#sams Polar
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sen-sational · 2 years ago
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the-faketiccit0by · 2 years ago
Sometimes I forget that Polar isn't canon in the sams, and I have to take a step back and remember that. Also I think if Polar was cannon him and Eclipse would have the same relationship as Eggman and Agent Stone from the Sonic movie :D
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jojaxcola · 2 months ago
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post-wipeout patch up on a tuesday afternoon (embarrassing) [electric guitar]
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the-faketiccit0by · 2 years ago
I wonder if he's planning on giving one of them out to Sun or Nice Eclipse... BECAUSE THEIR SINGLE ASSES NEED SOMEONE
Eclipse: So um…you guys know how I made myself a boyfriend?
Moon: Yes, obviously.
Eclipse: Soooooo, I made three other prototypes and all of them recently came online without me trying.
Moon, wheezing: So you accidentally made yourself four boyfriends instead of one.
Eclipse: Moon, please don’t laugh at me.
Moon: So was this actually a mistake or just you making it come off as a mistake?
Eclipse: Of course it was a mistake! You think I purposely made four of these fuckers!?
Moon: Oh, so you get four times the attention in bed by mistake, sure I believe you.
Eclipse, squeaking: Shut up!
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solhunder · 2 months ago
How do the Tiny Trio scale in relation to say, toy trains and rc cars? (Can they ride them? Lounging on train cars, squezzing inside larger rc monster trucks to "drive" them?)
Jenga Towers? (Creeping up the center, peering out openings until startled then that causes it to topple)
Basketball/soccerball? (Tries to grasp, it rolls, LBM stuck underneath it now)
Mention of Tiny Trio and toys got my brain going!
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god op all of these are so good. i need to draw more tiny trio
also that name is perfect and im using it now
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polaris-stuff · 5 months ago
The Solar that you draw is yours or TSAMS Solar?
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I hope this explain it well! 🥺 Any other questions, my askbox is always open 💖✨
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 3 months ago
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Sam Shepard’s final work, ''A Spy of the First Person'', was posthumously launched at St. Ann’s Church in Brooklyn, where Patti Smith read from the book, honoring their friendship. Known for his Pulitzer Prize-winning plays like *Buried Child*, Shepard also crafted genre-defying prose, blending memoir, fiction, and myth. *A Spy of the First Person* reflects on death, memory, and change, encapsulating themes of Shepard’s life’s work. His passing in 2017 marked the end of an era for American literature.
* * * *
“I had a definite sense of somehow being a passenger in an evil vehicle crusing through Paradise.” ― Sam Shepard, Cruising Paradise
“Look it - you start out as an artist, I started out when I was nineteen, and you’re full of defenses. You have all of this stuff to prove. You have all of these shields in front of you. All your weapons are out. It’s like you’re going into battle. You can accomplish a certain amount that way. But then you get to a point where you say, “But there’s this whole other territory I’m leaving out.” And that territory becomes more important as you grow older. You begin to see that you leave out so much when you go to battle with the shield and all the rest of it. You have to start including that other side or die a horrible death as an artist with your shield stuck on the front of your face forever. You can’t grow that way. And I don’t think you can grow as a person that way, either. There just comes a point when you have to relinquish some of that and risk becoming more open to the vulnerable side, which I think is the female side. It’s much more courageous than the male side.” ― Sam Shepard
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bigcats-birds-and-books · 1 month ago
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Books of 2025: BLACKFISH CITY by Sam J. Miller.
Finished this last night! The jacket copy starts, "When a strange new visitor arrives in a floating city in the Arctic--humanity's last hope after the ravage of climate change--the city is entranced. She's riding an orca and has a polar bear at her beck and call," and, honestly, I'm sold (love a good floating city!).
I adored the setting and the worldbuilding--supremely cool city that was thoughtfully developed--and I loved how the narrative came together at the end. All the POV characters felt distinct (thank heck, because there were Many of them), and I had a fun time figuring out how to piece all the relationships together and percolating on The Science. Overall had a great time!
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cannibalismposting · 4 months ago
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Mads Mikkelsen 🤝 Sam Reid Playing crazy for blood villains while being such sweethearts
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breckstonevailskier · 1 year ago
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As anyone who watched the preview could tell, the family emergency for Andre happens to involve his dad since he was the person on the stretcher in the ambulance.
Cate "taking back control" probably means her realizing that her pills are the reason for the brain aneurysms she has when she over-exerts herself, and that the pills are a means for Shetty to control her (since by dampening her telepathy, she can't read Shetty's head and discover her secrets).
It's pretty apparent that one of these things Marie is going to find she has in common with Neuman is the fact they both are orphans from Red River who killed their parents in accidents relating to their powers (Hughie actually briefly scrolled past a picture of Marie in The Boys season 3 when he went to Red River to research Neuman's past after he saw Neuman kill a childhood friend of hers from there).
And since we know Shetty is plotting a Supe genocide, we'll probably learn her motivations as to why she's doing this. (That might even be why we had those trailer shots of Polarity being hospitalized, as Shetty could have used him as Patient Zero for releasing her virus into the open.)
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averagemartian · 1 year ago
Gen V really missed the opportunity to make Luke/Cate/Andre a (closeted) throuple instead of that dumb cheating plot
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ladymonterosa · 7 months ago
Yours Theories on the Next season of "Gen V"
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Hi, everyone!
Last night i saw the last episode of "The Boys". The ending left me with a lot of twist and unanswered questions. Now that the wait for the next season of "Gen V" has officially begun, I'm curious to know what you all think will happen next!
What do you think will happen to the protagonists? How will they escape from their prison? Will anyone help them?
Will they also have a role in "The Boys" like Cate and Sam?
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copperbadge · 2 years ago
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Pompon says hello!
[ID: a smooth white sculpture of an elegantly posed polar bear, looking at the camera with what, from head on, seems to be a dignified but skeptical expression. The artist is Pompon, not the bear.]
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the-faketiccit0by · 2 years ago
Solar Flare: you don't need to get it
Bloodmoon: do you get it?
Solar Flare: ... Unfortunately yes
Bloodmoon: isn't that the same thing you and that rotting Bunny man do on the weekends?
Solar Flare:
Eclipse: I'm sorry... W H A T
Eclipse: God, life fucks me more than your father.
Harvest Moon: We don’t have a father…?
Polar, trudging to the kitchen and hugging up behind Eclipse to kiss his face: Morning, baby.
Eclipse: Yes, you do.
Harvest Moon: GROSS, MOM! EW!
Blood Moon, eating his blood filled bowl of cheerios: I don’t get it.
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sammygender · 9 months ago
‘sam and john are so similar’ well okay. sure, to an extent. both sam and john are (or at least sam starts off being) stubborn, relentlessly driven personalities. but i would argue dean has just as much capacity to be like that as sam. sometimes more. ‘sam and john clash because they’re similar’ idk, maybe, i’m sure that could be and probably is part of it to an extent, but i would put it More down to the fact that john treats his sons Awfully and sam reacts to this (as he should!) by fighting it & being angry with him. john and sam could be nothing alike and they’d still fight like hell
& anyway just because dean thinks sam and john are similar doesn’t make it true. half the reason he probably thinks they’re similar is because of his relationship w them, which is the same intense dogged devotion, though with john it’s expressed through obedience and with sam it’s expressed through possessiveness. they’re a family they’re all like each other. sam and dean are alike in a hell of a lot of ways!! yeah sam’s paralleled with john sometimes but he’s also paralleled with mary. yeah dean plays/has played the role of mary sometimes but he also 100% is always striving to fill the role of john. people are complex! sam and dean are complex characters because they’re good characters! not everything is black and white!
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polaris-stuff · 6 months ago
I have a concept that I just conjured up on the spot…
What if Solar joined Nexus?
Or if Nexus used his star power to make Solar like him?
Or if Solar got affected by the same thing that affected Nexus and he joins him?
Just random thoughts ;-;
The first one, hmmm love some toxic yaoi 🗣️‼️
I'm not quite sure how star powers work but if Gemini is able to get into Lunar's mind with the help of another astral and Nexus managed to simulate Castor's telepathy (I think it was Castor?) then who says Nexus can't replicate and get into Solar's dreams too? :) Little by little making him believe more and more that he loves him and must be by his side, RAAAH TOXIC 💥💥💥💥
bUT also, SEE, Solar becoming infected with (let's say corruption) and slowly falling into madness exactly like Nexus. Maybe the family doesn't know how to help or they haven't even realized what's happening because Solar always hides his problems so as not to be a burden on others. And there comes a point where perhaps Nexus realizes what is happening and extends his hand to Solar and Solar takes it gladly, both laughing, the people who they used to be left behind and dead.
So many good ideas for AUs HEHE
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