising an eyebrow. 
At first, silence answered you, and then a quiet snort. “No.” 
You laughed quietly and rested your forehead against his temple, allowing yourself a moment of closeness you had been missing all day. 
“We’ll take care of it tomorrow,” you suggested, and Joel knew very well that there was no point in arguing with you about it. "And now I will take care of you," you added, nuzzling his cheek. You felt his muscles relax beneath you before he smiled in amusement. 
"Yeah? You want to take care of me?" He glanced at you and grabbed your chin between his fingers to pull you in for a soft kiss. You purred contentedly and without hesitation, you pressed yourself harder to him, deepening the kiss. Your tongues lazily played with each other as you slowly adjusted your position until you were straddling him. 
“Mhm,” you murmured against his lips. “How does that sound?” 
Joel looked at your delicate features and innocent smile and his heart immediately skipped a beat. 
“Perfect, baby,” he whispered as his hands began to smooth over your bare thighs. 
The rough touch of his warm hands sent shivers through your body, encouraging you to grind your hips against his. His quiet sigh echoed against your lips before you leaned in for a kiss again. The taste of whiskey on his tongue brought you a familiar feeling of safety, and the grip of his hands on your ass ignited your core. 
Cock in his pants was getting harder with every passing minute as you pressed your warmth against his. In moments like these, he was reminded of how much he hated being away from you for so long. 
You moaned as he dug his fingers deeper into your flesh. The lazy kisses grew deeper with each passing second making the material of your panties wet. 
“I missed you, baby,” he whispered against your lips before letting his hands disappear under your tank top. 
You sighed as you felt his large hands on your breasts. He began to tease your nipples with his thumbs, drawing a soft moan from you. He loved the sounds you made just for him. 
His sweet little girl…
"She missed me too?" he asked, starting to plant kisses on your neck. His thick stubble teased your delicate skin, making you shiver as another wave of arousal soaked your underwear. 
“Always,” you gasped under his touch. 
You let him take off your top, which landed on the other end of the couch. His attention immediately focused on your tits, he began massaging one and with a quiet growl began kissing, sucking, and nibbling on the other. 
You could feel his movements becoming more and more needy, and even though you wanted to give in, you had other plans for him. 
“I was supposed to take care of you,” you reminded him, running your nails over his scalp. 
Joel pulled away from your nipple with a smack, looking at you with a drunken gaze. He was breathing heavily and it was possible that if he wasn't as tired as he was at that moment, he would have started arguing with you about it. But today was your lucky day because he gave in without resistance, leaning comfortably against the back of the couch. 
"Right," he nodded. "Go ahead." 
You laughed under your breath and leaned down, placing a sweet kiss on his lips before you started moving lower and lower, to his neck and the exposed part of his chest. Your soft lips made him unable to resist the bliss that began to take over his senses. He closed his eyes, relaxing under your touch as you started to unbutton his shirt, kissing every exposed part of his chest. 
The lower you were, the more you had to retreat until you finally ended up kneeling between his legs. He couldn't deny himself this sight, so he began to watch as your fingers easily managed to fasten his jeans. Without a word, he lifted his hips so you could slide the material down his thighs. His cock was already standing stiff, showing its shape under his boxers. 
You unconsciously licked your lips as saliva began to flow into your mouth. It had been a while since you had the chance to look at him from this perspective. Joel would rather make love to you than see you kneeling in front of him. Maybe he was really getting old and would rather see you cry with his cock inside you than you choke on it. 
“Not too deep,” he reminded as you began to slide his underwear off. 
You looked at him with a sweet smile and rolled your eyes at his protectiveness. “I told you, I don’t mind.” 
“I know, baby,” he sighed and clenched his jaw tighter as you cupped his base. “But not too deep,” he repeated gently, with concern. 
You nodded quietly before your tongue met his tip. A familiar taste took over your senses as you slowly began to wet his head. Joel moaned softly as he felt your tongue gently caress him, up and down and around, until you sucked on him, letting a line of saliva run down his length, stopping at your fingers. He hissed at the sudden surge of pleasure, watching your lips wrap around his thickness. You didn't even give him a moment to breathe before swallowing him halfway. 
"Oh fuck," he gasped and twitched as his balls tightened painfully. 
You began to work on his cock, taking one half into your mouth with wet sounds and pumping the other with your hand. A shuddering breath left his lungs as he realized why he didn't like it when you gave him a blowjob. 
One answer – he always came too quickly. 
Then he heard the first choking sound and his cock throbbed dangerously. "Easy, baby, easy," he tried to calm you down, slow you down. But despite his words, you did it again. 
You knew the effect you had on him, the way you choked on him, he was experiencing fucking nirvana. He didn't want to admit it, but you had already witnessed him come in mere minutes. And now you were going to do that again. 
He couldn't control his moans anymore as you swallowed him deeper and deeper over and over again. His hips were thrusting towards you as if he couldn't control his own body. His mind was saying something different than his balls, that were dripping with your saliva. He wanted more but at the same time he didn't.
You felt his cock harden, heralding the approaching fulfillment, so you only sped up your head movements. Loud gasps mixed with growls, and while he fought the pleasure, you sucked your cheeks in contentment, licking the sensitive flesh at the tip.
“Baby…” he gasped in warning. 
You moaned with your mouth full and his cock twitched deep in your throat. The next sound of you choking was like a red rag to a bull for him, he couldn’t help himself as he placed his hand on the back of your head. You didn’t protest as he began to hold you in place, your nose pressed against his mound, and began to thrust his hips upward. You relaxed, letting him go as deep as he could and the sounds leaving his throat were enough payment for the tears in your eyes.
“Yes, yes,” he hissed, “you’re such a good girl.” His cock slowly took your breath away and you instinctively tried to pull back but he wouldn’t let you. “I know, baby, I know.” And he kept pushing until his breathing couldn't keep up with his movements and his cock began to throb.
You moaned tearfully, to which he responded with a blissful groan before hot cum shot straight down your throat. You swallowed everything that leak out of him as he came down from his peak, fucking your mouth slower and slower. Finally, he sighed in relief and let you pull away for air.
You almost choked on your own tears as you straightened up and began to wipe the drool from your chin. Joel looked at you with a drunken look, bliss written all over his face while you looked like a disaster, crying with red eyes and swollen lips. A feeling of regret appeared in his chest as he realized the state he had brought you to. 
"I'm sorry, baby," he said worriedly, leaning down to you. His warm hands found their way to your cheeks, wiping away the traces of tears. He hated that he was losing control with you, but as much as he tried to fight it, he just couldn't. He hated the sight of you in such a state, but he loved the feeling of your lips around his cock. "I didn't mean to—"
"I liked it," you interrupted him with a gentle smile. Joel blinked a few times, not being able to tell if he heard you correctly.
“You… like it?” he asked in disbelief. You barely had time to nod before he pulled you up onto his lap and hugged you to his chest. You licked your swollen lips and rubbed your eyes to get rid of the last traces of the glass effect. His strong arms wrapped you in warmth as you pressed yourself deeper into him. He watched your innocent smile with a tender gaze and allowed himself to press his cheek into your palm as you began to stroke his stubble. 
"Like I said, I don't mind." You leaned in to steal a gentle kiss. Joel, eyes closed, smiled at the tender gesture and nuzzled your nose. 
"I love you, you know that?" he whispered, running his fingers over your skin. 
"You have no other choice," you smiled wider, to which he snorted with laughter and pulled you in for a kiss.
Tags some babes @bbyanarchist @xdaddysprincessxx @yorksgirl @joelssluttyknee @amyispxnk @21stcenturywitchcraft
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sanarsi · 28 days
professor!Joel Miller x student!f!Reader
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Summary: One wrong call led to this, that instead of your boyfriend, it's your professor who picks you up from the party. Warnings: +18, MDNI, mention of drugs and alcohol, use of drugs (by reader), being under the influence of drugs, protective!Joel, angst, professor-student relationship, age gap (not specified), kinda perv!Joel(??? idk you'll judge), blowjob, pussy eating, cheating (kinda), protected PIV (he had a vasectomy), creampie, dom!Joel, no-outbreak AU, Sarah’s alive and happy, dubcon kinda? Wordcount: 8,1k An: Hiii, I would like to ask you to read the warnings before reading. If you are comfortable with the topic of drugs, angst and sex under the influence, I invite you to read and I hope you enjoy it. Meal is a meal and professor Miller is professor Miller so… this is just a good shit. Reblogs and comments are appreciated! <3 Music I worked with: Make You Mine - Madison Beer
The music was getting louder in your ears. Pushing through the sweaty, dancing people was becoming more and more of a challenge. Everything was starting to spin. You needed some fresh air.
The pills you took didn't work as they should have. Maybe you drank too much before, maybe you had a bad day, or maybe the guy had some shitty stuff.
Your lungs started to collapse more and more as you tried to take another breath. You panicked. You started pushing through the crowd faster and more aggressively. They didn't give a shit about you as much as you didn't give a shit about them.
Here, everyone lived their own life. Everyone had fun. You wanted too.
Until now.
A silent scream tried to escape you as you began to gulp air. You couldn't breathe any other way. You were getting weaker and weaker. Everything was getting hazy. The music was getting less and less distinct. Everything was like behind thick glass.
And right in the middle, in a little glass box, was you. Locked away with no access to oxygen and no cry for help.
You were alone.
Just when you thought the crowd would swallow you, you saw the door. A light at the end of the tunnel.
Something inside you, some instinct, forced your legs to move towards the exit. Your body acted as if it was programmed, like you weren't the one controlling it. Some greater force was moving you like a puppet.
The same force made the mysterious man appeared in front of you. You stopped, frowning and trying to focus your vision to identify his identity. But his face was blurry. Just like the touch of his arms, which wrapped around you to stop your body from falling.
"You've had enough for now," he said, slightly amused, and began to pull you towards the exit. You knew him. His voice was like a breath of fresh air and his arms gave you a false sense of security. You liked that voice. You liked the feeling that allowed you to take a moment to rest amidst the chaos around you and inside you.
"Call Joel," you mumbled indistinctly.
You reached your hand into the back pocket of your jeans and tried to pull out your phone a few times, but your strength disappeared. You couldn't even bring yourself to clench your fingers around this damn thing.
You were helpless and barely conscious, which made tears appear in your eyes.
Why did something like this have to happen when you finally wanted to break free and needed it more than anything else?
Why couldn't you have fun like the rest of them for once?
Why was it always you who got screwed?
"What's your password?" The pleasant male voice spoke again.
You frowned, closing your eyes as you tried to force yourself to think, or worse – say it out loud. The wind blow across your heated skin, making you shiver. You were freezing cold despite it being the middle of summer.
You felt bad and it was getting worse with every passing minute.
"Four zeros," you managed to choke out and looked around shakily. You were standing at the top of the stairs leading to the house.
When had you two left? You didn't register that moment.
The arm around your waist dug harder into your flesh as your knees buckled beneath you. You gasped, trying to keep your weight on the unstable sticks which were your, not so useful right now, legs.
The slightest gust of wind, or even a slight tilt of your head, made you swung like a blade of grass in the wind.
The feeling of falling sent panic through the corners of your brain, but your eyelids continued to droop heavily, blocking your vision. You braced yourself for the pain that was about to dull the rest of your senses, but all you felt was something hard under and behind you. After a moment, a cold sensation appeared around your head, which brought you no small amount of relief.
You purred with pleasure, snuggling closer to the metal railings by the stairs. Your friend looked down at you with concern before he went back to searching for the right contact in your phone.
And that's when the first problem appeared.
You had two phone numbers saved the same way.
"Fuck," he muttered under his breath and selected the first contact.
Seconds passed, another ring sounded by his ear until automatic voicemail went off.
In that case, it had to be the second number, he thought. Since the first one was inactive, the second one had to be the good one, right?
Bull's eye.
After the third ring, a sleepy 'hello' sounded in the speaker.
"Hi, sorry to wake you up, but your girlfriend isn't in the best shape," he started immediately, glancing at your semi-conscious figure, cowering on the stairs. “’think she took some crappy stuff and is goin’ down the drain. She told me to call you. Can you come pick her up?”
There was silence on the other end.
A long silence.
A drawn-out silence.
He had to check phone to make sure the call was still going.
“Give me the address.”
A quick exchange of the most necessary information ended the conversation. That was enough for Joel to appear in the district where the address was located in less than twenty minutes.
You were sitting cuddled in the arm of your friend, who was soothingly stroking your back. He didn't know if you had fallen asleep or if you were just that calm. He only hoped that you weren't struggling too much in your head after taking some shit. You weren't able to help him find out what and who you took it from.
His attention was drawn to the car that stopped in front of the house.
"Joel came to pick you up," he whispered with a smile and noticed that you woke up a bit at his words. You blinked a few times, raising your gaze.
"’s not that Joel," you mumbled.
He frowned, surprised by your reaction, and looked towards the man who just got out of the car and headed towards you.
At first, he couldn't recognize his face, but the closer he got, the clearer it became.
Indeed, he didn't look like your boyfriend. He was... too old to be in a relationship with you. He looked more like your father.
Maybe he was your uncle and he just got you into trouble? Damn it.
"You're not her boyfriend," he stated as Joel stopped by the stairs. His gaze was fixed on you and this sight definitely didn't satisfy him but he tried to didn't show it.
"Do I look like him?" he muttered unpleasantly and looked disapprovingly at the young boy who was holding you in his arms.
His silence was quite telling.
"What did she take?" he asked glancing at your barely conscious form.
"I don't–"
"Wonderful." The rough answer, silenced him effectively. "Did she have some stuff with her?" The next question only stressed the young boy out more.
"Are you her father or somethin’?" he asked, a bit skeptical of the older man.
"I'm her teacher," he replied, pressing his lips together tightly at the sight of you.
No one expected such an answer.
A quiet voice in your friend head blamed him for confusing the contacts and calling a strange guy instead of your boyfriend. What confused him more, was reason, why you had your teacher's number in your phone. And what was even more interesting, was why he picked up at such a late hour and decided to come pick you up.
"I–" he began, not very convinced by the fact that he had to hand you over to a strange guy who was your 'teacher'.
"I'll take her home," he cut him off firmly before he could express his distrust.
Without waiting for the boy to answer, Joel approached you and took your jaw in his hand. You frowned at the sudden movement, because your head was spinning in a bad way. Your gaze was absent as he tried to assess your condition.
Fact, you were in bad shape. He didn't even know if you were able to recognize him, which made the situation a bit more difficult.
"Sweetheart, tell me what you took," he said in a soft but firm tone.
You snorted sweetly, because his voice had a strangely soothing effect on your insides. You couldn't recognize his blurry face, but his touch was familiar. Warm, thick fingers that sent warm shivers through your body. You wanted to melt in his hand, and that's exactly what you did.
The entire weight of your head flew towards him, which made him tighten his grip, digging his fingers into your cheeks.
"Sweetheart..." he repeated softly to get your attention.
You opened your eyes with a blissful smile and tried with all your might to remember who those dark chocolate eyes belonged to. But it was his glasses that made a light bulb go off in your head.
“Just one blue pill, Professor,” you replied, causing relief from Joel and surprise from your friend.
"What are the blue ones for?" he asked, returning to his cold tone as he looked at the young boy.
"I– I don't know," he stuttered, frightened by sudden change in man’s behavior towards him.
"Then find out," he growled, nodding toward the house. Not a second had passed when the boy hurriedly disappeared behind the door.
Joel looked at you again with concern. You didn't look as bad as you had a moment ago. In fact, you looked like you were having a great time. Maybe you had a slightly wandering look, but the smile on your face and the sparkles in your eyes gave a misleading impression.
He knelt down in front of you with a quiet groan and looked at you from every side. There were no signs that anything bad had happened to you.
One stone from the heart. You were safe and sound. A little high, but healthy.
"Do you know who I am?" he asked and with his other hand he fixed the hair that was falling over your face. You watched his movements as if enchanted.
Everything had more vivid colors. His eyes were darker, deeper; you could drown in them. Every move he made seemed to play out in slow motion, giving you all the time you wanted to admire him.
"Joel Miller," you replied, smiling wider. "I didn't know you liked parties," you added before he could say anything. You threw him off balance with that.
He frowned, looking at you closely and he had to admit that he himself had once been young and had done a lot of... illegal things; that's why he decided to go in the direction you had imposed.
"I don't, but sometimes it happens and I end in places like this. I'm a little too old for such fun, you know?" he smiled gently, seeing that you were feeling better and better or the opposite – the drugs were starting to work.
"Just like me. But I'm young." You laughed charmingly, to which he laughed too and nodded. Your burst of energy was starting to worry him a little, but he'd rather that than you having a bad trip.
"So... since we're both not into parties, how about I take you home?"
He was treading thin ice to see if you'd cooperate with him. Unfortunately, your smile suddenly disappeared and he cursed in his mind.
"I can't, my parents think I'm at a friend's," you explained, rubbing your arm nervously.
Okay, that wasn't the answer that would put him in a bind.
"Then I'll take you to your friend's," he suggested but all he got in response was a negative shake of the head.
"She left."
That was already causing a bigger problem.
Joel tried to think quickly. All the possibilities flew through his head, choosing a few that he could test.
"Your friend said something about your boyfriend," he remembered, feeling that this was the way out of the whole situation. Your boyfriend, who was supposed to come here instead of him. At least that's what he concluded from the call he received.
"That asshole stood me up. He was supposed to come here with me, but he went with his friends to who knows where," you snapped, feeling furious at the jerk who dared to call himself your partner. Maybe you would regret this relationship if it wasn't for the fact that you were together for sex. Actually, apart from that, you didn't even like each other that much.
Despite that, he was good in bed, he took care of you at parties and other outings, and his name was Joel.
You were with him because you could shamelessly scream his name while you fucked, while really thinking about someone else. But that was your sweet secret. Sweet secret that held your jaw, staring at you through the lenses of his glasses.
"You don’t have anyone I could take you to?" he asked, increasingly helpless.
You smiled sweetly and shook your head in denial. "Nope."
A quiet sigh left his lips as he tried to think of a way out of this situation.
The worry in his eyes didn't match your current mood. You didn't like the fact that he was sad around you. You wanted to have fun, be happy, forget about all your problems for a moment.
"That's why I have to stay at the party until the morning," you said with a wide smile, at which he frowned.
"No," he ordered seriously, surprising you a bit. You rarely witnessed Joel addressing anyone like that. Especially you – his favorite. "I won't let you stay here when you're under the influence of some shitty pills."
"No," he cut you off immediately. "I don't want to hear a word of protest. I'm your teacher even outside of working hours. I have to take care of your safety." His tone clearly indicated that he didn't want to hear your reasons for staying.
How could you argue with a man whose every word was sacred to you? Even if you wanted to, you couldn't because your friend came out of the house, catching your attention or at least Joel's attention, because yours was still focused only on him.
A smile bloomed on your face again as you could look at him with impunity.
Oh, he was handsome.
Deadly handsome for a man his age. Your father was younger than him and he looked much worse.
How was it even possible that you started to be attracted to a man older than your own father? You didn't know that, but you weren't going to delve into it because you liked the feeling he aroused in you.
"She took ecstasy." You heard from somewhere behind you before Joel looked straight into your eyes again as if he was looking for something. You didn't know for what, because he couldn't be looking for you; you were right in front of him.
"Come on, sweetheart," he sighed with a warm smile and slowly stood up. "I'll take you home, okay?" he suggested, holding out his hand to you.
You looked up at him with doe eyes and nodded silently. You didn't want him to be mad at you.
You didn't want to let him down so you politely gave him your hand and let him pull you up. It took a moment for your legs to get used to doing their duties again before you could fully stand on your own but despite that, Joel still wrapped his arm around your waist, holding you tightly to his side.
He didn’t want to risk you falling and cracking your head. Fate liked to play games with people and he had learned that the hard way many times. Way too many times.
Without any additional pleasantries, he led you to his car and sat you in the passenger seat. Your head was getting heavier as you tried to watch his movements; the way he fastened your seatbelt, the way he made sure you weren't sick, the way he ran his gaze down your body to make sure everything was okay.
But all he had to do was close the door and your eyelids closed by themselves. The car was quiet, nice and warm. You felt safe and the delicate scent of perfume he used only relaxed your muscles more.
Joel got into the car and before he drove away, he glanced at how you were trying not to let your eyelids fall. He sighed quietly, shaking his head in resignation and slowly drove out onto the street. Silence fell between you due to the fact that you had lost the fight with tiredness and simply fell asleep.
And at the same time he was struggling with his thoughts of what he should do. What was appropriate for him to do. He should have taken you home. Even if you were going to have a row after crossing the threshold. It was none of his business what happened to you after he got you to safety.
But another thought lurked in his mind. An idea that shouldn't have been there. Had no right to be there. Yet this thought overshadowed what was right.
Because Joel had long since admitted to himself that you were more important to him than the rest of the students. He had stopped denying how much he enjoyed sitting with you in his office in the evenings, helping you study. After many months of struggling with himself, he realized how much he appreciated your company, your attention, your smile, all of you.
That's why the thought of taking you home and witnessing the fight immediately slipped of off his mind.
He didn't want to cause you any trouble at home. The fact that he found you in such a state only proved that you had enough to worry about. Why would he give you more? He didn't like it when your pretty little head was filled with problems he couldn't help you with. But with what was happening now, he could help you.
That’s why after twenty minutes he stopped in front of his house.
You continued to sleep soundly, not worrying about anything anymore and he didn't have the heart to wake you up. You looked too innocent for him to interrupt your peaceful state of unconsciousness. The smudged mascara and a bit of glitter on your eyelids only added to your charm.
Joel really wanted to hate himself for the way his heart beat at the sight of you, but he couldn't. He couldn't hate the feeling you evoked in him. Because this feeling was good. Warmth spread across his chest and more wrinkles formed around his eyes from the wide smiles you caused in him.
You were like a ray of sunshine. Why would he hate the sunbeam that fell on him?
He knew he shouldn't feel this way. You were his student, the best he'd ever had the chance to teach. But he couldn't fight it. Not when you were pushing yourself into his arms. When you gave him your full attention. When your hand touched his every chance you got. He just couldn't.
That's why it didn't bother him at all to carry you home. Actually, he did it with all too much desire. He couldn't resist the feeling of holding you in his arms as your head rested peacefully on his shoulder.
The door closed behind him with a soft click as he slowly walked down the hallway. Darkness reigned everywhere after he was suddenly yanked out of bed. Now there wasn't much left of his desire to sleep.
He carefully opened the door to the guest room and tightened his arms a little as he walked with you over the threshold. As if to spite you, your phone began to vibrate, which made you grumble anxiously. He quickly laid you on the bed and reached into the back pocket of your pants. The bright screen forced him to squint as he tried to see who was calling you at this hour.
He frowned, glancing at you and then back at the phone. Before he could think about his decision, he clicked the red receiver, rejecting the call and muted your phone, placing it on the cabinet next to it. Just in case, he did it in such a way that another incoming call wouldn't be visible.
Your quiet groan caught his attention so he didn't wait for you to wake up any longer and carefully started to take off your shoes; right after that, socks. He couldn't let you sleep uncomfortably after, what was probably a pretty lively, party. He felt that he had to take care of not only your safety but also your comfort, so that you could wake up in the morning without any consequences after tonight. And only because of that reason, his gaze wandered to your legs covered in jeans.
He cursed himself in his mind because of the ideas that started to come to his mind.
He couldn't.
He should leave you like this and go back to his bedroom.
He should have done it.
And yet, he leaned closer to you and gently stroked your cheek. "Sweetheart," he said quietly, wanting to wake you up.
Although there was at least that much common sense left in him.
He smiled fondly when he saw that you opened your eyelids a little with a grunt. "Lift your hips," he ordered and all he got in response was to do as he asked. No questions or comments.
Feeling the growing tightness in his chest, he unbuttoned your button and zipper. Deep down he knew how fucking wrong it was. But he couldn't fight it as his fingers began to slide the material of your jeans down your hips.
Another grievous sin was added to his mental list as his gaze fell on your underwear. The lump in his throat began to grow with every second his eyes were fixed on your black panties.
So damn plain black cotton panties.
Then why was this the sexiest sight in his whole life?
"Fuck," he cursed in a whisper and pulled your pants all the way down. Then your hips fell back onto the mattress with a quiet sigh.
He felt like a pervert, seeing you like this when you were on the edge of reality and dream so he forced himself to leave the room while he still could.
How long before he gave in?
It took a trip to the bathroom and his room.
Then he reappeared by the bed where you were lying half naked; with his old t-shirt in one hand and micellar fluid in the other. Having a daughter had many advantages, so he knew that falling asleep with makeup on was not something pleasant.
That's why for the next ten minutes he gently wiped your face with soaked cotton pads. He sat by your side, carefully wiped off the smallest traces of makeup and had to admit, that it was also refreshing even for him. A moment of silence helped him calm his thoughts, and the sight of your innocent face only confirmed that he had to take care of you. That was all that mattered now.
Until the moment you purred and delicate smile spread across your lips.
That was enough for a burning heat to appear in his chest again.
"This feels nice," you whispered in a slightly hoarse voice.
Joel was just finishing cleaning your cheek when your eyes began to stare at him. This time you didn't have a wandering gaze. You seemed... normal.
He quickly believed it because he wanted to believe it. He wanted you to be sober at the moment when you were closer than ever before. When you were in his house. Lying in his bed. On his sheets.
"How do you feel?" he asked, placing the cotton pad on the cabinet next to him, not taking his eyes off your shiny ones.
"Good." Your smile didn't disappear for a moment as you watched him carefully. You definitely weren't complaining about seeing him, but you wondered about other thing. "Where are we?" After that question, you looked around the dark room a bit. You didn't remember ever being in this place. It was too pretty here compared to the places you usually stayed.
"In my house," he replied, a bit afraid of your reaction.
Maybe he really should have taken you to your house despite the problems that were to come?
Maybe he went too far by bringing you to his place without your consent.
It's true that at university you were close, but it was always at the university. Never outside of it.
"It's nice here."
Your comment dispelled all his doubts. He didn't even realize he was holding his breath when a sigh of relief finally left his lungs.
"Do you need anything?" he asked, wanting to get back on solid ground.
Your presence of mind would allow him to pull himself together. All you had to do was say you were tired. That you wanted to go to sleep. That you wanted for him to leave you alone.
Anything that would indicate that he should go and leave you alone.
"Can I have a glass of water, please?" you asked, looking at him as if the request was too much to ask for.
You had already violated his hospitality. He had picked you up from a party in the middle of the night and brought you to his house. You were slowly starting to feel like an idiot.
"Of course," he nodded and left the room, leaving you alone.
You rubbed your face with your hand and slowly sat up. A penetrating feeling of shame crept into your head as you began to look at your thighs.
Did you undress yourself or did he undress you? You probably didn't want to know the answer to that question.
You felt like you'd already made a fool of yourself. You couldn't even tell if the drugs were still affecting you. You felt light, good, but your mind was starting to work differently. You didn't know what to focus on what to think. There were so many things happening that you should have been in control of right now and yet you sat there helplessly, staring at your flesh.
You came to the conclusion that you probably didn't have the strength to feel ashamed of what was happening now. You were too tired. Your mind wouldn't cooperate with you, so the best option was to face everything in the morning.
Despite your momentary sobriety, you still couldn't fight the feeling that was growing in your belly. Like a big warm ball was warming up your insides and giving you pleasure. That was the only reason you had a constant blissful smile on your face. It felt good. Focusing on that feeling was much more enjoyable than trying to think.
Joel returned a few minutes later with a glass of water, finding you dressed in his shirt and sitting on the edge of the bed with your head down. He swallowed hard, fighting the feeling the sight of you had stirred in him. He didn't want to admit what it was doing to him.
“Here,” he said, catching your attention. You looked up at him, your eyes so big and shiny that he had to clench his jaw to control his emotions. It wasn’t until a moment later that your gaze dropped to the glass in front of your face and, with a silent 'thank you', you took it.
In silence, he sat down next to you and watched as you took small sips. The cold water brought you some relief and tasted much better than usual. Only when you had drunk half a glass, you put it on the cabinet next to you and wiped your lips with the back of your hand. The silence echoed in your ears, making you focus more on the growing feeling of pleasure in your body.
You had to do something to not fall into this.
"I'm sorry," you said, starting to gently bite your lip. Despite the whole situation, you wanted to smile. "This wasn't supposed to be like this."
"And what was it supposed to be like?" His question made you look at him. Warmth radiated from him. He didn't seem angry. He didn't seem like he blamed you for your irresponsibility. It was a strangely pleasant change from what you usually experienced with your father.
You laughed quietly and looked down. “I don’t know,” you admitted, shrugging. You didn’t even know how to answer that question. Because what exactly did you expect? “I wanted to escape reality for a bit.”
“Aren’t there other ways to do it?”
“There probably are, but that was the only one I know of.”
You might be ashamed of it, but it was the truth. There was nothing in your life that would allow you to forget, even for a moment, all the shit that was going on around you.
You didn't want to think about it at a time when you felt light as a feather. You clenched your fists tighter into the mattress to hold back your smile because all you wanted to do was gasp while laughing at how good you felt.
Joel didn't seem to notice. He felt like you were struggling with negative emotions and he wanted so badly to help you get rid of the thoughts that were occupying your mind. You looked like you were at least physically in pain as your entire body tensed up as if searching for the slightest point of contact. Without thinking too much, his hand covered yours. You let out a shaky breath as his large fingers tightened around yours. It was a comforting gesture on his part, but to you it was like pouring gasoline on a fire. His touch was all you could focus on. The hot, large hand that was touching your small, cold one.
You began to tremble. Everything inside you began to crave more of that feeling, even though his hand alone was enough to make a moan die in your throat.
"I want to help you."
His offer hung between you like heavy clouds. His words had no second meaning, and yet you took it that way.
He wanted to help you. But how?
How could he make your mind stop running with tormenting thoughts?
You searched for the answer to this question in his eyes and even though this was an ordinary question, something else was lurking inside him. Something that you caught. Or at least that's what you thought.
However, thinking at a time like this wasn't working out very well for you. That's why you didn't know how your lips found their way to his. You couldn't remember when you got so close, pressing a strong kiss to his mouth.
You squeezed your eyes shut, frozen and waiting for his answer but Joel was in too much shock to do anything. Even breathing seemed like a superhuman ability now. That's why after the seconds dragged on, you pulled away with a sense of shame. Seeing the shock on his face, you really felt like an idiot but you couldn't control yourself. You didn't even know how on earth you decided to do something like that. How on earth did you decide to cross the sacred border.
"Professor, I'm sorry-" you tried to explain yourself but then his hand found its way into your hair, pulling you firmly only for him to initiate the kiss this time.
You moaned not expecting such a turn of events. His stubble pleasantly irritated your skin, sending waves of stars all over your body. A smile spread across your lips as his proximity began to stimulate you. Soft lips perfectly matched yours. Every kiss he gave you was like you had done it a thousand times before. His tongue was delicate and sweet, making you purr with pleasure. Every second of his closeness gave you more strength.
He and drugs were the most addictive combination you had ever had the opportunity to try. Apart from the fact that all your desires, that you had for this man for a very long time, were coming true.
Neither of you even thought about how fucked up it all was. You both wanted this too much to care about anything but each other's touch.
Even Joel started to feel like he was high. Your soft lips and quiet sighs gave him shivers of desire. He couldn't remember the last time his cock hardened as quickly as the moment your hand started to travel up his thigh.
He couldn't hold back a groan when your fingers gently tightened around the bulge in his sweatpants. The mere fact that he was so turned on by you, sent waves of arousal through every corner of your body. Heavenly feeling overshadowed all your senses.
“Please,” you whispered desperately into his mouth.
You felt his hand tighten around yours, making him moan, and you took that as an answer. You hooked your fingers around the waistband of his sweatpants and underwear, silently asking him to take them off. And that’s exactly what he did, without thinking too much, he lifted his hips and slid everything in your way off of them. Your kisses became sloppier and deeper as your hand found its way to his cock again.
Cold fingers wrapped around his hot, throbbing friend. The skin-to-skin contact elicited a throaty groan from him.
He was thick. You could barely contain him as you slowly began to pump him, up and down, letting more precum wet his tip. You gently ran your thumb over his head to spread everything. His cock trembled in your hand, trying to escape the too intense feeling.
His fingers tightened on your hair and his lips stopped coordinating with yours. You smiled widely and synchronized your kisses with the movements of your hand. With your tongue, you collected all the moans that came out of him. Joel felt like he was in a trap that he didn't want to get out of. Your gentle kisses and touch were driving him to the limits of his self-control.
And any remaining control disappeared the moment you fell to your knees before him.
You settled comfortably between his thighs, licking your lips. Joel sighed at the sight and propped himself up on his hands, leaning back a bit to get a better view of the way a string of saliva flew out of your mouth. His cock didn't even have time to twitch at this feeling because his tip disappeared into your mouth.
“Oh fuck,” he inhaled loudly.
You didn't give him a chance to get used to your warm tongue before you swallowed him halfway. He winced at the sudden surge of pleasure and looked at you with his mouth parted. You began to work your head, taking him deeper with each pass.
You were determined to swallow him whole, despite what you were capable of. You needed to prove to yourself that you could do it, that you could do more for him than for others.
“That's right, baby,” he hissed through clenched teeth. Hearing the praise from his lips, you felt like you were capable of anything. And that's exactly what you did, swallowing him whole.
A loud moan bounced off the walls as your throat tightened around his tip. He thrust his hips, trying to go deeper, and you let him. You pressed your nose into his flesh, holding him completely in your mouth. Joel watched everything with delight. Every twitch of his cock causing your walls to tighten around him.
He tried to breathe calmly but he couldn't focus on anything except how wonderful it felt to feel your mouth on his dick. He preferred not to admit how many times he had seen this sight before his eyes when he masturbated. Now, when he was experiencing it firsthand, he felt like he was in heaven. His imagination couldn't even match up to how skillfully you drove him crazy.
You started to choke so you immediately pulled away from his crotch. A string of saliva was the only thing that connected you two as you raised a tearful gaze at him. Joel was breathing heavily as he stared at you with adoration. And even though he wanted to feel your lips around him again, he couldn't stop himself from feeling them on him again.
He leaned down, capturing your lips in a hard kiss and covered your cheeks with his hands, forcing you to stand up. You didn't resist his movements, allowing him to pull you onto his lap. His cock throbbed, hitting your lower abdomen, causing another wave of arousal to start leaking out of you.
You wrapped your arms tightly around his neck, deepening the kiss and allowing yourself a moment to play with his tongue. Joel was more than willing to let you do whatever you wanted to him. He gripped your ass tightly, earning a moan from you.
The hot ball inside you turned into a real fire between your thighs. The feeling was starting to overwhelm you, forcing quiet squeals out of you as you rubbed against his hard cock over and over again.
You needed to get rid of this feeling.
You needed to relieve yourself of the pain of arousal.
“Please, I want you inside me.”
Your silent plea didn't have to wait long for his answer. In one movement, he turned you over, letting you fall onto the soft mattress. You gasped when he suddenly pulled away from you and practically ripped your panties off. All the wetness smeared across the inside of your thighs but Joel was too busy to notice. He squeeze your panties in his hand, feeling the black material was completely soaked and shamelessly inhaled your scent.
Your pheromones awakened things in him he didn't know existed. Like in a frenzy, he hid your underwear in the pocket of his sweatpants and blindly threw his glasses on the table. He didn't really care that they probably broke when you writhed in anticipation on the bed in front of him.
"I've been waiting ages to find out what you taste like," he said, more to himself than to you, and grabbed you tightly by the hips, pulling you closer to the edge of the bed. Your breath caught in your lungs as his hands began to roam your body in a possessive way and right under your shirt.
But when his face disappeared between your legs, you couldn't take the tension anymore and you threw your head back with a moan. Just the feeling of his breath and the knowledge of how close he was to your pussy was driving you crazy. He didn't have to do anything at all to make you writhe under him.
Every muscle in your body tensed as you felt him start to lick everything that smeared on your thigh. You began to pant heavily, feeling as he got closer to his goal with every second. Until finally, he planted the wettest, deepest kiss on your slit. You moaned loudly, arching your back at the overwhelming feeling. His tongue ran along the length of your pussy and with a growl of satisfaction, he sucked on your clit.
Instinctively, you clenched your fists tightly on the sheets and tried to move your hips out of his reach, but his hands on your waist effectively stopped your movements.
The sting of his beard perfectly matched his agile tongue. You were shocked at how quickly a familiar feeling began to gather in your lower abdomen. You couldn't remember the last time someone had brought you to such a state.
You didn't know what was causing it. The drugs that were still circulating in your blood, your desire for him or his amazing abilities. It was also possible that all of them at once made your legs tremble.
You wanted to scream, squeal, tell him to stop, tell him to continue. You couldn't decide but he made the decision for you, pulling away and depriving you of your orgasm. You opened your eyes, searching for him with your gaze and you wanted to beg him to come back to his place.
Seeing your gaze, a smirk appeared on his face. Having you in such a state made him feel like a god. He had already forgotten what it felt like to have such power over someone, to experience someone looking at you with such desire as you did for him when he took away your opportunity to come.
"You'll come with my cock inside you," he decided.
You blinked a few times and closed your mouth in shock. It was the first time you had witnessed such a change in his behavior and you had to admit that you liked him even more this way. You loved his gentle nature that surrounded you every day but his possessive version aroused a wild desire in you.
You wanted to dig your nails into his flesh until it bled and beg him to come inside you so hard and deep that you would see stars. But instead of saying that, you nodded, barely able to say a quiet 'okay'.
Your answer satisfied him.
Your submission satisfied him.
Holding his cock stiffly, he positioned himself between your legs. You felt him right at your entrance and you shuddered, clenching around nothing. Joel looked with satisfaction at the mess that you were. Disheveled hair, shiny eyes, his shirt that now revealed more than it covered.
"Fuck, you're beautiful," he whispered affectionately at the sight of you.
Your breath caught in your throat when you locked eyes with him. But your eyes rolled back in an instant when his hands gripped your hips tightly and in one movement he pulled you to him, impaling you all the way on his cock. The cry that came out of you was the most animalistic sound he had ever heard. He shuddered with a moan feeling your tight pussy pulsating around him. He couldn't even experience this feeling in his dreams.
"I knew you'd be perfect," he gasped and slowly pulled out of you only to thrust hard back.
Another scream tore through your throat like fire but it didn't stop him from slowly setting the perfect pace for himself. The sound of flesh slapping flesh echoed through the room.
"Soaked, warm and tight."
He thrust harder and harder and you couldn't shake the feeling of him going so damn deep inside you. The arousal overshadowed the pain he was causing you. You weren't used to his cock. It was thicker and longer than the one you usually had inside you.
"Made especially for me," he growled, digging his fingers deeper into your hips.
You wrapped your hands around his wrists and dug your nails into them, silently begging for him to be more gentle.
You never expected someone like Joel to be so domineering in bed. In your fantasies, it was always you who was finishing him off, not him finishing you off.
“Who does this pussy belong to?” he panted, searching for your gaze until he finally found it, completely cock drunk. You winced as he thrust hard into you once again, not giving you a chance to catch your breath. He saw how bravely you were struggling with what he had given you, how you were trying to get used to his size. He felt you still clench around him tightly and if you could, you would rip his cock off. "To who?" he repeated, raising his eyebrows encouragingly.
For a guy his age, he held himself surprisingly well despite how fast he moved his hips, impaling you over and over again with his entire length.
"Toyoutoyoutoyou," you hissed in one breath and began to pant heavily, feeling the increasing tension in the muscles between your legs.
Joel smiled, pleased with the state he had brought you to, and pushed harder into you. That was the first time you saw stars and your lungs forgot how to breathe.
"You're right, to me," he nodded, leaning towards you. His hand slid under your shirt and after a moment it squeezed pleasantly painfully on your breast. You whimpered from the new stimulant that echoed off your clit. "And you know what I don't like?" he asked, teasing your nipple with his thumb, while slowing down the movements of his hips, entering you more passionately. "Sharing," he answered before his question even reached your consciousness.
Longer and longer moans accompanied every movement of his hips. His cock smoothly began to rub against that perfect spot in your pussy. You felt like crying from the pleasure that intensified the feeling of ecstasy inside you.
"Do you think your boyfriend will be happy when you tell him who's going to fuck you from now on?" he purred, rubbing his nose against your cheek. The scent of desperation filled his nostrils. You needed to come. You needed to be free from this burning feeling in your mind.
"What boyfriend?" you asked, overcome by the approaching fulfillment.
Joel smiled against your face and began to place wet kisses on your neck. You closed your eyes, tangling your fingers in his hair and fully surrendering yourself to everything he was giving you. His cock gently stimulated your cervix and the rest of his length created the perfect friction that drove you crazy. His hand sensually stroked your thigh and the other caressed your breast. This deadly combination quickly took away the last of your ability to think.
"Will you come for me, pretty girl?" he whispered, gently biting your skin. "Cum for me and let me fill you."
The only answer you were able to give him was a long moan as you reached your peak. You could dimly hear his praises and how proud he was of you. The feeling of euphoria spread through your body in strong waves, reaching the furthest corners of your body. Joel watched with fascination as the orgasm took over your body, the way you began to arch beneath him, the way you clenched your fingers tightly in his hair in need. This sight was something he feared he would never see again in his life. And yet, it was you lying beneath him, satisfied, overcome by pleasure.
The throbbing of your cunt and just you in yourself, drove him mad. Orgasm shook his body as if the last time he fucked was thirty years ago. The pleasure overpowered his ability to breathe. He froze, letting his cum fill you completely.
It felt like when he first discovered what his hand could do.
Overcome by the experience, he didn't even notice you watching him in silence, trying to calm your breathing. Your eyes sparkled as you stared at his tired face. You couldn't accept the fact that you had just experienced what you had dreamed of for a long time. And for the first time in a long time, you were just so fucking happy.
"Thank you," you whispered, placing your hands on his cheeks and lifting your head to connect your lips in a gentle kiss. Joel didn't resist even a second as he deepened the kiss, crushing you with his weight.
In that moment, you could admit that you forgot about the whole world. It was only him.
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sanarsi · 1 month
Sweet treat
perv!neighbor!Joel Miller x f!Reader
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Summary: You came to your family home for a vacation. The obsession that is born in Joel pushes him to do very bad things. Warnings: +18, MDNI, DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, PERV!Joel, stalking, hidden recording, hidden masturbation, obsessive!Joel, noncon, fingering, pussy eating, unprotected PIV, creampie, age gap (not specified), no-outbreak au Wordcount: 4,7k An: Hey, I’d like to ask you to read the warnings, because the content below may not be for everyone! One shot contains elements of stalking and obsession with reader(you). There is also a NON-CON sex scene. You read at your own risk! Enjoy! Music I worked with: THE DINNER - Billie Eilish
The moment his eyes landed on you, the world spun.
Your eyes sparkled like two fireflies, catching the attention of predators. A wide smile was painted on your face, which made his heart beat faster. A white top hugged your breasts tightly, giving him a perfect view of your nipples. On top of that, sweatpants shorts that barely covered your butt.
And all this for free, first thing in the morning when like every day, he went out to check the mail.
But that day, he came home with such a hard cock that he stood in the shower for the next thirty minutes, coming twice.
At his age? Without the blue pill? It was like salvation.
And it was all because of you.
That day, you became his curse.
It started innocently. You went out for the mail at the same time as him. You always looked beautiful when you were sleepy. And Joel caught himself standing by the mailbox and just watching you. Like some kind of creep.
But he couldn't fight it.
He couldn't take his eyes off your body.
He didn't want to take his eyes off your body.
He stood there, letting his cock harden painfully in his pajama pants. All you had to do was come closer, and you could see the tent in his pants. But you never came.
You always smiled at him and waved, shouting "Good morning, Mr. Miller", in greeting.
You had such a sweet voice. Such a charming smile. And all he could do was nod, as always with a straight face.
All he had to do, was barely open his mouth and a moan would escape his throat. He couldn't stop it.
All you had to do was speak up, look in his direction, give him that beautiful smile, for his cock to quiver as if he was about to come.
It scared him.
It scared him how intensely he reacted to even the thought of you. It scared him that at his age, he had started cumming several times a day, as if he were a teenager again. Several times a day his cock was so hard he couldn't walk without feeling physical and mental pain. And every time he finished, your name would spill from his lips.
At first he felt awful. You were young, innocent, nice, and he was acting like a common pervert. He couldn't stop. He couldn't look at you like you were a normal person. He couldn't ignore you sunbathing in the garden.
It wasn't his fault that his bedroom window gave a perfect view of your garden. And it wasn't his fault that he was standing, hiding behind the wall, watching you smear sunscreen on your body. And it certainly wasn't his fault that his hand was pumping his hard cock until he came a second time against the wall.
Even at night he didn't get any peace from you. You haunted his dreams like an apparition. Your shiny eyes looking at him with desire. Your delicate lips entwining his cock. Your sweet tits rubbing against his skin.
Even in his dreams he couldn't rest.
Every day he woke up hard as a rock or coming in his sleep. In the worse case, his boxers leaked from warm cum.
He got up, lived, fell asleep and slept, and you were constantly in his head.
And that was for a few weeks. And the whole time he behaved like a common boor in your company.
He never returned your smile, didn't answer you, didn't wish you a nice day, nothing.
You saw him talking to other neighbors, how he talked to his daughter on the phone, how he talked to everyone except you. At first you thought he stopped liking you. After all, when you were younger, you played with his daughter, and everything was fine then. So what could have changed?
You matured.
You became a woman so tempting that his brain stopped working normally.
He stopped seeing anything wrong with spying on you spending a sunny day in the garden. There was nothing wrong with watching you get ready for bed in your own bedroom.
Everything about you stopped being wrong.
But everything started to get to him.
Going to work was such a big challenge that he installed several cameras in the house. Cameras perfectly positioned to spy on you. And he did it. Even while at work.
He watched on his phone how you hung up the laundry, sticking out your ass. How you dug through flowers, kneeling and showing your tits perfectly for the camera.
And he came.
In the car, in the bathroom, on his lunch break.
His balls were still full and seemed bottomless.
How could they be when he had so many treats before him?
He spent his evenings either watching you or watching videos of you. The hot tea had long since cooled down, standing on the table, waiting for Joel to take at least one sip.
But he was busy.
His pants were off his hips and his hard cock was in his hand. That was more important. The recording from this afternoon, when you were lying on the deckchair in the garden. But this time you weren't sunbathing. This time your hand was immersed in your shorts, when you shamelessly touched your cunt. The recording was without sound, but Joel could hear you moaning in his mind, arching your body in pleasure. He could only imagine how beautiful your singing sounded.
What a frenzy you could drive him to if he was home then…
Another growl echoed through the room as he squeezed his cock harder so as not to come too quickly. Your hand ran over your stomach to the tit that you squeezed. He shuddered again, demanding an orgasm. His balls squeezed painfully as your hand pushed aside the material of your bra, giving him a perfect view of your sweet tits. And that was enough to make him come with a hiss.
Hot cum began to drip down his fingers, but his cock refused to soften, oh no, he was still hard, the head furiously red, slowly turning blue. And Joel continued to squeeze it painfully at the base, as if the pain was bringing him any relief from all this.
The doorbell tore him out of his hypnosis.
The phone fell out of his hand as he jumped slightly in place. He cursed under his breath, bending down to pick up the device and quickly locked the phone, placing it on the table. He glanced over his shoulder towards the door, just as you looked through the small window next to you to see if anyone was home.
"Fuck," he said, terrified. His heart sped up and his eyes widened at the sight of your face blurred through the decorative glass.
In his haste, he let go of his cock and wiped his hand on the leg of his pants. Unfortunately for him, the cum had started to congeal so his hand was all sticky.
"Fuck," he growled, pulling his boxers and pants up over his hips. There was a knock on the door. "I'm coming!" he shouted, getting up from the sofa and fighting with his jammed zipper, heading towards the hallway.
Silently cursing under his breath, he straightened his crumpled shirt and opened the door, almost ripping it off its hinges. His gaze immediately fell on you and how you jumped scared on the spot. And your tits did the same.
"Mr. Miller, good morning," you said with a fast beating heart. Your wide smile and the way you looked at his face quickly caused another dose of cum after orgasm to fly into his cock. He clenched his jaw tighter seeing you reach out your hand towards him.
Why did you have to give him your right hand?
His own, tightened around the door handle. Silence fell between you which clearly indicated to you to take your hand away. You cleared your throat nervously, shifting your weight from one foot to another.
Nothing escaped his attention. You were stressed.
No wonder.
He acted as if he was at least possessed.
"I made a cake," you started with a crooked smile. Only then, he notice the tray of chocolate cake you were holding. "And I thought I would visit you. Is Sarah here?"
"She's not here," he replied more sharply than he intended. A shadow of disappointment crossed your face but you immediately hid it by smiling pleasantly.
"Then we can eat together," you suggested, looking at him with sparks of hope in your eyes.
The stain of moisture on his boxers was getting bigger and bigger. And all he wanted now was to slam the door before your face.
But he ended up moving aside to let you in.
A radiant smile immediately appeared on your lips when you walked past him. Your shoulder brushed against his and the sweet perfume intoxicated him so much that for a few long seconds he simply stood by the open door.
He made a big mistake by letting you into his home.
You entered the lion's den yourself, giving yourself to him on a plate.
Something dark flew through his eyes as he slowly closed the door and as quietly as he could, turned all the locks. His heart was beating like crazy in his chest as he stared at the dark wood. The sounds from the kitchen barely reached his mind.
While you were calmly preparing plates and forks, he was fighting with something animalistic that was being born in his chest.
But then your voice echoed off the walls. "Are you coming?"
Then he stopped fighting.
His heart slowed down, beating slowly and powerfully. He took a deep breath and straightened up, immediately getting bigger. A smile filled with evil appeared on his face.
"I'm coming," he said in a strong voice and slowly headed to the kitchen. You bustled around in every direction, putting a piece of cake on plates and in the meantime making coffee. "I see you still remember where everything is," he said lightly, watching the way your fingers wrapped around the crowd you were currently holding.
Your small fingers on his cock would look much better.
He wondered if you would be able to embrace him with one hand.
"I have the impression that there are things hidden here that you have no idea about," you joked, glancing at him over your shoulder. Joel snorted under his breath and sat down at the table.
He didn't take his eyes off you for even a moment. You looked so natural as you walked around his kitchen. He could get used to the sight. But his dick would need time. Because it was trembling painfully with every movement you made. He felt like it was torture sent to him for the evil he had committed.
But you didn't seem to notice how his eyes darkened the moment he looked at you. You didn't see how his gaze pierced your soul. You just sat down across from him with a sweet smile, handing him his coffee.
"Black without sugar and milk," you said proudly.
"Good girl," he praised you without even looking at the contents of the cup. You could pour him poison and he still wouldn't take his eyes off your face.
Joel noticed how a shadow of shyness passed through your eyes when you gave him a quick glance before taking a sip of your coffee.
"So... how are you?" you asked, starting to eat the cake.
And the next hour passed with you asking him questions and him answering them. For the entire hour he sat watching your lips wrap around the small fork, your tongue licking the coffee that was left on your bottom lip. And for the entire hour, his boxers were soaked.
His cock was leaking as if every word you said was pleasurable to him. His balls were swollen with arousal that couldn't escape. He was like a wild animal trapped in a cage, and before him was a juicy meal.
But eventually you ran out of questions too. An hour was enough for you to know everything that was going on in his life again. An hour was enough for you to eat a few pieces of cake and drink coffee when he had barely touched his first portion.
But you didn't seem to notice that either.
You were blind to the signs that should have let you know something was wrong.
You were blind to his madness.
"Can I use the bathroom?" you asked politely before getting up from the table. Joel just nodded and waited until you disappeared up the stairs before clearing the dishes from the table.
You walked through the hallway towards the bathroom and looking around, you could tell that nothing had changed here. Only more pictures had appeared on the walls. You stopped, looking with a smile at the picture of Sarah and Joel during her graduation. The perfect daughter with the perfect father.
You felt warm looking at the other photos until something caught your attention.
You glanced through the ajar door to Joel's bedroom and frowned noticing the camera standing next to the bed. You wouldn't have been interested if the camera wasn't pointed at something outside the window.
You glanced over your shoulder towards the stairs hearing Joel washing the dishes. You decided to quietly enter the room.
You looked around not noticing anything new. The same furniture and the same bed as before. You went to the window and looked out, noticing yours and his garden. Everything in perfect view.
You glanced at the camera and swallowed hard, realizing that it wasn't aimed at his garden. But you still decided to make sure because maybe you were just telling yourself something that wasn't there.
But when you glanced through the lens, your heart stopped in your throat.
You could now see the deckchair perfectly.
It was lying on which you sometimes lay naked and sometimes...
"Oh my god," you whispered, starting to tremble.
The sudden bang of the door closing almost gave you a heart attack.
You turned around with your eyes wide open and automatically took a step back when you noticed Joel. He leaned against the wall next to the door with a gentle smile.
He had to admit that in some situation you found yourself, he felt a slight amusement. You looked at him with such horror, as if he had at least killed your entire family.
And he was only innocently admiring your beauty.
"I see that there is nothing to hide anymore," he spoke first and bounced off the wall, slowly approaching you.
His step forward equaled your step back.
Until you finally hit the dresser.
"I won't hurt you, you know me," he said calmly, raising his hands a little to show that he had no bad intentions. But your back had long since been drenched in cold sweat and your brain told you to run away.
You glanced towards the door and back at him.
Joel knew immediately what that meant so he sighed quietly. He only had to close his eyes for a second and you were already running towards the exit.
But he was faster.
"Where are you going?" He grabbed you by the waist and easily pulled you to him, locking you in a tight embrace. You squealed, stiffening with fear when he started to surround you from every side.
He buried his face in your neck, inhaling your scent, and shivers ran through your whole body. You panted heavily, looking with fear at the door that was now beyond your reach.
"Easy, baby," he whispered gently, holding you tightly to his chest. But still, you tried.
You jerked.
Once, twice.
But he was stronger.
You tried again, but then a soft groan escaped his throat. You stiffened again, realizing something hard was digging into your ass. And then he pushed his hips towards you, grinding against you. Another moan disappeared into your shoulder and a wave of heat washed over you.
"I won't hurt you, I swear," he said pleadingly and hugged you tighter, once again rubbing against your ass. He couldn't stop his animalistic desire to grab you and possess you.
Maybe if you hadn't gone into his bedroom and found a camera, he would have let you leave.
But now he just couldn't.
He couldn't let you go.
"Joel, please," you cried in response to his next moan.
"I will please you," he assured, slowly sliding his hand down your stomach.
You shivered when he simultaneously tightened his hand on your breast and slid his fingers under your shorts and panties.
He laughed tenderly into your neck, moving lower until his entire hand covered your pussy.
"You shaved for me," he whispered, placing a kiss under your ear.
You pressed your lips together tightly, holding back a sigh. The blood in your veins began to boil from too much stimulation.
His fingers played hard with your soft breast, his lips placed soft kisses along your neck and his fingers collected the moisture that was constantly leaking from you.
Oh yes, you had shaved before coming to him. But you were expecting a different turn of events.
A movie night, a bottle of wine, maybe a little making out on the couch.
You definitely weren't prepared for THIS.
And suddenly his two fingers plunged into you. You shuddered and tightened around him.
"You so wet 'cause of fear?" he asked amused and bit your skin gently, slowly starting to fuck you with his fingers. Fear mixed with arousal that you couldn't fight. His fingers were thick and long and teased your oversensitive walls perfectly.
"Stop," you whispered in a breaking voice.
But just as his signs didn't reach you before, now your pleas didn't reach him.
He was hungry. He was so hungry that all he thought about was sinking his teeth into your flesh. His fingers slowly and skillfully began to cause unwanted effects in your body. Your clit throbbed dangerously and all the heat began to pool in your lower abdomen.
“Shhh, don’t fight me,” he whispered, tightening his arm around your breast.
Your own body betrayed you the moment your hips pushed themselves towards his hand to impale yourself more on his fingers. He immediately withdrew your hips with a quiet laugh of satisfaction. He held his hand tightly on your pubic mound and slowly dipped his fingers inside you.
He was delighted by the way your juices flowed over his skin, finally soaking into your panties. Your insides were soft and warm, making his cock leak at the thought of sinking inside you. Finally, you couldn't hold back a quiet moan as he curled his fingers inside you.
"I found it," he whispered with a wide smile in your ear and repeated the same motion again. Your knees buckled under you but he held you too tightly to let you fall. He buried his nose in your hair and focused on hitting your sweet spot.
You began to thrust your hips in rhythm with his fingers, grinding your ass against him at the same time. His moans began to mix with yours until you came, pressing harder into his chest. Joel rode you through your orgasm until you began to tremble from his touch.
Then he withdrew his soaked fingers from you and didn't mind running them over your clit before removing his hand from your panties.
He ran his nose down your neck, making you shiver. His arms tightened around you again, not giving you the chance to move.
"Don't run away from me," he whispered in a tone that sent cold sweat running down your spine.
You were so delicate, so fragile in his strong arms. He could crush you if he wanted to. He wouldn't even have to try to defeat you. That's why he really didn't want you to force him to do it.
He didn't want to hurt you.
He wanted you both to benefit from the situation that had arisen between you. It could fix everything. You could forget about how you found out about his obsession. You could create something amazing together. Something unique.
“Joel, please,” you whispered tearfully as he started to back away towards the bed. You couldn’t fight him. If you did, he would have easily picked you up and just thrown you where he wanted.
“I know baby,” he murmured, kissing your neck. “We’ll just check if it can fit in, okay?” he asked innocently, earning a sob from you in response. "Yeah, you're such a good girl."
Another sob escaped your throat before he pushed you hard onto the bed. You fell onto the mattress with a gasp and barely lifted your head before you felt him ripping your clothes off you. The cold hit your soaked cunt and you moaned uncontrollably.
You pushed yourself up on your elbows and tried to move away from him, but he grabbed your hips tightly, pulling you closer to him. You howled pulling the sheet behind you and tried again but quickly froze in place when you felt his tongue on your clit.
Joel dipped between your thighs, licking your juices from your entire pussy. He licked every inch, letting you moan and press your face into the mattress. His tongue was big and warm, perfectly covering your entire hole and even better entering it.
You pushed your hips towards him, impaling yourself more on his tongue. A loud moan mixed with wet sounds as he licked your cunt. A second orgasm suddenly erupted in your belly. You whined like an animal, letting him take you all the way to the end. Your hole began to squeeze against his tongue, and he purred in satisfaction.
Drunk with pleasure, you didn't even notice the lack of his touch. And Joel was already unzipping his fly with trembling fingers. He took his cock out with a hiss.
He was hypersensitive even to a slight breath of air. He was furiously red and his veins pulsated along his entire length like mad. His balls ached like never before in his life, begging him to get rid of everything he had inside him.
And seeing your hole, tightening around nothing, took away the last of his control.
He pushed you onto the mattress and immediately pressed his whole body against you. You moaned feeling his weight on you.
"Let me in," he growled hungrily into your ear and only then, slowly positioned his cock at your entrance. He moaned feeling the moisture that had leaked out of you on his tip.
He had to enter you.
He had to.
"No, please," you sobbed, feeling panic take over your body. "I'm not on the pill."
But it was too late.
Joel entered you slowly, moaning loudly as he did so.
“Fuck,” he sobbed, overwhelmed by the feeling of your tight, wet, throbbing pussy wrapped around his cock.
He couldn’t even fight the orgasm that overcame him the moment his hips crashed into your ass. He began to pant heavily, his cock throbbing inside you, releasing more and more of his cum. The pleasure hurt, driving him into a daze.
Your sobs mixed with moans of pleasure. Joel was big. You felt him deep inside you, in places that had long since left your pussy.
When the first orgasm left his body, he looked at you lying limply under him, clenching your fists tightly on the sheets. And his cock was immediately ready to fight for another orgasm.
He pulled his hips back and thrust into you again, leaving you breathless. He slid his hands down your body and grabbed your ass tightly. A throaty groan caressed his ears as he spread your buttocks apart and began to watch his cock sink into your hole. It was all glistening with your juices, which were getting more and more every time you squeezed on him.
"Baby, this is such a beautiful view. Literally takes my breath away," he said in delight, making you whimper.
His cock slowly rubbed against your insides, drawing pleasure like a magnet. Your clit throbbed and your walls tightly embraced his entire length. A few tears soaked into the sheets, because he was too long. He would go all the way in, penetrating you like you were a fuck doll.
And then he would pull out, kissing the tip of your slit with his tip before sliding back in. And so on and so forth until all you did was cry out in pleasure. And as if that wasn't enough, Joel spat between your ass cheeks and began to massage your asshole with his thumb. You shivered at the feeling and he moaned in pleasure as you clenched around him tightly.
"You like it?" he asked with a smile and looked at the side of your face as you whimpered. That was all he could see. But it was enough for him to see the grimace of pleasure. The pleasure he was giving you. He.
This time Joel was savoring you. He slowed down every time he was close to coming. He kept his orgasm in check, afraid that he wouldn't be able to come a third time.
But every time he slowed down, he deprived you of it too. The game he was playing made you sob and cry more hot tears. You were helpless as he brought you to the edge of another orgasm and slowed you down again.
"Please, let me come!" you screamed in frustration. He looked at you in shock, feeling a strange tightening in his chest. And right after that, a proud smile spread across his lips.
"You will come just from my cock?" he asked, astonished.
"Yes!" you cried. "Yes, I will! Please!"
Joel looked at you, delighted by how tender and thirsty you were for his touch. His obsession didn't decrease. Every moan you made, every second he was inside you, every tear you shed, all of it made him want you even more. He was hungry.
So this time he thrust into you without stopping. Your moans mixed with his loud panting as he entered you over and over again. His hips clashed against your ass creating sounds that were mind-blowing.
He was no longer gentle.
He couldn't control himself as you begged for his cock.
As you begged him to bring you to orgasm.
"Yes yes yes," you whimpered, feeling as each of his movements slowly brought you to the very gates of hell. And when you came, Joel heard the most beautiful sound in his entire life and felt the strongest orgasm he had ever had.
Your pussy squeezed his cock tightly as it throbbed, cumming inside you. It froze both you and him, you could only experience the wave of pleasure that flowed through your bodies.
Panting heavily, he looked down at your limp body and experienced a shock, because he finally felt fulfilled. Finally, after so many weeks, he had experienced an orgasm that satisfied him enough. But despite this, his cock was still standing hard, buried deep inside you.
His hand slowly ran down your spine to the nape of your neck, as he slowly bent down, crushing you with his weight. But now it didn't bother you at all, it was actually pleasant. His nose began to run along your neck, cheek and ear, leaving wet kiss marks with his mouth behind it.
"I'll take care of you, I promise," he whispered with something dark in his voice.
And despite your tiredness, you knew you were fucked.
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sanarsi · 1 month
But daddy, I love him!
older boyfriend!Joel Miller x f!Reader
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Summary: Your controversial old boyfriend is back from his deployment. Your father is against your relationship. Or Joel fucks you on his motorcycle. Warnings: +18, MDNI, angst, arguing, age gap (reader is 20, Joel is 40), ex-soldier!boyfriend!Joel, rough sex, unprotected PIV, pussy eating, dirty talk, dom!Joel, motorcycle sex, daddy kink, pet names (daddy, sir, baby girl, good girl), hair pulling, no-outbreak AU and no-Sarah Wordcount: 4,5k An: My boyfriend’s back, and he’s cooler than ever. This text inspired me to write this wonder. Hope you enjoyed bestiesss <3 Music I worked with: Lust For Life - Lana Del Rey, The Weeknd
One message made your heart fill with warmth and your lips formed the most sincere smile in months.
Joel: I'm back.
The same message also caused hell in your house.
Screams echoed throughout the house for almost an hour. Your throat and eyes hurt.
Another dose of hot tears ran down your cheeks as you tried to convince your father to let you meet with Joel.
With your controversial old boyfriend who you met right after your eighteenth birthday. And the whole world could be against your love but you didn't care. After all, it was with him that you experienced the most beautiful things in your life.
He was the one who treated you like his princess the moment your father stopped.
"I forbid you!" Another scream from your father echoed through the kitchen.
Your mother was sitting at the kitchen island drinking soothing herbs. She hadn't said a word for several minutes. Just stared blankly into space.
She wasn't defending you.
She was on her husband's side.
Not on her own daughter's.
"I'm not sixteen anymore so you can forbid me from doing something!"
"You're my daughter! I have the right to forbid you from making the biggest mistake of your life!"
And that's how this conversation looked from the moment it started. From the moment your father accidentally saw a message on your phone.
If it weren't for your inattention, you would be sitting in your room now, waiting for another message. Happy that you're about to see your beloved after a few months of separation. Without letting your parents know where you're going, who you're with, and when you're coming back.
"He's not a mistake!" you screamed, more tears streaming down your neck. Your preparation for the meeting went to hell. You looked like seven disasters. Mascara smudged under your eyes, irritated eyes, tears that had washed off your makeup.
Everything was wrong.
Father snorted dryly at your words, sending you an amused look. It hurt.
"Child, this man is using you. He's manipulating you because you're young and stupid," he growled in disgust.
You blinked a few times, not knowing if it was your heart that broke or the cup your mother had dropped. You stared at the man who raised you and was once the most important person in the world to you.
It was amazing how time can change everything.
"Is that what you think of me?" you asked, smiling sadly. "That I am stupid because I fell in love with someone who treats me like an equal? ​​Shows me respect and understanding?" you said, your voice breaking more and more.
"Oh, please," he snorted, rolling his eyes. "Do you really believe that a guy my age can love you and not just want you in his bed?" There was simply hatred in his gaze. There was no compassion or understanding. In his eyes, you were a stupid and disobedient girl.
You snorted sadly, shrugging your shoulders.
"I don't know, you used to," you replied with venom.
The kitchen fell silent. Your mother was afraid to even look up at you. And your father seemed to be on the verge of madness. He was breathing heavily, looking at you with something dark in his eyes.
You felt the vibration of your phone in your pocket and your heart immediately beat faster.
He had arrived.
"Get out of my sight," he growled, pointing his finger towards the stairs leading to your bedroom.
It was a pity that you didn't intend to go back there. Not after the hatred with which your own family treated you. If they could, they would have disowned you and everything you represented.
But looking at your parents, who were together out of habit and not love, you were glad that you were different than they wanted you to be. You weren't the one who was unhappy. You weren't the one who cheated on your partner at the first opportunity. You weren't the one who fell asleep after an argument about who was the worse person.
You loved and were loved.
"With pleasure," you said angrily and left the kitchen.
But instead of going to your room, you went to the hall to put on your shoes and take your backpack. It was amazing that you had packed everything you needed in it.
All your belongings.
"Where are you going?" he shouted, following you.
"I'm getting out of your sight. Just like you wanted," you said indifferently and with one movement you opened the door. You didn't pay attention to how hard the wooden board hit the wall when you went outside.
Your gaze immediately fell on the end of the sidewalk to the man sitting on the motorcycle.
Time stopped for a moment.
There was only him, smoking a cigarette in peace. A gentle wind blew his flannel shirt, jeans hugged his legs and gel held his slowly graying hair perfectly.
He looked even better than you remembered.
Broad shoulders and muscles tensed under the dark green material. The same wrinkle between his eyebrows and that tired look that immediately lit up at the sight of you.
Your father's screams didn't reach your ears.
There was only the strong beating of your heart and that smirk you missed. You felt butterflies in your stomach as you watched him throw the cigarette butt on the ground and reach behind him for helmet.
The helmet he bought specially for you.
"You're not going anywhere with that man," your father growled, tugging on your elbow to get your attention.
That was enough for the endless moment to end.
You looked at him over your shoulder with a hateful look and yanked your hand out of his grip.
"Try to stop me," you said defiantly.
Your father knew who Joel was. And he might have doubted your love, but he couldn't doubt that Joel was capable of protecting you.
That's why when you saw a spark of hesitation in his eyes, you immediately took the opportunity and ran towards the motorcycle.
"Get back here!" he shouted, running after you. Joel started the motorcycle as if on cue. You grabbed the helmet he held out to you and quickly sat down behind him. Your fingers trembled as you try to buckled it.
"I wouldn't come any closer if I were you."
You shivered when you heard the voice you missed so much. You looked up at Joel who was just sending a warning look to your father. The tension between them sent shivers down your spine.
"You're disgusting," he hissed.
Joel snorted under his breath and smiled widely. With superiority.
"Nah, your daughter thinks I'm pretty good," he teased. Your breathing quickened when you finally managed to get the clasp off and you hugged him tightly around the waist. "See ya," he winked, amused at the state he left your father in.
Anger seethed in him and if he could, he would have started to boil. But you couldn't see it anymore because Joel, with a roar of his motor, drove away from your house. Your heart was pounding in your chest and you could barely catch your breath, let alone know what was going on around you. Your arms tightened around him as you pressed your cheek against his back.
Feeling him again after so many months was a completely different experience. It was better than getting high after rehab.
His scent was intoxicating. He smelled like a man you would trust with your life. His muscles felt like a place you never wanted to leave again.
He was like home.
"Hi, baby," he said tenderly, placing his hand on your thigh. You felt shivers when he started stroking your leg in that caring way. He laughed quietly feeling your body tremble.
Everything around you became quieter.
"I missed you."
"Yeah?" he asked teasingly.
"Mhm," you nodded hugging him tighter to which he tightened his hand on your thigh.
"I missed you too."
You smiled at his words which made warmth spread through you.
He missed you.
And suddenly everything in your head calmed down.
All unwanted thoughts and worries disappeared.
There was only the sound of the motorcycle, the wind whistling over your skin, his body against yours and the view of green fields.
You felt good again.
"Do you have everything with you?" he asked, calmly leading the way. You nodded. "Just your backpack?"
"Yeah," you replied, swallowing hard. The change in tone didn't escape his notice. He removed his hand from your thigh and slowly ran it over your hand on his stomach.
"That's good. I have more room to maneuver with the gifts," he said with a smile, then took your hand and pulled it to his mouth, placing a gentle kiss on it. You shivered at the feeling of his lips and beard on your skin.
You didn't even realize how much you missed it. His words, as always, brought you comfort.
He always took care of you.
From the moment he decided to save you from the aggressive guy at the club. From the moment his worried eyes met your terrified gaze.
From the moment he offered to walk you home after that, you always felt safe with him.
It took so little to fall in love with him.
His gentle smile, warm gaze, and careful touch were enough.
"Want to show you somethin’, sweet girl."
Then there was only a loud growl, acceleration and a tighter grip on his body. The landscape slowly passed before your eyes as you drove fast through almost empty roads.
A feeling straight out of a movie.
That's how you felt all the time when he was around.
His gaze was always on you, making you hot and butterflies in your stomach. With him, you were the main character. Always. Even when you argued, all he wanted was for you to stop looking at him with pain in your eyes.
He treated you like his princess.
Only to treat you like a whore at night.
And he was the best at it.
Motor began to slow down so you lifted your cheek from his back to look around. You were on top of some mountain. The view of the forests and the city stretched in the distance. You had never been here before. You didn't even know this place existed even though you had lived here your whole life.
Joel stopped, turning off the engine and patted your thigh. You knew what to do so you deftly jumped off the seat.
There was silence all around, interrupted by the singing of birds. It was peaceful. Perfect.
You took off your helmet and hung it on the handlebars. A strong arm immediately wrapped around your hips, pulling you closer. You bumped into Joel's hard chest and gave him an innocent look that immediately made him start to harden in his jeans.
His gaze began to carefully examine every inch of your face, as if he was seeing you up close for the first time. But you hadn't changed even a little. The same shiny eyes, firm skin and delicious lips.
His fingers ran down your neck, sending shivers down your spine. A smirk bloomed on his lips as he felt you still react so intensely to his proximity.
You were so damn soft under his rough touch.
"Will you smile for me?" he asked, grabbing your chin. As if on cue, you couldn't help but smile. "That's my girl," he praised, returning your smile. "That's what I missed the most." His thumb slowly ran over your skin until it caught your lower lip. "And that," he added and without waiting, he leaned down, pressing his lips to yours. You closed your eyes immediately, melting in his arms.
The longed-for and deep kiss he gave you, easily made your knees tremble. You slowly embraced his neck, pulling him even closer, thirsty for his closeness.
His attention.
His tenderness.
A quiet sigh escaped your lips into his when he tightened his hand on your hip. His touch was domineering and his lips dominant. His desire for you didn't decrease even a little, it actually increased.
You felt a slap on your butt and his fingers digging hard into your skin. You moaned, thirsty for more.
More of his hands on your body.
More kisses on your warm skin.
More of him.
“I missed those sweet sounds of yours,” he whispered against your lips as he slowly pulled away with a blissful smile. You caught your breath licking your swollen lips, and your eyes began to sparkle again as you looked at him.
Unlike you, he had changed.
He had more wrinkles around his eyes. His hair was starting to lose its shine and his beard was turning grey.
He was aging before your eyes.
“You were supposed to go to war, not to a beauty salon,” you said biting your lip to hide your growing smile.
He snorted, looking away for a moment in amusement. This sound was enough to make your stomach clench pleasantly. His smile was the most beautiful sight you could have after so many months of emptiness.
“Are you teasing your old man? Naughty,” he smacked his lips disapprovingly and squeezed your butt harder before he let go of you.
You took a step back, letting him get off the bike. He straightened with a soft groan as his spine cracked.
“I guess it’s been a while since anyone gave you a massage,” you said teasingly as he slowly walked up to you and wrapped his arms around your waist.
“Unfortunately, where I was, there weren’t any masseuses as pretty as you,” he teased, wrinkling his nose as he leaned down to place a soft kiss on your lips.
A few soft kisses.
You giggled as he started kissing your cheek and neck, teasing you with his stubble.
“I have something for you,” he whispered, straightening up and reaching under the collar of his shirt.
A soft jingle caught your attention.
The sun reflected off the silver dog tag that hung between you.
“This was my last mission,” he announced, placing the necklace around your neck this time. “I’m yours now.”
Those words hit you like a bucket of cold water. You blinked a few times, looking at the dog tag. The embossed letters with his data gleamed in the sunlight like a promise. Such a little piece of metal that meant so much. So much to him and now, so much to you.
He belonged to you now.
Your heart almost fell out of your chest when he grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him again.
“Now I can take care of you properly.”
The gentleness and certainty with which he said it made you dizzy. And suddenly all those months of waiting turned out to be worth every minute.
Just so he can come back to you, giving yourself on an open hand.
“Will you accept me?”
It's the same as 'will you marry me'.
You stared at him expectantly, slowly starting to lose your breath. Did he really- No, he can’t. Or can he?
Joel saw the confusion in your eyes. You were only twenty, you had barely started living an adult life, and he was offering you something that was an obligation until the very end.
And maybe he was old, he didn't have as much strength and will to live as he once did, but he wanted you.
He wanted to take care of you.
He wanted you to be able to rely on him in everything.
So that you wouldn't be afraid to ask him to buy an extra pack of jelly beans or to kill a man for you.
He wanted to help you get through life, protecting you from anything that could hurt you.
“Say yes, my love,” he whispered, stroking your cheek.
Your silence began to drag on. But you didn’t think about the answer. You tried to understand what happiness had just reached you.
“Say yes and I will never let you worry about anything again.”
He needed to hear your consent even though he saw the answer on your face. That's why he wasn't afraid to wait when you were silent for a long time.
He leaned down and gently brushed his nose against yours. His hot breath mixed with yours and even such a small thing made you shiver.
"Say yes and be mine," he whispered, tilting his head so he could run his lips over yours.
Gently like the beating of a butterfly's wings.
Your eyelids began to droop from the feeling of warmth he began to surround you with.
And that was enough for his hand to tangle in your hair, holding you tightly as he pressed his lips painfully against yours.
You moaned, wincing as your teeth clashed and his tongue immediately entered your mouth. Only now could you feel the desire from longing for you.
He kissed hard but slowly, passionately.
He kissed so that you felt a tingling between your thighs.
The tingling quickly turned to excitement as he pulled closer your hips until you could feel his hard cock. You sighed, wrapping your arms around his neck as he gently rubbed himself against you with a soft groan.
After that, everything happened quickly. You had no idea how you ended up on the seat of a motorcycle, without any shorts or panties, while making out with him. But you don’t mind. As long as his hands gripped your body like that, you didn't care about anything.
He growled softly, his fingers gripping your thighs tighter. His thumbs were close to your little slice of heaven, sensually massaging your skin.
And you might have been wet before, but now you were leaking onto the seat.
Joel didn't care that he made a mess. He didn't care about the teeth marks he left on your skin as he went lower and lower. He didn't care about how his cock painfully dug into his jeans, wanting to get out.
He cared about how hard your nipples were standing before he even ran his warm tongue over them.
The animalistic groan that escaped your throat made his balls ache.
"Fuck baby, I haven't even started with you yet and my cock is about to fall off," he mumbled without stopping sucking on your nipple.
Another wave of arousal hit your clit, allowing more juices to flow out of your hole and between your ass cheeks. His teeth began to tease your already oversensitive nipple, making you whimper.
"Joel, please."
He loved hearing your pleas. How beautifully his name sounded on your lips when you were possessed by pleasure. And Joel never refused you. So after a moment he was kneeling in front of you, gripping your thighs, forcing you to spread your legs even wider for him.
“Oh, fuck me,” he groaned at the sight of your cunt. Wet, leaking and throbbing, just for him. “Daddy’s home.”
And he dove in, collecting with his tongue everything that leaked out of your hole with gusto. You moaned loudly watching as he greeted your pussy. Groans of pleasure left his throat every time another dose of your arousal appeared on his tongue.
Like a thirsty man, he dove his tongue into you and your loud moans mingled into one. All your blood began to flow to that one small point, which after a moment was between his lips.
He sucked on your clit with a purr and allowed himself to give it a moment of attention. He made slow circles with his tongue and your legs began to tremble.
"I'm gonna come," you warned him, panting heavily. He glanced up at you, not taking his mouth off you, and you could have sworn that this view should be immortalized in a museum. You could watch for hours as he knelt thirsty in front of you to eat you.
The grimace of pleasure on your face only made his balls boil. He ran his tongue along the length of your slit and sucked on your clit again. You whimpered as you felt your orgasm approaching.
You didn't even have to try, because a wave of pleasure hit you a moment later when he bit down on your nerve nub. Fucking nirvana you could feel again after a few months of separation.
You shuddered, pushing your hips into him as he rode you through your orgasm for as long as he could.
And only when he cleaned everything that had flowed out of you, he let you breathe. He stood up with a quiet groan and immediately reached for his belt.
"My balls are about to fall off because of you, princess," he joked with a quiet snort. You breathed heavily as you watched him unzip his fly and reach under his underwear.
With a sigh of relief, he pulled out his painfully hard cock, which quivered at the contact with the outside world. You swallowed hard as you saw another drop of precum flowing from his head. He pumped it slowly a few times and approached you, positioning himself perfectly between your legs.
He held his cock firmly at the base and with a hiss of satisfaction he slammed it perfectly into your clit a few times. You whimpered, clenching around nothing.
"Yeah, just like that."
He guided the tip down and ran it between your wet slit. His head was soft and warm so your body didn't resist as he slowly pushed a few inches into you. You began to breathe harder, watching as he slowly disappeared deeper and deeper into your pussy.
Joel moaned in satisfaction, feeling your hole accept him perfectly smoothly. As if she was just waiting for his cock to fill her up again.
“Oh god,” you gasped, already feeling full but you could see he had to go in a few more inches. You clenched on him in warning and he grabbed your hips tightly to hold you in place as he slowly pushed deeper into you.
“Good girls take everything their daddies give them,” he gasped, watching you helplessly look at the spot where you were connecting. “You’re a good girl, right?”
You squealed, pressing your lips together tightly and nodding your head eagerly. His cock made you not know if it was better to breathe or not. Joel smiled, pleased with your reaction and with one hard movement, he pushed himself all the way into you. You moaned like a wounded animal as your eyes rolled back and your head fell back.
“Fuck yeah,” he groaned in pleasure, feeling your pussy clench around him in welcome.
And then it started.
His hips slowly pulled back only to thrust hard into you. Joel was never gentle with sex. And you never thought you'd like it. But you did.
His fingers dug hard into your flesh as his hips began to painfully slam against yours. You were barely able to stay in your seat. The loud moans had already scared away the birds and his growls had scared away all other animals. He was pounding his rock hard cock into you, causing more and more juices to spill from your hole.
The wet sound echoed around every time he thrust into you. And he didn't care that you couldn't catch your breath. He didn't care that you had nothing left to scream for. You just existed. Taking everything he gave you. Like a regular fuck doll.
"Fuckin’ take it," he growled.
You slowly started to choke but that only intensified the pleasure that accompanied his cock as he drove it into you all the way. He watched you struggle with the overwhelming feeling of bliss that he gave you. He loved seeing you like this.
His cock literally took your breath away.
But then his thumb appeared on your clit and you automatically gasped for air. You tensed up, moaning throatily until your knees trembled under him. Your pussy immediately became tighter, making his balls shiver.
His thumb made quick circles around your clit and you couldn't fight the feeling that appeared in your legs. You were helpless.
"Yesyesyesyesyesyes," you started to repeat on the edge of your endurance. Your body was fighting the approaching orgasm, making the blood start to boil throughout your body.
His finger disappeared and in return, you felt his hand grab your hair tightly. You weren't even able to hiss in pain when he pulled you to him. You looked at animal instinct in his eyes, feeling how he intensified his thrusts.
"Father didn't want you?" he asked, panting heavily. You clenched your jaw tighter as he jerked you harder. A devilish smile appeared on his lips. "Don't worry, baby. Now I will take care of you."
"Yes," you hissed, fighting the feeling that was slowly overpowering you.
"Yes what?" he growled, tugging harder at your hair. He leaned down, running his tongue over your neck to finally plant a gentle kiss.
“Yes, sir,” you repeated. He smiled against your skin
“Good girl,” he praised you, pleased and bit into the spot right after your ear. And then you were gone.
You moaned like a real slut, coming on his cock. Your legs began to tremble as he continued to fuck you mercilessly.
A wave of orgasm flooded your body, cutting off your access to oxygen, and another wave, flooded his cock. Your juices began to drip down his balls as with a groan, he continued to suck on your skin, marking you.
Moans, sighs and squeals mixed into one as your pussy pulsed around him. And that brought him to the end. He bit painfully into your neck and holding you tightly, thrust into you several times. Hard and deep, filling you with all of his seed.
His throaty groan sent vibrations through your body as he finally stopped. You panted heavily, still pulsating until his cum started to flow out of you too.
"Fuck, I missed you," he groaned pulling away from you so he could look at your face. Tiredness mixed with bliss. But it was your sparkling eyes that said it all.
You smiled lazily as he rested his wet forehead against yours, allowing both of you to calm your racing hearts.
"I would possess you in every way possible and I would never get enough of that sweet pussy of yours."
You snorted helplessly at which a smile blossomed on his lips. And then he just kissed you. Tenderly and slowly. Finally able to enjoy your closeness
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sanarsi · 2 months
One of your girls
post-outbreak!Joel Miller x virgin!f!Reader
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Summary: Joel was known for treating women well in bed. That's why, on your eighteenth birthday, you decided to give him your virginity. Warnings: +18, MDNI, age gap (reader is 18, Joel is 56), Jackson!Joel, taking of virginity, soft!dom!Joel, unprotected PIV sex, interrupted sex, pussy eating, fingering, pet names Wordcount: 5k An: Quick smut because I would DIE to be one of his girls. Joel Miller save my soul. Amen. Anyway, happy ovulation days to me and everyone. Born a slut, die a slut. Music I worked with: One Of The Girls - The Weeknd, JENNIE, Lily-Rose Depp
You really didn't know how it all happened.
A moment ago you were standing in your room, grimacing at your reflection in the mirror, and now you were standing in front of the door to Mr. Miller's house.
How is that even possible?
How on earth did you even leave the house wearing this?
Like some kind of slut.
Why did you even think he might like this?
And the more important question is, for what sake you did put on lace underwear?
You blinked a few times, realizing that you had already knocked on his door. Shit.
Your breathing quickened as you finally realized what was happening. You began to mentally curse yourself for your stupid decisions.
Well... when you thought about it yesterday, it didn't seem so stupid. But hearing his heavy footsteps outside the door made you doubt everything that had ever crossed your mind.
What were you doing actually?
You didn't need it to live.
You didn't have to be like your friends.
And yet… you wanted to see what it was like. What it's like to make love to someone.
And as fate would have it, Joel was the perfect candidate to take your virginity.
At least that's what your friends said.
If it weren't for them, you wouldn't be here now. If it weren't for them, you wouldn't know what Joel is like. If it weren't for them, you wouldn't want to experience the same thing.
You wanted to be one of his girls.
The door slowly opened and Mr. Miller stood in the doorway, wiping his hands on a cloth. Suddenly all the thoughts in your head disappeared just like the oxygen in your lungs.
"What's up, little one?" he spoke first. You blinked a few times, realizing that you probably looked like an idiot watching him with those shiny eyes.
"Mr. Miller, hello," you greeted politely. He raised an eyebrow with a small smile and slung the cloth over his shoulder.
“Yeah, hi,” he snorted softly. You felt yourself getting hot. Wonderful start.
"I was just thinking... are you busy right now?" you asked, polite as always. As always, well-mannered.
Joel frowned in thought before glancing over his shoulder into the house. “Uh…” he sighed, hesitating for a moment before looking back at you. “Do you have some urgent matter?”
"Well..." you stuttered and cleared your throat. "No," you said truthfully. "But I wanted to ask for your help... with a certain... delicate matter."
Joel watched you carefully as if he was looking for some hidden intentions in you. You looked like always. Well, maybe apart from a slight shyness. But that was probably the issue of the matter you came to him with. And who would Joel be if he refused a poor girl who needed his help.
"Yeah, okay," he nodded and let you through the door. You automatically moved towards the living room, where you had already been a few times because of Ellie.
Joel closed the door with a quiet sigh and after a moment his heavy footsteps bounced off the walls. You sat on the sofa, staring at the empty coffee cup on the table. Your heart echoed in your ears, drowning out any thoughts. You couldn't even decide with yourself what you should do next. You got to his house, what now? How were you supposed to tell him why you came to him? How were you supposed to ask?
Mr. Miller, I've heard from my friends that you're eager to introduce them to the world of adulthood. I wanted to ask if you'd like to take my virginity too?
No fuckin’ kidding...
"Okay, so what's the deal?" he asked, sitting down in the chair next to you with a quiet groan. You moved restlessly, unnaturally straight as a rod. Joel saw that you were stressed so he didn't even comment on your prolonged silence. You tried to put together a sentence in your head. But your mind was blank. All you could focus on now was your pounding heart and the small smudge of grease on his temple.
Did he always look this good?
“Today is my eighteenth birthday,” you announced without thinking. As if that would shed any light on the matter you had come to him about. But Joel didn't seem too concerned about your strange behavior.
"Happy birthday," he replied indifferently.
“Thanks,” you nodded and fell silent again. You looked down at your intertwined fingers that you were playing with. Joel continued to watch you carefully, waiting for you to speak. Ellie had taught him an exceptional amount of patience in situations like this. And already used to the strange behavior of girls your age.
"What about your birthday?" he said as the silence stretched on. You looked up at him like a lost deer. You opened your mouth to say something but ended up tightening it into a line. You laughed, looking down anxiously.
Fuck. How were you supposed to tell him that?
"You know what?" You looked at him with a smile. "Actually, never mind." You stood up from the couch. "I'm sorry for-"
"Sit back down," he interrupted you sharply.
You sat up immediately.
You blinked slowly a few times as you stared at each other. Joel was completely relaxed, but you, you looked like you were sitting on nails.
"Why did you come to me?" he asked, settling more comfortably in the armchair. Your stomach clenched to the point where you felt bile rise in your throat. Your own stupidity had brought you to this point, even though you wanted to blame someone else. Even the weather. Maybe you had been out in the sun too long? Yes, that was definitely it. “Speak,” he said more sharply.
“I…” you trailed off, feeling your breath start to shake as did your hands. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to… The girls said-“
“What girls?” he interrupted you again. You froze, mouth agape, looking at him as if you didn’t understand anything. So he raised his eyebrows and repeated it slower and calmer. “What girls?”
“Leyla and-“ you stopped to swallow the lump in your throat. “Nadia-“ you wanted to continue but he interrupted you again.
“And what did they tell you?”
He was calm.
Too calm.
That immediately lit up a light bulb in your head. He knew. You looked at him with wide eyes, feeling the cold sweat running down your back.
“Mr. Miller, I’m sorry. I have no idea what I was thinking coming here.” Panicked, you stood up and walked around the couch to leave. Or at least you wanted to, before his hand gripped your wrist, stopping you in your chair. You looked at him, but he wasn’t looking at you. He was still staring at the spot you had been sitting. You had a problem…
“Sit down,” he ordered. “We’ll talk.”
But you didn't move. You stood there, staring down at him. His gray hair, the wrinkles on his face, the sharp gaze.
He was old.
What were you even thinking, coming to fuckin’ grandpa with such a matter? Stupid.
"I don't know if I want to," you said, under the influence of momentary courage. A smile appeared on Joel's lips. And after a moment, his snort echoed around the room. You shivered.
"Yeah, I know," he nodded, and his gaze slowly shifted to you. You locked eyes and you felt your stomach tighten uncomfortably. "After all, you came here for something other than talking."
You gasped for air looking at him like he was a ghost. Your face burned with living fire as he looked at you with such damn confidence.
Oh man, what have you gotten yourself into?
"Mr. Miller-"
"Joel's enough" he interrupted you slightly, tightening his fingers on your wrist. You stuttered with your lips parted, unable to tear your gaze away from him.
You were definitely more innocent than the previous girls who ended up in his bed. At least, they were sure of what they wanted from him.
And he treated them much better than you.
Irony of fate.
Joel looked away, sighing heavily, afraid of his thoughts.
What kind of person was he?
Sometimes he was disgusted to look at himself in the mirror. But the compensation for his bad deeds was the sight of bliss on the girls' faces.
So was he really a bad man?
“Come ‘ere,” he said softly and pulled you towards him. You didn’t resist as he pulled you onto his lap. His hand went around your hip and the other rested on the armrest. He seemed completely relaxed while you were going through another breakdown. Joel watched your delicate face in silence. As if he was assessing what type of girl you were.
You felt naked just by his gaze. So damn intense gaze...
"Why did you come to me?" he asked again, this time gently. You blinked a few times, wondering what to answer. You shifted restlessly on his thigh, making him tighten his fingers slightly on your hip.
"They said you were gentle," you said quietly. So shy. "That you'd be perfect for me for the first time," you added, looking down at your joined hands. Joel watched carefully as your lips tightened into a thin line. A quiet snort escaped his chest, catching your attention.
"They told you that?" he asked, raising an eyebrow in amusement. You nodded uncertainly. "Oh, baby, they lied to you." He smiled gently, seeing a sign of fear flash through your eyes. But it was too late for him to let you walk out his door. "I wasn't gentle with them," he began to explain, which only scared you even more.
What the hell did you do?
Did you really believe girls who were famous for their slutty nature?
Not a very good plan.
“But I can be gentle with you, if you want,” he added encouragingly. Your breathing had long since accelerated to its limits. You looked at him with lost eyes, and honestly? That turned him on more than those confident girls. Seeing no reaction from you, he placed his hand on your thigh, starting to gently stroke it. “You want me to?”
You shivered at his gentle touch. You swallowed the lump in your throat and nodded almost imperceptibly.
“I would like that.”
Joel tightened his fingers on your thigh and took a deep breath. Sometimes he wondered what he had done to deserve women coming to him for sex. Not that it bothered him. He just wanted to know if he was called a whore or a good lover. But at moments like this, he hardly cared about anything at all.
"Have you done anything yet?" he asked, beginning to stroke your hip and waist. He had to know a few things before he went any further. He had to know how to take care of you.
You didn't answer for a long moment.
"Kissing? Touching yourself?" he clarified the question. You shifted uncomfortably and denied it, looking away in embarrassment. "That's okay," he reassured you with a tender smile. “Don’t need to be ashamed, baby girl.” You looked up at him, hearing the pet name.
Something in your chest tightened at the sound of him speaking to you in such a tender and gentle way. He immediately noticed the sparkle in your eyes.
"You like it?" he asked, raising his eyebrows with a smile. For a moment you felt ashamed because honestly? You liked it. After a moment, however, the shame turned into amusement.
You came to ask him for sex.
What could be more embarrassing than this.
You pressed your lips into a line and nodded. Joel laughed tenderly and he already knew what you needed from him. You were the type who needed tenderness. You wanted him to make love to you.
Not sex.
“Okay baby girl, I got you,” he assured you and with a soft groan he grabbed your thigh and pulled you to straddle him. You cooperated with him without protest. His thighs were hard. Muscled. As was his chest that you rested your hands on. He was masculine. And his age didn't match how good he looked. You didn't even know what was causing your wet panties anymore.
His look.
His voice.
His touch.
Or maybe the fact that he was so close.
"First, a quick educational talk," he announced, placing his hands on your hips and pulling you close enough so that your crotches touched. Your breath shuddered. "Are you aware of the possible consequences of unprotected sex?"
"I've heard that-"
"No, interrupted sex is not a form of protection," he interrupted you, knowing full well what rumors could be going around among young, inexperienced people who'd managed to avoid pregnancy once or twice.
"Oh..." slipped out of your mind.
"True, it reduces the risk but it doesn't give any certainty. It’s just bullshit," he explained carefully. You shifted uncomfortably, causing your crotch to rub against his.
Bad move.
You pressed your lips into a line, not wanting to make a sound and nodded at his words.
"I won't cum inside you” he emphasized that you would have confidence in what was to come.
"Okay," you said quietly. Joel must have seen that you were aware of what he was saying to you. Only then did he continue.
"When did you have your period?" he asked directly. You cleared your throat uncertainly.
"I should have it in a few days." He was silent for a moment, struggling with his thoughts. There couldn't have been a better opportunity.
"Fine. We won't have to live in uncertainty for long," he said it more to himself than to you, but you nodded anyway.
Risking becoming a father at his age was no small feat. But he couldn't help himself. Not when a girl like you was sitting on his lap.
"This is going to hurt," he noted, grimacing. "Only at first, and I'll try to make it as painless as possible."
You knew this, so you nodded more eagerly. Joel fell silent again for a moment, looking at you. You hadn't been destroyed by life yet.
And it was to him that you had decided to come, to start your downfall.
He closed his eyes, sighing heavily. "Okay, I guess that's it," he said, looking at you with that tired look of his. You felt a surge of excitement when he said that.
"Oh one more thing. Just in case" he said as if it suddenly dawned on him. "Your sexual partner is always supposed to take care of you first. If he doesn't, don't give yourself to him" he said confidently and your pulse echoed against your clit.
Oh, you didn't expect that reaction. Something about his confidence had such an effect on you.
"So..." you began uncertainly.
"So now I’m gonna eat you out" he replied confidently, hugged you tightly with one arm and then stood up from the chair. You wrapped your legs tightly around his waist as he tossed you slightly to adjust you in his arms.
You clung to his body, cuddling up to him and rested your forehead against his temple to watch what he was doing. And he calmly walked towards his bedroom. Not rushing. Letting you feel the anticipation of what he was about to do to you in your bones.
You looked around his room out of the corner of your eye. Bed, nightstand, wardrobe. Nothing more. You could have expected that. The only thing that wasn't his style was the curtain on the window, gently waving in the summer breeze.
Joel closed the door and walked over to the bed, slowly placing you on it. You supported yourself with your hands, watching as he slowly knelt down by the bed and began to undo the laces of your sneakers.
"I want you to tell me if something hurts you, you feel uncomfortable or you don't like something," he said, taking off each shoe and sock one by one. He looked up at you when he didn't get an answer. "It's important."
You nodded immediately. Only then, Joel start unbuttoning your pants. You watched as his fingers gently loosened the button and the zipper. Without a word, you lifted your hips so he could slide them off you. He looked at your panties with a moment's delay and stopped his movements. He fell silent, staring at your underwear so intensely that you clenched your thighs.
"I didn't know I'd ever see lace on someone again," he commented, slightly unnerved. “That’s nice” he added before he pulled your pants down the rest of the way. A small smile appeared on your lips.
He liked it.
His hands slid up your thighs. His rough touch on your soft skin was something completely new. You liked it. And you weren't the only one. Your pussy responded to his touch, soaking your panties. Oh.
His fingers grabbed your shirt which he began to pull off of you. He slowly revealed every inch of your body until the shirt landed next to your pants. This time his gaze stopped at your breasts. His gaze set your skin on fire.
"Damn baby, you look amazing" he said in delight taking in your whole body with his lustful gaze. “What an old man like me do to deserve this,” he muttered to himself as he stood up with a quiet gasp. He sighed heavily, looking down at you. Big eyes looked at him with sparks of excitement. Lips slightly parted by the heat. And a beautiful body dressed in white lace. “Beautiful view.”
He leaned towards you, cupping your chin between his fingers. You closed your eyes as his lips softly crashed against yours. And he froze allowing you to experience a new feeling. His cold lips and rough beard. You relaxed a bit, which he immediately sensed. And then he started kissing you.
He slowly led you and taught you to respond to his kisses. Until you started to respond more confidently. Then he added his tongue.
He crept into your mouth, colliding with your timid movements. But it didn't last long. Everything about him encouraged you to match him as soon as possible. So after a while you were pushing yourself towards him, hungry for more. But he just pulled away with a smirk.
“Lie down,” he ordered, which you immediately did. His gaze swept over your body again and a silent curse escaped his lips. He gently lifted your leg and began to place a trail of kisses along it. His kisses left wet trails behind when he finally knelt down. You stared at the ceiling, breathing heavily. You clenched your fists in the sheets as his beard began to tease your inner thigh. He couldn't even stop himself from gently grazing your skin with his teeth. You felt it between your thighs like a lightning bolt. Joel smiled as he saw how sensitive your body was to his slightest touch.
You felt his hot breath perfectly above your pussy. You held your breath, tensing in anticipation. And then he placed a delicate wet kiss on your panties. You almost sighed, but then he kissed you with his tongue. Perfectly on your clit.
You moaned, feeling all the blood flowing to the place he had been a moment ago. You didn't have time to shake off the surge of pleasure because his fingers were already pulling your panties down. Until they landed somewhere on the floor. You gasped for air as he got a perfect view of your wet pussy. Embarrassing how much you leaked when he hadn't even started with you.
"Well, hello there" he said with a smile and placed his hands on your hips, hiding between your thighs. "You're so pretty." His warm breath fanned your wet entrance. You clenched, holding back a moan. "Can I say hi to her?" he asked, glancing up. Your breasts were heaving quickly, thirsting for oxygen. You swallowed hard and barely managed a quiet 'yes'.
You didn't have to tell him twice for his lips to place a soft kiss on your clit. You shivered. And he didn't wait long before he ran his tongue over your wet slit. You moaned, throwing your head back as he slowly began to lick up all the wetness that had already leaked out of you.
You began to pant heavily, gripping the sheets as if you were about to make holes. Joel held your hips rigidly and ate you like his favorite dessert.
“Such a sweet little pussy,” he murmured appreciatively before his tongue began to work on your clit. That’s when you saw stars. A moan caught in your throat at the feeling of Joel literally making out with your pussy. Oh he was hungry for a sweet treat like you.
Wet sounds filled the room as did your moans. Uncontrollably, you tightened your thighs around his head, making it clear to him that you were close.
His hands slowly moved from your hips to your stomach and up. His fingers slid under your bra and after a moment his warm hands squeezed your breasts. You arched your back starting to chase your orgasm as his hands caressed your tits. You started to move your hips to meet his tongue wanting to set the pace yourself. But Joel sucked on your clit like he was thirsty so your movements were in vain.
You moaned loudly when he started to move his tongue in circles.
"Yes, yes..." you cried feeling like you were a fraction of a second away from fulfillment. Then he pulled away and ran his tongue along the entire length of your slit. You came with a loud moan and a shiver of pleasure spread through your whole body. Joel teased your swollen clit with his tongue for a moment until the last waves of pleasure passed you and you fell helplessly onto the mattress panting heavily.
His lips placed one last kiss on your thigh before he pulled away and stood up. You opened your eyes, feeling a sudden chill from his absence. You propped yourself up on your elbows, meeting his gaze immediately as he slowly took off his clothes. And despite his age, he had no problem getting his dick hard for you.
Your gaze was fixed on his cock, wondering if it would actually go inside you. You understood why it might hurt.
You swallowed hard at the sight of his hand sliding along his length. His cock hardened even more at the thought of you tightening around him. He slowly walked closer, climbing onto the bed and towering over you. His lips found yours. The sweet kiss quickly turned into something deeper. His hands slowly began to slide down your body. His tongue distracted you enough that it wasn't until he inserted two fingers into you that you moaned into his mouth.
Joel hummed in satisfaction as he slowly began to stretch your hole. You clenched your hands on his shoulders, trying to focus on returning his kisses, but then he made a magical movement with his fingers that almost made you squeal. He laughed tenderly, drinking everything from your lips.
"Oh I think I found the sweet spot," he smiled against your lips before repeating the same movement a few more times, leaving you breathless. Seeing you like this stroked his ego. You were melting under his touch in a sexy as hell way, and if he could, he would spend all day fucking you in every way possible. But he was fucking fifty-six years old and he really didn't want to be a father. What a shame…
His fingers disappeared the moment you relaxed enough so his entrance wouldn't hurt. You looked at him with a misty gaze as he positioned his tip at your entrance.
"I'll go in baby. Nice and slow" he assured you to which you only mumbled under your breath closing your eyes and tilting your head back. It looked like a nod so he looked down slowly sinking his cock into your pussy. Your breath caught in your throat at the slow feeling of being filled. Joel gasped at how tight you were around him. "Relax baby. I need to go all the way in" he said in a hoarse voice. You shivered taking a deep breath and winced at the feeling of him slowly pushing even deeper into you. "That's right, doin’ really good for me. Just a few more inches" he praised you and groaned when his hips finally hit yours. You whimpered feeling tears in your eyes because, damn, it hurt more than a little.
Joel panted heavily for a moment before he finally noticed your condition. He stroked your cheek gently and used his thumb to wipe away the single tear that had managed to escape. His lips slowly began to place kisses along your jaw and neck to help you relax a bit.
“Shhh, you’re okay baby girl. The worst is over” he whispered in your ear and shivers spread through your body. He immediately felt it on his cock that you clenched around. He groaned throatily closing his eyes for a moment because he felt like he was in a cage.
A wet and tight cage.
“I need to move,” he whispered, his voice like he had run a marathon. You began to breathe faster, looking at him with teary eyes. “I know it hurts, but I need to stretch you.”
His lips were on yours in a second, kissing you hard before he slowly withdrew his hips. You moaned into his mouth but he didn't let you break the kiss. He pressed so hard that you had to, or at least tried to focus on it. And then he entered again. You dug your nails into his shoulders, wanting to show him that it hurt.
"I know, baby, I know," he whispered against your lips, making another move. With each subsequent kiss and each subsequent thrust of his hips, it was easier for you. Until finally the pained expression on your face disappeared and your groans were replaced by quiet moans. And then Joel felt your slit accept him with less resistance.
"Just like that," he groaned throatily as he entered you smoothly. His hand slid down your waist to your thigh. He tightened his fingers on your skin and guided you to wrap your legs around his waist. Then he pushed deeper into you, his breath shaking. You gasped as your legs trembled. But not because of how deep he was. Because of how skillfully he moved inside you, brushing against everything he should. He slowly pumped his hips, each time teasing your sensitive spot which slowly built up an orgasm inside you.
But you were missing something. A stimulus that would break the previous discomfort.
"Joel-" you gasped.
"Yeah?" he murmured, running his hand over your thigh, his gaze fixed on how his cock disappeared inside you over and over again. You shivered, clenching around him.
"I need more," you said weakly. Joel immediately looked up at you. After a moment, a smirk appeared on his face.
"Oh, what a greedy girl," he smacked his lips, shaking his head.
But after a moment, you felt an additional stimulus. You moaned, arching your back as his finger began to draw slow circles on your clit. The air caught in your throat as you tried to handle the sudden surge of pleasure.
“Satisfied?” he asked, feeling you slowly start to tighten around his cock more and more.
“Fuck yes,” you gasped, throwing your head back as your hips began to burn.
“Such dirty words from such pretty mouth,” he teased with a smirk of satisfaction that he had brought you to a state where your shyness had disappeared.
He bent down, starting to place wet kisses on your neck. You tangled your fingers in his hair, feeling all your muscles tense up in anticipation of fulfillment. His cock slowly moving inside you, his finger on your clit, and suddenly his teeth in your skin. A deadly combination that made your eyes roll inside out as you came.
“Yes, baby, show me how good it feels,” he murmured against your ear, panting heavily through each squeeze of your pussy. You shuddered, moaning as he prolonged your orgasm as long as he could.
You finally started to shudder from the overstimulation so he took his hands away and tightened them on your hips. You looked at him with tired eyes as he slowly straightened up.
“My turn, princess,” he said, digging his fingers into your skin to hold you in place.
And then he started thrusting. Hard. And fast. You gasped and grabbed his wrists as an uncontrollable cry tore from your throat. Joel watched as you took him nicely. All of him.
He was focused, clenching his jaw tightly. Your moans interrupted by his growl filled the room. You clenched against him from overstimulation and your nails dug into his wrists. But he was too busy thrusting into your tight cunt. Finally, a long moan escaped his lips as he tilted his head back.
"Oh yes, baby," he groaned in pleasure, continuing to thrust into you. You looked at him, feeling everything inside you tighten at the sight. And then his eyes met yours.
And you knew you were fucking lost.
He pulled out of you in a quick movement and grabbed his cock, rubbing it between your wet slit. You moaned squeaky as he massaged your clit with his cock. He made only a few movements before a loud growl escaped his throat and after a moment you felt hot cum on your stomach. You tried to calm your breathing as you watched Joel concentrate on squeezing every drop out of him. He sighed loudly and glanced at you before he slammed his cock into your pussy. You whimpered and he chuckled under his breath.
“Happy birthday.”
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sanarsi · 2 months
You’re doing great, sweetie
no-outbreak!professor!Joel Miller x student!f!Reader
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Summary: You came to your professor to ask for help with your essay. He accidentally discovers one of your dirty secrets which is him. Warnings: +18, MDNI, age gap (reader is 20, Joel is 50), soft!dom!Joel (oh you’re gonna love him), unprotected/protected PIV, pet names (honey, baby, sweetheart, sweetie), blowjob, fingering, cum eating Wordcount: 4,8k An: I am WEAK for caring and sweet Joel so that's who he is here. He’s wonderful and I love him with all my heart so I hope you love him too xx Music I worked with: Ultraviolence - Lana Del Rey
Studying was hard. You shed sweat and tears there.
You tried.
You really tried.
Despite this, you weren't proud of yourself. You knew you could do better. You were like an executioner to yourself. Sleepless nights, thousands of notes and liters of coffee. That's what it cost you to pass a measly 95%.
Fucking 95%.
Where's the missing 5%? Where did you make a mistake that cost you as much as 5%? You had no idea. But you knew where you could find out.
Professor Miller's office was always open. Always invited stray students. Or in your case, perfectionists. Always welcomed with warmth and the smell of herbs. His office was a place of momentary respite and the feeling that the world wasn't really running, it was you. And that's why when you knocked on his door and were greeted by his warm smile, you finally felt like you could breathe.
“Professor,” you said with a smile, tightening your grip around a few notebooks.
"My favorite student," he replied in a warm but tired voice. No wonder, it was Friday and already late. Nothing worse than you could have happened to him.
“I'm sorry to disturb-”
“You know very well that you never disturb me,” he interrupted you immediately. You pursed your lips into a line, feeling your stomach tighten. He was always like this... And you still haven't gotten used to it. "Come in, I'll make you some tea," he offered, moving to the side. You smiled nervously and slipped inside.
"Actually, I prefer coffee."
"Coffee then," he nodded, closing the door and heading towards what replaced the small kitchen. You placed the stack of notebooks on the table and placed your bag on the ground. You looked around the office decorated in shades of dark brown and beige.
Everything here was thought out. Delicate accessories. Perfectly arranged books. Large oak desk. A table and a few chairs. And a large leather sofa by the window.
You liked being here. But the office itself was not enough. It was Professor Miller who gave it life. It was his energy that permeated every inch that made you feel at home here. Or at least that's what you wanted home to feel like.
You looked out the window at the small park in the middle of campus. The leaves on the trees were yellow, heralding the beginning of autumn. And everything would be beautiful if it weren't for the nasty weather. You don't even remember the last time you felt the sun's rays on your skin. Everything was as if under a dome of thick clouds.
“There are upsides to this weather,” professor's voice rang out behind you. You turned around just as he was placing two cups of coffee on the table.
"Like?" you asked, walking closer and sitting on the chair. Joel followed your lead and sat down with a soft groan. You smiled in amusement.
"Well..." he began, raising his eyebrows and leaned back, "actually, there aren't any," he finished after a moment's thought. “Unless you like rain and greyness,” he added with a smile.
You chuckled to yourself at his words. Sometimes you wished Joel was your main teacher. He was the only one who was just normal.
“What are you coming to me with?” he asked finally. You blinked a few times and cleared your throat, shifting in your chair. How should you tell him this...?
“I wanted to talk about the last essay we wrote,” you began calmly, seeing understanding immediately appear on Joel's face. "I wanted to know why you subtracted 5% from me."
"Of course you would like to know..." he muttered under his breath, amused, and shook his head. He looked at you with warmth in his eyes and was silent for a moment before sighing. “Honey, are you really going to fight for the stupid 5%?” he asked, hoping that maybe you'd change your mind and save you both from having to work on nothing.
“It's important 5%” you corrected him and he just looked at you in amusement. His smile was like a ray of sunshine on these cloudy days. Joel sighed, shaking his head and took off his glasses to wipe his tired face. He looked at you one more time before standing up and moving towards his desk. He pushed his glasses up his nose as he looked through the stack of papers, looking for your name. After a while he returned to his place with a few papers. He began to silently look through your work while you calmly drank your coffee. The coffee he made was always the best.
“Yeah okay…” he spoke after a few long minutes before he dropped your work on the table and slid it towards you. You put down your cup and took the papers. “The first half is good. Very good actually," he began to explain as you looked through a few pieces of paper, "But somewhere in the middle you completely changed your writing style. I didn't like it.” He glanced at the papers, wrinkling his nose. “The sentences were so…empty,” he explained, so you looked at him.
Was it really just about that? About the stupid writing style?
You swallowed the lump in your throat, feeling a pang in your heart.
“Is there anything I can do to improve?” you asked, sounding so delicate as if the slightest stimulus could break you. Joel was silent for a moment, staring at you. And he might start cursing you for how soft his heart was towards you.
He nodded slowly and drank his coffee. Every second of his silence seemed to drag on forever. The sound of the cup being placed down echoed in your head. You blinked a few times, waiting for him to speak but your leg began to tremble restlessly under the table.
“I'll do anything,” you said, unable to bear the silence. Joel smiled shaking his head.
"I know," he replied warmly. He cleared his throat, shifting in the chair. "Read the whole thing and mark the moment when you notice the change I mentioned to you," he instructed, to which you nodded and immediately got to work. In the meantime, he got up and continued what your visit had interrupted. Organizing papers wasn't his favorite thing to do, but he had to do it someday.
For several minutes you were focused on every word you wrote on these papers a week ago. The work was still satisfactory, but only now you were able to notice what the professor had mentioned. You winced as you read the sentences that looked like they were written by a robot. You understood why he deducted 5% from you.
“I can see it now,” you said, looking up. Joel stopped reading and placed the papers on the shelf before heading towards you. He stopped behind you and rested his hand on the back of your chair. His fingers touched your sweater, making you sit up straighter. You glanced at him as he leaned closer, looking at your work.
“Mhm,” he murmured, nodding. His attention was focused on the text until he finally straightened up. “Start from this point again. Write, I will come and check,” he ordered, looking down at you. “Then we'll talk about those important 5%,” he finished and you nodded automatically. You liked it when he was professional. Gravity and authority suited him. You followed him with your eyes and only when he returned to looking through his papers, you did get to work too.
You sat in silence for an hour, writing your papers. For an hour, the only thing that broke the silence was Joel's soft murmurs. He watched you from time to time as you dealt with your writing, and a small smile appeared on his lips when he saw how focused you were.
It was starting to get dark outside, so a few warm lamps gave a nice atmosphere. You were staring at the last sentence you wrote when suddenly a cup of hot coffee appeared next to you. You looked away from the text and looked at your steaming drink.
“Thank you,” you said quietly and glanced up at Joel who was looking into your notebook. He carefully followed the text you had written. You remained silent, waiting for him to speak. Finally he nodded gently in approval.
“You're doing great,” he praised, making eye contact with you. You smiled gently and he responded in the same way. He straightened up, tapping your chin teasingly and winking. "Write," he nodded and then left.
You swallowed hard, staring at his back as your heart beat so loudly that it drowned out everything around you. You blinked a few times in confusion and shifted nervously in your seat, returning your gaze to your notebook.
He had such a warm smile...
Another hour passed. Joel continued to stand by the bookcase arranging papers and books while you walked around reading your work to him.
“Repeat that last sentence,” he spoke, catching your eye for a moment. You stopped and looked at the text.
“Her gaze was empty and sunk into the depths of darkness,” you read and immediately looked at him, expecting disapproval. Joel was silent for a moment, wrinkling his nose and passing the papers between his fingers.
“Like death slowly emerging, she stood up too. The black lady who heralded no tomorrow…”
“I like this one,” he said, cutting you off halfway through. You looked at him with a smile and continued reading.
Several minutes passed before you finished. You stood in the middle of the room with a grimace as you read the last few sentences in your head again.
“I don't think I like the ending,” you said hesitantly. Before long, you felt the professor's body behind you. His hand came to rest on your arm as he leaned over your shoulder. You immediately stopped breathing, feeling your skin begin to burn where he touched you. He focused on reading and you focused on the way his chest pressed against your back.
Damn…why did his touch send such pleasant warmth? Why was his closeness so pleasant that you were afraid to move lest it be interrupted?
“I don't see any problem,” he said, frowning. His voice so close to your ear sent shivers down your entire body. You swallowed, forcing yourself to say a few sentences.
Why did it take so much energy for you to speak?
“I'm reading this and it doesn't feel like it's over,” you explained and glanced sideways at him. “Do you see what I mean?” Joel caught your eye for a moment and then started reading the text again.
“I understand, but I still don't see the problem. You ended it in a simple way," he said, tracing the text with his finger.
“You know I don't like simplicity,” you muttered under your breath, earning him a sigh. The sound made your stomach tighten.
“Honey, listen…” he started and tightened his fingers on your arm. “I know you try like no other and always want everything to be perfect,” he said calmly, not wanting you to take it the wrong way. You looked at him and immediately locked eyes. “But sometimes simple is best option,” he finished, smiling softly. You stared into his eyes in silence and slowly swallowed when your gaze fell to his lips for a moment. You immediately looked away at your notes, feeling your breath shudder.
"I'm still not convinced"
“Of course you're not,” Joel sighed and snatched the notebook from you before walking away a few steps, starting to read again. You stood there, watching as he slowly started to spin in circles.
“I would give you 100% for this” he commented.
“I wouldn't give 100% for this,” you muttered under your breath, but not so quietly that he couldn't hear it. He looked at you, stopping.
“It's good that you're not me,” he replied with a gentle smile, which immediately made you feel a blush of shame on your cheeks. Joel went back to reading and you started mentally cursing yourself at your long tongue.
You started playing with your fingers behind your back and looked down at your shoes for a moment. Only the sound of pages turning caught your attention. Joel indifferently studied the remaining pages in your notebook, and then you felt a twinge of panic. You were about to open your mouth to speak when he interrupted you.
"I will give you a deadline for corrections," he continued, flipping through the pages until he finally stopped at one. "This is interesting," he commented under his breath, starting to read. You felt a cold sweat cover your body as you realized what could have caught his attention.
“Professor…” you spoke warningly. Joel silenced you with a wave of his hand. You fell silent, pursing lips tightly. You swallowed the lump in your throat, watching him closely. You watched for any signs of what he might be reading. And more importantly, how he reacted to what he read.
A soft smile appeared on his lips before he looked towards you. You looked like you had seen a ghost, what amuse him even more.
"You're even better at non-fiction than short stories," he commented, raising an eyebrow and closing notebook. You blinked a few times as if his words were completely lost on you. Only after a while you waking up from the stasis.
"Non-fiction?" you asked confused. You frowned, wondering if you had ever written something non-fiction, but nothing came to mind.
“I mean…” he started with a snort and slowly moved towards you. "I thought my eyes were just brown," he laughed softly. And that's when your heart stopped.
You felt every muscle in your body tense as you watched him in horror. He read... He read the fucking poetry about his eyes. You were screwed…
“Professor-” you started, wanting to explain yourself. Say anything that could get you out of this ridiculous situation.
“Joel,” he interrupted you.
You froze with your mouth parted and you could have sworn you heard your heart start beating again.
You stared at him when he stopped two steps in front of you. Joel seemed completely relaxed while you were having a nervous breakdown. Your silence only made his smile widen.
"Do not get me wrong. I really like it” He lifted the notebook, tapping the cover with his finger. You followed his every move carefully in silence. Really, you couldn't be in a worse position. “I'd love to read about other things, too,” he added with a smile and held out notebook towards you. You hesitantly raised your trembling hand and took your notebook, hugging it to your chest as if it would protect you from everything that was happening.
You blinked a few times, your eyes darting. As long as you don't look him in the eye. You nodded in agreement, feeling like nothing could come out of your mouth.
“Hey…” he started gently and grabbed your chin between his fingers, forcing you to look at him.
His hand… on your face… Oh god.
“Don't be ashamed of your poetry,” he said, gently stroking your skin with his thumb. You swallowed hard, feeling yourself start to shiver. You nodded almost invisibly. “Use your words,” he encouraged.
“Okay,” you whispered weakly, your breath shaky. One word cost you more effort than writing several pages of text.
"That's my good girl," he smiled wider, pleased.
His fingers slowly traced your cheek and he tucked a broken strand of hair behind your ear, following every move with eyes.
“So what can I read about in the future?” he asked as his fingers slowly moved down to your neck. You felt like you were burning alive. You were so damn hot that you started sweating. Your heart wasn’t slowing down and you could barely catch your breath.
Was this what dying was like?
“I-” you trailed off, swallowing the lump in your throat.
“Maybe hands?” he suggested, raising an eyebrow. His fingers slowly moved your hair behind your shoulder. “Hm? What do you think?" He asked, looking back into your eyes.
You felt like you were in some movie. You weren't even able to think straight when he touched you like that. You nodded in response.
“Words,” he reminded you.
“Yes, I'd like that.” Joel smiled warmly before removing his hand and sighing.
“Great,” he nodded and walked past you towards the door. You turned around, watching his every move. “I have time next week. You can come to my class and write your essay," he said on his way to the door.
You took a few steps after him but stopped when he did too. Joel turned towards you, his hand on the doorknob. He still had that warm smile on his face as he looked at you.
“Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere,” he said, raising an eyebrow when he noticed you had moved from your previous spot. His fingers slipped from the door knob and closed the door in one motion.
Then you realized what was about to happen.
You parted your lips, trying to catch your breath, but Joel was already in front of you again.
And this time, his lips were the reason you stopped breathing.
Soft and warm lips surrounded by rough stubble.
A mixture that made your knees weak in a second.
You sighed at the feeling of his lips pressed against yours, leading you in a slow dance. His hand on your cheek and the other wrapped around your waist. You sighed again as he pulled you closer. His tongue found yours and his fingers tangled in your hair. He kissed gently and tenderly. Exactly as you imagined. Exactly as you needed.
“Tell me,” he started, pulling away from your lips, breathing heavily. “Tell me that you want this.”
His breath mixed with yours. Your gaze was fixed on his lips and his on your eyes.
“Mhm,” you nodded because that was all you could do. But it was enough for him to crash his lips against yours again. You moaned at the intensity with which he started kissing you. Like he was thirsty.
Joel took the notebook from your hands and threw it on the table. His lips collided with yours over and over again. His arm wrapped tightly around your body. A scenario like one of your wet dreams.
“On your knees,” he whispered against your lips and loosened his grip. You took a moment to calm your breathing and licked his saliva from your swollen lips. You looked into his eyes, filled with warmth and desire. A look you would do anything for. Including falling to your knees in front of him.
You watched as his fingers slowly unbuckled his belt. And he just watched your sweet face. Your eyes reflected soft lights and your lips were slightly puffy. You looked like an angel.
He slowly unzipped his zipper and then your eyes met his. And you had to admit that this was the perspective from which you could look at him forever.
His hand disappeared into his boxers only to take out his semi-hard cock a moment later. You weren't able to take your eyes off his, causing a smirk to appear on his lips.
“Come on baby, you gotta help me out a little.”
His gentle words and warm smile immediately encouraged you to do whatever he asked you to do. You looked at his cock and slowly moved closer to place a kiss on the tip. That was enough for Joel to moan quietly with satisfaction. You licked the precum from his tip, immediately moisturizing all his length. Another moan escaped his lips as you took him into your mouth. His hand found its way into your hair as you slowly began to caress his cock with your mouth. With each movement of your tongue you felt him getting harder and harder. Until you finally started choking on him.
You pulled away for air and looked at him as he took off his glasses to wipe his face. He looked like he had run a marathon, but his eyes were full of you. He was breathing heavily as he decided to put his glasses on the table. And then you wrapped your mouth around his cock again.
“So pretty,” he moaned, stroking your head affectionately.
You felt his tip teasing your throat again so you pulled away, gasping for breath. His thumb was immediately on your lips, wiping away the saliva. You looked up at him like an innocent deer.
“Good, baby,” he praised you and tugged on your chin, forcing you to stand up. He immediately leaned down, placing a gentle kiss on your lips. You melted under his lips, making him smile.
His hands slid down your waist to your hips, pressing his fingers against your skin. A second later he was unbuttoning your jeans only for his hand to slip into your panties. You both moaned at the same time as his fingers traced your entrance. You grabbed onto his arms as your knees buckled beneath you. His arm wrapped around your waist as he felt your reaction.
“You're so wet,” he whispered against your lips. His eyes never left yours as he began to spread your juices over your clit. You shuddered, breathing heavily, and dug your nails harder into his skin. Then his fingers slowly slipped into your wet hole.
He watched in delight as your lips parted and your eyebrows furrowed in pleasure. The moan that left your throat as he slowly moved his fingers was like music to his ears. Every movement of his fingers echoed throughout your body. Like you were getting drunker with each thrust.
Joel couldn't help himself and started drinking your moans like the best wine. For the first time, it didn't take much to feel your orgasm building between your legs. He groaned into your mouth, feeling you slowly tighten around his finger.
"Already?" he asked with a smile.
“Please,” you moaned sweetly and he smiled wider. He stole a gentle kiss from you.
“Of course,” he whispered, pleased with how intensely you responded to his touch. He was flattered.
You closed your eyes as your body began to chase your orgasm. Then his fingers flexed slightly and you felt stars all over your body. You moaned as you came on his fingers. Joel didn't stop until he saw the beautiful post-orgasmic bliss on your face.
When you finally opened your eyes, you immediately saw him licking his fingers clean of your juices. And honestly, it was the sexiest sight of your life. You swallowed, wanting to moisten your dry throat.
“Turn around,” he ordered, continuing to lick his fingers. You followed his instructions without hesitation.
You felt his large, warm hands on your hips and your heart beat faster in your chest with excitement. His hand pushed your back gently, causing you to lie down on the table. His lips kissed your shoulder a few times before he straightened up, looking down at you.
And he would be lying if he said that this sight had never crossed his mind.
In a second your jeans were sliding down your thighs. You heard his soft laugh when he noticed your panties.
"You're really sweet," he commented, running his fingers over the white panties with colorful strawberries. A blush burned your face, but you smiled to yourself anyway.
A few seconds later, your panties also stopped at your thighs. Joel crouched down and spread your thighs so he could look at your wet pussy. A soft growl left his throat, making you tense as another drop of your previous orgasm left your entrance.
“I could eat you all night long,” he said, his voice laced with desire and your stomach twisted into knots. His words echoed against your pussy, making your knees tremble. “Another time, sweetheart,” with that he stood up and spread the wetness between your legs with his fingers. You moaned at the feeling and closed your eyes, snuggling into the table. He leaned over you and ran his nose over your ear. You shuddered. "Because there will be another time, hm?" he whispered, sending shivers down your entire body.
He slowly positioned his cock perfectly at your entrance and ran the tip along the length of your pussy to wet it. You started panting as you felt him ready to enter you.
“Yes, please,” you moaned. Joel laughed softly and then slowly entered you until the end. You both moaned as he stopped his hips against yours.
And then reality hit him. He straightened up, looking at the place where you were connected.
"Shit, baby, I didn't put a condom," he cursed due to his stupidity. You immediately glanced at him over your shoulder, seeing that he was surprised by his own carelessness.
“I'm taking the pills,” you replied quickly, not wanting him to interrupt. You felt him so damn good…
“Are you sure?” he asked, a bit worried about whether you wanted him to continue.
“I am,” you nodded. You looked at each other for a moment and then Joel leaned down to capture your lips in a slow kiss. His hips slowly came back to life, thrusting into you slowly and intensely. His cock stimulated every wall of your pussy perfectly. You moaned into his mouth, feeling him in every part of your body. As if his cock was made just for you.
His fingers dug hard into your hips as he slowly buried himself inside you. It quickly drove you crazy. You couldn't even kiss him back so you fell on the table, choking heavily.
Joel rested his forehead on your shoulder as he entered you again and again. Taking his time, enjoying you. He loved the way you tightened around his cock every time he entered you all the way.
His moans disappeared in your skin and his cock in your pussy, creating a deadly mixture that quickly brought you to the brink of breaking. You cried as you felt his slow movements drive you to sweet madness. You wanted to beg him to speed up, to do anything to speed up your fulfillment. But Joel knew very well what he was doing. Your needy moans only confirmed to him how good he was doing you.
“You're doing great, sweetie” he breathed against your ear as you cried his name once again. His movements were like slow torture. Perfect to bring you to the edge of pleasure and too slow to end it.
But then he changed the movement of his hips, pushing himself even deeper into you. You choked on air as he growled, holding you even tighter. You didn't need much now.
“Can you cum on my cock?” he asked, panting with thirst.
“Mhm,” you nodded, pressing your lips together to keep from squealing. Joel let out a satisfied groan and started placing kisses on your shoulder. You closed your eyes, moaning with desire.
“You're fucking perfect, baby,” he moaned, stroking and squeezing your hip and thigh. He was insanely hungry for you. Like an animal. Like a worshipper.
One last push of his hips and his name fell from your lips like a prayer as you came. Joel groaned as he felt you tighten on his cock. He stopped, enjoying the feeling, feeling that his orgasm was fast approaching. He then started thrusting into you again, at a slightly faster speed. This only prolonged your pleasure to the limit.
“Cum inside you?” he asked, his fingers tightening on your hip.
“Yes, Mr. Miller,” you moaned. Joel growled, grabbing your neck and pulling you to his chest. His lips crushed yours in a hungry kiss in a second. A few moves inside you and his moan disappeared into your mouth. His cock twitched inside you, filling you fully with his orgasm.
You both panted into each other's mouths as he gave you sweet gentle kisses. Eventually his breathing calmed down and he pulled away so he could look at you with a blissful smile. He ran his gentle fingers along your cheek and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
“I'll make time for you tomorrow. The sooner you write your essay, the sooner I can enjoy you, deal?" he suggested.
You smiled softly and nodded, “Deal.”
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sanarsi · 23 days
Your faith
post-outbreak!dark!Joel Miller x f!Reader
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Summary: You are locked up, at the will of your tormentor who only wants you to love him. Warnings: +18, MDNI, dark!soft!Joel, victim-kidnapper relationship, kinda stockholm syndrome, mention of religion/faith/prayers, DUB-CON, unprotected PIV, creampie, angst Wordcount: 2,6k An: Hi babesss, here comes the dark but soft Joel. I was in the mood for something fucked up but comforting?? you know what I’m sayin. Anyway, I invite you to read smut with a little plot Music I worked with: Reflections - The Neighborhood
Your family told you that faith and prayer would protect you from evil. So you prayed every day. Your faith in your creator was great despite the times you lived in. And most of the time you managed to protect yourself from harm. But your faith was put to the test. Your prayers were able to protect you from everything; except him.
His heavy footsteps could be heard when he wasn't even home yet. Home. That wasn't the term you would use for the place you were. This was his home and your prison. The place where your faith ended.
You curled up more in bed as you heard the stairs creak under his weight. A wave of cold went through your body, making your insides clench painfully. You knew he had come to you. He always came after he had been away for a few days hunting.
'I missed you', was the words he would always say after he had finished with you. Sometimes he would even tell you he loved you, but how could you love someone who always cried in fear of you? You were still aware of your situation enough to know that this wasn't love.
The only thing that connected you was the chain tied to your ankle.
The sound of the key turning in the lock sent shivers down your spine. You squeezed your eyes shut, hoping that it was just another nightmare, that you would wake up soon and you would be alone in an almost empty room.
But hope really was the mother of fools.
The door opened with a quiet squeak from the outdated hinges. You immediately felt his burning gaze on you, but you tried to believe for as long as possible that he would decide to leave you alone.
"Are you asleep, baby?"
You barely managed to hold back the sob that wanted to leave your throat. You tensed all your muscles, refraining from making the slightest movement.
You answered him with silence. But silence never convinced him.
A few months had taught him that you often pretended. He could tell that it surprised him. After so much time, he hoped that he would gain your trust, love, and maybe even loyalty.
He expected gratitude for saving you and deciding to take care of you. But you continued to fight him, remained silent, and cried. He didn't blame you, on the contrary, he tried even harder.
"I know you're not sleeping," he said again, slowly approaching the bed. The only thing in this room. That's all you needed. A nice, soft bed with fresh sheets.
At first, you had only that, later you got a white satin nightdress as a gift. Joel took care of you. He fed you, washed you, loved you, and was so determined that you would finally start talking to him. That you would finally understand that he didn't mean to hurt you.
A warm hand touched your hip, making you shiver. It was your answer, and the only one he could count on. He already knew that you were aware that he had returned home, and he really wanted to believe that maybe you were even waiting for him.
"I'm sorry I was gone for so long," he whispered, leaning over you. You held your breath as you felt him plant a kiss on your hair.
In moments like these, you didn't know if you preferred that he would never be able to return or if you were relieved. After all, if he died, you would be alone, chained to the bed.
He inhaled your scent and hummed, smiling blissfully. Tears welled in your eyes at the feeling of his closeness. His hand slowly slid from your hip to your bare thigh. You shivered again at the extreme difference between your soft skin and his rough one.
“I have a present for you.”
You hated getting presents from him. He always looked at you fondly, like he truly loved you, and you knew he wanted more than just a lost look from you. But he never got anything else, so he settled for whatever you gave him.
The bed creaked and the mattress dipped under his weight as he slowly laid down behind you. A quiet sob shook your body. You could feel the heat radiating from his body and after a moment you could feel it on your own skin as he gently wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you into his chest.
You let out a shaky breath realizing he had come to you without any clothes on. His hot skin began to burn your cold one. You blinked a few times, letting a tear fall down.
His stubble brushed against your shoulder and began a series of soft kisses. Your stomach clenched so hard you felt like you were going to throw up.
He moved a stray strand of hair away from your neck so he could bring his lips there too. You winced at the feeling but as usual you remained silent. You didn't want to give him the satisfaction of begging him to leave you alone.
For the first few months it didn't work so you lost the strength to continue fighting.
"You prayed for me to come back?" he asked next to your ear and then he placed a kiss on it.
Another tear ran down as his hand slowly moved down your waist. In moments like these you hated that he found out about your faith. You had the impression that he said such things to make you realize how naive you were. But it was the only thing he knew about you, the only point of reference, the only topic that could convince you to talk.
You knew that he liked getting an answer to that so you nodded weakly. That was enough to make him smile.
"That's my girl," he praised you and placed a kiss on your temple.
You clenched your thighs tighter as his hand moved the material of your nightie up. Rough fingers ran over your hip, heading to your cheek which he gently squeezed, purring with pleasure.
His cock slowly began to harden, which you could feel on the back of your thigh. Another wave of shivers went through your body as his hand slid lower, trying to get between your thighs.
"Spread your legs for me."
It was a command, but it had sounded like a request for a long time.
For a moment you resisted, really not wanting to let him in, but always in moments like these, you remembered how he had held his strength at the beginning to get what he wanted. Bruises decorated your body for weeks before you decided to cooperate with him.
You relaxed your muscles, allowing his hand to slide where he wanted. His fingers were immediately at your entrance. You sucked in a breath as he began to gently stroke the length of your slit to spread the moisture that had gathered there. You couldn't fight or hide the way your body reacted to his closeness, but he didn't mind. His sighs of pleasure made it clear how much he enjoyed it.
"I've missed that wet little pussy," he purred, nuzzling your neck.
His cock quivered against your thigh, wetting it with precum. You clenched your jaw tighter as he began to massage your clit with his fingertips. The tensing of your muscles in this situation only served to stimulate you more.
Excitement began to gather where he touched you, leaving you helpless. He didn't stop his movements until you shuddered with pleasure. He always waited for this moment to go further.
"Good girl," he whispered contentedly before he removed his hand, leaving you craving his touch.
You hated this feeling.
You didn't want it.
The soft kisses on your neck were meant to distract you from the way he positioned his cock perfectly at your wet entrance. Unfortunately, your attention was focused solely on the way he ran his tip between your slit to wet himself with your juices.
"Will you let me in?" he asked for permission but you could already feel the pressure of his tip against your hole.
You were fighting with yourself because you didn't want to be submissive to him, he should know how much you were disgusted by him. But you also knew that fighting him was pointless, why would you have more bruises on your body when you could have marks from his kisses.
You slowly moved your hips back and impaled yourself on him, letting his head sink into you. Joel groaned, tightening his fingers on your hip to stop you from moving any further. It was enough for the feeling of bliss to spread through his body.
"So good for me," he gasped, pressing his nose into your hair and waited a moment before he started to enter you deeper and deeper.
You parted your lips, sucking in air louder and squeezed your eyes shut at the feeling of slow stretching. It took a few days for his cock to be a challenge for you, but it only took a moment for you to welcome him inside you like he was home. And that's exactly how he felt when he pushed himself all the way into you, forcing a quiet gasp from you. His hot breath fanned your neck, sending shivers down your spine.
You might not have spoken to him, but your body told him enough to know how to please you.
"So good," he whispered again before slowly pulling his hips back and thrusting into you again.
You winced at the feeling of him filling you, your fingers gripping the sheets tighter as he slowly picked up the pace, his soft groans mixing with your gasps. With each thrust he entered more smoothly thanks to how wet you were. The sounds he made each time he pushed himself all the way into you bounced between your thighs forcing another wave of arousal. Wet sounds began to echo around the room and his pleased smile burned your skin.
You don't know at what point your body started to feel pleasure on its own and he didn't have to force it on you, but you definitely preferred the way it was now.
“Did you miss me that much?” he asked, placing a kiss behind your ear. He sped up his hips as your wetness allowed him to. He thrust into you, hitting your sweet spot with his tip every time. A quiet whine escaped your throat and that was enough of an answer for him. "I can feel that little pussy leaking for me," he purred contentedly, fingering your hip.
He slid his hand down to your stomach, holding you tightly to him as he began to thrust harder. Each time he went deeper and you couldn't hold back a moan. He expected this kind of reaction, and only when he got it did he allow himself to slide his hand down to your cunt.
He found your clit and slowly began to massage her in circular motions. You winced in pleasure, tilting your head back, giving him access to your face, which he immediately took advantage of.
Hot kisses began to decorate your jaw as he slowly matched the movements of his hips to the movements of his fingers that worked on you with perfect pressure.
He knew how to quickly bring you to the edge of pleasure, so he didn't rush anything. He took his time, letting himself drown in the sounds that left your lips. He loved giving you pleasure and wanted you to start loving it too, to start begging for it yourself.
A quiet growl echoed against your cheek as you once again clenched around his cock. You were getting closer to fulfillment and you couldn't stop the signals your body was giving him.
"You can give it to me," he panted, resting his forehead against your temple. "Give it to me, sweet girl."
You moaned louder, feeling the stronger surges of arousal that were gathering under his fingers and deep inside you where his cock was hitting. You pressed yourself harder into his chest, chasing the feeling he was building inside you.
"Say my name," he panted, speeding up his thrusts a bit. You moaned in response, but this time it wasn't enough for him. "Please, say my name. I want to hear it. I want to know what it sounds like in your mouth when you come."
You didn't want to grant his request, but you could hear the desperation in his voice. He needed this, and you knew that sometimes you had to give him more, that sometimes you had to please him the way he needed.
His fingers made your clit throb, the excitement pouring out of you, staining your thighs as his cock kept catching up with the rest of you. You instinctively grabbed his wrist to stop his movements as everything began to overwhelm you. Moans mixed with squeals as you began to thrust your hips towards him, chasing your orgasm.
"That's it, baby. Cum on my cock."
He didn't need much to come himself. Your wet, tight pussy was like a piece of heaven in a world that was hell. Your sweet moans combined with the pulsation of your walls around his cock made him feel dizzy.
He felt you start to tremble and your movements became sloppy, you didn't need much and he knew just what to do to make it easier for you.
His mouth found its way under your ear, sending shivers down your spine, and all he had to do was suck the skin there, and the orgasm shook your body.
“Joel,” you whispered, arching.
A wave of pleasure went through your body, making your mind stop working for a moment. You tightened around his cock, which continued to work inside you, milking him.
His fingers disappeared from your oversensitive clit only for him to tighten his grip on your thigh. He bit harder into your neck and groaned throatily, thrusting hard into you, coming deep inside.
His cock twitched a few times, releasing more streams of cum until finally there was nothing left inside him. You panted heavily, still throbbing with pleasure, and you let him nestle into you. He hugged you tightly, burying his face in your hair, and for a long moment he was silent, calming his racing heart.
“Thank you, baby,” he finally said, and after a moment, his lips pressed a few kisses to your shoulder. “I needed that.”
He was pleased, which made you feel a strange sense of relief. You preferred it when he was in a good mood, so you knew you made the right decision by fulfilling his request.
With a soft groan, he pulled out of you, letting the mixture of your orgasms flow from your hole.
“Let’s get you clean,” he said, reaching for the cuff at your ankle. The sound of the lock unlocking squeezed your heart painfully.
For a moment, you were free, but it was a false feeling of freedom.
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sanarsi · 2 months
Birthday present
Javier Peña x f!Reader
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Summary: You're the daughter of one of Columbia's godfathers. Agent Peña decides to surprise you on your twenty-fifth birthday. Warnings: +18, MDNI, protected PIV, car sex, age gap (10y), reader has tattoo, pet names (baby, cariño, princesa), dirty talk, mention of corrupt family, violence Wordcount: 5,3k An: English isn’t my first language so I’m sorry for possibly misunderstanding. Hope you’ll enjoy xx Music I worked with: MAMACITA - Black Eyed Peas, Ozuna, J. Rey Soul / Alibi - Sevdaliza, Pabllo Vittar, Yseult / LA FAMA - ROSALÍA, The Weeknd
Javier's informants usually did not disappoint.
And he was one of those who often put everything on one card. Either he will succeed or will have to try hard to succeed.
That's what led him to this moment. An opportunity to get closer to you than ever before. To get you to cooperate.
Latin music played softly on the radio as Javier calmly drove away from the city center. From time to time he glanced in the mirror to fix his mustache and hair. He had to look good enough to catch your attention. He had to try harder for a while even though he wasn't being paid for it. But Javier was as dedicated to his work as anyone else. Sometimes it could be called his flaw but he didn’t cared about what others thought.
The car stopped in one of the side streets leading to a seaside bar. The bar where you celebrated your birthday.
Javier looked at his reflection one last time and dabbed his skin with aftershave. A strong masculine scent wafted through the car. The perfect weapon for his hunt for an evening companion. He didn't doubt his abilities and that he would be able to woo you too.
Relaxed, he moved towards the muffled music. He was passed by several people who clearly wanted to continue having fun in a more private place. Javier smiled to himself, feeling that he would be lucky today and his intuition never failed him.
From a distance he could already see the outline of people dancing on the dance floor. The music was getting louder and people's conversations began to drown out his own thoughts. Even though he was tired, this was what brought him relief. Finally, his attention was focused on something other than work. Even if that's exactly what he came here for. Work.
Javier walked up to the bar and nodded to the bartender. “Whiskey,” he said, and wasting no time, he started slowly looking around at the people standing closest to him. You weren't here.
His eyes immediately fell on the dance floor. A lot of people. Definitely too much for a small bar by the water.
Javier might have been fooling himself a lot, but he couldn't deny that he loved the energy here. Or at least the energy from the people who simply live here. Having fun and living life to the fullest. If it weren't for all the crap he dealt with, Columbia would be heaven.
Barman placed a glass of whiskey next to him, so he handed him a few bills and took his first sip of alcohol. This was what he needed after a long day at the office.
He slowly savored his drink when his eyes fell on the girl in the middle of the dance floor. He tilted his head to get a better view between dancing couples and slowly ran his gaze down her entire body. The blood red dress hugged her body tightly and several ruffles fluttered with every movement of her hips. His gaze stopped for a moment on her lush hips, which had a lot of life in them.
Javier gulped as he watched how the dress barely covered her ass. Still, she didn't seem to care and was definitely testing the durability of the piece of fabric that gave a lot to the imagination.
His eyes moved lower to her legs and black high heels. A small tattoo on her ankle caught his attention. A light immediately went on in his head. His instincts never failed him, and this time was no exception. It was you. He spotted you like a predator and wasn't going to waste any time from attacking you.
He drank the entire contents of the glass at once and took a deep breath before moving towards you. Someone bumped into him several times, but no one even bothered to notice. Not that Javier cared. His attention was only on you.
The way your fingers disappeared into your hair.
The way your hands slid down your body.
The way your lips moved with every word of the song.
Oh he could get high from this view…
The song changed and this gave him the perfect opportunity to attack. His hand placed itself on your hip, which caught your attention. You opened your eyes, pulled out of your dancing trance, and looked over your shoulder at your attacker.
With a smirk, Javier slowly walked around you to face you. Your eyes immediately began to carefully scan his face to assess whether he was worth your time.
"Such a beautiful woman shouldn’t dance alone," he spoke first. A smile appeared on your lips as this text quickly convinced you to him. You glanced to the side so Javier did the same.
Away from the crowd stood a man watching you carefully. All you had to do was gently nod your head towards him and he immediately relaxed and sat down at the table and started talking to another guy. Javier immediately calculated in his head that there were two bodyguards with you.
Nothing he couldn't handle.
“So let's hope you can dance,” your voice caught his attention. His smirk widened as he tightened his grip around your waist, bringing your frames together. You placed your hand in his and wrapped your other arm around his shoulder. You lifted your chin to keep eye contact with him as he slowly started leading, making your hips move.
You danced the first song in silence. Javier knew you were judging his skills as you stared into each other's eyes with every move. Your noses were brushing against each other and there was almost no space between you.
You felt his thigh between yours as he guided the movements of your hips and you liked the fact that he can lead in dancing. You could finally have fun with someone who lived up to your expectations. And that's what convinced you to continue having fun with him.
“I'm surprised men can still dance,” you said with a laugh as he turned you around once again and pulled you closer to him. Javier was smiling widely as he looked at you, and he'd be lying if he said he was having a bad time.
"Real men can do this and more," he replied with his professional pick-up tone.
You raised your eyebrows with a wide smile, amused by his words. You knew this tone in men very well.
Javier spun you around a few times and pulled you closer to him again. He had to admit that he loved the closeness of Latin dancing. He could shamelessly hold your hips tightly against his and grind you against his thigh.
“Care to tell me what you mean?” you asked innocently, observing his eyes closely.
Javier spun you around and pulled your back against him. You felt his hard chest on your back and after a moment his arms wrapped around you tightly again, making your hips move. You smiled to yourself as you felt his hot breath on your neck.
“A real man will take care of a woman not only in dancing,” he whispered in your ear and his hands slid to your hips, digging his fingers into your skin. You smiled wider as he turned you around to face him again in one move. You wrapped your arms around his neck and Javier leaned closer, nuzzling your nose. You rocked your hips in silence for a moment, watching each other.
“Oh, I see,” you nodded with a soft laugh and let him turn you around. He embraced you and grabbed your hand, slowly taking steps to the beat. "You mean yourself or..."
“Myself,” he cut you off halfway through. You smiled and nodded, hitting your heels and the dance floor with every step.
“You have a high opinion of yourself…” you started to say and stopped at the end, raising an eyebrow.
“Javier,” he finished for you.
“You have a high opinion of yourself, Javier,” you repeated so as not to forget his name in a moment.
"It's just the facts, baby," he said, wanting to sound indifferent.
And he sounded... like an overconfident pick-up artist.
You raised your eyebrows with a smile and nodded. Javier sensed that you were allergic to idiots who wanted to get you into bed. He had to do something more.
“Why have I never seen you here before?”
“I rarely come here,” you replied with a shrug and a soft smile.
“So today is a special occasion I assume,” he noted, slowly leading you across the dance floor. You laughed sweetly at his words, making him smile too.
“Yeah, actually,” you nodded, “it's my birthday today,” you explained. Javier was a born actor, so he had no problem feigning surprise. Of course, you believed it.
“Well well,” he smacked his lips in the air and ran his eyes down your entire body, “But I'm not surprised at all. You don't come across women like you every day," he added with a smirk and pulled you closer again. “Let me buy you a drink.”
"I don't know if—"
“As a birthday present,” he interrupted you, raising his eyebrows encouragingly. He looked at you like a dog, waiting for you to submit to him. And you gave in. You laughed sweetly, shaking your head.
"Let it be."
Javier smiled broadly and grabbed your hand before heading towards the bar. You sat down at the bar with a wide smile and Javier was not shy about being close to you. He immediately wrapped his arms around your waist, gluing himself to your side. He waved towards barman and you watched his every move carefully.
The way his face became serious when he ordered you drinks.
The way his gaze immediately stuck to your eyes right after.
The way his thumb gently traced your hip.
It was all intended to distract you.
“So what birthday is it? Eighteenth?” he asked, looking down at you. You rolled your eyes at his words but snorted under your breath anyway.
“Twenty-fifth,” you replied, wrinkling your nose with a smile. Barman placed the drinks next to you, so Javier immediately downed one for you.
“Then let's drink to your eighth-eighteenth birthday,” he toasted with a smile. You laughed at his words and clinked glasses with him. You both tensed without breaking eye contact. You grimaced at the taste of strong alcohol and he chuckled.
“It was supposed to be a drink, not straight vodka,” you noticed with laugh and took another sip. Javier watched you carefully, hoping you were weak in the head because, unfortunately for him, you didn't seem stupid.
"It's not appropriate to refuse a gift," he noted with a smirk, slowly sipping his drink. You rolled your eyes and took another sip of your damn strong drink with feigned pleasure.
“Thank you for the present, Javier,” you said with forced politeness. He chuckled at your reaction.
"De nada querida."
Thanks to his gift, you were tongue-tied pretty quickly and you spent half an hour talking nonsense at the bar. Javier listened with interest to everything you said and responded to make you say even more and it wasn't until you finished your second drink that he took you dancing again.
And if Javier thought you didn't limit yourself before, you were a beast now. Latin dance has only now gained everything it was about. And it was no longer an ordinary dance. It was literally just sex.
Your noses touched, breathing heavily against each other's lips as Javier guided your hips. Another bead of sweat was already dripping from his forehead after dancing a few songs intensely. And he'd be lying if he said he wasn’t enjoying himself because he hadn't spent such an intense evening, out of bed, with such a beautiful woman for a long time. And he would be lying if he said that your proximity and the alcohol didn't affect him.
He turned you around, and only when you clung tightly to him again, you feel that he was half-hard. And it certainly didn't stop you from rolling your hips right next to his. Javier couldn't help but let out a soft moan that disappeared into your hair. You smiled blissfully, knowing the effect you had on him and you couldn't have expected how much it stroked your ego.
His hand covered your lower abdomen and the other covered your chest. You felt trapped and didn't complain at all. You deliberately moved under his touch and movements, even when you felt his lips near your ear.
"You're playing dirty," he whispered in a hoarse voice and then placed a gentle kiss just below the ear.
A wave of shivers ran through your body at this act of closeness, and you were unable to resist as your head fell on his shoulder on its own. Javier immediately took advantage of the situation and ran his hand from your chest to your neck. His lips slowly began to place wet kisses on your neck and you smiled widely as his closeness bounced between your thighs.
“I got it from my dad,” you replied in a whisper, not really thinking about what you were saying.
“Is he naughty too?” he asked next to your ear and gently bit the lobe. You sighed louder and murmured a quiet affirmation. Now you didn't trust your words anymore. “He should teach you how to behave,” he continued and pressed his hand harder against your stomach. Your hips pressed further into his, allowing you to feel him more clearly. You parted your lips so as not to moan and swallowed saliva, which he immediately felt under his hand.
He had you in his grasp.
“If your dad didn't teach you this, I'll be happy to do it for him,” he whispered and gently bit into your neck.
You smiled broadly and blissfully at the feeling, but it quickly disappeared when Javier spun you around again and this time you fell into his arms, not expecting such a sudden move. You giggled to yourself, hugging his neck again as his hands moved to your hips. You looked up at him, immediately noticing that he was no longer smiling. He looked at you… thirsty. And you couldn't help but have fun.
You ran your fingers along his neck, following your every move with your eyes. You touched his jaw until your thumb was able to graze his lower lip. You smiled when, without any resistance, he opened his mouth and placed a gentle kiss on your fingertip.
Javier might have complained, but he could honestly admit that he was enjoying the game of cat and mouse. It was a nice change from the prostitutes who did whatever he wanted. It was nice to have a taste of winning someone's heart from time to time.
“Ven conmigo,” he whispered without thinking. He liked the tension between the two of you, but he honestly couldn't and didn't want to resist the urge to claim you in his bed or anywhere you let him.
“If only it were that simple…” you sighed with an innocent smile. Javier moved closer to you and ran his nose over yours. He kept his eyes glued to your mouth as his mustache brushed against your lips. His hot breath bounced off your skin as you watched him closely.
You didn't even notice that you had been just standing in the middle of the dance floor for some time. Everyone around was dancing exuberantly and you were absorbed in each other as if there was no one around.
“It wasn't a question,” he whispered against your lips and you both locked eyes at the same moment. Your pulse quickened as you realized you might have gone too far. You've never allowed yourself so much but apparently you forgot yourself a bit this time.
“Trust me, you don't want this,” you tried to discourage him but still you couldn't pull away or even push him away.
“Why wouldn't I?” he asked, completely unconcerned by your words. “If you had a boyfriend he would be here with you so it's definitely not that. I don't see any other reason why I would give up the opportunity to turn those sweet eyes inside out," he purred, nuzzling your nose.
You smiled and looked away for a moment. You had to admit to yourself that you wanted him. He was charming and you were too susceptible to that. You looked back at him, feeling reluctant that you had to reject him.
For his own good.
“My father doesn't like it when men want to claim me,” you started, hoping it would discourage him, but he didn't seem bothered by your words. “I want to spare you a bullet in your head,” you added, raising an eyebrow with more certainty.
“I'll take a chance,” he replied with a smug grimace, and without waiting for your response, he pressed his lips to yours. You were in shock for a moment, but it quickly passed, replaced by desire.
Javier sighed contently as you kissed him back. His hand quickly found itself in your hair, pulling you even closer. You didn't resist when he slipped into your mouth like it belonged to him. He tasted like cigarettes and mint unlike your sweet lips. He kissed you lazily and deeply. He took his time tasting you and took advantage of every second you submitted to his movements.
He finally pulled away from you, but only for a moment. He glanced to the side to see where your bodyguards were, so you did the same. They were busy talking to each other instead of keeping an eye on you.
This was his chance.
He grabbed your hand and leaned close to your ear.
“Give me fifteen minutes,” he whispered and pulled away to look at you. You glanced at the security guards again and back at Javier. It took you less than a second to make your decision. You nodded gently, which was immediately met with his reaction. In a few seconds, you were out of reach of the dancing people and out of the sight of men who were supposed to protect you from such situations. Luck was in the agent's favor.
You tried to keep up with him, but your shoes were of no help. Javier glanced at you over his shoulder and with a smirk on his lips, he wrapped his arms around your waist tightly to help you a little.
You glanced over your shoulder towards the bar but didn't see anything that might catch your attention. They haven't noticed you've disappeared yet. You smiled to yourself because it meant you actually had a chance to have some fun.
Before you knew it, you stopped at one of the cars. Javier unlocked the door and opened it for you. With an encouraging smile, he offered his hand to help you inside. You accepted his help like a proper lady. Your pulse quickened as the door slammed shut and Javier appeared in the driver's seat. You swallowed, watching as he closed the door and pushed his seat back. He straightened up with a sigh and looked at you with a smirk.
“Fifteen minutes, start,” he said and leaned towards you, connecting your lips.
This time he started more aggressively. He tangled his fingers in your hair, deepening the kiss, which gained momentum with every second. You moaned into his mouth, feeling the lack of air begin to cripple your lungs. And that's when Javier pulled away, only to grab your thigh and pull you on top of him. He did it so naturally that you didn't even have to make an effort when you sat on his thighs. His hands were immediately on your hips, pulling you even closer. You spread your legs further as he pressed you against him and connected your lips again.
You tangled your fingers in his hair, pulling it, making him growl against your lips. The sound echoed between your thighs in a wave of tension.
His hands immediately went to work, pushing your dress up to your waist. You moaned into his mouth as he squeezed your cheeks.
“So soft,” he murmured against your lips and moved his hands down to your thighs. His fingers squeezed every inch of your body that happened to be within his reach.
You didn't have to wait long before you felt his fingers trailing down the inside of your thighs. You didn't even hold back your panting into his mouth due to the sweet anticipation that was pulsing throughout your body. You inhaled louder as his two fingers ran from the very bottom up your pussy, collecting all the wetness that had managed to escape from you. Javier growled, gripping your hip tightly.
“You haven't worn damn panties all evening,” he announced, running over your wet hole once more. His cock twitched in his pants at the thought of having you at his fingertips all evening, and you who knew it very well. “Shameless girl,” he growled, sliding two fingers into you.
You moaned, throwing your head back and he immediately attacked your neck. He placed wet kisses and nibbled at your skin as his hand worked wonders between your legs. His fingers slowly moved in and out of your pussy. Wet sounds and your moans filled the car, instantly raising the temperature.
Javier didn't waste time because he didn't have enough of it.
Enough to satisfy you but not enough to enjoy you.
He reached with his free hand towards the glove compartment and took out a pack of condoms. You were too busy to even notice that his mouth disappeared from your neck for a moment so that he could open the package with his teeth. His fingers worked wonders inside you, slowly flexing at the point that made his palm wet.
You opened your eyes as you began to miss the feeling of his lips on your skin. You looked down just as he finished putting on the condom. Your pulse quickened even more when he looked up at you.
“Come on, baby,” he encouraged, pulling his fingers out of you. “Lift your hips for me,” he ordered, running them over your clit.
You moaned softly and immediately obeyed his command. You felt him shift restlessly beneath you, positioning himself perfectly at your entrance.
You didn't need his command to slowly lower yourself onto his cock. For a moment, you lacked the strength to make any sound. Only when you sat on him with your full weight, you moan loudly. Javier watched with parted lips and heavy breathing as his cock disappeared inside you.
“You're so fuckin’ tight, baby,” he moaned and pulled you closer to him, connecting your lips in an intense kiss. You tightened your fingers in his hair and he gripped your hips. “Dance for me,” he whispered against your lips and dug his fingers into your flesh, forcing you to move.
You slowly began to ride him as his lips stayed on yours and his arms held you tightly against him. You moaned softly into his mouth as you set the perfect pace, rolling your hips on his cock.
But it wasn't enough for him. That's why he started pushing his hips towards you. You both began to pant heavily into each other's mouths as Javier entered you with strong thrusts.
“Oh… fuck yes, baby,” he growled, feeling you tighten around his cock with every movement of his hips.
You leaned back against the steering wheel, trying to follow his movements. His gaze fell between your bodies and he watched contentedly as his cock disappeared into your pussy again and again. The wet sound that accompanied it was like something from pure porn.
“She's so pretty with my cock inside her,” he said, his voice laced with sex and you could only moan louder. Your hands grabbed onto anything they could to give you a sense of stability. Javier began to moan softly as he entered you faster and faster.
Your eyes fell on the inside of the car for a moment. You panted heavily, looking around until your eyes landed on something shiny. Despite the darkness, you were able to easily make out the shape of the badge. Your hip movements began to slow down as you looked back at the man who was currently inside you. You breathed heavily, looking at him carefully.
“No, no, baby. Don’t slow down,” he groaned in disappointment and looked at you. Only after a while he notice that you were looking at him as if you were seeing him for the first time and, what's worse, you froze in silence. Javier frowned, breathing heavily. "What’s wrong, cariño?" he asked confused.
"What do you do for living?" you asked simply.
Javier was silent for a moment, then he understood. He turned and looked at the badge lying on the backseat. Fuckin’ hell. He sighed heavily and looked at you again. There was no point in lying.
“I'm a DEA agent,” he told you, his cock twitching inside you in anticipation. You slowly calmed your breathing as everything that was happening started to sink in.
You were fucking an agent who probably wanted to get information from you.
You felt a wave of cold wash over you, making you involuntarily tighten around his cock and he groaned at the feeling.
You straightened up slowly, keeping your cold gaze on him and with one movement you swung your hand, hitting him on the cheek. His cock twitched inside you again at the sudden blow, but he didn't speak. For a moment, he didn't even dare to look your way.
But when he did and opened his mouth to speak, he was hit a second time. This time he had to move his jaw to relax, and only then did he look at how calm and angry you were at the same time.
“Maldito hijo de puta…” you started, wanting to call him the worst names, but he quickly cut you off. His hands tightened on your thighs, which caught your attention.
“I just want to help you,” he started gently and you frowned. You didn't know whether to laugh or punch him in the face again.
“I don't want your help,” you growled.
You felt his arm wrap tightly around your waist, holding you in place. Not that you were struggling, but he wanted to make sure you wouldn't pull away when his other hand pressed between your bodies.
“It wasn't a business proposition, princesa,” he said confidently. You opened your mouth to argue with him but you felt his fingers on your clit; instead of words and curses, a surprised moan came out.
Javier watched your reaction carefully, slowly massaging the small spot that could render you speechless.
“I can get you a new life,” he continued, completely indifferent to the fact that you were trying to catch your breath. "Away from the crap your father deals with."
“Vete a la mierda,” you choked out and he pressed his fingers harder. You moaned louder as you felt his movements begin to have the desired effect.
“That's what I'm doin’,” he replied confidently. He watched carefully as your eyes closed and your lips parted in pleasure. He felt everything he was doing to you, every squeeze of your pussy made him shiver. “Think about it, cariño, new identity, no killing and no drugs. Normal life." He sped up his finger movements, feeling your hips thrust towards him. Your body sold without much problem, but at least you could think straight.
“You want me to sell myself like a puta,” you pointed out. Javier growled under his breath, but not because of your words.
“I want you to buy a better life for yourself with a few pieces of information.”
“Nicely said,” you snorted under your breath in disdain at his words.
“You're a smart girl, I believe you know deep down that my proposal is mutually beneficial,” he continued, but your attention was focused on your building orgasm. You started breathing faster, focusing on him, afraid that one wrong move and you would lose the long-awaited fulfillment. "You have to promise me that you will think about my proposal."
"Or what?" You raised an eyebrow, waiting for his response, but he just stopped moving his fingers. You felt your orgasm slowly fade into oblivion. “Mierda… okay, okay, I will think about it,” you growled, furious. Javier smiled with satisfaction because it was enough for him for now.
He moved his lips closer to you and touched your clit again, the feeling of your orgasm building again. You didn't need much this time. You started rocking your hips gently for additional stimulus that was still deep inside you. Your slow movements of your hips and his fingers combined in a pleasurable race for fulfillment. You mentally cursed how much you hated yourself and the agent under you. You felt like a traitor, but luckily his touch drowned out your remorse.
You moaned softly into his mouth and he drank it like the most expensive whiskey. Your hips sped up a bit, chasing the pleasure that was about to reach its peak at any moment.
“Oh yes, baby, I can feel she wants to cum,” he moaned into your mouth. These words sent chills throughout your body, straight to your crotch. "And I will only let her because I am close too."
You moaned louder and your hands quickly found their way to his hair. You clenched your fingers tightly, moving your hips faster. Chasing your orgasm, you even ignored the way Javier gently stroked your back in anticipation of your fulfillment.
“Come on, baby,” he moaned and began to move his fingers more intensely on your throbbing clit.
A few moves and it was all over.
A few movements of your hips and you froze motionless.
A few movements of your hips and your body shook with shivers of fulfillment.
You squealed into his mouth, feeling your hips shake from your intensely sweet orgasm. You tightened around his cock again and again, making him groan throatily.
“Fuck— good girl,” he choked out, wrapping his arms around your waist tightly. You moved your hips once more to get comfortable on him. This, combined with the passing orgasm, finished him off as well.
You felt his cock inside you start to throb again and again and his kiss became harder, almost crushing your lips. You squealed softly, but he drowned you out when he finally growled throatily in satisfaction.
You stayed in silence for a few minutes, calming your breathing and collecting your thoughts. Javier was furious at his mistake because he hoped that your conversation would turn out differently. But there was nothing he could do now to change the past.
But all you cared about was that you fucked a fuckin’ DEA agent.
“Will you consider my proposal?” he finally asked and pulled away to look at you. In silence, you glanced at his eyes and face and nodded gently.
But you weren't really going to spend even a second on it.
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sanarsi · 1 month
Summer 2014
bfd!no-outbreak!Joel Miller x f!Reader
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Summary: What happens if you find out you're attracted to your best friend's father? Well, Joel is more than willing to show you that. Warnings: +18, MDNI, age gap (reader’s in Sarah’s age), best friend’s dad!Joel, protected PIV, fingering, dom!Joel, pet names, dirty talk Wordcount: 5,7k An: A bit of a stepdad vibe idk??? BUT we all had to go through summer 2014 phase so Joel should too ;) Music I worked with: My Love - Justin Timberlake, T.I.
Your friendship with Sarah started in elementary school. Since then, you were inseparable. You always did everything together. Usually at her house because your parents were... quarrelsome. Joel never minded that sometimes you stayed at their place for a week or longer. In fact, he was glad that his daughter had a friend like you. Thanks to you, he stopped spitting in his face that he didn't spend enough time with his princess. That's why, whenever he had time on the weekend, he took you to the movies, bowling or just to eat something unhealthy.
The Millers' house became your second home. Better home. Joel became like a loving father to you, the one that was missing in your real family. You loved cuddling up to his side when you had movie marathons on Fridays.
Years passed, you and Sarah started to grow up. Joel had to face new challenges. Posters of singers covered all the walls in Sarah's room. Makeup kits could be found in every cabinet in the house. Your giggles and squeals would echo when one of your idols released a new song or simply had their picture taken on the street.
Your teenage years really took their toll on him. He would drive you to concerts, wait with you in line for hours for a stupid autograph from a guy with a bleached smile and too much gel in his hair. Sometimes he was getting tired of you two. But as long as he saw the wide smiles on your faces, he was able to grit his teeth and fight the backache and headaches you gave him.
Or maybe he was just getting old.
Then came the period of your love conquests. He couldn't count how many times he had to sit with each of you on the couch and hug you, whispering comforting words about how you were perfect and boys were stupid. And you could have your heart broken every month, but he was always able to fix you.
Everything in your life fell into place in such a way, that you didn't introduce your first serious boyfriend to your parents. You introduced him to Joel. You invited him to dinner at the Millers' house so Joel could judge whether he liked the candidate you had chosen for yourself. Joel became a real parent to you. And he couldn't have been happier. A single father, not of one princess, but of two.
You were the ones who gave him breakfast in bed on Father's Day. You were the ones who took him to his favorite restaurant on his birthday. You were the ones who judged whether he looked good when he started dating.
And finally, you both grew up. You started going to work to earn money for the holidays. You started going out with friends and coming back drunk in the middle of the night. You were starting to be young women. You were no longer his little princesses. But despite that, Joel still treated you like that.
He still made you waffles with rainbow sprinkles on Saturday mornings. He still bought you your favorite ice cream. He still watched cartoons with you in the evenings. You were a family.
But it wasn't always rosy.
When you started growing up, you started arguing with him. About coming home too late, about forgetting to turn off the lights in the garage again, about him being too protective. It even got to the point where you told him that he had no right to pick on you for anything because he wasn't your father. It hurt him, but he knew you were right.
He wasn't your father and you weren't his daughter.
But you still called him when you didn't know something. You had to inform him when you decided to stay the night at your family home. He was the arms in which you cried, apologizing for what you were. And he never even thought to remind you of the words that ever hurt him.
But over time, everything started to change. You and Sarah were in your twenties when the first problems started. Her proposal that you should move out together to another state, which ended in a huge row on Joel's part. Then the fact that you were accepted to two different universities, a few hours away from each other. Then Sarah's boyfriend who came to ask her father for her hand in marriage, which ended in a row because it turned out that he had cheated on her.
Adult problems started, but it wasn't anything you couldn't handle.
That's why, when you were twenty-five, you still lived together with Joel and went on vacations together. And everyone was fine with that kind of life.
Joel loved having you around and couldn't imagine staying alone in that big house. Sarah stopped wanting to move to the other end of the country because she found the girl of her dreams.
And then there was you.
You just didn't want to lose the family you had.
And you were all happy that everything was the way it was.
"Let's go sunbathing!" you shouted with a wide smile as you entered the house.
Joel was just pouring himself his third cup of coffee that day and Sarah was watching some series while eating chips. You looked around seeing the lack of energy in their movements.
"What's wrong with you two? Why aren't you packing?" you asked frowning and entered the kitchen putting the bag of groceries on the table.
Joel glanced at you with those tired eyes of his and took a sip of coffee then without a word he started rummaging through the groceries you had made. You turned to Sarah who ignored the fact that you had returned home. You ran up to her and jumped over the back of the sofa landing next to her. She squealed in fear almost throwing her snacks and looked at you murderously. You ignored it, smiling widely.
"I've already packed," she announced going back to watching the crappy soap opera they put on every afternoon.
"Joel?" you asked glancing at him. He looked up at you, clearly having no idea what you were talking about because he was too busy reading the ingredients of some sweet drink.
"I packed him," Sarah said. Joel swallowed the coffee he had in his mouth and straightened up.
"Oh, yeah, she packed me," he nodded.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Sarah roll her eyes and you wanted to burst out laughing.
"Okay, so it's just me who’s left," you announced, clapping your hands and quickly getting up from the sofa and heading towards the stairs. "What swimsuits did you pack??!" you shouted already halfway to your room.
There was silence for a moment.
"I took pink and purple!" Sarah replied, to which you nodded to yourself and ran to your room to pack for your few days of vacation full of sun, beach and sweet drinks.
The few hours of driving were a curse on Joel's back. Plus your singing was finally starting to give him a migraine.
"I love you, but please," he grimaced glancing at each of you, "just shut up," he said to which you rolled your eyes and started talking about bullshit.
You had barely made it to the hotel before you had already dragged Joel out for a swim. The waves lapped against the shore as he watched you run through the water for another hour, splashing and diving. He finally allowed himself to relax, basking in the sun on a lounger and sipping a cold drink.
"Joel!" you shouted running out of the water. He lifted his sunglasses and watched as you ran towards him, all wet with a wide smile.
"What?" he asked when you were close enough. Panting heavily, you stood next to him, cold drops of water fall on his heated skin, making him grimace.
"Move, take some pictures of us because it's a nice sunset." You nodded towards the sky, where pink clouds were starting to form. Joel looked in that direction and then at Sarah, who was squeezing water out of her hair.
"I don't want to," he mumbled and fell back onto the lounger, closing his eyes. It didn't take a moment before he felt the cold water on his stomach. He inhaled loudly, straightening up like a string while you were already squealing towards the ocean.
"Move, man!" you shouted in his direction. Joel rolled his eyes and stood up with a groan. He quickly drank the rest of his drink and took his phone, moving towards you.
"Okay girls, your professional photographer has arrived," he said spreading his hands with a proud smile, standing near you. You both looked at him and then at each other and burst out laughing. His smile disappeared. "What was that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing, dad. You know we love you and your great skills in every field," Sarah said amused. Joel rolled his eyes and turned on the camera on his phone. You both immediately got into position smiling widely as he started taking pictures of you. A dozen or so clicks later he grimaced looking at the phone screen.
"Your outfits are terribly overexposing the picture," he commented with a grimace.
"That's the point, dad," Sarah rolled her eyes.
"It has to be neon and colourful," you added. Joel raised his hands in surrender.
"Easy, not both at once or I won't be able to defend myself," he said with amusement and went back to taking pictures of you until the sky changed from pink to dark blue.
Then you all went back to the hotel eating ice cream on the way. Even Joel went wild and chose three scoops for himself.
At the hotel, he finally got a moment of peace from you when you were lost in your phones. You were both lying in bed dressed in his old t-shirts and shorts.
Joel sat in front of the TV long after you both fell asleep. Only then, he allow himself to have one last strong drink before bed.
He was on vacation too, so he could go wild, right?
In the middle of the night, your bladder made its presence known and the few drinks you had during the day wanted to come out. With a groan, you got up, looking around the room. Sarah was sleeping, bent in every direction on her bed, which was a normal sight. Barely lifting your feet from the ground, you left the room and headed down the dark hallway. Your eyes were still glued shut from sleep and you didn't feel like opening them.
You stood in front of the bathroom door and noticed that a beam of light was stretching across the floor. You frowned and knocked on the door, but no one answered. Joel probably forgot to turn off the light before he went to sleep. Nothing new.
You went inside, wincing at the sudden brightness. The hot steam and the sound of the water turning on immediately made it clear to you that Joel hadn't forgotten to turn off the light.
"I just have to pee," you said, making yourself known.
"Fuck me," Joel cursed, scared, and immediately peeked his head out from behind the shower curtain. But you were already half-conscious, sitting on the toilet. "I swear I'll have a heart attack one day," he muttered, turning off the water and reaching for a towel.
You rested your chin on your hand, almost falling asleep while peeing. Joel opened the curtain and stepped out of the shower, all wet. A navy blue towel wrapped low on his hips as he stood in front of the mirror with his back to you. You opened one eyelid, looking in his direction.
"Maybe in twenty years when you're older," you mumbled and reached for the paper. Joel glanced at you in the mirror and without a word began to brush his teeth.
You stood up pulling up your shorts and flushed the toilet. With a sleepy grimace you walked up to him and pushed yourself between him and the sink to wash your hands. He rolled his eyes moving to the side and leaned his hip against the cabinet.
"You should be proud of yourself," you said, catching his attention.
"Hm?" he mumbled indistinctly continuing to brush his teeth. You shook the water off your hands and wiped the rest on your shirt. You moved away from the sink and looked at him scanning his entire body.
"Because you look fuckin’ amazing for your age," you said and turned around walking towards the door. You showed him a thumbs up, opening the door. "Keep it up, man." You disappeared behind the door and Joel couldn't hold back a quiet snort at your words.
The next day Joel made a mistake. He let himself be dragged out shopping. And it wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't for the fact that he followed you around for an hour straight. With everything you bought.
And you were all unconcerned, drinking another Starbucks coffee and gossiping about every handsome boy who passed by and glanced at you, even for a split second. Being a father was hard sometimes. And it was harder when a boy approached one of you, asking for your phone number. Then his fatherly instincts kicked him hard in the ass.
He was like your bodyguard. He scared everyone away while drawing the eyes of mommies at the same time. He can't count the number of times that married women have sent him flirtatious glances. At first he didn't complain, but over time it began to annoy him. He was too busy with your running asses.
"You'll never talk me into this again," he groaned, throwing all the bags on the ground by the door and moving to pour yourself something cold to drink.
And you, as if nothing had happened, took all the things and started to look through everything with a giggle. Joel rolled his eyes, taking a can of cola from the fridge and moving towards you, falling heavily onto the sofa next to you. He watched everything that flew through your hands from the side. He didn't even bother to comment on the fact that you started to make a strange fashion show, trying on all the colorful cloths. He watched some movie in silence and only spoke when you asked for his opinion on a given thing.
"And this one?" you asked, standing in a neon pink swimsuit that had several strings intertwining your waist. Sarah immediately nodded eagerly. Your gaze fell on Joel, waiting for his answer. He raised his hand and with his finger he ordered you to turn around. You turned around your axis and looked at him again. He gave a thumbs up and then went back to watching the movie.
In the evening, you were sitting on the sofa with Joel and browsing through an app on your phone. Joel was watching the news while drinking whiskey. You were both waiting for Sarah to come back from her mission to find a present for her girlfriend. You were lying with your legs on his thighs and with a grimace you scrolled through another post with a photo of your friends.
"Joel," you said suddenly. He mumbled in response without taking his eyes off the TV. "Is there something wrong with me?" you asked, writing an overly nice comment under a photo of your friends in love.
Joel frowned at your question and looked at you.
"What do you mean?"
You sighed and locked your phone, placing it on your chest. You were silent for a moment, wondering how you were going to put your sentence together.
"I mean..." you started, staring at the wall next to you to focus. "I'm twenty-five and I haven't even been on a stupid date in a few years," you explained. Joel immediately understood what you meant and sighed quietly.
"You're fine," he assured, but when he saw your lost look he immediately understood that this was no small matter in that very moment. "Okay..." he sighed, setting his drink on the table next to him. "Come here."
He patted his chest and didn't have to wait even a few seconds when you appeared at his side, curling up and snuggling into his chest. He hugged you tightly, pulling you even closer to him.
"I'm listening."
"My friends are getting married, having kids, even buying a fuckin’ houses," you started immediately. "And what am I doing? No relationship. Boring work. Sitting on strangers' hands."
Joel frowned at your words and looked down at you.
"Strangers?" he repeated, confused.
"Yeah, I mean..." you sighed heavily. "I ran away from my family to be with you two and I never even asked if it bothered you." Joel shook his head, not sure if he understood you correctly.
He immediately understood that you must be having a bad day and he couldn't just tell you that you've gotten stupider with age.
“Baby, you know I’m happy you’re with us. No matter how many times we fight, how many times you throw the trash in the wrong bin, you’ll still be part of the family,” he said, running his fingers through your hair. There was silence, broken only by the quiet sounds of the TV. For a moment, you stared blindly at the watch on his wrist.
“Will you promise me something?” you asked quietly.
“Anything, sweet girl.”
You snuggled closer to his chest so he immediately hugged you tighter.
"When Sarah moves out with her girlfriend, you'll be the only one left," you said letting him know something that was inevitable. His heart beat faster at the thought that his daughter would soon start her own life. "Will you promise me, that no matter what happens, we'll always be able to count on each other?" you asked looking up at him with those innocent eyes of yours.
Joel smiled warmly and moved closer placing a strong kiss on your forehead. You closed your eyes staying in that moment for as long as you can.
"No matter what," he whispered against your skin and kissed you again in the same place.
You smiled at each other when he pulled away from you. And for a moment you felt strange. As if some switch in your mind turned on. You couldn't tear your eyes away from his warm chocolate irises that were the color of honey in the sun. Joel continued to gently stroke your hair looking at you with that caring glint in his eye. Your breathing quickened as the silence between you began to drag on long enough for him to notice.
You swallowed hard as something else began to appear in his gaze. The warmth began to turn into seriousness and something else. You weren't even aware of it when your face slowly began to approach his until your breath began to fan his lips. Joel didn't move a millimeter, watching carefully. He didn't move away or move closer.
He didn't do anything, until your gaze fell on his lips and his cock twitched.
Then the door to the apartment opened with a bang.
You jumped on the spot, scared, and you both looked towards the main door. Joel tightened his arm around your shoulders, not letting you move. Your heart jumped into your throat when you heard Sarah's quiet murmurs before the door closed behind her.
You immediately returned to your previous position and buried your cheek in his chest as if you wanted to hide from the world.
"Public transport in this city is a joke," Sarah mumbled as she entered the small living room and threw her bag on the armchair next to the sofa. She sighed heavily looking at the program that was playing on the TV and sent a delayed glance your way. "What about her?" she frowned as she watched you snuggle into Joel's side.
"She's being dramatic because her friends got married," he explained staring at the TV. He was acting completely normal while your heart was going through something close to a heart attack at the time.
"So nothing new," she shrugged with a stupid smile.
"Fuck you," you burst out laughing glancing at her.
Sarah smiled wider before she walked closer and sat down on the other side of Joel and snuggled into his side as well. He sighed loudly and hugged his daughter.
"My two grown up girls need to cuddle up to their old man? Sweet," he commented amusedly, then he placed a kiss on Sarah's head and then yours.
But he kept his lips on yours much longer.
You were lying on the bed, tossing and turning. You tried to fall asleep but your mind decided to recall every single detail of this evening. You glanced at the clock on the dresser and growled when you saw that it was the middle of the night and you still hadn't slept a wink. You saw no point in further suffering. There was no point in even trying to fall asleep.
You sighed as you got up and quietly left the room, going to the kitchen. You poured yourself some tap water and leaned against the counter, calmly taking sips. You started looking around at all the cabinets and walls to somehow kill time. Finally, you looked towards the living room and almost spat out the water from your mouth.
"Fuck," you cursed, feeling your heart start to pound in your chest at the sight of Joel who was sitting in the dark on the sofa and looking in your direction.
You put your hand on your raging heart and looked at him with wide eyes.
"What the fuck Joel?!" you shouted in a whisper, putting the glass in the sink and slowly walking around the kitchen island. "What are you doing here?" you asked, standing by the sofa.
You noticed that he was holding a glass of what was probably his favorite alcohol. There was a half-empty bottle of whiskey on the table, at which you rolled your eyes, sighing heavily.
"How much did you drink?" You raised an eyebrow, but he remained silent, just looking at you. You watched him, waiting for any reaction from him, but he was like a stone. You sighed, opening your mouth to continue, but this time he interrupted you.
"Why aren't you sleeping?" he asked, unsettling you. You blinked a few times, your lips parted because you didn't expect such a question.
"I couldn't sleep," you explained indifferently, shrugging your shoulders.
"Why?" he asked immediately in a serious tone. This tone made you straighten up a bit more.
"It's too hot."
"Too hot," he repeated, nodding and looking away from you. He raised his glass and took a sip of whiskey. Silence fell between you. You nervously shifted your weight from one foot to the other, feeling the strange atmosphere that had settled between you. It was safest to retreat now.
"Okay, I'm going-"
"And do you know why I can't sleep?" he interrupted you, staring blankly into space. You felt your insides tighten. You probably didn't want to know the answer to that question. Not knowing seemed like a much safer option now.
Why couldn't your mouth work with your mind?
Joel snorted humorlessly and slowly moved his gaze to you.
"Because my daughter's best friend, who is like a daughter to me, looked at me in a way she shouldn't," he said seriously and took another sip of whiskey. You were silent, staring at him with a lost look. Your heart was already in your throat and cold sweat was running down your back.
Fuck. You didn't want to know that answer.
"Joel, listen-"
"And you know what's the worst of it all?" he interrupted you, frowning again. You fell silent, not wanting to upset him. He leaned down to put the glass on the table. "That I liked it more than I should have," he said, resting his elbows on his knees and staring at the remaining alcohol in the glass.
Your stomach did a somersault when you realized the meaning of his words. You could barely catch your breath as his gaze slowly traveled down your body to your face.
He liked it.
"So go back to your room if you don't want me to do something we'll both regret," he added warningly.
You felt incredibly hot and oxygen suddenly became a luxury item. You stood there as if frozen, clenching your thighs tightly as his gaze traveled down your body.
He looked down, shaking his head in disbelief, and after a moment a quiet snort left his lips. The silence around you was only interrupted by your heavy breathing.
"Fuck it," he growled under his breath before he got up from the sofa in the blink of an eye and found himself in front of you. His lips crashed painfully against yours, making you groan. The breath in your lungs froze as his hand tangled in your hair, pulling you closer to him. You dug your nails into his arms as he began to push against you.
His soft lips contrasted with his rough stubble. The taste of whiskey appeared on your tongue as he crept into your mouth. Butterflies formed in your stomach, yielding to his every move.
The mature man's lips tasted completely different.
They were tart. Rough. Strong.
Joel sensed that you weren't moving away from him. You weren't trying to free yourself. So his hands appeared on your waist. Big masculine hands.
He slid down, tightening his fingers on your hips, and tugged you, pulling you closer. You moaned, overwhelmed by everything. His cock quivered, which you felt on your stomach.
"Joel…" you whispered, but his kisses silenced you.
"One time. No one will know," he answered your unasked question.
His hands tightened on your body, making his hard cock dig more into your stomach. You moaned, melting under his touch. Joel took this as your consent and in one move, he pushed you onto the sofa. You fell with your whole body onto the soft material, out of breath. For a moment, you stared at the ceiling, but the sound of the package being torn apart caught your attention.
You lifted your head, catching your gaze on Joel, who was slowly putting a condom on his cock. Your pulse quickened as you realized that this was all real.
Or maybe you were dreaming.
But you didn't want to wake up then.
Your head fell back down as you tried to control your racing heart. You almost squealed when his fingers caught the waistband of your shorts and in one movement he pulled them down your hips. You shivered feeling the couch give way under his weight and after a moment his warm hands spread your thighs just so he could be there.
You locked eyes as he hovered over you and you could tell right away that you were both equally terrified by what was happening. But it seemed like it was too late to forget everything. Not when his hand slid down to your pussy.
"Not a word," he whispered warningly and ran his fingers over your leaking hole.
You moaned closing your eyes and his hand immediately found your lips. You looked at him with wide eyes as he looked at you so intensely that you felt smaller than you were.
"Shut up," this time he growled. His fingers ran over your slit again spreading all the moisture. Your moan died in his hand and that satisfied him. "You're so fucking wet," he growled frowning as he massaged your clit and a moment later he plunged two fingers inside you. You arched your back, moaning louder. “Shhh.”
He began to slowly fuck you with his fingers, watching as you tilted your head back further and further each time he curled them inside you.
“Yes baby, just like that,” he whispered under his breath as he felt you tighten around his fingers and your hips push themselves toward him. His two fingers were more than enough to make you feel filled.
They were fuckin’ thick and your tight hole didn't need more to come. You arched your back, moaning into his hand.
"Such a good girl," he whispered, speeding up the movements of his fingers to prolong your orgasm. You arched under him as the wet sound of how fast he pushed his fingers into you echoed around the room.
Only when you started to pull away from the over-simulation, he remove his fingers from you and take his hand from your mouth. You gasped for air, starting to pant heavily, but he didn't give you even half a minute to catch your breath. You felt something delicate slide over your wet entrance.
You purred impatiently when he ran his cock along the entire length of your slit and positioned himself at the entrance again. You already knew it was thick. You shifted anxiously, preparing yourself for the fact that it could hurt.
"Relax because I don't want my dick to fall off," he said feeling you clench so hard around nothing that he couldn't even enter you. You shivered and took a deep breath relaxing all your muscles at once.
And then Joel immediately entered you halfway with a moan. And you didn't even have time to moan because his hand was on your mouth again.
"So fucking tight," he groaned looking down as his dick disappeared more and more inside you. You almost squealed when he pushed into you with a strong movement to the very end.
He didn't even give you a chance to get used to his size because he immediately started moving his hips. Back and forth every time panting heavily. His large hand completely drowned out your moans leaving you helpless.
"I fuckin’ hate condoms," he growled and sped up thrusting into you. He looked at your face noticing the tears that were gathering at the ends of your eyes. He smiled leaning closer. "I bet, without that latex, your pussy would feel like heaven."
You cried into his hand, and he only smiled wider and began thrusting into you harder, going as deep as he could. Until the fucking couch began to squeak with every movement.
He groaned throatily closing his eyes for a moment when he felt you tighten around him. And then his eyes met yours again. But he was looking at you differently.
"Do you know how your pink panties cut into that little cunt?" he growled, speeding up the movements of his hips.
The first tears fell from your eyes. You felt nothing but the weight of his body on yours and how his cock was bringing you closer and closer to fulfillment at a deadly pace.
"You might as well go naked on that fucking beach. I wouldn't see the difference," he groaned, burying his face in your neck and digging his fingers harder into your cheeks. "Oh fuck," he panted feeling how quickly you were able to bring him to such a state.
You felt his lips begin to place wet kisses on your neck and cheek until your eyes met again.
"You gonna come?" he asked, panting heavily. He had to be sure that you would come from his cock only. Otherwise he would have to try harder, but that was the least of his problems.
You nodded, looking at him with watery eyes. Joel smiled widely, pushing his cock deeper into you.
"Good girl," he purred, placing another kiss on your cheek before he removed his hand from your mouth. You inhaled and moaned when his lips immediately attacked yours in a deep kiss. You tangled your fingers in his hair, pulling him even closer, so that all your moans were lost in his mouth. Only now did he feel what a mess you were.
Your tongue trembled with each kiss, just like his cock in your pussy. His throaty moans echoed between your legs until you started to tremble. Joel hummed in pleasure as he felt you tighten around him more and more.
You chased your orgasm and he happily sped up his movements for you. Until you finally came with a broken squeal. Waves of orgasm ran through your body, loosening and tightening all your muscles over and over again.
Joel stopped, unable to move from how hard you were clenching around him. He growled as his cock quivered in response and he needed nothing more. He only pushed his hips harder against yours, coming with a throaty groan. Your contractions drew everything he could give you from him.
Your kisses slowly became slower and slower as you both came down from your peaks, breathing heavily. Joel pulled away, burying his face in your neck and trying to calm your racing heart. You gently ran your fingers through his hair, breathing slower and slower.
"You know what?" you asked in a whisper, breaking the silence.
"What?" he mumbled, his bass echoing through your body with a shiver.
"I'm on pills," you announced.
Silence fell. A soft smile bloomed on your lips as Joel lifted himself up on his hands to look at you. His skin was glistening with sweat.
“Good that you’re saying it now,” he retorted, rolling his eyes, and you snorted quietly in amusement.
Joel couldn’t help the smirk that spread across his lips and he leaned down, gently connecting your lips. His tongue grazed yours before he pulled away again.
“Then there has to be one more one time”he whispered against your lips and nuzzled your nose. “I need to feel that pussy without any barriers,” he purred and connected your lips again.
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