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sadnesshotline · 1 year ago
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sweet beginnings tag
this tag is all about looking at your past. all you need to do is to find one of the first screenshots you ever took (preferably also published), and post it beside the recent one! and tell everybody when you took that first picture! oh, and don’t forget to tag your posts! #sweet beginnings tag
thank you for the tag pookie bear @sojutrait 😁 so the top left is not my earliest simblr appearance that was 2015 but this one is from 2017 and was at least pre-sadb0ysims if it counts 😩 it was when i was twiikii and then my mother found my account and i was 12 so i had to run away and change my name and live in hiding forever BUH and then under that is just some then / now comparisons of sims tee hee.. the milan one is from about 2018/2019 i'd say and the poppy one is 2018 <3
i tag @verthu @astystole @okruee @homophobictrait @moodnamars @leafrue 😖 feel free to ignore mamas
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sadb0ysims · 4 years ago
help get winifred to the vets
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hi!! as some of you may or may not know, i have guinea pigs, and this ginger one in the picture is called winifred. she’s just turned 3 years old and has come down with an upper respiratory infection which is a common illness in guinea pigs that first affects their sinuses and then can quickly spread to their lungs, causing death. covid has caused me to lose my job, as i’m under 18 and they would rather have fully qualified workers who do full time instead, so i can’t afford to take her to the vet. my family is also struggling financially so i can’t leave it up to them to help her. 
guinea pigs are very fragile and can easily deteriorate from illnesses, and as i mentioned earlier, URI’s can cause them to die quickly, which is why i’m asking for help with the cost of the vet fees to get her a full course of antibiotics. 
any donations would be really really appreciated!!
i didn’t want to use gofundme because it tells everyone my full name and address, so i set up a cashapp and my id is £moneyformeeuh!!
again, if anyone decides to donate thank you so much bc you’re really helping me out, as guinea pigs tend to live for 8 years i really want winifred to have a full life!!
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squeamishsims · 4 years ago
i'm obsessed with your stuff ok bye
excuse me ur like one of my biggest inspirations,, thank u,, so much,, 🥺🥺
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rosymiel · 4 years ago
you haven’t got a lid on that juice behind you what a monster..
i think i was drinking it 😖🚓 listen i’m not a monster i recycled it after i was done with it
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retro-plasma · 5 years ago
again i am the WORST pls forgive my sins
First impression: adorable and very sweet
Your nickname in my head: mia
Closeness ratings [1-10]: 2ish 
Do I like you: def!!
You are my: acquaintance and cherished mutual ;-;
Ever had a crush on you: nah
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rullande · 5 years ago
i am VIBING what do u WANT
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softpine · 5 years ago
hello ily hope ur doing well....
ilY and i hope you’re doing well!! also your posts are straight up knocking me off my feet lately sjdkjd they’re always amazing but ESPECIALLY these recent ones 💖💖
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shoppingmauls · 5 years ago
i LOVE ur url what the hell!!
THANK u, it feels good n on brand for me 😌
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sadb0ysims · 4 years ago
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happy golden birthday to my mf muse
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dawsim · 5 years ago
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rosymiel · 6 years ago
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mr. anton by @sadb0ysims
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skwidobo · 5 years ago
skwidman kay
skwidman pyschic mia
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planetzoos · 5 years ago
hello i'm thinking of buying planet zoo and i was wondering why you arranged the staff rooms the way u did and how it's effective? :o
Heya :) this will come as no surprise but I HIGHLY recommend Planet Zoo - I am thoroughly loving it 😍 I usually don’t buy games until a few months after their initial release so that I don’t have to deal with all the early bugs and crashes, but I could not resist this game lol 
As for the staff zones, there are a few reasons. Firstly the staff have to physically run back and forth from habitats to tend to the animals, so it’s good to have a Keeper Hut fairly near to your habitat so that the animals don’t get hungry. It’s also useful having a trade center and a vet nearby for when you want to add new animals or if they get injured. Also you need a few different keeper huts to keep all the habitats fed as even if you had five habitats close to one hut, it would not be able to sustain them all (I think??). I basically have 1 staff zone to every 2 habitats, with 2 keepers assigned to that zone (except for the sarafi because its so big). Finally you need to keep the staff zones away from the guests as their happiness goes down if they see a staff building. So that’s why I have them tucked behind habitats or at the back of the zoo. 
I hope that helps! I’m thinking of writing a long post about the building of the zoo and my tips for starting a sucessful franchise! :) 
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retro-plasma · 5 years ago
i just wanted to send u an ask to say ur sims n editing are so cute 😭 ur sims are really pretty and unique looking and i just. love them. Mwuah
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tysm ur so sweet mwah 🥺
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simcorgi · 6 years ago
this is prob a rlly weird compliment but i love ur sims noses ok
thank u for this validation I love their noses so much akdhianzja
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softpine · 5 years ago
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oops i got behind again :( sorry for the wait, ily all
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@liliithvatore​ sjdksj it was completely on accident, but let’s pretend i’m just the queen of foreshadowing 😂 (this is the post we’re talking about btw)
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you’re very welcome!! i’m so glad it helped you! 💖
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skjdsj spiders do NOT deserve rights and that is FINAL
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@gunthermunch​ i’m sorry i stole your identity, i give you full permission to sue the shit out of me 😞
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this is so sweet oh my god 😭😭 thank you so much!! i want it to be perfect, but i also have to manage my expectations so i’m happy to hear that some people will like it regardless 💖
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britechester! and you don’t need a mod, you can just enable cheats and then type “bb.enablefreebuild” into the cheat menu :)
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i have no idea, i’m sorry! i haven’t had a problem with any of my custom skintones :/
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@pinegrovez​ FKDJS someone legit called me a bootlicker for saying i was excited about university, i just had to make fun of myself lmao
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@sadb0ysims​ omg of course i’m gonna answer this!! thank you so much, this means a lot to me 💖💖
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ahh i’m sorry i got so behind on your asks specifically, i guess i missed a lot ksdjdsj i need to live wherever you live, because i’ve never even MET that many wlw, let alone talked to them lmaoo but i’m happy for you! 💗
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