#saffron steel frames
saffronsteel · 3 months
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saffronsteelframes · 1 year
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Steel Framing And Building Solutions | Saffron Steel Frames
Contact Saffron Steel Frames for Steel Framing And Building Solutions. Trusses. Structural steel. Get a free quote today.
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bee-dot-exe · 10 months
Hey @totallynotbat, happy gift exchange day, I know we haven't talked much, but thanks for letting me write for you, I don't know this is exactly what you had in mind, but I hope you like it! And thank you @technoblade-gift-exchange for putting this together, also haven't talked a whole lot, but I appreciate you, I had fun! I hope you all enjoy!
It's kinda sad, but it's also kinda sweet, no major warnings otherwise
A thin quilt covered the earth. Sections of saffron like the edges around a bruise, and burgundy trying to compete with a glass of wine, and sepia as the chlorophyll bled out with the final remnants of summer. A patchwork blanket of color like a kaleidoscope around and beneath me.
The occasional sector of basil melting into olive grass playing a game of peek-a-boo in the areas of earth where the blanket felt shy. Stray sticks of paper that lollipops once clung to and wrappers that once surrounded a piece of chocolate taking turns with the leaves in leading a waltz as the breeze lead its orchestra.
Dia de los Muertos.
Flyers with information on the day of celebration or stories made in spirit of the holiday were taped by the corners onto the sides of buildings or tacked onto signs made of oak or cork still hung from yesterday.
Posters with each island residents' face made with white paint to look like skeletons rested on pastel backgrounds, and were hung by two pieces of wood held together by a spring on rows of thick spiderweb and string, both of their ideal intended use was for holding clothes to keep dry, connected between two trees.
I let my feet guide me through the nearly ankle deep river of color, a series of rather satisfying crunches emitting from my path, which gradually changed to slabs of pastel blocks, which lead me to an archway that looked to be made of quartz.
Lanterns with flames dyed scarlet and lemon and cerulean hung on silver chains and rested overhead.
More banners made of spiderweb, with sections of cloth or perhaps tissue paper hung in the colors of the rainbow and then some, and supported by two thin stalks of wood which were placed on either side of the archway.
I walked through. There was a decoration every time I shifted my eyes or turned my head.
Lanterns, pots with flowers planted in them, flyers with short stories, a giant rainbow papier mâché amalgamation of animals.
I heard footsteps fade from crunching leaves beneath them to tapping as they reached the smooth surface of the pastel path. The person they belonged to coming up behind me and then standing at my side.
"How's it going, Fit?"
"Not bad, not bad."
"Heard I missed out yesterday, sorry about that."
"No worries, but yeah, hell of a day. Come on, I'll show you around."
Bits of tissue paper streamers were strewn about on the ground, some still dancing as they fell from the trees around us, occasionally getting caught in the branches on their journey.
A stray candy wrapper sometimes blew by like a tumbleweed, a few getting stuck in a group of leaves that had gathered in places around where the event was held.
"So I'm sure you heard about the eggs that stopped by."
"I did. Real shame I missed them."
"It is, and I know it's not the same, but you can visit their offrenda's over here, say hello, tell them you miss them, whatever."
"Lead the way, mate."
First we visited Juanaflippa.
Her alter had rows of potted lilacs and pink alliums lined up at the sides, and a few more pots scattered around the center.
A dozen or so pink candles were settled on the steps, some inside of skulls as a holder, most by themselves.
There was a shield, a few different swords, a couple of green apples, and some empty pink signs.
In the center of the alter was a painting of her wearing her glasses sitting in a gold frame.
I took a piece of flint and steel and relit the candles that had become flickering sparks of orange and thin plumes of smoke.
"Hey Juanaflippa.
Hope you're doing well. I don't know if that was really you that came back to visit us, I think maybe this means probably not, but I don't know.
Your dad really misses you, we all do, but your dad's a bit of a mess right now, more so than usual. Things are a bit off for him, physically and emotionally, not gonna lie.
We all miss you so much. We miss your little glasses and your backflips.
I hope you're doing alright, wherever you are."
Next was Bobby.
His alter had rows of potted turquoise flowers along the sides, along with a few violet and red ones, and a handful of the aquamarine ones in pots scattered around the center.
A dozen or so royal blue candles sat on the steps, some in skulls as a holder, most by themselves.
There were a couple of tridents, a gun, and some empty blue signs.
In the center of the alter was a painting of him wearing his denim overalls sitting in a gold frame.
I took a piece of flint and steel and relit the candles that had become flickering sparks of orange and thin plumes of smoke.
"Hey there Bobby.
Sorry I missed you yesterday. I hope you're doing alright.
Your parents miss you so much. I can tell your apa is sad sometimes, but he doesn't really show it, he doesn't show that side of him with anyone though, you're probably not all that surprised. He seems happy when he's with Cellbit though, you're probably not super surprised about that either. Your mom also gets kinda sad, but she's doing okay otherwise I think. Did you know she had wings? You'd like them.
We miss you, buddy. Your little dungarees and you giving us those blue flowers.
I hope you're doing good out there."
Then Tilín.
Her alter had rows of potted lilacs and some other red flowers along the sides, and some of the red ones in pots around the center.
A dozen or so crimson candles were settled on the steps, some in skulls as a holder, most by themselves.
There were some feathers, a piece of cake, a block of dynamite, and some empty red signs.
In the center of the alter was a painting of them with that little red bow on top of her head sitting in a gold frame.
I took a piece of flint and steel and relit the candles that had become flickering sparks of orange and thin plumes of smoke.
"Hi Tilín.
Hope you're alright.
Your dad doesn't talk about you a lot, I'll be honest, but it's not because he doesn't care about or miss you, he just doesn't know how to show or talk about things sometimes.
But he misses you so much, we all do. Your little ribbon and giving us red flowers.
I hope you're okay out there."
And finally Trumpet.
His alter had rows of potted daffodils and some other red and yellow flowers, some of both kinds were also scattered in the center.
A dozen or so yellow candles were settled on the steps, some in skulls as a holder, most by themselves.
There were some books, a few spiderwebs, and some empty yellow signs.
In the center of the alters was a painting of him with his propeller hat sitting in a gold frame.
I took a piece of flint and steel and relit the candles that had become flickering sparks of orange and thin plumes of smoke.
"Hey Trump.
I'm really sorry I missed you yesterday. But you weren't alone. There were so many people here for you.
I heard that even your dad was here. I'm sorry not everyone was there for you before and if you felt alone, no one deserves that, no matter their age. You didn't deserve what happened to you.
We all miss you and your little rainbow propeller hat so much.
I hope you're alright wherever you are. I hope you're happy. I hope you never feel alone again."
"Oh, sorry Fit, to be honest, kinda forgot you were here for a minute there."
I said as I heard a throat clear behind me.
"No worries, no worries, didn't wanna interrupt anything, thank you for saying those things though, I think they needed it, I think you kinda needed it too."
"Yeah, that felt kinda nice, thanks for bringing me by."
"I uh, I actually have one more thing to show you, if you'll follow me."
"Yeah, I'm really glad I uh, oh---"
We walked up to a set of red wooden stairs. An alter. An offrenda.
And in the center was a painting in a gold frame of a person wearing a skull with tusks, had long pink hair, a fuzzy red cape with white at the neck, and a crown.
"Oh my God, dude, really?"
Fit just slowly nodded.
We stood and stared for a minute.
"Hey Fit, could you do me a favor?"
I reached for the camera in its bag around my neck.
"Yeah I gotcha."
There were rows of different leaves and potted flowers in blue and red along the side, and a few red and pink flowers in the center.
There were about a dozen white candles, all of them were lit.
There was a diamond sword, an emerald, a totem, a skull, an ender pearl, a crown, and a potato around the painting.
"I gotta leave something, hold on, do you have an anvil by chance?"
"I gotcha covered."
Both of our voices shook slightly.
Fit put down the anvil and I made a name tag, Toothpick, which I put on a diamond pickaxe, and placed that on the step between the totem and sword.
"This was really nice."
"It was really thoughtful."
"They really didn't have to do this."
"Can I ask you for one more thing?"
"Of course."
"Can I have a second alone with him?"
"Take all the time you want, buddy."
I heard the leaves crunch as Fit's footsteps retreated and sat down on the ground in front of the alter. I brushed my fingers along blades of grass and the petals of one of the pink flowers in a pot beside me. I finally let the tears stuck to my waterline fall.
"Hey mate.
Has it really been almost a year and a half? That feels impossible.
There isn't a moment where you aren't on my mind. You're on a lot of people's minds. You'd probably be flattered though, make some kind of probably sarcastic comment, prick.
Wish you came by yesterday, maybe you did, who knows. Wish I was there to see if you did or not. Wish you could hear me telling you this right now, maybe you can, it's probably not impossible.
Chayanne, that egg kid of mine you maybe have heard me talk about, your nephew. You're his hero. And he's so much like you. I wish you could meet him.
I honestly don't know which of you is better at pvp, you both can put up a fight until the last second, you're both stubborn as all get out, and you both could win.
And Tallulah, Wilbur's egg, she's been staying with me since he had to go do his music and things, she knows about and admires you too.
You'd go kinda soft on her, guaranteed, she'd win you over. She'd give you poppies and play you music and make you laugh.
We all miss you, so goddamn much, take care wherever you are, okay Tech?"
After the tears on my face had dried and it felt like it had been quiet for long enough, I put my hand on the bottom step next to the pick one last time as a send off, then went through the archway to find Fit.
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fuckyeahthomaspynchon · 11 months
He left the dodoes to rot, he couldn’t endure to eat their flesh. Usually, he hunted alone. But often, after months of it, the isolation would begin to change him, change his very perceptions—the jagged mountains in full daylight flaring as he watched into freak saffrons, streaming indigos, the sky his glass house, all the island his tulipomania. The voices—he insomniac, southern stars too thick for constellations teeming in faces and creatures of fable less likely than the dodo—spoke the words of sleepers, singly, coupled, in chorus. The rhythms and timbres were Dutch, but made no waking sense. Except that he thought they were warning him… scolding, angry that he couldn’t understand. Once he sat all day staring at a single white dodo’s egg in a grass hummock. The place was too remote for any foraging pig to’ve found. He waited for scratching, a first crack reaching to net the chalk surface: an emergence. Hemp gripped in the teeth of the steel snake, ready to be lit, ready to descend, sun to black-powder sea, and destroy the infant, egg of light into egg of darkness, within its first minute of amazed vision, of wet downstirred cool by these south-east trades… . Each hour he sighted down the barrel. It was then, if ever, he might have seen how the weapon made an axis potent as Earth’s own between himself and this victim, still one, inside the egg, with the ancestral chain, not to be broken out for more than its blink of world’s light. There they were, the silent egg and the crazy Dutchman, and the hookgun that linked them forever, framed, brilliantly motionless as any Vermeer. Only the sun moved: from zenith down at last behind the snaggleteeth of mountains to Indian ocean, to tarry night. The egg, without a quiver, still unhatched. He should have blasted it then where it lay: he understood that the bird would hatch before dawn. But a cycle was finished. He got to his feet, knee and hip joints in agony, head gonging with instructions from his sleeptalkers droning by, overlapping, urgent, and only limped away, piece at right shoulder arms.
When loneliness began to drive him into situations like this, he often returned to a settlement and joined a hunting party. A drunken, university hysteria would take hold of them all, out on night-rampages where they’d be presently firing at anything, treetops, clouds, leather demon bats screaming up beyond hearing. Tradewinds moving up-slope to chill their nights’ sweating, sky lit half crimson by a volcano, rumblings under their feet as deep as the bats’ voices were high, all these men were caught in the spectrum between, trapped among frequencies of their own voices and words.
This furious host were losers, impersonating a race chosen by God. The colony, the venture, was dying—like the ebony trees they were stripping from the island, like the poor species they were removing totally from the earth. By 1681, Didus ineptus would be gone, by 1710 so would every last settler from Mauritius. The enterprise here would have lasted about a human lifetime.
To some, it made sense. They saw the stumbling birds ill-made to the point of Satanic intervention, so ugly as to embody argument against a Godly creation. Was Mauritius some first poison trickle through the sheltering dikes of Earth? Christians must stem it here, or perish in a second Flood, loosed this time not by God but by the Enemy. The act of ramming home the charges into their musketry became for these men a devotional act, one whose symbolism they understood.
But if they were chosen to come to Mauritius, why had they also been chosen to fail, and leave? Is that a choosing, or is it a passing-over? Are they Elect, or are they Preterite, and doomed as dodoes?
Frans could not know that except for a few others on the island of Reunion, these were the only dodoes in the Creation, and that he was helping exterminate a race. But at times the scale and frenzy of the hunting did come through to trouble his heart. “If the species were not such a perversion,” he wrote, “it might be profitably husbanded to feed our generations. I cannot hate them quite so violently as do some here. But what now can mitigate this slaughter? It is too late… . Perhaps a more comely beak, fuller feathering, a capacity for flight, however brief… details of Design. Or, had we but found savages on this island, the bird’s appearance might have then seemed to us no stranger than that of the wild turkey of North America. Alas, their tragedy is to be the dominant form of Life on Mauritius, but incapable of speech.
That was it, right there. No language meant no chance of co-opting them in to what their round and flaxen invaders were calling Salvation. But Frans, in the course of morning lights lonelier than most, could not keep from finally witnessing a miracle: a Gift of Speech… a Conversion of the Dodoes. Ranked in thousands on the shore, with a luminous profile of reef on the water behind them, its roar the only sound on the morning, volcanoes at rest, the wind suspended, an autumn sunrise dispensing light glassy and deep over them all… they have come from their nests and rookeries, from beside the streams bursting out the mouths of lava tunnels, from the minor islands awash like debris off the north coast, from sudden waterfalls and the wasted rain-forests where the axeblades are rusting and the rough flumes rot and topple in the wind, from their wet mornings under the shadows of mountain-stubs they have waddled in awkward pilgrimage to this assembly: to be sanctified, taken in… . For as much as they are the creatures of God, and have the gift of rational discourse, acknowledging that only in His Word is eternal life to His Word is eternal life to be found… And there are tears of happiness in the eyes of the dodoes. They are all brothers now, they and the humans who used to hunt them, brothers in Christ, the little baby they dream now of sitting near, roosting in his stable, feathers at peace, watching over him and his dear face all night long… .
It is the purest form of European adventuring. What’s it all been for, the murdering seas, the gangrene winters and starving springs, our bone pursuit of the unfaithful, midnights of wrestling with the Beast, our sweat become ice and our tears pale flakes of snow, if not for such moments as this: the little converts flowing out of eye’s field, so meek, so trusting—how shall any craw clench in fear, any recreant cry be offered in the presence of our blade, our necessary blade? Sanctified now they will feed us, sanctified their remains and droppings fertilize our crops. Did we tell them “Salvation”? Did we mean a dwelling forever in the City? Everlasting life? An earthly paradise restored, their island as it used to be given them back? Probably. Thinking all the time of the little brothers numbered among our own blessings. Indeed, if they save us from hunger in this world, then beyond, in Christ’s kingdom, our salvations must be, in like measure, inextricable. Otherwise the dodoes would be only what they appear as in the world’s illusory light—only our prey. God could not be that cruel.
-Thomas Pynchon, Gravity’s Rainbow
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kvb222poonwanghong · 2 months
Week 1 Artist Research
Christo and Jeanne-Claude: The Gates (2005)
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Large-scale environmental sculptures by renowned artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude are commended for transforming public spaces into immersive creative experiences. One of their best-known works, The Gates, was finished in Central Park, New York City, in February 2005. The artists' vast effort, which took them over 26 years to finish, is evidence of their dedication and perseverance with their goal. The installation was eventually finished, despite a number of logistical, administrative, and financial challenges; this is a testament to their tenacity and creative energy.
Location: New York City's Central Park
Time: February 12–February 27, 2005.
Materials: 7,503 steel-framed gates covered in fabric dyed saffron. Every gate was 16 feet tall and ranged in width from 5 feet 6 inches to 18 feet.
Cost: Approximately $21 million, all covered by the revenues from the sales of Christo and Jeanne-Claude's models, preparatory sketches, and other artwork.
As part of the 23 km of trails in Central Park, 7,503 gates were installed as part of The Gates project. Each gate was fashioned from a flowing panel of saffron-colored linen. It was supported by two vertical steel supports and hung from a horizontal crossbar. The gates provide a dynamic and captivating visual spectacle as they gently move in the breeze. The bright saffron cloth, in sharp contrast to the wintry surroundings of Central Park, produced an aesthetically pleasing promenade that was warm and welcoming for guests.
The artists employed a team of hundreds of people to erect the gates in order to minimize any impact on the park's environment. Every gate was assembled on site and placed to follow the park's path patterns throughout the meticulous installation process. After the project was completed, all of the materials used to build the gates were meant to be repurposed.
The Gates altered Central Park and encouraged visitors to view the well-known landscape from a different angle. The vivid saffron cloth, in stark contrast to the chilly surroundings, brought warmth and color to the park. The proposal featured people as an essential part of the artwork by enticing them to enter the gates.
One of the most significant aspects of the Gates was its capacity to bring people together. Visitors from all around the world felt a sense of unity and shared experience as a result of the exhibit. The project was a unique occasion that emphasized the beauty of a fleeting experience because it was only temporary.
Christo and Jeanne-Claude provided the Gates with autonomous funding, which preserved their creative independence. They may continue to create art according to their vision without interference from the government or benefactors.
To sum up, Christo and Jeanne-Claude's amazing work of public art, The Gates, transformed Central Park and provided an unforgettable experience for those who witnessed it. It illustrated how art has the power to bring people together and alter their perception of their environment.
Phillips, P. C., & Katz, J. D. (2005). Christo and Jeanne-Claude: The Gates, Central Park, New York City, 1979-2005. Taschen.
Christo, Jeanne-Claude, & Volz, W. (2005). The Gates: Project for Central Park, New York City. Taschen.
Kimmelman, M. (2005, February 13). At last, The Gates are down in Central Park, all 7,503 of them. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2005/02/13/arts/design/at-last-the-gates-are-down-in-central-park-all-7503-of-them.html
Wang, Y., Su, H., Ma, S., & Wang, Y. (2019). Understanding the impact of wind power curtailment on grid-connected wind farms: A spatial and temporal analysis in China. Sustainability, 11(24), 7204. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11247204
Richard Serra: Tilted Arc (1981)
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Renowned American sculptor Richard Serra is well-known for his massive steel structures. One of his best-known sculptures, Tilted Arc, was installed in 1981 at Federal Plaza in New York City. The artwork sparked a contentious conversation regarding public art and how it affects public areas.
Location: Federal Plaza in New York City. Duration: installed in 1981, removed in 1989. Materials: Corten steel. Dimensions: 120 feet long by 12 ft high. Cost: Funded by the Art-in-Architecture Program of the United States General Services Administration.
The huge Tilted Arc steel wall bent to split Federal Plaza in half. The rust color of the steel stood out sharply against the background. The artwork was intended to interact with the plaza and alter its experience because it was designed to be site-specific.
Tilted Arc significantly altered Federal Plaza's user experience. Its imposing presence disrupted some, but forcing them to maneuver around it provoked thought in others. The sculpture was meant to make individuals more conscious of their surroundings and their movements within them.
Still, the piece generated a lot of controversy. Many in the workforce in the region felt that it was an eyesore and a barrier, which led to public hearings and discussions. The fact that Tilted Arc was eventually demolished in 1989 due to a court order highlights the complex relationship that exists between public art and its audience.
In summary, Richard Serra's Tilted Arc was a powerful piece of public art that challenged preconceptions and sparked important discussions on the role and importance of art in public spaces. Even after it was removed, it is still recognized as a significant work of contemporary art history.
Serra, R. (1989). Writings and interviews. University of Chicago Press.
Senie, H. F. (2002). The Tilted Arc controversy: Dangerous precedent? University of Minnesota Press.
Glueck, G. (1989, March 16). Tilted Arc: Art or eyesore? Time runs out for debate on sculpture. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/1989/03/16/arts/tilted-arc-art-or-eyesore-time-runs-out-for-debate-on-sculpture.html
Blasting News. (2024, April). When public art prompted a petition to scrap it. Blasting News. https://us.blastingnews.com/opinion/2024/04/when-public-art-prompted-a-petition-to-scrap-it-003817164.html
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mysticalhearth · 4 years
astland - Chicago - 2012 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Jeanne T. Arrigo, Lawrence E. DiStasi, Christine Mary Dunford, Doug Hara, Derek Hasenstab, Erik Hellman, Malcolm Ruhl, Michael Barrow Smith, Scott Stangland, Tiffany Topol, Claire Wellin, Monica West, Lillian Cummings, Doug Pawlik Elegies: A Song Cycle - Off Broadway - April 17, 2003 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Betty Buckley, Carolee Carmello, Christian Borle, Keith Byron Kirk, Michael Rupert Elisabeth - 20th Anniversary European Tour - February 15, 2012 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Annemieke van Dam (Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Mathias Edenborn (Franz Joseph), Martin Markert (u/s Kronprinz Rudolf), Betty Vermeulen (Sophie), Dennis Kozeluh (Max in Bayern), Jens Czernitzky (Rudolf als Kind), Elissa Huber (Herzogin Ludovika) NOTES: filmed by 2 cameras Elisabeth - 20th Anniversary European Tour - March 4, 2012 FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Alice Macura (u/s Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Mathias Edenborn (Franz Joseph), Oliver Arno (Kronprinz Rudolf), Betty Vermeulen (Sophie), Dennis Kozeluh (Max in Bayern), Jonathan Späth (Rudolf als Kind), Angela Hunkeler (Herzogin Ludovika) NOTES: Last show of the tour in Essen. Elisabeth - 20th Anniversary European Tour - March 4, 2012 FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Alice Macura (u/s Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Mathias Edenborn (Franz Joseph), Oliver Arno (Kronprinz Rudolf), Betty Vermeulen (Sophie), Dennis Kozeluh (Max in Bayern), Jonathan Späth (Rudolf als Kind), Angela Hunkeler (Herzogin Ludovika) NOTES: Last show of the tour in Essen. Elisabeth - 20th Anniversary European Tour - February, 2012 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Annemieke van Dam (Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Mathias Edenborn (Franz Joseph), Fredrik Andersson (Kronprinz Rudolf) Elisabeth - 20th Anniversary European Tour - February, 2012 (3) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Annemieke van Dam (Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Mathias Edenborn (Franz Joseph), Martin Markert (Kronprinz Rudolf), Betty Vermeulen (Sophie), Dennis Kozeluh (Max in Bayern), Jens Czernitzky (Rudolf als Kind), Elissa Huber (Herzogin Ludovika) Elisabeth - 20th Anniversary Vienna Revival - March 22, 2013 FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Annemieke van Dam (Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Franziskus Hartenstein (Franz Joseph), Anton Zetterholm (Kronprinz Rudolf), Daniela Ziegler (Sophie), Christian Peter Hauser (Max in Bayern), Aeneas Hollweg (Rudolf als Kind), Carin Filipčić (Herzogin Ludovika), Carin Filipčić (Frau Wolf) NOTES: Pretty good shoot of the Vienna run. Elisabeth - 20th Anniversary Vienna Revival - June 29, 2013 FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Janneke Ivankova-van Duijnhoven (u/s Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Jörn-Felix Alt (u/s Franz Joseph), Gernot Romic (u/s Kronprinz Rudolf), Daniela Ziegler (Sophie), Christian Peter Hauser (Max in Bayern), Aeneas Hollweg (Rudolf als Kind), Carin Filipčić (Herzogin Ludovika), Carin Filipčić (Frau Wolf) Elisabeth - 20th Anniversary Vienna Revival - June 8-9, 2013 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Janneke Ivankova-van Duijnhoven (u/s Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Franziskus Hartenstein (Franz Joseph), Lukas Perman (Kronprinz Rudolf), Dagmar Hellberg (Sophie), Christian Peter Hauser (Max in Bayern), Carin Filipčić (Herzogin Ludovika), Carin Filipčić (Frau Wolf) Elisabeth - Elisabeth In Concert - Apeldoorn - June 15, 2017 (Rumpel's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Pia Douwes (Elisabeth), Stanley Burleson (Der Tod), Wim van den Driessche (Luigi Lucheni), Jeroen Phaff (Franz Joseph), Addo Kruizinga (Kronprinz Rudolf), Doris Baaten (Sophie) Elisabeth - Essen - January 13, 2002 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Pia Douwes (Elisabeth), Uwe Kröger (Der Tod), Carsten Lepper (Luigi Lucheni), Michael Shawn Lewis (Franz Joseph), Jesper Tydèn (Kronprinz Rudolf), Gabriele Ramm (Sophie), Claus Dam (Max in Bayern), Annika Bruhns (Herzogin Ludovika) NOTES: Single cam proshot of Pia Douwes's last show. Audio not from soundboard. Includes three bows and an encore performance. Elisabeth - Scheveningen - October 19, 1999 (Preview) (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) |  TRADER'S NOTES: NFT CAST: Pia Douwes (Elisabeth), Stanley Burleson (Der Tod), Wim van den Driessche (Luigi Lucheni), Jeroen Phaff (Franz Joseph), Addo Kruizinga (Kronprinz Rudolf), Doris Baaten (Sophie), Nico Schaap (Max in Bayern) NOTES: Multi-cam proshot Elisabeth - Scheveningen - June 2, 2001 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Marleen van der Loo (u/s Elisabeth), Stanley Burleson (Der Tod), Antonie Kamerling (alt Luigi Lucheni), Jeroen Phaff (Franz Joseph), Addo Kruizinga (Kronprinz Rudolf), Willemijn Verkaik Elisabeth - Shanghai - December 20, 2014 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Marle Martens (u/s Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Maximilian Mann (Franz Joseph), Thomas Hohler (Kronprinz Rudolf), Angelika Wedekind (Sophie), Dennis Kozeluh (Max in Bayern) Elisabeth - Third European Tour - March 7, 2015 (Matinee) FORMAT:  MTS CAST: Roberta Valentini (Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Michael Souschek (alt Luigi Lucheni), Maximilian Mann (Franz Joseph), Fredrik Andersson (alt Kronprinz Rudolf), Angelika Wedekind (Sophie), Dennis Kozeluh (Max in Bayern), Paul Elias Marxer (Rudolf als Kind), Caroline Sommer (Herzogin Ludovika) Elisabeth - Thun - 2006 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Willemijn Verkaik (Elisabeth), Christoph Goetten (Der Tod), Sergio-Maurice Vaglio (Luigi Lucheni), Jan-Martin Machler (Franz Joseph), Nico Gaik (Kronprinz Rudolf), Manuela Floryan (Sophie) NOTES: ProShot of the show mixed with lots of backstage stuff Elisabeth - Vienna - August 25, 1992 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Pia Douwes (Elisabeth), Uwe Kröger (Der Tod), Ethan Freeman (Luigi Lucheni), Viktor Gernot (Franz Joseph), Andreas Bieber (Kronprinz Rudolf), Else Ludwig (Sophie) NOTES: Proshot of the dress-rehearsal. Multicam proshot. Elisabeth - Vienna - August 29, 1992 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Pia Douwes (Elisabeth), Uwe Kröger (Der Tod), Ethan Freeman (Luigi Lucheni), Viktor Gernot (Franz Joseph), Andreas Bieber (Kronprinz Rudolf), Else Ludwig (Sophie), Wolfgang Pampel (Max in Bayern), Christa Wettstein (Herzogin Ludovika) NOTES: Proshot of a dress rehearsal Elisabeth - Vienna - December 26, 1992 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Pia Douwes (Elisabeth), Uwe Kröger (Der Tod), Ethan Freeman (Luigi Lucheni), Viktor Gernot (Franz Joseph), Andreas Bieber (Kronprinz Rudolf), Else Ludwig (Sophie) NOTES: Single-cam proshot. Emilia - West End - May 29, 2019 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Nadia Albina (Lady Katherine Howard), Nadia Albina (Desdemonda), Nadia Albina (River Woman), Anna Andersen (Lady Mary Sidney), Anna Andersen (Margaret Johnson), Anna Andersen (Hester), Jackie Clune (Lord Thomas Howard), Jackie Clune (Eve), Jackie Clune (Lady Helena), Saffron Commber (Emilia 1), Lauren Drennan (Ensemble), Jenni Maitland (Countess of Kent), Jenni Maitland (Mary), Jenni Maitland (Bob), Carolyn Pickles (Lord Henry Carey), Carolyn Pickles (Judith), Carolyn Pickles (Priest), Sarah Seggari (Lady Corelia), Sarah Seggari (Flora), Sophie Stone (Lady Margaret Clifford), Sophie Stone (Midwife), Sophie Stone (Man 1), Charity Wakefield (William Shakespear), Charity Wakefield (Man 2), Amanda Wilkin (Alphonso Lanier), Amanda Wilkin (Emilia in Othello), Tankia Yearwood (Lady Anne Clifford), Tankia Yearwood (Lord Collins), Tankia Yearwood (Dave) NOTES: Two-camera archive footage from the show filmed in May, 2019. Streamable from November 10 to November 24, 2020. 3 Versions Available : Without Subtitles With Subtitles Audio Described Emojiland - Off-Broadway - February, 2020 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Laura Schein (Smize), George Abud (Nerd Face), Jacob Dickey (Sunny), Lucas Steele (Skull), Taylor Iman Jones (t/r Princess), Natalie Weiss (Construction Worker), Felicia Boswell (Police Officer), Heather Makalani (Kissy Face / Information Desk Woman), Ann Harada (Pile of Poo), Max Crumm (Man in Business Suit Levitating), Dwelvan David (Guardsman), Jordan Fife Hunt (Man Dancing) NOTES: Well filmed from back of the house. A little shaky at times. Heads in the bottom of the frame, but they don't really interfere with the action onstage. Endgame - The Old Vic - 2020 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  TS (SD) CAST: Daniel Radcliffe (Clov/A), Alan Cumming (Hamm/B), Karl Johnson (Nagg), Jane Horrocks (Nell) Escape to Margaritaville - Broadway - May, 2018 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Alison Luff (Rachel), Andre Ward (Jamal/Ted), Don Sparks (J.D.), Eric Petersen (Brick), Ian Michael Stuart (Chadd), Lisa Howard (Tammy), Mike Millan (Jesús), Paul Alexander Nolan (Tully), Rema Webb (Marley) Eugenius! - Off-West End Revival - 2018 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Rob Houchen (Eugene), Laura Baldwin (Janey), Daniel Buckley (Feris), Neil McDermott (Evil Lord Hector), Alex Bourne (Lex Hogan), Scott Paige (Theo), Emily Tierney (Carrie/Super Hot Lady), Simon Thomas (Gerhard/Tough Man), Christopher Ragland (Eugene's Dad/Lord Tough Man), Alison Arnopp (Space Diva/Mrs Truthstretcher), Tom Senior (Stock Jock/Laurence/Flock of Eagles Singer), Mark Hamill (Voice of Kevin the Robot), Alex Tranter, Amy West, Ben Darcy, Dillon Scott-Lewis, Lauren Concannon, Sasha Wareham, Titus Rowe NOTES: Archive footage that was released on their Facebook during theatre closures to help raise money for Acting for Others. Ripped from the Facebook video so some quality loss but not too much. Everybody's Talking About Jamie - West End - August 21, 2019 (Matinee) (wheredidtherockgo's master) FORMAT:  AVI (HD) CAST: Layton Williams (Jamie New), Rebecca McKinnis (Margaret New), Sabrina Sandhu (Pritti Pasha), Bill Ward (Hugo Battersby), Sejal Keshwala (Ray), Rita Simons (Miss Hedge), Luke Baker (Dean Paxton), Alex Anstey (Laika Virgin), James Gillan (Tray Sophisticay), Momar Diagne (Sandra Bollock), Marlon G Day (Jamie's Dad), Emily Kenwright (Vicki), Marvin Charles (Mickey), Luke Latchman (Sayid), Courtney Bowman (Fatimah) NOTES: If you can hear me breathe pretty heavily it’s because I’m trying not to cry. The finale is very shaky because I was clapping and the sound it a little bit distorted because I was holding the camera in my mouth (yes. In my mouth). Includes full audio, which was recorded separately. 16.05 GB in total. Everybody's Talking About Jamie - West End - December, 2019 (Highlights) (queenofthedead's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Luke Latchman (alt Jamie New), Melissa Jacques (Margaret New), Sabrina Sandhu (Pritti Pasha), Phil Nichol (Hugo Battersby), Sejal Keshwala (Ray), Preeya Kalidas (Miss Hedge), Luke Baker (Dean Paxton), Alex Anstey (Laika Virgin), James Gillan (Tray Sophisticay), Momar Diagne (u/s Sandra Bollock), Marlon G Day (Jamie's Dad), Zahra Jones (Becca), Harriet Payne (Bex), Biancha Szynal (s/w Vicki), Alexander Archer (Mickey), Marvyn Charles (s/w Sayid), Adam Taylor (s/w Cy), Daniel Davids (Levi), Tilly La Belle Yengo (Fatimah) NOTES: All of act 2 and 30 mins of act 1 highlights. Act 1 shot around very obstructive heads and about a quarter of the stage is completely blocked, but watchable. Act 2 is much better and only Beautiful is majorly obstructed. Everybody's Talking About Jamie - West End - July 5, 2018 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: John McCrea (Jamie New), Josie Walker (Margaret New), Lucie Shorthouse (Pritti Pasha), Phil Nichol (Hugo Battersby), Shobna Gulati (Ray), Tamsin Carroll (Miss Hedge), Luke Baker (Dean Paxton), Alex Anstey (Laika Virgin), James Gillan (Tray Sophisticay), Daniel Jacob (Sandra Bollock), Ken Christiansen (Jamie's Dad), Lauran Rae (Becca), Harriet Payne (Bex), Kirstie Skivington (Vicki), Ryan Hughes (Mickey), Jordan Cunningham (Sayid), Shiv Rabheru (Cy), Courtney Bowman (Fatimah) Everyman - National Theatre - July 16, 2015 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  Other video (see notes) CAST: Chiwetel Ejiofor (Everyman), Philip Martin Brown (Father), Paul Bullion (Sound), Adam Burton (Passion/Goods), Michelle Butterly (Sister), Sharon D Clarke (Mother), Dermot Crowley (Death), Kate Duchêne (God/Good Deeds), Amy Griffiths (Vanity/Goods), Nick Holder (Strength), Nicholas Karimi (Smell), Joshua Lacey (Sensuality/Goods), Penny Layden (Knowledge), Coral Messam (Conscience), Nadine Cox (Touch), Itxaso Moreno (Taste), Ira Mandela Siobhan (Sight), Kiribati Stamell (Discretion), Clemmie Sveaas (Insecurity/Goods) Evil Dead: The Musical - First National Tour - September 13, 2014 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Andrew Di Rosa (Jake), Callie Johnson (Annie/Shelly), Creg Sclavi (Scott), David Sajewich (Ash), Demi Zaino (Cheryl), Julie Baird (Linda), Ryan McBride (Ed/Moose) NOTES: Excellent HD capture with no obstructions of the 2014 National Tour. Campy slasher musical based on the 1981 movie. A Evil Dead: The Musical - Off-Broadway - February 17, 2007 (Closing Night) (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Brandon Wardell (Scott), Daryll Winslow (Jake), Jenna Coker (Cheryl), Jennifer Byrne (Linda), Renee Klapmeyer (Annie/Shelly), Ryan Ward (Ash), Tom Walker (Ed/Moose) NOTES: Single cam proshot of the closing night performance. Includes Broadway Beat appearance and press reel. Evita - 20th Anniversary US Tour - June 12, 1999 FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Natalie Toro (Eva Perón), Raúl Esparza (Che), Raymond Jaramillo McLeod (Perón), Tom Flynn (Magaldi), Angela Covington (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Nicely filmed from the balcony. Some generational loss. Evita - First Broadway Revival - March 14, 2012 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Elena Roger (Eva Perón), Maya Jade Frank (Young Eva), Ricky Martin (Che), Michael Cerveris (Perón), Max von Essen (Magaldi), Rachel Potter (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Great Capture of the due Broadway transfer from London. Elena is a great Evita, the addition of Michael, Ricky and Max are excellent. A lavish and well executed Evita that was due for a date with Broadway. A Evita - First Broadway Revival - July 28, 2012 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Christina DeCicco (alt Eva Perón), Ricky Martin (Che), Michael Cerveris (Perón), Rachel Potter (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the Alternate Eva. Christina vocally commands the score and thrilling to watch. She really should have had the role full time! Beautiful production and stunning Eva. A Evita - First Broadway Revival - July 28, 2012 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Christina DeCicco (alt Eva Perón), Ricky Martin (Che), Michael Cerveris (Perón), Rachel Potter (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the Alternate Eva. Christina vocally commands the score and thrilling to watch. She really should have had the role full time! Beautiful production and stunning Eva. A Evita - First Broadway Revival - August 13, 2012 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Christina DeCicco (t/r Eva Perón), Ricky Martin (Che), Michael Cerveris (Perón), Max von Essen (Magaldi), Rachel Potter (Perón's Mistress), Ashley Amber, Bradley Dean, Colin Cunliffe, Eric L Christian, George Lee Andrews, Kristine Covillo, Margot de La Barre NOTES: Very nice video; a couple of short blackouts towards the beginning of the show but otherwise well filmed with good close-ups and sound. Evita - First Broadway Revival - August 15, 2012 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jessica Lea Patty (alt Eva Perón), Ricky Martin (Che), Michael Cerveris (Perón), Max von Essen (Magaldi), Rachel Potter (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of Jessica in the role of Eva with a fresh take on the character. She brings a great element to Eva, since she is normally in an ensemble track, her dancing flourishes with perfection! A Evita - Nashville, Tennessee - September 13, 2016 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Eden Espinosa (Eva Perón), Ben Crawford (Che), Anthony Crivello (Perón), René Millán (Magaldi), Mia Rose Lynn (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the new production by Studio Tenn & TPAC. This was a huge show with a very large cast. Some terrific staging moments and of course Eden did a fantastic job as Eva, beautiful production! A Evita - Netherlands - May 22, 1996 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Pia Douwes (Eva Perón), Bill van Dijk (Che), Jeroen Phaff (Perón), Frans Limburg (Magaldi), Marleen van der Loo (Perón's Mistress) Evita - Netherlands (2008) - 2008 (Highlights) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Marjolein Teepen (alt Eva Perón), Stanley Burleson (Che), Roberto de Groot (Perón), Paul Walthaus (Magaldi), Loes Worm (u/s Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Highlights: in total 1h 28min Evita - Regent's Park Open Air Theatre - September, 2019 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MTS CAST: Samantha Pauly (Eva Perón), Trent Saunders (Che), Ektor Rivera (Perón), Adam Pearce (Magaldi), Frances Mayli McCann (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: A Stellar Video of this Cast, slightly washed out with zero obstructions and plenty of wides and zooms. Released in 4 MTS Files with a cast list - 13.55 GB Evita - Second National Tour - September, 1982 (Highlights) (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Valerie Perri (Eva Perón), John Herrera (Che), Robert Dalton (Perón), Peter Marinos (Magaldi), Cynthia Simpson (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Valerie Perri (Eva Peron), John Herrera (Che), Robert Alton (Juan Peron), Peter Marinos (Magaldi), Cynthia Simpson (Peron's Mistress). Professionally Shot footage of tech run of tour's opening at The Shubert in Chicago. Starts with "Eva, Beware Of The City" and goes through end of "Waltz For Eva And Che". Does not contain all numbers, but does have most. A- This is a single camera video recording with occasional zooms that is a little over an hour of Hal Prince directing the second national tour of Evita during a final dress rehearsal. It is fascinating to hear Prince give direction while watching the show and a great piece of theatre history. Evita - Seventh National Tour - September 22, 2013 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Caroline Bowman (Eva Perón), Josh Young (Che), Sean MacLaughlin (Perón), Christopher Johnstone (Magaldi), Krystina Alabado (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Beautiful HD capture with no obstructions. Josh and Caroline do a great job as Che and Eva. A solid tour, great performances and production value! A+ Evita - Seventh National Tour - December 14, 2013 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Caroline Bowman (Eva Perón), John Riddle (u/s Che), Sean MacLaughlin (Perón), Christopher Johnstone (Magaldi), Krystina Alabado (Perón's Mistress)
Evita - Sixth National Tour - August 7, 2005 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Kathy Voytko (Eva Perón), Bradley Dean (Che), Philip Hernandez (Perón), Gabriel Burrafato (Magaldi), Kate Manning (Perón's Mistress) Evita - Village Players, Toledo Ohio - 1991 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Hunter Foster (Che), Sutton Foster (Perón's Mistress)
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BaFS Fanfiction: Chapter 5: The Clouds Remain.
It was a matter of minutes before they reached Ozpin's office. Once they did, Ozpin sat down in his chair with an agitated look. The fact that He seemed suddenly worried about something, surprised Glynda and Qrow.
"Oz? Are you alright?" Qrow asked.
"I'm....I'm sorry. It's something that bothered me since we came back." Ozpin shook his head.
"You said it was Stjerne?" Glynda asked.
"Yes. It's her powers of Virgo. I think they are starting to awaken." Ozpin answered.
"What?" Qrow seemed surprised.
"But I thought you said that the powers don't awaken until the user is of the age of maturity." Glynda stated.
"In a normal case, yes. However, the circumstances with Stjerne have proven this to be an abnormal case." Ozpin clarified.
"How so?" Qrow asked.
"You all know that I told you that the powers of Virgo will pass on to the next person destined to receive them." Ozpin started.
"Right. You said that the destined receiver will bear a mark on the wrist of their non-dominent hand." Glynda said.
"And the mark either takes form of the constellation of Orion or Virgo, depending on the descendent." Qrow filled in.
"Along with the fact that these powers will pass on from the old user to the receiver upon his or her age of maturity, as I mentioned before." Glynda finished.
"Correct. Among the regular circumstances, there have been some extremely rare instances where the power passes on to the destined receiver at a very early age. Most of the times, the circumstance has proven to be death to the user, and an early transfer of the powers. If not trained, these powers will prove to be unruly and dangerous. Such is the reason why Ōrajios are given to the receiver upon their age of maturity." Ozpin explained.
"So? Let's give Stjerne an Ōrajio and there's nothing to be nothing to worry about, right?" Qrow suggested.
"It's not as simple as that Qrow." Ozpin shook his head, "If we give Stjerne an Ōrajio now, we may end up crippling her powers which would eventually lead to her aura."
"How would that happen?" Glynda asked, "Stjerne had just managed to activate lightning dust while we were in that store. I noticed at the last minute when we were getting the groceries. By the looks of it, she managed to do it without touching the crystal."
"Wait, seriously?" Qrow seemed surprised.
"That sounds more like she triggered her aura instead. Then again most dust is purified, and the powers of Virgo are passively connected to aura...." Ozpin said thoughtfully, "Anyway, Ōrajios are very powerful objects, made with unpurified dust of every type. Dust is triggered by Aura, but in this case, the dust is attracted to the powers and will dull their ability to activate. In our case, the dust will do more then dull Stjerne's powers; It will dull and weaken her aura, feeding off of it until she has no more aura to spare. Her powers will be crippled and her aura would be rendered deformed. If this happens, Stjerne will get ill and possibly die from it even." Ozpin answered.
"No." Glynda gasped, clearly horrified.
"Oz, are you serious?" Qrow was just as scared.
"Unfortunately yes." Ozpin nodded grimly, "The reason Ōrajios are given to the receiver on their age of maturity, is because they will have been trained to generate more aura, enough to keep themselves alive, and to keep it from the jewel itself."
"So, we would have to train her and keep an eye on Stjerne while she is this young?" Glynda asked.
"Yes." Ozpin nodded grimly
"You're going to train her, right?" Qrow asked.
"Well, I trained Saffron. I'm sure I can train Stjerne. I'll keep her in my office during the school day, where I can keep an eye on her. I'll squeeze some training in here and there." Ozpin said.
"Sounds adequate. But I don't know if it's possible to keep Stjerne in your office all the time." Glynda commented.
"Other times, she can stay in the lounge, her room, my room downstairs, and other places where the students won't see her and ask questions." Ozpin said.
"Heh. Well you look like you got things under control now!" Qrow grinned.
"Well, now I do." Ozpin remarked.
"The other teachers and I can watch her when we aren't working." Glynda suggested.
"Thank you. That will be most convenient." Ozpin sat back, feeling very relieved that this problem had been settled.
"Heh. We better get back down before Stjerne gives Pete a heart attack and sends Barty into a panic." Qrow suggested.
"Right. Let's go." Ozpin agreed and stood up. The three teachers then made their way back to the lounge.
Oobleck had started a game of hide and seek in the lounge, which proved to be an unfair game to the two professors. Being a grown men, there weren't many hiding places. It was easy for Port to find Oobleck, who had tried pretending to be a lamp. On the other hand, Stjerne was small and could easily hide anywhere that fitted her. In this case, she chose to hide in an air vent, located in the wall near the door. The grate was black, with long thin steel bars running across the frame. Stjerne lied down on her stomach, quietly giggling as the two professors looked everywhere to try and find her.
"She can't have gone far." Oobleck remarked, checking inside the closet. Port checked under a chair and ended up hitting his head.
"What are you two doing now?" Glynda asked as she walked in. The door covered the sight of the vent.
"We were playing hide and seek with Stjerne and now we can't find her." Port stood up, dusting himself off.
"We had no idea she was that good. She could be anywhere." Oobleck nodded, looking in the oven.
"I'm not sure you're gonna find Stjerne in an oven. She should be old enough to determine safe places to hide." Qrow laughed.
"Well, I hope she turns up soon." Ozpin grinned.
"I give up. You Barty?" Port threw up his hands in defeat. Oobleck zipped over and nodded in agreement.
"Stjerne, come out! We give up!" He called. Upon hearing this, Stjerne pushed her hardest against the grate but it wouldn't budge. Her socks slid on the metal in the vent. She kept trying but kept slipping.
"Help!" She called. The teachers turned their heads at the noise.
"Stjerne? Where are you?" Glynda asked.
"In here! In the vent by the door!" Stjerne yelled. Glynda closed the door to see Stjerne pushing against the vent, her hands holding onto the grate.
"How in the world did you manage to hide in there?" Ozpin leaned over his cane, an amused smile on his lips.
"I pulled the grate out and slid in. Then I pulled it back over again. I thought it would be easy to get out." Stjerne explained.
"Well, next time you might want to consider your options on where to hide." Glynda said, using her telekinesis to pull the grate out a again. Stjerne fell out with a thud and stood up, dusting herself off.
"Look at you. You have dust all over you dress now." Glynda scolded.
"Sorry." Stjerne said timidly.
"It's fine. Why don't we see what kind of clothes you have to wear." Glynda suggested.
"We left that suitcase on her bed in her room Glynda." Qrow sipped from his flask.
"Alright. We'll be back in a few minutes." Glynda walked out of the room, Stjerne close behind.
"Heh. While I'm here, let's have a poker party guys!" Qrow suggested.
"That sounds like a fun idea for tonight." Ozpin agreed.
"Well, we may as well." Oobleck grinned, "who's getting the beer?"
"I'll fly back to Vale and see what I can get. Anything else?" Qrow moved closer to an open window.
"Hm...what about pretzels and nuts?" Port suggested.
"Better get something for the girls. Ice cream and cake perhaps?" Ozpin suggested, thinking of Glynda, Peach and Stjerne.
"Heh. Sounds good. Be back in 15 minutes." Qrow jumped out the window and changed into his crow form, flying off into the distance.
"Well, who has the poker set?" Ozpin asked.
"It's in my room. I'll go get it." Oobleck zipped out of the room.
"So, are we playing strip poker, or?" Port asked.
"Peter Port, we have a 6 year old girl with us. We cannot expose such explicit subjects like this to her at her age." Ozpin scolded.
"Oh. Sorry." Peter blushed.
"We'll play for money." Ozpin grinned.
"Ugh...do we have to?" Port groaned. Out of the 4 men that played poker in that group, Port was the worst. He claimed to be good at first, but after losing some games to his companions, it was clear to see that Port was a terrible poker player, and an even worse gambler. Oobleck, in the mean time, came back with the poker set and a deck of cards.
"So, what game are we playing? For money or Strip?" He grinned.
"Money. While Stjerne is with us, we'll have to refrain from playing strip poker." Ozpin announced.
"Well, at least I can deal with playing for money!!!" Oobleck cheered.
"Ugh. Now I can't get those rounds I need for My Blunderbuss." Port groaned.
Two hours later, the group was still playing. Peach was still sitting on the couch, eating the ice cream Qrow had bought. Glynda and Stjerne were sitting on the ground, in front of the table near the couch, playing a game of Apology. Stjerne was close to winning, as she had nearly all of her green tokens in her home base.
"Ha ha! See if you can beat me, Glynda!" Stjerne cackled as Glynda rolled her dice.
"Fine. If that's how you want to play!" Glynda used her telekinese to roll her dice, which ended up being a 3 and a 2. Glynda made her move and got one of her pieces into her base, leaving only two pieces left.
"There." She grinned smugly.
"Heh." Stjerne grinned and rolled her dice, which ended up as being a 5 and a 6. She made her move on her last piece and made it to the final base.
"Apology!" Stjerne cheered.
"Ack! Please be a little more quiet over there, will you?" Port asked.
"Sorry Peter." Glynda called.
"Whats going on over there?" Stjerne asked.
"Oh, the rest of those dolts are gambling on their game of Poker." Glynda sighed.
"I bet you can beat them in a game of Poker! With your telekinese, you can easily beat them!" Stjerne exclaimed.
"Telekinesis isn't the same as telepathy. There's a difference." Glynda explained, putting the board away.
"Still. Maybe you can beat them!"
"Hm. Maybe. If they let me play." Glynda said thoughtfully, "for now, why don't you go see what they're up to."
"Okay!" She agreed. Glynda stood up and pulled her wallet out. She decided to gamble. Normally she didn't like gambling but she couldn't resist placing a bet every now and then.
"Mind if I join in?" She asked, casually.
"Hm. If you want. But can you wait until this game is over?" Ozpin asked.
"Sure." Glynda sat in a chair and watched them. Stjerne came over and stood near Ozpin. She couldn't really see what was going on, so she stood on her toes, trying to get a glimpse. Ozpin noticed and layed his cards down, hoisting Stjerne onto his lap.
"You can sit here for the time being. Don't help them cheat though" He said, a smile playing on his lips.
"I won't." Stjerne promised. The game went on for a few minutes and finally, Ozpin won the match.
"Ohh! Good one!" Oobleck grinned.
"Heh. I'm flushed out." Qrow shrugged, folding.
"That's it. I quit." Port folded and walked away. A good half of his money was still on the table.
"Alright. I'll take Peter's place." Glynda sat down between Ozpin and Oobleck. The game started and was getting pretty intense, until it came to the final round. Glynda had managed to get Oobleck knocked out of the game, and was now facing off against Ozpin. After a few tense minutes, each showed their cards. Ozpin had a royal flush, while Glynda had a pair of Aces, knocking Ozpin out.
"Good game Glynda." Ozpin shook her hand.
"Beginners luck I suppose." Glynda shook his hand and took the lien that was on the table.
"Well, what should we play next?" Oobleck asked, "How about Remnant, the game?"
"I could go for a good game." Qrow nodded. Oobleck grabbed the game down from the shelf.
"Haha! I'll be Vacuo, as always."
"Minstral for me." Qrow grinned.
"I'll be Vale." Ozpin grinned.
"What is it with you men and that game?" Glynda shook her head.
"Come on Glynda. It's fun! Even Tai plays." Qrow spoke up.
"Can I watch?" Stjerne asked.
"Of course." Ozpin consented.
"I guess I'm stuck with Atlas then." Oobleck set up the game.
The three teachers and one huntsmen sat around the table, the cards dealt out and pieces set up. Stjerne still sat on Ozpin's lap, watching him play. There was some tense battling between the kingdoms, Oobleck won a battle against Ozpin, and Qrow managed to defeat Port.
"No!!! How do you do this?" Port wailed dramatically.
"This is what happens whenever they play this game." Glynda, finishing some paperwork.
"Your turn." Oobleck said to Ozpin.
"Alright. What to do?" Ozpin mused. Stjerne caught a glimpse of his cards and watched him make a move.
"I shall deploy the huntsmen ground force against Qrow." Ozpin placed his card down on the table.
"Oz, you traitor!" Qrow said in his best dramatic voice.
"Looks like I get to kill more then 1/3rd of your ground forces of Ursa and Beowolves. Which I will use to make a frontal attack to gain more land." Ozpin said smugly
"Heh. Dream on Oz. You just activated my trap card." Qrow pulled out his flask and flipped a card down on the table, "Rapier wasp attack. If I roll a 7 or higher, rapier wasps will shot your huntsmen down."
"Don't forget that if you roll a 6 or lower, the wasps will turn on your forces." Ozpin reminded him.
"Chance I'm willing to take, Oz." Qrow grinned, rolling the dice. Suddenly a leg of his chair snapped and Qrow fell to the ground, the dice flying out of his hand and landing on the table. It was a 2.
"Sorry Qrow. Trap card foiled." Ozpin sighed, "looks like I win this one."
"Darn it. If it weren't for my semblance, I would have aced that roll." Qrow stood up and dusted himself off.
"Wait, what?" Stjerne spoke up, confused.
"My semblance is bad luck, kiddo. It can affect me or the people I'm with. The problem there is that it's on 24/7. I can't turn it on and I can't turn it off." Qrow answered.
"I didn't know luck could be a semblance!" Stjerne sounded excited.
"Well, I wouldn't get excited about my semblance kid. It's been a curse to me my entire life." Qrow shook his head, grabbing another chair.
"What other semblances are there?" Stjerne looked up at Ozpin.
"Well, there are several kinds. For instance, Professor Oobleck here uses a kind of speed." Ozpin answered thoughtfully.
"It's Doctor!" Oobleck corrected.
"Right, doctor. Sorry." Ozpin shook his head.
"Why call him Doctor?" Stjerne looked confused.
"Because I went the extra mile to earn my PhD for Geography and Archeology!" Oobleck answered proudly.
"Huh. I thought it was because you went the extra mile to win a marathon." Stjerne said innocently. Everyone burst out laughing at that. Even Glynda found herself bent over in laughter. Oobleck was the only one who deadpanned at this.
"Ohahahaha!!! That was good......" Qrow laughed.
"Indeed......" Ozpin gasped for breath, holding his gut.
"Someone please kill me!!!" Glynda was on her knees, banging her head on the table.
"Not funny." Oobleck shook his head and picked Stjerne up, looking at her dead in the the eye. Stjerne didn't do anything until she suddenly made a grab for Oobleck's glasses.
"Don't....touch those!" Oobleck dodged.
"I have to know! Are your eyes blue or brown?!" Stjerne protested, still reaching for them.
"They're blue. Why?!" Oobleck stumbled a bit.
"Because I can't tell! How can you even see in those?!" Suddenly Oobleck tripped backwards and fell to the ground, Stjerne still in his grasp.
"Okay. I think that's enough excitement for one night." Ozpin picked up Stjerne, who was still a bit feisty on Oobleck.
"I agree. It's 7:00 pm, and I think it's about time for you to get some sleep." Glynda said, straightening up.
"Awww..." Stjerne groaned.
"The faster you go to sleep, the sooner it will be morning." Glynda promised.
"Fine. But can Oz put me to bed? Please?" Stjerne asked.
"Well, okay." Ozpin consented after a few minutes, taking Stjerne by the hand and leaving the room. Glynda stood silently with the other teachers and Qrow.
"Well, I've never seen him act like this around us." Oobleck remarked after Ozpin had left. He had picked himself back up and was standing behind Glynda.
"I think I know why he does." Glynda said quietly, "Believe it or not, Ozpin has a father's love. He told me that he tried to show it through his duties as a Headmaster, but for him, it's very hard, especially since he has to show his authority most of the time. It doesn't show much to the students, and that discouraged him from trying harder. When Stjerne came into our lives, I think Ozpin is trying to show his love the way he wanted to. I think it's quite touching, really."
The other teachers thought quietly about this. They had never known Ozpin, their confident Headmaster, to have any sort of love of this type. To them, it was rather unexpected.
"Well. I must say I never thought about it this way before." Oobleck said quietly after a few minutes.
"Heh. Would explain why he's being like that." Qrow shrugged.
"I know. Neither did I at first. Just.... Don't speak about this to Ozpin." Glynda pleaded. Qrow, Port and Oobleck nodded their heads silently in agreement.
Meanwhile, Ozpin had taken Stjerne to her room and was helping her get ready for bed. She had changed into a night gown and had brushed her teeth. She now lay in bed, Ozpin tucking her in.
"I'm sure you'll have no trouble sleeping in your room from here on out." Ozpin promised. Inwardly, he felt a twinge of pain fill his heart. He hadn't shown these kinds of feelings of love for a small child such as Stjerne in ages. It made him happy, and yet very sad. He knew that he wasn't the real father of this child and that the girl's real father was high up in the heavens, watching and pleading him to look after his girl the way he would have. Deep down inside, Ozpin wished that he could have been the father of this girl, but he knew that destiny had it in a different way. He fell silent after he spoke. He quietly rose to leave, but Stjerne grabbed his hand and hugged his arm.
"Thank you Ozpin." She whispered. Ozpin seemed a bit surprised, but he smiled sadly at the girl. He hugged her and layed her back down.
"Just get some sleep. You'll need all the energy you can get for tommorow." Ozpin said. Stjerne nodded her head and closed her eyes. Ozpin left quietly and closed the door.
When he made it back to the lounge, he talked to the other teachers about Stjerne's situation.
"So, you're saying that we need to keep her away from dust?" Oobleck asked.
"Yes. If Stjerne has a necklace of any type of dust or any cartridge or round, make sure that it is disposed of properly. Since Peach mainly the one who manages our dust, make sure she knows." Ozpin insisted.
"Alright then. Keep Stjerne away from dust." Port clarified.
"Precisely." Ozpin affirmed.
"We should all get to bed. It's 8:50 in the night. It's best we get some sleep." Glynda suggested.
"Right. Goodnight all!" Oobleck saluted before zipping away.
"Good night everyone." Port said as he walked away.
"Well, goodnight Oz, Glynda." Qrow walked off towards his temporary room that Oz had reserved for him, whenever he came back from missions. Ozpin seemed downhearted and unhappy somehow. Glynda seemed to notice and put her hand on his shoulder.
"I know that look. what are you feeling?" Glynda asked softly.
"I...I shouldn't be like this. The girl isn't even my child, I..." Ozpin started.
"Oz. We talked about this. Whether you like it or not, that girl now looks up to you as her father. So it time you put your doubt aside and start caring for the child as if she were your own." Glynda said softly but sternly.
"But...I feel like I had taken Verusium's role away from him. He's her real father, and Stjerne never even knew him. Verusium would be mad if he saw me now." Ozpin shook his head.
"No, he wouldn't. Verusium knew what had to be done, and he did it. He did his best, but he didn't return. If he were here now, he would feel proud that you took the role as father to the child. After all, isn't it in every man's interest to see that he is a good and loving father to his child?" Glynda asked.
"Yes....you're right. I'm sorry. I just... I never before had the chance to express this love I felt for any child. She's so much like her mother. I feel guilty whenever I see her." Ozpin started tearing up. Glynda noticed this and hugged him.
"Saffron and Verusium would be proud of you. They both would." She promised. Ozpin nodded and stood up.
"Thank you, Glynda."
"It was no trouble sir. If you don't need me, then I'll be off to get some sleep." Glynda yawned.
"You're excused." Ozpin consented. Both the teachers parted ways after saying their goodnights to each other. As Ozpin lay in his bed, he couldn't help but think about Stjerne, and the daunting responsability of training her powers.
"It won't be easy, I know that. But...I'm sure I can do it." Ozpin thought. He feel asleep, more confident then ever about his task ahead.
Here you guys go! Still can't believe I mentioned Strip poker of all things😫😫😫. Headcannon here is the they only do it above waist, so that should be clean enough. 😣😣😣
@phoenix-no, @saiyoyuutsume, @aquarius-power
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danceblades-a · 5 years
F A I. ( charming foreigner , beautiful stranger )
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                             ❛  you’re quite beautiful, you know.  ❜  he hunches over her upon the dirt from where he’d pulled her down, a small blade pressed against her neck. might she have been anyone else, he wouldn’t have hesitated to cleave her open, but her scent reached him before the fullness of reality had, and groggy eyes stared questioning for a moment. they soon softened, and with it the urge to toss the knife aside came. it landed with a dull thud somewhere a few feet to their left, tossed carelessly at his behest.
                             the reason he didn’t apologize before complimenting her was not because he felt no pity for his own actions, but that the sight of her raven hair strew across the grass had piqued his wonderment. long and silken, it shone marvelously in the sunlight, exquisite as any precious gem. those few strands that still framed her fair cheeks seemed to fit there perfectly, like they were meant to be.  ❛  but you should know it’s not wise to sneak up on me while i’m sleeping, i might mistake you for a Noxian.  ❜  thin lips quirk at the edges into a smile, the sort that gave others reason to believe he wasn’t just made of ice and winter’s chill. that there were parts of him still capable of comprehending emotions outside the valley of despair and hatred.
                              for no real notion he soon found himself touching the strands of hair tucked against her cheek. they slithered away to join the pool below them at the slightest brush of his fingertips, and revealed a small bruise at the edge of her jaw. it was only partially present – a light brownish hue, but evidence of his trigger-reaction. it roused a bullet of guilt against his breast that left him less than pleased with himself.
                            he dipped down, allowing his lips to grace the surface of her injury for a split second, nothing more than a butterfly’s kiss. it took a great deal of restraint for him not to take her lips next, but though he was unusually open now, he still felt there were boundaries that shouldn’t be crossed. not at least until you knew their lines were erased.
                            he smiled again and let a sigh fall from the part between his lips. he settled instead to bringing their foreheads together, closing his eyes as a sea of his saffron locks cloaked their faces.  ❛  but i am glad it’s you and not them. i haven’t been able to rest for some time now… so you’ll have to forgive me for striking before i got a good look at who you were. can i make it up to you somehow?  ❜
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A light sheen of sweat covered Irelia’s forehead , her eyes wide and afraid . There had been no time for her to react to the sudden flurry of motion , the cold steel still pressed against her neck only gave her an awful reminder of her own incapability as a leader for the Ionian resistance . As she was pushed onto the grass , a startled sound was all she gave in resistance    —    the knife was soon tossed aside but Irelia remains still under Fai’s gaze , the light pain upon her cheek was all but forgotten as daffodil locks gently drifted down onto the ground around her && eventually settled .
❛    Noxian? You’re ... quite safe here . They will not reach you .    ❜    How her pulse rose to a volume as loud as the drums of war , pounding so hard that she had thought that surely , her companion turned attacker could hear it as clearly as she could . Fear , confusion , anger , embarrassment ; so many emotions clouded her head as the other gave his reason for the abrupt attack . The smile would’ve been awfully disarming , if not for the icy fright still running in her blood .
More than anything , Irelia was affronted by the comparison of herself to an invader . She knew little about the blond’s past , but his hatred of Noxians was something she could ... empathize with .    ❛    I’m sorry for startling you , but the sun has risen and it is wise for us to stay alert during the day    —    even if we are more or less alone within these forests ,    ❜    she murmurs . Her voice eventually trailed off as Fai gently traced the curve of her cheek . 
And Irelia was never the most closed-off person . Even though she was no longer the jovial child she once was , the Captain has never been cold or aloof even to strangers . The peck upon her cheek caught her quite off-guard , yet somehow it didn’t seem out of place for him . Seeing the foreign mage up close like this and in the midst of such intimacy felt like an uncommon opportunity , his kiss rarer than the most beautiful flower blossoming in wintertime amidst the snowfall . 
The sweet gesture didn’t quite soothe Irelia’s nerves but she was somewhat placated . His breath doesn’t smell entirely unpleasant as he spoke more , his forehead lightly touched her own .    ❛    Getting off of me would be a start ,    ❜     she replies dryly && with a hint of a smile , no anger present in her words .    ❛    I am glad you were able to sleep well . It’s quite alright , Fai . You don’t need to do anything .    ❜    Asking for his aid would be akin to asking a guest to help out in the household . Plus , she’s fast to forgive him .
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saffronsteel · 3 months
Best Structural Steel Frames in Melbourne — Top Quality and Affordable Prices
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When it comes to constructing durable and innovative buildings, structural steel frames are the backbone of modern architecture. In Melbourne, Saffron Steel Frames stands out as a top provider, offering exceptional quality and innovative solutions.
Why Structural Steel Frames?
Structural steel frames offer numerous advantages:
1. Strength and Durability: Capable of withstanding significant loads and stresses, ensuring long-lasting safety.
2. Design Flexibility: Allows for creative architectural designs and open floor plans.
3. Cost-Effectiveness: Long-term savings through durability and reduced repair needs.
4. Quick Construction: Prefabrication speeds up the building process, reducing labor costs and project timelines.
5. Environmental Benefits: Steel is 100% recyclable, making it an eco-friendly choice.
Saffron Steel Frames: Leading in Melbourne
Saffron Steel Frames has established itself as a premier provider of structural steel frames in Melbourne due to its dedication to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. Here’s why they’re the best choice:
1. Expertise: Years of industry experience ensure precision and excellence in every project.
2. High-Quality Materials: Only the best steel, sourced from trusted suppliers, is used.
3. Custom Solutions: Tailored frames to meet specific project needs.
4. Advanced Technology: Modern manufacturing techniques ensure precision and ease of assembly.
5. Sustainable Practices: Commitment to eco-friendly processes and materials.
6. Outstanding Customer Service: Exceptional support from consultation to completion.
For high-quality Structural steel frames in Melbourne, trust Saffron Steel Frames. Their expertise, quality materials, and innovative solutions make them a leader in the industry. Contact them today to learn more about how they can help you achieve your construction goals with excellence and durability.
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saffronsteelframes · 1 year
The Top Reasons to Choose Residential Steel Frames
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In today's fast-paced world, where climate change and natural disasters are becoming more frequent and severe, it's crucial to build homes that can withstand the test of time. Residential steel frames are the answer to this growing need for resilient and sustainable housing. At Saffron Steel Frames, we understand the importance of providing homeowners with structures that offer both strength and durability.
Unmatched Strength: Steel is renowned for its exceptional strength-to-weight ratio. When used as a framework for residential homes, steel frames provide unparalleled structural integrity. Unlike traditional wood frames that are susceptible to warping, rot, and termite damage, steel frames are incredibly robust and can withstand extreme weather conditions, including hurricanes, earthquakes, and heavy snow loads. This inherent strength ensures the long-term safety and security of your home and loved ones.
Durability for Generations: Steel frames are designed to last for generations, requiring minimal maintenance and repairs. Unlike wood, steel is not prone to decay, mold, or pest infestations. It is also fire-resistant, making it a safer choice for homeowners. By opting for residential steel frames, you're investing in a durable and resilient structure that will continue to protect your family and retain its value over time.
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Design Flexibility: Contrary to popular belief, steel frames offer tremendous design flexibility. With advancements in engineering and manufacturing techniques, steel frames can be customized to suit various architectural styles and accommodate unique design preferences. Whether you envision a contemporary masterpiece or a traditional abode, steel frames can be tailored to bring your dream home to life. Additionally, steel's slim profiles allow for larger windows and open floor plans, creating bright and spacious living areas.
Environmentally Friendly: Sustainability is a growing concern in the construction industry, and steel frames align perfectly with eco-conscious practices. Steel is a highly recyclable material, and using it in residential construction reduces the demand for timber, which helps preserve forests. Additionally, steel frames can be manufactured with a high percentage of recycled content, further reducing the carbon footprint of your home. By choosing residential steel frames, you contribute to a greener future for generations to come.
Cost-Effective Solution: While the initial cost of steel frames may be slightly higher compared to traditional materials, their long-term benefits outweigh the investment. Steel frames require minimal maintenance, saving you money on repairs and replacements over the years. Moreover, their durability and resistance to natural disasters can lead to lower insurance premiums, providing additional savings. When you consider the lifespan and reliability of residential steel frames, it's clear that they offer a cost-effective solution in the long run.
At Saffron Steel Frames, we take pride in delivering high-quality steel frames that combine resilience and sustainability. Our experienced team ensures precise engineering and meticulous craftsmanship to create structures that surpass industry standards. When it comes to building your dream home, choose residential steel frames for a secure, durable, and environmentally friendly living space.
For more info visit our website: https://www.saffronsteelframes.com.au/residential-steel-frames-sydney/
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thewebcomicsreview · 6 years
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I’ve been cleaning my room!  When I moved out of the old apartment, I left my bookshelves to whoever wanted them, who turned out to be one of the people in the old apartment who was also moving to the Weeb House. When she moved out, I got the shelves back, and the circle of stupidity was complete. 
Nowadays, I mostly read kindle books, but what DOES the Webcomic Review Man have on HIS bookshelves  (No one cares) Fuck off, it’s my blog and we’re going through it anyway
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Up top, we have Octopus Pie volumes 3 and 4, Angel Catbird, Circle of Blood, various Image comics, and Supermutant Magic Academy, which is great. I also have a large store of garbage bags for my opinions.
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Next floor down is my educational shelf. Comics and Sequential Art, Understanding Comics, Reinventing Comics, and a space for Making Comics which is probably still on the living room bookshelf maybe. Then some art books (the one facing away from you is Zootopia’s art book), some DnD stuff, and a paper copy of Newt Knight, which I got as a gift at MICE last year.
Yes, I know my door needs to be painted, but at least I got the plate fixed so it can actually close now. 
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Shelf three is the shelf of shame, because Homestuck’s on it. It’s not all bad, though, as it also has Life At Sea, which was a formative book for young Essay Mod, I Kill Giants, which is a great book and also a pretty good movie. Then some Images and Mangas I impulse bought, Alice in Wonderland but with a weird animu cover, a CM Punk DVD set I bought for some reason and never watched, and Cowboy Bebop Blu-Ray set (Who has two thumbs and no blu-ray player? This guy right here!)
Delicious in Dungeon is Good Content. 
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Then the last two shelves are just kind of whatever. Solanin is really good, though, and I have a place to store my USB dock for now.
All in all, a weekend well-spent. Got my door fixed, my books organized, and finally questioned why there’s been a steel chair in my room for the last 8 months.
Now, I just need to get a framed Legend of the Hare commission to match the Saffron and Sage one...
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He left the dodoes to rot, he couldn’t endure to eat their flesh. Usually, he hunted alone. But often, after months of it, the isolation would begin to change him, change his very perceptions—the jagged mountains in full daylight flaring as he watched into freak saffrons, streaming indigos, the sky his glass house, all the island his tulipomania. The voices—he insomniac, southern stars too thick for constellations teeming in faces and creatures of fable less likely than the dodo—spoke the words of sleepers, singly, coupled, in chorus. The rhythms and timbres were Dutch, but made no waking sense. Except that he thought they were warning him… scolding, angry that he couldn’t understand. Once he sat all day staring at a single white dodo’s egg in a grass hummock. The place was too remote for any foraging pig to’ve found. He waited for scratching, a first crack reaching to net the chalk surface: an emergence. Hemp gripped in the teeth of the steel snake, ready to be lit, ready to descend, sun to black-powder sea, and destroy the infant, egg of light into egg of darkness, within its first minute of amazed vision, of wet downstirred cool by these south-east trades… . Each hour he sighted down the barrel. It was then, if ever, he might have seen how the weapon made an axis potent as Earth’s own between himself and this victim, still one, inside the egg, with the ancestral chain, not to be broken out for more than its blink of world’s light. There they were, the silent egg and the crazy Dutchman, and the hookgun that linked them forever, framed, brilliantly motionless as any Vermeer. Only the sun moved: from zenith down at last behind the snaggleteeth of mountains to Indian ocean, to tarry night. The egg, without a quiver, still unhatched. He should have blasted it then where it lay: he understood that the bird would hatch before dawn. But a cycle was finished. He got to his feet, knee and hip joints in agony, head gonging with instructions from his sleeptalkers droning by, overlapping, urgent, and only limped away, piece at right shoulder arms.
When loneliness began to drive him into situations like this, he often returned to a settlement and joined a hunting party. A drunken, university hysteria would take hold of them all, out on night-rampages where they’d be presently firing at anything, treetops, clouds, leather demon bats screaming up beyond hearing. Tradewinds moving up-slope to chill their nights’ sweating, sky lit half crimson by a volcano, rumblings under their feet as deep as the bats’ voices were high, all these men were caught in the spectrum between, trapped among frequencies of their own voices and words.
This furious host were losers, impersonating a race chosen by God. The colony, the venture, was dying—like the ebony trees they were stripping from the island, like the poor species they were removing totally from the earth. By 1681, Didus ineptus would be gone, by 1710 so would every last settler from Mauritius. The enterprise here would have lasted about a human lifetime.
To some, it made sense. They saw the stumbling birds ill-made to the point of Satanic intervention, so ugly as to embody argument against a Godly creation. Was Mauritius some first poison trickle through the sheltering dikes of Earth? Christians must stem it here, or perish in a second Flood, loosed this time not by God but by the Enemy. The act of ramming home the charges into their musketry became for these men a devotional act, one whose symbolism they understood.
But if they were chosen to come to Mauritius, why had they also been chosen to fail, and leave? Is that a choosing, or is it a passing-over? Are they Elect, or are they Preterite, and doomed as dodoes?
Frans could not know that except for a few others on the island of Reunion, these were the only dodoes in the Creation, and that he was helping exterminate a race. But at times the scale and frenzy of the hunting did come through to trouble his heart. “If the species were not such a perversion,” he wrote, “it might be profitably husbanded to feed our generations. I cannot hate them quite so violently as do some here. But what now can mitigate this slaughter? It is too late… . Perhaps a more comely beak, fuller feathering, a capacity for flight, however brief… details of Design. Or, had we but found savages on this island, the bird’s appearance might have then seemed to us no stranger than that of the wild turkey of North America. Alas, their tragedy is to be the dominant form of Life on Mauritius, but incapable of speech.
That was it, right there. No language meant no chance of co-opting them in to what their round and flaxen invaders were calling Salvation. But Frans, in the course of morning lights lonelier than most, could not keep from finally witnessing a miracle: a Gift of Speech… a Conversion of the Dodoes. Ranked in thousands on the shore, with a luminous profile of reef on the water behind them, its roar the only sound on the morning, volcanoes at rest, the wind suspended, an autumn sunrise dispensing light glassy and deep over them all… they have come from their nests and rookeries, from beside the streams bursting out the mouths of lava tunnels, from the minor islands awash like debris off the north coast, from sudden waterfalls and the wasted rain-forests where the axeblades are rusting and the rough flumes rot and topple in the wind, from their wet mornings under the shadows of mountain-stubs they have waddled in awkward pilgrimage to this assembly: to be sanctified, taken in… . For as much as they are the creatures of God, and have the gift of rational discourse, acknowledging that only in His Word is eternal life to His Word is eternal life to be found… And there are tears of happiness in the eyes of the dodoes. They are all brothers now, they and the humans who used to hunt them, brothers in Christ, the little baby they dream now of sitting near, roosting in his stable, feathers at peace, watching over him and his dear face all night long… .
It is the purest form of European adventuring. What’s it all been for, the murdering seas, the gangrene winters and starving springs, our bone pursuit of the unfaithful, midnights of wrestling with the Beast, our sweat become ice and our tears pale flakes of snow, if not for such moments as this: the little converts flowing out of eye’s field, so meek, so trusting—how shall any craw clench in fear, any recreant cry be offered in the presence of our blade, our necessary blade? Sanctified now they will feed us, sanctified their remains and droppings fertilize our crops. Did we tell them “Salvation”? Did we mean a dwelling forever in the City? Everlasting life? An earthly paradise restored, their island as it used to be given them back? Probably. Thinking all the time of the little brothers numbered among our own blessings. Indeed, if they save us from hunger in this world, then beyond, in Christ’s kingdom, our salvations must be, in like measure, inextricable. Otherwise the dodoes would be only what they appear as in the world’s illusory light—only our prey. God could not be that cruel.
Thomas Pynchon, Gravity’s Rainbow
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civilcoconstruction · 4 years
A Guide to Small Bathroom Renovations in Houston
Dreaming of a bathroom renovation in Houston, but don’t know where to begin? Start with this guide. 
It’s no surprise that baths are topping many remodeling lists these days. In Houston, real estate comes in a variety of architectural styles, from French Country and bungalow to Queen Anne and ranch. Plus, bath trends today cover a range of décor styles that are compatible with your home’s architecture. For those considering their own Houston bathroom renovation, here are the need-to-knows and items to plan for before you begin.
Sweeten matches home renovation projects with vetted general contractors, offering advice, support, and up to $50,000 in renovation financial protection—for free.
What are your goals?
For most people, updating the bathroom design is the #1 priority. Who doesn’t welcome a glow-up, especially in the bathroom? Modernizing dated cabinetry and hardware, and installing more stylish faucets are go-to options. So is swapping out a tub for a shower. Or, upgrading the shower with a thermostatic system with integrated volume control. Maybe your luxury shower dreams include multiple body sprays and a rain shower! Many homeowners opt to remove old, tired for a refreshed version. Another key focus in bathroom renovations is adding extra storage. 
What are your needs?
That’s easier to figure out. Who will use the bath? In a medium-sized bath, do you prefer a tub or shower? Single or double vanity? Take clear notes on any must-have features in your bath. 
Budgeting for a bath remodel in Houston 
To help you sort it out, here is what you can expect to pay in Houston, on average. Retaining the footprint in a mid-range bathroom remodel in Houston starts at around $15,000, up to $25,000. Costs will vary based on the materials used, as well as the complexity of installation. For example, a mosaic backsplash is more affordable when the tiles are installed on a sheet. Micro mini tiles installed individually will be more labor-intensive—and more expensive. 
Materials costs can vary greatly as well, with super affordable options available at big box stores, versus high-end imported tile companies. A powder room may slide into a slightly lower entry-level for costs, but again, it depends on the materials you choose! Read more about home renovation costs for Houston.
What are you likely to recoup in value?
Sixty percent, according to Remodeling’s Cost Vs Value report for Houston. Or, almost $12,000; based on a 5-by-7 foot bath that costs around $19,000 or $542 psf. This includes a new 30-by-60 inch porcelain-on-steel bathtub, new single-lever temperature, and pressure-balanced shower control, ceramic tiles, and a recessed medicine cabinet with built-in lighting.
How long does a Houston bathroom renovation take?
According to Sweeten contractors, construction time averages about two to three weeks. However: planning, executing, and finishing can take six weeks to three months—depending on the size and complexity of your project.
How to get the most bang for the buck
When your space is dimensionally challenged (read: small), and you don’t have the room or budget to expand, you still have plenty of options. One way is to create the illusion of more space, by doing one or more of the following: 
Use wall-mounted vanities and toilets.  That extra floor space opens up the room.
Another space enhancer: a solid surface vanity counter with an integral sink.
Install a wall-to-wall mirror behind a long vanity or an oversized round mirrors. Mirrors visually expand space. Some streamlined designs incorporate medicine cabinets.
A classic pedestal sink also is visually slimming. Modern washstands, usually in metal frames, are on-trend options, especially white on black. More traditional sinks with turned console legs offer additional metal choices, like brass or polished nickel.
Building in storage wherever you can tuck in shelves for towels and essentials. Recessed niches in the shower for shampoo and conditioner also are smart.  
Swap a tub for a roomy walk-in shower with an all-glass frame. If there’s a window, natural light will flow through, visually boosting the dimensions of the space.
Why should you consider neutrals in the bathroom? 
Many homeowners opt for white and beige in baths because it’s safe. But that doesn’t mean it has to be boring! Designers use a few tricks of the trade to keep neutrals feel fresh. One trick is the magic of tone-on-tone—but with nuances. (That means mixing different shades of neutral, from light to dark.) Another trick is to pair neutrals with different textures.  Get this look by pairing a dimensional wallcovering or an embossed tile with a polished or smooth surface.
Adding color to a bathroom 
We love when homeowners go bold in the bathroom and color outside the lines. Some argue that vibrant colors can take over smaller spaces, like powder rooms. But others feel that’s the perfect venue for bold cobalt or emerald, a spicy tangerine, or saffron. Precisely because it’s a small space, you can afford to be dramatic—and even splurge on faucets and towel holders, plus lighting and a fancy wallcovering.
Color doesn’t need to be limited to walls: consider the countertop or the vanity. Blues and greens—bright and pale—are gaining traction in traditional, country, and modern styles.
Comparing bathroom remodeling materials
Stone has some hefty competition these days from porcelain tile. Porcelain is not confined to small format 4-, 6- or 12-inch tiles. Porcelain comes in slabs, some very thin yet sturdy, which can be applied to walls and floors. And with digital technology, manufacturers are able to replicate some of the most desirable marbles (Carrara or Calacatta) or granites.  The look of exotic-colored stones also is available with remarkable authenticity.
Currently, matte black is a hot trend in faucets and hardware. Burnished and polished gold are also trending, and pairing them with black is especially chic. Mixing metals, like satin metal and polished nickel with gold also is more acceptable.
One guideline for choosing materials that are basically semi-permanent: Being on-trend (modernizing the classics) is fine, but being trendy (here now, gone tomorrow) is not.
Be sure to allow enough time
As soon as you have a plan, try to get through the selection process for materials as quickly as you can. Ask about inventory even before you place your order, so you’re not disappointed. You may be unpleasantly surprised to find that your favorite tile or stone, or that dreamy vanity you’ve got your eye on, will take an extra 6 to 8 weeks to show up. However, if you can’t imagine living without it, go for it! It may be well worth the wait.
Demolition and prep
On average, ripping out old bathroom material is a day’s work. It depends on how large the room is, and how extensive the renovation will be. For instance, removing a tile floor or wall may take a bit longer. Tweaking plumbing and electrical, which may require rerouting or new wiring, also is part of the process.
You’ve passed through the rough and dirty parts, and now you’re in the fun phase. When surfaces, fixtures, and lighting get installed (allow 1 to 3 days), take a moment to enjoy it! Grab some pictures on your phone to show your family and friends. 
Ready to get started?
Make sure your scope and budget align, talk to your contractor about any possible surprises or delays, and coordinate your material deliveries with your contractor. Have these in line and you’ll be on your way to your beautiful new bath!
Looking for a vetted contractor that’ll fit your timing, budget, and design wish list? Let Sweeten help!
Learn more about Sweeten’s Contractor Vetting Process.
ADUs, or accessory dwelling units, can transform into home offices, living space for family or as a rental, or a retreat.
Sweeten handpicks the best general contractors to match each project’s location, budget, scope, and style. Follow the blog, Sweeten Stories, for renovation ideas and inspiration and when you’re ready to renovate, start your renovation with Sweeten.
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from CIVICLO Construction & Interior https://civilco.construction/a-guide-to-small-bathroom-renovations-in-houston/
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mujeeburrehman · 4 years
A Guide to Small Bathroom Renovations in Houston
Dreaming of a bathroom renovation in Houston, but don’t know where to begin? Start with this guide. 
It’s no surprise that baths are topping many remodeling lists these days. In Houston, real estate comes in a variety of architectural styles, from French Country and bungalow to Queen Anne and ranch. Plus, bath trends today cover a range of décor styles that are compatible with your home’s architecture. For those considering their own Houston bathroom renovation, here are the need-to-knows and items to plan for before you begin.
Sweeten matches home renovation projects with vetted general contractors, offering advice, support, and up to $50,000 in renovation financial protection—for free.
What are your goals?
For most people, updating the bathroom design is the #1 priority. Who doesn’t welcome a glow-up, especially in the bathroom? Modernizing dated cabinetry and hardware, and installing more stylish faucets are go-to options. So is swapping out a tub for a shower. Or, upgrading the shower with a thermostatic system with integrated volume control. Maybe your luxury shower dreams include multiple body sprays and a rain shower! Many homeowners opt to remove old, tired for a refreshed version. Another key focus in bathroom renovations is adding extra storage. 
What are your needs?
That’s easier to figure out. Who will use the bath? In a medium-sized bath, do you prefer a tub or shower? Single or double vanity? Take clear notes on any must-have features in your bath. 
Budgeting for a bath remodel in Houston 
To help you sort it out, here is what you can expect to pay in Houston, on average. Retaining the footprint in a mid-range bathroom remodel in Houston starts at around $15,000, up to $25,000. Costs will vary based on the materials used, as well as the complexity of installation. For example, a mosaic backsplash is more affordable when the tiles are installed on a sheet. Micro mini tiles installed individually will be more labor-intensive—and more expensive. 
Materials costs can vary greatly as well, with super affordable options available at big box stores, versus high-end imported tile companies. A powder room may slide into a slightly lower entry-level for costs, but again, it depends on the materials you choose! Read more about home renovation costs for Houston.
What are you likely to recoup in value?
Sixty percent, according to Remodeling’s Cost Vs Value report for Houston. Or, almost $12,000; based on a 5-by-7 foot bath that costs around $19,000 or $542 psf. This includes a new 30-by-60 inch porcelain-on-steel bathtub, new single-lever temperature, and pressure-balanced shower control, ceramic tiles, and a recessed medicine cabinet with built-in lighting.
How long does a Houston bathroom renovation take?
According to Sweeten contractors, construction time averages about two to three weeks. However: planning, executing, and finishing can take six weeks to three months—depending on the size and complexity of your project.
How to get the most bang for the buck
When your space is dimensionally challenged (read: small), and you don’t have the room or budget to expand, you still have plenty of options. One way is to create the illusion of more space, by doing one or more of the following: 
Use wall-mounted vanities and toilets.  That extra floor space opens up the room.
Another space enhancer: a solid surface vanity counter with an integral sink.
Install a wall-to-wall mirror behind a long vanity or an oversized round mirrors. Mirrors visually expand space. Some streamlined designs incorporate medicine cabinets.
A classic pedestal sink also is visually slimming. Modern washstands, usually in metal frames, are on-trend options, especially white on black. More traditional sinks with turned console legs offer additional metal choices, like brass or polished nickel.
Building in storage wherever you can tuck in shelves for towels and essentials. Recessed niches in the shower for shampoo and conditioner also are smart.  
Swap a tub for a roomy walk-in shower with an all-glass frame. If there’s a window, natural light will flow through, visually boosting the dimensions of the space.
Why should you consider neutrals in the bathroom? 
Many homeowners opt for white and beige in baths because it’s safe. But that doesn’t mean it has to be boring! Designers use a few tricks of the trade to keep neutrals feel fresh. One trick is the magic of tone-on-tone—but with nuances. (That means mixing different shades of neutral, from light to dark.) Another trick is to pair neutrals with different textures.  Get this look by pairing a dimensional wallcovering or an embossed tile with a polished or smooth surface.
Adding color to a bathroom 
We love when homeowners go bold in the bathroom and color outside the lines. Some argue that vibrant colors can take over smaller spaces, like powder rooms. But others feel that’s the perfect venue for bold cobalt or emerald, a spicy tangerine, or saffron. Precisely because it’s a small space, you can afford to be dramatic—and even splurge on faucets and towel holders, plus lighting and a fancy wallcovering.
Color doesn’t need to be limited to walls: consider the countertop or the vanity. Blues and greens—bright and pale—are gaining traction in traditional, country, and modern styles.
Comparing bathroom remodeling materials
Stone has some hefty competition these days from porcelain tile. Porcelain is not confined to small format 4-, 6- or 12-inch tiles. Porcelain comes in slabs, some very thin yet sturdy, which can be applied to walls and floors. And with digital technology, manufacturers are able to replicate some of the most desirable marbles (Carrara or Calacatta) or granites.  The look of exotic-colored stones also is available with remarkable authenticity.
Currently, matte black is a hot trend in faucets and hardware. Burnished and polished gold are also trending, and pairing them with black is especially chic. Mixing metals, like satin metal and polished nickel with gold also is more acceptable.
One guideline for choosing materials that are basically semi-permanent: Being on-trend (modernizing the classics) is fine, but being trendy (here now, gone tomorrow) is not.
Be sure to allow enough time
As soon as you have a plan, try to get through the selection process for materials as quickly as you can. Ask about inventory even before you place your order, so you’re not disappointed. You may be unpleasantly surprised to find that your favorite tile or stone, or that dreamy vanity you’ve got your eye on, will take an extra 6 to 8 weeks to show up. However, if you can’t imagine living without it, go for it! It may be well worth the wait.
Demolition and prep
On average, ripping out old bathroom material is a day’s work. It depends on how large the room is, and how extensive the renovation will be. For instance, removing a tile floor or wall may take a bit longer. Tweaking plumbing and electrical, which may require rerouting or new wiring, also is part of the process.
You’ve passed through the rough and dirty parts, and now you’re in the fun phase. When surfaces, fixtures, and lighting get installed (allow 1 to 3 days), take a moment to enjoy it! Grab some pictures on your phone to show your family and friends. 
Ready to get started?
Make sure your scope and budget align, talk to your contractor about any possible surprises or delays, and coordinate your material deliveries with your contractor. Have these in line and you’ll be on your way to your beautiful new bath!
Looking for a vetted contractor that’ll fit your timing, budget, and design wish list? Let Sweeten help!
Learn more about Sweeten’s Contractor Vetting Process.
ADUs, or accessory dwelling units, can transform into home offices, living space for family or as a rental, or a retreat.
Sweeten handpicks the best general contractors to match each project’s location, budget, scope, and style. Follow the blog, Sweeten Stories, for renovation ideas and inspiration and when you’re ready to renovate, start your renovation with Sweeten.
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source https://civilco.construction/a-guide-to-small-bathroom-renovations-in-houston/ from Civilco Construction & Interior https://civilcoconstruction.blogspot.com/2021/03/a-guide-to-small-bathroom-renovations.html
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usashirtstoday · 4 years
Friends Who Teach Together Stay Together T Shirt
I’m not saying someone was willing to do what some of them will go to the mirror so was shaped by different things but I think we are a Friends Who Teach Together Stay Together T Shirt diverse enough people to have independence in our community that Republicans in a community Democrats in our community and be able to come together in a steel pipe black people by respecting understanding people so I have a lot of good Republican friends and we set out to drink a beer. 5 gallon tank on the 1200 custom which is the biggest offering of any sportster notice forts or has this tank so for that reasonand a couple other reasons if you want to get a sportster that’s also a decent range bike then definitely go for the 1200 custom you that in combination with low they were comfortable seats that also accommodates a passenger dismiss a 1200 custom more of a function driven bike for a special 1200 iron like you your your quintessential bombers style you modern bobbers a real trendy style right now so way on these told her customs ahead is a 591 pounds about 30 pounds harrying it to so are units in claim 73 foot pounds of torque that that the crank 73 foot pounds of torque at 33 750 RPM for the Toler custom 3500 RPM for these two bikes so that because of it about my thoughtsand opinionsand the prosand cons of the sportster 1200 custom so sorcerers generally speaking sorcerers are a good entry level motorcycleand I went winning a lot of the sorcerers out there saying that there is no bike expense writer to write a so earnestly myself so they are a goodand you know her agenda that is limited to that is why I said you sorcerers for a lot of things that are great around town by thereby taking really be used for dual purpose unseemly sportster’s being used like off roadand no with the increasing popularity of hooligan flapjack races right now sports is used for that so you’re seeing some of the guys social media agencies for off road purposes not necessarily small percentage of people bind sportster’s that is forcing me for a lot of things I mentioned earlier the sportster frameand family have a really a lot of fitness options because the frame thought of things change for a long time everybody’s made part bikesand so it to create your vision on this motorcycle a lot of different areas infection parsable from the only thing genuine accessories stuff portable from their swell so a major pro on these bikes stuff right outand customizingand fighters is a huge almost a subculture in a world DIY guide guys that to build a work on their bikes as a hobby sells setting is cool is great like that is pretty easy to work onand generally speaking I call are a great bike speaker with so I think say you have to be part mechanic to on one of these motorcycles can’t do that was the case 30 years ago that nowadays the gas in case of fluids going the Pro is very resilient there after a whileand is run around good is really not many policy things going welland good you do the service intervalsand will run for very long time that the authority in general as well is an Islamic disposable motorcycles out there after 10 years on is junk motorcycle is on was viceand consider alarm for 20 years will it outand others are writing it again Harleys never go there like the complete opposite of the disposal motorcycle so sorcerers need bikes in deficitand gloryand sources that have the a good price point okay I showed you earlier this thing is between 10and 11 000 on the bikeand the next atomic Asaph tell you to run yet 14 five or 15 000 in the next price point up to limit such a little bit about the Collins on this bike since from the freeway now so generally speaking the sportster’s aren’t a good light long long haul high speed highway bike so brightand very hairyand in the 65 miles an hour 70 miles an hourand the state the suspension English on a really really smooth road which I’m not California highways are not known for being smooth so just in the suspension doesn’t really keep up very well so they dampening in the rebounding on the suspension arts great for this type of writing are really bumpy roads so the bikes do a lot of hopping around the running over the cracksand bumps in the freewayand more of a stay focusedand hang on to the experience as opposed to an array my street glideand is kicking backand I think our evening to hang on to the handlebars at the time so Smith that young like to win on this bike which is abnormal industries to fairing her derogatory bikes that’s the thing though we know this is pretty normal for most motorcycles out thereand you can get a windshield as well most of his forces have pretty limited fuel capacity so I recommend this bike for someone that knew they wanted to get a sportster so maybe it’s maybe their smaller writer as well that the sportster’s are great for smaller writers you have to be a beginner rather major in advance writer but yet the sky you want something with sporty handling this forces is a great bikeand soand now dig good fit for you but the 1200 custom select is a better ride comparatively speaking then most of the other sportster’s with the exception of the roadster the roadster has a really great rides as related shocks on travels really nice but that’s more of more geared towards you really doing the cane carting stuff in the twisties that 1200 custom is more of your like if you could call it a touring sportster this is probably the closest bike that would even begin to be ale to be called a touring sportster to have little more comfortable seats you have a 4 gallon tank gives you a better range you’re probably gonna be going to the hunter or 4050 miles between Phillips my down his bike as being conservativeand you’ve got the fact that nice fat sign was in the tires that fake front tireand so really what that does ideological overlook this that saffron tire really smooth out the ride in a couple different ways from the standpoint of the shock absorption just having a thicker sidewall there absorbs more of the small road bumpsand that that wider tires well of friends really soaks up a lot of the Wrangler is just the cracksand stuff on the roads here front tire doesn’t track the smaller cracksand grooves in the road so my guess smaller thinner tire like maybe an iron as can have more of the that’s that feeling at Heisey specially if you’re hating wranglers on the freeway is your front wheel kind of tracing the small imperfectionsand cracks in the road to get as much on the 1200 custom with the fatter front tire so one of the biggest mistakes I see people making when it using a Harley Davidson is people place too much emphasis on just the looks of the bike to walk in the walk on the showroom floor they’ll have a price in mind a budget in mind they want to spend to take out the bike that looks best to themand doing the wrong looks are very very important if we care where motorcycle look like we would all by Indiansand Hondas were not the bike was badlyand but that it’s like choosing a woman you know looks are very very important that people that get married or choose a girlfriend just based off of looks aloneand nothing else usually ends with the breakup so please is pretty awesome but deleted bicycles so it’s ascending with a Harley Davidson you have to really take into account more than just the look of the bikeand the look is definitely in in the top two or three to the wrong that you have asked yourself this the question I was asked to a shot of her motorcycle pay what type of writing are you can be doingand where is your skill level at for the most part people that are more skillful writersand writing for longer a lot of time usually those types of riders always use the sensor writers do overnight trips or longer rides or family that cream in a car to debut longer trips the longer rides or they write to the Canyon in NHI to write aggressively to decants those two things now someone that is maybe a newer writer more casual writer that is right around town well he knew that he may have completely different needs than the guy that wants to go to Las Vegas for the weekend with his buddies so you got asked yourself that so if you’re sportster buyer settlement sportster to sell heyand I had to be on those does overnight trips the answers yes well then you might want to look at the battle hundred custom needle into the dining group that has stopped for gas 4880 or 90 miles is a about 40 like the look of on the clothing neuron but they realize that the guys a long commute to work the right bike to fill up on a daily basis it’s really old so the key is guided by irons MSA will primary things I want to do this is my girlfriend for you it’s pretty easy by difference even put us in the pace on their businesses more additional expense not to not 48’sand irons you see a lot of fuel coming in blindly buying those bikes without really taking consideration other needs that they have so if you have other needsand on the back of her second ICU still commands blindly buying street guidesand road lives really you should be buying electrolyte contents a gallon in a row glide by the Laland put her back on the lower leg bearingsand give me a tour windshield LM uncomfortable C because of go on long road trips will guess onand you just spent probably 3000 right there I should just gotten a robot all Chuck so he said the really be honest with yourselfand figure out whatever writing in dealing because children custom does lend a couple functionality items you don’t give sorcerers every mentioned in the field to of writing an additional lighting like on the rear centerand see you a better so you might like it doesn’t any consideration this thing that makes a sportster platform not as good of the highway like high speed long duration by the fact that five speed transmission is thus a six speedand a sixth year Tells tire next big difference take this bike up to 70 miles an hour doing what you say I dirty 500 RPM is 70 miles an hour in six here on a date when Mike and’s 3000 RPM you doing 80 miles an hour so Amy running a cruiser the premise generating cruisers to cruise right have a really cool calm relaxed bitter economics ride in the site is white knuckle experience only you make writing audioand have experienced no problem that’s the only running a Harley you don’t want to have to read I hear your bike 10 000 RPM like a crotch rocket to get up to speed its all about that way you feel when you’re out there on the roadand so you have lessons that came back cruiser experience on the freeway because it five speed transmission on the sorcerers so gone back to Kenneth comparing this to the 48and the iron the Iowa city 40 I personally like the style of those two bikes to style the spike in style this bike is it’s more that a 90s in my opinion whereas I that the bobber look the dark custom look as Harley calls it on the iron 48 more in tune with let’s head special in the new fortieths on the iron 1200 I love the newand throwback graphics which really pointless with what guys in that age demographics are looking for cancer the 70s luck on the spotter biases is a reciprocal style so you may be changed to the graphics on this bike this year on the 1200 custom I do like him diets’s site despite his more of the Midwest the style like Joe West Coast style really that I don’t I don’t think for that reason out in the styling really appeals to younger demographic is this forces are good at is a land that I think California but they’re pretty good reason to traffic no window right here right nowand every attempt on a street glide so if you’re in a densely populated heavy traffic urban area the sportster could also fulfill different benefits that is to type places as being a smaller bike here in a week to traffic so that’s about it guys on so in a nutshell I recommend by four someone who’s getting into the Harley worldsand doesn’t want a real big area Heavy maybe the underwriting is primarily unity on surface streets a below 60 miles an hour it’s fine for the occasional trip hereand there can you across the country on yes you can use there’s more options out there that there are better that stuff if you’re an experienced writerand you want to go fast like yoursand they really get out there on the freeways to 70 miles an hour then I would highly highly recommend going out to a soft tail if your budget will permit I usually don’t recommend sportster’s to real advanced riders unless they know that he was a game to never really Nice specific purpose some of the most purposes that I mentioned earlier so I usually use the guys it right in the groups get on the road go places do things their you say better off going up to at least a soft tell model that you maybe maybe your smog I am 80 year 5455 40 or 50 pounds sports should be fine for you maybe you want to go bike this is just the way your needs are out to be a good reason as well this is generally found the sportster martyr local around town bike. In the white hoods for a black ski mask
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Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love:
Who Could Numb and Crossing over to Support a Friends Who Teach Together Stay Together T Shirt Democrat They Fear Joe May Turn Sharp Left and Leave Them behind Believe That Because I Know the Measure of the Man Reasonable Faithful Respectful and You Know No One Pushes Joe around Joe Biden Is a Man for Our Times Times the Call for All of Us to Take off Our Partisan Hats and Put Our Nation First for Ourselves in a Course for Our Children but America Chooses the Right Path and Pulls Together like We Done so Many Times before That We Can Dream Big Dreams We Can See the Top of the Mountain As a United States Of America with the Sole That Is a Beacon of Freedom to the Entire World Hello My Name Is Terry Williams and I’ve Been a Republican for All of My Lifelong Republican a Lifelong Republican Long Standing July Furniture and Campaign for Republican since the Reagan Era to I’m Supporting Joe Biden for President. Is your favorite devices or streaming 24 seven to share what is it off in the day for my turn senior advisor Steve to meet facing charges in an arranged racing team in support of the president’s borderline and along with three others were indicted today defrauding donors on a 25 million’s Amy claimed 100 of the money will be put towards building the world received more than 1 million to the nonprofit partner which is used for personal expenses of the wall campaign connected to pathogen transport have been promoted by several people crossed speaking to reporters at the weather today the president maintains a campaign I know nothing about the project other that I didn’t like what I read about it I did like it I said this is for government this is a private people and it sounded to me like showboating I think it’s a very sad thing first Mr Bannon I think it’s surprising to or contributed to their divorce against the charges against the punishment there is only so serious and this year is through four years. 9 right near what you think they are doing you never get it people are the stucco is tired all of them do it or not pay attention pay attention right here let me show you order due to masses right here with this I retry you not a faker they bring to the table watching listen what this one gonna pass have been far prosecute parents don’t send their kids to school on a regular basis why you think that come up with that data cannot be the one control your kids data 10 responsible to teach a kid about life on everything if you don’t participate yesterday so you can go to jail the Iris also other hand in it dumb on that people pay attention peoples and then a devil puppet 100 in the demo Hans too tough on crime what can a crime this one tough on you better wake up See Other related products: Friends Who Teach Together Stay Together T Shirt
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Warrior Season 2 Episode 4 Review: If You Don’t See Blood, You Didn’t Come to Play
This Warrior review contains spoilers.
Warrior Season 2 Episode 4
The title of this episode comes from Sophie’s (Celine Buckens) date. Spencer (Russell Crous) comes from the upper class and he’s trying to court Sophie in an upper-class way, but she’s is having none of that. She brings him to the Banshee to slam some drinks, and coyly asks him about his athleticism. Spencer says he plays rugby and Sophie feigns being impressed by the roughness of the sport, egging him to say, “If you don’t see blood, you didn’t come to play.” Then she takes him to the back-alley bare-knuckle matches behind the Banshee, to show him some fresh blood. It’s one of only two scenes that get bloody in this episode, that that’s just not enough.
This episode, like the previous one, fails to deliver much Kung Fu action. There’s a central street demo, which will be discussed later, and two fights: the first being this bare-knuckle match and the second being towards the end of the episode. Not one of the lead actors shows any Kung Fu fighting.
Lee (Tom Weston-Jones) punches O’Hara (Kieran Bew) when he discovers he’s been working for the Fung Hai for months. It’s right after O’Hara gets his wife (who is terribly upset about having to kill someone, even though it was self-defense) and kids out of San Francisco in the wake of the previous episode’s attack. But it’s just a punch, not a flying kick or even some Kung Fu fist combination. A Kung Fu attack would not have been appropriate coming from Lee, but this show is coming from Bruce Lee, so copious Kung Fu is expected. In fact, it is demanded, especially from a cast with such martial firepower.
Andrew Koji (Ah Sahm), Olivia Cheng (Ah Toy), Jason Tobin (Young Jun), and Dianne Doan (Mai Ling) have all demonstrated they can handle a decent Kung Fu fight. Joe Taslim (Li Yong) and Dustin Nguyen (Zing) are veteran action stars with several exemplary martial arts films already under their belts. Hong (Chen Tang) and Lai (Jenny Umbhau) have shown their skills too and fans are eager to see more of them. Sure, sure, drama is important for context but let these actors fight. Unleash them. Bruce Lee fans want Kung Fu. We want blood. 
A Chinese Laundry and Some Street Kung Fu
Li Yong brings Mai Ling to a Chinese laundry looking for a loan (as if taking a loan from a Tong is ever that good of an idea). Mai Ling buys out the laundry as a safety net, a legal business for when the Tongs go sour. Li Yong, still suspicious of the intentions of his boss and lover, says “We are warriors, not washers.”
It’s another nod to history. That old stereotype of the Chinese laundry comes from this period when Warrior is set. Racism drove Chinese immigrants into the laundry business. Laundry work was demanding manual labor prior to washing machines but was deemed unmanly by Westerners.
However, even this lowly avenue of employment was inevitably sullied by racial injustice. In 1880, San Francisco had some 320 laundries, two thirds of which were Chinese run. The city approved an ordinance that laundries in wooden buildings required a permit. No permits were granted to any Chinese. Only one non-Chinese owner was denied. Two years later, the Chinese Exclusion Act was passed further oppressing the Chinese. This point in history has been looming large as an imminent threat in Warrior with several mentions of it from Buckley (Langely Kirkwood) and the Mayor (Christian McKay).
After buying out the laundry, Mai Ling and Ah Toy cross paths at a Kung Fu street demo. It’s the only Kung Fu in this episode. Kung Fu masters have worked as street buskers for centuries, so Warrior makes another solid historical nod.
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However ironically, the demo is from a monk-like character clad in white robes doing a modern Wushu staff form. While the skyward shot of the monk doing a slow-motion barrel-roll framed by the Chinatown alley roofs is stylish, monks generally don’t wear white. A shaven pate implies that this is a Buddhist monk and their robes are traditionally saffron or grey. In Chinese culture, white is a funerary color.
To really nitpick the scene, modern Wushu didn’t exist back then. It’s modern. This is the style that Jet Li does, an acrobatic sport that China has been pushing to get into the Olympics. The earliest date for the creation of modern Wushu would be the founding of the People’s Republic of China in in 1949. Nevertheless, if that’s all the Kung Fu this episode is going to show, it just must be appreciated for what it is. 
Mai Ling and Ah Toy have their own little showdown, a duel of fashion. Season 2 continues to amplify the costumes of both actresses. While everyone else is period, they’ve earned elaborate steampunk attire. It’s a Chinatown standoff and Mai Ling gets Ah Toy to bow to her. A Kung Fu duel might have been nice here but inappropriate to the storyline as Ah Toy is keeping her skills covert. 
Back at the brothel, Nellie (Miranda Raison) visits Ah Toy to pick up one of the women to take to her vineyard sanctuary in Sonoma. She invites Ah Toy to visit on the next morning (presumably the next episode). In the days of Warrior, a trip to Sonoma would have taken a long time. Today, it’s a six-hour trip one-way by bike (the closest analog to the speed of a horse-drawn carriage on a maps app) and that’s using the Golden Gate Bridge.
However, the Golden Gate Bridge wasn’t open until 1937, decades after when Warrior is set. Without the bridges, a traveler from SF to Sonoma would have to take the long way around the bay. Even a ferry would take a long time. It’s more nitpicking but for anyone in the SF Bay Area, it sticks out as painfully inaccurate.
It’s Hard to Be a Cop in Chinatown
As the police arm up to take revenge on the Fung Hai after their attack on O’Hara’s home, Chao (Hoon Lee) cuts with a plan. He tells O’Hara that the Fung Hai is anticipating reprisal and have set a trap and that Zing is in hiding. Chao asks O’Hara to get the cops to stand down for two days so he can set up a counter trap. In exchange, Chao wants his stock of police-confiscated weapons returned. O’Hara complies. 
This doesn’t go down well at City Hall where Buckley continues to stoke anti-Chinese sentiment. In a nod to today’s politics, the Mayor offers O’Hara his “thoughts and prayers” and respects O’Hara’s request for more time, despite Buckley’s protests. The Mayor calls him out on it and the two start to oppose each other politically.
Later, Lee visits Ah Toy’s place. He finds relief to his chronic pain in her opium den and Chao, watchful as always, spies this. Chao pulls Ah Toy to enlist her in his plan, taking Ah Toy’s sword to plant on Zing. This will implicate him as the swordsman murderer, removing any suspicion off Ah Toy and putting Zing on the run. It’s a promising plan for future episodes. 
Sibling Rivalry Gets Explosive
Back at the mayoral mansion, Blake tries to pull the cable car contract from Mercer Steel. Historically, the cable cars were developed by several competing private companies so the mayoral office probably wouldn’t be holding those steel contracts, but that’s more nitpicking. Fortunately, Penny (Joanna Vanderham) lawyered up and informs her husband that the city is contractually bound to pay even more if they break the contract. 
Penny’s bad night continues when she gets in it with her sister. After Sophie ditched Spencer, she hooked up with Leary for some Skinemax action.
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Afterwards, Sophie sees Leary distributing soup for the hungry, and is swayed to his cause. She notices that Mercer Steel is not on Leary’s terrorist bombing target map. Leary says it’s because he knows Penny has hired protection, but Sophie hopes that it is for her sake. When Sophie returns to the mayoral mansion, she confronts Penny about hiring Chinese instead of Irish. Still fuming over her confrontation with Blake, she yells at Sophie pointing out how entitled she is. 
Sophie runs to Leary and tells him about a secret tunnel into Mercer Steel. She leads Leary’s terrorist cell into the factory, but the Hop Wei discover them, and a fight ensues. It’s a dark warehouse fight, brutish and shadowy, but Leary and his squad are not Kung Fu fighters and the Hop Wei hatchet men are nameless thugs who are just there to die at the hands of the Irish.
It’s another disappointing fight scene, one that could be seen in any action show, not worthy of the Bruce Lee legacy. However, the mission is successful. Leary blows up Mercer Steel and Sophie goes home to Penny, wracked with guilt for what she has done. As a concluding scene, it sets up next episode where the repercussions will come to light.
The Way of the Dragon
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Despite the lack of Kung Fu, this episode has one good nod to Bruce Lee. In an earlier scene, one of the hatchet men ridicules Hong for being homosexual as the Hop Wei Tong men have breakfast. Hong has plenty of witty comebacks, but Young Jun comes to his defense. He joins in with the chiding to get close to Hong’s unsuspecting detractor, and then slams his head into the table. The whole Tong jumps out of their chairs, but Ah Sahm checks them by wagging his finger. It’s a distinctively Bruce Lee gesture, just like what he did to the Mob Boss in The Way of the Dragon.
Warrior has been good about dropping such clever Easter eggs, subtle homages that only true Bruce fans notice. But if Warrior really wants to keep those fans happy, for the next episode, show more Kung Fu. Show more blood.
The post Warrior Season 2 Episode 4 Review: If You Don’t See Blood, You Didn’t Come to Play appeared first on Den of Geek.
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