#bulk leis
partyoptions · 1 year
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“Nationalist Movements and Fascist Ideology in Chile,” Jean Grugel (1985)
While they are relatively happy with the current personalist system of government built around the figure of Pinochet himself, [nacionalistas] regard this as only an interim solution. They would be happier still to see the formation of a movimiento cívico at base level to lend active popular support to the regime—though clearly, as Pinochet’s popularity steadily wanes, the time for this has past. In this sense the Constitution of 1980 was a disappointment for the nacionalistas, based as it was on the regime’s neo-liberalism. The nationalist magazine, Avanzada, criticized it as being ‘more or less the same as the constitution of 1925, with the addition of the [anti-communist] Ley de defensa de la democracia’. It added, ‘experience has demonstrated that this system has failed’.
Their own preferred project is one of ‘functionalist’ or ‘nationalist’ democracy, i.e. corporatism [..]. As yet, the grandiose constitutional and political model of the nacionalistas has met with as little success as their economic programme, and for the same reason: the military regime is intent, above all on demobilization, and the project of the nacionalistas is one of hierarchical controlled participation. [..]
Currently, while nacionalistas have close contacts with the Pinochet regime, they are as far removed as ever from real influence. As a result of their alienation from power, a few nacionalistas have gone into open opposition, and are attempting to forge links with small agriculturalists from Southern Chile—traditional supporters of nacionalismo—in protest at the government’s economic policies. These include Roberto Thieme, ex-Secretary of Patria y Libertad. Thieme criticizes the bulk of the nacionalistas because
I don’t understand how those hard-line nacionalistas . . . can continue to offer a nationalist alternative to a government serving only the interests of foreigners.
The majority, however, are tied to Pinochet, and to defending the ‘mission’ of the Armed Forces, because, policy differences notwithstanding, their fate is irrevocably bound up with that of the current military regime.
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maybe-arts · 1 year
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gonna do a bulk post of old DnD stuff that I kinda. never posted since I *heavily* doubt any kinda DnD will fly with me anymore (I proved to be incompatible with mass group hopping and unstable one-shot based structure, I'd much rather play one long campaign with an established group than some assorted oneshots tbh
things in order:
title cards to an FPS i played with @colourfulplague where I introduced Nocturne as the one hiding in Axis guitar all along (I kinda botched that I think since I spoiled her involvement alllll the way when i first posted her design and THEN decided to make her a surprise, way to go, me)
unfinished full reference sheet for Neb U. Lei, will unlikely be finished now since I don't plan playing (might reforge them into a different character)
three assorted character concepts - Solstice, Neb's patron god and leader of the Nova Court (was supposed to be a part of series, but I drifted off after finishing only one, drawing eldritch gods is suddenly very hard), Nocturne's redesign and a PC that appeared only in one game after which i lost interest in the campaign (based on Lobotomy Corporation btw)
fanart of an NPC by @aikaikaik, who was a bootleg of Alice from Alice in Wonderland since we had a Wonderland-inspired oneshot
bonus - @spiffiesttea as a plushie
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gaymer-hag-stan · 2 years
Okay, now that the hype has died down a bit, while I'm still obviously happy for Jun being back... I don't like her new look.
Like, at all.
It's sort of reminisicnet of her Tekken 2 2P costume, yes, but it has a lot of frills and uneascesary bulk that give her a weird figure and, like I already said, this is supposed to be a 43-year-old woman yet she looks 16 at best? What? But it's not just the age thing.
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She always gave off this mature and confident energy but now she looks all cutesy and girly and smiley and younger than her fucking son
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She's supposed to be the same age as Nina and both her and her sister always look much older than their 20s. It was the same with Jun but now they reverse aged her for whatever reason
They also did that to Julia, and even though she is actually in her late teens / early twenties, she was presented as a mature scientist all throughout Tekken 4-6 but she regressed to a cutesy sounding and looking streamer in 7.
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Kunimitsu, another mature woman, was altogether replaced by her much cuter and bubblier daughter in 7...
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Please don't do this, you have Xiaoyu, Asuka (though I'd argue she used to be more mature and less bubbly in 5, though not as much as the ladies I already mentioned) Lili, Alisa, Chloe and Josie to act all cute and cheery. No need to deage mature women into hyper girls just because you think you're making them more appealing this way.
Namco has a habit of doing this and I'm not a fan at all. I mean look at what happened with SoulCalibur V... I will probably still play as Jun in 8, and just to be clear I don't have anything against cute girls, I love Xiaoyu, Lili and even Chloe, but they were always presented this way, they didn't change their entire characterization on a whim, and I don't like it when they do that for other characters. Its actually even worse when they straight up replace them. Julia replaced Michelle, Asuka, initially, replaced Jun and Nina and Anna, the only women that were allowed to return, were prevented from aging through science bullshit. But the male characters were either never replaced by kids or disciples, like Paul or Lei, were allowed to coexist alongside them, like Kazuya and Jin, or just took their place back like Marshall replacing Forest in 4.
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cthonicascendant · 2 years
Welcome to the [redacted] Hive
Body Name: Blue Body Age: mid 30s Collective Pronouns: It/Its | He/Him System Type: Praesigenic Median
Things we will block you for:
Sending us shipcourse.
Asking us about incest/pedophilia/etc.
Sending hate messages, threats, or doxxing.
We're also fairly liberal with the block button, so don't be too alarmed if you are blocked and didn't do anything on this list. We will block people just for vaguely annoying us on a given day. (If you ask nicely on anon and we really can't remember or find why we blocked you, we'll probably lift the block.)
Dropping the all asks will be answered policy whether Vee likes it or not because we have a massive backlog of the damn things and I can't promise when we'll get to them. We are still not publishing donation requests, though; that hasn't changed.
The trolls do not mind and in fact actively welcome other Homestucks - other fictives, kin, etc. you're all fine. (They do not mind RP blogs but do ask that you respect this is NOT roleplay for them.)
We are pro-endo and are not accepting syscourse at this time.
We are queer and polyamorous. (We are not accepting polycule applications at this time.)
Some of us use typing quirks, but we can turn them off to varying degrees. That said, for the most part you should probably filter "typing quirk" and "untranslated typing quirk" if quirks bother you, since the bulk of the posting around here is done by Voidsong. (Although I question why you are following us if quirks are an issue. /polite /genuinely curious)
Speaking of tags, we're not very consistent about tagging beyond the typing quirks. We can't promise that we'll be able to consistently tag for anything, so if you do need something tagged we may not be the blog to follow. (We do not mind being asked to add a tag to something, just be aware we may not remember to tag for that subject in the future.)
For the most part you can ask for a specific hivemate/alter and we're willing to switch, but please check individual boundaries.
More about individual hivemates under the cut.
The Main Crew
Voidsong Pronouns: He/Him/His Age: 15 sweeps (approx. 33 years) Typing Quirk: 5phinx of black quartz judge my Vovv Ask to pilot: If he's not already here, don't ask unless you're very close. Additional Boundaries: None.
Crow(ley) Pronouns: Sey/Sem/Seir/Semself Age: 33 years Typing Quirk: «sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.» Ask to pilot: Most likely already here as well, but doesn't mind coming to the helm if not. Additional Boundaries: No flirting - if you're interested in Crow please be direct with sem. No feminine terms.
Mierco Pronouns: It/Its | Ey/Em/Eir/Emself Age: 19 sweeps (approx. 40 years) Typing Quirk: >.sphinx of black quartz. .judge my vow.< Ask to pilot: Yes. Additional Boundaries: No unsolicited advice.
Diakto Pronouns: Xe/Xem/Xer/Xemself Age: ?? sweeps (young adult) Typing Quirk: ≈sssphinxxx of black quartzzz, judge my vow.~ Ask to pilot: Yes. Additional Boundaries: No nicknames other than D(ee).
Aiclas Pronouns: She/Her/Hers Age: ???? (adult) Typing Quirk: The quick brown fox jump6 over the lazy dog. Al∫o u∫e6 ∫ in place of lowerca∫e S in the middle of word6. Ask to pilot: Any time! Additional Boundaries: None.
The Moth Department
Aletheia Pronouns: She/Her/Hers Age: 37 years Typing Quirk: None. Ask to pilot: Only when the body is not high. Additional Boundaries: Platonic affection only (e.g. no kissing or flirty touches).
Zeke Pronouns: He/Him/His Age: 37 years Typing Quirk: None. Ask to pilot: No. Additional Boundaries: None.
Melara | Havocfey Pronouns: Any Age: 10 sweeps (approx. 21 years) Typing quirk: I-O Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. O-I Ask to pilot: Yes. Additional Boundaries: None.
Glitch Pronouns: It/Its | Any Neopronouns Age: ???? Typing Quirk: No, but it communicates solely in quotes, memes, and pop culture references. Ask to pilot: Yes. (why?) Additional Boundaries: None.
The Labs
Harry Pronouns: He/Him/His Age: 54 years Typing Quirk: None. Ask to pilot: You can, but he may not respond. Additional Boundaries: No flirting, no displays of affection, and no nicknames.
Grub Pronouns: She/Her/Hers | Grub/Grubs/Grubself Age: 7-12 years Typing Quirk: None. Ask to pilot: No. Additional Boundaries: In the event Grub ever gets to go on this blog (unlikely), please treat her similarly to a regular child.
Bill Pronouns: He/Him/His Age: ∞ Typing Quirk: IF ALL CAPS COUNTS AS A TYPING QUIRK, THEN YES. Ask to pilot: Sure. Additional Boundaries: None.
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jensownzoo · 3 months
Flower time!
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First purple coneflower of the season.
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I realize they're so basic, but I just love French marigolds. I love how they look, I love how the plant smells, I love how easy they are to grow and save seeds from, and I love that some varieties can be used to deter pests both above and below ground. Here they're mixed with nasturtium and while you can't see them, there are cucumber seedlings too nearer the central olla.
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Purple crepe myrtle just started blooming too. It's either a dwarf variety or the winters kill it back enough so it acts like one.
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My hedge of cosmos again. It's 4-5' tall and 3' wide and my stepping stone path that leys me access the middle of the bed runs right through it. Oops. I'll know better for next year but the bumblebees freaking love it. This is all from (deliberately) dropped seed from the few plants I had last year btw. I'll be spreading the love elsewhere in my garden next year because they're doing very well despite the heat and lack of rain (I'm not bothering to water them).
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My peachy-pink daylily that always blooms behind the yellow ones, though the common daylilies are still going strong elsewhere in the garden. I'm fairly sure that I did actually buy and plant these deliberately.
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And the bee balm finally bloomed this year. It didn't like where I originally planted it so I moved it last year and had to recover. I like it, but the bees currently prefer the cosmos.
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And the borage! This one's in an earthbox because I wasn't sure that my garden conditions would be good for it or not. They did end up doing fine but they're buried behind the cosmos. I've been assured that it's a vigorous self-seeder so I'm hoping that it takes off like the cosmos did (unlike the coriander which didn't).
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And nasturtium. I've got at least four different colors going this year (two pictured) from a bulk seed purchase last spring. I've still got seed left, but I'd love if these became self-sustaining. The flowers are great, but I especially like the foliage as it's a nice contrast to everything else. They are getting a bit stressed by this heat wave though. We need rain to perk everything up again.
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feedyourmind1031 · 4 months
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herbert-gibson · 5 months
Top up Your Genshin Impact Experience: An Ultimate Guide to Buying Genesis Crystals
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As one of the most popular RPG games globally, Genshin Impact offers players an immersive open world to explore and characters to collect. To fully enjoy the Genshin Impact gaming experience, most players find it necessary to spend real money acquiring the in-game currency Genesis Crystals.
Genesis Crystals allow you to purchase Battle Passes, Blessing of the Welkin Moon, and convert to the more common currency Primogems. With Primogems, you can acquire Intertwined Fates and Acquaint Fates to unlock new characters, weapons, resources, and more through the in-game Wish system.
Why Buy Genesis Crystals?
Here are some of the key reasons to purchase Genesis Crystals in Genshin Impact:
Obtain premium characters and weapons from limited-time event wishes
Refreshes Resin to grind domains and ley lines faster
Unlocks Battle Pass rewards like weapons, talent books, mora, and other rare materials
Receive daily Primogems from Welkin Moon to accumulate Intertwined Fates faster
How Much Do Genesis Crystals Cost?
The pricing for Genesis Crystals packs in Genshin Impact is:
$0.99 for 60 Genesis Crystals
$1.99 for 300 Genesis Crystals
$4.99 for 680 Genesis Crystals
$9.99 for 1280 Genesis Crystals
$19.99 for 2600 Genesis Crystals
$49.99 for 6480 Genesis Crystals
$99.99 for 12960 Genesis Crystals
As you can see, the larger Genesis Crystal packs provide better value. However, for light spenders, the smaller packs may be more affordable.
How to Buy Genesis Crystals
If you've decided to buy Genesis Crystals in Genshin Impact, follow these steps:
Launch Genshin Impact and visit the in-game Shop
Select the Genesis Crystal pack you want to purchase
Choose your payment method (credit/debit card, PayPal, etc.)
Enter your payment details and complete the transaction
The Genesis Crystals will be automatically credited to your account
“I purchased the $100 Genesis Crystal pack from LootBar. With the discount, I saved over $20 compared to buying directly from the game!” - U1070835721
Buying from Top-Up Services
While the above method works, you can often save money by purchasing Genesis Crystals from a trusted third-party top-up service like LootBar. Such services acquire Genesis Crystals in bulk directly from miHoYo and sell them at discounted rates.
By using LootBar to top up your Genshin Impact account, you can grab Genesis Crystal packs at lower prices with reliable delivery. Their platform ensures secure transactions, 24/7 customer support, and full refunds if any issues arise.
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Making the Most of Genesis Crystals
To optimize your Genesis Crystal expenditure in Genshin Impact, keep these tips in mind:
Prioritize time-limited characters and weapons over standard ones
Calculate your Primogems needed to hit pity before topping up more crystals
Be patient and save for the banners featuring items you really want
Take advantage of first-time buyer bonuses and limited-time discounts
Set a monthly budget for spending to avoid overspending
Frequently Asked Questions
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Is buying Genesis Crystals worth it?
For fans who play Genshin Impact regularly and want to unlock content faster, buying Genesis Crystals can certainly be worth it. The key is spending wisely only on the characters and weapons you really want.
Is buying Genesis Crystals from third-parties safe?
When using reputable sellers like LootBar that source crystals directly from miHoYo, buying from third-parties is completely safe. Ensure the site has positive reviews and buyer protection in case of issues.
What can Genesis Crystals not buy?
Genesis Crystals cannot purchase certain rare upgrade materials, artifacts, teapot furnishings, name cards, and achievements. Most other in-game items and all characters/weapons can be obtained using converted Primogems.
Do Genesis Crystals carry-over between banners?
Yes, any unused Genesis Crystals will persist in your account indefinitely. You can save them for future banners containing the characters and weapons you desire.
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With the help of Genesis Crystals from secure third-party sellers like LootBar, you can unlock new characters, weapons, and upgrades faster. Enjoy an elevated Genshin Impact experience through careful crystal spending based on our guidance.
For more gaming deals and top-up services covering your favorite titles, explore LootBar today!
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musicblogwales · 7 months
flor Unveil Epic New 'Same Color As The Sun' Video
Today, Hood River, Oregon's alt-pop pride and joy flor are riding out the joy of independence with the release of their new single "Warm Blood Pt 2." With the song's precursor dating back to their 2016 debut album come out. you're hiding, part two wasn't initially created as a follow up. But as the band began writing with the intent of creating something as rapturous as the original, things started to fall in place — Stream. 
Lead singer Zach Grace shares,“When we got together to start working on ‘Warm Blood Pt 2’ we were trying to make a song that felt as euphoric as ‘Warm Blood’ did when we played it live. We wanted to compose a new song with that inspiration in mind.”
flor closed out 2023 releasing “Same Color as the Sun”, quickly seeing it praised by Rolling Stone and Ones to Watch. Soon after, the single began taking off at Triple A radio, with early support at at 91x, KVYN, WWCD, WERS, KLRR, KQCJ, KROQ, KITS, WAQX, WNRN, Sirius XM/Spectrum. Last week, the single was given an official video to accompany it — Watch. 
Also at the end of last year, flor joined their friends in The Maine for a massive North American tour, selling out almost every single date. Over the coming months, flor will continue to ride their current wave of inspiration with lots of new music on the way.
flor finds light in the promise of a new day. The Hood River, OR trio—Zach Grace (vocals, guitar), Dylan Bauld (bass), and Kyle Hill (drums)—excavate unshakable melodies from jubilant synths, buoyant beats, and lush guitars as they relay a coming-of-age story all their own. 
The story began as high school kids playing in a garage. The band quietly generated hundreds of millions of streams in the wake of their 2016 debut come out. you’re hiding. In 2019, ley lines only accelerated their momentum buoyed by tracks including “white noise,” “slow motion,” and “dancing around.” Critical acclaim followed from NYLON, Billboard, Paste, and Ones To Watch who hailed the album as “an exhilarating balancing act.” 
They concluded a successful headline tour at the top of 2020 only to face the harsh reality of the Global Pandemic with the rest of us. Once it became safe enough to do so, the musicians congregated back in Los Angeles at Dylan’s studio for a series of writing sessions. This time around, they built the bulk of the songs face-to-face together inspired by favorite records from the likes of MGMT, Phoenix, The Killers, and M83. The result was their 2022 third full-length album, Future Shine which won over the praise of Rolling Stone, AltPress, and many others. 
After taking some time to evaluate who they want to be creatively, flor is now back and more refreshed than they’ve ever been. The end of last year saw the release of “Same Color as the Sun” as the band joined The Maine for a massive North American tour. 
For more information on flor, please visit:
Website / Instagram / Twitter / YouTube / TikTok / Spotify / Apple Music
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daimpact · 1 year
Panzeer-Buit "Erzankhangel" Heavy HT-Fighter
While Espocitan doctrine favors "Engery Manuverability" and "Kinetic Operations" shock doctrines, the Tectorian Landktar prefers slow rolling "Hyper Mobile Longform Jogging Siege" doctrine. This doctrine, funneled through their many defense contractors, has fueled some of the heaviest Humanoid-Type Fighters. The "Erzankhargel" is the finest example of this doctrine/design synthesis.
With the modern P-Khar Micro-Core as a central powerplant, this fighter can power multiple missile printers, as well as an "Electro-Driver" SMG. It can also handle the large gauge anti-armor "Kronstalc" ATGM. The armor is composite laminate titanium, with "Lei-line" shield projector stitching. While Tectorian shield projecting isn't quite near the same level as Espocitan "éureola" Damascus-Lei-Line Composite. However the sheer bulk of the armor keeps the "Erzankhargel" more than competitive on the battlefield.
Currently there are only 10 pilot vehicles, however serial production will be underway by Q3 of 2139 (Standard Quar Year Calendar)."
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sekhisadventures · 2 years
Nelen's Sanctum
While Nelen lives at Avalon House these days he still maintains the bulk of his library and tools in his sanctum in Dalaran… sorta…
You see, while the sanctum connects to Dalaran, the sanctum itself isn’t technically on Azeroth at all, but in a pocket dimension that was formerly used by another one of the Kirin Tor, forged by the Archmagi of old during the city’s founding. These are passed down from one mage to another when the others retire, pass away, vanish into the aether, turn into something small and wriggly with no seeming way back, or disappear without a trace.
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A: Globe of Azeroth
An essential tool for any adventurer. A map or globe allows one to plan travel paths or even teleportation magicks, plotting out ley lines and such across the surface of Azeroth. That being said, Nelen’s is in dire need of updating as he purchased it shortly before Pandaria was discovered and thus it is woefully outdated.
B: Leygraph
A powerful mage tool that monitors the power and fluctuations of ley lines across Azeroth. Nelen wasn’t there the night that the Dragon Isles appeared, but had he been the thing would have been reacting like a seismograph in a magnitude nine earthquake. It was quite the show.
C: Study area
If the bookcases weren’t enough of a hint, Nelen uses this for the bulk of his research. Whether he needs to review notes on a specific situation, peruse some facet of arcane lore, or simply needs a place to himself for a bit when his allies (as much as he values them) simply become a bit much to deal with. Every wizard needs a place for his ‘alone time.’
D: Permanent Portal
The only means of either ingress or egress from the sanctum and spelled so that one must know a specific sequence of runes to access it. Nelen is the only one who knows said runes and has never brought anyone else here, though he has not ruled out the possibility of welcoming another into his sanctum someday it is quite the thing for a mage to do so. For a wizard, its akin to inviting one to share your robe with you while you’re wearing it.
E: Talking Hourglass
Nelen may childe some of his allies for overindulgence; Sekhi for her bouts of wild activity, Grimo for his tendency to blow things up while attempting to improve a toaster oven, and Galdia for her tendency to drink enough to kill a kodo beast for example… but truth is he’s just as prone to overdoing it as the next person and so he obtained an hourglass that reminds him if he goes too far. The hourglass will react to his presence in the sanctum and remind him every other hour of how long he has been there… getting progressively louder with each one, and much more pointed and sarcastic. Nelen has only come close to smashing it a few times…
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enderwalking · 2 years
yknow what, all the people saying ctubbo is eldest daughter coded are onto something actually
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heavydutycooking · 5 years
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Oni Lei????
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polyghostfacehours · 3 years
im curious. I just randomly got this idea, what would happen if poly!ghostface’s S/O took them on a vacation. just out of nowhere, they’re like “hey, we should go hawaii!” Like pure crackhead energy, spontaneous in other words lol 🌚
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Combined these babies since they're similar. I had a blast with this, so it's a beefy one!
TW: Brief mentions of smut.
poly!Ghostface on a Vacation to Hawaii with GN!Reader:
They knew something was up when you came bounding down the stairs and Risky Business sliding into the kitchen.
Billy was drinking a soda and reading a mystery novel at the island and Stu was raiding the pantry bc he was bored.
Sooo, it's summer. Neither of you decided to take classes this semester because of one reason or the other
And you bring up going to Hawaii! I mean, why not.
Stu is absolutely ecstatic and 1000% down. The one good thing about being dragged by his parents into business or socialite trips was how fun it is to travel.
Small town killer boy Loomis hasn't left Woodsboro much and has even been outside of California before. So he's down.
You can Billy offer to pay for yourselves, but Stu isn't having it bc that means he'd have to wait longer while you guys try and save up.
And he aint waiting lol.
So The Trip itself:
Airport portions, are hell. You find out that Billy is a total Karen when flying lmaoo.
"Pay extra for luggage? Are you fuckin' kidd- no Stu, don't hand them the money yet, Im gonna talk to them because this is ridiculous. We paid for this!"
Flight attendant telling Billy the box meal he wanted isn't available: "Then why did you hand me a menu that has it on the cover? No, whatever its fine, just get me the other one then."
Stu is surprisingly chill at airports. He's been to them a lot, so he knows their standards and procedures inside and out.
He usually rides business class with his parents. But you and Billy didnt want to spend a shit ton of money on the flight when it could be used on the trip itself. So Economy it is.
The plane ride is actually not that bad. You 3 p much just did your own things. Listening to music, sleeping, reading a book, playing your Gameboy etc.
When you arrive in Kona International is when the real fun begins.
Immediately, and Im talking as you get off, the airport staff greeting everyone was handing out leis. You guys put em on.
The hotel you go to is absolutely gorgeous. This is where you let yourself splurge. Stu payed the bulk of it, but you and Billy made sure to chip in a good chunk.
It's a resort, basically. Huge hotel, wit beautiful lobbies, marble flooring, different types of huge fountains and waterfalls, etc etc.
There's a shit ton of pools, gyms, tennis courts, golf areas etc. And you're RIGHT next to a gorgeous beach that you can look out from your room to see.
Speaking of your room, like the rest of the hotel, its absolutely gorgeous.
Google luxury hotel rooms in Hawaii and you get the picture.
Huge huge fluffy bed, and large glass shower with color changing lights, huge jacuzzi for a tub.
And yeah, the sex is going to be absolutely wild. You're going to have trouble getting them to leave the room lol.
So the first night, you guys just unpack and relax. It's super late at night when you arrive and you're tired from the flight. Youre planning on eating out at a ton of superb restaurants, but tonight you take the opportunity to check out how good the room service at the resort is.
You order some delicious Hawaiian fare, including desserts like pink Haupia cake and such.
After a quick nap after eating dinner, you guys would head down to the lobby and go to the Mai Tai bar for a few drinks. It's by a waterfall and it pretty empty, so you enjoy just hanging there, just drinking and talking for awhile
The you guys explore the hotel a little, scoping out the pool area and the tennis court and such before just heading back to the room.
You guys pass out then lol. Nothing raunchy happens bc jet lag and you're all just so tired.
During the vacation, you guys end up getting breakfast everyday at the hotel. Stu absolutely obsessed with the coconut syrup on waffles with pineapple preserves. Billy likes the spam musubi.
At Stu's insistence, the first thing you guys do is go to a beach with waves. Stu brought his surfboard and he is over the moon at a chance to surf in Hawaii.
You and Billy watch him catch some waves. You cheer him on, which hypes him up even more. Billy mostly just watches and smiles fondly, but he lets out a few whoops or two at some cool tricks or whip-outs.
You guys end up renting a jeep and just driving through the mountains and volcanoes on Highway 560. You put down the hood, and are in awe at the beauty of nature, and the way smaller towns are built up along the side of a mountain. The air is fresh and you guys put on some good music and laugh.
You end up at the top of a hill during sunset, and yes you all get emotional and make-out while listening to Oasis.
One of the days you end up just going around the malls of Hawaii. The food and farmers markets had you guys drooling.
Billy had his first taste of dragonfruit, and now he'll never go back.
You got stung by a jellyfish :(, Stu insisted on peeing on your leg bc he read somewhere that it helps. You and Billy don't believe him (bc its bullshit lol), but you're in so much pain you guys end up going to a beach's locker room and having stu pee on your leg in the shower while Billy kept watch lmaoo.
Spoiler alert, it didn't help.
You guys go to the Polynesian Cultural Center, where you learn a lot about the indigenous people of Hawaii and Polynesia in general.
They don't say it during the tour, but another visitor who's Polynesian herself mentions that she's upset at how they skim over how indigenous people were treated by "settlers" and you get a crash course in it from her.
You also find out the center is owned by a church and NOT natives, and get upset enough you guys decide to forego the $300 per person buffet and live show, bc you don't want to give them money.
Luckily for you, the girl, Kanoe, is from Tuvalu and she mentions that her parents own a restaurant that serves Polynesian cuisine. You decide to go eat there, to support indigenous businesses.
Of course Billy and Stu (especially Stu) wanted to go to the Nani Moon Meadery and Kona Brewing Co. in the evening for one of the nights. You decide whether to go with them or not, but if you end up staying behind, you get to take a relaxing evening to yourself doing or going to see whatever you want! It's nice, and you really got a moment to take everything in by yourself and they get a lil date with just them two!
This happens a few times, where one of you stays behind and the other two go in pairs.
You end up going with Billy alone to Mauna Kea to bike ride while Stu nursed a bad hangover. You both get to talk and laugh, and even have a race with each other (Billy won bc his legs are longer lol.) You two got curious about smoking week at such a high altitude, so you tried it and immediately regretted it once you both had a coughing fit. You laughed afterwards about it tho.
You and Stu go mountain tubing together when Billy needed a break from ppl bc his social battery ran out. It's so much fun! You guys got individual floaties and then later traded with another couple to have a connected floaty! There were stretches of river and then really fun dips you went down!
You guys go see some national parks where you get to see real molten rock and lava!
Of course wihtout question, you guys go see the Jurassic Tours where you get to see and walk around where it was filmed! You 3 binged the movies the night before the tour too to prepare!
It almost goes without saying, but you guys have sex in every surface of that hotel room. Shower, balcony, bed, floor, desk, etc. Everywhere.
And you guys ended up having a romantic and passionate romp in the jeep during that one sunset you guys watched.
You wanted to do more, like see the manta rays, check out Lahaina Town, go snorkeling, or go to tour the Kona Coffee Farm. But alas, your time was limited and there was just simply too much to do.
No worries though, you guys will undoubtedly come back in the future!
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untamedabyss · 2 years
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boundinparchment · 2 years
Tell Me Who You Wanna Be {And I Will Set You Free} - III
“You threw me down a fucking cliff just to see if my Vision would reignite?” “As if you had any better ideas on how to reclaim your power. You refuse to touch a Delusion.” The last thing either of them wanted was to be stuck in a safe house with the other. In the middle of a snowstorm in Snezhnaya. Il Dottore x Original Female Character. Will be explicit in later chapters that will solely be posted on AO3.
She woke to the smell of charred wood and buried her face in the soft fluff nearby to escape it.  Instead, however, she was faced with an interesting mix of mint and cedarwood, undercut by the astringent harshness of disinfectant.  Karina’s hand pulled it away from her face as her eyes shot open.  On the fringes of her vision, a black and fluffy bulk; beyond it, the dim cabin, such as it was, lit only by the cold glare of the blizzard as it continued into daytime hours.
Karina saw a familiar figure asleep at the single table in the cabin, head buried in his arms.  From this angle, she could barely see that Dottore still held a screwdriver, as if he’d passed out in the middle of his work.  Guess he hadn’t had much luck, then.
There was something heavy over her, keeping the now inescapable cold at bay.  Her jacket was still underneath her head, crumpled and dirty.  So then…
She sat up slowly and noticed that the black fur gave way to black lapels and a white cloak, thick but comfortable.  The markings of a rank—the Fatui sigil with a diamond made of shivada jade dangling from it, and three lavender braided martial ropes—were dead-giveaways on who its owner was.
He usually made others stew in their discomfort.  She was no exception.  He’d shown her as much on many occasions where she missed other meetings due to his lack of consideration and endured the worst of her memories for the sake of his hypothesis.
Nothing good came of wondering how his mind worked or why he did what he did, Karina reminded herself.  The Segment she initially met years ago cared little for the fact that he was disconnecting souls from the ley lines in the basement of that cathedral.  He cared even less for the coincidental cover-ups of her own commander’s crimes.  If his clone was anything to go by, the original was far more chaotic, far more willing to push boundaries, but better at navigating ways to get the results he was looking for.
He wasn’t being kind.
He never did anything without a good reason, without a purpose.
And he would never see her as more than a curiosity.
Still…it was a nice cloak.
Begrudgingly, Karina let herself enjoy the warmth for a moment longer before she quietly rose and crossed the cabin, wood creaking underfoot.  She draped it over his shoulders, half-expecting him to jolt awake.
She frowned as she stepped back, hearing a mumble from the scientist.  He didn’t wake, however, and instead shifted in the chair before he pulled the cloak around him tighter with one hand.
Unmistakable that time.
She backed away and went about poking around the cabinets quietly for coffee or tea.  Maybe a stronger concoction was hidden somewhere.
Anything to distract herself from thinking about how peaceful he seemed.  
Anything to take her mind off the fact that it was her name he was mumbling in his sleep.
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