#saint patrick day sale
floridaboiler · 6 months
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partyoptions · 1 year
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thevintagevaultllc · 1 year
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pixiesfz · 9 months
Once again on my knees requesting a follow up where frat Jessie goes to see the reader working their shift at the bar to flirt and distract them while they’re working
I did think of this and I was like hmmm I'm not sure but you have convinced me. so here is frat boy Jessie part 2
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plot: it's been a week since the college party and three days since your dinner date with jessie and now you have a shift at your club for bartending
warnings: suggestive, ass grabbing, homophobia (idk if I'll do smut cause not sure if I'm comfortable writing it yet but we'll see) I'm back, yeah a little bit of smut. kinda public, reader went commando today
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You looked at yourself in the changing room of your work, your shorts were so short you felt your ass peeking out and your bum bag was almost longer than them. It was saint Patrick's day so your work had decided to change up the uniform for the day, instead of the usual black attire you sported green sparkly shorts with matching dark green fishnets and a whit singlet that was cut in the middle with a four-leaf clover on your left boob.
Let's also mention the leprechaun hat you sported with your hair in two plaits.
You saw another co-worker walk in to start their shift when they stopped and looked at you "that's what we're wearing tonight?" she asked with a smirk "at least it's better than Halloween" you shrugged before making sure you had a pen and paper in your bum bag.
You don't usually work weekends but you had a week off volleyball and your best friend Morgan asked if you could somehow be out of the dorm so she could spend time with her boyfriend, you agreed and now you were hear reading the recipe for a 'lucky charm' cocktail that was only on for the night.
It was a busier night than usual, boys from your school coming in to hang out, some of them noticed you but didn't comment, others were too drunk to notice.
It wasn't until 10 that someone started some trouble.
"Hey little lady" a mans voice popped up from behind you as you rolled your eyes but turned around with a fake smile, he looked about 50 "what can I get you sir" you said "Can I get you" he smirked and you had to stop yourself from laughing "unfortunately us workers aren't up for sale, can I offer you something else," you said, pointing at the menu
You had been through this many times before.
"what about some money would that change your mind?"
"She said no you fucking pervert!" a voice called out to him, a voice that you had become familiar with.
"Is that so, cause she was smiling at me-"
"It's called service with a smile, not an invitation to get into my pants" you cut him off "now fuck off before I call security" you said before you looked at Jessie who was to busy looking at you already.
"You fucking lesbians always think you have control over us men" the man grumbled and you laughed "Josh!" you yelled out to your security man who walked over.
"Is there a problem?" he asked and you watched the man cowardly walk away as you pointed at Jessie to join you at the other side of the bar.
"Wow," she stated "What?" you asked "I'm not sure what's hotter right now that outfit or how you shut that fucker up" She smiled.
"How'd you know I was working?" you asked as you dried beer bottles, "Morgan told me" "Of course she did" you laughed "You glad I'm here?" Jessie asked you as you blushed "I think the way I'm seeing you stare at my ass whenever I turn around gives me the impression that you're very happy to be here"
"I will say I am enjoying the view" she said with a smirk.
A customer came in and you excused yourself to take his order as Jessie watched you from her seat, her grip on her glass tightning when she saw his stare on you.
When you returned you looked at Jessie "Hey your knuckles are white, I don't want to clean a broken glass tonight" you joked as her grip loosened "do all the customers look at you like that?" Jessie asked with a stern face.
"Jealousy is not a good look on you Fleming" you teased "Ha Ha" she fake laughed "What time do you finish?" she asked "An hour but I have a designated 'toilet break' in about 15 minutes," you said and her eyes brightened.
"So I can get you alone in a bathroom whilst you are in that outfit?" Jessie smiled like the cherished cat as you took away her drink "Not with your breath smelling like beer"
"that wasn't a no"
"You are distracting me at my work" you told her and she looked proud "Do I distract you y/n" she whispered going closer to you which made your cheeks redden.
"Y/n!" your boss's voice called out "Yeah" you replied "Toilet break Kenz will take over," he said before disappearing into his office again.
You placed your bum bag down behind the counter before walking past the bar and looking back at Jessie "you coming?" you asked with a small smirk and the soccer player scrambled off her seat to follow you.
When you walked back into the changing room you showed Jessie your little wardrobe "This is hot" she admitted as she looked at some of the outfits "You should see valentines day" you snorted at yourself as you watched her scavenge for it.
"Jessie" you called out to her as she just nodded her head, looking through your work clothes "Jessie" you called again as you sat on the couch behind the curtain "what?" she asked looking down at you.
She couldn't help her eyes for going straight to your cleavage as you looked up at her "Are you going to kiss me or what?"
"Oh fuck yeah I'm going to kiss you" Jessie whispered out to herself before joining you on the couch and grabbing your waist to sit on top of her.
Your bare legs rubbing against her jeans as her hands found a comfortable place on your ass is what made her smile "I knew coming here would be a great idea" she smiled "I'm in heaven" she joked as you looked behind you "wait" you told her as you got up
"Nooooo, don't stop heaven"
"I'm just closing the curtain so nobody see's us"
"let them see" Jessie shrugged "so they can know what's going to be mine"
"I think a few more dates until that happens Fleming," you said as you closed the curtain "but I do like your forwardness "Yeah?" Jessie questioned with a smirk and you couldn't help but fold at her words "Oh yeah, I'm free real estate at the moment until proven otherwise" you teased.
This made something in Jessies stomach turn "come here" she ordered as you sat back down on her lap "free real estate huh?" she questioned and you nodded, You felt her grasp on your ass tighter, leaving marks before looking at you and kissing you.
It didn't start slowly like it did at the end of your first date, no this time it was harsher and you loved it, from seeing Jessie so jealous from one look of a guy you wanted to test the waters.
And test it you did as you felt one of Jessie's hands pull you closer to her and create friction which you moaned quitely at giving Jessie dominance at the kiss "Do it again" she ordered before sloppily kissing down your neck "What again?" you asked and she rocked your body up and down her again, creating more friction.
You did as she said and grinded against her without her help as her nails dug into your ass with her denim grinding against your thin layers you couldn't help your quiet moans from coming out your mouth.
"Just like that" Jessie said as she nibbled at your neck, you reached your head back at the action as yo found yourself riding on the girls jeans quicker as you grew hotter and hotter.
"Jessie" you breathed out into her ear "Yeah baby" she says "Touch me" you mutter "Touch you where?" she asked and you buried your neck into her shoulder "down there" you mumbled
"be more specific baby" she teased you as you groaned, she gripped your ass so tight that you couldn't move anymore, you couldn't stand it, you wanted her.
"fuck Jessie" you muttered "What was that?" she asked as she gave you another hint of friction "Touch my pussy Jessie" you told her which she smiled at
"Only cause you asked so nicely" she smirked and you wished you had the power to humble her a bit, but right now you liked it as she placed you down on the couch and spread your legs apart for you.
You held eye contact the entire time as she lowered onto her knee's "you sure?" she asked and you nodded. You didn't even care that you were at your workplace any more, you just wanted Jessie.
You still held eye contact as she rolled your shorts down only to reveal you wore no panties which she raised her brows at "I don't like having undie line" you defended yourself as you watched Jessie try and figure out what to do with your fishnets, with no thought she ripped them from the middle and out, giving her easy access.
You felt the cool air hit you as you rolled your head back "Patience" Jessie laughed before leaning up and kissing you again but she kissed from your lips to your stomach and now a soft kiss to your clit that made a moan escape your lips, she smiled at your reaction before licking your folds slowly
"I know you said patience Jessie but we don't have a lot of time" you reminded her as she smiled at you "Okay"
You gripped onto the edge of the couch in pleasure before she entered a finger inside of you whilst licking at your clit "Oh fuck me" you muttered out as you felt Jessie smile against your clit as she added a second finger.
You felt yourself growing closer and closer as Jessie sped up "Jessie" you moaned out as you reached out your hand to grab her pony tail. She felt you clench around her fingers as she lifted her head up "you gonna cum?" she asked as you nodded
"I'm gonna cum Jessie" you moaned as continued to somehow go faster "Then cum for me" she ordered as you rolled your head back and let go, Jessie slowed down as she let you ride out your high before taking her fingers out and sucking them herself and then pointing them to you "suck them," she said before you did.
"kiss me" you told the soccer girl who came up to you and pulled you in by your chin to kiss her, you could taste yourself on her lips which you loved.
"Y/n toilet break over!" Kenzie yelled out from the door "yep be there in a sec just getting changed!" you answered back as you and Jessie tried not to laugh "If that was ten seconds earlier she would've heard you moaning out my name, did I make you feel good?" she asked and you nodded, grabbing your shorts from the floor.
"You wait here till my shift ends and I'll make you feel good too" you promised her with a kiss on the lips "I'll be waiting" Jessie smiled as she watched you open the curtain and walk out the room, Jessie quickly slapping your ass as you walked by.
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irelandseyeonmythology · 11 months
DIAS Black Friday Sale
Once a year, the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS), offers a sale for Black Friday -- DIAS is one of the major publishers for Celtic Studies, many of the best studies of medieval Irish material have come through there.
Some books that I recommend, personally:
Fergus Kelly, A Guide to Early Irish Law (26.25 Euro, normally 35) (THE introduction to law in medieval Ireland)
"", Early Irish Farming (26.25 Euro, normally 35) (Everything you wanted to know about day to day life in medieval Ireland but were afraid to ask. Literally. Everything.)
Medieval Irish Prose
Fergus Kelly, Audacht Morainn (18.75 Euro, normally 25)
Are you planning on becoming a medieval Irish king? Do you want to know what you should do to involve the total destruction of the natural order? Then this is the text for you! Now with English translation!
In all seriousness, this text is used a LOT with regards to studies of ideal kingship in medieval Ireland.
Cecile O'Rahilly, The Táin from the Book of Leinster (26.25 Euro, usually 35)
I'll be real with you, lads: I hate Cú Chulainn. I hate him. I hate his smug, misogynistic face. His creepy multi-pupiled eyes. The shitty way he treats Emer. The way that his presence is like this black hole in the study of medieval Irish literature that means that the Ulster Cycle can get a prestigious yearly conference held in its honor while the other cycles are left with either crumbs or outright dismissal. I think the Táin is boring and episodic as a piece of lit and I've never found anything overly redeeming about it over any other piece of medieval Irish literature, especially since imo other pieces of literature do women (and homoeroticism) much better and get much less praise for it.
...that being said. It's important. It IS iconic, both as a piece of medieval Irish literature and, in general, to Irish literature. Its status as The Irish Iliad means that, if you want to study medieval Irish stuff...you have to read the Táin. And this is a version of the Táin that you might not have gotten, translated and edited by a master of Old Irish, with commentary.
"", Táin Bó Cúailnge: recension I (10 Euro, normally 35)
See above.
Early Irish History and Genealogy
T.F. O'Rahilly, Early Irish History and Genealogy (30 Euro, normally 40)
So. On the record, a lot of what he says here is absolutely not currently believed in the field. Just. No. BUT. There's a reason why I always recommend him anyway, and it's because if you're serious about doing a study of Irish Mythology, whatever we take that to mean...you will not be able to avoid this man. His ideas were very popular for decades and still often are to people who don't really focus on mythology. It's better to know where these ideas come from and to identify them than not, and O'Rahilly, in his defense, had an *excellent* knowledge of his sources. It's dense, it's difficult (rather like the author himself, from the accounts I've heard), but it's necessary if you really want to attack this.
Joan Radner, Fragmentary Annals of Ireland (22.50, normally 30)
There is so much weird shit in the Fragmentary Annals. So much.
Patrick Sims Williams, Buchedd Beuno: The Middle Welsh Life of St Beuno (22.50 Euro, normally 30)
I know what you're thinking: "Why the FUCK are they recommending this book about a random Welsh saint? Answer: Because this is how I learned Middle Welsh. The introduction to Welsh at the front of the book + the VERY good index at the back is still one of the best ways to learn Middle Welsh. Also if anyone was watching the Green Knight film and going "Why is there a lady with her head chopped off?" this answers that question.
 R. L. Thomson, Pwyll Pendeuic Dyuet: the first of the Four Branches of the Mabinogi, edited from the White Book of Rhydderch, with variants from the Red Book of Hergest (15 Euro, normally 20)
Once you've gotten enough of a hang of Middle Welsh to know the basics, it's time to dive into the classics, and what better way to do it than with the Mabinogi, starting at the very beginning, with the First Branch? Personally, I dislike a lot of Thomson's orthographic decisions, but, hey, it's the First Branch, and that's Middle Welsh orthography for you.
Ian Hughes, Math uab Mathonwy (22.50 Euro, normally 30)
The Fourth Branch, my beloved. Incest, rape, bestiality (well...pseudo bestiality, really), creating a new life while not being willing to deal with the consequences of it...it truly has it all. Not for the faint of heart, but absolutely worth the read if you can stomach it because imo it handles its themes very well and it's incredibly haunting.
And a lot more -- go in, shop around, see what's available. Even with the older books, they're often things that we're still referencing in some way into the present.
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crosseyedcricketart · 6 months
Sephora 2024 Spring Sale
The spring Sephora sale is upon us! This one is always fun for me since my birthday tends to fall in this sale, so I get a sale and a birthday present for me. So, this is my own little wishlist I have for Sephora, and what I’d really like to get during this sale.
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my little wishlist:
dew blush liquid blush in spicy, baby, chilly
sun melt natural cream bronzer in fair bronze
slip tint concealer in 1
glow sculpt cream highlighting blush in pink glow
slip tint tinted moisturizer in 1
glossybounce lip gloss oil in bounce, push, dip
flush balm cream blush in rouge, stockholm
the minimalist complexion stick in silk
bronze balm bronzer
signature lip satin lipstick in millennial, l’avenue, 1990
signature lip matte lipstick in vermillion, power, maison, classic
day glow dewy highlight in cava
shade slick tinted lip oil in sangria, pink beet, falcon, taupe, bel air
I have really been wanting to try out merit and saie beauty recently; I have absolutely loved their branding and philosophies so it’s only a matter of time before i get some of their products for myself. I am someone who doesn’t really like traveling with powder products since they are more likely to shatter; i’d rather have cream products, where even if they break, i can use them in a different container instead of having powder everywhere. All of these formulas are creams or liquids that are perfect for me to travel with. Plus, all of these products would be what I would reach for when I wanted a little pick me up, not so much full glam full cover makeup. I think the last time I did that was for my high school senior pictures. Because I was being professionally photographed.
I do have a larger beauty wishlist, but these are my want-wants, really, as opposed to what i would like to try and use daily.
yves saint laurent couture mini clutch eyeshadow palette in 100, 400
rare beauty soft pinch luminous powder blush in happy
rare beauty positive light silky touch highlighter in enlighten
tom ford eye color quad in nude dip, rose topaz, sous le sable
tom ford shade and illuminate contour duo in 0.5 intensity
tom ford eye defining pen eyeliner
huda beauty creamy obsessions eyeshadow palette in natural brown
patrick ta major headlines blush duo in just enough
patrick ta major dimension III matte eyeshadow palette
huda beauty rose quartz eyeshadow palette
mango people dewy glow cream highlighter
mango people cream blush & lip stick in cherry
tower 28 all-over hydrating concealer
natasha denona my mini dream eyeshadow palette
tower 28 shineOn lip jelly gloss in xoxo
natasha Denona glam eyeshadow palette
alpyn beauty super peptide & ghostberry moisturizer
farmacy lip smoothie lip balm
saint jane beauty luxury sun ritual sunscreen
mara sea silk lip balm
mara algae + moringa sea sculpt body oil
chia + moringa algae enzyme cleansing oil
mara seadream crème moisturizer
soft services speed soak gel body moisturizer
soft services buffing bar exfoliating body bar
soft services carea cream moisturizing + softening body lotion
merit great skin instant glow serum
oui the people hydrating body oil in orange blossom
summer fridays rich cushion cream moisturizer
Most of my skincare wants are just more rich moisturizers. I tend to have dry skin, unless it’s peak summer when it feels like I’m in a rice cooker, since that is super humid.
No matter how much I love beauty products, I do not wish to have the 2016 makeup collections, where there is so much that it is useless. If I ever get there in my career, I fully intend to give that surplus to someone who could use the bulk of it, like a makeup artist. I don’t know if I’ll ever get there, but I know I don’t want 80 foundations just rolling around in a drawer. That goes for skincare too; I do not want the skincare tiktoker collection that will expire in 6 months. I think, in a small thought, the best way to actually review that much product without wasting it would be to keep notes on the different products and how they worked, and how they compare to other products as a frame of reference, then use the product. I know for me that if I really need to use a skincare product before it goes bad, I’ll use it on my body. But that also would take more effort than a lot of people want to put into something, and I’m aware of that.
That is my little Sephora round up here for this spring and summer, and if you’d like, you can share with me what you’re looking at for this sale, or what you’re not looking at. Knowing me, I’ll end up just getting two products from this sale.
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bee-hivestudios · 2 years
Did I have a hankering to draw unicorns again?
Yes, yes I did. And YES, I needed it to be St. Patricks Day themed, as I wanted to have something ready for the holiday. Twas a nice breather from commissions. ^^
Stickers and other such merch are now available for sale!
#stpatricksday #unicorns #irish
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asbashop · 8 months
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("Luck-Filled Saint Patrick's Day Deals!" Active T-Shirt for Sale by AsbaShop | Redbubble gönderdi)
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tamapalace · 2 years
My Tamagotchi Forever Saint Patrick’s Day 2023 Sale!
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To celebrate the Saint Patrick’s holiday that is right around the corner on Friday, March 17th, 2023 the team over at the My Tamagotchi Forever app are running a sale! The sale is on a hat bundle. Just launch the app and head over to the store to get your character the hats they need to celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day!
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day
A national holiday in the Canadian province of Quebec and celebrated by French Canadians worldwide, especially in Canada and the United States, Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day, June 24,  honors the traditional feast day of the Nativity — or birth — of St. John the Baptist. The religious nature of the holiday has been de-emphasized for civic events, and “la St-Jean” is now mainly a celebration of francophone culture and history filled with public events, parades, barbecues, picnics and fireworks. Bonne Saint-Jean-Baptiste!
When is Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day 2022?
Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day, or St John the Baptist Day, is celebrated on June 24 in the Canadian province of Quebec and by French Canadians across Canada and the United States.
History of Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day
Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day is a national holiday celebrated on June 24 in Quebec, where it’s also known as ‘Fête nationale du Québec’ (‘national holiday of Quebec’ in English). Many Canadian Francophone communities outside of Quebec also celebrate Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day.
The holiday festivities start on June 23 and people gather to celebrate Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day and Francophone culture with outdoor activities, parades, concerts, and fireworks. Smaller celebrations are also held in neighborhoods, like bonfires, barbecues, and picnics. The white fleur-de-lis on the flag of Quebec is the symbol of this holiday. Blue and white are the colors of the day, and the flag is waved and hoisted at Fête nationale du Québec events.
The history of Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day is more than 100 years old. The day originally marked the honorary remembrance of the Christian saint, John the Baptist, but all this changed in 1834 when Canadian-French journalist Ludger Duvernay witnessed a St. Patrick’s Day celebration in Montreal. Seeing the grand celebration for an honorary figure inspired him to form a similar holiday for French Canadians to honor their heritage. Duvernay established the charitable association, the Saint-Jean-Baptiste Society, in the same year, and the holiday was observed for the first time on June 24. The association was chartered in 1849 with the aim of promoting moral and social progress.
Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day was celebrated on and off for years until it finally became an official holiday in Quebec in 1925. The day has been observed every year since and has become a mark of Francophone culture.
Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day timeline
1646 Shots fired
One of the first recognized celebrations of Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day took place on the banks of the Saint Lawrence River with bonfires and shots from a cannon.
1694 Holiday declared
Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day is declared a public holiday by the second bishop of Quebec, Jean-Baptiste de La Croix de Chevrières de Saint-Vallier.
1744 The bishop of Quebec ruins the party
According to some sources, Henri-Marie Dubreil de Pontbriand, the sixth bishop of Quebec, tries to abolish Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day celebrations because he felt they had strayed too far from their religious origins.
1834 Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day Promoted
Journalist Ludger Duvernay, inspired by Montreal’s Saint Patrick’s Day celebrations, establishes the Saint-Jean-Baptiste Society to promote Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day.
1977 Fete Nationale du Quebec
Lieutenant Governor Hugues Lapointe declares June 24, Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day, a national holiday in Quebec.
Many celebratory events are organized around Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day. From small family gatherings like picnics, bonfires, parties, and yard sales, to large organized events such as concerts, parades, sports tournaments, and firework displays, there is something for everyone. Church bells also ring in celebration, and local funfairs and dances are hosted. These events are also sometimes broadcast live on TV or live-streamed on social media. The celebrations are coordinated by the Mouvement national des Québécoises et des Québécois.
The colors for the day are blue and white, with many people wearing these to attend events. The public holiday is a day off from school and most businesses are also closed.
Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day FAQs
Why do we celebrate St-Jean-Baptiste Day?
St-Jean-Baptiste Day is a public holiday in Quebec, on which John the Baptist is remembered.
What is Québec's national holiday called?
The official holiday of Quebec, Canada is called Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day or ‘Fête nationale du Québec’ in French.
What is Saint Jean the patron saint of?
Saint Jean is the patron saint of Canada.
Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day Activities
Have a neighborhood picnic
Grab a seat near the water for fireworks
Learn French
One of the great things about la St-Jean is that the party spreads outward from the main city events into all the neighborhoods and communities. Organize a potluck picnic with your friends from the block.
There's no better way to watch fireworks than right next to the water, where you'll get a front-row seat for the spectacular, booming, sparkling displays — both in the air and in the magical reflection on the waves.
French is one of the world's most beautiful languages. And it's the official tongue in a multitude of countries — not just France and Canada. Learn the language so you'll be prepared when you run into a fellow francophone.
5 Facts About Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day
The holiday has many names
Symbols for the day
He baptized Jesus
John the Baptist saved
John the Baptist is also mentioned in Islam
Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day is also known as St John the Baptist Day, ‘la Saint-Jean,’ ‘Fête nationale du Québec,’ and Quebec's National Holiday.
The flag of Quebec and the fleurs-de-lis represent Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day.
Jean Baptiste is French for John the Baptist, a Jewish preacher who baptized Jesus Christ.
John baptized Jewish people in the river Jordan on their confession of their sins.
St. John the Baptist is perceived as a prophet in the Islamic religion.
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gritboy · 2 years
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Saint Patrick’s Weekend Sale - 20% OFF for for three days on everything in the Wow Cool Shop from Friday, March 17 – Sunday, March 19, 2023 https://wowcool.com
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copperbora · 2 years
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Gonda is ever so slowly progressing; all of this roaning, except for the weird looking bits on his ears and muzzle, was done with a black Staedtler pencil crayon.
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And damn, am I loving Staedtler! This is my first time using anything from this brand and I am really enjoying the nice hard lead which actually sharpens up to a really proper point. I'm used to Prismacolor crayons whose leads break constantly so this Staedtler pencil crayon is a freakin' dream.
The weird discolouration on Gonda's nose and ears is from me using a Tombow pen there - turns out Tombow ink doesn't adhere very well at all to Vallejo primer; lesson learned!
Next (after I finish roaning Gonda's right side,) I will be nicening up Gonda's coat with chalk pastels because it turns out that I am not as good at roaning hair by hair with pencil crayons as I am at rendering dapples that way. So, hopefully I can get him looking nice; right now I am in the phase of a piece where I kinda hate it a little but I am nudging myself onwards anyway because I know that if I can get past this fugly stage the piece'll be glorious when I am done!
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Lady Blue.
Gonda is to be a dark blue roan when he is done, somewhat similar to a Breyer Stablemate that I previously customized, Lady Blue. He is a Breyer Cigar (Traditional scale thoroughbred,) that I have given an entirely new tail to as well as feathers, a forelock and some mane details. Gonda will not be for sale.
I'm really laser focusing my attention on Gonda at the moment because for my digital art I am waiting on new nibs for my Apple Pencil to arrive. Inking has been far too frustrating lately and I finally comprehended that the problem was my Apple Pencil's nib. You are apparently supposed to replace them every two years but I'm still using the same one from when I first got both my iPad Air and Apple Pencil four years ago. Oof.
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This has made my pen pressure absolute shit. I've gotten by by 'carving' the ends of my lines with eraser but cat gods it's annoying, plus it takes longer than it should! So I am very eagerly awaiting those new nibs and hoping that they will solve the problem so that I can get back to producing Knife Edge happily.
☘️☘️☘️Happy Saint Patrick's Day!☘️☘️☘️
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Aromatherapy Products and Essential Oils SALE!
Happy Saint Patrick's Day to our Tumblr followers! Celebrate the luck of the Irish with our special sale! Get 20% off all aromatherapy products on our website. From soothing scents to invigorating blends, our range of aromatherapy products will help you feel your best! Don't miss out on this limited sale that ends on March 19th!
Visit our website now and enter the code "LUCKY20" at checkout: https://bestaromatherapyproducts.com/aromatherapy-store/
Natural Options Aromatherapy
610 State Rte 97 W, Bellville, OH 44813
(419) 886-3736
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nickgerlich · 24 days
Forks And Napkins And Burritos
Eleven of the twelve months have some notable day, either a federally observed holiday, or a socially recognized day worth noting, and as is often the case, celebrating. August is the only month with nothing; sometimes April joins August if Easter comes early, but it typically falls in that month.
Mothers Day and Fathers Day are in May and June, respectively. St. Patrick’s Day is a rite of Spring, even if we aren’t really all that Irish. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day fill the winter months, Valentine’s Day causes couples to get all amorous in February, then we honor our war dead in May, laborers in September, and independence in July.
That leaves October, and it can only mean one thing: Halloween. While the day is technically All Hallows’ Eve, and tied to the Christian observance of All Hallows’ Day on the 1st of November, somewhere along the line it was twisted into ghosts, goblins, tricking, treating, and silly costumes. And we love it, to the tune of $12.2 billion in Halloween-related sales last year. About 73% of Americans participate in the shenanigans, and I am betting few if any are concerned with the religious aspect once the calendar page is flipped.
So large is the business of Halloween that seasonal retailer Spirit Halloween has come to dominate sales. The chain, which is owned by Spencer Gifts, typically rents vacant storefronts in malls and strip centers for a few months each year, usually starting in August. It is so ubiquitous that it has even become the butt of jokes.
But it is also highly respected, which explains why Chipotle partnered with them to sell several bodysuit costumes promoting the burrito chain. As if wrapping burritos in foil weren’t enough, now fans can wrap themselves in skin-tight polyester outfits designed to spoof the Chipotle napkin, fork, water cup, burrito and to-go bag.
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As much as I was scratching my head on this one, I am also high-fiving the marketing genius. When you can get people to pay good money to promote your brand, you know you have hit a high point. The costumes sell for $40 online via Spirit Halloween.
The academic in me wants to dive a little deeper, though, into the consumer psyche. What is it about Halloween that so captivates people to want to decorate, splurge on candy to give away, and dress up as someone they aren’t? If anything, it’s the intersection of creativity and fantasy. Maybe you manufacture your own costume, like those crazy head-turning ones that look like two persons but with only one person inside. Or perhaps you go as a celebrity, the opposite gender, a star athlete. The sky’s the limit.
And maybe that’s just it. You would never do that any other time of the year, but you can do—and be—whatever and whomever you want to be at Halloween. It’s ok. It’s socially acceptable. Forget about all those social norms you read about in text books that regulate what we can and can’t do, at least without raising the eyebrows of the general public. Furthermore, what many years ago was something primarily done by children, it now seems the adults have as much or more fun dressing up as their kids.
To be fair, we do that a little in March, wearing green and sporting shamrocks to honor a dead saint with a dubious story. But that’s about it when it comes to cosplay and all that, unless we are attending Comicon, a Civil War re-enactment, or a Ren Faire.
The level of participation in this seasonal distraction (some might call it an indiscretion as well) comes out to about $50.60 per person for the 73% of us participating. That should cover the Chipotle costume and a couple of bags of candy to hand out to the little ones. Not bad for a “holiday” most of us know little about, or even care to learn.
Maybe I’ll go as a fork.
Dr “Burritoful Idea” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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vintagebitchgifts · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: St. Patrick’s Day Mini Soaps 5 PCs VintageBitch Gifts Irish Handmade Organic.
0 notes
nityarawal · 6 months
Martha's Kitchen
Morning Songs
I Didn't Do A
Morning Song
To Martha's Kitchen
Wayward Schedules
Been Promised
New Clothes
For Many Years
At Revivals
Finally Went
Even Though My
Case Manager
Forgot Voucher
Gay Man Offered
Me A Bikini
Then Took It Away
At Revivals
Didn't Want Me
In Anything Too Pretty
Just Mens T Shirts 
And Men's Underwear
New Socks
For Men
Don't Take New Red Feragamo Jacket
From US
Even Though Nice Lady
Was Practically
But I'm The Charity
Finally Found
A Few Dresses
Tried Them On
Thought They Could
Pass As Tops
By A Couch
Gay Bald Hosts
Said No
Hurry Up
Close Out
Done With You
My Love
But Finally A Lady
Sent Me To The Back
Vanities For Sale
Where I Could See
The Plaid
Rachel Zoe Jacket
Try On Dresses
In Front Of A Reflection
Such A Privilege
To See Ones
Real Image
Most Memed
Never Gave
Me Mirrors
Don't You Want To 
Call Them
Asked My Nurse
Thursday At Urgent Care
No I'm Rather
Don't You Want To
Call Them
No I Have A Trunk
Of Junk Mail
From Them
Denying Grievances
Murders Hidden
Sign Over Your Lives
To Us
If Not Elon Musk
Your Kids
Rapunzel Trans
The Bottom Feeders
Want You
The Feds
Doje Daytraders
Gay Cartel
And Trans
Cast You
Addicted To Crystal Meth
Obedient Feloned Hookers
Heroin Addicts
Don't You Want 
Some Condoms From
Jewish Family Services
Aids Queries
In Desert
Advertise A Gay
Man With Aids
Get A House
In A Month
If You Survive
Host A 'Lie-In'
At Martha's Kitchen
Easter Weekend
Only 3 Outhouses
Hundreds Sardined 
Indoors Waiting
For Sunshine And Fresh Air
Suitcases Everywhere
End Of Busline
Now Loitering
A Crime
No Double Dipping 
Waspy Blondes Repremend
Denying Food
As If We're Vampires
Only To Traffic 
With Condoms
Stealing Another Kid
Don't You Want Your
Babies To Have Their
Own Boy-Toys
Geriatric Elon
In Diapers
Like Biden Boys'
Second Gentlemen 
Do You Want Us
To Sing About
Fraternity Parties
At Tesla
The Hookers Were 
From Vegas
Until STD Tested
The Diseases Were
And No One Wants
A Little Girl
Cyborging Them
The New 'Big Pharma'
Plea Bargain
Tethered To TV
Were The Hookers
The Diseases Are Not
And There's A Price
Tag For My Attys'
Tesla Forgot
To Pay
There's A Price Tag
On My Atty's
Lexus Lemon
Still Payin'
Deep Gifts Keep 
Every Time Beyonce
Sings "Texas Hold 'Em,"
Lexus Lemon
Forgot To Scour
Master Cleanse
There's A Price Tag
On My Atty's
Fabulous A**
And We Want 
Her Hair Dark
As Irany Queen's
Are Coming Back
We Want North
Saint And Psalm
For A Easter 
Camping Trip Mom
Anjali And Isha 
Want A Playdate
X Is Demanding
My Family Come
Leprochauns Arrive
St. Patrick's Day
Desert Side 
Rainbows Are Here
But Where's 
My Cybertruck 
Where's My Fiance
Where's Elon's Hearty
What Did You Do
With My Loves'
Got A Date For
But We Got To See
If He's Free
He's Very Very
And Being Trafficked
By Lesbians
You See
Like Elon-June
And Kardashians'
Under Trans
With Lou
Like Elon-June
You See
Lex Friedman
Doesn't Dare
Six Hookers
He Has To Service
Pimping Him
Like A Piece Of
Physics Pie
For Atty Crimes
Plea Bargains
Bros Bribes
Tech Compliant
Pimping Him
For Attys Crimes
Boys' Don't Cry
Boys' Won't Cry
But Please Mamma
Stop The Abuse
For Kanye
And My Son's
Brothers Knights
Can't Take This
Spin Dr. Abuse
100 Men Per Room
Drugged Sick Drooling
For Divindends
Martha's Manager
Says Why Don't 
You Try Riverside
Because They're The 
Mass Murderin'
Why Don't You Try
Riverside Healthcare
Because They're Raping
Kidnapping Kids'
Stealing Cars'
And Breaking 
Big Pharma
Covid Centers 
Preventing CARS
In America
To Moms'
For Easter
Dr. Lemon
Go Interview
Dr. Singh
And All His Nurses
At Moreno Valley
And Tell Me How
The Sheriff
Justifies Mass Murders
Headhunting Advertisers
And Social Media
For Google
Tech Apple
Car Competitions
Rewind Doje Cons'
Rewind AI
Nitya Nella Davigo Azam Moezzi Huntley Rawal 
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0 notes