#pirate pred
hooter-n-company · 1 year
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Just some vorish shenanigans with Leviathan.
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teal-fiend · 1 year
mer prey
Mer pred sailor prey is well known i think. But I like the idea of a sailor being the pred. 
If mermaids/sirens represent the lethal nature of the ocean, a mer eating a sailor is like being claimed by the ocean. It can be thematically like a cautionary tale about how you should be careful on the water. 
But a sailor eating a mermaid is thematically like overcoming or subduing a force of nature. An act of hubris and self indulgence. 
It represents a facet of human nature that is destructive. 
I also like the idea of a sailor treating a fish
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jack-the-nibbler · 2 years
So there was a movie night tonight, playing Curse of the Black Pearl.
Pred crush on Hector Barbossa has returned.
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chonkyvoreai · 3 months
"I don't care who they be, no one be goin' to take o'er me ship."
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thealmightyemprex · 8 months
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Cyrus is relaxing as being fed fruit by his robot lover Chasen.....Of course Chasen wants Cyrus nice and plump so he can gobble him up .Cyrus doesnt mind he is used to being in Chasens stomach
@ariel-seagull-wings @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @themousefromfantasyland
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pixiedust-poppers · 5 months
Jake and the apex predators (<- furry au)
Idk though but like just think. Jake being a lion, cubby a bear (either brown or polar bear), Izzy is still a toss up, like I thought reptile like saltwater crocodile or a king cobra, but ngl I’m kinda thinking an orca..? For her now, or maybe a tiger hmmm
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sillyromance · 10 months
Good day everyone!
So... There is my the very first ask game! Anyone who'd like to participate - you're absolutely welcome (don't be shy to make reblogs if you need). The only thing I beg for is: no more symbols than 3-4 at a time (if you reblog, you are free to set your own limits).
Take care and good luck!
❗- discovering vore
🚩- orientation (pred/prey/switch etc.)
💘 - personal meaning
The tropes:
💗 - the most favourite trope
💔 - the least favourite trope
⚡- protective vore
❤️‍🩹 - comfort vore
🩹 - healing vore
💀 - fatal vore
🩷 - safe vore
🪷 - romantic vore (not sexual)
🥰 - willing vore
😫 - unwilling vore
Specific things:
🐯 - fearplay
🎉 - having fun/teasing
🐾 - chase
🎻 - musicians in vore
🧛‍♂️ - fictional characters as preds/preys (pirates, vampires, military men, cowboys etc.)
🎭 - roleplay
🩸- reformation
🦴 - digestion
Types of preds/preys:
🐍 - naga preds/preys
🐲 - dragon preds/preys
🐬 - ocean preds/preys (mermaid/merman)
🤖 - robot preds/preys
🧸 - gentle preds/preys
🦈 - cruel preds/preys
❓ - unbothered preds/preys
Physical aspects:
🦷 - teeth
👅 - tongues
💦 - slime/saliva
🫁 - internals
❄️ - body temperature
🌺 - smell
🍭 - taste
🌵 - texture
🪶 - sensations
👄 - communication
👀 - appearance
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shittalkcornstalk · 11 months
“Take One For The Team”
Part 2
Synopsis-The reader uses Buggy’s crush on them against him, but they’ll soon find that more people are aware of their scheme then they’d previously thought, and that for the plan to continue to work they’d have to sweeten the pot.
Warnings- xfemreader! , Use of Y/n, 18+ minor dni, Smut, mild manipulation on your part, alcohol use, weapons mention, age gap mention, Buggy is kind of creepy, just a little, masturbation, revealing clothes, mild allusions to pred/prey
A/n- Gahhhh I’m so happy y’all enjoyed the first chapter! Like I said last time, I’m quite new at this so getting so much support has been awesome! Once again please let me know if I missed tagging/warning about something! I have chapter 3 finished and chapter 4 is on its way!
Word Count- 2.4k
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Chapter Two “A Woman’s Touch”
It was a horrible day for the Buggy pirates, a failed raid left Buggy absolutely pissed. It seemed no amount of little laughs or shoulder touches would put out this rage. You tried but were often met with grumbles and muttering. He felt weak and he needed to reinforce his power somehow, even if that cost your attention. That sacrifice only made him madder.
“I've been too soft on you pathetic lot, did you all witness the grand shittery I did yesterday. How embarrassing that was for me as a captain of what’s supposed to be one of the scariest crews on the east blue? You are asking for it now. You’re gonna return to your previous regiments, whipping you into the pirates worthy of Captain Buggy!”
And just like that back to square one. Your body ached after training and you were losing any ability to maintain the repertoire with Buggy. You didn't have the energy to care about how you said his name, or if you touched his shoulder that day. Laughing at his jokes was painful as it was, but now it was laborious. You wonder if Buggy had noticed your lack of enthusiasm, though this current you wasn’t far off from the original you he still liked, he seemed to look at you with anticipation to be met with not much in return as he unfortunately expected. Buggy was already pent up from the stress of entering the Grandline and now his favorite distraction gave him the cold shoulder.
You drink your rum and sob to Cabaji and Moji, who have training and your chores to maintain. After all, they still owed you for those 2 1/2 weeks in bliss. The three of you console one another when a figure approaches the little booth you huddle at.
“I know very well what the sneaky little three of you have been up to, and I want in,”
It’s Alvida, right hand of your Captain Buggy. Alvida was a powerful woman. As the only other woman on the ship, you’d teetered between a sense of comradery and an overwhelming intimidation from her. She was tall, thin, and gorgeous. She didn’t even register as one of Buggy’s crew as the clown never really phased her. But now she looked at you somehow desperately. She slumped down in the booth with you taking a big swig of her own drink.
“This game you've been playing with the captain, why’d you drop it all of a sudden- '' She pouted.
You play dumb in response “I have no clue what your talking about-“ You shift your eyes around the room”
“Oh come on misses ~captain buggy~” She mocks you with a high pitched tone clasping her hands together. “ You've been flirting with the captain and I have a strong feeling it's not cause you like him back, is it?”
Well shit, if Alvida knows, there's no point in lying. You look towards Cabaji and Moji and nod in agreement, you’ll let Alvida in on your little secret.
Cabaji explains the plan to have you lull the captain with a bit of flirting to keep him off our backs. Alvida smirks.
“And it worked clearly- but not anymore y/n, you've got to step it up for the sake of the crew. He can be such a prick all tensed up like this.” And just like the night the plans were initiated Alvida nudges you and says “Take one for the team-“ A phrase you are starting to loathe.
You do not like how this plan has evolved from subtle flirting to whatever Alvida, a woman known to use her whiles against men, had in mind for you.
“I don't know what you want from me Alvida, but I already told these two I am not sleeping with him, and if I’m being honest I don’t want to lead him on into the wrong idea-anything super direct is off the table”
“Well duh, you can do alot with very little, clearly we just need to sweeten the pot darling. Make those little moments all the more tempting. I do have a suggestion though that I think will up the anti so to speak. Come to my room tomorrow morning, bring your clothes- all of them”
“Fine, but now you have to let me have access to the private liquor cabinet on the ship-“
Alvida nods, “Fine it’s a deal, I’ll see you tomorrow-take a shower before you get there”
And you obliged, Alvida ran through your clothing picking out pieces and throwing others into a ‘no pile’. You quickly noticed which clothes were being encouraged . Tiny crop tops and little denim skirts, short shorts you knew rode in the crack and pretty much anything tight, colorful, and feminine. She'd even go as far as to cut up a few shirts and pants to accommodate your new ‘uniform’. Ones she'd swear would aid in the plan. Laying out a rather revealing outfit, you put it on and damn did it fit right. It showed off quite a bit, but anything to stop the torment. Alvida also set you up with a bit of a makeup and hair routine. Luckily your hair was already in good shape from the previous benefits Buggy allowed you, but makeup was a little different. Nothing much but Alvida took time to rosy up your cheeks, ecensuare your eyes, and make your lips juicy and kissable. You looked back at yourself in her full length mirror and you liked what you saw, hopefully Buggy did too, if this was to work he had to.
When breakfast time rolled around you made your way to the captains table, Alvida trailed slowly behind as you entered. This “new you” wasn’t too far off from your original appearance, it just made you stand out a bit more. It definitely reinforced that you were the only other woman on the crew, as you saw eyes look you up and down. Some from crew mates, Cabaji and Moji eyeing you snickering to themselves, but most importantly your Captain. His eyes widened and he took a break from the breakfast he’d been eating to set his fork down and eye you up. You knew at this point he’d been eyeing you on many occasions for a long time, but it was never this blatant. He shifted up and down your figure smirking to himself. This attention from so many people felt weird, there was a heavy tension in the room as you headed over to the Captain’s table to join your target for breakfast. He looked at you the entire time, and his eyes shifted to your thighs as they spread slightly as you sat down, a sight he’d never had the pleasure of noticing in your previous more concealing outfits. You look up at the idiots in front of you and they lean and dart their eyes towards the captain in a motioning way. It’s time for you to do your job, but this felt different, at least a little bit. Before you’d had full control over the situation, but now more exposed then you were used to and lingering eyes waiting for your next move you felt like you were being stalked. You swallow your anxiety, and look up at your Captain, smiling hesitantly.
“Good Morning Captain Buggy, how are you today?” Your voice waivers and if Cabaji and Moji didn’t know better they’d think you were actually intimidated by the man you mock so openly. The problem was you were intimidated.
“I’m doing great doll, especially now…” Buggy continues to eye you down, he’s eating up the hesitation in your voice, he thinks he’s getting to you, is he…? He grips his fork and takes a forceful bite, never shifting his eyes. While you're in a room full of people he’s made it feel as if it’s just the two of you. You can’t look away. Buggy the Clown is making it well aware to you now where you lie in the food chain and it’s under him.
“Any reason you decided to get all dolled up today? Don't get your hopes up sweets we aren’t going anywhere special-“
“Ah no reason at all..” You roll your eyes towards the others trying to break his gaze but it doesn’t let up. “Just trying something different I guess” You need some power in this situation, you’ve got to make this about him again somehow. You stumble out “Why…do you like it?” You cringe at how direct you were in that statement, hoping no one picked up on it.
He was caught off guard, his eyes widened and his grin stretched across his face. He leaned into you a bit to whisper to you.
“ Does it matter how I feel, doll? Do you want me to like it?” He said it in a hush tone, he may have wanted you badly but he didn’t need the rest of the crew to know that. He wanted this flirting to be just for you guys.
You gulp and finally break the tension with a stammering awkward response. Waving your hands and blushing profusely all you can get out is gibberish “What! No I mean…hahah..ahhh’” Looking for an out you see his plate is empty and grab your nearly full plate “looks like we both are finished I’ll take care of this…” and you storm away.
Alvida meets you at the kitchen after seeing the whole event transpire. She laughs at you and pats you on the back.
“You played that differently than I thought you would y/n it was incredible… I mean playing into the cutesy blushing mess is gonna eat at that man up for day. If I didn’t know any better I’d be convinced you actually at a crush on the son of a bitch-“
You are all heated up and just ugghhhh. “It’s not that it’s just I didn’t know he could be like that, all up close and personal. It totally took me out of my rhythm. I know he’s a feared pirate captain, but after seeing him get all blubbery and goofy from the other stuff I couldn’t imagine he’d have the self restraint to actually flirt- to be intimidating like that.”
Alvida chuckles “ I have to admit even I’m impressed he managed to elicit that response out of you, are you sure you don’t have a little crush on him? Cause I can help with that too if we’re switching course-“
“Noooo , I don’t know if I want to keep doing this if it’s gonna be this intense. What if this actually goes somewhere-what if we makes a move-“
“Come on Buggy probably just got a little too excited seeing you like this for the first time, you crossed all his wires and he came across a little strong. We’ll see how he is today and if the plan is still working. It’s up to you if you wanna continue doing this, but you saw how well it worked earlier, it made all of our lives easier, even Captains.”
It did work earlier, and it worked today. Captain had called for an independent study day, the crew was to work at and hone their own skills. It was still training, but leagues above the other regiments, on top of that he’d cooped himself up in his room working on charts for the day after breakfast. He’d hadn’t been overseeing the training, so you all had the opportunity to go at your own tasks pretty lazily. You ended in knife training with Cabaji and a couple others, working off some of that pent up tension from earlier. You had to put bike shorts under the skirt you were wearing to avoid flashing the others when you were practicing combat. Why did he get you like that? Why were his words sticking in your head so intently?
Captain Buggy was held up in his room. This morning was something else. He’d convinced himself he lost your attention after this week's aunslaught of training, but today's little stunt you pulled showed him you were still on your way to being all his. God the tiny skirt you wore with that tight sweater. He’d burned the image of your hips swaying over to the table, your eyes never leaving his, into his brain . You’d been too afraid to break eye contact at that moment, but to him it looked like an invitation, a way to tell him exactly what you were dressing like that for. He shuddered at the thought of you stuttering to him, the way your lips trembled saying his name. He wanted that again, he wanted you to shutter his name while he was on top of you. He felt himself stiffen at the thought of your thighs spread open on his bed, with that same cute embarrassed expression. “Hmmmmm” He’d canceled the regiment today because he knew he couldn’t bear to see you sweat in that outfit, he barely kept himself together at breakfast, and now he was begging for release. He began pumping at himself and a low groan rolled from his chest. He’d touched himself to you before but he’d never had this much to work off of. “God y/n please- fuck-“ He felt himself lose it under the thought of you. “You’re gonna be all mine, I’m gonna make you mine-mine-“ Before long, he felt his release to the thought of you. He shuddered at the mess he’d made. The pleasure was substandard to what he could only envision your touch to be like. He knew he couldn’t maintain like this for long, with you toying with him. He was determined to make you fall for him, even if that meant having your crew fall behind, he had to find opportunities to have you see him in a more casual light. Looking at the charts he plotted a course leading to a string of small towns filled. Perhaps you both needed a little vacation.
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hooter-n-company · 1 year
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Dropped a little teaser in this post, so I guess there’s no time like the present for another OC lore drop!
This two-headed pirate captain used to be two separate humans, Captain Levi and Captain Nathaniel. The two developed an intense rivalry over the years, trying to outclass and outmaneuver one another in their quest for riches and infamy.
This quest eventually led them to the long lost Temple of Dagon, where both pirate factions battled over possession of the treasure within. But in the midst of battling over a mysterious chest, they set off an explosion of eldritch energy, which transformed every last crew member into a monstrous human-fish hybrid. As they were both right next to one another and holding the chest at the time, Levi and Nathaniel were fused together right down the middle.
Since that day, the duo began a new quest across the sea: to find some way to turn themselves back to normal, and most importantly, split them up so they can get as far away from one another as physically possible... 
Full bio(s) under the cut. Prepare yourself, you get two characters in one, so there’s a LOT of info:
Name: Captain Nathaniel Pronouns: He/him Age: (Before transformation) 40 Species: Nautilus mutant Role: Pred Height: 8.7 feet tall Abilities: Tough exoskeleton, 4 tentacles in place of normal arm, sharp beak and radula, trained swordsman, cutlass, flintlock pistols Personality: Reserved, cold, calculating, and despite his capacity for cruelty, he can be reasonable and prefers to negotiate to get what he wants (even if he only views people as means to an end. Almost views himself as a Robin Hood type figure, stealing from the rich to give to those less fortunate (although the only ones that qualify are his most loyal crew members and himself). Still greedy and gluttonous, but he prefers to savor everything that comes into his possession. Likes: Fine dining (especially crabs and shellfish), sampling exotic cuisine, drinking (loves wine), reading, cartography, art, card/dice games, treasure, privacy, peace and quiet, his prized weapons, his loyal crew members, strategizing, being pampered, belly rubs (would never admit it) Dislikes: Being stuck with Levi, Levi’s crass behavior, Levi eating important hostages and crew members, Levi’s snoring, uncivilized individuals (like Levi), Levi’s crew, indigestion, mutiny, government authority, messes on his ship, magic
Name: Captain Levi Pronouns: He/him Age: (Before transformation) 36 Species: Eel mutant Role: Pred Height: 8.7 feet tall Abilities: Fast healer, powerful tail, extendable neck, vicious brawler, boarding axe, blunderbuss Personality: A foul tempered, hotheaded bruiser and shameless hedonist all about instant gratification. Loves using brute force and intimidation tactics to get what he wants. Has a one-track mind set on eating everything and everyone who gets too close when he's hungry. Vicious, but has has plenty of moments where he comes off as immature and a bit of a dope. Likes: Binge eating (especially eels and slippery cephalopods), squirmy prey, binge drinking (loves rum and beer), gambling, the trill of battle, striking fear in the hearts of others, blowing shit up, beautiful women, competition, partying, treasure, music, playing the concertina, treasure, his prized weapons, showing off his battle scars, belly rubs Dislikes: Being stuck with Nate, Nate’s prissy behavior, Nate interrupting his meals, Nate being a killjoy, Nate’s crew, indigestion, mutiny, government authority, classism, talking about his past, his intelligence being insulted, being forced to clean up his messes
Other Info: -A pirate captain is nothing without a ship, and Leviathan is no exception. Originally, when Levi and Nathaniel were humans in separate bodies, they both had separate ships. Nathaniel's was christened "Poseidon's Pride", and Levi's was "The Ravager". In the pursuit of Dagon's Temple, both captain's ships sustained some serious battle damage, but they both reached their destination at around the same time; a lone island out in the middle of the ocean.
As soon as they set foot on the shore, the weather quickly takes a turn for the worse, but Levi and Nathaniel are both gunning for the treasure and ignore it. However, the entire course of events leading up to the pirates being cursed takes much, much longer than expected; The Temple of Dagon is a huge labyrinth full of traps and puzzles, and the two captains are evenly matched the entire time. And so, when the monstrous, mutated crew finally crawls their way back out of the temple, they find a massive typhoon swept over the island in the day they were gone. Both of their ships have been tossed ashore, reduced to useless wrecks of wood.
After a LOT of arguing and hurling vicious threats, the newly fused Captain Leviathan orders their combined crew to complete their first major task: building a new ship from the remains of the old. Said ship wasn't exactly pretty; a very large, jagged Frankenstein's monster of a vessel that matched the mutated fish-man crew to a tee. But on the water, it is both durable and shockingly fast, as well as incredibly effective at striking fear into the hearts of enemies. Which is why, after much disagreement, Levi and Nathaniel settled on a new name: "The Fangtooth".
-Nate and Levi have two separate brains that think independently, so one head can fall asleep while the other remains awake. It's actually pretty useful when they need to keep watch at night, or keep an eye out for any sneak attacks, but it's annoying when one head is too loud and disrupts their "twin's" beauty sleep.
-When it comes to walking from Point A to Point B, their legs sync up automatically if they are in agreement on their destination. But if they can't agree on where to go, it can screw things up to the point they're unable to move at all or are left stumbling all over the place (which they were doing a LOT of when they were first fused together). It often comes down to a battle of wills, where one of them can wrestle control of their legs from the other, with some difficulty.
-Some of their internal organs are fused together, while others are divided between them. They each have one lung and pair of gills, so they can talk and breathe out of sync. They also have two esophagi, but they share a single enlarged stomach and digestive tract. This means that they are very prone to eating too much too fast, since it all goes to the same place, and when one of them gets a bellyache, the other one feels it too.
In vore scenarios, if they are not in agreement over turning someone into food, their digestion will slow to a crawl (possibly leading to their prey fighting their way out if Nate doesn't let them out first). If they are in agreement, their gut works much faster at churning up whatever they ate.
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transformers-mosaic · 2 months
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Transformers: Mosaic - Fragments Shaun Flaherty
wada sez: Welcome to the second of our script showcases! In late 2012, after the Mosaic project came to an end, Shaun Flaherty shared a bunch of his original scripts to his deviantART. Many of these never actually made it through production, but date all the way back to the inception of the project. Let's take a look, eh?
"Homecoming" (Slag) [2007-09-05 (file date), 2007-10-22, 2007-11-11, 2012-09-28]
Panels 1-2.  Slag drifts lifelessly through space.
CAP/RATTRAP: "I finished decryptin' the datatracks we ripped from that Pred orbital."
CAP/RATTRAP: "The humans never found him when they dug it up."
Panel 3.  In the background, Cybertron (reformatted/techno-organic) fills the panel.  In the foreground, Slag drifts close to the planet.
CAP/CHEETOR: "One of these mega-cycles you're going to have to let this go."
Panel 4.  Identical to Panel 3, except that Slag drifts closer to Cybertron.
CAP/RATTRAP: "He was on the Nemesis when it crashed --
CAP/RATTRAP: "-- they shoulda found him!"
Panel 5.  Slag enters Cybertron's atmosphere.
CAP/CHEETOR: "Forget about it, Rattrap."
Panel 6.  Slag begins burning up in Cybertron's atmosphere.
CAP/RATTRAP: "But what about what the bug said?"
Panel 7.  Slag crash-lands on the surface.  Debris and plumes of smoke mark the impact site.
CAP/CHEETOR: "I told you to forget it!
Panel 8.  Slag lies lifelessly in the center of the crater created by the impact.  Rattrap stands on the crater's edge, looking in.
CAP/CHEETOR: "It's over."
Panel 9.  Identical to Panel 11, except that Rattrap is silhouetted and out of focus.
RATTRAP: You okay, big guy?
Panel 10.  Rattrap's point-of-view.  Slag's head, shoulders, and upper torso fill the panel.  He is confused, but begins to reorient himself.
Panel 11.  Slag's point-of-view.  Rattrap's head, shoulders, and upper torso fill the panel.  He is concerned, yet hopeful.
RATTRAP (continued): Dinobot?
Panel 12.  Identical to Panel 10, except that Slag is reluctantly pleased.
SLAG: Vermin.
wada sez: This strip was originally solicited under the title "Home Again". Is the idea that Dinobot, the clone, goes on to become G1 Slag, eventually reuniting with Rattrap post-Beast Machines? If so, then why is the script so damn obtuse in communicating that that's what's going on? Also if so, that's a terrible idea. Josh van Reyk would later color the one preview panel released for this strip, as seen above.
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"Carry That Weight" (Kup) [2007-09-07 (file date), 2012-09-28]
wada sez: This one's set during The Transformers: The Movie, naturally.
Panel 1.  Toward the left side of the panel, Hot Rod sits near a wall of bars that separates one cell from the next.  He faces right with his arms rested on his knees.  He looks toward the window in the door.  Light shines through the window and casts a barred shadow on his face.  Toward the right side of the panel, Kup stands in shadow near a wall of bars on the opposite side of the cell.  He faces left with his arms crossed.  He looks toward the floor.
Panel 2.  Hot Rod looks up and to the right, toward the window.  The barred shadow crosses his face.  He is perturbed, afraid.  He quietly awaits the same fate as Kranix.
Panel 3.  Kup looks to the left, toward Hot Rod.  He is concerned.  His experience tells him that Hot Rod is in need of comfort.
Panel 4.  The same as Panel 3, but with Kup's eyes cast downward.  He searches for the right words.
Panel 5.  The same as Panel 3, but with Kup's mouth open to speak.
KUP: This reminds me of a story...
Panel 6.  Toward the left side of the panel, Pirate Captain stands, facing right, holding some sort of lance.  Pirate 1 stands in the background to the left of Pirate Captain.  Pirate 2 stands farther in the background to the right of Pirate Captain.  Toward the right side of the panel, Autobot Commander kneels, facing Pirate Captain with his hands bound behind his back.  To the right of Autobot Commander, Young Kup also kneels, facing Pirate Captain with his hands bound behind his back.  Pirate Captain stands over Autobot Commander and Young Kup, looking down at them.
CAP/KUP: "...I was part of a survey team stationed on Janguru 2.
CAP/KUP: "Pirates caught us by surprise.
Panel 7.  Pirate Captain gets right in Autobot Commander's face.  On the left side of the panel, Pirate Captain faces right, smirking toward Autobot Commander.  On the right side of the panel, Autobot Commander faces left, glaring toward Pirate Captain.  Pirate Captain should be slightly higher in the panel than Autobot Commander, as if Pirate Captain has bent down to be nearer to Autobot Commander's level in his knelt position.
CAP/KUP: "They wanted something from us.
Panel 8.  Pirate Captain threatens Autobot Commander.  Autobot Commander's chest plate fills the panel.  Pirate Captain's lance points to the right, directly at the insignia on Autobot Commander's chest plate.
Panel 9.  Autobot Commander's eyes fill the panel.  His expression is one of defiance.
CAP/KUP: "My commanding officer wouldn't give it up.
Panel 10.  Pirate Captain, now standing, looks down and to the right, toward Autobot Commander.  He wears a slight, contemptuous grin.  Autobot Commander will not yield, but his sheer force of will impresses Pirate Captain.
Panel 11.  Young Kup looks to the left, toward Autobot Commander.  He reacts with terror to the act of violence revealed in Panel 12.
Panel 12.  In the foreground, toward the right side of the panel, Young Kup faces left, still knelt and bound.  He stares vacantly ahead.  He is disoriented, defeated, powerless.  To the left of Young Kup, somewhat silhouetted and out of focus in the background, Autobot Commander faces left, also still knelt and bound.  He is hunched forward, his head slack, motionless.  He has been run through with Pirate Captain's lance and killed.  The butt of the lance rests on the ground; the shaft pierces his torso; most of the tip protrudes out through his back.  The lance is the only thing propping him up.
CAP/KUP: "They took it anyway."
Panel 13.  Kup faces left, staring vacantly ahead -- an aged copy of Young Kup's face from Panel 12.
KUP: No matter what happens, lad:
Panel 14.  Hot Rod looks to the right, toward Kup.  He is attentive, fascinated.  He is honored that Kup has shared this personal story with him.  It has given him strength.
KUP (OP): You look 'em square in the optics --
Panel 15.  The same as Panel 1, but Hot Rod and Kup's attention has been drawn to the door, which is now open.  Light spills in.  The time has come for their trial and likely execution.
KUP: -- and you give 'em the Pit.
"Mirror, Mirror" (Punch/Counterpunch) w/ Mike Ackerman [2007-09-30 (file date), 2012-11-12]
wada sez: This is another tantalising script, as much like with Martin Fisher's "Huffing & Puffing", it seems that full artwork was completed by Mike Ackerman; again, you can see the clean page in his portfolio overview. Presumably it never made it to the coloring or lettering stage?
Panel 1.  In an Autobot war room, Punch receives his orders from Springer while Whirl stands by.  On the right side of the panel, in the foreground, in extreme close-up, Punch faces left, in profile.  On the left side of the panel, in the mid-ground, Springer faces forward, looking toward Punch.  He stands, arms crossed; his mouth is open to speak.  In the center of the panel, in the background, Whirl stands by, looking toward Punch.  He is dimly lit, but his single eye "pops".
SPRINGER: It's the only way.
Panel 2.  In a Decepticon war room, Counterpunch receives his orders from Doubledealer while Sixshot stands by -- a mirror image of Panel 1.  In Punch's place, on the left side of the panel, in the foreground, in extreme close-up, Counterpunch faces right, in profile.  In Spinger's place, on the right side of the panel, in the mid-ground, Doubledealer faces forward, looking toward Counterpunch.  He leans back against a console; his arms prop him up.  In Whirl's place, in the center of the panel, in the background, Sixshot stands by, arms crossed, looking toward Counterpunch.  He is dimly lit, but his red eyes "pop".
DOUBLEDEALER: It's the only way.
Panel 3.  Counterpunch walks down a corridor, toward us.  It is a wide-shot in which we see him from head to toe.
CAP/PUNCH: Are you still you --
Panel 4.  Punch walks down a corridor, toward us -- a mirror image of Panel 3.  It is a wide-shot in which we see him from head to toe.
CAP/COUNTERPUNCH: -- if after you've played a part for so long --
Panel 5.  Counterpunch surprises Springer and Whirl in the Autobot war room.  On the left side of the panel, in the foreground, we see the back of Counterpunch's head.  He has just entered the room and is slightly silhouetted.  On the right side of the panel, in the background, Springer and Whirl turn toward Counterpunch, surprised.
CAP/PUNCH: -- you can't remember --
Panel 6.  Punch surprises Doubledealer and Sixshot in the Decepticon war room -- a mirror image of Panel 5.  On the right side of the panel, in the foreground, we see the back of Punch's head.  He has just entered the room and is slightly silhouetted.  On the left side of the panel, in the background, Doubledealer and Sixshot turn toward Punch, surprised.
CAP/COUNTERPUNCH: -- where it stops --
DOUBLEDEALER: Counterpunch?
Panel 7.  Punch-Counterpunch is in the center of the panel.  He is split right down the center.  His left half is Counterpunch; his right half is Punch.  His head is craned back, shouting; his fists are raised.  Energy, in the form of light, spills from his seams.  He is surrounded on either side of the panel by an explosion emanating from his center.
CAP/PUNCH: -- and you begin?
CAP/COUNTERPUNCH: -- and you begin?
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"No Assembly Required" (Bumblebee) w/ Mike Paraiso [2007-10-05 (script file date), 2008-02-28 (sketch file date), 2012-11-13]
wada sez: I considered giving this one a post all to itself, but it's so clearly unfinished that it felt more appropriate to include with these scripts, which it was originally shared alongside.
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"Insult to Injury" (Beast Wars Scourge) [2007-11-09 (file date), 2012-12-19]
wada sez: This script picks up after the events of The Gathering issue #3, in which Scourge watches Powerpinch get dismembered by the Mutants.
Panel 1.  Scourge returns to the swamp where he and his squad of Predacons first encountered the Mutants.  He quietly surveys the area.
CAP: Southwest:
SCOURGE: No more Mutants?
Panel 2.  Scourge pulls Powerpinch from the muck.  Powerpinch is off-line and still missing his left leg.
CAP/SCOURGE: "Parts of you are missing.
CAP/SCOURGE: "I understand.
Panel 3.  Scourge transforms into beast mode and leaps with Powerpinch in tow.
CAP/SCOURGE: "Imagine if you'd chosen a beast mode with actual pain receptors!"
Panel 4.  Powerpinch's eyes are in extreme close-up as he comes back on-line, groggily.
SCOURGE (OP): Right now --
Panel 5.  Powerpinch shrieks in terror as he discovers that he is wet with a substance that is grotesquely dissolving his outer shell.
SCOURGE (OP): -- you're bathed in a naturally-occurring organic chemical compound.
SCOURGE (OP): Delightfully corrosive.
Panel 6.  Scourge tears a fistful of circuits from Powerpinch's throat, driving him into stasis lock.
SCOURGE: That'll do, thank you.
Panel 7.  Scourge drags away the unconscious Powerpinch.
SCOURGE (continued): A quick dip and a snip-snip --
SCOURGE (continued): -- and you won't remember this time either.
"Modes Make The 'Bot" (Hot Rod) [2008-01-25 (file date), 2013-02-23]
wada sez: Set in IDW continuity, between Escalation and Devastation.
Panel 1.  Wheeljack sits at a console.  Hot Rod stands, arms crossed.  They look up toward a hologram of Hot Rod’s Cybertron vehicle mode (as seen in Escalation).  The hologram is semi-transparent with a glowing effect.
WHEELJACK: So, I took into consideration all the features you're looking for in a new alt mode --
HOT ROD: Okay.
Panel 2.  Similar to Panel 1.  Wheeljack and Hot Rod have slightly different body language and facial expressions, reflective of the dialogue.  The hologram has changed to Classic Rodimus’s vehicle mode.
WHEELJACK: -- and this is what I came up with.
WHEELJACK (continued): What do you think?
HOT ROD: It's nice.
HOT ROD (continued): Don't get me wrong -- I like it.
HOT ROD (continued): It's nice.
Panel 3.  Similar to Panel 1.  Wheeljack and Hot Rod have slightly different body language and facial expressions, reflective of the dialogue.  The hologram has changed to Energon Rodimus’s vehicle mode.
WHEELJACK: Maybe something with a little more muscle?
HOT ROD: You're kidding me, right?
Panel 4.  Similar to Panel 1.  Wheeljack and Hot Rod have slightly different body language and facial expressions, reflective of the dialogue.  The hologram has changed to Hot Rod’s Earth vehicle mode (as seen in Devastation).
WHEELJACK: Fair enough.
WHEELJACK (continued): How about this?
HOT ROD: Oh, yeah.
HOT ROD (continued): That's the one.
HOT ROD (continued): It's perfect.
"End of Discussion" (Grimlock) [2008-02-08 (file date), 2013-02-23]
wada sez: I think this is set towards the end of Megatron Origin, while the Decepticons are taking Kaon? "Prime" thus refers to Sentinel Prime, not Optimus!
Panel 1.  In the foreground, Grimlock walks toward us.  In the background, the other Dynobots stand in a staggered pack with Slag at the front.
CAP: The Battle of Kaon:
SLAG: Prime's forces are almost on top of us!
SLAG (continued): What are you doing?!
GRIMLOCK: Leaving.
GRIMLOCK (continued): Didn't sign up for a war.
Panel 2.  A close-up of Slag’s face.  He is angry and disgusted.
SLAG: Coward.
Panel 3.  Grimlock turns.
Series of Panels.  Grimlock kicks the asses of the Dynobots.  Fists collide with faces; maybe teeth and optics shatter; kicks to the ribs; et cetera.
SFX (?)
Final Panel.  Grimlock walks away from the defeated Dynobots.
GRIMLOCK: We're leaving.
GRIMLOCK (continued): End of discussion.
"Storytelling" (Animated Blitzwing) [2008-05-06 (file date), 2013-02-28]
Panel 1.  "Cold As Ice" Blitzwing sits surrounded by a group of Children -- some stand, some kneel, some sit cross-legged, some sit on his lap, but all are recognizable faces from ANIMATED.
BLITZWING: Come, my little human protoforms -- attend your Uncle Blitzving und he'll veave you a tale...
Panel 2.  An illustration befitting "Cold As Ice" Blitzwing’s personality.  In the foreground, legions of Decepticons march in formation.  In the background, Megatron stands powerfully.  The image is cold and gray with clean lines and angles.  In a corner of the panel, "Cold As Ice" Blitzwing’s head "floats", narrating.
CAP/BLITZWING: "A brilliant military strategist und tactician, Megatron raised a mighty army to topple ze oppressive Autobot empire.
Panel 3.  An illustration befitting "Hot Blooded" Blitzwing’s personality.  In the foreground, Megatron tears an Autobot (or Gobot?) limb from limb.  His eyes are vacant and monstrous.  Fluid drips from his mouth as if he salivates for this.  In the background, a battle-ravaged city burns and explosions...explode.  The image is bright, hot, and passionately violent.  In a corner of the panel (a different corner than in the previous panel?), "Hot Blooded" Blitzwing’s head "floats", narrating.
CAP/BLITZWING: "Ze Decepticons devastated countless settlements across ze galaxy, annihilating Autobot forces in engagement after engagement.
Panel 4.  An illustration befitting "Insane In The Brain" Blitzwing’s personality.  In the foreground, Megatron prances through a beautiful field or flower garden.  Happiness beams from his face.  Woodland creatures attend him.  In the background -- rainbows.  The image is anime-inspired, colorful, and obviously ridiculous, but it may be substituted with other such nonsense.  In a corner of the panel (a different corner than in the previous two panels or perhaps back to the original corner?), "Insane In The Brain" Blitzwing’s head "floats", narrating.
CAP/BLITZWING: "Vonce upon a time zey lived happily ever after und vent ve-ve-ve-ve all ze vay home.
Panel 5.  "Insane In The Brain" Blitzwing and the Children (as seen in Panel 1) are joined by Lugnut, who falls to his knees, raises his hands, and cries to the heavens.
LUGNUT: All hail Megatron!
BLITZWING: Yes, kids --
BLITZWING (continued): All buy comics.
CHILD: What's a comics?
Panel 6.  ALL HAIL MEGATRON promotional image.
CAP: On sale now!
wada sez: Ah, that old Mosaic classic: "what if that story I don't like was written by an idiot?"
"Compliance or Defiance" (Orion Pax) [2008-05-12 (file date), 2013-02-28]
Panel 1.  Orion Pax pushes a hovering pallet of energon cubes down a corridor.
Panel 2.  Orion Pax stands in an open doorway.  Light from the corridor behind him spills into the dimly lit room.
ORION PAX: Lord Megatron?
ORION PAX (continued): Delivery, sir.
MEGATRON (OP): Orion Pax.
MEGATRON (continued): My hero.
Panel 3.  In the center of the panel, we see Megatron from behind; his hands are clasped behind his back.  He looks through a floor-to-ceiling window that takes up the entire wall.  Lush, purple curtains adorn either side.  Through the window, we see Cybertron in a golden age -- a skyline of pristine structures, banners bearing the Decepticon insignia, et cetera.
ORION PAX (continued): You remember me?
MEGATRON: Of course.
MEGATRON (continued): The day we met, you chose the lives of your friends over the energon you were charged with protecting.
MEGATRON (continued): Your choice allowed me to have all of this.
Panel 4.  Megatron whispers to Orion Pax in extreme close-up.  On the left side of the panel, we see the right (his left) portion of Orion Pax’s face, including his left eye and left “ear”.  On the right side of the panel, we see the lower portion of Megatron’s face, including his mouth, but not his eyes.
MEGATRON: I suppose that's why they've demoted you to "courier", but look at it this way:
MEGATRON (continued): You may not know it, but you saved lives with your choice that day --
MEGATRON (continued): -- countless lives --
MEGATRON (continued): -- because I would have killed everyone on this planet to get here.
Panel 5.  In the foreground, we see that the pallet of energon cubes has been pushed into the room.  On the side facing us, we see that a small, black box has been stuck to the energon cubes.  In the background, Megatron and Orion Pax continue their conversation, in silhouette.
MEGATRON: In my book, that makes you one of the good guys.
Panel 6.  A close-up of the small, black box.  We see that it is a timer.  The display reads, "0:00:01".
MEGATRON (OP): Never forget, Orion Pax --
Panel 7.  Blackout.
MEGATRON (OP): -- you're a hero.
wada sez: I admit I'm out of my depth with this one. Presumably it's inspired by "War Dawn".
"Last Straw" (Huffer) [2008-05-17 (file date), 2013-02-28]
Panel 1.  Inside the Ark, headquarters of the Autobots.  In the background, Optimus Prime appears on the large, central view screen.  Smokescreen stands in front of the view screen with his head turned toward Huffer.  In the foreground, Huffer sneaks away from the view screen and toward us in an effort not to be seen by Optimus Prime.
OPTIMUS PRIME: -- and take Huffer with you.
Panel 2.  Smokescreen holds up a mirror.  In the mirror, Huffer’s face is reflected.  Huffer has been "repainted" to look like the Stunticon, Motormaster; Smokescreen has been "repainted" to look like the Stunticon, Dead End.  Huffer’s expression is one of angered disbelief.
CAP: Monday:
HUFFER: Somehow, I don't think this is what Optimus had in mind.
SMOKESCREEN: Relax -- it's gonna be fine.
Panel 3.  Huffer, followed by Smokescreen, falls toward us from a great height.  Huffer screams with terror; Smokescreen, less so.
CAP: Tuesday:
Panel 4.  Smokescreen speeds out of a cave in vehicle mode; Huffer follows closely behind, also in vehicle mode.  Smoke billows from the cave and trails from Smokescreen’s exhaust pipe.  Bolts of blaster fire fly out of the cave, only nearly missing Huffer and Smokescreen.
CAP: Wednesday:
SMOKESCREEN: We're okay --
SMOKESCREEN (continued): We're okay!
Panel 5.  Huffer and Smokescreen are tied up and hang suspended upside-down over a fire.  Members of a human culture indigenous to a rain forest dance around the fire, wielding spears.  Huffer stews; he is steamed!
CAP: Thursday:
SMOKESCREEN: You know --
HUFFER: Don't.
Panel 6.  Huffer and Smokescreen have been transformed into humans.  Human Huffer is shorter, has glasses, and wears an orange, hooded sweatshirt with the hood up.  Human Smokescreen is taller, has blonde hair, and wears a red and blue leather jacket bearing his signature number, 38.  They stand in the rain, waiting for the bus.  Human Huffer shouts at Human Smokescreen.
CAP: Friday:
HUMAN HUFFER: You're dead to me!
Panel 7.  Optimus Prime sits at a console.  Over his shoulder, we see Smokescreen on a view screen.  Smokescreen winks, smiling.
OPTIMUS PRIME: I trust Huffer did well?
SMOKESCREEN: Huffer did great.
HUFFER (OP): I quit!
wada sez: This isn't strictly Sunbow continuity, but it references "Masquerade" and "Only Human".
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calibraptor · 10 months
A space pirate pred racing against the clock to get back to their ship, their gut swelling with half-liquefied prey.
See, the stomach portion of the space suit is super durable & stretchy!
The legs of the suit that their expanding thighs/rump is straining? Not so much...
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lesbianoms · 11 months
Do you, by any chance, have any thoughts about sea monster/mermaid Preds? I feel like considering how wild stuff in the ocean can get, there's a lot of potential in creatures of the deep snacking on sailors or something.
Yes!! I love sea based preds, especially mermaids/sirens.
I, personally, would love to be lured to my prey-ish fate by a cute and cruel mermaid, with all her charms and her ethereal beauty. She leans in to give me a sea-foam kiss and instead she opens her fanged maw and swallows me whole; she lounges on the rocks stroking and nursing her new belly bulge in the sunlight… hmmm 🥰
I also really do love the concept of casually snacking on sailors, in certain scenarios. Like, maybe one of those classic epic-tale moments where a mermaid is on the edge of a boat, singing to some foolish and lovestruck sailor guy…
….only to pan down juuuust under the water to her big, squirming gut that’s weighing her down, full of countless other men stewing away in there.
Giantess sea preds are also very, very good! The many themes of fish and creature motif make for some interesting customization. And just imagine being inside that cavernous belly <3
Wrecked ships and schools of fish just swimming around, lost submarine trackers and the skeletons of famous, feared pirates. I like to think that maybe her stomach has some nautical theming or some cool colored insides. Maybe it’s like an aquarium in there, or maybe it’s a different kind of ocean— if the ocean was much warmer, groaning and gurgling, as it churned to the rhythm of soft, fleshy walls
There’s also a ton of variety when it comes to pred personality:
Maybe she serves as a guardian for the wildlife, swallowing up trash or endangered species, keeping them safe in her stomach.
Maybe she’s like a twisted Ariel, where she likes to collect things (mostly unwilling sailors) and keep them trapped in her belly.
Maybe she’s a jealous sapphic who sees a human princess and just has to have her; she lures the prince to the water with a siren song and eats him, explaining to the terrified girl that now they can finally be together…
Aaaugh!! The possibilities are endless! I love sea monster girls and mermaids that will just swallow me whole
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thealmightyemprex · 2 years
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Loralai is from Mantos and is a pirate .She eats her mates ...and honestly will eat anyone if they look tasty
I wanted to make a pred based on a preying mantis,decided to give her a punk aesthetic and make her an alien
@ariel-seagull-wings @themousefromfantasyland @goodanswerfoxmonster @theancientvaleofsoulmaking
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averyhungrywriter · 4 months
Villain preds. Just big bads, in whatever media or genre.
The big bad in a fantasy genre, using magic and deceptions. Capturing the princess. But by the time the royal knight arrives to save the day, she's nothing more than a few inches of padding on the villain's gut.
Pirate genre, with the swashbuckler of a massive fleet dealing with traitors by swallowing them. Letting them slosh around in a churning gut with a few glasses of booze that they'd been washed down with.
Superhero genre, where they catch their heroic counterpart unawares and take great joy in pushing their bloated stomach against the nearest wall, further limiting the hero's movement and taunting them every moment.
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tulowitzki · 10 months
i shouldn't be upset at a service that i pirate for free but strikeout why don't you have the avs broadcast tonight why is it both preds this blows
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stas-land · 15 days
Have you considered more boys in the future? You're characters are already amazing on their own but I was thinking about different types/themes of predators.
I had an idea based on a dream I had for this blonde kraken/squid guy named James. He’s a pirate, but not aesthetically. He just hijacks boats for fun. I def wanna flesh him out more, but those are all the details that came from my dream lmfao
I could also technically revamp a lot of my old anthro ocs,,
I have a popstar guy named Nixyun and I really love his design but I would have to do some work to make him an interesting pred personality wise
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Riftwalker is another guy I’ve been meaning to redo, he technically has a human design but his personality is all over the place. He’s a researcher turned experiment that still works as a researcher sorta. He can manipulate the fabric of space and time, which lets him open portals n shit (hence the name)
He used to be the father figure of radar and nova(my old sona) in my old lore involving this digital world called the editor where the three of them were like ai creating gods
But since I scrapped that story I don’t really know what kind of personality to give him or where he would fit
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I love his design tho and I used him as my dnd character sometimes
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