#saga of the lord mayor
bogglebabbles · 19 days
I wish I could explain to Terry that the reason his favourite toy is in the trash is because he put the fucking thing in the toilet, but unfortunately the feline brain is not equipped to understand the intricacies of germ theory.
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inbetweenhours · 1 year
Having big feelings about my fanon Empires SMP timeline and worldbuilding so I'm handing out the list of the names I use for both the season one and two emperors, as well as their parents (and siblings).
I think I was doing slow reveal with my family doodles but I was looking at them again and I miss them, so names below the cut!
Names in quotations are the "true names" of characters who deal with fae naming conventions ;]
I bolded the cc's character names just for readability :]
Have fun! I don't offer any culture/lore explanations but if u wanna ask about why things are the way they are I'll answer reblogs and asks with delight!
Queen Mairieth (Ansley) and Prince Consort Druindar (Devnet) of Rivendell, parents of Prince Smajor (Scott) and Prince Xornoth (Conan)
Lady Fable G and Lord Casilo E of House Sausage of Mythland, parents of Mythical J of House Sausage (I totally fucked this up in the art and called them king/queen, that's not true lol)
Empress Angie of The Ocean Empire, mother of Princess Lizzie and Prince Jimmy
Emperor Marley and Empress Kimber of The Lost Empire, parents of Prince Joey, Prince Mickey, Princess Nickey, and Princess Tammy
Lady Kitty (Kaitlyn-Aldreda) of House Blossom, parent of Lady Katherine(-Elizabeth)
Queen Ariel of Mezalea, predecessor of King Joel
Mr LeeryDoe & Ms KeenBronze from The Grimlands, parents of FailWhip* and GeminiTay
*FailWhip is Fwhip's given name, Fwhip is a nickname he prefers.
Guardian Jillian and Aureate Moon of Gilded Helianthia, parents of Pearlescent Moon
Queen Techna Riffs and Vigil Keeper Innov Riffs of Pixandria, parents of Pixl Riffs
Shrub Berry's parents canonically have names already (Fern and Rose Berry) so I havent replaced them :]
Starting off saying because of how my fanon works for empires the following Emperors won't have named parents: Joel, False, Oli, & Gem 💔
Joram M of House Sausage, King of The Gilded Mythlands & Ms Saga, servant of House Sausage; biological parents of Mythical J (Sausage) of Sanctuary
Mrs Jessie & Mr William Solidarity from Tumble Town, parents of Sheriff Jimmy Solidarity
Mrs Clink & MrThwip from The Goblands, parents of Fwhip
Mr David SaorseBright & Ms Ailis MajorHart, parents of Lord Scott SaorseMajor of Chromia & Conan SaorseMajor
Mrs Taffy & Mr Jodie from Animalia, parents of Mayor Lizzie
Mrs Bonnie & Ms Rob from Eversea, parents of Pirate Joe
Queen Christine and King Theodore Elizabeth of Glimmer Grove, parents of Princess Katherine Elizabeth
Tekh RiffSafe & Jane Lakcrash from Cogsmeade, parents of Pix LakRiffs
I also named Witch Shelby's Grandmother Willow :]
That's everyone! Thank u for indulging me if you're reading this! I have so many thoughts about Empires <33
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Here is the List of Competing Characters!!
The bracket itself isn't finished yet but the competitors are finalized (See below cut).
The bracket will be done by the end of this week.
Also I may or may not start messing with the pictures starting round 2, but it's undecided at this point.
- Mod Sky
(Note: there are no teams, the way seat 30 is written is to make it clear that they are both the same character)
Competing Characters (in no specific order):
Mythra (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)
Edelgard (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
Kumatora (Mother 3)
Tony (Earthbound)
Vivian (Paper Mario TTYD)
Doopliss (Paper Mario TTYD)
Lucas (Mother 3)
Rex (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)
Morag (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)
Alcryst (Fire Emblem Engage)
Twerkey (Miitopia)
Ike (Fire Emblem Path of Radiance)
Prince Peasley (Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga)
Alex (Golden Sun)
Mimi (Super Paper Mario)
Geno (Super Mario RPG)
Eirika (Fire Emblem Sacred Stones)
Shulk (Xenoblade Chronicles 1)
Claude (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
Dubious Mayor Dudley (Miitopia)
Besmirched Nobleboy Sonny (Miitopia)
Antasma (Mario & Luigi Dream Team)
Lin (Xenoblade Chronicles X)
Ringabel (Bravely Default)
Cynthia (Pokemon Diamond/Pearl)
Finn (Fire Emblem Genealogy of the Holy War)
Eunie (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)
The Dark Lord (Miitopia)
Zeke (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)
Alvis/A (Xenoblade Chronicles 1)
Mr. L (Super Paper Mario)
Mallow (Super Mario RPG)
Knoll (Fire Emblem Sacred Stones)
Reyn (Xenoblade Chronicles 1)
Nina (GBA Mario Tennis)
Dreambert (Mario & Luigi Dream Team)
Espurr (Pokemon X/Y)
Lute (Fire Emblem Sacred Stones)
Elma (Xenoblade Chronicles X)
Lucina (Fire Emblem Awakening)
Riki (Xenoblade Chronicles 1)
Duster (Mother 3)
Hector (Fire Emblem the Blazing Blade)
Dimentio (Super Paper Mario)
N (Pokemon Black/White)
Euden (Dragalia Lost)
Bobby (Paper Mario the Origami King)
Bow (Paper Mario 64)
Lora (Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna)
Sena (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)
Porky (Earthbound)
Goombella (Paper Mario TTYD)
Great Sage (Miitopia)
Lillie (Pokemon Sun/Moon)
Felix (Golden Sun)
Fawful (Mario & Luigi Bowser’s Inside Story)
Dominic the Dragon (Miitopia)
Mr. Saturn (Earthbound)
Marth (Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon)
Count Bleck (Super Paper Mario)
Linhardt (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
Robin (Fire Emblem Awakening)
Buzz Buzz (Earthbound)
Kammy Koopa (Paper Mario TTYD)
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xsteps888 · 2 months
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Español (spanish): bueno, cómo ya leyeron, Harry Potter AU se enfocará en dos historias, ambas con la intención de revivir la infancia y traer de regreso el mundo mágico:
Harry Potter y el miembro perdido: Está es una continuación, la cual trata de una nueva continuidad de Harry Potter. Aquí, los acontecimientos de Harry Potter y el legado maldito nunca ocurrieron. Ahora nos enfocamos en el primer hijo de Harry: James junto a su amiga Charlie (hija de luna, no canon). Ahora, en lugar del regreso de lord Voldemort, tenemos la llegada de un nuevo villano, el cual tratara de ganar el mayor poder para conquistar el mundo mágico.
Este AU es el más importante para mí, y tengo muchos planes para el, por eso, será el contenido principal de aquí.
Fundadores de hogwarts: este segundo AU sería como animales fantásticos, una precuela de la saga. Ahora, nos enfocamos en la vida de los cuatro fundadores de hogwarts, a los cuales, ustedes le pueden hacer preguntas y demás. Este no es tan importante, aún así, es muy importante para mí, por eso me enfocaré mucho en éste.
Espero que puedan apoyarme en este proyecto y que podamos crear una nueva gran historia para Harry Potter. ¡Saludos y no se olviden de sus preguntas! Xsteps888
English: This is the post: THE COEXISTENCE REGULATIONS
It is important that, for a healthy community, some important rules have to be taken into account:
First of all, this AU is not recommended for children under 13 years of age due to its content of violence, bad language, fantasy violence, and sensitive themes. Now what is HARRY POTTER AU? Well, this is my own continuation of the Harry Potter saga, where the events of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child never happened. This AU seeks to continue the saga in a mysterious way, taking into account the important elements. This AU is divided into two parts: HARRY POTTER AND THE FORGOTTEN MEMBER and
One focuses on continuing the saga in a different way, and the other focuses on the founders of the school.
Well, as you already read, Harry Potter AU will focus on two stories, both with the intention of reliving childhood and bringing back the magical world:
Harry Potter and the Missing Member: This is a continuation, which deals with a new continuity of Harry Potter. Here, the events of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child never occurred. Now we focus on Harry's first child: James with his friend Charlie (daughter of Luna, non-canon). Now, instead of the return of Lord Voldemort, we have the arrival of a new villain, who will try to gain greater power to conquer the magical world.
This AU is the most important to me, and I have a lot of plans for it, so it will be the main content here.
Hogwarts founders: this second AU would be like fantastic beasts, a prequel to the saga. Now, we focus on the lives of the four founders of Hogwarts, to whom you can ask questions and so on. This one is not that important, still, it is very important to me, so I will focus a lot on this one.
I hope you can support me in this project and that we can create a great new story for Harry Potter. Greetings and don't forget your questions! Xsteps888
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sato-sakai · 7 months
Este 16 de febrero para mi es muy especial, pues cumplo 20 años desde que llegué al mundo y a menos de un mes para el estreno de kung fu panda 4. Por esto quise hacer un blog con respecto a kung fu panda, como esta gran saga ha estado presente en mi vida y como fue que conoci el TIPO.
Para comenzar, cuando se estreno la primer película recuerdo tener los 4 años de edad. Me compraron una figura de Tigresa (en ese entonces no sabia que era mujer xd), una del mc' donalds y un termo especial. Una película que marcó mi infancia sin duda, personajes entrañables, un villano que llegas a empatizar con el, y por supuesto una banda sonora epica. Nunca llegué a ver los cortos de los 5 furiosos y el navideño hasta que fui un poco más mayor.
Para la segunda ya tenia 7 años, en el cumpleaños de quién era mi mejor amigo por aquellos años fuimos a verla. Como todo niño de ese año se asusto cuando mostraron las imágenes del genocidio panda, pero de ahí en más fue disfrutable. Hasta el dia de hoy me sigue dando sientimiento la escena en la que Po busca la paz interior con su pasado y recuerda como fue que su madre se sacrifico para que el viviera. Además, de darnos a quien para mi es el mejor villano de la saga, Lord Shen. Tenía la película en pirata y recuerdo que la ponía casi siempre. El corto de los secretos de los maestros lo vi unos años tarde, una interesante historia y conserva los actores de doblaje de las peliculas.
A partir del 2011-2016 fui perdiendo el interés en la saga. La serie de nickeledeon nunca me llegó a enganchar, vi los cortos ya mucho tiempo despues de su estreno. Pero por el 2014 o 2015 fue donde conocí el TIPO. Honestamente, en ese momento fue algo muy raro para mí esa dupla, pero después de varios videos y haber leído unos cuantos fanfics, me llego a gustar mucho. Tenía un xbox 360 kinect, donde compramos el videojuego oficial. Sin embargo, jamás llegué a jugarlo pues se me hizo muy difícil.
Ya en la tercera con 12 años, fui a verla con mi hermano en el cumpleaños de un compañero. Si bien, no fue mala tampoco era lo que esperaba, siento que pudieron mejorar mucho. Kai fue un villano decente a la par de Tai Lung y Shen, pero el ritmo y la esencia de este se sintieron muy infantiles a comparacion de sus antecesoras, un punto a destacar en esta fue el concepto del Chi que para ese entonces era nuevo para mi. A partir de este punto fue donde mi interés por el TIPO empezó a crecer más y se volvió en una de mis mayores obsesiones hasta el día de hoy XD.
Por ese entonces explore y vi muchos artistas que dibujaban este ship. Si no mal recuerdo, uno de los primeros fue de los hijos de Tigresa y Po que eran un panda y una tgresa blanca de nombre Hana o algo así, ya por el 2016 fue donde vi por primera vez los dibujos de @ani-dragmire , @masterlan12 y @7oy7iger (aunque por aquel entonces Lan hacía otro ship). Sin lugar a duda tres grandes dibujantes con las que he podido conversar en un par de ocasiones.
Cuando salió la serie paws of destiny tuve expectativas muy altas, (aunque no tenía prime video por aquel entonces) pero terminé algo decepcionado por el resultado final y por la ausencia de los 5 furiosos. Aunque, tiene cosas rescatables como lo son las 4 constelaciones (ya habia oido de estas creaturas mitologicas pero en el folklore japones) y la percepcion que tiene Po de Tigresa como una amiga y gran guerrera. El 2022 fue un año pesado, mi ingreso a la universidad y la noticia de que una próxima película de nuestro querido panda estába muy cerca y que traería de regreso a los 3 villanos anteriores de la saga, estaba mas que emocionado.
No obstante, ese mismo año se estreno la que para mi y gran parte del fandom es una gran falta de respeto a Kung Fu Panda. La serie de Netflix, mi primer error fue pensar en el regreso de Jack Black como Po. Recuerdo que ese año fue de lo mas bajo en cuanto a calidad de peliculas, series, video juegos y demas. La idea de conocer el resto del mundo fuera de China en el lore de Kung Fu Panda fue lo que me cegó de la basofia que vería. Po siendo un torpe y agachado frente a una osa odiosa y empoderada. Lo peor de todo fue que vi las tres temporadas en netflix.
Para diciembre del año pasado vi el primer trailer de Kung Fu Panda 4, aunque fue emocionante ver a Tai Lung de vuelta (probablemente en un arco de redención) debo decir que fue algo decepcionante el no ver a los 5 furiosos. Al momento que escribó esto tengo la esperanza de ver a Shen y Kai en un futuro avance.
Para mi Kung Fu Panda no es una simple saga de películas hechas para niños, es una saga que muestra la evolucion de un fan de las artes marciales al camino de ser el guerrero mas legendario de China. Aunque no es la mejor como las sagas de Shrek o como entrenar a tu dragón, es de las más queridas. Si hay algo que admiro de Po, es como a pesar de tener un pasado doloroso, ser rechazado al inicio, quizas no ser lo que Shifu espera de el. Po nunca se da por vencido y siempre mantiene una sonrisa calida y una actitud optimista, algo así como Peter Parker. Y bueno, esto es todo por ahora, me despido de ustedes.
Nota: No spoilers a partir de Marzo.
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The Saga of Fire King Zazzalil
(i WILL write this one day, i promise)
Inspired by Burn by lilfinch.
Setting is a somewhat futuristic world, where humans, machines and alien immigrants live in harmony. Hatchetfield was founded by a human and a bug, who were the first mayors of the town.
Some respects to the DCEU Snyderverse will be paid, such as the factor of the Super Friends being a league of six, with Mera as a seventh member.
The Lords In Black are morally ambiguous, and they and Webby were once mortals who ascended to godhood by going beyond the impossible and kicking logic to the curb. They promptly went against a crusade against the Abrahamic God, and each one had a hand in subduing him although it was Webby who dealt the killing blow.
Zazzalil, Lex and Hannah are Owen and Curt's adopted daughters, and they all have different powers, Zazzalil's being the most obvious one:fire.
Jemilla is the adopted daughter of the chief of police Molag, and unlike her mom, she firmly believes that superheroes are the cause of all trouble in the world and that puts her into conflict with Zazz.
The Princess is called Jasmine, in line with the Disney Aladdin movie.
Keeri is Max Jägerman's twin sister and they both lust after the same woman.
Installment #1:The Fire King
Zazzalil Carvour-Mega is a student of Galaxia High in the tiny town of Hatchetfield. After hearing the legend of the Lords In Black from her local librarian, Sherrezade, she aspires to be like them one day, despite being just a normal girl.
One day, she stumbles upon a mysterious meteor, and suddenly finds herself on fire...but not harmed by it. Impressed by her new powers, Zazzalil sets out to change the world, under the moniker of Fire King. But balancing school time and hero work is not an easy job, especially when Jemilla Jarrett, the most popular girl at school, loathes her Fire King identity. To make matters worse, Zazz finds herself falling for Jemilla...
Pairings:Zazzalil/Jemilla, Mouthface/Princess, Keeri/Grace Chasity, Grunt/Emberly, one-sided Tiblyn/Chorn, Bug/February, Lex/Ethan, Steph/Pete, Tim/Craphole, Tootsie/Mega-Girl, Taz/Up, Ja'far/Sherrezade, Paul/Emma, Curt/Owen
Installment #2:Fire King, Meet Super Friends
After defeating Snarl, Zazzalil becomes an internet sensation and, what's better, she's now officially dating Jemilla. Her newfound fame catches the eyes of the Super Friends, the protectors of Earth, and she is arranged to meet them. She expects to go to the big city...but turns out the Super Friends are coming to Hatchetfield, much to her surprise.
Meanwhile, Chief Molag reveals to Jemilla a deadly secret, along with what happened to her birth parents. Can Jemilla cope with the fact that she has powers? What is Mayor Spaceclaw plotting? And, most importantly, will the Fire King once again make it out alive?
Pairings:Zazzalil/Jemilla, Clark/Bruce, Barry/Victor, Arthur/Mera, Mouthface/Princess, Bug/February, Lex/Ethan, Grunt/Emberly, Junior/Pincer
Finale:The King's Last Temptation
A year has passed since Mayor Spaceclaw was exposed and peace was restored to Hatchetfield, and now Zazzalil and Jemilla are expecting to graduate from high school. They have made big name for themselves as the crime-fighting duo Fire King and Crystal Queen, while also having made peace with their new identities, the Destroyer Of Worlds and the White Devil.
However, things quickly get bad when Superman gets trapped inside a red sun, and the girls are summoned to the Watchtower. They need each other now more than ever—the Super Friends(and the world) are counting on them!
Pairings:Zazzalil/Jemilla, Clark/Bruce, Barry/Victor, Arthur/Mera
Addendum #1:Tales From Hatchetfield
(Chapter 1:In A Town Gone Mad)
One of the two unsung love stories from Hatchetfield. The Dikrats family's youngest child has always been somewhat of a ditz, but in his defense, he's just seven, and too young to think about love...right?
Craphole never gave a thought of what's going on between his mom and dad, or his sister and Jasmine. All that changes when he meets Tim Houston, two years older than him, on the playground, and for some STRANGE reason, he can't stop thinking about him. Could this be what the grown-ups call love?
Pairings:Tim/Craphole, Mouthface/Princess, Jack Bauer/Slippery When Wet, background Ja'far/Sherrezade and Tom/Becky
(Chapter 2:The Love Song Of Junior Spaceclaw)
Another of the two unsung love stories from Hatchetfield. Junior, the mayor's son, is being groomed to be the next evil overlord but he fails to live up to the standards his father set and copes by smoking pot.
One day, he meets Pincer, a wandering scorpion rogue looking for fresh human meat to eat, and what started out as a simple deal becomes something more but their evil love is put at stake when a new hero known as the Fire King emerges, and threatens to destroy everything. But if they're gonna lose, they'll do it together.
Pairings:Junior/Pincer, Bug/February, background Taz/Up and Tootsie/Mega-Girl
(Chapter 3:Zazzalil, I Am Your Father)
Set one year before the rise of the Fire King. Thirteen-year-old Zazzalil Carvour-Mega grew up idolizing heroes, and both her fathers. One day, Owen Carvour, her Pops, takes her to his workplace on Take Your Kid To Work Day, and there, she finds out a horrifying secret.
Faced with the fact that her Pops is a rogue, Zazzalil falls into a dilemma. But soon, she realizes that the Deadliest Man Alive is not your average supervillain, and there's more to him than meets the eye...
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egglygreg · 1 month
I was tagged by @katiethedane12
Rules: Answer and tag nine people you want to get to know better and catch up with.
favorite colo(u)r:
For a long time it's been burnt orange, but phthalo green and other deep greens might be taking over
last song:
Concerning Hobbits, cover by the Celestial Aeon Project
currently reading:
Anne of Windy Poplars audiobook, I'm making my way through the series (I'd only ever read green gables before, despite having found and bought the full set of books in an op shop years ago)
currently watching:
The last show I finished was Psych, but that was a while back. Haven't really been watching any shows recently, though I've been meaning to catch up on the 2nd season of The Wingfeather Saga with mum
currently craving:
Nothing, apart from craving for relief from terrible reflux 😓 all food is causing me issues atm since covid stuffed up my stomach
coffee or tea?:
Tea 100%, I live on the stuff
hobby to try:
I keep thinking needle felting looks fun, but I have such a ridiculous amount of craft supplies already I can't let myself start a new one 😅
current AU:
Mm don't really have one? Though it might be fun to imagine my Strahliana ocs in modern Australia and how all that would work 🤔
Ahleri would grow up on a sheep station, end up in the city at uni maybe? She'd be studying agriculture or maybe textiles, Conell would be a top athlete and probably studying exercise physiology (forced by his dad, he secretly wants to do music), and Zhahara would be doing library and information services. Her dad would be the city mayor.
Ourem would be a maremma I reckon, maaybe a blue heeler that's bonded to Ahleri as his person? (I know he has a rough collie coat and a kelpie would be more Aussie and have his colouring, plus they're specifically a sheep dog, but a maremma or heeler would fit his personality more I think) and Nimble would be a rescued hand reared brushtail possum.
@thejonderettegirl @jupiterlandings @accidental-spice @sisterdragonwithfeathers @o-lei-o-lai-o-lord and whoever wants to join in (have brain fog now and can't remember people's urls, sorry 😓)
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The UnTitledverse DND Alignment
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Eleanor (The Perfect Storm, The Omniscient Rule & The Ender sagas and The Time Guard volumes) - A Knightess of the Light, Eleanor is one of the most moral characters in The UnTitledverse, repenting by serving good.
Leviticus (The Omniscient Rule & The Ender sagas, Jagged Instincts novelisation & The Time Guard volumes) - A lawyer of the Time Court, had a disdain towards Timekeeper but ultimately upholds honor and goodwill above all else.
Joaquin Cobalt (The Perfect Storm, The Omniscient Rule & The Ender sagas) - A young adolescent who got lost in the Multiverse before rising up to become a leading and respected member of the Omniscient Rule.
Leslie Who (The Perfect Storm & The Omniscient Rule sagas) - A doctor who lost his son to an old business partner, Leslie is on a mission of revenge against Edward Carmine and his crimes. However, he cannot stop himself from doing good in spite of the nature of his mission.
Benny the Révolutionnaire (The UnTitled Ventures & The Ender sagas) - The seventh-borne Eldritch, was made to assist Zachariah at Fate's Table, however was exiled to the Void. Not that it stopped him.
Calvin Dearing (The Perfect Storm saga) - A Dream Spirit and a former Cartoonist murdered by his boss, Terrence Carmine, Calvin was stuck in a repetitive cycle of purgatory rigged by Jester, but managed to get out. He became good friends with Joaquin Cobalt and Mario Emmet, when they were both lost in the Multiverse, he went out of his way to find them.
Allyson "Alice" Darling (The Omniscient Rule & The Ender saga) - Alice is the eldest Darling child, and was recommended by Malcrum during his leave from the Omniscient Rule to replace him.
Joaquin Lockwood (The UnTitled Ventures saga) - The previous incarnation of Joaquin Cobalt, Joaquin Lockwood was a former agent of the BSAA before becoming the mayor of the Village and then aiding Benny in his revolt against Zachariah.
Timekeeper (The Perfect Storm & The Omniscient Rule sagas) - A Time Lord droid created to overlook Time and utilize the Time Watch. Wishes to change the corruption he's noticed bleed inside the Time Bureau Authority.
Mario Emmet (The Perfect Storm & The Omniscient Rule sags and Mario: Mother's Boy) - A shapeshifting soul-type alien, Mario was taught by his mother Abigail, his first best friend Debra, his love interest Charlie, and his brother-figures Joaquin & Calvin to gain some better morality. Mario also adopted an appreciation for humanity just as his mother did.
H.O.S.T (The Time Guard volumes) - The warden of the Time Prism (a prison sub-dimension in Time), he joined the Time Guard on their adventures. He is unprepared for their unorthodox illegalities.
Elise Lockwood (The Ender saga) - She just wants to find out where her family is man.
Jerome Amber (The UnTitled Stories) - The Lord High Protector of Corona and the half-brother of Empress Cassandra. He feels only loyalty towards Cass... whether she was a knight or a usurper.
Mordecai Callaghan (The Omniscient Rule saga) - Also known as "The Huntsman", Mordecai only commits amoral acts (like bounty hunting) and immoral acts (like child trafficking) to survive and to earn his freedom from Madame Callaghan and C.Y.P.R.U.S.
Maddilyn Darling (The Perfect Storm and The Omniscient Rule sagas) - An outlaw apart of the Van Der Linde Gang, Maddilyn follows Dutch closely. However this does change later in 1899.
The Chairman (The Perfect Storm saga) - Dude eats people that go against existence, even if they're innocent.
Jeremiah (The Omniscient Rule saga and The Time Guard series) - A Time Agent who honestly doesn't give a fuck about the law, and just most fucks around and finds out. Jeremiah is apart of Khronos' corruption though.
Malcolm Darling (The Omniscient Rule saga) - A Darling twin taken into C.Y.P.R.U.S before failing a mission that resulted in him being bisected and set alight, he gets infected by the Cordyceps and manages to control it enough to remain conscious, setting out to eliminate his rival; Ellie Williams.
Jester (The Perfect Storm saga) - This guy is a scamming dealmaker who will screw over whoever is not the winning side.
K.I.L.L.J.O.Y (The Perfect Storm saga) - A virus/security drone of Edward Carmine's that becomes his most loyal servant.
Zachariah The Orchestrator (The UnTitled Ventures and The Ender saga) - The second-borne Eldritch and the Hand at Fate's Table, Zachariah has a disdainful view on humanity and wishes to control and punish them for their existence.
Edward Carmine (The Perfect Storm saga) - A petty industrialist and robotics expert, he craves power over everyone and believes himself to be the superior human. Edward also cannot let go of a grudge, going to insane lengths to settle the score (even if it puts his own life in danger).
Quintin the Unknown Evil (The Perfect Storm saga) - The Unknown Evil is the fifth-borne Eldritch that represents the concept of Evil and is the leader of the Wicked.
Madame Callaghan (The Omniscient Rule and The UnTitled Ventures sagas) - Madame Callaghan is the leader of C.Y.P.R.U.S who abuses her power and position, a result of her sanity degenerating on a horrific level.
Ian Graveheart (The Omniscient Rule saga) - The leader of the current chapter of the Occult, he is fully indoctrinated by the Occult's doctrine.
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legiongamerrd · 11 months
Hace 20 años se lanzó en América, Fire Emblem. Un RPG táctico desarrollado por Intelligent Systems, y publicado por @nintendolatam para el Game Boy Advance. Es la 7ma entrega de la saga Fire Emblem, y el 2do lanzado para la plataforma después de Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade, y el primero localizado para Occidente.
El juego es precuela de The Binding Blade, sucede en el continente de Elibe. Cuenta la historia de Lyn, Eliwood y Hector, 3 jóvenes lords del linaje Lycian que viajan para encontrar al padre de Eliwood, y luego descubren una conspiración mayor que amenaza la estabilidad de Elibe.
#LegionGamerRD #ElGamingnosune #Videojuegos #Gaming #RetroGaming #RetroGamer #CulturaGaming #CulturaGamer #GamingHistory #HistoriaGaming #GamerDominicano #GamingPodcast #Podcast #IntelligentSystems #FireEmblem #Nintendo #GameBoyAdvance #GBA #WiiU #NintendoSwitch #GBASP #JRPG #RPG #SRPG
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ayto-fuenlabrada · 2 years
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EXPOSICIÓN Fuenlabrada Friki. Universo Star Wars ···
📍 Sala A del CEART
📅 Desde el 24 de febrero al 30 de julio
Inauguración a las 20:00 horas
Todos los públicos
Entrada libre
Horario: viernes y vísperas de festivos de 17 a 21 h y sábados, domingos y festivos de 11 a 14 h y de 17 a 21 h
La exposición Universo Star Wars marca un antes y un después en la historia del coleccionismo de Star Wars en España. Desde el momento mismo en que los visitantes entren en Centro de Arte Tomás y Valiente se van a ver inmersos en el ambiente de esta mágica saga. El acceso reproduce el interior del crucero de la República en el que Leia trata de escapar de Darth Vader.
A continuación, se recrea el mítico planeta Tatooine: escenarios, a escala real con las figuras de un grupo de Jawas, de Bobba Fett, de Han Solo en carbonita y, sobre todo, del rey de los bajos fondos, Jabba, sentado en su trono. De las Guerras Clon llegan las figuras a escala real de Chewacca, del capitán Rex y del maestro Yoda. De la luna de Endor se recrean dos bikers imperiales subiendo a su moto jet bajo la atenta mirada de varios ewoks.
No podían faltar dos personajes tan emblemáticos como C3PO y R2-D2, Jar Jar Binks, Darth-Vader escoltado por los temidos stormtroopers, un miembro de la Guardia Roja Imperial y dos de los villanos más carismáticos de toda la Saga: Darth Malgus, y Darth Maul, una de las piezas más señaladas de la exposición, ya que solo se fabricaron 25 unidades.
Durante los fines de semana los más jóvenes podrán disfrutar de actividades gratuitas diseñadas para hacer disfrutar al padawan más exigente:
1. Zona de realidad virtual Vader Inmortal para poner a prueba sus habilidades frente a los mayores villanos de la galaxia, haciendo uso de sables láser.
2. Escuela Jedi para conseguir la destreza de un auténtico servidor de la Fuerza, o de un Lord Sith, ellos eligen.
3. Espacio para aprender a construir y controlar algunos de los legendarios droides de Star Wars como BB8 o BB9E.
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laisladelafantasia · 2 years
Harry Potter 4 y el cáliz de fuego [2005]
En el cuarto año en Hogwarts, Harry se enfrenta al mayor de los desafíos y peligros de la saga. Cuando es elegido bajo misteriosas circunstancias como el competidor que representará a Hogwarts en el Torneo Triwizard, Harry deberá competir contra los mejores jóvenes magos de toda Europa. Pero mientras se prepara, aparecen pruebas que manifiestan que Lord Voldemort ha regresado. Antes de darse cuenta, Harry no solo estará luchando por el campeonato sino también por su vida Read the full article
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bogglebabbles · 7 months
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My son politely waiting to ask a question.
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elsenordelosanillos · 2 years
Harry Potter 4 y el cáliz de fuego [2005]
En el cuarto año en Hogwarts, Harry se enfrenta al mayor de los desafíos y peligros de la saga. Cuando es elegido bajo misteriosas circunstancias como el competidor que representará a Hogwarts en el Torneo Triwizard, Harry deberá competir contra los mejores jóvenes magos de toda Europa. Pero mientras se prepara, aparecen pruebas que manifiestan que Lord Voldemort ha regresado. Antes de darse cuenta, Harry no solo estará luchando por el campeonato sino también por su vida Read the full article
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Welcome to Round 2!!!
Sorry that it's been a while so let's get going shall we.
Something to keep in mind moving forward is that the losers bracket is starting this round, all the competitors that lost in round 1 will go against eachother with re-randomized match-ups for the chance to compete in the finals. This will be run alongside the winners bracket and I have no intentions of bringing back characters that lose from here on out.
Round 2 will be released on June 7th at 11:00 am PST
Losers Round 1 will be released on June 9th at 11:00 am PST
Match-ups are below the cut as always.
- Mod Sky
Left Side:
Cackletta (Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga) VS Mallow (Super Mario RPG) 
Geno (Super Mario RPG) VS Bow (Paper Mario 64)
Rex (Xenoblade Chronicles 2) VS Cynthia (Pokemon Diamond/Pearl)
Fawful (Mario & Luigi Bowser’s Inside Story) VS Riki (Xenoblade Chronicles 1)
Tony (Earthbound) VS Kammy Koopa (Paper Mario TTYD)
N (Pokemon Black/White) VS Dreambert (Mario & Luigi Dream Team)
Lucas (Mother 3) VS The Dark Lord (Miitopia)
Great Sage (Miitopia) VS Dimentio (Super Paper Mario)
Right Side:
Bobby (Paper Mario the Origami King) VS Mr. L (Super Paper Mario) 
Mimi (Super Paper Mario) VS Shulk (Xenoblade Chronicles 1)
Mr. Saturn (Earthbound) VS Elma (Xenoblade Chronicles X)
Dominic the Dragon (Miitopia) VS Duster (Mother 3)
Kumatora (Mother 3) VS Alvis/A (Xenoblade Chronicles 1)
Alex (Golden Sun) VS Claude (Fire Emblem Three Houses) 
Vivian (Paper Mario TTYD) VS Espurr (Pokemon X/Y)
Lillie (Pokemon Sun/Moon) VS Hector (Fire Emblem the Blazing Blade)
Left Side:
Count Bleck (Super Paper Mario) VS Alcryst (Fire Emblem Engage)
Morag (Xenoblade Chronicles 2) VS Robin (Fire Emblem Awakening)
Eunie (Xenoblade Chronicles 3) VS Finn (Fire Emblem Genealogy of the Holy War)
Lin (Xenoblade Chronicles X) VS Euden (Dragalia Lost)
Lora (Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna) VS Buzz Buzz (Earthbound)
Linhardt (Fire Emblem Three Houses) VS Dubious Mayor Dudley (Miitopia)
Mythra (Xenoblade Chronicles 2) VS Eirika (Fire Emblem Sacred Stones)
Ringabel (Bravely Default) VS Goombella (Paper Mario TTYD)
Right Side:
Felix (Golden Sun) VS Porky (Earthbound)
Doopliss (Paper Mario TTYD) VS Lute (Fire Emblem Sacred Stones)
Nina (GBA Mario Tennis) VS Reyn (Xenoblade Chronicles 1)
Zeke (Xenoblade Chronicles 2) VS Knoll (Fire Emblem Sacred Stones)
Besmirched Nobleboy Sonny (Miitopia) VS Edelgard (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
Antasma (Mario & Luigi Dream Team) VS Lucina (Fire Emblem Awakening)
Ike (Fire Emblem Path of Radiance) VS Twerkey (Miitopia)
Sena (Xenoblade Chronicles 3) VS Marth (Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon)
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Harry Potter 4 y el c��liz de fuego [2005]
En el cuarto año en Hogwarts, Harry se enfrenta al mayor de los desafíos y peligros de la saga. Cuando es elegido bajo misteriosas circunstancias como el competidor que representará a Hogwarts en el Torneo Triwizard, Harry deberá competir contra los mejores jóvenes magos de toda Europa. Pero mientras se prepara, aparecen pruebas que manifiestan que Lord Voldemort ha regresado. Antes de darse cuenta, Harry no solo estará luchando por el campeonato sino también por su vida Read the full article
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estrenos2022 · 2 years
Harry Potter 4 y el cáliz de fuego [2005]
En el cuarto año en Hogwarts, Harry se enfrenta al mayor de los desafíos y peligros de la saga. Cuando es elegido bajo misteriosas circunstancias como el competidor que representará a Hogwarts en el Torneo Triwizard, Harry deberá competir contra los mejores jóvenes magos de toda Europa. Pero mientras se prepara, aparecen pruebas que manifiestan que Lord Voldemort ha regresado. Antes de darse cuenta, Harry no solo estará luchando por el campeonato sino también por su vida Read the full article
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