#saito megumi
gear-project · 4 months
Regarding your post about Axl and I-No: Could that be the reason why I-no told Axl not to dig too deeply into her past back in XX and Judgment? Was it because she subconsciously had an idea of who he was and his relevance to her, but didn't want to properly deal with it?
If you look at the entire story from I-No's perspective:
Everything began with the war between the Original Sage and the Universal Will.
A proxy conflict that Mankind would NEVER be fully aware of, except for I-No herself.
And the result would essentially split I-No in half.
The half that was given actuating power for change was cut off.
And the half that was "almost powerless" was made "human".
The rest, I-No had to piece together herself, and she was stuck travelling from Era to Era in order to figure all of this out.
She was even forced to "live" in an era in which the world was completely devoid of Human life and Gears roamed the wastelands of what was once Human Civilization.
This is the "Grey Future" that I-No spoke of in Xrd.
All because she inadvertently manipulated the kindness of a Young Soldier (Ky Kiske) back during the Crusades.
It was at this time that she had to learn how to master what "little" power she had and manipulate Time itself in order to change that Future.
But doing so was very "boring" to her.
All aspects of "being human" that should have been stimulating to anyone else in her position felt meaningless, because that aspect of her heart was cut off from the rest of what made her existence complete.
The more time she spent "gaining power", the more bored she got, even managing to kill off some of the most talented individuals in the world in the process (Dr. Faust and Ramlethal Valentine, to name a few).
Eventually she decided to make the world "Game Over" and to do so, she would need to enlist the Potential Power of the Original Sage's Protégé' : Asuka R. Kreutz.
But in HER current timeline, Kreutz was imprisoned by the Gears he himself had created, chained up in an underground Gear Plant facility, Karma he himself had accumulated.
Of course she was curious why someone so talented ended up imprisoned by his own creations. How pathetic could you possibly be to end up in that situation?
All the power she was given to her, while still something of a mystery to her, was all handed to her on a silver platter.
Why was she all-powerful? Why was she immortal?
The more time she spent "working under Asuka" the more educating the experience was... though she always felt like her drive and purpose were meant for a "bigger future".
Even if she could relate to a fellow Immortal like Raven, her emotions were still dried up, she could still emote, and she still could "feel", but she couldn't "experience" the true essence of being human.
It was like eating gourmet food and not being able to taste any of it.
So when she met Sol Badguy, Asuka's Rival, she had an axe to grind with him.
At first, it wasn't personal, though she felt a sense of loyalty to Asuka just like Raven did (believing in the Promise of Salvation that Asuka spouted).
But just like Asuka's odd position, Sol was even more of a mystery:
How could a man blessed with Gear Cells (power and immortality) spurn his very own existence? How could he kill and murder his own Gear-kind?
Sol was even making Weapons of Mass Destruction AS A HOBBY... (the OutRage). What kind of human does this and still picks a fight with those who treated him so well?
I-No wasn't able to grasp the finer points of Sol's Human nature... and soon enough they butted heads. I-No developed a heated hatred for Sol that would last for some time.
Meanwhile, in various timelines, a familiar face kept popping in and out of I-No's memory.
Her past was so distant and so blurry, she may as well not have ever been Human in the first place... so who exactly WAS Axl Low?
To I-No he was a weak pathetic excuse of a man. He ran away at any wiff of trouble, cried his heart out, and used underhanded and almost cowardly ways to sneak his way out of a pinch.
And he STILL had the gall to flirt with women around him!?
Even if I-No had memories of loving a man in her past... those memories were so far removed from her present self they hardly felt relevant.
I-No needed a purpose. A reason to exist. Even if she had to steal it herself (Stealing was something she was getting used to doing at this point).
Of course she knew the Universal Will probably wouldn't let her roam as she pleased, so she kept her actions under wraps for a while, only following Asuka's orders whenever it felt safe to.
She was even killing Valentines in different timelines as a hobby at this point (she was that bored).
Eventually, Axl Low escaped from Bedman's clutches (thanks heavily for I-No's assistance, of course).
Normally I-No could care less what the man had to say, but this time around he said something very fishy that caught her ears:
He'd MET with the Original Sage.
Not since her "beginnings" had she encountered the Sage, and he was part of the reason she existed the way she did!
The "Sage" was doing something, and she wanted in!
And of course, anything meant for Asuka's ears were encrypted... so of course I-No wasn't allowed to hear.
But the Future was moving in a new direction, something I-No wanted very badly... something stimulating, something different from all the grey boredom she had experienced up to this point!
That future lead to an encounter with Jack-O'... and a revelation of the Truth about I-No's existence.
She had become one with the World's existence... she was literally a manifestation of the Backyard itself.
So much potential power, and no way to know how to use it.
Asuka had his own plans to make her "even more human" than she originally was.
But that was even more boring than her current life.
Only one person could give her the "Future" she desired... the "Power" she desired.
Sol Badguy had already put down the Universal Will at this point, so it was here and NOW that she could take her chance!
Her first encounter with the Original Sage after so much time had passed was different from her initial expectations.
In fact, Happy Chaos half-expected her to kill him for what he'd done to her in the first place.
It WAS his FAULT, after all...
But if anyone knew the true implications of I-No's existence, it was him.
More than anyone else, Happy Chaos understood I-No, and understood what she had become, not to mention what she was meant to be.
Or at least, that was the "tripe" he fed I-No.
And she ate up every last morsel of it.
Her desperation to become something beyond human and understand humans at the same time was like burning a candle at both ends.
Would there be anything left to burn?
In her final moments, I-No saw the U.S. President's eyes look keenly at her desperation. The eyes of someone who knew nothing but sorrow and misery, a desire for dignity, and yet denied even that.
As well as the weeping eyes of a man who would have loved her, even if she wasn't the woman from his original timeline.
I-No's future brought her to her swift demise, but at the same time, her Past still existed somehow...
A past she had forgotten even still remained.
She herself had contradicted her own existence... a desire to understand a part of herself that wasn't SUPPOSED TO BE UNDERSTOOD.
Instead, the paradox that was I-No was undone... and the true life of Megumi Saito could now begin in earnest.
As for Axl Low and Happy Chaos... the former was finally able to keep his promise... while the latter took a roundabout way of keeping HIS promise to I-No!
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rswitz · 2 months
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she just like me fr
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inkymari · 7 months
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i just think that the idea of Mikoto developing a sapphic crush on Megumi is silly and cute
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kanashimitwilight · 6 months
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geckopann · 4 months
@elmaxlys So here they are...now, why do both of them look flustered? I dunno. Let's blame Rika. Everyone kinda likes him (?
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dayooooonds · 6 months
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kawaragoemonz · 1 year
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kenkaodoll · 1 year
Important Update!
In new anime production, the birthday for characters other than Kenshin will be updated.
Some birthday may have different date compared to Kenshin Kaiden guidebook which released in 1999.
Birthday list: Himura Kenshin : June 20 Kamiya Kaoru : Obtober 10 Myojin Yahiko : November 26 Sagara Sanosuke : July 30 Takani Megumi : September 12 Shinomori Aoshi : January 3 Hajime Saito : Febuary 18
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jose92gt · 8 months
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Vanguard Divinez 4
Conocemos en esta ocasión a Mikoto Saito una idol y modelo que cuida su imagen mucho su imagen no es sencillo,pero cuando ya no está frente a los demás disfruta del Vanguard en sus tiempos libres además sabemos que participará en el Fated Clash
Encuentro gracioso entre Mikoto y Akina en la tienda, Mikoto sabía que Akina había luchado en la Fated Clash en la que ambos participan, ya luego entran a la tienda y Mikoto busca armar su mazo con la ayuda de Megumi, Akina se queda a ver la batalla de ambas
Con una Skill Divine fue la clave para que Mikoto derrotara a Megumi combo bastante bueno
Mikoto le agrado a Akina
Suo participará en el Fated Clash ya que saco la Carta de su destino pese a no tener ambición de algo o sueño, Taizo vs Mikoto la siguiente semana
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magicmorningmeteora · 1 month
Miyoshi Chinatsu - Love, Yes I do
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yukiteruakari · 4 months
The Hopeful Radio & The Hopeless Ogata
I've recently managed to find all the recordings of Megumi Ogata's (Makoto Naegi's VA) talk show! The show features many guests, including voice actors and even Kodaka himself. Please feel free to check it out!
Vol.1 & Vol.2
Vol. 1 Tracklist:
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1. The Role of Makoto Naegi: Megumi Ogata
2. Guest: The Role of Byakuya Togami: Akira Ishida
3. The Role of Makoto Naegi: Megumi Ogata
4. Guest: The Role of Kyoko Kirigiri: Yoko Hikasa
5. Guest: Planning, Scenario: Kazutaka Kodaka
6. Guest: The Role of Sayaka Maizono: Makiko Ohmoto
7. The Role of Makoto Naegi: Megumi Ogata
8. Guest: Script: Makoto Uezu
9. The Role of Makoto Naegi: Megumi Ogata
10. Guest: The Role of Chihiro Fujisaki: Koki Miyata
11. The Role of Makoto Naegi: Megumi Ogata
Special Travel Edition - Guest: The Role of Leon Kuwata: Takahiro Sakurai
[Special Guest]
The Role of Asahina Aoi: Chiwa Saito
Vol. 2 Tracklist:
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12. Guest: The Role of Kiyotaka Ishimaru: Kosuke Toriumi
13. Guest: Anime Producer: Yuji Higa
14. Guest: The Role of Celestia Ludenberg: Hekiru Shiina
15. The Role of Makoto Naegi: Megumi Ogata
16. Guest: The Role of Sakura Ogami: Kujira
17. Guest: Director: Seiji Kishi
18. Guest: The Role of Junko Enoshima: Megumi Toyoguchi
19. Guest: Game Producer: Yoshinori Terasawa and Hope's Peak Academy Store Department: Editor T
20. Guest: The Role of Yasuhiro Hagakure: Masaya Matsukaze
21. Guest: Music Producer: Masafumi Takada
22. Guest: Original Scenario Writer: Kazutaka Kodaka, Anime Producer: Yuji Higa and Ryoko Amisaki
[Special Guests]
The Role of Sayaka Maizono: Makiko Ohmoto
The Role of Celestia Ludenberg: Hekiru Shiina
The Role of Yasuhiro Hagakure: Masaya Matsukaze
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yasutomoe · 7 months
Full Metal Alchemist The Stage [dl]
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Cast: Isshiki Yohei : Edward Elric (double cast) Hirono Ryota : Edward Elric (double cast) Mashima Shuto : Alphonse Elric Okabe Rin : Winry Rockbell Aoki Jin : Roy Mustang (double cast) Wada Takuma : Roy Mustang (double cast) Tsukui Minami : Riza Hawkeye Metal Yoshida : Alex Louis Armstrong Okamoto Yuki : Maes Hughes Kimisawa Yuki : Jean Havoc Harashima Motohisa : Denny Brosh Mizuki Sakurako : Maria Ross Abe Yutaka : Tim Marco Oishi Keita : Shou Tucker Ono Hikari : Izumi Curtis Sao Kurama : Lust Hiramatsu Raima : Envy Kusano Taisei : Gluttony Hoshi Tomoya : Scar Suzuki Shogo : Solf J. Kimblee Kuge Megumi : Pinako Rockbell Saito Mizuki : Gracia Hughes Ogawa Himari : Nina Tucker (double cast) Shiribiki Yuika : Nina Tucker (double cast) Tatsumi Takuro : King Bradley Sakurada Kosei : Alphonse Elric (suit actor)
hello, 2.5D community! this would be my first time sharing my copy of a blu ray purchase so i hope i ripped the files properly. i haven't checked them due to my very packed schedule, so please message me if there are any problems.
here is the link to the files for both disc 1 (hirono ryo as edward elric, wada takuma as roy mustang) and disc 2 (isshiki yohei as edward elric, aoki jin as roy mustang). i might remove the link on this post after a while so please save it asap.
then as for the rules, just like the others, please do not upload on streaming sites.
enjoy the stage play!
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dellalyra · 1 year
𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗥𝗼𝗼𝗺 - 𝗙𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝗙𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀
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𝘈/𝘕: 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩, 𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯-𝘵𝘺𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭 𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦, 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘢 𝘴𝘱𝘰𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘳𝘴, 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘶𝘱𝘴, 𝘩𝘶𝘳𝘵, 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘢𝘭𝘴𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵? 𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘴𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘪 𝘨𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘴
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A council meeting, 15 Jujutsu Higher ups, all named in agreements previously signed to destroy ‘threats’ to society.
3 men who were involved in a plot that almost killed you 13 years ago.
4 men who listed your 2 year old son on a list of ‘potential adversaries’.
6 men who were involved with the fiasco of the Plasma Star Vessel.
2 men who named Gojo as the one to kill Geto.
4 men who concocted the plan to send Yuuji Itadori to his death at the Juvenile Detention Centre.
5 men who agreed to let a little boy be sold to a destructive family at the expense of his sister, then tried to stop his legal adoption by a loving family.
4 men who you knew for a fact beat their wives.
3 men who you knew attempted to persuade young female sorcerers that there were ‘other’ ways to get promoted.
15 men who signed the death warrant for Yuuji Itadori.
15 men who signed the death warrant for Yaga Masamichi.
15 men who signed the degree that Gojo Satoru was to be left in limbo, resigned forever to the Prison Realm.
15 men who named you an enemy of society and 15 men who tore your life apart from its very roots.
After he was unsealed - you both knew what would happen.
Several lifetimes worth of pain and anguish at the hands of these men had culminated in a mutual understanding of what Gojo had meant when he said he’d be attending the council meeting. He smiled at you, seeing you strapping your daggers to your thighs before you left. Only a level of trust borne from years and years of love and tied consciousness, blood and heartache would cultivate the intensity of the faith you had in each other.
For years, you had both dreamed of a new world - shaped with love and learning. When he left, wanting a new world - shaped from blood and anger, your hearts had broken. He had died for his cause. You had killed for yours.
Ironic, really, that if you all survive this - the new world was shaped by love, learning, blood and anger. Two visions and paths converged even though one dreamer was dead.
You know he’d love the scene you are witnessing. They all would, Nanami, Yaga, Mai, Kokichi, Yuki - fuck, even Toji.
You’re doing this for the ones who can’t. Nobara - they killed her best friend. Toge - who’s been ostracised by them his whole life. Panda - who’s father was slaughter by them. Choso - left in a test tube by them in a warehouse for 150 years. Akio - who has been sent to the other side of world, away from his parents - to prevent him being used as a pawn against his father and mother. Megumi. Who they have taken everything from, again and again.
The room fell silent.
15 voices had echoed throughout the building.
Now: nothing.
“You have been released?” The chairman asks, incredulous.
“Was this your doing, woman?” Another growled at you.
“Hana Kurusu.” Satoru said, voice eerily lacking in its usual joy.
“After the culling games, if she survives - she will be sentenced to death. You were to stay sealed, Gojo. Any who aid you, will face the same fate. Mrs. Gojo, you are clearly part of the scheme - I am not foolish enough to seize you, myself. Saito - call upon Okkotsu. His post as executioner has been reinstated. He must come here at once - Gojo, should you interfere, your son will pay the price. We know where your family home is, and have guards posted nearby as secondary plans.”
Saito, who once called you a Gojo breeding mare, stood, making his way to the large double doors, and as he attempted to push them open.
They would not sway.
He tried again, but the door remained steadfast. Nobody noticed the steadfast vines holding the doors together.
A murmur in the room broke out.
“Whatever intimidation tactic you think you can use is fruitless.” Ikeda, a close friend of Naobito Zen’in who was a signature on the plot to kill Yuuji, stated.
“Whatever you try, 30 miles from here is your son. Do not forget this.”
“Imbeciles.” You sneer.
“How is that, Mrs. Gojo?”
“You talk about our home? That is 30 miles away, where your guards are stationed confining where you think our son is, in case you decided to use him against us. Yet, did any of you think to check? Did any of you see him?”
They all swap looks, understanding your words.
“He is not there. In fact, as a contingency plan - anyone you could use as blackmail, or collateral, they’re all gone. I don’t even know where my son is, he could be next door or in fucking Peru for all I know. The students, all in the culling games, you can’t reach them. It’s just us now.” You smile, locking eyes with the chairman.
“It’s just us, and, the doors are locked.” Satoru smirks.
In an instant, 15 sets of feet stood up preparing to fight. It wasn’t necessary.
15 versus 2? Sounds like bad odds.
Good thing you’re both anomalies.
Satoru; filled with anger. With power - overwhelming power and strength coursing from his very bones was prickling the air - the air felt like static as several of the weaker men dropped to their knees to plea for their pathetic lives. They had taken his best friend, a beautiful little girl, the father of his son, his innocence, the boy he saw as his son - they almost took you - so many times, in plots and schemes to rid the world of the L/N clan head before your power grow to an untouchable level, but they were weak - you had always been untouchable. Those who tortured Maki, Toge, Panda - they killed his mentor.
Years of anger, of hurt and holding back had peaked in him. His eyes lay upon the men like a blanket of stone.
You; standing there, personification of the phrase ‘hell hath no fury like a woman scorned’, no physical power, tiny beside the hulking mass of your husband, but sparks of blue tingling your fingers - fingers now adorned with claws as sharp as knives and a smile on your pretty pink lips, needle-pointed fangs glinting in the lamplight. Your husband, your sons, the children you hope to bear, the children you cherished as your own, your best friend, your family, the students you have nurtured, your mentor, your ancestors. That is why you were here.
The bloodshed and grief inflicted by the men in this room on souls too pure and too lovely to be tainted by their cowardice and hatred. They are reapers, harbingers of death and pain with nothing but self-interest in their minds. You had no qualms. You knew nobody would mourn.
They threatened your son.
They underestimated how far you would go to protect your family, your friends.
How far would you and Gojo go - in order to protect what future the next generation will have?
The answer came in the form of flashes of light as Gojo cleanly and quickly, better than they deserved - killed half the room in one fell swoop of his pale fingers. No pain, no suffering.
The room was drenched, soaked in blood. The room was the epicentre of corruption, of malice and malevolence, of cowardice. The room - the room where a safer future unfurled.
You knelt, beside the chairman, the author of all of the death warrants, the author of your grief.
“Let me recite a prayer - a final prayer.”
“A prayer? Did you give Yuuji time to pray? Did you give Riko? Did you pray for Satoru when he was sealed? Did you pray for me - or for my son?”
“I pray to the gods -”
“You will pray to nobody.” You turn his head with piercing sharp claws on his cheek.
“If you insist on a prayer - you will pray to me, for I am your God now.”
In seconds, the 6 men on your side of the room were dead. No pain, no suffering. You were not cruel. Nobody deserved a painful or cruel death, these men were old - none below 80, they had lived lives. None would mourn for them, not for their callous disregard for life and love, and not for the heartless behaviour.
The room was drenched, soaked in blood. The room was the epicentre of corruption, of malice and malevolence, of cowardice. The room - brought into the light by the Six Eyes, and where hope bloomed - nurtured by the Dryad.
Recommended Listening:
What Could Have Been - Sting ft. Ray Chen
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neeneee · 10 months
one thing I've learned is that the reason western fans ship homosexual relationships in anime, manga and idols is because they have a completely different dynamic than us. To them, hugging, kissing and expressing love to your homies is completely normal and ordinary; that is shown in the media, so when we consume that media in our eyes it translates into romantic relationships, so sometimes we may ship completely platonic relationships.
Even to me, who does not participate in ship culture, it is very clear that the feelings between Suguru and Satoru are in fact NOT platonic. I feel like Itadori and Megumi are just homies, pals if you will, but SATOSUGU?? Nuh-uh, that's love right there. You're telling me you're positive your friend was there hours ago by his SCENT?? that's not normal, my love.
Oh, you allowed him to manage his lil' cult, kill people and destroy lives FOR TEN YEARS because your bffs, besties, homies??? NO, you love that man, you love him.
You wear an outfit that's named like your homie??? Gojogesa??? Man, that's not homie behavior.
Also I did not miss how you called miss Saito 'Sato-san' and then played it off like 'Sato suits you much better', you aren't slick.
Y'all should've kissed man, I was all for that. :(
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kanashimitwilight · 8 months
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melancholywally · 14 days
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Pokémon — Kanto teams 8/?
Ground-type Gym Leader Giovanni's Pokémon team, based on his teams from Pokémon Red and Blue and Pokémon Black 2 and White 2.
Artwork by:
Megumi Mizutani for SM Unbroken Bonds (Giovanni's Exile) Kouki Saito for BW Dragons Exalted (Marowak) Yukiko Baba for HeartGold and SoulSilver (Sandslash) Kagemaru Himeno for Team Rocket (Dark Dugtrio) Ken Sugimori for Gym Challenge (Giovanni's Nidoqueen, Giovanni's Nidoking) KirisAki for SM Unbroken Bonds (Rhydon)
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