#sakoda ken
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fishyishy · 8 months ago
A3! Translation - Izumida Azami SR 【A wish that is a secret to everyone】 「Tanzaku with a written wish」 (1/2)
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Azami: Director.....that's an insane amount of vegetables.
Director: For dinner, I'm planning to make a curry using lots of summer vegetables to prevent summer fatigue.
Director: By the way, was there something you needed?
Azami: I'm gonna be going to my parents house tomorrow to pick bamboo, so I thought I'd let you know.
Director: Ah, that bamboo you mentioned before? But tomorrow seems pretty sudden.
Azami: I told them it was okay since we weren't in a hurry, but my dad keeps nagging me to come and pick it quickly because it'll be Tanabata by then.
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Director: (I'm sure the Chairman really wants to see Azami-kun.)
Director: Everyone will be happy and grateful to have bamboo again this year. Please go and collect it.
Azami: Got it.
Azami: I'm home.
Sakoda: Azami, welcome home!
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Chairman: So you've finally come to pick bamboo.
Azami: I've already told you I didn't need it yet......
Chairman: You might not need it, Azami, but there are other young people who may feel differently.
Sakoda: That's right Azami! Maybe the Summer Troupe members would like decorating the bamboo!
Azami: Well, it is true that the Summer Troupe guys were making something and are probably gonna display it....
Sakoda: Then it'll be better to bring it sooner right?
Azami: You can decorate it in just a day.
Chairman: Well, that's fine isn't it? The sooner we can get it the better.
Makita: Bocchan, there are lots of bamboos in the garden. Please choose whichever one you like.
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Azami: There are a lot? Got it, I'll go and check it out.
Azami: There's so many....... One would have been enough, but they prepared this many.
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Makita: Ahh, well the Chairman told me to prepare a lot of things.
Sakoda: The bamboos that Azami doesn't choose will be donated to a nearby kindergarten or a store that children often go to, so don't worry!
Azami: I see. Which one to choose.....
Azami: (Ah, this bamboo's color is the prettiest)
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Azami: I'll take this one.
Makita: As expected, you picked a good one. Well then, I'll get it ready so you can take it.
Azami: I'm counting on it.
Sakoda: I'll help out too!
Azami: (.....huh? That bamboo over there has something decorated on it)
Azami: (Are these all tanzaku* written by the members? I wonder what they wrote)
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Azami: "World peace"....?
Young Yakuza Member A: Bon! That one's mine! If Bon reads it, I feel like it's gonna come true!
Young Yakuza Member B: Eee! Please read the rest of ours too!
Young Yakuza Member C: Please!
Azami: It can't be helped...
Azami: "I hope the idol Kocchan is able to become the center".....? This one is "Health First"......
Azami: This one says "I hope I can shake hands with the model Kika-chan" haa?
Azami: (I can't imagine these would be a Yakuza's wish...)
Young Yakuza Member B: Hurray, I got Bon to read it!
Young Yakuza Member C: I hope my wish comes true!
Azami: (I thought that people wouldn't actually believe this kinda thing.... but it turns out everyone does)
Young Yakuza Member A: Bon! Here's a tanzaku and a pen!
Azami: Ah?
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Young Yakuza Member A: Don't be like that. Please write your wishes down too, kay!
Azami: Hah!? I said I'm fine! I don't want to write it!
Young Yakuza Member A: Hahaa, well, I guess I have a complex about my handwriting.
Young Yakuza Member B: Mhm, it's cool, but it's round like a girls, so you probably don't want all of us seeing it right?
Young Yakuza Member B: Is that so? But it makes for a nice gap!
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Azami: That's not what I'm talking about!
Young Yakuza Member C: If you don't want people seeing your tanzaku, you don't have to display it here.
Azami: Well, that's fine I guess.....
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Azami: But you absolutely cannot come into my room while I'm writing it!
I next
*tanzaku are long, thin strips of colorful paper used to write wishes on during the Tanabata Festival, and are normally hung on bamboo branches
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sakodumb · 8 months ago
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When ur so obsessed w sakoda u create a whole piece using only sakoda brushes
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waystobloomzine · 4 months ago
Ways to Bloom: Applications Open!
A huge thanks to everyone who filled out our interest check on Twitter! We're excited to move forward with W2B, and we hope you'll be a part of our journey. If you're interested in becoming a contributor, please fill out the form!
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Some more information about applications will be under the cut!
We are looking for 9 writers, 12 page artists, and 2 merch artists. The works will be collaborative, with writers and page artists being paired to create with the same theme/prompt. All merch being produced will be digital.
Profit split
After reviewing the interest check, we have decided to spilt revenue from this zine 50:50, with 50% of profit going to contributors and 50% going to charity Save the Children.
We look forward to seeing your applications!
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gearzure · 8 months ago
sakoda yay
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marshmellobunny64 · 1 year ago
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pandapillow · 14 days ago
Happy Birthday to our Faithful Friend, Ken Sakoda!
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cherryblossomssmash · 2 years ago
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A3: BLOG POSTS: May - July 2022
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izumi-fanclub · 5 months ago
[ A3! Halloween 2024 home page voicelines 🎃 ]
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asordinaryppl · 3 months ago
A3! Backstage Story Translation - Sakyo Furuichi SSR: BE.MINE ver.SAKYO - Part 1
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Sakoda: Good work today, Aniki! You sure finished up quickly.
Sakyo: Yeah. I’ll be going straight home now that I’m done, what are you up to?
Sakoda: I’ve got stuff to do, so I’ll be goin’ back to Ginsenkai!
Sakyo: I'll give you a ride, then
Sakoda: Huh! You sure!?
Sakyo: I can’t just leave ya here. I’ll go get the car.
Sakoda: ‘Kay!
Sakoda: Oh yeah, I heard MANKAI Company’s doin’ something called Boyfriend Material?
Sakyo: Yeah. It’s a special feature requested by “BE.MINE”’s editorial department.
Sakoda: That one! Situations where you’re actin’ like a boyfriend are so cool~! So, when’s your turn!?
Sakyo: The shooting’s probably still far off. But judging by the schedule, my situation prompt should be decided soon.
Sakoda: Lemme know when the release date will be decided! I’ll be linin’ up to grab a copy the moment the sun comes up!
Sakyo: There’s no need for you to line up that early. You’ll be a nuisance to the neighbors.
Sakoda: R-Right… I’ll just preorder it for now, then!
Sakyo: … Geez. Do whatever you want.
Sakoda: Will do!
Sakyo: I’m home.
Tsuzuru: Would a weekday be better after all?
Taichi: How about this day right here, then?
Kumon: Ack, sorry! I’ll be working then.
Tenma: I’ve also got a photoshoot that day.
Sakyo: (… Those are the Yosei students. Are they back already?)
Sakyo: Are you lot going somewhere?
Taichi: Oh! Welcome back, Sakyo-nii!
Sakyo: Thanks.
Kumon: We were thinking of going to see a movie together!
Sakyo: You guys go out to movies together, even though you see each other at the university all day? You sure are chummy.
Tsuzuru: Since we eat lunch together so often, we naturally end up talking about going out together.
Tenma: But our schedules don’t seem to match up so nicely.
Sakyo: I mean, you’re all busy with part-time jobs or shootings, or your assignments
[Door opening]
Izumi: I’m homeee.
Sakyo: Welcome back.
Izumi: Oh, Sakyo-san! You’re home already!
Taichi: Come to think of it, you’re back much earlier than usual, Sakyo-nii…
Tenma: Oh, yeah. 
Kumon: No way, Sakyo-san… Did you get fired!?
Tsuzuru: Nah, that can’t be it… I think?
Sakyo: Of course that’s not it. I can’t just be fired with the snap of a finger.
Taichi: Right!
Kumon: I’m glad!!
Sakyo: I was just done with work quickly today. I even dropped Sakoda off at Ginsenkai before coming home.
Tenma: Huh, so there are times when you’re just done that quickly.
Izumi: Oh, this is perfect timing, actually.
Izumi: I received a call about your Boyfriend Material situation prompt just now.
Sakyo: Guess I was right about my turn comin’ up. So–
Kumon: What’s Sakyo-san’s situation gonna be!?
Tenma: What are you getting all excited for…?
Kumon: I’m just so curious!
Taichi: I get you! I wanna know so bad, too!
Izumi: Fufu. I’ll simply announce it to all of you, then. Sakyo-san’s situation will be… A movie date!
Sakyo: A movie date, huh…
Taichi: A movie date!?
Izumi: Um, yes… What’s wrong?
Tsuzuru: Nothing. It’s just shocking ‘cause we were talking about going to a movie right before this.
Tenma: A movie date should be easy to have a photoshoot for.
Sakyo: Yeah. At least it looks like I won’t have to worry about the shoot.
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
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sheetzking · 4 months ago
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coloured in some sketches :3
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ryukogo · 11 months ago
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a3 fandom please hear me out rn
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fishyishy · 8 months ago
A3! Translation - Izumida Azami SR 【A wish that is a secret to everyone】 「Tanzaku with a written wish」 (2/2)
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Azami: My wish huh.....
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Azami: (Those guys wrote down all kinds of wishes....)
Azami: ...."May everyone's wishes come true" Geez, writing something like that is... so embarrassing.
Azami: Hmm.....
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Azami: "May everyone stay in good health" or something.....
Azami: No, that's not right either
Azami: This seems like the safe option doesn't it?
Azami: "I hope I can get better at makeup" might be the best thing to say.
Azami: The hell? I told you not to come in while I was writing.
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Director: Ah, sorry!
Azami: Hah!? Director!? Why are you here....
Director: Sakyo-san said he had some business with the Ginsenkai, and so I came along too.
Azami: That shitty Sakyo?
Azami: (I'm not sure I'd like having to stand and talk with the director outside my room...)
Azami: I think it'd be better if we could talk about this in my room.
Azami: (Hold up, isn't it pretty shameless for 2 people to be in a room together.....!?)
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Director: Uh, is it okay for me to come in?
Azamii: Ah, well........no.... I mean, it's fine.
Azami: (If the door is open the entire time, it's definitely going to be fine...right?)
Director: I see, well then, I'm coming in.
Director: Oho, could it possibly be that Azami-kun was writing a tanzaku? *
Azami: ....Oi!
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Azami: Did you....see it by chance?
Director: Oh well..... yes, I saw your wish.
Azami: Having someone see it....makes me kinda embarrassed.....
Option 1:
Director: Sorry about that.
Director: But they were all wonderful wishes, there's no need to hide them!
Azami: It's not that... but well, thanks.
Director: You especially wrote this tanzaku with wishes for everyone...
Director: I think that everyone would be thrilled to know that Azami-kun feels that way.
Azami: On the other hand, I feel like there would be some guys who would tease me.
Director: Even so, that's another way of expressing their happiness!
Azami: Is that so....?
Option 2:
Director: I didn't mean to see it but....
Azami: ....Did you see all of them?
Director: Nope! It was only for a moment, so I didn't get a chance to see them properly!
Director: Just things like "May everyone's wishes come true," "May everyone be healthy," "Get better at makeup," that's about it....
Azami: You had a perfect view of them....!
Director: B-but, look, it's just that they were all such good wishes, I'm sure that Orihime and Hikoboshi* would be happy with them as well, isn't that right!?
Azami: Nah, what's the point of making Orihime and Hikoboshi happy?
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Azami: (Hah.... just like I thought, it was super embarrassing to have the Director see me....there's a chance someone will see me again, so I'll throw away the tanzaku)
Sakyo: .......
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Sakoda: Oh, Azami!
Azami: Ken-san, what brings you here?
Sakoda: To pick up Aniki.
Sakoda: On that subject, I saw that the Ginsenkai's bamboo had been decorated with Azami's tanzaku! And there were three of them!
Azami: Hah? Me?
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Sakoda: You put them up somewhere not noticeable, right? But I'm probably the only one who noticed, so rest easy!
Azami: (But I threw all my tanzaku into the trash....)
Azami: Nah, I don't have any tanzaku decorating it.
Sakyo: What are you doing? Let's go, Sakoda.
Sakoda: You got it, Aniki!
Sakyo: ........
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Azami: The fuck are you looking at?
Sakyo: ......Don't throw away the tanzaku you wrote your wishes on. From now on, make sure to properly decorate the bamboo with them.
Azami: .....Hah?
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Azami: Haaah!? So it was all the work of damn shitty Sakyo!!!!
Azami: (I'll go to the Ginsenkai and remove the tanzaku immediately.....!)
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previous I
*tanzaku are long, thin strips of colorful paper used to write wishes on during the Tanabata Festival, and are normally hung on bamboo branches
*Orihime and Hikoboshi are the star-crossed lovers and deities that are worshipped during the Tanabata festival
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sakodumb · 14 days ago
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waystobloomzine · 4 months ago
Ways to Bloom
Welcome to Ways to Bloom: An A3! Zine!
This is a digital, for-profit and for-charity zine centered around the daily lives of our six college-aged Y1 characters (Tsuzuru, Mizuno, Misumi, Kazunari, Omi, and Sakoda).
The zine is general and SFW. Each piece will centre around different aspects of what it means to grow up from childhood into adulthood.
( Carrd | Twitter | Bluesky )
Applications: OPEN until Dec 7
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a3en-unofficial-archive · 4 months ago
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In this chapter of the A3! Web Manga, the lucky teens of Autumn Troupe are the recipients of some 'otoshidama', or new year money! Do you get anything special for the new year where you live? Let us know in the comments!
#a3game #a3manga
Jan 2, 2021
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mxddyhero · 2 years ago
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