#same with audio gore
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codecicle-archive · 11 months ago
heres the torture scene I've been looping. it's so viv n vex experimenting on emizel and i was encouraged not only to say that but phrase it that way by several people. take my hand and join my Perfect World
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ariel26c · 11 months ago
🎀Things I’ve learned about Shifting 🎀
1. Background noise doesn’t matter. I come from a Hispanic family household and let me tell you hun it’s freaking loud as hell. It’s like a zoo lol but guess what? I still shifted. At some point you will start to feel your CR kinda “fade away”. I have been in this state where I am in between my CR and DR. I can hear background noise from my CR but I still feel like I’m in a different room or I hear sounds from my DR as well. Has anyone experienced this?? Let me know, I’m curious 🤨
2. Have patience. Allow yourself to relax and naturally connect to your DR. Don’t stress about having random thoughts or having an itch or things like that. Have patience with yourself like seriously you got this babe. Sometimes for me it’s feels like it’s takes 1 or 2 hours until I feel fully connected to my DR. (It’s different for everyone btw) you may take less time than I do. Those things don’t matter if you decide that those things don’t matter.
3. Methods really aren’t needed. If you think about it all methods consist of the same thing usually. It usually consists of affirmations, visualization, subliminal audios, meditation, counting, blah blah blah. If you want to use a method, then do that but don’t force yourself to do a method that doesn’t resonate with you. If you don’t like counting, then don’t count. If you don’t like visualizing, then don’t visualize. Change things up a bit and listen to music that reminds you of your DR or do something that you think is fun.
4. Just because some people like to lie about their shifting experiences doesn’t mean that shifting is fake. Just like in every community there is going to be people that are dishonest or don’t have the best intentions but that doesn’t mean that shifting is a big inside joke. Don’t allow these people to discourage you from shifting to your DR or make you doubt in its existence. Don’t depend on other people's content to feel motivated or believe in shifting. Just KNOW it’s real and motivate yourself to shift. (even though motivation isn’t needed to shift)
5. Shifting is Real. I think we all should know this by now, but I don’t think people really fully understand just how REAL shifting is. I mean you are going to be able to use all of your senses. You will be able to taste food, see your reflection in the mirror, talk to people that may be considered as fictional in this reality, etc. The process of shifting is safe but if you are shifting somewhere that has violence or gore make sure you script your own well-being. High pain tolerance, no trauma, etc.
6. Time isn't important. Just because it's been 4 years or 5 doesn't mean you can't do it. Time doesn't apply to shifting because time is just man-made thing. We created the concept of time not the Universe. Don't blame the Universe for your "Failure". (Spoiler alert: it's not failure) You just need to realize that no matter what, it will happen. It is completely inevitable. Some people have shifted after 5 years so don't give up! It will be worth it.
7. You can't fail at shifting. When you do your method, you will shift to your DR or shift to your CR. You shift all the time. We are constantly shifting consciously or unconsciously. Manifestation and shifting are very much closely related. (But that's another discussion for another time) Just like how we are manifesting on autopilot we are also shifting on autopilot. So, when you do a sleep method, and you wake up in this reality instead of your DR you still shifted. (Just not to your DR) (Get it?)
I hope you found this post helpful! :)
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lullabyes22-blog · 2 months ago
Snippet - The Stretcher - Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
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An ugly reckoning...
tw: gore, violence, medical trauma, limb loss
cw: suggestions of inappropriate relationships between mentor and student
Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
Silco walks on.
Inside, the odor of stale chemicals seeps through the air. Jinx's containment pod is a plexiglas sphere resembling a transparent hive. Inside, she is laid out on a narrow cot. Her left hand—the two clever fingers so cruelly excised—is strapped to a splint.  The stumps are a little red, but clean and dry. Each one is neatly sutured with black thread.
Black as the sucking hole in her chest.
Through the covers, Silco can see the delineations of the wound, a map of gauze adhering to her torso.  The flesh is still flayed. But it is no longer a disaster-site of hideous spillage. The raw tendons are scored with tiny stitches. Each one, a testament to Singed’s ruthlessly meticulous handiwork.
The rest of Jinx is bone pale as if the scant pigment on her skin has been sucked dry. Her freckles stand out in stark pinpricks.
Two bags of fluid hang on a metal pole, drip-drip-dripping down a tube into a needle jammed into her arm. The steady flow of antibiotics, morphine, and synthesized Shimmer will bolster her vitals and keep her under.  Her breathing—a tarred constriction of bubbles caught in her perforated lungs—has smoothed over the course of the night.  But it remains an effortful jag: deep, dragging, discordant.
Silco's guts churn. The instinctive grind of rage is offset by guilt.
Then: shock.
Jinx is not alone.
A longer body's curved around Jinx's small one. One arm, the sleeve rolled to the elbow, is flung over her hip. Fingertips splay against her thigh: an anchor. The other arm, metallic, makes a protective arc over Jinx's skull. The cybernetic fingers, tipped with steel, are threaded in her blue hair. The head, half-obscured in lank brown curls, is tipped to Jinx's own.
Their temples mirror. Their eyelashes kiss.  The cadence of their chests rises and falls in concert.
The Hexcore, with hypnotic rotations, bathes Jinx and Viktor in a violet glow.  
From his own extremities, Silco feels pure rage blast open as the Monster unlocks.
"What the hell—?"
Singed looms from the corner of the medbay: tall and fleshlessy thin as a mantis. He's clad in a white smock resembling a butcher's apron. The barest smear of blood is caught in the weave. He glances up at Silco's snarl.
Apart from an expression of insectile alertness, he shows no other signs of concern.
"Ah," he says. "You've returned."
"Open the pod." 
"I beg your pardon?"
"Viktor. What in the frozen hell is he—?"
"He's aiding her retrieval."
"Her retrieval," Singed says, in the same imperturbable tone. "From what I understand, a plunge into the Void is not unlike falling into arctic waters. It takes a strong grip to pull oneself out. J17 is a skilled swimmer. But she remains partially submerged. She'll need a guide to drag her to the shore."   
"He has no right to—"
"To what? Hold his companion's hand?"  
Singed nods.
Silco's jaw locks as the Doctor's meaning sinks in.
Guardians and Mages. He'd known, in his bones, that the bond between Viktor and Jinx held a strange, unearthly resonance. A tie that binds, like gravity does a comet: two celestial forces, inexorably pulled together by the galvanic charge of their shared potential. 
He'd assumed the nature of the bond was intellectual. That their kinship was a matter of mathematics: two minds, one wavelength.  Then Jinx's spells of strangeness and self-enforced secrecy began. He thinks of the audio recordings in the Aerie: the susurrations and whispers. The ungodly silence.
It wasn't sex—no matter the wildness of his paranoia, he knew Jinx was still too innocent, and that her tastes lay elsewhere. But the overtones—of communion, and a deeper, almost otherworldly intimacy—were terrifying.
Now, seeing them together—a tangle of arms, a knotting of fingers—his worst fears have been made manifest.
It's plain, from the ease between their bodies, that Jinx has slept in Viktor's arms before. Plain, too, that it's happened enough times for this closeness to take on overtones of trust.  A trust Silco had invited: to his doorstep, past his threshold, and straight to his daughter’s bed. 
A trust that’s been repaid with disaster.
Reflexively, Silco's fists ball.
"Open the pod," he says. 
"Open it."
"With all due respect, that is not the wisest course of action." Singed remains maddeningly equable. He could be discussing a minor surgical procedure: the pros and cons of local versus general anesthetic. "The Hexcore—from what I gather—is acting as a buffer. It is protecting both J17 and Viktor as they work to draw her out. To separate them at this juncture would risk a backlash."
"I'm speaking in metaphysical rather than medical terms. From what I have gleaned, the Hexcore is a living organism. It has its own will and wants. I am not privy to the nature of the bargain it has struck with Viktor. But I hazard that it is his key to the Void. And that, in exchange for entry, it protects his and Jinx’s corporeal forms. To rip them apart would be... traumatic. For all parties present."
In Viktor's embrace, Jinx expels a sigh.  There's a subtle alteration in her breathing. The Void creeping across her brainwaves, perhaps. Viktor's arm flexes around her. His own breathing—that half-mechanical, half-organic rasp—deepens. His lips touch her temple. 
The Hexcore sings. The pitch is nearly ethereal.
Two spirits: locked in orbit.
Silco's jaw grinds. A vein ticks in his temple. Whatever's happening, it is not something he comprehends. Not something, he suspects, meant to be comprehended.  But that doesn't stymie the rage. Nor the dread.
The former, he can dissect with a cool eye, peel it down to the viscera of what it is: a primal need to keep his child safe. 
The latter, though...
That's a formless shadow stretching over his psyche. The sense of something very, very huge: a force the size of a godhead eclipsing the horizon. And the stormfront, lightning-laced, is rolling across the sea straight towards his ship of destiny.
It's not often Silco feels his smallness. But he does now, and the fallout is brutal.
"You knew," he says, deathly soft.
"You knew. About Viktor. Compromising my child."
Singed is not a shrugger. Hedging is not his strong suit. But his silence speaks for itself.
"I would not call such a bond a compromise," he says at length. "In some ways, it was inevitable.  Viktor is extraordinarily gifted. J17, a creature of pure potential. They are both seekers in the dark. It makes sense that they'd find each other." A slight cant to his head: a gesture of self-reproach. "I will admit: I should have informed you. But there was no reason to believe the entanglement was of a carnal nature."
"No reason to believe they weren't fucking?"
The vulgarism stirs Singed out of scholarly calm. He doesn't smile. But his lipless mouth shows a glint of teeth. It's the same expression he'd wear when Silco would return to the Cannery after prowling the dank cloaca of the Lanes.
Always: with a plaything on his arm and ill-gotten gains in his pocket.  
He'd often likened Silco's gravitation toward vice as a form of self-medicating. The sex, the drugs, the power-plays: all symptoms of a man whose eye could not close, and needed other means to unwind. Other ways to blot out the light. 
It was a diagnosis Silco only partially agreed with. It was not autonomic impediment that kept his bad eye from closing. Simply the refusal to look away from the world as it was.
Now, his bad eye smolders in its socket. It's a marvel the Doctor doesn't wilt in its heat. Then again, Singed's always been a hard man to burn.
It's what he and Silco have in common.
"No," he says. "That, I do not believe."
"Is that so?"
"Given Viktor's... condition... it's unlikely."
"I'm not sure if you're aware, Doctor—" Silco's tone, beneath the frigid civility, is honed to cut jugulars, "—but there are ways around that."
The glint of teeth deepens. A grin, however cold. "Oh, I am aware.  But I'm also aware of Viktor's nature. I've known him since he was a boy. Frailty's always been his cross to bear. But that has not diminished his drives. Only... redirected them, as it were." 
"You sound dubious."
Silco's good eye slits. Singed's grin fades.
"I understand. We're men of pragmatic bent. There will always be a selfish component to our pursuits. A willingness to see the big picture, even if it means putting our better selves on the backburner."  He turns to the pod. "Viktor is different. His nature has a singular trajectory: up. He wants to ascend. To break free of limitations: both inborn and self-imposed. Sex, in comparison, is a dead-end. Love, though? That's something else. Something that can take him to the stars." 
Silco follows his stare. The pair, entwined, are haloed in violet. Their breathing is slow and steady.
A duet.
"The boy's always longed for a taste of the transcendent," Singed muses. "I imagine, in J17, he's found it. A force of pure creation. Pure entropy. It is only in chaos that order can thrive. The sense of a divine plan is what gives meaning to the world. And a multivalent, fractal reality is what allows a scientific theory to evolve into law."
Silco's knuckles pop. He says nothing. 
"If it helps," the Doctor adds, "I doubt the boy's done worse than hold her hand. The way he speaks of her, one would think her a... psychopomp. Someone to guide him to a higher plane of knowledge. Someone whose existence is to be worshiped. Not possessed."
"Worship and possession," Silco replies, in the voice of cold prescience, "often end the same way."
"With someone on their knees."
Singed doesn't laugh, exactly. The sound's too measured. But his mangled lips stretch to show the full set of teeth. They hold the implacable sheen of scalpels. Each one slitting its careful way through the tissue of Silco's self-control.
"A cynic's view," he says. "And one I disagree with."
"Do you, now?"
"I'll grant there is a physical element to their closeness. But, I suspect, the physical is merely a conduit to that higher plane. A literal touchstone to guide them through the dark. The true roadmap, as it were, is the end each of them seeks."
"That end being?"
"Balance," Singed says. "If my theory is correct, they each serve as a counterpoise to the other. J17, in her unbound potential: a spirit of half flesh, half catalyst. A force in constant flux. Viktor, in his rigid catechism: a being forged in metal and magic. The very dictum of death. Each is, in their own way, an anomaly. Together, they are a paradox. One that introduces a new paradigm."
"Cause and effect." The grin's gone. Only Singed's eyes shine: a cold, methodical zeal. "Or, in your language: cost and reward."
A chill steals through Silco.
It's not the first time Singed's dissections of the metaphysical have taken a macabre turn. For the Doctor, the two are indistinguishable: the duality of life and death reduced to quantifiable variables of mess and mass. In his laboratory, Silco's witnessed the results firsthand.
The Doctor's a man who understands that knowledge only goes as deep as the knife cuts.  And Silco, a man who has cut to the marrow of humanity's ugliness, knows there's no limit to the incision when the rest's been pared clean. 
"If your intention was to disarm me," he says flatly, "you've failed."
"Disarm." Singed's chuckle is dry as bone dust. "Old friend, you are not the weapon. Only the steel that whets its edge."
"Fact." The corners of Singed's eyes crinkle. "We are, both of us, mere tools for a greater design."
Jinx cries out.
In the pod, the Hexcore spins rapidly. The rotations, faster and faster, become a multicolored blur. The fluctuating glow—sometimes blue, sometimes red—is phantasmagoric. Silco has the sense of something primordial unspooling into existence. The birth of a star, on a spiritual scale: chemical fusion gone mystic.
A subsonic hum fills the air. Jinx's cry spikes.
Her whole body begins shaking: a subtle network of pain radiating, it seems, from the epicenter of her wound. Viktor's embrace holds. But beads of sweat pop on his temples. His breathing goes choppy.  The pod's plexiglas walls turn milky as if with steam.
Silco can see the lattice of ice spreading. The cracks, fanning in jagged starbursts, resemble spiderweb.
Meanwhile, Viktor and Jinx may as well be under a full rig of stage lights: both of them are simmering in their skins.
Jinx's pallor is engulfed by a bright pink flush. Her breath comes in rapid drags. Her good right hand, fluttering, finds Viktor's good left. Their palms align, fingers twining. The twin rows of knuckles, flesh and bone, are deathly white.
The Hexcore's singing deepens. Jinx's own cry climbs to a keen.
Silco races forward. "Jinx!"
Before he can touch the pod, Singed seizes his arm. The grip is cold, cadaverous, yet somehow comforting.
"Not yet," he urges, as Jinx's wails echo and re-echo. "It's not done yet."
"Let go! She needs me—"
"No." Singed's grip is as unyielding as his gaze. "She needs to finish this. As does Viktor. Let them see it through."
Silco stares. Blood beats in his temples. He understands, remotely, that he is terrified. Paralysis, its predictable residue, clings like a second skin. It's a heaviness he despises. It's why he is so quick to reassert self-dominion with a dose of violence. To defend himself, monster and man, from threats that would otherwise devour him.
But what if the threat's taken root in the tenderest parts?
What if it can never be excised?
(Is that fatherhood?)
Tossing her head, Jinx screams. Viktor, gasping, shudders.
The Hexcore's pulsations go critical.
Then—with a flash of brilliant blue—the humming ebbs. The pod's opalescent frost, in icy bloom, evaporates. Within, Jinx and Viktor subside into stillness. Their hands are still twined, their foreheads together. Both breathe in unison. 
But there's a dissonance in the rhythm. A harmony, that, while still in tandem, is their own.
Viktor is the first to wake.
His arm loosens its cradle around Jinx. His head stirs, the dark crown dislodging against its blue perch of her skull. The gold eyes—with their black-rimmed core—flicker. They are glazed in shock.  Then he blinks, and they regain focus. The lineaments of his expression—grim-lipped and hollow-cheeked—are ones Silco knows well.
The sense of a spirit coming to the limits of its endurance, and shattering the barrier.
Now he's unsure what awaits on the other side.
Slowly, the golden eyes swivel. They find Singed. They find Silco. Then they fall on his and Jinx's still-linked hands. Something flickers across his wan face. Not a smile, exactly. But a certain softness around the hard brackets of his mouth.
As if he'd held on to a fear for dear life. And now, finding it unfounded, can let it go.
With a gentle tug, he unthreads their fingers.
Jinx doesn't stir. But she lets off a long slow exhalation that could be sadness, or a deep release of tension. Viktor disentangles their bodies. He does so with a delicate, deliberate care, keeping a light contact of fingertips all the way down her torso. Silco follows their path to Jinx's ribcage.
Under the gauze, the wound is closed. The meat is seared like a brand. But there's no trace of torn skin. Even the stitches—each raw suture point—have shrunk into a smooth pink furrow.
Jinx breathes. Each rise and fall—seamless—is a small miracle.
Silco is not a devout man. Contemptuous of all matters devotional, he treats prayer like a poor business transaction: an unstable currency of sacrifice, with no guarantee of success.
Now, the gratitude that floods his lungs is nearly a baptism. He hates every iota: the helplessness, the loss of agency.
But loves, gut-wrenchingly, what it's restored.
With effort, Viktor straightens. His bare feet, touching the tiles, let off a metallic clink. One hand grips the bedframe. The other reaches for his cane. Every muscle delineates the difficulty of keeping his balance.
The sheer exertion of willpower in holding his mind and body together.
As with all impossible endeavors, he does not falter.
"It is done," he says, hoarse but steady.  "She is back."
"Within herself. The Void... has touched her heart. She has seen its own. But she is intact."
"She will recover." He swallows with a liquid click. "In time."
Silco nods.
On the rumpled sheets, Jinx sleeps. Her breaths hold a deep-sea serenity. Her delicate features are preciously girlish and lost-looking. The sight suffuses Silco with a tenderness that yet calls up the horror of it all.
He takes himself to a place of stillness, and allows himself to feel it. Not just last night's ordeal. Everything leading up to it. Strategy after strategy, error after error, so the outcome is the same as when Zaun first emerged from its ravaged shell.
His child in a sickbed. His paternal devotion in a deathmatch with politics. His and Vi's blood game no more than a war against specters.
A war they've both lost.
Silco's eyes pass from his sleeping beauty to the man who'd saved her life.
"Doctor," Silco says. "Open the pod."
Singed does not argue. With a deft touch, he flips the controls. 
The plexiglas shell retracts. The air, trapped, is instantly sucked out. It is unseasonably warm from Jinx's and Viktor's body-heat. The smell holds a sterile bite of disinfectant. Underneath, a faint trace of musk lingers.
The unforgettable odor has been imprinted on Silco's olfactory landscape since Jinx began working with the Hex-gem. The permeating ozone-stink of night sweats and lightning strikes.
The afterglow of the Void.
Now Silco detects the component he'd not dared to put a name to: that singular, almost sexual tang. Two spirits, intertwined, coupling in a realm without flesh. 
Right under his roof.
His eyes lock on Viktor's. The younger man's ambivalent features, caught between exhaustion and relief, shift. Wariness creeps in. It's not the fear of reckoning. More the full awareness of a gamble gone sour.
Now the ruin, no matter how cataclysmic, must be accounted for.
The gold eyes—infinitely patient, infinitely reckless—do not waver.
"I believe," Viktor says, "you have questions."
"I do," Silco says. Then: "Doctor. Fetch the stretcher."
Singed's head takes on an insectile slant. As if he's caught the taste of blood in his mandibles, and is trying to parse its source.
"Stretcher?" he repeats. "Whatever for?"
"The boy seems perfectly—"
Crossing the distance, Silco lays a hand on Viktor's shoulder. A steadying, almost paternal clasp.
The Monster, unsheathing its claws, rakes down.
His fist slams into Viktor's gut. The young man staggers with a strangled cry. His cane clatters. The rest of him slumps, jelly-legged, as Silco follows with a snapping right hook, smoking it straight through the boy's frail defense and connecting with his jaw.
There is a satisfying snap of bone on bone. The sound, visceral and rich, kickstarts a tidal wave of blackness that seethes from the balls of Silco's feet and climbs all the way to his hairline.
The Monster is awake, and it is hungry.
"Doctor," Silco says, as Viktor crumples to the floor. "The stretcher."
Wisely, Singed obeys.
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boombox-fuckboy · 9 months ago
any podcast recommendations for guys Going Through It. im a sucker for whump and i’ve already listened to TMA and Malevolent sooo
Fiction Podcasts: Characters Going Through It / Experiencing the Horrors
Gore warning for most, here's 15 to get you started:
I am in Eskew: (Horror) David Ward is arguably the Guy Going Through It. Stories from a man living in something that very much wants to be a city, and a private investigator who was, in her words, "hired to kill a ghost". Calmly recounted stories set to Eskew's own gentle, persistent rain. The audio quality's a bit naff but the writing is spectacular. If you like the writing, also check out The Silt Verses, which is a brilliant show by the same creators.
VAST Horizon: (Sci-Fi, Horror, Thriller/Suspense Elements) And Dr. Nolira Ek is arguably the Gal Going Through it. An agronomist wakes from cryo to discover the ship she's on is dead in the water, far from their destination, and seemingly empty, barring the ship's malfunctioning AI, and an unclear reading on the monitors. I think you'll like this one. Great sound design, amazing acting, neat worldbuilding, and plenty of awful situations.
Dining in the Void: (Horror, Sci-Fi) So, the initial pacing on this one is a little weird, but stick with it. A collection of notable people are invited to a dinner aboard a space station, and find not only are they trapped there, but they're on a timer until total station destruction: unless they can figure out who's responsible. And there's someone else aboard to run a few games, just to make things more interesting. The games are frequently torturous. If that wasn't clear.
The White Vault: (Horror) By the same creators as VAST Horizon, this one follows a group sent to a remote arctic research base to diagnose and repair a problem. Trapped inside by persistant snow and wind, they discover something very interesting below their feet. Really well made show. The going through it is more spread out but there's a lot of it happening.
Archive 81: (Horror, Weird Fiction, Mystery and Urban Fantasy Elements) A young archivist is commissioned to digitize a series of tapes containing strange housing records from the 1990s. He has an increasingly bad time. Each season is connected but a bit different, so if S1 (relatively short) doesn't catch your ear, hang in for S2. You've got isolation, degredation of relationships, dehumanisation, and a fair amount of gore. And body horror on a sympathetic character is so underdone.
The Harrowing of Minerva Damson: (Fantasy, Horror) In an alternate version of our own world with supernatural monsters and basic magic, an order of women knights dedicated to managing such problems has survived all the way to the world wars, and one of them is doing her best with what she's got in the middle of it all.
SAYER: (Horror, Sci-Fi) How would you like to be the guy going through it? A series of sophisticated AI guide you soothingly through an array of mundane and horrible tasks.
WOE.BEGONE: (Sci-Fi) I don't keep up with this one any more, but I think Mike Walters goes through enough to qualify it. Even if it's frequently his own fault. A guy gets immediately in over his head when he begins to play an augmented reality game of entirely different sort. Or, the time-travel murder game.
Janus Descending: (Sci-Fi, Horror, Tragedy) A xenobiologist and a xenoanthropologist visit a dead city on a distant world, and find something awful. You hear her logs first-to-last, and his last-to-first, which is interesting framing but also makes the whole thing more painful. The audio equivalent of having your heart pulled out and ditched at the nearest wall. Listen to the supercut.
The Blood Crow Stories: (Horror) A different story every season. S1 is aboard a doomed cruise ship set during WWII, S2 is a horror western, S3 is cyberpunk with demons, and S4 is golden age cinema with a ghostly influence.
Mabel: (Supernatural, Horror, Fantasy Elements) The caretaker of a dying woman attempts to contact her granddaughter, leaving a series of increasingly unhinged voicemails. Supernatural history transitioning to poetic fae lesbian body horror.
Jar of Rebuke: (Supernatural) An amnesiac researcher with difficulties staying dead investigates strange creatures, eats tasty food, and even makes a few friends while exploring the town they live in. A character who doesn't stay dead creates a lot of scenarios for dying in interesting ways
The Waystation: (Sci-Fi, Horror) A space station picks up an odd piece of space junk which begins to have a bizzare effect on some of the crew. The rest of it? Doesn't react so well to this spreading strangeness. Some great nailgun-related noises.
Station Blue: (Psychological Horror) A drifting man takes a job as a repair technician and maintenance guy for an antarctic research base, ahead of the staff's arrival. He recounts how he got there, as his time in the base and some bizzare details about it begin to get to him. People tend to either quite like this one or don't really get the point of it, but I found it a fascinating listen.
The Hotel: (Horror) Stories from a "Hotel" which kills people, and the strange entities that make it happen. It's better than I'm making it sound, well-made with creative deaths, great sound work, and a strange staff which suffer as much as the guests. Worth checking out.
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Y'know what, my sbg headcannons, here you go
Logan is half (part??? Idk what term to use) European, like, he's half german (jew, not very religious jew, he does celebrate Christmas and valentines, he sometimes doesn't ¯\_(ツ)_/¯), he's also half British, kinda, he has Scottish and Irish parts, he is also part Greek, he has some Italian, French, and Russian descent and you get what I mean
Between the Hernández twins, Taylor is secretly the older one, Tyler swears he's older though
Aiden had a very diverse music taste, and he also knows practically all the tiktok audios
When Ashlyn was younger, she wouldn't do jackshit in sports, like, she would just stand around and do nothing, watching as the other kids played with a blank face (this: 😐)
Ben makes paper flowers for the group with their favorite colors, and he also did calligraphy so he knows a one or two things
When Tay and Ty were younger, Taylor would always tell Tyler to shut up
Let's get back to the Aiden hc, Logan's the same, this is how they bonded, they're best friends (in my head), like, Logan also has a very diverse music taste, he mostly listens to Cavetown, Alec Benjamin, TV girl, The Neighborhood and some other stuff, but still, a very diverse listener, and sometimes, Aiden would just say a random audio and Logan would just unconsciously continue it
Ben likes to pet the others, like when they're sitting down, he just likes to put his hand on their head, and pat
Ashlyn's hair was mostly straight for a while but ever since she started doing braids and how often she'd keep them in, they just started to curl and stay that whole for a while (idk hair stuff ok??? So if that doesn't make sense then oh well)
Logan has a slight hip deformity, like, the right part of his hip is more upturned, so he sits like 'W' when he's on the ground sometimes, it works for him and it's better
Oh, and if Logan ever stretched his leg out, like, having it pulled and then stretching the other one out to the other side, his leg would probably pop out, it almost has (idk anatomy or what ever it is)
Ben has once traumatized a chicken and blamed it on a dog
Taylor and Logan use a lot of those little emoji like ":3, :>, <3, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, (●’◡’●)ノ" etc
Ashlyn and Tyler (very noticeably, surely) have a bitch/angry resting face, Aiden has a happy one, Logan has a sad/tired one, Taylor and Ben have normal resting faces
Tyler has had pretty bad anxiety issues, especially with his separation anxiety with Taylor, like, he will freak the fuck out if Taylor doesn't respond to his calls within the next 45 minutes
Tay and Ty can only handle being without each other for about 3-5 hours, any more than that, mental breakdown, panic attack etc etc
Ben and Ashlyn have fidgets for Aiden, they have keychains that are fidgets on their bags too
When the others are asleep, Aiden really likes to touch them in a way, like, play with their hair, poke their cheeks. For Logan, Aiden likes to try his glasses
Logan knows a bit of French, but it's very irrelevant cause it was "French math", like, he knows how to count to 80 in French, and also he knows 100 in French, but he doesn't know the 90s in french
Another Logan hc! He has always been an insomniac before Savannah
Sighhh, yes, another Logan hc, he can be a real bitch when he's sick, he's blunt and just bitchy, doesn't have time for bullshit when he's sick
When Tyler's sick, Taylor offers to clean up the house so he won't have to worry about chores like all the time
Aiden and Logan has had piercings before, Aiden used to have earrings and a nose piercing whilst Logan only had one
Aiden is really smart but he doesn't care much and doesn't really use his big brain, and Logan always goes on and on about how much potential Aiden has
Ashlyn, Aiden and Logan like horror movies, though, Ashlyn is more of a slasher horror movie fan, Aiden and Logan are really in for the horror, another reason they bond, but Logan doesn't do well with gore, he loves horror movies but can still really be terrified, Aiden laughs in horror movies
Oh, and Tyler HATES horror movies, but he puts up a brave face, he is secretly a romcom fan though
Once Aiden and Logan were on call and Aiden found a cup of water and he said it was out for a few days on his shelf, should he drink it, Logan sarcastically said yeah, no, you should definitely, totally drink it, of course, Aiden actually did and Logan laughed for a while before actually getting concerned and taken aback and asking Aiden if he was okay, Aiden said he could already feel the effects coming in but was alright and then said if he doesn't come to school the next day, Logan probably knows what happened. Aiden does end up coming to school and Logan said "Oh good, you survived the water,"
Logan makes little bouquets of the others birth month flowers and gives it to them on their birthdays
Once the gang was on a call and from Aiden's end, there was a lot of screams of pain and they were all obviously concerned, but it was more in a amused way, they all kept chatting cause Aiden kept joining with his screams and then leaving and then also sending voice messages of his screams. They kept texting him and asking if he was dying or smth, it was Lily jumping on his back
Logan HATES bugs, he kills them, all the time, no mercy for bugs, he works in a garden. Aiden kills the bugs for fun. Tyler is petrified of bugs and will scream at one. Tay, Ash and Ben are neutral, some bugs they'll be scared off, others, not so much so they leave it alone
If Logan ever did the "unfortunately I'm [subject] smart", it'd go as " Unfortunately, I am Math and Science smart, if you ask me to solve an equation or something about atoms, I will gladly answer it, but if you ask me to write a poem, I will cry." Though, Logan's smart in a bunch of subjects, english isn't one of his best, he hates writing poetry, essays etc, but he has amazing spelling and grammar. Unironically though, he is a fast typer, so when he sends a message, it's most likely to have awful spelling to give a stroke or terrible grammer or both, because of auto correct and where his fingers type
Aiden constantly sings "Wait, they don't love you like I love you," to the others and does the dance
Aiden, Ashlyn, Taylor and Logan know how to do the "Everybody dance now" dance
Logan also knows the Mualani's dance in Genshin Impact to Bailando and will do it
The group can tell that Logan is always holding back and always tell him that he can be himself around them, when he's super comfortable with them, he's... odd, in an amusing way. There was a time he asked Tyler to play rock paper scissors with him and when he lost, he purposely fell off his chair. Oh and Logan does Mualani's dance at random places with the others
Logan doesn't put much effort in sports but he's actually really fast when he actually wants to
The gang played a game of hide'n'seek and could not find Ashlyn for hours, she was hiding in a box up a shelf, she was squeezing herself in by having her legs pulled behind her back and her back arched
Aiden likes to gently slap Logan's glasses so when he does that, Logan's glassss only goes over his nose and he looks funny like that according to Aiden
Tyler was a FNAF kid and Aiden and Taylor were gacha kids (Taylor still secretly plays gacha)
Logan likes to doodle a bit
Logan had a project in Science and it was so good it was in a Science fair and won first place
Taylor and Tyler are each others number one fan
Ben comes over to Logan's house and they go to the greenhouse so Ben has some inspiration of something to draw
Aiden is lactose intolerant but drinks milk, eats ice cream, and a bunch of other dairy products
A lot of people had tried to befriend Ashlyn in middle school, and the thing is, Ashlyn is their friend, but their not Ashlyn's friend
Nowadays, Ashlyn would give some gestures to her classmates like thumbs up or waves when they do something, just a casual one, she doesn't smile at them, but they absolutely freak out for no reason
Taylor and Tyler are part Filipino and mostly Spanish
Logan and Aiden sing Toy-box songs together
Taylor and Taylor have warm bodies, Logan, Aiden and Ben have cold bodies, Ashlyn's body just goes whatever temperature depending on the season, her body is really cold in winter, pretty warm in summer
Oh, I forgot to say, another part of Logan being himself to the group, he spams chats, a lot, he spams random stuff, or song lyrics, he just got a bit annoying, in an amusing way to the others at least
I don't have any more, but I hoped you enjoyed these!!!
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ghostflowerdreams · 1 year ago
Audio Drama Recommendations, Pt. III
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Click here for part one and here for part two. Recently, I've been drawing a lot, which gives me plenty of time to listen to audio dramas and podcasts. These are the ones I liked the most and found entertaining enough to recommend to others. This is not in any particular order, either.
The Green Horizon – is a sci-fi comedy drama created and written by Paul Walsh. It is sponsored by Faustian Nonsense, an indie entertainment network. It currently has three seasons, with each episode being about 20 - 30 minutes long, but later on it increases to 30 - 40 minutes. A fourth season is said to be coming out soon as well.
It is set in the year 2261, and it focuses on a ne'er-do-well Irish space captain and his rag-tag crew, as they traverse a war-torn Galaxy in search of fame and fortune. [ONGOING]
It was a little chaotic and rough at the beginning, but it does smooth out and become more polished. I can definitely tell that they up their game with the improved sound effects and production quality. The voice actors and the writing for the audio drama does an excellent job at bringing their characters to life, which made it very fun to follow along.
If you like Firefly, Red Dwarf, Orville, Cowboy Bepop, and so on then I think you may enjoy this too.
DERELICT – is a sci-fi narrative audio drama from award-winning science fiction author J. Barton Mitchell, and produced by Night Rocket Productions. It currently has one season titled FATHOM, which consist of 10 episodes with each one ranging from 40 mins to an hour, mostly the latter.
Something has been found at the bottom of Earth's ocean. An ancient artifact that can only be described as a giant door, inset into the sea floor. It becomes known as the Vault. A gigantic enigma, buried and forgotten...nineteen thousand feet down.
To study the artifact, the galaxy's most powerful corporation, Maas-Dorian, has built a massive, self-contained, secret laboratory base surrounding it, named FATHOM. It's objective: unlock the secrets of the artifact and discover what it holds.​ But some mysteries should remain buried. And some doors should never be opened... [ONGOING]
DERELICT started as the first project set up as a kickstarter. They produced one episode to entice backers, but then the pandemic happened, and they didn’t raise enough money for the rest of it. Instead, they worked on a prequel season called FATHOM. It's where the story really starts, and I highly suggest you listen to it before listening to "DERELICT E1 - Through the Gate."
I hope they redo the DERELICT's first episode because there's a bit of disconnection from it and FATHOM. For example, Sarah and Agent Blayne already know each other. She mentions it to the others, but the conversation they have with each other doesn’t make it seem that way.
Never mind. I apparently confused this Sarah with the Sarah in FATHOM. Can't blame me for thinking that when I heard the name Sarah and that she was already familiar with Agent Blayne.
Deviser – is a sci-fi horror audio drama created, directed, acted and produced by Harlan Guthrie. The same creator of Malevolent. It's a 7-part limited series, with each episode being about 20 mins long.
Son wakes up aboard a spaceship bound for earth in an effort to recolonize. What he discovers, however, will change everything he knows about his world and himself. [COMPLETED]
It's not for everyone, so please do not ignore the content warnings because there's graphic description of violence, self harm, body horror, gore, animal death/being hurt, and what not.
Victoriocity – is a detective comedy audio drama written by Chris and Jen Sugden, directed by Nathan Peter Grassi and produced by Dominic Hargreaves. It is an entirely independent production. It has two seasons, containing 13 episodes in total, and each one is about 30 to 45 minutes long. There's also a feature-length special and a up-coming third season with the help of a kickstarter.
It is 1887 in Even Greater London, an alternate steampunk Victorian London, where Queen Victoria reigns even after being assassinated eleven times, thanks to the wonders of modern science.
In this vast metropolis, Inspector Archibald Fleet and journalist Clara Entwhistle investigate a murder, only to find themselves at the centre of a conspiracy of impossible proportions. [ONGOING]
It's put together so well, and I see why people say it gives off strong Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett vibes to it. So if you like their works, then I wouldn't be surprised to hear that you like this too.
Impact Winter – is an apocalyptic vampire audio drama created and written by Travis Beacham (Carnival Row, Pacific Rim). It has two seasons containing 22 episodes in total and each one is about 17 to 30 minutes long.
“They came after the impact and the firestorms. When the sun went dark. Like they’d been there all along. Just waiting.”
In the British countryside, a band of survivors forms a resistance in the fallout shelter of a medieval castle. Darcy is a battle-tested vampire hunter who is at the front line, leading the charge to save humanity. Meanwhile, her younger sister Hope wants life to return to normal so she can go above ground and know what it’s like to live again. And she just might be willing to risk it all. [ONGOING]
It has a stacked cast led by Holliday Grainger (Cinderella, Great Expectations), Esme Creed-Miles (Hanna, The Legend of Vox Machina), Liam Cunningham (Games of Thrones, Hunger), Himesh Patel (Station Eleven, Tenet), David Gyasi (Interstellar, Carnival Row), Caroline Ford (Carnival Row, Nekrotronic), Chloe Pirrie (Emma, Carnival Row), and Bella Ramsey (Games of Thrones, The Last of Us).
This reminded me a lot of the film 30 Days of Nights (2007) with a little bit of Reign of Fire (2002), which were both fun films to watch. I think if you like those two, especially the former, you'll enjoy this or at least be entertained by it.
A Voice From Darkness – is a scripted paranormal horror audio drama. It is written and produced by Jac Rhys. It currently has two seasons, containing 20 episodes in total and each one is about 20 to 30 minutes long. It also has 7 bonus voicemail episodes and 15 Patreon exclusive episodes which are longer than the main episodes. A third season in the works as well.
Join parapsychologist and radio broadcaster Dr. Malcolm Ryder as he helps those who suffer the supernatural, paranormal or otherworldly problems on his call-in radio show. It is also interspersed with segments, one of which is called 'Today In Odd America' that delves into the origins of a holiday, local traditions, and history. [ONGOING]
If you like Welcome To Night Vale then I think you'll like this too. A Voice From Darkness is a bit more serious and not as long-drawn as Night Vale was, with a perfect mix of storytelling and lore. It also reminds me a bit of The Magnus Archive too.
How i Died – is a mystery audio drama that brings a "new twist on the true crime genre." It is an Audiohm Media original production, co-starring Vince Dajani as Jon Spacer and Shaina Waring as Sheriff Fran Crowley. It currently has three seasons with 39 episodes in total, not including bonus episodes. Each episode is usually about 20 mins, give or take a few minutes.
Bodies are piling up in the strange town of Springfield, and forensic pathologist Jonathan Spacer intends to find out why. But, Jon isn’t without his own secrets… He can talk to the dead, for starters. [ONGOING]
Ooo, a character that can speak to the dead? It's always so interesting to see what they'll do with their ability and where the creators take them. This has been entertaining, but at times I do think they can do better in developing their characters a bit more. For example, I can count on one hand the number of times Crowley doesn't get angry. Though to be fair, Jon isn't an immediately likable character, but that does change the further you go...sorta.
The Amelia Project – is a comedy fiction audio drama created, written, directed, produced and edited by Philip Thorne and Øystein Ulsberg Brager for Imploding Fictions and The Fable and Folly Network. It currently has four seasons, with a fifth one on the way. There's about 72 episodes, not including prologue, special, and BTS episodes which would up the total to 122. Each episode also varies in length from 20 to 45 minutes long.
The Amelia Project is a secret agency that fakes its clients' deaths, then lets them reappear with a brand-new identity. A black comedy full of secrets, twists... and cocoa. The series starts as a succession of interviews with clients who want to fake their deaths, then slowly a larger narrative begins to emerge... Each episode tells its own story, but we recommend starting with Season 1. [ONGOING]
It was fun to listen to while I was drawing or washing the dishes. I could also follow along without becoming too distracted by it, either. I was worried it would be one of those that take a while to get to the main overall story, but thankfully it did not. It will definitely keep you entertained and interested to know what will happen next.
Community Cat News – is a neighborhood news show done from the perspective of cats. There's currently 13 episodes so far and each one varies from 5 to 12 minutes long.
Local News: The human is opening the fridge! Will we get a taste?
Foreign Affairs: What are those squirrels up to now?
Traffic: WHY is the bathroom door shut again?
Every episode is sponsored by Meow Meow Puffytail, Feline Rights Attorney, who is ready to sue your human for even the slightest inconvenience. [ONGONG]
It's cute, light-hearted, and funny. I didn't expect to enjoy this as much as I did. It even uplifted my mood without me realizing I was feeling low.
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dpfantasyzine · 1 year ago
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🐉Contributor applications for the DP Fantasy Zine are OPEN until January 17th! 🐉
We are accepting applications for page artists, merch artists, writers, and artists of other creative mediums. Want to join the party and embark on this quest with us? Click here to apply! 🧙
What mediums are accepted?
We are, of course, looking for page and merch artists as well as writers. However, we are open to creators utilizing any medium applying to contribute. This includes cosplay, audio content, TTRPG minis, etc. If you have an idea, then feel free to pitch it!
Can I apply for more than one category?
Yes, however you can only be accepted into the zine as contributing one piece. For example, if you apply as both a merch artist and a writer and are accepted, you will only be accepted as one of those contributor types.
What about NSFW content?
This is a SFW zine, but we will accept fandom typical gore on a case-by-case basis. If your sample pieces have any associated content warnings, please include that in the application next to where the sample is linked.
Will the zine be available for purchase?
Yes! We plan to make a digital and physical zine, both available for purchase.
Are you on twitter?
We are on twitter under the same username!
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dtrghost · 2 years ago
closeness and proximity part.4
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pairing: ghost x f!reader
synopsis: callsign is sunshine, because you're anything but. team 141 thought ghost was bad? at least they could crack a smile out of the guy from time to time, you? you were stone faced, all day, every day. until one day you're not, not with a certain someone anyway.
warnings: inaccurate military language and sequences, mega angst, allusions to mental illness (reader has sociopathic tendencies) you get the gist. violence, death (not simon or the mc), sad ghosty because yes. This is gonna be a longer one I think, lots of gore, lots of torture, be wary of that, not for the faint hearted. Guys, DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE GORE, PLEASE. Also, reminder that again, mc is not a good person, not at all, she's devoted to her job and will do ANYTHING to succeed, keep that in mind. Hey you get to see simon close to tears!!!
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6
word count: 3.5k
She awoke with a scowl, the vomit from last night leaving a vile taste on her tongue. She brushed her teeth, gargled mouth wash, and opted to skip out on breakfast.
As if her stomach could handle that after last night.
She hated herself for letting her teammate see her so weak, even going so far as to cry in front of him and confess feelings she couldn't comprehend herself. But now wasn't the time to dwell, she had a mission, and to carry it out she resorted to autopilot, her best friend for years.
Simon opened his eyes to the sound of her getting ready, the cocks of her gun as she checked it twice over to ensure nothing would go wrong when she needed it.
"Mornin' sunshine." He grunted out, his voice deep and raspy with sleep as he sluggishly stood up.
"Ghost." His eyes flickered to her, and the woman he knew was back. The cold, guarded version of her he'd managed to break through the night before had returned. He didn't press, knowing how important it was to get the job done right. He got ready himself as she stood by the cracked open door waiting for him patiently. He noticed how she kept her eyes cemented to the floor, not moving, rarely blinking, because if she looked at him, and he stared back with something that wasn't the look of a lieutenant or a soldier, she'd crack.
And she couldn't let that happen. Not now anyway.
Her ears tuned in to the sound of loud thuds hitting the floor. Her eyes flickered to the smoke entering the room shouts ringing out from another part of the house. She got a small whiff of the smell.
HCN, H2S, and PH3.
Knockdown gas.
They made eye contact, rushing to her bag and pulling out a gas mask, Simon following silently. The gas flooded the room, Y/N pressing her ear to the door, hearing nothing but silence in return. She waited for a moment before cracking open the door and taking a peek out, seeing the hallway flooded with the same smoke but no bodies.
"Couples hours before breakfast, most of em were still asleep." Simon told her quietly.
The one time these bloody fuckers decide to sleep in.
They made their way to the end of the hallway, checking the rooms along the way to see that they were empty. She looked around the corner, finding those very bodies on the floor, blood surrounding them as they trailed to the hallway on the other side of the kitchen. Her hand came up, halting him as she crouched down, pushing a metal ball from the back of her vest and into her palm.
"What's that?" He pressed, never having seen a device like that before.
"It's connected to my coms that picks up audio. Prototype from headquarters." His eyebrows shot up in surprise as she rolled it to the other hallway, and with a tap of her earpiece she could hear quiet voices from the other half of the house.
Clear. Alpha 0-5 move to the other side. Omega team will clear upstairs.
She took out her suppressed pistol instead, listening to the near silent thuds of footsteps going up the stairs.
"They're gonna come this way. I take them out, then we move to the front door."
"Copy that." She watched as two soldiers appeared from the other hallway. With two bullets to the head, one for each, she reloaded and approached the front door silently, taking a moment to grab her eavesdropper (what she calls it anyway) and move back to Simon. Gunshots rang out upstairs, Simon quick to grab her arm before she could clear the front for an exit.
"What about the rest of em?" He hated, no. Loathed, leaving teammates behind when he could do something to help. She stopped, sighing deeply. She had to make a choice, save the two of them, or risking the death of everyone trying to save the rest.
"They're out. By the time we get up there they'll be dead and we'll have to face the firing squad." She argued, disagreeing with the idea to play search and rescue.
"You don't know that." He shot back, narrowing his eyes at her.
"I'm not risking our lives. We have a mission to complete, and we can't do that if we have a bullet in our brains." They were both growing irritated. He thought she was being selfish for not wanting to even try to help her squad. She found him idiotic for not seeing that there wasn't a chance that they'd pull anyone out alive.
"I'm not leaving until we try." And he knew she wasn't leaving him on his own, she cared too much. He didn't mind using her feelings for him for his own gain in the moment. Right now he cared about his team, and when he moved to clear the house, she begrudgingly followed. They checked every body they came across for a pulse, finding none for the first few. It pissed her off in a variety of ways, the fact she was right and he wasn't letting up, and the fact that she didn't hear it sooner.
She blamed her herself. If she hadn't let herself deteriorate, she would've heard them come, she could've saved them. But she didn't, and she'd now have to remind herself of that every day for the rest of her life.
She moved to the front of him, taking initiative and peaking around the hallway. The gas had since cleared by the windows they opened, the traces left not being enough to knock anyone else out.
"Clear!" Ghost's heart sank. She was right. He heard her exhale slowly, her anger peaking as she waited for them all the walk out of the rooms and putting a bullet in their heads. All but two. She shot their hands, then their legs, moving through the hallway and yanking them both off the floor with one arm each.
"Shut it Ghost. How the hell did you find us." He had never seen her so angry. Her tone was spiteful and full of hatred as she threw one his direction and directing her rage to the bigger guy.
"Fuck you." The man replied, smirking at her tauntingly. It was silent for a beat, and it would only get worse.
"Alright." With a quick movement his face smashed into her knee, letting his body drop as she began searching rooms with an order for Simon to keep an eye on them. She found rope, feeling the heaviness of it as she threw it on her shoulder and came back out.
"You can watch this time if you want. Maybe you can learn a few things." She grabbed the man by his vest and dragged him into the nearest room, Simon taking the other one with him.
"Put him in the chair and tie him up." She tossed some rope to him before tying her guy down to the bed. The chair the other one sat in was facing the bed, and there was this awful feeling that he couldn't shake. Everything told him to step outside, to not watch what she was going to do to them, but his need to know what she was truly capable of was just that much stronger.
"Kinky. I like it." He teased, though the sweat sliding down his temple was evidence enough that he was scared. She didn't reply, grabbing a knife, taking off her gear, and rolling up her sleeves.
"Call for evac." She ordered, waiting for him to finish with it before sitting next to him.
"Let's get started. How did you find us."
"I had a nice cup of tea with your mother before she-" He cried out in pain, squirming as she pressed her knife into his abdomen and cut a line down the middle. The ropes were too tight, too thick for him to rip off as he desperately pulled at them.
"This is how it's gonna work. Wrong answer, one organ he-" She jabbed her finger towards the guy sitting in the chair who had just been shouting at her to stop.
"Has to eat." Everyone's eyes blew out of the sockets at her words. She couldn't be serious, she was bluffing... right?
"You're full of shit." She snickered, burying the blade in his thigh, her eyes boring into his own.
"You just murdered my team. I promise you, the last thing I value this morning is morality. So, tell me what I want to know, or shit's gonna get ugly."
"Sunshine-" Simon's words never left the tip of his tongue. The glare that faced him was enough to cause him to step back and keep his mouth shut. He didn't move, didn't try to stop her.
"Let's continue shall we. How did you know that we were here."
"Go to hell-" She dug her knife back into him, and Ghost watched in fear as she cut out his spleen. No amount of hatred for the man was enough to get him to watch the process, he kept his eyes cemented to the floor, attempting to tune out his wails and cries. He watched her turn to the man in the chair who stared at her in terror as she held the bloody organ in her hands.
His hand grabbed her wrist.
"That's enough. We'll find a different-" Before he could finish she slammed his against the wall, her arm pressing hard against his trachea as the knife pointed inward to his jugular.
"Stay. Out. of my way. That's an order lieutenant." It was a reminder that she had operational command. She took notice of the betrayal, releasing him with a push against the wall. This is what she was, a monster, and part of her was glad he likely realized that by now so he'd stop trying. She didn't deserve his help, and it was better he put his time towards someone more worthy than someone like her. With one last look at him, she turned back to her victim.
"So, would you prefer i cut it into pieces for you? Or do you wanna be a champ and chew it yourself." Simon's stomach lurched, and it took everything in him not to leave the room, or to spill his dinner from the night before onto the floor.
"You should be thanking me, you're getting the breakfast my team didn't." The man from the bed sobbed and watched her cut a piece off, a second away from forcing it down his teammates throat before he broke.
"Alright I'll tell you!" He yelled, listening to her 'tch' and turn back to him, tossing his organ off to the side. She sat next to him on the bed, her eyes piercing into his soul.
"If you lie to me. I'll go for your dick next, and your buddy won't be the one eating it." The sheer horror in his eyes almost made her laugh, flipping the knife in her hands as she looked at him expectingly. Turns out he was a mole, hidden inside the operation and feeding intel back to his home country's base with the promise of a perfect life for himself, where he could live in a luxury that even some of the richest people couldn't buy.
She could understand if it were to save someone he loved, she might've spared him if that were the case. But for wealth, for greed, he was willing to murder, and she couldn't stand for that.
"He told you what you wanted to know!" The other man cried, watching as the life in his friend's eyes faded, the metal sinking into his heart.
"I'm doing you a favor. People like him, who trade lives for material wealth, are never good to keep around." She shrugged, pulling the knife out and leaving him there before moving back to him.
"Anything else you think I need to know? You're gonna die anyway." Her unbothered attitude made Ghost question whether she had feelings at all.
Was the person he met last night real? Was it a lie, a facade for some underlying goal he didn't know?
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" The man sobbed, still struggling against his restraints in a feeble attempt to escape the inevitable. Her hand landed on his shoulder, giving it a squeeze in false comfort.
"People like your buddy. Ever heard of the Тюлень project." His eyes met hers and she snickered at his confusion.
"It means seal in Russian. They'd kidnap elite soldiers, most happening to be navy seals to brainwash them and sell them to ally countries through an underground black market system. Now a number of things occurred during the process." She rose back up, twisting the knife in her hands as she thought back to that time with a smile that held nothing behind it.
"But I think the most memorable part was when they'd castrate the men and sterilize the women. No meds either, awake for the whole thing." Simon's head snapped up to her, both of them in shock and terror.
"ECT was one thing, but god that was a whole other experience. But the wounds healed up nicely so I guess I can't complain." The humor behind her words fell on deaf ears. They couldn't tell if they should've felt sympathy or fear.
"Well whatever. I'll put you out of your misery now." She pulled out her pistol and within a second he was dead, the both watching as his body went slack and his head fell forward.
"Evac should be arriving soon-"
"Is it true?" He interrupted, staring at her.
"No I lied to the poor guy about getting my organs ripped out so he'd pass on peacefully. Of course it's fucking true."
"Watch the fuckin' attitude Y/N."
"What the hell is your problem now. Someone shove a stick up your ass when I wasn't looking." The next thing she knew she was slammed against the wall, suddenly the one in front the knife as it pressed against her neck, just as she did to him before. She took his emotions in, seeing his rage, the hurt from her treachery. She strained to adjust her neck to a more comfortable position, smirking up at him. She felt the sharpness of the blade dig into her skin a bit, the warm crimson dripping down her neck as she flashed her jugular to him.
"Do it Simon. I won't stop you. I can see the dying urge somewhere in there." The hairs on the back of his neck stood tall. She was right, a part of him wanted to. The part that felt threatened by her previous actions, that didn't trust her for a second as she flipped from person to person, cold and warm in fleeting moments. She watched him lower his knife, getting in her face, their noses almost touching through their masks.
"You're a sick, selfish bastard. You don't give a damn about anyone but yourself, you kill for yourself, you hurt everyone you meet. And I don't want something like that on my team."
Something. Not someone. She wasn't even a person to him now.
"You'll be off Task Force 141 by the morning, you hear me?" She swallowed thickly, nodding, only for his arm to push farther into her throat causing her to choke.
"Words soldier." He spat, the anger gleaming in his eyes. He could see the small traces of hurt and guilt in her eyes. But she knew it was only a matter of time, She was unlovable, and she was foolish to think she could have something she wanted.
"I'll be off Task Force 141 in the morning. I'll call HQ myself." She forced out. He searched her gaze for falsehood before reluctantly releasing her, facing away as she gasped for air, hunching over and taking deep breaths. She couldn't deny his strength, and it was evident with her short coughing fit.
They were silent as she put back on her gear, and he knew that was the last time he'd ever see Y/N, the woman he met last night, likely forever. He watched as she picked up her gun, her eyes empty and nonchalant.
"We need to head to the landing zone. You ready?" She kept a light tone that surprised him a bit. With a curt nod she approached the door, only for it to be kicked in as she jumped back in shock. The uniforms matched the ones from the men she killed, so she began taking shots, Simon following. But as more filed in, they quickly lost, both of them ending up on the floor with knees on their backs, their hands being tied up.
They were forced to comply, being pushed and shoved to a helicopter waiting outside for them. They had been gagged and stripped of their gear, sitting on the hard floor with guns pointing at them. Ghost tried to meet her eyes, nudging her foot to look at him for a silent meeting to make a plan, until the barrel pointing at him was suddenly digging into his skull, ordering him to stop in Russian.
Then they began to shout, people standing with their guns up and ready as the radar with the control up front beeped, a red blinker appearing to be approaching them from the back.
Evac followed.
The helicopter door opened with a machine gun pointing at them, only for them to scream as she kicked their knee in, sending them out of the chopper. The duo couldn't speak, but a silent confirmation was given as they got themselves up, fighting with their hands behind their back as the evac helicopter appear just below them. With the door still open she made eye contact with Price, her head gesturing down.
The aircraft lowered enough for them to jump in, and she went back to help out Ghost who she pushed in front of her before two men looped their arms around her. She spit out her gag after leaning over with them and trying to shake them off with vigor, but she wasn't strong enough, not after the several blows her body had already taken.
"Get your fucking hands off her!" Simon yelled out, having gotten the gag out of his mouth and seeing her restrained. She stepped back, causing him stutter for a moment in confusion as she told him to stop.
"I'm sorry." For everything, but she didn't have time for that last piece. Before he could help she jumped, her feet making hard contact with his chest, sending him out of danger and falling into evac who turned the chopper to let him fall in. She fell back onto the floor, her capturers' grips loosening and her head spinning as she crawled to the opening.
"We've got to get her out of there!" Simon yelled, only to be held back by Soap and Price. She felt hands wrap around her ankles before she looked back at her team.
"GO." She screamed as loudly as she could, knowing there was no way for her to get out alive either. John saw her for a moment, truly. He saw the girl he met 6 years ago. Her eyes were begging, pleading with him to save themselves, to save him, and leave her behind. He gave her nod, tearing his look away before wetness could pool in his eyes.
"No! Price! Don't you fucking dare!" His eyes burned involuntarily as he looked back at her, desperate to go back. Everything around him went quiet, slow, and he felt the air from his lung dissipate at her face. She smiled at him, a genuine smile.
It's gonna be okay. It told him.
The last person to look at him that way was his mother. When he was just a boy after he received a beating from his father. The look of care, reassurance, and tenderness she gave him as she cleaned the wounds on his body and face. That she'd save him, get him out of harm's way, and this time around, she did. He breathed heavily, every word he had said to her flooding back to his memory with guilt and regret.
Sick, selfish bastard. Those were his last words to her. The last thing he did was threaten her life and kick her off the team like trash. He almost threw up.
"Get us out of here!" Price shouted to the pilot who nodded, turning their aircraft around and heading back home. Simon struggled and yanked, but his body was weak for the beating he took in that house, and all he could do was watch as they parted for what may have been the last time.
Her breath was ragged and heavy as soldiers pulled her up by her arms, not nearly as gentle as they were the last time. The butt of their gun hit her face, and she felt her body sag, her eyes shutting as she lost consciousness. A part of her didn't mind too much, she got him out, she saved someone, finally. She did something right, something that wasn't for herself, and she let herself enjoy that as she slipped away.
She did it.
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Yeaahhh. For reference HCN is hydrogen cyanide, H2S is hydrogen sulfide, and PH3 is phosphite (I'm not smart I googled knockdown gas). There's gonna be another part soon, because yes I'm excited. Anyway yeah. I hope you enjoyed this part!! The next part may be the second to last depending on what I come up with. If you wanna be part of the tag list let me know! Notes of any kind are appreciated and thank you for all of the support!!
@thaprilks @bowtruckleninja @almightywdm
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trustinsighters · 11 months ago
Aymeric's Actions & Battle Quotes
Support NPC Name: Aymeric
Expansion: 3.X (Heavensward)
Job/Class Name: Lord Commander
Roles: Tank and DPS (both listed as Gladiator)
Duty Support: Yes (Patch 3.3 Lv.60 Sohr Khai)
Trust: No
Tank & Dps
Fast Blade: deals single target damage.
Riot Blade: deals single target damage; Combo action: Fast Blade.
Rage of Halone: deals single target damage; Combo action: Riot Blade.
Glory of Halone: deals single target damage; uses Royal Authority animation.
Circle of Scorn: deals split AoE damage (circle); Executed after: Glory of Halone.
Dull Blade: deals single target damage; uses Goring Blade animation.
Spirits Without: deals single target damage; uses Spirits Within animation; Executed after: Dull Blade.
Phoenix Down: revives the support NPC healer if they have been incapacitated; out of combat use only.
Iron Will: tank stance.
Feral Charge: rushes to target; increases enmity.
Provoke: increases enmity.
Noble Blade: deals split AoE damage (circle); increases enmity; uses Total Eclipse animation.
Wrath of Halone: deals split AoE damage (circle); increases enmity; Combo action: Noble Blade.
Sentinel: reduces damage taken; Duration: 15s.
Rampart: reduces damage taken; Duration: 20s.
Reprisal: reduces damage dealt by nearby enemies; seems to use it only during boss fights; Duration: 10s.
Noble Spirit: deals single target damage; uses Holy Spirit animation.
Excellence: invuln; uses Hallowed Ground animation.
DPS Only
LB1 Braver: deals single target damage.
LB2 Bladedance: deals single target damage.
Battle Quotes
Feral Charge
[EN] There! [JP] 隙ありッ! [DE] Hinfort aus Ishgard! [FR] Encaisse donc ça !
Excellence / Low Health (1)
[EN] We must stand together! [JP] 押されている!? [DE] Langsam wird es eng .../ Nichts aufgeben! (2) [FR] Nous perdons du terrain!/ Aide-moi, Halone. (3)
Rage of Halone
[EN] You underestimate me! [JP] 甘く見るなよッ! [DE] Seht euch vor! [FR] Tu me sous-estimes !
Glory of Halone
[EN] It ends here! [JP] 受けてもらおうッ! [DE] Noch nicht genug? [FR] C'en est fini !
Spirits Without
[EN] Down with you! [JP] 仕留めるッ! [DE] Nun ist Schluss! [FR] Venez vous battre, pleutres ! (4)
LB1: Braver
[EN] This knight does not yield! [JP] これが騎士の意地だッ! [DE] Nun ist Schluss! [FR] Tu l'auras voulu !
LB2: Bladedance
[EN] For Ishgard! [JP] 我が友のためにッ! [DE] Für einen wahren Freund! [FR] Pour Ishgard !
Battle Sounds
[DE] Nimm das! [FR] Prends ça !
Pain Sounds
[JP] チィッ… [DE] Verflucht!
[EN] Damn it all... [JP] 腕が落ちていた…か… [DE] Ich habe versagt. [FR] J'ai failli...
Revived (5)
[EN] It isn't over yet! [JP] まだ、終わりにはさせない…! [DE] Ich werde es nicht hier enden lassen ... [FR] Je ne tomberai pas aussi facilement !
Aymeric hasn't any Character Selection quote.
(1) Low Health line is the same as Excellence line with the exception that the voice doesn't play. Speech balloon only.
(2) Audio and speech balloon text don't match. Audio: "Nichts aufgeben!"; Balloon: "Langsam wird es eng ...".
(3) Audio and speech balloon text don't match. Audio: "Aide-moi, Halone."; Balloon: "Nous perdons du terrain!".
(4) Audio doesn't play.
(5) Revived quote isn't dubbed. Speech balloon only.
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dani-ya-dig · 3 months ago
You know what. I wasn’t gonna do this because I didn’t wanna seem like I was shitting on anyone’s parade too much, but this is my blog so….
Thoughts about the Project Meridian finale under the cut. This is just my opinion, if you feel differently that’s cool!
I would like to start this off by saying, no one take this as a discredit to Erik’s work on the audio. It was wonderfully produced, and wonderfully acted. I liked the way he did it, I liked hearing other VAs (cough cough GBA as Quinn). I thought the audio itself was good.
I fucking hated it as an ending to Project Meridian.
I dislike the “they woke up and it was just a dream” trope in most media. To Erik’s credit this was a pretty well done version of it, but that doesn’t make me like it more.
I think I understand why it ended this way too. Project Meridian took a huge turn from what it started as with Marcus’ first video. I think that turn did come from a place of, Erik wanting to connect all of his storylines to the same universe, especially after “The Cost”. I think he didn’t know how to tie Marcus into all of that because… it’s about a fucking robot? What does that have to do with magic?
Then Avior’s first video happened, and the whole thing with the meridian got started up, and I think Erik was like “oh shit, that would be a really cool way to tie in the android listener I’ve got!”, and it was. It was a completely 180 there for a while but it was really, really interesting.
But from there the storylines only got far more complex, the ordeal with the meridian and the sovereigns is WAY BIGGER that it originally was when James got introduced.
Now, on top of Sovereign State, there is also The Balance, and even Hush and Vega now. Like this is a lot of storylines that are all kind of very tied around the whole problem happening with the Meridian and the Sovereigns (I really don’t know how else to describe it lol).
So what I assume happened was Erik eventually came to a cross roads after the James audio before the final three PM videos, when James said they were moving into the next phase. So Erik had to be like “okay how can I make a next phase of this story, without ruining everything else I am building up around this same focal point?”.
So I think he just… prioritized the other storylines and just ended PM in the way he knew how to without jeopardizing other plots.
…it was just a dream.
I can’t, and won’t, blame Erik for not knowing how to proceed with Project Meridian, and the turn it took. Especially not when (to my knowledge) Marcus’ script was the first he ever wrote for the channel, he couldn’t have predicted how big all of this would get and how his storytelling would change. But you also can’t tell me worth a damn that the ending we got was intended to be the ending for the story Project Meridian started with.
But this whole post is truly about my personal beef with the whole “it was just a bad dream” trope. It pisses me off every time. It makes me so angry every time, but in this case I understand why it was used and it was done well for what it was.
So yeah, I’m pretty fucking disappointed that this was the end for PM when I was expecting like a big revelation that would really change the game for the other more narrative plots of the channel.
But also there was a Sam audio recently and I got Quinn content out of the deal so I’m sure I will survive lol
Also Quinn’s “Did somebody say Gore??” Made me giggle way too fucking hard. I hate him. I need to see him public executed NOW.
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junocandraw · 1 month ago
What are some of your takes on any of The Morgue Files characters? :>
Okay. So. This is going to be long because im VERY opinionated on the audio drama. I watched them probably a million times while i was working on a wall mural in my parent’s bathroom.
Don’t get me wrong. Emo edgelord mcr stan sigma boy Jeff is GREAT. Its a CLASSIC. BUT. Its overdone. Its exhausting to see the same cycle of kid moves to a new town, kid gets bullied, kid goes crazy BECAUSE he gets bullied, in every single Jeff story.
David’s is unique in that Jeff was just BORN THAT WAY. he was born sick. he was like that the day he popped out of the womb. i also like how he leaves slenderman’s impact on him so vague. when you listen to the pinehearst sessions, jeff doesn’t call anyone out by name, he just uses super vague pronouns to describe the collective. “I’ve seen them.” “I know what they’re planning.” etc. etc.
not to mention the bloody parts? oh. perfection. he wanted to “wear” Christy? 10/10. my timbers were shivered. I can vividly remember the first time I listened to the video and I was just…jaw dropped. Its insane that you can understand everything thats going on gore-wise just by audio.
In short? David’s take was REFRESHING. It was new. It broke that cycle. It even influenced some aspects of the rewrite i did. (shameless plug there ;D)
One thing that is glaringly obvious with this one is that the mental-illness portion was portrayed SO MUCH BETTER than the original. Toby was so much more believable in his struggles. I really felt sorry for the guy. You put it best when you said “he was just dealt a bad hand in life.”
Also, the brainwashing portion at the bitter end with slenderman was just great. it was amazing. AND THE LYRA PLOT TWIST???? DONT. GET. ME. STARTED. I WAS SHOOKETH. i wont spoil for all you peoples who haven’t listened to it but its CRAZY.
This one is my second favorite. Its great. Its scary. I loved it.
Honestly? INCREDIBLY underrated. THIS one is probably tied in first with Jeff. I can’t pick between them because Jeff just holds a special, nostalgic place in my heart, but this one. Ooh. This one.
Jack was the least of my concerns with this one. I’m talking about detective kent and poor sergeant norris. when the you-know-what happened with all of the proxies, my stomach was flipped. I forgot that it was even allowed to happen in this genre. in Hollywood, someone would have swooped in last minute and saved them, but that didn’t happen here. It just goes to show you how twisted david is willing to get.
we also get a lot of tim and brian in this episode!! i love them. i made a post about creepypasta and marble hornet crossovers, and this is a perfect example of a one thats done well. he didn’t make tim a measly little twink, or brian a shy wallflower, but he instead made his own, creative take on both characters. And its great. its all great.
i would dish my opinion on the sally one, but its been a hot minute since i watched it lol. ive watched all of these in the last month or two. I remember the one guy named like…aiden? or something? he disturbed me. i dont remember much else lol.
ONE MORE THING!! Im not sure if hes allowed to do this, but I think a HABIT cameo in one would be SICK. with HABIT’s gorey methods of murder and david’s twisted writing, that could be something AWESOME. maybe im just a die hard emh fan tho…idk…
anyways thank you for listening to my insane ramblings and GO WATCH THE MORGUE FILES IF YOU HAVEN’T EVEN IF YOU DONT LIKE CREEPYPASTA THEY’RE GREAT!! :D
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saccadesoup · 6 months ago
snuff director alex kralie au. this is what i think about when i’m ill
him and jay (jay’s a little freak we all know this) being friends in college. eventually realising they’re both into the same liveleak gore stuff. getting high together one night and alex - in all his infinite film student wisdom - offhandedly suggests making their own video.
ok so then they make a plan, right? lure in one of the girls from jay’s photography class. invite her over under the pretence of movie night (ft. free booze, which is what actually convinces her to go) then knock her out, tie her up. set up the camera.
it’s all incredibly amateur - grainy footage, slightly off-putting camera angle, muffled audio - but the people watching don’t seem to care. there’s something about the way alex captures the experience, dragging shallow, decorative cuts across her flesh in all the right places before disembowelling her in a strangely artistic way, a way rarely seen on an underground gore site like this, zooming in on her eyes as they slowly glaze over. the video gets a decent amount of traction, and the comments call for more.
so he decides to make another. this time, a girl from his film studies class. jay’s a little more hesitant this time, saying it’ll be “too suspicious” if people from their classes keep going missing - but, reluctantly, he joins in once more. same deal, “movie night”, knock her out, tie her up, set up the camera. alex makes jay take the lead this time, instead opting to stand behind the camera and direct his movements with hand gestures (he finds he much prefers it like this, surprising absolutely nobody). jay wears an old halloween skull mask he found in the attic to protect his identity - leading to him being dubbed ‘skully’ by the people in the comments. and this is the video that kickstarts alex’s career as a director. it goes viral, does the rounds on twitter, becomes about as infamous as the laser girl death gif. he’s filled a niche in the market with slow, intimate scenes rather than senseless brutality that’s become all too common nowadays, and people seem to love the change of pace.
so he makes another video. and another. he recruits his brian and tim, who become regulars alongside jay, each with their own unique masked identity - known as hoodie and masky by the fans (u get it by now right⁉️). alex runs a tight ship, hand-picking each victim, spending hours trawling through forums, local facebook pages, old yearbooks.
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swallowedburningcoals · 9 days ago
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NAME: batsugun ALIAS: batsu AGE: 100+ GENDER: nonbinary (they/she) ORIENTATION: aromantic pansexual SPECIES: demon OCCUPATION: noise musician, demon-for-hire, retired sex worker ABILITIES: immortality (the only way to kill them is to destroy their soul), regeneration, rapid healing, demonic energy manipulation. PRIMARY ROLE: whumpee TROPES: broadcasted/live-streamed torture, obedient whumpee, artificial/manufactured whumpee, self-destructive whump, nonhuman whump, immortal/regenerative whump, gore & violence, not explicit nsfwhump but it's absolutely implied
batsugun, or simply batsu for short, was born into this world knowing exactly what who they were supposed to be, and exactly what they were supposed to do. upon emerging from the body pit, fully matured, and were granted a position in hell's cutthroat sex industry as a brothel worker. they soon grew an insatiable lust for attention, always wanting to do more, to be more. the more eyes on them and them alone, the better they felt, so, they naturally gravitated toward an industry that was less overcrowded, one where they could be the star of the show. their niche ended up being snuff films. they would allow themselves to be tormented and slaughtered, again and again, for hundreds of eyes to see. their reputation was largely negative, with even the scum of hell viewing their actions as 'too far,' but they didn't care. all they wanted was attention. they told themselves they were fine, but they were not. their self-destructive tendencies left them traumatized and repulsed by social interaction. eventually, they fled the spotlight and became a recluse, interacting only with humans that would summon them via ritualistic sacrifice, who would, unfortunately, subject them to much of the same anyway.
they produce noise! don't know what the hell that is? you aren't alone! if you'd like an example of the sort of audio batsugun produces and publishes, listen to shitsmear vol. 4 and ssri_sessions! i will warn you that this are extremely high-frequency recordings of feedback; they are painful to listen to. do not go into this expecting to enjoy them/do not listen at high volumes.
they get a happy ending, later escaping hell all together and joining up with clare and co. in the overworld.
while they are aromantic, they still enjoy affection, such as cuddling, kissing, and pet names. they just approach it platonically, rebuking labels or committed relationships.
ADDITIONAL LINKS: playlist, pinterest.
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astronomalyy · 11 days ago
Mouthwashing notes/analysis: Chapter 2 (Part 2)
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At this point, Mouthwashing has established its premise: four crewmates are stranded on a ship with the captain who sent them to their deaths. It's a classic setup for a revenge story. The player's first encounter with the now-disgraced Curly subverts this expectation. His pain isn't cathartic — it's horrifying.
Curly's model is given greater physicality than the rest of the crew. Their eyes blink — his swivels in its socket, boring into the camera. Their chests rise and fall — Curly breathes, a rasping whine audible above the somber music. We're encouraged not to view him as a collection of texture-wrapped polygons but as a man with a palpable body in palpable agony.
Any threat he once posed has long-since dissipated. He's lost his hands, his feet, his tongue — he can't muster the strength to move his own jaw. Any violence towards Curly would be nothing but sadism.
Curly is missing an eyelid. He's lost the ability to look away. Directing his gaze is his last avenue of voluntary communication, and it's no coincidence that it's always trained on Jimmy.
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Despite his supposed crime, Anya still values his comfort. Keeping him alive isn't a show of spite or a reluctant insurance measure. Given the blood, bile and god-knows what else currently seeping into the hospital bed, it's not even an act of squeamishness. Anya cares for Curly as a person. She cares what he wants.
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Jimmy's demeanor towards Anya is the first indication of his underlying cruelty.
Her medical inexperience is no fault of her own. She could never have anticipated the situation — she's wearing socks and sandals, unequipped to handle bodily fluids, let alone improvised surgery. Jimmy acknowledges her unqualified status is the fault of Pony Express, but there's no reason to bring it up at all. He's bruising her psyche because he can.
Not only is Anya the only woman onboard, she takes on the most stereotypically feminine role. The majority of nurses are female, the word's very etymology stemming from childrearing and motherhood. Due to this gender disparity and centuries of misogyny, caring professions are often underpaid and undervalued. Anya's labour is unrelenting and traumatic — much of it's likely invisible. Curly can't feed himself, let alone look after his own hygiene. This doesn't stop Jimmy from disparaging her efforts. Swansea and Daisuke have nothing left to contribute, but they're never the targets of his ire. It's something to consider.
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Anya responds to stress by fawning over Jimmy. She's placing undue emphasis on her words, her tone strained and frightened. Her abuser now occupies the highest position of authority. She can't give him the slightest excuse to lash out.
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Even with Curly incapacitated, Jimmy still feels threatened by the former captain. He processes his insecurity by deflecting it onto Anya, policing her language in an act of manipulation.
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The crew are rationing the food, but two months in, Anya has burnt through the majority of the medical supplies. Her attempts to alleviate Curly's suffering will only come to worsen it.
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Medicating Curly requires an intermediate step — manually wrenching open his paralysed jaw. Once again, the game's ludonarrative comes into play. Mouthwashing won't let the player abstract this process. We're given a close-up of Curly's skinless face, his bandages soaked in gore, his eye bloodshot and accusatory. We hear the faint, wet sound of his mouth sliding open. It's deliberately a little disgusting, although it pales in comparison to what's to come.
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Jimmy's alluding not only to the opioids but to his own botched murder-suicide. They wouldn't be suffering if he had succeeded.
Anya runs outside, in a supposed display of cowardice, although the player has been granted the same leniency. We don't have to watch. Not yet. It's the game's first use of censorship and it won't be the last.
We are provided audio — choking, gasping, struggling, somehow worse by virtue of imagination. Given that Anya can't stomach the thought of violating Curly's autonomy, it's no stretch to say the sound design deliberately evokes sexual violence.
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This question isn't targeted at Curly. Anya knows she won't get a real answer, but she can induce a moment of introspection, however brief.
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Not only has Anya been assaulted, she has no room to process this trauma. The claustrophobic environment of the Tulpar forces her to remain on speaking terms with her rapist. She's offering Jimmy a second chance, albeit an inorganic one.
In many ways, she's right. Jimmy isn't a monster. He's fully, disquietingly human.
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Both Jimmy and Anya know exactly who crashed the ship. In this context, maintaining the fiction is a different kind of self-defence. Jimmy uses cognitive dissonance to deflect the weight of his own guilt. Had he remained in the cockpit, he'd be in Curly's position — the two have swapped places. Jimmy's violence towards his former friend springs from old resentment, but there's also an element of self-harm. He's punishing himself in second-person, but Curly is always the one to suffer.
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Keeping Curly alive was a unanimous decision.
Swansea holds Curly in nothing but contempt. His continued survival represents supposed karmic justice — he wanted death, so they'll withhold it.
Daisuke holds the opposite view. He harbours a moral aversion to the idea of killing — he's horrified at the thought Anya might euthanise the former captain.
Anya has a personal connection to Curly. Even though he failed her, she still cares about him deeply. She doesn't want to make that decision for him.
Jimmy's 'two reasons' are left ambiguous. It's possible cannibalism was his plan from the outset.
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The code scanner was absent from Chapter 1's inventory. Another piece of foreshadowing.
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porters-fangs · 15 days ago
aster presents
redacted characters and their buddy/anti-pokémon! pt 2
basically their faves and also the little shits that get under their skin (inspired by @mazyn-ahhhhh who gave me this idea so thank you VERY much)
part one is linked here 🫶
(again, quick little preface that erik has already assigned some of these characters their buddy pokemon in a reductive audio up on his channel and so i will signal his choices with a little * since this was a joint effort - aka if you don’t agree then i can deflect responsibility ok thank u)
• Xavier - *Glalie 🤍
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- Volcarona ✖️
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• Camelopardalis - *Lunatone 🤍
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- Galarian Corsola✖️
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it’s just so sad :((
• Morgan - *Psyduck 🤍
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- Exeggcute ✖️
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are they a gang? why is there egg gore? 💔
• Vega - *Galarian Moltres 🤍
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- Cresselia ✖️
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“Those who sleep holding Cresselia's feather are assured of joyful dreams.” - Pokemon X
grrrr joyful dreams grrrrr idk man
• Anton - Tinkaton 🤍
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i can’t actually explain this
- Scovillain ✖️
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or this one 😭
IM RIGHT okay let me live
• Marcus - *Blipbug 🤍
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stupid ahh mf
- Cacturne ✖️
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“If a traveler is going through a desert in the thick of night, Cacturne will follow in a ragtag group. The Pokémon are biding their time, waiting for the traveler to tire and become incapable of moving.” - Pokemon Sapphire
something something obsessive behaviourr idkkk
• Azmidi - Nihilego 🤍
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- Meowth ✖️
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i just feel like it annoys him
• Avior - *Alolan Ninetales 🤍
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- Giratina ✖️
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“This Pokémon is said to live in a world on the reverse side of ours, where common knowledge is distorted and strange.” - Pokemon SoulSilver
sound familiar? thought so
• Brachium - *Relicanth 🤍
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- Gourgeists ✖️
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“Eerie cries emanate from its body in the dead of night. The sounds are said to be the wails of spirits who are suffering in the afterlife. Large Gourgeist put on the guise of adults, taking the hands of children to lead them to the afterlife.” - Pokemon Sword
• Elliott - *Cosmoem 🤍
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- Litwick ✖️
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“While shining a light and pretending to be a guide, it leeches off the life force of any who follow it.” - Pokemon White
little shit.
• Blake - *Tentacruel 🤍
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- Castform - Sunny Form ✖️
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i have no explanation i fear
• Hush - Mewtwo 🤍
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they give the same vibes
- Mega Banette ✖️
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me too buddy 😨
• Echo - Unown 🤍
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“This Pokémon is shaped like ancient writing. It is a mystery as to which came first, the ancient writings or the various Unown. Research into this topic is ongoing but nothing is known.” - Pokemon Alpha Sapphire
- Mimikyu ✖️
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• Geordi - *Furret 🤍
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- Hypno ✖️
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im also terrified of this guy so fair enough
• Guy - *Morpeko 🤍
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he’s just a chill guy
- Metapod ✖️
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🫵 he haunts me.
okay thank yew.
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cyanbugremix · 8 months ago
Reductive Audio #7 Spoilers
Uhh this is just a list of my favorite facts from the reductive audio
All d(a)emons are ambidextrous, and Ivan is left-handed, but the cool part is that Ivan became ambidextrous when Vega was controlling him (idk is that cool?? It's interesting for sure)
Brachium has only ever experienced vanilla extract through the memories of the dead.
Caelum on the other hand has made a "Vanilla Extract Tumblr Cake" (one of those polls where people "bake a cake" and it has too much vanilla extract voted for, i think) and it turned out horrible!
In Mario games, Elliot was forced to play as Luigi by Aaron, because of his at home nickname being "Ell/L" and Luigi starts with an L (you get the gist. It sounds the same)(Elliot wanted to be toad tho)(Aaron would play as Mario)
Gavin technically can and has pretended to read a book, he just has never actually committed to doing so
Lasko is scared of heights even though he knows that he could catch himself if he were to fall, so he thinks the fear is annoying
Damien peut parle français (Where did Damien learn french?? At home? School? As a hobby?)
Ash was taller than David, until David hit puberty and shot up (thus the big guy nickname came to be)(Seriously tho. So many boys would shoot up in like 3 months during summer break and be wayy tall when we'd get back to school and I was always amazed that someone could grow that tall that quick)
Oof T-T Sam was close with his Grandma Adeline (Adelene?), and when she passed he went back home to Mont Blanc to say goodbye to her grave (he snuck into the cemetery at night because he was a vampire by then)
Kody was gonna originally be involved with Closeknit, but then his character was taken in a different direction (makes lots of sense. He would be a closeknit guy)
Huxley was the fastest kid in his grade because he was obsessed with Bionicles (specifically pohatu with the mask of speed) (omg i forgot about bionicles until I looked them up again. I never did anything with them but I remember them)
Milo doesn't drink alcohol because he doesn't want to find out if he can get addicted to things as easily as his dad
Avior has HEARD of Gavin but never met him before
Oldest 3 d(a)emons in order: Polaris (Dead), Vega (dead for a bit but alive again), Ursa (elation daemon)
Camelopardalis has been in therapy for 2 years to work through the the bad memories that he had to keep of the whole Vega and Ivan problem (and he hasn't wiped his therapists memories yayy!!)
Arden took out the second most shades (David is the winner in taking out the most) during the Inversion, and Christian and her defended the VIP box through the whole night, even when Christian couldn't stay in wolf form
Kelsey started the Chrissy nickname! (Arden and Asher use it the most)
Aaron, when Elliot's powers first manifested, would imagine what it was like to be magical (He wanted to be a "Warder" and do force field stuff)
Zeke (Member of Closeknit) drinks "Cactus Cooler" (orange and pineapple soda)
Xavier (contra-elemental) was originally supposed to survive the inversion
Bailey's mother is beta of the Keaton pack
DJ Anxiety (Hudson) still makes mixes, he just hasn't done live DJ-ing since the Inversion
Gregory Keaton doesn't exist in the Fooliverse (his parents never met in that AU)
Anton doesn't like gore, and bcuz of that he prefers black and white horror movies (modern ones often have too much gore in them) (Such a vibe for him)
Brachium was the last serenity daemon created by Min'Ara's own hands
E'Laetum has a grudge against Vega because Vega was specifically built to be the opposite of Polaris (even tho the dude didn't have a say in his creation)
Quinn sounded like he was interested in turning Darlin' (but they never could figure out if he was serious or not)
Hush was supposed to originally be apart of one of Echo's "deals"
Porter's maker was a dude named Felix, who got executed because Felix seemed to really like creating progeny (as well as being horrible to them)
Alexis resents Porter for becoming William's favorite when he wants someone to go out and do whatever, because Alexis does more "collateral damage" than Porter
(And there's cool Vampire lore from The Summit vampires from 26:18-27:36)
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