notdrifting · 2 years
“   I definitely didn’t cut myself but just out of curiosity- Where do we keep the GOOD band-aids?  ” | meme tag. | @sakura-rpblog​
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        ‘ tch - let me guess... ’  the clone started with a small smile on his face as he took the band-aids and followed the sound of her voice without a fuss. his face betrayed little to no emotions, but his amused gaze was visible even from afar. at home, with her, he felt comfortable enough to leave the mask behind, so he doesn’t bother covering his emotions and affection to her.  ‘ accident in the lab...? here, let me see...’  he’s no healer, but he offers his roughed up hands as gently as he can to check on her cut and see what was going on.
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Oh, hey, you’re both okay. Wait. I thought you said I smelled good.
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"My head is spinning, my ears are ringing, and I'm pretty sure I'm tasting blood. ... I can't even begin to remember what I've said in the last hour.."
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despairforme · 2 years
Sakura walks slowly towards the tall man, wearing a grin huge enough to split her face to two.
" Ne, ne, I just heard somewhere...you have a birthday?! "
(@sakura-rpblog) X'D
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       What... Was up with that grin? He didn't think he'd ever seen Sakura smile that widely. What was she so happy about? He was about to find out, because she was slowly walking over towards him. Nnoitra's brows were slightly arched as he waited for her, wondering what the fuck was up. Man, he wished HE could get happy enough to grin that widely.
      She asked him if he had a birthday. It was a question that didn’t make much sense. Nnoitra’s brows stayed in their arched position.
       ❝ Uh, yeah? It’s on ‘da 11th. Everyone’s got a birthday, yanno? ❞ It was one of the things ALL living things had in common. Why did she care about his birthday? Oh - maybe she was going to get him a present? He’d like that. / @sakura-rpblog​ .
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cc-sasuke · 9 months
(cc) Kiba: Wait, so Sasuke’s back, and he snuck into Sakura’s place?!
(cc) Naruto: Yup! And he thought I wouldn’t notice too, some friend huh!
-still maybe holding a little grudge over Sasuke visiting Sakura first-
// inspired by this - with @sakura-rpblog
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regensia · 2 years
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@sakura-rpblog​​ / Sakura said . . .
🍫Gives sabo a stick of pocky using her mouth xD
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Pocky Day
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Not easily did he take the strong-willed doctor for someone with such romantic inclinations, her offering of Pocky a bit of a cliche. Not that Sabo would pass up the opportunity however, one hand taking Sakura by the waist to pull her close. Nibbling on the proffered end of the snack stick, he was additionally amused to find it was the special-edition sakura flavor, a little tart and floral with its usual sweetness.
On one hand, he could draw this out by continuing to take such small bites, both careful that it wouldn’t break between them – but on the other, he wasn’t a saint. He had an inkling as to why Sakura might’ve chosen to share her treat with him in this manner. Leaning in, Sabo took an unashamedly large bite of the stick to simply clear it out of the way, a barrier between them and the truth. Biting back the treat, finally he could press his lips to hers in a chaste but prolonged kiss.
“Cute. Thanks for sharing!”
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sakura-rpblog · 2 years
@despairforme answered:
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What... Was up with that grin? He didn't think he'd ever seen Sakura smile that widely. What was she so happy about? He was about to find out, because she was slowly walking over towards him. Nnoitra's brows were slightly arched as he waited for her, wondering what the fuck was up. Man, he wished HE could get happy enough to grin that widely.
     She asked him if he had a birthday. It was a question that didn’t make much sense. Nnoitra’s brows stayed in their arched position.
      ❝ Uh, yeah? It’s on ‘da 11th. Everyone’s got a birthday, yanno? ❞ It was one of the things ALL living things had in common. Why did she care about his birthday? Oh - maybe she was going to get him a present? He’d like that. / @sakura-rpblog​ .
The grin quickly disappeared as soon as it has become apparent she is a little too late for it.
“ HEEEEH?!? “
The pink-haired girl’s shoulders slumps in defeat, all traces of excitement gone and obliterated as soon as Nnoitra mentioned the date. The 11th -- how can she miss out on this important detail?
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“ Mou, I guess this thing is a bit useless now, then, “ petite fingers digs inside her jean’s pockets, a little worn from years and years of wear, “ It’s not much -- BUT! I saw a new ice cream shop opening just outside the city and figured if you want to grab some, my treat! “
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historias-multorum · 2 years
how do you need to be touched?
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your teeth are bared, as they have been, your jaw aching for so long as growls slip free. you always have to defend yourself. you lash out in fear. you need someone who does not shrink back... a hand falling slowly to your shoulder, however briefly, in a reminder that you do not have to lunge. there is no danger here, now.
Tagged by: @sakura-rpblog​ (thank you!)
Tagging: @s1lver-bullet​ @cantillat​ @silver-strings-of-fate​ @sweethurtss​ and anyone who wants to give it a go!
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kagami--uchiha · 2 years
“You won’t hurt me. You’re not capable of that.”
What a weird thing to say...
But she was right. Kagami is not capable of hurting her and that's probably why they sent her after him, they knew he would have never stopped loving her even after he fled out of the village, fled and immediately marked as a missing-nin.
It was a great chain of manipulation that had brought him into prison in the first place, a huge load of lies whispered between the Hokage and the elders that brought him into T&I and even though Ibiki could prove his innocence-.... They had forced his hand to write down the other verdict.
The kama in Kagami's hand was shaking, his clothing dirty and caked with old blood and mud, he didn't had the time to bathe or wash the clothes he had ever since he broke out - though he still didn't know how he managed to.
"I'll not-... I'll not let you bring me back... I can't go through this again." And it was only the soft break in his voice that told her that he was crying, since the rain was hiding the tears skillfully.
"I can't go back there."
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notdrifting · 2 years
how do you need to be touched?
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you need to be held as though you're going to break. you need someone to trace your scars like cracks in a wall, crumbling. their touch is almost painful; you've been without it for too long, without someone to hold you. but, you cannot bring yourself to pull away.  
tagged by: @empirelead​ ( ty!) 
tagging:  anyone who sees this + @liightbound +  @sakura-rpblog + @merveiilles​ + @multiipl​ + @ozumakis​
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despairforme · 5 months
What do you think about inviting ALL your friends to come over for once? You have a lot different people stuck around you, it would be interesting to see them together, wouldn't it?
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Holy fuck. That would be a whole ass PARTY, wouldn't it? You'd be surprised to learn just how many friends Nnoitra actually had. Some were "closer" friends than others. All of them were quite different. The only thing they ALL had in common was that they treated him nicely. Whether or not Nnoitra treated them nicely... That was up for debate. At least there had to be something about him that they liked, seeing as they kept hanging out with him. He had never thought about inviting them all over at the same time. It would be a long invite list...
Ikkaku ( @yperifaneia )
Sasaharu ( @nvrcmplt )
Adelha ( @adelha-mathilde )
Agatha ( @fiorserpen )
Emily ( @aemiliiu-remade )
Emil ( @someidioticurl )
Greaves ( @waveringiridescence )
Sakura ( @sakura-rpblog )
These were people he'd known for a good while, OR he'd spent so much time with that he considered them friends of his. He could expand this list to include more people too. People who he hadn't spent that much time with, but who'd been friendly with him, and who he might become friends with, in time. He should feel lucky that he DID have that many friends in the first place, and even more people who he could become friends with.
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cc-sasuke · 2 years
Sakura: Will you be okay staying here with me, just us?
(cc) Sasuke: Yeah, well you can invite Naruto over too, but I believe that is more trouble than it’s worth
(cc) Naruto: -shows up at the window- Hey Sasuke, remember me?! You don’t tell me that you’re back, and the first thing you do is talk to Sakura about me behind my back!
// inspired by this - with @sakura-rpblog
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regensia · 2 years
@sakura-rpblog​ / sleepover time babe !
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“Once again, thank you for putting up with us for the night, Sakura-san.” All in all, the dinner at the hospital had been a success, and a pleasant change of pace for the Marines who had been cooped up on the ship for quite some time. More than that, the kids were pleased and now worn out from all the excitement, the dishes and cleanup had been achieved in record time, and now everyone was content to settle down somewhat for the night.
There was no speaking for the second wind of energy some of the children would undoubtedly get, but it was no longer just the hospital staff alone and overwhelmed to handle all of their excitement. If anything, an outing with a lack of liquor would prove to be beneficial for the men, Koby had decided. A change of pace, and there might be a little grumbling, but not many could decide to get drunk when in the midst of telling stories of their journeys while serving the government to those fascinated and wide-eyed at the sense of adventure. Those who weren’t up to the continued task were allowed back to the ship, of course, with the expectation that things would be in perfect order upon his return in the morning.
Settled in a bit with fewer layers of his own uniform, bandanna upon his head adjusted, he could pretend to not see the nail polish some of the little girls had broken out, giggling amongst themselves as they tried to do each other’s nails. Taking a seat by his friend however, he was secretly relieved that the energy overall was dwindling down; hopefully everyone would sleep well that night.
“I’ll make sure the men keep helping out in the morning too. But it seems to be a fun change of pace, right? I, for one, don’t mind staying out of a cramped cabin for a night. Especially for a friend. I don’t think I’ve ever actually done this kind of thing before...”
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chopperpirate · 3 years
Chopper didn't think that he'd be missed very much. As a pirate, friends came and went all the time, so he assumed it was similar enough for ninja who met people from outside their village. These times of peace might have been a little different from what Chopper expected though. The overjoyed response of his friend filled his heart with excitement.
When Sakura hugged him, Chopper let a surprised squeak escape him, having been used to the more reserved responses of other friends to his gifts. It made him smile though, prompting him to wrap his scrawny arms around her and hug her back just as tightly, allowing her to enjoy the warmth of his fluffy body and fuzzy Santa coat. Looking over Sakura’s shoulder, Chopper smirked at the other two, amused by their responses. It honestly wasn’t too surprising that Sakura missed him, but that the other ninja she was friends with even cared that he was gone honestly made him feel taken aback. He held her for a few seconds before letting go and looking at the gift he was given.
"Eh? You actually remembered to get me something!? No way! This is awesome!" The reindeer squealed in delight as he opened his present, his eyes widened at the sight of the journal before him. "Whoa! This really saves me a lot of time! Thanks so much!"
By contrast, the gift he made for Sakura was just a pink sweater. It wasn't much, but in the cold months, surely she'd appreciate it.
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astra-stellaris-a · 3 years
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@sakura-rpblog​  // ----------------------------------------------------
“Take no risks and be alert to danger. That is all.”
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Astra wants to laugh. She really, really does. And in her half-delirious state, she does so, very loudly.
With her broken leg, her broken ribs, her broken left arm as well as the various cuts and stab wounds--the warning is a little late and comes off as slightly sarcastic. The irony isn’t lost on her--when facing an upper rank demon there’s always the promise of bloodshed, death, broken bones and severe injuries. Even without the pain medicine she would find this situation amusing--at the very least.
“I should’ve kept that in mind,” she says, her good humor obvious, “But--I killed upper rank four! I should at least be able to celebrate!”
The pain medicine--whatever they’re giving her-- is working phenomenally. “But I’ll remember it next time for sure, Sakura! But--I’m getting kind of bored kept in this room.. can I have some books or something..? I wouldn’t even mind you telling me what’s going on with the slayers, if you have any information--”
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frozen-purple · 3 years
Chitose weighed the shuriken lying in her palm thoughtfully, staring herself into a nearby tree, contemplating if she should throw it. She could just let it go. Avoid practicing her throws like so many times before and work on something else instead. The training ground she was at appeared abandoned and unfrequented enough, no one would be there to see her procrastinate. But the weight in her hand told her it was her responsibility to at least try putting in the effort. If she let this pass it would eat her up later.
Sighing, Chitose closed her eyes. She readied her aim and threw. The shuriken flew over the clearing making a beautiful arc towards the chosen spot, then swished past it by a hair’s breadth. It was about to land embedded in the tree behind when something wavy and pink stepped in front, taunting it as the new target.
“Dammit!” ( @sakura-rpblog )
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calamxty-a · 2 years
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『 ┍━━━━━━━»•» @sakura-rpblog​ // caring for sick muses «•«━━━━━━┑ 』
‘ it’ll take time to get back to normal. ’
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“....” He wheezed out, “Were you not told that I’m a terminal case? Eventually--”
He coughed.
“Eventually, my lungs will scar to the point where I will suffocate to death. For me, there is no normal.”
“You are a new... doctor.. so.. I will--give you... one.. more chance--” He continued his half-wheeze, half-speech, “Because... you wor-k with the other. He--is making a cur-e for me.”
“...But for n-now, I s-suffer...”
“Can... anything be--done.. for the pain..?”
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