#same as el tigre obviously
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darthkvznblogs · 2 years ago
gracias por poner a El Tigre en tu historia, has visto el Libro de la Vida y Maya y los Tres?? tambien forman parte del mismo universo
De nada! Y si...lo mencioné en las notas abajo del capítulo...
Q: Thank you for putting El Tigre in your story, have you watched Book of Life and Maya and the Three?? They're part of the same universe
A: You're welcome! And yeah...I mentioned it in the notes below the chapter...
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energeticpoltergeist · 11 months ago
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like usual i am late to meme redraws but i do not give a shit, i also don't have a lot to say this time just that imagining the dynamic between the canon White Pantera and the swap-verse White Pantera is very amusing to me
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lemoncandybats33 · 5 months ago
The Kanker sister + Nazz crossover/AU friendships
Now onto my other favorite girls, the Kanker sisters and Nazz. Some info these are based around my AU where the kanker sister's are Cousins with their genderbends.
These are also centered around a college crossover AU I've been playing with. Obviously the sisters are best friends but I like the idea that they have other's in their corner.
The full group is Lee, Marie, May, The Ann's (The Ed's genderbent), Helga and Phoebe (hey Arnold) Rayne and Ashe (my oc's), Wendy (Gravity falls) Creepy Creature (Growing up creepy) and Frida Suarez (El Tigre). their all friends but some relationships are a bit closer than other's.
Lee: Her best friend is a tie between Anny and Helga. Both girls understand her in different ways. Wendy is also super close with Lee and the girls but can be to chill for Lee sometimes. Kai (My oc) is also super close to Lee and often acts as a shoulder to vent to.
Marie: Her best friend is in all honesty Double-N but Marie is also close to Frida and Ashe as they small group likes to invent and destroy thing together.
May: Her best friend is a tie between An and Rayne. Both girls understand May in different ways. may is also close to Phoebe because she talks science and chemistry with her (Double-N to but not as much). She also loves talking monster movies wit Creepy.
Other fun headcanons, Anny likes to gab with Frida about boy bands and fashion. Along with venting about shitty sisters with Helga.
Double-N talks Botony and insects with Creepy, they even go on mini research adventures together as the other's refuse.
An and Wendy enjoy playing the same video games.
Nazz blossoms a bit in College as she's not as close to Karen (Kevins genderbend) or the other girls as she once was. In college she meets Lila where the two just click. Quickly becoming best friends.
Nazz also becomes close with Jazz from Danny Phantom, and Kimiko (whose there undercover)
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juniaships · 2 years ago
What are the inspirations behind each of your Power Rangers OCs and who are each of them named after? ✊🏻💥🌈📝🎨
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Most of their inspos gonna have to be on individual bios since i put a LOT of research into them. To keep it brief
Created my ocs to fill in extra colors/elements/motifs as is fandom tradition but also to have more female nonwhite rangers in non stereotypical roles
Overall myth arc is set up like a generational saga so most rangers come from the same family barring a few exceptions
Moat of the names I just made up on the spot but some do habe thematic ties
Maria and Bianca came out of the desire to have a sibling team and for Maria to already establish a candidate to replace her. So they're the leads from MMPR to In Space
Maria is inspired loosely on Maria del Barrio, but also Cassie from Animorphs, Katie Kazoo, and several rl musicians
Bianca was based on Lois Lane being an active stubborn journalist trying to uncover the Rangers identities. The conflict was Maria keeping a secret from her own sister
After Space I thought maybe Bianca could continue being a ranger as the purple galaxy ranger; then i came up with Phenomenous's niece
Dr. Phenomenous is shortened to Dr. Phenom, and she had ice powers to contrast Leo's fire (being love interests, sorry leo x kendrix/karone fans!!) She's loosely based on the source material Gingaman which is why she has an interest in horses and has a unicorn Galactabeast
Alya's name from Miraculous Ladybug obviously; she was going to be a cop but after some time...ACAB baby!
Kyra was created so Cole could have a closer connection to his biological family; her surname sounds like 'lion'
Wendy is based on Devon Aoki's character from 2Fast 2 Furious; she is also Eric Meyers' love interest. I thought about making her Quantum Pink since their romance are foil to Wes x Jen.
Allison is meant to be the dutiful Star Student to contrast the antics of the Ninja Storm's trio her arc was learning not to take everything too seriously. Also to fill in the missing element Fire
Rosita was introduced into mmpr lore as a toddler; Dino thunder has her became a ranger in freshman year of HS. She's based disney channel protagonists like Miley & Raven. Her name is because of pink roses and she's the Pink Ranger.
Violetta's name is for her ranger color; ppl just call her Letty for short. Her number is actually 7 for good luck
Originally Opal Octavia and Olivia were all going to be purple Rangers then i decided to give them unique to better distinct them from one another. So Opal is silver (jewellery), Octavia is Violet, and Olivia is pink
Silvia's name sounds similar to silver and her element is Metal. Also played around her being the Silver ranger opposite to Gold Ranger Antonio. Her originally faceclaim was Demi Lovato
Bobi was originally a yt redhead and her name was at random. But now She's a black redhead. Also she and Silvia went to the same middle school
Frieda is named after rhe blue haired girl from El Tigre i thought her name is so pretty. Also fills in for yellow bc omg how they forget yellow???
Forgot about the rest but these should help you understand the core basics!!
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mcnuggyy · 4 years ago
As a white person and budding artist (that sure is. An intro) I'm always super careful to try and avoid harmful cultural and visual stereotypes in my art and practice sketches. I was wondering if you have/have posted any tips for drawing mexican people? I always do research before drawing anyone from a different culture or of a different race but it can be tricky to find things written by theae minorities themselves and I am always hesitant to take tips from another white artist on drawing other races 😅 (I also apologise if I worded anything badly here, I'm autistic and struggle to word things sometimes! Please feel free to correct me if I did!)
Heyo! I think the biggest reason there isn’t or even I haven’t ever made a how to draw Mexicans is ‘cause Mexico is very very diverse, and the majority of us are Mestizo ( “mixed race, especially one having Spanish and indigenous descent.”) There are definitely racist stereotypes to avoid such as orange skin, thick black mustache, lazy, alcoholic, poncho wearing, Mexican. Obviously. But this is just one small part of the coin, when there is a lot of anti-blackness, and anti-indigenous sentiments in our own communities, EVEN THOUGH, the majority of us ARE mixed race. This has to do with colonization, and the way the Spaniards just really fucked us over, brain washed us, and made being a White Mexican the IDEAL Mexican. So there’s a LOT to unpack there. 
Especially with Mestizos being prejudice towards their Indigenous communities WHILE STILL practicing the very same important practices that came from those communities (Dia De Muertos for example) Basically there’s an issue of still wanting to be Mexican, and have pride in your country, and culture, but not wanting be like those "dirty brown” Mexicans. To the point where the government is constantly trying to push the “we are all one Mexican race and nation” while actively trying to get people to essentially erase our Indigenous communities. Like there’s this big idea of “marrying White” that even my mom used to believe in for a while, because her own mother taught her that as well in order to assimilate and what not.  Again, lots of colorism and bigotry within our own communities. It’s a very big and complex issue, that we can thank the Spaniards for ( and the Mexican government who continues to uphold these toxic ideas), YAYY colonization!!! Weeee!!!!
( I mean I can even see it in my own family, with my dad’s side of the family clearly not being able to pass as White being severely impoverished, while my mom’s side of the family, who overall is much more White passing, have been able to hold positions of power in large companies and can even afford to buy more than one house)
Sorry to get into that very long rant, but I do think it’s very important to know this information to get started with actually figuring out how to accurately portray a Mexican, Tejano, Mex-Am, Afro-Mexican etc. Because well, anyone can be Mexican, just like anyone can be American! But I’ll get into the main communities that exist in Mexico to help you out!
So again, Mestizos (mixed-race) are the biggest group in Mexico, making up over 93% of the population! So that’s a good chunk of us jaja! So it’s good to talk about how different you can look in a mixed-race family! And what better example than my own family!
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Both my parents look very “stereotypically” Mexican by American standards, especially my dad who is the absolute definition of a macho ranchero Mexicano jaja. Both my parents come from small farming communities in Mexico, but look very different themselves! Each pueblo kinda has their own differences too! The people from my mom’s pueblo all tend to have much lighter skin, with cool undertones, some even have blue or green eyes, and red hair! While the people from my dad’s pueblo (98 people in total there, very very small jajaja) Tend to have deep red undertones, thick dark hair, curly hair, hooked noses, and very very rarely hazel eyes! So it’s no wonder me and my siblings look so different as well! (none of us are adopted I assure you) 
So I’m very lucky cause I have a HUGE family to use as reference, and reference is key!!! but there are many cool Mexican celebrities and public figures you can use as reference if you don’t happen to know anyone (tho It’s always good to have friends with different experiences from your own as always)
But here’s some examples of how different mestizos can look, including some of my own specific references!
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There is also our Indigenous communities “ Mexico's indigenous population is one of the two largest in the Americas (only Peru is comparable in size). More than one in ten Mexicans speaks an indigenous language”
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I really recommend checking out this website to learn more, as this is something I’m still learning more about myself! 
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Then of course we have our Afro-Mexican community! Mexico is cruel to it’s Indigenous communities, but even more so to Afromexicanos, who until recently were completely ignored by Mexico’s census. You can read more about this issue here.  Spaniards of course play a big part in the issues that face Afromexicanos today.  You can learn even more about this history here!
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Did you know Lupita Nyong’o is Mexican! (A fellow Lupita <3 )
And of course, can’t forget White Mexicans! Don’t think the Spaniards just left after a while, because they stayed jajaja. (Look no further than Novellas and most big celebrates for some examples fhhffhf) 
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So there really is no absolute way to represent us! (which was an issue I had with Coco actually.. with everyone having the exact same orange/brown skin) There is certainly a picture that comes to American’s heads when they think “Mexican” but in reality, things are much more diverse, beautiful, and complicating than that! 
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However I do have some small little things I personally like to do to help indicate when I’m making a Mexican / Mex-Am character design based off of all of the information above along with my family and friends as reference! 
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Moles! I don’t know why, but every Latino I know has so many moles.... from my childhood friends to my ex boyfriend, to every single cousin have... MOLES MOLES MOLES! Why? I haven’t a clue, but I always add them to my character designs jajaja! Even if it’s just a little one on the neck <3
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Thick hair! It is a curse and a blessing. My grandpa will never bald compared to a white man, but in exchange I have to deal with shaving my chin every day to compensate LMAO. So I like giving my characters thick eyebrows, dark body hair, or thicker hair than most designs! It’s cool and neat!!! But please be mindful about how you do this as there have been white artists who have done this in racist and harmful ways, such as rcdart. ( X ) ( X ) 
I also recommend checking out shows like El Tigre, and Victor y Valentino, for some more fun and simple designs that show a wide variety of Mexican characters! (Also I just love Jorge R Gutierrez’s designs in general jaja)
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Hope this helps! <3
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worrentigre · 7 years ago
Rhuli’a’s trial pt.4 Determination (RP Scene)
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Rhuli’a has passed a trial of speed and a trial of agility.  The young man still has a way to go before he can fulfill his life long dream of becoming a Fist of Rhalgr.  Tired and wounded, he presses on.  What further trials await the young man in the next arena? He’s about to find out...
((https://youtu.be/ICKrtbT3PqE <---scene BGM))
As Rhuli'a enters the room, a stone door behind him slams shut. The room is dark, and starts to brighten slowly with a hazy, pinkish ambience that comes from nowhere in particular and everywhere at the same time. From the three walls ahead, three ghostly figures begin to emerge. They seem blue and whispy, but are very much the souls of fallen Fists of Rhalgr, as it can be determined by the temple uniforms they wear. The one on the left holds a spear while the one on the right is carrying a sword. All three say and do nothing, save for stare at the Miqo'te, waiting. Whether it be a friendly greeting or aggressive attack, or anywhere in between, they would not act first. Rhuli'a frowned.
He knew this wasn't the place for politics. He knew he shouldn't open his mouth to converse with potentially, century-long dead. Nonetheless, he did. "Does it not trouble you so that you remain bound to this temple, brothers? Forever damned to languish in its halls, as hallowed as they may be, caged? A cage is a cage is a cage. So suffers those who walk the path of Light."
Turning, he began to pace, quiet as he dwelt on his next words. Even if offered a reply, he would continue to monologue, almost grateful for this respite after all the trials before. "Chains. We should seek to break them in all things. Constraints are an unnatural part of our existence Liberty is all that matters. From kings, from blood, from..."
The Keeper paused, looking to the ghosts. "Life? Mayhap this be only a lesson..." Rhuli'a shook his head. "Nay, Worren clings to tradition. His is the way of bright. Unyielding, static light. A hell I would see none suffer in."
Dropping into a combat stance slowly, Rhuli'a faced his opponents, mismatched eyes traveling between the trio of undead. His left arm extended almost as if to ward off his opponents. Right arm firmly cocked, flickers of aetherical lightning traveling over the limb erratically. "I will deliver you and yours from your torment, spirits, if I can. Drive your proud souls away from this star and into the great, slumbering Dark. Destruction. Just as Rhalgr teaches. Wills it. Demands it."
The two apparitions on the sides both give a small snort and look over to the one at the end of the room. All three are highlander Hyur, standing tall and at ease. The third stands with a blank expression. He then speaks flatly, voice deep and gravely. "So be it." Is all he says, before walking to the center. The other two follow suit and all get into a combat stance. As the first reaches the center of the platform, Rhuli'a loosened his posture for just a moment. And struck like a viper as soon as the other two stepped forward. To the aggressor goes the victory. Lightning flew across his person as he delivered a salvo of blows at his phantasmal foes, a mighty war cry of his name loosing itself from his lips. "Kanjun! Kanjun!"
The three ghostly figures were obviously much more experienced, and it showed. They could have struck back, but did not. Yet. They simply deflected any blow that came their way, and worked in tandem as if they all were one, even blocking strikes meant to for another. If a kick comes out from Rhuli'a, another kick would come from a different ghost to knock the leg away. If a punch is thrown, a spear stick would lash out to displace the incoming fist. The unarmed monk speaks as this goes on. "Why are you here, young one?" Rhuli'a didn't answer at first, seeking out a way to overwhelm the trio. However, as time went on, his pace slowed, and eventually, he stopped altogether. Ears pinning back, he rose to their challenge. "To become the next stepping stone, why else? Gyr Abania needs strong people inhabiting her. This is a way to become strong."
"Oh, really? And how do you think you will accomplish that?" The apparition crosses his arms, the other two still holding their weapons at the ready. "You speak as if you were there, like you know everything. You speak of light and shadow. We are all Fists of Rhalgr. Nothing more. Nothing less. Except those who are unproven, such as you." He looks on and goes quiet, waiting for a rebuttal. Rhuli'a scoffed. "To pass these trials. To walk the path of Shadow, of discord. Never compromise in my beliefs. You think I've not studied why we fell? Our order was nearly exterminated because of those who sided with the ruling family. Sold themselves out as whores for naught but a hoax! An attempt to garner station when we, the Fists, had no need of such frivolities. And again, do they rally, with their thrice-cursed 'structure'. Poisoned tongues bidding all to become subservient, to involve themselves in an order which will ally with the state again."
Tossing his head, Rhuli'a thrust his finger forward, accusingly. "And I'll not let that happen. There must be a balance. I'll not see the Art extinguished by those who pursue a power other than that which the Destroyer offers."
"Bold words, whelp. Yet, you do not see clearly what you speak of. You speak of balance, yet here you are persecuting what which you do not even know. I hope your master knows what he or she is doing." He then turns his back on Rhuli'a and begins to walk away. He then glances back. "Learn some humility, and the meaning of brotherhood. Then maybe, Rhalgr may grant you what you seek." He says this coldly, and continues walking away. The other two, however, remain. They still stay ready to fight. "Coward! Face me!" Rhuli'a broke into a run, rage in his eyes. Snapping out of his anger, he noticed the other two incorporeal foes still at the ready. Shirking from his path momentarily, he charged the one on the left, a kick aimed dead center towards the chest of the ghost.
The apparition was of course ready, using his free hand to push the offending leg away by stepping a bit to the side and parrying the leg into the other direction. The other with the spear would move fluidly in tandem with his partner to swing the stick out low and sweep Rhuli'a off of his other foot, before the both of them point the tips of their weapons down at the Miqo'te's face.
The other turns as he makes it to the wall on the other side, and leans against it. He begins to phase through it, but does not leave just yet. "You speak of chains, yet it is you who are chained by your own pride and rage. You spoke a name. Worren. Who is he to you?" The Keeper tumbled on his back with an indignant grunt. The cold stone dug into him as he narrowed his eyes at his two assailants. Looking towards the departing spirit, he spat out. "Naught but a teacher for now. Nothing more. Nothing less." Swinging his legs under him, Rhuli'a attempted to knock the spirits off-balance, to clear space for him to regain his footing.
The two jumped back to avoid the sweep, and they turned to follow the other. Whom of which finally broke out into an expression other than a blank face and tone. He chuckles a bit. "Heh heh heh. Such fire and anger. This Worren has a lot of work ahead of him to temper you into a proper fist for the destroyer. When next you see him, ask him what it means to be a fist." He nods, and phases through the wall. The other two become intangible as they also make their way to the wall. "Beasts, stonework, and now ghosts..." Rhuli'a knelt down, sitting as he found himself alone once again. Thinking upon the words the ancient ones had imparted upon him, his brow fell. Furrowing into an expression of contempt, he shook his head. "Something to dwell on later..."
The Miqo'te looked towards his right hand. Callused, scarred, and bruised from today's tribulations, he slowly closed it into a fist. Pushing off the ground, he cast his gaze around the chamber searchingly. Surely there was a puzzle or drawing he must follow. If not... His eyes fell to the door next, gold and yellow both regarding it with impatience.
The door, unlike the others, was devoid of any moss or markings of any kind.  If touched, it would be observed to move freely to be pushed in and slid to the side.  There would be no puzzles or reactions. Rhuli'a gave a small smile. It was probably the first sign of joy the Miqo'te had shown throughout the entire encounter. Walking past the threshold, his features fell once again into a grim nature. Set for the challenge ahead.
There is a short hallway here that leads outside. In this outside area, the stones are covered in moss all over. Further down the path, there is a short staircase that leads to stone double doors that are closed. To the right of this door is another chest sitting there. If opened, there would be a pair of short armored gloves waiting inside. Memories of the moss was still fresh in his mind. Moving carefully, the Keeper tiptoed past the most obvious parts, gingerly passing over them. As he started down the steps, Rhuli'a's eyes snapped to the chest with a hungry gleam to them. Another piece! Barely able to contain his excitement, the main threw it open, starting slightly at the all-too-familiar appearance of the contents.
Where the other pieces of his outfit were tossed aside too fit the new, Rhuli'a took his time with these. Making sure every strap was fastened, locking them into place. Turning over his wrists, he flexed slightly, a satisfied hum coming from his throat unexpectedly. Feeling as if he could take on the entire star and win, he turned to the door next. Waiting to see if there was anything needed to be done.
The door remains as is, though under the moss, there is a symbol of a fist etched into it's surface. There is an outline drawn around the fist, as if it were radiating a light, or power. Nothing else happens. No traps or anything. Yet. Only silence and the sounds of rushing water of the nearby falls and birds. And for some time, it remained that way.
Gazing upon the stone, Rhuli'a blinked slowly, almost in a trance. Was he to...? Clenching his fist, he stood back, allowing some power to flow through him. With a lurch, he struck forward, his knuckles coming within an ilm of the door. The symbol faintly glowed in reaction, then dimmed. Again, Rhuli'a made over exaggerated motions with his limbs. Aether built and flowed through his body like a river's current in a storm. And again, the Keeper struck towards the door.
Again. Again.
Frustrated. Rhuli'a let the natural haze of his anger flow through him. Almost like his Aether, it began to soak through him, his breathing become more and more focused, sharp and resolute. Finally, he stepped towards the door in a strange, shuffle, like he was approaching an enemy.
A feint, two quick palm thrusts...
And his right hand, almost soaked in Aether, trembled, and was bolted forward, squarely into the middle of the passage. The door's symbol faintly glowed each time he struck out.  The aether was definitely affecting it, but it just wasn't enough.  Over and over, it remained as it was, until Rhuli'a struck out hard against the door.  This time, the strong contact had a much more noticeable affect, with the symbol glowing brightly this time.  It fades again, this time slower with the promise of progress.  Yet still, the doors remained closed. The Keeper blanched. The last strike he delivered had taken quite a lot out of him. However, if the only way out was through...
Blow after blow was rained against the unyielding stone. Rhuli'a's aether transferring violently into the frame as he continued his assault. The constant strikes keep the symbol glowing this time, going brighter and brighter until it finally it bursts into a blinding light before fading.  Then there is a short rumble and the two doors slide open, revealing a square platformed area.
@the-original-rel @moralistcyclops @syelirakaisuri @thornedblossom @flamesonhammersmith @crooked-tarot-rp @astralagency @valentinoix @interdimensionalpeacekeeping @florihilda @dynamitecowboy @chiyohoshi @thetaleofoldmanmaruud @supermeganick @grandmastream @jancisstuff @berrodarmstrong @nhara-tia @cfs-melkire
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junker-town · 5 years ago
What is the world’s best soccer rivalry?
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Photo via Getty Images / Illustrated by Karyim Carreia
We discussed our favorite rivalries from best ever to most underreated.
While rivalries are a staple of literally every sport, a solid argument can be made that no group of fans has embraced them quite like soccer. There are, of course, plenty of local “derbies” around the globe, but what differentiates soccer is how many of the rivalries are international.
In honor of Rivalry Week, we recently assembled some of the greatest soccer minds from around SB Nation to discuss their favorites.
Here is who participated: Donald Wine II, Stars and Stripes FC Gill Clark, Barca Blaugranes Kudzi Musarurwa, Dirty South Soccer Rob Usry, Dirty South Soccer Mark Kastner, Sounder at Heart and Liverpool Offside Eugene Rupinski, FMF State of Mind Aaron Lerner, The Short Fuse Tito Kohout, (Viola Nation) Brent Maximin (The Busby Babe)
El Clásico might be the best rivalry overall but does it ever live up to the hype?
Donald Wine II: The history between Real Madrid and Barcelona is off the charts, and it, to me, is the biggest and best in the world. Each match is epic, features some of the world’s greatest players, and is never short of drama. What other match have people scrambling to find out how to obtain beIN Sports for one day?!
Gill Clark: The thing is it very, very rarely fails to deliver. There are almost always goals (this season’s 0-0 was the first since 2002 — almost 20 years) and usually a red card or two and sometimes even a pig’s head chucked from the stands.
Donald Wine II: When you think about some of the world’s greatest players of all time, many of them have played in this rivalry: Leo Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Figo, Samuel Eto’o. I remember a few weeks ago we were doing that game of name a starting XI with greats that didn’t play for the same club, and Real and Barca blew everyone’s starting XIs up, lol.
Eugene Rupinski: For people who swear sports aren’t political, they should look into the history of Barça-Real Madrid. It’s part of what makes it such a big deal.
Aaron Lerner: Yeah — there are big time politics wrapped up in El Clásico, and that gets pretty ugly. Catalan separatism versus Francoist-influenced Spanish nationalism is still very much alive and kicking.
Donald Wine II: Hell, the 0-0 draw that was mentioned was postponed from its original date because of Catalan protests that threatened the security of the stadium. It ended up being played in December instead of October. They’re also two of the richest clubs in the world, and they consistently earn the most revenue.
On an internal SB Nation survey Boca-River showed up a lot, even though it’s probably a rivalry that a lot of general sports fans don’t know about. Anyone want to explain what makes it special?
Kudzi Musarurwa: The passion from the fans and the players is something that’s barely replicated anywhere else in the world. When people say football can be life or death, I always think of this rivalry and agree.
Rob Usry: There’s no doubt that Boca-River is a fantastic rivalry, but at what point can a rivalry be too intense? I feel like if there’s a legitimate threat of someone dying anytime the two teams play then it might be too out of control.
Aaron Lerner: The level of hatred between Boca-River and their fans is off the charts. Not to glorify supporter clashes in any way, but that derby led to wide-scale riots and a match being moved literally out of the country.
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Photo by Marcelo Endelli/Getty Images
Mark Kastner: Didn’t they have to move the final between them to Madrid last year?
Aaron Lerner: Yes. They moved it across a literal ocean.
Donald Wine II: Boca-River is INTENSE as hell. You can feel the passion in any stadium. It may be too intense. It’s because of these matches that Argentina banned fans at away matches nationwide. But, that passion can be felt in your soul through your TV set or computer.
Eugene Rupinski: CABJ vs. River is probably the biggest rivalry on this side of the planet. It’s gotten very ugly at times, but it is an unfortunate reflection of the passion and intensity of the fans. Everyone knows the weight of those games; the players, fans, hinchas, fans across the globe and casual observers. You know how much that game means when it comes around.
Aaron Lerner: River Plate-Boca Juniors is intertwined with soccer identity in Argentina. You may have your own team, but you’re for one or the other. It touches politics, economics; that derby has tendrils wrapped up in everything in the country.
Donald Wine II: Also, I think sometimes the stadiums and atmosphere can help make a rivalry. When someone asks for a list of stadiums they most want to see a match in, La Bombonera is on just about everyone’s list. When someone asks for a list of stadiums they most want to die in, is at the top of everyone’s list.
Brent Maximin: Boca vs. River is the derby that is on most football fan’s bucket list. The history of the fixture, the relative quality of both teams over the years, and of course the fan experience.
What are the best rivalries on the women’s side either on the international or club level?
Donald Wine II: The USWNT’s biggest rivalry is Canada, then Mexico. But lately they haven’t been great rivals because they get smoked all the time. I will say, budding rivalries are forming with England and France, though.
Eugene Rupinski: The thing with international women’s soccer is that the US has almost always been the top dog and there’s been a rotating cast trying to knock them off but no one has been able to sustain it.
I think one to watch will be the US vs. Mexico. The US is unquestionably the best in the world and it’s not really close. Mexico though has put a lot of money and time and effort into growing and professionalizing the women’s game and it’s starting to pay off. Players are going to Europe to play and Mexico has also utilized the US collegiate system and dual nationals to bolster the program.
Aaron Lerner: It’s more of a past rivalry now, but on the women’s side, I’d shoutout Norway-U.S.A. Norway handed the USWNT their first big defeat on the international stage (and went on to win that ‘95 Women’s World Cup). For a few years, they were a bonafide rival to our women, and that rivalry served as my introduction to women’s international soccer.
Kudzi Musarurwa: During the Pia days, the USWNT’s rivals were Sweden. That rivalry lasted until last year to be honest.
Rob Usry: France/USWNT is my personal favorite. Feel like every game between them is top quality. But I can’t justify it as the best since it’s still fledgling.
Or USWNT vs. US Soccer.
Donald Wine II: LOL, he’s right though.
Tito Kohout: To piggyback on Rob, really any women’s team against the absurd levels of incompetent sexism rampant throughout the sport.
For the women in Serie A, I’ll submit Fiorentina-Juventus. The men’s side carried over, plus there’s the fact that Fiorentina had the first pro(-ish because Italy) women’s team attached to a men’s club and won a bunch of trophies before Juve added one of their own, outspent them, and have become the best team on the peninsula.
Donald Wine II: Real Madrid just picked up a women’s team last year, and it was officially renamed Real Madrid last week. When I last spoke with club president Florentino Perez last summer, he said the club’s intent was to put €20 million into salaries for the women’s team in an effort to be on the level of Barca and Atletico Madrid immediately. So, look for those rivalries to grow in intensity.
Eugene Rupinski: I think Tigres vs. Monterrey is probably the best though. They average a crazy amount of fans, and have won more stars than other team in Liga MX Femenil.
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Photo by Andrea Jimenez/Jam Media/Getty Images
Mark Kastner: Liverpool Women vs. Fenway Sports Group (the club’s owner).
Aaron Lerner: Michelle Akers vs. anybody who tried to come through the center of the U.S. formation.
What are your favorite international rivalries?
Mark Kastner: Messi-era Argentina vs. trying to win a big tournament has been very enjoyable. It always starts with promise but ends up in crushing defeat
Tito Kohout: Most of the South American ones feel really intense to me, especially the ones involving Argentina and Brazil.
Brent Maximin: Argentina-Brazil. Even if it very often failed to live up the hype, those two nations live and breathe football and for decades each has claimed to have THE best player of all time. THE number 10.
Donald Wine II: US-Mexico is my favorite, but other great ones are Argentina-Brazil and England-Germany, though with England-Germany, we don’t get it as often.
Gill Clark: I go with Netherlands vs. Germany because they really can’t stand each other.
Ronald Koeman wipes his bum with Olaf Thon's West Germany shirt at Euro ’88.. IMAGINE THAT HAPPENED THESE DAYS pic.twitter.com/tcX8iqtBiA
— Footy Accumulators (@FootyAccums) June 10, 2016
Rob Usry: I tried to think of one that isn’t obviously biased. But couldn’t come up with one. Mexico-USA is always high stakes and intense (unless it’s a cash-grab friendly). The bragging rights for each set of fan bases is precious. Surely there are better quality rivalries in Europe and Brazil-Argentina is great. But Mexico-USA is just a step below the World Cup as far as importance goes.
Tito Kohout: I think that all of the ones that involve crazy non-sports relationships (USA-Mexico, Ireland-Northern Ireland, DPRK-South Korea, Greece-Turkey, etc.) are probably the craziest to me just because of all the off-field stuff that gets packed in too.
Feel like any UEFA matches involving England could get really weird after Brexit, too.
Gill Clark: England vs. Argentina is probably worth a shout. There’s the Maradona handball, the Beckham sending off, Michael Owen’s goal (22 years ago today!) and obviously the history between with two countries.
Tito Kohout: I think part of it is that internationals are less common and that the quality of play is frequently lower because they don’t have as much time to train together, too. Seems like it leads to a lot of really tense, ugly games. Not sure if those result in more fan badness than really “good” games, but that’d be sort of interesting to look at.
Kudzi Musarurwa: Ooo, I just remembered a major international one-two: Egypt vs. Algeria or Egypt vs. Tunisia. I remember the AFCON held in Egypt (iirc) and it was the fiercest international rivalry I’d seen in a long time. Those countries hate each other
Donald Wine II: The North African ones are great. Throw in the Nigeria-Ghana-Ivory Coast-Cameroon battles that have been around forever. Ghana, FWIW, might be America’s second rival if you poll fans.
Australia-New Zealand back in the day when they both ruled Oceania.
What are some other rivalries we love?
Liverpool vs. Manchester United
Mark Kastner: Liverpool vs. Manchester United is a derby that transcends just football. It’s two cities that have a lot in common but have some very distinct differences in their approaches to life and football. Both teams have dominated English football during different decades, defining what we think about the game. The matches themselves are always really tense and full of passion. It’s wild that we’ve only ever had one title race between the two teams.
Liga MX’s América vs. Chivas
Eugene Rupinski: For me, it’s Liga MX’s América vs. Chivas. The two clubs who have more stars on their shirt than anyone else. The two most watched clubs in North America. It’s the cultural rivalry between Mexico City and Guadalajara and the rivalry of a diverse lineup against one made entirely of Mexican players with the pageantry of the American Super Bowl (at least) twice a year. Is it the fiercest in the world? No. Is it the most hyped? No. But it is the one that to me is the best because of what it means to so many in both the US and Mexico.
What about some underrated rivalries?
Donald Wine II: For an underrated rivalry, gimme the Soweto Derby (South Africa’s Kaizer Chiefs vs. Orlando Pirates). Kaizer Chiefs is a team with American roots (the founder named it after the Atlanta Chiefs, who he left Orlando Pirates to play for before returning to South Africa to start the Chiefs) and each match is fierce on the field and in the stands.
Mark Kastner: Notable shout for Portland vs. Seattle in MLS. Any time you have a player rip up a referee’s notebook IN A GAME, the rivalry must be intense.
Tell us about your favorite rivalries in the comments below!
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pultakhen · 7 years ago
It's not racist to acknowledge need of better representation. And on the other hand diversity isn't just one POC, or a bunch of POC's of the same ethnicity. (I'm looking at you BET.)
Even in terms of little things western media is awful in representation, period.
(I'll refer to western media the most because the populations in western countries are so ethnically mixed. In ones where it's less mixed I personally do not expect it... in some ways Britain does a better job than the United States with representation and diversity. I can't speak for Australia)
How often is it seen:
Israeli Jewish characters and protagonists
religiously Jewish characters and protagonists
People of varying non-Christian religious backgrounds
characters and protagonists with accents
Characters and protagonists with non-European accents
Australian accents
Middle-eastern protagonists
African protagonists and characters
Black protagonists and characters
Asian protagonists in western media
Exapressing the diversity of Asia Chinese, Pakistani, Japanese, Indian, Nepali, Butani, etc.
Latino protagonists/ characters
Exspressing diversity of Spanish speaking and Latin countries
Native American protagonists/characters
Islander protagonists/ characters
Amish protagonists/characters
Protagonist who grew up in a culture different than their ethnicity
protagonists who struggle with the main language
protagonists trying hard to adapt to a culture they're unfamiliar with but it's not a joke
Protagonists with physical and/or mental disabilities
Protagonists proud to work through their disabilities
"Minorities" not being fetishized when they are present
Yeah there are some movies/ shows with POC/not often represented protagonists or relevant characters,
but we need more.
Sometimes when these groups have been represented it can feel gimmicky/ or steryotypical. The characters are portrayed less as a person and more like an example of a culture which can distancing/ distract from the story.
It's not hard to keep the same character and add some details that allow them to be of another background. It doesn't have to be in your face.
(Examples: Connie from Steven universe, Chloe from we bare bears, avatar the last air bender/legend of korra, tommy pickles from rugrats, tip from home adventures of tip and oh, phineas and ferb, Marco and fam in star vs. the forces of evil, the proud family, Kids next door etc.)
Cultural explanation does not have to be dull or burdensome though.
It's all in the writing!
This diversity can enhance a story and add interest. (Examples: Sagwa the Chinese cat, Mulan, Moana, how to train your dragon (Viking culture), coco, American dragon jake long (just the first two seasons :p) Dora the explorer, little bill, el Tigre, the unbreakable kimmy schmidt etc.)
One POC, diversity does not make.
Various backgrounds and cultures, people who may ethnically share the same traits but behave entirely different because the grew up in different cultures, is diversity.
Multiple POC's of varying ethnic origins is diversity. And, obviously to not hinder the story, the dynamic of the characters should not feel forced.
The diversity isn't the issue though if a story falls flat. If the author/narrarator/ writers are racist, prejudiced or have strong negative opinions on one ethnicity or another then it will be reflected in their writing.
Or to a lesser extent if they are just plain unfamiliar with the ethnicities/cultures of their characters it can come across very awkwardly. If they get distracted by the characters ethnicity, or the character is only their ethnicity and perhaps the manifestation of the struggles of that ethnicity (no mater how valid the points may be) it can come across as dull and preachy and all of that's just poor writing.
It's not the intent of inclusiveness that can ruin a story or a show, just a bad writer. :)
so to clearify...
This is not a petition to get rid of white people for pete's sake
(No need to get angry)
It is a request to be acknowled in television, in movies, in merchandise by those who have been ignored in such mediums for so long. It is a request to be wholly accepted by the entertainment system. It is a request to unify cultures in the expression of stories, tradition and art.
So chill dudes, and let's make this happen.
Someone called me racist for not wanting more white princesses.
First of all, there are nine white Disney princesses and they are EVERYWHERE. On T-shirts, on dresses, I’ve even seen them on hairbrushes. But if you want something with Tiana or Jasmine on it, good luck! It’s extremely rare to find anything featuring the princesses of color on it. And if you do, there is a huge chance it’s whitewashed. Like I managed to find a sticker of Mulan once and I would have bought it but she was completely whitewashed.
Secondly, animation has no shortage of white protagonists.  We don’t really need a lot more. White children are already represented in media so why not give children of color of chance? We need more black kids in animation as well as Asian, Hispanic, Native American and more. We don’t need thousands of animated movies focusing on a white people. There are other stories to tell.
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darthkvznblogs · 3 years ago
Dp-is any one going to address how screwed up the afterlife is? Most people, no matter who they were, go to greek hell, and the Olympians have a lot of power despite only having a few thousand followers at most. Also, have you seen Maya and the Three? It is made by the same people who made El Tigre and is based around Mexican mythology.
I've talked about it, mostly in Thanatos Scowled; I think it's important to clarify that the Underworld isn't equivalent to the Christian interpretation of Hell - the closest it comes is Tartarus, and a very small portion of the souls of the dead goes there. Obviously, Elysium is close to an interpretation of a heavenly paradise, but I think that Asphodel - which the vast majority of souls end up at - while not a paradise, isn't a place of punishment. I think of it as close to life on Earth, just free of aging and illnesses - I'm sure Queen Persephone has done her best to make sure the Asphodel meadows are not as eternally boring as they used to be.
Of course, as Nico said, some people decide it's not for them; since human souls are eternal, they're given the option of a drink from the Lethe, which effectively ends the person by wiping their memories and personality.
As for the Olympians, they've managed a loophole! They no longer need direct worship, as they derive sustenance from the archetypal concepts they embody. Simply by loving someone, you are making Aphrodite stronger. When your core thrums as lightning strikes in the distance, Zeus becomes more powerful. If you appreciate the might and enormity of the sea at the beach, you are effectively paying a tithe to Poseidon.
I haven't watched Maya and the Three! I'm actually really looking forward to it, I might watch it this weekend :D I loved El Tigre back in the day, and I'm sure this series will be great, too.
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fuzzynightmarewombat-blog · 8 years ago
The World of Movie Syndication Is a Hard Place
The world of movie the distribution is a hard place. After fighting and sweating to finish a movie you're mentally and physically fatigued. You just want to take a break and rest, but you can't because finishing a movie is merely half the battle. They have time to your world of motion picture distribution. Movie distribution can be described as tough place for filmmakers new to the grind. Is actually hard to switch off the innovative mind to deal with the business area of providing movies. What I've discovered the hard method is the movie distribution actually starts with marketing and marketing a movie. Social websites is an inexpensive way to find the word away about your movie and build a killer virus-like buzz internet. It's awesome to go the film festivity route to ensure you get your movie seen by audiences and potential film clients, but through the years from speaking to other filmmakers there is a prevalent feeling the fact that film happening scene is too crowded now. U. E. filmmaker Wayne Daniells by LiarDice Motion pictures told me his last trip to The Règles International Film Festival was obviously a ruthless feeding frenzy. There were a extra of movies and producers had been fighting to have the attention of movie marketers. All in all David expressed that it was a waste of resources and money pitching his film now there. I've noticed the same impression from other filmmakers that are disappointed with the film festival scene and no longer see it as being a good way to obtain movie the distribution. I personally such as the direct option of getting in touch with movie vendors to see if they're interested in being sent a screener. This is where it assists if you have recently been promoting and marketing the movie on the web using social media. Movie marketers are more interested in attaining movies that already have a solid online existence. I'm strictly speaking from a genuine independent film perspective. Facility budget movies are an completely different dog when it comes to the world of movie the distribution. When it comes to movie distribution pertaining to an indie produced film the way this normally takes place are self-employed producers and filmmakers take those risk making the movie without any guaranteed movie distribution handle place. They generally have to shop it around to sell this. That's been my personal experience to date. I've hardly ever created content with a movie the distribution deal in place. It's just like writing a screenplay on spec, yet you're coping with movie. Promoting and promoting a movie through social media can be an absolute must. Start off early ahead of you're film is possibly finished. Because of this when you begin calling movie marketers you're video will already have more appeal because people will be talking about that. Movie marketers that meet the needs of releasing independent movies do very little advertising for most of the titles they release. For anyone who is movie does not have any celebrities or superstar names placed on it then it will not get publicized outside of the typical insert in a movie vendor catalog. Thus once you are doing secure a movie distribution deal you're previously giving your movie an improvement by promoting and promoting yourself. My mind is all within the place today, so let me get back to finding a movie division deal. Last please. An excellent Miller Några would assist focus at the moment. That's far better now. You will discover different ways to land a movie distribution package. You can your time money doing the film festival route. Deals get struck on a regular basis at film festivals. But honestly there is also a glut of film fests. The number of film festivals can be way out of whack when compared to number of video distributors that release 3rd party films. Passing up the film festival circuit works for several independent motion picture producers that don't have name actors inside their film or perhaps know their very own story refuses to appeal with an art home crowd. Hiring a film sales representative is a great call if you skip the film festival scene altogether. A film sales representative or perhaps producer's individual has contacts with video distributors towards your movie scanned. Plus a lot of them can get you in to magazines like Indie Record and MovieMaker to make the movie appear more appealing to movie vendors. They also be careful about your back when considering movie the distribution agreements. The moment filmmakers look at movie division agreements it could be overwhelming. You can find lots of legalese "mumbo jumbo" in there made to lessen how much money you make out of movie the top fashion gurus payments or a straightforward buy-out of your motion picture. Unless you own experience studying movie syndication contracts it's not hard to get considered advantage of. I'm just in the habit know even if I have a films sales consultant like "El Tigre" observing my backside I even now read all contracts totally. You will be astonished at the invisible fees and costs a lot of movie suppliers try to get above on a filmmaker with in of places, the contract descriptions section. My film sales person and I once found a flat fee of $50, 500 for marketing costs inside the definitions section. Hiring a great entertainment lawyer is another very good move, although usually is too costly for a truly self-employed filmmaker. Plus from my very own experience a great entertainment attorney is less helpful being a film sales rep with securing a movie syndication deal or perhaps getting you some press. That's not the job an entertainment attorney. They're superb when it comes to discussing your film distribution contract. But most won't acquire you a deal breaker like a film sales rep. You are able to bring them in after you have a deal breaker on the table. I had developed two sharpened entertainment attorneys that preserved my bum from obtaining burned when it came to sell an actuality show I produced called "America's Wildest Bachelor Functions. " They will got us a producer friendly contract and got me paid on time every single quarter. Now i am glad We hired them. moviesupdate.net If it's simply not in your spending budget to hire a film sales rep or perhaps entertainment attorney you can still secure significant movie syndication hustling hard yourself. Advertising and marketing your film online is definitely followed up simply by putting together a clean and cool film deal to send to movie distributors. Keep it basic with a DVD screener, one-sheet artwork, small synopsis, tagline and very brief bios to get key cast or producers that have previous IMDB credits. To get a list of potential motion picture distributors find what businesses are releasing videos in the same genre as yours. The world wide web makes it rather easy to find contact information nowadays. Video distribution corporations usually have a contact site for film submissions. Stick to the guidelines and mail through your film package. They get a flood of film syndication, so have patience if you don't notice back without delay. Movie marketers have peak times they are aggressively seeking films to fill their listing and other instances they have all they need for now. I've the shopping for months crafted down. As soon as they get your film package they will Google the movie. Which is where previously being promoting and marketing the movie on the net really stands apart. It takes more than only creating a website or perhaps blog. You may need some press and backing up from on the net film people to make your movie outstanding in the eyes of video distributors. My spouse and i dedicated a chapter about movie distribution in a book on indie filmmaking My spouse and i wrote. It might help you with more in depth movie circulation information. Best wishes with marketing and selling your movie.
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