#sage onyx stain
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Austin Walk-In Inspiration for a large mediterranean gender-neutral ceramic tile walk-in closet remodel with raised-panel cabinets and medium tone wood cabinets
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The Witch, The Judge & the 3 Card Gamble | Western
— Excerpt —
Sparks and stars… Nearly indistinguishable from each other. Each wheeling into the abyssal dome caging them on that blood-stained earth. 
The wind stood still and the world held its breath with it. And with the world, so joined The Witch. 
She held the burning pressure within her chest. Let it build up within her throat. She dared not inhale. As if the moment she did, she’d invite the night and all its spirits into her mind to torture her into the morning. 
Her chapped lips trembled as a chill ran down her backside, and a blossom of agony seared into the side of her ribs. She bitterly recounted that she’d wasted nearly half a flagon of water cleaning the torn flesh. And now her body was demanding even more warmth to offer some form of comfort against the chilled desert air.
She would not give in. Not to the pain, nor her body’s oblivious demands. No. She kept her fire small; merely a few dying embers she nursed from time to time so as not to draw the attention of vagabonds who’d surely make her pay for existing.
Her soot-mixed-blood-stained hand reached over it, not only for warmth, but also control. Small bursts of faint, sage mana flickered from the cracks of her palm like heatless electricity; encasing the embers before melting back into nothing. Enough to cut the oxygen… to suffocate it… and keep her precious warmth, the only comfort she had besides her own horse, on the brink of death. 
The Witch and the Embers; kindred spirits. 
Her horse, Onyx, stood tied to the driftwood the witch sat on now. The black mare’s large head swayed near her shoulder. Soft, even breaths puffed from the mare’s velvet nostrils. Onyx’s peace was almost enough to set the witch’s mind at ease. After all, if her horse wasn’t spooked, she shouldn’t be either. 
The thought was enough for her to suck in a deep breath. 
Risk the nightmares. 
The burning ceased. Weight lifted. The embers flared as if it had been her own held breath that kept it quiet. 
The witch flinched as her horse reared its head and let out a soft but nervous whinny. She regretted breathing then. Her hand lifted to tangle itself into Onyx’s reigns and she hushed her horse, in an attempt at salvaging the peace that had so suddenly been shattered.
Onyx’s black face was contoured with red light like a mountain crested by the rising, crimson sun. The white’s of her inky eyes flashed against her black form. 
The witch followed the horse’s line of sight until she saw the stars on the horizon were blotted out by a shadow… All but two binary stars. 
Pricks of crimson floating in a hole in the sky. 
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fatallyfalling · 9 months
Bitter Water 0.02 ~ ♆
“ I’d rather choose death than a life with blood on my hands.“
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{{ Finnick Odair x Reader }}
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warnings: typical Hunger Games violence/trauma/themes, language, blood, injury, insinuation of forced prostitution, enemies to lovers, slow burn, Finnick is a bit of an ass, thoughts/mention of death, nightmares, etc
{{ word count }} 3.6 k
{{ outfits }}
{{ prompt }} The train ride to the Capital is underway, tensions run high as anticipation for the Games increases. A certain peacock continues to test your temper and self-restraint as well.
{{ a/n }} I promise Finnick gets more than one line this time and there’s more talking than exposition :”) Finnick also leans pretty heavily into his “golden rich boy” attitude when interacting with reader. They very obviously dislike one another haha but anyhoo, Mags communicates through hands gestures and writing with few whispered words here and there ><; Enjoy!!
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Mags kindly showed you to your personal room once you no longer felt as if you were suffocating and could stand. Your mentor was endearing, if not doting, though she hadn’t said two words during your ordeal. You didn’t mind. You probably would’ve been unable to say anything coherent, you realize, giving a weak, raspy thanks before she left. The door slides closed with an industrial “Click”. An exhausted sigh slips from your lips as the aftermath of your episode weighs down.
You hadn’t experienced an episode that fierce in a long while. A couple months at least. The white-hot throbbing from the wound at your temple is worse than ever. The dried blood caked to the side of your face itches.
After a moment or two of leaning against the cool metal, catching your breath, you manage a turn and take in your room. It’s not nearly as extravagant as the dining car or sitting room, allowing a sign of personal relief. Everything was a rather gloomy palette of neutral grays with accents of that deeply stained wood again. The room is small considering the size restraint of the train cars. Only a twin-size bed and side table occupy the space, a small wardrobe is built into the wall, and a narrow door you can assume leads to a barebones washroom.
Your knees nearly give out beneath you as you barely kick off your boots and stagger into the small connecting space. Trembling hands fumble to find the sink but quickly grip the cold onyx porcelain. Another shaky inhale goes in and out through your nose before you dare to peer in the silver mirror.
You looked like shit - to say the least.
Flyaways of hair had come down across your forehead again, not to mention the small cut above your right temple, already turning a gnarly mixture of purple and red. Blood was caked down your cheek, movements of muscle under your skin causing the crimson streaks to crack and flake off. Your sage-colored ensemble had drops of blood around the collar, along with newly formed creases and dust smears from hitting the concrete in the auditorium. There was even a rip at the hemming from your fall.
You didn’t want to know what your aching knees or bloodied hands looked like.
The icy running water felt like heaven on your burning skin. You work quickly to remove the blood as best you can, albeit traces remain in the nitty gritty gaps beneath your fingernails. You tried to remove the blood from your collar, but there was still a faded red tinge mixing with the green as you gave up on trying. Your knees were scraped but not as bad as your temple. The soap smelled nice, at least - like roses.
Back then, the smell didn’t make you want to vomit like it did now.
You didn’t leave the small washroom for a while, leaning against the closed door while slowly sliding to the ground and curling in a heap on the tiled floor. The room fell silent at the absence of running water and your occasional frustrated grunt. All that was left was the muffled hum of the moving train and the occasional mechanical whistle or whirring of the industrial beast that held you captive. You tried to focus you’re breathing.
Deep breath in, hold for three.
Deep breath out, hold for four.
You repeated the exercise till you no longer felt like screaming or throwing something. If you stepped out of line violently, it would immediately fall back to your family. You couldn’t allow that. You’d rather be in front and take the brunt of whatever punishment the Capital deemed fit than put those horrors on them. You had to keep going.
You had to survive.
But how? You didn’t know much about physical combat besides a few things your father had taught you for self-defense. Knowing your way around a body of water wouldn’t even matter if there was none in the arena. Your skill set focused more on your wit, knowledge of certain herbs, determining edible water life, mending sails or nets, and ensuring two rowdy toddlers ate their vegetables.
Maybe you could make it by hiding and outlasting, but that felt like a coward's way out. The chances of surviving that way were slim to none. Your only other option was to fight, but the thought made you nauseated all over again. Hiding it was, then. You could only hope there was something useful in the ugly maw of death that awaited during the Games.
You didn’t leave your quarters the rest of that evening.
You eventually managed to crawl out of the washroom and onto the plush bed outside. You all but sunk into the feather-stuffed mattress and the soft blankets, but it felt wrong. The way your throbbing head melded to the pillow felt too clean. Everything felt too sterile, and you were sullying that cleanliness with your “District filth”. But a part of you didn’t care. If you were to die in the coming weeks, why not leave your mark- your stain.
Why not rub a bit of beach sand and salty seawater into every crevice of this damn place?
If you had to perform for the Capital, be their prize-winning salmon, then so be it. You’ll perish out of pure spite if you have to. But you wouldn’t go down without a fight. That bitter promise burned through the thrumming in your temple.
You will not die.
Your sleep was fitful. Honestly, you couldn’t decide whether to consider the night you had a form of sleep at all. No matter how inviting the plush materials of the bed were, you didn’t catch a wink. Flashes of your twin siblings and your father suffering as a consequence of your shortcomings plagued your mind in too vivid horrors. There were a few instances when your eyes shot open with a scream tearing from your throat. At one point or another, you couldn’t stand the bed any longer and locked yourself in the tiny washroom for the rest of the night.
There weren’t any windows, so you kept the lights on, although dimmed for ease on your bloodshot eyes. You cowered in a corner behind the glass shower door, staring blankly ahead. The water from the overhead faucet felt like pinpricks of ice. You were drenched to the bone, your clothes weighing heavy, and the skin on the pads of your fingers had shriveled from the water. You were trembling terribly, but the frigid water was calming. You always found water grounding. Running to the sea on your breaks from the shipyard, wading ankle-deep in the sea foam, and digging your toes in the wet sand. Some mornings, you’d sneak out. Making the long trek to the short cliffs to dive from for a brisk morning plunge. It felt like freedom to be in the water.
It felt like home.
But the water didn’t feel like home right now. The ice-cold downpour of the shower only reminded you that you were still breathing, still alive. The water rooted you to your huddled place on the slick tile, solidifying your grip on reality and the fact you weren’t anywhere near the sea and you weren’t anywhere near your home anymore. You may never see District 4 or the ocean again. Hot, salty tears mixed with frigid water in an oddly satisfying combination down your cheeks. The tears were silent as they streamed.
You weren’t sure how long you sat under the water, but the sudden, aggressive banging on the washroom door registering in your thoughts was a perfect reality check. Scrambling in surprise, you managed to shut off the shower head, slide the glass door open, and make contact with the sliding door handle. All while only slipping once on the wet tile.
Your name was cut off mid-shout as you shoved the door open to stare into bewildered sea-green eyes. Water was already pooling at your feet and dripped onto the originator of all the yelling. The boy had changed his clothes, opting for an ivory tunic, slim-fitted brown pants, and matching brown boots. The look on his face made him an open book as his eyes roved over your soaked form. A smug expression contorts into his features, making his dimples stand proud and a crinkle forming at the corners of his eyes.
“Why are you all wet?”
“None of your business.” You state bluntly before trying to close the door in his face. Your attempt is in vain, however, as Finnick moves to block the opening with his arm and shoves the door back open. “It is when I’ve been out here, knocking, for thirty minutes. I think I’m owed some kind of explanation, at least.” He huffs, crossing his arms over his chest while his boot moves to keep the door open.
“I don’t spill secrets to pretty Capital Peacocks.” You seethe, venom lacing your tone as you throw a pointed glare toward the boy.
“Aw, you think I’m pretty? Go on,~” Finnick all but purrs. You inhale sharply through your nose as you debate if slapping that stupid cheshire smirk off his face is worth it. His pointed, too-white teeth glint in the dim light, and your eye twitches. “Just leave me alone.” You scoff, shoving past the boy and stalking toward your bed. Water trails after you in puddles on the floor. A damp handprint clings to his clothed chest where contact was made, but you don’t notice as your face plants onto the plush blankets below.
“I was sent to get you up, you know. I’m not just here for kicks. Besides, you already missed lunch.” Finnick drawls, an irritation threading through his voice as he tilts his head at your face-down body. “Go away.” You groan. Your voice is muffled, but you don’t bother to move as the bedding grows damp beneath you. “I can’t leave until you get up.” The victor scoffs. You hear footsteps and the sound of a drawer being pulled before multiple pieces of fabric are thrown at your head. Your face snaps up at the assault, glaring hotly at the bronze-haired boy. “What are you doing?” You seethe, earning an eye roll as a response. “Change.” Finnick orders. You simply burn holes into his skull for a minute before he rolls his eyes again and turns away to face a wall. With a few incoherently grumbled profanities, you swipe the clothes and pad back to the washroom.
The articles of clothing thrown were a simple navy blue long sleeve and inky loose fitted bottoms. There was a pair of black crew socks as well. Slowly, you strip the waterlogged ensemble from your body, your shivering only worsening as the cold air kisses your skin. You quickly towel yourself off before slipping the fresh clothing on. The pants are lightweight linen with a drawstring, allowing easy adjustment, and the top is a soft stretch cotton that hugs your torso and arms.
Upon emerging from the washroom, you spot the Capital’s Darling still facing the wall. “You didn’t have to stay like that.” You quip, tucking damp strands of hair behind your ears before hugging your arms around yourself. The room was still cold. “With that glare of yours? I started to wonder if the Games would start early~” Finnick teases, a smug expression still capturing his tanned features as he turns.
“You’re insufferable Odair,”
“Hm, I’d like to think of myself as…charming~” The amused lilt in the Darling’s voice has your eyes narrowing again and blood simmering. “Uh-huh, keep telling yourself that.” You murmur, hugging yourself tighter as a shiver runs through you. “Word of advice? Catching a cold won’t do you any good in the arena.” Finnick drawls, his head cocking to the side while quirking a brow. Your glare turns to daggers, and the boy raises his hands as if to surrender.
“Just saying,”
“I don’t need your advice,” You snap back, not appreciating his teasing in the slightest. “I wasn’t trying to get sick. The water helps...” You offer an explanation enough. There’s a falter in Finnick’s demeanor at your words. Maybe it was the flicker of a crease between his brows, the sudden deep inhale he took, or the tightness that appeared in his shoulders, but you immediately take note of the change. It felt like peeking behind a screen, but as quickly as it appeared, it vanished, Golden Boy charm snapping back into place.
“Let’s go, they’ve waited long enough.”
You follow the bronze-haired boy back through the hallways of the moving train to the dining car. Everyone is already seated as you arrive, causing your ears to turn red in slight embarrassment. You quietly slip into your seat beside your District partner with Finnick across from you again, and Thatcher clears his throat, “Nice of you to finally join us.” the escort’s tone is filled with irritation, but you simply keep your eyes trained on your hands folded in your lap. There are scabs on your palms from yesterday, and traces of dried blood still hide in the crevices of your nail beds.
“This evening, we shall arrive in the Capital. As I so graciously explained yesterday, we’ll have to move swiftly. Once we step off into the station, our wonderful Tributes and their respective mentors shall be whisked away by their stylists in preparation for the opening ceremonies and Tribute parade,” Thatcher’s voice strains on the word “wonderful” and you feel your blood simmering again at the sarcastic remark. They explain minor details concerning the parade procession and more miscellaneous rules and expectations for the Tributes. Your brain feels less like mush today, thankfully. But your ears don’t tune into the spiel,till they mention the victor sitting across from you.
“Mr. Odair, our dear Capital’s Sweetheart, will be departing from us the remainder of your stay in the Capital due to having business elsewhere in the city.”
“As long as he’s not bothering me, that sounds great,” You quip internally with a flickering glance across the table. Finnick shifts in his seat, only his eyes glance at Mags. The mentor’s facial expression doesn’t reveal anything. But her eyes glint with something like worry. “Odd…” You think before averting your gaze back to the lecturing escort. “There will be lots of cameras once we arrive, so I suggest you all look your best. At least one of you has cleaned up already,” Thatcher mentions with eyes peering at you in an up-and-down motion. It’s your district partner’s turn to shift in their seat now. You merely roll your eyes and look back down to your hands.
The escort continues their lecture for a few more minutes before suggesting, “We should leave our tributes to discuss strategy with their mentors. Come with me, Mr. Odair. We have details to discuss of our own.” with that, Mags reaches out and gives a squeeze to Finnick’s hand, a small smile on her lips and in turn receiving a tight-lipped smile from the boy as he stands and leaves the dining car to follow Thatcher.
Once the two are gone, your gaze falls to Mags, who motions with a gesture of her thin hands to follow her. Your district partner and their mentor have already begun discussing in harsh whispers, leaving you to suppose there’s no room for alliance. Standing, you quietly pad after the elderly woman into a sitting room you partially recognize from yesterday.
You take places across from one another in the deep, royal blue velvet armchairs without a word. An inkling of awkwardness whispers through you, but part of you can’t help feeling calm around the mentor. Mags offers you a small but sweet smile, giving a few hand gestures you chalk up to asking how you’re doing. “Not well…I didn’t sleep…” You frown, and your mentor gives a sympathetic expression in return. She understands as she leans forward to place a hand on your knee. You manage a meek smile before continuing the conversation.
“I’m terrified, honestly…I-I don’t know the first thing about fighting. I don’t know if I could even stomach hurting, let alone kill another person… but I can’t die. I-I have to get back to my family.” Your eyes are pleading as you wring your hands together out of anxiety. “And I know hiding isn’t the best option, but it might be easier than fighting…” You continue to vent between rambling off apologies for said venting, but Mags doesn’t stop you. Your mentor sits patiently and listens. That sweet, caring expression and comfort in her eyes never leave. She knows you’re scared. She’s been a mentor for numerous years, and she’s done this every year since her victory in the 11th Hunger Games. She understands your concerns better than anyone could.
Once all your emotions and fears are laid on the table, you manage to list off your skills. Mags takes notes on everything in a small notepad she found in a side table drawer. She gives a few hand gestures to insist she’s listening as she writes in a small, curvy font.
Net weaving (hunting & gathering)
Sewing/Sail mending (could be good for stitches if necessary)
Minimal herb/Root knowledge (gathering)
Able to lift/pull/push own body weight
Nimble/good climber
Swift runner
Basic self defense combat
Knowledge of edible water-life (hunting & gathering)
Good witrh a knife
The two of you spend the next couple of hours defining uses for the skills you already have and figuring out how to amplify your strongest ones. You mostly spoke while Mags listened, but occasionally, she’d murmur a short, barely audible response. Otherwise, everything was conveyed in hand gestures or writing. You found a good technique for understanding each other. She even taught you a few hand signals of your own to utilize. You started to feel like you might have a chance of at least not dying immediately during the initial “bloodbath” in the arena.
“Thank you… for being kind to me..”
You start after a beat of quiet. Your mentor gives that sweet smile again as she moves to wrap her arms around you in a gentle but warm embrace. That feeling of safety washes through you again, and hesitantly, you return the embrace before you separate.
The sky has started to dim from bright blues to soft oranges and pinks with hints of purple. An announcement is made for the evening meal. It was quite a lovely sight, but you still preferred the sunsets you saw while sitting on the summits of rocky cliffs back on the coast of District 4. This was just another ghostly reminder of home. You let Mags lead you back to the dining car. There’s light conversation instead of silence this time. It feels nice to be able to talk with and trust someone. Even though the circumstances of your meeting were rather grim.
Thatcher gives another lecture between phlegmy coughs throughout the meal. You are uninterested in the food, opting to poke your fork around your plate. Fearing you might be sick by the familiar anxious knots twisting in your stomach the closer you got to the Capital. There were more tunnels as the train sped towards the city. You weren’t a fan of the flashing lights. During one of the longer tunnels, you find yourself shrinking back into your chair from the shadows.
“Scared of the dark?~”
Finnick drawls from across the table. His bronze waves are backlit by the flashing tunnel lights causing his pointed, too-white teeth to all but shine under the lights as his lips pull back in that stupid cocky smirk of his. Your ears burn red as the other table members turn to view the interaction. “No, I don’t like being confined,” You snap back, crossing your arms over your chest and squaring your shoulders back in your seat as light floods the car upon exiting the tunnel. “You say that, but you’re about to be trapped in an arena to fight till only one of you is left alive for the entertainment of all of Panem,” Finnick quips, cocking his head to the side as his smirk gets wider. “ Sounds pretty confining if you ask me,” You know he’s instigating. Picking a fight to see how you’ll react and if you’re all bark and no bite. The problem is, you do bite.
“At least I’m not confined to a Capital that favors pretty Peacocks for killing innocent children.” The viciousness you usually keep on a tight, tight leash lashes out and snaps. And you don’t care to try and stop it.
“I’d rather choose death than a life with blood on my hands.”
Your venom hangs heavy in the air as you glare at one another. Mags is trying to gesture and de-escalate the situation, but you place your hands flat on the table and stand, pushing your chair back.
“I think I’ve lost my appetite.”
With that, you turn and storm back to your quarters with heavy footsteps. Barely hearing Thatcher's snide comment on your “Blasphemous outburst.”
That claim was the last thing you said to the 65th Victor as you hoped you’d never see his face again.
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@emerald-09 @reader-bookling123 @finnickodaddy @thehairington86 @darlingsoulbeautifulthoughts @avoxrising @meri-soni-meri-tamanna @whens-naptime
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mrsmoonlightsblog · 2 years
Flashback from Scarlet Vermillion
Staggering feet hit the concrete ground at an irregular pace. Droplets of water fell from the eerie, murky sky. Pointy black heels clicked against the slate-grey ground; the lights dimmed. Towering trees blocked the only source of light. Silence slithered ingesting anything that moved. Lingering in the sour air, a bittersweet taste shoved itself deep in her throat.
The deteriorating wooden door slammed open. Staggering feet hit the hickory-brown floorboards at an irregular pace. Hiccups left his gassy mouth as his feet doddered up the tall staircase - missing a few steps on the way. His corrupt soul left his body: his podgy body, jerked into a room with an ajar door; frail arms, attempting to stabilise themselves against peeled, ivory walls and wobbly legs, buckling into each other. The middle-aged man's bulky mass collapsed violently on his king-sized bed.
Not far behind, her pointy black heels clicked upon the ligneous floorboards with a periodic beat in her quickening pace. Relaxed, her curvaceous body swayed up the stairs - vermillion strands brushed her shoulders. Onyx-black gloves (which had a velvety touch) skimmed the timber railing. Fastidiously, she glided through the corridor into the widely opened room. Her lime-green eyes attached themselves to the dump of flesh laying dispersed on the oyster-white, silky sheets. Her plump carmine-red lips reached her down turning eyes. Their eyes locked. "Perfect!" She smirked.
His cinnamon orbs were unfocused. Hungrier was her thirst for blood; unquenchable was her look. Her onyx-black glove concealed the reek of his whiskey-soaked breath. A silver blade gleamed between their globes. Malignancy decorated in one pair of eyes - trepidation in the other pair. "Why?" He whimpered. Her piercing sage orbs twitched. The clean yet dirty knife was impaled into his thick neck. Hauled from one side to the other, crimson liquid poured from its source meandering effortlessly. Carrying any hope of survival, it stained all it had touched with unthinkable pain. The honeyed smell of blood adorned the silky white sheets. Violently choking on his blood, the man's cinnamon eyes rolled back, losing colour. Slowly, he went moribund. This event gave her catharsis.
Audible giggles devoured the atmosphere s his body fell limp. The oudor of death settled in - hell on earth. Her emerald eyes brightened as the corners of her lips curled in approval of her masterpiece. Swaying away, her rubenesque body left the room. Her mind wandered off plotting the demise of her next victim...
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deepperplexity · 4 years
Title: Your Pain Is Valid
Request: Hi! I love how you write about Snape❤️ I don't know if requests are open but I was wondering if you could write a fic where the reader has awful period cramps and faints in the bathroom where Severus finds her and he is very worried because the reader never told him how bad the pain was so he gives her lots of cuddles. If you don't feel like writing it, don't worry❤️ p.s. sorry if there are grammatical errors but English is not my native tongue❤️ - Nonny (Anon Ask)
A/N: Thank you lovely Nonny for this request! I rather enjoyed writing this as I’ve been so ensnared with R&R lately - this was quite natural for me to write as I myself suffer from horrendous period cramps and fainting is not uncommon. *sigh on that* A topic that really should be more openly discussed; periods and period cramps that is. So again, thank you for requesting! ❤️
~This fic is split in both Your POV and Third POV for Severus!~
Setting: Spinner’s End, Mid June
Pairing: Snape x Girlfriend!Reader
ABBR.:│(y/n) - Your Name│ (y/l/n) - Your Last Name │
Word Count: 2974
Warnings: Period Pain/Blood, Fainting, Fluff, Angst, Cuddling, Swear Words
Masterlist page // Masterlist post // AO3 
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You stumbled out of bed. Sweat soaked your skin and you shivered as another sharp pain shot through you, at its strongest in your belly only to radiate outward. It felt as if someone had taken a blunt knife and stabbed you repeatedly. You groaned as you hugged your aching stomach. Why now? He doesn’t-, fuck-! You hunched over and panted as the pain shot through you once more. 
Blood ran down your leg. Menstrual blood. As you had risen it felt as if it just flowed from you, like a damn river. Along with the sticky sweat as well, you were a total mess. I can’t, can’t let him see me like this, you thought as you walked towards the bathroom on the other side of the hall; you used all your strength to stay upright and not make any sound as you could hear him downstairs. 
You had been with Severus for nearly a year but you had always timed yours and his visits when you were not on your period as the pain was so intense and you feared he would see you as weak, or a nuisance, for your - well, illness to be frank. It was out of your control yet many seemed to be under the impression you could just ignore it, or deal with it. Honestly, the number of people who had no true understanding of periods were ridiculous.  
You gritted your teeth as you tried to close the bathroom door as silently as possible. The pain stabbed your gut again and your knees nearly bent from the pain. “Fuck-” you hissed through clenched teeth. You held on to the sink with one hand and splayed the other over your stomach with hard pressure. You tried to focus on your breathing, in through the nose, hold for three seconds, out through the mouth - over and over. 
But it didn’t help. You bit your lip as tears slinked down your cheeks and dripped from your chin. You looked towards your left, your foggy view made it hard to see but your toiletry bag was there and you started to rummage through it for your painkillers. You had tried a multitude of pills, potions and brews. None had helped enough for you to function normally but the once you had now at least took the worst edge of the pain. Turned the blunt knife into a hammer that pounded rather than stabbed. It was more bearable. 
You were shaking as you heard Severus call out your name. Not now, not now, go away- you moaned in a panic in your head. “(Y/n), breakfast is ready,” Severus said with that rumbling voice of his. You knew he was still downstairs as his voice was ever so slightly raised. “Comming!” you called out with as normal a voice as you could muster. A second later the pain stabbed you again and you dropped the bottle of pills as your hands shook violently. 
They scattered all over the floor and you couldn’t see the tiny little pills that blended perfectly with the off-white tiles that made up the floor as your tears made your vision blurry. You took a shuddering breath and held back a moaning scream as the pain intensified. It felt as if you were breaking in two, were torn apart. You gripped the sink with both hands just to remain upright. 
“Not now, not now-,” you muttered under your breath as you tried to control your breathing once more as the stabbing refused to ebb away. Your skin was now soaked with sweat, it mixed with the blood that had run down your legs in two long streaks. Your feet were wet with the red liquid and you tried not to think of what a mess you might have done of the bed. Some had surely leaked out before you rose. He’s going to see, I don’t want him to- you thought and your knuckles turned white as you gripped the sink harder. 
I, can’t do this, you thought as you turned towards the door. You wanted to call for him to help you as the pain just kept rising. But you couldn’t find your voice through your clenched jaw and the throbbing that seemed to occupy every inch of your shivering body. The shirt you had borrowed from Severus was now as soaked as your skin and you feared you had stained the white material. I need, need help- 
You let go of the sink and reached for the closed and locked bathroom door. But you never made it to the handle. Your vision blurred more, a black mist came in and limited your view as you got dizzy, so very dizzy. You heard the thud of your body against the harsh floor as you were already in such pain from your cramps the hits didn’t register despite the harsh thuds you somehow knew would leave ugly bruises. Then, you were gone. 
He was pouring his coffee, black as the darkest night with a tinge of brown closest to the edge of the cup. The smell filled his hooked nose and he raised the cup to take the first sip. His movement halted mid-air as a loud thud was heard from upstairs. He froze. What on earth- but his thought was cut short as fear seared him. “(Y/n),” he breathed out and the cup crashed against the floor, the dark liquid covered it but Severus was already halfway to the stairs by then. 
He leapt up the stairs, his thoughts ran rampant at what had happened. He stopped dead in his tracks as he saw bloody footprints and drops on the floor. From the bedroom where the door stood ajar to the bathroom where the door was closed. His heart pounded and he reached for the handle as he had instantly taken the last few steps needed to reach the door. It was locked and he tugged as he called your name, his voice laced with worry. 
“Alohomora!” he shouted as he pointed his wand towards the lock and it clicked open. He pulled the door open and his heart skipped a beat as he saw you sprawled half-naked on the floor in a sweaty mess with bloody legs and feet. “(Y/n)?!” he rumbled out as he threw himself down beside your unconscious body. 
You were breathing and some of the fear eased, but the panic still held him. He reached out to wipe away a few tendrils of moist hair from your face. “(Y/n)? (Y/n), wake up,” he said. His voice low and dark, deeply rumbling but it dripped with worry. But you did not stir. You just laid there. His mind was frantic, his pulls raced and he felt, for a moment, as if the world was swallowing him. 
Severus pulled you into his embrace, he checked you all over for cuts as he searched for the source of the blood but he found none. Internal bleeding? She, she needs to go to a hospital. He thought in a panic as he scooped you up in his arms. You were heavy in your unconscious state and he held you tighter, not a care in the world regarding the sweat or the blood as it seeped into his clothes and made his hands slick. All he could focus on was getting you help as he feared the worst. 
You felt weirdly elevated and cradled. You groaned as the stabbing in your stomach recommenced. You tensed and the swaying movement that you had been in stopped. The smell of sage, peppermint and husky perfection penetrated your sense of smell. You felt safe in an instant. 
His chest vibrated as his deep rumble of a voice pronounced your name with worry. Your eyelids fluttered and a moment later you were looking up at him. Severus. Your beloved. You were in his arms. Cradled and held tightly. “Sev-Severus?” you stuttered out and his dark eyes shined with worry as he looked down at you. Oh no, no, no, no-, your mind raced as you understood he had found you in the bathroom. Fear of what he would think filled you with dread. 
But he looked more worried than anything. His harsh face ravaged by lines and streaks of the unpleasant emotion. His dark onyx eyes seemed to sway with concern. “I’m taking you to the hospital,” he stated and his voice really shook ever so slightly with the worry that was so evident in his eyes. “Don’t,” you whispered, “there is nothing, nothing they can do.” You tensed again as another stabbing sensation crawled through you with that blunt knife as its clawing paws. You moaned in pain and Severus tensed. 
“You need help,” he stated and his voice was so concerned you felt like an asshole for not warning him of your, predicament, once a month. “Severus, don’t-, they can’t, can’t-” but you were unable to finish the sentence as you gripped his shirt and pressed your legs up and in towards your stomach to quell the pain that washed over you again. It was truly horrendous. And to know, to know it would happen every month was just as horrendous. 
He held you tightly in the middle of the hallway on the upper floor. “(Y/n), what, what is the matter?” he asked and guilt washed over you at his sad tone of voice. “It’s, nothing, just-” “You’re hurting, bleeding, do not say it is nothing.” You looked up at him with tear-filled eyes as you bit your lower lip. His worry for you made your heart flutter ever so slightly despite the pain. “Period,” you said. His eyebrows raised ever so slightly and a blush crept over your cheeks. “Period?” You nodded at his questioned word. 
For a moment he was silent but then you heard how he blew out a breath and his tense arms seemed to relax ever so slightly while they still embraced you firmly. “I’m sorry,” you whispered as you tried not to scream or cry. “What in the world for?” You looked up at him and his brows were knitted together. “You, love, have nothing to apologies for. You are a woman, periods are natural. I just, are they always-” You bit your lip and curled together again as another wave of pain shot through you and he went silent as he carried you back into the bathroom. 
A crunching sound was heard as he stepped on some of the scattered pills and he stopped. “Painkillers? Really?” You nodded. “I’ve, tried everything,” you breathed out as you clung to him. Desperate for the comfort he provided. The stability, the warmth. “Not everything,” he said and you felt - yes felt - the sneer on his face as your own face was pressed against his chest. 
A few moments later you were placed gently in the tub that Severus had filled with warm water and some of the bath oils he had in the room. You hummed in the softening feel the water provided but you still had your legs tugged up and in towards you. The pain was still unbearable and you felt yourself sway as another wave crashed over you. You bit your lip and nearly snarled. 
Severus placed his sturdy hand on your back and you smiled through the tears. His comfort was more than welcome. You heard him mutter something and in the next moment, he held a yellow vial in front of you - no label. You glanced up at him and he arched a brow. You took the vial and tipped all the content into your mouth before you swallowed. Your trust in him was unwavering and wholehearted. 
It tasted like sweet orange juice with a tinge of honey. It was a quite pleasant taste. He took the empty vial and then his hands were on you again. He stroked soothing circles over your back with one and gently held you upright with the other. You swayed a little with his movements as a warmth started to spread within you. You felt a bit fuzzy actually. No, not again-! You didn’t want to pass out again, and not in front of Severus. You gripped the sides of the tub in a panic to keep yourself upright.
“Sch, it’s just the potion, just relax,” he whispered gently and his words instantly soothed you. You allowed the fuzzy feeling to take over and it felt, quite wonderful. The stabbing pain became a dull ache and you felt as if you were being lulled to sleep. “Severus,” you whispered and you heard him move as his hands left you for a moment. “Let’s get you cleaned and dried,” he said in the next and then you felt his gentle hands with rough skin wipe your legs down. The water turned a little red from your blood but he didn’t seem to mind. Even if you were thoroughly embarrassed. You couldn’t help it; it was just ingrained in you. Ingrained in society in general...
He had left you alone to insert a tampon but other than that he had been by your side constantly. He had dried you off, had done your hair, dressed you in clean pyjamas clothes that were way too big but so comfortable you felt as if you were wrapped in a cloud that smelled like Severus. As if you were bundled up in your own private heaven.
He had perched you on the couch with pillows, blankets and a warm bag of wheat over your stomach. The potion still made you feel fuzzy and kept the pain at bay. It was, without a doubt, the least amount of pain you had experienced during your period for as long as you could remember. You hummed ever so slightly and Severus came in with a plate of delicious-looking sandwiches and a cup that steam rose from. It was tea, it smelled of honey and something more acidic. 
“Thank you,” you breathed out and he smiled ever so slightly at you. A Severus smile. The best kind of smile there was in the world. He looked as you ate one of the triangle-shaped sandwiches and sipped the tea before he sat down beside you. He took your legs over his own, gently, and scooted closer so that you could still keep your knees high. He fussed with the blanket and your heart swelled at his care for you. 
“Why did you not tell me?” You looked up from the teacup that was nearly empty. He gazed into your eyes as his hand stroked your leg in a slow and gentle motion.  “I, it’s not, well, it’s not something I talk about. People tend to-” “I, am not, people,” he growled out through nearly closed lips. You smiled softly at him as you placed your cup on the table. 
“No, no you are not. I’m, sorry honey,” you said as a blush crept over your cheeks again while you gave his arm a small stroking pet to ease him. “Don’t. Just, tell me of such things. I could have helped you,” he huffed and you allowed your hand to reach up towards his cheek. “You are helping me.” He blushed ever so slightly at your touch and words. It made your heart flutter once again as the stoic man was so swayed by your affection. 
You crawled over to hug him. But he just gently grabbed you and placed you on his lap as his arms encircled you under your knees and around your shoulders. You were sat snuggly in a V and it did wonders for the dull ache that still persisted. 
“I love you,” you whispered and you hoped that he would still feel such feelings for you as well. “And I love you,” he murmured as his nose nuzzled your temple as his lips kissed your cheek. You smiled and felt a relief flood you. “I am sorry,” you said though. “What ever for?” “For-, well, my-” “Illness? That’s preposterous. It would be as if you apologized for having an allergy or suffered from lycanthropy. That is not your fault and your pain is valid. Utter nonsense to say otherwise,” he muttered as he glared at the air before him and held you tighter. 
You leaned into him as he gently rocked you while you felt wholeheartedly loved and cared for. As his soft yet firm embrace cradled you, as he made sure you were as comfortable as possible, that you had everything you needed and then some - you felt happy. Truly happy. He accepted, understood and validated something that had plagued you in so many ways for several years. 
It was somewhat shocking, yet at the same time, it was so him that you felt silly for all the excuses you had made up not to meet with him during your time of the month. Felt silly for not asking him for help, for not trusting in his love for you completely to let him see you in such a state. But now he had and he still loved you without a doubt. Took care of you and made sure you were as content as possible. 
I think I’m in heaven. The thought made you sigh and you sank deeper into his chest, his steady heartbeat paired with the potion lulled you into a deep slumber. You could escape the physical ache altogether for a while. Safely enveloped in his strong arms with a gentle smile over your lips as you felt him kiss your forehead even in your sleeping state. That was your love for each other. Endless and accepting. Understanding and caring. That he was only that man for you, well, it made it all the better in all honesty...
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Masterlist page // Masterlist post // AO3
I hope you enjoyed this, well, a bit more messy fic ^^ I am still open for requests! I am currently working on chapter 8 of Ruled & Ravaged and another request - but feel free to send in your wishes and wants in my ASK box - Nonny or not! ^^ 
Tags:  @lizlil @snapefiction​ @darkthought15​ @monstreviolet @flowerdementia​ @marvelschriss​  @morphineisouthoney​ @setsuna-meiou31​ @meteoritewolf69​ @bionic-otp​ @elizabeth-baelish​ 
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geekys-corner · 3 years
Mind listing the OCs/personas and a couple facts about them? (Might help with questions lol)
Sure! I’ve written 16 below lmao *sticks in a read more*
Anthony - Originally my version of Anti, he’s now a sweet bean who really likes plants. In his backstory and the start of his story, he was found in a tiny pocket dimension inside his old apartment while he and the place around him fell into disrepair with the only thing truly alive being his plants. After losing his entire family, he was very fragile and hurt himself quite a bit, but my other characters rescued him and nursed him back to health and stability!
Onyx - My angsty punk dude who I adore. He is on the autistic spectrum and is mostly non-verbal, once going 4 months without speaking before breaking the silence to tell his best friend that Viggo Mortenson broke his toe in that one scene in Lord of the Rings. They have a twin sister who is 13 minutes older and a firm witch while he is a firm nonbeliever. Sometimes he goes to the junkyard with a baseball bat to let out their anger.
Leon - His backstory is very dark so I won’t get into it, but he’s a very shy bean with one arm and a love for sewing. He has the fluffiest light pink hair, and is just the embodiment of pastel.
Kyle - The older brother of the duo! He’s friends with Onyx and also has a punk look with spiked blue hair, but he’s an absolute sweetheart! He’s eight years older than his brother, and ran away with him when he was a newborn to escape their abusive mother. He raised Joey on his own in the streets, escaping care systems that would split them apart and shove them in to foster homes, and grew up to be completely independent, albeit unaware of what it is like to have a loving family besides his brother. He may be quick to resort to fight or flight to protect his brother and grumpy to strangers, but he’s built them a good life!
Joseph - The little brother! Joey is a smart little kid, (ranging from 10 - 14 depending) with very bright ginger hair and freckles. He’s on the far side of the autistic spectrum and is completely nonverbal, but he’s very expressive, spunky, and loving whenever he’s able to. He adores peanut butter and milkshakes, and would very happily have them six times a day. While he can’t speak, he will send Kyle countless facts from astronomy or marine life through text at any time of day or night. He’s always seen in his blue skateboarding frog hoodie, a beetle backpack filled with his supplies, and his headphones and tablet. He loves to draw and he’s great at it, and always draws sharks, especially whale sharks.
Caelan - Another punk, but this time in bird form. He is a griffin, and in some AUs a dude with prosthetic feet. He has messy blond hair covering his eyes and is based around an Egyptian falcon. He’s very quick witted and very annoying to people who don’t know him, but would go to hell and back for his family. 
Marioma - The model of a modern major general- this dude is the only one like him, meaning he has no AU counterparts! He’s different from my other characters since he’s technically self-aware, and acts in my stories if and when I want him to! He’s a grumpy, determined dude who’s trying to quit smoking per request of his boyfriend, Arthur. Before him, he was a sly, hardened, and cunning man who needed someone to rely on who wouldn’t die on him.
Arthur - Foster fails: 5. He owns a bookstore in the universe he inhabits and, just like Mari, he’s one of a kind! He lives the ideal rainy city aesthetic, with an apartment above his store with open windows, plants, cosy blankets and homemade food, handmade clothing, and animals. He’s got curly hair and his scarf is his comfort item, and he takes in animals if and when he can. He and Mari just live a comfortable life :’)
Clyde - A duo with Anthony, he was originally a version of Henrik, but is now completely different. This boy is a classic OC and therefore my teenage angst punching bag. He’s a doctor in his husband Lucas’ mafia, and is very strong-willed and the biggest sweetheart. He has water powers that I always forget about, and could very easily drown someone if he wanted to. Besides that, he does cry a lot over small things, and Lucas has walked in on him crying over their cat in a business-tie.
Levi - If he and Clyde fused, they’d make Henrik. He’s my 55 year old doctor who just the embodiment of grumpy cat and expresso. He’s very lanky and has joint problems after trauma in his late 20s, and sometimes you can hear his bones cracking as he walks. He has, can, and will slap the sense into Clyde when he needs to and hated him to begin with, but warmed up to him. But, he’s completely different to his husband Sage, and in the end, is a very caring guy who won’t take any shit. He’s also therapist, and gives sessions to most of my OCs- (he’s also the doctor at the end of Don’t Leave! Dr Allison!)
Tyrell (Cloak) - So I split the same OC into two halves, essentially from two AUs but in one? They’re not twins, they’re the same guy with separate families but they’re the same. They’re both POC with the same face, hair texture etc. Cloak-Ty is very grumpy, and is called Cloak because of the cloak he wears in his fantasy-based AUs! He wears an eye patch and lost his eye depending on the AU, and went through a lot. You can tell he’s angsty because half of his hair is buzzed off. He tried to push away his now-husband Demitri, but luckily he’s an absolute himbo who doesn’t know when to quit, and eventually melted through the icy layer to a loving, sarcastic, hard-working man.
Tyrell (Ponytail) - Same as above description wise! He’s taller and buff with a ponytail. He went through the same backstory, but was found by Daniel who took him to Lucas’ mafia where they recovered together and eventually fell in love. Half of his face is badly burned and the eye has pin-hole vision, but it doesn’t stop him from being the best sniper on the team. When at home, he loves tea, hanging with his family, and painting. He’s amazing at watercolour and earns money on the side from selling his work! Sometimes he and Dan team up and draw together!
Wayde - He lives in the Winter Forest Region and hunts for his family with his exceptional archery skills. He’s witty and pretty spontaneous, making him good under pressure, but incredibly reckless. He has a bad claw scar across his right eye which cuts into his hair, but he can see just fine! He has beautiful green eyes with central heterochromia, so they turn brown in the centre. While he may be annoying and hot-headed, he cares a whole bunch and grows as a person to fall in love with Milo. He’s a hopeless romantic and protective as all hell, even when Milo can handle himself just fine.
Felicity - She wasn’t born in the WFR like Wayde, she was adopted by her two mothers and is Wayde’s cousin! She’s a POC with beautiful dark skin, and her parents style her hair in unique braids that are decorated by gold rings. She’s a magic user and a very skilled one at that, even when she’d just started out, and wishes to revive the old form of magic that had been taken over by the modern, corrupted magic form that’s based entirely on nepotism. She uses a staff and a book, and is clumsy to start out, but soon becomes a mage to be admired, or feared if you’re an enemy!
Milo - Unlike Felicity and Wayde, he was born in the desert region, and ends up in the WFR by mistake (which is a vast change in temperature for him). Because of the contrast in temperature, he’s always wrapped up in winter clothes, even in places where the others are sleeveless, just because he’s spent his whole life in the heat! When he’s at home, he lives with his Mother and goes out to collect lightning glass after the nightly storms to sell and turn into jewellery or windows etc. Milo was born deaf and uses sign language to communicate. He’s smart, energetic, and excited to see new things, but can handle himself with ease, and knows how to take care of himself through quick thinking and fighting skills from living in the desert. When he and Wayde start dating, he likes coming up behind him and cuddling him or giving him quick kisses!
Prism - Much like their name, they are very colourful. They are a dragon hybrid and live in a kingdom of others like them, but unlike any other dragon, their scales are - like their name - prisms. They gradient between rainbows across their body, but each scale has a rainbow shimmer when they move. Their wings are like stained glass, and their hair (as of now, it might change) is like labradorite! Prism is mute and doesn’t express much, usually communicating through eye rolls. They live as the King’s new heir after he took them in as he believes Prism is the symbol of their kingdom and species’ beauty. Because of this, they are completely untouched by any blade and don’t have a single blemish or scar as to preserve them. Many guards have died to prevent them from obtaining even the slightest scratch. Beyond their anxiety, they join the crew and act as the voice/sign of reason! Even if they are assigned to their kingdom, they soon learn that their friends truly care about them more than their appearance.
That’s most of my OCs, this is already super long so I don’t want to drag it on! If anyone is interested in any OC, feel free to drop an ask, I’d love to write one shots or answer questions! <3 ^^
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toukenramblings · 3 years
Based off of these headcanons I’ve done, a sweet anon has asked for a platonic scenario with Koga-papa~! So here I amss. Thank you so much for being so patience!
Warnings: Angst? Hurt/comfort? KOga-papa being Koga-papa. I just like the idea of Koga calling the master ‘little one’
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“Dear little one,”
The master’s body shakes at jumps at the term, eyes pouring into crow’s own. “Yes?”
“Whatever is the matter?” dainty and slender talons place the stack of papers back down on to the wooden desk, painted lips curled downwards as a drooping flower would; the father’s pain palpable whenever a child is suffering. They sit at the window of their office, the scent of spring within their nostrils – of dew and flora, of sadness and loneliness despite the gaggle of boys outside, screaming and playing and laughing.
Everything the opposite of what was within.
“It’s nothing.” The master closes the window, latching it shut with a firm click, finite and striking, echoing. “Please don’t worry about me, Kogarasumaru.”
The crow does not speak for a moment, the frown only deepening, clipped wings instead of a wilting flower. “Come.” He speaks, suddenly sitting at the couch within the room, patting at the cushions; then came a pause, talons grazing against his own lap. “Lay your head on my lap, dear little one.”
They flush and stutter, “B-But-“ “You do this all of the time for others, no? Why not let this father pamper you for a moment? It is only right.” Ruby lips speak nothing but the truth, and slowly do they follow his words.
First they sit next to him.
Second they lay their head on his lap.
Third…they still.
Wrinkles appear on their skin, from ages and ages ago, mirroring the crow’s earlier crown. But time had not been kind to either of them – both forever beings in a sense, both born of strife. If the father could take away all of the pains of his children, he would. His talons rake across the scalp of the sage, careful to not dig into skin and cause crimson to flow. The crow only hums softly, a song crafted on a bird’s wing from somewhere in sometime. He did not know.
The thrums of a hummingbird’s wing, the chirp of a nightingale, the serenade of the canary; wrapped into the raven’s beak and imparted on to the one that gave them life.
Wetness strikes the cheeks of the sage, soon staining the onyx fabric. The father does not cease, he only exists.
They all exist, but none have existed as long as he – or in a mortal form as long as their master. They all have experienced loss, but the master experienced it with a human’s heart firsthand.
They are alone.
Their dear master is alone.
Kogarasumaru did not want that to ever happen again.
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pettynam · 3 years
Dallon Wheeks
Little King Trashmouth
El Diablo
Coffee Bean
Uncle Max
Lutra Lutra
Moo Moo
Frog King
Akkoro Kamui
Kuchi Kopi
Scottjon Dansteve
Big Ben
Colonel Fluffers
Skip Marooch
Uncle Feathers
The Beaver
Dr. Ernest Hawk
Money Goose
Mr. Cow
Mr. Pinecone
Drew P. Neck
Bat Broom
Mr. Flapjack
James Van Der Beak
Rust Stain
Mr. Fishsticks
Mr. Bear
Ted Leo
King Sokwe
Bob Burger
Young Rhino
Old Civet
Yun Mibu
Pete Zaparti
Keith Moon
Ned the Elephant
Little Jimmy
Mr. Business
Wart Jr
Speedy the Snail
Boss Beaver
Toucan Dan
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save-the-spiral · 4 years
at what point are you willing to listen to my silence
HI! guess who wrote a 4K word long nolan & duncan fanfiction. Gay Banter and Emotional Confrontation, that’s all I can say.
(Read it on Ao3)
Nolan chewed at the cord of his amulet, frowning around the harsh black line pressing into his chin, the gem at the end heavy with magic. He was focused on his work, brain sluggish, at the tail end of an all-nighter spent doing his homework. While he was one of the few who genuinely enjoyed Professor Drake’s class, he had to admit that the essay lengths were ridiculous, and the obscure topics made it awful.
Nolan yawned, cord falling out of his mouth, the pendant clattering onto the table, snapping him out of his daze. He hadn’t even realized he was chewing at the cord, and he frowned down at it, before stuffing the amulet under his robe, above his t-shirt, and picked up his quill, ready to edit his work.
Instead of dipping the nib into his inkwell, he ended up toying with the quill, moving his fingers so it would wave back and forth, the plain brown owl’s feather blurring at the speed. It fell from his hand when he yawned again, stretching and rubbing at his sore wrist and hand.
In this dark corner of the library, there was no clock, just the faint ticking from the large grandfather clock by Mr. Argleston’s desk. This late at night, there was nothing else. No shuffling papers, muffled conversation, or even soft breathing. Nolan settled in at around dinner time, and he had heard only a few people come in, and they all left eventually.
Really, it was his fault after all. He had put off the essay for the week he was supposed to be working on it. But it was so infuriatingly broad, so seemingly insurmountable, that he couldn’t even find a place to start. Even with a faint idea, it wasn’t even remotely interesting. So he left it until tonight.
Nolan leaned on his arms, bright yellow sleeves muted in the dim candle light. He let his hood fall over his eyes, dark blue trim working well to allow him peace. This was supposed to be easy. He had done this same thing so many times, and had excelled so much. He just had to grab the quill, and write. There was no excuse that could translate from him just sitting here and trying for hours, ending up with nothing.
He closed his eyes, trying to organize this in his mind. Main ideas, topic sentences, theme. Just copy over the introduction and reword it for the conclusion, add in some information from the body of the essay. It’s supposed to be easy.
In the end he was in that warm nest of his arms, breathing towards his left arm so he could get fresh air between the slant of his arm and the table. It was so dark, and he was so tired. The drifting between sleep and wakefulness was simple.
Waking up to a light prod on his shoulder, however, was not as easy. With a groan, Nolan raised his head, hand already shielding his eyes from the sunlight streaming in-
With a swear, Nolan sat up straight, looking around, only to see Duncan Grimwater, Ravenwood’s resident talented necromancer, sitting across from him with a raised eyebrow. 
“Bit early for an afternoon nap, huh?” Duncan finally said.
“Early?” Nolan managed to get out, yawning and then returning to rubbing his eyes, not even fazed by his hood falling and revealing his dirty blonde hair in a bird’s nest, his undercut growing out from lack of care. 
Duncan was staring at him, face unreadable. “It’s like, one o’clock dude.” He said dryly, watching as Nolan’s eyes lit up with fear.
Nolan tensed, squeezing his eyes shut and trying to resist the urge to rip up his now useless essay. Professor Drake did not accept late work, even from his best student. Maybe especially from his best student. 
His harsh breathing filled the little alcove of bookshelves. 
“I, uh, heard that you were asleep in here.” Duncan said awkwardly. 
“So?” Nolan finally snapped out, an edge to his tone. “What do you want?” 
“Maybe I wanted to grace myself with your presence.” Duncan’s awkward pressed lips quickly twitched into a sneer. “Maybe someone decided to worry about you for probably the first time in your life.”
“Who?” Nolan asked, making a show of looking around for someone not there. If he wanted to encroach on Nolan’s sleep far past any time that would make him punctual to class, he’d have to admit to the real reason why.
“Some asshole who thought he’d try to be nice, I guess.” With that, Duncan leaned back in his chair, making a show of going on the back two legs.
“Key word ‘try’.”
“As if you’re an expert on kindness.”
“Don’t believe it exists without strings attached.” Nolan shrugged, shoulders aching in protest to sleeping slumped over on a table. 
“You don’t bring much to the table aside from being good at tests, Stormgate.” Duncan plucked one of Nolan’s quills out of its inkpot and began twirling it, regardless of the spots of ink staining the table and his fingers, his hood falling back a bit to reveal small, thin dreadlocks and an undercut.
“You don’t bring anything aside from knowing how to make Susie Gryphonbane pissed off and an obvious crush on your dead ex-professor.” Nolan snapped.
Duncan dropped the quill back on the table and let the front two legs of his chair slam on the floor. “Well then. As your fellow useless asshole wizard, I was worried about you.”
Nolan swallowed, staring at the small black onyx earrings Duncan wore so he wouldn’t have to make eye contact or acknowledge the implied question of if he was okay. “Seems like a stupid thing to do.” 
“Well, it’s obvious you don’t try it. Worrying about yourself doesn’t lead to the hot mess you are now.” Duncan smirked, still mean, but at least not going for the jugular like they had before.
“At least I’m hot for once.” 
The startled snort of laughter from Duncan made Nolan smile.
“What’s the deal, anyway?” Duncan said as his laughter died. “You’re brilliant. Spending hours perfecting an already perfect essay seems overkill, even for you. Some new kid impress Cyrus more than you?”
Nolan huffed, shoving the now crumpled and slightly drool stained essay he had slept on across the table. The few wobbly sentences were pathetic, especially in the light of day. 
“So I see I had a reason to worry at least,” Duncan read the half finished introduction before sliding the paper back. “So how long until Cyrus puts a hit on you for being a-” He cleared his throat, before starting an awful impression of the awful professor. “‘Disgrace to all beings who have ever even thought of myth magic’?” 
Nolan laughed, crumpling up the parchment and tossing it to the floor. “Don’t know when he’ll order that hit, but I hope he does it soon. The waiting’s the worst part.” 
Duncan nodded sagely. “Ah. Not your first assasination attempt via the good professor?”
“I’ve got my fake I.D.s and the summer home in Zafaria all set up for times like these.” Nolan’s seriousness was offset by his smirk, by the new light in his pale eyes.
They both shared a laugh, and Nolan began packing up his books into his bag, unwashed hair falling into his eyes as he organized the books by color, making sure to store his quills properly and cap all his inkpots.
He ran a hand through his hair, realizing that he’d have to actually take a shower again even if it was sensory hell, and glanced over to see that Duncan was still sitting there, face more expressive and open than Nolan had ever seen. This wasn’t the stormy streets of Triton Avenue, or the stuffy classrooms, where Duncan constantly picked at obvious weaknesses and strived to prove himself better. In a quiet, sunlit library alcove he was a different person.
“Still hanging around?” Nolan finally said.
“Never got any information to assuage my obviously altruistic worries.” Duncan said, staring hard in a way that made Nolan uncomfortable. 
Nolan was always uncomfortable when looking people in the eyes, though, so that was nothing new. The silence stretched on, and Nolan shifted his weight, debating how much running out of the library would be worth the trouble and inevitable temporary ban. 
“Are you okay, Stormgate?” Duncan’s voice went soft, and for a moment he might as well have been speaking some ancient language for all Nolan could comprehend it. 
Nolan felt his chest tighten, and wondered if he was going to cry. He hadn’t in months. Finally, he just shrugged, voice distant and fragile when he spoke. 
“I don’t think you want my answer to that question.” 
Duncan’s face immediately shut off, twisting into an annoyed scowl as he scooted back in his chair, the screech of the wood against wood harsh and awful to Nolan’s ears. 
Then Nolan was alone, hand gripping the strap of his bag too hard from where it pulled at his aching shoulder. He couldn’t tell where he misstepped there, and assumed it was starting the conversation in the first place. He yawned again, and stood up straight, stretching, before pulling his hood up.
Younger students walked out of his way when they crossed his path as he walked across the Commons. The dark shadows of the tunnel into Ravenwood were like a second blanket, a comfort in pavlovian, knowledge that he’d be in his safe, solitary dorm soon enough.
Then he walked out into the nice, sunlit courtyard in front of Bartleby, only to see Cyrus Drake striding out of the Myth School. The man obviously noticed him, and began walking faster.
Now was the time to run, he thought.
Turning around and racing back to the Commons was easy, deciding on a direction after that wasn’t so simple. He stumbled on the cobblestone path, then decided to go back to the library. His exhausted brain decided to treat this situation like it was life or death, so of course he made a dumb decision. 
His professor would know to look for him in the library, as easily as he’d know to look in Cyclops Lane, where his family home is. 
So, maybe that realization was what made him veer off of the path behind the waterfall of Rainbow Bridge, where everyone now knew Nightside was hidden.
Nolan knew too, of course. In theory. He knew a lot of things in theory, but found his own execution lacking. It’s the main reason why he prefered homework over quests, even if the extra credit is enough to never touch a quill again.
He had never seen the dark, dank cave with his own eyes. Or the very intimidating skull embedded into the half open door. It was his lifeline, though, so he walked quickly forward, shaking his hands to get the faint mist of water off of them. He shook his hands out more after that, letting himself stim to help with the nerves that onset him in this new environment.
Nightside was… not as scary as he thought it would be from the stories people tell. It was like a more tame version of the dark caves hiding in the other streets. There were little necromancers milling about, getting out of class. Malorn was herding them like they were a clowder of emo cats, and Marla and Penny were standing on the sidewalk, watching like one watched vaguely wild animals in a zoo. 
Then a hand was on his bicep, and Nolan was being pulled onto half wilted grass, close to the wall.
“What are you doing here?” Duncan glared at him, a real one. He wasn’t the sarcastic asshole admitting he was worried. He was back to just being an asshole.
“Drake may have forgone the hit and was approaching me with intent to kill.” Nolan said, voice monotone, not looking Duncan in the eyes, watching the crowd of necromancers as they finally lined up properly, Malorn smiling wide as he directed them all into Nightside’s own small town. Duncan pulled harder, fingers digging meanly into Nolan’s soft flesh, huffing out what a generous person might call a laugh. 
“Idiot.” Duncan muttered, loud enough so Nolan could hear it. He probably did it on purpose, there’s no point in pretending either of them are nice people. Wasn’t that the point of their library chat?
Nolan just stumbled along until they finally went into the old death school’s tower. Cobwebs populated the bookshelves more than books did, the rugs were stained and maybe moth bitten, and it smelled vaguely sweet, like someone tried to cover up a smell.
At his scrunched up nose, Duncan laughed, letting go of Nolan’s arm as they both kicked off their boots by the door. “That smell is Penny. She’s got a new pyromancer friend and is now making a lot of candles, the flowery-er the better.” 
“Not the worst hobby.” Nolan finally said, unsure how to not insult the girl, even if she wasn’t there. 
“Keeps her out of trouble.” Duncan drawled, then walked to a kitchenette. He pulled out a spotless kettle, probably the cleanest thing this building had seen in years, and began heating it up. He shrugged off his outer robe, leaving a plain grey tunic and black school slacks.
“I don’t think she could get in trouble if she tried.” Nolan was still standing by the door. 
“Don’t underestimate the lengths Marla will go to when something gets in her head.” 
“Trying so hard must be exhausting.”
“You would know, Mister I-Spent-Sixteen-Hours-In-A-Library.” 
“Says the idiot who came to see if I was okay.” 
“You still never answered my question.” Duncan turned around from his puttering around in the kitchen, and gave Nolan a Look.
“Well it’s still none of your fucking business!” Nolan found himself snapping far quicker than he typically did, voice eager to jump up and crack before slipping down into a yell that sounded far too much like an echo of his late parents’ voices.
“It isn’t?” Duncan walked closer, eyes trained on him as he pulled out two chairs at the table in the middle of the room. “What about the others?” 
Nolan snorted, leaning back against the stone wall to watch Duncan, shoulder blades resting uncomfortably against the cold stone. “What others?” 
“The other people who’ve made the unfortunate decision to give a shit about you? What, are they idiots like me? Nosy?”
 “There’s no one else.” Nolan said.
“Ceren. Malorn. Penny. Artur. Fuck, even Boris for all the time he spends on the stupid newspaper, he notices you and how you look closer and closer to a ghoul every day. I’m just the only one who isn’t afraid to call you on your bullshit. You are not okay, Nolan.” 
Nolan stared, feeling himself lean more into the wall, hoping it would open up and bury him inside the stone just so he wouldn’t have to continue this conversation. Duncan was pouring hot water into mugs, and pulling out a box of teabags, dropping them in before turning back around, eyebrows raised expectantly.
“Do you want tea or not?” 
Nolan didn’t even try opening his mouth, knowing from the sensation in his throat that he had gone nonverbal, the stress of the situation taking things out of his hands. Feeling weak and tired and ready for another six hour nap, he found himself sitting on the floor now. The stone wall continued to leech warmth away from his spine, the rug was even less comfortable than he thought.
As good a place as any to start crying.
Duncan seemed alarmed when he muttered. “Didn’t know you hated tea that much.” 
Nolan might’ve laughed if he wasn’t in the middle of a meltdown that stole his normally white-knuckled control over his body. While he was usually a puppeteer of his clumsy, uncooperative self, when it comes to this his strings, long thin nerves extending from his spine and the tips of his fingers and from every single hair on his head are all shaken, every plate of his body convergent or transform boundaries, tectonics doing nothing but continuing their work, manipulated by outside force into compliance until they shudder and subduct into volcanoes and trenches and ridges and wide, empty abyssal plains. The metaphor falls apart as he is, a slow shattering like ripping up the dotted lines on what will be a puzzle. 
The meticulous process of putting it back together is where Nolan often loses himself for days, skipping school just to sit in the home he grew up in and try to process and figure out how to be again, instead of this dissociative being where the world around him is too sped up and he feels like he exists five feet to the left of his body.
“-okay? Nolan? Nolan?!”
Heavy breathing rattled out of Nolan’s chest, and he has both hands on his head, pushing, trying to interlock his fingers into his hair so he doesn’t hit his own skull with clenched fingers, palms stiff and wrists aching. His knees push against his soft stomach, boots sliding a rug underfoot and rumpling it. 
Nolan meant to make an inquisitive sound for Duncan to hear but instead it devolved into humming and trying to fill his brain with something other than the shaky feeling of tensed muscles, as if he was a series of rubber bands and paperclips just waiting to snap and cause a mess. 
“Nolan? Oh I don’t know anything about healing, are you having a panic attack maybe? I really thought this was going to end with the tea and maybe some flirting- gosh, this is not how I thought any of this would go, I’m sorry.” 
Duncan continued to ramble, eventually sitting on the floor in front of Nolan, setting down a tray between them. 
Nolan’s breathing slowed, still ragged, his throat hoarse and face sticky from tears. His face hurt, he felt numb, empty again, a water glass overfilled by clumsy hands. Eventually he was reaching out, mind still distant from body, and awkward fingers fumbled for the handle of the blue speckled mug, wrist weak enough that he grabbed it with his other hand as well. The heat from the tea sunk deep into his chest when he brought it closer, and he closed his eyes, trying to not dwell on anything but the tea.
Duncan made a cut off sound, and when Nolan opened his eyes, Duncan’s mouth was slightly open, face twisted by confusion. “Are you… okay? There’s a couch upstairs you can crash on, Nolan.” 
Nolan just nodded, sipping the tea, now lukewarm. 
Duncan set down his own mug and leaned back on his hands, looking at Nolan like he’d never seen him before. 
“Okay then. We don’t… have to talk if you don’t wanna. But we can. Talking to you is nice, Nolan. I’d hate if-” Duncan looked to the side, flushing slightly, “If you weren’t there, y’know. You’re like the rest of us, a fixture of Ravenwood or whatever. But I’d also like to be your friend, I mean, we’d all like that.” 
Nolan watched how Duncan’s face, soft without it’s usual anger or derision, twitched into a smile. 
“We really all do care. Penny wants to know your favorite color and scent for a candle. Marla wants to study history with you to see if it’s different in the myth school. I want…” Duncan’s voice cracks with emotion, “I just want a friend, one who can keep up when I want to bitch about stuff, one who doesn’t care if I’m nice or not.”
Nolan drained the rest of his tea, gently leaving the mug on the tray, before shifting to stretch his legs out, still silent as he stood, suddenly feeling a lot less small. He still wanted to hide away from the world, wished he was back in his dorm where he controlled everything and knew every object and how to be most comfortable, but right now he would settle for the cold stone walls and the pins and needles sensation in his legs. 
He then pointed upwards and cocked his head, face blank and eyes heavy. 
Duncan got up hastily when he noticed, setting their tray onto an empty bookshelf. “The couch upstairs?”
Nolan nodded, feeling a headache pulse behind his eyes, crawling in the back of his skull. 
“I’ve got some blankets in the cupboard- feel free to head upstairs and get comfortable, it’s clean and usually just for a reading area.” Duncan crossed the room, opening a large armoire.
Nolan’s socked feet began to ache noticeably once he began ascending the stairs. He supposed at least a full day of wearing boots would do that to, and there wasn’t much else to be done. Without realizing, he trailed a hand against the stone wall, palm flat, ready to catch himself if he fell. It was instinct from climbing up the stairs to his dorm for years. 
The room at the top of the death tower was a bit dreary. Muted light from a single window gazing over the small opening street of Nightside flooded a slice of the room, leaving the door and the couch on the opposite wall in almost complete darkness. The patchy rugs and mismatched chairs were comfortable looking, and obviously lived in. Though a few of the shadowy diagrams and realistic portraits left something to be desired.
With clumsy hands, Nolan dragged his robe off, crossing the room. He tossed it on the couch, by the pillow furthest from the window. Sitting down, he sighed at how comfortable even this lumpy couch was. He was already glad he managed to get himself together enough to get off of the floor, and this was better already.
“Oh, it’s dark in here.” Duncan’s voice echoed against the stone walls. 
Nolan startled, a choked gasp leaving him. 
“Sorry! Sorry. Want me to light a candle or something? We’ve got plenty.” Duncan’s arms were full of several quilts, a slightly moth eaten comforter, and an array of strangely shaped knitted blankets.
Nolan shook his head, and stood, grabbing a few of the quilts and the comforter. A sudden sense of insecurity came from him realizing he was in simple black slacks and a white t-shirt, slightly stained with ink, but his exhaustion caught up to him.
“The knitted ones are uh- the death school’s attempt at starting a knitting circle? Please don’t tell anyone.” 
At Duncan’s almost desperate tone, Nolan managed a smirk, eyebrow raised. 
Duncan snorted. “Well. Tell whoever you want. As long as it doesn’t get traced back to me.”
Nolan shrugged, expression specifically blank just to watch Duncan’s half smile become a bit worried. It was then that Nolan began swaying on his feet trying to set up his ‘bed’, vision dimming slightly.
“Woah there. Woah-” Duncan stepped forward, tossing the knitted disasters behind him to steady Nolan. “I got you, it’s fine.” He muttered, warm breath puffing against Nolan’s cheek, more a reassurance to himself than anything else.
Nolan stood for a moment, yawning while Duncan set out the comforter as something to lie on, and guided Nolan to sit down. Nolan flopped against the pillow, murmuring.
“What was that?” Duncan said quietly, leaning in.
Nolan grumbled, half asleep, and threw a quilt over himself before turning over. “G’night, Duncan.”
Duncan’s eyes widened and he backed up. He walked quietly across the room, only allowing himself to look back when he reached the doorway.
The only visible part of Nolan was his hair, the rest a badly hidden lump of a conjurer. Soft snoring echoed slightly in the room, and Duncan found himself smiling, a hand reaching up to his mouth as he leaned against the stone wall for a moment.
“Goodnight, Nolan.” He finally said, and turned to walk downstairs, and let his new friend rest.
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mellifera38 · 6 years
Mel’s Big Fantasy Place-Name Reference
So I’ve been doing lots of D&D world-building lately and I’ve kind of been putting together lists of words to help inspire new fantasy place names. I figured I’d share. These are helpful for naming towns, regions, landforms, roads, shops, and they’re also probably useful for coming up with surnames. This is LONG. There’s plenty more under the cut including a huge list of “fantasy sounding” word-parts. Enjoy!
Towns & Kingdoms
town, borough, city, hamlet, parish, township, village, villa, domain
kingdom, empire, nation, country, county, city-state, state, province, dominion
Town Name End Words (English flavored)
-ton, -ston, -caster, -dale, -den, -field, -gate, -glen, -ham, -holm, -hurst, -bar, -boro, -by, -cross, -kirk, -meade, -moore, -ville, -wich, -bee, -burg, -cester, -don, -lea, -mer, -rose, -wall, -worth, -berg, -burgh, -chase, -ly, -lin, -mor, -mere, -pool. -port, -stead, -stow, -strath, -side, -way, -berry, -bury, -chester, -haven, -mar, -mont, -ton, -wick, -meet, -heim, -hold, -hall, -point
Buildings & Places
castle, fort, palace, fortress, garrison, lodge, estate, hold, stronghold, tower, watchtower, palace, spire, citadel, bastion, court, manor, house
altar, chapel, abbey, shrine, temple, monastery, cathedral, sanctum, crypt, catacomb, tomb
orchard, arbor, vineyard, farm, farmstead, shire, garden, ranch
plaza, district, quarter, market, courtyard, inn, stables, tavern, blacksmith, forge, mine, mill, quarry, gallows, apothecary, college, bakery, clothier, library, guild house, bath house, pleasure house, brothel, jail, prison, dungeon, cellar, basement, attic, sewer, cistern
lookout, post, tradepost, camp, outpost, hovel, hideaway, lair, nook, watch, roost, respite, retreat, hostel, holdout, redoubt, perch, refuge, haven, alcove, haunt, knell, enclave, station, caravan, exchange, conclave
port, bridge, ferry, harbor, landing, jetty, wharf, berth, footbridge, dam, beacon, lighthouse, marina, dockyard, shipyard
road, street, way, row, lane, trail, corner, crossing, gate, junction, waygate, end, wall, crossroads,  barrier, bulwark, blockade, pavilion, avenue, promenade, alley, fork, route
Time & Direction
North, South, East, West, up, down, side, rise, fall, over, under
Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn, solstice, equanox, vernal, ever, never
dusk, dawn, dawnrise, morning, night, nightfall, evening, sundown, sunbreak, sunset
lunar, solar, sun, moon, star, eclipse
Geographical Terms
Cave, cavern, cenote, precipice, crevasse, crater, maar, chasm, ravine, trench, rift, pit
Cliff, bluff, crag, scarp, outcrop, stack, tor, falls, run, eyrie, aerie
Hill, mountain, volcano, knoll, hillock, downs, barrow, plateau, mesa, butte, pike, peak, mount, summit, horn, knob, pass, ridge, terrace, gap, point, rise, rim, range, view, vista, canyon, hogback, ledge, stair, descent
Valley, gulch, gully, vale, dale, dell, glen, hollow, grotto, gorge, bottoms, basin, knoll, combe
Meadow, grassland, field, pasture, steppe, veld, sward, lea, mead, fell, moor, moorland, heath, croft, paddock, boondock, prairie, acre, strath, heights, mount, belt
Woodlands, woods, forest, bush, bower, arbor, grove, weald, timberland, thicket, bosk, copse, coppice, underbrush, hinterland, park, jungle, rainforest, wilds, frontier, outskirts
Desert, dunes, playa, arroyo, chaparral, karst, salt flats, salt pan, oasis, spring, seep, tar pit, hot springs, fissure, steam vent, geyser, waste, wasteland, badland, brushland, dustbowl, scrubland
Ocean, sea, lake, pond, spring, tarn, mere, sluice, pool, coast, gulf, bay
Lagoon, cay, key, reef, atoll, shoal, tideland, tide flat, swale, cove, sandspit, strand, beach
Snowdrift, snowbank, permafrost, floe, hoar, rime, tundra, fjord, glacier, iceberg
River, stream, creek, brook, tributary, watersmeet, headwater, ford, levee, delta, estuary, firth, strait, narrows, channel, eddy, inlet, rapids, mouth, falls
Wetland, marsh, bog, fen, moor, bayou, glade, swamp, banks, span, wash, march, shallows, mire, morass, quag, quagmire, everglade, slough, lowland, sump, reach
Island, isle, peninsula, isthmus, bight, headland, promontory, cape, pointe, cape
More under the cut including: Color words, Animal/Monster related words, Rocks/Metals/Gems list, Foliage, People groups/types, Weather/Environment/ Elemental words, Man-made Items, Body Parts, Mechanical sounding words, a huge list of both pleasant and unpleasant Atmospheric Descriptors, and a huge list of Fantasy Word-parts.
Color Descriptions
Warm: red, scarlet, crimson, rusty, cerise, carmine, cinnabar, orange, vermillion, ochre, peach, salmon, saffron, yellow, gold, lemon, amber, pink, magenta, maroon, brown, sepia, burgundy, beige, tan, fuchsia, taupe
Cool: green, beryl, jade, evergreen, chartreuse, olive, viridian, celadon, blue, azure, navy, cerulean, turquoise, teal, cyan, cobalt, periwinkle, beryl, purple, violet, indigo, mauve, plum
Neutral: gray, silver, ashy, charcoal, slate, white, pearly, alabaster, ivory, black, ebony, jet
dark, dusky, pale, bleached, blotchy, bold, dappled, lustrous, faded, drab, milky, mottled, opaque, pastel, stained, subtle, ruddy, waxen, tinted, tinged, painted
Animal / Monster-Related Words
Bear, eagle, wolf, serpent, hawk, horse, goat, sheep, bull, raven, crow, dog, stag, rat, boar, lion, hare, owl, crane, goose, swan, otter, frog, toad, moth, bee, wasp, beetle, spider, slug, snail, leech, dragonfly, fish, trout, salmon, bass, crab, shell, dolphin, whale, eel, cod, haddock
Dragon, goblin, giant, wyvern, ghast, siren, lich, hag, ogre, wyrm, kraken
Talon, scale, tusk, hoof, mane, horn, fur, feather, fang, wing, whisker, bristle, paw, tail, beak, claw, web, quill, paw, maw, pelt, haunch, gill, fin,
Hive, honey, nest, burrow, den, hole, wallow
Rocks / Metals / Minerals
Gold, silver, brass, bronze, copper, platinum, iron, steel, tin, mithril, electrum, adamantite, quicksilver, fool’s gold, titanium
Diamond, ruby, emerald, sapphire, topaz, opal, pearl, jade, jasper, onyx, citrine, aquamarine, turquoise, lapiz lazuli, amethyst, quartz, crystal, amber, jewel
Granite, shale, marble, limestone, sandstone, slate, diorite, basalt, rhyolite, obsidian, glass
Earth, stone, clay, sand, silt, salt, mote, lode, vein, ore, ingot, coal, boulder, bedrock, crust, rubble, pebble, gravel, cobble, dust, clod, peat, muck mud, slip, loam, dirt, grit, scree, shard, flint, stalactite/mite
Trees / Plants / Flowers
Tree, ash, aspen, pine, birch, alder, willow, dogwood, oak, maple, walnut,  chestnut, cedar, mahogany, palm, beech, hickory, hemlock, cottonwood, hawthorn, sycamore, poplar, cypress, mangrove, elm, fir, spruce, yew
Branch, bough, bramble, gnarl, burr, tangle, thistle, briar, thorn, moss, bark, shrub, undergrowth, overgrowth, root, vine, bracken, reed, driftwood, coral, fern, berry, bamboo, nectar, petal, leaf, seed, clover, grass, grain, trunk, twig, canopy, cactus, weed, mushroom, fungus
Apple, olive, apricot, elderberry, coconut, sugar, rice, wheat, cotton, flax, barley, hops, onion, carrot, turnip, cabbage, squash, pumpkin, pepper
Flower, rose, lavender, lilac, jasmine, jonquil, marigold, carnelian, carnation, goldenrod, sage, wisteria, dahlia, nightshade, lily, daisy, daffodil, columbine, amaranth, crocus, buttercup, foxglove, iris, holly, hydrangea, orchid, snowdrop, hyacinth, tulip, yarrow, magnolia, honeysuckle, belladonna, lily pad, magnolia
Settler, Pilgrim, Pioneer, Merchant, Prospector, Maker, Surveyor, Mason, Overseer, Apprentice, Widow, Sailor, Miner, Blacksmith, Butcher, Baker, Brewer, Barkeep, Ferryman, Hangman, Gambler, Fisherman, Adventurer, Hero, Seeker, Hiker, Traveler, Crone
Mage, Magician, Summoner, Sorcerer, Wizard, Conjurer, Necromancer, 
King, Queen, Lord, Count, Baron, Guard, Soldier, Knight, Vindicator, Merchant, Crusader, Imperator, Syndicate, Vanguard, Champion, Warden, Victor, Legionnaire, Master, Archer, Footman, Gladiator, Barbarian, Captain, Commodore, 
Beggar, Hunter, Ranger, Deadman, Smuggler, Robber, Swindler, Rebel, Bootlegger, Outlaw, Pirate, Brigand, Ruffian, Highwayman, Cutpurse, Thief, Assassin
God, Goddess, Exarch, Angel, Devil, Demon, Cultist, Prophet, Hermit, Seer
council, clergy, guild, militia, choir 
Climate, Environment, & The Elements
Cold, cool, brisk, frosty, chilly, icy, freezing, frozen, frigid, glacial, bitter, biting, bleak, arctic, polar, boreal, wintry, snowy, snow, blizzarding, blizzard, sleeting, sleet, chill, frost, ice, icebound, ice cap, floe, snowblind, frostbite, coldsnap, avalanche, snowflake
Hot, sunny, humid, sweltering, steaming, boiling, sizzling, blistering, scalding, smoking, caldescent, dry, parched, arid, fallow, thirsty, melting, molten, fiery, blazing, burning, charring, glowing, searing, scorching, blasted, sun, fire, heat, flame, wildfire, bonfire, inferno, coal, ash, cinder, ember, flare, pyre, tinder, kindling, aflame, alight, ablaze, lava, magma, slag,
Wet, damp, dank, soggy, sodden, soaked, drenched, dripping, sopping, briny, murky, rain, storm, hail, drizzle, sprinkle, downpour, deluge, squall, water, cloud, fog, mist, dew, puddle, pool, current, whirlpool, deep, depths, tide, waves, whitewater, waterfall, tidal wave, flow, flood, leak, drain
Wind, breeze, gust, billow, gail, draft, waft, zephyr, still, airy, clear, smokey, tempest, tempestuous, windswept, aerial, lofty, torrid, turbulent, nebulous, tradewind, thunder, lightning, spark, cyclone, tornado, whirlwind, hurricane, typhoon
Man-made Item Words
Furnace, forge, anvil, vault, strap, strip, whetstone, brick, sword, blade, axe, dagger, shield, buckler, morningstar, bow, quiver, arrow, polearm, flail, staff, stave, sheath, hilt, hammer, knife, helm, mantle, banner, pauldron, chainmail, mace, dart, cutlass, canon, needle, cowl, belt,  buckle, bandana, goggles, hood, boot, heel, spindle, spool, thread, sweater, skirt, bonnet, apron, leather, hide, plate, tunic, vest, satin, silk, wool, velvet, lace, corset, stocking, binding
Plow, scythe, (wheel) barrow, saddle, harrow, brand, collar, whip, leash, lead, bridle, stirrup, wheel, straw, stall, barn, hay, bale, pitchfork, well, log, saw, lumber, sod, thatch, mortar, brick, cement, concrete, pitch, pillar, window, fountain, door, cage, spoke, pole, table, bench, plank, board
Candle, torch, cradle, broom, lamp, lantern, clock, bell, lock, hook, trunk, looking glass, spyglass, bottle, vase, locket, locker, key, handle, rope, knot, sack, pocket, pouch, manacle, chain, stake, coffin, fan. cauldron, kettle, pot, bowl, pestle, oven, ladle, spoon, font, wand, potion, elixir, draught, portal, book, tome, scroll, word, manuscript, letter, message, grimoire, map, ink, quill, pen, cards, dice
Coin, coronet, crown, circlet, scepter, treasure, riches, scales, pie, tart, loaf, biscuit, custard, caramel, pudding, porridge, stew, bread, tea, gravy, gristle, spice, lute, lyre, harp, drum, rouge, powder, perfume, brush
bilge, stern, pier, sail, anchor, mast, dock, deck, flag, ship, boat, canoe, barge, wagon, sled, carriage, buggy, cart
Wine, brandy, whiskey, ale, moonshine, gin, cider, rum, grog, beer, brew, goblet, flagon, flask, cask, tankard, stein, mug, barrel, stock, wort, malt
Body Parts
Head, throat, finger, foot, hand, neck, shoulder, rib, jaw, eye, lips, bosom
Skull, spine, bone, tooth, heart, blood, tears, gut, beard
Mechanical-Sounding Words
cog, fuse, sprocket, wrench, screw, nail, bolt, lever, pulley, spanner, gear, spring, shaft, switch, button, cast, pipe, plug, dial, meter, nozzle, cord, brake, gauge, coil, oil, signal, wire, fluke, staple, clamp, bolt, nut, bulb, patch, pump, cable, socket
torque, force, sonic, spark, fizzle, thermal, beam, laser, steam, buzz, mega, mecha, electro, telsa, power, flicker, charge, current, flow, tinker
Atmospheric Words
Unpleasant, Dangerous, Threatening
(nouns) death, fury, battle, scar, shadow, razor, nightmare, wrath, bone, splinter, peril, war, riptide, strife, reckoning, sorrow, terror, deadwood, nether, venom, grime, rage, void, conquest, pain, folly, revenge, horrid, mirk, shear, fathom, frenzy, corpselight/marshlight, reaper, gloom, doom, torment, torture, spite, grizzled, sludge, refuse, spore, carrion, fear, pyre, funeral, shade, beast, witch, grip, legion, downfall, ruin, plague, woe, bane, horde, acid, fell, grief, corpse, mildew, mold, miter, dirge
(adjectives) dead, jagged, decrepit, fallen, darkened, blackened, dire, grim, feral, wild, broken, desolate, mad, lost, under, stagnant, blistered, derelict, forlorn, unbound, sunken, fallow, shriveled, wayward, bleak, low, weathered, fungal, last, brittle, sleepy, -strewn, dusky, deserted, empty, barren, vacant, forsaken, bare, bereft, stranded, solitary, abandoned, discarded, forgotten, deep, abysmal, bottomless, buried, fathomless,unfathomable, diseased, plagued, virulent, noxious, venomous, toxic, fetid, revolting, putrid, rancid, foul, squalid, sullied, vile, blighted, vicious, ferocious, dangerous, savage, cavernous, vast, yawning, chasmal, echoing, dim, dingy, gloomy, inky, lurid, shaded, shadowy, somber, sunless, tenebrous, unlit, veiled, hellish, accursed, sulfurous, damned, infernal, condemned, doomed, wicked, sinister, dread, unending, spectral, ghostly, haunted, eldritch, unknown, weary, silent, hungry, cloven, acidic
(verb/adverbs): wither (withering / withered), skulk (skulking), whisper, skitter, chitter, sting, slither, writhe, gape, screech, scream, howl, lurk, roil, twist, shift, swarm, spawn, fester, bleed, howl, shudder, shrivel, devour, swirl, maul, trip, smother, weep, shatter, ruin, curse, ravage, hush, rot, drown, sunder, blister, warp, fracture, die, shroud, fall, surge, shiver, roar, thunder, smolder, break, silt, slide, lash, mourn, crush, wail, decay, crumble, erode, decline, reek, lament, taint, corrupt, defile, poison, infect, shun, sigh, sever, crawl, starve, grind, cut, wound, bruise, maim, stab, bludgeon, rust, mutilate, tremble, stumble, fumble, clank, clang
Pleasant, Safe, Neutral
(nouns) spirit, luck, soul, oracle, song, sky, smile, rune, obelisk, cloud, timber, valor, triumph, rest, dream, thrall, might, valiance, glory, mirror, life, hope, oath, serenity, sojourn, god, hearth, crown, throne, crest, guard, rise, ascent, circle, ring, twin, vigil, breath, new, whistle, grasp, snap, fringe, threshold, arch, cleft, bend, home, fruit, wilds, echo, moonlight, sunlight, starlight, splendor, vigilance, honor, memory, fortune, aurora, paradise, caress
(adjectives) gentle, pleasant, prosperous, peaceful, sweet, good, great, mild, grand, topic, lush, wild, abundant, verdant, sylvan, vital, florid, bosky, callow, verdurous, lucious, fertile, spellbound, captivating, mystical, hidden, arcane, clandestine, esoteric, covert, cryptic, runic, otherworldly, touched, still, fair, deep, quiet, bright, sheer, tranquil, ancient, light, far, -wrought, tidal, royal, shaded, swift, true, free, high, vibrant, pure, argent, hibernal, ascendant, halcyon, silken, bountiful, gilded, colossal, massive, stout, elder, -bourne, furrowed, happy, merry, -bound, loud, lit, silk, quiet, bright, luminous, shining, burnished, glossy, brilliant, lambent, lucent, lustrous, radiant, resplendent, vivid, vibrant, illuminated, silvery, limpid, sunlit, divine, sacred, holy, eternal, celestial, spiritual, almighty, anointed, consecrated, exalted, hallowed, sanctified, ambrosial, beatific, blissful, demure, naked, bare, ample, coy,  deific, godly, omnipotent, omnipresent, rapturous, sacramental, sacrosanct, blessed, majestic, iridescent, glowing, overgrown, dense, hard, timeless, sly, scatter, everlasting, full, half, first, last
(verb/adverbs) arch (arching / arched), wink (winking), sing, nestle, graze, stroll, roll, flourish, bloom, bud, burgeon, live, dawn, hide, dawn, run, pray, wake, laugh, wake, glimmer, glitter, drift, sleep, tumble, bind, arch, blush, grin, glister, beam, meander, wind, widen, charm, bewitch, enthrall, entrance, enchant, allure, beguile, glitter, shimmer, sparkle twinkle, crest, quiver, slumber, herald, shelter, leap, click, climb, scuttle, dig, barter, chant, hum, chime, kiss, flirt, tempt, tease, play, seduce
Generic “Fantasy-Sounding” Word Parts
A - D
aaz, ada, adaer, adal, adar, adbar, adir, ae, ael, aer, aern, aeron, aeryeon, agar, agis, aglar, agron, ahar, akan, akyl, al, alam, alan, alaor, ald, alea, ali, alir, allyn, alm, alon, alor, altar, altum, aluar, alys, amar, amaz, ame, ammen, amir, amol, amn, amus, anar, andor, ang, ankh, ar, ara, aram, arc, arg, arian, arkh, arla, arlith, arn, arond, arthus, arum, arvien, ary, asha, ashyr, ask, assur, aster, astra, ath, athor, athra, athryn, atol, au, auga, aum, auroch, aven, az, azar, baal, bae, bael, bak, bal, balor, ban, bar, bara, barr, batol, batar, basir, basha, batyr, bel, belph, belu, ben, beo, bere, berren, berun, besil, bezan, bhaer, bhal, blask, blis, blod, bor, boraz, bos, bran, brath, braun, breon, bri, bry, bul, bur, byl, caer, cal, calan, cara, cassa, cath, cela, cen, cenar, cerul, chalar, cham, chion, cimar, clo, coram, corel, corman, crim, crom, daar, dach, dae, dago, dagol, dahar, dala, dalar, dalin, dam, danas, daneth, dannar, dar, darian,  darath, darm, darma, darro, das, dasa, dasha, dath, del, delia, delimm, dellyn, delmar, delo, den, dess, dever, dhaer, dhas, dhaz, dhed, dhin, din, dine, diar, dien, div, djer, dlyn, dol, dolan, doon, dora, doril, doun, dral, dranor, drasil, dren, drian, drien, drin, drov, druar, drud, duald, duatha, duir, dul, dulth, dun, durth, dyra, dyver,
E - H
ea, eber, eden, edluk, egan, eiel, eilean, ejen, elath, eld, eldor, eldra, elith emar, ellesar, eltar, eltaran, elth, eltur, elyth, emen, empra, emril, emvor, ena, endra, enthor, erad, erai, ere, eriel, erith, erl, eron, erre, eryn, esk, esmel, espar, estria, eta, ethel, eval, ezro, ezan, ezune, ezil, fael, faelar, faern, falk, falak, farak, faril, farla, fel, fen, fenris, fer, fet, fin, finar, forel, folgun, ful, fulk, fur, fyra, fallon, gael, gach, gabir, gadath, gal, galar, gana, gar, garth, garon, garok, garne, gath, geir, gelden, geren,  geron, ghal, ghallar, ghast, ghel, ghom, ghon, gith, glae, glander, glar, glym, gol, goll, gollo, goloth, gorot, gost, goth, graeve, gran, grimm, grist, grom, grosh, grun, grym, gual, guil, guir, gulth, gulur, gur, gurnth, gwaer, haa, hael, haer, hadar, hadel, hakla, hala, hald, halana, halid, hallar, halon, halrua, halus, halvan, hamar, hanar, hanyl, haor, hara, haren, haresk, harmun, harrokh, harrow, haspur, haza, hazuth, heber,  hela, helve, hem, hen, herath, hesper, heth, hethar, hind, hisari, hjaa, hlath, hlond, hluth, hoarth, holtar, horo, hotun, hrag, hrakh, hroth, hull, hyak, hyrza
I - M
iibra, ilth, ilus, ilira, iman, imar, imas, imb, imir, immer, immil, imne, impil, ingdal, innar, ir, iriae, iril, irith, irk, irul, isha, istis, isil, itala, ith, ithal, itka, jada, jae, jaeda, jahaka, jala, jarra, jaro, jath, jenda, jhaamm, jhothm, jinn, jinth, jyn, kado, kah, kal, kalif, kam, kana, kara, karg, kars, karth, kasp, katla, kaul, kazar, kazr, kela, kelem, kerym, keth, keva, kez, kezan, khaer, khal, khama, khaz, khara, khed, khel, khol, khur, kil, kor, korvan, koll, kos, kir, kra, kul, kulda, kund, kyne, lae, laen, lag, lan, lann, lanar, lantar, lapal, lar, laran, lareth, lark, lath, lauth, lav, lavur, lazar, leih, leshyr, leth, lhaza, lhuven, liad, liam, liard, lim, lin, lirn, lisk, listra, lith, liya, llair, llor, lok, lolth, loran, lorkh, lorn, loth, lothen, luen, luir, luk, lund, lur, luth, lyndus, lyra, lyth, maal, madrasm maera, maer, maerim, maes, mag, magra, mahand, mal, malar, mald, maldo, mar, mara, mark, marl, maru, maruk, meir, melish, memnon, mer, metar, methi, mhil, mina, mir, miram, mirk, mista, mith, moander, mok, modir, modan, mon, monn, mor, more, morel, moril, morn, moro, morrow, morth, mort, morum, morven, muar, mul, mydra, myr, myra, myst
N - S
naar, nadyra, naedyr, naga, najar, nal, naal, nalir, nar, naruk, narbond, narlith, narzul, nasaq, nashkel, natar, nath, natha, neir, neth, nether, nhall, nikh, nil, nilith, noan, nolvurm nonthal, norda, noro, novul, nul, nur, nus, nyan, nyth, ober, odra, oghr, okoth, olleth, olodel, omgar, ondath, onthril, ordul, orish, oroch, orgra, orlim, ormath, ornar, orntath, oroch, orth, orva, oryn, orzo, ostel, ostor, ostrav, othea, ovar, ozod, ozul, palan, palad, pae, peldan, pern, perris, perim, pele, pen, phail, phanda, phara, phen, phendra, pila, pinn, pora, puril, pur, pyra, qadim, quar, quel, ques, quil, raah, rael, ran, ranna, rassil, rak, rald, rassa, reddan, reith, relur, ren, rendril, resil, reska, reth, reven, revar, rhy, rhynn, ria, rian, rin, ris, rissian, rona, roch, rorn, rora, rotha, rual, ruar, ruhal, ruil, ruk, runn, rusk, ryn, saa, saar, saal, sabal, samar, samrin, sankh, sar, sarg, sarguth, sarin, sarlan, sel, seld, sember, semkh, sen, sendrin, septa, senta, seros, shaar, shad, shadra, shae, shaen, shaera, shak, shalan, sham, shamath, shan, shana, sharan, shayl, shemar, shere, shor, shul, shyll, shyr, sidur, sil, silvan, sim, sintar, sirem, skar, skell, skur, skyr, sokol, solan, sola, somra, sor, ssin, stel, strill, suldan, sulk, sunda, sur, surkh, suth, syl, sylph, sylune, syndra, syth
T - Z
taak, taar, taer, tah, tak, tala, talag, talar, talas, talath, tammar, tanar, tanil, tar, tara, taran, tarl, tarn, tasha, tath, tavil, telar, teld, telf, telos, tempe, tethy, tezir, thaar, thaer, thal, thalag, thalas, thalan, thalar, thamor, thander, thangol, thar, thay, thazal, theer, theim, thelon, thera, thendi, theril, thiir, thil, thild, thimir, thommar, thon, thoon, thor, thran, thrann, threl, thril, thrul, thryn, thuk, thultan, thume, thun, thy, thyn, thyr, tir, tiras, tirum, tohre, tol, tolar, tolir,  tolzrin, tor, tormel, tormir, traal, triel, trith, tsath, tsur, tul, tur, turiver, turth, tymor, tyr, uder, udar, ugoth, uhr, ukh, ukir, uker, usten, ulgarth, ulgoth, ultir, ulur, umar, umath, umber, unara, undro, undu, untha, upir, ur, ursa, ursol, uron, uth, uthen, uz, van, vaar, vaelan, vaer, vaern, val valan, valash, vali, valt, vandan, vanede, vanrak, var, varyth, vassa, vastar, vaunt, vay, vel, velar, velen, velius, vell, velta, ven, veren, vern, vesper, vilar, vilhon, vintor, vir, vira, virdin, volo, volun, von, voon, vor, voro, vos, vosir, vosal, vund, war, wara, whel, wol, wynn, wyr, wyrm, xer, xul, xen, xian, yad, yag, yal, yar, yath, yeon, yhal, yir, yirar, yuir, yul, yur, zail, zala, zalhar, zan, zanda, zar, zalar, zarach, zaru, zash, zashu, zemur, zhent, zim, ziram, zindala, zindar, zoun, zul, zurr, zuth, zuu, zym
A lot of places are named after historical events, battles, and people, so keep that in mind. God/Goddess names tied to your world also work well. Places are also often named after things that the area is known for, like Georgia being known for its peaches.
My brain was fried by the end of this so feel free to add more!
I hope you find this reference helpful and good luck world-building!
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barberwitch · 7 years
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Barberwitch’s 13 Years of Witchcraft Giveaway
I’d like to thank yall who follow me, and what better way than to have a giveaway? I’ve hit 2000+ followers and today is my 13th anniversary of being a witch. So good luck, and I hope yall enjoy my witchy giveaway!
What you get:
Hand bound snake skin fabric grimiore - blank (110 pages, 8″X5″ pages)
13 moon water (brought out every full moon for the past 13, including 2016′s super moon)
Eclipse New Moon Salt
Dried Datura bloom in a vial
Ouija Planchetter Lapel pin with Garnet
Ebony stained Coffin box
Eclipse rolled beeswax candle, charged in new moon and full moon with garnet and onyx chips
Partially tumbled Labradorite stone
Pyrite stone
Citrine stone
Tumbled Jet stone
Crow Candle
White candle
Mini Molcajete/mortar and pestle
Wild White Sage, ethically harvested by yours truly
13 Nails Protection spell bottle
Goose feather, because I can
Monarch Butterfly (Real, and ethically collected)**
Skeleton Vanilla Marshmallows, for when you want cocoa in the dead of winter.
Additional surprises because I can’t help myself, not pictured**
You must be 16+ with parent’s permission if under 18
You must be following me! It’s for my followers right?
Do not tag as “Giveaway”
Each Reblog counts as an entry, same with likes
No Spam blogs, Porn Blogs, or Giveaway blogs
If following from another blog/side blog, add it to the tags
Reblog as much as you want, but don’t terrorize your followers
Giveaway ends December 15th at midnight
Winner will be messaged and has 24 hours to respond, or another winner will be drawn.
This giveaway is open to US residents, but, if you live outside the US, I will cover first $14 of shipping, so if you win, you agree to pay the difference.
Thank you all for participating, and respecting my rules, cheers!
**If you do not want the monarch butterfly, winner may choose from list of herbs I will send them. Additional items possibly added will be things like incense, herbs, original spell book/zine, original oil blends, tea blends, belladonna salve etc.
This giveaway is in no way affiliated with Tumblr, it is a personal giveaway of my own making. By reblogging/liking you are agreeing to above listed rules, and agree that I am not responsible for anything that you do with these items. 
4K notes · View notes
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Odysseus riding Christanine: The original is gifted to my grandmother, who has always loved horses dearly.
26. The Haunting Acre (chapter 2 - Ye Has ov Blu 2/5) part 7. Stories of Magic Forests
  The kettle was old iron, that did not sing. The bubbling of the water was soothing, making Odysseus was entranced while peering in from the top. It looked fake, yet he knew it was real. Like a grainy old video, or ring of tinnitus. He poured it over the tea, and the half-steeped tea into ceramic cups. The steam was not warm, the object in his hand curiously strange. The only real thing Odysseus felt, and heard, was his breathing. Even Icthya seemed to fair to be of this world.
“Who lit the fire?” Icthya whispered. Her quiet tone almost a yell in such a vacant room. She had drifted into the kitchen, drawn to its warmth within the fridge house.
“It was lit when I came here. It boiled the kettle,” Odysseus murmured, staring into his glossy tea, which almost starred back. “Icthya, I think it’s burning, but the flame’s not really there.”
“No, Oddie. I’m pretty sure the fire is real.” Icthya said, looking into it. Icthya drank her tea; It tasted like nothing. She wondered if she liked tea. They sat in perfect silence. The only light coming from the stove’s hearth; Reflecting on the olive tiled walls. All the wood and stone fixtures were an eternal onyx, but the curtains and dishes where of golden ochre.
 After tea, Odysseus clung to his candle and his ruby clover coat. He adorned himself in rich deep clothing, from when Anglia was young. Yet, he still felt bare. Odysseus found them in a black trunk; Old, but brand new. The cold air, now felt of nothing. The abyss of the ceiling, above emerald stained wooden walls, curiously holding pictures. Odysseus’s steps were silent. It was like an unoccupied gallery, where one shouldn’t be.
The paintings were of kings of old. One of teal and sun, pink and clover, and another of sage and fruit. Also, a tapestry of five knights: One of white, red, green, yellow, and lastly one of blue. Odysseus had forgotten his reasoning for wandering the narrow hall. He held his candle, and vacantly stood at each portrait. Odysseus had seen these painting before. At the museum. He wanted to revisit them, as he remembered liking them; But now before them, he felt something small he can’t explain. The husk of what may have once been awe, for each brush stroke and bright colour. Hoping to feel that suffocation again, he stood there for what he assumed was eternity, before looking to his side. Deciding weather, he should keep looking at the piece, turn back to another painting, or go on his way. But the door to the yard was curiously ajar. The large stead of white and black stood calmly in the verdant soaked pasture. Odysseus felt his heart race: ‘Where is my wife?’  He feared.
 Icthya walked into what she once called the common room. She thought it was pink, and full of old homestead furniture. But this room was tall, dusty and dim. Its walls faded powder blue, and furniture fancy, laced, brocade and pearled. Paintings hung, and a chandelier chiming above. Trims of gold, and tall windows providing grey light. There was a cradle, a table set for tea, and a wardrobe full of fine frocks. This room had a feeling different from the others. It felt like curiosity. Like the faded memory of comfort, laughter and joy. Icthya saw her husband, standing beside a hidden door. He looked into a mosaic of frames, in a trance. She joined him. Odysseus starred into a painting of a rodeo ring; A boy sat on a bull, ready to buck once free. He could hear the announcements, crowd, and his father’s voice. He could feel heat, smell leather, and fear. Odysseus somehow remembered it faintly, but had doubt if it ever happened.
“I think that’s me. Father made me cling to a bull, to prove I’d prefer throwing goats and ride magic horses, over learning swords and scrolls.” Odysseus pointed. He held his hand out, but not so close as to set off an alarm, he thought might be there.
“Look at this one. It’s a girl with her brother, in their father’s garden. I feel I should know it, as it’s so clear. Are these photos, memories, or painting you suppose?” Icthya asked. She shivered, and leant against her husband. Icthya welcoming his comforting scent of bergamot and straw.
 Icthya found within the blue wardrobe, a dress of grass green. Of shinny satin, dazzling gold trim, proper shift, stays, and coats. She sat in the silence, and twisted her hair back in place. Held it with a broach that was a golden phoenix clutching green amber. Icthya powdered her face, for a reason she did not know, and looked in the mirror, and slowly exhaled. No matter the outfit or mirror, Icthya failed to recognize herself here.
Icthya slowly walked down the front path. A well in the middle of the courtyard, as hedged by roses she remembered. She bred them special, and lovingly planted them. The dew of each pink petal, brought the main yard to sparkling life; Of which only Icthya could see. That’s right, I planted these; I used to garden. I like to garden just as my father, she thought. As Icthya nearly felt her hands as her own, the black stone well caught her attention. It echoed of a noise she didn’t know.
 Odysseus had wandered out the back doors. The cabin was smaller from the outside, but the ranch seemed bigger than he recalled. He still couldn’t see past the fog, which shrouded beyond the stables. He walked slowly to the horse, in air as quiet and sweet as autumn’s dawn. No birds, nor people, just the slosh of his boots as he cautiously stepped towards the stead, that also seemed not of the world. Odysseus wine clover coat, was getting muddy at the hem. The rich red, making him a beacon against the plush outdoors.
“Hello?” Odysseus whispered, as he stroked the withers of the magnificent Shire. It was in full royal tack, and nudged Odysseus softly. The smell and breath of the equine, was one of Odysseus’s joys in life. But he didn’t feel joy, he felt confused.
“Hala, min Odysseus.” The horse spoke. “Ye rod her wið me frind, yet yɛ’ won wið þe myst.”
“Oh. Cristanine.” Odysseus said, recalling this fey. “You’re the magic stead I always wanted, and found on my journey to hug my son; A wild war horse. You feel like the only living thing for miles. Not even the chickadees chime. Yet, you are only of magic. I feel a lot of magic here. Am I in an enchanted sleep? May I ride you to the boarders of the fog, to see where I stand?” Odysseus asked. Crista nodded, and Odysseus climbed into the western saddle. The gentle rock of each of Cristanine’s steps soothed his bones; From atop this mythical beast, Odysseus could see for miles. But he saw nothing. No matter the distance they tread, or surrounding forest they wandered, Crista was unable to leave the heavy fog.
“You are fey, and know of spells; Why can’t we leave? What enchantment is on my precious inheritance? Why are we in another time?”
“Anoþer tym, we be nat. þe ham be restored, but þis kwiet is yorse.” Christa responded. He continued to heavily clomp down the bluff, back to the barns. At his doorstep, Odysseus saw his wife. Ichtya looked bewitched in joy at the withered gardens, facing away from the old well. As Odysseus and Crista slowly passed it, Odysseus’s eye met this pit. It resonated, and finally gave him an emotion that lingered; intrusive unease.
 In the stables of fine wood, with eaves carved of flicker and finch, Odysseus dismounted Crista, and took off the tack. Lovingly he provided a blanket, gave water and oats, while gently tying the rope. He didn’t question why all the supplies where already there. The stable was large, and still. It was warm and painted gold and chestnut. The feint smell of horses, permeated the walls, and Odysseys stood at the doors; Looking into the vacant pens without care. From behind, Icthya hugged him. Her green dress now dirtied. She seemed loud in the silence, and her soft touch, for a second, felt real.
“I was in the gardens I planted before we left. Each petal in place. A mix of flora form earth and fey; It reminded me of my late father, my brother, and some far-off place. The dew on the roses, and smell of king’s-lace; It’s a sweetness I love and could taste. This place is more magical than my heart can recall. I love it Oddie; I Wish our son was with me, his heart only beating for the wonderous.” She sighed. Then it slowly dawned on Icthya’s broken soul; This is the happiness of magic she denied herself and her son. It was a part of her that was buried under tears, after losing her parents. How could something so beautiful, bring such pain.
“I wish our boy could see this place with us.” Odysseus said. “Though, perhaps not in it’s dreary state.”
The barn doors creaked and latched, heavily and satisfyingly. Knights riding unicorns carved on these doors. He reached to touch them, but recoiled; Feared they’d be intangible. Odysseus walked his wife back inside, and they changed clothes. They stayed in the blue parlor, as it was the only room that held light. It was decorated from lamp to wall of like the Central North; Unlike the rest of the Grand West walls. This room must have been Queen Charlette’s. Odysseus mused. He had only seen her in paintings as a child. Charlette is always in light blue. She was in the books his father made him read, Odysseus made his own son read, and his own father once read. Though Odysseus’s little prince preferred these romantic passages more then himself.
“Who is that lady?” Icthya asked; Pointing to a dreamy portrait. It seemed ghostly and out of place.
“The Francian princess, Charlette, wed to the last king: Eatheltwein Cynedom. She loved blue. This might be the room made for her and their children.” Odysseus whispered. “She was written of kindly; I am glad to be her ancestor.”
“You’re royalty?” Icthya gasped.
“Do you not recall the traditional greens I wore to our wedding?”
“Am I a Queen, though I am only a mundane commoner? Does this make our fragile son a prince?”
“It no longer matters. The monarchy resigned itself to this ancient homestead long ago. I always told myself it was a wife’s tale.”
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neraawritesxx · 7 years
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My dear anon, I don’t know whether I was to kiss you or to curse at you. The first thing that popped into my head at this prompt was 'Naruto on morphine,' and I figured I could write a cute little drabble about it.
Three headaches, four days, and eight pages later, I have this half-assed one-shot set in an alternate universe that I now want to spend all my time writing about and expanding lol. I think in the future I’m going to go back and re-write this idea and make a multi-chapter story about it. Until then, here’s a little preview. I hope you enjoy!
title: morphine dreams prompt: telling a stranger your life story pairing: naruto x sakura word count: 4,843
The elevator doors closed with a miniature 'ding.'
Sakura absentmindedly watched the numbers above the metal entryway light up, signaling her descent.
Chewing on the inside of her right cheek, the petite woman tried to wrap her mind around one single thought, her temples throbbing as she strived to formulate some type of order to her unmethodological mind.
Typically, the end of her workday was filled with excitement, especially if the end of said shift would be followed by the next two days off of work. Instead of basking in the delight of having some time to herself, Sakura felt thoroughly anxious. There were too many things on her mental 'to-do' checklist, and the pinkette found herself distractedly preoccupied; her attention drawn inward, unintentionally ignoring colleagues and coworkers who filtered in and out of the lift during her downward journey.
There were a few stops she had to make on her way home, the grocery store being the first on her agenda. The food pantry in her apartment had seen better days. If Sakura had another bowl of cereal for dinner this week, she was sure she was going to turn into a Cheerio.
There was also the issue of Ino's birthday present. Her best friend's party was coming up this weekend, and Sakura had yet to find a gift that would be considered perfect for the occasion. Though the blonde insisted on nothing over the top, Sakura still wanted to spoil Ino on her special day.
Maybe she could take a detour on her way home and stop at that day spa? Ino would appreciate a voucher for an all-inclusive day of pampering. With her best friend getting further along in her pregnancy, Sakura was sure that the days Ino was spending out of her home were numbered. It would be a welcomed reprieve before the blonde was placed on bed rest.
The rosette was brought out of her musings when the door to the elevator slid open, revealing the absolute pandemonium that happened to be the emergency room.
Sakura scrambled into the fray of bodies, expertly maneuvering through mayhem towards the large, automatic glass doors on the opposite side of the room.
The scent of blood and anesthetics filled her nose, and for a moment, the cherry-haired woman found herself smiling despite the frantic setting. There was never a dull day at Konoha University Hospital. She had started out as a medical student, thrown into the intern rotation of the emergency ward during the first semester of her junior year.
The ever-changing scene, filled day to day with different doctors, unique patients, and arduous tasks gave Sakura a such a rush; it made her feel alive. There was nothing better than assisting a patient in the fight for their life; to see that person mend and heal under the tips of her fingers.
It was a euphoric high; the elation and adrenaline she felt during those shifts was beyond compare. Though Sakura loved her mentor for taking her under her wing – and thus jumpstarting her career in the neurology ward – she still found herself sometimes wishing for a position that had a little less paperwork and a bit more action.
Halfway to her destination, someone called out to Sakura, breaking her from her reflections.
"Dr. Haruno!"
Begrudgingly, she bit back the groan that threatened to escape her lips, smothering her face with her hands. 
Fleetingly, Sakura wondered if she remained like that if the person seeking to get her attention would completely overlook her. Maybe they would just take the hint and find the aid they needed with another physician?
She was so close; so, so, so close to the end of her shift, and there were far too many tasks for her to complete unrelated to the hospital. Now was not the time to be drawn into something that would most likely sidetrack her for the next hour.
Her salvation was beyond those doors, and after a fifteen-hour day, Sakura wanted to do nothing more than to make a run for it. She may not be particularly fast, but she figured she had a good enough head start to make it to the exit before whoever was looking for her caught up with her.
At the constant hail of her name, Sakura knew that she had hesitated too long, and the emerald-eyed woman bitterly concluded that she would not be going anywhere anytime soon. Lifting her face from her palms, Sakura turned to regard the short, brown-haired girl as she drew near.
Straightening upon the nurse's arrival, a small, strained smile playing on Sakura's lips. "Yes?" The pink-haired doctor inquired. "Can I help you with something?"
Sakura didn't recognize the younger girl before her, so she could only assume that she was either a new employee or a student in one of her first rotations.
"I'm really sorry to bother you," The blue-eyed girl apologized, panting as she caught her breath. "Tsunade-sama sent me to come find you. She warned me that you might be on your way out, but I'm glad I caught you in time."
At the mention of her mentor's name, Sakura's lips pursed, drawing down into a tiny frown. There were very few reasons why her boss would send someone to hunt her down, especially when Shizune was working the same shift. Whatever it was, it must have been urgent, because the brunette before her was fidgeting impatiently, shifting her weight from one foot to the other.
"What is it? Is there something wrong?" Sakura asked.
"If you could follow me, please?" The girl questioned, half-turning away. She gestured for the pinkette to follow, making a beckoning motion with her hand before she began to weave into the crowd around them.
After only a moment's hesitation did Sakura begin to follow, instantly falling into step beside the shorter female.
"My name is Yuma, by the way," The shorter girl quickly clarified. "An old friend of Dr. Senju's came in a little while ago and brought in a couple of his…friends…for treatment. They're beat up pretty badly. Tsunade-sama said that she would like you to take a look at them."
There was something about Yuma's tone, it was edgy, and it made a wave of unease was over Sakura. Whenever Tsunade had a 'colleague' – and she was using that term loosely – come to visit, her supervisor tended to get herself into some type of trouble. Hospital protocol went out the window when a companion from her mentor's past was around. Sakura, along with most of the other staff, tended to overlook the older blonde's antics. The thought of herself currently being dragged into one of Tsunade's side projects made Sakura slightly cautious.
The duo slipped out of the crisis ward, and Yuma lead Sakura down a separate corridor which housed the wing of private examination rooms.
At the end of the hall they turned down, Sakura observed three figures huddled together. The closer they drew, the more details she could make out. The trio was made up of all men, two of which, were standing with their backs towards her.
One was tall and somewhat lanky, with an unruly mop of silver hair. The other was closer to Sakura's height, though she couldn't get an accurate read on his build because of the loose fitting, navy-blue tunic he wore. The second man's onyx hair stuck out at an odd angle, but what caught her immediate attention was the dark smear of crimson that stained the back of his neck, tinting the collar of his shirt a vibrant purple.
The third and final man easily towered over both of his companions, and he was the only one facing in her direction. Sakura couldn't make out his face; his body was slumped, leaning towards his friends as they continued their discussion. 
What caused Sakura to relax slightly, was the third male's mane of white hair, which was quite hard to miss due to its bushiness and length.
She repressed the urge to smile, her nose scrunching up as she fought against the impulse. Sakura would recognize that head of hair anywhere, and though it had been years since she had last seen him, Sakura was confident in her hypothesis of just who Tsunade's guest happened to be.
"Jiraiya…?" The pinkette tentatively called out.
At the sound of her voice, all three men stiffened, the two with their backs facing her pivoted in her direction, movements tense, as three pairs of infinitely dark eyes regarding her suspiciously.
Jiraiya glanced at her from over the heads of his associates, holding the same expression of wary apprehension at the sight of her. After his analytical gaze slid to her bubblegum pink hair, however, a broad, feral grin curled on his lips and recognition dawned.
"Sakura-chan!" He bellowed in welcome, pushing past his two comrades to rush to her side.
Immediately, he enveloped her right hand in both of his own, bringing it up towards his face so that he could brush his lips across the back of her knuckles.
"You're as lovely as I remember," The older gentleman practically purred.
Sakura snatched her hand back as if scalded. 
"And you're just as much of a flirt as I remember," The green-eyed woman countered, though there was no real displeasure in her barb.
A tiny smile pulled at the corner of her mouth. "It's good to see you," Sakura said, her voice filling with warmth. "It's been far too long."
"Indeed, it has," Jiraiya agreed with a sagely nod. "It's been, what? Four years now?"
"Sounds about right," She coincided. "I was actually beginning to miss you," She commented dryly, her sarcasm earning her a soft chuckle.
Sakura had known the older male from her earlier years at the hospital. To this day, she wasn't exactly sure what the relationship between Jiraiya and Tsunade was, nor did she have any idea as to what white-haired male actually did for a living that brought him around to the hospital so frequently. 
Jiraiya had a habit of showing up out of nowhere, either prowling around the nurse's stations or spontaneously showing up in her mentor's office uninvited. Having been working with Tsunade closely then, Sakura was prone to dealing with him and his…amorous tendencies.
Despite his odd behaviors, she felt a sort of kinship with the older gentleman. Jiraiya was a breath of fresh air that the hospital needed, especially on some of the darker days.
"So, it's safe to assume you're the old friend of Tsunade's that came to visit, but who…," Sakura cocked her head to the left, peering around Jiraiya so that she could catch a glimpse of the other two men. "Are they?"
Now that she held an unobstructed view, the cherry-haired woman could fully discern both males and their state of unruliness.
Despite the color of his hair, the taller of the two was younger than she originally anticipated. Though a surgical mask covered a majority of his face – odd, but not unheard of when visiting a hospital – the lack of crows feet around his eyes, paired with a lack of age lines wrinkling his brow, made Sakura believe he had to be in his late thirties, possibly early forties.
Dressed in a simple outfit of baggy, acid wash jeans and a short-sleeved black t-shirt, nothing else seemed out of place save for the excessive number of bandages that covered his right forearm. Whoever wrapped him up did so in haste, and apparently, had no medical training whatsoever for the dressings hung loosely and haphazardly.
Viridian eyes slid to the dark-haired male, who seemed to be more worse for wear than his companion. His face was covered in blotches of purplish-blue, and there was a small gash above his right eyebrow that was still bleeding. He seemed closer to Sakura in age, but she really couldn't tell with all the discoloration caused by the bruising.
The stain she had noticed earlier wrapped around from the nape of his neck, settling into a large mauve pool on the front of his shirt. He had been – and still was – bleeding profusely, and instinctively, Sakura took a step in their direction.
She didn't make it very far. Jiraiya, who quickly caught on to her intentions, sidestepped in front of her, successfully cutting off her path.
Emerald eyes flicked back in the older male's direction, a brow raised in question. In response, the white-haired gentleman rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, releasing a short, nervous chuckle.
"Ah, those two are fine," He stated hurriedly.
Jiraiya reached out then, wrapping an arm around her waist, propelling her - none too gently - towards the examination room that was closest to their group. "Introductions could be made later. Right now, I need you to take a look at my apprentice."
"Apprentice?" Sakura parroted in a disbelieving tone.
"Yes, you see, a…." He toiled with the right word for a moment. "Scuffle broke out, and my dear apprentice found himself smack dab in the middle of it. A wrong place, wrong time scenario, if you would. Usually, Tsunade handles these types of situations should they arise, but she's tied up at the moment. She sent me the next best thing, though: her number one student."
Sakura narrowed her eyes at Jiraiya's sweet words, and her skepticism grew tenfold. Not only was she not fond of his vagueness on whatever it was that was going on, but he was also stopping her from treating a wounded man that was standing right in front of her. And what on earth did Jiraiya do that allowed him to have a pupil?
Shaking out of his hold, Sakura turned to confront Yuma, who had been watching the entire scene with wide-eyes, apprehensive eyes.
"What did Tsunade-sama say to you exactly?" The pink-haired doctor asked, gesturing towards the injured men. "Did she specify who should be treated first? Or if I should be treating any of them, for that matter?"
"Well...not exactly," The young intern replied timidly. "You see, Dr. Senju simply said, 'Whatever Jiraiya says, goes.'"
Slightly confused, Sakura's lips parted and a frown formed between her brows. She merely starting at Yuma, trying to discern why her boss was getting her involved in something like this.
She blinked once, then twice, before her expression morphed into a scowl, her frustration cutting through her surprised stupor.
Sakura growled out her inquiry. "And where exactly is Dr. Senju at the moment?"
Yuma flinched back at her tone. "S-She had a surgery scheduled for this evening. She said that you would take care of everything."
The rosette shifted her hardened gaze towards Jiraiya, who, much to her chagrin, didn't seem to be phased by the glare. After years of being friends with Tsunade, he was probably invincible to anyone's leer.
Slowly, Sakura shifted to peer towards the two other men, both of whom seemed just as unperturbed as Jiraiya. Realizing that she was not going to get any answers out of anyone at this point, Sakura settled her glower on the white-haired male once more.
"Anything else I need to know before I go treat him?" The question was directed towards Yuma, though she kept her eyes level with Jiraiya, who was now grinning at her cheekily.
"Well…" The brunette trailed off, her voice soft. "It seems that the first nurse to see him gave him a dose of morphine to help with his pain. Only after did she notice Tsunade-sama's handwritten note in his chart to not give him painkillers of any kind."
Sakura's head snapped in the intern's direction, her inquiry holding a hint of panic. "Is he allergic?"
Before Yuma could answer her question, Jiraiya placed both hands on her shoulders and resumed pushing the pinkette towards the door.
"The effects are adverse, but not deadly," The older male assured. "He just tends to get a little out of hand. I really just need you to sew him up and give him a clean bill of health. Then, we'll all be out of that pretty pink hair of yours."
Somewhat fed up with being manhandled, Sakura broke free of Jiraiya's grasp once again, rounding on him. This entire scenario screamed 'unnatural,' and if Tsunade wanted to get involved with whatever game Jiraiya was playing, that was her prerogative.
Personally, Sakura would have liked to remain blissfully unaware of her mentor's secret dealings. She should be on her way home right now damn it. 
"I may not know the full story of what is going on here," She ground out, forcefully poking the white-haired male in the chest. "But I will have my questions answered when I'm finished with him."
Without waiting for a response, petite woman spun around in a flurry of pink hair, stomping the rest of the way towards the examination room. Yanking the door open, Sakura composed herself somewhat, straighten her spine before she slipped inside, the door snapping shut behind her.
It took her eyes a moment to adjust to the brighter lighting of the hospital room, but when her vision cleared, Sakura finally caught a glimpse of her would-be patient.
Sitting propped up on the large chair in the middle of the examination room was a man, who, much like his onyx-haired friend on the other side of the door, was riddled with bruises. Without a shirt on, Sakura could see that there was not a patch of his sun-kissed skin that wasn't unmarred and she couldn't help but give a cringe in sympathy.
He was tall; taller than her at least, tousled blonde hair damp and clinging to his forehead in certain spots. Most of his weight was shifted to the right side, his awkward lean barely keeping him upright. His left hand pressed a sheet of gauze into his right bicep; red bloomed on the alabaster cloth, the stain visible between his splayed fingers.
He looked up at her entrance, vibrant emerald locking with hazy cerulean.
Momentarily, the rosette thought that she had seen him before, somewhere in passing, but she couldn't quite put her finger on where she should know him from.
Brushing the thought aside, she took a step further into the room.
"Hello," Sakura greeted. "My name is Dr. Haruno. Tsunade-sama sent me to take a look at you."
He didn't reply, and the lack of continued communication caused an unpleasant silence to descend on the room.
After a short stretch of strained noiselessness, he finally spoke. "Oh…" He stated, airily. "You're absolutely gorgeous."
Thrown off canter by the spontaneous compliment, Sakura's eyes widened a fraction, and she almost – almost – found herself blushing like a schoolgirl.
"Um…Thank you?" She hesitantly responded, trying to relax her rigid stance as she cautiously crossed the room towards the cot.
His stance swayed slightly, and a Cheshire grin curled on his lips. "You're quite welcome," He rasped in a tone that sounded suspiciously similar to the one Jiraiya used when he was trying to pick up one of the nurses.
Ignoring the way that his eyes followed her every movement, Sakura focused all of her attention on his wound. Plopping down in the stool next to the examination chair, she reached over and seized his hand in one of her own, gently trying to pry it away from the injury.
Her first two attempts were met with resistance, and after another minute of failing at loosening his grip, Sakura sat back with a huff, green eyes narrowing.
"Can you please move your hand?" She asked with feigned civility.
He ignored her plea and instead, reached up with his with the hand not clasped against his bicep and seized the lapel of her lab coat, yanking her forward so abruptly that Sakura almost fell out of her chair.
"The name's Naruto," He cooed, breath ghosting against her cheek. "What's yours?"
Their sudden closeness, paired with his brazenness, disrespect, and the downright bizarreness of the entire situation, caused Sakura to flush in anger and mortification.
"Not interested!" She snapped, smacking his hand away. He jerked back and wobbled, unable to get a proper bearing on his balance. For safe measure, Sakura scooted her stool back a smidge.
She was suddenly all too aware of what Jiraiya meant when he said that his pupil became problematic under the influence of anesthetics. 
The kid acted like a drunk lecher.
Just how, how, did she end up in these situations?
"I need to take a look at your injury to assess the damage," She explained through clenched teeth, unable to hide her mounting ire. "To do that, I need you to move your hand away. Can you do that, please?"
The blonde's foggy gaze slowly slid from Sakura's face, to where his left hand was gripping the opposite arm. With an excruciatingly robotic stiffness, his slender fingers lifted off the bandage one by one, allowing the sheet of gauze to fall to the floor with a wet 'plop.'
The slash was a thick, jagged laceration, blood now trickling from the wound without the bandage blocking its path. Luckily, whatever caused the injury hadn't torn through too much muscle tissue. Crouching down so she could further inspect the damage caused, Sakura pivoted her head from side to side, appraisingly examining the cut from different angles.
She stood from her chair with a click of her tongue. "That is definitely going to need stitches. Luckily for both of us, you're already sedated."
Sakura ventured towards the cabinets that hung on the opposite wall, rummaging through their contents to gather the supplies necessary to sutra the abrasion closed.
When she turned back around, objects procured, Sakura found the blonde – Naruto – staring down at her legs with appreciation, the skirt she had worn that day hiding nothing from her knees, down.
"Hey, buddy! Eyes up here!" The pinkette barked, shaking one of the metal clamps in his direction.
Naruto's head snapped up so quickly that it threw him even further off his already unstable equilibrium. The momentum propelled his upper body further backward, and he ungraciously slumped back into the pads of the examination chair.
"Woah…" He murmured, befuddled. "The room is spinning."
Emerald eyes rolled skyward, and Sakura released a dejected sigh, shoulders slumping.
"Just do me a favor," She muttered defeatedly. "Please stay there. Don't move. Don't sit up. Just stay."
Naruto released a small snort, awkwardly raising his left hand to give her thumbs-up.
The next few minutes passed with little interruption from the fair-haired menace. Sakura was able to reclaim her perch next to the table and start cleansing the wound. When she began to sew the laceration, shut, she had expected some sort of outburst on his part, but to her surprise, he didn't even flinch.
For an instant, Sakura thought he had fallen asleep, his breathing deep and even. She was proven wrong, however, when she glanced up from underneath her lashes and found sky-blue eyes trained directly on her face. There was something about the way he looked at her that made Sakura skittish, a queasy feeling fluttering in her stomach.
With a grumble, Sakura turned back to her task and only after another lull of silence passed between them did she finally gamble in asking, "Want to tell me how it happened?"
Naruto huffed dramatically before responding, "This is what happens when your caretaker is a pervert, you coach is a lazy piece of shit, and your best friend is a bastard."
Sakura paused in her stitching, looking up from his arm with a raised brow.
"Care...taker?" She repeated, slowly. "Coach?"
The blonde grunted in confirmation, theatrically waving his free hand in the air as he continued to explain. "I live with the old pervert. You know, the one with the crazy white hair and the insatiable need to hit on every woman that breathes?"
At Sakura's dumb nod, Naruto continued. "Jiraiya took me in after my parents died. He's a retired kendo fighter, and after a few years of training me, he noticed that I had a knack for different styles of martial arts. He reached out to the scarecrow with legs, the one outside with the prematurely gray hair and bam I now have a trainer and a coach."
Naruto tried to clap his hands together for emphasis, but Sakura's hold on his right arm kept him in place, preventing any further injury to his person and damage to her work.
Her mind was working a mile a minute, trying to make sense of all the knowledge that he had just graced her with, while also attempting to comprehend why he had told her such personal information.
Well, the morphine was most likely the cause for his loose lips, but then again, none of what he was telling her made any sense.
The one thing that did stick out, over everything else that he had rambled, was that he was a fighter. Emerald hues perused her client, giving a slow once over, honing in specifically on the scar-like whiskers that were hidden under the blotchy, bruised skin on his face.
Realization hit her swiftly, the force of it practically stealing the breath away.
"You're that guy that they're always talking about on the news!" She accused, shock written on her features. "The mix-martial artist!"
The pitch of her exclamation was too high for Naruto's liking, and he cringed, using his free hand to cover his left ear.
"…Pretty and loud…," He murmured under his breath before his hand fell back down to his side, resting limply on the cushion. "But, yeah, that would be me."
"But…but what are you doing here?!" She asked, still flabbergasted.
"Granny's my personal doctor," He explained as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. It took Sakura a second to realize that he was talking about her mentor, Tsunade. And suddenly, Sakura understood exactly what her boss was involved in.
Azure eyes regarded favorably, a smile – one which Sakura could only describe as predatory – pulling on his lips as he said, "Though, I wouldn't complain if you were going to take over that position."
At the waggle of his eyebrows, Sakura shot him a deadpan look. "Still not interested."
Turning back to her work, the pink-haired doctor found herself fighting down the childish urge to poke him unnecessarily with the needle.
"None of this explains why you're here," She spoke offhandedly. 
She paused for a moment, shifting the forceps further down along the wound. When she was satisfied with the new grip, she continued with her assignment.
"It's all their fault really," Naruto affirmed. "The old man opened his mouth and hit on the wrong girl. The next thing I knew, the entire bar was after us." After a slight pause, he sulkily added, "Didn't help that neither Kakashi-sensei or Jiraiya just stood on the sidelines. Sasuke and I took most of the beating."
Sakura accepted his explanation, concluding that the two names she didn't recognize must have been the other men who had come to the hospital with Jiraiya. The room lapsed back into silence then, and it didn't take much longer for Sakura to finish sewing his injury closed. 
After applying an antibacterial ointment around the sutras, the rosette placed a fresh gauze patch over the area, wrapping it securely in place with cotton bandages.
Relaxing now that her job was finished, Sakura pushed back from the examination chair, standing from her stool. Seeing that she had accomplished her task, Naruto sat up abruptly, wavering slightly with his sudden movement.
"Easy there, tiger," Sakura reprimanded, somewhat amused. "Don't go messing up my handiwork."
Naruto bobbed his head in acknowledgment, though he said nothing. Instead, his focus was directed toward the patchwork on his right arm, curling and uncurling his fist so that he could gauge the soreness in his muscles.
"Leave the current wrapping on for the next forty-eight hours. After that, you can change them daily. Make sure you put ointment on it every time you change the bandages. In about two weeks or so, you can come back, and Tsunade will take them out."
It seemed the blonde's lucidity still had yet to come back because all he did was stare at her absentmindedly, nodding his head every so often.
Blowing out a breath, Sakura brought her right hand up to rub her temple. "I'll have the nurse relay all this information to Jiraiya, and we'll make sure you get the supplies you need on your way out."
Straightening, she turned towards the door, offering a small wave "I would say that it was nice meeting you, but this has been the strangest encounter I have ever had with a patient. Next time, let's hope that they read your chart before administering any painkillers."
"Hey!" Naruto called out to her, causing the petite woman to stall her exit. "Go on a date with me!"
Sakura graced Naruto with a smile, one that was all pearl whites, before she turned back to the door, chuckling under her breath.
"Still not interested!"
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livingcorner · 3 years
Hands Down, These Are the Best 43 Colors to Use In Your Kitchen
Every item on this page was hand-picked by a House Beautiful editor. We may earn commission on some of the items you choose to buy.
Seriously, your kitchen doesn’t have to be white.
You're reading: Hands Down, These Are the Best 43 Colors to Use In Your Kitchen
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Jul 23, 2020
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James Merrell
Adding color is the best way to change things up in the kitchen—no renovation, no construction, just paint and a brush. Whether you’re a greige kind of person or someone who loves a pop of anything vibrant, we rounded up over 30 kitchens with gorgeous paint colors to help you get started. Punch up your cabinets with bright blues and reds, or ground a large space with a soothing gray or green… No matter what your color preference—or if you’re totally stumped for inspiration—we’ve got fresh kitchen paint color ideas, designer examples, and shopping tips to guide you. More of a white paint person? Head here for our favorite shades.
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You love finding new design tricks. So do we . Let us share the best of them.
1 of 43
In this striking London kitchen, design Rita Konig opted for cabinets from her own colorful line for Plain English in a shade of purple dubbed Burnt Toast. Calacatta Viola, a mauve-streaked marble, brings out the inky eggplant.
Shop a similar shade of cabinets below:
BUY NOW Rita Konig Burnt Toast cabinets
2 of 43
Pale Green
A pale green blends seamlessly between the kitchen and dining area of this “jungalow,” by Justina Blakeney, especially when paired with the Moroccan clay tile backsplash and ombre dining bar stools in the living room.
Shop a similar lacquer finish below:
BUY NOW Farrow & Ball Cooking Apple Green, $110
3 of 43
In this DeVol kitchen, the warm marigold paint is grounded by cool gray cabinets. The floor tiles speak to the gray tones while the gold hardware complements the yellow for a cohesive whole. For a similar feel, opt for a yellow paint that’s clean and bright but also rich enough to be warming.
Shop a similar shade of yellow paint below:
BUY NOW Farrow & Ball Babouche No. 223, $110
4 of 43
Peach Lacquer
This showstopping kitchen by by Michelle Nussbaumer is not afraid to play with color. The blush pink/peach and deep aqua lacquered cabinets are reflective, which means they make the space feel large (like the classic mirror trick, but colorful!).
Shop a similar lacquer finish below:
BUY NOW Fine Paints of Europe Hollandac Brilliant, $155
5 of 43
This kitchen is unique yet timeless, glamorous yet grounded. The lavender swirls of paint on a buttercream backdrop complement the elaborate blue chandelier, too. Then the classic, neutral cabinets and island ground the space.
Shop a similar shade of purple paint below:
BUY NOW Glidden Violet Shimmer, $23
6 of 43
Cobalt Blue
In his Brooklyn apartment, Crosby Studios designer Harry Nuriev powder-coated the surfaces in a cobalt blue for a bold, durable finish.
Shop a similar shade of blue paint below:
BUY NOW Behr Dark Cobalt Blue, $16
7 of 43
Dark Navy
Designed by Heidi Caillier, this kitchen is a moody masterpiece thanks to the inky, emotive shade of dark blue. The wooden counters and backsplash keep the space warm and casual while the deep, almost dark paint makes for an intimate and cozy atmosphere. In certain light, it can look totally blue, while in others, it almost looks black.
Shop a similar shade of blue paint below:
Read more: What is the origin and meaning of the phrase “all day” when used in a commercial kitchen?
BUY NOW Farrow & Ball Stiffkey Blue, $110
8 of 43
Feeling adventurous? Take a cue from this kitchen. Interior designer Michelle Nussbaumer chose a warm color palette and packs plenty of texture-rich materials into the small space to make it feel less stark. The red anchor brings a full and sultry feel to the room.
Shop a similar shade of blue paint below:
BUY NOW Farrow & Ball Incarnadine, $110
9 of 43
Marine Blue
An inky, marine blue will ground a kitchen in an open space and feel more formal than a light color without being as moody and as dark as black. We also love the idea of painting the interior cabinets a color that corresponds with an accent piece in the room, like this orange cabinet designed by Arent & Pyke to match the carpet.
Shop a similar shade of blue paint below:
BUY NOW Farrow & Ball De Nimes, $110
10 of 43
This coral pink kitchen is like being on vacation all year long. With rattan and bamboo elements and a fresh coat of cheerful pink paint, it’s quirky, upbeat, and unique without being too over-the-top.
Shop a similar shade of pink paint below:
BUY NOW Glidden Coral Silk, $22
11 of 43
Baby Blue
In this kitchen designed by 2LG Studio, the cabinets are soothing baby blue hue. The inverted circular cabinet pulls add to the gentle, sweet personality.
Shop a similar shade of blue paint below:
BUY NOW Glidden Blue Ice Age, $17
12 of 43
High-Shine Yellow
If you want a super shiny statement in your kitchen but don’t want to paint the whole room, opt for a glossy lacquered backsplash or back-painted glass, as seen in this kitchen by Danielle Colding Design. A pop of yellow never fails to cheer up a room.
Shop a similar shade of yellow paint below:
BUY NOW Fine Paints of Europe Hollandac Brilliant, $155
13 of 43
Matte Black
There’s nothing sexier than matte black when it comes to kitchen paint colors. Expect, that is, when you cover the bottom of the overhead cabinets a gold mirrored material.
Shop a similar shade of black paint below:
BUY NOW Glidden Onyx Black, $22
14 of 43
Pale Yellow
Take note from this space designed by Leanne Ford Interiors and paint your kitchen a subtly sunny hue, like buttercream yellow. Then lay down an area rug with pops of coral for a fresh, bold anchor. The large drum pendant in white and gold speaks to the pretty paint color, too. Delicate and delightful.
Shop a similar shade of yellow paint below:
BUY NOW Farrow & Ball Pale Hound, $100
15 of 43
Sage Green
Instead of painting all of the cabinets or walls, experiment with color on a statement wall. This sage green pop in a kitchen designed by Studio DB adds the perfect amount of personality. Green glass shelves and a large green bowl tie back to the unexpected color.
Shop a similar shade of green paint below:
BUY NOW Glidden Sea Glass Green, $23
16 of 43
Wine Red
Go glam with a high-gloss deep red reminiscent of wine. The robust, full color adds so much depth and glamour. Proof? This kitchen by Nick Olsen, where geometric tiles pump things up to the next level.
Shop a similar shade of red paint below:
BUY NOW Farrow & Ball Brinjal, $110
17 of 43
If white feels too stark for you, opt for a creamer shade. It’ll still feel light and bright, but the warmer undertones will help your kitchen feel more inviting. We love how it softens the industrial elements of this kitchen designed by Elizabeth Roberts Architecture & Design.
Shop a similar shade of cream paint below:
BUY NOW Farrow & Ball Wimborne White, $110
18 of 43
Blush Pink
A light, delicate pink that provides just a touch of oomph looks surprisingly good when paired with more modern, streamlined, geometric pieces. In this kitchen designed by GRT Architects, the modern lines and tonal palette feel fresh and modern while the pink color makes it feel open and bright.
Shop a similar shade of pink paint below:
BUY NOW Farrow & Ball Middleton Pink, $110
19 of 43
Gold Leaf
There’s nothing quite like metallic to make your interiors pop. Opt for a brushed gold finish on the kitchen cabinets and introduce more down to earth materials like jute to make sure it isn’t too flashy, like in this Arent & Pyke-designed kitchen.
Shop a similar shade of gold paint below:
BUY NOW PPG Gilded Gold, $48
20 of 43
Bright Blue
Paint the lower cabinets an eye-catching sky blue and then soften things up with a super light pistachio tile for the walls, like designer Regan Baker did in this kitchen.
Shop a similar shade of blue paint below:
BUY NOW Farrow & Ball St Giles Blue, $110
21 of 43
Light Taupe
Read more: Why Do I Have Ants in My Kitchen?
A sandy beige keeps things neutral but stands out a little more than a cream or super light gray. We’re really digging the alternating black and gray stained wood cabinets in this deVOL kitchen, too. The varied tones (plus texture) add interest to a neutral space.
Shop a similar shade of taupe paint below:
BUY NOW Farrow & Ball Dimity, $110
22 of 43
Designed by Catherine Kwong, this kitchen is a contemporary classic that will age gracefully. The steel gray cabinets contrast just a touch with the dark navy-gray kitchen island and cream ceilings for a balanced whole.
Shop a similar shade of blue paint below:
BUY NOW Farrow & Ball Lulworth Blue, $110
23 of 43
Flamingo Pink
Can’t decide on just one paint color? deVOL Kitchens’ new NYC showroom proves that you don’t have to. Choose one color for the walls and another for the lower cabinets and then use a backsplash that incorporates both. Then paint the trimmings on the upper cabinets something fun.
Shop a similar shade of pink paint below:
BUY NOW Benjamin Moore Pink Starburst, $43
24 of 43
Super Pale Blue
You don’t have to cover the entire kitchen in a bright color to add a little pop of personality. When space is limited, designate a small corner wall for your accent color. Here, interior designer Danielle Colding added a powder blue accent wall and a sculpture but kept everything else glistening and white.
Shop a similar shade of pink paint below:
BUY NOW Farrow & Ball Cabbage White, $110
25 of 43
Gray Green
It’s light enough to function like a neutral, especially if you choose a blue with gray undertones. The exposed wood beams and natural light wood stools in this deVOL kitchen make it a soft, inviting place.
Shop a similar shade of green paint below:
BUY NOW Glidden Pale Pistachio, $23
26 of 43
The juxtaposition between the lilac cabinets and marigold oven in this eye-catching kitchen by designer Penelope August proves that opposites attract. The fun terrazzo backsplash connects the two for a seamless whole.
Shop a similar shade of purple paint below:
BUY NOW Farrow & Ball Calluna, $110
27 of 43
Bright White
There’s nothing wrong with an all-white kitchen. This design trend, as mastered by Romanek Design Studio here, is particularly well-suited for the room where cleanliness is essential. Just warm it up with some bronze light fixtures and blond wood finishes, and introduce some sharpening contrast with inky black window treatments and artwork.
Shop a similar white paint below:
BUY NOW Benjamin Moore Chantilly Lace, $43
28 of 43
Baby Pink
This retro-inspired deVOL kitchen is a beautiful blend of classic English design with contemporary functionality. The glass cabinet customized to fit right into the corner and looks beautiful with the baby pink paint and Kelly green backsplash.
Shop a similar shade of pink paint below:
BUY NOW Farrow & Ball Cinder Rose, $110
29 of 43
Pale Mint Green
A bistro table in the kitchen is so much more interesting than a classic island. And it’s even fresher when you paint your bar stools a crisp mint green hue and hang a copper pendant light overhead.
Shop a similar shade of green paint below:
BUY NOW Glidden Tranquil Light Green, $35
30 of 43
Midnight Blue
If blue and white seems too coastal for you, opt for deep midnight blue or super dark navy. These rich tones will ground the entire space and look super warm with reclaimed wood, exposed beams, stone floors, brass hardware, and copper cookware.
Shop a similar shade of blue paint below:
BUY NOW Farrow & Ball Hague Blue, $110
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Hadley Mendelsohn Senior Editor Hadley Mendelsohn is House Beautiful’s senior editor, and when she’s not busy obsessing over all things decor-related, you can find her scouring vintage stores, reading, or stumbling about because she probably lost her glasses again.
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Source: https://livingcorner.com.au Category: Kitchen
source https://livingcorner.com.au/hands-down-these-are-the-best-43-colors-to-use-in-your-kitchen/
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themanicnami · 7 years
Witchy Baths Masterpost
Here is a big masterpost of different types of baths for different types of witches! Use these baths before or after witchcraft to pump yourself up or to wind down. And you do not have to be any specific type of witch to use any of these baths. Any witch can use them.
Note: Many of these baths call for crystals. Research crystals before getting them wet. Many of them listed you should not put in water, instead keep them at the edge of your tub or near it.
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Sea Witch Bath
Kelp Powder (1 tsp)
Sea Salt (½ tsp)
Coconut Oil (1 spoonful)
Coconut Water (½ cup)
Sea Glass, Sea shells, aquamarine, ocean jasper, abalone, pearl, larimar, coral, sand dollars and/or clear quartz
Wood Spoon
Blue and white candles (optional- ocean scented ones)
Steps: Light your candles before filling the tub. Once you start filling the tub add your coconut oil, coconut water, sea salt and kelp powder. With your spoon stir clockwise to help mix in the powder, which can take a bit. The water should turn a faint green tint (the more kelp you add the greener it gets but also the stronger the smell gets). Line your tub’s edge with your sea glass, sea shells, and gemstones. Be sure not to let the gemstones fall in the water, especially if they are ones that can’t get wet. Get into your tub and enjoy.
Note: Kelp powder smells very strongly of kelp, it is a scent I personally like but a lot of people don’t. Air out your bathroom a bit after the bath to disperse the smell. Also if you do not wish to smell like kelp yourself, rinse off after your bath quickly.
Swamp Witch Bath
Kelp Powder (2 spoonfuls)
Clay or Bath Mud like Moor Mud (read label for how much to use)
Green and brown candles
Wooden Spoon
Snail shells, alligator teeth, rounded rocks and any green gemstones you may have
Optional- Moss if you have potted moss to keep on the edge of the tub (or a moss bathmat)
Steps: Light your candles then begin to fill your tub. Add in your kelp powder and the mud, using your wooden spoon stir clockwise to mix. Depending on the type of mud/clay you are using the water will either turn very green to a dark brown. Line your tub with your gemstones, rocks, teeth and snail shells. If you are bringing in a moss plant or other plants keep them near the tub. Get into the tub and relax, if your moss is a stepable type of moss and in reach you can rub your fingers in it as you relax.
Note: Like the sea witch bath, you may want to air out the bathroom after your bath. This bath will smell much stronger of kelp and you may want to shower afterwards to avoid smelling strongly of kelp. You may have to rinse your tub to rid of mud used.
Forest Witch Bath
Pine Needles
Pine essential oil (2 drops)
3 bags of green or black tea
Green sachet
Cedar Chips
Green Candles (optional- tree or plant scented ones)
Steps: Light your candles and begin filling your tub. In you sachet add 1 part cedar chips and 1 part mint. Tie it shut and add to your bath as it fills. You may then add the pine needles to float freely or you may add them in a sachet as well. Add your two drops of pine oil once the tub is half filled to ensure it is well diluted in the bath. Add your tea bags into the water, line your tub with the pinecones and get in.
Note: essential oils can be harsh on certain skins, dilute the oil with a carrier oil and test on your skin to see if it affects you. If your skin is too sensitive for pine oil omit it from the spell.
Floral Witch Bath
Rose petals
Meadow sweet/Sweet grass
Pink and/or Green sachets
Pink Candles
Rose Quartz and Milky Quartz
Floral scented candles or incense of choice
Steps: In your sachet(s) add your lavender, chamomile, meadow sweet/sweet grass and rosemary. Light your candles and incense. Once you begin filling your tub add your sachets, once tub is half filled add your Rose petals. Line your tub with your quartz and get in to enjoy.
Storm Witch Bath
Rain or Storm Water
Thunder/Lightning Charged Water
Acorns or Acorn caps
Black tea (2-5 bags)
Gray Candles
Sounds of rain, storms, and/or drums
Steps: Light your candles as your tub fills. Add in your charged water and rain/storm water as the tub fills. Add in your black tea bags. Line your tub with the acorns or acorn caps. On a laptop, tablet, or phone that is a safe distance from the tub, begin playing your sounds of choice. Get into your bath and enjoy.
Divination Witch/Psychic Witch Bath
Moon Water
2 bay leaves
Purple Sachet
2-4 bags Green Tea
Amethyst, Jet, Moonstone, Nuummite, Silver, Sunstone, and/or Tiger’s Eye
Steps: As your tub fills add in your moon water. In your sachet add 1 part lemongrass, 2 part marigold, and 1 part mugwort; add it to the filling tub along with your tea. Line your tub with the crystals and metals you have available. Once the tub is nearly filled add in bay leaves. Soak and relax.
Urban Witch Bath
Epsom Salts
Bubble bath of choice
Dyed Quartz, Crackled Quartz, Aura Quartz and/or clear quartz
Bath/Body safe glitter of choice
Sachet of Coffee Grounds (freshly used or never used)
Device to Play Music
Steps: Begin filling your tub. Add in the amount of epsom salts you usually use as well as your bubble bath. Drop in your sachet of coffee grounds when the tub is still filling. Sprinkle in your glitter onto the bubbles once the tub is about half filled. Start your music and line your tub with your quartz. Soak and enjoy yourself.
Tech Witch Bath
3 bags of black tea
Fairy lights, lamps, night lights, etc
LED Candles
Sachet of color of choice
1 Tbsp Olive Oil
Music Playing Device
Steps: set up your lights and LED candles as you wish. Be sure none of the wires are near the tub or where water will be, be safe! If you can turn off the main lights. Don’t do this if you can’t see well enough to move about safely! Begin filling your tub and add your tea. In your sachet add your oatmeal and add it to the bath. Start playing your music and get into your bath and enjoy.
Death Witch Bath
1/4th cup olive oil
2 spoonfuls of Salt (or more if desired)
Purified, bottled or moon water (at least 1 cup)
White Sachet
White candles
Myrrh, Frankincense, Jasmine, Chamomile, or Sage Incense
Obsidian, Jet, Onyx, Fire Agate and/or Garnet
Steps: Light your candles and incense; fill your sachet with rosemary. Begin filling your tub and add in your water, oil, salt and sachet. Let it fill to about half way before lining tub with your gemstones. Get in and soak and enjoy.
Stellar/Cosmic Witch Bath
Cosmetic/Bath/Body safe glitter in colors of choice
Star Anise
White Sachet
Orange peels/slices or Lemon peels/slices
Goldstone (blue, green, purple, etc)
Purple, white and blue candles
Steps: Light your candles before you begin to fill your tub. In your sachet add your Basil and Chamomile (about 1 part each). Add in your sachet and star anise as the tub fills. Add your glitters of choice to the water as well and until it glitters the amount you desire. Line your tub with the goldstone. Add your citrus peels or slices before you get in. Relax and enjoy your bath.
Note: Due to glitter you may have to rinse the tub after your bath.
Fire Witch Bath
Red Sachet
Red, Orange, and white candles
1/4th cup sunflower seed oil
2 drops red food coloring
Carnelian, citrine, lava stone, fire agate and/or red jasper
Steps: Light your candles before you begin filling your tub. In the sachet add your rosemary, cloves and marigold. Add the sachet and sunflower oil as the tub fills. Line your tub with the crystals and stones you have available. Once the tub is nearly filled add 2 drops of food coloring (or more if you want a more intense color). Get in and enjoy.
Note: food coloring shouldn’t stain your tub unless you use large amounts.
Water Witch Bath
Rain Water
Purified or Bottled Water
Moon Water
Cucumber cut into slices
Blue Sachet
Lemon Balm
Aqua Aura Quartz, Moonstone, Blue Lace Agate, Lapis Lazuli, and/or Pearl
Steps: Begin filling your tub. Add in your waters as it fills. In your sachet add in your jasmine, lemon balm, and catnip. Add in your sachet. As the tub fills line your tub with your gemstones and crystals. Once tub is about half filled add your cucumber slices and get in to enjoy.
Earth Witch Bath
Moor Mud
Agate, Jasper, Jet, and Quartz
Salt of your choice
1 cup oats/oatmeal
Brown or Green Sachet
Sage Incense
Steps: Light your incense before filling your tub. As the tub fills, add in your mud to the amount it states on package. If needed use a spoon to stir it clockwise to mix. Add in your salt. In your sachet add your oats before dropping it into bath as well. Line your tub with your gemstones before getting in.
Note: Due to mud you may have to rinse or clean bath afterwards.
Air Witch Bath
Yellow Candles
Yellow Sachet
Incense of choice
Amethyst, mica, opal, tiger’s eye, and/or turquoise
Sounds of wind or wind chimes
Steps: Set up your sound playing device to play the sounds you desire to listen to. Light your candles and incense before you start filling your tub. In your sachet add your cilantro, lavender, rosemary, mint and dandelion. Place your feathers near your tub but where they won’t get wet and ruined. Line your tub with gemstones and add in your sachet. Get into your tub and enjoy.
Solar Witch Bath
Gold and Orange Candles
Marigold Tea (2-5 bags)
Black Tea (1 bag)
Orange slices or peels
1 drop of a citrus essential oil
Steps: Light your candles before filling your tub. As your tub fills add in your teas and one drop essential oil. Place our sunstone near your tub or about the rim. Once tub is about half filled add in your orange slices/peels and get in. Soak and enjoy.
Note: essential oils can be harsh on certain skins, dilute the oil with a carrier oil and test on your skin to see if it affects you. If your skin is too sensitive for the oil omit it from the spell.
Lunar Witch Bath
Moon Water
Jasmine Tea (4 bags)
White and Silver Candles
Amethyst and Moonstone
Silver or White Sachet
Steps: Light your candles before filling your tub. As your tub fills add your jasmine tea bags. In your sachet add 1 part mugwort and 2 parts anise before adding it to the tub as well as pouring in your moon water. Line the tub with amethyst and moonstone before getting into the water and enjoying.
Special thanks to @cosmic-witch and @death-witch-envy for helping with my research for the Stellar Witch Bath and the Death Witch Bath. Thank you both very much for helping out~
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eos-teric · 7 years
Every traveler needs a map... or some sort of signal. Many paths converge at the crossroads: which one will you choose today?
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