#samsung galaxy note 23 ultra
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My thoughts on the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra
My primary phone has been the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, and it’s still a beast 1 year later. Samsung might have changed the name, but other than not having expandable storage, this is the return to the Galaxy Note that I and many others were waiting for. The S24 Ultra is one step closer with its flat display, which makes using the S Pen more enjoyable. In fact, the flat display is why a few years…
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#android#Android phone#brand loyalty#desktop mode#Dex#Foldables#Folding phones#Galaxy S#Galaxy S23 Ultra#Galaxy S24 Ultra#Galaxy Z#High-end Phones#honest opinion#Mid-range phones#Note 23#Note 24#phone upgrade#review#Samsung#Samsung knights#smartphone review#Smartphone?#Z Fold
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H:手機蘋果(iph1至26)與三星(S1至S24)是屬一及二,前有HTC,後有SONY,另外華為,oppo,vivo及其他,經歷一個時代轉換。家中電話,大哥大,BB Call,手機,網路手機2G,照相手機,3G,4G,5G。精彩的歷程。20241005W6
BB Call是具有接收簡易文字訊息功能的個人無線電通訊工具,一般被稱為「呼叫器」。 根據電信數位博物館介紹,1980年代呼叫器在行動電話尚未普及時曾風靡一時,由於被呼叫時會發出「嗶嗶」聲,因此也被稱為「BB Call」。
S24 Ultra 上市日期
目前三星官方已經在台灣時間2024年 1 月 18 日凌晨,正式公開 S24 Ultra 的新機資訊,並預計將於 1 月 31 日於全台電信業者與通路正式上市。
Samsung S21 Ultra上市日期: 2021 年 1 月 29 日
Samsung S22 Ultra上市日期: 2022 年 3 月 4 日
Samsung S23 Ultra上市日期: 2023 年 2 月 24 日
Samsung S24 Ultra上市日期: 2024 年 1 月 31 日
Android旗艦Galaxy Z系列可摺疊式智能手機
2010年2月時,三星發展觸控及智慧型手機,推出的首代Galaxy手機 - Galaxy i7500,三星其後訂定在��底以前,超越在智慧型手機市場深耕已久的全球第四大廠宏達電。
同年4月,三星集團會長李健熙決定在韓國水原成立智慧型手機特別小組,專攻Android系統的智慧型手機。同年6月便發表了三星首支採用Super AMOLED的Android旗艦手機Galaxy S,在四個月便到達了500萬部的銷售量。此時三星便開始超越宏達電,根據調查機構ABI Research於7月底發佈的消息,第二季以Android為作業系統的智慧型手機,出貨量達到4700萬支,其中三星占了34%,宏達電(HTC)居次23%。
2011年6月,三星預定在全球120的國家中發售Galaxy S II,搭載了1.2Ghz雙核心,採用4.3英吋Super AMOLED Plus,提供帶有LED閃光燈的前置200萬畫素攝像頭和後置800萬畫素攝影鏡頭,具有1080p高畫質影片播放能力。提供高達21 Mbps的下載和5.76 Mbps的上傳。銷售後85天內便達到500萬隻出貨紀錄,英國生活消費科技雜誌T3雜誌評選三星Galaxy S II為年度手機,同時也是目前Android中,銷售量最高的手機。
2011年8月,三星推出了全新Galaxy Note系列手機,為全球出產的第一台大屏幕(5.3英吋)手機。當 Galaxy Note 推出時,許多人不看好這台手機,甚至連蘋果迷都諷刺三星說:「誰會拿著大磚塊講電話。」(三星Galaxy Note最早是2011年8月在德國柏林IFA展中推出,擁有5.3英吋HD Super AMOLED屏幕,並配備了手寫筆。2011年月10在德國首先銷售,其他的國家很快就跟進,開啟了消費者不同於以往的行動通訊使用經驗。至11月底,主要的市場包含東亞、馬來西亞、歐洲以及印度。
2012年1月至3月的第一季,已經賣出500萬台。2012年6月1日,三星宣稱已賣出700萬台。2012年8月15日,三星通訊部門全球行銷主管李永熙宣布,Galaxy Note在過去9個月的時間已銷售達1000萬台。
三星電子於2012年5月4日於英國倫敦發表稱為「The Next Galaxy」的Galaxy S III最新三星高階智慧型手機。[25]
2010年三星宣布正式加入微軟Windows Phone系統平台。2012年6月,三星成爲微軟Windows Phone 8系統的首波合作OEM廠商,並加大投入。
2012年8月29日,三星在德國柏林IFA展中推出全新三星 Galaxy Note 2,擁有5.55英吋HD Super AMOLED PLUS屏幕,並配備了S Pen手寫筆,於2012年10月在全球各個市場發售。上市後37天內即售出超過三百萬部,兩個月之後銷量超越五百萬部。
2013年3月,三星於美國紐約發表新一代手機三星Galaxy S4,創全球三項第一:全球第一款雙四核架構的應用處理器Exynos 5 Octa、第一款導入5英吋1080p AMOLED螢幕、第一隻導入 LPDDR3 的手機。儲存空間為16GB與32GB,最大可擴充至64GBmicroSD卡。相機方面採用前200萬畫素 、主1300萬畫素的攝影鏡頭,使用三星開發基於Android系統的操作介面及軟體。
2013年9月4日,三星於德國柏林IFA展上的三星產品發表會上發布了全新三星 Galaxy Note Ⅲ,這是全球首款採用3GB RAM的手機,也是首款採用 USB 3.0 技術的三星手機。繼承上一代機型(Galaxy Note II),Note 3 被設計成一隻更輕的手機、背殼是塑膠材質的以及擁有皮質的觸感。
2014年2月24日,三星在西班牙巴塞羅那舉行的全球移動通訊大會上發布了三星 Galaxy S5 高階智能手機。Galaxy S5韓國開賣銷售情況約為每日7,000支,比過去Galaxy S4的開賣每日銷售8,000支,以及三星Galaxy S4 LTE-A的開賣每日銷售上萬支稍低。
2014年9月3日,三星在德國柏林IFA展上的三星產品發表會上發布了讓大家期待已久的三星 Galaxy Note 4。擁有指紋感應器,搭載5.7英吋1440×2560(515ppi)解析度螢幕,高通驍龍805處理器(2.7GHz四核心處理器)(有地區是雙四核分別是 1.9ghz 跟 1.7ghz),3GB RAM,後置攝像頭為1600萬畫素具有光學防手震功能,前置鏡頭為370萬畫素並可使用心率感應器自拍,觸控筆也具有類似電腦滑鼠的多選功能,同時像Galaxy Alpha一樣,電池方面使用3220mAh, 具有30分鐘快充功能。Galaxy Note 4也會採用金屬邊框以提高質感。這次不僅推出黑,白兩色,更推出金色和粉色,同期最大競爭對手是 iPhone 6 以及 iPhone 6 Plus。在許多國家上市日,許多三星迷和民眾紛紛到首賣會排隊等候購買Galaxy Note 4(有些人從深夜開始排隊)。這部手機在安兔兔評測中榮獲全球 TOP 1 跑分手機。
同日,三星也在德國柏林IFA展上的三星產品發表會上發布了推出了全新的 Galaxy Note Edge,採用5.6英吋螢幕手機,為全球首部採用曲面螢幕技術的智慧型手機。三星得��獲得曲面螢幕專利。
2015年3月1日,三星再次在西班牙巴塞羅那舉行的全球移動通訊大會上發布了三星Galaxy S6和首款雙彎曲屏幕手機三星Galaxy S6 Edge,兩款搭載5.1英寸Quad HD(2048×1556)Super AMOLED屏幕(Quad HD簡稱2K屏幕,四倍HD的意思。),而原本的滑式指紋傳感器改成類似iPhone 6和6 Plus按壓式的感應器。螢幕和背面都採用最新的康寧大猩猩第四代玻璃Corning Gorilla Glass 4,處理器方面兩款均採用三星自家的Samsung Exynos 7420八核心處理器(分別為四核心 1.5 GHz & 四核心 2.1 GHz),容量分別有32GB版,64GB版和128 GB版,同時運用3 GB RAM。相機採用1600萬畫素,支援OIS光學防手震,可拍攝2160p 4K影片;前置鏡頭採用500萬畫素,可拍1080p Full HD影片。Galaxy S6分別有四種顏色可選:珍珠白(White Pearl),黑色(Black Sapphire),藍色(Blue Topaz),金色(Gold Platinum);而Galaxy S6 Edge有珍珠白(White Pearl),黑色(Black Sapphire),金色(Gold Platinum)和翡翠綠(Emerald Green)。另外還有最新的Android 5.0 Lolipop系統和最新的4G LTE Cat6的網絡。
2015年8月13日,三星在美國紐約市的 Samsung GALAXY Unpacked 2015 Episode 2 上發布了全新的 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 和 Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+。
2016年2月22日,三星再次在西班牙巴塞羅那舉行的全球移動通訊大會上發布了三星Galaxy S7和第三款雙曲面螢幕手機三星Galaxy S7 Edge。
2017年3月29日,三星在美國紐約以Unbox Your Phone(解放你的手機)為主題的Samsung GALAXY Unpacked 2017上發布了三星Galaxy S8以及三星Galaxy S8+。這兩款手機採用了18.5:9比列的5.8"/6.2"屏幕,同時以屏幕虛擬鍵取代實體Home鍵。
2018年2月26日,三星於MWC2018 巴塞隆那發佈三星Galaxy S9以及三星Galaxy S9+。S9系列是首款採用了 f/1.5 + f/2.4 雙光圈配置的Galaxy新機,並加入了可拍攝HD解析度的960fps超級慢動作錄影,其中還針對超級慢動作設計了稱為陷阱快門的自動偵測觸發界面,可以讓超級慢動作攝影的拍攝成功率大大提高。
2019年2月20日,三星於舊金山比爾格雷厄姆市政禮堂發佈三星Galaxy S10e、三星Galaxy S10以及三星Galaxy S10+。S10全系列均配備Snapdragon 855處理器,採用最新 Infinity-O 全屏設計。此外S10系列三機首次配備Dynamic AMOLED顯示技術,是首款支援HDR10+顯示及4K拍攝的手機,並支援杜比全景聲音效,以及率先在S10、S10+搭載超聲波屏下指紋辨識。
由於三星在中國大陸的市場占有率持續下滑等原因,三星在2019年宣布關閉位於惠州的手機生產線並將產能逐步移動至越南。 截至 2019 年,三星在越南河內地區僱傭了超過 200,000 名員工來生產智能手機,同時將部分製造外包給大陸ODM廠商,並在印度製造大部分手機。
2020年2月11日,三星發布三星Galaxy S20系列,Galaxy S20和S20+分別具有6.2英寸顯示屏和6.7英寸顯示屏。而S20 Ultra則具有6.9英寸顯示屏更是配備了1億像素的主鏡頭。除此之外三款機型均支持5G。
2020年8月5日,三星於Galaxy Unpacked 2020發佈兩款Note系列新手機,分別是擁有6.7英寸屏幕的三星Galaxy Note 20與擁有6.9英寸Dynamic AMOLED 屏幕的三星Galaxy Note 20 Ultra手機。[27]
2021年1月29日,三星發布了GalazyS21系列,分別是6.8寸的s21 Uitra,6.6寸的s21+和6.2寸的s21
2007年1月9日,第一代iPhone在三藩市馬士孔尼會展中心(英語:Moscone Center)舉辦的 Macworld 2007中發布,美國西海岸時間2007年6月29日18時正式在美國發售,全美的 Apple Store 外有數百名粉絲提早排隊進行搶購。[18]。由於剛推出的iPhone上市後引發搶購熱潮,部分媒體甚至稱其為「上帝手機」[19][20]。第一代iPhone於2007年11月在英國、法國及德國正式發售,而愛爾蘭及奧地利則是在2008年的春季發售[21][22]。
2009年6月8日,蘋果公司宣布推出iPhone 3GS,合約版iPhone預計在6月,7月或8月的下旬推出。2009年6月19日在美國、加拿大和歐洲主要國家推出。很多用戶對iPhone的成本提出異議[23]。iPhone 3GS的內部結構與第一代相似,但增加了一些模塊,例如 3G網絡 、 全球衛星定位系統 等。
2008年第四季度,iPhone的總銷量超越了 黑莓手機 ,成為世界第3大手機製造商,僅次於諾基亞及三星[24]。
2009年,蘋果公司與中國電信運營商中國聯通達成協議,中國聯通獲得iPhone在中國的銷售權[25],10月30日,聯通版iPhone 3G正式在北京世貿天階發售[26]。
2010年6月7日,喬布斯在WWDC中發布iPhone 4,該機一經推出,即收穫了用戶的一致好評。iPhone 4以其極高的設計水準,得到了許多年輕用戶的青睞[27]。
2011年1月11日,電信運營商 Verizon 公司宣布,他們與蘋果公司達成協議,Verizon將會開始售賣CDMA版本的iPhone 4,Verizon公司稱2月3日會開始預售,2月10日將正式發售[28][29]。
2011年3月2日,蘋果公司在iPad 2的發布會上宣布,全球iPhone的銷量突破一億台。
2011年9月27���,蘋果公司向外部發送邀請函,邀請各界人士出席他們將於2011年10月4日10時在加州庫比蒂諾蘋果總部舉行的發布會,2011年10月4日,蘋果公司新CEO提姆·庫克在發布會上發布新一代iPhone—iPhone 4S,2011年10月14日,蘋果公司正式在美國、英國、法國、德國、澳洲、加拿大及日本七個國家發售iPhone 4S手機;正式發售24小時後,蘋果公司共賣出1,000,000部iPhone 4S[30]。由於iPhone銷量驚人,蘋果公司成為2011年盈利最多的手機製造商,超越屹立於榜首長達十多年的諾基亞[31]。
2012年9月12日,蘋果公司發布iPhone 5,首次將改變屏幕比例的設計,放到了 iPhone 5 上,而iPhone的屏幕則由3.5英吋增至4吋。手機屏幕的比例由3:2逐漸接近16:9(71:40)。
2013年7月22日,蘋果公司的供應商表示他們正在測試大屏幕的iPhone和 iPad ,「蘋果公司已要求智能手機的屏幕,要大於4吋以上,還要求新的平板電腦屏幕設計不大於13英吋。[33]」
2013年9月10日,蘋果公司在美國加州庫比蒂諾的新聞發布會上,透露兩款新iPhone機型,這幾款機型是 iPhone 5c及iPhone 5s。iPhone5C手機外殼由五種顏色的塑料製成。
2014年9月10日,蘋果公司在美國加州庫部蒂諾市弗林特劇院(Flint Center)召開發佈會,CEO提姆·庫克(Tim Cook)開場即發布了兩款新產品:iPhone 6及iPhone 6 Plus。
美國西海岸時間2015年9月9日,蘋果公司在美國加舊舊金山比爾·格拉漢姆市政禮堂召開秋季發布會,發布最新的兩款iPhone產品:iPhone 6S及iPhone 6S Plus,尺寸幾乎與前代保持一致,分別為4.7英寸和5.5英寸[34]。但由於換上了taptic engine,兩款新機的重量和厚度略有調整。
2016年3月22日,蘋果公司發布 iPhone SE 。它採用了與iPhone 5s一樣的外觀設計,但不同的是,iPhone SE採用了與 iPhone 6s 相同的A9處理器,硬件實力與iPhone 6S相當[35]。
2016年9月7日,蘋果公司在美國加州比爾·格雷厄姆市政禮堂發布了 iPhone 7 和 iPhone 7 Plus 兩款新產品。
2017年9月12日,蘋果公司在美國加州聖何塞的喬布斯劇院發布了 iPhone 8、iPhone 8 Plus 和 iPhone X 共三款新機型。三款設備都搭載了 Apple A11 仿生處理器 而且 iPhone X 還首次採用全面屏設計。
2018年9月12日,蘋果公司推出了三款新設備,它們分別是:iPhone XR 、iPhone XS 和 iPhone XS Max 。這三款設備都配備了Apple A12 仿生處理器。與之前的 iPhone X 相比,iPhone XS沒有太多外觀上的變化。
2019年9月10日,蘋果公司推出了三款新設備:iPhone 11、iPhone 11 Pro、iPhone 11 Pro Max 首次搭載了三鏡頭系統。
2020年4月15日,蘋果公司推出了iPhone SE(第二代)。採用與iPhone 8相似的外觀設計,內置了與 iPhone 11 Pro 相同的 A13 仿生處理器。
2020年10月13日,蘋果公司推出了四款新設備:iPhone 12 Mini、iPhone 12、iPhone 12 Pro和iPhone 12 Pro Max,這是iPhone首次支持5G網絡。
2021年9月14日,蘋果公司推出了四款新裝置:iPhone 13 mini,iPhone 13、iPhone 13 Pro及iPhone 13 Pro Max,於Pro系列首度採用120Hz ProMotion更新率。
2022年3月9日,蘋果公司推出了iPhone SE(第三代)。採用與iPhone SE(第二代)高度相似的外觀設計,內置了與 iPhone 13 相同的 A15 仿生處理器。
2022年9月7日,蘋果公司推出了四款新設備:iPhone 14、iPhone 14 Plus、iPhone 14 Pro和iPhone 14 Pro Max。iPhone 14、iPhone 14 Plus沿用了iPhone 13系列的外形設計及 A15 仿生處理器,iPhone 14 Pro和iPhone 14 Pro Max則引入名為動態島的設計來替代原有的劉海設計,搭載最新款 A16 仿生處理器。
2023年9月13日,蘋果公司推出了四款新設備:iPhone 15、iPhone 15 Plus、iPhone 15 Pro 和 iPhone 15 Pro Max。全系列採用靈動島設計。iPhone 15、iPhone 15 Plus搭載 A16 仿生芯片,iPhone 15 Pro 和 iPhone 15 Pro Max 則搭載最新款 A17 Pro 芯片,更首次於此系列採用航空級鈦金屬外框設計。
2024年9月10日,蘋果公司推出了四款新設備:iPhone 16、iPhone 16 Plus、iPhone 16 Pro和iPhone 16 Pro Max。加入了新的相機控制功能按鈕﹑歷來最窄的邊框﹑4K 120 fps 杜比視界影片拍攝﹑Apple Intelligence 等功能。iPhone 16 和 iPhone 16 Plus 搭載 A18 芯片,iPhone 16 Pro 和 iPhone 16 Pro Max 則搭載最新款 A18 Pro 芯片。
參見:iOS和iPadOS設備列表 § iPhone
iPhone SE (第三代)(2022–現今)
iPhone 14(2022–現今)
iPhone 14 Plus(2022–現今)
iPhone 15(2023–現今)
iPhone 15 Plus(2023–現今)
iPhone 16(2024–現今)
iPhone 16 Plus(2024–現今)
iPhone 16 Pro(2024–現今)
iPhone 16 Pro Max(2024–現今)
iPhone 3G(2008–2010)
iPhone 3GS(2009–2012)
iPhone 4(2010–2013)
iPhone 4S(2011–2014)
iPhone 5(2012–2013)
iPhone 5C(2013–2015)
iPhone 5S(2013–2016)
iPhone 6(2014–2016)
iPhone 6 Plus(2014–2016)
iPhone 6S(2015–2018)
iPhone 6S Plus(2015–2018)
iPhone SE(2016–2018)
iPhone 7(2016–2019)
iPhone 7 Plus(2016–2019)
iPhone 8(2017–2020)
iPhone 8 Plus(2017–2020)
iPhone X(2017–2018)
iPhone XS(2018–2019)
iPhone XS Max(2018–2019)
iPhone XR(2018–2021)
iPhone 11(2019–2022)
iPhone 11 Pro(2019–2020)
iPhone 11 Pro Max(2019–2020)
iPhone SE (第二代)(2020–2022)
iPhone 12 mini(2020–2022)
iPhone 12(2020–2023)
iPhone 12 Pro(2020–2021)
iPhone 12 Pro Max(2020–2021)
iPhone 13 mini(2021–2023)
iPhone 13(2021–2024)
iPhone 13 Pro(2021–2022)
iPhone 13 Pro Max(2021–2022)
iPhone 14 Pro(2022–2023)
iPhone 14 Pro Max(2022–2023)
iPhone 15 Pro(2023–2024)
iPhone 15 Pro Max(2023–2024)
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Ultimate Battle: Samsung Galaxy A25 vs. A23 Evolution!
Samsung Galaxy A25 vs. Galaxy A23 Comparison: Revealing the Evolution
Throughout its A-series family members, Samsung managed to keep customers curious about the continually shifting landscape of smartphones. For people that love technological devices, the Samsung Galaxy Pharmaceuticals A25 5G technology and Galaxy A23 5G technological are the newest versions.They investigate the subtle differences between these two smartphones in-depth in this comparison, providing insight into their designs, screens, capabilities, cameras, and other features.
Elegant Design
Samsung Galaxy Note A25 5G
The new Samsung Galaxy A25 5G has an elegant appearance that compliments the brand’s characteristic style. It sports an easily recognizable but elegant appearances with its horizontal sides, considerable bezels around the monitor, and the water drop notch which houses the selfie camera. The power switch on the opposite side has a sensor for fingerprints that has been ingeniously incorporated to improve security and usefulness. The back displays the SIM tray on the right side in addition to three well positioned camera sensors. The Blue, Yellow, and Blue Black color combinations make the Galaxy A25 5G a standout choice for a fashionable companion.
Samsung Galaxy A23 5G
Around the front, the screen of the Galaxy A23 5G incorporates a waterdrop notch for the selfie cameras. primary distinction however, is in its boxier chassis use, which has a distinctive appearance. A huge rectangular module with quad cameras and an LED flash is seen on the rear, which stands out sharply against the A25 5G. The Galaxy A23 5G blends style with uniqueness, it comes in Silver, Light Blue, and Orange hues.
Show Off Your Intelligence
5G Samsung Galaxy A25
Whenever it concerns displays, the Galaxy The company25 5G shines because to its 6.5-inch a Full High Definition Super Android screen. Elevate the quality of your eye enjoyment by using Vision Booster, which has a maximum luminosity of 1,000 nits, and an update frequency of 120 Hz. The Quantum U design exquisitely incorporates the camera used for selfies.
The Samsung Galaxy A23 5G
In contrast to that, the iPhone A23 5G has a rate of 120 Hz for its 6.6-inch FHD+ IPS LCD. While fantastic, it can’t match the brightness of the Super AMOLED display on the A25 5G. For A25 owners, the switch to Super AMOLED guarantees richer contrasts, vivid colors, and an all-around better viewing experience.
Best Performance for the Samsung Galaxy A25 5G
The highly capable Exynos 1280 Cpu underpins the Galaxy the other guy25 5G, that additionally sports 8GB of RAM and upwards of 256GB of storage. constructed around a 5nm CPU, this manufacturer’s chipset surpasses the Qualcomm Snapdragon 695 in terms of power and efficiency.
Samsung Galaxy A 23 5G
At an additional 8GB RAM and 128GB archiving, a Qualcomm Snapdragon 695-supported the Galaxy A23 5G promises outstanding stability. However, when thinking of its purely computational capability, the 8nm CPU is marginally inferior than the Exynos 1280.
Seizing the Moments
The Samsung Galaxy A25 5G technology
The new Samsung Galaxy A25 5G comes with a triple photo arrangement in terms of the use of photography, consisting of three cameras: an 2MP macro, in order an 8MP ultra-wide-angle camera, and a 50MP main camera with OIS. Excellent video chats and selfies are promised with the 13MP front camera.
The Samsung Galaxy A23 by itself 5G technological
The company quad-camera structure, consisting of a main sensor with 50MP, a 5 megapixels ultra-wide the lens, a depth sensor capable of 2MP, and a 2MP microscopic sensor, is used by the Samsung Galaxy A 23 5G. At the opposing hand, the dearth of an 8MP ultra-wide-angle detector might limit the camera system’s total flexible thinking.
Durability and Development Complexity
Excellent 5,000mAh batteries with 25 W rapid charging capability is an increasingly prevalent characteristic of the Samsung A25 5G or A23 5G. This enables long-lasting use with no impacting charging speed.
Samsung Galaxy A25 5G leads in the software’s arena, it comes pre-installed with the biggest and most recent version of Microsoft One User Interface (UI) 6.0, a specially developed layer designed around an Android 14. Google A25 holds an advantage in computer depth since, in addition, google A23 5G was released with the version of the Android 13 OS.
In summary
The recently released Samsung Galaxy A25 5G shows out as a complete boost when they compare its specifications to those of the Symphony A23 5G. the devotion to advancement is evident in the A25 5G technology, which has a strong Snapdragon 1280 processor, an innovative photography system, and a beautifully crafted Super AMOLED display.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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Nuovo post su Atom Heart Magazine
Nuovo post pubblicato su https://www.atomheartmagazine.com/feste-delle-offerte-prime-i-migliori-smartphone/
Feste delle offerte Prime: i migliori smartphone
Feste delle offerte Prime: i migliori smartphone in offerta durante Prime Day 2023 di ottobre su Amazon.
La “Festa delle Offerte Prime” è ufficialmente partita. Dalla mezzanotte di oggi (10 ottobre) fino alle 23:59 di domani (11 ottobre), il sito di e-commerce è letteralmente inondato di migliaia di offerte su una vasta gamma di prodotti, con sconti che sfiorano il 60%. In questo articolo, confronteremo le offerte sugli smartphone. In questo Prime Day 2023 di ottobre, Amazon ci offre sconti eccezionali su alcuni dei dispositivi più richiesti degli ultimi mesi.
Uno dei protagonisti principali è la famiglia Redmi Note 12, che va dal modello “standard” al Pro Plus, tutti con prezzi scontati. Inoltre, l’Oppo Find X5 Pro è disponibile con uno sconto che supera il 50%, in compagnia del Samsung S23 Ultra con un prezzo davvero interessante. Gli smartphone in offerta per questo Prime Day 2023 soddisfano davvero le esigenze di tutti, dai frugali agli appassionati di top di gamma che vogliono risparmiare.
Amazon Prime – Prova gratuita 30 giorni
Ovviamente, è importante notare che tutte le offerte menzionate in questo articolo sono esclusive per gli utenti Prime. Se non sei ancora un membro Prime, puoi facilmente iscriverti oggi e usufruire della prova gratuita di 30 giorni. Oltre a partecipare alla “Festa delle Offerte Prime,” otterrai anche spedizioni gratuite e accesso a Prime Video e Amazon Music. Per abbonarti gratuitamente a Prime, basta cliccare su QUESTO LINK. Non perdere questa opportunità di fare affari incredibili durante i Prime Day!
N.B.: Il prezzo visualizzato potrebbe non essere aggiornato. Clicca il banner per accedere direttamente alla pagina del prodotto su Amazon e verificare il prezzo esatto.
Offerte Prime Day per Redmi Note 12
Iniziamo la nostra esplorazione delle fantastiche promozioni offerte durante la Festa delle Offerte Prime di Amazon con una delle migliori occasioni che potrete trovare: le straordinarie offerte sulla Gamma Redmi Note 12 di Xiaomi. Troverete in offerta tutti i modelli di Xiaomi, dalla versione base fino al potente Redmi Note 12 Pro+. Quest’ultimo è uno dei rari smartphone dotati di una fotocamera da 200MP con stabilizzatore ottico dell’immagine, il che lo rende un vero gioiello della fotografia mobile.
Festa delle offerte Prime: il Galaxy A23
Tra smartphone low-cost che godono di sconti straordinari in occasione della Festa delle Offerte Prime, non possiamo non citare il Galaxy A23 di Samsung. Questo smartphone offre uno sconto incredibile che supera il 40%. Si tratta di un dispositivo affidabile, dotato di uno schermo ampio e reattivo, e soprattutto con un sistema di fotocamere quad che garantisce scatti e video di alta qualità in qualsiasi situazione. La generosa batteria da 5000mAh completa il pacchetto, assicurando che questo smartphone sia pronto ad affrontare tutte le sfide della tua vita quotidiana.
Oppo Find X5 Pro – Festa delle Offerte Prime
Tra gli smartphone Oppo disponibili in occasione della Festa delle Offerte Prime, spicca l’incredibile promozione sull‘Oppo Find X5 Pro. Questo è senza dubbio uno dei punti salienti del Prime Day 2023 di ottobre. Lo troviamo infatti ad una cifra inferiore ai 600€, risparmiando centinaia di euro rispetto al prezzo di listino. Si tratta di uno sconto eccezionale per uno smartphone che vanta prestazioni di alto livello, con il processore Snapdragon 888, 12GB di RAM e una generosa memoria interna da 256GB.
Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra – Prime Day 2023
Passiamo al top gamma da non lasciarsi sfuggire, l’S23 Ultra di casa Samsung. L’offerta dei Prime Day è davvero allettante ed è presente sulle tre versioni dello smartphone: 256GB, 512GB e 1TB.
In qualità di Affiliato Amazon, questo sito riceve un guadagno dagli acquisti idonei.
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Just purchased the new Samsung Galaxy 23 Ultra
Purchased my new phone last week and have just had enough time to test things out and evaluate all that you want to know about the Samsung Galaxy 23 Ultra! I have purchased almost every version of the Samsung Galaxy phone since the first note was released. My experience with these Galaxy phones is extensive but I am also a train, brilliant tech. All I purchased is listed below but let me fill you…
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Samsung je predstavio mobilne novitete: Stigli su Galaxy S23, S23+ i S23 Ultra
Korejski je tehnološki div u sklopu događaja Galaxy Unpacked predstavio najnoviju lepezu uređaja na čelu s premijskim Galaxyjem S23 Ultra Došao je i taj dio godine. Samsung je u San Franciscu službeno predstavio najnovije predstavnike premijske linije telefona Galaxy S. Na čelu noviteta ove se godine nalazi najveći i najbolji Galaxy 23 Ultra, a slijede ga Galaxy S23+ i 'startni' Galaxy S23. Izvor: Društvene mreže / Autor: Samsung Tvrtka Samsung Electronics danas je predstavila Galaxy S23 Ultra, Galaxy S23+ te Galaxy S23 modele pametnih telefona. Uređaje pokreće procesor Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, dok se u 2023. vraća i digitalna olovka S Pen koja, po uzoru na Note, dolazi u tandemu s najskupljim i najluksuznijim uređajem. Galaxy S23 Ultra stiže sa senzorom od 200MP. Senzor koristi tehnologiju za kombiniranje piksela (eng. pixel-binning) kojim vrši višestruko procesiranje za veće rezolucije. Svi smartfoni dolaze sa bržim auto fokusom i 'Super HDR' selfi kamerom koja snima u kvaliteti od 30 do 60 FPS. Telefon nudi i opciju snimanja u RAW i JPEG formatu, što je dobra vijest za ljubitelje digitalne fotografije. Korisnici zahvaljujući dodatnim softverskim opcijama mogu eksperimentirati s multiple exposure fotografijama ili astrofotografiju uz 'Astrophoto' postavke. Ultra pored senzora od 200 MP ima ultraširokokutni objektiv od 12 MP, telefoto objektiv od 10 MP s trostrukim optičkim zumom i još jedan telefoto objektiv od 10 MP s deseterostrukim optičkim zumom. Sve ovo uvelike nadmašuje ostale Galaxyje S23, čije specifikacije navode trostruke kamere s glavnim senzorom od 50 MP, ultraširokokutnim senzorom od 12 MP i telefoto senzorom od 10 MP. S23 Ultra krasi 6.8-inčni panel od 120 Hz s manje zakrivljenim rubom te 'Enhanced Comfort' značajkom za porešavanje tona boja i razine kontreasta. S23 i S23+ dolaze sa zaobljenim rubovima te nemaju izbočinu za kameru. Startni S23 ima 6,1-inčni OLED panel rezolucije 1080p i brzine 120 Hz dok S23+ dolazi s nešto većom dijagonalom ekrana - 6,6 inča. Nove smartfone i u EU pokreće Qualcommov hardver - Snapdragon 8 Gen 2. Ostatak specifikacija relativno je očekivan dijapazon memorije i zapremnine koji seže od 8 do 12 GB i od 256 GB do 1 TB na Ultri te 8 GB RAM-a, uz od 128 GB do 512 GB prostora za modele S23 i S23 Plus. Kapaciteti baterije, ovisno o modelu, sežu od 3900 mAh za Galaxy S23 do 5000 mAh za Galaxy S23 Ultra, uz brzo punjenje od 45 W na Ultri i 25 W na ostalima. Nadalje, nova S serija je prva koja koristi Corning Gorilla Glass Victus 2 zaštitno staklo napravljen sa 22% recikliranih materijala. Svaki pametni telefon dostupan je s end-to-end zaštitom tvrtke pod nazivom Samsung Knox. Pametni telefoni Galaxy S23 serije će u Hrvatskoj biti dostupni u zelenoj, krem, fantomskoj crnoj te boji lavande. Galaxy S23 Ultra bit će dostupan po preporučenoj maloprodajnoj cijeni od 1,449.00 eura, Galaxy S23+ od 1,239.00 eura i Galaxy S23 od 979.00 eura.
Samsung je također prestavio premijski laptop Galaxy Book3 Ultra koji dolazi sa 16-inčnim ekranom i OLED ekranom od 120 Hz, H-Series Core i7 procesorom i grafičkim procesorom RTX 4050 ili 4070. Samsung ovim potezom izaziva Appleov Macbook Pro, ponudivši laptop po konkurentnoj cijeni i hardverom koji, uz dovoljno naplate, može obuhvaćati i Intel Core i9 čip. Kompanija je isto predstavila Galaxy Book 3 Pro i Galaxy Book 3 Pro 360 koji su, u suštini, nešto slabije verzije premijskog Ultre. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pRMQX7FvQ4 Izvor: Društvene mreže / Autor: Samsung Tportal.hr Izvor: Licencirane fotografije / Autor: Samsung Read the full article
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Buy Electronics from The Ultimate Shopping Festival- Gitex 2022 in Dubai
GITEX Technology Week 2022, the UAE's largest consumer electronics shopping festival and treasure trove, is here!
The consumer IT and electronics trade show, with the biggest names in the retail industry, unique launches, and special offers on the best in technology, communications, and entertainment products, will be held from December 14-18, 2022.
Get access to the latest show-exclusive gadgets, including laptops, televisions, HD TVs, smartphones, smartwatches, digital cameras, home appliances, and even game consoles, at this technology sale and shopping festival.
That's not all - visitors to GITEX 2022 get a first-hand, live experience of what different industries look like in a virtual ecosystem, from manufacturing to education to healthcare to the future of work.
This electronics extravaganza brings together top brands and tech enthusiasts for special offers, discounts, bargains, and daily sweepstakes. Excited? Keep reading!
Revealing the Electronics Items to Buy this Gitex 2022
1) Smartphones
At the GITEX technology week 2022, smartphone enthusiasts will be spoiled for choice as retailers unveil a variety of deals on electronics that promise the ultimate experience.
New launches from Apple, Samsung, and Huawei, in particular, generate a lot of excitement and make these items some of the best-selling categories.
Some of the best GITEX deals you can look forward to are as follows:
AED 100 off on iPhone 13 Pro Max 128GB Silver (FaceTime - International) - AED 4,199.00
41% off on Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5G 128GB Cloud Navy Smartphone at AED 1,509.00
56% off on iPhone XR 128GB Black (FaceTime) at AED 1,789.00
29% off on Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G 256GB mysterious black smartphone at AED 3,333.00
2) Televisions
Are you a TV addict? Check out the world's largest curved TV at this Gitex event! You can choose as big as an 85-inch screen to take home with high-end deals, high discounts, and deals on electronics and gadgets.
Some great offers you can expect are:
48% off on Samsung UA50AU7000UXZN 4K UHD Smart TV 50 inch at AED 1,229.00
46% off on Samsung UA55AU7000UXZN 4K UHD Smart TV 55 inch at AED 1,487.00
AED 100 off Sony KD55X75K 4K HDR Google TV 55 inch at AED 2,249.00
46% off Samsung UA50AU8000UXZN 4K Dynamic Crystal UHD Smart TV 50 inch at AED 1,386.00
3) Laptops
Your search for the best laptop deals can be over at Gitex 2022 as soon as the doors open at Sheikh Saeed Hall at the Dubai World Trade Centre, UAE!
In addition to substantial discounts on laptops, you can also find many freebies thrown in. Expect these amazing deals on laptops:
26% OFF on ASUS Vivobook Flip 14 TP1400KA-BZ056WS Touch Laptop at AED 1,099.00
33% OFF on Dell Vostro 3510-VOS-8060-BLK Laptop at AED 1,725.00
29% OFF on Lenovo ThinkBook 15 G2 Laptop at AED 2,350.00
16% OFF on MacBook Air 13-inch (2020) - M1 8GB 256GB 7 Core at AED 3,499.00
14% OFF on Apple MacBook Air 13-inch (2020) at AED 4,470.00
4) Smartwatches
Are you a student or professional swarming around smartwatch brands, looking for new variations coming to the market? Well, Gitex 2022 is the event for you!
Some of the best smartwatch deals you can expect at the Gitex shopping festival are:
13% off on Apple Watch Series 3 GPS at AED 655.00
47% OFF on Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 40mm Black at AED 499.00
19% OFF on Garmin Fenix 6 Pro Solar Edition Black with Slate Grey Band at AED 2,635.00
49% OFF on Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 44mm Silver at AED 548.00
47% OFF on Huawei GLL-AL05 Watch 3 Pro Grey at AED 1,049.00
5) Home Appliances
Expect a massive range of kitchen and home appliances at some of the most attractive rates at the GITEX Technology Week 2022. Here are some of the deals that you may come across:
39% OFF on Bosch 12 Place Settings Freestanding Dishwasher at AED 1,443.00
23% OFF on Bosch 9Kg Front Loader Washing Machine at AED 2,213.00
7% OFF on Samsung Split Air Conditioner 1.5 Ton at AED 3,044.00
23% OFF on Candy ROW4966DHRR/1-199/ 9kg Washer & 6 kg Dryer 11110 at AED 1,719.00
19% OFF on Candy Dishwasher 16 place setting at AED 1,768.00
AED 82 OFF on LG 5 Gas Burners Cooker at AED 3,066.00
6) Personal Care Appliances
The GITEX event will also have several personal care, health, fitness, and grooming items on display with lucrative deals and discounts.
You can expect the best deals for the following categories:
Headphones and Earphones
Home and Multi Gyms
Exercise Bikes
Kitchen Appliances
Shavers and Trimmers
Hair Straighteners and Dryers
Hair Stylers
Epilators and Hair Removal Devices
Hair Clippers
Grooming Accessories
7) Cameras
Gitex 2022 will be host to the latest and most coveted consumer electronics, especially high-end professional cameras. Experience a showcase of newly launched cameras as well as home printers, projectors, and lenses.
Some of the best deals you can grab could be:
Save AED 53.00 on Sony Alpha a6400 Mirrorless Digital Camera Black With OSS Lens and get it at AED 3,850.00
Get a Tamron A043N 35-150mm F/2.8-4 Di VC OSD For Nikon at AED 2,998.00
Get the Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS III USM Lens at AED 7,198.00
GITEX Technology Week 2022 is one of the largest trade exhibitions for consumer IT and electronics sales in the UAE.
Don't miss out; take advantage of the latest deals on electronics and gadgets from local retailers like Sharaf DG and make the most of offers on brands like Samsung, Sony, LG, and Philips. Get your passes today!
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this copypasta's specs do not make sense
"caught in 8K UHD surround sound 16 Gigs ram, HDR GEFORCE RTX, TI-80 texas insturments, Triple A duracell battery ultrapower100 Cargador Compatible iPhone 1A 5 W 1400 + Cable 100% 1 Metro Blanco Compatible iPhone 5 5 C 5S 6 SE 6S 7 8 X XR XS XS MAX GoPro hero 1 2 terrabyte xbox series x Dell UltraSharp 49 Curved Monitor - U4919DW Sony HDC-3300R 2/3" CCD HD Super Motion Color Camera, 1080p Resolution Toshiba EM131A5C-SS Microwave Oven with Smart Sensor, Easy Clean Interior, ECO Mode and Sound On/Off, 1.2 Cu. ft, Stainless Steel HP LaserJet Pro M404n Monochrome Laser Printer with Built-in Ethernet (W1A52A) GE Voluson E10 Ultrasound Machine LG 23 Cu. Ft. Smart Wi-Fi Enabled InstaView Door-in-Door Counter-Depth Refrigerator with Craft Ice Maker GFW850SPNRS GE 28" Front Load Steam Washer 5.0 Cu. Ft. with SmartDispense, WiFi, OdorBlock and Sanitize and Allergen - Royal Sapphire Kohler K-3589 Cimarron Comfort Height Two-Piece Elongated 1.6 GPF Toilet with AquaPiston Flush Technology., Quick Charge 30W Cargador 3.0 Cargador de Viaje Enchufe Cargador USB Carga Rápida con 3 Puertos carga rápida Adaptador de Corriente para iPhone x 8 7 Xiaomi Pocophone F1 Mix 3 A1 Samsung S10 S9 S8AUKEY Quick Charge 3.0 Cargador de Pared 39W Dual Puerto Cargador Móvil para Samsung Galaxy S8 / S8+/ Note 8, iPhone XS / XS Max / XR, iPad Pro / Air, HTC 10, LG G5 / G6 AUKEY Quick Charge 3.0 Cargador USB 60W 6 Puerto Cargador Móvil para Samsung Galaxy S8 / S8+ / Note 8, LG G5 / G6, Nexus 5X / 6P, HTC 10, iPhone XS / XS Max / XR, iPad Pro/ Air, Moto G4 SAMSUNG 85-inch Class Crystal UHD TU-8000 Series - 4K UHD HDR Smart TV with Alexa Built-in (UN85TU8000FXZA, 2020 Model) GE 38846 Premium Slim LED Light Bar, 18 Inch Under Cabinet Fixture, Plug-In, Convertible to Direct Wire, Linkable 628 Lumens"
it starts out like it's talking about a TV, but then it switches to a computer, then a calculator, then it becomes a charger and it keeps listing specs of completely unrelated devices
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Global Foldable Smartphone Market Expected to Grow 52% YoY in 2023
Global Foldable Smartphone Market Expected to Grow 52% YoY in 2023. - Global foldable shipments grow 52% to 22.7 m units. - Small overall but big in terms of the key ultra-premium; will pass double digits this year and rise above 20% next. - Key drivers will be Samsung and Chinese OEMs looking to make their mark, particularly in Europe and China. - Apple remains notably absent from our shorter-term forecasts. New Delhi, Hong Kong, Seoul, London, Beijing, San Diego, Buenos Aires – December 29, 2022 - Global foldable smartphone shipments are expected to grow 52% YoY in FY 2023 to reach 22.7 million units, according to Counterpoint Research’s Global Foldable Smartphone Market Forecast, Q3 2022 report. For FY 2022, analysts at Counterpoint Research forecast that global foldable shipments will amount to 14.9 million units. Cumulative shipments in Q1-Q3 2022 grew 90% YoY to 9.5 million units, according to the recent Global Foldable Smartphone Market Tracker, Q3 2022. However, global foldable smartphone shipment growth is set to decline in Q4 2022 due to global inflation and the economic downturn. “The numbers are tiny when put in the context of the broader market but looking at the ever-important ultra-premium segment ($1,000 and above), we’re seeing foldable start to take hold,” notes Tarun Pathak, Director of Counterpoint’s global smartphone practice. “In that category, foldable hit double-digit shipment shares this year, and we expect it to rise above 20% in 2023.” Sources: Global Foldable Smartphone Market Tracker, Q3 2022 and Global Foldable Smartphone Market Tracker, Q3 2022 The global foldable market will likely see stronger competition in 2023 as more Chinese OEMs are expected to enter the space. However, Samsung will continue to lead the market. HONOR, Motorola, and Xiaomi are expected to enter the foldable smartphone market outside China in earnest. Meanwhile, Huawei, OPPO, and vivo are expected to launch new foldable products in 2023. Because of the increasing competition in the foldable smartphone market, prices are expected to reduce in 2023. High prices are a major obstacle in the popularization of foldable devices. “In 2023, competition is set to intensify in the global foldable smartphone market as the number of participating OEMs will increase. Samsung launched the Galaxy W 23 Flip/Fold in response to the strong foldable demand in China, while Chinese OEMs are expanding to the Western European market. In light of these events, the China and Western Europe foldable markets will likely become the center of a fierce battle.” Senior Analyst Jene Park commented on the foldable smartphone market “They remain absent from our short-term forecasts, but they’re known for taking their time. For now, it’s just a waiting game on guidance and listening to the rumor mill like the rest of the market.” And addressing the big question many have around Apple’s entry, Jene Park adds Read the full article
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The best gaming phones of 2020
In case you're after the best mix of execution, ergonomics and gaming-driven uncommon highlights, similar to a high-revive rate show and a cunning cooling framework to support long periods of execution, you can't improve right now than the Asus ROG Phone 3. The mix of Qualcomm's Snapdragon 865 Plus chipset, at any rate 12GB of memory, a 144Hz board and a bulky 6,000-mAh battery checks all the crates for a top notch portable gaming experience.
In any case, imagine a scenario in which you need something that conveys for gaming yet is a superior all-around gadget. All things considered, we suggest the new Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra, which is to be sure amazingly expensive at $1,299 yet offers exactly the same chipset as in the ROG Phone 3, upholds Xbox Game Pass Ultimate streaming and has a versatile 120Hz revive rate show. read more
Another alternative is the OnePlus 8 Pro, which additionally packs a 120Hz board, just as amazing programming graciousness of OnePlus' Oxygen OS front-end on Android 10. Furthermore, in the event that you need the least expensive way to premium execution, the RedMagic 5G offers the best value for your money, with exactly the same CPU as OnePlus' leads and a screen as responsive as the ROG Phone 3's, beginning at a cost under the $600 mark.
Shouldn't something be said about iPhones? Indeed, Apple's handsets don't have an abundance of gaming-related highlights, similar to high invigorate rate shows and adaptable data sources, however they do have Cupertino's excellent silicon. The A13 Bionic chipset in the iPhone 11 Pro Max is quicker than Qualcomm's best identical, which makes it ideal for the most requesting games. The iPhone 12 showing up this fall should flaunt a much quicker processor.
Despite the fact that it doesn't exactly coordinate the Note 20 Ultra's amazing force and show, the Galaxy S20 Plus is one more balanced Samsung gadget for gaming, brushing a sensational screen with a group of four of incredible cameras and top level execution. Be that as it may, you'll address also a significant expense for the benefit, as it costs $1,199.
Peruse on for a more profound investigate every one of the best gaming telephones Tom's Guide has tried, from their presentation specs to upsides and downsides.
Your web should coordinate your telephone's speed – level with a gaming VPN
The best gaming telephones you can purchase now
1. Asus ROG Phone 3
The best gaming telephone, time frame
Show size (Pixels): 6.6-inch AMOLED (2340x1080) | Peak revive rate: 144Hz | CPU: Snapdragon 865 Plus | RAM: 12GB, 16GB | Storage/Expandable: 512GB/No | Cameras (Back/Front): 64MP wide, 13MP ultrawide, 5MP large scale/24MP | Weight: 8.5 ounces | Battery life (Hrs:Mins): 14:30
Amazing gaming performanceLong battery lifePretty displayUseful local softwareGets hot rapidly
In the event that you are not kidding about your versatile games, and on the off chance that you would prefer not to make due with anything short of the most elevated casing rates, crispest designs and longest battery life, the Asus ROG Phone 3 is the gadget you've been sitting tight for.
With a 6.6-inch 144Hz AMOLED show, the ROG Phone 3's screen has the most elevated invigorate rate accessible in a handset today. That, combined with the gadget's 270Hz touch inspecting rate, makes this the most responsive cell phone by a long shot as far as tapping or executing an activity on the touch screen and getting a quick reaction. With Snapdragon 865 Plus force, 512GB of implicit stockpiling and up to 16GB of RAM, it's one fast telephone in the engine, as well.
Yet, the ROG Phone 3 has plainly been planned considering gaming in different regards. The port as an afterthought can be utilized to connect an outer fan that accompanies the telephone, that additionally includes a discretionary kickstand. Furthermore, the showcase has quite recently enough bezel above and beneath to oblige gaming (zero bezel really isn't the most helpful thing on gaming telephones, since it leaves your thumbs with no place to rest and can bring about inadvertent contacts.)
This is to state the Asus ROG Phone 3 is a finished answer for versatile gamers, however we wish it would get somewhat less hot during interactivity.
2. Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra
The best gaming telephone for something beyond gaming
Show: 6.9-inch AMOLED (3088x1440) | CPU: Snapdragon 865 Plus | RAM: 12GB | Storage/Expandable: 128GB, 256GB, 512GB/Yes | Rear camera: 108MP wide (ƒ/1.8); 12MP fax with 5x optical zoom (ƒ/3.0); 12MP ultrawide (ƒ/2.2) | Front camera: 10MP (ƒ/2.2) | Weight: 7.33 ounces | Battery life (Hrs:Mins): 10:15
Dynamic 6.9-inch 120Hz displaySmoother S Pen execution Powerful 50x zoom camera and laser autofocusVery great battery lifeExpensive
The new Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra may not look a lot of like a gaming telephone, yet have confidence — this is one of the most impressive telephones available, with the most progressive showcase you'll see that can scale as far as possible up to a limit of 120Hz or down to 30Hz or 60Hz to coordinate the casing pace of on-screen content.
Yet, the Note 20 Ultra is something other than an incredible leader; it's improved to stream Xbox titles, through Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, and can even project games to outer presentations by means of Samsung's DeX interface and Miracast. Whatever you play or anyway you play it, the Note 20 Plus' Snapdragon 865 Plus and 12GB RAM will guarantee a smooth encounter — insofar as you have a steady web association for streaming, obviously.
You won't locate a similar degree of gamer-centered highlights in the most recent very good quality Note as you'd anticipate from the ROG Phone 3, similar to cut on outer cooling fans and adjustable air triggers. On the other hand, in the event that you need a ground-breaking phablet for function just as play, there's no decision more flexible than the Note 20 Ultra. It merits referencing that the $999, 6.7-inch Galaxy Note 20 is an incredible gadget as well, however it just tops at a 60Hz revive rate.
Peruse our full Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra audit.
3. OnePlus 8 Pro
A moderate Galaxy Note 20 Ultra other option
Show size (Pixels): 6.78-inch AMOLED (3168x1440) | Peak invigorate rate: 120Hz | CPU: Snapdragon 865 | RAM: 8GB, 12GB | Storage/Expandable: 128GB, 256GB/No | Cameras (Back/Front): 48MP wide, 48MP ultrawide, 8MP fax, 5MP shading sensor/16MP | Weight: 7.01 ounces | Battery life (Hrs:Mins): 11:05
Brilliant and delightful 120Hz displayStrong performanceSolid quad camerasSuperfast wired and remote chargingCurved show causes unplanned taps
On the off chance that you need a top of the line Android telephone for somewhat not as much as what most top of the line handsets cost, and you need top execution for gaming without relinquishing on different luxuries like plan and camera quality, the OnePlus 8 Pro is a balanced suggestion and a commendable proposal.
The OLED show on OnePlus' most recent leader estimates 6.78 inches and packs a 1440p goal, making the screen sharp just as bright. Yet, the OnePlus 8 Pro ascents toward the head of our best gaming telephones list due to its 120Hz invigorate rate, which makes for a strikingly smooth encounter for the games that help it, as Fortnite. Indeed, even the touch testing rate is helped to 240Hz, giving you the moment reaction you have to guarantee triumph.
Obviously, the OnePlus 8 Pro prevails from multiple points of view. It endures long on a charge and supports quicker remote charging than some other gadget out there. It highlights four cameras on the back which, while not exactly comparable to Apple's, Samsung's or Google's imaging frameworks, are obviously better than what you'd actually get in any customary gaming telephone. Also, the OnePlus 8 Pro has exceptional programming that really adds some value to Android 10.
The entirety of this will slow down you just $899, making the OnePlus 8 Pro perhaps the best an incentive in premium telephones at the present time.
Peruse our full OnePlus 8 Pro survey.
4. RedMagic 5G
Best gaming telephone esteem
Show size (Pixels): 6.65-inch AMOLED (2340x1080) | Peak invigorate rate: 144Hz | CPU: Snapdragon 865 | RAM: 8GB, 12GB | Storage/Expandable: 128GB, 256GB/No | Cameras (Back/Front): 64MP wide, 8MP ultrawide, 2MP large scale/8MP | Weight: 7.68 ounces | Battery life (Hrs:Mins): 11:23
Class-driving 144Hz displayStrong performanceLong battery life and quick chargingReasonably pricedWeak photography
The RedMagic 5G is probably the least expensive pathways to Qualcomm's Snapdragon 865 processor available at the present time, acquiring it a notice on this rundown of the best gaming telephones. For just $579, you can have a gadget with a top of the line chipset, up to 12GB of RAM and a 6.65-inch 144Hz AMOLED show with a level plan and thin bezels that are helpful for gaming. A fan inside likewise guarantees the gadget can run requesting titles ideally, which is critical in case you're gaming for significant lots of time.
Obviously, if fabulous programming or camera execution is a need for you, the RedMagic 5G won't be the best fit — there are unquestionably more balanced handsets out there. Nonetheless, they all cost more, thus the individuals who organize gaming and the force expected to do as such however have a more unobtrusive budg read more
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Battery test between Oppo Find X2 Pro and Samsung S20 Ultra
Oppo X2, namely Oppo Find X2 Pro, was rated by Antutu as one of the 10 most powerful smartphones at the moment. In addition, this machine also owns a battery with a huge capacity. So how terrible is it? Let's find out with @ fixlaptop565. In this article, I will compare the battery of Oppo Find X2 Pro with Galaxy S20 Ultra.
If you don't know, Oppo Find X2 Pro has a battery capacity of up to 4260 mAh. Interestingly, the Find X2 Pro battery is split into two equal sizes for faster charging.
Test continuous web surfing by wifi
In this test, I will set the screen resolution to 1440p with a scan frequency up to 120Hz. After testing, I realized that I found that the device only surfed continuously with wifi for 9 hours from Find X2 Pro. After that, reduce the 60Hz refresh rate but keep the resolution at the maximum setting, then the web browser with wifi up to 12 hours continuously.
For Galaxy S20 Ultra, with 1080p resolution and 120Hz refresh rate, I realized that the machine could only surf the web continuously with wifi for 10:32 hours. For 1440p / 60Hz, the result is 12:08 hours, only 18 minutes more than Find X2 Pro.
Test watching videos continuously
For continuous video playback, I set up the Oppo Find X2 Pro in screen modes of 1440p and 120Hz, resulting in 17:38 hours of continuous video playback. And at 1440p, the setting frequency is 60Hz, then 17:23 hours. Strange. There is probably no difference between 120Hz and 60Hz when watching videos. However, 17 hours of continuous video watching is a great result. Even more, 1 hour more than S20 Ultra when set to 1440p / 60 Hz.
Find X2 Pro works well over 25 hours of voice calls over 3G, an hour more than the Galaxy S20 Ultra.
Overall, the Oppo Find X2 Pro has an 88-hour Endurance rating with a display at 1440p / 120Hz and 96 hours when at a display level of 1440p / 60Hz.
Quick Charge test
Charging the Find X2 Pro with the included 65W adapter takes about 36 minutes, 2 minutes faster than the advertised number. At 30 minutes, your battery will be charged to 95% - it's SuperVOOC 2.0 for you right there. Sadly, there is no wireless charging capability on the Find X2.
Note: Our battery tests have been automated thanks to SmartViser
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Review of Samsung's One UI 6.0 on the Galaxy S23 Ultra (aka Note 23).
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Daily Deals
Amazon Daily Deals Alert: Here Are The Best New Deals [Updated]
Amazon has new sales with significant savings on AirPods, Xbox, PS4, smartphones, TVs and its own range of Echo smart speakers. Many of which match or beat Black Friday prices. So here are my top picks of the latest deals you need to know about.
Tip: bookmark this article because it receives daily updates
Amazon's daily deals are red hot for Christmas
Best Amazon Echo, Fire, Kindle Deals
01/15 - Kindle Paperwhite – Now Waterproof with 2x the Storage - typically $129.99 (save $45) - shop deal now
01/15 - PRICE CHANGE - Echo Studio - High-fidelity smart speaker with 3D audio and Alexa plus TP-Link smart plug - (typically $222.98) (save $23) - $199.99 - shop deal now
01/15- STAR DEAL - Echo Dot (3rd Gen) - Smart speaker with Alexa - Charcoal - typically $49.99 (save $15) - $34.99 - shop deal now
01/15 - Echo Dot with clock - typically $59.99 (save $15) - $44.99 - shop deal now
01/15 - Echo (3rd gen) - typically $99.99 (save $10) - $89.99 - shop deal now
01/15 - Echo Show 5 - typically $89.99 (save $10) - $79.99 - shop deal now
01/15 - PRICE CHANGE - Echo Show 8 - HD 8-inch smart display with Alexa - typically $129.99 (save $30) - $99.99 - shop deal now
01/15- PRICE CHANGE - Eero Mesh Wi-Fi systems - typically $298.99 (save $15) - $283.99 - shop deal now
Related link: Apple Watch Deals
Amazon Best AirPods/Headphones Deals
Sony's WH-1000XM3 noise canceling headphones are the best on the market (and widely discounted)
Related link: AirPods, AirPods Pro, Headphones Store-by-Store Comparison Guide
01/14 - Beats by Dr. Dre - Powerbeats Pro - Totally Wireless Earphones - typically $249 (save $49) - Amazon: $199.95 / B&H: $199.95 / Best Buy: £199.99 / Staples: $249.95 / Target: $199.99 / Walmart: $250
01/14 - Beats by Dr. Dre - Powerbeats³ Wireless - typically $199.95 (save $111) - Amazon: $94.99 / Best Buy: $94.99 / Target: $199.99 / Walmart: $89
01/14 - Bose QuietComfort 35 (Series II) Wireless Headphones, Noise Cancelling - Black (Renewed) - typically $244.99 (save $105) - shop deal now
01/14 - PRICE CHANGE - Jabra Elite 65t Earbuds - Alexa Enabled, True Wireless Earbuds - typically $169.99 (save up to $90) - Amazon: $136.95 / Best Buy: $169.99 / Costco: $149.99 (members only) / Target: $79.99 (refurbished) / Walmart: $138.39
01/14 - PRICE CHANGE - Sennheiser Momentum 2.0 Wireless with Active Noise Cancellation - Black - typically $399.98 (save $200) - Amazon: $186 / Best Buy: $399.98 / Walmart: $286.99
Related link: Headphones Store-by-Store Comparison Guide
Amazon Best Laptop Deals
Amazon's live laptop deals cover MacBooks, Windows machines and Chromebooks
01/13 - PRICE CHANGE - Apple 13.3-inch MacBook Pro with Touch Bar (Mid 2018, Space Gray) - typically $1,799 (save up to $700) - Amazon: $1,084.68 (renewed) / B&H: $1,399 / Costco: $1,249.99
01/13 - MacBook Air (13-inch, 8GB RAM, 128GB SSD Storage) - (typically $999) - save up to $250 - Amazon: $749.99 / Best Buy: $799.99 / Costco: $899.99 / Walmart: $750.50
01/13- PRICE CHANGE - MacBook Air (13-inch, 1.6GHz dual-core Intel Core i5, 8GB RAM, 128GB) - Gold - (typically $1,099) - $1,038.41 - shop deal now
01/13 - PRICE CHANGE - MacBook Air (13-inch, 8GB RAM, 128GB SSD Storage) - $749.99 (save $250) - shop deal now
01/13 - iMac (21.5-inch Retina 4k display, 3.6GHz quad-core 8th-generation Intel Core i3 processor, 1TB) - (typically $1,299) - $1,199.99 - shop deal
01/13 - PRICE CHANGE - HP 15.6-inch HD Touch-Screen Laptop (Latest Model) - Intel N5000 CPU, 4GB RAM, 1TB HDD - $309.87 (save $389.13) - shop deal now
01/15 - Lenovo 15.6-inch HD Laptop, AMD 3.7GHz CPU, 16GB RAM, 1TB HDD - (typically $557.64) - $358.99 - shop deal now
01/13 - PRICE CHANGE - Lenovo 14 (Latest Model) - 14-inch FHD Anti-Glare Display, 4GB RAM, 64GB eMMC, HD Webcam, HDMI, USB-C - $215 (save $184) - shop deal now
01/15 - PRICE CHANGE - LG Gram Laptop (Latest Model) - 15.6-inch Full HD Touchscreen, Intel 8th Gen Core i7, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, 18.5 hrs Battery - typically $1,999.99 (save $300.99) - $1,699 - shop deal now
Related link: Best Laptop Deals: Store-by-Store TV Comparison Guide
01/15 - PRICE CHANGE - Lenovo 100E Chromebook 2ND Gen Laptop, 11.6-inch HD (1366 X 768) Display - typically $159.99 - save $40.99 - Amazon: $121 / Best Buy: $139
01/15 - PRICE CHANGE - Samsung Chromebook 3 2GB RAM, 16GB eMMC, 11.6-inch Chromebook - typically $199.99 (save $72.79) - Amazon: $127.20 / Target: $231.99 / Walmart: $199.99
01/15 - Samsung XE500C13-K03US Chromebook 3 - 11.6 HD - Celeron N3060 - 4GB - 16GB SSD - (typically $299.99) - $136.99- (save $163) - Amazon - shop deal now
01/15 - PRICE CHANGE - Samsung Chromebook Plus V2, 2-in-1, 4GB RAM, 64GB eMMC - typically $549.99 - (save $182.09) - shop deal now
Related link: Best Chromebook Deals: Store-by-Store TV Comparison Guide
Amazon Best Smartphone Deals
Amazon's Galaxy S10+ 1TB deal delivers a massive saving
01/15 - PRICE CHANGE - Apple iPhone XS, 256GB, Space Gray - Fully Unlocked (Renewed) - $559.99. (save $743.03 on original price) - shop deal now
01/15 - PRICE CHANGE - Apple iPhone 6S, GSM Unlocked, 64GB - Rose Gold (Renewed) - (typically $659.99) - (old model, but a stunning price) - $143.88 - shop deal now
01/15 - PRICE CHANGE - Apple iPhone 8, 64GB, Space Gray - Fully Unlocked (Renewed) - originally $324.99 (save $37) - $287.91 - shop deal now
01/13 - PRICE CHANGE - Galaxy Note 10+ 256GB (typically $1,099.99) - Amazon: $1,079.99 / B&H: $949.99 / Best Buy: $1,049.99 / Samsung.com: $689.99
01/15 - Galaxy S10 Factory Unlocked Phone with 128GB - Prism Black - (typically $899.99) - Amazon: $819.99 / B&H: $849.99 / Best Buy: $849.99
01/15 - PRICE CHANGE - Galaxy S10+ Plus Factory Unlocked Phone with 1TB (U.S. Warranty), Ceramic Black - (typically $1,599) - Amazon - $1,290.09/ Best Buy: $1,549.99 / Samsung.com: $1,099.99
01/15 - PRICE CHANGE - Google Pixel 4 64GB - typically $799 (save $130) - $668.76 - shop deal now
01/15 - PRICE CHANGE - Google Pixel 4 XL 64GB - typically $899 (save $91) - $808 - shop deal now
Related links: iPhones' Store-by-Store Comparison Guide and Samsung Galaxy Guide
Amazon Best Smartwatch / Fitness Tracker Deals
Apple Watch Series 5 receives one of its few discounts at Amazon
01/13- PRICE CHANGE - Apple Watch Series 5 (GPS + Cellular, 44mm) - Space Black Stainless Steel Case with Black Sport Band - (typically $749) - Amazon: $734 / B&H: $699 / Best Buy: $660.99 / Walmart: $749
01/13 - Apple Watch Series 4 (GPS + Cellular, 44mm) - (typically $849) - Amazon: $599 now / Best Buy - $849
01/13 - Fitbit Charge 3 Fitness Activity Tracker - (typically $149.95) save $50 - Amazon: $99.95 / B&H: $99.95 / Best Buy: $99.95 / Target: $99.95 / Walmart: $99.95
Related link: Apple products Store-by-Store Comparison Guide
Amazon Best MacBook Deals
Macbook Pro
01/15 - Apple 13.3-inch MacBook Pro with Touch Bar (Mid 2018, Space Gray) - typically $1,799 (save up to $700) - Amazon: $1,084.68 (renewed) / B&H: $1,399 / Costco: $1,249.99
Macbook Air
01/15 - PRICE CHANGE - MacBook Air (13-inch, 8GB RAM, 128GB SSD Storage) - (typically $999) - save up to $250 - Amazon: $749.99 / Best Buy: $799.99 / Costco: $899.99 / Walmart: $738.52
01/15 - MaBook Air (13-inch, 8GB RAM, 128GB SSD Storage) - $749.99 (save $250) - shop deal now
01/15 - MacBook Air (13-inch, 1.6GHz dual-core Intel Core i5, 8GB RAM, 128GB) - Gold - (typically $1,099) - $1,038.41 - shop deal now
Amazon Best Tablet Deals
Screenshot 2019-12-15 at 00.48.43
Amazon Fire Tablets
01/15 - Fire HD 10 Tablet (64 GB, White, With Special Offers) + Amazon Standing Case (Sandstone White) + Nupro Screen Protector (2-pack) - typically $224.97 (save $15) - shop deal now
01/15 - Fire HD 10 Tablet (32 GB, White, With Special Offers) + Amazon Standing Case (Sandstone White) + Nupro Screen Protector (2-pack) - typically $204.97 (save $15) - shop deal now
Apple iPads
01/15 - Apple iPad Air (10.5-inch, Wi-Fi + Cellular, 64GB) - Space Gray - typically $629 (save $60) - Amazon: $569 / Best Buy: $629 / Costco: $469.99 / Walmart: $579
01/15 - Apple iPad Air 10.5-inch Wi-Fi Only (2019 Model) - 64GB - (typically $499.99) - Amazon: $463.99 / B&H: $464.99 / Best Buy: $499.99: / Costco: $469.99 / Target: $499.99 / Walmart: $463.99
01/15 - Apple iPad 10.2-inch 2019 32GB - (typically $329.99) - Amazon: $289.98 (refurbished) / B&H: $299.99 / Best Buy: $329.99 / eBay: $269.95 / Staples: $279 / Target: $329.99 / Walmart: $309.99
01/15 - Apple iPad Pro (11-inch, Wi-Fi, 64GB) - Silver (Latest Model) - (typically $799.99) - Amazon: $674.99/ B&H: $699 / Best Buy: $674.99 / Target: $799.99 / Walmart: $735
01/15 - Apple iPad Pro (10.5-inch, Wi-Fi + Cellular, 64GB) - (typically $779) - $749.99 - shop deal now
Android Tablets
01/15 - Dragon Touch K10 Tablet, 10 inch Android Tablet with 16 GB Quad Core Processor, 1280x800 IPS HD Display, Micro HDMI, GPS, FM, 5G WiFi, Silver - typically $159.99 (save $60) - Amazon: $99.99 / eBay: $99.99
01/15 - Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1-inch, 16 GB Wifi Tablet - typically $279.99 (save $100) - shop deal now
01/15 - Galaxy Tab A 10.1-inch, 128GB - (typically $329.99) - Amazon: $267.98 / B&H: $299.99 / Best Buy: $329.99 / Costco: $249.99 (members only) / Samsung: $329.99 / Walmart: $327.99
Best Fire Stick Deals
01/15 - NEW - Fire TV Stick streaming media player with Alexa built in, includes Alexa Voice Remote, HD, (2019) - $34.99 (save $5) - shop deal now
Best Apple TV Deals
Related link: Apple products Store-by-Store Comparison Guide
Best TV Deals
Amazon's best TV deals are bigger than Black Friday and Cyber Monday
Best TV Deals Over $1,000
01/15 - Sony XBR-65X850G - 65-inch Class (64.5-inch viewable) - X850G Series LED TV - Smart TV - Android TV - 4K UHD (2160p) - typically $1,299.99 (save $500) - Amazon: $1,094.92 / Best Buy: $829.99 / Costco: $799
01/14 - PRICE CHANGE - LG OLED65C9PUA C9 Series 65-inch Class HDR 4K UHD Smart OLED TV - typically $3,496.99 (save $1,397) - Amazon: $2,096.99 / B&H: $2.096.99 / Best Buy: $2,099.99 / Target: $2,099.99 / Walmart: $2,096.99
01/13 - PRICE CHANGE - LG OLED55B9PUA B9 Series 55-inch 4K Ultra HD Smart OLED TV (2019) - typically $1,596.99 (save $300) - Amazon: $1,296.99 / B&H: $1,296.99 / Best Buy: $1,299.99 / Costco: $1,299.99 / Target: $1,299.99 (currently unavailable) / Walmart: $1,296.99
01/13 - Samsung UN75RU8000FXZA Flat 75-inch 4K 8 Series Ultra HD Smart TV with HDR and Alexa Compatibility (2019 Model) - (typically $2,199.99) - Amazon: $1,497.99 / B&H: $1,497 / Best Buy: $1,499.99 / Costco: (member only item) (offer valid - 01/26/20) / Walmart: $1,497.99
01/13 - PRICE CHANGE - Sony XBR-65A9G 65-inch TV: MASTER Series BRAVIA OLED 4K Ultra HD Smart TV with HDR and Alexa Compatibility - 2019 Model - typically $3,799.99 (save $500) - Amazon: $3,298 / B&H: $3,298 / Best Buy: $3,299.99 / Walmart: $3,298
01/13 - PRICE CHANGE - Sony XBR65X900F 75-inch 4K Ultra HD Smart LED TV with Alexa Compatibility (typically $2,799.99) - Amazon: $1,698 / B&H: $1,698 / Best Buy: $1,699.99 / Costco: $2,998 / Walmart: $1,798
01/13 - TCL 75R617 75-inch 4K Ultra HD Roku Smart LED TV (2019 Model) - (typically $2,299.99) - Amazon: $1,399.99 / B&H: $1,399.99 / Walmart: $1,399.99
Best TV Deals $500-$1,000
01/14 - PRICE CHANGE - Samsung QN65Q60RAFXZA 65-inch Class Q60R QLED Smart 4K UHD TV (2019) - (typically $1,799.99) - Amazon: $997.99 / B&H: $997.99 / Best Buy: $999.99 / Costco: $999.99 / Samsung: $999.99 / Walmart: $999.99
01/13 - Samsung - 75-inch Class - LED - NU6900 Series - 2160p - Smart - 4K UHD TV with HDR - typically $1,099.00 (save $200) - Amazon: $897.99 / Best Buy: $899.99
01/13 - PRICE CHANGES - LG - 65-inch Class - LED - Nano 8 Series - 2160p - Smart - 4K UHD TV with HDR - typically $1,099.99 - Amazon: $796.99 / B&H: $796.99 / Best Buy: $799.99 / Walmart: $796.99
01/13 - PRICE CHANGE - LG UM6970PUA 70-inch Class HDR 4K UHD Smart LED TV - (typically $896.99) - B&H: $796.99) / Best Buy: $799.99 / Target: $799.99
01/13 - PRICE CHANGE - TCL 65-inch Class 6-Series 4K UHD QLED Dolby Vision HDR Roku Smart TV - 65R625 - (typically $1,099.99) - Amazon: $699.99 / B&H: $799.99 / Best Buy: $699.99
01/15 - Samsung QN49Q60RAFXZA Flat 49-inch QLED 4K Q60 Series Ultra HD Smart TV with HDR and Alexa Compatibility (2019 Model) - typically $999.99 (save $402) - Amazon: $597.99 / B&H: $697.99 / Best Buy: $599.99 / Samsung: $599.99 / Walmart: $597.99
01/15 - Samsung UN55RU7300FXZA Curved 55-inch 4K UHD 7 Series Ultra HD Smart TV with HDR and Alexa Compatibility (2019 Model) - (typically $699.99) - Amazon $477.99 (currently unavailable) / B&H: $477.99 / Best Buy: $479.99 / Samsung: $479.99 / Walmart: $477.99
01/15 - PRICE CHANGE - Samsung UN65RU7100FXZA Flat 65-inch 4K UHD 7 Series Ultra HD Smart TV with HDR and Alexa Compatibility (2019 Model) - (typically $899.99) - Amazon: $597.99 / B&H: $597.99 / Best Buy: $599.99 / Target: $599.99 / Walmart: $597.99
Best TV Deals Under $500
01/15 - STOCK CHANGE - Samsung UN43RU7100FXZA 43-inch 4K UHD 7 Series Ultra HD Smart TV with HDR and Alexa Compatibility (2019 Model) - (typically $429.99) - $327.99 - Amazon $327.99 / B&H: $327.99 / Best Buy: $329.99 / Samsung: $329.99
01/15 - STOCK CHANGE - Samsung UN50RU7100FXZA 50-inch 4K UHD 7 Series Ultra HD Smart TV with HDR and Alexa Compatibility (2019 Model) - typically $499.99 (save $152) - Amazon: $347.99 / B&H: $347.99 / Best Buy: $349.99 / Samsung: $349.99 / Target: $349.99 / Walmart: $347.99
01/15 - PRICE CHANGE - TCL 32S327 32-inch 1080p Roku Smart LED TV - typically $249.99 (save $100) - Amazon: $149.99 / Best Buy: $149.99 / Walmart: $159.99
01/15 - TCL 50S425 50-inch 4K Smart LED Roku TV (2019) - typically $479.99 (save $220) - Amazon: $259.99 / B&H: $259.99 / Best Buy: $259.99 / Target: $349.99 / Walmart: $248
Related link: Best TV Deals - Store-by-Store TV Comparison Guide
Amazon Best Console Deals
Sony's PS4 Pro and PS4 Slim are widely discounted across stores
Related link: PS4 Accessories, Games Sale Guide
01/15 - STOCK AND PRICE CHANGE - Microsoft Xbox One S 1TB All-Digital Edition - (typically $249.99) - Amazon: $174.79 / Best Buy: $149.99 (currently unavailable) / Costco: $249.99 (members only item) + 3 Month Game Pass Ultimate / Microsoft: from $249 / Newegg: $173.13 (currently unavailable) / Target: $249.99 (PLUS Save $10 on an Xbox Controller with Xbox One Bundle purchase) / Walmart: $173.71 (includes 3 games)
01/15 - PRICE CHANGE - Microsoft Xbox One S 1TB Bundles (typically $299.99) - Amazon: $229 / B&H: $299/ Best Buy: $249.99 / eBay: $199.95 / Newegg: $249 / Target: $299.99 / Walmart: $212.99
01/15 - STOCK AND PRICE AND STOCK CHANGES - Microsoft Xbox One X 1TB bundles (typically $499) - Amazon: $399 / B&H: $499 / Best Buy: $499.99 / Costco: $499.99 (includes 3 Month Game Pass Ultimate) (currently unavailable) / Newegg: $413.28 / Target: $499.99 / Walmart: from $466.22
Related link: Xbox Accessories, Games Sale Guide
Amazon currently has no Nintendo Switch deals
Related link: Switch Accessories, Games Sale Guide
My Amazon top daily deals will be updated regularly with new deals and price changes, so be sure to bookmark this page.
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Christmas gift guide: what you can order just FOUR days before December 25th
Still have presents to buy? The best Christmas gifts for last-minute shoppers that will arrive in time for December 25th - and they cost as little as £10
Vouchers are the way to go if you're sweating slightly about presents arriving in time for the big day
Online retailers are still offering presents with a guarantee of arriving at your door by the 24th December
Our picks include a day out at The Bear Grylls Adventure in Birmingham to hand-made chocolate truffles
Cost-conscious gifts include engraved perfume from £35 a bottle...and beer in the post for £29.90
By Jo Tweedy For Mailonline
Published: 07:50 GMT, 21 December 2018 | Updated: 15:21 GMT, 21 December 2018
The man in red is already packing up his sleigh...but what if, with just four days until the big December 25th, your present bag is still dismally bare?
Fear not, for online shopping truly offers last-minute Larrys a life-line, for there's a whole raft of internet purchases that can be made on December 21st...and still find their way to your loved one well in time for Christmas Day. Zero to hero in the click of a mouse!
Here, Femail rounds up the best last-gasp purchases you can still make...
Nuxe Christmas cracker featuring four mini products £10.00
Ideal for travellers looking for some soothing treats in a smaller size, this Nuxe gift-set includes mini versions of luxurious products including a hand and nail cream, a honey face cream and a dry oil splash.
Order by 4pm on the 23rd (£4.95 charge) for next-day delivery
Hand-made truffles including a Brussels sprout flavour £10.00
The sophisticated alternative to a selection box? Hand-made chocolate truffles with a Christmas theme include Raspberry Champagne, Prosecco, Milk Champagne and, wait for it, Brussel Sprouts! The box is geometric-trendy too.
Order by By 3pm on the 21st for tracked next day delivery
Tickets to see the Nutcracker live at London's Albert Hall From £35.00
Forget Hollywood's version, the Nutcracker will play out to awe-struck crowds from the 28th to the 31st December at the Royal Albert Hall in London. The best news? You can pick tickets up straight from the box office... perfect for johnny come-latelys.
Order online and receive by post or direct at the box office
Commemorative First World War cut-glass Tommy figure £29.99
Made by veterans, all profits from this commemorative WW1 Tommy figure go to charities across the military and mental health sector. This 10"/25cm high Perspex Tommy figure is delivered in beautiful packaging. This would be a lovely gift for many, especially to commemorate the centenary of the end of the First World War this year.
Order by December 21 for delivery before Christmas
Tile Pro device to stop you losing keys and phones £30
This handy device is ideal for keeping track of items that easily get lost including house keys and luggage. The tile uses Bluetooth to make a loud sound that identifies the location of a lost item as well as shows positioning on a map.
Braun Series 3 ProSkin 3080s electronic shaver £49.99
Perfect for the man on the go, the Braun Series 3 ProSkin 3080s has advanced MircoComb technology that reduces shaving time by guiding hair into the cutting element, while the two SensoFoils adapt to every contour to offer extreme shaving comfort and precision. Order with standard delivery by December 21, or next day delivery on December 23.
Faux fur cushions £12.99
These luxury faux fur cushions are the ideal home accessory fur modern living spaces. Their plush exterior is a comfort to feel and their attractive look will compliment your room with a stylish edge.
Order by December 21 for delivery before Christmas.
Showtime Alphabet Collection Cushions £31.99
Featuring all 26 letters of the alphabet and numbers 1-9, the playful, vintage font is reminiscent of traditional circus typography combined with a modern day palette.
Order by December 21 for delivery before Christmas.
The Glenrothes Single Malt Scotch Whisky £40.95
A Glenrothes 12 Year Old in classic style: fruity and sweet. Aged solely in sherry-seasoned casks, this Speyside whisky has notes of vanilla, melon, banana and cinnamon.
Order by 7pm on December 21 with express delivery for Christmas Eve delivery.
Gintuition Set £27
Created for all gin fans, this selection of 3 great gin glasses helps you to discover and enjoy the best tasting gin experience. A classic highball and on-trend copa stem are complimented by the stylish martini cocktail.
Order by 11.30am on December 21 for Christmas Eve delivery.
Birchbox gift subscription £30 every 3 months
Treat someone to 3, 6 or 12 months of beauty discoveries and they'll receive a monthly delivery of 5 luxe beauty treats straight to their door.
It really is the gift that keep on giving - and the instantly printable certificate means it is great for last minute presents, all the way up to December 24th!
Bruno Paillard Brut Premiere Cuvee NV Champagne £33.95
Brut Premiére Cuvée NV is Bruno Paillard’s flagship Champagne. This lively non-vintage is made exclusively from the first pressing of the grapes (the purest juice) and is a blend of wine from thirty-two villages, all vinified separately.
Delivery time in London is two hours, and one day delivery is available throughout the rest of the country.
Mamont Vodka available to order until December 23rd £31.99
Presented in an ornate Mammoth tusk bottle, reminiscent of its Siberian roots, Mamont is the perfect gift or party pleaser this winter. Produced in limited small batches, Mamont Vodka is an ultra-premium, crystal clear spirit. Next day delivery is available so order by December 23.
Jameson Caskmates Stout Edition £20
Jameson whiskey finished in craft stout-seasoned barrels from a local brewery, the stout-cask finish accentuates Jameson’s trademark smoothness with additional rich flavours of chocolate, coffee and butterscotch.
Order by December 21 for Christmas delivery.
Birchbox Man Travel Bag £27
The perfect gift for the man in your life, you'll find everything he needs for on-the-go grooming inside this limited edition bag. From a cleanse-and-moisturise to a cosy pair of socks, we've got his impromptu getaways taken care of.
Order by 11.59pm on December 21 for delivery before Christmas.
WD 2 TB My Passport Portable Hard Drive £84.99
The My Passport portable drive is trusted to store the massive amounts of photos, videos and music you love; available in an array of vibrant, fun colors, the sleek style fits comfortably in the palm of your hand, so you can easily take your treasured content everywhere you go.
Order by December 21 for delivery by Christmas Eve.
Bear Grylls Adventure NEC £80
Inspired by the adventurer's real-life expeditions, the Bear Grylls Adventure at Birmingham's NEC opened in September. This particular package offers a 90-minute indoor skydiving experience, an hour on the High Ropes, a go on the free fall tunnel and a zip-lining experience. Other experience packages are available.
Learn to make bread From £75
Bread Angels specialise in making a whole variety of bread sold in the local community.
Expert teachers also offer four-hour courses across the UK, with gift vouchers for classes starting from £75, with everything from basic breads to sourdough and grissini on the menu.
Private dance lessons £54 an hour
Know a Strictly fan who would appreciate a chance to dance? Treat them to a private lesson, learning choreography to their favourite song, with a professional teacher. Vouchers are for two people and available across the UK.
Dry pouch £65
Newly launched, Red Original’s ‘Dry Pouch’ has been designed to keep wallets, phones and keys completely protected (throw it against a wall and all will remain safe and sound inside) and waterproof (plus it floats) with a YKK zip which will never rust, corrode or let water in. It can be attached through a belt or onto a board, boat, bike etc. Ideal for boating, swimming, skiing. This is a bum bag that a man would actually wear!
Order by December 21 for delivery before Christmas.
KODAK Mini Shot Instant Camera £84.99
Experience super high quality image processing and super-fast printing with the NEW Mini Shot Instant Camera from KODAK. Featuring powerful patented 4Pass Printing Technology, this 10-megapixel wonder enables you to aim, snap and print gorgeous credit-card-sized photos from the palm of your hand.
Order by end of play December 21 for delivery before Christmas.
Milano Velvet Armchair in teal £89.99
The ICON® Milano Armchair offers a rich depth of colour and texture that give this soft seat its soulful personality. Its elegantly supportive form and clean lines are waiting to envelope you in its shimmering velvet fabric. Lift and move this lightweight lovely wherever you wish using its matching velvet handle and its resilient fabric base to rest on.
Order on December 21 for delivery before Christmas.
House of Marley No Bounds Bluetooth Speaker £59.99
The No Bounds is our most rugged outdoor bluetooth speaker, crafted with sustainable cork to be as natural as its intended environment. The 4-colour speaker series is water and dust-proof, and each No Bounds boasts a 10-hour battery life which can be charged from flat in just 2 hours.
Over £100
Dyson Supersonic™ Hair Dryer £299.99
The Dyson Supersonic is engineered for balance, with a motor that sits in the handle, for a new kind of drying experience. A glass bead thermistor measures the air temperature 20 times per second, guarding against extreme heat damage to protect natural shine. It’s acoustically tuned for conversation. The powerful motor is tuned to produce one inaudible frequency.
Samsung Galaxy Watch £279
Always stay connected with the Samsung Galaxy watch. You can receive notifications and calls right on your wrist so you'll always know when your loved ones are trying to reach you. Ideal if you're prone to leaving your phone on silent or not it's not always in pocket.
Dartington Crystal – Ships Decanter £115
This classic decanter is a stylish way to keep and present your spirits. The handmade stopper of this crystal decanter creates an airtight seal for your drink.
Order by 11.30am on December 21 for Christmas Eve delivery
Kobo Forma £239.99
With no advertising and no interruptions, the Kobo Forma has been created to provide a great, relaxing reading experience. The device has handy page turn buttons, is bath friendly and has been created with ComfortLight PRO, which provides adjustable brightness and colour temperature to help reduce strain on your eyes.
FLIR ONE Pro £440
The FLIR ONE Pro helps you find invisible problems faster than ever with thermal imagining, whether you're inspecting electrical panels, troubleshooting mechanical systems, looking for HVAC problems, or finding water damage.
Sipsmith annual gin subscription £180
A bi-monthly subscription sends exclusive and delicious flavours of Sipsmith gin every other month. Each box contains 2x 20cl bottles and include flavours such as Black Maple Gin, Pomegranate Gin Liqueur and Bonfire Gin...
Order online before 24th Dec to guarantee January deliveries
Go Pro Hero 7 £179.99
Say hello to the Go Pro Hero 7, the perfect partner on any adventure. It’s tough, tiny and totally waterproof so it can go wherever you do. An intuitive touch screen makes it simple to get great shots. Just swipe and tap. Use the photo timer to grab a sweet selfie. You can even shoot vertically then add your photos and videos right to your Instagram Story.
Dell G3 17 £849
17" gaming laptop engineered with NVIDIA GeForce discrete graphics, 8th Gen Intel processors and thin design for the ultimate immersive gaming experience.
Oculus Go £199
Easily enter virtual reality with no PC or wires attached. Oculus Go is a standalone VR headset made to fit you. Designed with breathable fabrics, adjustable straps and our best lenses yet.
Bose SoundSport Free £179.95
Get clear, powerful sound from our first truly wireless in-ear headphones. They're engineered to stay in place and stay comfortable. We've packed them full of technologies so you can push your workout to the next level.
ASUS ZenBook Pro UX580 £1,899.99
The stylish and powerful ASUS ZenBook Pro UX580 has been designed with a 15.6” Ultra HD display, an 8th generation Intel Core i7 processor and 16GB RAM. It will boot up Windows 10 in no time and enable you to fly through any work projects, while the GeForce GTX 1050 graphics card provides gaming options during down time.
Blow up paddle board £1,299
This is a revolutionary new SUP which is a full sized board yet, when deflated, is half the size of all other inflatable paddle boards on the market. The ‘Compact’ board is a real game changer in the SUP market, as it fits down into a backpack so can be transported anywhere and everywhere with complete ease.
Order by December 21 for delivery before Christmas
KODAK Photo Printer Dock £189.99
This 2-in-1 printer doubles up as a cradle that also charges your mobile device. Simply plug in your Android phone via the 5-pin dock, or hook up your iOS device with the lightning charger and let the easy printing technology turn your pictures into high-quality prints in minutes.
Order by end of play December 21 for delivery before Christmas.
Xbox One X 1TB Console – Gold Rush Special Edition Battlefield™ V Bundle £449.99
Enter mankind’s greatest conflict with Battlefield™ V as the series returns to its roots in a never-before-seen portrayal of World War 2. Take on physical, all-out multiplayer with your squad in experiences such as the vast Grand Operations and the cooperative Combined Arms, or witness human drama set against global combat in the single player War Stories. As you fight in epic, unexpected locations across the globe, enjoy the richest and most immersive yet.
Luxury dog mattress £115
For the pet lover in your life. The Casper bed combines pressure-relieving memory foam and durable support foam to create a decent night's snoozing for Fido...the medium size sleeps dogs weighing up to 27kg
Delivered within 48 hours of ordering until 22nd December
Filoment hoody for women £145
Filoment is designed to keep you warm and snug. An active cut, with longer back and articulated arms, makes it ideal for active use. We make our down jackets to last with Nikwax Hydrophobic down. Filoment’s durable polyester outer is DWR coated, helping to shed moisture.
Order by December 21 for delivery before Christmas
Source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-6414931/Christmas-gift-guide-order-just-FOUR-days-December-25th.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ito=1490&ns_campaign=1490
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