#sad damian
knifknightkorner · 4 months
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Damian hugging Batcow
Chapter 4 of "Girl with the Pink Hair"
DPxDC crossover
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annahxredaxted · 2 years
A step in the right direction
Characters: Damian/Huxley
Tw: mentions of verbal abuse
Genre: comfort
Thanks @soup-on-a-cob for the amazing idea
Word count: 750
How do you prepare for something like this? How do you compose yourself enough to remember to fucking breath? It wasn't like I hadn't thought about it over and over and over again; I had many sleepless nights contemplating if I was good enough- worthy enough to be blessed in this way. Huxley could tell me a million times I was but was I really? My mother would probably bombard me, verbally abuse me, and ridicule me. I said I didn't care but deep-down words always hurt, even if it takes a little time to realize it. What if she was right. What if I'm not good enough...? 
“Dames...? Babe, I can see you- all those cogs moving in your brain telling you all sorts of things... Don't listen to them.” Huxley started with a soft voice; almost whispering lowering his head to my ear.  I almost shed a tear, why did I even think I could hide that from him? He knew me front and back, all around and inside out. 
“Wh-what do you mean I'm fine..” i stuttered out, throat groggy and it made it sound like i was going to cry which i wasn't, or was i? The truthful answer was yes. And I couldn't quite do anything about it. A singular tear drop fell down my face- well almost down my face. Hux took his hand and wiped it away. 
“Sorry.” I muttered. Taking my sleeve and wiping my eyes. He looked at me with shock and disbelief 
“For what? You didn't do anything wrong..” he avowed slowly raising my chin to see more tears than I remembered being there. I looked him dead in his eyes, which were usually so full of joy and vibrancy and now they were full of distraught and desolation, i blatantly asked him, “Do I deserve this?” I inquired dismally; head pointed up at him but eyes looking down. Avoiding eye contact, out of fear of crying more. 
“Do you deserve this? Of course you do- you deserve the world. You work hard, youre kind, youre smart, and youre so fucking brave- i dont know where id be in life without you..” he sputtered out all those things but why did i still feel so worthless, so disgusting, so pathetic. Fuck i was crying in the parking lot of an adoption center, over the most stupid bullshit- i thought i was anyway. I sighed looking away for fear of disappointing him. He didn't deserve this. All I could muster up the slightest courage to say was “no i'm not” ever so slightly under my breath. 
I'm only all those things because of trauma. I only work hard, because if i dont i won't have anything to live off of. I'm only kind because if i wasn't nobody would like me and i'd be that one mean guy who nobody likes. I'm only smart because anything below one hundred percent means failure. I'm brave because what am I if I'm not..?
Huxley read me like a book. He pulled me closer over the center console for a hug. 
“C’mere.'' Huxley adjusted his seat far enough back that he could pull me on his lap. Me a sobbing mess, i buried my face into the crook of his neck, weeping and whimpering- but he didnt care, he didn't think it was unmanly, or pathetic, or pitiful. He thought it was human.. Like a good man. Like a good dad. 
“It's normal to cry- it's normal to be nervous or scared, or anything that you're feeling. It doesn't mean you're anything but human. Don't let anyone tell you anything different. But it's not okay to beat yourself up over it. Got it?” he insisted softly but sternly. 
“Got it.” I agreed, pulling my head from his neck and kissing his cheek, “thank you..” I muttered against his soft, tan skin. He reciprocated the action, pulling me in by my cheeks, hands on either side of my face. He took in my face close to his, foreheads gracing each other. 
“Anytime. You have an issue you can always come to me. You know that right?” I nodded, sighing softly. 
“Alright then, let's head in there, cmon..” he pulled open the door, setting me down on the pavement. He pulled the keys out of the ignition, and shut the door. Taking my hand with a smile. 
“Cmon. we got a family to start.” 
Allas, A new beginning.
@itsdaifuku @verrverii @darlin-collins @shellssstuff @youisagayhooman @soup-on-a-cob
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thegurlwhoisntthere · 2 months
Okay, so this isn’t really related to the larger parts of the season, but-
Can I just say I absolutely love how they introduced Callum’s dad?
Like, there are so many theories about him, that he was an elf, that he was a warrior who died, that he just up and left them, but in actuality? He was a poet. He was a poet with a sickness from birth and he died from that when Callum was young. He was kind and Sarai loved him. Harrow even respected him and I genuinely love that.
It also makes more sense that it would’ve been harder for Callum to connect with Harrow in the face of that. His dad wasn’t some warrior who died before he knew him, he wasn’t some elf that he never knew, or some deadbeat who left his mom. He was a kind heart poet who was born with a sickness that couldn’t be cured.
That’s extraordinarily tragic, but I love it.
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batbabydamian · 1 year
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Damian locks himself in his room for the rest of the day. Continuation to this!
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kinslxyers · 5 months
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this thang.
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seilnakyle · 1 month
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the way his face burst into a smile as soon as he saw Dick 😭😭
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eyesthecolorofarson · 5 months
dead serious where Danny is fucking pathetic. Phantoms a great superhero! He’s competent, kind, charismatic, so funny, and got his species human rights!
Absolute wet rag of a man.
He can’t cook, he can’t sleep, he’s gifted which means he gets good grades but doesn’t know how to study so big shit he needs to study for he fails, he fails at every social interaction he takes part of, he can’t dress, he can’t fucking sleep, he’s sad and pathetic and useless.
And Damian fucking loves it.
He’s so much like his mother it hurts. They both love pathetic, wet cats of men. He can be smart enough for the both of them. And egotistical. And good looking. And a cook. He can be everything, he’s happy as long as Danny exists by his side.
Tim: Seriously, what do you see in that guy?
Damien: He makes me laugh
Danny: works hard and gets good results as Phantom
Damien: 🙄🥱
Danny: sets his kitchen on fire trying to microwave takeout and takes so much melatonin he accidentally overdoses and needs to be rushed to the hospital but when he wakes up he accidentally falls out of bed, rips his IV out, and bleeds on the floor for ten minutes before thinking to call someone
Damian: I need to fuck him RIGHT NOW
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morganbritton132 · 7 days
AU where Tim, age nine, walked three miles to his neighbor’s house, held up his bleeding hand to Alfred, and asked if he could please have a bandaid. He got stitches instead, and a hug from Dick, who squeezed him tight and asked, “Can we keep him?”
And then Tim never went home again.
He learns gymnastics with Dick and reads in the library with Jason. He shows Alfred how to reset the wifi and rambles on to Bruce about his latest obsession (shipwrecks), and he never sees his parents again.
Behind the scenes, there was a kid left alone in a mansion while a whole international incident played out. It included a kidnapping, a ransom, a failed hostage negotiation, and two dead parents never coming home.
It pokes at a wound in Bruce when he is told about the Drakes and he has always been productive in tragedy. He knows how to shove the hurt away and build something strong on top of it.
The adoption was seamless. The sell of the Drake Estate was effortless. The trust for Tim. The memorial. The scholarships in Jack and Janet’s names. Bruce does it all methodical and singleminded.
And somewhere. Somehow. They forget to tell Tim.
Sometimes he misses his mom and dad. He misses his old room and being alone in a big house, but months turn to years and he likes it here. He really does. He has brothers here and Alfred, and they say they’re his family. He likes that.
They said they wanted to keep him, so they kept him. Kept him forever.
Then Damian is there.
Tim comes home and there’s a new boy, about the age he was when they got him. Tim asks in a whisper, “Did they take you too?”
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magicpiano · 3 months
I came across the AU idea that Dick Grayson is Richard Parker, and thus, Peter Parker's biological father. There are a few fics where Peter dimension travels to the DC universe and gets to meet his dead father. It is a fun idea, but I have different one.
AU where Peter dimension travels to the DC universe, and the batfam realizes that he is Dick's son, but rather than think he is from another universe, they all come to the conclusion that he is from the future.
It makes sense, after all, the rules of time travel basically boil down to 'don't change anything.' So when Peter is avoiding them and "pretending" not to know them, they just think he is following the rules. (He isn't even really avoiding them, he just has no idea who they are.)
You know how once you have an idea in your head, it take a lot of convince you that your wrong? Same idea here, they are so convinced of their idea that all new info ends up making them surer. Confirmation bias.
So Peter is trying to find a way home while the batfam tries to subtly help him without getting involved in time travel. Hijinks ensue.
Peter once mentions his love of photography and how he used to take pictures of heroes for a newspaper. Everyone looks at Tim and thinks, 'Gee I wonder where he picked up that hobby.'
At one point Peter pulls an assassin move, and Damian is like, 'I taught him that for sure.' (In reality Peter just trained with Natasha and Bucky before.)
When dealing with some issue Peter says something like, "I know a guy with some green angry problems and he taught me a lot about staying calm when mad." Everyone looks at Jason??? (He just picked up some meditation advice from Bruce Banner)
At some point he goes to the manor and everyone is like, 'Hah! More proof! He knows his way around the building!' He doesn't know his way around, his spider sense just lead him to where people are and kept him from getting lost.
He mentions Black Cat once, and everyone comes to the "totally logical" conclusion that Catwoman had a daughter, and that Peter and Felicia also have a weird almost dating thing going on.
Peter has been forced to go to some fancy events with Tony before so he knows how to act at rich people galas, which of course just adds fuel to the time travel theory.
Peter keeps accidentally referencing things that don't exist/didn't happen. Everyone just assumes these things didn't happen/don't exist yet.
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fruitfloats · 2 months
you know what? continuation of a previous post of mine
habits other robins got from Jason
Dick- the way he sorts his books, while he doesnt have many in his apartment, Jason sorted them when he came over when he was younger and Dick has always kept them like that.
Tim- he organizes his thoughts when he writes them down the same way Jason did in reports, he even writes some letters like Jason did.
Steph- continuously blows bubbles when chewing gum. She saw Jason doing it a couple times in an attempt to annoy someone around him and she thought it was a great idea.
Damian- sorts his food on his plate and eats it in the same order as Jason does, it just seemed easier that way.
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gotham-snark · 1 month
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spicy-apple-pie · 1 year
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It was a tragic day in the Wayne Manor
(their friendship is so slept on)
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headcanonthings · 1 year
Damian: Apologies for my tardiness everyone. I have not been sleeping well. Tim: Have you tried a weighted blanket? It's like two people holding you down while you sleep. Jason: Tim, blink once if you're in trouble and need assistance. Blink twice if you're just a freak. Tim: *winks five times*
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
Batman: Crime is abnormaly quiet today, one more round and we should go home, chum.
Robin (Jason): A-Okay. I may even have time to read a bit before going to bed.
Batman: I'll think about it.
Robin: We could go to Bat Burguer! Di-Nightwing said they have an amazing chocolate milkshake.
Batman: I don't know, Robin...
Robin: I'm sure they have banana milkshake as well or something fruity.
Batman: Hm
Robin: I knew it!
Batman: Hm??
Robin: You are a fruit bat.
Batman: what?
Robin: I was reading a book about animals and they say that of the 1200 known species of bats only three are vampire bats. You are too normal to be a vampire bat. Also vampire bats are smaller and you are very big and vampire bats move solo and while you like to prented to be moody and lonley you have me, Agent A, Batgirl and Nightwing and that just in Gotham. So you are a fruit bat. And you love fruity things.
Batman: *smilling* I suppose.
Robin: And that means we are going to drink the milkshakes because you can't refuse fruit things!
Batman: Because I'm a fruit bat.
Robin: Yeah!!
----- [somewhere in the future] ----
Robin (Damain): I'm the son of Batman, I'll drink your blood, Hood.
Red Hood: Nah, B's totally a fruit bat and as the "blood son" that just means you like banana milkshake, sorry demon brat.
Batman: *in the background, accidentaly listens* *happy hm*
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okaerin · 2 years
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more damianya~
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ikiprian · 6 months
there’s a lot of interesting stuff that can be made by examining the objectively scary stuff the robins face in a realistic light, but also? i really like the robins making trauma jokes. humor’s a coping mechanism that makes a lot of sense for them, given their previous role as the lighter side of batman. and, perhaps more importantly, i think it’s funny
Dick: did you just house an entire family-sized bag of chips? by yourself, in less than an hour?
Jason: as an orphan, i qualify as a family of one
Steph: but you died too, so that would make you a family of zero
Damian: multiple of us have died. it doesn’t make anyone special. i, however, am naturally special, on account of being heir to the batman
Steph: ah, heck. well, i’m no longer special, guess it’s time to fake my death and flee to africa
Dick: are you really heir to the batman, though, if bruce kicking it anytime soon would just put me in the cowl? which is a terrible job, by the way, to which nobody should brag about being heir?
Tim: hey, guys. has anyone seen my chips? i coulda sworn i…
Jason: [makes direct eye contact as he tips the bag up, funneling the bottom-bag chip crumbs into his mouth]
Jason: oh, sorry. did someone take something from you? steal it, perhaps?
Tim: [deep breath]
Tim: do you want guns batman. because this is how you get guns batman
Dick: [muttering] at least someone wants the job
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