#sailor moo
389 · 1 year
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sucka99 · 1 month
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itsbeon · 4 months
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Sailor Moo
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clueless-day-dreamer · 9 months
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I’ve taken a very big step in my crochet adventure: I’ve opened an Etsy shop!
I’m super excited to be selling my cow hats. They bring me so much joy and I want to share that with others!
My first project was Sailor Moo! 😍
Prototype (aka too big):
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Sailor Moo Blue/Mercury (needs a little bit more bling):
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And the first one I’ve got on sale:
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I’m working on Sailor Moo Red/Mars right now. This makes me so happy!
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burnt-cookii · 5 months
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forgot to tell 'em
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alliumdykes · 1 year
Do you have any dsmp headcanons about cooking? Like who do you think would be good at it, who do you think would be bad, who is only good at one type of food, etc
OH MY GOD OH MY GOD YES. Im doing alliumduo because uhh yeah
Okokok so I think cTommy is a hyena, and in turn he scavenges his food, most often she goes to her friends and eats days old leftovers. Sometimes even the foods that are left in the back. Moo also doesnt cook often as well, whilst he is a pretty decent cook due to the scavenger nature of Hyenas she just prefers to eat food rather made by other people or leftovers. Due to this moo quite often makes one large batch of food to eat over a while, so he can still calm her instincts and still have healthy foods.
One the opposite hand Ranboo cooks and bakes everything. Quite often they make foods and make them look like leftovers so Tommy can eat them. They usually make dishes for everyone they love and its some sort of a love language. They often hold large dinners so they can just make food for people. They have perfected so many recipes due to this and even have their own special dishes (e.g Potato and beef stew for Techno, Micheals own mushroom cake)
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frogblobs · 2 years
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Sailor Moon Frog 🐸🌙⭐️
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sailormoonandme · 2 years
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These are just some of the images I uploaded so I could then include them in my fanfic ‘The Last Sailor War’. Figured I might as well post them to clear out my drafts.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 months
For the prompts:
Eepy time for eepy Time? Time getting pillow piled? Heck, Time getting cuddle piled? Big brother Everyone? Baby brother Time?
Adventuring was such a strange mix of emotions.
When Time had been little, the thought of adventure had consumed him. He'd wanted to go explore the Lost Woods, he'd wanted to fight monsters and find his fairy companion. After his journey and fight against Ganondorf, adventuring was all he had left.
But once he'd settled with Malon... adventuring still had its pull on him, and he enjoyed it. Truly, he did. And it was an honor to fight for others and protect everyone.
But by heaven did he miss just being home.
It usually took about three days for it to really hit him. He was still a victim of the excitement of setting out for somewhere new, after all, and so the first day or so he would be fine with his new journey. But by the third or fourth day, he'd miss the warmth of his bed, the embrace of his wife, the sound of her singing, the laughter from his father-in-law, the purring of the barn cat, the sound of hooves and mooing and neighing. He missed all of it.
He missed the company. He missed his family.
This journey was a little different, he supposed. He'd never had so many traveling companions, and one of them was family. But he was in charge here, and he had to keep them all safe. It didn't quite hold the same comfort to it.
Yawning, Time stretched and tried not to think about it too much. They'd just left Lon Lon Ranch a few days ago, so he knew the ache was hitting him, but he had to focus.
It was hard to focus when he was so tired, though.
Time huffed somewhat irritably. He was certain he wouldn't have felt this drained when he was younger. Then he huffed again. It wasn't like he was that old. Not physically, at least. He just felt old sometimes.
Time yawned again and scowled at himself for the gesture. Stop that.
"Old man, I think you need a nap."
The words were good natured coming from Wild, but Hyrule snickered, elbowing Legend and commenting that Time truly was old. The eldest Link huffed a little, amused and mildly annoyed, but he just waved a dismissive hand. "Probably so. Let's set up camp, though."
He let Warriors delegate tasks to the group, assisting Wind with gathering firewood. When the little sailor tried to carry more wood than his infinitely larger and stronger predecessor, it didn't go unnoticed.
Honestly. Being older didn't make him decrepit, for Farore's sake. The gesture was sweet and endearing, but slightly exasperating. When Hyrule joined them and Wind very helpfully pointed out that their leader was tired and they should carry most of the wood, Time finally just picked up both heroes, wood piles and all, by the back of their tunics, letting them squirm and wiggle as they protested their predicament.
Twilight laughed as the three reentered the camp. The gauntlets Time wore made the boys' weight essentially nothing, but he still felt even more drained nonetheless.
This was definitely just him being homesick. That and the fact that the hadn't slept well the last few nights.
Well. Probably that more than anything. But he did miss home.
Time glanced at Twilight, smiling at him as the rancher corralled the now grumpy Wind and still cackling Hyrule towards the fire pit Four had made. He could hear Malon's laughter in the man's own, and it warmed his heart.
And then he yawned again.
All right, this is just ridiculous.
Giving up, Time waved off Wild's question about dinner, heading for a corner to unpack his sleeping gear and take off his armor. He noticed Sky had already nodded off, having been in the process of unpacking his own things and just slumped over them instead. How that boy was ever comfortable in any of the places he passed out was beyond Time.
Oh, to be young, he supposed. He could curl up anywhere in his youth and wake up fine. Nowadays if he sneezed wrong he'd pop something.
Well. Youth was fleeting, and time was cruel. There was no point lingering on the matter.
Time plopped down next to Sky, unfolding his bed roll. The boy didn't stir, snoring lightly into his own bedroll that was halfway pulled out of his adventure pouch. The elder Link felt a twinge of sympathy for the exhausted teenager, opting to help get the boy's blankets unpacked so he could rest in a more comfortable position. That would imply he had to wake him up, though.
Well, maybe he should just leave him be. Sky's sleeping habits were all over the place, but the boy made do well enough.
Time yawned for what felt like the hundredth time that day, and he carefully removed his armor. Rubbing his face, he pinched the bridge of his nose, just standing there a moment and trying to muster up the energy to unpack everything. Honestly, he was fine just sleeping on the ground at this point.
He heard movement, and he glanced over to see Sky awake, groggily unpacking Time's sleeping items instead of his own.
"Sky," Time called softly, trying not to laugh at the addled teenager. "Wrong bag."
Sky paused, confused a moment, and then laughed, shaking his head. "No, no, I meant to. You look tired. I just... wanted to help a little. I promise I didn't go through your stuff, your mat is beside you bag."
Time stared at him a moment, and Sky halfheartedly backed away a little, misreading the man's naturally stern gaze. The elder hero was about to reply when Warriors walked up behind them, chuckling.
"Sky, you're such a mother hen," the captain commented. "I'm pretty sure the old man can do it himself. But I brought you both some water since you didn't refill your supply."
It was amazing how little escaped the captain's notice. Time gratefully took the water skin provided to him, settling on the ground beside Sky, who relaxed a little at the proximity.
Twilight joined them soon after. "You okay?"
"I'm fine," Time answered. Honestly, while Warriors kept tabs of everyone in a more tactical manner, Twilight was far fussier. It reminded him of Malon again, and he felt his heart both ache and soften. "Just a little tired."
Wind skipped over, plopping his own supplies down beside Time. "You're not sick, are you? I feel like you're not usually this sleepy."
Time sighed. All this attention was getting to be too much, but it was endearing nonetheless.
Legend wandered over silently, settling close by and pulling out some mending project he'd been working on. It looked like Four's undershirt - it probably was, as the boy had torn it in the skirmish they'd had yesterday.
"I wonder if we'll see Wolfie," Hyrule noted as he made his way over to the group, still armed. "I kind of miss him. He was good at alerting about danger."
"I still wish I could hug him," Wind grumbled. "He's so soft, but he's so grumpy!"
"He's not grumpy," Twilight huffed, and Time laughed. "He just doesn't like being coddled. He's a wolf, not a puppy."
It was probably the sleepiness, but Time found himself overly sentimental. "There's always a little bit of pup left."
Twilight watched him a moment, annoyance gone, eyes a little wide with gentle surprise. He softened slowly, making his way over to Time and sitting down beside him. Time was distracted, watching his descendant, and he missed that Warriors and Sky finished setting up his sleeping arrangements until the captain started walking back towards the fire. Time turned to thank Sky, at least, and found the young knight already passed out over his partly unpacked roll once more.
How...? Time shook his head, outright laughing quietly at the kid's antics, and elbowed Twilight. "Help that poor boy, will you?"
Twilight laughed too, nudging Sky gently. Wild came next, a bowl of warm stew in hand, quietly but earnestly waiting for Time's approval as he ate it. When Time gave him a warm smile and nodded his head, the cook brightened immensely, heading back to get another bowl.
Dinner was usually spent around the campfire, but this time all the boys meandered to Time's corner. The conversations were quiet, and it took a solid hour to convince Hyrule to finally put his sword down, but eventually Time found himself unable to keep his eyes open. Sky leaned against him, steadily falling asleep, and it was somehow the last little push his body needed to shut down.
Time awoke in the middle of the night, neck aching a little from leaning against the tree as he was, his head plopped over Sky's. He couldn't escape his predicament, though, as he found himself completely surrounded. Wind was using his legs as a pillow alongside Four, Twilight was in wolf form curled up on his left side with Wild snuggled in his fur, Hyrule had settled a step away from the others, curled around his sheathed blade, Legend was at his back, eye mask on and snoring, hand ghosting against Time's tunic.
Warriors sat across from him, eyes alert and sparkling in the firelight. When they locked eyes, the captain gave a little smile and a nod.
Time sighed, smiling in return, heart warm. Perhaps he wasn't quite so homesick anymore.
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sweetbeagaming · 11 months
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Mariner’s Outlook ☀
§231,006- 40 x 30 - 4 bed, 2.5 bath - no cc - play tested - place with MOO
A three-story traditional beach house with a clear view of the inlet. Once an outpost for sailors to bunk down in between voyages, it’s since had a renovation to bring it up to the modern day. It retains many of its original features including a boat house and wooden observational deck.
Download and pack info under the cut ↪
Built for The Neighborhood Save, this is an updated version of my previous upload- there's been some changes to the lighting and styling of the home to make it more polished. It pairs wonderfully with the Sage Beach Community! The Galveston-inspired beach house is intended for a multi-generational family so there’s lots of space. In addition to the usual areas there’s a gaming room and office upstairs, a large garage space with laundry, and an outdoor kitchen on the "infinity" pool deck.
Download the Mariner’s Outlook tray file on SFS
Updated version also available on the gallery @sweetbeagaming!
Please note there is one part of the ceiling that I cannot paint. It’s a bug and I can’t fix it until EA does. It doesn’t really impact the way the home looks. If there are any other issues, as always please let me know! ♡
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yourplayersaidwhat · 1 year
This is a higher tech setting and the party is stopped for Airship repairs.
Druid Player: I guess I'll check what she's watching before I mess with the TV. What's on?
GM: Okay so it's an anime about cows that turn into magical girls to fight bad guys. It's called Sailor Moo.
Druid Player: Alright, screw my plans. My character sits down and takes notes.
GM:.....notes on what exactly?
Druid: "Wow these are such cool druids, I wonder if I can learn their techniques."
GM: Tell you what, if you ever transform into a cow if you roll perfect on a d100 I will let you be a magical girl cow.
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koolkitty9 · 9 months
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"In the Name of the Moo--what do you mean I'm just a parody of Sailor Moon??? Nah, I think you're wrong because I am a Prince of LOVE and she is a Princess of the MOON."
This was supposed to be for his birthday. I am impatient
Pose ref @adorkastock
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bucketspammer4life · 1 year
The boxers during halloween
(sees christmas decorations being put up) HALLOWEEN. HALLOWEEN!!! HALLOWEEN!!!
Glass Joe
- has a vampire costume and is giving out candy himself since "hes too old for all of this"
- buys those big family size packages of candy to give out, he likes them because he can snack on candy when halloween ends
- purposefully calls obvious costumes dumb stuff to get reactions out of people
- "oh yeah did you dress up as my moms curtains??"
- drinks a glass of tomato juice with his costume for extra realism
Von Kaiser
- He dressed up as the frankensteins monster, only for his students to dress up as him
- He gives out raisins and toothbrushes for halloween along with fruit (NOOO!!)
- does scary roaring sounds to scare people, only to get laughed at, thats what you get for giving out healthy food during halloween
- tries telling scary stories and gives up halfway through
Disco Kid
- dressed up as a fully functional disco ball (functional almost autocorrected to father LMAOO)
- goes out trick or treating himself but gets bored
- watching bad quality horror movies with Mac to laugh at them
- helps the kaisers students toilet paper his house for fun
- carving pumpkins with the others
King Hippo
- dressed up as a Hippo (how creative of you)
- does trick or treating with Disco kid, after disco got bored he went all out on his own and got a lot of candy
- He ate the pumpkin he was supposed to carve, no remains left, also totally unrelated: has anyone seen Joe's pumpkin carving knife?? That he was supposed to carve pumpkins with??
- his dentist will not be happy
Piston Hondo
- dressed up in sailor moon cosplay, rocking it as he should
- is the one giving out candy because imagine if a famous boxer dressed up as sailor moon came to your house for candy,seems like a fever dream
- helping Kaiser un-tp his house
- attempting to call bloody mary for the 10th time, She probably blocked your number already leave her before she gets a restraining order please
- sad that he has no one to match with
Bear Hugger
- dressed up as the lorax, matching with someone else as the greedler (im not spoiling it shut up) the squirrel is joining them dressed up as those bear things in the movie
- giving out entire bottles of maple syrup during halloween, people dont exactly hate it but its kind of a jumpscare seeing someone dressed up as a maple tree hand you maple syrup
- tried to sit on a pumpkin, only to break it instantly
- people keep assuming he dressed up as a Cheeto puff
Great Tiger
- dressed up as a fairy princess, yes hes a fairy, yes hes a princess and no he will not share his magic with you, jealous ass
- using his flying to his advantage by flying around with fairy wings on
- throwing "fairy dust" (glitter) around, people keep finding glitter in their food, costumes, socks and basically everywhere
Don Flamenco
- who'd you think was matching bear hugger? hes dressed up as the greedler and rocking it, how bad can he be anyways?
- loses 10 years from his life eveytime someone doesnt notice the refs he makes to the movie
- if anyone actually gets the ref he'll break out into song like hes in a musical (a punch out musical would go hard actually)
Aran Ryan
- a demon witch, matching with great tiger and also throwing "evil dust" (Hot pepper flakes) around, aran i think youre just assaulting people
- robbed Kaiser from his actual candy he hid away
- evil cackling as he attempts to fly on his broomstick, only to fall on his ass
- chasing Joe with the carving knife
Soda Popinski
- a fridge, he deadass just wore a entire fridge with soda in it
- pulling out random stuff from the fridge and handing out to people, Water? Drink up, tomatos? Here you go!!
- keeps getting stared at but in a good way
Bald Bull
- hes just in a bull onesie because he lost a bet, embarrased but he finds it comfy secretly, fell asleep in it at some point
- people keep calling him a cow and its driving him crazy
- "moo"
- watching movies and falling asleep
- carved a pumpkin with Joe and ended up laughing at it with him for 10 minutes
Super Macho Man
- himself, hes not giving out any free shout outs today
- fuck you super macho man
- carved himself into a pumpkin
- He cant keep getting away with this
Mr Sandman
- dressed up as a mummy since he didnt have enough time to think about it
- hes the only one who can actually scare people with and without his costume
- tried to put a pumpkin on his head, sad because it didnt fit
- kaisers students did the trenchcoat gag, dressef up as him and tried to buy a car with 10 dollars and a dance performance
- mrs bear dressed up as a princess and did her make up, looks stunning
- carmen dressed up as a flamingo
- soda has to pay back that fridge now
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herok1ng · 1 month
current au verses being worked on : >:)
dnd - based !
modern ! ( im always a sucker for a good modern verse lol )
stard/ew valley ! ( also adjacent with things like harvest moon & fields of mistria )
final fanta/sy xiv ! ( this is partially made already but i havent added the details yet )
final fanta/sy xvi !
final fanta/sy versus xiii (thanks ailli lol) !
sailor moo/n !
annnnnnd adding twe/wy to the mix :) and eventually kingdo/m hearts
current verses i have made but haven't written up / posted yet ( i will soon im sorry lol ) : final fantasy vii , fe:3h , fe: awakening , general fantasy
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miinxpid · 2 years
♥*♡∞:。.。  E-PINKIE ROOM CC LIST   。.。:∞♡*♥
                                  ♥*♡∞:。.。  CC LIST  。.。:∞♡*♥
Desk: https://www.patreon.com/posts/gaming-room-set-50717528?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copy_to_clipboard&utm_campaign=postshare
Sanrio pictures: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sanrio-nursery-70742236
tapetry: https://www.patreon.com/posts/kawaii-70741893
heart curtains: https://www.patreon.com/posts/heart-set-66373351
Sanrio plushes: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ts4-bknysimz-67892556
Kitty camera: https://www.patreon.com/posts/high-school-set-70060243
Heart shelf: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ts4-bknysimz-48141541
My Melody clock : https://kemono.party/patreon/user/33607175/post/67672617
Switch controllers: https://kemono.party/patreon/user/33607175/post/53320694
Switch: https://kemono.party/patreon/user/33607175/post/60289150
Pusheen cat figure: https://losts4cc.tumblr.com/post/665007574549250048/s4simomo-sfs-link-sfs-folder
Bratz phone: https://www.patreon.com/posts/55034551
Plumbob neon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/modern-teen-room-71118538
Sonico figure and anime posters: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65031710
 Astolfo figure: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ts4-bknysimz-4814154
Rilakkuma bag: https://simfileshare.net/download/1141593/
Hello kitty sticker:
Zero two and japanse letters neon light: https://www.patreon.com/posts/neon-set-zero-61476946
Avril lavinge/ monster high/ hello kitty poster and  chair: https://www.patreon.com/posts/y2k-set-66654532
Keyboard : https://www.patreon.com/posts/kawaii-keyboard-51208159
BMO: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sims-4-kawaii-66685214
Body Pillows , tissue box and hentai dvds: https://www.patreon.com/posts/honey-azalea-set-64988171
Yoongi poster: https://burnitmyg.tumblr.com/post/686161591359635456/nuwmie-posters-set-01-kpop-jpop-posters-i
Scream poster: https://www.patreon.com/posts/y2k-prints-70741974
Gloomy bear: https://cursedcc.tumblr.com/post/649051527653228544/sims-4-gloomy-bear-new-mesh-made-by-me-use
Rilakkuma bear
Kawaii neon light:
Moo plant:
Rilakkuma cow/strawberry plush: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ts4-bknysimz-53203759
Hello kitty, Cinnamonroll head plush: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ts4-bknysimz-49605717
Heart pillow: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sims-4-cozy-set-67495035
Heart grid:
Flower pillow: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ajisai-extra-59526335
Hentai manga dcor  : https://missmecustomized.tumblr.com/post/656332308445544448/annnd-here-is-the-pose-pack-its-been-a-loooong
Heart dildo,paw candle, pc and monitor, coffin shelf , cinnamonroll plush,pencil glass: https://www.patreon.com/posts/bknysimz-new-53821746
 Penis plush : https://www.patreon.com/posts/cuupid-free-baby-69022861
Heart mirror:
Monsters :
Miku poster: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1W7Vp_K56awm4CjCx06U1UJXsvJ6w-QBy
Ouija pink:
Kawaii print:
Octopus plush and Penis lollipop: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ts4-bknysimz-x-48142788
Sailor moon mouse: https://www.patreon.com/posts/patron-gift-6-56548911
Desk down bag: https://www.patreon.com/posts/school-bags-ts4-62922109
Color Boxes:
Makeup clutter(décor):
Hello kitty hair dryer: https://www.patreon.com/posts/hello-kitty-hair-58547695
Kitty mirror:
Powerpuff girl/ kuromi and my melody head/ rilakkuma cherry and candy : https://www.patreon.com/posts/ts4-cute-random-61792794
Headphones: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ts4-bknysimz-and-65364921
Spongy Glitter Mirror: https://www.patreon.com/posts/spongy-glitter-69767540
Kawaii calendar: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sims-4-studyroom-66133030
Heart chair and digital clock: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-sets-objects-study/title/gaming-room-set/id/1604755/
Self love pills (happy pills): http://paysites.mustbedestroyed.org/booty/ts4patreon/ddae/
Kpop posters: https://burnitmyg.tumblr.com/post/686161591359635456/nuwmie-posters-set-01-kpop-jpop-posters-i
Hello kitty sticker ( I think is frm here T_T I DON’T REMEMBER WELL..): https://atomiclight.tumblr.com/post/631332775535968256/random-stickers-get-to-work-is-required
Hello kitty radiocaset: I don't remember where it was :(
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