#sailor pred
teal-fiend · 1 year
The ocean was vast and empty. It was hard to believe that anything existed underneath the barren sheet of blue that stretched over every horizon. 
We had been out here for far too long, in my opinion. the rations were running low, but more worryingly, my friend was growing more and more anxious by the day. He told me he had unfinished business out here that he needed to take care of. He said that it would only take a couple of days. It had been a week. 
When I suggested we turn back he brushed me off. Any day now. His eyes never left the water, watching our traps that would always turn up empty. Through many nights when he was asleep I considered just turning the boat around, but I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. Although my patience was growing thin. 
But then, when I was pulling up one of the traps, expecting to see nothing again, not even a single crab, not even the bait - but there was a glimmer, something that caught the light. Fish scales. 
It was beautiful. Glimmering green and purple scales, and the upper body of what looked like a human woman. But at the same time, it seemed alien and otherworldly. 
I called my friend over. He grabbed the rope from me and dragged the trap and the creature to the surface. 
The mermaid, it must have been a mermaid, it was so beautiful. It should be in a museum or an aquarium, it should be shown to people, people needed to know about this.
As I wondered at the creature, my friend opened the trap, removed the mermaid, picked it up, and started to swallow it.
“What are you doing-?” I tried to take it away from him but he motioned for me to stay back. I just gaped as he swallowed down the most beautiful thing i had ever seen, his stomach bulged grotesquely and the glittering iridescent scales and silky tail disappeared into his fleshy throat. 
Soon it was done and where there was once a rare and magnificent sea creature, there was just my friend with his full belly
He breathed slowly for a moment before clearing his throat and saying, “Okay, we can go back now.”
“Wait. That's what we came out here for?”
“Ah, yeah pretty much.” 
I was reconsidering this friendship.
“Sorry, we can get one for you next time if you want.”
I scoffed. “Absolutely not.”
He just shrugged, and we went back. 
Although what I didn’t tell him is the next week I went out to the same place. I had become obsessed with the creature that I had seen, that he had eaten. I wanted so badly to be able to have something that beautiful, to eat a treasure. I couldn’t get it out of my mind. And so I watched the waters, waiting for something to fall prey to my traps. Waiting to see that glitter underneath the surface but it never came
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naszircrock4 · 9 months
Weiss Cream Dessert by Heymanand
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Serlis Tialo the Herrmann's sea cucumber
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that's me.
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and that's what my fursona species looks like.
I have a fursuit of my oc by the way. It kinda looks like an all over blanket.
But unlike my local fursuit wearing rival, My fursuit has a bulletproof and stab proof lining.
Bizarrely on more than one occasion it's come in handy. The fisherman here are like some sort of private militia.
For context, I'm a potato farmer in Micronesia.
Sea-faring is in my blood. I've survived several local disasters.
Also I qualified for Ninja Warrior and got pretty far if I do say so myself.
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alligator-teeth · 29 days
Thinking about how underrated dragon preds are. They’re literally known for eating people, yet I hardly ever seen them utilized for vore. There are so many different kinds! Big western dragons who guard massive hoards of treasure that spot a tiny little human who they immediately want to claim as theirs. Swooping down over a village, causing a wide panic among the townspeople, and somehow managing to herd their human out from the crowd to an open area, where they proceed to pin the little one beneath their claws and snap them up greedily, gulping them down with haste so they can hold their human deep within their belly, finally safe and ready to be added to their hoard. A western dragon’s gut being like a sauna, with stomach walls that glow a warm red which showcases their mastery over fire. The belly walls constantly kneading and quickly exhausting any poor human trapped within it, putting them to sleep and keeping them cozy.
Regal eastern dragons who live high in the mountaintops, hardly ever seen and regarded as ethereal beings who don’t tolerate the presence of mortals. A lone human traveling among this gigantic forest of towering cliffs and peaks (think Jueyun Karst from Genshin) suddenly hearing this deep roar that sends shivers down their spine, giving them the feel that this forbidden area is haunted. Hearing the wind pick up and seeing a long, snake-like shape glide silently over their heads, before watching the figure descend and land in front of them with practiced grace. The eastern dragon regards them with a curious look, lowering their head to sniff the terrified human, enjoying their scent, deciding that this little creature is lost and alone and would greatly benefit from their protection. Gently grabbing the human in their jaws before the little one can try to escape, tilting their head back and slowly swallowing them down with the aid of gravity. The trip down their throat is long and tight, and when they make it to the dragon’s stomach, it’s quite cramped, but it is a pleasant temperature that isn’t overwhelming. It’s cooler in this belly than a western dragon’s would be, and the walls glow a comforting blue, while the human is given a noodle hug and the creature rumbles happy little coos.
Gigantic sea dragons who are known for sinking ships, slamming their great tails and gouging out chunks of vessel with their serrated claws, their roars echoing in the stormy night as they churn up violent waves. Sailors fall into the icy waters and sink like stones, yet one human manages to cling to a piece of shipwreck, saving themselves. The sea dragon watching this pathetic little thing stubbornly refuse to let their life go, and they hate to admit it, but they’re rather impressed by the fortitude shown. Deciding this human might be interesting to keep around, so they expertly slice through the water and open their jaws wide, inhaling the human and their piece of driftwood together. The throat of the beast being so large, swallowing down both is no problem, and when the human makes it to their belly, they find they are cast in total darkness except for the soft blue or green bioluminescent markings dotting the belly’s walls. There is heat here, and it makes the small amount of water that has made it this deep into the sea dragon warm, like a bath. Skeletons of fish and bones from whales float idly like stark white buoys, and within the belly that feels like the deepest parts of the sea, the human can only shiver and listen to the sea dragon rumble contentedly, wondering when this creature will get tired of them and finally let them go. That’s not happen in the slightest.
Just. Dragons. There are so many more I could list here but then this post would take hours to read. I love dragons so, so much.
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in1-nutshell · 9 months
Hello it's me again If possible can I request tfp Megatron or Soundwave With a body who swears like a sailor??
Hello again! I can make this request for Buddy swearing... But with a twist!
Hope you enjoy!
Soundwave reaction to Human Buddy who swears a lot
SFW, mention of some 'swearing', Human reader
Soundwave was starting to sense a partner in his smaller companions.
A lot of them seemed to have some of the filthiest mouths on the Nemesis. Or at least they had...
Now he had Buddy, the Cons very own human ally. How did they get there in the first place?
Well that's a story for another time.
Fact was Buddy liked to swear. There was at least one curse word in each sentence they did.
"You slimy son of a--"--Buddy
"Great thanks a ton Screamer, now Preds angry now!"--Buddy
They tried substituting the curse words for other variants but those didn't turn out so well.
"Well that just dills my pickles."--Buddy
"For the love of Primus! Just swear again!"--Knockout
Thankfully Soundwave found a solution.
"Well that's just--"--Buddy
"--great! Not only am I stuck with--"--Buddy
Oink oink
"--but now Soundwave keeps bleeping out my--"--Buddy
"--what was that one about?"--Buddy
So what if it made Buddy angry. At least the Nemesis was a bit swear free.
Well at least from human swearing that is.
Maybe he could do it on Starscream...
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lesbianoms · 11 months
Do you, by any chance, have any thoughts about sea monster/mermaid Preds? I feel like considering how wild stuff in the ocean can get, there's a lot of potential in creatures of the deep snacking on sailors or something.
Yes!! I love sea based preds, especially mermaids/sirens.
I, personally, would love to be lured to my prey-ish fate by a cute and cruel mermaid, with all her charms and her ethereal beauty. She leans in to give me a sea-foam kiss and instead she opens her fanged maw and swallows me whole; she lounges on the rocks stroking and nursing her new belly bulge in the sunlight… hmmm 🥰
I also really do love the concept of casually snacking on sailors, in certain scenarios. Like, maybe one of those classic epic-tale moments where a mermaid is on the edge of a boat, singing to some foolish and lovestruck sailor guy…
….only to pan down juuuust under the water to her big, squirming gut that’s weighing her down, full of countless other men stewing away in there.
Giantess sea preds are also very, very good! The many themes of fish and creature motif make for some interesting customization. And just imagine being inside that cavernous belly <3
Wrecked ships and schools of fish just swimming around, lost submarine trackers and the skeletons of famous, feared pirates. I like to think that maybe her stomach has some nautical theming or some cool colored insides. Maybe it’s like an aquarium in there, or maybe it’s a different kind of ocean— if the ocean was much warmer, groaning and gurgling, as it churned to the rhythm of soft, fleshy walls
There’s also a ton of variety when it comes to pred personality:
Maybe she serves as a guardian for the wildlife, swallowing up trash or endangered species, keeping them safe in her stomach.
Maybe she’s like a twisted Ariel, where she likes to collect things (mostly unwilling sailors) and keep them trapped in her belly.
Maybe she’s a jealous sapphic who sees a human princess and just has to have her; she lures the prince to the water with a siren song and eats him, explaining to the terrified girl that now they can finally be together…
Aaaugh!! The possibilities are endless! I love sea monster girls and mermaids that will just swallow me whole
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thealmightyemprex · 6 months
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Aquarius the water elemental,spirit of the sea,kind or cruel depending on their whims ,swallows ships and sailors whole,bringing them to the depths of their hungry belly
Wanted to do an elemental pred ,and thought a water elemental would be interesting
@ariel-seagull-wings @themousefromfantasyland @theancientvaleofsoulmaking
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sinningtamer · 11 months
Do you have any recent vore art/wips? I feel like its been a while since we've seen vore from you /nf
Nooooo I don’t anon I’m sorry!! I wish I did I swear I still like vore QuQ;;; I just have Not had any motivation…the only thing I could find was this sketch which was supposed to be for vore day ORZ it was gonna be for that one Sailor Wil x Leviathan Monster R.T AU….I still like the pose idea tho some maybe I’ll revisit it….. eventually…..
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Also, At least all the ladies in the new lif3 series that released are sooooosoooo preds to me, maybe if actually watch any of it inspiration will strike ….. ehehe….. Oh Also ALSO me and some friends played the newest Ovw2 PVE event recently ,and shoutout to my reaction to finding out Moira’s model in that mode is biggest than normal O_O if I felt I was good enough to draw her…….
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jack-the-nibbler · 2 years
Monster pred and prey couple costumes, because why not!
-Dragon and princess/prince or knight
-Sea/lake monster and sailor/pirate
-Werewolf and Red Riding Hood
-Vampire and Van Helsing (also works with werewolf)
-Giant and Jack
Feel free to add more!
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teal-fiend · 1 year
mer prey
Mer pred sailor prey is well known i think. But I like the idea of a sailor being the pred. 
If mermaids/sirens represent the lethal nature of the ocean, a mer eating a sailor is like being claimed by the ocean. It can be thematically like a cautionary tale about how you should be careful on the water. 
But a sailor eating a mermaid is thematically like overcoming or subduing a force of nature. An act of hubris and self indulgence. 
It represents a facet of human nature that is destructive. 
I also like the idea of a sailor treating a fish
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foxxsnacks · 3 years
I wanna talk about sea creature preds, can we talk about sea creature preds? I'm gonna talk about sea creature preds. Just bear with me here.
Imagine you're a sailor, having taken to becoming a fisherman since you can't seem to find any other work.
You're alone on your boat today, and after a few hours of catching absolutely nothing, you decide to take a break.
Suddenly, your boat crashes into something, likely a rock, and it all goes downhill from there.
You're left stranded in the middle of the ocean as your boat sinks, and you float in the water, left waiting for help.
So you wait.
And wait.
And wait.
Slowly, reality starts to sink in, and you start to lose hope.
Will you die here?
Your wondering is cut short by something grabbing your leg; not pulling you under, just grasping at you so you can't swim away, and you frantically try to escape it's grip.
It's only as it slithers up your waist that you realize it's a tentacle, and that makes you struggle harder.
"Well, well, well... What do we have here, hm?" A voice speaks, a head now risen above the waves, and you push at the tentacle; but the suckers have latched onto you.
"Oh, poor little thing, stranded out here; cold and alone..." It says, and you pause, unsure of it's intentions and if it is merely acting sympathetic.
"Would you like me to help you, dear? I can keep you warm until I can get you back to shore." It murmurs, glowing eyes roving over you... and you nod, agreeing to the idea.
What could it hurt? It was better than being left in the cold water.
The softer smile that had been on it's face turns to something more hungry.
The tentacle wrapped around you lifts you up out of the water, and over the creatures head.
You can only watch in a horrified realization as it opens it's jaws, lowering you inside.
You kick and thrash as it works you down it's throat, begging for your life as warm flesh surrounds your legs, and the creature only chuckles at you as it swallows.
You shut your eyes, unable to watch any longer as teeth grow closer to your face with every gulp, the muscles of it's gullet kneading you downwards... gently?
Eventually, you're pushed down into the creature's waiting stomach; the organ gurgling and rumbling around you, the walls squeezing you softly as it's body works around you.
You beg again, to be released, and you yelp as something presses at you from the outside; likely one of it's tentacles, rubbing over the full belly you've given them.
"Hm, no... I did say I'd keep you warm until I got you back to shore, right?" It taunts, pausing for a moment, and then speaking again in a softer tone. "Relax, dear. I'll let you out eventually, I promise."
You sigh in relief, curling up into a ball.
"That's still not going to stop me from taking the longeest route back to shore, though."
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hungreatr · 3 years
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drawings of a pred character I was thinking of - a sailor (in a very inaccurate uniform) who stalks port cities. his jaw and neck both extend but can remain pretty hidden so he can hunt his prey in peace. he’s definitely not modern era, so he can slip his way from port to port, devouring other sailors and jumping aboard boards before anyone suspects him.
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snexy-the-snail · 2 years
Here's some underrated cookies
Tiramisu, Eggnog, Plum, Peach.
Aaand then there's our new legendary cookie, Black pearl
 Not me trying to decide if Tiramisu is a crumb or an adult-
Okay Tiramisu: Totally a prey in my eyes. He likes being warm and being able to hear the train even though it’s muffled while being inside.
He has a job to do so gets annoyed when he’s tucked away and will fight it because it’s not freshly baked thank you-
Will basically only listen to Eggnog cookies because that’s his idol. Very much used to the loudness of the cookie because of trains and actually prefers it.
Eggnog: He is a very loud pred but most crumbs don’t mind it because his laughs are warm enough to make up for that.
Typically he won’t tuck cookies away because he’s constantly traveling but on his off season he  will absolutely use it as a comfort thing.
He thinks it’s cute to tuck away Tiramisu sense the kid is always working or fixing up his precious train. It’s not like the crumb puts up much of a fuss anyway.
Very noisy tum
Smells like Christmas like full on holiday store. Likes to place Christmas music or sing holiday songs as lullabies.
Plum: This guy is in an awkward position considering he’s on the verge of cookiehood
He’ll still be gulped down but he will totally put up a fuss and will kick the shit out of whoever swallowed him down. Unless he’s exhausted he’s a downright horrible prey.
His insides are sticky not gonna lie
Very protective pred but hates having prey inside because it throws his balance way off. Having said that as nice as protecting Peach is she purposefully throws him off balance.
Peach: She’s neutral baby
She’s agile so able to dodge and avoid preds for a while and the only reason one might get her is because she allowed it.
Will only nom Plum to be annoying or in dire need of protection.
If she does play the part of pred she’ll just lounge about in the sun.
Likes playing hide and seek, sorta giving preds a hunt.
Black Pearl: The only ones coming out alive are sea cookies.
She doesn’t care much for the land cookies and absolutely hates sailor type cookies. She will purposefully drag ships down and isn’t exactly kind when swallowing survivors down.
Sings to her beloved sea cookies when inside. Mostly the only reason she swallows them is to have company in the dark depths of the sea.
Teeth are involved with any other cookies however, she might and a very small might let crumbs go depending on the day.
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squishybellies · 3 years
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I don't know if I've ever drawn something like this before but I LOVE the concept of preds burping up the clothes or indigestible parts of the prey after they're done digesting, it's lots of fun!
Also I don't think I've drawn this oc on this account before, her name is Pearl and she's kind of like a le/mon mons//ter + a ghost + a siren, she used to be a human pirate but died and was reincarnated! She usually enjoys company and is quite sweet, but these sailors must have gotten on her nerves, or perhaps tried to rob her ship. >::3c
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vore-scientist · 3 years
How do you feel about protective vore? With willing or unwilling prey.
I’m always saying Yonah is an all purpose pred because I use him for all scenarios imaginable but this is he one area he falls short on because his tummy is too dangerous for any protection that needs to last longer than like 10 minutes >.<
Sad because I fucking love this trope. 500/10 for both unwilling and wiling!
(I have Kov who is a king of unwilling protection of course since he mostly eats unconscious sailors who have been tossed overboard and tries to get them to land or to a ship. He also uses the trope of baby pouch crop which I KNOW you also love. And now I have Birgit and Aidan. Hilariously Birgit, who is the epitome of a human-killing monster, is the most likely out of my non-taur preds to need to eat a human to protect them)
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thealmightyemprex · 1 year
Who should I draw of my preds
Old Aleric: An elderly dragon with a culinary interest in dragons
Balder:A decadent rat pirate King who feeds on mice sailors
Angus : A wereboar who gobbles up young men
@ariel-seagull-wings @goodanswerfoxmonster @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @themousefromfantasyland
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