jobsnotices · 2 months
Office of Health Services Salyan Vacancy 2081 for facilitators
Office of Health Services Salyan Vacancy 2081 for facilitators. Government of Karnali State Ministry of Social Development, Directorate of Health Services, Office of Health Services, Salyan, Partner organization service contract information! Date of first publication: 2081.04.15 Office of Health Services Salyan Vacancy 2081 for facilitators A.B. in Salyan District Hospital under Health Service…
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gothalokhabar · 2 years
सल्यानमा ज्वाला विजयी
कर्णाली, ८ मङ्सिर । सल्यानबाट प्रतिनिधिसभा सदस्यमा सत्ता गठबन्धनका साझा उम्मेदवार नेकपा (एकीकृत समाजवादी)का प्रकाश ज्वाला विजयी हुनुभएको छ । नेकपा (एकीकृत समाजवादी)का उपमहासचिव एवं कर्णाली प्रदेश इञ्चार्जसमेत रहेका ज्वालाले ३५ हजार सात सय मत ल्याएर विजयी हुनुभएको मुख्य निर्वाचन अधिकृत गिरीराज गौतमले जानकारी दिनुभयो ।  उहाँका अनुसार ज्वालाले १५ हजार नौ सय ११ मतान्तरमा विजयी हुनुभएको हो । उहाँका…
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thakurbabanews · 1 year
सल्यानमा छोराले गरे आमाको हत्या
२३ साउन, सल्यान : सल्यानको शारदा नगरपालिका १३ माथिल्लो सल्यानचौरमा लाठीले हानेर छोराले आमाको हत्या गरेको जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालय सल्यानले जनाएको छ । प्रहरीका अनुसार, अन्दाज�� २३ वर्षीय नविन भण्डारीले आमा ४८ वर्षीय शारदा भण्डारीको हत्या गरेका हुन्। मंगलबार बिहान ४ बजेतिर सुत्ने कोठामा गई उनले लठ्ठीले टाउकोमा हानेर आमाको हत्या गरेको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ ।
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whencyclopedia · 1 month
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Glanum, located near St-Rémy-de-Provence in southern France, was a Greek and then Roman town which prospered due to its location on trading routes between Italy and the Rhodanus (Rhone River). The town benefitted from a large building project in the Hellenistic period and another spree during the reign of Augustus which furnished Glanum with temples, a theatre, basilica, monumental arch, and Roman baths, amongst other amenities. The town was abandoned in the 3rd century CE but today offers the modern visitor an impressive array of Greco-Roman ruins.
Historical Overview
Glanum was first settled by the Celts, specifically the Salyans (Salluvii), from the 7th to 6th century BCE. Indeed, the town's name derives from Glan, a Celtic spring deity who continued to be worshipped at the site into the Roman period. The town grew following an influx of colonists from Massalia (Marseilles) in the 2nd century BCE. Flourishing as a trade centre and noted as a place of healing, Glanum began to mint its own silver coinage (with a bull and a Glanic mother goddess design) and benefitted from a Hellenistic building programme which included a peristyle building, ornamental spring, temple, bouleuterion (public assembly theatre), and several large private villas. The town spread to cover some 20 ha in this period and was protected by a circuit wall.
The Romans took an interest in the town from the 1st century BCE following the Second Salyan War (90 BCE) when the consul Caecilius quashed what would be the last Celtic revolt in the region. The town was razed, but during the reign of Augustus, Glanum once more benefitted from a programme of rebuilding. New monumental structures included an agora, forum, theatre, a curia (council building), basilica and various other public buildings, temples, Roman baths, a triumphal arch, and mausoleum. Outside the town, two aqueducts were built to regulate Glanum's water supply. In addition to new buildings, the town was granted certain Latin privileges, made a full Roman colony in the 1st century CE, and continued to prosper as a trading stop near the Via Domitia.
Glanum's glory days came to an end when it was destroyed by the Alemanni c. 260 CE. The site was then abandoned by the local people in favour of a new location at nearby St-Rémy-de-Provence. Glanum was first excavated in the early 20th century CE and work continues today with some of the temples undergoing restoration.
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nefretim-kazand · 6 months
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31 MART 1918 - Azerbaycan Soykırımı
31 Mart 1918 yılında Ermeniler başta Bakü olmak üzere Şamahı, Guba, Kürdemir, Salyan ve Lenkeran şehirlerinde büyük soykırımlar yapmıştır. Sadece bir gün içerisinde Bakü’de 12 bin Türk katledilmiştir. Bazı dış kaynaklara göre bu sayı 25 bin civarındadır. Şamahı şehrinde 7 bin Türk öldürülmüştür.
Azerbaycan’da Mart ayındaki katliam ve soykırımlar Eylül ayına kadar devam etmiş ve Nuri Paşa komutasındaki Kafkasya İslam Ordusu’nun duruma el koymasına kadar devam etmiştir.
Bu katliamlar sırasında toplam 50 bin Azerbaycan Türkü öldürülmüştür. Kafkasya İslam Ordusu ise 1.100 asker ve 30 subay Şehit vermiştir. Bugün Azerbaycan’ın çeşitli yerlerinde bu askerler anısına Şehitlikler yapılmıştır. Bu gün 31 Mart 1998 yılından itibaren Azerbaycan Türklerine karşı yapılan soykırım günü olarak anılmaktadır.
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satoshi-mochida · 1 year
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 major free update launches October 12, coming to PS5 and Xbox Series in 2024
Gematsu Source
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Publisher Bandai Namco and developer Dimps will release a major free update for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 on October 12, followed by new downloadable content and PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series versions in 2024, the companies announced.
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC via Steam. It first launched on November 2, 2016 and will celebrate its seventh anniversary this year.
Today’s newly announced roadmap is as follows:
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October 12
Big Free Update
New event: Festival of Universes
New battle mode: Cross Versus
Awoken Skill: Ultra Instinct
Avatar level cap unlock
Some feature improvements
Welcome Campaign
-Log-in bonus (limited time): October 12 to 19
-Free trial for select downloadable content characters: October 12 to 19
Playable characters: Android 17 (DB Super), Bojack, Cabba, Dabura Majin Buu (Gohan Absort Android 13, Frost, Fu, Fused Zamasu orbed), God of Destruction Champa, Goku (Ultra Instinct), Jiren, Kefla (Super Saiyan) Broly Full Power Super Salyan, SSGSS Gogeta, SSGSS Vegito, Super Baby 2, Tapion, Vados Rose Goku Black, Zamasu
-New downloadable content
Additional scenario
Additional playable characters
Other contents
-PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series versions launch
And More…
Watch a new teaser trailer below.
Take A Step Towards The Future
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politiciansstuff · 1 month
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"Mən artıq ona öz qızım kimi yanaşmıram" - Fəzail Ağamalı qızından DANIŞDI
1 sentyabr 2024-cü ildə ölkəmizdə parlament seçkiləri keçiriləcək. Seçkilərdə 125 dairə üzrə 1000-dən çox namizəd iştirak edir.
Namizədlər arasında Milli Məclisin VI və daha əvvəlki çağırışlarda deputat seçilən şəxslərin yaxınları da iştirak edir. Onlardan biri də VI çağırış Milli Məclisin deputatı, Ana Vətən Partiyasının sədri Fəzail Ağamalının qızı Günay Ağamalıdır. O, 65 saylı Salyan-Biləsuvar-Neftçala seçki dairəsindən deputatlığa namizəddir.
Modern.az-a danışan Fəzail Ağamalı bildirib ki, hazırda olduqca yüksək səviyyədə seçki prosesi gedir:
"Ölkə miqyasında gedən seçki kampaniyasını izləyirəm. Eləcə də Ana Vətən Partiyasının 7 namizədinin seçki kampaniyasını, fəaliyyətlərini ciddi izləyirəm. Budəfəki seçkilər əvvəlkilərdən keyfiyyət baxımından öndədir. Əvvəlki seçkilərimiz də, təbii ki, Azərbaycan qanunvericiliyinə uyğun yüksək keçirilib. Lakin budəfəki seçkilər əvvəlkilərdən daha yüksək səviyyədə təşkil olunan, həyata keçirilən və hər bir namizəd üçün bərabər imkan yaradan seçkilərdir. Hətta müxalifət partiyalarının ayrı-ayrı namzədlərinin sosial şəbəkələrdəki paylaşımları ilə tanış oluram. Bu paylaşımlarda özləri tərəfindən də etiraf olunur ki, seçkilər yüksək səviyyədə təşkil olunur və əlavə imkanlar yaradılıb. Hər bir partiyanın və ya müstəqil namzədlərin kampaniyaları üçün eyni yer və məkan müəyyənləşib. Namizədlərin seçicilərlə görüşündə heç bir maneə yoxdur. Kifayət qədər seçici fəallığı var. Bir neçə gündən sonra artıq təbliğat-təşviqat kampaniyasının vaxtı bitir. Ən məsuliyyətli və gərgin zamana yekun vuracağıq. Sentyabrın 1-də Azərbaycan xalqının fəallığı ilə şəffaf, demokratik və azad formada keçiriləcək. Xalqın inamını qazanan şəxlər qalib gələcək. İnanıram ki, məğlublar da qalibləri təbrik edərək yüksək siyasi mədəniyyət nümunəsi göstərəcəklər".
Fəzail Ağamalı qızı Günay Ağamalının seçki kampaniyasından da danışıb. O, bildirib ki, qızının kampaniyasına müdaxilə etmir:
"Mən artıq ona öz qızım kimi yanaşmıram. Digər 6 namizəd kimi o da seçki kampaniyasında iştirak edir. Təbliğat və təşviqat işlərini qurub. Onun fəaliyyətlərini izləyirəm, işinə qatışmıram, müdaxilə etmirəm. Digərləri kimi ehtiyac yaranıb,məsləhət alanda mən də təbii olaraq öz tövsiyələrimi verirəm. Lakin bu, çox epizodik xarakter daşıyır. Hazırda mən istirahətdəyəm. Günay Ağamalının digər namizədlər kimi öz komandası ilə seçki kampaniyasını izləyirəm. Düşünürəm ki, seçki kampaniyasını uğurla aparır".
"Modern.az" saytı
Turqay Musayev
23 avqust 2024-cü il
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deafeningbeardhottub · 2 months
Name: nabin Nepali
Address: chhatrisori -2 salyan (Karmali Pardesh Nepal)
Phone; 9802885121
Book: geyune marg
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ruhumunekseni · 7 months
Avni, miri, öşri, vakıf, salyaneli, enlem, paralel, meridyen, cephe yağışı, ünlü daralması, ünsüz benzeşmesi, ulama....
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hakimiyyet · 1 year
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jobsnotices · 3 months
HDCS Vacancy 2024 for Project Coordinator
HDCS Vacancy 2024 for Project Coordinator. Human Development and Community Services (HDCS) has announced a vacancy notice for the post of Project Coordinator for West Rukum, Jarjarkot and Salyan. Interested and eligible candidates are invited to apply until June 30, 2024. JOB OPPORTUNITY HDCS Vacancy 2024 for Project Coordinator for West Rukum, Jarjarkot and Salyan Project Coordinator Project…
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gothalokhabar · 2 years
सल्यान प्रदेश १ र २ मा गठबन्धनका शर्मा र अधिकारी विजयी
सल्यान प्रदेश १ र २ मा गठबन्धनका शर्मा र अधिकारी विजयी
कर्णाली, ८ मङ्सिर । सल्यान १ र २ प्रदेशसभा सदस्यमा गठबन्धन दलका साझा उम्मेदवार भीमप्रकाश शर्मा र सुरेश अधिकारी विजयी हुनुभएको छ । नेकपा (माओवादी केन्द्र)का शर्माले २२ हजार दुई सय ४३ मत ल्याएर विजय हुनुभएको हो । उहाँले आठ हजार १८ को मतान्तरले जित्नुभएको छ । शर्माका प्रतिस्पर्धी नेकपा (एमाले)का कुलबहादुर गिरीले १४ हजार दुई सय २५ मत प्राप्त गर्नुभएको मुख्य निर्वाचन अधिकृतको कार्यालय सल्यानले जानकारी…
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thakurbabanews · 2 years
सल्यानमा बिहान ७ देखि बेलुका ७ बजेसम्म मात्र देउसी भैलो खेल्न पाइने
सल्यानमा बिहान ७ देखि बेलुका ७ बजेसम्म मात्र देउसी भैलो खेल्न पाइने
७ कात्तिक, सल्यान : सल्यानमा देउसी भैलोका लागि निश्चित समय तोकिएको छ। जिल्ला प्रशासन कार्यालय सल्यानले बिहान ७ बजेदेखि बेलुकी ७ बजेसम्म मात्र देउसी भैलो खेल्न अनुरोध गरेको छ। प्रशासनले तिहारको समयमा कानूनविपरीत गतिविधि नहुने गरी देउसी भैलो र नाचगान गर्न आग्रह गरेको छ। दीपावलीका वेला दियो, मैनबत्ती, पाला बाल्ने एवं विद्युतीय उपकरण प्रयोग गर्दा आगजनी तथा विपद्जन्य घटनाहरू घट्न सक्ने भएकाले…
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ultraaslamaman · 1 year
USAID’s Strengthening Systems for Better Health (SSBH) Activity
NGO / INGO / Development Projects
USAID’s Strengthening Systems for Better Health (SSBH) Activity is a 6-year project aimed at improving health outcomes in Nepal, particularly for the most marginalized and disadvantaged groups in the country. SSBH supports the Government of Nepal’s efforts to expand access to and use of quality maternal, newborn and child health and family planning services, with a specific focus on newborn care and is designed …
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Technical Officer – Health Systems Strengthening and Health Information Systems (HSS/HIS)
Views: 1989 | Apply Before: 3 days, 1 hour from now
Vacancies: Four (4)
Location: Surkhet, Dailekh, Jajarkot and Salyan Districts of Karnali Province
Supervisor: Provincial Manager/Health Governance Lead
SSBH provides strategic technical support for USAID’s Health Direct Financing Project. In Karnali Province, this activity is implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Development and Health Services Directorate and selected municipalities across four districts (Surkhet, Jajarkot, Salyan and Dailekh). Technical support interventions are tailored to the needs of the province and municipalities, focusing primarily on evidence-based planning and budgeting, management and oversight for delivery of quality health services, overall strengthening of health systems, and coordination between all three levels of government for effective implementation of the government-to-government (G2G) support in health.
Under the direct supervision of the Provincial Manager – Health Governance Lead, the HSS/HIS Technical Officers will work collaboratively with other field-based staff to support health offices at district level and health sections at municipal level to strengthen health governance and health information systems, particularly in relation to G2G activities.
Specific Duties and Responsibilities 
Health System Governance:
Provide technical support and guidance to the municipalities and SSBH Health System Officers stationed in selected municipalities to plan, implement, and monitor interventions in health governance and health information systems.
Provide support to municipal level policy makers on strategic planning and budgeting; resource allocation; annual calendars of operation; budget execution; monitoring and evaluation; human resource management; and other health systems issues as required.
Provide technical support for analysis of health data at municipal level and updating online municipal level health profiles accordingly.
Support municipalities to prepare their annual workplan by incorporating priorities from municipal health acts, policies, and guidelines. 
Collaborate with MNCH/FP Technical Officers to support periodic and annual reviews and planning meetings at municipal level, ensuring Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) concepts and issues related to unreached or underserved populations are incorporated in planning and implementation of health interventions. 
Provide technical support to strengthen the effective functioning of social development Committee at municipal level and selected Health Facility Operation and Management Committees (HFOMC).
Promote the use of evidence-based practices to monitor performance, identify gaps, and design solutions to improve health service coverage and strengthen health systems at municipal level. 
Generation and Use of Health Data:
Strengthen capacity of municipal health sections to use HMIS/DHIS2 systems for recording and reporting data to monitor municipal performance and promote evidence-based decision making.
Ensure that municipal and facility-level HMIS and LMIS recording and reporting systems are functioning well, and municipalities can access and interpret accurate, real-time data in support of evidence-based planning and resource allocation.  Facilitate municipalities in using DHIS2 and eLMIS platform to report, review and use municipal HMIS and LMIS data respectively. 
Work closely with MNCH/FP Technical Officers to support municipalities and health facilities to identify unreached and underserved populations and develop evidence-based micro-plans to increase their access to health services.
Develop visualization and documentation of municipal level health data (including, but not limited to, dashboards, infographics, reports, etc.) and assist municipal health sections to disseminate data through appropriate communication channels.
Encourage routine inspection of logistics and commodities and update in digital systems.
Collaboration, Coordination & Program Management Support
Actively engage with external development partners, stakeholders, and private sector service providers at district level to create synergy and reduce the duplication of work.
Ensure accurate and timely submission of required technical reports and deliverables, including lessons learned and exemplary practices.
Assist with the planning of project meetings, training sessions, and collecting additional information from municipal and district level as needed and assigned.
Required qualifications and experience:
Minimum Bachelor’s degree in public health, social sciences, statistics, or other relevant fields (Masters preferred)
At least six (6) years of relevant professional experience in enhancing health systems governance and/or health information systems. Experience in monitoring, evaluation, and learning is a plus.
Understanding of health care delivery system in all tiers of government, including service availability, utilization, and quality assurance.
Experience of working with USAID programs and other health related projects preferred.
Strong interpersonal skills, good judgment and problem-solving abilities, and ability and willingness to work collaboratively as part of a high-functioning team, even in remote areas.
Report writing, communication, and advocacy skills, including oral presentations and public speaking.
Proficiency in Microsoft Office package. Experience of using statistical software (SPSS, STATA) a plus.
Excellent written/oral skills in Nepali and English.
Applicants who are from and/or working in Karnali Province will be given preference.  
SSBH is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender and culture. Women and Individuals from minority groups and differently-abled persons are encouraged to apply. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for further selection process. Canvassing at any stage of the process shall lead to automatic disqualification.
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The Old Dusk Road Dawn broke with a searing orange incandescence which set the clouds aflame and painted the world with fire. I feared that I was too far away and too slow to complete my mission. We’d ridden through the night, my steed and I. If I thought I was weary I could hardly imagine her – Salyan’s – tiredness, hours of pounding down the old dusk road. It was well-maintained but still, I was bruised and battered from so many hours in the saddle. True sunrise was my deadline, when the vital news I carried in a leather case strapped to my chest and chained to my wrist would lose its value and make our journey wasted. Except for the constant drumbeat of iron-shod hooves on stone, which had risked lulling me to sleep on several occasions, it had been an uneventful chase across the land. With the arrival of light once more, that was about to change. The old dusk road led straight through the mountain pass held by our people, but the craggy plains ... >> Read On with The Old https://wp.me/pbprdx-8Xe
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by-elnur · 2 years
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Towards The Sunset 🌅 #ByMe 📸 (Salyan Rayonu) https://www.instagram.com/p/Con9VmDI01B/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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