#techno gift exchange
y-akkun · 1 year
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I got @canonicallykayfabe for the Techno Gift Exchange [ @technoblade-gift-exchange ]!!
I’ve been trying to practice foreshortening and perspective recently, so this pose was a bit out of my comfort zone. I hope you like it!!
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bee-dot-exe · 10 months
Hey @totallynotbat, happy gift exchange day, I know we haven't talked much, but thanks for letting me write for you, I don't know this is exactly what you had in mind, but I hope you like it! And thank you @technoblade-gift-exchange for putting this together, also haven't talked a whole lot, but I appreciate you, I had fun! I hope you all enjoy!
It's kinda sad, but it's also kinda sweet, no major warnings otherwise
A thin quilt covered the earth. Sections of saffron like the edges around a bruise, and burgundy trying to compete with a glass of wine, and sepia as the chlorophyll bled out with the final remnants of summer. A patchwork blanket of color like a kaleidoscope around and beneath me.
The occasional sector of basil melting into olive grass playing a game of peek-a-boo in the areas of earth where the blanket felt shy. Stray sticks of paper that lollipops once clung to and wrappers that once surrounded a piece of chocolate taking turns with the leaves in leading a waltz as the breeze lead its orchestra.
Dia de los Muertos.
Flyers with information on the day of celebration or stories made in spirit of the holiday were taped by the corners onto the sides of buildings or tacked onto signs made of oak or cork still hung from yesterday.
Posters with each island residents' face made with white paint to look like skeletons rested on pastel backgrounds, and were hung by two pieces of wood held together by a spring on rows of thick spiderweb and string, both of their ideal intended use was for holding clothes to keep dry, connected between two trees.
I let my feet guide me through the nearly ankle deep river of color, a series of rather satisfying crunches emitting from my path, which gradually changed to slabs of pastel blocks, which lead me to an archway that looked to be made of quartz.
Lanterns with flames dyed scarlet and lemon and cerulean hung on silver chains and rested overhead.
More banners made of spiderweb, with sections of cloth or perhaps tissue paper hung in the colors of the rainbow and then some, and supported by two thin stalks of wood which were placed on either side of the archway.
I walked through. There was a decoration every time I shifted my eyes or turned my head.
Lanterns, pots with flowers planted in them, flyers with short stories, a giant rainbow papier mâché amalgamation of animals.
I heard footsteps fade from crunching leaves beneath them to tapping as they reached the smooth surface of the pastel path. The person they belonged to coming up behind me and then standing at my side.
"How's it going, Fit?"
"Not bad, not bad."
"Heard I missed out yesterday, sorry about that."
"No worries, but yeah, hell of a day. Come on, I'll show you around."
Bits of tissue paper streamers were strewn about on the ground, some still dancing as they fell from the trees around us, occasionally getting caught in the branches on their journey.
A stray candy wrapper sometimes blew by like a tumbleweed, a few getting stuck in a group of leaves that had gathered in places around where the event was held.
"So I'm sure you heard about the eggs that stopped by."
"I did. Real shame I missed them."
"It is, and I know it's not the same, but you can visit their offrenda's over here, say hello, tell them you miss them, whatever."
"Lead the way, mate."
First we visited Juanaflippa.
Her alter had rows of potted lilacs and pink alliums lined up at the sides, and a few more pots scattered around the center.
A dozen or so pink candles were settled on the steps, some inside of skulls as a holder, most by themselves.
There was a shield, a few different swords, a couple of green apples, and some empty pink signs.
In the center of the alter was a painting of her wearing her glasses sitting in a gold frame.
I took a piece of flint and steel and relit the candles that had become flickering sparks of orange and thin plumes of smoke.
"Hey Juanaflippa.
Hope you're doing well. I don't know if that was really you that came back to visit us, I think maybe this means probably not, but I don't know.
Your dad really misses you, we all do, but your dad's a bit of a mess right now, more so than usual. Things are a bit off for him, physically and emotionally, not gonna lie.
We all miss you so much. We miss your little glasses and your backflips.
I hope you're doing alright, wherever you are."
Next was Bobby.
His alter had rows of potted turquoise flowers along the sides, along with a few violet and red ones, and a handful of the aquamarine ones in pots scattered around the center.
A dozen or so royal blue candles sat on the steps, some in skulls as a holder, most by themselves.
There were a couple of tridents, a gun, and some empty blue signs.
In the center of the alter was a painting of him wearing his denim overalls sitting in a gold frame.
I took a piece of flint and steel and relit the candles that had become flickering sparks of orange and thin plumes of smoke.
"Hey there Bobby.
Sorry I missed you yesterday. I hope you're doing alright.
Your parents miss you so much. I can tell your apa is sad sometimes, but he doesn't really show it, he doesn't show that side of him with anyone though, you're probably not all that surprised. He seems happy when he's with Cellbit though, you're probably not super surprised about that either. Your mom also gets kinda sad, but she's doing okay otherwise I think. Did you know she had wings? You'd like them.
We miss you, buddy. Your little dungarees and you giving us those blue flowers.
I hope you're doing good out there."
Then Tilín.
Her alter had rows of potted lilacs and some other red flowers along the sides, and some of the red ones in pots around the center.
A dozen or so crimson candles were settled on the steps, some in skulls as a holder, most by themselves.
There were some feathers, a piece of cake, a block of dynamite, and some empty red signs.
In the center of the alter was a painting of them with that little red bow on top of her head sitting in a gold frame.
I took a piece of flint and steel and relit the candles that had become flickering sparks of orange and thin plumes of smoke.
"Hi Tilín.
Hope you're alright.
Your dad doesn't talk about you a lot, I'll be honest, but it's not because he doesn't care about or miss you, he just doesn't know how to show or talk about things sometimes.
But he misses you so much, we all do. Your little ribbon and giving us red flowers.
I hope you're okay out there."
And finally Trumpet.
His alter had rows of potted daffodils and some other red and yellow flowers, some of both kinds were also scattered in the center.
A dozen or so yellow candles were settled on the steps, some in skulls as a holder, most by themselves.
There were some books, a few spiderwebs, and some empty yellow signs.
In the center of the alters was a painting of him with his propeller hat sitting in a gold frame.
I took a piece of flint and steel and relit the candles that had become flickering sparks of orange and thin plumes of smoke.
"Hey Trump.
I'm really sorry I missed you yesterday. But you weren't alone. There were so many people here for you.
I heard that even your dad was here. I'm sorry not everyone was there for you before and if you felt alone, no one deserves that, no matter their age. You didn't deserve what happened to you.
We all miss you and your little rainbow propeller hat so much.
I hope you're alright wherever you are. I hope you're happy. I hope you never feel alone again."
"Oh, sorry Fit, to be honest, kinda forgot you were here for a minute there."
I said as I heard a throat clear behind me.
"No worries, no worries, didn't wanna interrupt anything, thank you for saying those things though, I think they needed it, I think you kinda needed it too."
"Yeah, that felt kinda nice, thanks for bringing me by."
"I uh, I actually have one more thing to show you, if you'll follow me."
"Yeah, I'm really glad I uh, oh---"
We walked up to a set of red wooden stairs. An alter. An offrenda.
And in the center was a painting in a gold frame of a person wearing a skull with tusks, had long pink hair, a fuzzy red cape with white at the neck, and a crown.
"Oh my God, dude, really?"
Fit just slowly nodded.
We stood and stared for a minute.
"Hey Fit, could you do me a favor?"
I reached for the camera in its bag around my neck.
"Yeah I gotcha."
There were rows of different leaves and potted flowers in blue and red along the side, and a few red and pink flowers in the center.
There were about a dozen white candles, all of them were lit.
There was a diamond sword, an emerald, a totem, a skull, an ender pearl, a crown, and a potato around the painting.
"I gotta leave something, hold on, do you have an anvil by chance?"
"I gotcha covered."
Both of our voices shook slightly.
Fit put down the anvil and I made a name tag, Toothpick, which I put on a diamond pickaxe, and placed that on the step between the totem and sword.
"This was really nice."
"It was really thoughtful."
"They really didn't have to do this."
"Can I ask you for one more thing?"
"Of course."
"Can I have a second alone with him?"
"Take all the time you want, buddy."
I heard the leaves crunch as Fit's footsteps retreated and sat down on the ground in front of the alter. I brushed my fingers along blades of grass and the petals of one of the pink flowers in a pot beside me. I finally let the tears stuck to my waterline fall.
"Hey mate.
Has it really been almost a year and a half? That feels impossible.
There isn't a moment where you aren't on my mind. You're on a lot of people's minds. You'd probably be flattered though, make some kind of probably sarcastic comment, prick.
Wish you came by yesterday, maybe you did, who knows. Wish I was there to see if you did or not. Wish you could hear me telling you this right now, maybe you can, it's probably not impossible.
Chayanne, that egg kid of mine you maybe have heard me talk about, your nephew. You're his hero. And he's so much like you. I wish you could meet him.
I honestly don't know which of you is better at pvp, you both can put up a fight until the last second, you're both stubborn as all get out, and you both could win.
And Tallulah, Wilbur's egg, she's been staying with me since he had to go do his music and things, she knows about and admires you too.
You'd go kinda soft on her, guaranteed, she'd win you over. She'd give you poppies and play you music and make you laugh.
We all miss you, so goddamn much, take care wherever you are, okay Tech?"
After the tears on my face had dried and it felt like it had been quiet for long enough, I put my hand on the bottom step next to the pick one last time as a send off, then went through the archway to find Fit.
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kenjo-arts · 2 years
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Dreblr gift exchange for @froggyrights! c!Rivals are exploring the deep dark!
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transbeeduo · 10 months
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Gift I did for @fields-of-nightshade for the @technoblade-gift-exchange !!!! Thank you for being so patient with your gift!! I hope you like it!!!
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indigo-vale · 2 years
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Gift for @creetchure for the @technoblade-gift-exchange ^_^
Techno chillin' with the wolves having a nice time :]
Uhhh yeah! Hope It's alright!
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xexpaguette · 10 months
My gift for @simple-persica in the @technoblade-gift-exchange!
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Image description under cut!
Image Description: A drawing of Philza and Technoblade sitting on a couch in a living room reading 'The Art Of War'. The scene is lit by a warm light that presumably is coming from a fireplace, as well as the sunset outside that is obscured by a curtain. Technoblade has his hair in a bun, and hybrid features like large ears and a tooth sticking out of his mouth. He is dressed in a red cardigan and pink bunny slippers. Philza is leaning over to read the book, while wearing his regular clothing, which is a green jinbei worn with black pants and sandals. Both Technoblade and Philza have an emerald earring each. End description.
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eldest-of-katts · 1 year
My comic for the technoblade gift exchange!
Yay! I finished it!
I didn’t mean for it to be eight pages, but I guess that’s how it turned out lol.
@technoblade-gift-exchange and @totallynotbat​ my giftee!
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Unseen dialogue:
Hey, pig-me! You have GOT to teach me how to use a sword.
I thought you knew that already, you were the one piloting me around the whole time I used it.
Yeah, but clicking is WAY different from actually fighting with one. And besides, I just wanna look cool!
transcript and image IDs under the cut
Image 1: A comic page with two panels separated by a diagonal line. The top panel shows Techno’s cabin at night illuminated by the fire inside, his beacon, and the northern lights. The second panel shows Techno sitting inside and reading.
Image 2: Similar comic page. Top panel shows a door with phil’s hat hung up on a hook next to it. There is an impact bubble with the words “KNOCK KNOCK” inside. The bottom panel has the door open to show piglin dsmp!techno welcoming CC! Techno into the house with the stars visible from the door. Dialogue reads: CC!- “Halloooo... great to see you” DSMP!- “Hey, man. C’mon in”
Image 3: cc!Techno smiles at the viewer, he says “A LOT has changed since we last, Um, talked. The bottom panel shows Techno’s wheelchair set up in front of his computer, which is on a folding desk. He says “We got a new gaming setup.”
Image 4: This page is predominantly green and blue. The top panel shows CC! techno meeting up with Wilbur in his garden, and a dotted line shows that they’re six feet apart. CC!Techno says, “We met up with friends,” The bottom panel shows Techno’s youtube channel at 15million subs, “We payed for my siblings to go to college. We more than reached 10mil. Made Merch too,”
Image 5: CC!Techno sits turned away from the camera, clenching his fist. he says, “and... I Died.” The bottom panel shows C!Techno looking shocked and sad.
Image 6: C!Techno says, “I won’t pretend to know what death is like,” He is viewed in profile from the shoulders up, looking down. “But,” he says, “I HAVE been looking for a buddy,” He faces the camera, one eyebrow lifted in challenge with a half-smile on his face, “If you’re up for the challenge.”
Image 7: CC!Techno rolls up one sleeve to strike the one-arm-curled flex pose, he says “I’m MORE than ready.” The next panel is split into three. In the first, C!Techno puts on his cloak, in the second, CC!Techno puts on his merch hoodie, and in the third, they clasp their hands saying, “Let’s go”
Image 8: The entire page is black and red, not split into panels. The silhouettes of Techno and Techno are red on a black background and above them there is a white text bubble reading, “ON ANOTHER ADVENTURE”
All pages have the artist’s watermark, “EldestKatt 2023″ in the bottom right corner.
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thal-chandra · 1 year
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@y-akkun Here's your gift for the @technoblade-gift-exchange V2 ! :D I hope you like it <3
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nobledragonflying · 5 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dream SMP, Minecraft (Video Game), Video Blogging RPF Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: TommyInnit & Phil Watson | Philza, Technoblade & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF) Characters: TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza, Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Logstedshire (Dream SMP), Phil Watson's Chat is Made of Crows (Video Blogging RPF), Angst and Feels, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Blood and Injury, Character Death, Eldritch, Psychological Horror, Horror, Swearing, Wolves, Crows, References to Depression, being watched, Minecraft Mechanics, Minecraft Monsters - Freeform Summary:
Tommy is on a beach, laying still and watching the waves roll across the sand. He hears the cawing of crows and the clanging of metal.
He can feel eyes on the back of his head, as he works, as he waits, as he goes to sleep.
He is being watched.
This is part of the MCYTHorrorExchange @lily-dreams-of-clouds @mcythorrorgiftexchange
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eeriefeelingsat3amuwu · 10 months
Hey @curoopeez ! I was your gifter for the @technoblade-gift-exchange this year! I hope you enjoy this little Rivals thing I wrote for you!
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trashland-llamas · 2 years
Written as a part of the @extremetimedchallengeexchange ; prompt was flowers thus here is Techno ruminating on the flowers that most remind him of his friends
Can also be found on AO3
Techno needed some form of practical application for the recent information he'd just perused. Mountains of books on floriography covered the tables in his reading nook. He didn’t want to start a garden as it’d take valuable time from preparing for the Doomsday war. What little farmland he had being used for potatoes. On the other hand, worksheets would be too boring and besides, why waste paper on that when it could be used for potential maps? Sitting on his plush suede chair facing the window overlooking a ravine, he decided to come up with which flowers his friends would be. 
Sorrow filling his senses when he thought of what he and Phil had gone through. They’d truly gone to hell and back. He regretted how he’d dealt with the avian’s house arrest. Hating that Phil was used as a pawn to gain his attention in attempts to kill him. Just another instance where he was treated more as a machine than a man. Retirement had always sounded too good to be true and hence the reason these regrets would follow him to the grave. Within his mind, the pictures of anemone and asphodel formed. A field of colorful bulbs  with lilies mixed in on a grassy knoll. Mentally dragging his sword against the ground, dropping it as it felt akin to molten lead. The story of Aphrodite and Adonis—his time in prison with Dream being his stay in the underworld. He recognized Phil was remorseful at the fact that it’d taken longer than expected to rescue him. But they were both hopeful for the day tyranny no longer existed in the SMP and they finally know peace. 
His brain shifting from times of new to times of old, Techno turned to the man that’d picked up his sword. The forced poet, burdened with the weight of the world on his shoulders. Wanting a place for anyone considered abnormal to call home. Techno thought the bluebell was fitting as it’s sap was used in bookbinding and arrows. A true diplomat in every measure which is why it was so disheartening to see him go mad towards the end. Losing to someone like Schlatt would make anyone disregard constancy to the wayside. The color reminding him of the softness Ghostbur brought to the server. A polar opposite to the only man able to humble him so dearly, coerced to honesty.
‘The heavens have lost their zone of gold. And earth her robe of green.’ The lines from one of the Brontë’s summed it up best, Techno thought to himself. Wiping the dust off, he placed the crown back on the mantle. Walking up the stairs to the closed room. If he were to open it, there’d still be discarded clothes all over the floor. The boy that looked up to his older brother as if he were the stars. How his story resembled that of Hamlet, a boy aged by pain and betrayal.
Tommy who was raised on the precipice of war. His first memories of frolicking in the field with his friends. To the trench foot he got during L’Manberg. Techno only realizing how much Tommy had lost himself when he showed up in the arctic. How he stared into the fire as a mug of hot chocolate and oversized clothes warmed his soul. Shyly asking Techno if he could sleep with him due to the night terrors and the need for something familiar after everything he experience at Dream’s hands. Alas the final picture held bluebells, stinging nettles, queen of the night, anemones & asphodel.
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Dreblr valentines day exchange
I got @susanshinning and for it I made this fanfic. I combined the prompt of dream being an idiot, chat being worried and doomsday trio @dreblrtine-gift-exchange  this is also my first exchange and it was really fun to work on
(also I don’t really know how formatting on tumblr works so my bad) 
How do you measure healing
~ Dream had started feeling better and needed to prove that he was too bad you can’t rush healing~
Dream had been staying with Techno and Phil for quite some time now. The prison had taken its toll on his physical and mental health but he was slowly beginning to feel like himself again, so much so that he actually managed to convince his two friends that he was able to go out by himself. Of course the two were worried and gave him a few rules: he wasn't allowed to go too far and he wasn’t allowed to be alone for a long time. It's not that they didn’t trust him, they just didn’t want him to get hurt. This was fine with Dream. He doubted he could even get very far with how messed up he was after the prison and chat would probably freak out if he was gone from Techno and Phil for a long time. So it was set he would mainly wander the area around Techno’s house, maybe gather a few resources and go back besides he wouldn’t actually be alone the blobs that served as his chat would be accompanying him. Dream had to prove that he could be left alone, he had to prove he was getting better.
Dream was always a thrill seeker, this fact will most likely never change. From manhunts to his everyday life he took risks and they usually paid off. So it was no one's surprise when he found the ravine and decided the only logical thing to do was to try and jump across. It wasn’t a very big ravine. He had jumped farther ones in the past and he was bored so sue him if he wanted a little thrill. He had to head back to Techno’s soon anyway so in his mind it was now or never and what better way to prove he was indeed healing then try something he used to love. Dream’s chat, however, had other ideas about his actions. The blobs who had mainly been hanging out, playing in the underbrush, and squeaking at him clearly knew what was going through his head because they had begun to bunch up at his feet.
“Oh will you guys calm down, it's gonna be fine besides i’ve got a water bucket so even if I miss, which I won’t, it’ll be fine” Dream said to the blobs that were gathering at his feet warning him against the idea. The distressed squeaks from his chat were ignored as he batted a few from climbing up his leg and made sure his boots were laced tightly as he put the materials he had gathered in a chest, while he didn’t think he was going to fall no use going through the process of a painful respawn and losing the stuff he collected, with his minimal preparation done and the blobs being moved out of the way, despite their protests, he began backing up. He went a little ways back from the edge before he started running. Dream had been bored all day just walking around he wanted to run, sure it was nice being by himself finally and not having two of the most powerful men on the server overbearing him was lovely but Dream missed the way his body felt after running. The word runners high came to his mind but he could dwell on that later. Dream wasn't worried when he started running, it felt nice to take off at full speed after a rather slow day. Dream wasn’t worried when he jumped; the feeling of disobeying gravity's idea of always staying on the ground continued to fuel his fire. Dream did start worrying, however, when he realized very suddenly that the little white blobs that always followed him were right he wasn’t going to make it, which sucked because after they found out he was alright they always got a little smug when they were right. He really only missed by a little bit. Maybe if he had started farther away or put a little more power into his jump he could have made it but he didn't, his fingers grazing the other side of the ravine felt like a cruel joke. Still he wasn’t panicking he had a water bucket on him, he could land safely but the day was apparently not done fucking him over because as he was falling he heard the tell tale sound of an arrow being launched. Hearing the twang of the bow almost hurt more than it actually hitting him midair, almost being the key word here, as what really hurt was the arrow landing right in his leg causing him to lose a bit of focus, but what truly hurt the most was the landing cause he did in fact miss the water bucket the last thing he felt was cold stone before blackness overtook his vision.
The fall hadn’t killed him. The fall hurt both his body and his ego as he groaned awake pulling himself into a sitting position on the ravine floor. His leg still had an arrow in it and he didn’t know if he could pull it out seeing his blood on the stone floor almost brought him right back to that small cell but he wasn’t going to panic he had to prove he was getting better Dream was not going to let that stupid duck hybrid best him even when Dream was nowhere near him so he ripped his eyes from his leg to look around. It was darker out now if he had to guess it was a little after twilight with the oranges fading from what sky he could see, the skeleton was nowhere to be seen thankfully. Dream absently wondered if the walking bones had thought him dead and left him alone. Dream stayed staring up refusing to look down because he felt himself slipping with each second, the pain mixed with rough stone below his hands was trying to drag him back there. Back to that godforsaken place where he was always too hot, too hungry, too dirty, too exhausted, to- his spiral was stopped when instead of stone under his hand he felt something squishy try to get under his closed palm looking down at his hand and only his hand he saw a little blob. Flipping over his hand and allowing it onto his palm he lifted the little guy up closer to his chest. 
“Now how did you get down here” his voice was rough even to his own ears. The white creature in his hand replied by making a squeak and nuzzling into his hand. Dream could tell it was worried but it was, to his knowledge, the only one down here which worried him more.
“Where are your friends little guy” Dream didn’t know much about the little blobs that followed him, he knew that they were practically indestructible, they couldn't be damaged to his knowledge, the number of them changed frequently sometimes he could count them on one hand while other times there would be dozens, they easily followed him almost everywhere either keeping pace or somehow just appearing near him. He liked them; they provided comfort but there was one place they could never go. Pandora was not a fond memory for Dream his discomfort grew each second just thinking about it he knew his blood would forever stain those dark walls his screams would always echo and the heat would never truly leave his skin but the only good thing that had come of the hell was the fact that the blobs could not get in. Sometimes this was hard he had been lonely, at one point the warden had taken to never visiting him, but there were times when he was bleeding out and the cruel gaze of an eye was on him that he was thankful they couldn’t see him and he didn’t want to think of what Quackity would have done to them if he had found any. One of the first things Dream had done when Techno broke him out was talk to them, his voice sounded awful and he couldn’t walk but he wanted nothing more than to talk to the little creatures that followed him. Techno took him back to his home in the north where he and Phil had tried to fix what they could but there would always be scars and at first they hadn’t been sure he would even walk again but in those first few weeks Dream had only really cared about being around the blobs and they weren’t leaving him alone either. So now being hurt with no real way out Dream did the only thing he could think of and talked to the remaining blob he just hoped Techno or Phil would be able to find him. 
“You know I hate to say it but I guess you guys were right to be worried” the little one looked at him with concern plastered on its face, although the smile never faltered. “I know you're worried but it’s gonna be ok alright, see i’m not even hurt all that bad” but he couldn’t bring himself to look. “You know” his voice got quieter “I really thought I could do it I thought maybe if I could then I’d start feeling better, feeling more like myself but look at me now I can’t even bring myself to look at my own leg” Dream let his head hit the wall and let his hands to his sides, he felt the creature move out of his hand and up his arm till it rested on his shoulder it bonked it’s head on the side of his face almost like a cat and Dream let out a disheartened laugh at the gesture his head was reeling at the fact that he wasn’t getting better he knew that now. Dream was not going to get better. There was always another dark stone cavern that his blood would coat and he would not be able to leave. He was lost to an abyss and no matter how hard the little one on his shoulder tried, Dream was not going to get up he would probably be lost down here forever. If Dream were maybe a bit more in the moment he would have heard the chirps and squeaks grow from one to many he would have also heard the gasp Phil made when spotting him in the dark. 
Getting him out of the ravine was not an issue Dream was still underweight from his time in Pandora and he wasn’t even down there all that long as soon as he fell most of the blobs had gone to get one of his two protectors who were already getting worried as Dream had not come back in the time they set. Getting him home wasn’t an issue either Techno was quickly taking care of any mobs that dared cross his path and Phil was keeping up with ease checking in with Dream every step of the way although the man in his arms was not responding, breathing yes but he wasn’t lucid. When they eventually made it back home Dream was carefully laid out on the table so they could go over each of his wounds all in all he wasn’t hurt badly a few cuts and scrapes the main issues being the arrow in his leg but even that would heal in a few days luckily it hadn’t hit anything important. Phil was mainly worried about Dream's mental state; he had fallen asleep a while ago and as Techno cleaned up Phil moved him to the living room couch so they could monitor him for a little bit. The blobs had also joined Dream on the couch but they all stayed clear of his injuries the best they could. Phil had grown fond of the little creatures that followed Dream even his crows enjoyed the beings and he knew, even if Techno would never admit it, that Techno enjoyed their presence as well but the little ones seemed so worried they never stray far from him so when almost all of them came rushing back they both knew something had gone wrong but now all they had to do was wait.
Eventually Dream did wake up and Phil allowed him to take in his surroundings before talking to him. He'd punch himself if he made Dream more scared than he was. When Dream’s eyes did land on Phil he just held them there and Phil could not tell what he was thinking. It was, however, Techno that made the first move walking over and lifting Dreams head so he could sit down. Piglins enjoyed braiding hair. It was an intimate act among family and it made them feel at ease. Phil had no doubt Dream knew this as Techno began braiding his hair. It had come a long way. The once nest was now able to be combed through with ease and the filth that had once clung to it was gone. They could really only stall for so long.
“Dream, are you okay” the words came with ease to Phil. He had asked this question many times and each response was always different. He didn't know why he feared this response so much.
“I’m” Dream began not looking at him but looking towards the ceiling, maybe even at Techno. “I don’t think I can be okay,” he said with such certainty that Techno’s hands faltered. Phil waited for more anything really something he could work with and looking at Techno he knew they were both lost.
“Dream what do you mean by that?” and it was Techno who asked his hands, continuing to work through the strands of blonde.
“I’m not getting better you should have just left me down there” Dream was still staring at the ceiling but techno’s hands had stopped and Phil felt the pieces connecting as to why Dream was in that ravine in the first place. He wanted to prove he was getting better and what better way to do that then do something you once could. Phil knew he was crushed when he couldn’t make that jump, the feeling of failing at the simple act of healing Phil knew that pain all too well.
“Dream you are getting better just think about how much you’ve changed from your first day here you couldn’t walk and staying awake for more than an hour drained you, you are getting better it's just going to take time to get back to jumping ravines” Phil said the last part with a bit of a laugh trying to lighten the mood a little bit. Dream remained silent though not bothering to look his fist tightened though and his face had a look of disdain on it. Techno started braiding again. He was out of his depth for this he wanted to help but if he was being honest with himself he had never gone through this and he doesn’t think he could even imagine it if he tried. But he could braid hair and he could be a warm body and if that's what he needed to be then so help XD he was going to be perfect at it.
Phil moved to sit under Dreams' outstretched legs; he was met with no resistance and was careful not to agitate the wound.
“Listen Dream I know this has been hard for you, I’ve been told about your manhunts and I’ve seen first hand how quick on your feet you can be, but and I know you won’t want to hear this, you are not going to make these huge leaps and bounds after what you’ve been through. You have to look at the little steps ok” Phil studies the man on the couch, Dream hadn’t moved and Techno was running out of hair. “You eat more, you can clearly walk around, your hair isn’t matted, and you’re not back there okay you're getting better but you're rushing it and it doesn’t work like that you can’t rush a bone to heal” Silence fell across the room and Techno ran out of hair. 
“Then what can I do?” Dream's voice was quiet and he sounded choked up. The blob on his chest moved towards his face. Techno picked up the blob when it tried to get into Dream’s hair.
“We keep doing what we’re doing” Techno spoke up looking at the creature in his hand. “Because you have been getting better we just have to keep going” as if to punctuate his words he dropped the blob on Dreams face who let out an oof sound. “Besides if you keep getting hurt like this who’s going to be my rival cause, I don’t know if you’ve looked around Dream they’re not that many people who am i suppose to spar Ranboo the kid would fall over in a second” This got a small laugh out of Dream.
“Alright Alright, I believe you” For the first time that night Dream sounded somewhat hopeful. He knew it wasn’t going to be easy, he would always want to do things he wasn’t ready for but he had to believe he was getting better he had to think it was working and for once he might not be lying to himself. He was right about the blobs though because a few days later when he could continue to walk they looked incredibly smug. 
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prisonpodcast · 1 year
Art takes way too long I didn’t even add shading and it’s already at 7 and a half hours 😭
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itmightbeneb · 2 years
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void-chara · 1 year
if I have ever complained about rendering PLEASE disregard that. Number one favorite part of the art process nothing else compares it is so fun
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simple-persica · 10 months
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Hello @kestrius ! I was your Pinch-Hitter for the @technoblade-gift-exchange! So here's some techno waking up to more and more differences!
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