#saftey courses are the answer.
deputy-buck · 6 months
You ever see someone mishandle a fake gun so bad that your skin crawls and you get a cold sweat at the thought of them getting their hands on a real firearm? Yeah, just saw a gif of someone's finger on the trigger as they chamber a round, and then lock their arm out at the elbow to aim, not to mention their hand was over the ejection point when chambering it.... that will bite you. That will take a chunk out of your soft little fucking Palm-Olive hands, dumbfuck.
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The gremlin’s in the attic
Karma x Alan (pre-established)
Karma’s been trying to find a place to make into his studio, his room being deemed a health hazard by Dante-forcing him to uproot his craft and go on a mission to find the perfect place.
Who knew it was above him the whole time…
Alan certainly did.
Karma looked at the stack of unfinished projects and blank canvases littering his room as he swirled around in his chair, Sho and Leo looking around his room like it’s an art museum as they both turned to him in sync.
“You’re fucked man.”
Leo announced looking at the place you can barely call a bedroom, the only thing that made it so was the crumpled bed that’s been pushed into the corner, the rest of the room was filled with art supplies,equipment, easels,boxes of paint and his assortment of projects; his sold paintings were slightly more organised, placed on top of the chestnut drawers or hung up in the walk in wardrobe.
Leo was too stressed looking at the mess to even ask where he actually stores his clothes.
Sho sighed as he picked up a painting, it was one of a winters night on the streets of shibuya, it was just one karma did from a memory of one of his bar hopping nights, he chuckled as he remembered snapping a picture of the scenary right before his girlfriend of the time threw up everywhere, the calm electric evening being ended by that disgusting moment as well as a prompt breakup(unrelated to the throwing up~it was just insanely bad timing on karma’s part)…yet it still brought a smile to his face.
“Can I have this one?”
Sho grinned as he held it up, Leo raising an eyebrow at the request.
“Of course~ I’ll wrap it up for you”
He took the painting and carefully started wrapping the parchment around it, grabbing a little baggie of nails to help hang it up.
“How much Karm?”
Sho pulled out his wallet as karma just shook his head pushing it back grinning.
“I can’t make a cutie like you pay~it’s yours no worries.”
He winked as he handed him the little baggie, Leo was pouting as he searched through the paintings trying to decide which one he liked best before deciding on a surprisingly grim on. It was of an overgrown graveyard with a ghostly figure staring down at the viewer as he gently grasps a tall solemn looking grave surrounded by spider lilies, it was hauntingly beautiful and Leo couldn’t take his eyes off it.
“This one’s mine.”
Leo nodded in approval of his own choice as Karma walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, as a cheery smile spread on his face.
“95,433.75 yen.”
Leo narrowed his eyes at karma gaping at the betrayal.
“Why the fuck does Sho get it for free and I don’t?”
Sho had the smuggest smirk as he looked at Leo, holding his painting triumphantly.
“Sho’s cute.”
Karma said it as though it was the simplest answer and not extremely absurd.
Leo gestured to himself as though it was the most obvious thing.
Karma gestured midway, trying to keep a straight face before erupting into giggles at Leo’s astounded face.
“You can have it, Kuro~ it’s a good choice.”
The painting was based on an image he’d dreamt a week before Olivia got kidnapped to Darkwick…which doesn’t bode well but he’s kind of been ignoring that…so he’s kind of glad the paintings being taken.
“Hmmm, I guess I’ll let it slide Karmie~ but I guess I could do something In return…”
He purred out as He leaned in to fix up Karma’s rumpled button up, the previously black shirt was now covered in a mixture of green and green paint yet he still somehow made it work, which Leo couldn’t decide if it annoyed him or not. Karma raised an eyebrow as his eyes sparkled intrigue as Leo took his time, pretending to smooth out the shirt as he coped a feel of Karma’s abs underneath, humming in appreciate.
"The attic.”
He announced, flicking his gaze back up to Karma as the other man just looked extremely confused.
“We have an attic?”
Leo grinned as Hope danced through Karma’s eyes.
“Will it be okay? No being deemed a saftey hazard?”
Sho slung an arm around Karma’s shoulder, both he and Leo wearing matching grins.
“Nope~none at all.”
“This is a hazard to my safety.”
Karma hissed out to the duo below him.
Sho and Leo were helping him set up, passing up boxes to Karma who was beat red in the face, not from the heat or exertion…but from the shirtless Alan who was currently moving about his mini workspace, which consisted of a crate of spray paints and a tiny table with a radio and water bottle on top of it.
When Karma first saw the attic he gasped at the beauty surrounding him, stunning and intricate pieces of art covered the walls, there was a huge circular window that seemed to open out, allowing a breeze and a lovely amount of light to come through, besides that there was nothing else beside a crate of spray paint bottles and a tiny table. Behind the crate was the beginnings of a piece of a bonsai tree piece, an eccentric eye catching piece that Karma was excited to see become finished, vibrant colours danced around the walls setting him aflame with inspiration as he couldn’t help his excitement as he was practically bouncing on the spot.
Leo proceeded to surprise Karma with the fact that this was the Captain’s private area by getting Alan to meet up with them and start to help arrange their now shared space.
Alan shed his shirt after Leo ‘accidentally’ spilled oil paint on it, giving a thumbs up to karma who immediately threw a middle finger back at him as his face exploded into a deep red, Alan even asked if Karma was okay sending the man into embarrassment overload.
He admitted he thought Alan was insanely hot one time and now Leo haunts him with it everyday.
Like right now as Leo and Sho cackled at Karma’s flustered state as they handed the last of the equipment over to him, he looked at the huge pile art things that he now has to reorganise, sighing as he held his hand out to help the two up into the room as they gazed up at him with innocent smiles.
“We suddenly have an errand to do! Don’t we Leo?”
Sho grinned at Leo.
“Oh my, it seems we do~we’ll be back with dinner.”
Karma gaped at the two as they cackled winking at him as they walked off.
Absolute traitors.
He turned to look at Alan who was waiting patiently for Karma, leaning on the wall next to the window as the sunlight hit him just right, shining over him making Karma feel almost dizzy at the sight of his beauty.
“I’m working only on this area at the moment…”
Alan pointed at the unfinished bonsai as Karma tried to calmly nod at him, most of the walls were completely covered but karma could see places where he’s repainted the area with a base colour and made another piece on top, some blending with the picture behind creating an insanely mind melting artwork which set Karma’s brain buzzing as he analysed each piece.
It was insanely impressive.
“I’m fine setting up where ever cap’, where would be easiest for you?”
Karma clapped his hands together, as Alan looked thoughtfully around the room, the silence wasn’t oppressive but rather soothed karma as he fiddled with his lip piercing trying to figure out what project he should start first.
Anywhere in the room would honestly be fine, the lighting was perfect, it was a big open space so there was tonnes of room for the both of them AND he got to sneak looks at Alan, it was perfect.
He really did owe Leo.
He’ll give him 50% of his next sale, that should hopefully be enough and maybe…he’ll let him do some deals for him, he’s been pestering Karma to let him broker some things and get his foot more into the art world Anyway…
“Over here will be the best place.”
Alan walked over to him, grabbing the biggest easel as he carried it over to the corner facing his bonsai, Karma fumbled to grab a couple of the smaller easels as he hustled to catch up with Alan, who awaited further instruction on where to place it. Karma looked around before deciding to line them up against the wall next to the window. The whole wall was transformed into a whimsical forest, a collection of all different romantic flowers with a cherry blossom tree as the centre piece that was sprouting from the circular window. He was mesmerised at the sight as he traced the sunflowers and roses that were near the easels. Alan had a slight blush on his cheeks as he watched Karma, feeling slightly overwhelmed at having himself be seen so vividly like this.
“This is beautiful Cap’.”
Karma murmured out as Alan shuffled back going to grab one of the boxes of paints as he tried to hide his burning face by making sure he’s faced away from Karma, he waited till he felt the burn leave, checking himself slightly in the reflection of the plastic box as he took a deep breath before sighing to himself as he hauled the boxes, Alan couldn’t help but think of himself as being ridiculous.
Karma had to snap himself out of his enchantment as he rushed over to grab his painting sheet, he stopped Alan from dropping the box before he spread out the sheet, making sure it’s properly laid out before gesturing Alan to place the box down.
They both quietly grabbed all the boxes of paints as Karma showed Alan how he liked to have it all organised. He has the boxes organised by colour, which means he had a shit tonne of boxes that lined the other wall, as he kept all the blue, green and brown boxes together;the oranges,yellow and reds; the pink, purples and grey; lastly the black,white,silver and golds. In his head it’s amazingly organised when really it does look quite chaotic as the tower of paint stood over both him and Alan.
They organised the rest of the tools and equipment before getting to his actual stack of blank canvases.
“You can have some if you want?”
He didn’t know if Alan used canvases as well or if he wanted to try…but it was worth offering.
Alan grunted as he looked at them curiously, grabbing a medium sized one.
“You sure?”
Karma hummed happily as he saw a small smile grace Alan’s features.
“Of course Cap! Anything ya wanna use just let me know~maybe ya can show me how to spray paint? The way you do it… it’s insanely stunning-it’ll be cool to learn how you do it!”
Karma fiddled with his rings as he rambled on, he could see Alan politely nodding along in agreement, which made karma slightly curse himself.
“I could also…we could exchange techniques and stuff, I could show you some things as well and…”
He nervously trailed off as Alan didn’t say anything, seeming to be in deep thought.
Alan rubbed the back of his neck as he avoided karma’s gaze, the tips of his ears turning a vibrant shade of red.
“Sounds good to me Karma.”
Alan suddenly became aware of how close the two of them were as they stood side by side, he could feel Karma’s body heat radiate to him as anxiety tried to overtake him telling him to push him in away in order to protect him as Karma gazed excitedly at him.
“How’d you get started on this anyway?”
Karma asked innocently, as though he sensed Alan’s anxieties as he started grabbing the sold canvases. They haven’t been wrapped yet but he’s put red tags on the back of the ones he’s sold, so he knows what’s sold and what’s not.
“Dante…advised to have an outlet that didn’t include beating someone up.”
Karma snorted nodding in understanding as he paused his organisations as he gazed encouragingly at Alan to continue his story, sitting on the ground cross legged as Alan placed the gifted canvas onto his side of the room before coming back and joining karma on the ground.
“I didn’t listen at first, thought Dante was talking bullshit but then…I caught a couple of general students spraying painting in the pit and made them show me how to do it…I gave it go and I’ve been hooked ever since.”
Alan’s smile turning fond as he remembered the group that originally showed him; they were painting an acid tripped bouquet of daisies, one that’s still up in the pit, Alan not letting anyone go over it as it holds such a fond memory within it.
“Tho-someone found access to the attic and helped me set it up.”
Memories of him and Thoma emptying the attic as they cleared the space for the two of them to paint. Thoma wasn’t that into it and didn’t really go up there unless he was there, Alan how ever…loved it and tried to be up there nearly every day, even if it was just to look or sit in silence a couple of minutes.
Karma couldn’t help the way his heart hammered around Alan, he especially couldn’t help himself cracking up at the image of a first year Alan threatening a bunch of students into teaching him to spray paint a flower, this whole other side to him making him slightly swoon.
“I like it, you’ve really made it your own space…thank you for letting me share it.”
Karma was smiling softly at him as Alan met his gaze, returning a gentle smile back at Karma as the two continued to chatter as they both organised the finished paintings into a sold and unsold pile.
Alan was impressed by the small amount that was left in the unsold pile, the sold pile was getting taller and taller by the minute and all that was left was a large 6ft canvas, he doesn’t even know how they would’ve got it up there if it weren’t for the anomalous technology that temporarily shrank it.
It was a sunset piece, a pink to orange ombré with a mountain and temple in the background, it was a very traditional piece, a change from his usual style as well, Karma grinned as he noticed Alan glancing at it as he pulled it into the sold pile.
“It’s for a temple where I used to live, me and Oli would hide there a lot and the grandma there would spoil us with sweets and milk bread.”
Alan was too scared to the touch the painting, afraid he’d break the fragile piece of art as he leaned closer to look at it, being careful to not go too close towards the work of art.
“When did you start painting?”
Alan asked his voice soft and in awe as karma showed him his favourite unsold painting, a sunflower field that had pumpkins and scarecrows throughout it, apparently Olivia took him to central Hokkaido to see the sunflower fields last Halloween and he got inspired , it wasn’t to sell really; Karma wanted to keep it for himself, the memory always cheered him up as he recalls the image of Olivia losing terribly at Apple bobbing as she accidentally kept eating the apples, astounding the judges and everyone around her.
“I started when I was…9? Oli saved up money all winter to get me this painting set, all because she saw me doodling one day and…she thought I had a talent.”
He laughed sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck as he started sifting through the unfinished paintings. Alan leaned back as Karma glanced at him, taking in the sight as the sun shone directly onto him. karma couldn’t help but think of how Alan looked like a Greek statue, he drank in the sight as he couldn’t peel his eyes away from Alan, perfectly styled hair with his necklace hanging low making karma gulped as he tried to not openly ogle the captains abs that’s badly. karma sighed wistfully at the sight as he soaked it in, Alan looked at him in confusion but decided to say nothing about it as karma’s half lidded gaze appealed to him in ways he didn’t want to look into right now.
“You do have a beautiful talent.”
Alan said bluntly as he gazed at the small army of canvases that now surrounded him, Karma let out a strangled noise at the compliment as his cheeks flushed and Alan couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight as karma seemed to struggle to accept the compliment. It seems they have reached a stagnant in organising and instead the two men sat closely together as they quietly chattered away.
It was more like Karma was doing most of the talking and Alan listened, but it was the calmest Karma’s seen his captain since he joined Vagastrom, he had his knees to his chest as he casually leaned his arms over them, his fingers gently fiddling with his boot laces as he chimed in randomly. He was still without a shirt and karma would’ve been worried about him getting cold but the beaming sun seemed to help with that and karma couldn’t help but lean into him to help make up for the rest of the lacking heat.
That was how Sho found them, leaning in to eachother as Alan had a small smile on his face as Karma went off on a random tangent.
“Well…looks like everything’s set up.”
He couldn’t help but smirk as karma jumped slightly at the loud voice that boomed through the echoey room, the smell of Philly cheesesteak sandwiches wafted through the room as Karma was practically drooling at the smell, it was his favourite meal of Sho’s and he rarely made it for him unless he did his ‘volunteer work’ at the truck and that’s only if the leftover ingredients were there…it wasn’t just him who had it as a fave after all.
“Did you make the best meal to ever exist for me?”🥹
He smoothly wrapped an arm around Alan’s as he lead him to the attic ladder, which kind of made him miss ladders, the little dude who’s currently only hanging around Olivia…not that he’s jealous.
Alan lightly pulled his arm out of his grasp as his face slid back to its deadpan, the soft gaze losing the battle as he peeked his face over at Sho.
“Bandana, where’s Leo?”
He asked suspiciously as Sho held the plates waiting impatiently.
“He’s making a TikTok with Olivia.”
Karma wrinkled his nose at the thought, he could only imagine what nonsense Leo is making her do right now…which means karma must come to the rescue.
Alan clambered down and karma followed soon after, grabbing a plate from Sho as the hearts in his eyes grew wide.
“You’re the best person to ever exist ever Sho~”
He handed a plate to Alan who just stood there awkwardly watching the two with a stony expression, Sho rolling his eyes as he grabbed Karma and started pulling the ravenous man to the pit, Alan trudging behind them as he quietly devoured the sandwich, sighing in happiness at the delicious meal.
Leo was halfway through doing a drag makeup look on Olivia when the three arrived at the pit, it was very clown themed and surprisingly suited her, which Karma had to keep to himself as she looked absolutely miserable. He watched Leo rub harshly with a makeup wipe at the parts he didn’t like as Olivia crinkled her face at the feeling succumbing to Leo’s wrath as he creased the drying foundation. Leo’s eyes snapped up at the sound of the three arriving, grinning maniacally as his eyes landed on Karma.
“Ohhh Karmiiie~ take a seat.”
He looked to Sho for help who just shrugged, smirking as he and Alan tried to keep a straight face as Leo threateningly held up a makeup brush.
Karma quickly shovelled his sandwich into his mouth, groaning at how good it tasted as he defeatedly plopped himself into the chair next to Olivia, he hoped he’d get to at least choose the eyeshadow colours.
Karma did get to chose a colour, he chose an emerald green and white eyeliner to slightly match with his captain, it was quite a relaxing time, the chair reclined back as Leo spent at least two hours on his makeup, he decided to redo Olivia’s as well so they both matched.
It was based around chappell roan’s makeup, Leo planning his own look as he recruited the now dolled up siblings to do his makeup. Olivia’s was a sparkly red look, Leo’s a sunset orange and Karma an emerald green.
Sho and Alan were sparring whilst the three spruced themselves up, once they were all done, an evil glint appeared in them as they turned robotically to the sparring duo, Olivia and Leo taking Sho as Karma took Alan.
Sho’s makeup was a pretty lilac colour and Alan’s was a yellow to represent vagastrom, something he quite enjoyed.
Karma took his time doing Alan’s makeup, being as gentle and as soothing as he could as the man laying down below him was practically falling asleep as karma lightly brushed a setting powder over his cheeks.
The interaction being caught by a vindicated Leo as Sho handed him a couple of yen sighing. Olivia giggling at the exchange as she watched Alan melt under karma’s gentle touch.
“Karma really is too powerful for his own good…”
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mythical-illustrator · 10 months
*crashes through the wall*
Yes, all of it. I am nosey and so is her sister-padawan 🤣
32. Your character is in love, do they confess? If not, how long do they wait?
35. What moment did they realise that they were in love?
45. Are they good at comforting one another? Does someone hide their feelings usually?
your choice for which goes where 👀 I just want all the deets (sorry)
ofc pick and choose if you'd rather not answer some or at all 😊
Alright Friend- Grace is in a poly relation ship with Tech, Hunter, and Crosshair, (no cloneset). Its a soutlmate Au with Crosshair and Hunter being her soulmates, and Tech not having one.
now that back story is out of the way- onwards to questions
32: Your character is in love, do they confess? if not how long do they wait?
When Grace falls in love, she embraces it. She unerstands that as a Jedi her first role will be two the galaxy even with her soulmates.
With Hunter, Hunter is easy to tell him she loves him. Hes' defentily a worlds of affermation kind of man, besides acts of service. So she confesses to him, that she loves him, she wants thier soulmate bond and everything that comes with it. She waited a while to confess though, she is his suppior and she knows his brothers saftey is his top priorty. But Hunter is a romantic at heart and wanted the bond too. There realtship came about the easiest, as they can't exactly hide from each others senses.
With Tech- she fell in love with him by accedient. She spent a lot of time being comferted by him when Crosshair was being crosshair. He was one of the first people to embrace her presence on the ship as well. She waited longer than Hunter to confess, helping him and spending time with him as her way of telling him till she could find the words to help him understand her feelings. Tech of course had noticed her more affectinte touches and small gifts and conversations and actually broached the subject with her.
Crosshair took the longest and hardest to navigate. He's the pull pig tails type and she wasn't putting up with his meaner tendeinces. SHe thought it best to ignore him when he got to pissy, which made him more pissy and round and round they went. But Crosshairs love language is acts of service, words are cheap to him. So when Grace realized she was in love with his idiot- Wrecker helped her put it together- she didn't tell him right away, insteady she started doing things for him, or meiditing in his presence. She sought him out in high grounds, just enjoying company. It raised his hackles at first but they eventually get there.
35. What moment did they realise that they were in love?
Hunter: It was right after combat, she had put away her lightsaber and looked up to see Hunter walking through the smoke, flipping his knife around his fingers and back into his sheth and she felt blindsided "Holy shit I'm in love with this man." Hunter realized it later when they were relaxing and Grace showing Wrecker moving meditation, letting the bigger man learn the breathing and slow movment techinies she used to ground herself. She spoke to his brothers like they were emotional intellegent beings and it hit him like a brick to the face that he was in love with their Jedi.
Tech: I happened in the middle of one of his lecutres/info dumps. He's wavinghis hands and talking, and pushing on his goggles with his fore finger and she just smiles and thinkgs "I love this man." It shocks her less than Hunters does and she kind of blinks a bit to the point Tech pauses and asks her if she is even listening. Tech became aware of his love much more subtle and anazlied the fuck out of it. It oocurd to him when he started occomidating space for the jedi. Clearing out space for her, or picking up tea she liked on a random planet or just spotting something she might find intresting and snapping a holopic of it to show her later. He took a moment to analize it, then embrace and cotinued on. These were his new facts, he would adapt accordingly. It terrfied him really and he had 30 tabs on his data pad open on "How to be in Love"
Crosshair: Crosshair was little things, once he stopped being a brat about the whole soulmate thing...less of a brat. At first he hurt a lot with his rejection/not rejecting and mean nick names like "Nattie" and what not. words designed to hurt...but she can feel him in the force, he projects so hard in the force. So she starts reading it instred of his words, and reacts accordingly. She realizes she loves him when she's temporarly reasiged to another battalin and he gets pissy and calls her "Our medic."
It accord to Crosshair when she started spedning time with him, unintrusive tim. He had pushed her away, what did he need a nat-born jedi soulamate for anyway but hadn't out rejected the bond and then she ignored him and now she was spedning time with him. Then she wanted to leave. They got into an agrument where he accused her of not "needing him when she had the other two." She growled, pushed him up against a tree and kissed him for all she had. "You never understood Crosshair, a Jedi's love is not about need. We love freely, its our way. I love you and will love you always even if you don't love me. But I won't chase someone who doesn't want to be chased." She had walked away before he could responde and he stood there, shocked and angry and confused.
He didn't know how to tell her back so he just started standing at her back, shooting dark looks at people who got to close and only letting his brothers near "Their medic." She seemed to get it without words and one day just simply took his hand while they walked back to the ship. Not saying anything, just holding his hand in front of the others like it was an everyday things and he felt something right click into place.
45. Are they good at comforting one another? Does someone hide their feelings usually?
Being a jedi, they can't hide thier feeling from her very well.
Hunter after a while doesn't try and neither does she. The tried hiding behind professionalism and "jedi maturity" but it both made them misarbile and confused because they could sense the others true feeilings. When Hunter is upset, she'll got to him, offer to sit and let him meditate with her. Walk him through breathing and focusing on grounding himself. She teaches him moving meditation- basically yoga- where you focus on just breathing and moving from one form to the next. When shes hurt or upset, Hunters go to response is to just cuddle it away. Wrap thier smaller jedi up in his embrace in a bunk against the wall with him between her and the world.
Tech: Tech never knows what to do or the right thing to say when Grace is upset. He doesn't always notice right away either. Being a Jedi when ever she is upset, often times she either meditates or seeks comfort in Hunter who is more physically adpated to offer such a thing. Tech, when he does notice, offers it with distractions or simply to sit and just be. When Tech is overwhelmed or upset, Grace will either give him space to work through the emotions on his own as he perfers to do, or will offer him a distracting by simply asking him questions and letting him info dump at her. She noticed he fidgets a lot and will start handing him things to tinker or mess with or fidget with while he does this till he calms down and works thorugh wahtever it was that was bothering him. Then she'll bring it up and talk about it.
Crosshair will over comfort in the form of violence if Grace is upset enough to display it. Grace's upsets have two sides, angry loudly upset or quiet. If its quiet, he sends her off to Hunter or just sits with her while she meditates and reaslises her emotions into the force till shes done with it. If shes angry, he goads her into a fight, throw a punch, trip her up, poke at her buttons untill she snaps. She always yells that he's not a punching bag, and he should't let her treat him like one but he scoffs and says he's not, hes just holding up one so she can realse that angry in a healthy or other such bullshit Jedi nonsense. When crosshair is upset, he hisses and seeths and is mean. Grace can feel him coming a mile away and either braces herself for him to either seek out sex or a fight. If she knows one might solve what ever is bothering him, she may or may not go willing- depending. She pefers fighting over the sex becuse she dosn't enjoy hate sex. But if hes upset and looking for soft touches and comfort he deson't know how to ask for, she coax him into letting her take care of him.
Oof that got long my friend but its good for me to think about these things. Thank you for the ask and I hipe you'd like the glimps into thier messy love life.
Wrecker is quite done with these idiots.
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
With how reckless Raphael can be isn't he scared of dying on a mission? Leavening his brothers behind? Or Casey and their kid(s)?
| Anon Ask
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Imma have to say BIG OOF on this ask here cause uh short answer? No he isn't scared about his own death. If his death meant saving his loved ones he'll tell the grimm reaper hi with a smile. But it sort of vaires so imma answer for 87,03/07/12 and SF Raphs below uwu
Raphael often struggles with what his place on his team is. 87 Raphael doesn't really know what he has to offer he tries the most to keep his anger in check using humor as a coping tool. But sometimes thats not enough and he gets worried about what he even has to offer to his brothers. When his anger gets the better of him it tends to be in a pinch to help. He never tends to care about his own saftey even getting so worked up over the mere idea of Mikey getting hurt or how reckless Don can get over his inventions that he started acting like a jerk to them when Don nearly died over them even. Raph feels if he died? his brothers would be just fine sure sad and miss him but they get on just fine. Casey? he would hate to leave Casey behind of course especially since Casey been slowly letting him in and well he would regret not fully ever getting to be there for him in the end and feel he failed Casey most.
03/07 Raph? his anger issues have always been very well known and he dose work on them meeting casey seems to help him handle them better or at least work out a better outlet to them. But he still gose in blind when hes been ticked off enough Mikey even takes advantage of it. Raph more fears his brothers dissappering the amout of times he losses it when any of them dissaper like Donnie. Raph already knows his roll is to protect his family he only ever worries being away from them because who will protect them then? He dosen't live for himself he lives for others. So of course he would hate leaving Casey and Summer behind, but if what got him killed was to keep them safe? he do it with a smile.
2012 Raph felt like being leader was meant for him due to his ego and need for approval from Splinter. Always questions Leo's orders and gives them a hard time at the start. But Raph quickly learns if he is in a leader role than he cant be the one to protect his brothers. They nearly lost Mikey when he was put in the role and Don had to take over and make the call for them to bail out because Raph froze up. Raph's a bit better about not wanting anyone to be left behind to nearly die especially since he did almost see that happen with Leo He is also a tad scared for all the deaths he has seen and nears ones. (Leo, Donnie, Mikey, Slash, the triceraton who commits suicide in front of him, Splinter, Casey.)
Raphael dosen't care to much if he gets hurt, but he sure damn well cares if those he cares about do get hurt. The idea of losing any of them? scares him more than death scares him, he's good about falling back or retreating when with someone else on his own though? not so much. His own well being isn't important to himself every new scar on him is one someone else didn't have to get. Casey and his sons? Well Casey is the reason raph changed his mind set because he promised casey he wouldn't leave them alone then with thier sons? he promised he would let them grow up how he had so they are his reasons to make sure he comes back alive to even if its just barely.
SF (hes new yeah but i have him heavily on my mind u-u so this is a nice excuse to write him)
Raph aint the best about retreating from a fight he swears he can take on bigger fights than he likely can getting upset when they bounce out of a fight that was getting to close to the chest even getting mad at Leo over it when it was Don's plan in the end. Raph's the kind of insane of never knows when to give up sort. Considering the story of the game he turly feels just going in firsts ready will slove the issue with Spliter being kept from them. And is always ready to jump back into the fight he honestly would fight when badly hurt. But hes a bit better about what begin a team means he gives Leo a hard time sure but he knows hes not better off with out his brothers, and them with out him. HE may chance it a lot but he can be smart enough to know when a fights a bit to much. Beside someones gotta be around to look out for Casey as well so he can't go dying.
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l1ttlep4wn · 3 years
Hi I really appreciate your hypnosis safety post. Would you happen to have any resources or advice for a sub(and their dom) neither of whom have any hypnosis training or experience, but are very eager to learn?
my best advice for trying to learn is to talk to hypnotists! don’t copy someone word for word of course, but learning how experienced tists do it will definitely help you be successful. my daddy @consensualdomination could probably answer some questions and give you some saftey resources as well
from my experience, the simplest forms of inductions include visualizations like popping a balloon, floating down a river, sinking/falling, or picturing the hypnosub’s “happy place”. make sure the sub is relaxed, direct and slow their breathing, and give affirmations that slowly melt into commands. key point is slowly, if you rush it, it will be a lot less effective.
the best/smartest thing that was included in an early induction i watched was a base trigger that would wake me from trance if anyone tried to get me to do something i didn’t really want to do. (in theory this is how hypnosis works anyways, but knowing that the precaution is there is good)
also dont feel pressured to make your own induction scripts! relying on existing scripts and videos is okay, just make sure they are safe!!
dm me if you want to, i know a whole bunch of tists on here if you want to question them too
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dandylion240 · 2 years
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Part 4 @izayoichan - answers under the cut
Who is the big spoon and why?
Cedric is the big spoon which suits Josie just fine. She likes the added warmth and saftey being in his arms gives her.
2. What are their morning rituals?
Josie starts her day off with giving Cedric a kiss on the cheek before climbing out of bed and brushing her teeth. She then goes to the kitchen to make a good old fashioned country breakfast.
Cedric gets up after his morning kiss and goes out for a morning job or a flight depending upon his mood.
3. Do they go to sleep at the same time as each other?
Usually they go to bed at the same time; although I doubt Cedric really needs the sleep being a dragon.
4. What do they do when the other is stressed?
Cedric helps Josie focus on something other than the situation. She can be easily overwhelmed by other's emotions. Cedric is refreshing to be around becuase he's not prone to emotional outbursts.
5. How do they spend time if the other is gone?
If Josie leaves to visit her family without him Cedric takes care of the farm and once the chores are done he spends the rest of his time reading.
Josie pretty much does the same thing. Take care of the farm, spend time with the animals, go for a walk, read a book.
6. Do they enjoy going camping together?
Hmm they like being on the farm but the occassional camping trip does happen. Josie likes sleeping in a tent although she does insist on an air mattress to sleep on.
7. Thoughts on PDA(Public Displays of Affection)?
Josie likes to hold hands, kisses on the cheek, hugs. Anything more than that makes her uncomfortable mainly because of the emotions it stirs up from those around them.
8. Thoughts on each other’s friends?
Cedric doesn't have that many friends. His focus has always been on acquiring knowledge as most dragons are prone to do.
Cedric of course had to pass the Chris and Hayle inspection XD
9. Would they ever get married?
If Cedric asks her to marry him the answer would be yes. Although I imagine if it takes him too long to ask she'll just ask him herself.
10. Thoughts on kids?
Josie would love to have at least two kids but she's not in a rush to have them.
Ask your own OTP Questions
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91percentpynch · 3 years
jean moreau x pride months
happy pride month kids, here‘s some wholesome jerejean content for your soul!! does this make any sense? no. is it a mess? yes. hope you enjoy this!!
the first pride month
it‘s the beginning of june and jeremy starts acting weird
he smiles more, the real smile normally reserved for winning an exy game or when he‘s alone with jean
he started drawing flags on his face or on his eye lids, jeremy never wore make-up, not more than his usual eyeliner and nail polish
„what does that mean?“, jean asks, pointing at the flags on his cheeks.
„the pink, yellow, blue one means i‘m pan. you know, i like more than one gender, i told you that already. and the grey, purple, white and black one that looks like an arrow? that means i‘m demisexual, you know how i only feel sexual attraction to people i have a bond with? that‘s demisexual. those are pride flags, it‘s pride month. didn‘t you know that?“
of course jean didn‘t know, after all he was locked up in a bassement for 10 years and he didn‘t exactly talk the first time he came over here last year at the end of june.
„what‘s pride month?“, jean asked softly, knowing that jeremy would never judge him, never think he was stupid.
„it‘s a month for lgbtqa+ folks. that stands for lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender, questioning, asexuals, aromantics and everything inbetween. we celebrate ourselves this month, show how proud we are of ourselves and our community. we celebrate marsh johnson, the black transgender, gay sex worker who started the riots, stonewell, and basically threw a brick at a police officer and started the fight for gay rights“
„how do you know you‘re not straight?“, jean asked quietly. thinking about the way his mind keeps wandering back to jeremy, keeps wandering back to the thought of kissing him, holding his hand, the feeling of his soft, badly dyed ginger hair between his fingers.
„well i always payed more attention to the personality, than the gender. i never really cared what‘s between the legs. and it took me quite a while to figure out that i only feel sexual attraction to people when i have a connection to them“
„have you ever kissed a guy?“, jean asked, curiously now. in the nest it was forbidden, but kevin wanted to try it once, in the dark of the night, the saftey of their room. jean couldn‘t tell if he enjoyed it or not, he never really felt any kind of attraction really. only bone deep fear. burning anger. and whatever the fuck his heart was doing when kevin held him close.
„yeah, i had a boyfriend throughout highschool, sophmore year until the end of summer of our senior year. and then freshman year of college i had this girlfriend who was really controlling and yeah. that‘s it. have you?“, his voice was soft, it reminded jean of the sunlight forming some kind of halo behind jeremy.
„kevin wanted to try it once. riko caught us. that‘s how it began“, jean replied, a shadow crossing over both his and jeremy‘s face. in a moment of weakness, at the beginning, jean told jeremy what they did to him in the nest, after jeremy accidentally touched him from behind.
„do you want to try it again?“, jeremy asked, a small smile on his lips. „with me, that is“, he added, barely audible.
„okay“, jean replied, leaning in.
jean was a couple inches taller than jeremy, and jeremy had to stand on his tiptoes to close the last few inches between them.
it was a soft kiss, a different than the stolen ones from kevin. better. these tasted like sunlight, like warmth, like home.
jean kissed jeremy back. carefully, softly, being scared he would break him, destroy him with his darkness.
„how was it?“, jeremy smiled at him after they were done, exchanging kisses, not stealing them. they were equals, no one would hurt him for wanting this
„i think i‘m only attracted to you“, jean admitted quietly. „but like not sexually. i don‘t like sex. never did. i never thought anyone was sexually attractive, i never wanted this and i still don‘t. i‘m sorry“
„you don‘t have to apologize, jean. that‘s being called asexual, the lack of sexual attraciton that is. and the not wanting sex part? sex repulsed. very valid. i will never be like them, i will never force you to do anyhting you‘re not comfortable with“
„and what if you miss having sex and want it and i can‘t give it to you?“, jean asked, tears burning behind his eyes. „i‘m not worth of your light, your warmth, your love as it is. i‘m broken, i‘m dark, i‘m everything you don‘t deserve. you deserve someone who is fixed and happy and can give you the entire world and go places without a panic attack and and and“
„ssh, jean. it‘s alright. it‘s alright. i want you. no one but you. i really, really like you and i am glad you like me to. you‘re not broken, you‘re not dark. you are wonderful. and no one is fixed, we‘re all a little broken in our own ways. i struggled with an eating disorder. i have adhd. sometimes i feel a little sad without any reason and can‘t get out of bed. sometimes i can‘t sleep and other days i could sleep for days. i don‘t need the entire world, i just need you“
it was this june, about a year after jean arrived in california, that he not only found a person who saw more in him than his scars, but a person who loved him not despite of them but for them
the second pride month
it‘s been a year since jean and jeremy kissed for the first time. a year full of highs and lows, fights and making up, miscommunication and cuddles, sweet kisses and ones tasting of tears. but it was also the year jean figured out that he might not be a boy after all.
„do you ever feel like you‘re not a entirely a boy?“, jean asked softly, threading his fingers through jeremy‘s soft blonde hair.
„dude, i‘m genderfluid, remember? alvarez bursted in our room and threw these in our face so people could refer to me with the right pronouns“
„that‘s why you changed your middle name to sol isn‘t it? because you like the sun and you like your hispanic heritage and it‘s a female name?“
„exactamente mi corazón“
„what are you today?“, jean asked softly, as he did every day.
„they/them, i don‘t feel like a guy or a girl today. just vibing“
„i- i think i‘m not entirely a boy either. like i know i was born as a boy and i‘m okay with that. but i feel like there‘s more to that. i can‘t put it in words but i think i want to try to go by he/ they. what do you call those people who don‘t quite find in the binary? i think i‘m that“
„that‘s nonbinary darling. i‘m proud of you. you‘re doing great“
jean didn‘t know how to repeat to that so he just decided to pull jeremy closer to him.
this pride month jean found a little part of himself, another puzzle piece to the mystery that his own person and it felt like a tiny little step towards a future he never dreamt he would have.
it was also the month he started wearing nail polish, because he loved the look on jeremy‘s face when they did them. occasionally he will wear some eyeliner.
the third pride month
another year passed, this year jean got himself a support dog. to help with the anxiety attacks. to help him heal.
it‘s a dalmatiner, called luna. she was trained to feel when he is uncomfortable and come closer to him, licking his hands, being close, being there
it is also the month he wanted to join jeremy for pride
„what are you today?“
„a girl i think. jeremy or sol are both fine“
„will you draw the flags on my face?“, he asked on the day of the parade.
„are you sure you want to go honey?“, sol asked softy, while she went to the bathroom to get her things.
„would i have asked if it wasn‘t moi amour?“, jean replied. „wait hold on, don‘t answer that“, he laughed looking at jeremy‘s face.
„but i‘m sure. first of all it makes you happy. second of all you missed it the last two years. third of all it will piss kevin off and i love that almost as much as i love. and lastly i have luna, she makes sure i‘m fine and i can always leave when i feel uncomfortable“
„okay, babe. what do you want me to do?“
„i want my flags on my face and maybe you can do my nails“, jean replied, smiling at jeremy as he did ever so often. „cover the tatoo, will you?“, he asked softly, touching the cursed three, counting the days for his cover up appointment in july.
„it‘s soon gone honey. it‘s gonna be alright“, jeremy whispered, feeling the tension in jean‘s shoulders.
„which color do you want your nails? mine are pastel rainbow look! alvarez got me those for my birthday last month! do you want matching nails?“
„whatever you want darling, you can choose“
this year jeremy‘s hair were a soft pink. it was 2 am when he bursted into the room whisper shouting „jean i‘m gay i must do something drastic to my hair. help me?“ and who was jean to question his beautiful date mate.
so jeremy took jean‘s face carefully in his hands, starting to draw jean‘s pride flags (demiromantic, asexual, nonbinary) on his face, hiding his tattoo underneath the black/ white/grey/ purple stripes of the asexual pride flag.
„they have no power over you anymore mi corazón. and if anyone gives you shit i will come for them“, jeremy whisperes against jean‘s lips before softly kissing them. „and now give me your beautiful hands so i can do your nails. i‘m feeling a pastel rainbow“
for the parade jean is wearing one of the shirts jeremy got him. it‘s yellow with a rainbow on it. „so you have a little brightness in your life“, he would tell him when he go it for him. it was before they started dating. it was before jean was able to tell him „but you are the brightest thing in the world and somehow you chose me as your person“, paired with light blue ripped jeans and his yellow fans. they started wearing yellow when they came to california, cutting off black completely, replacing it with colors and brightness.
jeremy on the other hand wore rainbow dungarees with a white shirt and white doc martens. his hair was up in two space buns, little pride flags put into them.
„do you think they get the hint?“, she smiled with a blinding smile.
„you‘re so unbelieveably beautiful sol“, jean replied.
they got luna and went to the parade.
it was scary, yes. but it was also beautiful.
people approaching them, asking for selfies, talking to him.
at first he was a bit anxious, but sol took their hand and luna licked his feet and it was alright. no one was hurting him. no one would punish him. he was surrounded by pride and love and happiness.
at some point he asked a girl with rainbow hair, she reminded him of renee, if she could take a picture of him and jeremy. she said yes, took one of them smiling, one of them kissing, and one of them where jeremy just smiled at his person.
it was the pride month he came out via social media. it was the pride month kevin called at two am, telling him how happy he was for them. that he himself found a boy, fell for him, but is too much a coward to do something about it. it‘s the year where he gets a lot of love, many fans telling him how proud they are of him and at least the same amount of hate. but it was alright. they had jeremy and that was all that truly mattered.
year after year they returned to the pride parade, with flags on their faces, or around their shoulders
sometimes neil and andrew or aaron and kevin would join them, sometimes they would go with laila and alvarez and sometimes jean and jeremy would go on their own
after college jean quit exy, jeremy went pro and gave his money to moriyamas, while jean opened his own tattoo studio, wrote songs, wrote crappy poetry and slightly better novels, tried himself as a part time model and fashion designer
they found happiness and home in each other and celebrated their love not only in pride but also every single day of the year
jean and jeremy got more dogs, an apartment of their own with big windows so they could watch the sunrise and sunset together
they have their ups and downs, like every other couple, but that doesn‘t matter. never did. what truly matters is that they keep finding back to each other. that they keep ending up in the same bed, in each others arms.
jean moreau never believed in love, never believed in soulmates and yet he found their soulmate, found the love of his life. and they are happy they stayed, kept fighting, to find this. to make a difference to the world. to be finally free. to be alive, living instead of only existing.
„jean?“, jermey says, fidgeting with his fingers.
„what is it moi soleil?“, jean relies getting lost in these ocean blue eyes.
„do you remember what happened five years ago?“, jeremy asks, his eyes looking anywhere but jean.
„we kissed for the first time?“, jean answers, panic slowly crawling through his veins.
„exactly so i thought we could celebrate this at the beach. you know, where our first date was?“, jeremy says nervously.
„honey are you alrighgt?“, jean is getting more and more worried, jeremy has never been that nervous.
„sure, come on mi corazón“
so jean slowly gets up and carefully puts on his shoes. something is weird here, something is wrong
jeremy seems off the entire ride to the beach they had their first date at.
when they arrive jean takes jeremy‘s hand, noticing that they are shaking ever so slightly. it is something like a nervous tick of them.
jean and jeremy arrive at the beach in time to watch the sun setting, making place for her lover the moon.
jean looks over to jeremy, when they suddenly get up and start pacing.
„jer, you‘re scaring me. please tell me what‘s going on up there“, jean says touching his head lightly.
„okay. i can do this“, jeremy mumbles as he gets down on his knee. „jean moreau, you are the love of my life. the light of my existence. ever since i saw you for the first time i knew i liked you, more than i was supposed to. i never dared to hope you would ever like me, or love me for that matter, but somehow you did. somehow you didn‘t turn away when i told you i‘m demi or pan or genderfluid. you stayed. you supported me. you love me. and i want to spend the rest of my life with you, so do me the favour and in the name of god, should they exist, do me the favour and marry me“
jean feels tears running his cheeks. „of course i will marry you, you loser“, he laughs, as he pulls jeremy down to him and connects their lips together. and it feels like their first kiss. it always does. and they would do that for the rest of their lives.
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keigosbirdie · 3 years
Is hawks worried that the commission is going to find out about his family ?
Sorry if this has been answered already. I enjoy your work so much ! Big fan from Canada 🇨🇦
Hello from America !!!!
Thanks so much for your ask 🥺 ive actually been working on chapter three so its nice to get your ask :D
He actually does worry about that. He worries about ANYBODY finding out that Reader is is wife, because the nice little haven he built for her up on the mountain would turn into a media circus. He fears for his family's saftey, but also their privacy. Reader grew up isolated in the facility, and then isolated on the mountain. She isnt used to much social interaction, and prefers to be left alone. Being outed as a famous man's wife wouldnt boad well for her happy little life.
But the commission? Yeah. He is pretty paranoid. They must know hes married, since they know his name and marriages are public record (he wouldnt have married if not for his constant unerlined fear of dying on her. Of course he would want everything he has to go to her, and for her to be taken care of if he passed away) and sinnce Hawks turned out to be such a good asset he fears they'd want the same for his son.
They have a lot of leverage over Hawks and tend to get their dirty way, but he'd never let that happen to his son. He wants Kettei to grow up to be happy. So there could be a significant conflict if they approached him about recruiting his kid. Not to meantion Reader would freak out. She isnt the biggest fan of the commission ffff
Thanks for your sweet message and question 🥺
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bcbii · 4 years
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(Leonardo x reader)
Warnings // angst, blood, character death mention.
          Ruins, all of it           Within what felt like only days but had progressed in months. The previous lively city of New York had fallen into a downward spiral at the hands of Shredder himself. Streets flooded with the black clothed soldiers patrolling them, looking for any reason to leave civilians scared or slaughtered on the open streets as toxic fumes blackening the previously blue or star filled sky. New York was becoming a waste land and Shredders playground, so everyone was under the impression of at least. All everyone knew as a fact is that normal life had been gone for good. Along with the previous fearless blue clad leader, Leonardo.           Once all hell began to break loose, the turtles had been the first to answer the call. The fight that called upon them was the hardest and came at the highest cost. The cost being their father Splinter’s life and to the brothers and your knowledge, their eldest brothers as well. Not all fights could be won, and they came to such a realization once they faced it themselves. All four entered confidently, planned and ready. After engaging, their hopes for victory began to diminish. They were out numbered and overwhelmed and were given no other choice but to retreat before they got themselves killed. when doing so they waited a bit of ways off for their fellow terrapin brother to follow up as he said he was going to do. Hours of waiting, hours of searching passed and he never did return to his brothers.            You hid in the lair from all the chaos, directives from you former blue clad lover and he basically begged you to stay hidden and out of harms way before they left. You had sat anxiously and in fear for hours, watching the chaos unfold in Donnie’s lab, the multiple monitors displaying multiple news channels, each one going off air into static with each attack, you were horrified, wanting nothing more than this to simply be a nightmare. The nightmare got even worse when only the three turtles returned to the lair, beaten and bruised severely, blood of both themselves and their enemies covering multiple parts of their body.            “W-what happened?! W-Wheres Leo?!”          The question left the youngest of the four eyes welling up with tears that you’re sure he’s been holding back since this all had begun. Their heads hang low before Donnie’s raised, his expression unreadable, “we...we don’t know..”. You felt numb, scared, so many emotions at once and you could barely describe any of them or understand them. You were sure the turtles were just as distraught as you were. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON’T KNOW?!”
That had been months ago, after failed attempts of attack and searching to no avail, adapting had been the only viable option left for them and yourself. Numbness had become a familiar feeling amongst all of you as you all attempted to find some normality in the new world. Some of this normality consisted of scavenging for any food or materials that you could find. And tonight was a scavenging night since you guys have been running low on materials. Getting ready, you dressed yourself in all black, baggy black pants, a black t shirt and mask to cover most of your face as you pull on your black leather boots. Throwing a backpack over your shoulder, you headed out.
After you finished getting ready for the trip you went to the brothers, ask if they’d want you to look for anything in specific. Raph hadn’t really requested much of anything, Mikey just wanted decent food and Donnie just wanted computer or any electronical parts. “Be careful, you have your phone if anything happens. Call us”, The large red clad turtle said in a rough stern tone as you started to leave the sewers. “I will”, you reassured him as you left. Since Leo’s disappearance, Raphael had stepped up, doing his best to protect and help his brothers as much as possible. The large terrapin didn’t realize how much Leo was doing until he began to do it himself.
Climbing out of the manhole, you glanced around the alley way quietly, making sure the coast had been clear. Once confirmed, you headed to the abandoned apartments a few blocks down the way, a fellow scavenger hiding out there in which you’d trade with for some pretty good items that would cost quiet a lot from anyone else. The cold breeze of the night nipped at your skin as your cheeks and tip of your nose stung with the cold, but you’d shrug it off.
Climbing the fire escape, you found the shattered window you would use as the entrance all the time. As you climbed through you were careful with the shards of glass that littered the floor. It was dark in the abandoned apartment, the only light being the faint glow of the moon through any openings from the outside in. “Max”, you whisper yelled for the man as you began to step around the apartment, getting no response. The sound of heavy foot steps made you freeze in place, the floor boards creaking loudly under the persons weight. Before you could move on to the next empty room you were halted by a large form as you stumbled back and looked up, it was to dark and you quickly stumbled back, falling back on your behind as you proceeded to scoot back. The large figure before you followed, closing the distance you tried to make each time.
“Who are yo!-“, you were frozen, sharp sapphire hues that glowed in the moon light staring down at you. The faint light from the moon outline his familiar large frame, accentuating the curves and indents of his large muscular form along with the scars that littered his thick skin. A lump in your throat left you breathless as you stared in horror and felt a sick sense of relief for some odd reason.
“L-Leo....”, the name that slipped past your lips felt foreign, it didn’t match the terrapin standing in front of you. That name belong to a fearless leader, wise, strong and caring with a calm exterior. Who stood before you was a stranger, a worn black bandana in place of the old signature bright blue, tired and emotionless eyes with what seemed like an almost permanent scowl. Scarred fist gripping large sharp katanas, the metal being a special kind with a sleek black color. The foot clan insignia etched into the metal that was now dirtied with the blood of her scavenger friend.
Hearing his name slip past your lips now made him freeze, his grip tightening on the handle of his katanas. That voice was all to familiar, your gentle voice sounded scared and broken as you said it. Beneath the shell he created around who he used to be, it broke him to hear. He stared and hard, almost to see if it had been a hallucination. “......(y/n).....”, his voice was rough and deeper than usual since the lack of using it so much, only to bark orders and the puny foot soldiers he led. When your name fell from his lips emotions rushed through you as memories hit you like a freight train, it was Leo but not your Leo. Overwhelming tears began to fill your eyes as you forced yourself up and stared into his eyes. “Where have you been?!” You snapped, he stayed silent and stoic and you despised it.
Stepping back you took in fully who he had become now, pulling down your mask you pressed your tongue against the inside of your cheek as a tear ran down, you stared at the branded insignia of the foot clan on the top left of his plastron. “You joined them didn’t you?.... you never disappeared or died...” you began as Leo’s lips parted to speak, “I can explain—“
“You just joined the foot and became a damn traitor!” You yelled as tears of disappointment, anger and sadness now spilled freely. The words hurt Leo to hear, especially coming from you, he cringed internally as he swallowed thickly and tried to step closer but you only backed up further. “(Y/n) please let me explain... I’m doing what needs to be done” he tried to explain. “Abandoning us? Joining the people who caused all of this?! THE ONES WHO KILLED SPLINTER! YOURE A TRAITOR LEONARDO!” You shouted ruthlessly as you stepped forward a bit and stood your ground. The now black clad turtle put himself in a position he knew would be unforgivable and he would never forgive himself either, but god how he wished he could grab you and let you know how sorry he was and how much he missed you and his brothers. Leo wanted to hold you, he wanted to break down too through all of this but he was the cold blooded assassin that led the foot clan, he couldn’t let himself break.
“I’m doing this for your guys saftey! It was either this or I lost you guys too!” Leo shouted back a bit, overwhelmed by his own feelings as well. The answer left you baffled as you stared at him in shock, “d-did you.... did you consider any of our feelings when you decided to leave us Leo?...when you left me?...”, you asked, searching for an answer as you stared into his dull eyes. You watched his gaze shift shamefully almost as if intimidated by yours. “Of course I did... and you know I did” Leo responded almost as if he seemed offended by the question, “it was the only way....”. Leo felt guilt wash over him as you scoffed and looked around in disbelief as if looking for someone to confirm it. Returning you attention back to him you were silent, somewhat silently remenising about who he used to be. You missed him, you missed the comfort, the smiles, the laughter and happiness your former lover brought you, his brave and protective ways, his arms around you and his lips on yours as comfort or in the most intimate moments. You missed Leo, but this wasn’t him.
Tears proceeded to roll down your cheeks, eyes becoming red “...how could you do this?...”, you said, voice quiet and shaky. Your tone left Leo wishing he could take you in his arms and hide you from all the bad that’s become of the world, that he helped cause which he hated himself for it.
“I’m sorry (y/n)...” Leo spoke, a bit choked up himself. You stepped back a bit as you shook your head quietly. “I-I have to go” you spoke quickly before rushing back to the window you entered through, “wait! (Y/n)-”. You didn't want to go, in fact you wanted to stay beside Leo and have him in your life again but right now, it was all too much, seeing him was only pain. 
Leo stood now in eerie silence as he stared at the window you exited, silently hoping you would come back through, come back to him. He knew you wouldn't though and he had to accept that. It was the price he paid for his decision and his families safety, but had it really be worth it?
// kind of out of the blue and for fun, hope you enjoy :) 
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boxofbadaddiction · 4 years
They'll Hold Him Down
Draco Malfoy
Redemption Arc
Random Idea/Imagine/IDK
Warnings: Mentions of Abuse.
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Arthur and Molly Weasley were very perceptive people. Not a lot goes unnoticed by the pair - how can it when you're raising such children as Fred and George? So, unsurprisingly, it wouldn't take long for them to notice the subtle notes of mistreatment that Draco were being subjected to.
They know it's not their place to question the parenting tactics of other adults but there's a line which you don't cross when it comes to raising a child. The line between a firm guiding hand and abuse. One which they were sure had been crossed long ago by Lucius and Narsissa Malfoy.
There's little they can do to help in such a case, sadly. But not nothing.
It were something that the two Redhaired parents took as an all-hands-on-deck situation. Everyone were to help where they could; showing him the kindness he weren't receiving at home.
It starts off smally; passing comments and kind or thoughtful guestures from the family to Draco. Ones which are always met with digust and confusion by said boy. The Weasleys are "less than them" after all.
Arthur would speak to him in passing at work when Lucius had dragged his son along before he started school or on their Summer Holidays. Giving mere offhand reassurance, whispered to him when his Father wasn't near.
Draco never failed to hear the light-hearted comments. Words which unexpectedly weighed so heavily on such young shoulders. Statements as simple as "You're a good kid." and "You know what's right." would one day come to mean more to him than his young mind could fathom.
It were a kind of conditioning he never realised he were being subjected to. But not in a bad way, the Weasleys became that little voice in his head that reminded him of right and wrong. Like a conscience - one like which he'd never had growing up in the Malfoy house. He'd been taught to obey. Follow orders. Do as they do. Anything else was wrong and unacceptable. Worthy of dishonour. And honour was a very important trait in the noble and proud house of Malfoy.
Molly were adamant with her children about being kind to Draco no matter his actions. To never retaliate and show kindness when they can. Which of course is met with their own level of digust and confusion - and a little anger, but they listen. They always do. The note of desperation and seriousness in their parents voices is enough for them not to question the matter further - in front of their parents anyway, but many nights you could find the Weasley children along with Harry and Hermione huddled together wracking their brains for some explanation why they had to take the high road with someone as vile and cruel as Draco Malfoy.
In their curiosity to understand why it were so imperative they be kind to the greasy haired blonde boy, the Weasleys children began to take more notice of him. Watching him around school. Paying close attention to the things he says and the company he keeps. The relationships he holds and how he interacts with certain individuals. It didn't take long before everything clicked and they realised why this was needed of them.
They understood and so they never questioned it again.
Over time it becomes second nature to them. Every nasty comment rolls off their shoulders like it were never there in the first place.
Seeing as how his actions were having no effect causes Malfoy to reconsider some of his actions - why was he so determined to make them hurt? They'd never actually done anything to him. Not to mention, he hadn't failed to notice the way they'd begun to act so nicely towards him. Not out of their way nice but the little things slowly became evident over the years.
The trio would offer a hand when he were struggling in a class - though not always had it been accepted so warmly. Usually plenty curses and hateful words leaving his mouth; reacting the way he'd been taught to when someone stepped out of place.
The Twins had probably the largest effect on him. They'd shut people down for bullying/attacking him for being well... him with a simple yet menacing "lay off", daggers held in their words and behind their eyes. It were nearly...brotherly in a way which made Draco feel safe and protected even if only a little. A guesture he quietly appreciated - even if from a Weasley.
It weren't until those such instances he'd fully come to realise the level of power Weasleys actually held in this school. People respected them and listened when they spoke, aside from the obvious bigoted Slytherins such as He, Crabbe and Goyle who were subjected to their families views and brainwashing, and they'd managed it all without any anger, malice or unnecessary demonstrations of power. They were quietly powerful; kind, humble and warm - but not to be trifled with, and people knew that.
The effect they began to have on him caused a pain in his mind. Like an itch he couldn't scratch. Why were they looking out for him?
In reality it were more than that which had Draco so perplexed. They were changing him - a fact he refused to acknowledge or admit to of course.
He'd tried fighting the way his mind began to second guess his words and actions. To try and 'act like a Malfoy' but there were no denying how he became more accepting of them. But why? Why did he feel so...sympathetic? Or softened toward them? They. Were. Lesser.
Not worthy of pureblood.
Soon enough his own incessant bullying of their family and the hateful remarks to other students stopped. He never spoke ill of them anymore - not that he ever went out if his way to defend them or be kind in return but it were a quiet guesture which spoke unknown volumes.
Not only that but he'd become kinder to other students as well. Muggleborns in particular.
He no longer hung around prejudiced and toxic Slytherins like he always had, when he could help it - choosing rather to surround himself with positive and kind individuals of varying Houses and Bloodstatus.
He was truly growing. In so many ways he'd matured from that bratty rude child everyone despised so much.
He even seemed happier. More at ease within crowds of people. Okay with blending in and not making a spectacle of himself as a means to appear superior. He was content in just being rather than being seen. That alone seemed to take a load off his shoulders - no longer having to constantly peacock throughout any and all spaces. He could just relax and enjoy being young.
In his growth Draco had failed to notice how the Weasleys had noticed his new found hesitancy, how he would fall quiet as people dragged their name through mud rather than joking along with them, and the small acts of kindness he offered others. They saw him changing. It weren't a lot but it were something, at least, that made them feel, through all their suffering of obscenities and unnecessary abuse, that it'd been worth it. Even if only a little bit.
Draco'd be lying if he didn't say he'd toyed with the idea this were some prank or ruse to corrupt or embarrass him. To lull him into a false sense of security to gain information on his family to later use against them, a reason which subsequently kept him at a distance from the family. But Fred and George could never be that cruel, he knew that. And what was there to gain from such a long lasting game? And how could they ever have conned their parents into the charade? The simple answer; they couldn't. Because it were genuine. A genuine kindness that, not so deep down, he knew he were undeserving of.
Of course he never dared tell Lucius or Narsissa of the conflicting thoughts in his head; of the niceties he received as he secretly found comfort in their reassurances and would often hold onto them during especially dark days. Kept to himself initially as he hadn't found their behaviour particularly note worthy but now all out of fear of as to how his parents would react.
Not just what they may do or say to him, finding that he'd grown tolerant of the Weasleys but also what they may say or do to them.
Knowing Lucius he'd storm Arthur at work or the family at their home and give them a mouthful about 'knowing their place' and staying away from his son.
The last thing Draco wanted was them being assaulted by his father or worse and cause them to once again look at him with the contempt they once had. So in a complete uncharacteristically Draco way; His Father wouldn't be hearing about this.
Lucky for him Lucius remained oblivious to his new found silence and kind ways. The way his Son no longer laughed or sneered along side his father at the insults he'd bark about Bloodtraitor families and Muggles/Muggleborns.
Running into the Weasleys at the world cup he'd stood solemnly behind his father avoiding any eye contact.
When Umbridge rolled around, though he'd never admit to it, he had shielded them in ways. Saving them a fair share of punishment by pointing her wrath in an opposite direction. But why? He couldn't understand it.
Not until one fateful day the following year while Robe shopping when Narsissa and Draco bumped shoulders with Molly and Harry. Narsissa were relentless in her abuse towards Harry and the Weasleys mother. Draco remained silent. Avoiding their eye as he always had, though at one moment of accidental eye contact, Harry could have sworn he saw an apologetic smile shown on Dracos features. But he were looking away just as soon as it'd rose upon his face, like realisation had dawned, then appeared a terribly conflicted and almost painful expression to replace it.
As Narsissa made to leave Draco stepped slowly behind her with head bowed paying no mind to the pair as he made to exit the shop when he were suddenly halted by a hand bracing his arm; Molly. She stepped towards him slightly, whispering urgently "If you ever need saftey, talk to my children and come to us. we'll be there - we can help you."
His eyes met hers in shock, a little fear maybe, but there were no mistaking the confusion in his expression.
They were trying to help. Offer him protection. But how could they have known?
'This is wrong' he thought.
Draco pulled forcibly from her grip. A sharp glance thrown to Harry before storming from the shop.
Though he'd buried it the best he could there were no stopping Molly's words from ringing in his ears especially during what was to come; being branded with the Dark Mark and ordered to kill Dumbledore.
As time went by he couldnt help the guilt that weighed on his shoulders. He felt he had let them down. More than that really - he knew he had.
The World seemed to get darker. Colder. Smaller. Like it were closing him in until finally he broke.
He didn't know where else to turn so he went the only place he could think of - to Molly and Arthur Weasley.
He turned up on their doorstep late one night with tears in his eyes and panicked breath in his lungs.
It's Molly who answers the door, her and Arthur had been sitting at the dining room table as the kids were upstairs readying for bed. She didn't ask any questions, neither did Arthur, she simply wrapped him in a tight hug. Not the typical bone crushing Molly Weasley hug, there was a hesitancy behind it, but still tight enough to reassure him everything would be okay.
Draco froze at first unsure of how to respond before his arms wrapped tightly around the Woman who'd silently been looking out for him for all these years and finally let himself feel the hurt.
He had no memory of ever being hugged like this, as though by a Mother. The full weight of everything he had endured seemed to fall upon him as Mrs Weasley held him close to her.
She held him a little tighter while he cried - as if trying to squeeze the broken pieces of his soul back together, if even for a moment.
Draco loved his Mother, truly he did, but the embrace from Molly felt different. Warmer. More intimate than any moment had with Narsissa.
Yes, she loved her son dearly but Narsissa Malfoy were never an affectionate woman. Her proud and proper appearance which she worked so hard to maintain often cast a cold shadow - typical to that of a Malfoy, he hadn't realised just how much it had affected him until this moment.
When his breathing became a little less radical and the sobs started to quiet Arthur ushered the pair from the doorway.
Molly held a firm hand to his back as she directed him to the table and with a flick of her wand conjured the kettle to a boil.
He sat at the table drawing long slow breaths as they spoke and he explained why he arrived on their door unannounced at such a time.
The new voice in the house had carried upstairs luring the other occupants from their place.
Bill, Fred, George, Ron, Ginny, Harry and Hermione now all stood off from the kitchen gawking at the scene in front of them. A Malfoy at the Burrow. And crying for that matter.
They couldn't help the daggers pointed from behind their eyes, after all; they may have been kind to him and understood why they needed to be, but even in his growth they still didn't trust him, and to say they cared for him would be a stretch seeing the level of abuse they were forced to endure with no retaliation or even an apology for that matter. Really all it were from the children was pitty and the ability to put up with him. In time, however, they would grow to trust him and consider him a friend.
Molly prepared a room where he then stayed the night and through till the next.
When Lucius found out where he was he'd appeared ropeable. There were nothing anyone could do to calm him as his wrath met a peak which could have rivalled that of the Dark Lord. Not only had Draco abandoned his family in the dead of the night but he'd run directly into the arms of those who he despised most ardently.
He stormed the Burrow that night, Narsissa and Bellatrix in tow.
The residents within the Burrow had just finished dinner and were casually chatting, engaging in light shared laughter - even Draco wore a smile, never knowing that a meal between family could be so pleasant. As the unmistakable crack of apparation sounded from outside, all heads shifted to gaze out the kitchen window wondering who it could be. They'd all assumed a member of the Order - how wrong they were.
Lucius strode confidently toward the house before stopping short. He stood tall and proud in the path, rage evident through his posture alone.
Narsissa were beside him, but still a step behind - she seemed more secure in her emotions, still proud but calmer; though surely meant in good standing it gave one the impression of a predator lulling its prey into a false sense of security before striking.
Bellatrix meanwhile stood on his otherside comically striding and prancing about as she pleased taking great joy in what were about to unfold.
Some at the table turned their attention worriedly to Draco who swallowed thickly at his Families sudden presence. Others stared fixedly at the blonde man within the garden amazed they'd ever show their face here.
Molly took a hand to Dracos arm reassuringly as Arthur stood from the table and walked from the door, Molly would soon follow.
Tentatively Arthur spoke the angered man's name who merely sneered and shouted for his son to come to him.
Lucius refused to step a foot across their threshold, not that Molly or Arthur or any member of the family ever would have let him had he tried.
Draco stood now with his back pressed against the farthest wall of the Burrows kitchen panicking, watching as Fred, George and Bill left to be with their parents. Draco knew he'd have to face him sooner or later, he'd just hoped, or rather prayed, it'd be later.
Harry and Ron were the next to join the scene unfolding in the front yard as Hermione sheilded Ginny in the kitchen.
When Draco finally and cautiously stepped out to face his Father everyone had their wands drawn in statement.
Molly and Arthur came to stand in front of him with their free hands splayed across infront of him; as if in a car seconds before it's crash and they were bracing for the impact.
Lucius threw demands at his son in the same threatening tone he'd learned long ago to obey.
"You don't have to do what he says he can't hurt you. You are not like him" Arthur says over his shoulder. Draco found himself involuntarily taking small steps back from his Father and towards the house. When Lucius drew his wand further the Weasleys; Bill, Fred, George, Harry and Ron stood defensively before him with their wands drawn high further shielding Draco from his view.
Dracos breath were rapid as he watched on, wand gripped in his hand but no real idea what he'd do were he to react. Who'd he fire against. His instincts were telling him one thing while his heart and mind screamed for another.
"He is my Son" Lucius growled.
"Who we've been trying to protecting from you." Snapped Fred "and that's not the way families are meant to be. They shouldn't need to be protected from." Followed George, pulling Dracos eyes to the pair, who straightened themselves to stand taller at the words, and along with them pulled his knowing of what were right.
Lucius continues to threaten the family, over the sound of Bellatrix's cackling laughter, until a voice carries over the scene. Narsissa speaking two simple words in a soft tone; "Draco. Come".
Everyone's attention is on the pair as they watch Draco take hesitant steps past the Weasleys, who gawk at him, his head is bowed ashamedly. But he stops short.
Casting his eyes up to unfortunately meet his Fathers, whose face holds a vastly different expression to his Mothers soft and confident one. One of poorly veiled anger and disgust. That one he knows all too well.
Draco swallows thickly head turning to gaze at the Redheaded family in his peripheral - a decision being made.
He straightens himself, uttering a single word; "Leave."
The man in front of him scoffs before warning him. He gives a final opportunity to change his mind but his loyalty doesn't falter.
What happens next is faster than lightning. Lucius flicks his wand to curse his Son but Dracos disarmed it before he can finish the action. Three jets of red light fly from behind the boy, two knock Lucius square in the chest as another finds Bellatrix: Fred, George and Harry had sent stunning spells at those whom were armed.
Lucius struggled to stand but managed with an effort from his wife, a final threatening glare and warning yelled to the boy; "You choose them. Then you will die like them as well - painful and bloody." he disowns his Son and then leaves in a swirl of black smoke with his wife, whose face shows nothing but shock and fallen tears, close behind.
Bellatrix remains for a moment glaring at the boy who is now surrounded by people staring just as menacingly back at her. She leaves by apparation.
After that night, everything had changed.
When the Battle finally came Dracos allegiance had been made clear.
There were only one side he'd cared about. One side he'd fought with. One family he fought for. And it were not the dishonourable and ashamed house of Malfoy.
On the night Lucius and the others arrived at the Burrow, Molly had been the first to approach Draco. He wasn't crying or angry but confused. Confused at the numbness that over took him. At the sense of relief that flooded his body as he watched his Father disappear into the night.
Molly had spoken assuredly to him that everything would be okay and that they would care for him.
Returning to the home the family retired to the lounge room, by the fire with mugs of tea or hot chocolate or glasses of their preferred beverage between their palms, it were relatively quiet amongst the group in the wake of all that had occurred. Until George spoke.
"So, Mum has officially adopted you." Various agreeable murmers and head nods filled the room, "guess that leaves only one thing left to do..." "what?" Draco asks confused and a little concernedly.
"Fix that mop of hair of yours" Fred piped. "I'll get the red hair dye." He calmly set his glass down standing from his place as Dracos eyes go wide and he frantically scanned the room.
"I'll hold him down!" Ginny, Ron and Harry jumped up at once.
It were all good fun until Molly put an end to it sending a rolled up newspaper round the room with a flick of her wand speaking "You'll. Do. No. Such. Thing!"
"Blimey Woman, relax. It was just a joke!" George defended. "Not really" Fred whispers to Draco throwing a wink his way as he polishes off the last of his Whiskey.
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cecilsstorycorner · 4 years
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Wip Introduction ~ The Embassy of Peculiar Chronology
On the outskirts of London, sitting atop a hill, surrounded by countryside a smattering of trees, is the Embassy of Peculiar Chronology.
The people who live nearby would tell you it’s always been there. Of course, that couldn’t possibly be true, but no one seems to say and different. ‘I don’t know what they do in that old place’, they would say, ‘but they seem like nice folk’.
The building is large, but welcoming, surrounded by gardens and a long drive lined with trees and old lamposts. It's brick walls are draped with vines and moss, it’s many windows decorated with potted plants, flags, lightcatchers, curtains, and more, a peek into the people within.
One of these windows is so full of plants it is difficult to see through. Crystals on strings catching the light and transforming it into rainbows on the walls within. And in this room, surrounded by books, plants, and fractured light, sits a girl.
Genres: Urban fantasy, adventure, LGBTQ
Themes/tropes: Folklore/mythology elements, monster of the week, identity, partners in crime magical field research, dependence/independence
Content warnings: Occasional instances of ableism, child neglect, and internalized homophobia (sort of)
When Naja got her job at the Embassy, she expected the strangest things to be the creatures she studied. However, meeting the people that have worked this place all their lives, and exploring the building itself, she’s starting to think that may not be the case.
The Embassy of Peculiar Chronology exists for much the reason it says on the tin- study and document all the things of the world that aren’t quite of it. The creatures told about in folklore, fairy tale, and campfire stories. The ghosts, goblins, and gouls, as well as much more, existing just to the left of everything else. They’ve gotten very good at hiding as they live among the solid beings, but with them, the Embassy has gotten very good at looking.
Everyone has their own job at the Embassy, but the Field Researchers are the face of the operation. Ember and Naja are two very such researchers, answering reports of odd happenings and strange going-ons throughout the UK, and occasionally beyond. Naja hopes that soon, she’ll be seen as just as capable as those who have been there for their whole lives. Ember seems to be getting surprisingly high level jobs, despite only starting actual field jobs a few years prior, and her supervisors clear concern for her saftey. But she doesn’t seem to worry much about it.
Ember O’Callighan - The Lightning - 20: Ember has lived at the Embassy her entire life, just like every member of her family in the known record books. A a ray of sunshine to all who meet her, she delights in the chance to make anyone’s day better however she can. A ball of energy, she never seems to stop moving, always buzzing with new ideas, thoughts, and fun facts she’s just desperate to share. Lost sight in one eye after a field job gone wrong, also leaving her with a lighting stretch of scars up her arm and to her face. For now, she’s doing her best to cover it up.
Naja Bhasin - The Thunder - 21: The newest member of the London’s Embassy branch, and everyone is very aware of that fact. Soft and kind, happiest in a bookshop cafe working on a new writeup for whatever history publication has picked her up that time. Mostly new to this world of fae and spirits, though there has been one thing, something she’s never been able to explain or understand. Something that drew her to this job in the first place, hoping for answers. Likes to think herself well adjusted, and she wouldn’t be wrong, but she does admit the world is a whole lot bigger and more overwhelming than she’d expected. And that’s before she started investigating magical creatures.
pinterest (you’ll have to click the specific section), playlist
Production information
This will hopefully be written in short ‘episodes’, MotW style though with an underlying story thread, to a hosting platform I’ve yet to choose. There will likley not be a consistent update schedule, as this is more of a side project than main focus, but I’ll give updates on the progress on here so it’s not a complete mystery when you can expect things. I may not start on this for a little while as adhd brain is still hyperfixating on other things, but I’ll try and get to this soon. I hope I know what I’m doing! Probably not. Let’s try anyway!
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ourmiraclealigner · 4 years
Trust Me
Lewis Nixon x Reader
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Gif not mine! Credit to original owner.
disclaimer: writings are only based off of the actor portrayals in the television series. this is not meant to disrespect the real hero’s of the war.
request: @floydtab Hi! Could I request some Nixon x reader fluff? Maybe he’s nervous about reader going on a patrol and tries to talk Dick into not letting her go (tho we know he’s just overreacting) thanks! ❤️❤️
synopsis: Lewis worries about readers saftey during the patrol + lots of fluffy background
When Lewis Nixon joined the Army, the last thing on his mind was falling in love. He had worked hard to get into officer school, fell in love with a civilian and gotten married a year before the U.S had been pulled into the war by Japan. He focused on his duties and responsibilities, not paying much attention to the privates and officers as they worked their way through boot camp. Of course, he knew of the ones that his best friend Dick always talked about. He knew Harry, Sobel, and the one female who never gave anyone the chance to mess with her.
Being the ladies man he is, he had started to pay attention to the young medic. He watched her in the dining hall and started listening to the stories Dick had told. He thought she was beautiful, but, being happily married and enlisted, he never made any attempts for conversation. Lewis Nixon was smart and practical; he wouldn’t ruin his reputation over a woman he didn’t know.
So, he kept his distance, focused on his work, wrote to his wife frequently, and tried to get Dick out of his shell.
Their first conversation came as they sat on the train, Harry Welsh fast asleep as Lewis sipped on his flask, watching the trees roll by as they headed to New York. The men were nervous with excitement, no one knowing if they would be heading to Europe or the Pacific.
(Y/N) sat with Malarky and Skip Muck, a book in her hands as she tried to tune the rowdy boys out and focus on the words in front of her.
“I’ll bet you $50 we’re going to Europe,” Skip announced with a confident tone, Malarky rolling his eyes at the boisterous claim.
“That’s ridiculous” Malarky added with an eye roll, writing down the bet in a little notebook he carried around “No way they’re sending us there, they need more Army guys fighting the Japs, only way we’ll win”
Skip Muck chuckled as he put a cigarette in his mouth, Malarkly leaning over and lighting it for him. “What do you think Doc?”
“Don’t know, don’t care” (Y/N) mumbled without looking up, silently begging the men to just let her finish the chapter in her book.
“Ah, c’mon Doc, don’t be like that” Malarkly urged, gently taking the book off her lap and closing it. “I know you want to get in on the fun. You can win back the money you still owe me from a few weeks ago” He added lightly, a smirk dancing onto his lips.
“What are we betting?” She finally gave in, smiling as Skip’s eyes glimmered with excitement.
“$50 on where we’re getting shipped off to” Skip answered, smoke drifting out from his lips.
(Y/N) thought for a few seconds, her eyes drifting towards the intelligence officer that sat a few seats in front of her. She clicked her tongue, shifting in her seat as she looked back at the two men.
“I have a better deal” She announced. “$75 from each of you if I can get the location from Nixon”
“Deal” Malarkly immediately responded, holding his out for her to shake. He was a sucker for a good bet.
“Now hold on” Muck quickly interjected, not as fond of losing money as his best friend was. “From Nixon? Right now?” He asked, trying to think of a time when he saw the medic and officer interact. He couldn't. He sat up a little straighter, the bet sounding better the more he thought about it. “What the hell?” He stated, “We’re going off to war, a few bucks won’t kill me”
She shook the two men’s hands before standing up, smoothing her Ike jacket down so she would be presentable. She slowly and shakily approached the officers, keeping her hands on the seats to make sure she didn’t fall. As soon as she reached them, she greeted them with a warm smile, her eyes on Nixon as she continued standing, not wanting to be rude.
“Sir” She started, speaking again only when he nodded for her to go on. She took a deep breath, trying to remember the short speech she had prepared in her head. “I know you aren't supposed to give away this kind of information” She watched his eyebrows raise in curiosity, Dick looking down at a letter he was writing and pretending like he wasn’t listening.
“Well Private, if you know I can’t tell you, I wouldn’t waste any time asking.” He interjected before she could go on. Dick hummed in agreement as she paused, taken aback by his response.
She cleared her throat as her hands nervously ran over her jacket again. “W-Well you see sir” She stammered, her cheeks heating with embarrassment. “I’m awfully curious about where we’re going” She explained gently, watching his features soften at her change in tone. “I’m proud to be able to serve my country wherever we end up, but I think I would feel a whole lot better if I knew where that place was.”
He shifted in his seat, her words playing over in his head as he turned towards her, his long legs crossing into the aisle. “If I told you, I’d have to kill you” He joked, the Vat 69 and her demeanor making him loosen up.
She giggled, his heart started to beat faster as he watched her smile reach her eyes. Now it was his turn to blush.
“I suppose I can divulge this one piece of information” He started sarcastically, Dick shaking his head at the choice of words. “But you have to promise you won’t tell anyone” He waited until she nodded before leaning close to her, his warm breath dancing on her skin. “Europe”
She pulled away with a quick nod, her cheeks bright red as she realized how close they were. He dismissed her with a curt nod, turning back to the window as Dick waited until she walked away.
“Guess you have to kill her now”
From then on, Lewis and (Y/N) became fast friends. She listened to his complaints about the maps and how “god damn hard they are to read” and he listened to hers about the comments the men made about her gender. Everyone knew they liked each other. (Y/N) got teased and dared to tell him by Skip and Malarkly, and the same with Dick and Lew. They both kept it hidden, not wanting to ruin the friendship that had blossomed between them. Because of the age gap, Lewis had a lot of firsts for (Y/N). He was her first best friend, the first time she put her full trust into someone, her first love, and on a rainy night in Aldbourne, her first time getting drunk.
They sat shoulder to shoulder under an awning, their body heat keeping eachother warm. They took turns taking small sips of the whiskey from Lewis’s flask. She was buzzed as she handed the flask back to him, their fingers brushing before he brought it to his lips.
“Lew” Her voice was small as his head turned to her.
“You know my mom would be over the moon if I brought someone like you home?” Their eyes met, his voice breaking the silence.
“Someone like me?” He asked, confused by what she meant.
“Yeah” She grabbed the flask and took a sip before continuing “Like you. Handsome, smart, funny.” She took another sip, her mind screaming at her to stop before she said something she would regret. “I wonder if we would have met before the war things would have been different between us.”
“(Y/N)-” He started, but she quickly cut him off, needing to get the secret she had been keeping off of her chest.
“I like you, I like you a whole lot, Lew. I know we can’t-” He cut her off with a kiss, his hand on her chin to keep her in place as their lips moved together. He leaned his forehead against hers when they pulled away, keeping eye contact with her
“About time you said something princess”
They were inseparable from then on. Stealing quick kisses in corners of buildings, sneaking off to his office in the middle of the night, and his constant checking up on her in Bastogne. Lewis had no reason to be worried for (Y/N) but her safety plagued his mind 24/7. He knew she was smart and could handle any situation thrown at her. He never told her what she could and couldn’t do, he let her make those decisions but Haguenau was his breaking point.
He was the last one to know she was on the patrol. He had pushed the anger down and waited until he and Dick were alone, not wanting to cause a scene in front of the other officers and men. When he found himself standing next to the tall ginger as they stared to the German side across the river, he couldn’t hold back.
“Dick” His voice was sharp as his jaw clenched.
“I know” Dick was surprised Lew had been able to keep quiet for as long as he did. “I felt the same way at first. Spiers said she’s fast and we need her around if anyone gets hurt. It makes sense.” He tried to reason.
“It doesn't,” Lew’s arms crossed over his chest before he spoke again. “It doesn’t and you know it doesn’t. She’s not crossing that goddamn river. Cancel the patrol if you have to.”
Dick sighed. This is exactly how he expected it to go. “Lew” He said gently, turning to the shorter man. “The patrol is not getting canceled. It’s been cleared with Sink and you already got the boats.”
“I’ll get rid of them then. Burn them, shoot them, I don’t care. She’s not going. It’s too dangerous.”
Fed up with how outrageous Lew was being, Dick grabbed his shoulders and forced him to look at him. “Do you trust me?” Dick asked, his voice stern as Lew nodded. “Then trust that I made the right call and that she won’t be in any danger. You know if I didn’t think she was right, I wouldn’t send her.
And with that, Dick put any objection Lew had to rest.
(Y/N) sat in the basement, her eyes trained on the flame that was burning the tip of Shifty’s rifle. She turned her head when she heard heavy footsteps stomping down the stairs, standing when she saw it was Lewis. Silently she followed him up and out of the house, letting him take her behind the building. She rubbed his arms, their breath forming clouds in front of them.
“You know I don’t want you to go” He started softly, his brown eyes staring into hers. “And I put up a good fight when I found out” She smiled at this, imagining the conversation he and Dick had. “But I know you’re just as good as any other man and I trust you. That doesn’t mean I’m happy about it though”
She pressed her lips against his for a chaste kiss. “Thank you” She responded before kissing him again. He wrapped his arms around her, his warmth enveloping her small body. “I have to go, it’s almost time” She said reluctantly, pulling out of his grasp. “I love you” She said with a smile as she walked backwards so she could keep facing him.
“I love you too.”
The patrol was quick and was almost perfect. They lost one German on the river bank and Eugene Jackson. (Y/N) had done all she could. She held his head in her lap across the river and was pouring sulfur on his wounds before the other men laid him on the ground. Her hands worked quickly as she tried to stop the bleeding and drown out all of the chaos.
Although she had tried her best, all attempts were futile. Eugene Jackson was dead seconds after Eugene Roe ran in. (Y/N) sat on the dank basement floor, her shaking hands coated with the young boys blood as silence filled the room. She was tired of seeing young men die.
Eugene Roe glanced at her and Babe before reaching down and grabbing his dog tags to send back to his family.
(Y/N) felt numb as she stood from the floor, her chest tight as she breathed in the cold night air. She walked to the building where Lew’s office was and nodded at the young man standing at the door. Wordlessly he let her in, closing the door behind her as she started to walk down the hall. She knocked on the door twice before she heard Lew call out “Come in”.
She watched his features soften when her head peaked around the door. He stood up from behind his desk, disregarding the report he was filling out as she walked in and closed the door, giving them complete privacy. He pulled her into a tight embrace, her head rested flush against his chest.
“Eugene Jackson’s dead” Her words were heavy in the air.
“I’m sorry” He wasn’t sure what to say.
“I’m sorry too, for everyone that knew him back home.” With a quick shake of her head, she dismissed any other thoughts about it. “I don’t want to think about it anymore, I don’t want to think about any of this anymore. I just want to be in the moment with you”
He pulled away to sit on his desk, his hands pulling her in between his legs so they were eye level. His hands rested on her hips as he asked, “What do you want to think about?”
“Us. What our life will be like after this hell finally ends.” She ran her hand through his dark hair, gently pulling at it. “I want a dog. I’ve been thinking about names since Normandy. I really like the name Freddie.” She admitted.
He hummed and nodded his head in agreement. “Freddie? I can live with that.”
She smiled and kissed him, relishing in his warmth.
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leedongwook · 4 years
Buddie lifeguard AU 🌸 Part 5
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4
Read on Ao3
“Hey Buck, how’s the pretty head?“
“Hey Buck, your head ok?“
“Hey Buck.“
Eddie deletes the message and tries again. He’s trying to find the right words to text Buck for ten minutes now but he can’t form a good sentence. He scratches at his head and sighs.
“Hi Buck, you up for a drink?“
Eddie stares at his phone again. Would he even be up for a drink? What if his head was more hurt than he thought. He’d called the hospital in the evening to check if Buck was still there, but the annoyed nurse on the phone didn’t give him any informations. Which Eddie knows is rigth, since he’s not a relative of Buck. He’s been lying awake all night though, thinking about texting Buck or not.
He’s still worried in the morning and decides to finally send Buck a quick message. The words just don’t want to come to him.
Eddies sighs again and deletes the message. Just when he wants to put his phone away, it rings and he almost drops it on the floor. Eddie stares at his phone in confusion and blinks at the caller ID showing up.
It’s Buck.
How does he have his number? Eddie doesn’t remember giving it to him. Eddies hands start to sweat and he giggles weirdly. He shakes his head at himself in annoyance. Get a grip Eddie and answer the call.
Just when his finger hovers over the caller button, the sounds stops. It goes to voice mail. Eddie curses and throws himself back on the couch. He really wants to talk to Buck. He doesn’t know why it’s so hard for him or actually he does know. He really likes Buck and he doesn’t want to ruin things with him.
The phone starts ringing again and Eddie lunges forward to grab his phone answering it immediately.
“Buck, hey how are you? Everything ok? How do you have my number?“
Eddie squeezes his eyes shut when he only hears Bucks breathing on the other side. How awkward was that.
“Hello to you too, Eddie.“
Eddie hears Buck laugh and his heart beats against his ribcage way too fast.
“Oh, oh yeah hi. Erm …“
“You ok over there, Eddie?“
Eddie coughs awkwardly and rubs his fingers along his thighs. God, he’s being weird and Buck’s gonna hang up on him any second.
“I’m … I’m good … yeah thanks.“
“Good. I asked Maddie to ask Chim for your number because I wanted to say thanks for helping me yesterday. I guess, I was a bit of a mess. Sorry.“
Eddie imagines Buck sitting on his couch in his appartment, alone, head bowed, sad eyes, thinking he’s been a burden to Eddie because he was involved in the accident. Eddie suddenly can‘t bare the thought of Buck being sad. He takes a deep breath and his voice comes out soft and calm.
“Hey, no it’s ok Buck, I am glad I was there to help you. You been a hero helping everyone else, even though you were hurt. How’s the head by the way, what did the doctor say?“
He hears Buck sigh on the other end.
“Slight concussion. I’ve got a hard head. I’m just annoyed that I can’t work for the rest of the week.“
Eddie chuckles. Of course he can’t sit still and rest. Buck always wants to be on the move, always wants to help.
“Right back into action, huh.“
Buck laughs and he sounds happier.
“Yeah you know me, I always need stuff to do. That’s why I was thinking if you and Chris might wanna come around on the weekend for a beach day? Hang out and stuff.“
For the first time Eddie thinks he can hear Buck being a bit insecure and it’s actually kinda cute. Eddies heart jumps a bit because he’d hang out with Buck every day, if he’s honest.
“Erm yeah I guess. I think Chris would love to see you again.“
And me too thinks Eddie but doesn’t say it out loud.
“Yeah that’s cool. Maybe we can jump on a surfboard or something. Just yeah, cool.“
“Sounds like a date then, eh I mean yeah we can do that, yes. Text me where and when, but we’re free the whole weekend, so whenever you want.“
“Cool. Then see you on the weekend Eddie. And thanks again.“
“Don’t mention it, someone has to lookt out for that pretty head of yours.“
Eddie bites at his lip when he finishes his sentence but he’s only getting Buck laugh as a reply. He hangs up and throws himself back at the couch, covering his eyes with his arms. Why is he always so awkward around Buck. That guy really had a number on him huh.
“Daaaadd, are you coming.“
Christopher‘s already standing at the door waiting for Eddie to go. He‘s checking his beach bag again, just in case, so he doesn‘t forget anything. He’s not mentionioning the four times he looked in the mirror to check that his hairs sits right. Chimne would make fun of him if he was here.
“Yeah buddy, I‘m coming.“
His son was all hyped up and excited when he told him that they’re gonna hang out with Buck on the beach on the weekend. He counted the days and Eddie has to admit he did so too.
He walks out oft he bathroom and grabs his bag. One last check on his hair again and then he’s opening the door for Chris to walk outside.
“Ready superman?“
Chris nods and smiles happily at his father. The drive over to the beach doesn’t take long and when Eddie parks the car in the carpark, he sees Buck waiting at the beach house. He quickly helps his sound oft he car and they walk over to where Buck is waiting.
As soon as Buck sees the two of them he runs over and grabs Chris underneath his arms and throws him around. Chris giggles and holds tight at Bucks arms.
“Hey kiddo, I missed you.“
Bucks eyes are wide and shine bright, he’s got a huge grin on his face. Eddie notices the bandaid on his head though and his cheek bone looks a bit swollen. Probably from where he hit his head on the steering wheel.
When Buck puts his son down again, the little boy frowns and point his finger to Bucks head.
“Are you ok Buck, you got a bandaid there?“
Buck kneels down in front of the kid.
“Don’t worry,  just a little bump, my heads tough.“
He smiles again and bumps his son on the nose, who immediately lights up again. They both turn around and look over to where Eddie’s standing with the bag.
“Hi Eddie, nice to see you.“
Buck looks good with his swim shorts and the white shirt, he’s wearing. It’s sitting thight around his torso and Eddie can see his abs shining through. He blushes a bit and shakes himself to focus back on Buck.
“Hi Buck, thank you for inviting us.“
“You need help with your stuff?“
Buck points at Eddies bag.
“No, no I’m fine, you go ahead.“
Buck nods and crouches down in front of Chris again.
“Hop my little man, lets see if we’re faster than your daddy.“
Chris grins and carefuly climbs on Bucks back. Buck takes his crutches and starts running.
The boy is jumping up and down on Bucks back and Eddie can her his happy screams.
“Last one‘s the looser.“
Eddie chuckles and follows Buck and his son over to the beach.
When he reaches the water he sees Buck running along the beach jumping up when the water hits his feet. His son‘s still clinging onto his back and every time he jumps, he laughs loudly.
Christopher looks up and sees him standing there, his smile even bigger now.
“We won daddy, we won.”
Buck stops and walks over to where Eddie‘s standing in the sand.
“Your dad’s slower than a turtle isn’t he.”
Buck chuckles and brushes against Eddies shoulder with his hand.
Eddie looks at his shoulder where Buck just touched him and then back to Buck. The other man’s smiling brightly at him. Tiny water droplets are running down his cheeks, over his delicate jawline and down his throat and disppear under his shirt. Eddie catches a glimps of a tiny birthmark sitting there.
His son tugging at his shorts starles him and he looks at him.
“Dad, can I try some surfing, please, please.”
Eddie looks over to where the surfboards are lying in the sand.
“I’ll hold him the whole time Eddie. He’ll be safe. I promise.”
Buck doesn’t have to promise him. He knows he’ll keep his son safe. Chris walks in front of him and looks at him with his best puppy eyes.
“Please dad, please.”
Buck stands himself behind his son and gives him his best happy smile.
“Ah, I hate you two.”
Chris claps his hands together in joy.
“Oh, you love us, dad.”
Eddie tousles through his sons hair and presses a kiss on his forehead.
“Yeah, yeah I do.”
Buck winks at Eddie before he walks over to get the surfobards and a life vest for Christopher. Eddie puts the towels in the sand and sits himself down to keep an eye on his son and Buck.
Buck carefully puts the life vest on Chris, always talking to him. He must have made a joke because his son holds his tummy and can‘t stop laughing. Buck takes his hand and helps him going over to the water. He puts the surfboard in the water and lifts Christopher on it. He sits himself behind the kid and slowly paddles away, into the small waves at the shore.
His son holdss his hands into the water. He looks so happy and excited and it warms Eddies heart. Buck somehow always senses what the kid needs or wants. It’s beautiful to watch the two of them togehter. His son‘s grown to trust Buck really fast but Eddies doesn‘t blame him because he himself has that feeling of calmness and saftey when he’s around Buck.
When he looks back at the water he sees Buck lift his son onto the surfboard now so he‘s standning on it.
His son waves at him, eyes bright.
“Look daddy, look I’m a surfer.”
Eddie gets up from where he’s sitting, to have a better view at them.
“Yes, you are my little super man, you are. You’re doing awesome.”
Buck lets go of Christophers hands and the last wave takes the kid onto to beach. The board stops abruptly, but Buck‘s already there catching the boy, before he falls over. He lifts him up again and Chris climbs on his back. They both walk over to Eddie.
“This was amazing bud, you did so well.”
Chris is still super hyper and he can’t stop smiling.
“Did I look like a real surfer?
Eddie takes him into a hug and rubs at his back.
“You did buddie, you did.”
He lets go of Chris and hands him a bottle of water.
“Thanks Buck, this was awesome.”
Buck nods.
“No problem. He’s a natural. You wanna have a go, too?”
Eddies puts his hands in the air and waves around.
“What me? No I don’t think…”
“Oh yes daddy, I wanna see you surf.”
Eddie nervously rubs at his arms.
“I don’t think I can.”
“Buck can help you, can’t you Buck?”
Buck taps on Chris shoulder gently.
“Course I can, If your dad wants to try?”
Buck looks at him with questioning eyes.
“You wanna try?”
“Ok, ok i’ll give it try.”
Chris applauds him and sits down on the towel. Both men walk over to the surfboards and Buck takes his shirt off and throws it in the sand.
Eddie can’t help and look at him. He’s got goosebump on his skin, probably from the cold water earlier.  A tiny droplet runs down his chest, all the way down to his navel. Eddie takes in a harsh breath when he can see a blue bruise running from his shoulder square over his chest, down to his abdomen.
Buck notices where Eddies looking at.
“Seatbealt. Looks worse than it is, doesnt even hurt anymore.”
Eddie wants to run his finger along the bruise, wants to check if there’s more damage. Broken ribs or anything.
“Eddie I’m fine.”
Bucks voice getting louder snaps him out of his trance.
“Good, that’s good. I’m glad.”
Suddenly Bucks hand appears in front of his face.
“Get on the surfboard, Diaz.”
Buck smiles and Eddie thinks the blue of the ocean makes his eyes look even bluer and more magical.
He takes the other mans hand and lets himself be helped on the board. His first surfing attempts are awkward and Eddie thinks he’s absolute awful in doing this. Bucks smiles and the other mans support makes him want to try again.
Suddenly there’s a wave crashing right in front of them and the movement of the water throws Eddie forward and off the surfboard. Buck lunges forward to stop Eddies fall but his foot gets stuck under the board and he falls backwards into the sand, followed by Eddie, who lands on top of him. Eddie opens his eyes and looks at Buck the other man’s eyes are wide and so so blue, it’s like the ocean is mirroring it‘s color in them. Eddie feels the water washing over his legs. His legs which are resting inbetween Bucks. He can feel Bucks hip move under him, his abs being strained against the weight on top of him and Eddie remembers the bruise on the other man’s chest. Bucks arms lie rigth and left, next to his body. Eddie’s arms are in the sand right next to Bucks head. The other man looks at him with a smile. His lips are pink, so pink and Eddie wishes he’d know how they taste. There’s those tiny freckles around his nose and Eddie thinks Buck has the prettiest eyelashes he’s ever seen. Tiny water drops are clinging onto them and sparkle in the sun. He can see another scar on his forehead probably from work. It’s all healed and looks white and faint against his skin. Eddie slowly lifts his one hand and holds it against Bucks cheek. It’s like the other man’s skin is sparkling with the sea salt sitting on it. Buck is the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. Eddie feels the other man move underneath him, his hips grinding against him. Buck licks at his lips and it’s driving Eddie insane.
Bucks voice is soft and barely a whisper. His chest feels tight and he just realizes now that they’re both topless and their skin touches the other. He can almost feel Bucks heartbeat against his. Buck moves his fingers to Eddies wrist holding it gently. He looks at him with bright eyes.
“Daddy, Buck are you two ok?”
Christopher appears next to the two men and rips them out of their little moment. Eddies tongue feels heavy though and he can’t get a word out,  instead he hears Buck answer. His voice making his chest vibrating against his.
“We’re good kid. The sand softened our fall. Guess your dad needs to practice a bit more.”
Buck laughs and Eddie can feel his stomach muscles move under him.
“Can you maybe, get up. You’re heavier than you look.”
Eddie blinks at Buck confused, still being mesmerized by the other man’s presence.
“Oh, yeah sorry. Thanks for cushioning my fall, I guess.”
“No, problem.”
Eddie carefully shuffles backwards and gets up. The holds his hand towards Buck and helps him get up.
They’re both wet and full of sand.
“What about we jump in the water a bit to get the sand off and then we’ll get some ice cream? How does that sound.“
Christophers takes his fathers hand and his other finds its way over to Bucks hand. Holding them both tight he pulls them over to the water. Eddie thinks this might be a bit too much for Buck,  but when he looks over to the other man he’s smiling and follows his sons lead. Eddie thinks it’s a nice picture. Buck being a part of this, being a part of their family.
Buck lets go of the boys hand and starts splashing water around and hits Eddie right in the face. Christopher screams and laughs loudly. They all start to splash water around till they’re all wet and tired and their stomachs hurt from all the laughing and they decided to call it a day and head home in a bit.
Eddie packing the bags already when Buck comes back with three big ice cream cups. They’d built a sandcastle earlier and Chris is sitting next to it. Buck hands the ice cream to Chris, who excitingly licks at it. 
The other man then walks over to where Eddies packing their stuff togehter and motions for him to sit down and take the ice cream. Buck sits himself down next to Eddie. Chris is couple of meters in front of them hungrily licking at his icream and watching the ocean.
Eddie gently bumps his leg against Bucks.
“Thank you Buck. You made this one really happy.”
Buck turns his head over to Eddie.
“Just this one?” He points over to Chris and then puts his hand on Eddies thigh.
“Or this one aswell?”
Eddie swallows hard. Buck’s incredibly close to him now, he can see the tiny sand grains sitting on his skin. He blushes and nervously licks at his ice cream.
He looks back at Buck and he’s so close. His eyes are so blue. Buck licks at his lips and Eddie wants to kiss him so badly.
He puts his hand over Bucks, that is still resting on his thigh.
“Yeah, this one too.”
Christopher yelling for them, interrupts them again and both men get up to bring the bags over to the car. Buck carefully buckles Chris into the car and says his goodbyes.
“Thanks again, Buck.”
“No problem, it was a great day. Your kid is great.”
Buck leans forward and before Eddie can react, the other mans lips connect with his cheek. They’re soft and warm and Buck smells like sand and sea water. 
“See you, Eds.”
Buck slowly moves his face away and winks at him one more time before he walks over to his own truck. Eddie gently taps at his cheek where moments before Bucks lips had been resting. 
He feels like he’s in a kind of trance when he watches Buck drive away and he thinks he might be in love. 
In love with Buck.
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a-black-pegasus · 4 years
Bilbo x Thorin
The Burglar Borrower
(part 4)
Tiny borrower Bilbo Baggins! Thorin! Gandalf! The dwarf crew!
The entire crew of dwarves, and a single hobbits head, turned at the rumble of an angry wizards voice.
Thorins eyes widened the slightest bit. His back went rigid, and his sword hand gripped his belt. The white if his knuckles were the only give away to Thorins inner thoughts.
Bilbo for his part felt a barrel of relief spill over him. His whole body relaxed and swayed slightly, still in Thorins dangling hold.
Gandalf marched right over to Thorin, waving his staff.
"Thorin Oakenshield! You put my hobbit down right now!"
Thorin held Bilbo for a moment, before slowly lowering him onto the table.
"He is not your hobbit. If anything, he is my pest since I found him." He grumbled moodily.
Gandalf came to the table and towered over the dwarf.
"You may have found him, but only after I sent you towards his direction."
The wheels of realization turned in Thorins head.
Gandalf... Had given him a map with faulty directions... In the hope of running into the- the thieving Hobbit!!
A furious red bloom crossed Thorins face. His eyebrows creased as he snapped back at Gandalf.
"You gave me the wrong directions! On purpose!... Why?!"
Gandalfs protective anger for Bilbo, morphed into amusement as he sat down.
"Because I needed you to pick up an old acquaintance of mine. Bilbo Baggins."
All eyes turned to the hobbit. Bilbo, who had been listening in with close interest, suddenly jumped and stepped back to better meet Gandalfs eyes.
"Me?? Why, that's absurd!" He protested. "How-how did you even know I would speak to him or that he would find me? I'm an expert hider!"
Gandalf chortled. "Yes, but you are very nosy."
A ripple of good natured laughs went around the table as Bilbo crossed his arms.
"Alright well he was very noisy. Stomping around and huffing at godforsaken hours. What's the point of me being here anyways?"
At that, Gandalf drew a pipe and lit it. He slowly puffed at the stem as he mulled over his question.
"The point of your presence?" Gandalf began. He exhaled a circle of smoke into the air. "That will be explained momentarily."
He looked to the dwarven company, catching their eyes and silently getting their immediate attention.
"There is a reason why you are all here, in fact. You who have read my letter and joined, know the perils of the mission I propose. Since you are here, you have accepted."
A solemn nod was Gandalfs response. Nori spoke aloud.
"To reclaim our home! The mountain!"
"Precisely." Gandalf agreed. "But For our task we'll need a Burglar. Someone with skill, who can sneak in and out quickly to aid us." He looked down at Bilbo. "I would think that the answer to your question would now be apparent. Bilbo Baggins, you are here to consider joining our quest."
Bilbos jaw dropped. "What? M-me??"
Din smiled widly. "Of course! You would be a perfect candidate!"
Bilbo wheeled around to knock down Balins appraisal, but Gandalf nodded his head and added.
"Indeed. Hobbits are very light on their feet and can pass undetected when they wish to. I think Mr. Baggins would make an excellent addition to our company as a Burglar. And while the dragon knows the scent of dwarf, Hobbits are entirely foreign to him."
"Dragon?!" Bilbo squeaked.
The idea seem to take well to the rest of the dwarven crowd; All except for one that is. Thorin sighed and looked on, waiting to see where this was going.
Gandalf kept his gaze to Bilbo.
"Well Bilbo, the descion is ultimately yours. What have you decided?"
Bilbo wrung his hands and paced the width of the table.
"I-I just don't know. I just I don't-don't know. Is there something I could look over? Something more explanatory?"
Trying to be helpful Balin took out sheets of paper.
"Lad, this goes over just the basics. Just a review of all the things you might be facing. Broken bones, falling stones, dragon burns..." He rattled on.
Bilbo took a breath as the paper rolled out over the table for him to read.
"Dragon burns?"
"Aye!" Balin set down a feathered pen right where Bilbo had to sign. "Melt the flesh right off the bone. A quick death mind you. Now how would you like us to take care of your burial should it come to that?"
Bilbo drummed his fingers on his knee as he crouched.
"Dear oh dear. I think I just- I need a moment."
Fili winced. "I'm sure it won't come to that Mr. Baggins." He said trying to ease his discomfort.
"Oh naturally naturally." Balin agreed. "Trolls are much more common. They tear flesh right off with their teeth! Nasty business."
Bilbos knees knocked together.
"I might need a seat..." He said sounding not to steady.
One moment later Gandalfs hand shot out and caught Bilbo as he keeled back in a dead faint.
Chairs and benches scraped across the floor as dwarves stood and crowded around to check and prod at their fallen friend.
Gandalf had to smack several hands back.
"Give him room, give him room! Even if he is small he needs space to breathe, I dare say you won't be able to wake him faster with all that." He rebuked.
Bilbo came around with a start a few minutes later.
"Where am I? What happened?" He asked.
Thorin scoffed and backed away from the crowd. "This is a waste of time. Bring him back to the saftey of his burrow, with his Cotton, and his seeds." He said. "There is no reason to bring his death early."
Bilbo was rather shaken at Thorins startling words. He couldn't bring himself to reply.
Gandalf sighed. It seemed that Bilbo wouldn't be coming after all.
Gandalf stood and carried Bilbo with him in a cupped hand. "It is growing late. I'll take Mr. Baggins to his room and come back to continue business."
"Wait... Wait.." Bilbo protested but was ignored.
Gandalf took him up the stairs to one of the rooms reserved to the dwarfs. He ignored the beds and walked over to a pitcher of water and a washbin by the door.
"You've had a small adventure already I assume. Thorin is not the most pleasant traveling companion, but he is noble, and his intentions are true."
Bilbo did not know what that meant so he shrugged.
"I suppose so."
Gandalf poured the water into the washbin and murmed a small word. Steam visibly rose from the bin.
"A wash before bed will help your nerves. Business will be long tonight, so don't wait up. I'll take you home in the morning." He promised. "Goodnight."
Without another word, Gandalf walked out and closed the door softly behind him.
Bilbo heard his steps lead away, and looked to the steaming bath. A true rarity for someone like him. He quickly shed his clothes and climbed in, not about to waste the offer of hot water.
The warmth of the water enveloping him was blissful. He leaned back and closed his eyes to enjoy a moment.
He opened his eyes again a bit later And went to work. Although he had no soap, he used the corner of a nearby rag to scrub himself and his hair free of muck and grime.
As he finished and dried himself off, a somber hum came from beyond the door and down below.
He dressed, climbed down the nightstand. When he reached the door and wiggled underneath the gap, the song had already begun.
Bilbo peeked through the stair railing. Down below near the bar was Thorin leading the company through a somber song about mountains and gold, dragons and fire, a home that was lost, and honour to be won.
His heart cleanched in his chest. He felt overwhelmingly sad and wished he could help their adventure. He looked at the table, where his contract unsigned still layed.
It was at that quiet moment, he decided.
He would join them on their journey.
Thank you for reading! A fan gave me some of the insperation for this story. Because I'm just following the movie sort of I don't really have a plan LoL
Have a good one
If your name is not shadowed I couldn't find you. My apologies
@sammigruber @gatlily @nightmarejasmine @misfitsgalaxygt @obwjam @bee-wrecker @nerdqueenkat @tinyliltina @lost-done @queenofconstellations @dc41016 @tinyinabigworld @bloodmoon-memecore @exquisiteren @smolkuriboh27 @i-like-cookiez @shortmarcy @inthemusicbox @random-fandom-dragon
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sheesh Love.  just as i typed up what i did and sent it off, you posted your message.  i do hate what you are going through and as much as it may hurt me, i know it’s even worse for you.  all i want to do is take you in my arms, hug you, and reassure you that you wil be okay.  i know, and i think you know also, that that would make a world of difference and just may possibly be enough to calm you mind, body, heart, and soul.  
okay...that’s a lot there so i’ll try to address things as briefly as i can while still working here so it may take awhile to address everything...
we can forget about me and what i’m going through.  let’s just talk about you and what is going on there with him.  what he thinks and feels about situations, i don’t think there is really anything you and i can say to him about that.  it’s up to him to change the way he percieves things.  unfortunately, i don’t know what’s going on in his mind so i can’t really speak for him at this point.  
i did tell you that i felt that even though it was at a risk to me and you and exposing me to shyt or whatevers and you wanting to protect me and what we have...you needed to find a way to have “full disclosure” because say you did work things out, there would still be some deep seeded things that were never brought up and worked out so the resolve still wouldn’t have cleared all the issues on the table.  but i/we also underestood that we had no idea how that would be possible since we have no idea how that will trigger him.  of course i wouldn’t want to break him or have him take anything out on you so i understand from a saftey concern, why you haven’t done “full disclosure”.  but you are seeing now that even a professional is telling you that you have to do some form of that.  the thing is, i don’t know if you want to or if it’s possible with the way he is.  a part of me thinks it may do more harm than good at this point.  rereading it, maybe not so much full disclosure about us but it is along the lines of the “confrontation”.  you need to be able to approach and speak to him about things but the thing that is difficult is that we have no idea how he will react.  he may either accept what you have to say and talk things out (highly unlikely), he could tune it out and ignore it, or it could set him off and you all will just be worse for wear and get nowhere.  because right now it seems like whenever you folks try to get to the root of the problem, things are just not clicking in how you communicate and resolve things and you both come out of the confrontation worse than when you started with no resolve.
bringing me up during nursing school and you not caring for him isn’t really fair to you or me.  you and i had nothing back then.  all we had were chance encounters.  did you entertain the idea of me...admittedly you said yes...but so be it.  you never acted on it and nothing happened between us.  maybe i was a fleeting glance and memory but for the most part, if i took up any part of your life, i would say it was 1% or 2% at the max.  the rest of the time, it was you and him.  in hindsight with what we have now, who wouldn’t wish they ahd more time with someone they love?  i think if he confronted you or me, of course we’d admit that we wish we met each other sooner.  unless he wants us to lie to him just to protect him and honestly, what good will that do and what good has it done so far?
about his “amnesia”, i don’t think there is really anything we can do about that.  that’s all on him and how he chooses to perceive things.  the thing is, how do you expect to talk to him, confront him, try to rationalize and reason with him, if he is going to either get angry, shut down, turn things on to me, or attack you?  how are you supposed to bring up bigger issues and concerns if you have this fear of even talking to him?  how are you supposed to communicate better when all your talks end up being arguments, trying to convince what’s right or wrong, trying to “baby”/give him security.  that isn’t necessarily “communicating for a resolve”.  what you all are doing is a form of communication, but not “healthy” in any way...*sigh*
at this point, like i said, who cares about my uncertainties.  I just want you to be happy and safe.  i respect what you are doing there but i honestly have no idea how much more you are willing to do this.  sometimes i wonder if he wonders if just separating would be easier than having to deal what he is dealing with on a daily basis because it seems that everything around him triggers him.  like you said, what if every time he sees you, he sees “me”.  every time he looks around, he sees “me”.  every time you talk about you, anyone, anything...the fact that the mere act of a simple discussion between you and him triggers an arguement.  i mean, i don’t know.  have you ever seriously considered that maybe the best thing for both of you, and for him, would be to go your separate ways so you both can heal in your own way?  because being together, after all this time and to this point, it hasn’t gotten any better and if anything, it’s getting worse.  not only for him but now also for you.  i’m scared that you both are going to end up draggin each other down to the point where you both will just “exist” for the sake of existing if this keeps up...*sigh*
i’m done and answered everything i think
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bcorrales · 4 years
Blog Assignment Technology Integration
Kasey Dirnberger took the words out of mouth when she preached about schools including Technology Education as part of the curriculum in the elementary schools. She mentioned that our students are supposed to be “Digital Chefs”. The problem is that students only know how to play games and use social media. They don’t know how to type, research, or know the dangers of online scammers or predators. Good technology integration has not developed into the teachers lessons because the students do not know how to operate a computer properly and the teachers do not know any new technology to engage the students. So how do we fix this?
Providing Professional Development
In the last six years I been a teacher, I have yet to have a productive professional development while it was hosted at school in the first week of school. I will sit in the high school cafeteria with the entire district listening to sexual harassment and bullying videos, scaffolding STAAR scores, or AVID trainings. I think those things are important but not a priority to address to the entire district. I’m an art teacher so none of those trainings are something I can incorporate in my class or any of the other elective teachers. If schools had productive trainings to show teachers how to integrate technological tools in the classroom with the devices we already have and new strategies with new devices, new apps, even websites.  
Student Digital Literacy
Schools need to adopt a digital literacy curriculum beginning in the elementary grades to ensure that students develop the necessary skills in computer concepts, keyboarding, and internet safety. Kasey Dirnberger called this a Computer Applications course. Back in my day starting at the kindergarten level when we would have “computer lab day”, we would play learning games that required you to put on your head phones and you would operate the mouse to play the games. But as we got older we never learned about the dangers of getting into free games online or websites, I had to learn this on my own when I got to high school. Here is where we get into internet saftey. Last year there was a video called the Momo Challenge that would pop during YouTube videos and while playing games on programs like “Peppa Pig” or communicating on an app called “WhatsApp?” When you see this video it shows a disturbing face of a devilish bird-lady that would give commands to hurt themselves or someone else, and if they did not comply the Momo would kill your family. If a child was digitally literate and aware of internet safety at a younger age, they would know not to tamper with free apps and games because this is where you see the most ads or pop-ups.
Works Cited
Dirnberger, K. (2012, August 1). The Importance of Technology Education at the Elementry Level.
Pellegrino, K. A. (2007). Professional Development in Integrating Technology into Teaching and Learning: Knowns, Unknowns, and Ways to Pursue Better Questions and Answers. Review of Educational Research, 40.
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