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emberglowfox · 2 years ago
There is an outfit you'll get in the main quest line, you'll know it when you see it, where Link basically has a crop top. Please, I wanna see you draw him in the outfit.
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i assume u mean the charged outfit, which i did finally get ! i like it a lot it's fun
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anthropoetics · 22 days ago
there's this one phrase i really like from don segundo sombra: "porque el sol sabe barrer el miedo" ("because the sun knows how to sweep away fear"). it's about a sunrise in the plains of argentina, narrated by a gaucho. i've always felt it really captured the vulnerability of that stage between night and morning, especially in such open places, where you're so exposed.
this absolute classic! i know i've read it when i was a child, but i don't remember a single thing from it. i do remember how it made me feel. and that's such a beautiful sentence, truly.
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esuemmanuel · 1 year ago
Me he deshojado lenta y dolorosamente, como aquel árbol que veo danzar triste, cada que abro los ojos al despertar. He ido dejando caer mis pensamientos a la par de sus hojas secas con el trémulo escalofrío del alba otoñal, el cual se imprime taciturno sobre la superficie del asfalto por el que son arrastradas al soplar el viento de la mañana. Me he deshojado así, tan pausado y silencioso, tan misterioso y solitario, que el tiempo ha pasado en calma, pues las hojas de mi alma no alcanzan a perturbar la salida del sol ni la faceta lunar. Me he despojado de mí, de todos esos vicios que me descomponían y me revolvían, transformándome en un ente mundano y vil�� ¿Y adónde han ido mis hojas? Ésas se han esparcido por el mundo en el que nací. ¿Y en qué mundo nací? En ése que creó la mente de quien me ha escrito desde que le hablé al oído de lo que sentí. Fueron tan parecidos nuestros sentimientos que no dudó en tomarme como un ejemplo para hacerse oír. Al final, lo confundí, volviéndolo mío en un trastorno que aún le pesa curarse, y es que me pegué en sus neuronas, en sus células, en sus átomos, en su carne, en su sentir y su pensar; me le pegué tanto que ya no sabe en dónde está ni quién es. Me he apropiado de su alma, de su corazón, de su esperanza… Me atrevo a decir que no queda nada de su persona, aunque se piense que sí. ¡Qué poder tan grande tenemos los personajes! ¡Qué poder tan inmenso se nos ha concedido al ser escuchados por el que no puede evitar escribirnos! Porque yo seguiré siendo… seguiré estando… seguiré poseyendo sus manos, su corazón, su alma, su espacio y su soledad. Ya no existe él, sólo yo… y, en este yo, lo más que puede hallarse es la nada. Y pensar que nací de un sentimiento no hablado… hoy soy todo lo que no se calla en sus manos.
I have slowly and painfully shed my leaves, like that tree that I see dancing sadly, every time I open my eyes when I wake up. I have been dropping my thoughts along with its dry leaves with the tremulous shiver of the autumn dawn, which is printed taciturnly on the surface of the asphalt where they are dragged when the morning wind blows. I have shed myself thus, so leisurely and silent, so mysterious and solitary, that time has passed calmly, for the leaves of my soul do not reach to disturb the sunrise or the lunar facet. I have stripped myself of myself, of all those vices that decomposed and revolted me, transforming me into a mundane and vile entity... And where have my leaves gone? They have been scattered throughout the world in which I was born. And in what world was I born? In the one created by the mind of the one who has written to me since I spoke in his ear what I felt. Our feelings were so similar that he did not hesitate to take me as an example to make himself heard. In the end, I confused him, making him mine in a disorder that he still struggles to cure, and I got stuck in his neurons, in his cells, in his atoms, in his flesh, in his feeling and thinking; I got so stuck to him that he no longer knows where he is or who he is. I have appropriated his soul, his heart, his hope... I dare say that there is nothing left of his person, even if he thinks there is. What great power we characters have! What immense power we have been granted by being listened to by the one who cannot help but write to us! Because I will still be... I will still possess his hands, his heart, his soul, his space and his solitude. There is no longer him, only me... and, in this me, the most that can be found is nothingness. And to think that I was born from an unspoken feeling... today I am all that is not silent in his hands.
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podtudo · 2 years ago
• podtudo de hoje com @menhpy !
bom dia, boa tarde ou boa noite tudinhos do perfil! no podtudo de hoje, trouxemos a ilustre presença dela, @menhpy ! sentem-se que lá vem tudo e mais um pouco!
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1. Nos conte um pouco sobre você, tudinho da vez! Faça uma pequena biografia sua para nós.
R: oii, sou a menhpy! mas podem me chamar como quiserem! sou menor de idade, moro no ceará e faço aniversário dia 19 de abril. amo filmes e séries de mistério, drama e comédia.
2. O que ou quem te incentivou a postar esses posts maravilhosos do seu blog? Adoro!
R: o amino, lá em 2020/2021 eu fazia moods com aquelas receitas soft para eu usar no meu perfil e as vezes para algumas pessoas. então, um amg sugeriu que eu postasse aqui e foi assim que eu criei o blog.
curiosidades: 1 - o user desse blog era pra ser "waiflit" mas troquei pra menhpy. 2 - eu já tinha uma conta aqui antes dessa, até postei um mood da jeongyeon, mas acabei desistindo. 3 - o primeiro moodboard que postei aqui foi da jisoo.
3. O fav também tem favs fora do tumblr? Se sim, nos conte tudo sobre eles!
R: tem mais gente mas acho que vai dá trabalho para colocar todo mundo
@dahypoems @jisuite @0103s @wintys @nyugore @minipizza @jnieart @ecojinri @petitgetou @veluvberry @v6mpcat @waterrr @oikawazitos @fairymiese @s-eori @wonlita @y-angjeongin @emocatts
4. E sobre músicas, curte? Adoraria saber sobre as suas preferidas.
R: no momento essas são as minhas favoritas:
stemp it (got the beat)
moonlight sunrise (twice)
your teeth my neck (kali uchis)
shooting star (xg)
deja vu (beyoncé)
all i wanted (paramore)
5. Tem inspirações aqui ou fora do aplicativo? Nos conte sobre também!
R: fora do aplicativo são as músicas, elas me inspiram muito na hora de fazer moods. já aqui no aplicativo, são essas lendas que sempre me inspiram:
@dahypoems @fshione @emocatts @tookio @y-angjeongin @tyunlouv @minipizza
6. E vamos de um top 5, seus maiores favs da edição icônica do tumblr!
R: 1°- @dahypoems
2°- @v6mpcat
3°- @tookio
4°- @y-angjeongin
5°- @emocatts
7. Poderia explicar mais sobre seu estilo de post? É tudo muito lindo e a curiosa que me habita quer saber tudo sobre essas maravilhas.
R: não sei como explicar sobre o meu estilo de post, acho que nem tenho um, mas adoro fazer moodboards que todas imagens combinem certinho, sabe? para mim é muito satisfatório de ver.
8. E na sua vida pessoal, tem hobbies? Uma lenda como você com certeza deve curtir fazer algo.
R: amo ler, desenhar e pintar, mesmo não sendo muito boa, mas tô tentando melhorar no desenho e na pintura. tbm gosto de fazer moodboards quando tô no tédio.
9. Indique alguns blogs fenômenais para os telespectadores!
R: @zedal @alfaire @galapogos @jenflag @goovis @poetiqe @i6gyu @rsie-castle @emocatts @icesrgi @docitoos @kiwicidios @waterrr
10. Tem alguma pauta para os seus haters sem senso? Nos diga algo sobre esses sem noção aqui!
R: isso tudo é inveja 😘
11. E por último, alguma situação constrangedora que já passou, todo mito de verdade já passou por uma dessas, não é? Vai ser incrível escutar alguma história de sua vida.
R: não consigo lembrar de nenhuma KKKKKKKKKK
Agradeço sua presença ilustre aqui no podtudo!!! Volte sempre lenda, a Nayara a qualquer momento estará de braços abertos a você!
dep: foi uma honra ser entrevistada por você!!
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asambleaeru · 4 months ago
Al llegar del aeropuerto Armand termino con afán lo que había comenzando en el avión ¿Saben? A veces pienso que se hace le tonto sobre todo el tema de sumergirse en el mundo humano ¿Cómo aprende tan rápido esto? Y lo otro tarda siglos en comprender cuando según el el sexo entre vampiros no es importante. Debe ser tan aburrido, me los imagino bebiendo sangre y poco más.
En fin, mi deseo no se si viene por su belleza y sus dones yo que haya visto gente atontarse por los dones de Armand claro que sí infinitamente y yo no siento que esté así .. ninguno de ellos peleaba se entregaban completamente a él ..
¿Cómo me ves Armand? Una pregunta a la que no tendré respuestas al menos no ahora porque su respuesta será básica dirá que soy su maestro en el mundo humano pero eso no es suficiente para mí.
Luego de eso lo asalte en la ducha. Maldito Armand .. su maldito cuerpo es un hijo de puta.. es perfecto parece una estatua griega .. mármol puro contra la pared dejando que esa agua fría cayera por su cuerpo. Maldito deseo que crece con forme lo veo desnudo o lo siento cerca..
¿Podré conseguirlo? Quien sabe pero de que no sabe que hacer conmigo es verdad. Quizás ya está dándose cuenta que hay un deseo más allá de la sangre.
Estractos del Diario de Daniel
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urgonnaneedabiggership · 2 years ago
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A/N: Remember you can find this fanfic on AO3 right here. Any feedback and/or comments are greatly appreciated <3 If you want to be added to the taglist, just say so!
As always, Mayan and Spanish translations are at the end of each sentence.
Warnings: Violence, mentions of weapons, death and un-aliving people. Language.
Word count: 4657
The water was incredibly cold. It relentlessly hit Mercedes’ legs as she waded through the river, making her wish they could’ve crossed the river using their truck. But Cruz was right when he said it could give their position away. Still, every inch of her limbs was numb at that point. She didn’t know whether it was from excitement or fear.
This was it. The last one.
After searching for years, talking to the right people, bribes here and there, and several break-ins, they’d managed to collect the names of the men who killed her father. The men who sold their comrades to the enemy, provided names, strategic locations, and numbers in exchange for money or political positions. They might as well have sold their souls to the devil. And now she was coming to collect the last one.
Every minute of training, every broken bone, and night terror would’ve been worth it by sunrise. Mercedes stopped when she heard a loud splash behind her and quickly spun around to find Cruz had slipped once again.
“¿Estás bien?” She asked. Cruz shot a glare at her that made her decide she wouldn’t ask again. Are you okay?
Stubborn old man. They both knew his best days were far behind them. Hell, he was about forty-something when he first started training her. Now he was close to sixty. Still, he refused to let her go alone.
“A mí me vale madres que te sepas cuidar sola, Merceditas” he’d asserted, “tu papá no sólo era tu papá, era mi compadre,”   "I don't give a shit if you can take care of yourself, Merceditas. Your dad wasn't just your dad, he was my friend."
Still, she knew he was there mainly to keep an eye on her, not because he’d spent the last five years of his life fantasizing about this moment. About finally being able to sleep without hearing her own desperate cries the day she’d lost her father every time he closed his eyes.  
“¿Dónde dices que está escondido ese pendejo?” Sadie asked quietly.   Where did you say that asshole is hiding?
“Allá enfrentito se ve una luz,” Cruz replied, pointing with his finger, “es una casa de verano que se compró para vivir con la querida que tiene aquí.”    "Right straight ahead there's a light. It's a summer house he bought to live with the lover he has here."
They gained access through a forgotten old sewage pipe that was connected to the river.  There were several security cameras around the house, and yet they knew they had been deactivated that morning to conceal the arrival of a certain female guest.  
He had instructed security and the help not to knock on the door unless he requested them because of the same reason. It sounded too easy to be true…
Because it was.
When they reached the side of the house they realized several armed men were guarding the entrance and circling the house
“Le han de haber dicho que alguien venía,” "They must've told him someone was coming,"
The girl cursed quietly and pursed her lips thoughtfully, impatiently tapping the side of her weapon.
“Si ya le advirtieron podría irse del estado o del país.” Cruz reminded her, “Es ahora o nunca,” "If they already warned him he could leave the state or the country. It's now or never."
“No. Es muy arriesgado,” She replied, shaking her head negatively, though she knew he was right. And if he did leave the country, who knew for how long he could stay there. "No. It's too risky."
Cruz dropped the bag he had brought and started searching for something inside.
“¿Confías en mí, chula?” He asked, looking up for a second. "Do you trust me, sweetheart?"
“Sabes que sí, ¿por?” Mercedes looked over his shoulder in vain. He was already standing up. "You know I do. Why?"
“Vete para el otro lado de casa y entra por la ventana. Voy a tratar de distraerlos en lo que entras. Pero es entrar a lo que vas, ¿entendiste? Cinco minutos y te veo en la puerta de enfrente. Espera mi señal.” "Go to the other side of the house and go in through the window. I'll try to distract them while you go in. But you go straight in and do you thing, understood? Five minutes and I'll see you at the front door. Wait for my signal."
“Espérate, no,” Sadie grabbed his arm, “Son un chingo, ¿cómo crees?” "No, wait. There's too many of them, no way."
“Escúchame bien, Mercedes. Si no lo haces ahorita, tal vez no lo hagas nunca,” Cruz dictated, remarking every word, “Tú dime vámonos y nos vamos, pero tienes diez segundos para decidir.” "Listen to me, Mercedes. If you don't do this now, you may never do it. Tell me if you want to leave, and we leave, but you have ten seconds to make up your mind."
Mercedes looked at the guards again. Three were in the front door, and another three were circling the house. Six weren’t that many. Cruz would distract them and hide in the surrounding jungle, which they knew way better than them. Five minutes. She could do it. She could avenge her father. And every one that died that day, she mentally reminded herself.
“Cinco minutos. Ni uno más,” She affirmed. Cruz nodded and they each took off in a different direction. "Five minutes. Not one more."
Mercedes’ heart was beating painfully fast as she hid under the bushes right in front of the targeted window. Only two minutes had passed since she parted ways with Cruz, but it felt like two hours. The waiting was cut short by the sound of a loud explosion. She managed to see the orange glow of flames coming from the other side of the house and smiled to herself. Thank God for Molotov cocktails. She rushed to the wall before her and started to climb it as fast as she could until her limbs burned from exhaustion. Of course the asshole could afford a two-story house with his fucking blood money. She finally reached the window and smashed it open. Screw stealth. They knew they were under attack and it was a matter of minutes until they evacuated their boss. The girl fell to the floor and scrambled to her feet just in time to see a bullet hit the wall above her head. Mercedes aimed her weapon and fired several shots before hiding behind a desk while someone else kept firing rounds at her. Three minutes left.
Sadie looked at the hole the gun had left on the wall. That didn’t sound like a long weapon. If she had to guess, she was probably going against a Glock 19. Mercedes mentally did some numbers in her head and realized they had about three shots left until they had to reload. Another two rounds hit the desk, making her flinch. Only one left, and she was running out of time. Mercedes took a stapler next to her leg and threw it to make noise. The last round flew next to her, grazing her leg. She bit her lip to hold the painful scream that was about to leave her mouth. Two minutes left. The girl looked over the desk and noticed a large table being pulled by someone from behind as a makeshift shield. Bingo.
Quickly aiming her rifle, she nearly emptied the cartridge on the table, knowing there was no way she’d miss but not wanting to take any chances. Her worries proved to be unfounded when the splintered table fell to the floor. However, she was surprised to see behind it not one but two people: a man, and a woman. She sighed, remembering Cruz had told her he used this house as a meeting point with his lover.
This was the part she hated most: trying to remind herself that this was war after all. Some people would get caught in the crossfire. It was sad, but there was no point in kicking herself about it. That woman had been in the wrong place at the wrong time, and there was nothing that could be done now.
Anyway, she had less than one minute. Suddenly, a sound coming from the other side of the locked door caught her attention, making her aim for the door on instinct. Slowly, she recognized the sound to be a voice, and it was crying.
“¿Mami? ¿Papi está despierto?” "Mommy? Is daddy awake?"
It was a boy. He didn’t sound older than six. He kept calling for the man and the woman that laid on the floor. Then, another sound flooded Mercedes’ ears. It was the horn of Cruz’s truck. She had run out of time.
And yet, she found herself unable to move. The boy kept crying and was now banging on the bedroom door. It wouldn’t take long for someone to hear him and discover her, but she felt as if her feet had merged with the bloody carpet. The horn kept resounding amidst gunfire until it was heard right outside of the window. That seemed to wake Mercedes from her trance right as another pair of footsteps approached the door. She dove out of the window and quickly climbed down, falling awkwardly on the trunk of the truck. The girl banged on the roof and as soon as she did, Cruz spun the wheel and sent them speeding into the tree line.
“Bájate. Hay que seguir a pie,” Cruz ordered, “Sólo se me escaparon dos, pero no sabemos si van a pedir refuerzos. No han de tardar en descubrir qué le pasó a su patrón.” "Get out. We have to keep going on foot. Only two escaped, but we don't know if they will call for reinforcements. It won't be long before they find out what happened to their employer."
They descended from the truck. Even if they did call for reinforcements, Mercedes and Cruz could easily lose them in the thick jungle. Their target wasn’t relevant enough for them to keep chasing them for more than a couple of months, tops. They’d just have to lay low until then.
“Perdóname,” She apologized, limping forward. Moni would have to clean and maybe stitch that when they got back, “Ya iba a salir pero escuché que…” "I'm sorry. I was on my way out but I heard..."
Her voice trailed off when she noticed him falling behind. Mercedes smiled softly and went to help him.
“Ven, deja te ayudo,” She said, throwing his arm around her shoulders and supporting his stomach with her hand. Suddenly, she felt something odd on her skin. Something warm and liquid. Her eyes darted down to his stomach to confirm her worst fears just as Cruz collapsed on her shoulder. "Here, I'll help you."
“Hey, hey, no, no, no, no me vayas a salir con esto,” Mercedes snapped, carefully sitting him on the ground and carefully removing his shirt. He muttered something very quietly, and she had to lean in very close to hear him. "Hey, hey, no, no, no, don't pull this on me."
“Mijita, salió por la espalda. Lo sentí.” "Mijita, it came out through the back. I felt it."
Cruz never called her mijita. That was her aunt Moni, not him. She was Merceditas, chula, pinche escuincla when he got mad.
But now he didn’t sound mad. He sounded extremely tired.
“No te apures, Cruz, deja te pongo algo y cuando lleguemos con mi tía ella te va a curar, ¿sí?” She comforted him while ripping his shirt to use as a makeshift gauze on his wound, but there was so much blood that soon enough she’d used up all his shirt and could feel the blood soaking through her clothes. "Don't worry, Cruz, let me put something on you and when we get to my aunt's she will cure you, okay?"
“Ya déjalo, chula.” He insisted, grabbing her hand, his voice barely a whisper, “Dile a tu tía que no se vaya a enojar porque perdí la camioneta,” He smiled, but a painful grin replaced it too quickly for it to be comforting. "Leave it, sweetheart. Tell your aunt to not be mad because I lost the truck."
“A la chingada la camioneta, yo te compro otra, te llevo a escogerla, ¿sí? Nos vamos a Tuxtla con mi Chiich y nos compramos una casa, otra camioneta, y me busco un trabajo para que puedas quedarte en casa con mi tía en lo que te curas, ¿va? ” Mercedes had started crying at this point. She thought he’d admonish her for crying, saying that crying was for women. No matter how much she insisted on how stupid he sounded since she was a woman. That old-timer son of a bitch could be hopelessly sexist sometimes. But with his daughter choosing to go to college and moving out without ever holding a real weapon, Mercedes knew he probably acted like that because she was the closest thing he ever had to a son. "Fuck the truck, I'll buy you another one, and I'll take you to pick it, okay? We'll go to Tuxtla with my Chiich and buy a house, another truck, and I'll look for a job so you can stay home with my aunt while you heal, okay?"
What she didn’t expect was for him to start crying as well.
“Ya deja estas cosas, ¿sí, chula?” He pleaded, lifting his hand to place a strand of hair behind her ear, “Vete a otro lado, sigue jugando con tu cámara o haz lo que quieras de tu vida, pero ya no le sigas a esto,” "Quit all of this, sweetheart. Go somewhere else, keep fooling around with your camera or do whatever you want with your life, but quit all of this stuff."
“No, ya no le sigo a esto pero por favor tío vámonos juntos,” She rested her head against the top of his, sobbing uncontrollably, “No te quedes aquí tío, por favor, tu no te quedes aquí también,” "Fine, I'll quit this but please uncle, let's leave together. Don't stay here uncle, please, don't stay here too,"
“Déjame en el río, Merceditas,” He calmly instructed, barely pronouncing the words, by now, “Ves que llega a la costa donde nací y le dije a tu tía que cuando yo muriera…” "Leave me in the river, Merceditas. Remember it reaches the coast where I was born, and I told your aunt that when I died..."
He didn’t get to finish his sentence.
Namor opened his eyes and found himself staring at the ceiling again. No matter how much he tried, he couldn’t get to sleep. He rarely slept on the surface for too long, much less far away from his home. When they arrived at the house, it was already dark. Moni had greeted them announcing she had prepared a bedroom for them to stay in before leading them upstairs. The fearless Talokanil leader had found himself praying to every deity he knew for the woman to be devoted enough to her own god’s principles to have set two separate beds for them. While they had technically already slept in the same room more than once, the mere thought of sleeping in the same bed, in such proximity to her, filled him with an unexplainable mix of terror and curiosity. He wondered whether she moved a lot in her sleep, or whether she always had nightmares. Or if those nightmares persisted even when she didn’t sleep on her own. Would they stop, if he held her hand as he’d done earlier? If he held her close enough for her to realize she wasn’t alone, feel his tranquil breathing, would that soothe her?
That was when the terror kicked in and he cleared his mind of such thoughts.
Fortunately, Moni was enough of a Catholic to keep them in separate beds. The bedroom was divided into two sections by the color of the walls: white and turquoise.
The turquoise side, which Namor assumed had belonged to Mercedes since she’d claimed the bed the minute they walked in, was filled with band posters and a couple of diplomas accrediting her participation in several photography contests, interspersed with more photographs of her in different stages of her life. There was a sculpture of a manatee holding a transparent sphere resting on the nightstand, whose nose she pressed to reveal it was actually a lamp. Right next to it stood two pictures: one of a smiling man with the same large dark eyes as her, and a smaller, older one, of a very pretty young woman with long, black hair sitting on a cliff next to the sea.
The white side had framed pictures of the Mercedes and the younger girl in the portrait downstairs, Cruz and Moni’s daughter. It was also filled with dolls from all over the world. Japanese, Russian, a vintage Barbie, and many more. Right above the collection, hanging from the wall, was a ceramic hand-painted cross. When Sadie turned her back to him, Namor had removed it and, carefully enough not to break it, placed it inside the top drawer of the nightstand.
For a tiny, paranoic moment, he blamed his inability to sleep on the stupid cross and how uncomfortable he felt around it. He turned around to take it out of the drawer and place it on Mercedes’ side of the room. Then he noticed her bed was empty. Namor wondered if it was a trick of the dim light that was beginning to stream through the window, so he walked to the other side of the room to confirm it. He looked out of the window next to the bed and saw her outside, sitting next to the river they’d crossed. The current was way stronger now than when they’d arrived, and a gust of air entered the room. Namor grabbed the jacket he’d been wearing earlier and made his way downstairs and outside.
“What are you doing here?” He asked when he reached her side to not startle her, handing her the jacket.
“Aren’t you cold?” Mercedes looked at the skin that the flimsy white tank top wasn’t covering. He didn’t even have goosebumps, and she wondered whether his skin felt warm. If she asked, maybe he’d let her check. She cleared her throat and moved to make a spot for him.
“It’s alright. Please, take it.” He insisted as he sat down. She quietly thanked him and slid the jacket on.
Even if he chose to remain silent, Mercedes could sense there was something he wanted to say, even if she didn’t know what that could be.
“Had you ever been this far from the sea?” She asked, trying to make him feel more comfortable.
“Only a few times,” He dryly admitted, “What are you doing out here?”  
 “Why do you watch me when I sleep?” She blurted out as soon as he finished speaking, her eyes never leaving the loud surging water.
Namor didn’t seem surprised to hear her question. At least, he didn’t put on the fake shocked expression of someone who has just been caught.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”  
“Kän-än,” Sadie insisted, “I was raised by a soldier in the middle of the jungle. I can feel when something is watching me while I sleep.”  
“I’m just standing guard. These are foreign lands, you can’t expect me to sleep soundly…”
“You did it back in Talokan too, before I was shot.”
This statement did take him by surprise. He scanned his brain for another excuse. He could say he was making sure she wouldn’t attempt to escape. It sounded reasonable enough.
“Why would I do that?” He decided to play it safe and answer with another question. Mercedes remained silent and shrugged, hugging her knees close to her chest and resting her chin on them.
“I watched you too, sometimes, you know?” She admitted, “Since the first night you stayed in my room. You look very different when you’re asleep.”
How so?   The question ached in his chest, but he struggled to remain silent. Different how? Why had she watched him? Namor took a deep breath, trying to regain control of his emotions.
“When I first met you, there was always this…frown on your face, whenever we spoke,” She recalled with a soft chuckle, tracing with her finger on her own forehead the place where a small wrinkle formed on his, “It only disappeared when you slept. I liked seeing you like that. I don’t know what you dream about, but some nights there would even be a slight smile on your lips. And it helped me remember every harsh glare, and word that you said to me when I was a prisoner, didn’t mean you were a hateful person. You didn’t hate me. You hated the threat I represented to what you loved, to your people. You call them your children, and you acted like a father.”
Mercedes had noticed so much more. The way the muscles of his shoulders flexed with every soft breath, the slight curve of his back, and how delicate it looked in contrast to how strong he was. One day, he’d shifted positions to lay on his stomach and stretched his arms around his pillow with a soft, tired groan. Those few seconds had intrusively plagued her mind for at least one week.
But he didn’t need to know any of that.
“Speaking of danger,” He cleared his throat, “I read the documents we recovered from the ship while you were unconscious.”
“Really? What did you find?” Mercedes asked, her heart surprisingly slowing down despite the importance of the new subject.
“You were mostly right. The idea was to use the spores in their raw form as a biological weapon of sorts. It’s very unstable, so they weren’t surprised when your entire team went missing. They had another on standby before you even entered the cave. The camera they gave you was linked to the laptop so they didn’t need you to come back…”
“Wait,” She interrupted him, “What happened to the laptop? It was also in the backpack.”
“After its little submarine trip, it obviously didn’t make it but my people are working on recovering the information it contained.”
“Any idea of how long it will take them?” She asked urgently. She needed to know the answer to the last question she’d asked Wexler. Were there more members to whatever group they were? Had the secret of her Chiich’s location sunk to the depths of the sea with them? But Namor shook his head apologetically. He noticed the way her eyes filled with worry.
“We could take her with us, nothing would happen to her in my domains.” He suggested, placing his hand on top of hers in a soothing manner.
“No, we can’t” Mercedes replied, shaking her head, “Her mind won’t resist her being taken away from everything she knows and loves. She must be protected here.”
She wasn’t done talking, but Namor didn’t want to hear what she had to say.
“Come on, we need to go back to the house. Get some sleep for tomorrow’s journey,”
“Kän-än, listen to me…”
“It’s very late, whatever you want to tell me can wait until…”
“I’m not going back with you.”
There it was. The uncomfortable truth that had been circling both their thoughts since they arrived was now out.
“Yes, you are.” He adamantly stated. Obviously, she didn’t like the tone.
“Or what? Are you going to take me there by force and turn me into a prisoner again?”
“Do not hold that against me, you just told me…”
“Wake up, Namor, the situation has changed!” She snapped back, raising her voice a little, “Now you know why I have to stay!”
“So that’s how it is? Whenever I do or say something you don’t like I’m the enemy again?”
“No, that’s not what I…” She started to apologize before changing her mind, “Don’t change the subject! Why is it that you’re so against me staying? And don’t tell me it’s because you’re afraid somebody would find out about Talokan. You should know by now that I’d be willing to vanish from the face of the Earth before revealing anything, nobody would find me…”
“I don’t doubt your loyalty anymore, Xmeech,” He assured.
“Then what is it? Even if they tortured me, I can take…” She argued back, standing up exasperated.
“Do not say that ever again,” He spoke in a tone so grave and angry she stopped talking instantly. Namor stood up slowly. Maybe he didn’t tower over her, but the way he approached the girl until his face was just inches away from her was intimidating enough to render her silent, “Look at me.”
It was an order. Although Mercedes was looking at him, she knew he didn’t mean for her to stare at him, but rather to actually look. To analyze his eyes and his face in search of any traces of a lie. Once he was satisfied with the amount of attention, he finally spoke, his voice with the same deep emotion as before, emphasizing every word that left his lips. She had to actively keep her eyes on his to avoid her gaze to focus on other, more inconvenient, parts of his face.
“I would never allow that to happen.”
“Then let me stay. Please.” She begged, barely louder than a whisper.
“I can’t, Xmeech,” He repeated with a tired sigh, pulling away from her.
At the limit of her patience, Mercedes was about to start arguing again when a voice was heard coming from the door.
“¡Virgen Santísima! ¿Qué están haciendo allá afuera con este frío?” Moni approached them hurriedly, wearing a blanket over her pajamas. "¡Virgen Santísima! What are you doing out there with this cold?"
“Nada, tía Moni. Salimos por aire.” Mercedes explained, with a faint, forced smile. "Nothing, aunt Moni. We came out for air,"
She didn’t look too convinced, her gaze shifting between both of them suspiciously. But there were more important matters at hand.
“Cómo tú digas, mi amor. Vamos, métanse a la casa que tenemos mucho que hacer.” "Whatever you say, my love. Come on you two, get inside the house, we have lots to do."
She repeated the end of her aunt’s sentence, looking at her questioningly. Moni laughed it off and shook her head.
“Ay, mija, ni yo que estoy vieja tengo tan mala memoria. Hoy es la fiesta del pueblo. Te vas a quedar, ¿verdad? Toñita va a ser reina de las flores.” "Ay, mija, not even old me has such a bad memory. Today is the town festival. You're going to stay, right? Toñita is going to be queen of flowers."
“¿Toñita va a venir?” Mercedes asked, excitedly. She turned back to Namor, disappointed they couldn’t finish their conversation but unwilling to budge. "Toñita is coming?"
“K’a’abet in p’áatal,” "I have to stay."
“A’alej ka’ap’éel k’iin. Yaan u taal u kaxant k.” "We said two days. They will come looking for us."
“To’on ko’on biin ka’aka’at yéetel k k’uuchul áak’ab,” "We’ll leave in the afternoon and arrive at nightfall."
Namor looked at her, not fully convinced. But her last statement meant she was willing to go with him if he let her stay just for today. Just like that? That didn’t sound like her.
“Yaan wáaj a k’aax u púuts’ul ka’a? A’al ti’ teen u jaajil” "Will you try to escape again? Tell me the truth."
���Ma’. Leti’ jump’éel jóok’ chi’.” "No. I promise."
He looked at her once again. Namor couldn’t help but remember the last time he’d blindly trusted her like this, and he’d ended up having to board a ship to save her while fighting a hangover.
“Yaan k yaantal tu Talokan lee áak’aba’. Ma’alo’ob?” "We have to be back in Talokan tonight. Alright?"
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ghostwise · 1 year ago
tagged by @palipunk for 9 ship songs 💖💖
Thank you for the tag! <3 I'll tag @vlwv @antivan-surana @coldshrugs and anyone else who'd like to do it!
Do you still want to die? 9 ZevHamal ship songs ::
Note, all translations are my own, with liberties taken to match what I think suits the feeling of the song; not literal translations. Certain words have different feelings from their translated counterpart. Un espacio carente, after all, is rather different from *checks google* a 'lacking space'. Literally as well as poetically.
NFWMB - Hozier
If I was born as a blackthorn tree I'd wanna be felled by you Held by you Fuel the pyre of your enemies
Silvana Estrada - Te guardo
Tengo dos besos pendientes / I've two kisses pending Uno por cada mejilla / One for each cheek Y un abismo de cristal / And I've a crystal chasm Por cada herida / One for each wound Tengo el espacio carente / I've a wistful void Que ocuparía tu abrazo / That your embrace would fill Si se nos diera el caso / If we happened to De vernos lejos de la gente / Find ourselves alone Tengo la vida muy corta / My life is too short Y tú la mirada decente / And you've an honorable look Y a mí no me importa pensar / And I don't care to consider Lo imposible de tenerte / The impossibility of having you
Natalia Lafourcade - Tú sí sabes quererme
Corazón, tú sí sabes / My heart, you know just Quererme como a mí me gusta / How to love me the way I like Por favor, no me dejes / Please, don't leave me Que soy valiente en corresponderte / For I bravely belong to you Ha pasado tanto tiempo / So much time has passed Finalmente, sé que estoy dispuesta / Finally, I know that I am ready Es tan difícil encontrar un amor / It's so difficult to find love Que aquí me quedo con heridas bien abiertas / I'm left here with wide open wounds Ya no me importa lo que piensan los demás / I no longer care what others think Aquí me quedo para ser testigo siempre de la vida / I'm here to witness life Aquí por siempre, para siempre / I'm here for always, to always Para siempre amarnos / Always love us
Tamino - Only Our Love
I got my sin and you got your sorrow They're born from the din and come out at night And they claim a debt on the rising of morrow And only our love can suffice Yes, only our love can suffice
Florence and the Machine - 100 Years
I let him sleep, and as he does My held breath fills the room with love It hurts in ways I can't describe My heart bends and breaks so many, many times And is born again with each sunrise
Julieta Venegas - Andar Conmigo
Hay tanto que quiero contarte / There's so much I want to tell you Hay tanto que quiero saber de ti / And so much I want to know about you Ya podemos empezar poco a poco / We can start small Cuéntame, ¿qué te trae por aquí? / Tell me, what brings you here? No te asustes de decirme la verdad / Don't be afraid to tell me the truth Eso nunca puede estar así tan mal / Surely it's not so terrible Yo también tengo secretos para darte / I have secrets to give you too Y que sepas que ya no me sirven más / So you'll know I've no further use for them Hay tantos caminos por andar / There's so many roads to take Dime si, ¿tu quisieras andar conmigo? / Tell me, would you like to come with me?
Hozier - Movement
When you move I'm put to mind of all that I wanna be When you move I could never define all that you are to me So move me, baby Shake like the bough of a willow tree You do it naturally Move me, baby
Miguel Aceves Mejia & Lola Beltran - Vamonos
Si no somos iguales, ¿qué nos importa? / If we're different what does it matter? Nuestra historia de amores tendrá que seguir / Our history of love will continue Y como alguien me dijo que la vida es muy corta / Someone told me that life is short Esta vez para siempre he venido por ti / So I've come back for you, for good this time Pero quiero que sepas que no te obligo / But I want you to know there's no obligation Que si vienes conmigo es por amor / If you say yes, do it for love Di con todas tus fuerzas lo que soy en tu vida / Say what I mean to you, openly Pa que vean que me quieres / So everyone sees that you love me Como te quiero yo / As I love you
Quisiera - Flor de Toloache, Cultura Profetica, & John Legend
Y contar contigo / And to count on you Y tocar las calles / And to feel the streets Y sembrar guayabas / And to plant guava trees Y soñar con mil detalles / And dream a thousand little dreams Revelar tus ojos / Uncover your eyes Celebrar tu nombre / Celebrate your name Y salir contigo / And go out with you Disfrazado de horizonte / Disguised as the horizon Quisiera y tantas cosas más quisiera / I want all of these things and more
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xolilith · 2 years ago
Before sunrise, sunset e midnight
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galera, eu terminei ontem de assistir essa triologia e eu não sei se eu tinha dito antes aqui, mas eu só comecei porquê o Jaehyun tinha recomendado 😂 entretanto, os filmes são - realmente - bons.
É inportante começar dizendo que todos os filmes fogem um pouco dos romances normais? O que eu quero dizer é que são poucas cenas, normalmente é só eles conversando por vários lugares enquanto conversam sobre muitas coisas. É natural.
com Before Sunrise, onde eles se conhecem num trem e decidem passar toda noite, até o nascer do sol juntos. é quando eles se apaixonam e prometem se encontrar depois de 6 meses. Em Before Sunset já se passaram 9 anos, e eles nunca se encontraram depois daquela única noite. E eu posso dizer que esse é o meu favorito, porque é tão vívida a forma como o Jesse olha para a Celine, sabe? Você sente nas 1h de filme que dois conversam sobre o que fizeram nesse tempo. Já em Before Midnight mais 9 anos se passaram, e tudo que eu consegui sentir durante o filme foi uma aflição, porque eles trocam farpas o tempo inteiro e brigam. O último filme traz a questão de que a vida não é um morango, mas, além disso, é que existem pessoas além deles nessa relação (filhos), e toda uma rotina cansativa?
São filmes muito bons!!!!!!
quem quiser assistir de graça é só ir no stremio!!!!!
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hemipenal-system · 1 year ago
@sabe-sunrise keep up the good work
me when i have like 20 notifications in the span of five minutes and when i go check its just the same guy rapidfire liking and reblogging posts
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franciscoarayapizarro · 2 months ago
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El lugar estaba lleno de luces, risas grabadas y aplausos enlatados que resonaban como tambores huecos. Neo-Joy, nacida como colonia holandesa en el siglo XVII, ahora una prospera ciudad del presente siglo XXI, conocida como la "Ciudad de las Estrellas", se mostraba a sí misma como la cumbre de la felicidad humana, un lugar donde el mal era contenido y vencido por héroes que inspiraban esperanza. Pero sabe una cosa, mi estimado lector… nada de esto es cierto. Detrás de los aplausos y los colores brillantes, los ciudadanos de Neo-Joy vivían en una prisión perfecta, una ilusión pintada por la Corporación Sincra. La sonrisa de Dalia Sunrise, la estrella más querida, era el emblema de esta gran mentira. Su risa se transmitía en cada esquina, en cada afiche, en cada anuncio en bucle, en las redes sociales, y todas partes en Neo-Joy sentían una especie de calma al ver esa expresión alegre y perfecta. Sin embargo, había algo oscuro en su interior, algo que incluso sus ojos no podían ocultar, una tristeza que solo algunos podían percibir si se atrevían a mirar más a fondo. Era durante uno de estos eventos multitudinarios, una noche en la que los fuegos artificiales pintaban el cielo de colores, que Valia, o lo que quedaba de ella en el cuerpo de Dalia Sunrise, comenzó a recordar. En medio de la música, las luces cegadoras y los vítores, algo se rompió en su mente. Una grieta pequeña, pero suficiente para dejar escapar una imagen, una que no se parecía a la de la ciudad reluciente en la que vivía ahora. Era un recuerdo de una vida anterior, donde ella no tenía que sonreír para sobrevivir.
A Valia le costaba comprender lo que sentía. Como si estuviera flotando entre dos realidades, una donde era un simple peón en las manos de la corporación, y otra donde alguna vez había sido libre, con la voluntad intacta. Max Bolt, el héroe retirado que todos creían perdido en un accidente de entrenamiento, apareció en su mente. Algo en su imagen le susurraba un mensaje que no entendía del todo, pero que no podía ignorar. Cada noche, mientras las cámaras de seguridad la observaban, Valia encontraba formas de escapar de su "vida perfecta". Las habitaciones de Sincra, frías y blancas, la sofocaban. El metal, el vidrio y la iluminación perfecta solo le recordaban lo atrapada que estaba. Y cada vez que intentaba escapar de aquella vida impuesta, se sentía más y más atrapada. La vigilaban en todo momento. Pero las cámaras, esas criaturas electrónicas que todo lo veían, solo podían captar su figura, no su espíritu. Algo en su interior comenzaba a encenderse, algo oscuro y antiguo, algo que habían tratado de enterrar. Valia comenzó a notar cambios en su alrededor. Los anuncios holográficos, que antes emitían su imagen en tonos brillantes, comenzaron a distorsionarse, mostrando reflejos oscuros de su rostro, miradas perdidas y apagadas. La gente de Neo-Joy no se daba cuenta de estos pequeños fallos; eran rápidos, apenas duraban un parpadeo, pero Valia los veía. Y algo en esos reflejos la inquietaba profundamente, como si su propia esencia le devolviera la mirada desde el otro lado del espejo.
Entonces, una noche, el mismo Max apareció en carne y hueso. O eso creía ella. Su figura era borrosa, como si fuera un eco lejano, un sueño, y cuando él habló, su voz sonaba distante, como un susurro atrapado entre paredes de acero. "Recuerda quién eres", dijo Max, su voz resonando como un grito ahogado. "Recuerda lo que te hicieron".
La mirada de Max no era la que conocían todos. Había algo en sus ojos, un abismo oscuro y profundo. Y en ese instante, Valia recordó. La sonrisa que siempre debía mostrar, la misma que había sido implantada en su mente como una orden, era la misma que había sellado su condena. La sonrisa no era suya. Era una máscara que la obligaban a llevar, una mueca que ocultaba su verdadero dolor, su miedo, una expresión que la corporación había diseñado para controlarla. A la noche siguiente, durante otro de los eventos de gala en Neo-Joy, Valia decidió romper el papel que le habían impuesto. Mientras miles de personas la observaban desde pantallas gigantes, dejó caer la sonrisa y dejó que su rostro mostrara su verdadero sentir: una mezcla de odio, dolor y desesperanza. Las cámaras la captaron, y el silencio en la ciudad fue absoluto. Los rostros en las pantallas gigantes comenzaron a parpadear, y, por un instante, la gente vio algo más que una heroína alegre. Vieron a una mujer atrapada.
Pero Sincra no iba a permitir esa rebelión. Pronto, las luces comenzaron a parpadear, y una voz suave y controladora resonó en todo Neo-Joy: “La estrella ha fallado. Reiniciar sistema". De pronto, Valia sintió que su cuerpo se congelaba. No podia moverse. Las luces brillantes se apagaron y una neblina fría comenzó a envolverla, una neblina que solo ella parecía percibir. Sintió un dolor punzante en su mente, como si alguien estuviera rasgando sus pensamientos. La sonrisa, aquella sonrisa falsa y vacía, comenzó a formarse en su rostro sin su consentimiento. Pero algo había cambiado. La grieta en su mente se había expandido demasiado, y la oscuridad que había estado enterrada en su interior finalmente se liberó. Con una fuerza sobrehumana, Valia rompe el control mental, y en un grito que nadie escuchó pero que todos sintieron, escapó de su prisión. Las cámaras captaron su figura distorsionada, su rostro torcido, en una mueca de odio y furia.
Desde aquella noche, Neo-Joy nunca fue la misma. Los habitantes comenzaron a notar sombras en las esquinas, reflejos oscuros en las pantallas, susurros de alguien que parecía moverse entre los espectros de la tecnología. Valia, la sonrisa rota de Neo-Joy, se convirtió en una presencia espectral que vagaba por la ciudad, recordando a todos el precio de vivir en una jaula de oro.
Y cada noche, su risa resonaba en los edificios de Neo-Joy, un eco hueco y sin vida, que parecía brotar de las paredes, como una advertencia, una sonrisa que nunca desaparecería.
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ao3feed-ateez · 5 months ago
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/nA4QUsL by kiratlow ONE SHOT Jung Wooyoung é um novato esquisito da escola Sunrise. Ninguém sabe nada sobre ele, causando curiosidade nos alunos enturmados de sua classe. Já Choi San, é muito mais popular, e para conhecer o colega da carteira ao lado, ele acaba apostando tudo o que tem com os seus amigos de que conseguiria descobrir tudo sobre aquele garoto em menos de duas semanas. San só não contava com a ideia de que a vida de Wooyoung era mais triste do que todo mundo imaginava. Words: 7115, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Português brasileiro Fandoms: ATEEZ (Band) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage Categories: M/M Characters: Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ), Choi San (ATEEZ), Park Seonghwa, Kim Hongjoong, Jeong Yunho (ATEEZ), Song Mingi (ATEEZ), Kang Yeosang, Choi Jongho (ATEEZ) Relationships: Choi San & Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ) Additional Tags: Mentioned ATEEZ Ensemble, School, Gay, Minor Choi San/Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ) read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/nA4QUsL
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escritor-novat0 · 10 months ago
Si quieres que te traten como te mereces, sabes donde puedes ir, vulgarmente, una situación que sabes quién te la puede dar, quiere dartela y tiene todas las ganas de tenerte en esa posición, para librarse del rencor, "diceeeen"
I will fuck you like a slut, until sunrise.
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twilight-boy · 1 year ago
A distant lullaby
I can hear the sound of your barely beating heart
Sua mente sempre fora tão fraca quanto um cristal lapidado; bela, porém afiada. Talvez  ela fosse a sua maior inimiga, na verdade.
A volta para o Acampamento, o reencontro com seus antigos amigos e conhecidos, a euforia por estar vivendo o que ele pensou que jamais voltaria a viver. Tudo isso fora tirado dele traiçoeiramente por sussurros que rastejavam por sua cabeça. Havia algo dentro dele que insistia para que desistisse do que estava vivendo apenas para ficar recluso, longe de tudo e todos. Drenando sua mente toda vez que o Sol se punha, o veneno o fazia recuar cada vez mais e mais, até mesmo de si.
Sonhos eram, são perigosos para os semideuses, principalmente quando há entidades maiores envolvidas. Nunca se sabe. Flashes de batalhas, aventuras vividas outrora, rostos que um dia ele conheceu voltavam como um borrão confuso quando deitava sua cabeça no travesseiro, fazendo-o acordar suado em agitação, se questionando até onde as lembranças eram suas e o que era invenção de seu subconsciente. Onde ficaria a linha do verdadeiro e do falso? O filho de Apolo sempre fora cabeça dura demais para se abrir e expor os seus sentimentos… e algumas coisas nunca mudaram.
Luxanno mal conseguia se concentrar nas mais simples tarefas do seu dia a dia, uma vez que passava tempo demais com seus pensamentos intrusivos e tentando decifrar imagens confusas das quais se lembrava de seus sonhos. Não conhecia nenhum oráculo agora que Mia se fora… e ele sentia muito a sua falta. Em preces silenciosas e com oferendas fartas, rogava para seu pai para que o seu Sol fosse reacendido, afinal, era assim que ele se sentia: apagado. Definitivamente, autopiedade não era um sentimento que combinava com ele. Em outros dias, ele estaria se abominando.
Mas uma vez, a noite caiu para aquela psique cansada. Em meios aos domínios de Morfeu, novas imagens começaram a fluir, como cenas de um filme. 
Em seu sonho quase profético, ele se viu em um enorme terreno montanhoso, que se estendia por todo horizonte, contendo uma estrada de pedra abatida que levava até um topo de montanha. Como estrelas cadentes, caíram três figuras do céu que acenaram para ele de uma forma animada, como se viessem ao seu auxílio para a jornada ladeira acima.
Um devaneio onírico. Ele tentava acompanhar as três mulheres que deslizavam com delicadeza e graciosidade por entre o cascalho, enquanto ele se mantinha firme pelo caminho. Conforme subia, o semideus ouviu uma voz metálica que sibilava ao longe, assim como uma voz de calmaria cortante. As pedras foram ficando maiores a cada passo dado; de pedregulhos a blocos, de blocos à ruínas de colunas gregas antigas.
Quando finalmente chegou ao topo, seus olhos atentos logo identificaram onde estava. A prole de Apolo imaginou como seria aquele lugar no tempo clássico, agora nada mais do que escombros por toda parte compunha aquele cenário, onde outrora fora um lugar recheado de mistérios e sabedorias. No centro circular, havia uma pequena fenda que emanava uma névoa esverdeada e era de lá que pareciam vir os sibilos metálicos. O templo de Delfos pulsava em energia mágica, algo que se difundia entre o monstruoso e o divino. Se o silêncio se perpetuasse, era até possível ouvir vozes sussurrando em seu ouvido.
“Finalmente nos encontramos!", disse uma voz feminina que ele tinha ouvido antes. Procurando ao redor, ele logo identificou sua dona sentada em uma das pedras maiores com um longo vestido branco e elegante, com adornos dourados assim como seus acessórios, uma voz encantadoramente fatal e um ar de superioridade sufocante. Lux a julgaria como uma rainha, em primeiro momento. “Eu sinto muito pelos seus sonhos, meu semideus. Mas acho que você está prestes a começar a sua jornada, apesar de um pouco tarde, não?”
A criança de Apolo vibrou os lábios para questionar e protestar, mas como de costume, sua voz era suprimida em sonhos como aquele. As três graciosidades que o acompanharam se transformaram em nove e exploram em pequenos feixes luminosos ao redor do semideus. “Apenas eu e você. Qualquer outro intruso será… dizimado”. Indo alguns passos à frente, a névoa se tornou mais densa, obrigando-o a parar seu avanço. “Venha até mim e se prove digno… ou morra tentando como muitos outros antes de você”.
O chão tremeu abaixo de seus pés e a fenda se abriu ainda mais, o engolindo para um abismo sem fim enquanto o firmamento se tornava cada vez mais distante, abandonando-o no escuro infinito.
Em um sobressalto, Luxanno deu um salto de sua cama. Ensopado de suor e com o coração acelerado, ele limpou o rosto com a sua mão e tentou se acalmar um pouco. Grécia. Ele sabia para onde ir agora: Delfos.
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esuemmanuel · 2 years ago
Eres silencio brincado en mis pupilas. Haces de mis párpados el colchón de tus locuras. Jamás dejaré de verte niño. Eres el pedacito de luz que camina por senderos plagados de sombras. Pequeño e indefenso te cubres de azules y brillantes cristales que hacen de tu camino el canto de los ángeles. De tus piececitos nacen semillitas nobles de esperanza que se siembran en el suelo que pisas al jugar. Esa boquita tan tuya que recita algarabía al salir el sol y al terminarse el día sólo sabe de alegría e ilusión: Inspira.
¡Qué bonito es sentirte humilde en mis brazos, con el alma libre de ansiedad!
¡Qué ternura es la que nace de mis ojos al contemplarte siendo mío al bailar!
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You are silence jumping in my pupils. You make my eyelids the mattress of your madness. I will never stop seeing you child. You are the little piece of light that walks along paths full of shadows. Small and defenseless you are covered with blue and shining crystals that make your path the song of angels. From your little feet are born noble seeds of hope that are sown in the ground you step on when you play. That little mouth of yours that recites joy at sunrise and at the end of the day only knows of joy and illusion: Breathe in.
How beautiful it is to feel you humble in my arms, with a soul free of anxiety!
What tenderness is born in my eyes when I contemplate you being mine while dancing!
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guardianasdelrpg · 2 years ago
¿Alguien sabe si sunrise dreamers ha cerrado? Quería registrarme pero he visto que ya no te puedes registrar pero no he visto que tengan algún aviso en el tablón de que han cerrado y en su tumblr no se pueden hacer preguntas :(.
Ni idea
✶✯╰☆╮ ︻╦̵̵͇̿̿̿̿╤── ☠ ~ JINX ~ ☠
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olympianrol · 2 years ago
¿Alguien sabe si sunrise dreamers ha cerrado? Quería registrarme pero he visto que ya no te puedes registrar pero no he visto que tengan algún aviso en el tablón de que han cerrado y en su tumblr no se pueden hacer preguntas :(.
La verdad no tengo idea guerrero. Alguien que pueda responder?
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