irondadfics · 9 months
Holiday Rec List.
Hi everyone, this is long overdue, but I promised so here's to starting off the New Year right with some fics for you to check out. I didn't add any descriptions, so check them out! Some are series, some require you to be logged into your ao3. These are in no particular order. You are sure to find something you will love. We've linked the authors where possible so be sure to check out their other works, encourage (not pressure) them to finish their in progress works please or even write new works! Trust me! Happy New Year!
So many awesome stories did not make this list because I didn't want to overwhelm anyone, but many are already in mind for another special rec list!.
I love you more than anything (bio dad au) - iron_spider
But Only Hope and Sorrows End - iron_spider
Lazarus, come forth - iron_spider
Four times peter cheated death (and one time he didn't) - iron_spider
A Life of Crime - intothestorm
Up Came the Sun - WhimsicalEthnographies
Hey Ragazzo - WhimsicalEthnographies
Becoming Belonging - sahiya
A Soft Place to Land - sahiya
The Third Option - Uncertainty_Principle
Men of Iron - Spdrmain
The Little Things - soupshep
First Wednesday of March - soupshep
You'll Always Get There First - soupshep
The Time Traveler's Mentor - Diaz_evan
Three Weeks, Two Days, Seven Hours - soupshep
Never Go Home Alone - Orphan Account
Here's to all New Beginnings - Gruoch Orphan Account
Even Children Get Older - LittleMissAgrafina
A Snapshot Moment - soupshep
Hold Your Breath While You're Safe - Gruoch Orphan Account
The Hearth - Sagemb
Everyday Superhero Verse - Stoneage_woman
College Applications: The Biggest Meme - Sagemb
The Long Way Back - Gruoch Orphan Account
Allston Christmas - Gruoch Orphan Account
Hard to Love - Groo_ock Orphan Account
Aperture - Gruoch Orphan Account
Holdfasts - Gruoch Orphan Account
I Am One of You Forever - Gruoch Orphan Account
Neon Liar (Hiding in Plain Sight) - isaDanCurtisproduction
Constant Internal [Spider] Screaming: Semi-Connected Scenes from a Graduating Senior’s Life - isaDanCurtisproduction
As Luck Would Have It - blondsak, whumphoarder
Poison Apple - whumphoarder
Inevitable - imgoingtocrash
Knowing (of everything she doesn't) - imgoingtocrash
287 Miles - imgoingtocrash
Out of Darkness - StarryKnight09
I Would Lay My Armour Down - losingmymindtonight
Webcams and Webshooters - losingmymindtonight
Call You Home - Madelinedear
The Guardian - Emily_F6
Survivor's Guide to The Galaxy - fanfic1892
A Little Late On the Blood Work - Pixiemage
With Kind Regards and Completely Serious Warning - jennylarner
The Chain - RayRox360
Was that a Star Wars reference, Dr. Stark? - Jen27ny
You Are My Sunshine - M4rmalade
I told you I had issues - Bergen
PS: If you make it here then awesome sauce! Send us your fave fics to read as well, you never know they may end up on a special rec list someday! No promises though! Thank you all! Have an awesome 2024 everyone!
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pizzee · 2 years
Fic recommendations
i saw a post ab this on this tumbleweed website and figured I’d slap together a quick list. All of the works I recommend are on my AO3 bookmarks but I know some people don’t use it as a primary fic source. So, i’ll link some here i think everyone should give a gander!! They are primarily Moon Knight (of course) but I also include some personal faves from other fandoms under the cut that I think are just fantastic storytelling. You don’t need to know the fandom to read them, trust me
(PS!! I’m only linking one fic per writer, but deffo check out their other works if you like what you read! These are just my faves :))
- The Absence of Fear (And Other Lies We Tell Ourselves) by Pokimoko    
- 10,000 Lightyears Somewhere Out In Space by Tiptapricot  ​
- Of Eggs and Fatherhood by LintillaTheArchaeologist ​
- dance lessons by mmummydust
- your grounding touch (through the turbulence) by mockspector (jude_fell)  ​
- with roses red come lilies white by bartonbones
OTHER FICS (legit novel quality works):
- flight of the navigator by sagemb (Iron Man/MCU)
- Hearts and Their Consumption by setepenre_set (Howl’s Moving Castle)
- A Feather's Edge by Boomchick (FF7)
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onlyonepotatochip · 4 years
Professor/Teacher! Tony Stark AU Fic Recs
these times are pretty weird and i thought, if nothing else, fanfiction helps, if only just for a little while. descriptions have all been taken from the original summaries
The House Of My Father And Son by sagemb
PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PUBLIC LECTURES March 5 - TONY STARK, Iron Man, CTO at Stark Industries "The New Element" McCosh Hall, Room 50; 6:00 pm Tony Stark will discuss the decades-long history of a "new" element derived from an extraterrestrial energy source. In 2010, Stark first synthesized the element to power his Iron Man suit, and subsequently it became the [...]
This B.S. Better Be Worth It by losingmymindtonight
Originally, Tony's plan had been to just surprise Peter with the fact that he would be on campus for a semester. He’d never actually expected Peter to sign up for his class.
you’ll reach up (and you’ll rise again) by hopeless_hope
After witnessing the death of his uncle, something in Peter dies, too. But a new teacher with the most unconventional methods and an eye for talent just might be able to teach Peter what it means to live again.
Peter is a grieving kid and Tony is an oddly perceptive and very goofy teacher.
History Has Its Eyes On You by myglassesaredirty
Mr. Stark leans back in his chair. He locks his fingers together and braces his hands against the back of his head. He shakes his head, smiles, and says, with just a hint of wonder, “Kid, you’ll move mountains.”
In other words, when Peter walks into the first day of school and discovers that his calculus teacher is one of the richest – and smartest – men in the world.
I Promise You It’s Worth It series by TheOceanIsMyInkwell
The no-powers, all-feels professor and student AU of Peter and Tony that I never knew I needed until my fingers wrote it. Peter Parker is a freshman at MIT who’s struggling to find his place until the day he comes out as trans to his professor, Dr. Tony Stark. From there, he finds a fast friend and mentor in the man, who will be there for him through thick and thin–even if that means through pain, angst, joy, sorrow, jokes and tears
Colder Here Inside The Silence
Though everything in Peter tells him that Dr. Stark is the safest man to come out to, it does nothing to diminish the terror of saying those crucial words aloud. I'm a trans guy  
Desperate Measures For Desperate Times
“Parker.”“So...I can explain.”“I highly doubt that, but it’s never not entertaining to see you try.
In other words, a collection of pure Iron Dad fluff in 1.5K words or less because that's what we all need to heal as a community amirite  
3.  We Won’t Reach Back
Tony and Peter's professor-student relationship takes a sudden turn for the personal when Peter's uncle Ben dies at the end of the semester and Tony offers to take the kid home in time for the funeral. Tony himself comes to terms with his own paternal feelings toward Peter Parker.      
4. Take You As My Own
In the wake of Uncle Ben's passing, Tony hosts Peter's 19th birthday party at his house. When he prods the kid to know why he isn't getting into the pool, Peter begins to truly confide in him about his experience being a trans guy and shows him photos of his pre-transition self as a child. Cue Tony deciding to adopt the kid even harder.
That’s it, these are all the fics (with one of my favourite tropes) that i have read and re-read and frankly loved, if you know any more, please do add them on!
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mosaicabstract · 7 years
arthur and eames calling each other from halfway across the world! (can be established relationship or not idrc)
(this is REALLY BAD but it’s something soooo)
After the third ring, Arthur is ready to hang up. He isn’t quite sure what possessed him to call in the first place -- naivety, maybe. Or just impulse. Eames always incites a certain level of primal impulse in him. And he knows this isn’t safe. In fact, this might take the cake for the dumbest thing he’s done in the last six months (and that’s really saying something, considering he’s currently living in a shithole in Siberia due to circumstances that are entirely his own fault).
He moves his thumb toward the ‘end call’ button on the burner phone, and just when he’s about to press down there’s a click on the other line, and the shuffle of indistinct movement.
“‘Lo?” the voice on the other end of the line says. It’s more of a grunt than a word. Of course it’s still night in London, and Arthur knows this. But he’s never given much care to disrupting Eames’s sleeping habits, so why start now?
“This is stupid,” Arthur replies, because it is.
There’s silence for at least ten seconds, all of which Arthur spends staring harshly down at the grimy tile floor below his bare feet. The lack of response begins to fester in his mind and Arthur realizes, of course, Eames is furious with him. They’ve always had a very comprehensive plan if something like this happened to one of them, only sometimes plans have to get tossed to the wind when things go unexpectedly. And what happened the previous month in Lusaka was -- to say the absolute least -- unexpected. (How was Arthur supposed to know that Samir would betray him? Besides the fact that it’s his job to know these things, he’s human, and some people are smart enough to play ball in the same league as him. So when Samir led Arthur straight into a trap with the syndicate that’s been hunting him for months? Well… he had to act fast and carelessly to make it out of there alive).
“Eames, I--” Arthur starts.
“Where are you?” Eames suddenly sounds alert. Arthur can hear the mattress springs crunch in the background, and that one pesky creaky floorboard groan under his feet.
“You know it isn’t safe for me to say,” Arthur says. “I would have called earlier, except I shouldn’t even be calling now…”
“Arthur,” Eames breathes Arthur’s name and there’s a quiver to it, and it gives Arthur pause.
Another pause, then --
“You’re alive.”
The words are muffled, like Eames is pressing his mouth to something, possibly his hand. Regardless, they splinter into Arthur’s chest in staccato jabs. Oh.
He’d spent the last month so disconnected from human contact in order to keep himself and everyone he loves safe, that never for a minute did he think that somehow word wouldn’t get out that he escaped with his life. Someone, somewhere, must have lied.
“I am.” Arthur pads over to a chair at the small kitchen table and leans against it with the hand not holding the phone. “I made it out. Somehow. It was messy.”
There’s silence again, and it seems to draw on even longer this time. Eames’s breathing on the other end is uneven. Arthur feels guilt rising in his throat like bile. I should have called sooner.
“I’m sorry,” he says softly. “Eames, I’m so sorry. If I’d known… I would have called. I should have called.” Pursing his lips, he adds: “I just wanted to keep you safe and out of this nightmare.”
“Where are you?” Eames asks again, slightly more urgently.
“You know I can’t tell you. Obviously if I could, I already would have. These guys… Fu’s guys… they’re out of control. Completely unstable and dangerous.”
And then Arthur hears a noise that it takes a moment for his brain to register for what it is: laughter. Laughter. It’s light and airy and relieved and it knocks Arthur off-guard so much he shifts the phone to his other ear just to make sure he’s really hearing it.
“What the fuck,” he says.
“Oh for fuck’s sake, Arthur, are you having a laugh? I thought you were dead. Do you really think they’re still out there looking for you? Any of them?”
Arthur sinks into the kitchen chair and blinks at the grease stains on the wall opposite him.
“Did you really think… oh bloody fucking hell, Arthur, come home, you absolute git.”
“A git that’s still breathing,” Arthur reminds him, already rushing to shovel all of his belongings into his rucksack.
“Yes,” Eames sighs, sounding like he’s just run a marathon and a half. “Still breathing.”
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inceptionpositivity · 7 years
Tumblr media
@sagemb - Sage is your go-to gal for intricate headcanons and new, amazing interpretations of the canon events in Inception. A great writer and even greater friend!
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lorcleis · 7 years
gigi256 replied to your photo: we’ve got a live one folks @gigi256...
Oh for the love of God! You are the author, you get to decide. Want to make Dimitri full out gay? YAY! Want to kill him just for kicks? Why not!? People are getting so pissed because you are “messing” with the perfect little character they’ve created in their minds. The more they love the character, they more people get pissed. NGL, I haven’t read your story yet (been a bit focused in other things, haven’t had much time to read ANY fic) but I’m about ready to hit up your comments & THROW DOWN!
andrea... ur my fav. legit they got angry over a character who is mentioned very briefly (like TWO WORDS are said about him) and he wasn’t even going to even show his face in this fic but he sure as hell is now.
sagemb  replied to your photo: we’ve got a live one folks @gigi256...
why do straight people just insist that no one can possibly be anything but heterosexual like. barbara you're not relatable. your sexuality is not relatable to us. go home and cry about your unfulfilling marriage ok
objectiveheartmuscle  replied to your photo: we’ve got a live one folks @gigi256...
mmmm, I sure do love me some classic homophobia on a wednesday night
nice and chargrilled out under the stars
airyalmost replied to your photo: we’ve got a live one folks @gigi256...
sorry about the reviews :(
it’s ok! it’d be better if i could respond to the reviewers but i decided to delete the homophobic ones instead.
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traviszajac · 7 years
hello anons thank you for appreciating my lovely friend's genius fic
i would die for you amy!!!!!!
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pepperonyfic · 5 years
in me nothing is extinguished or forgotten
Author: sagemb Rating: gen Word Count: <2k Genre(s): drama Film-specific: post infinity war Tropes: engaged!pepperony, wedding plans, reconstruction, grief
Summary:  In the wake of the cataclysm, the Stark Relief Foundation sets up a funeral fund.
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spicler-man · 2 years
uncle rhodey fic recs
masterlist here
Father & Son by peterparkr for ephemeralstark
Rhodey’s certain about two things. The kid is definitely Tony’s son. The kid is also Spider-Man.
Rhodey meets Peter and tries to become the best uncle that he can be.
carpool introductions by sapphirestark
“It’s - it’s nice to meet you too, Colonel Rhodes, sir. I’m Peter. Uh, Parker.”
“I heard.” Rhodey smiled. Well, teenage Tony had certainly never been this polite. “Just call me Rhodey, kid.”
“O-okay, Rhodey.” Peter’s timid smile transformed into a grin. Rhodey decided he would definitely rub that in Clint’s face the next time he claimed Rhodey wasn’t good with kids.
“Are you kidding me?” Tony interrupted from the driver’s seat. “He’s Rhodey after two minutes and you’re still calling me 'Mr Stark'?”
Revelations by Angeeelatin
When Peter Parker had crash-landed into their tiny little circle and promptly made himself a home, it was obvious that everyone had had to change and adapt to the new circumstances a little.
It was a process and a half but by the end, Peter Parker had slotted himself into their small little family quite nicely, as if he was always there.
This process, however, wasn't something that Rhodey had consciously done.
Or: Peter Parker and his relationship to the Iron Family as seen through the eyes of James Rhodes
boundaries by OnlyForward
in colonel james rhodes’ expert opinion, there were three things that people needed to know when it came to tony stark. the real people, not the journalists: the people who knew him, spent time with him. tony had boundaries, and they were sacred boundaries, not to be crossed.
rhodey has never seen someone be able to break these boundaries. at least, not until peter parker.
"I have a nephew!" by zimnokurw
After six long days of a business trip, Tony comes back home to his not-son-but-totally-a-son and Rhodey gets the pleasure to witness it.
A Big Heart by honestmischief
The thought of Mr. Rhodes sitting alone in his hospital room made Peter feel uneasy, even though they had only exchanged a few words to each other in Germany. It didn’t feel right for Peter to do nothing.
Allston Christmas by Gruoch (orphan_account) for sagemb
“You guys didn’t have to do this,” Peter says from where he sits squeezed into the middle seat of the U-Haul, sweat running down his back. The air-conditioning in the truck they’ve rented is broken, and even with the windows rolled down it’s hellishly hot inside. “Really. I could have handled it myself.”
“We wanted to,” Tony replies as he blasts the horn at a minivan with a “Harvard Mom” bumper sticker that is attempting to cut into his lane. “It’s like a little trip down memory lane. It’s nostalgic—it’s gonna be fun. Right, Rhodey?”
“Absolutely,” Rhodey agrees, with all the enthusiasm of a man being lead to the gallows.
a drunken ode to peter parker by indexofangels for TheOceanIsMyInkwell
“You’re an emotional drunk,” Rhodey says. Rhodey has his arms straight in the air and he’s staring at his hands like they’re deeply puzzling to him.
“Nuh uh,” Tony says, wiping the tears from his cheeks. “You just. You don’t get it.”
“I do get it,” Rhodey says. “I speak Tony language, and Tony language says that you… um, you love the kid. That’s what.”
“I do not!” Tony yelps. “I hate him! A scourge on my life and soul! I cannot stand his squeaky shoes and his stupid big ears!” Tony takes a deep breath and then delicately screams. “Who let him have such big ears, he’s going to fall over when it’s windy there are sailboats with sails smaller than his ears.”
Rhodey lets his arms flop down onto his chest and turns his head on the floor. Tony can hear the bumps in his skull rolling on the linoleum. “Man,” he says. “You love that kid so much it’s disgusting.”
decidedly dad-like behaviour by RandomRuth for Author_Incognito
“Something came up,” Tony says. “I had to make a detour on my way to our lunch meeting. I’m sorry you’re gonna miss those bacon sandwiches you like but…” Tony trails off and jerks his thumb, indicating the back seat.
Rhodey twists around and jumps. “Holy shit,” he says, just shy of shouting it.
(In which Tony is late for lunch with Rhodey and there's a good reason for it.)
(A one-shot that has turned into a one-shot series.)
brighten up, sunshine by iron_spider for killerqueenwrites
Rhodey doesn’t know what the hell to think, and Tony doesn’t give him any reason to stop as time moves on. The kid is always there, and he starts showing up at family dinners, Rhodey meets his aunt, and they actually pick him up from school a couple times when Happy gets sick. Rhodey pays close attention and no, Tony doesn’t treat any of the other interns like this, and Rhodey has to accept what his head has been trying to tell him all along. Actually, legitimately accept it. Visualize the word and link it to Tony and link it to Peter.
This is Tony’s kid.
Repeat After Me by battybatzgirl
Tony’s face hardens as he says, “What kid.” “I don’t know, some twelve year old—” Below him, the kid coughs out, “Fifteen.” “—Fifteen year old—” Tony scrubs a hand across his face. “Don’t tell me he’s wearing a dorky shirt with a chemistry pun on it.” Rhodey frowns. That was oddly specific. Glancing down, he looks at what little he can see of the kid’s shirt—which isn't much since there’s so much blood now, but what could be once called a cartoon joke is printed on it. “Um, yeah?” “Son of a bitch.”
Otherwise known as how Rhodey finds out about how old Peter is, and how badly he needs to beat Tony with a stick.
the child (born to be a light) by aimingarrows
Tony is watching Peter when the realization hits him like a speeding train.
“I want kids, Rhodey.”
“What?” Rhodey coughs, his eyes blown wide as Tony turns to look at him, “Where the hell did that come from?”
Tony’s eyes slide over to Peter.
Wingman by sahiya
Holy shit, Rhodey thought. Tony’s a dad.
It's not a big deal--My Dad's just a superhero by AimAim94 for XiaoTYY
(no summary)
The Same Soul by KatinaMoon
Rhodey admittedly doesn't know a lot about this kid that Tony not-so-secretly loves, this kid that seems to spend more time at the Tower then not. He'd meant to, he'd wanted to, spend more time with Peter and learn what had made him so special that Tony, of all people, had gobbled him up.
Not like this, though.
Better Than I Was by Sara (ctrsara)
Hey Rhodey :-) Hey Pepper :-) When are you going to come see us again? It’s been weeks. You know how Tony gets. Yeah, that’s the funny thing. I know it’s been a while, but he’s only been mildly annoying instead of increasingly demanding and whiny. What gives? Oh, I might know something about that. You gonna share with the class? He’s been busy being a role model. We talking about the same Tony? Is this about that intern he mentioned? --------------
Rhodey makes it down to the Tower for a visit, and to meet the "intern" Tony has been so busy with, and is surprised by what he finds there.
Part of the post-Homecoming series "Strands in the Rope," but stands alone, also.
The Concerning Hypotheticals by emmedoesntdomath
Peter Parker (Tony’s Intern): so Peter Parker (Tony’s Intern): hypothetically speaking Peter Parker (Tony’s Intern): how would one go about removing a bullet from themselves Peter Parker (Tony’s Intern): bc google is surprisingly lacking in ideas
As it turns out, having a bullet in your leg is worrying.
5 times Rhodey solved a Tony crisis by KatinaMoon 
+1 he didn't have to
the human equivalent of a radio by KatinaMoon 
Rhodey makes a gasping sound that he's sure Tony can hear. "Oh, fuck," he repeats. "Fuck. Spider-Man. You hurt?"
Of course he is. Of course. Rhodey can see the damage, the blackened material of the kid's suit. The way he's swaying on his feet.
Rhodey just shot him. Just shot Tony's kid.
Are you sure he’s not yours? by for_the_night 
“Was it your idea to put my kid in your suit?” Tony demanded when he finally reached the lab, seeing Rhodey’s suit disengage.
Rhodey's eyebrows shot up. “Your kid?”
“Huh?” He glanced at Peter and back again. “You know he’s not my kid. He’s my kid but he’s not.”
“I don’t know, I only met him an hour ago.”
Tony blinked. “What?”
Or: Peter meets Rhodey for the first time. Needless to say it’s chaotic.
So Far So Good by Derpmallow 
"I'm not a maniac, Peter."
"Diggity denial! I love it." A young voice shouts from across the lab. Rhoedy stares. What the fuck?
"Denial?" Tony shouts, head popping up from behind a workbench. "Peter, my dearest intern, I'll have you know I pay you too much for this kind of sass." The kid makes a face and he taps the table, inspecting his robot. Tony throws a tool to the boy, Peter, apparently, who catches with ease without looking up.
Or, Rhodey meets Peter Parker. He decides being a cool uncle is a not a want, but a need.
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imgoingtocrash · 2 years
Hi! Can you recommend some of your favourite pepperony fics feat. one pseudo spideyson ?😁❤️
Ohhh, twist my arm if you must. 😏 You know you came to the right girl, so I'll try my best while admitting some are more technically fitting the concept versus being Pepperony/Ironparents-to-Peter centric the whole time. I’m picky about fic, so the list isn’t as long as I wish it was. If you have more fics to rec in this area, feel free to reblog and add them!
You’re probably here because you’ve read my fic, which is just me writing all of the Pepperony + Peter into the world that I want, but if you haven’t read my stuff…I have it in spades. ☺️
the hearth by sagemb
In this one, we’re ignoring canon and having fun picturing a future where Peter’s about to go off to college, and hanging out with Peter for a weekend makes Tony realize that he and Pepper are actually pretty interested in having kids. It’s good and soft and healthy about couples therapy stuff with Tony and Pepper and I love it.
good kid name by rainwaiter
Pepper BioMom!AU where Pepper doesn’t NEED Tony to help her have the child she didn’t plan for, but he’s there and moony about her and loves Peter from the jump.
hydra's not a home (series) by tempestaurora
Not exactly news that this series is amazing, but it was one of the first Tony/Pepper-as-Peter's-bioparents fics I'd ever read in the fandom (honestly one of the first SERIES I'd read in the fandom) and will always have a special place in my heart.
[More under the cut!]
built from scraps (series) by peterstank
Probably also incredibly well known in the fandom, but a favorite of mine for always. The way this fic/series deals with so much and gets every part right will never cease to amaze me, particularly on the Peter and Pepper front. The way they're allowed to grieve and grow and become family in the first fic alone...*chef's kiss*
the gift of you (series) by MayWilder
Specifically boundaries of myself and epilogue are Pepper-Peter centric, but the whole series does a great job at establishing a closeness between the Starks and Parkers, and in doing so how they end up so close when Peter needs a guardian after May passes. (I'll admit I'm not a huge Parkner shipper, so I mostly read the gen fics in this series, but if that ship is your thing, that's an added bonus later!)
From the Mixed-Up Files of Ms. Virginia "Pepper" Potts by sturionic
I highly recommend the series that this is in as a whole—it’s funny and sweet until it gets angsty too, and it’s all a good read! But particularly I love this fic because there’s so much casual intimacy as the Starks and both Parkers grow into family, and even short scenes feel very alive and warm by being so descriptive.
the best day with you by tonystarktrash
Tony is Peter’s single dad and Pepper is his teacher, a fluffy trope that always hits perfectly written by an author I love. (Keep an eye out for their latest fic, which I predict will be incredible and is in the Pepperony + Peter vein.)
a first time for everything by crowkag
Peter is sick while under Tony’s care. Tony anxiously calls Pepper about how to handle it. He realizes he kind of likes this whole parental thing.
In the merry month of June (series) by Gruoch
I'm going to say this counts because Grandparents Pepperony gets me the softest. Pepper's here and wonderfully written and obviously adores Peter growing up and giving them a new baby to fawn over as much as Tony does. Pepper isn't a main focus here but rather part of the whole Stark-Parker-Jones family focus that's so, so present and adorable.
I Would Lay My Armor Down by losingmymindtonight
This fic is really about Peter in the Stark family as a whole, but it's so REAL and interesting in interpreting the future of that family dynamic--family dinners with Drama™️, sibling dynamics, Tony and Pepper growing old as the parents of said siblings...once again including on a technicality but I love it so much!!!
Thank you for the ask!!! I love making a nice rec list! I would also suggest looking at the other works of some of these authors—there’s definitely more Pepper buried in their other fics that I may have forgotten or just felt didn’t qualify for this list in particular!
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caramelo7dulce · 3 years
Irondad & Spiderson Rec List Pt. 5
Part 1 here
Part 2 here
Part 3 here
Part 4 here
Rec Masterlist here
The Disappearance of Peter Parker by Milstrim - Peter regretted it, not paying more attention to his Spidey Sense, because now he was sitting in a freezing cell, not knowing if his aunt was alive or dead, if anyone was coming for him, and every inch of him hurting.
don’t help them to bury the light by silentsaebyeok - After a few minutes, voice small and shaking, Peter broke the silence. “May, I think I’m going crazy.”
I wouldn't drink that if I were you, kid by Lequia - In which Peter Parker feels abandoned, Tony Stark manages to screw things up even more, and DUM-E may or may not have found another fire extinguisher.
i. you are my sunshine by peterstank - the one where tony finds out he’s going to have a kid and he thinks maybe, just maybe, he could try giving the whole ‘dad’ thing a go.
That soft, gentle buzzing by kuragay - Soulmates aren't predetermined. Instead, they're created when you get close enough to someone, in the form of an empathy bond. Peter has bonds with Ned, with May, and with Tony. Three people who take up his soul, and he would die for each and every one of them. He used to have a bond with Ben.
hold tight, sweetheart (you'll find a rainbow) by neon_air - Peter has never liked violence. Especially when it lives inside him.
the hearth by sagemb - What to Do When Your Wife Is Out of the Country: A Guide by Tony Stark. 1) Gain partial custody of a child 2) Sleep on the couch 3) Have the child gain partial custody of you
the stars the moon they have all been blown out (you left me in the dark) by madasthesea - It starts off with his vision fading in and out. What kind of demon drug can make someone go blind by inhaling a single lungful? Whatever it is, Tony doubts it’s reversible. And while Peter’s no idiot, he can be idiotically optimistic. He's determined to fix what appears to be unfixable.
will you be there to catch me when i fall? (don't let me be alone) by rad_sad - The blood on his forehead is cold now, sticky and in his hair, his eyebrows and drooling down the side of his face. Aunt May isn't picking up and Peter is falling apart. So, he calls the only person he has left. He calls Mr. Stark
acolyte by macabre - Peter looks down at his hands. The two regenerated fingers aren’t the same color as the others - they stick out, even at just a glance. “I wasn’t always like this.” “No, you weren’t, but you work all the same.” Tony folds the kid into his arms, slowly, so he can break away if he needs.
porcelain by macabre - She constantly calls Tony a child of excess and Peter a child of absence. It makes Tony cringe every time. “He’s not used to having all of these things, and the things that he was offered in previous foster situations came at a price. You know this. Just be careful.”
New Dream by writerllofllworlds - “You ever tried to escape?”
for us, child, the stars refuse to shine by MotherKarizma - When the Avengers stumble upon Peter Parker, he is not a fifteen-year-old, bubbly, nerdy high school student. He is eighteen, homeless, and a drug addict. Peter refuses to let them discover the squalor he lives in when the mask is off, refuses to ruin their perfect little makeshift family with all his dirt, refuses to get too close. Unfortunately, he doesn't really have a choice.
The Strongest Wills by forensicleaf - The battle is raging all around him. People are screaming. Dying. Peter can stop it. He can stop it right now
The Stories On My Skin by orphan_account - “Yeah well I didn’t realise that you fucking cared so much!” The word’s erupted from Peter’s throat before he could catch them, the teens repressed temper finally snapping in half. Tony’s entire body froze, pure shock knocking the already heaving breathes of sharp air from his lungs. Peter had never spoken to him like that. Hell, he imagined the boy never spoke to anyone like that.
Shattered on the Ground by ironxprince - Due to excessive drinking, Tony begins losing his memory. He slowly forgets about Peter.
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stark-tony · 3 years
today is my 22nd birthday so i’m celebrating by reccing 22 of my favorite fics and giving my general thoughts about them.
 i'm still here by owedbetter (77.7, T, zutara) "You see me."And somehow, that makes all the difference.
thoughts: One of the first zutara fics i ever read and it’s still one of my absolute favorites. The characterization of all of the characters is superb and the gradual development of zuko and katara’s relationship is amazing.
 such selfish prayers by andromeda3116 (47.6k, T, zutara)  Katara's ambition, so long set aside for the good of others, breaks free and sets fire to her soul. Or, Katara has a vision of her canon future, casts it aside, and becomes a world-changing politician instead.
thoughts: while this fic is a zutara fic, the majority of this fic is centered on katara and her helping rebuild the world after the war and it does an astounding job of portraying just that. and honestly this probably has my favorite characterization of katara i’ve ever read in a fic.
 Southern Lights by colourwhirled (501.8k, M, zutara) A world where the Avatar has disappeared from memory. Where Sozin’s Conquest was successful. Where the unsteady order of the empire is threatened as members of the royal family are picked off one by one and lines are slowly drawn in the sand.One last chance for peace forces an unlikely alliance between a homesick waterbender, a carefree Air Nomad, a runaway Earth Kingdom heiress, and the fire lord's inscrutable son. Together they must learn to shed old enmities and become the balance they seek to restore to the world.OR:The avatar has four heads.x[[Chapter 4: "And always, his eyes, cautiously watching her. Even when he thinks she isn’t looking. It drives her mad"]]
thoughts: when i say i was unable to put this fic down i genuinely mean that. like i’m pretty sure i was hooked from the very first chapter and i never looked back.
  stickers and stars by aloneintherain (1.9k, G, gen) “Aizawa, are you sure I’m the best person for this job? There are a lot more qualified people on campus. People who have been teachers for years, and—”As All Might spoke, Midoriya Izuku crawled the length of the couch, ducked under All Might’s arm, and made himself comfortable on his lap. All Might’s hands rose into the air, as though unsure of what to with his arms now that he had a toddler curled against his stomach like a cat seeking the warmth of its owner.“Um,” All Might said.
thoughts: is it not enough to say ‘baby deku’ and leave it at that?
 Butterfly by aconstantstateofbladerunner (198.8k, T, gen) The first over-night trip off campus since the training camp was supposed to be a fun break from more intense work back home. But between a bleak introduction to chaos theory, a chilly reception from the locals, and the looming threat of a villain attack, Izuku has too much on his mind to properly enjoy the fresh air. But those worries are a light breeze compared to the hurricane that accompanies what he finds on the outskirts of town.Or rather, what finds him.
thoughts: it’s incredibly well written and the horror aspect is so good. also the dad might in it is top tier.
villain eradication plan 5C: let them attack budding heroes mothers, wait appropriate time for mother to defeat them (3.4k, G, toshinko)  Targetting the civilian families of hero students should be cakewalk. Pity they decided to go with Inko first.Or the one where Inko accidentally defeats the League of Villains.
thoughts: this fic is basically inko accidentally being a badass and it’s as hilarious and awesome as it sounds
 see it all in bloom by aloneintherain (57.2k, T,  tododeku, kiribaku, momojirou, bullying) Midoriya looked over the occupants of the room with butter soft eyes. “We should do this again. Seeing everyone in one place … it’s like we’re back in school again.”Todoroki said, “It feels like a family reunion.”(Social media fic, counting down the five months to Class 1-A's ten year reunion.) 
thoughts: this series deals with social media + the lives of class 1a after they become pro heroes and it is amazing.
 remember from here on in by aloneintherain (8.1k, G, gen) Aizawa glances from All Might to Midoriya quickly. It sounds impossible—he’s never heard of a quirk that can be handed down like a family heirloom—but at the same time, it makes perfect sense. Midoriya’s inability to use his quirk at the start of the year. The strange, familial relationship between All Might and Midoriya. The slow malnourishment of All Might’s body, like his power was being siphoned away.“You’re …” Aizawa begins.“I’m All Might’s successor.” Midoriya’s proud but shaky voice rings clearly down the empty corridor.Aizawa finds out about One for All. 
thoughts: this fic deals with one for all being revealed to aizawa + midoriya getting more quirks and it is amazing
could i but teach the hundredth part by terra_incognita (5.2k, G, gen) Ito Matsu knows three things about her neighbor, Mr. Yagi: he's very skinny, he's very kind, and he has enough children to overthrow the Japanese government.Or:All Might is retired, but his former students keep coming up with reasons to visit. 
thoughts: this fic is so lovely and i adore it so much
 the talk by parkrstark (3.1k, pepperony) “Wait, man, what’re you doin’?” Rhodey asked, leaning forward.“Giving the kid his talk before he goes off to college.” Duh.Rhodey blinked. “At 3am when you’re probably too drunk to even spell your name, months before he actually has to leave?”“Yeah.”Rhodey blinked again. “Okay.”
thoughts: this fic is absolutely hilarious and poor peter is suffering throughout all of it
 call you home by Madelinedear (19k, G, pepperony) sometimes family is who you're born with.and sometimes family is a spider boy, a rich not-dad, and a kickass aunt.(or; tony, may, and peter find a place in each other's lives)
thoughts: to me, this fic is the tony may co-parenting fic. like i honestly don’t think that anything can ever top it
I Never Lived 'Til I Lived In Your Light by losingmymindtonight (38.4k, T, pepperony, character death)  As the world shifts to make space for Morgan Stark, everyone around her shifts, too. (As it turns out, this also includes Peter Parker's sleep schedule.) 
thoughts: this fic is both fluffy goodness and heartwrenching angst and it handles both beautifully.
 Lazarus, come forth by iron_spider (47.9k, T, pepperony) Tony's mind is a chaotic mess but he remembers the moment—remembers his death, remembers the red hot pain and Peter screaming, Rhodey rushing to his side. How he knew he’d never see Pepper again—but they’d fixed it. They’d fixed the world, erased the lost time, set things right—and the kid was back. The kid was crying, the kid hated him for doing what he did, but he was back. He was alive.Tony Stark was dead. But now he’s breathing again, trying to think, gasping, hands tracing the box surrounding him, covering him, suffocating him.He’s in a coffin. He’s under the ground. He’s under the fucking ground.(Tony Stark dies defeating Thanos. But then he comes back to life. He has to find out how, why, and how to live again. And how to deal with the changes in the people he's coming back to.)
thoughts: although this fic was written and finished pre-endgame but to me this fic is the fix-it fic for film.
Identity Saga by KitCat992 (400.7k, T, pepperony) An organically developed, platonic slow-burn of Avengers-fam dynamic with a heavy hand of Irondad & Spiderson. Throw in an overdose of whump, a couple of cunning villains and a big-bad hiding in the shadows, and you got yourself this hot mess.
thoughts: i just love the avengers dynamic in this series and the whump is medically accurate which is amazing.
college applications: the biggest meme by sagemb (3.3k, T, pepperony) Tony covered his face with both hands and screamed very gently. “Can I just bribe the school to let Peter in?"
thoughts: this series is absolutely hilarious and i love it
 The Changeling + Armistice Series  by Annerb (586.6k, M, hinny, rape) Ginny is sorted into Slytherin. It takes her seven years to figure out why.
thoughts: this fic is absolutely golden and i adore it so so much. the characters are so well written and the worldbuilding in this fic is fantastic and it actually has an original aspect of hogwarts (aka the parlor) that i practially consider to be canon at this point. also the depiction of slytherin house + house unity in this fic is just *chef’s kiss*
 boy with a scar by dirgewithoutmusic (208.7k, T, hinny, romione, jily)  A series of "what if" rewrites of Harry Potter, books 1-7. Cross-posted from tumblr (ink-splotch).
thoughts: every single one of these fics are exquisitely written and i wish that i could experience the beauty of this series again for the very first time.
  Hogwarts, to welcome you home by gedsparrowhawk (FaceChanger) (11.1k, G, ginny) “You understand, Professor,” Harry began, after a moment, “that I don’t have my N.E.W.T.s. I never even finished seventh year. Between everything, I never had a chance the first time around, and then afterwards there didn’t seem to be much point. Hermione argued for it, of course, but I was so tired of Britain. So technically, I am completely unqualified for the position.”“Quite a way to begin an interview, Mr. Potter,” McGonagall said, dryly.Or, three years after the war, Harry Potter becomes Hogwarts' newest Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.
thoughts: this is my favorite harry as dada professor i’ve ever read. no doubt about it
 And the Unethical Binding Contract by justafandomfollower (14.6k, G, gen) AU. What if the Triwizard Tournament took place in Harry's first year, not his fourth? 
thoughts: this fic is beautifully written and i love the relationship that forms between harry, cedric, krum, and fleur.
Regulus Black and the Way Things Changed: A Not!Fic by imaginary_golux (8.8k, T, wolfstar) What if Regulus Black, and not Severus Snape, ended up being the turncoat Potions Master of Hogwarts?A not!fic written in bullet points, ignoring the Deathly Hallows entirely because they annoy me.Beta by my immensely patient Best Beloved, Turn_of_the_Sonic_Screw, and by the delightful starbirdrampant.
thoughts: this fic may be ooc at some points but it’s so funny that that makes up for it
 Broadway Musical by Griftings (12.5k, M, destiel) This is the day that marked the Holy and Blessed Union of Dean Winchester and Jo Harvelle.The merging of prominent bloodlines is always a grand occurrence, but breeding pedigree hunter families like Winchester and Harvelle is something to be rejoiced. It is also something to be meticulously planned, which thankfully the Host is very good at.Or, the romantic comedy where Dean Winchester and Jo Harvelle are destined to get married, Castiel is given the task of playing matchmaker and fails terribly, the entire Heavenly Host becomes a sitcom audience, God warns against male pregnancy, and Jimmy Novak is incredibly unimpressed with angels in general.
thoughts: this fic is quite possibly the single most funniest thing i have ever read. like i was straight up cackling when i was reading some of the scenes.
  Down to Agincourt by seperis (1 million+, E, destiel) There is no such thing as a guarantee when it comes to war.The outcome's known. Why try? Return your rusty sword to battered sheath, bow your head and bend your stubborn knee. Why take the field when you cannot win the war? But Harry -- he went down to Agincourt.
--Harry Takes the Field by bratfarrar (AO3 link here.)
thoughts: this fic is an absolute work of art. the characterization dean and cas and all of the ocs is astounding the world building is immaculate and the writing is so detailed and in depth. a fair warning though to the first time reader as this fic can get very confusing at times but trust me it is worth it. 
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tempestaurora · 4 years
Tumblr media
FANDOMS: Marvel, Voltron: Legendary Defender, The 100, Harry Potter, The Raven Cycle, Community, Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Umbrella Academy
i tagged every tumblr i could reasonably find. if you have more than one fic on this list, i have tagged you more than once. some people may be tagged like five times. i’m not sorry.
where relevant, fandoms have been split into general (platonic) centric fics, and romantic/slash fics. this is just because it’s easier than splitting it up into specific relationships.
at the end of every fic title/author line is a list of core relationships; fics are split between gen and romance depending on what relationship is considered centric. otherwise, fics are in no particular order. All fics are completed unless otherwise specified.
i added a read more because there’s over 100 fics listed here.
anyway, enjoy, thanks for the 3k followers
gen centric fics
SHORT (0 - 5K)
K.I.D. by blondsak @blondsak | Tony&Peter
summary: “Hi K.I.D. Glad you’re awake. Do you know your primary objective?”
“To always look for ways to remind Mister Stark - that’s you! - that Kindness Isn’t Dead.”
“That’s right, K.I.D. Good job.” 
forty miles by peter_stank @peter-stank
summary:  the one where Morgan is sick and Tony is in way over his head, so he calls his spiderson for a little bit of help. Tony&Peter
from now on by peterparkr @peterparkrr |  Tony&Peter
summary: Peter’s sure that Tony and Pepper’s wedding will change everything. 
Machine Wash Hot; Tumble Dry Low by alice_in_ink | Tony&Peter
summary: Do you ever fall into sewers and then need your billionaire mentor to wash your super-suit? Peter Parker does too. 
Captain That by maddo | Tony&Peter
summary: Just a bunch of little anecdotes regarding our favourite spider and his Instagram account, feat. a meme-tastic Tony Stark.
Here's to all the new beginnings by Gruoch @groo-ock | Tony&Peter
summary: Peter gets a job. Tony is less than pleased. 
to know, to protecc, and to fuck with by peterstank and floweryfran @peter-stank @floweryfran | Tony&Peter, Natasha&Peter, Sam/May
summary: peter parker convinces the responsible adults in his life to join him on the world’s stupidest stake-out. 
MEDIUM (5 - 20K)
i used to have nothing and then by dirgewithoutmusic @ink-splotch | Clint&Natasha
summary: “Clint,” Natasha said. “You’ve got to let me go.”
“Clint,” she said, and he let her go. 
the hearth by sagemb |  Tony&Peter
summary: What to Do When Your Wife Is Out of the Country: A Guide by Tony Stark
1) Gain partial custody of a child 2) Sleep on the couch 3) Have the child gain partial custody of you.
Love in Ones and Zeroes by forensicleaf @forensicleaf | Tony&Peter
summary: a boy, a bot, and a bond through the years. Tony&DUM-E
call you home SERIES by Madelinedear | May&Tony, Tony&Peter
summary: sometimes family is who you're born with. and sometimes family is a spider boy, a rich not-dad, and a kickass aunt. (or; tony, may, and peter find a place in each other's lives) 
Not-Uncle Tony by Jen27ny @jen27ny | Tony&Peter, Happy&Peter
summary: Happy is Peter's biological father, and Tony is there for the entire ride. 
Between how it is and how it should be by frostysunflowers @frostysunflowers | Peter&Bucky, Tony&Peter, Steve&Bucky
summary: ''Doesn’t Captain Rogers ever…wonder,'' Peter winced as he fumbled for the right word, ''where you are?''
Bucky smirked. ''Steve’s a regular mother hen. Used to be me that worried about him.'' He gave Peter a pointed look. ''Better question is, isn’t Stark wondering where you are?''
The Unfortune Teller by peterparkr @peterparkrr | Tony&Peter
summary: A woman in a carnival booth predicts Peter's death. 
all the things yet to come (are the things that have passed) by peterparkr @peterparkrr | Peter&Morgan, Tony&Peter
summary: The first time Peter sees Morgan is at the funeral. 
tony and peggy’s big day out! by floweryfran @floweryfran | Tony&Peggy
summary: “What’s happened this time?”
“Just a bombing,” says Peggy.
“At three in the afternoon?” says Jarvis. “Frankly, how rude.”
Blips on the Record by ambivalentangst @ambivalentmarvel | Flash&Peter, Tony&Peter
summary: Flash Thompson’s story is not simple, Peter Parker can always use someone else in his corner, and secrets are had and protected by all. 
aiding and abetting: a peter parker saga by floweryfran and peterstank @floweryfran @peter-stank | Peter&Avengers
summary: 5 times peter parker runs into the rogues separately + the 1 time they work together as a team. 
Tennessee Outreach for Spider-Man (and friends) by ciaconnaa @ciaconnaa | Harley&Peter, Harley&Tony
summary: in an attempt to help Harley beef up his college apps, Tony offers Harley a remote Stark Industries internship to help Spider-Man. It easily becomes his worst nightmare. 
Allston Christmas by Gruoch @groo-ock | Tony&Peter, Tony&Peter&Rhodey
summary: “You guys didn’t have to do this,” Peter says from where he sits squeezed into the middle seat of the U-Haul, sweat running down his back. The air-conditioning in the truck they’ve rented is broken, and even with the windows rolled down it’s hellishly hot inside.
“We wanted to,” Tony replies as he blasts the horn at a minivan with a “Harvard Mom” bumper sticker that is attempting to cut into his lane.
so happy together by floweryfran @floweryfran | Tony&Ben
summary: ben parker calling tony stark a twink for 13k words
LONG (20K+)
An Unofficial Introduction to the Avengers SERIES by Isnt_it_pretty_to_think_so @isnt-it-pretty-to-think-so-tr | Tony&Peter
summary: The Avengers meet Spiderman via the online world, and then meet Peter Parker in Stark's living room. It takes them longer than it should to put two-and-two together. 
what is and will be (is you and me) by momentofmemory @momentofmemory | May&Peter
summary: 5 times May was there for Peter, +1 time he was there for her. 
dear mr. fantasy by iron_spider @iron--spider | Tony&Peter
summary: He grits his teeth and turns around, and before he can even begin to trudge over towards Peter’s room, he’s stopped in his tracks. By a door. In the middle. Of the living room.
“Well that’s new,” he says, still rooted to the spot.
timshel SERIES by justanotherblond @blondieewritess | Bucky&Peter, Steve/Bucky
summary: The soldier doesn’t remember his son’s birth or how he came to be. He doesn’t remember bedding a woman and watching her belly swell, but they said the boy was his. He does know that he will protect and teach the boy within the confines of their cell walls. Even when the handlers berate him. Even when the good guys take him away. 
odd couple buddies SERIES by bysine | Peter&Bucky, Sam&Thor, Tony&Peter
summary: "You know you're not supposed to call him the Winter Soldier any more, right?" Peter says, while they handcuff him to a pipe. A pipe. "Also this whole thing is kind of messing up my schedule. My two overdue papers won't exactly write themselves."
i understand (i’m a liability) by floweryfran @floweryfran | Harley&Tony, Harley&Peter
summary: “I… am not being challenged in the right ways here,” Harley says slowly, carefully.
“Then move here,” Tony says, and Harley’s heart drops straight into his feet. 
Roundabout by Gruoch @groo-ock | Tony&Peter
summary: In which Peter attempts to survive long enough to graduate, Tony moonlights as a semi-professional party planner, and absolutely nothing goes according to plan. 
Uncle Steve's Fix-it Freelance Gig (and friends) SERIES by whowhotellsyourstory | Steve&Morgan, Tony&Steve, Bucky&Peter
summary: "You ever need help, and I'm not there-""Why wouldn't you be there?""You call Uncle Steve."
notes: probably my favourite post endgame fix it fic/series in existence
Dumpster Fires Verse SERIES by deniigiq @deniigi | Peter&Wade&Matt
summary: A collection of Team Red stories because they are all hot messes. Except Peter. Two-Thirds of them are hot messes.
Impression, Sunrise by ciaconnaa @ciaconnaa | Peter&Morgan
summary: In Peter Parker's eyes, Morgan Stark is a lot of things: a terrible pancake chef, a top notch negotiator, the world's cutest six-year old. But above all, she is his family. He hopes he's enough. 
The Room Where It Happens by notapartytrick @notaparty-trick | Tony&Peter
summary: At 7:36 pm on the 12th of May 2016, Tony Stark is put in the Room.
A twelve-by-twelve-foot shed, soundproofed, double locked. It becomes his home. It has to be, because there’s nowhere else.
At 4:22 pm on the 15th of June 2017, Peter Parker is put in the Room.
They make a living under duress, fearing at every moment the entry of their captor. Confinement halts their lives in their tracks, changes them both for good: breaks them and brings them together simultaneously.
“If someone has everything they need, but nobody, do they have everything? Or nothing?”
romance centric fics
SHORT (0 - 5K)
written in the star(war)s by ciaconnaa @ciaconnaa | Peter/Michelle
summary: Michelle looks at the nurse one more time, and despite the evidence, asks, “Are you sure it’s twins?”
“Yes, I’m sure,” the nurse points them out again. “One boy, and one girl. Due...May 4th.”
It only takes Michelle 2.3 seconds to realize the horror of that sentence. 
Steve Rogers is (Not) A Good Influence by stevergrsno @stevergrsno |  Steve/Bucky, Steve&Peter
summary: Steve Rogers' American Tour Of Waiting For His Brainwashed Boyfriend To Come Back And Blowing Up Hydra is interrupted when Tony Stark dumps Peter Parker into his lap.
Captain ‘Socialist Rage Muffin’ America by mybrotherharry @baffledkingcomposinghallelujah | Steve/Tony, Steve/Tony/Bucky
summary: It takes three months of dating Steve Rogers for Tony to understand why Aunt Peggy once shot at him in sheer frustration.Alternately titled, Honey, I committed treason again. 
Soft Spot for the Hell Raisin' Boy by ifeelbetter @ifeelbetterer | Steve/Bucky
summary: The Winter Soldier takes an interest in Sam Wilson. Bucky Barnes wants to tell him how to be Steve Rogers's best friend.
Cat’s Cradle by Traincat @traincat | Peter/Felicia
summary: The test was positive.
Felicia tilted it idly this way and that, sitting on the bathroom floor with her back against the cupboard. The floors and the counter tops were marble, and the shower door was glass. Every one of Felicia’s moves seemed to echo in the large room, even though she knew that she was making no sound.
The test was positive. She didn’t bother to check the box to make sure she’d gotten the little symbols right. She’d known before she took it.
“Well,” she breathed out, tilting her head back to inspect the ceiling. “Damn, Spider.”
MEDIUM (5 - 20K)
cross this river to the other side by defcontwo | Steve/Bucky
summary: In 1943, the Howling Commandos wrote goodbye letters to be given to their loved ones in the event of their deaths.In 2014, Sharon Carter finds those letters in a tin can in an abandoned HYDRA base. 
Tony Stark Googled The Thing by mybrotherharry @baffledkingcomposinghallelujah | Tony/Pepper, Tony&Peter
summary: When Morgan is six months old, Pepper goes back to work and Tony takes over as stay-at-home dad. Discovering the mommyblogosphere is the inevitable next step.
Winter Soldier Program by NocturneByChopin | Steve/Bucky
summary: Here’s the thing: he’s got a bit of a secret. It involves a boy that went and became famous when Steve wasn’t looking. 
i was found and now i don't roam these streets by hipsterchrist | Steve/Bucky
summary: Bucky relearns himself and how to be on a team, the rest of the Avengers try to get answers, and everyone watches too much Criminal Minds. 
Between a Rock and a Hard Place by ciaconnaa @ciaconnaa | Michelle/Peter, Michelle&Happy, Tony&Peter
summary: Ever since her mother died a few years back, Michelle's relationship with her father became strained in their grief. One night, after she's forced to show up at Peter's covered in bruises and in need of stitches, she remembers that even the most unsuspecting dormant volcanoes can erupt.
Brooklyn by togina @toli-a | Steve/Bucky
summary: "Captain America, what's your stance on gay marriage?"
Everyone knows that, by now. Everyone but Bucky.
Steve Rogers at 100: Celebrating Captain America on Film by eleveninches, febricant, hellotailor, M_Leigh, neenya, tigrrmilk | Steve/Bucky
summary: Steve and Bucky find out Hollywood has been busy since they went away. A historical survey, including but not limited to: one set of exploded genitals, a brief interlude in France, Mel Gibson and other masterworks of casting, eight Academy awards, several dinosaurs, and something Tony Stark has ominously dubbed “the masterpiece.” Art included.
Project: Get Bucky Barnes a Dog by ruxian | Steve/Bucky
summary: Bucky Barnes does not have a dog. Bucky Barnes does not want a dog. Sam thinks that should change. Bucky does not agree. 
On My Radar by sprinkle_of_cinnamon | Steve/Bucky
summary: The Winter Soldier first noticed it when he was on the helicarrier.
The blonde’s shoulders were broad, incredibly broad.
They stretched the blue uniform in a wide span, drawing down to a narrow waist. It was a distinctly triangular silhouette. It was entirely improbable. And somehow it was strangely familiar.
The Winter Soldier raised his gun and fired. He didn’t have time for distractions, or Steve Rogers’ shoulders. 
LONG (20k+)
despite the threatening sky and shuddering earth (they remained) by praximeter @praximeter | Steve/Bucky
summary: “Those are pins,” Steve realized. He looked over at Hill. “The mask—it’s nailed to his face.” 
notes: may i say a massive fucking HOLY SHIT??????????? incredible. iconic. life-changing.
United States v. Barnes, 617 F. Supp. 2d 143 (D.D.C. 2015) by fallingvoices and radialarch | Steve/Bucky
summary: The Associated Press @AP Winter Soldier set to stand trial for Washington D.C. massacre and treason apne.ws/1og6SWE 
Bucky Barnes: Former Disney Channel Star SERIES by mambo @whtaft | Steve/Bucky
summary: "The question the entertainment world is asking themselves today is... Who is Steve? Hollywood superstar Bucky Barnes was spotted at a wrap-party last night, serenading someone named Steve onstage.” 
Not Easy Conquered SERIES by dropdeaddream and WhatAre Fears | Steve/Bucky
summary: In 1945, Steve Rogers jumps from a nosediving plane and swims through miles of Arctic Ocean to a frozen shore.
In 1947, Steve Rogers marries Peggy Carter.
In 1966, the New York Times finds the lost letters of Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes.
notes: if you’ve read stucky, you’ve read this series. i know this. just like i know that its the most GODDAMN BEAUTIFUL series ever written. no topping it. it’s number 1.
Strays by snarklyboojum @snarklyboojum | Steve/Bucky
summary: After finding himself alone for the first time in decades, the Winter Soldier learns how to be a person again. Mostly through caring for an orphaned kitten, countless rounds of YouTube roulette, and stalking Captain America. 
hold me until we crumble by queenklu @queenklu | Steve/Bucky
summary: “Sam told me you were watching Antiques Roadshow,” Natasha says, shaking out her hair. “I assumed it was a national emergency.”
notes: one of my favourite standalone fics i’ve ever read
half awake in a fake empire SERIES by idrilka | Steve/Bucky
summary: In the aftermath of Steve's return to the world of the living and the battle of New York, the academia and the Internet react.
by the river potomac i sat down and wept by peterstank @peter-stank | Steve/Bucky
summary: bucky barnes atones.
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell SERIES by AnnaFugazzi | Steve/Bucky
summary: Captain America and Bucky Barnes were like brothers. Everyone knew that. 
Out of the Dead Land by orphaned account | Steve/Bucky
summary: Someone is building machines that look and act like people.
Meanwhile, the Winter Soldier tries to be Bucky Barnes.
V O L T R O N:  L E G E N D A R Y  D E F E N D E R
romance centric fics
MEDIUM (5 - 20K)
called out your name (but it was too late) by arahir @arahir | James/Keith, Shiro/Keith
summary:  An old classmate watches Keith fall in love with someone else. 
so much for the after party by arahir @arahir | Shiro/Keith
summary: Shiro gets his groove back.
i breathe disaster by arahir @arahir | Shiro/Keith
summary: After the wedding, Keith leaves Earth in search of something he can keep. 
notes: what doES THIS M E AN?!!!??!!?!?! i cried over this ending. i cr i e d. actual real tears. it was so upsetting somehow. and i am so confused. and i went and found the author’s imagined ending in the comments to help understand the open one and it just made me SADDER. i think this is one of those fics that tries to teach me to read the tags and back away at the word “angst”. anyway, excellent, everything i’ve read from this author was incredible
LONG (20K+)
Alien Sex Fiend by Glossolalia | Shiro/Keith | WIP
summary: It started at a drive-in in the 1980s. Unfortunately, this is a love story; a love story about the frontman of Quantum Queef, a punk band, and a boy who rides a red motorcycle. Also, they fight aliens. 
notes: i’m OBSESSED with this fic. i have read it many times. shiro as a punk singer of a band called Quantum Queef????????? and the fact that it’s the only fic on this account???? absolute POWER MOVE.
T H E  1 0 0
romance centric fics
SHORT (0 - 5K)
golden gunned girls by littlearrows | Bellamy/Clarke
summary:  They’re not good girls. They have no reason to be. 
notes: i think about this fic approximately twice a week despite reading it five years ago. there’s a song called gold gun girls by metric that makes me absolutely feral and would be the dream theme song for the intro sequence of the girl gang tv show of my dreams
and then my soul saw you by synchronicities | Bellamy/Clarke
summary: Lexa tells Clarke that love within the cluster is the worst kind of narcissism. Bellamy begs to differ. Sense8 AU.
givers prove unkind by emullz | Bellamy/Clarke
summary: a modern au in which bellamy is in a band, he writes an album about clarke, and she is his ophelia. also, marriage.
she sounds like sex on the radio by lecornergirl | Bellamy/Clarke
summary: “Wait, hold on,” Clarke says. “Are you suggesting I—in the booth?” But her tone is a lot sterner than she feels. Against her better judgement, she’s into it. 
notes: idk what to tell you. i have only bookmarked like three smut fics in my life. it deserves it ok.
the kids aren’t alright by opensummer | Multiple Relationships
summary: The Pacific Rim fusion seven ways. 
notes: probably???? my favourite? pacific rim au? i’ve ever read??? does so much with so little
Haven’t You Heard? The World is Coming To An End by Jenye @likcoln-blog | Bellamy/Clarke
summary: So where would you rather die? Here or in Jaeger? Pacific Rim AU. 
MEDIUM (5 - 20K)
three points (where two lines meet) SERIES by PinkCanary | Bellamy/Clarke/Raven
summary: Clarke wears the two names on her skin like a badge of honour. 
Icarus Lives by karusarchive @cluelesskaru | Bellamy/Clarke
summary: No one could ever have predicted the kaiju were coming.  Clarke Griffin was in need of a new Co-Pilot. Bellamy Blake had just graduated. You can guess how that goes.
notes: if anyone knows me at all, they know i’m a MASSIVE pacific rim fan. like, own all the books and graphic novels and have multiple pacrim t-shirts kind of fan. THIS FIC was my first experience with that franchise. my first ever. i watched the movie BECAUSE of this fic.
Pony Regrets SERIES by Chash @ponyregrets | Bellamy/Clarke
summary: Octavia drags Bellamy to a My Little Pony tournament. Bellamy is deeply upset about the whole thing, but then the girl running the tournament is really cute.
The Internet Is Forever SERIES by Chash @ponyregrets | Bellamy/Clarke
summary: Apparently, the internet has been shipping Bellamy Blake (of Team Arkade) and Clarke Griffin (of Craven Cosplay). No one told Bellamy about it. 
Nothing Like Old Times by LayALioness @filmnoirsbian | Bellamy/Clarke
summary: “Clarke killed some guy and stuffed him in the trunk,” Jasper says delightedly. “Your cousin’s dark, dude.”
“Yeah,” Bellamy nods, trying to backtrack. Sometimes he wishes she was actually better at making things up. “She’s a…closeted Goth.” Terminator AU. 
the feel-good hit of the summer by disco_vendetta @errorofyourways | Bellamy/Clarke
summary: Clarke Griffin and Bellamy Blake are sleeping together. (aka ROCK BAND AU) 
notes: i think about this fic an OBSCENE amount. it’s been five years since i first read it.
LONG (20K+)
Your Mess Is Mine by monroeslittle @argyledpenguin | Bellamy/Clarke
summary: modern AU, Clarke grows up with Octavia, and Octavia's brother. 
notes: the fic that got me into fan fic in the first place. top tier. 42k.
Love Will Come Through by monroeslittle @argyledpenguin | Bellamy/Clarke
summary: AU. Clarke winds up in an arranged marriage with Bellamy. 
Neeeeeeeeeerds by Chash @ponyregrets | Bellamy/Clarke
summary: Clarke joins the Junior Classical League for two reasons: to appease her mother and to annoy Bellamy Blake.
Our Time Now SERIES by TazmainianDevil | Bellamy/Clarke
summary: The Ark may have been short on all resources vital to sustaining life but one thing they never ran out of was guns.On an Ark that has always been defined by violence, Jake Griffin manages to save his daughter's life and Clarke joins a gang to change the world.
Disney Channel You by Chash @ponyregrets | Bellamy/Clarke
summary: Bellamy only goes to the open casting for Clarke Griffin's new Disney Channel show because Octavia begs him. He never thought he'd actually get the stupid part. 
And You Understand Now Why They Lost Their Minds and Fought the Wars by marauders_groupie @marauders-groupie | Bellamy/Clarke
summary: Clarke doesn’t understand why they say that soulmates are one soul in two bodies. Her soul has five other bodies and she would give her life for any of them. Sense8 AU. 
notes: probably my favourite sense8 AU i’ve ever read?? and i have read Many
build this fire higher, higher toward the sky SERIES by adelicatepeach | Bellamy/Clarke
summary: Clarke's jaeger goes down on a Thursday. Pacific Rim AU. 
H A R R Y  P O T T E R
gen centric fic
LONG (20K+)
yer a wizard, dudley by dirgewithoutmusic @ink-splotch | Dudley&A Lot of People
summary: Minerva fished in her pocket without looking, because the only things allowed in her pockets were only ever exactly what she needed. “I've come to deliver this,” she said, “because Hogwarts by-laws require a professor to hand-deliver acceptance letters to Muggleborn families for their explanation and comfort." 
notes: i have only ever cared about two harry potter fics in my life. this is one of them.
the family evans by dirgewithoutmusic @ink-splotch | Petunia&A Lot of People
summary: What if, when Petunia Dursley found a little boy on her front doorstep, she took him in? Not into the cupboard under the stairs, not into a twisted childhood of tarnished worth and neglect—what if she took him in? 
notes: this is the other one
T H E  R A V E N  C Y C L E
gen centric fic
MEDIUM (5 - 20K)
Helter Skelter by Anonymous | Ronan&Blue
summary: In hindsight, a road trip with your step-brother and his best friends in Gansey's dying Pig is not an ideal way to start summer break. Sargent-Lynch siblings AU.
meet hennessy by izzylizardborn @gaybluesargent | Hennessy&Jordan
summary: Hennessy had seen movies. She knew how this went. When it came to clones, there was always a good one and an evil one. She didn’t need to wonder which was which.
life is not a movie, maybe by coyotesuspect | Ronan&Blue
summary: Ronan gets kicked out of Aglionby and enrolls at Mountain View High for his senior year. The only problem is, no one remembers to tell Blue. 
Honeymoon by vexmybones | Ronan&Blue
summary: Blue and Ronan living together, no buffers, no bullshit, this is how they cope. 
the bugs and alphabet by Pi @rhea314 | Ronan&Blue
summary: In which Blue babysits Chainsaw, Ronan & Blue make angry art projects, and some conversations are almost had. 
romance centric fic
SHORT (0 - 5K)
Pretty Good, Right? by suddensingularity | Ronan/Blue
summary: Blue wants to have sex before her true love dies. Ronan helps out. Ronan/Blue
notes: yeah ok this is one of the three smut fics i’ve bookmarked its fun ok
MEDIUM (5 - 20K)
It Had To Be You by shinealightonme @toast-the-unknowing | Ronan/Adam
summary: Ronan hates basically everything about their business, or that's what he tells Blue, but the worst part is that he's constantly meeting cute guys and none of them are single. 
darling, don’t make such a drama by shinealightonme @toast-the-unknowing | Ronan/Adam, Ronan&Henry, Ronan&Declan
summary: "Straight answers are boring," Cheng says, "and yes I do mean that for all values of straight. I do not need Ronan to share his tragic backstory, I would much rather deduce it on my own."
"Who says I have a tragic backstory?"
"With your fearsome glower and troubled good looks? If you did not have a tragic backstory it would be a waste."
 C O M M U N I T Y
romance centric fic
LONG (20k+)
Playing House by itsactuallycorrine @itsactuallycorrine | Jeff&Annie
summary: Six years ago, Jeff let Annie go. She never returned to Greendale, and he moved on. Now, he's a single dad to a one-year-old and he needs her help.
A V A T A R:  T H E  L A S T  A I R B E N D E R
gen centric fic
SHORT (0 - 5K)
call it dreaming by ciaconnaa @ciaconnaa | Toph&Gaang
After the war, Toph has nightmares. The screeching of metal, Sokka and Suki's screams, the snap of Sokka's leg as it broke from their fall. It's usually his confession that they aren't going to make it that makes her wake up in a cold sweat. She's anxious all the time now, unable to find peaceful sleep.
The cure is apparently to try and hold all of her friends hands for all hours of the days and hope that they're cool with it. 
what’s in a name by ciaconnaa @ciaconnaa | Toph&Sokka
summary: At her request, Sokka teaches Toph to write her name.
He learns a thing or two about the weight his own name holds in the process.
MEDIUM (5 - 20K)
the beginning of a new and brighter birth by aloneintherain @captainkirkk | Zuko&Gaang
summary: “I’m so proud of you, my nephew.” Uncle cups Zuko’s face in his lined hand. The gesture is so tender, his palm so warm, that Zuko has to take a fortifying breath against the sudden swell of emotion in his chest.
“I want to be a good leader, Uncle,” Zuko says. “I want to look after my people.”
“You will,” Uncle says. “You are, nephew.”
In a new era of peace, Zuko works to be a very different Fire Lord than his forefathers.
the scope of blindness series by littlelionlady @thelittlelionlady | Toph&Gaang
summary: There are just some things that Toph's feet can't see.
Her hands can though.
Or, Toph learns what her friends look like by tracing their faces. 
notes: geniunely how goddamn beautiful is this. like. i cried. this is so soft and so cute and it made me feel SO MANY things
All The Gentle Creatures by Haircrescendo @sword-and-stars | Iroh&Zuko
It’s said that you can tell a lot about a person by how they treat animals. Zuko may be loud and stubborn and sharp but all the woodland creatures love him. 
LONG (20K+)
The Family You Choose by TunaFishChris | Zuko&Gaang
summary: Some people are born with soulmarks. Zuko has them, but his grandfather burned them off because they "make you weak."
Team Avatar has a few things to say about that. 
such selfish prayers by andromeda3116 @andromeda3116 | Katara&The Fire Nation, Katara/Zuko
Katara's ambition, so long set aside for the good of others, breaks free and sets fire to her soul. Or, Katara has a vision of her canon future, casts it aside, and becomes a world-changing politician instead. 
and love will be your teacher SERIES by Ford_Ye_Fiji @ford-ye-fiji | Iroh&Zuko
summary: "And you will know the pain of losing a firstborn son." Ozai loses Zuko. Iroh gains a son. And the future changes.
notes: excellent excellent excellent excellent makes me very happy indeed
romance centric fic
SHORT (0 - 5K)
on commitment by jdphoenix | Zuko/Katara
summary: “Just explain it to me again.”
“There is no way you can pass as my brother and we are way too conspicuous as two unrelated people, from different nations, traveling together. So we’re pretending to be married.”
we hold our hearts in silence by psychedelic_aya | Zuko/Katara
summary: Seventy years later, Korra tries to figure out Zuko and Katara. 
oracle bones by orphaned account | Zuko/Katara
summary: The foreign, pictorial characters that bracelet Zuko's left wrist have never been covered in any of his lessons. He cannot read them. And then he turns thirteen, and his father burns his wrist along with his face.
MEDIUM (5 - 20K)
late nights/early mornings SERIES by shmulia @shmuliawrites | Zuko/Katara
summary: Whoever set off the fire alarm at 2 in the morning is on Katara’s shit list. Even if he is hot and shirtless. 
the thing about dancing by anodymalion | Sokka/Zuko
summary: The first time a attendant spills Zuko’s tea and doesn’t immediately fall to her knees, begging the Fire Lord’s forgiveness, it is not anger but a resounding warmth that fills his chest.
LONG (20K+)
Fate Deferred by catie_writes_things @catie-does-things | Zuko/Katara | WIP
summary: Aang remains in the iceberg ten years longer. He awakens to a very different world. 
The Sparrowkeet SERIES by audreyii_fic | Zuko/Katara
summary: Ba Sing Se has fallen and Katara has been captured by the Fire Nation; a more adult take on the potential progression of S3. AU series of interconnected one-shots. 
notes: i would die for this series, particularly the last instalment. i enjoyed every single fic and it was just such a GOOD STORY.
T H E  U M B R E L L A  A C A D E M Y 
gen centric fic
SHORT (0 - 5K)
you from yesterday by questors (sieges) @softpunks | Five&Siblings
summary:  The difference between who his siblings once were versus who they are now. 
Ghost Math by pinstripedJackalope | Five&Klaus
summary: Number Five needs a new hobby now that the apocalypse is off. He decides to help Klaus--and in turn maybe he'll help himself. 
Then There Was Two by AnneKatherine | Five&Vanya
summary: Reginald Hargeeves finally decides to allow Grace to name the Academy. Unfortunately, he's only willing to let her name the Academy, which Seven is unfortunately not a part of.
[or how Five gave away his name]
(he definitely didn't want one anyway) 
i tiresias (have foresuffered all) by ThatWeirdGuyInTheBushes | Five&Siblings, Five/Delores
summary: Five misses sharing his birthday, but Five has missed a lot of things.alternatively; number five, coffee, and the art of taking back. 
MEDIUM (5 - 20K)
The Five Vetting Process by jaz_hop | Five&Siblings
summary: In which Five is incredibly invested in the love lives of his siblings, because they're obviously too stupid to choose anyone worthy enough to be their partner. Otherwise known as Five being stupidly over-protective, and incredibly invasive in the hopes of keeping his siblings safe and happy... even if he is being a stalker and a dick about it. 
LONG (20K+)
You and I Together Forever SERIES by Ace_of_Spades_400 @ace-of-spades-400 | Vanya&Siblings
summary: What if it hadn't only been Five, what if it hadn't been Five at all?
A series of stories about what would have happened if Vanya had chosen a different sibling.
Sometimes the choice isn't hers.
Timeliness 1-2.1 SERIES by dgalerab | Hargreeves Siblings
summary: As the world ends, Five takes his siblings back into their child bodies on the day he originally left. With the knowledge of how the world ends fresh in their minds, the Hargreeves siblings do what they can to leave clues for their past selves on how to grow up a little less fucked up before returning to the present.
A present where they all have different lives they can't remember, there's a fun new apocalypse on the way, and Reginald Hargreeves remembers the day where all his children suddenly and inexplicably lost their minds and all respect for him at once a little too well.
Rare Birds SERIES by Cryptix23 | Hargreeves Siblings
summary: An alternate 2019 brings with it new problems and new dangers.
The two sets of Hargreeves children mix like water on a greasefire. It's hard to tell which group is unhappier about the situation -- the Sparrows, trying to navigate the minefield of their new siblings' many traumas, or the Umbrellas, trying to carve their place back into a world that forgot them.
Plus the whole saving-the-world thing hanging over them all.
Whether they like it or not, they're going to have to learn to work together. 
Partners, Parents, or None of the Above by DarkFairytale | Diego&Klaus
summary:  Kenny's mom assuming that Diego and Klaus were A) a couple and B) Number Five’s parents was both bemusing and amusing at the time. But that was because it was the only time it had ever happened. Now though? Now they just can't understand why these misunderstandings keep happening. 
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Irondad Fic Rec
I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy this weekend!! Today's fic is
The hearth by @sagemb (@beachtree) 
Summary: What to Do When Your Wife Is Out of the Country: A Guide by Tony Stark
1) Gain partial custody of a child
2) Sleep on the couch
3) Have the child gain partial custody of you
With May and Pepper out of town, Tony and Peter basically look after each other and it's one of my absolute favorite fics ever. 
One of my absolute favorite lines in this fic is "“Peter is a terrible example of my parenting, by the way. He gets himself nearly killed on a weekly basis. That’s all May and Ben. I’m more like the enabling vodka aunt than anything else. When I’m a real dad, well. You’ll see.”
“You can’t be the vodka aunt,” Pepper points out. “You’re sober.”"
There are like at least 20 other lines I wanted to copy & paste here because it's just so well written and well done, but this one made me giggle.
This is a slice of life fic and I think a very beautiful, realistic, well crafted look at irondad. The characterization of Tony is spot on, as is Peter. Peter acts like an actual teenager and I love it. I love the Pepperony sprinkled throughout. This fic also acts as a fantastic character study of Tony. It's so well written and truly something special. If you haven't read this fic before, you're really missing out. It's phenomenal. Honestly @beachtree wrote a perfect fic. One last thought - I'm gonna steal some of her thoughts that she wrote down in her endnotes because they're amazing and show how insightful this fic is:
Always the two essential questions when it comes to writing Tony Stark and Peter Parker are, "How responsible does Tony feel for Peter's actions, as well as his well-being, whether that refers to the physical or emotional?" and "What degree of emotional intimacy and/or physical involvement does this result in?"
From there you can unpack an infinite number of follow-up questions that help you define their relationship in a more in-depth way, but fundamentally those are the two questions you are answering in any fic you write about them.
Why is Peter and Tony's relationship so special? Is it the fact that they have the same understanding of so many things (responsibility, helping, defending, innovation and technology) despite having come from two wholly different lives, and in effect they have an implausibly natural understanding of each other? Does this necessarily indicate a father-son relationship? I don't think so. Most of us barely understand our fathers. Some of us resent them. Few of us have wholly healthy relationships with them. The lives of parents and children are too ingratiated for the ugly parts not to mesh together as well, to feed off each other.
I love this fic 3000 please read it. And always, if you love a fic, be sure to comment and let the author know. Feedback is the lifeblood of fanfic. And everyone could use a little pick me up in these hard COVID-19 times. 
57 notes · View notes
captainkirkk · 5 years
A collection of fics I’ve read (/reread) and thoroughly enjoyed in the past week-ish from all kinds of fandoms and genres.
✩ there must be something in the kool-aid by overtures
Part 1 of doom days
(contains FFH spoilers)
The Daily Bugle @DailyBugleNY
WATCH: Shocking new video shows hero Mysterio’s final words - and a warning against Spider-Man bug.le/7dAD1K
CNN Breaking News @cnnbrk
New York vigilante Spider-Man’s identity revealed as Queen’s local Peter Parker cnn.it/F83Hg1
New York Post @nypostmodern-blog
Everything we know about Peter Parker, the man behind the Spider-Man mask trib.al/f92xf9
✩ Astronomy In Reverse by pansley
A year after the Winter Soldier failed his mission in DC, Bucky Barnes is doing his best to stay under the radar from both Hydra and Steve Rogers. His hope for a peaceful day-to-day life in limbo goes awry, however, when he meets Queens’ newest hero; a pure-hearted kid with a death wish and a ridiculous pair of red and blue pajamas.
The last thing Steve expects when he finally tracks Bucky down is that, not only has the man been living in Queens all this time, right under his nose, but also that, in the two years since they last saw each other, Bucky somehow acquired a kid.
Alternatively: How Peter Parker effectively fucks over Bucky Barnes, and also totally saves him.
✩ with a hammer and nails and a fear of failure by sagemb
When Peter sets foot on MIT campus, he's a year late and everybody already knows who he is.
vouchsafe by sagemb
Part 1 of college applications: the biggest meme
Tony covered his face with both hands and screamed very gently. “Can I just bribe the school to let Peter in?"
✩ one mask at a time by natelette
Spider-Man is unmasked, and the world reacts.
Or how Peter, the internet, and the entire world deal in the wake of Mysterio’s video. Spoilers for Far From Home.
Wait, My Peter Parker? by ambivalentangst
Cindy will scream to the heavens until the day she dies that she was the first, and for a time (aside from Ned—the traitor—who denied that he totally had an inside scoop on the matter) the only one on the AcaDec team to witness the fact that Peter Parker is secretly fucking ripped.
hungry for a poke bypoisedwalrus
“Uh,” says Ned, “Uh, the Decathlon team may be under the assumption that— that you’re a, um—”
“—A prostitute,” MJ finishes.
Peter looks at them. Then down at himself. Then back at them.
“What?” he says.
Peter’s classmates are a little confused, but they got the spirit.
Sea of Moving Emotion by saltslimes
Even though it hurts, he lies down on his side, and the room is a little hazy, and his thoughts hit each other like objects suspended in a gel. Foreign bodies in the web fluid, ruining the batch.
(Directly after the REDACTED fight in FFH, Happy has to switch out of superhero backup mode and into babysitting mode.)
High School Bullies (And Other Contradictions) by siriuspiggyback
Where could Peter go? They knew who he was, they knew who he would turn to. He would be putting his friends in danger. Who would want to help Spider-Man, but wouldn’t be suspected of helping Peter Parker? Except-
No. No way.
Not Flash.
We’ll Meet Again, Some Sunny Day by redrobin1989
"Zuko didn't come home last night," Iroh said, "I need your help finding him."
Ba Sing Se is the City of Reunions which is why Iroh recruits the Avatar's help to track down his missing nephew with alternating hilarious and traumatizing results.
Rose Tea by Momotaro245
Fire Lord Zuko likes going to the kitchens and making tea at 1 am. One day he finds someone to share it with.
Hindsight by TheBellwether
10-year-old Izuku doesn’t know what he’s done to gain All Might’s attention, but he’s definitely not complaining. Or: All Might travels back in time, and he’s not about to make the same mistakes again.
339 notes · View notes
lorcleis · 8 years
josiah: [covers adam's eyes during the rooftop date]
adam: hah, married perks
rose: when will my husband and my fucks return from the war
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