padmeamdl · 8 months
And love songs make me smile again
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un-fantasmita · 5 months
Ahora que me tienes, ¿Todavía me quieres?
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victorc7 · 11 months
Missing your voice right now…
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idk-baby · 1 year
Revisando mi galería encontré una foto tuya, pero no pienso regresar, solo espero que te encuentres bien
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Lágrimas 🙁
Aqui estou mais uma vez, em um lago vazio e grande. Ele tem águas turvas e pouco cristalinas, essas águas são minhas lágrimas, minhas lágrimas de alegria e solidão perpétua de um amor triste. Não posso reclamar, amores tristes são bastante comuns, e os mais procurados, o amor triste, parece ser o mais real e bonito que podemos viver. Um sentimento espinhoso e doloroso, mas que, ao mesmo tempo, aquece muitos corações, estou parecendo estupida não é? Quero dizer, não é necessário amar de fato, basta se apegar nas memórias mais felizes e que você tem mais afeto, isso é o bastante para chorar ouvindo uma música tranquila ou até uma triste, o que importa é que lágrimas rolaram se misturando com a água de um banho gelado, fazendo aquele único rastro de água quente em seu rosto enquanto seus olhos queimam de tristeza, ou as mesmas lágrimas, que iram ser absorvidas pelo travesseiro quentinho, enquanto seu queixo treme, e seu coração doí de saudade. É importante que passemos por isso, afinal, é trajeto do mundo de sentimentos humanos, até porque, a dor é a mais memorável que todo o resto, pois com ela aprendemos bastante, às vezes o suficiente para saber que chorar está tudo bem, mesmo que às vezes não precise. Chorar é um símbolo de amor e amadurecimento, e está tudo bem, ficaremos bem apesar de tudo!
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siempresetumisma · 1 year
Necesitaba tocar fondo, así que me recosté en el suelo.
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aliflynn · 4 months
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Embrace positivity, repel negativity. Stillness empowers enduring perseverance. Passion fuels purpose, drives determination. Believe in yourself, chase dreams.
Discover artistic inspiration, click here.
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ryannpaglinawan · 6 months
Foolish One
In the quietest hour of the night, I finally understood that some stars are meant to be admired from afar, forever burning bright, yet forever out of reach.
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padmeamdl · 8 months
I know that it’ll hurt me, but for you, I’ll stab myself anyway.
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You're like the first snow fall. Exciting, vibrant and so beautiful. but then you began to slowly fade. until you weren't there any longer.
Dayna Danielle
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victorc7 · 1 year
I Can’t Stop Thinking About You.
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idk-baby · 1 year
por qué siempre todo me sale mal?
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Sonho 💭💤
Ele, dono de meus pensamentos e sonhos… com você na cabeça me levanto, com você me deito, sinto sua falta e isso dói, mas fico com a imensa gratidão por ti ter e isso pode ser pouco, mas ainda, sim, é o suficiente! 
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jadegem20 · 1 year
I closed the curtains and blocked out the rest of the hazy light that struggled its way through the smoke and debris. The power had gone out an hour ago and I had officially turned off the news about three hours before that. The constant blaring of the emergency alert system had been making my head ache. They didn't have anything new to say anyway.
I found my way, in the darkness of the highrise, to the liquor cabinet and grabbed the bottle of ‘82 whiskey that was stashed away for our anniversary. I slowly creeped back to our room listening to the eerie silence of a city that has stopped breathing.
I stopped with my hand on the brass door knob and waited. For what? I don’t know exactly. A miracle? A worm hole back in time? An ounce of hope? Nothing found me, in that dark apartment hallway on the 64th floor in the middle of downtown New York. No particle of light revealed itself to me, one alive among the millions dead and dying.
With a creak, I found myself opening that cream colored door.
The air was still and smelled of the cinnamon candle you had lit in the corner. The dim flame flickered as the air from opening the door passed through the room, then flickered again when I walked past it. I smoothed the covers on my side of the bed before sitting on top of them. I cracked open the whiskey and took a deep swig. It burned going down, but at this point physical pain didn't matter as much.
I looked over on your side of the bed. The comforter was disheveled and lumpy. I could see your dark hair laying on your pillow. It draped over your face, like it had done many times before in your sleep. I could almost believe you were sleeping if not for the unnatural stillness of the body below the covers and the empty bottle of pills on your nightstand.
At least the tears had stopped flowing, but I suspected there wasn’t anything left in me to cry. I took another swig of whiskey and frowned at the burn of life inside me.
Most people would have some regrets or longing for the life that they once had. I did. And I grieved. For whatever this earth had been. For whatever I once was. For the mess we had made. And lastly, for you. My happiness, my love, my person.
There wasn’t anything left of me to give. The world is empty, and so am I.
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anhedonichaze · 1 year
You're too good for me to love
I prefer letting you meet the best one out there for you and I know it's not me.
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bloodintoink-blog · 1 year
How can I tell you to love yourself when I don't love you? How can I love you in a way that won't derange me? How can I find a way to love you with your rage inside me? How can I hold you with my shivering hands? How can I calm you down when you spit poison? How can I move when you hold my strands? How can I ask you to be gentle without a reason? How can I forget you with all your red in my veins? How can I forgive you for all the scars that I see? How can I find a way to love you before I have forgiven you? How can I hate you when you feed me flowers? How can I like the flowers when I choke on them? How can I remove your teeth from my skin? How can I let you have the aftertaste? How can I get rid of your lingering presence and then, How can I ask you to linger like an aftershock? How can I help you when you bury me? How can I dig my own grave with you? How can I sleep with a war raging inside me? How can I sleep with such violence in my head? How can I destroy you when I try to love you? How can I love you when I try to destroy you? You cut open my chest in half, I tell you "I swear I used to bleed golden honey But you only left me with crimson blood."
—𝓓, from ‘Wish he understood’
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