#s7 and s8 sansa in my opinion was so far from her core
isefyres-archive · 6 months
i stand alone but sturdy on my corner of *i do not like sans.a becoming qitn* arc.
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vanimeldes · 5 years
in stories of revolution and women's empowerment). that's why i can't get behind D as much as i can S. i feel that D's methodology is also exclusive to woc; but in a different way than S's personality and trauma. another argument the blogger has used is that D's feminism is more radical than S--but this reminds me of grrm's quote equating the dragons to wmds and how D uses them for her own gain. it's really long so i'm not gonna put it all in the ask but i can link it later lmaofeqigpirqbg 2/?
so from that perspective i can't identify with D or call her political action feminist or radical, nor can i consider her someone who works with solidarity in mind. and i can't call S feminist either because she hasn't gotten to a place in her arc where large-scale action is possible, nor do i think she's necessarily interested in that or ambitious as D in her visions for change. i think S recognizes a change needs to be made but it will happen because of the wftd rather than through her 3/4
last one! all this to say: i completely understand why S doesn't appeal to fans (book S after all is way less popular) but also wanted to put in my 2 cents, which u probs heard from other S fans in ruder/non-nuanced ways >:(, about D's appeal to woc. also, i was just wondering what you think D's end goal/grrm's narrative goal for her is bc there is a major and unsustainable power deferential btwn her and the essosi, which is caused by the way she conquers there. do you see her as q7k in the end?
I am stupid, I think I lost a part of your question. But I got your point, so I try to respond as I can. I admit the G0T fandom thought me a lot about what internalized misoginy truly means and I think I would have never been able to acknowledge the sings of misoginy in S1-S7 (because in S8, even the least knowledgeable person would have spotted them), had I not interacted with the fandom.I admit the G0T fandom thought me a lot about what internalized misoginy truly means and I think I would have never been able to acknowledge the sings of misoginy in S1-S7 (because in S8, even the least knowledgeable person would have spotted them), had I not interacted with the fandom.
If it wasn't obvious (I know it is), Sansa is far from my favourite character, but my distaste for her doesn't stem from the fact that she represents a form of feminity or another, not because she comes from a certain backround or exhibits certain traits. It is strictly because of the character, as I said here. I can't get past her certain attitudes towards other people, such as Arya or how she regards the bastard-born and the smallfolk. This is my opinion. This is how I think about her. It's also true that her fandom had a say in my opinion towards her. This is not your case, because I always loved how you voiced your own opinions on her and I think I liked every post of yours about her and D, because they are well written and voiced in an objective manner. Too bad most of her stans aren't like you.
I think the author of the post was talking more about the show. In my opinion, none of the characters can truly be considered feminist, because of D&D's misconception about what feminism truly is. Dany is aggresive and very radical, Sansa's feminity and kindness (a very good concept, at its core; the idea that a woman can survive through her feminity and gentle demeanor was very very good, I don't like Sansa because of these particular traits) is thrown away in favour of this rude, self-absorbed ice-queen whi can't keep her word and can't be respectful towards another woman in power who came to save her homeland. Women hating each other is not feminist. The traditional feminine behaviour being ridiculled and minimized and butchered for the sake of "badass cold woman" is not feminism. Violent threatening behaviour is not feminist.
If I would have directed G0T, I would have given Missandei a far bigger role. Yes, this is not in the books, but G0T is an adaption, and so many things have been changed that they could have also written Missandei as much a strong proeminent lady as Daenerys, Sansa, Arya and Cersei. I would have written her fighting for her homeland in Naath or changing the Westerosi system or organizing expeditions in faraway places, to bring food in the Westeros threaren by the Long Night.
GRRM said that Dany technically has the power to do what she wants with her dragons, not that she actually does it. For me, Her storyline was empowering: reading about a girl who was sold into marriage and raped gaining agency and fighting for opressed people because she herself was opressed was awe-inspiring. Do I think she did everything right? Of course not. Slavery is monstrous, atrocious, heinous, but she just came there and killed the masters and freed the slaves without a second thought about what she should do next. The radical xhangw of a system, no matter how monstrous, comes with consequences that she hadn't anticipated. But the intention, IMHO, was good, noble and entirely selfless.
As for Sansa, I just can't identify with her because I - in my own personal opinion - consider her coping mechanism pretty problematic. She remains obedient to the people who keep her prisoner, she cope by adapting to their behaviour and staying passive, and to me, psychologically speaking, this type of coping is pretty wrong. I am not saying that she has many options, I am not saying that she had many chances to get some agency while in KL and even in the Vale, but just that this type of attitude doesn't appeal to me, is not inspiring for me. She survived in KL because she was a valuable hostage, Cersei and Tywin needed her to marry Tyrion to get the North. LF uses her in his own interest. Could have she done something to escape their grip? What could she? She is a young girl with no power. She just needed to survive. But this doesn't change my impression that the survived because other people needed her to. And this is the reason why I can't resonate with her.
I admire people like you, who resonate with her and love her for who she is, not for who she is of the rest of the cast is butchered.
As for Dany....I am 100% sure her arc won't conclude with her becoming a Queen of the 7K. I don't think there will be an Iron Throne at the end of the series..I agree that GRRM wrote her more like a force of nature who will be pivotal in the War for the Dawn. I don't want her to die. I don't want any of them to die. They are so young and have been through so much, it's just unfair for me. I am not so good at predictions. I think her campaign will change the mindset to the Essosi to an extent, but if she'll truly change the system there, I really can't tell.
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